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Circle No. 19 on Headers* Inquiry Card
Volume 61 Number 1 January 1984 A1
The New MeWerAEIOO. Just the
capacity I need at what I can afford. AE balances interface will co-npts!ers using iEEE-488,
JO mA nurranl loon, ilS232C or BCD -parallel slantlatds
Now there's a Jvletiler electronic analyti- pouring speed until the target weight output option and your AE is ready to
cal balance for weighing 100 grams or is reached. transfer information.
less. The new AE100 joins the higher Because it's so easy to use, weighing
capacity AE163 and AE160 analytical on an AE goes three or four times faster Scaled down price.
introduced last year, It has the same than on a mechanical balance. And Like other AE balances, the AE100 is
big features of the other Metiler AE's- with much more accuracy. It even designed with a simplicity of ctrcuitry
And at a smaller price, just $1995. adjusts itself to environmental changes that keeps the price down. About as
that would throw off other balances. affordable as a mechanical. For more
Greater productivity with less effort. information write to Mettter Instrument
The AE's foolproof single control bar Data processing. Another Corporation, Sox 71, Hightstown, NJ
design makes it easy to operate, A sim- big advantage. 08520, Phone (609) 448-3000.
ple touch on the bar does most of the The AE has another great advantage
work for you. From locking in tare to cal- over mechanicals. The ability to inter-
ibration. And the exclusive OeitaDisplay*> face with computers and other peri-
automatically adjusts itself to your pherals. Just snap on a Mettier data
CilCie No. 26 on Readers' Inquiry Card
J. J. LAGOWSKt, Editor JANUARY 1984 Volume 61, Number 1
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 76712
Editorial Assistants
Linda Davis Kyle
George V. Olivet
Rebecca Chambers
Marie S. Stephens
Chemical Education
Publications Coordinator
P.O. Box 231
25 Sylvan Road South
Wesiport, Connecticut 06BB1
(203)226-7131 The G. N. Lewis Symposium
(For list of offices, see page AS) 2 Gilbert Newton Lewis: 1875-1946 Derek A. Davenport
NEW PRODUCTS 3 A Pioneer Spirit from a Pioneer Family Richard N. Lewis
Shirley Sleratzkt
Journal of Chemical EOucaiion
5 G. N. Lewis: The Disciplinary Setting John W. Servos
Centcom. Ltd. 11 The College of Chemistry in the G. N. Lewis Era: 1912-1946
60 East 42nd St. Melvin Calvin and Glenn T. Seaborg
New York, N.Y. 10165
(212)973-9660 14 Gilbert Newion Lewis; His Influence on Physical-Organic Chemists at
Berkeley Melvin Calvin
Subscription Fulfillment Department
20ih S Northampton Sts
Easton, Pa. 18042
The Cover A13 Safety In the Chemical Laboratory edited by Malcolm A. Renfrew
This month's cover portrait of G, H. Lewis Good Practices lor Hood Use
Introduces the publication of the sympo- William G. Mikell and William C. Drinkard
sium which was held in his honor al the Las A16 Out of the Editor's Basket edited by James A. Goldman
Vegas ACS meeting in March 1982. The A27 Book Reviews
proceedings will begin in this Issue and be
completed in the subsequent two issues.
P l a i n
Laboratory Experiments
J a c k e t
53 Qualitative Analysis, with Periodicity, for "Real" Solutions
O x y g e n
Ronald L. Rich
60 Qualitative Determination of Nitrate with Triphenylbenzylphosphortlum
B o m b
Chloride Donna A. Berry and Jerry J . Cole
C a l o r i m e t e r 62 Qualitative Analysis by Gas Chroroatography: GC versus the Nose in
A reliable calorimeter in a Formulating Artificial Frutt Flavors P. W. Rasmussen
plain insulated jacket for 70 Performance Characterization of an Instrument Eric D. Salin
measuring heats of combus- 74 The Density and Apparent Molecular Weight of Air: A Simple
tion of any solid or liquid fuel Introductory Experiment Arlo D. Harris
For Occasional 76 Solution Calorlmetry In the Advanced Laboratory: A Study Guide of
Calorific Tests
For users whose work load does Glycine Proton-Transfer Enthalpies R. W. Rameite
not justify the purchase of a 78 Reactions of Thiocyanate Ions with Acid: A Laboratory Experiment
more elaborate automatic mod- Christopher Gfldeweli, James S. McKechnie, and Peter J. Pogorzelec
el, the Parr 1341 Plain Calori- 83 Electrode Potential Diagrams and their Use in the HIII-Bendali
meter is a reltabie instrument
that will determine the calorific or Z-Scheme for Photosynthesis Peter Sorrel! and Denis T. Dlxon
value of solid or liquid fuels a n d 87 The Prototype Compound for Oral Anticoagulants:
foodstuffs with a precision com- 3,3'-Methylene bfs(4-hydroxycoumarin) Rodney C. Hayward
parable to that of other P a n
calorimeters, but at a slower
speed a n d with considerably
less invested in equipment It Notes
requires n o permanent con-
nections and can be set u p
and ready to operate in a few 4 The Southwest Chemistry Lecture Exchange Program A. G. Pirtkus
minutes. When not in use, it is 42 Use of Photocopying (or Non-Destructive Leaf Area Measurements
easily disassembled for storage. Marian L. Lyman, Donald E. Campbell, and J. Corse
For Student Instruction 68 An Addendum on Measuring the Entropy of Mixing of a Two-Ion System
In addition to its general J. D. Pulfer
applications, the 1341 Calori- 77 A Kugeirohr Oven from a Rotary Evaporator R. Somanathan and I , Hellberg
meter has equally important uses 82 A Convenient Glassware Cleaning Bath
in college a n d university labora- Tom Lyons Fisher and Phyllis M. McGinnis
tories where instruction in heat
measurement techniques is an
essential part of f he basic training
for all fields of science a n d
engineering. «.
For details, I
write or phone: , | .
r>[a, laboratory 9"oraseSv fectitfe <femon5tiaiioi>5 and other dflscnplfona ol the use ol cfcerrhvcate, appa-
raius aod ^nsliumenis ate presented in THfS JOURNAL as slkigirafive cJ ngw, novei 01 imp'ovetf l<^flas 0* twiceprs in chemiatr^
maliucilcwL and ^ e dlrectud aiqualff ied Jeachera Alihowgh evwy effort is made lo assure and encoipagesaTepracliOesafnisafe
use of ctieniicafc, (he JOURNAL OFC^EMICAL EDUCATIONcanrvtt assume reBporcslolrty lor uses made ol NIS publJ&hedmaleti-
^ a W e s ^ o n ^ y urge ^ 1 l^iose planniiig to use maienafe liom cu/ pages lo moke choices a"ti to davatop fnocetiuies fot 'abinaiQ-
ry and flaasoon. safely jn ecoar(teiKa with tocel rionds K H ! srtuahtms-
Manuscripts To" publication, books lor review, and corresporaJence regardirio. papers, proofe. and otdere lor reprints should be sent to the
office 0+ the Editor: J. J. Lagow&fci, journal ol Chemicat EouclLtLGft, Dap"- ol Chemistry. Urfuergky • ! Texas. Austin, Tex. 78?12-Manuscripts
lor the Secondary School Section can lie sent tfractiy to: Ms, MicKey Sarahs, W&n SGhool ErJtd. Journal o l Chemical Education, Miami.
l*W«srlyJ*ii]letawn.4S0O ^ U n i v e r s i t y Blvd., » * a « a t ^
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© Copyright T9B4 by Otvislon of Chemical Education. AjnerJcan Chemical Society
Circle No. 27 on Readers' Inquiry Card
Two New Pedagogical Approathes To be considered for complimentary copies, write to Clayton
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features five strategically placed sets of review exer- representative. For CAI information, write to Bill Rosen,
cises, entitled Integration of Concepts, which tie Dept. 4-1285. Please include address, course title, present
enrollment, and current text arid supplements.
together concepts discussed in groups of related
• Chemicals in Use—An innovative addition to topics in
descriptive chemistry, featuring 19 two-page discus- JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc.
sions of major chemicals and chemical processes 605 Third
Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10158
located between chapters In Canada 22 Vluvchestn, Rosa
Rexdaie. Onlario M9W l u
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For a d o p t i o n c o n s i d e r a t i o n , r e q u e s t
a n examination package from your
r e g i o n a l H o u g h t o n Mifflin office.
C h e m i s t r y
D a r r e l l D . M a r k S .
E b b i n g W r i g h t o n
Wayne State University Consulting Editor
I n s t i t u t e of
A b o u t 9 2 8 pages
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Instructor's Manual
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m p
o a
p r
a n it g et
r. pT
arahme r e e t
rsm a
of b
r d
r or
trian traffic in front of the hood should be
minimized and laboratory doors kept closed
tofviorm paoth
rn atcn ce s
uc h a s t
he r
m ar
i ds
a c c e s s o r i e s into the to reduce air turbulence.
e al bo ra t
o ry . T he h oo
ds' um
l ae
t per-
e is u
j d g ed by t
he p r
Materials, such as paper, entering the ex-
Now, if your reservoir
runs dry and air enters
trie tubing, THERM-
b d
e es m the
g u se
v e r n o
hte t
n it pro-
haust ducts can lodge in the ducts or fan and
y ho
w r
l t
h e ar
reduce hood efficiency. For example, when
h t
op. M u
c exs
s m
i a
nn t
h s
i s
u b
trouble shooting a poorly performing hood,
O-WATCH will turn
off power to the
pump, fraction col-
lector and other ac- ssp
uam j
. It i
s as-
it is not unusual to find paper towels and/or
i ds
ig s
tissues in the airducts and on the fan.
m s
ti has ava
lw o
cessories before air
can reach the col-
Result: iroubta-free hood. t
a c t
o ry
i n
i s
ta el d a nd W p
m ni
Traps, scrubbers, or incinerators should be
used as primary devices to prevent toxic
and/or noxious material from being vented
into the hood. This is particularly true when
operation, no repack- working with highly toxic or odiferous ma-
ing necessary. terials such as earciMgens and environmental
Write lot lii«ra!ufe To-
dav! pollutants.
!rt conclusion, it is worth repeating that
laboratory hoods are secondary safety devices
whose effectiveness can be compromised by
improper or poor work practices. Primary
Preparation for Work attention should be focused on the funda-
Before beginning work, the user should mentals of training personnel, proper design
make sure that all of the sashes are in place of experiments and careful operating tech-
and movable as required. The need for any niques.
i > instruments lor additional safety shields to be used within the
hood should be anticipated and they should
Research and industry be obtained.
10* Franklin kit., CheltenHam. Pa, 19C112
Users are responsible for hood operation
Circle No. 24 on Readers' Inquiry Card
and should be aiert to signs of malfunctions
such as unusual sounds or reduced draft. Any Literature Cited
suspected inadequacy should be checked
immediately. Hoods can be checked by a (1) Mitell, W. G., and Honbs, L. R, "Laboratory Hood
Easiest way smoke test, a bit of yarn on a wand, or by Studies," J. CHEM. EDUC., S*. A165 (1981).
(21 Fuller, P. H., and Ettheila, A. W., ""toe Rating of Lab-
to control observing an air flow gauge if the hood is
equipped with one. The user should be alert
oratory Hood Performance," ASHRAE Journal,
(October 1979).
temperature for any air flow changes or shift in operation (3) Chamberiin, RI., and Leahy, J.E.. "LaboratoryFume
and stop work to check it out should either Hood Standard," Recommended for V3- Environ-
occur. mental Protection Agency, Contract No. 68-4)1-4661,
Clip Sensing head onto your January 1978.
thermometer (4) Hiigbes, D., "A Literature Survey and Design Study of
A plan of action should be prepared for a
littsrt thermometer into your ventilation or power failure; time may be Fumecapboards and Fume-Dispersal Systems," Oc-
apparatus cupational Hygiene Monograph No. 4, Science Re-
critical in preventing a serious incident. views Ltd, London, November 1980.
Plug your heater into the {5) Csplan, K. J., and Knutson, G. W.. "Development of
"Therm-O-Watch" Controller. Criteria for Design, Selection and Jn-place Testing of
It's that simple.
Laboratory Fume Hoods and Laboratory Room
Ventilation Air Supply: Final Report," ASHRAB
in less than 2 minuses your apparatus RP-70, March 1978.
is under control! Therm-0-Watch
can control tfis temperature of re-
actions, baths, distillations as weil as
other operations (titjuld level
control, etc.). Hood Practices
Efficient and safe operation in a well-con-
structed hood requires good work practices. Good Hood Practices
At ali times during operation in the hood sash Sash openings should be fiept to a minimum.
openings should be kept to a minimum. This Sources of emission should be kept at least 6 in.
is important to minimize operator exposure. inside the hood.
In addition, all sources of emission should be Users should keep their laces outside the plans
kept as far back in the hood as possible (6 in. of the hood sash.
from the plane of the sash is a good rule of
thumb). Recent studies!/, 2) have confirmed Storage In the hood should be kept to a min-
the importance of this rule; the degree of imum,
protection provided the user has been shown Exhaust ports from hood and supply air vents to
to improve by orders of magnitude when room should not be blocked.
emission sources are placed into the hood Traps, scrubbers or incinerators should be used
away from the plane of the sash. In addition, to prevent toxic and noxious materials from
the user's face should be kept outside the being vented into the hood exhaust system.
Send lor Bulletin T100.
hood while performing chemical operations. Remain alert to changes in air How.
£> instruments for Leaning into the hood to adjust equipment
when it is operating can result in a significant
Prepare a plan of action in case of an emergency,
e.g., powei failure.
Research and Industry air turbulaace with a corresponding loss in To save energy, turn off blower and close sashes
101 Franklin »•>.. Cheltenham, Pa. 19012 protection. when hood Is not in use.
Circle No. 9 an Readers' Inquiry Card Circle Ho. 31 on Readers1 inquiry Card
F o r t h e t w o - t e r m c o u r s e For t h e o n e - t e r m c o u r s e
f o r s c i e n c e m a j o r s : for n o n s c i e n c e majors:
M o r t i m e r ' s M i l l e r ' s
C H E M I S T R Y , C H E M I S T R Y : A B A S I C
5 t h E d i t i o n I N T R O D U C T I O N ,
What is Chemistry in Action? —End-of-book glossary —Important topics such as
• it's the reorganization of the Table —CHEMISTRY IN ACTION BOXES stoichiometry that relate to
ol Dontontl to reflect ihe topic order illustrate how chemicai principles laboratory work are introduced early
prelerred by mosi instructors: apply to everyday experience and clearly
—Inorganic nomenclature and —Biographical footnotes oi chemists —Formal charge is used in writing
stoichiometry are introduced early io discussed in the text. Lewis structures
coordinate with laboratory work —Color Plates
(Chs 2 & 35 • it's the ancillary package you need
—Gases are discussed early (Ch 4) • it's t h e ! • « ! and approach instruc today, complete with a microcomputer
—Bonding 15 divided into 2 chapters tors need to teach a mainstream floppy disk system for your students'
(Chs 7 & 8), in which the basics are general chemistry course to today's tutorial use:
discussed first and more detailed, in- students: STUDENT STUDY GUIDE
depth material follows —Difficult topics such as entropy are INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL
—An entire chapter is devoted to explained in stmpte terms SOLUTIONS MANUAL
thermochemistry (Ch 9) —All advanced topics have detailed, TRANSPARENCY ACETATES
—An entire chapter is devoted io low-level introductions in earlier "INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL
REDOX reactions {Ch. 12) chapters. (See how thermochemistry, CHEMISTRY/' by Professor Stanley
—Acids & Bases are discussed in 2 Ch. 9, provides the basis for ther- Smith (University of Illinois), Dr. Ruth
consecutive chapters (Chs. 15 & 16) modynamics, Ch. 18, and how Chabay, and Dr. Elizabeth Kean (Univer-
—A separate chapter on solubility REDOX reactions, Ch. 12, lays a firm sity of Wisconsin), a U-diSk program
equilibrium is inducted (Ch 17) foundation for Electrochemistry, covering a complete range of topics in
—Inorganic Descriptive Chemistry is Ch. 19) General Chemistry, available January,
located in one integrated series ot —Interesting asides, cautions, and 1984. ("Introduction to Genera!
chapters (Chs 20-23) cross-references are included in the Chemistry," is available through a
—A new chapter on metallurgy is margins special arrangement with COMPress,
included (Ch. 21) Inc., a division of Van Nostrand
—Organic Chemistry has been moved Reinhold). For more information regar-
back in the text (Ch 24), immediately, ding this program, please call Heidi
preceding biochemistry. Udell at 212-572^2453.
To receive your comphmentaty copy of
• it's the pedagogical featurat your Charsg's Chemistry, please write to:
students need io learn efficiently and
effectively: Random Home
College Review Desk
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—Over 1400 end-of-chapter exercises Chang, Chsmistry. ssccnB editsoru1 August. 1983J
grouped by topic. oidor code *329fl3-X
—SI units used consistently throughout Circle No. n unfiedd&rs' Inquiry Card
the text.
—Important terms in bold face type ior
easy reference.
—End-of-cha0ier lists of key terms,
including page numbers.
—End-of-chapter numbered summaries
—Chapter opening remarks connect Random Mouse
topics and explain the relevance of 301 E. SOih St.
new chapters. New York, N.Y. 10022
T h e out of the Autosampler for AA
Instrumentation Laboratory (\L) is offering a
f o r s u c c e s s .
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Leonard Russikoff
All o f M i d d l e s e x C o u n t y C o l l e g e
A b o u t 5 7 6 p a g e s • c l o t h • S t u d y G u i d e b y J a m e s R.
B r a u n , Clayton Junior College • Laboratory Manual
Instructor's Manual • Transparency Masters
Just published
A clear narrative style and a supportive approach m a k e
t h e S h e r m a n / S h e r m a n / R u s s i k o f f text highly w o r k a b l e for
s t u d e n t s w i t h little o r n o b a c k g r o u n d in c h e m i s t r y a n d
mathematics. T h e Third Edition features a n e x p a n d e d
problem-solving program: the n u m e r o u s worked-out
e x a m p l e s are followed immediately with practice exer-
c i s e s f o r t h e s t u d e n t t o s o l v e . A n d t h e e n d - o f - c h a p t e r self-
test exercises have b e e n doubled to provide an average
of 6 5 p r o b l e m s p e r c h a p t e r .
A n e w chapter o n kinetics a n d equilibrium r o u n d s out a
c o m p l e t e c o v e r a g e of t o p i c s f o r t h e i n t r o d u c t o r y
chemistry course.
Houghton Mifflin
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or-HnaiopeA wvele,.RPda,ol. HAolptoe,wCeA
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out of the automatic system for determining pore size,
volume, surface area, bulk density and particle
size. Six examples demonstrate the Porosi-
editor)" bo/het meter's results reported In the field of cata-
lysts, ceramics and cements. Also included is
information pertaining to ink-bottle pores and
ultramacro porosity.
cellular contents and resulting in their fusion. Circle #50 on Readers' inquiry Card
Each electrical pulse can be precisely con-
trolled from zero to 250 volts. Up to nine sep-
arate pulses can be applied, with durations to Multipoint Ambient Air Monitoring
99.9 microseconds. By providing a number of System
separate small pulses, the Zimmerman Cell
Fusion system gives the biologist precise "Hie Miran 981 Multipoint Ambient Air Moni-
data. The Instruments Include a demonstration toring System, that helps to ensure protection
control over the cell fusion technique and is program listing for the IBM PC at no additional
less destructive to the celis than other fusion of personnel by monitoring the concentration
charge. Now data can be presented in tabular in air of up to 5 gases or vapors at up to 24
techniques. The benchtop Zimmermann Cell and graphic formats. Analysis data can be
Fusion system is also designed to be user- remote locations, is featured in a 6-page data
stored and retrieved for analysis comparison. sheet recently published by The Foxboro Co.
friendty. Major process parameters are con- Sample pore size distributions, total pore area,
trolled by large, easily accessible dials with The Miran 981 can monitqr more than 200 of
median pore volume and area, average pore the approximately 400 gases declared haz-
digital LED readouts of their values. In addition diameter, bulk and apparent density can be
to the power supply and an assortment of fu- ardous by the Occupational Safety and Health
stored and manipulated to suit individual lab- Administration (OSHA). This system can be
sion chambers, the system includes art ex- oratory requirements. The Pore Slzer Is de-
tensive protocol manual. The manual, which used to monitor air quality in hospitals and
signed to measure the porosity of powder or medical supply manufacturing plants, power
is based on the work of Dr, Ulrich Zimmer- solid samples, Trie data from porosity analyses
mann and his colleagues at the Nuclear Re- plant control rooms, industrial environments,
represents the intrusion and extrusion of a and other locations as far as 300 m {1000 ft.)
search Center of West Germany and by GCA non-wetting liquid (mercury) into sample void
biotechnology scientists, details sample pro- from its enclosure. The operating principle of
volumes under pressures that are ramped to the Miran 981, cjiscussed in the data sheet, is
tocols for fusing yeast cells, plant cells, 30,000 psi.
erythrocytes and hybrldomas. A technical based on infrared speotroscopy. The system's
description of the Zimmermann Ce!i Fusion Circle #49 on Readers' Inquiry Card microprocessor controls the infrared spec-
process is also provided. trometer, signal averages the infrared trans-
mission measurements at each programmed
Circle #48 on Readers' Inquiry Card wavelength, calculates absorbance, and uses
Mercury Pressure Porosimeter a stored coefficient matrix to determine the
Erba Instruments, the U.S. safes and service concentrations of components in the air
organization of Carlo Erba Strumentazione of sample. This microprocessor-based system
Porosimeter Italy, provides a detailed analysis of their au- provides a printed report with eight hour and
Mlcromerilics' Pore Steer 9305 porosimeter tomatic Mercury Pressure Porosimeter—2000 monthly time weighted averages (TWA) of the
features an RS232 port that allows automailc Series. The 8-page brochure details and il- toxic gas concentrations in parts per million
acquisition, reduction and reporting of porosity lustrates the complete, fully-programmable (ppm) and alarm conditiqns at each remote
location. An Interactive keyboard combined
with user oriented programs makes the oper-
ation of the 981 simple and virtually error
c o m p l e x s u b j e c t
m a n y s t u d e n t s f a i l
f o r a s i m p l e r e a s o n .
Many of the 60,000 students who fail CHEMESTRY TUTOR. The program
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one simple reason: they never learn how lies, and asks questions designed to lead
to balance equations. The first time they students back on the track to the right
get stuck, and no one's there to get them answer—and an understanding of where
OUT of trouble, they just skip over the prob- they went wrong in the first place.
lem . And because stoichiometry is funda-
mental to an understanding of Chemistry, Flexibility for the instructor, too.
as the course progresses they fail further The equations on THE CHEMISTRY
and further behind. TUTOR represent the gamut of stoi-
chiometric problems, from the simplest to
W i l e y just t o o k the most rigorous. And you can change
or add to the equations at any time, with-
t h a t s i m p l e out endangering the disk's integrity. So
you can put your own choices right into
r e a s o n away. the program-and also choose the char-
acter style {bold or normal), sound, and
THE CHEMISTRY TUTOR: color. Also, as an owner of THE CHEM-
Stoichiometry & Balancing ISTRY TUTOR, you have unlimited
Equations access to the Wiley Educational Software
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sion in the bud—before it has a chance to Apple Ii + /ile with one disk drive, DOS
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"Wrong. Try again!' Neither does THE New York, N.Y. 10158
Apple® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer. Inc.
Unlocking the power of computing ^SOFTWARE _
Circle No, 16 on Readers' Enquiry Card
Volume 61 Number 1 January 1984 A21
out of the five simple function keys. Simply labeled for
quick calibration, the new Corning pH meters
are designed for rugged durability in a labora-
plays and an accessory drawer for convenient
storage for forceps and weights. The separate
weighing unit allows right or left-handed ac-
editor)- bo/het tory or field setting. Cases are made of molded
structural foam with keypads of polyvlnyl
cess and unique pan arrests make sample
handling easy. Die AD-6 Autobalance has a 5
chloride especially coated to withstand gram capacity with 0.1 ftg sensitivity. An
chemical spills. A!! Coming meters are sup- BS232C accessory allows the addition of a
plied with a plastic barrel combination elec- Perkin-Elmer Model 660 printer or interface
Chemtrix, Inc., announces its Type 24 Digital
trode with Coming's exclusive replaceable capability into a computer.
Colorimeter that features readouts directly in
Junction feature. In addition, complete lines of Circle #56 on Readers' Inquiry Card
two concentrator! ranges, 0-199.9 and 0~
accessories and test electrodes are offered by
1999; absorbance and transmittance readouts;
plus, a universal cuvette holder. Ideal for water,
pollution control, clinical and industrial anal- Circle #54 on Headers' Inquiry Card Analog Interface
yses, it has eight analytical wavelengths from VOTEM Is a complete package, available from
350 to 660 nanometers which are adjustable Down East Computers, consisting of hardware
by a front panel thumbwheel control. Ab- and software that enables your computer to
sorbance, % transmittartce and concentration
fevefs are easily read (ram the instrument's
pH Electrodes measure, display and record "real world"
analog signals. Your computer can monitor any
high-contrast liquid crystal display (LCD). The physical phenomenon (pressure, light, tem-
universal cuvette holder permits the use of perature, etc.) that can be represented by a DC
square cuvets up to 12.5 mm and round tubes voltage. A probe is provided for air and liquid
up to 19 mm diameter. Additionally, a famine temperature measurements. Your computer
of water test kits are available for use with tile becomes a "smart" digital voltmeter and
Type 24. thermometer witti storage capability. Just think
Circle #53 <"• Readers' Inquiry Card of the possible applications. Use VOTEM and
your computer to monitor the temperature in
a home energy conservation project to save
pH Meters money and possibly qualify for an energy tax
credit on the entire system. VOTEM also am-
IITI'RA -11 f.li Ei,c£7Ri:m plifies and cleans up the tape signal for reliable
program LOADing. The tape signal conditioner
circuit will allow you to LOAD tapes with a
lower volume setting on your tape recorder,
The Futura-ll pH electrode line from Beckman resulting In less noise and more dependable
Instruments, Inc., a family of 21 electrodes, is LOADs. You will be able to LOAD from tapes
designed for high performance and maximum which would previously not comply. VOTEM
reliability In any kind of environment. Each requires no modifications to your computer
Futura-ll electrode has a connector/cable and does not use the computer's expansion
system for quick interchanging of 1-, 2- and connector, leaving it free for other add-ons
6-meter cables. The gasketed connector seals such as the memory pack and printer.
off the electrical contacts from the external Circle #57 on Readers' tnqtdiy Card
environment to protect them against the ef-
fects of steam, chemical vapors, liquids and
other substances that can produce inaccurate
Corning Science Products has introduced a measurements. A self-aligning screw-on
line of five easy-to-operate pH meters with a connector prevents misalignment. The low- Multiple Manifold Dispenser
unique "delta" shape and unified display which noise, high-rejection design of the cable as-
allow easy use and quick reading from the sures accurate and repeatabie results. The
laboratory benchtop. Beginning with the Model Futura-H line of electrodes includes glass,
120, a lightweight, battery-operated meter for reference and combination electrodes to meet
use in the lab or in the fieid, the fine ranges the requirements of particular applications.
upward to the Mode! 155, a pH/ion meter for The internal design of the electrodes enhances
all research applications which features known accuracy, repeatability, speed of response and
and sample addition/subtraction modes, long iife, even under adverse measuring con-
step-by-step alphanumeric prompting In five ditions.
languages, automatic buffer recognition,
three-decimal accuracy, a digital clock and Circle #55 on Readers' Inquiry Card
timer, and activity and memory functions ca-
pable of accommodating a five-electrode
testing system. Other models in the line in-
clude; Model 140—Ideal for quality assurance Autobalance
or education applications where speed of Labindustries' adjustable manifold dispenses
analysis over a quantity of samples is impor- simultaneously into microtiter plates with 6, 8
tant. Its four-button control panel is unequalled or 12 wells, or info test tubes in a rack. Avail-
for ease of use. Model 145—Incorporates all able as a complete instrument with Labin-
features of the Model 140, plus a sharp, dustries' micropipettor and sampling systems,
eight-digit alphanumeric LED display that it can be attached to any repetitive dispenser
prompts users through calibration and mea- or pipettor with a Luer tip outlet. This trans-
surements in automatic or manual operations parent, autoclavabie manifold dispenser has
mode. The Mode! 145 is ideal for basic re- interchangeable glass capillary outlets and
search functions, containing a micropro- closures, which adjust to match rows of wells
cess-operated lookup table Via! automatically in plates, or rows of test tubes in a rack. This
matches buffer and temperature calibrations. instrument is designed for ELISA, rCA, tissue
Model 150—The Model 150 offers all the typing, cell feedings, simple inoculations and
features of the Model 145 plus direct measure chemistries. Dispenser volumes are adjustable
Perkin-Elmer's AD-6 Autobalance offers fea- from very few microliters to several milliliters,
of activity/concentration, clock and timing tures ihat simplify weighing tasks. Standard
modes, automatic endpolnt sensing, set points, with ± 3 % reproduclblity. A unique feature of
features include automatic zeroing and taring, the multiple manifold dispenser is that it can
five-language alphanumeric prompting and a simple calibration, safe memory for 899
five-electrode memory for use with Coming's samples, additive or multiplicative factoring of
Multi-Electrode Selector—all operable through weights and statistics routine. The control unit Continued on page A24)
includes a keyboard panel with dual LCD dis-
i n f o r m a t i o n
r e t r i e v a l
f o r
o r g a n i c c h e m i s t s
v e r s i o n of this n e w o r g a n i c s u b -
complete substructure search- detail in t h e article • biological
DARC system.
formulae or Wiswesser Line indicator • the amount of ex-
Notation. . perimental detail • as well as
E x t e n s i v e c o v e r a g e detailed bibliographic informa-
t h e m o r e i t s t a y s t h e s a m e .
W h e n y o u asked us to m a k e s o m e c h a n g e s
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e x p a n d e d o u r c o v e r a g e of c a r b o n - 1 3 s p e c -
t r o s c o p y a n d o t h e r a r e a s , w e spiit t h e
c h a p t e r o n a l d e h y d e s a n d k e t o n e s in t w o ,
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Anthony N. Stranges, "Reflections on the Electron Theory
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G G e
l n n S e a b o rg w s i s t
several receipted bills, a military order from the time Lewis
hishem papistseratisB anerkuenleyp"ubli(sphaegdem 14em ). oA rinofim Lepw orsitanw t ariptepnendinix1t9o53 Derek A. Davenport
Pufdue University
West Lafayette, !N 47907
Anyone who knew Gilbert Newton Lewis is aware of his One of the five, my grandfather, Frank Wesley Lewis, waa
ability to strike out into a new field of chemistry, but few are born in 1840. He became a lawyer and specialized in insurance.
aware of the breadth of his pioneering activities. We will hear He died in 1910 and I know very little about him, except that
of several areas of his chemical interests in this symposium. he wrote a book, "State Insurance" (Houghton Mifflin, 1909),
But his interests also included such areas as relativity, the that was a forerunner of our present Social Security system.
reversibility of time, origins of the elements, economic theory, He was at least 25 years ahead of his time, undoubtedly a
glaciology, and anthropology. radical, certainly a pioneer. I wish I knew whether this book
had any direct influence on President Franklin D. Rooseveit.
My purpose is to investigate the antecedents and back-
I have a photograph (1890) of him and three of his brothers,
ground of Gilbert Newton Lewis in the hope of shedding some
all very distinguished-looking men, but I have no information
light on how such a remarkable man could arise. He himself
on them or their children.
did not talk much about his ancestors, though he did make an
effort to track them down. He was stymied, however, when he Frank married Mary Burr White, the daughter of Newton
got as far back as Barnstable, Massachusetts in the 1700's, White of Hoi brook, Massachusetts—a "great and good
where he found all previous records had been destroyed by man"—according to Aunt Poily. The name Burr possibly in-
fire. I have been only slightly more successful. dicates some relation to Aaron Burr, but then we probably all
The first ancestral Lewis of record was George Lewis, who have some black sheep in our families. Mary had been edu-
came from East Greenwich in Kent to the Plymouth Colony cated in a ladies' seminary near Boston; both she and Frank
in 1632, with his wife, the former Sarah Jenkins. He became had definite ideas on education and were sure that the avail-
a farmer in Scituate, took the freeman's oath in 1635, and in able schools were not for their children. She taught Gilbert to
1639 was one of the founders of the town of Barnstable, the read at the age of three; he read Robinson Crusoe at age five
first English settlement on Cape Cod. He was a constable and, thereafter, every book he could get his hands on. Frank
there, and a member of the militia. A Congregational Church taught him his mathematics, a good teacher with an apt pupil.
was established in 1639; the Church building, now the Sturgis Somewhere, Gilbert received a'thorough knowledge of Latin,
Library, was completed in 1646. We do not know George's Greek, German, and French.
religion, although his (probable) brother, John, who arrived Aunt Polly was born in 1871, Gilbert in 1.875, and Roger in
in Scituate in 1635, is described as a man of some property and 1884, the year the family moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, where
a devout Anglican. John's son, Joseph, lived in New London Prank was a lawyer and broker. They lived on the outskirts
and Windsor, Connecticut. of town on a small farm. I believe this is where Gilbert ac-
George had five sons, of whom three, Ephraim, George, and quired a lo%re of nature. He noted that birds would gather there
Thomas, were born in England. His son, John, was among six as it was one of the few places in the area that had trees. (His
men from Barnstable killed in the bloody "King Philip's War" favorite was the catbird, a bird of unassuming appearance but
with the Indians in 1676. Marriage records indicate a Sarah great virtuosity of voice.) I believe Polly had a strong influence
Lewis, probably a daughter, was married to James Cobb in on Gilbert. She apparently acquired some of her parents' ideas
Barnstable in 1663; John Lewis, probable grandson, was on education and set up a private school in Buffalo where she
married to Alice Bishop, a widow, in 1695. could teach the way she thought children should be taught.
My parents carried on in the same vein. Their three children
The census of 1790 listed no fewer than 34 Lewises as heads
were taught at home until their late high school years.
of households in Barnstable, probably all descendants of
George through five or six generations, including a Jabez I have looked with little success for any scientific back-
Lewis, our ancestor. Jabez waa an Anglican (Episcopalian) ground in the family. I once received from Giibert's cousin,
and, therefore, most likely suspected of being a Tory (whether Dr. Marian Bugbee of White River Junction, a battered
he was or not). Perhaps life became uncomfortable for him, chemistry text from about 1840 that seemed incapable of in-
or the town was now overpopulated. In any case he pulled up spiring anyone, but someone in the family must have got some
stakes with his wife, Mary, son, Wilca, teen-age daughter, use out of it.
daughter-in-law (former Betsey Stuart), and one grandchild. Undoubtedly the most powerful influence in Gilbert's
(Dad used to say, "There's royal blood in my veins." I suppose chemical career was that of T. W. Richards, who joined the
he was thinking of the Stuarts.} They joined a party of pi- staff at Harvard in 1894, the year after Gilbert transferred
oneers under the leadership of John Leet and traveled to the from the University of Nebraska. It seems that Richards was
wilds of western New Hampshire, settling in what is now West involved both in Gilbert's undergraduate and graduate edu-
Claremont. cation. His thesis, published with Richards was, "Some
Wilca had eight children between 1796 and 1804, but times Electrochemical and Thermochemical Relations of Zinc and
were hard and several died in an epidemic of scarlet fever, Cadmium Amalgams."
along with his first wife and his young sister, whose portrait Other men who influenced his career were the physical
hung in my Aunt Polly's house for many years. George Gilbert chemists Walter Nernst in Leipzig and Wilhelm Ostwald in
Lewis, born in 1800, survived. He grew up in West Claremont Goettingen, under whom he studied in 1900-1901. He was
and married Adeline Labaree, a descendant of the early certainly influenced by A. A. Noyes, with whom he worked for
French trapper, Pierre Labaree. He fathered five strong boys seven years at M.I.T. Although he had little, if any, direct
and promptly died, leaving Adeline to manage alone. She was contact with Albert Einstein, he was excited by Einstein's
made of stem stuff, however, and raised them all successfully, ideas of relativity and published four articles on it, including
single-handed. Not only that, but she put them all through one with R. C. Tolman and another with E, B. Wilson, Sr. In
Dartmouth College. one respect he differed totally with Einstein; that was in his
B u t s t a r t l i n g a s t h i s r e c o r d of a c c o m p l i s h m e n t w a s a n d is,
it s h o u l d b e r e m e m b e r e d t h a t w h e n O s t w a l d , A r r h e n i u s , a n d
v a n ' t H o f f c a m e t o g e t h e r in t h e 188Q's t h e y faced s e r i o u s o b -
Figure t . J . H. van'1 Hoff in 1904. Photo courtesy of the Center (or the History s t a c l e s in t h e i r e f f o r t s t o w i n t h e r e c o g n i t i o n o f t h e i r f e l l o w
of Chemistry. scientists. Physical c h e m i s t r y was b o r n a m i d conflicts, a n d
t h e s e ieft d u r a b l e i m p r i n t s o n t h e y o u n g s p e c i a l t y . I n t h e first T h i r d , t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t r y in i t s e a r l y
place, t h e f o u n d e r s of t h e n e w discipline h a d t o o v e r c o m e t h e years was entwined with the debate over a t o m i s m t h a t raged
tendency, especially p r o n o u n c e d in G e r m a n y , t o identify or- a m o n g p h y s i c a l s c i e n t i s t s a t t h e e n d of t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y
g a n i c r e s e a r c h as t h e c u t t i n g e d g e of c h e m i s t r y . T h i s m e a n t {7). D u r i n g t h e 1 8 9 0 ' s , O s t w a l d c o m m e n c e d h i s p u b l i c a t t a c k s
c o m p e t i n g w i t h o r g a n i c c h e m i s t s for c h a i r s , i n s t i t u t e s , a n d t h e o n t h e d o c t r i n e of a t o m i s m , c h a r g i n g t h a t i t w a s a h y p o t h e s i s
p a t r o n a g e of i n d u s t r i a l c o n c e r n s . I t also e n t a i l e d c o m p e t i t i o n w i t h o u t v a l u e , e i t h e r as a g e n u i n e d e s c r i p t i o n of n a t u r e or as
o v e r goals a n d p r i o r i t i e s . I n t h e c o u r s e of a s s e r t i o n a n d a guide to research. N a t u r a l science, h e argued, would b e
counter-assertion, Ostwald a n d his cohorts c a m e to define b e t t e r s e r v e d if i n v e s t i g a t o r s r e j e c t e d u n o b s e r v a b l e e n t i t i e s
p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t r y a s t h e s t u d y o f t h e p r o c e s s of c h e m i c a l a n d m e c h a n i c a l m o d e l s a n d i n s t e a d g r o u n d e d t h e i r w o r k in
c h a n g e — o f t h e a r r o w or e q u a l s i g n i n c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n s — t h e t h e s u r e a n d g e n e r a l p r i n c i p l e s of t h e r m o d y n a m i c s . H i s col-
a n t i t h e s i s of o r g a n i c c h e m i s t r y w h i c h d e a l t w i t h t h e c o m p o - l e a g u e s , A r r h e n i u s , v a n ' t Hoff, a n d N e r n s t , d i d n o t e n t i r e l y
s i t i o n a n d s t r u c t u r e of r e a c t a n t s a n d p r o d u c t s . T h e o r g a n i c subscribe t o t h i s view, b u t Ostwald, as t h e p u b l i c s p o k e s m a n
c h e m i s t , O s t w a l d c h a r g e d , w a s like t h e m i n e r of '49 w h o h a d for p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t r y a n d a s t h e o u t s t a n d i n g t e a c h e r in t h e
b u t o n e t h o u g h t , t o d i s c o v e r g o l d e n n u g g e t s (4). I n h i s h a s t e n e w d i s c i p l i n e , w o n a w i d e h e a r i n g for h i s i d e a s a n d e x e r t e d
to seek out new c o m p o u n d s , he neglected the questions fun- considerable influence over y o u n g recruits.
d a m e n t a l t o all c h e m i c a l c h a n g e : h o w do physical c o n d i t i o n s
T h e o u t c o m e of t h e s e c o n t r o v e r s i e s w a s t h a t , b y t h e t u r n
a f f e c t t h e e q u i l i b r i u m a n d y i e l d of r e a c t i o n s , a n d h o w m a y t h e
of t h e c e n t u r y , p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t s w e r e a v o w e d l y o r i e n t e d
f o r c e of c h e m i c a t a f f i n i t y b e d e f i n e d a n d q u a n t i f i e d . O s t w a l d
t o w a r d t h e s t u d y of p r o c e s s r a t h e r t h a n s t r u c t u r e . S o l u t i o n s ,
saw himself as a reformer, working to m a k e chemistry an an-
t h e s i t e s of m o s t c h e m i c a l c h a n g e s , w e r e t h e i r c e n t r a l o b j e c t s
alytical r a t h e r t h a n a t a x o n o m i c s c i e n c e , a s c i e n c e of p r o c e s s
of investigation, a n d a m o n g solutions, d i l u t e a q u e o u s solutions
r a t h e r t h a n o n e of c o m p o s i t i o n a n d s t r u c t u r e . H e i n c u l c a t e d
of e l e c t r o l y t e s a t t r a c t e d t h e g r e a t e s t a t t e n t i o n . F i n a l l y , m a n y
t h i s a t t i t u d e in m a n y of his p u p i l s t o g e t h e r w i t h a c e r t a i n
physical chemists shared Ostwald's aversion to molecular-
c o n t e m p t for o r g a n i c c h e m i s t r y (5). I n s o d o i n g , h e o p e n e d a
k i n e t i c t h e o r y . H e h a d s u c c e e d e d in s e n s i t i z i n g a g e n e r a t i o n
g a p between organic a n d physica! chemists t h a t did not begin
of p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t s t o t h e d i s t i n c t i o n b e t w e e n fact a n d h y -
to heal until the twentieth century.
pothesis, a n d even t h o s e w h o disagreed w i t h his e x t r e m e view
of a t o m i s m o f t e n s h o w e d g r e a t h e s i t a n c e b e f o r e s e e k i n g t o
S e c o n d , t h e t h e o r y of electrolytic dissociation w a s t h e object
e x p l a i n p h e n o m e n a i n t e r m s of t h e s t r u c t u r e a n d p r o p e r t i e s
o f w i d e s p r e a d a n d g e n e r a ! d e b a t e f r o m i t s s t a t e m e n t in 1 8 8 7
of u n o b s e r v a b l e e n t i t i e s .
u n t i l well into t h e t w e n t i e t h c e n t u r y . A t first it w a s e x p o s e d
t o t h e s k e p t i c i s m of s c i e n t i s t s w h o s i m p l y c o u l d n o t a c c e p t t h e L e w i s of c o u r s e w a s still a b o y in t h e 1880's, a n d b y t h e t i m e
notion that stable molecules might spontaneously dissociate he r e a c h e d H a r v a r d in t h e m i d - n i n e t i e s , i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t
in w a t e r . L a t e r , as t h e l i m i t a t i o n s a n d i m p e r f e c t i o n s of the new physical chemistry was only beginning to reach the
A r r h e n i u s ' t h e o r y b e c a m e clearer- -for e x a m p l e , a s t h e be- United States, carried primarily by Americans who h a d
h a v i o r of s o l u t i o n s of s t r o n g e l e c t r o l y t e s w a s r e c o g n i z e d as a worked with Ostwald and then returned to teaching positions
problem—physical chemists themselves began to question t h e in A m e r i c a n colleges a n d universities. Lewis h a d his i n t r o -
a d e q u a c y of t h e p r i n c i p l e . T h e t h e o r y o f e l e c t r o l y t i c d i s s o - d u c t i o n to t h e s u b j e c t in his senior y e a r a t H a r v a r d — 1 8 9 6 -
c i a t i o n h a d b e e n c o n s i d e r e d t h e Jewel i n t h e p h y s i c a l c h e m i s l s ' w h e n h e e n r o l l e d in a c o u r s e g i v e n b y o n e o f t h e s e v e t e r a n s of
c r o w n b e c a u s e o f t h e i n s i g h t i t a f f o r d e d i n t o t h e n a t u r e of Leipzig, T h e o d o r e W i l l i a m R i c h a r d s (Pig. 4) ( 8 ) .
s o l u t i o n s , t h e s i t e s o f m o s t c h e m i c a l p r o c e s s e s . I t is n o w o n d e r
Richards was t h e n a 28-year-old assistant professor, widely
that research on aqueous solutions should have dominated
regarded by his colleagues as being America's brightest u p -
physical c h e m i s t s ' concerns w h e n it t u r n e d o u t t h a t t h e jewel
a n d - c o m i n g c h e m i s t (9). H i s s t u d i e s o f a t o m i c w e i g h t s , f o r
was flawed (6).
w h i c h he w o u l d win t h e N o b e l P r i z e in 1914, w e r e a l r e a d y
Figure 1 . Picture t a k e n o n May 14, 9 l # T'.fi •_•' ( " h - r o "i> A M e * .
Faculty on hand at time Gilbert N. Lewis arrived in Berkeley 1921 Olson, Axel R. 1918 UC Berkeley, Lewis
Booth, Edward 1877 DC Berkeley Hogness. Thorftn R. 1921 UC Berkeley, Hildebrand
O'Neill, Edmonfl 1S79 UC Berkeley
Biasdale, Walter C, 1892 UC Berkeley 1922 Giauque, William F. 1922 UC Berkeley, Gibson
Bfddie, Henry C. 1900 University of Chicago (Nobel Prize, 1949}
1912 Lewis, Gilbert Newton 1B99 Harvard, T. W, Richards
Tolman, Richard C. 1910 MIT 1923 Roflefson, Gerhard K. 1923 UC Berkeley, Lewis
Bray, William C. 1905 Leipzig, Luther
Randall, Merle 1912 MIT, G. N. Lewis 1933 Littby, Willard F. 1933 UC Berkeley, Latimer
(Nobel Prize, 1960)
1313 Hildebrand, Joel C. 1906 Pennsylvania, Edgar Fahs
Smith 1937 Pitzer. Kenneth S. 1937 UC Berkeley, Latimer
Gibson, G. Ernest 1911 Breslau, Lummer Catvin, Mefvin 1935 Minnesota, Glockler (UC
1915 Branch, Gerafd E. K. 1915 UC Berkeley. Lewis (Nobel Prize, 19611 Berkeley. 19S3, Gibson)
Argo. Wilflam C. 1915 UC Berkeley, Lewis
1917 Porter, C. Walter 1915 UC Berkeley. Biddle 1938 Ruben, Samuel C. 1938 UC Berkeley, Latimer/
Eastman, Ermon D. 1917 UC Berkeley, Lewis Llbby
Latimer, Wendell M. 1917 UC Berkeley, Gibson
Stewart, T. Dale 1916 UC Berkeley, Tolman 1939 Seaborg, Glenn T. 1937 UC Berkeley, Gibson
(Nobel Pftee, 1951)
Figure 2, University of Californ.j Cer.tse o" Chorv.s'ry Si^'l ».* »i'-'. '•_ i ' l " ) • " at NRA > C M s'rJCIC QITI-." i.s r-i •<>' "91 ?).
Front rowt,right to left)
Ermon D. Eastman, Walter C. Biasdale, William C. Bray, Merle Randafl, G. Ernest Gibson, C. Walter Porter, T. Dale Stewart, Edmund O'Neilf, William L. Argo, Gilbert
N. Lewis, Constance Gray, Esther Kittredge, Esther Branch, and M. J. Fisher, (bookkeeper).
Ascending Stairs (left to right)
Charles S. Bisson, Wendell M. Latimer, WilSiem J, Cummings (glassblower), Carl iddings, Reginald B. Rule. J. T. Rattray (woodworker), Charles C. Scalione. Hal
D. Draper, Wifliam O. Horsch, William H. Hampton, Wlflard G. Baboock, John M. McGee, George S. Parks, Parry Borgstrom, Albert G. Loomis, George A. Llnhart,
William D. Ramage, and Harry N. Cooper.
Seated {left to right)
Alex R. Olson and Angier H. Foster.
My task is to describe the influence of G. N. Lewis on my definition by B r a y and B r a n c h in 1913, which w a s confirmed
own research and to indicate how Lewis (Fig. 1) influenced b y L e w i s w h o r e l a t e d t h e t e r m " p o l a r n u m b e r " to t h e e l e c t r o n s
physical-organic chemistry research at Berkeley during the t a k e n a w a y o r g i v e n to a n a t o m , w a s a " b r e a k t h r o u g h " w h i c h
period 1912-46.1 was the last of the non-Berkeley-graduate led Lewis t o t h e idea t h a t t h e w a y in w h i c h a t o m s were actually
faculty members whom Lewis brought to the Berkeley campus h e l d t o g e t h e r w a s b y v i r t u e of t h e e l e c t r o n s b e t w e e n t h e m . Of
and the first one in 22 years. The first of Lewis' Berkeley ap- course, it was recognized t h a t there were extreme cases in
which t h e electrons were transferred completely from one
pointees was Gerald E. K. Branch who played a central role
a t o m to another, a s in lithium chloride. T h e r e were also other
in the subject I am to discuss. "Jerry" Branch took his first
cases in w h i c h e l e c t r o n s w e r e s h a r e d b e t w e e n t w o a t o m s , t o
degree in 1911 in Liverpool, England. He came to Berkeley in
fulfill t h e o r b i t a l r e q u i r e m e n t s o f b o t h a t o m s b e t w e e n w h i c h
1912 on the advice of his professor, P. G. Donnan. Clearly, by t h o s e e l e c t r o n s lay, giving rise t o t h e c o n c e p t of t h e shared
that time, Lewis' reputation had already reached Europe. electron pair bond. T h e s e t w o p a p e r s u n i f i e d t h e i d e a s o n
Branch took hia PhD with Lewis in 1915 on "The Free Energy b o n d i n g of i n o r g a n i c c h e m i s t r y ( l i t h i u m c h l o r i d e ) a n d t h o s e
of Formic Acid". of organic chemistry (methane).
Lewis' Electron Pair Bond Concept Initiates Theoretical
Organic Chemistry at Berkeley The Shared Electron Pair Bond
In 1913, whiie a graduate student of only one year's stand- In the early days probably the most important concept that
ing, Gerald Branch published a paper in the Journal of the Lewis developed was that of the shared electron pair bond,
American Chemical Society with William C, Bray entitled which eventually gave rise to some coherence in the theory of
"Valence and Tauiomerism" (2). The authors acknowledge organic chemistry. I would like to quote from Robert Kohler
discussions with Lewis, and their paper is immediately fol- (3) concerning the significance of that particular develop-
lowed by one written by Lewis himself which carries the same ment
title and was submitted on the same day (2). At that time the
term "valence" was used without sign—it was simply a The first satisfactory picture of the chemical bond was proposed
number. Bray and Branch introduced the terms maximum in early 1916 by Gilbert Newton Lewis. His book, Valence and
the Structure of Atoms and Molecules published in 1923 \(4)],
valence number (with sign) and maximum coordination which elaborated the picture of the bond and its shared pair of
number. In his follow-up paper Lewis pointed out that the electrons, was the textbook of the new generation of organic
qualifier "maximum" was inappropriate. Those two terms chemists. Without Lewis' conception of the shared pair bond tie
ultimately evolved into "oxidation number," as later defined interpretation of reaction mechanisms already begun by the Brit-
by Wendell Latimer, and "coordination number." The oxi- ish school of Lapworth, Lowry, ingold and Robinson, would not
dation number was defined as the number of electrons re- have gotten very far. The shared electron pair concept was really
moved from (or added to) the atom in the particular com- the foundation of physical-organic chemistry. Likewise, without
pound, and this number had either a plus or minus sign at- the idea of the shared pair bond, then being used with, increasing
tached to i t The coordination number was defined simply as competence and success by organic chemists, the application of
quantum mechanics to the chemical bond in the late I920's by
an integer, the tola! number of atoms or groups bound to a London, Schroedinger and Pauling, would have begun on far Jess
center. The introduction of these two terms and their precise certain grounds.
Figure 4. Chemistry Department, 1951. Left to right tront row: Latimer, Stewart, 8lasdale, Hildebrand, Gibson, Giauque, Branch, and Rotlefaon. Pitzer and Calvin
immediately behind Rolfefson.
where m is the molecular (not the molar) mass and f is the nCP In ~ - + nR in -r = 0
excess gravitational potential energy of a molecule at altitude
h>0. T
Though a fair approximation in the troposphere, this simple i) n ~ -R
law does not properly apply to our atmosphere---a nonequi-
librium system that, far from being isothermal, displays a large r CP
S i n c e Pi, a n d T o a r e c o n s t a n0t s , t h e y v a n i s h i n a d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n
vertical temperature gradient. One striking manifestation of t h a t yields
this gradient is the well-known fact that it is much colder on
a mountain's peak than at its base. How does it happen that, _ = _ _. (2)
Sea water
Sea water
Figure 3. Hypothetical device that produces an upwellrng of pure wafer in s
uniformly salty sea.
Figure 4. Hypothetical device that extracts useful w o * from a uniformly satty
F i g u r e 3 s u p p l i e s a n explicit expression for t h e e q u i l i b r i u m sea.
d i s t a n c e (z) of t h e p u r e water from t h e surface w h e n t h e
m e m b r a n e is a t a n y d e p t h (/). W i t h p v t h e d e n s i t y of t h e p u r e s u m p t i o n t h a t t h e u n i f o r m m o d e ! o c e a n is a n e q u i l i b r i u m
w a t e r o n t h e inside, let p s symbolize t h e d e n s i t y of t h e sea- o c e a n . F o r s u r e l y a wholly s p o n t a n e o u s welling u p of fresh
w a t e r o u t s i d e t h e p i p e . A t osmotic e q u i l i b r i u m w e m u s t n o w w a t e r in t h e m i d s t of a s a l t s e a is no small incongruity. A n d
from this first incongruity arises a second n o less startling. F o r
r e m i x i n g of t h i s fresh w a t e r , w i t h t h e saline ocean w h e n c e it
- gpv(l c a m e , is a n obviously s p o n t a n e o u s c h a n g e from which a work
o u t p u t is i n principle recoverable; a n d Levenapiel a n d de
(5) N e v e r s s k e t c h a direct recovery of work from such a n osmotic
p u m p . W h e r e a b e t t e r k n o w n a l t e r n a t i v e a p p r o a c h (9) t o e n -
U n d e r 1 a t m p r e s s u r e a t t h e surface, pv = 1000 k g / m 3 , a n d ergy recovery exploits t h e d i s p a r i t y of t e m p e r a t u r e b e t w e e n
p s = 1028 kg/m 3 . A rise of pressure from 1 t o 1000 a t m (i.e., t h e surface " s k i n " a n d ocean d e e p , t h e Levenspie! a n d d e N e v e r s
p r e s s u r e a t a d e p t h of =s 10,000 m ) increases t h e d e n s i t y of a p p r o a c h i s r e m a r k a b l e precisely b e c a u s e it a i m s t o e x p l o i t
p u r e w a t e r b y r a t h e r less t h a n 5%, a n d t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g t h e uniformity of real-world oceans. B u t is n o t a n y such ex-
d e n s i t y increase for s e a w a t e r is c o m p a r a b l y small (8). M u t u a l p l o i t a t i o n of uniformity itself a t h e r m o d y n a m i c incon-
cancellation of t h e s e small c h a n g e s t h u s e n s u r e s t h a t , a t all gruity?
d e p t h s i n a uniform ocean, t h e ratio pjpv m u s t retain a value Away from uitracentrifuges, all o u r e v e r y d a y l a b o r a t o r y
very close t o t h e 1.028 prevailing n e a r t h e surface. T h e o t h e r e x p e r i e n c e t e a c h e s c h e m i s t s t o t h i n k of equilibrium s y s t e m s
k e y ratio, 7r/p v , is similarly insensitive t o t o t a l a p p l i e d pres- a s h o m o g e n e o u s b o t h in t e m p e r a t u r e a n d composition, A n d
sure, a s is a t once demonstrable b y r e a r r a n g e m e n t of equation o n e is t h u s strongly predisposed t o view t h e uniform ocean as
(4). A t all d e p t h s in a s e a uniform i n T a n d X v , t h e r a t i o x / p v a n e q u i l i b r i u m ocean. B u t in t h e e x t e n d e d l a b o r a t o r y of a n
m u s t t h e n retain its surface value—which, in convenient units, ocean deep, t h e variation of gravitational potential energy m a y
18 b e big e n o u g h t o m a k e a n e q u i l i b r i u m ocean significantly
n o n u n i f o r m . T h e s p o n t a n e o u s p r o d u c t i o n of p u r e w a t e r a n d
2 3 ( a t m ? 101325 ( n e w t o n / m 2 - a t m ) useful work from a uniform ocean will t h e n cease t o b e in-
= 2330 mW
1000 (kg/m*) congruities precisely when w e can d e m o n s t r a t e t h a t a uniform
ocean is not a n e q u i l i b r i u m ocean.
For a uniform ocean, substitution in equation (5) of ap-
T h i s conclusion is established by Levenspiel a n d d e N e v e r s
propriate numerical values yields (in meters) the relation:
with a chemical-potential argument t h a t therm odynamic
z = 237.6 - 0.028 / novices m a y f i n d o p a q u e . A wholly t r a n s p a r e n t b u t still
compelling a l t e r n a t i v e analysis d r a w s o n t h e r m o d y n a m i c s
Two special cases are of particular interest. First, a t t h a t only for t h e proposition t h a t , b y itself, n o s y s t e m a t equilib-
critical depth where reverse osmosis fh-st produces a film of r i u m can s p o n t a n e o u s l y yield a work o u t p u t . T h e a r g u m e n t
pure water inside the membrane, with z - * I we easily calculate is similar i n style t o a classic d e r i v a t i o n of e q u a t i o n (4) from
the critical depth as t h e B o l t z m a n n law (10).
( = 237.6/1.028 = 231 m Into a d e e p i s o t h e r m a l column of s e a w a t e r — n o w s u p p o s e d
wholly a t equilibrium—we lower t h e device s k e t c h e d in Figure
in agreement with the figure obtained by Levenspiel and de 4. T w o m e m b r a n e s selectively p e r m e a b l e t o t h e solvent w a t e r
Nevers. Second, at that depth where pure water wells right up provide access t o a p u r e - w a t e r s h u n t of l e n g t h d/. A t t h e level
t o the surface, with 2 ^ 0 w e find of t h e u p p e r m e m b r a n e let t h e e q u i l i b r i u m o s m o t i c p r e s s u r e
difference b e ?r; a t t h e level of t h e lower m e m b r a n e let t h e
I = 237.6/0.028 = 8500 m osmotic pressure b e x + dir. (This does n o t a t all d i s c o u n t t h e
in acceptable agreement with the 8750 m that Levenspiel and possibility t h a t t h e uniform m o d e l ocean m a y y e t p r o v e a n
de Nevers draw from a far more difficult analysis. e q u i l i b r i u m ocean, since in t h a t e v e n t w e would s i m p l y find
Here is the first striking incongruity arising from the pre- dir = 0.) W h a t e v e r m a y b e t h e c h a r a c t e r of t h e e q u i l i b r i u m
JT + dw = (P + gpsdl) - (P
In a n e q u i l i b r i u m ocean, therefore, t h e d i s t a n c e z is n o t a
, , IPo (6) function of t h e d e p t h {1} of t h e m e m b r a n e , a n d at all d e p t h s
= g(ih ~ pv) = g(h j t h e t o p of t h e p u r e - w a t e r column r e m a i n s a c o n s t a n t 231 m
T h e r i g h t side being positive, t h e osmotic p r e s s u r e m u s t in- below t h e ocean surface.
crease w i t h d e p t h (I) in t h e s e a — a n d we d i s s i p a t e all in-
congruities b y t h u s showing t h a t a u n i f o r m ocean c h a r a c t e r - Acknowledgment
ized b y c o n s t a n t ir cannot b e a n e q u i l i b r i u m o c e a n .
F o r m u c h useful criticism I a m i n d e b t e d t o D . E. C a r r i t t ,
W h y does v increase w i t h d e p t h in a n e q u i l i b r i u m o c e a n ?
C. M . D e l a n e y , a n d W . H . E b e r h a r d t .
P r e s u m a b l y because t h e solute c o n c e n t r a t i o n h e r e increases
W h i l e this essay a w a i t e d p u b l i c a t i o n , t h e lapse r a t e of
with d e p t h , which is t o Bay t h a t t h e mole fraction of t h e solvent
planetary atmospheres h a s been discussed by Blanck (11), a n d
water decreases with d e p t h . T h a t t h e r e is j u s t s u c h a decrease
a delightful p a p e r by B a c h h u b e r (12) touches lightly o n both
is easily d e m o n s t r a t e d . Observing t h a t t h e d e r i v a t i v e in
e x a m p l e s discussed in t h i s essay.
e q u a t i o n (6) refers t o t h e variation of TT in a s e a where pv ( a n d
ps) remain constant over t h e short span dl, we impose t h e s a m e
condition i n d r a w i n g from e q u a t i o n (4) t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g Literature Cited
derivative: ft) Nash, L. K.. "ChemThermo," Addis™-Wesley, Reading, MA, 11972, p. 25,
{2} Fora full treatment see Irihame, J. V^andsGoodson, WrL,,* Atmospheric Thermo-
oV PyRTdllXXy dynamics," Ueidei, Boston, MA, 1973.
(3) The full complexity of dimaiologicai phenomena is indicated hy Barry. R. G.. and
dt ' JT dl ChorleyT Rr Jr, "Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate," 3rd ed., Met!wenT Londtni,
E l i m i n a t i o n of dir/d/ b e t w e e n t h i s a n d e q u a t i o n (6) p r o - (4> LevenspieI,O.,ancid<>Nev(>rs,N.,Science, 183.157 (1974J.
duces (5) See For example the data for the Mindanao Trench cited by Groen.P., "The Wjj!m
of the Sea," Van Nostrand, Printelon, NJ, 196V, p. S6.
dlllXy I fig _ (6) Layendekkera, J. V,. "Tfrermodynamiai ofSeawaler," Marml Dekker. Netv Yurk. 1976,
(7) p. i%.
dl O) Reference (6>. p. 108.
C o m p a r i n g this with e q u a t i o n ( I ) , we see t h a t in a n e q u i l i b - (S> Home, R. A., "Marine Chemistry," Wiley-InterscioniK, New York, 1969, pp. 479-80.
(9) Marland, G.. Endeavour, N.S., 1,165 (1979).
r i u m s e a t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of w a t e r c o n f o r m s t o a simple (10) Nash, L. K., "8foi<!hion.ettyr" Addison - Wesley, ReadiRf. MA. 1966, pp. 177-79.
B o l t z m a n n d i s t r i b u t i o n modified only b y t h e i n s e r t i o n of a (11! Blanck, K. F, J. CHEM. Ewe, &>> 637 (1983).
{12} Baehliuher,0., Amur. J. Phys... Si, 259 (1983).
The Industrial Sponsors Group of the Ilivision of Polymer Chemistry of the American Chemical Society announces
a itew summer employment program. Outstanding junior are provided the opportunity to work in thefieSdof polymer science
with one of a select number of U.S.-based chemical companies.
Thefirstphase of the program involves a unique opportunity offered by the Plastics and Coatings Division of Mobay
Chemkai Corporation for the summer of 1984. The selected candidate will be sent to Uerdingen, West Germany for a
work/training assignment in the Research Laboratories of Bayer AG, Mobay's parent company. All transportation and lodging
expenses along with a monthly salary will be paid by Mobay.
Program announcements will be mailed to a large number of colleges and universities this fall. Interested students should
send a letter outlining their academic and personal interests and goals along with a.transcript or equivalent listing courses
and grades before February 1,1984toDr. G. E. Reinert, Mobay Chemical Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA 15205.
Additional industrial participants are currently being sought for ther summer of 1984. Program details will vary according
to the interests of the individual companies.
John W. Moore and Elizabeth A. Moore
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Ml 48197
T h e n u m b e r a n d variety of applications of c o m p u t e r s in
chemical education have grown a t a n ever-in creasing pace
s i n c e t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n of t h e A i t a i r m i c r o c o m p u t e r i n1 9 7 6 .
I t is b e c o m i n g c o m m o n p l a c e for s t u d e n t s t o h a v e t h e i r o w n
computers, a n d most chemistry departments have micros
a v a i l a b l e f o r s t u d e n t s t o u s e .T h e r e h a s b e e n a t r e m e n d o u s
g r o w t h i n t h e n u m b e r of c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m s a v a i l a b l e f o r
instructional p u r p o s e s , a l t h o u g h t h e old b u g a b o o of re-in-
v e n t i n g t h e w h e e l i s still e v i d e n t . C o m m e r c i a l p u b l i s h e r s h a v e
p r o d u c e d e x t e n s i v e s e t s of l e s s o n s to c o v e r e n t i r e c o u r s e s , a n d
N S F - s u p p o r t e d p r o j e c t s like S E R A P H I M 1 c a n s u p p l y b o t h
p r o g r a m s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t n e a r l y a l l s o u r c e s of i n -
s t r u c t i o n a! s o f t w a r e .
W h e n c o n s i d e r i n g t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s of c o m p u t e r u s e in Should Computers T e a c h ?
t e a c h i n g a n d w h a t ' s i n s t o r e f o r t h e f u t u r e o n e c a n a s k : Can
p r o f e s s o r s b e r e p l a c e d ? should t h e y b e r e p l a c e d ? a n d will t h e y If a c o m p u t e r c a n t e a c h t h e s a m e m a t e r i a l in less t i m e a n d
b e r e p l a c e d ? T o a n s w e r t h e s e q u e s t i o n s , i t is n e c e s s a r y t o with greater long-term retention by students t h a n couid b e
define w h a t a c o m p u t e r c a n d o for b o t h t h e professor a n d t h e a c h i e v e d b y a t e a c h e r , t h e n t h e r e is a r e a s o n a b l e a r g u m e n t for
student. T h e ability of a computer to p u t t e s t a n d graphics replacing the teacher.
on t h e screen, accept a n d interpret student input, store a n d
A n y o n e w h o cafl b e r e p l a c e d b y a c o m p u t e r s h o u l d b e .
recall data, a n d d o calculations c a n b e m o l d e d into a n inter-
active instructional system (2). T h e major limitation on t h e H o w e v e r , we should also recognize t h a t
a b i l i t y o f s u c h a s y s t e m in i n s t r u c t i o n is t h e i m a g i n a t i o n o f t h e
lesson designers a n d p r o g r a m m e r s . Typical applications (3) A c o m p u t e r is a toot:
good t e a c h e r s cannot be replaced by a computer.
include tutorial dialogs, simulations of e x p e r i m e n t s , practice
p r o b l e m s , d a t a collection, control of e x p e r i m e n t s , a n d A c o m p u t e r will o n l y r e p l a c e t h o s e T A ' s , professors, a n d l a b s
c h e m i c a ! g a m e s (4). T h e s e t y p e s of p r o g r a m s h a v e b e e n u s e d t h a t a r e l i m i t e d t o t h o s e t y p e s of t h i n g s t h a t c a n b e d o n e
t o s u p p l e m e n t l e c t u r e s ( 5 ) ,p r o v i d e interactive h o m e w o r k , a n d b e t t e r o n a c o m p u t e r . A g o o d t e a c h e r will n o t b e r e p l a c e d b y
p r e p a r e s t u d e n t s for l a b o r a t o r y work (6, 7). a c o m p u t e r ; a g o o d t e a c h e r will u s e t h e c o m p u t e r t o b e e v e n
b e t t e r . T h e o b j e c t i v e is n o t t o r e p l a c e a n y b o d y , b u t t o d o a
Can Computers Teach? b e t t e r j o b of t e a c h i n g . T h e c o m p u t e r , a s d e m o n s t r a t e d b y
B e c a u s e of its h i g h l y i n t e r a c t i v e n a t u r e a n d t h e ability t o e x p e r i m e n t s , d o e s serve t h a t role.
do animations, the instructional approach used with a com-
Wlft Computers Teach?
p u t e r c a n a n d s h o u l d b e v e r y d i f f e r e n t from t h a t i n a t e x t b o o k
o r a l e c t u r e . F o r e x a m p l e , i n s t e a d of e x p l a i n i n g a p h e n o m e n o n The extent to which computers will be used for teaching is
t h e c o m p u t e r c a n ailow t h e s t u d e n t t o experience it t h r o u g h critically dependent on the cost of the hardware and the
simulations t h a t are designed to illustrate t h e important availability of suitable programs. The rapid proliferation of
features. W h e n coupled with tutorial material designed to relatively inexpensive microcomputers that have the capa-
assure that t h e student understands the simulation and bility of supporting high quality instructional material is
suitable practice problems t h e computer becomes a new kind making CAI generally available {11). In 1975 one had to have
of i n s t r u c t i o n a l m e d i u m t h a t s u p p l e m e n t s t h e a p p r o a c h e s access to a powerful mainframe computer just to try to do
available in printed matter, discussions, a n d laboratory work. something with computers in instruction. In 1.976 if you could
In a textbook, for example, words m a y be used to describe put together an Altair kit you could have your own computer
w h a t h a p p e n s if y o u c o m p r e s s a g a s i n a c y l i n d e r . T h e p r o c e s s for a few thousand dollars. Now, in 1983, for a few hundred
can also b e described in lecture along with pictures. B u t o n a dollars you can purchase a computer that is able to support
computer each student can, through a simulation, push the a wide range of instructional techniques. Furthermore, it is
p i s t o n i n a n d o u t a n d collect d a t a on various pressures a n d likely that in the near future students will have their own
volumes. T h e experiments can be monitored by'the computer
a n d i n d i v i d u a l i z e d h e l p p r o v i d e d t o t h e s t u d e n t o n l y if
needed. Even with something as simple as balancing equations
t h e c o m p u t e r c a n h e l p b y giving a t a b l e w i t h t h e n u m b e r of
a t o m s of e a c h of t h e e l e m e n t s in t h e r e a c t a n t s a n d t h e p r o d - U s * Ui« k e y s : * - * 1 2 3 « 5 6 7
ucts. As you start to balance the equation computer updates to balance t h i s •quation.
the table dynamically so you can see what balancing an
e q u a t i o n r e a l l y m e a n s ( F i g . 2). I t is c l e a r t h a t : HjO
R28O|| * H*0tt - +
A c o m p u t e r is n o t a book,
A b o o k is p a s s i v e ; a c o m p u t e r is i n t e r a c t i v e . I t is a l s o c l e a r
E lsx«nt Rnactants Product*
H 3 2
S 1 1
A c o m p u t e r is n o t & l e c t u r e . 0 3 S
Ha 1 2
Lectures t e n d to be passive. A n d :
Figure 2. Computer display during equal ion-balancing drili. Note fhe tabte of
A c o m p u t e r is n o t a b o o k .
mimber of atoms of each type. This is updated as each coefficient is en-
B o o k s h a v e lots of t e x t . C o m p u t e r s h a v e a n i m a t i o n s . Also, tered.
oA + 6B = cC + dD
'•0 '82 >8H
given initial concentrations and the equilibrium constant. A
Figure 3, Graph of number of Instructional programs versus time. Data from special case of this template solves the weak acid dissociation
S. G. Smith and J. W. Moore. problem. The immediate updating of the whole sheet after
Fill-in • Computer-Printed Forms: Response forms • Select items randomly from stored Time and Effort Savings
Response batch scored by computer. question-answer sets. Fast Response for
Multiple-Choice • On-Screen Query: Typerf-in response • Generate random or sequential Flexibility
Response scored and stored by computer. numbers for data in items. Instructor-Student
Item Analysis
SOUGHT Summary and Conclusions
SOL.D John W. Moore
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsiianti, Mt 48197
P o e t i c a l Philander o n l y t h o u g h t t o love
H e w e n t t o b e d w i t h w h a t h e t h o u g h t t h e girls w e r e syraboia of.
istics of the computer make it more or less useful for different (0 f i , J. J., J. CHBM. EDUC, BO, 529 (1983).
kinda of instructional tasks. Patience in drill and practice {«
situations, rapid and error-free calculations and handling of (.1) Smith, S. G., J. CHBM. EUUC, tl,608 (1970).
Lower, S.. Oethotd, G., Smith, S. G., Johnson, K Jeffrey, and Moore, J. W., J. CHBM.
textual or numeric data, ability to interact with students and (4) StWCSe, 219 (1979).
take account of previous input from a student, graphics and 15) Smith, S, G,, and Ohabay, R., J. CHEM. EDUC., 5*. 699 (1977).
T h e e x a m i n a t i o n c o m m i t t e e n e e d s v o l u n t e e r s t o g i v e a p r e - l e s t for t h e F o r m 1 9 8 5 e x a m i n a t i o n . T h e t e s t w i l l p r o v i d e s t a t i s t i c a l d a t a
for t h e s e l e c t i o n o f i t e m s t o b e u s e d o n t h e 1 9 8 5 t e s t .
T h e p r e - t e s t will b e r e a d y b y M a y 1,1984. T e a c h e r s m a y a d m i n i s t e r t h e t e a t a t a n y l i m e . H o w e v e r , it is i m p e r a t i v e t h a t t h e a n s w e r
s h e e t s b e r e t u r n e d b e f o r e J u n e 1 5 , 1 9 8 4 . A l s o , i n o r d e r f o r t h e d a t a to b e s t a t i s t i c a l l y valid, it is i m p o r t a n t t h a t ail s t u d e n t s a t t e m p t all
q u e s t i o n s g i v e n to t h e m . T h e r e f o r e , s u f f i c i e n t t i m e n e e d s to b e p r o v i d e d f o r t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f t h e test. I t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y , h o w e v e r ,
t h a t t h e total t e s t b e g i v e n a t o n e s i t t i n g . T h e t e s t m a y b e s e p a r a t e d a n d administered in two parts.
F r o m v o l u n t e e r s r e s p o n d i n g , a s a m p l e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f h i g h s c h o o l c h e m i s t r y w i i i b e s e l e c t e d . A l l will b e n o t i f i e d w h e n t h e s a m p l e
has been selected.
Chemistry teachers interested in pre-testing the F o r m 1985test should respond b y February 15,1984 to: William Arnold, 1328 Beilbrook
Avenue, Xenia, O H 45385. P h o n e : (513)372-7385.
chem I supplement
Weber Stale College
OgOen, Utah 84408
The most important keys to understanding the formation quilitatis, Surveyor 6 a t Sinus Medii, and Surveyor 7 on t h e
of the solar system and its subsequent evolution lie in the r i m of t h e very large crater Tycho. T h e i n s t r u m e n t deployed
chemical composition of the planetary surfaces and interiors, t o t h e l u n a r s u r f a c e u s e d t h e p r i n c i p l e of a l p h a - p a r t i c l e
the meteorites, the comets, and the asteroids. An exhaustive back-scattering developed decades earlier by Rutherford and
study of the geochemical exploration of the planets would others (2). This provided chemical information about the
require a very lengthy text. This paper is based on examples landing sites.
from my own experience in the Apollo program. These ex- T h e first r e a s o n a b l y successful a t t e m p t a t c h e m i c a l analysis
amples represent only a small part of the findings of the space f r o m o r b i t w a s d u r i n g t h e f l i g h t o f L u n a 10 (3) w h i c h o r b i t e d
program. t h e m o o n a n d carried a g a m m a - r a y s p e c t r o m e t e r . I n 1969 t h e
The abundance of certain elements relative to cosmic A p o l l o 3.1 m i s s i o n l a n d e d m e n o n t h e m o o n f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e ;
abundances, their mode of condensation, and condensation t h e site, M a r e T r a n q u i l i t a t i s . T h i s w a s t h e first i n s t a n c e in
temperatures are important clues. For example, the evolu- h u m a n history t h a t d o c u m e n t e d samples from another body
tionary processes that have occurred in our solar system can in t h e solar s y s t e m h a s b e e n o b t a i n e d . B y t h e e n d of t h e Apollo
be studied by examining the abundances of potassium and 17 m i s s i o n , a s t r o n a u t s h a d r e t u r n e d a b o u t 4 0 0 k g of soil a n d
thallium relative to uranium. These elements are indicators r o c k s . T h e s t u d y of t h e s e s a m p l e s e m p l o y e d a g r e a t v a r i e t y
of the abundance of volatile elements relative to refractory of t h e m o s t s o p h i s t i c a t e d a n a l y t i c a l m e t h o d s . T h e s a m p l e s
elements, Such studies also provide important information from the large lunar basins were essentially basalts, while
about the pre- and post-accretionary stages in the evolution those from t h e highlands were essentially feldspathic anor-
of the soiar system. t h o s i t e s . T h e h i g h l a n d s w e r e f o u n d t o b e t h e m o s t a n c i e n t of
t h e l u n a r features, s o m e w h a t over four billion years old. T h e
Since we have yet to penetrate even the Earth's mantle, it
basalts were found to range b e t w e e n t h r e e a n d four billion
is obvious that information about planetary interiors can be
y e a r s o l d . T h e y a p p a r e n t l y c a m e t o fill t h e l a r g e b a s i n s a f t e r
obtained only by inference. On the other hand, for surface
t h e i r f o r m a t i o n , w h i c h likely o c c u r r e d a s a r e s u l t of t h e i m p a c t
investigations one can employ classical methods such as
of e n o r m o u s m e t e o r i t e s a n d p l a n e t e s i m a l s s o m e four billion
geological sampling, mapping, and laboratory analysis.
years ago.
Space-age technology using remote analytical techniques,
mainly spectroscopic and photographic, are also used. An T h e d a t a m e n t i o n e d a b o v e w a s o b t a i n e d f r o m a n a l y s i s of
example of the latter involved the use of photogeologic t h e s a m p l e s c o l l e c t e d a t a few c h o s e n s i t e s o n t h e m o o n , O u r
methods in the Landsat program. We are presently con- v i e w o f t h e w h o l e m o o n is a n e x t r a p o l a t i o n f r o m t h e s e f a c t s .
strained to the use of remote techniques when dealing with T h e r e a r e m a n y r e a s o n s , h o w e v e r , for s e e k i n g c h e m i c a l i n -
celestial bodies other than our moon. Study of our own moon f o r m a t i o n f r o m o t h e r s i t e s ( m a n y o f w h i c h will b e b e y o n d t h e
is unique in that we have been able, because of the samples p o s s i b i l i t y of m a n n e d l a n d i n g s for y e a r s t o c o m e ) . G l o b a l
collected, to employ a largely classical approach under de- c o m p o s i t i o n a l m a p s c o u l d be of g r e a t value in u n d e r s t a n d i n g
cidedly new circumstances. Remote methods have also been t h e m o o n . T h u s a s e r i e s of o r b i t a l e x p e r i m e n t s w a s p r o p o s e d
used. w h i c h b e g a n w i t h t h e A p o l l o 15 m i s s i o n . T h e s e e x p e r i m e n t s
h a v e h e l p e d c o n s i d e r a b l y in a n s w e r i n g a n u m b e r of q u e s t i o n s
Questions about the Moon relating t o t h e early history a n d origin of t h e m o o n .
Prior to space travel, our knowledge of the moon rested on
earth-based telescopic studies. With the advent of space ex- Of bJtai Remote Sensing
ploration, numerous programs carried out by the United How does one plan experiments to give compositional in-
States and the Soviet Union have provided a wealth of new formation about a celestial body which can be conducted from
information. Among the various programs were the Ranger an orbiting satellite? There are only a limited number of ob-
fly bys and impacters, Surveyor landers, Lunas, Orbiters, and servational phenomena from which one can infer unique ele-
the Apollo and Luankhod flights. The first truly remarkable mental identifications and concentrations. A survey of the
in-situ chemical analysis of the lunar surface resulted from electromagnetic and particulate spectrum yields only a few
the Surveyor missions (1}. Surveyor 5 landed at Mare Tran- possibilities. Certainly one cannot expect to obtain results
which are precise by laboratory standards. Nevertheless, such
techniques as garnma-ray or X-ray spectroscopy can provide
This feature presents relevant applications of chemistry to everyday life. much useful information.
The information presented might be used directly in class, posted on
tnilletln boards, or otherwise used to stimulate student involvement In A summary of the radiation environment a t the lunar sur-
activities related to chemistry. Contributions shoukj be sent to the feature face is shown in Figure 1. Based on this view of the lunar am-
editors. bient radiation, a series of orbital experiments were designed
to supply chemical information. As we can see, both natural
cosmic rays and perhaps the alpha particle emission.
£ to1
a n d i n d u c e d s o u r c e s of r a d i a t i o n a r e p r e s e n t . A m o n g t h e
principle naturally occurring radioactive constituents are t h e FIT ID SDUAD DAIA WITH
long-lived nuclides « K , 3;l2Th, a n d 2 3 8 U a n d their d e c a y
products. T h e s e sources emit alpha, beta, a n d g a m m a radia-
t i o n of v a r i o u s energies. I m p o r t a n t l y , t h e g a m m a r a d i a t i o n
is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c a n d c a n b e u s e d for identification of t h e ele- IQ> - rtt S'20 A (AND
ments that emit them. Special processes such as radon a n d COMMNfO $KCT«UM OF
t h o r o n d i f f u s i o n m a y a l s o o c c u r (4). B o m b a r d m e n t o f t h e I.SO . 10*'K WIHl
l u n a r s u r f a c e b y c o s m i c r a y s a n d e n e r g e t i c p r o t o n s will a l s o
p r o d u c e a v a r i e t y of s h o r t - l i v e d n u e l i d e s a n d , a s a c o n s e q u e n c e ,
• 3.W . Kl'*K rtft
induced radioactivity. Cosmic r a y interactions with the lunar
surface will also p r o d u c e a p r o m p t e m i s s i o n of n e u t r o n s a n d
protons. us* r
E v e n u n d e r " q u i e t " c o n d i t i o n s , t h e a u n is a c o p i o u s e m i t t e r
o f s o f t X - r a y s . B e c a u s e of t h e f i l t e r i n g n a t u r e o f o u r a t m o -
s p h e r e , i t h a s b e e n p o s s i b l e to d e t e r m i n e t h e s p e c t r a l d i s t r i -
b u t i o n of t h e s e X - r a y s o n l y b y flights a b o v e t h e a t m o s p h e r e .
T h e s e solar X-rays are absorbed b y t h e lunar surface a n d
produce secondary (fluorescent) X-rays which again are »» 0.3 0.1 0.» 1.2 ),S 1.1 J.I 2.4 1.7 3.0
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of s o m e o f t h e e l e m e n t s m a k i n g u p t h e l u n a r EME1GV ( m l
surface. O n e c a n t h e n p r e d i c t t h e yield of t h e s e c o n d a r y X - Figure 2. The "Qutet" sun X-ray output.
rays, which depends on the intensity a n d spectra! character
of t h e s o l a r X - r a y flux a n d t h e a b u n d a n c e of t h e e l e m e n t s in
the lunar surface. Finally, t h e radon a n d thoron which are
diffusing t h r o u g h t h e l u n a r surface would b e expected t o
p r o d u c e a l p h a particles h a v i n g energies c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of t h e PROPORTIONAL
various decay processes. COUNTER
0 0 1 " BE WINDOW
1 V
d e r s t a n d i n g of l u n a r e v o l u t i o n . I n t e r r e s t r i a l p r o c e s s e s t h e
r a d i o a c t i v e d e c a y of t h e s e e l e m e n t s is c o n s i d e r e d t o b e a m a j o r
Figure 6. The Science Instrument Module iSIM).
s o u r c e o f t h e e n e r g y l e a d i n g t o v o l c a n i s m a n d m a g m a t i c dif-
f e r e n t i a t i o n . F u r t h e r , t h e a b u n d a n c e of t h e s e e l e m e n t s b e -
c o m e s a n i n d i c a t o r o f t h e e x t e n t of c h e m i c a l d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n
since K , T h , a n d U t e n d to c o n c e n t r a t e in t h e late s t a g e c r y s - e x p e c t e d t o d e c a y n e a r its source. T h e n e c e s s a r y e q u i p m e n t
t a l l i n e r o c k s s u c h a s g r a n i t e s . B y t h e A p o l l o 15 f l i g h t , e x c e l l e n t f o r a l p h a p a r t i c l e m e a s u r e m e n t s i s s h o w n i n F i g u r e 5. T h e
d e t e r m i n a t i o n s of K, T h , a n d U h a d b e e n m a d e i n v a r i o u s d e t e c t o r s are solid-state surface barrier types. T h e flight in-
returned lunar samples. As an example, K versus U values s t r u m e n t which was contained in t h e s a m e housing a s t h e
h a v e b e e n p l o t t e d for v a r i o u s l u n a r m a t e r i a l s (Fig. 4). A s a X - r a y e x p e r i m e n t c o n s i s t e d of a s e r i e s of d e t e c t o r s a n d
c o m p a r i s o n , a l i n e is d r a w n f o r t e r r e s t r i a l m a t e r i a l s r a n g i n g
alpha-processing electronics.
f r o m b a s a l t s t o g r a n i t e s . T h e r e l a t i v e p o s i t i o n of t h e a c h o n -
d r i t i c s t o n y m e t e o r i t e s is a l s o s h o w n . T h e d i a g o n a l s o n t h e The Apollo Science instrument Module (SIM)
graph represent K / U ratios. N o t e that the lunar materials
Figure 6 shows the Apollo SIM bay. The SIM bay was part
have lower K / U ratios t h a n terrestrial m a g m a t i e rocks. T h i s
of the Apollo Command-Service Module (CSM). Beginning
h a s b e e n traced t o h i g h U values a n d low K values, A similar
with the Apollo 15 flight, the CSM was used for the first time
s i t u a t i o n . e x i s t s w i t h r e g a r d t o K / T h r a t i o s . F u r t h e r m o r e , ft
to carry an ambitious array of instruments for orbital surveys
w a s f o u n d t h a t t h e r e w a s a d i s t i n c t v a r i a t i o n f r o m o n e col-
of a variety of lunar characteristics of which surface chemistry
lection site to another. Because K, T h , a n d U are such im-
was a prominent part. The instrumental complement con-
p o r t a n t i n d i c a t o r s of c h e m i c a l p r o c e s s e s , t h e a t t e m p t t o m a p
sisted of an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, an alpha-particle
t h e g l o b a l d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e s e e l e m e n t s a r o u n d t h e m o o n w a s
spectrometer, a mass spectrometer, a panoramic camera, a
c o n s i d e r e d of v e r y g r e a t i m p o r t a n c e .
laser altimeter, and a suhsatellite. (The latter was launched
T h e g a m m a - r a y assembly flown on Apollo 15 a n d 16 was
into an orbit of its own for the purpose of making geophysical
c o m p o s e d of t h r e e m a j o r s u b a a s e m b l i e s : t h e s c i n t i l l a t i o n d e -
measurements.) The X-ray, gamma-ray, and alpha-particle
t e c t o r fa t h a l l i u m - a c t i v a t e d s o d i u m i o d i d e c r y s t a l ) , t h e e l e c -
spectrometers were used for obtaining chemical information
tronics, a n d t h e t h e r m a l shield. In flight t h e g a m m a - r a y
about the moon's surface. The mass spectrometer was em-
s p e c t r o m e t e r w a s d e p l o y e d a t t h e e n d o f a 7 . 5 m b o o m in o r d e r
ployed in a study of the moon's tenuous atmosphere at orbital
t o r e m o v e it a s far as possible from t h e radioactivity, h o t h
altitudes. It is noteworthy that the X-ray and gamma-ray
n a t u r a l a n d c o s m i c r a y i n d u c e d , in t h e spacecraft. W h i l e t h e
instruments were also used to obtain astronomical data during
X - r a y e x p e r i m e n t d e s c r i b e d w a s u s e f u l o n l y f o r t h e a r e a s il-
the trans-Earth coast.
luminated by the sun, the gamma-ray experiment supplied
d a t a for t h e e n t i r e f l i g h t p a t h . Results
The orbital experiments described thus far proved to be
Alpha-Particle Experiment successful and informative. Before detailing the X-ray results,
There are a number of possible sources for alpha-particles it is important to describe some of the constraints that entered
from the lunar surface. The principal ones are alpha radio- into the interpretation of the data. Since the sun is not a stable
active decay of radon and thoron (and their daughter prod- X-ray source, it was necessary to devise methods of correcting
ucts) which, if circumstances are suitable, would have diffused for solar flux variation. Instru mentally, a small proportional
out of the first few meters of lunar soil. As on the Earth, this counter was pointed towards the sun while the large detectors
is a reflection of subsurface activity. If one assumes thermal were pointed towards the lunar surface. In this manner, the
velocities for the escaping radon and thoron, then nearly all sun's X-ray output was monitored during surface measure-
the molecules would be trapped in the moon's gravitational ments. Other sources of variation included the sample matrix
field. Radon with its 3.8-day half-life should travel a consid- effects, the solar illumination angle, and surface roughness.
erable distance before undergoing radioactive transformation. These factors were minimized by the use of intensity ratios
Thoron on the other hand, with a 55-sec half-life, would be (5). In view of the near constancy of the silicon abundance, the
A l p h a - p a r t i c l e d a t a t a k e n d u r i n g t h e A p o l l o 15 a n d 16
flights s h o w e d t h a t t h e o b s e r v e d a l p h a activity was q u i t e
s m a l l , o n t h e o r d e r of 1 0 ~ a c o u n t s / c m 2 - s e c . T h e n a t u r e of t h e
MASS e x p e r i m e n t was t o seek three t y p e s of signals: alpha-particles
SPECTBOHnEB h a v i n g e n e r g i e s c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e d e c a y of 2 2 2 R n a n d i t s
daughter products, alpha-particles from 220Rn a n d t h e
d a u g h t e r p r o d u c t s , a n d finally, a l p h a - p a r t i c l e s from 2 l 0 P o .
T h e first t w o c a n b e associated only w i t h c u r r e n t activity
Figure 7. Al/Si intensity ratio along the ApoSlo 15 trajectory. ( b e c a u s e of t h e i r s h o r t h a l f - l i v e s ) a n d t h e l a s t w i t h e v e n t s
having occurred days t o years ago. (2I0Po comes from the
d e c a y o f 2 1 0 P b w i t h a half-life o f 21 y e a r s . ) T w o f e a t u r e s w e r e
o t h e r e l e m e n t s , s u c h a s M g a n d AI, w e r e r e f e r e n c e d t o t h e o b s e r v e d in t h e Apollo 15 d a t a . T h e r e a p p e a r e d t o b e a general
silicon. T h e r e w e r e o t h e r b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s s u c h as t h e b u t small increase in c o u n t r a t e over O c e a n u s P r o c e l l a r u m a n d
d e p t h o f t h e s u r f a c e s a m p l e s ( i n t h e X - r a y c a s e a b o u t 10 ^ m ) , M a r e Imbrium. T h e trend appears to parallel the U and T h
t h e r e s o l u t i o n o f s u r f a c e s a m p l i n g w a s a b o u t 10 k m a n d , o f o b s e r v e d b y t h e g a m m a - r a y e x p e r i m e n t . O n e of t h e m o s t
c o u r s e , t h e o b s e r v a t i o n s w e r e o n l y f r o m t h e s u n l i t p o r t i o n s of d r a m a t i c f e a t u r e s w a s t h e i n c r e a s e i n 2 1 0 P o a t t h e e d g e of s o m e
the moon. of t h e m a r i a . A n a d d i t i o n a l c o r r e l a t i o n w a s t h e f i n d i n g o f
T h e c o m p o s i t i o n a l profile in t e r m s of Al/Si along t h e Apollo heightened activity in t h e Ariatarchus region where transient
1 5 t r a j e c t o r y is s h o w n i n F i g u r e 7. T h e r a t i o s for v a r i o u s a n - lunar p h e n o m e n a h a d been observed. T h i s last observation
alyzed l u n a r materials are shown on t h e r i g h t - h a n d axis. A is particularly interesting because t h e s e t r a n s i e n t glows which
n u m b e r of conclusions h a v e b e e n d r a w n b a s e d o n s u c h results: h a v e b e e n o b s e r v e d telescopically in t h e p a s t h a v e b e e n at-
t h e Ai/Si r a t i o s a r e g r e a t e r in t h e h i g h l a n d s ( c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of t r i b u t e d b y Borne i n v e s t i g a t o r s t o s o l a r e x c i t a t i o n of e s c a p i n g
f e l d s p a t h i c m a t e r i a l s ) a n d c o n s i d e r a b l y lower in t h e m a r e gases.
a r e a s ( t y p i c a l o f b a s a l t s ) ; t h e r e is a g e n e r a ! t e n d e n c y for A l / S i
values to increase from t h e western maria to t h e eastern iimb
h i g h l a n d s ; t h e r e w a s g o o d a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n t h e AI2O3 v a l u e s
d e t e r m i n e d b y c l a s s i c a l t e c h n i q u e s o b t a i n e d f r o m a n a l y s i s of The results obtained from the remote analysis of the moon
l u n a r s a m p l e s g a t h e r e d d u r i n g t h e Apollo 17 m i s s i o n a n d f r o m by speetroscopic techniques have contributed substantially
t h a t inferred from t h e X - r a y m e a s u r e m e n t s . T h i s latter fact to a unified view of the chemistry of the lunar surface. Further
s h o w e d u s t h a t the X - r a y m e a s u r e m e n t s w e r e i n d e e d a r e l i a b l e important principles have been established for future plane-
g u i d e t o a t l e a s t t h i s a s p e c t of t h e l u n a r c h e m i s t r y . tary studies. The lunar investigations give us reason to believe
that such studies can he done on other surfaces many millions
T h e X - r a y results clearly d e m o n s t r a t e d t h a t t h e m o o n ' s of miles from Earth.
c r u s t is chemically differentiated. O n a global scale, o n e could
define t h e e x t e n t of differentiation a n d clearly t h e m a r e ba- Literature Cited
salts from the highland anorlhosites. T h e X-ray results have
also been correlated with optical albedos (the way in which (1) Turkevicii, A. L-, Anderson, W. A., Evonomou. T. E-.FranzgrutE, E. J., Griffin, H. E.,
(.retch, S. L., Patterson, .1. H., and Sowinaki, Kr Pr. The alpha-Seatlerinn Chemical
t h e lunar surface reflects light). It was clearly d e m o n s t r a t e d Analysis Experiment nn the Surveyor Lunar Missions," NASA Tech, Report 32-1265,
t h a t t h e reflectivity was a good clue to t h e chemical c o m p o - 1968.
sition. H i g h reflectivity w a s positively correlated t o m a t e r i a l s
(2> RuUier fold, E, Chadwick, J., end Ellia C. D,. "Radiation From Radioactive Substances,"
Cambridge University Press. ifl^U.
of h i g h A l / S i . S3) Vinogradov, A. P..5urjiov, I, A,, Chernov, G. M., and Kirnozov, F. F.. "MBastirerneiitB
of Gamma Radiation of the Moi>n's Surface by the Coarnte Station Luna 10,'' Geo-
T h e g a m m a - r a y experiment performed in two areas pro- chemistry No. 8, VernarMy Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry,
v i d e d b o t h a s u r v e y of n a t u r a l r a d i o a c t i v i t y a s well a s c o n - Moscow, USSR, 1966,
s i d e r a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c h e m i s t r y of t h e s u r f a c e . D a t a
(i) Kraner. H, W., Schroedcr, G. £.., Davidson, G.. and Carpenter, J. W,, "Radioactivity of
the Lunar Surfece," Science, 15*, m i (1966).
was g a t h e r e d from a belt a r o u n d t h e m o o n . In t h e X - r a y ex- (5) Adler,i..Tromhba,J.,C^rard,.i.,Schmade!iedi,Ii.,Lowman,P.,Blodjelt,H.. Yin,L-.
p e r i m e n t , s a m p l e s w e r e t a k e n a t a d e p t h o f a b o u t 10 ftm. T h e Eller, E,, Latnuthe, R., Goreostsin, p., Biorkholm, P., Harris, B,, end Gursky, H., X-ray
Fluorescence Experiment," Apnllo 15 Preliminary Science Report, NASA Sp-289,
g a m m a - r a y e x p e r i m e n t p r o b e d t o d e p t h s of t h e o r d e r of t e n t h s 972
Introduction to "Goafs"
In planning a chemlslry course, some of the moat important decisions a teacher must make involve the selection of material !o be covered
and the time to be devoted to each topic. For each column in this new series, a high school and a coilege teacher have been Invited to discuss
why they feel a particular topic is Important and how it contributes to the students' understanding of chemistry.
The first-year chemistry courses at Old Town High School Course Outline
were described in a previous article in THIS JOURNAL 1 . This
Weeks Topic Chapter Laboratory
article will describe a senior-ievel, advanced course in bio-
chemistry. This biochemistry course was designed for students 1 Matter and Measurement 1 None
planning to pursue careers in nursing, engineering, and agri- 1 Elements, Atoms, and Compounds 2 Worksheet
culture. T h e author, before he began teaching at the high 1 Atoms and their Elements 3 Worksheet
school level, was a graduate assistant in the Biochemistry 1 Compounds and Bonding 4 Worksheet
Department at the University of Maine a t Orono where he 1 Chemical Reactions 5 Worksheet
assisted in the teaching of the biochemistry classes as well as 1 Organic Chemistry 9 Carbon
their laboratories. This experience led to the conviction that 1.5 Saturated Hydrocarbons 10 Hydrocarbons
2 Unsaturateii Hydrocarbons 11
high school students need to see what college courses are like.
1 Stereoisomerism and Optical 12 None
Therefore, the course is taught in a manner as close to the
college course as possible. The students are given a syllabus 1.5 Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers 13 AScohols and Ethers
at the start of the course containing all the reading assign- 1 Aldehydes and Ketones 14 Aldehydes and
ments. Most general assignments are neither collected nor Ketones
graded (as on the university level in biochemistry). 1 Carboxylic Acids 15 Preparation ot
Course Description and Outline 1 Functional Derivatives of Acids 16 None
1 Amines 17 isolation of Caifeine
Our second-year chemistry course includes general, organic, 0.6 Intermofecular Forces None None
and biological chemistry. The prerequisites are first-year 1 Introduction to Biochemistry 7 (parts), Acidity of Vinegar
chemistry and instructor approval. The course is scheduled o
for three 42-min lecture periods and two 84-min laboratory 2 Carbohydrates ie' Carbohydrates
periods per week. The student takes the course for a full year isolation of Starch
for 1 credit. 1.5 Uplds 19 Isolation of
The format of the course is primarily lecture, but handouts Cliolester
3 Amino Acids and Proteins 20 Paper
are used liberally. Demonstrations and a few laboratory tests
Chromatograph of
are also done during lecture. The laboratories have been
Amino Acids
chosen to follow the lecture topics. Many of the experiments 2 Enzymes 21 Enzyme Kit"
are t h e same as those done on the college level, e.g., Isolation Production of
of Caffeine, Isolation of Cholesterol, Preparation of Aspirin Cheese
and Preparation of Soap. 2 NucSeic Acids (Protein Syn.l 23 Protein Synthesis Kit
The textbook used for the course is "General, Organic and 0.5 Minerals None None
Biochemistry" by Rogers and Brown.2 A college text must be 1 Vitamins and Coenzymes None None
chosen since, to my knowledge, no high school biochemistry 1 Nutrition None None
textbooks are available. Therefore, some of the textbook 1 Flow o( Energy in Biol. World 23 None
3 Carbohydrate Metaboiism 24 Metabolism Game
material must be omitted or simplified. The course outline is
1 Upid Metabolism 25 None
given in the table, 1 None
Amino Acid Metabolism 26
2 Integration of Metabolism None Worksheets
Other Material
One of the favorite activities of the course is the seminars. * Experimental Enzymology Kit #20-2275 Carolina Biological Si^ipSy Company, Burlington,
N.C. 27216
Each student is required to present a 15-min seminar in a bi-
ological area of his or her choice. The students use the high
school library, the University of Maine, or other sources to Scientific American. C a r o l i n a Biological S u p p l y offers a n
research their topics. Some of the topics covered are: Death o u t s t a n d i n g series of s h o r t m o n o g r a p h s o n biochemical topics.
and Dying, Biolumineacence, Sleep and Dream States, and S t u d e n t s also read a n d practice with a k i t called " E l e m e n t s
Birth Control. of P r o t e i n S y n t h e s i s " b y T h o m a s P e t e r B e n n e t t . 3
At several points in the course, professors from the Uni-
versity of Maine a t Orono come and talk to the class. They T h e best-liked a n d m o s t utilized outside materialia a game,
cover such areas as nucleic acids, genetic engineering, bio- p r o d u c e d f r o m a n a r t i c l e i n The Biology Teacher.4 T h e article
chemistry of aging, and photosynthesis. describes h o w t o m a k e a n d play t h e m e t a b o l i s m game, cov-
The students also are given selected outside readings where' ering glycolysis, citric acid cycle, c o e n z y m e s , a n d t h e electron
they coincide with class materials; several are reprints from t r a n s p o r t system. T h e s t u d e n t s learn Teactante, products,
energies, a n d e n z y m e s r e q u i r e d for t h e m a j o r m e t a b o l i c cy-
Powers, George B., J. CHEM. EDUC., 58,1015 (1981).
Rogers, E. P. and Brown, W. H., "General, Organic and Biochem- Conclusion
istry, Willard Grant Press, Boston, 1980.
Bennett, Thomas Peter, "Elements of Protein Synthesis," W. H.
In general, the students who have taken this course have
Freeman and Company, 1969. found it to be a great help. Not only do the college chemistry
Goodman, Richard E., The Biology Teacher, 34[2], 78 (February, courses they eventually take cover many areas included in this
1972). biochemistry course, b u t t h e course also serves as a n intro-
The game is now available from the Carolina Supply Company. duction to the college level approach to teaching.
Thailand, with a population of 48 million, is one of the The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
oldest countries in Southeast Asia. Before 1963, Thailand Technology
required four years of compulsory education. In 1978 the Thai The nationwide chemistry curriculum at the upper secon-
government promulgated a new, 6-3-3 educational system (six dary school level prior to 1976 in Thailand had been very
years of elementary level, three years of lower secondary level, traditional hi comparison to many other countries. Theoretical
and three years of upper secondary level) with six years of chemistry and laboratory chemistry were taught separately
compulsory education required for all children. Educational with little relationship between them. Laboratory was not a
administration in Thailand is a centralized system: all schools required part of the course. Some topics were out of date;
throughout the country must use the same curriculum au- others, such as calculations and descriptive chemistry, were
thorized by the Ministry of Education. presented in too much detail. On the other hand, many im-
Since secondary education is not compulsory, study at that portant chemistry topics, such as bonding, rate of reaction,
levei depends on the parents' financial status and the student's and equilibrium, were ignored.
own ability. In 1975, about 31% of the 14-16-year-old group Teaching strategies, emphasizing memorization, were based
was enrolled in the lower secondary level and about 12% of the entirely upon a teacher's teaching rather than a student's
17-19-year-old group was enrolled in the upper secondary learning. Teachers were not familiar with investigative or
level. The number of students desiring to enrol! in the public inquiry teaching techniques. High level questions were seldom
school exceeds space available; therefore, an entrance exam- asked. Students were not encouraged to ask questions, think,
ination is required. Private schools can enroll some of the present ideas, or participate in a class discussion.
unadmitted students, but this still is not sufficient to ac-
For a long time, this approach to chemistry had been criti-
commodate all who desire secondary education. Education
cized by many science teachers and science educators in
after the secondary level leads to one of two programs: the
Thailand. They agreed that new chemistry courses was needed
four-year bachelor degree program or the one-to-three year
for the upper secondary school, However, no attempt was
diploma program. There are 40 institutions which now offer
made to do this until 1972, when the Institute for the Pro-
the bachelor's degree, including 17 small teachers' colleges,
motion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) was es-
10 private colleges, 12 public universities, and I open uni-
tablished through cooperative action of the Roya! Thai Gov-
versity. Entrance to any public university is very competitive;
ernment, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
only about 20-30% of the applicants can be accepted. In 1976,
and its executing agency, the United Nations Educational
for example, the institutions of higher learning accepted only
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The main
. 12,502 applicants. An entrance examination is the main pro-
purpose of the Institute has been to develop modern science
cedure used to select applicants. Private colleges also admit
and mathematics curricula at every level below the university.
some students t o limited areas of study but their enrollment
Chemistry at the upper secondary school level was one of the
is small since these institutions are expensive.
first of the curricula to be developed, and its the nationwide
The one-to-three year programs of study, including training implementation began in 1976 after three years of trial
of technicians and skilled workers, are offered in over 100 teaching from 1973 to 1975.
technical institutions. These programs are, however, much less
popular than the four-year bachelor degree programs.
Graduate programs are offered only in a few universities in tPST Chemistry Curriculum
limited areas. The enrollment of the graduate programs is The IPST chemistry curriculum is very different from the
small due to the limitations of subject specialists and facili- earlier traditional chemistry curriculum. Theory and labo-
ties. ratory are integrated within the same course. Students are
required to perform the experiments, observe, measure, gather
Science Teaching in the Secondary Schools data, organize data, interpret, make predictions, and draw
The three years in the lower secondary education program, conclusions from their own data. Inquiry and investigative
M.I, M.2, and M.3 are roughly equivalent to grades 7,8, and teaching approaches were introduced to the teachers and they
9 in the U.S. Science is studied in each of these grades, four were encouraged to use these approaches in their teaching.
periods a week. An integrated science program is presented The unique characteristics of the IPST chemistry curric-
rather than separate disciplines such as chemistry, biology, ulum can be described as follows; It is inquiry-oriented (ex-
or physics. pecting students to think and to explain why), investigative
Students at the upper secondary level who plan to further (more doing chemistry), student-centered (stimulating their
their education in science or science-related fields would be interests, ability, and ultimate use of chemistry), relevant
guided to take up to 60 semester credits in specific scientific (meaningful to everyday living), and innovative (new exper-
courses such as chemistry, biology, and physics. They are also iments, new equipment, new style of teaching, and new
allowed to choose several elective courses. Nonscience stu- scheme of evaluation). Experiments play a large part, and the
dents and those who plan to terminate their study upon curiosity of the student is aroused. The student is placed in
graduation would be required to take only 12 semester credits the role of discoverer, and the exciting, creative implications
of science. A new modular physical science course is recom- of this adventure encourage the student to become involved
mended for this purpose. in his (her) own learning. Learning by inquiry, however, does
• Environment
Gas Reactions-Conservation of Mass • Organic -
Matter Chemistry and Industry
Avogadro's Law
Properties of Solution Collision Theory
• Bonding
Latest concept of atom
Figure 1. Concepluat scheme of the IPST chemistry course (six-semeslei course, three periods a week].
Teachers are the most important Sink in the educational
system. The training conducted to help these teachers acquire
Figure 2. KB containing student experimental equipment.
Figure 3. Apparatus for boiling-poln! determination. Figure 4. Acid-base reaction carried out using a syringe.
edited by
Metal Substitutions in Wartime Coinages Coinage Metal Changes Brought About by World Wars I and II s
Hugh A. Akere Coinage Metal
Lamar University Country Denomination War Prior During
Beaumont, TX 77710
Austria 2 Helier I Cu Fe
W i t h t h e t r e n d t o w a r d s i n c l u s i o n of m o r e d e s c r i p t i v e m a - 20 Heller 1 Ni fe
terial in chemistry, m a n y t e s t s h a v e , in addition t o m e n t i o n i n g Belgium 5, 10, 25 Centime l.il Cu-Ni Zn
u s e s of specific elements, also included information on t h e 50 Centime 1 A3 Zn
1 Franc II Ni Zn
s o u r c e s a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e a p p r o p r i a t e r a w m a t e r i a l s .
Bulgaria 10, 20 Stcrtinki i Cu-Ni Zn
T h e r e a r e o f t e n c o m m e n t s o n t h e effects of s t r a t e g i c s u p p l y
1Lev 1! Cu-Ni Fe
i n t e r r u p t i o n s , u s i n g t h e r e c e n t oil e m b a r g o a s a n e x a m p l e . F o r
Canada ECent 11 Ni Cu-Zn, Fe
i n s t r u c t o r s i n t e r e s t e d in t h i s a r e a t h e r e a r e a c t u a l p h y s i c a l 1 Fe
Denmark 1,2, 3 Ore bronze
e x a m p l e s of t h e effects of s u p p l y i n t e r r u p t i o n s p r e s e r v e d in 1,2, 5 (Ore 11 bronze Zn.AI
t h e coinage of m a n y c o u n t r i e s . C u r r e n t s t u d e n t s a r e t o o y o u n g 10, 25 Ore II Cu-Ni Zn
t o r e m e m b e r t h a t b e c a u s e of w a r t i m e m e t a l d e m a n d s , U n i t e d France (several) 11 (various) AI,Zn
S t a t e s c e n t s of 1 9 4 3 w e r e m a d e of z i n c - c o a t e d s t e e l a n d five- Germany 1 Pfennig 1 Cu Al
c e n t pieces (called "five-cent p e a c e s " in s o m e circles) d u r i n g 5,10 Pfennig 1 Cu-Ni Fe
W o r l d W a r II w e r e m a d e of a c o p p e r - s i l v e r - m a g n e s i u m 1 Pfennig 1! bronze 2n
alloy. 5.10 Plennlg 1! AHyonze Zn
Hungary 2 Filler ! bronze Fe
U n d e r n o r m a l c i r c u m s t a n c e s a n u m b e r of f a c t o r s s u c h as 2 Filler II bronze Zn
cost, inertness, availability, appearance, a n d hardness are 20 Filler 1,11 Ni Fe
i n v o l v e d in t h e s e l e c t i o n of a m e t a l or a l l o y u s e d for c o i n a g e . Japan 1,5, 10 Sen II bronze Al, Sn-Zn
During wartime, with supply interruptions and armament Netherlands 1Cent II bronze Zn
production taking precedence over domestic requirements, 6 Cent II Cu-Ni Zn
t h e r e w a s a r e d e f i n i n g of t h e r e l a t i v e v a l u e s of t h e v a r i o u s 10,25 Cent II Ag Zn
metals. M e t a l price changes often complicated the situation; Norway 1, 2, 5 tBre Ml bronze Fe
h o w e v e r , in m o s t i n s t a n c e s t h e prices of d o m e s t i c a l l y p r o d u c e d 10.25,50 Ore !l Cu-Ni Zn
m e t a l s were " f i x e d " d u r i n g w a r t i m e . T h e enclosed t a b l e lists Romania 2 Lei II Cu-Ni Zn
s o m e of t h e s i g n i f i c a n t c o i n a g e c h a n g e s b r o u g h t a b o u t b y 20 Lei II Nl-brass Zn
Sweden 1. 2, 5 Ore Ml bronze Fe
W o r l d W a r s I a n d II. N u m e r o u s o t h e r c h a n g e s h a d a less sig-
10, 25. 60 Ore Ml Ag N!-bronze, Ag
n i f i c a n t effect of t h e circulating coinage as j u d g e d b y m i n t a g e
Switzerland 1,2 Centime i\ bronze Zn
figures. I n m o s t o f t h e e x a m p l e s l i s t e d , t h e r e w a s a r e t u r n a f t e r
t h e war to the pre-war coinage metal. a Data and metal descriptions (rora; Hare, R. P.. "A Guide Book of Modern Emopean
Coins," Wtiitman PtM. Co., Racine, Wl. 196B; Krause, C. L. and MlsWer. C. "Standard
For m a n y countries wartime adaptations included making Catalog of World Coins," Krause Publications, tola, Wl, 1972,
smaller, thinner, or holed coins t o save vital supplies, while
in other cases t h e r e were n o w a r t i m e coins m i n t e d or t h e r e was
a shift t o p a p e r c u r r e n c y , inflation was a major factor in t h e E u r o p e p r o d u c e s s o m e c o p p e r while m o s t of t h e world's nickel
c h o i c e of c o i n a g e m e t a l in s e v e r a l c o u n t r i e s . G r a d u a l d e - c o m e s f r o m C a n a d a . I r o n is r e a d i l y a v a i l a b l e i n C e n t r a l E u -
b a s e m e n t of t h e coinage d i d n o t occur d u r i n g t h e W o r l d W a r s ; r o p e , a s is z i n c f r o m d e p o s i t s i n P o l a n d a n d G e r m a n y , C o n -
r a t h e r , t h e r e w a s a c o m p l e t e switch in m e t a l c o n t e n t from t h e sequently, areas d o m i n a t e d by the Central a n d Axis powers
s t r a t e g i c a n d / o r i m p o r t e d m e t a l s t o less strategic, d o m e s t i c a l l y h a d iron a n d zinc coinages d u r i n g t h e W o r l d W a r s . T h e s e
p r o d u c e d metals. Significant d e b a s e m e n t was often a postwar c h a n g e s w e r e s u i t a b l e for e m e r g e n c y c o i n a g e s only. M a n y of
p h e n o m e n o n , as in G r e a t Britain in 1920 a n d 1947. D u r i n g t h e t h e i r o n a l l o y s u s e d for W o r l d W a r I c o i n a g e s o x i d i z e d r e a d i l y ,
W o r l d W a r s t h e r e a c t u a l l y w a s a n i n c r e a s e in m i n t a g e of s i l v e r w h i l e zinc coins w e r e r a t h e r soft. W o r l d W a r II c r e a t e d t i n
coins in Canada, G r e a t Britain, and the United States. Be- s h o r t a g e s i n m u c h of t h e w o r l d , b u t b e c a u s e J a p a n c o n t r o l l e d
c a u s e of l i m i t e d s u p p l i e s , S w e d e n p r o d u c e d o n l y a p o r t i o n of t h e m a j o r tin sources in s o u t h e a s t Asia t h i s m e t a l was less
i t s w a r t i m e c o i n a g e from s i l v e r ( s e e t a b l e ) . S c r a p m a t e r i a l w a s s t r a t e g i c t o t h e J a p a n e s e , w h o u s e d it a s a m a j o r c o m p o n e n t
f r e q u e n t l y u s e d for c o i n a g e : t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s p r o d u c e d i n alloys for w a r t i m e c o i n a g e .
o n e - c e n t pieces during 1944 a n d 1945 from salvaged shel!
P r e w a r coinages were often p r o d u c e d from various combi- Brief descriptions of phenomena, topics, facis. etc., which chemical
n a t i o n s of c o p p e r , n i c k e l , a n d t i n . D u r i n g w a r t i m e t h e s e ele- educators have found to be of interest in their leaching, are presented
m e n t s a l s o f o u n d i n c r e a s e d i m p o r t a n c e as c o m p o n e n t s of tnihis column In a "note type" format.
n u m e r o u s steels a n d alloys used for shell casings. C e n t r a l
The title, "Coping with Shifting Student Expectations" educator once commented on "the infinite capacity of the
implies that students now in higher education have expecta- undergraduate to resist the intrusion of knowledge." This
tions different from previous students. Do we have evidence infinite resistance to knowledge applies more than ever now,
of this? Is it an impression that we have? Could it be that our especially to the fields of science and, in particular, chemistry.
expectations of the students is what has changed? We can I have spoken with students who take pride in telling me that
assess ourselves but in the absence of adequate data we cannot they have never had a chemistry course, and furthermore
presume to assess the students. If for a moment we turn this hoped they never would. Other students who have had one
topic around, we may get a little perspective, at least, on disastrous chemistry course in high school tell me they would
ourselves. never consider taking another. When I meet a class for the first
time I'm apologetic. I try to convince them that chemistry is
Everyone who has been teaching for more than five years
not something dreadful; that it can be exciting, challenging,
is aware that, for a variety of reasons, the way we feel about
and even stimulating. I tell them that learning itself is a
our students begins to change. We often feel about our stu-
chemical process and although taking the course may not lead
dents the way we fee! about ourselves. When we are young,
directly to immediate employment or a "pot of gold," it may
new in the profession, vigorous and enthusiastic we demand
come in handy some day when they least expect i t It may help
a great deal of ourselves and assume that we can also demand
them make informed choices on scientific and technological
a great deal of our students. As we continue to teach is it
issues facing our society.
possible that we put out iess energy and that our students
therefore achieve Jess? Because of that, we ascribe to our We are caught in the compromising position of having to
students a lowering of expectations. If we mean the opposite, teach skills without abandoning the development of the kind
I have yet to hear it. Are the student expectations shifting of mind that can think logically and reason effectively.
upward or downward? Somewhere in my education I've come to believe in learning,
If the shift of expectation occurs in what is expected of us in questioning, and in the human spirit. 1 owe it to my students
as instructors that is one issue and a big one. But if the shift to let them know how much there is which goes beyond im-
is one that includes the goal of an entire college education then mediate gratification- In coping with these waves of dualistic
we have yet another issue. Judging from the flurry of students tension—pragmatism versus theory, vocation versus aca-
taking business courses, data processing, computer courses, demics, experience versus homework, now versus yesterday
and robotics one would think that the ultimate goal of edu- or tomorrow—I feel that the teacher must have the pervasive
cation was to enable a person to enter the job market com- conviction that learning is in and of itself a highly valuable
petitively, The students seem to look upon education more activity; a goal worthy of everyone's pursuit and one that
vocationally and to be more goal-oriented than ever before. draws a variety of rewards.
We are expected as teachers to show them how to "make The economic climate of the 80's, in which teachers must
it"—that is, have a marketable skill. The question I would like worry about enrollment, combined with our egalitarian open
to pose is; how do ! (and maybe some of you) having been door policy has forced us to make certain adjustments. I'm
raised in a tradition of knowledge for its own sake face stu- aware, for example, that it has become increasingly important
dents who are not interested in the very values that drove me for me not to fail too many students. Because of that, our de-
to find my own education? How do I bridge the gap between mands are lowered and there is an erosion of student expec-
the value systems: vocational skills versus pursuit of knowl- tations. It is known that people perform at a level at which you
edge? Thomas Ixnmsbury, that great turn-of-the-century Yale assume they are going to perform. Perhaps we tend to sell our
w h av e te
m i i
ouIh tgihtstu den tsn
.d T heyh areessu p rsanietgdylyl ceaxnpdrdiesedandtherIen b
seems to be that students want better grades for less input.
The question we face is shall we continue to acquiesce in the
lowering of expectations by accepting the diminished demands
ne. Ictonccu to c o si
lnsoin,bIeme r tem uetsdadn r
mp e
tivtharaoitusthsiwatoyp ciW isean i .
of our students, a reflection of our own lowered estimate of
their abilities? I beiieve we have permitted it to happen and o n
etiatecrhtw ern a
re.spIonsw bityilou v
ask w i
eltoaselavstu deyn si.'T heh s.
yi aw reon i
we have the ability to turn it around. Although we are involved
in a crisis where headcount in the classroom looms large and
some of our jobs may be at stake, I feel that we must do a
ncu lsoins: i e d dl i
l e e o u w t t
tiu12d))eh Be realistic—make
balancing job. We must offer courses with substance and re-
ward excellence and not mediocrity. A faculty member's en-
thusiasm and commitment to his or her subject will have the
greatest impact on students and they will in turn be motivated sn tn ets .
p roc e s o
l s e agih t o f h
t e p e a t v ah
ule e f
oft e lah
to dig in.
Further, how do we cope with behavioral patterns that go self.
edited by
The advertising literature on single-pan balances (both (perhaps, because the weights are protected, i.e., untouched
mechanical and electronic) ia a commentary on the gullibility by human hands), or to consult them in case of trouble. None
of consumers and the apparently confused ideas many man- supplied directions for calibration. The calibration of the
ufacturers have about weighing. For example, one manufac- weights in such a balance is fully described by a publication
turer of single-pan electronic balance lists for a dual weighing of the American Society for Testing Methods (1}. An alter-
range of 1500/150 g, "readabilities" of 0.1/0.01 g, "precisions" native approach which examines the internal consistency of
of 0.05/0.007 g, and "linearities" of 0.1/0.01 g. The readout the weights but does it without checking their absolute values
displays five digits which accounts for the readability. We and which has been used as a laboratory exercise by one of us
certainly hope the linearity is of the same order. As to how is described in the Appendix.
they determine precisions which are better than the "read- Most manufacturers of single-pan electronic balances in-
ability" or "linearity" we can only guess. cluded directions for calibration. The procedure was to put
Most single-pan electronic balances display five digits, some a "standard" weight, usually unspecified as to density or NBS
show six, and one company even offers eight (0.1 mg for the class (2), on the balance pan and then turn a calibrating screw
1-kg range). The single-pan mechanical balances of the ana- until the read-out gave the nominal weight. The Mettler In-
lytical type {load 160-200 g, "readability" of 0.1 mg and strument Corporation supplies a calibrator weight with its
"precision" of 0.05 mg) generally deliver seven significant balances and also sells them. The Sartorius balance has a
figures. This wealth of "readabilities, precisions, and linear- built-in calibration weight To calibrate any electronic balance
ities" is offered along with oodles of significant figures despite one needs to use a standard weight of adequate accuracy. For
the fact that {we fondly hope) any sophomore taking quanti- a 100-g weight (a typical calibration weight) the class S tol-
tative analysis could tell the manufacturers that due to erance is 0.25 mg, the class S-l tolerance is 1.0 mg, and the
buoyancy effects (if, indeed, this arcane topic is still discussed) class P tolerance is 2.0 mg. Thus, strictly from the viewpoint
the accuracy is often of the order of one part per thousand or of accuracy, it is difficult to understand the extra digits these
0.1%. If an accuracy of 0.1 mg is required in a mass of 100 g balances display. How can an analytical balance be accurate
then buoyancy corrections must be made to 0.i%! to 0.1 mg when a class S weight is only accurate to 0,25 mg?
(The tolerance of a class M 100 rag weight is 0.50 mg.)
Being mightily intrigued by the foregoing and the manu-
facturers' literature, we sent out a brief questionnaire to all Let us now turn to the interesting problem of the density
companies which we could identify as manufacturers of sin- of the weights used inside single-pan mechanical balances. A
gle-pan balances. We asked the following questions of their standard for weights used in analytical balances was pro-
research directors mulgated in 1973 by the Organisation Internationale de
Metrologie Legate. Their recommendation is to use weights
A. Single-Pan Mechanical Balances of density 8.0 g em" 3 at 20°C. All of the Mettler balances built
1. What are your "weights" made of and what is their den-
sity? since 1973 have weights made of stainless steel with a density
2. Do you have a set of instructions for calibrating the of 7.96 g cm""3 but "adjusted" to 8.0 g cm""3 for a standard air
"weights", oy must this check be done by you? density of 1.2000 g cm" 3 , Eariier Mettler balances used
3. Do you have a set of instructions applying to buoyancy cor- stainless steel weights of 8.4 g cm""3. We do not know how
rections? Mettler accomplishes this "adjustment". Ainsworth uses
nickel-plated brass weights of density 8.4 g cm""3 in some
B. Single-Pan Electronic Balances balances and stainless steei ones of density 7.8 g cm" 3 in
1. Do you have a set of instructions for calibrating the accuracy others. Sartorius balances use weights of 7.88 g cm" 3 density.
of your balance over its fail range? Whatever the original reasons for this multiplicity of weights
2. Since your balances will only read correctly when weighing of different densities, there can be no real excuse for not
objects of a certain density, what is the density of the stan-
dard weights against which your balances were cali- standardizing on weights of a density of 8 g cm""3.
brated? Recently an entire new technology of weighing has been
3. Do you have a set of instructions appfying to buoyancy cor- developed in the form of the all-electronic balance. (A tran-
rections? sition period included mechanical/electronic hybrid balances.)
The responses to these queries were mast disheartening With these devices we have in effect returned to the spring
since almost all of the manufacturers just sent us more liter- balance. The object to be weighed is placed on a pan and
ature in return. Moreover, it was quite evident from the re- downward force is given by
sponses that most manufacturers either do not understand
the idea of buoyancy corrections or believe them to be irrele- Calr
vant (which they sometimes are). This ignorance of buoyancy
corrections is not limited to manufacturers—one of us recently where m is the mass of the object, g, the acceleration of gravity,
heard a colleague complaining that the top loading single-pan and <r is the density (c a i r =« 0.0012 g cm" 3 ). This downward
balance in his laboratory had had a "systematic" error of ap- force is automatically balanced exactly by the interaction of
proximately 1 g/kg ever since it had been bought. the magnetic field from a coil and that of a permanent magnet.
The manufacturers of single-pan mechanical balances ex- The current in the coil is converted electronically to a weight
pect you to accept their original calibrations indefinitely reading and then displayed digitally. It is possible to make the
The outline of group separations for a non-H 2 S analytical M a n y basic Hgands, such as c a r b o n a t e , c o o r d i n a t e t o m e -
scheme applicable to all metallic elements is presented here, t a l l i c cations, j u s t as w a t e r does, t h r o u g h oxygen a t o m s . I t is
along with an outline of an abbreviated and otherwise modi- t h e r e f o r e n o t s u r p r i s i n g t h a t n o n c h e l a t i n g oxy~ligands t h a t
fied version designed for some emphasis on nutritionally im- can displace w a t e r from some cations will probably react with
portant metals, with special attention to 10 cations. The more m o s t of t h e m . T h i s leads t o p o o r selectivity for initial sepa-
complete scheme will be referred to as the Bromide Scheme rations. We d o well t o start, consequently, with reagents acting
and the shorter one as the Iodide Scheme. A survey of the t h r o u g h (nonmetallic) a t o m s far from oxygen in t h e periodic
relevant literature from about the last 50 years is included. c h a r t a n d correspondingly different chemically. (Even nearby
chloride, in t h e s t a n d a r d p r o c e d u r e s , r e m o v e s several of t h e
Major Features few m e t a l s in t h e first g r o u p q u i t e incompletely.) A good
O n e p r o b l e m in basing teaching o n s y s t e m s of q u a l i t a t i v e g e n e r a l s t r a t e g y , t h e n , is t o u s e oxy-ligands, a n d p e r h a p s
analysis is t h e i n c o m p l e t e correlation between m e m b e r s h i p fluoride, only after m a n y m e t a l s h a v e been r e m o v e d from
of a n e l e m e n t in a n analytical g r o u p a n d its position in t h e u n k n o w n s b y m e a n s of m o r e polarizable a n d selective re-
periodic table. As stated by S o r u m a n d Lagowski ( i ) , " . . . a g e n t s , s u c h a s b r o m i d e a n d iodide.
since t h e periodic table provides t h e b e s t available organized F i g u r e 1 outlines t h e m a i n B r o m i d e S c h e m e s e p a r a t i o n s .
p i c t u r e of t h e properties of t h e elements a n d their compounds, Figure 2 shows t h e resulting organization of t h e periodic chart.
we s h o u l d e x p e c t t h e periodic t a b l e t o serve as a useful g u i d e T h e n u m b e r s a r e analytical g r o u p n u m b e r s . M n , Fe, Co, a n d
in m a n y phases of qualitative analysis." T h e Bromide S c h e m e N i , for e x a m p l e , a r e in G r o u p 2. T h e n u m b e r s with a s t e r i s k s
is p a r t l y t h e result of a long effort t o a c c e n t u a t e t h a t useful- designate t h e nonmetals t h a t coordinate directly t o t h e cations
ness. in t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g groups. T h e 2* over N , for e x a m p l e ,
A n o t h e r p r o b l e m with q u a l i t a t i v e analysis h a s been t h e shows t h a t t h e N a t o m s in c y a n o c o b a l t a t e a r e directiy at-
interference of various organic and inorganic substances. Even t a c h e d t o t h e p r e c i p i t a t e d cations in G r o u p 2. T h e Iodide
p h o s p h a t e causes t h e calcium (carbonate) group, in s t a n d a r d S c h e m e o u t l i n e is in F i g u r e 3. W e n o t e t h a t t h e simplified
s y s t e m s , t o p r e c i p i t a t e t o o early. C i t r a t e , sugar, E D T A , a n d procedures of Figure 3, without solvent extraction, p u t Zn into
p o l y p h o s p h a t e s a r e a few of t h e c o m m o n ligands t h a t can a n a l y t i c a l G r o u p 2 r a t h e r t h a n G r o u p 1.
p r e v e n t precipitation of t h e a l u m i n u m (hydroxide) a n d o t h e r A n y specific set of d i r e c t i o n s raises t h e q u e s t i o n of using a
groups. B r o m i d e a n d iodide can prevent precipitation of some cookbook a p p r o a c h . T h i s a u t h o r also p r e a c h e s a n d claims t o
sulfides, even t h a t of m e r c u r y . As a result we either d i s p e n s e practice a strong emphasis on thinking. We should certainly
artificial u n k n o w n s w i t h o u t t h e s e i m p o r t a n t s u b s t a n c e s , or recognize, t h o u g h , t h a t s t u d e n t s n e e d t h e m o s t h e l p a t t h e
i n c l u d e t e d i o u s ways of dealing w i t h t h e m . S t u d e n t s can still beginning of any systematic analysis, partly because t h e y t h e n
learn a great deal, p e r h a p s even because of t h i s , b u t one value h a v e t o work w i t h t h e largest n u m b e r of p o t e n t i a l l y p r e s e n t
of t h e Bromide a n d Iodide Schemes is t h a t each can overcome m e t a l s . R e a d e r s will see some of our ways of dealing with t h i s .
m o s t , t h o u g h n o t q u i t e all, of t h e s e difficulties. W e m a y a d d t h a t t h e p r o p e r a n d i m p r o p e r use of fixed in-
s t r u c t i o n s is n o t confined t o q u a l i t a t i v e analysis.
Presented at the 6th International Conference on Chemical Education, A d d i t i o n a l c o m m e n t s a n d procedural details a r e available.
College Park. MD, August 9-14.1981, and at the 7th Biennial Confer- E x p e n s i v e r e a g e n t s h a v e been avoided, b u t information on
ence on Chemical Education, stillwater, OK, August 8-12, 1982. costs p e r u n k n o w n is also available. (See s u m m a r y . )
M t p l in CrCfr,
solvent (orCrPO, etc.).
After each group precipitation {or striven! extraction! the remaining aqueous solution Is treated by the next procedure to the fight. The resufttng precipitates and
extracts are shown below the corresponding procedures.
Notes: The reducing agent, reiJ-agt.. can be ascorbic acid. Mfp is methyltriphenyiphosphonium. Mel is a metal in Hie group. Cfr is cupierrate.
Bromides of Ge, As, and Se can be distilled out (2) as Subgroup 1a before extraction of the bromo-complexes in Group 1 (or 1£>), for which ffie [HBr] Is made 3
4 3 2* 3* 4*
Li Be B C N O F
5 4 r 3
Na Mg A! a, P s CI
2 1 _ — — -._* 1*
K Ca Sc Ti V Cf Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga (Ge As Se) Br
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd rn Sn Sb Te I
Cs Ba Ld HE Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At
Ft Ra Ac Th Pa U
Lti = Santhanoids or rare earths. 3. Cupferrates: MetCfr,; MelQsCfr,. (Or phosphates.! Cfr = C^-i s —NjO 2 .
Groups separated: 4. Fluorides, MeiF,.
1. Mainly bromo-compfexes, MetBr,?"; Met!,*~; Met. 5. (Soluble).
2. Cyanocobaltates, approx.
+ 4-
Add HC1 as in as in as in Gr. 5
KI Table 1 Table 1 Table 1 Na* e t c .
red-agt. (Check N I C
5 3 3,4*
Li j Be B C N 0 F
3 2,3* 1*
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
4 2 3 a
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br
2 1 2
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Kh Pd Ag cd In Sn Sb Te I
Cs Ba Ld Hf Ta W j Ee Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb - Po At
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U
edited by
profile/ in chemi/try
School ot Education, Son U-33
The University ot Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06268
The general procedure for the identification of nitrate is the Permanganates interfere because of their color.
anion group separation which is made with barium and silver The triphenylbenzylphosphonium chloride (TPBPC) re-
solutions (1), or by division into three main groups: AgNOg agent was tested to see if it precipitated any anions other than
group, BaCl 2 group, and the soluble group (which are the nitrate, or would interfere with the standard qualitative teats
anions t h a t do not precipitate with AgNO 3 or BaCla), NO 3 ~ (6), (7), for anions other than nitrate. As a result of the tests,
is in this group (2). The separation procedures are then fol- a new qualitative scheme had to be written, since TPBPC
lowed by the individual tests for the aniona. precipitated the anions: Br~, NO2"", I~, and MnXV".
The standard test for nitrate wili be referred to as the
"Brown Ring" test. Since the dependability of the"Brown New Qualitative Procedure
Ring" test is questionable, a new qualitative scheme was
(This Procedure follows the laboratory manual by Hered
written using the reagent, triphenylbenzylphosphonium
chloride (TPBPC). and Nebergail) (8):
Procedure 6
if*! Identification of NOS~ in the absence of NOi~,Br~,andI~.
To 1 ml of the prepared solution add 5-8 dropa of the prepared
reagent (TPBPC). A white crystalline precipitate confirms the
, — P — O C I presence of NO3~.
Procedure 7
Identification of NOS" in the presence of NO-i~,
T r i p h e n y l b e n z y l p h o a p h o n i u m c h l o r i d e is a slightly c r y s - If the NOs~ is between 0.3 and 0.1 M there is no interference with
talline solid t h a t is soluble in alcohol, b u t only slightly soluble TPBPC.
in w a t e r a n d a c e t o n e . I t is soluble in a l i p h a t i c a n d a r o m a t i c Removal of NO2".
h y d r o c a r b o n s . I t h a s a molecular weight of 388.9, m i n i m u m To 8 drops of the prepared solution add 4 M H$Ot until acidic,
p u r i t y of 9 5 % a s supplied, a n d a m e l t i n g p o i n t of 3 2 5 - 3 3 3 ° C
and then add 4 drops of 1M {NHjJaSC^ solution. Place the mixture
in a casserole and slowly evaporate to a moist residue (not dryness).
(3). W h e n a d d e d t o a solution c o n t a i n i n g n i t r a t e , t h e t r i - Add 4 drops of H2SO4 and evaporate to a moist residue a second
p h e n y l b e n z y l p h o s p h o n i u m chloride f o r m s t r i p h e n y l b e n z y l - time. Dissolve the residue in 10 drops of H2O and transfer the
p h o s p h o n i u m n i t r a t e , a w h i t e crystalline solid. mixture to a small test tube. Repeat the test for the confirmation
of NOg- (as described in Procedure 6 with the TPBPC reagent) on
Standard Qualitative Test for Nitrate (4) the sample resulting from the removal of NO^-.
The "Brown Ring" test for nitrate is made by adding ferrous
sulfate to the unknown in a test tube and then carefully adding Three different trials were run to see if the elimination process
concentrated sulfuric acid in such a manner that it does not interfered with nitrate samples.
mix but forms a separate layer at the bottom of the tube. If 1) Sample of NO2": removed N<V; no precipitate with reagent
TPBPC when tested for NO3~.
nitrate is present, a fine, brown ring wil! be formed at the 2) Sample of NO2"" and NOs~: removed NO3"; tested positive with
junction of the acid and the solution. reagent TPBPC for NO 3 ".
3) Sample of NO3"~: followed procedure to remove NO2 ; tested
NO3 + 3Fe 2+ + 4H -* 3Fe 3+ 4- NO +2HjO positive for NO 3 " with reagent TPBPC.
Fe 2+ + NO -* [Fe(N0)] a+ Thus, the method of eliminating NOs™ and testing for NCV with the
reagent TPBPC was successful.
In the first reaction the nitrate ion is reduced to nitric oxide
by the ferrous sulfate. The nitric oxide then combines with Procedure 8
excess ferrous ion to form a brown complex, [Fe(NO)] 2 + . Identification of WOa~ in the presence of Br~ and I~,
Removal of Br~ and I". To a test tube containing 6 drops of the pre-
Interferences in the Brown Ring Test pared solution, add 10 drops of H2O. Acidify the solution with 4 M
The reaction only occurs at the junction of the solution and HOAc and then 80 rag of powdered AgaSO* (NOa~ free). Stir and
the H2SO4, where the acidity is high. If the solution is mixed, grind the mixture in the test tube for 2-3 mm. Separate and transfer
no test is obtained. the solution to fl test tube. Repeat the test as described in Procedure
6 on the solution obtained from the removal of Br" and I".
Bromides and iodides react with the concentrated H2SQ4 Of follow procedures 13 and 14 as follows:
to liberate free iodine or bromine.
Dilute 6 drops of the prepared solution with 12 drops of HaO. Add
Sulfides, suifites, and other reducing agents interfere with HOAc until the solution is acidic and then add 2 drops in excess.
the reaction or ferrous sulfate and nitric acid (5). Addlmlof CCI4 and 5-10 drops of prepared chlorine water to the
Chromates are reduced by ferrous sulfate to chromium prepared solution. If Br~ and 1~ are present, they must be removed
suifate, which will appear as a green layer a t the place where by separating the aqueous and COI4 layers and repeating the pro-
the brown ring should form. cess of adding CCL, and chlorine water until the solution is colotless.
It ia sometimes forgotten that, besides being a very powerful CH2CI2. T h e c o m b i n e d CH2CI2 e x t r a c t s a r e d r i e d over N a C l
technique of quantitative analysis, GC can also be used a n d distilled t o a small volume.
qualitatively {/). This is especially true if, as is often the case, A l t h o u g h b a n a n a is a fruit t h a t c o n t a i n s a relatively high
considerable information is already available on the sample p e r c e n t a g e of volatile flavoring c o m p o u n d s , still only a b o u t
to be identified. Examples would he in monitoring environ- 20 p p m i s n o r m a l l y p r e s e n t (3). T h i s m e a n s t l i a t if a kilogram
mental samples for a suspected contaminant, or the identifi- of fruit is used in t h e distillation, t h e final e x t r a c t will c o n t a i n
cation of one or more of a restricted set of compounds such as only a b o u t 20 m g of volatile m a t e r i a l . T h i s will b e sufficient
drugs in a biological sample, or volatile compounds in an ar- if t h e v o l u m e of t h e e x t r a c t is r e d u c e d t o 100-200 <ul a n d if a
tificai flavoring. In these cases, a direct coupling of the GC G C w i t h flame ionization d e t e c t o r s is used. I t will p r o b a b l y
with other instrumentation, especially MS, gives good quali- n o t b e e n o u g h if a t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y i n s t r u m e n t is t o b e
tative and quantitative results but such expensive and dedi- used, a n d it m a y t h e n b e necessary t o c o m b i n e t h e e x t r a c t s of
cated instrumentation is often not necessary for nearly un- several s t u d e n t s ; in fact, i t would b e an a d v a n t a g e t o h a v e a
ambiguous identification. At the very least, proper use of the small group of s t u d e n t s d o t h e e x p e r i m e n t as a project a n d use
GC alone can limit the use that needs to be made of other in- a pooled e x t r a c t . T h e e x t r a c t s h o u l d h a v e a n odor similar t o
strumentation. t h e original b a n a n a s ; t h e residual CHjClg d o e s n o t c o n t r i b u t e
significantly t o t h e odor.
The following experiment is intended for the undergraduate
laboratory as an illustration of the use of GC retention indexes
for the identification of unknown compounds, specifically, the Preparation of Standards
identification of the volatile compounds responsible for the Although it is possible to look up retention indices in the
odor of the banana. This complex sample was chosen to show literature (4), not very satisfactory results are obtained since
the limitations as weli as the usefulness of identification by the GC columns used will probably differ considerably from
retention index only, and because of student interest in such those in the literature. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare
a sample. In addition, other common laboratory procedures standards. This is made easier by the fact that by far the
are illustrated: preparation of the sample illustrates steam majority of volatile compounds present in banana are low-
distillation and solvent extraction, and the preparation of molecular-weight alcohols, esters, and ketones (5). In fact, the
standards requires an ester synthesis. The experiment can be C2-C6 alcohols {including isobutyl and isoamyl), esters of these
extended so that individual components of banana are isolated alcohols with C 2 -C 6 acids (including isobutyric and isovaleric),
and their identity confirmed by infrared, nuclear magnetic and the Cj-Ce 2-alkanones are those most commonly found
resonance, and/or mass spectrometry. Finally, from the results in most fruits (6). In banana, 2-pentano! and esters of 2-pen-
of the GC analysis, an artificial banana flavor can be prepared tanol are also common, while propanoates are rare and can be
and compared (by GC and by nose) to the natural flavor and omitted. The propyl esters can be omitted as well, but to in-
to a commercially available artificial banana flavor. clude them requires no extra time, and it helps in the assign-
ment of GC peaks (vide infra). Later they may be deleted.
Extraction of the Volatile Compounds from Banana Thus, 59 standards must be measured, but they may be run
There are two main problems in the analysis of any fruit by as only nine samples by combining them in series that will give
GC; large amounts of non-volatile material are present and
can clog the injector port and column; and the main volatile
component is water, which obliterates the very small quan- (o)
tities of other volatile compounds present. The usual methods •Cftora
of dealing with these problems are distillation to separate the
non-volatile material and solvent extraction to separate the
water (2). These two methods can be carried out in either
order, but the extraction-distillation sequence involves ex-
tracting a pulpy mass with the attendant difficulties of non-
separating immiscible layers and distillation of very small
amounts of volatile material. Thus, the distillation-extraction
sequence is easier.
A quantity of banana pulp is liquefied in a blender with
approximately twice its weight of distilled water and is steam
distilled. {The slurry will rapidly turn to a greyish-brown color
due to oxidation.) The best extract is obtained if the co-dis-
tillation is carried out at reduced pressure to avoid the poss-
iblity of a "cooked" flavor developing. Under aspirator pres-
sure, the banana slurry need only be heated to 40-50°C and
about lk of it should be distilled. The distillate is saturated 100 200
50 ISO
with NaCi and extracted four times with small portions of
' Presenl address: Department of Chemistry, University of Calgary, Figure 1. Gas chromafograms on Apleion L liquid phase, (a) Mixture of vaierate
2500 University Drive, NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4. eslers. (b) Mixture ol n-alkanes.
Table 2. Retention Data and Relative Peak Heights for the Gas
Chromafogtams of Natural Banana Extract
Apiezon Carbowax
Chromatogram Chromatogram
Peatc Kovats Peak Peak Kovats Peak •
No. Index Height Mo. Index Height
A1 638 34 C1 1007 54
A2 672 46 C2 1029 4
A3 684 22 C3 1046 6
A4 711 143 C4 1051 4
AS 743 98 C5 1088 30
A6 761 18 C6 1105 43
A7 806 28 C7 1136 174
A8 841 16 CB 1162 29
A9 853 20 C9 1176 21
A10 876 50 C10 1195 3
A11 888 40 C11 1215 6
A12 915 25 C12 1230 160
A13 957 16 C13 1268 30
A14 979 61 C14 1288 133
A15 987 13 C15 1317 14
A16 1010 124 C16 1332 18
A17 1042 3 C17 1370 100
A18 1065 16 C18 1388 4
A19 1077 9 C19 1418 21
Figure 2. Gas chromatograms of natural banana extract, (A) Apiezon L column.
A20 1093 3 C20 1436 26
(B| Carbowax 1540 column.
A21 1106 9 C21 1451 4
A22 1137 4 CE2 1469 52
A23 1153 30 C23 1479 47
Identification of the Compounds in Natural Banana Extract A24 1163 103 C24 1545 17
A25 1196 13
The gas chromatograms of the natural banana extract on A26 1209 34
the Apiezon and Carbowax columns are shown in Figure 2. A27 1347 22
The major peaks are numbered in both chromatograms so that
each peak can be identified with a letter (A or C for the two
columns) and a number. Also, for each chromatogram, the 1,2, a n d 3 of T a b l e 3 . W r i t e in c o l u m n 4 all of t h e s t a n d a r d s
heights of all peaks are measured and normalized to a sum of that have an Apiezon Kovats Index that matches the Kovats
1000. The listing of peak number, Kovats Index and relative I n d e x o f t h e p e a k . A m a t c h is t a k e n t o b e w i t h i n 6 K o v a t e
peak height for both chromatograms is given in Table 2. The I n d e x U n i t s , T h i s r a n g e reflects t h e r e p r o d u c i h i l i t y of t h e gaa
components of the banana extract can now be identified as c h r o m a t o g r a p h u s e d a n d is c h o s e n large e n o u g h s o t h a t n o
follows: p o s s i b l e m a t c h will b e m i s s e d . I n c l u d e i n c o l u m n s 5 a n d 6 t h e
(I) For each peak in the Apiezon cbromatogram, write its t w o K o v a t s I n d i c e s of t h e s t a n d a r d c o m p o u n d s ( t a k e n f r o m
number, Kovats Index and relative peak height in columns T a b l e 1).
Analysis of Alcohols
In this experiment u n k n o w n alcohois are identified by
m e a s u r e m e n t of t h e i r b o i l i n g p o i n t s a n d viscosities.
test tube thermometer
ring stand 6-mm soft glass tubng
two rings stri&g
wire gauze burner
clamp natural gas
boiling chip capillary viscometer The assembled capillary vlscomeler.
i>/(J mor'i
0.0500 2280
0.100 1670
0.200 818
0.300 324
Variation of maximum eiecirlcal work as a (unction of )n ( ln[n,/(1 — n,)] +
hid - " , ) ] . * Counting gfjuaces ona graph at & versus n 3 .
There is a tendency among certain students to have un- Symbols and Terms
questioning faith in instrumentation. This is particularly true
Symbol Definition
of modern instrumentation with digital readout These stu-
dents report data to a phenomenal number of significant fig- d darK signal (no light falling on detector}
ures while expecting a corresponding accuracy. An apprecia- m slope of the analytical calibration curve in units
tion of the power of modern instrumentation must be tem- of volts/concentration units
pered with an awareness of its limitations. Students should n number of measurements
apply to instrumentation the same statistical awareness that s analytical signal (£ a = £AEF) used in figures
is so conveniently and commonly applied t o classical tech- I f statistic value from Student's tTest
niques. Propagation of error techniques can be used to pin- S background
C concentration
point instrumental limitations and breakdowns as well as they
G* the concentcation at the limit of detection
can be used to demonstrate the capabilities and ultimate
E voNage
limitations of volumetric and gravimetric methods. With this noise (RMSi
in mind, an experiment has been developed for use in our S signal
second analytical chemistry course. We have used an atomic AFE analyte flame emission
emission apparatus as the experimental vehicle; however, the AS tola! analytical emission signal
techniques are generally applicable. 6A biank aspiration
8E total blank emission signal
Alt instruments have limitations over their entire perfor- BFE blank flame emission
mance range. The experiment to be discussed introduces the
student to the terms "detection limit," "signal-to-noise ratio,"
"dynamic range" and "linear dynamic range" as well as pro-
viding the student with a step-by-step procedure for the de-
termination of experimental noise sources in the instrumental time recording their data a n d m a yintroduce unnecessary long
operating ranges. Flame atomic emission (FAE) was used due t e r m drift {low-frequency noise) into their e x p e r i m e n t . T i m e
to the simplicity of the apparatus and data handling. c o n s t a n t s t h a t a r e t o o s m a l l will allow u n n e c e s s a r y n o i s e
through t h e electronic bandpass.
Experimental Procedures and Equipment S t u d e n t s a r e n o wr e a d y t o begin d e t e r m i n a t i o n of instru-
A FAE apparatus with a digital readout is most convenient m e n t a l noises. All noises a r e d e t e r m i n e d b y acquiring 10
for this experiment. A meter "needle" type of readout usually readings a t 5 T C or greater intervals a n d taking t h e standard
cannot provide the readout resolution required to quantize d e v i a t i o n , z, of t h o s e v a l u e s . W h i l e i t m i g h t b e a r g u e d t h a t 3 2
the experimental noise. A strip chart recorder is somewhat o r s o m e i n t e r m e d i a t e v a l u e is m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e , t h e inclusion
better if it has multiple ranges; however, we have found that of m o r e v a l u e s m a yi n t r o d u c e l o w - f r e q u e n c y n o i s e c o n t r i b u -
an inexpensive 3%-digit digital multimeter (DMM) is excel- t i o n s a s well a s s t u d e n t fatigue. F o r p u r p o s e s of later reference
lent, because it usually provides voltage ranges so that a w e w i l !refer t o t h e following p o r t i o n s of t h e e x p e r i m e n t a s
change in amplifier settings is unnecessary throughout the steps.
entire experiment. We have found it convenient to use calcium
<Ca) as an analyte for this experiment. It can be seen visually Step 1.
in the flame, has both elemental and molecular bands, is The first noise to be determined is the "dark" noise, z&. E$
subject to the classic phosphate chemical interference, and is measured by blocking the entrance to the spectrometer so
provides good performance. that no light can pass in. Ed can be broken down further into
The student's first task is to adjust the spectrophotometer other components, many of which can be predicted from
so that the 422.7-nm Ca atomic emission line is observed, The fundamental principles and the reader is encouraged to ex-
wavelength dial usually does not readout the wavelength amine the excellent series of papers by Ingle and Bower {2-7);
precisely thus providing a convenient first contact with reality. however, this is not necessary at this educational level and
While aspirating a high concentration (around 10* ppm) of would not necessarily even be implemented by a researcher
Ca the student must set the gain of the instrument to provide interested in the evaluation of his or her apparatus. The dark
a readout of 5.0 V on the DMM with appropriate initial op- noise, ad. is the minimum noise that can appear in the appa-
erating parameters {gas flows, slit, etc.). This is the highest ratus.
concentration that will be aspirated and the gain must be
adjusted on our system to avoid saturation of our external Step 2.
operational amplifiers. The student must now optimize the spectrometer slit width
The student is expected to determine the electronic time and burner position. This is carried out by optimizing the
constant (1) of the entire apparatus by blocking a high-in- signal-to-background (S/B) ratio. This is a common and
tensity signal and then quickly removing the block. Students sometimes fallacious technique popular in emission spec-
use the guideline that 99% of the final value will be reached troscopy. The S/B is calculated by
in 5 time constants (TC's). The students are then encouraged
to use the general rule that digital observations should be S/B =
made every 5 TC or farther apart BO that the values will be Em
statistically independent. I t is best if the time constant of the and EAFK = # A S ~ -EBE where SAFE is the desired voltage such
system is from 0.1 to 1 s. This range normally will be available that E A P E = mC, E\s is the total voltage measured when as-
on both modern and old equipment. If the time constant ex- pirating a sample solution, and E B E is the voltage of the blank
ceeds 1 s then the students will spend inordinate amounts of solution. The table contains a list of terms and symbols.
Step 5.
The final solutions analyzed are 5 ppm Ca, 5 ppm Ca with Los cone Ca (ppm)
excess phosphate and 5 ppm Ca with excess phosphate and Figure 1. Typical student resutts plotted1 as S/N versus log C (curve Aland EA
EDTA. versus log C (curve B).
Experimental Report
Before writing up the experiment, students are instructed
to scrutinize carefully a set of notes on signal-to-noise-ratio
theory provided by J. D. Ingle, Jr. of the Chemistry Depart-
ment of Oregon State University (8). From these notes,
propagation of error theory (available in their text (9)) and
lecture notes it is straightforward for them to derive the fol-
lowing expressions.
(2). /
The information provided in Steps 1 and 3 provide the basis
for determination of the variance of the other major noise
contributors in the system. Using eqns. (1} and (2) as building
blocks it is easy to estimate the magnitude of the blank flame
emission noise, 2BFE> and the noise due to the flame emission
of the analyte, SAFE- The student is asked to carry out several
graphing and writing exercises. We will discuss the more im-
portant of these.
Students are asked to plot the following data and label the
curves A, B, C, D, and E, respectively. Log cone
S/N versus log C Figure 2. Typical plot ot student results tor log Et&e versus log C {discussed as
pkit C in text).
E/,FE versus log C
log EAFE versus log C Exercise 2
£APE versus C
Plots A and B aie made <m the same graph. A typical graph is pre-
£ A re versus C for Step 3 data sented in Figure 1. Clearly the intensity of tiie radiation as measured
by J&AKE (° r by S/B) is constantly increasing; however, the actual
performance of the instrument, aa measured correctly by S/N, ia not
improving (Al) or degrading (A2). This is an important point; "bigger"
Exercise 1 is not necessaniy "better." Indeed, in curve A it can be seen that under
The student is asked what the optimal height and slit settings were certain circumstances the S/N ratio degenerates at higher concen-
based on his data from Step 2. The important point here is that the trations. This is due, in our case, to clogging of the nebulizer, a com-
students used S/B, which is very easy to determine, rather than the mon malfunction with high sait solutions.
more demanding S/N ratio. Assuming that the noise in the blank, ;BE> Plots C and D demonstrate the convenience of logarithmic plots
is the dominant noise is an analysis, this is the correct procedure; for data that covers orders of magnitude. It becomes quite clear to tthe
however, usually this is the case only when data is collected near the students that plot D is very difficult to use in any but the highest
detection limit. When higher intensities are observed, other noise concentration range. The students are instructed U> examine closely
sources become dominant as S » B. Under these conditions the op- Plot C (Fig. 2). It is a 3og/log plot of a relationship wliich should, ide-
timization procedure may not be valid. ally, be linear and follow the general Corcnuia
The reaction of solid ionic thioeyanates, such as KNCS and may be placed around the flask. After ^30 min, replace the —78°C
NHUNCS, with concentrated sulfuric acid to produce carbonyl hath by liquid N2, evacuate the system, and then pump away the
suifide, OCS, along with CO 2 , SO 2 and traces of HCN has been contents of the further U-trap. Transfer the contents of tiie nearer
known for many years as a convenient, small-scale preparation trap to tie coid finger. Record its vapor pressure at —78°C and its
infrared spectrum and determine its molecular weight {6,9).
of OCS (1): of greater antiquity is the reaction of concentrated
sulftsric acid with aqueous solutions of ionic thiocyanates to Here we have followed the published procedure (6) except that we
yield the solid product xanthan hydride (2) C2H 2 N a S 3 , first run the reaction under a pressure of 25 cm Hg air since this generally
gives an easier separation of COa from the remainder of the volatile
prepared by W6h3er (3) as long ago as 1821. Xanthan hydride products, and use different concentrations of H2SO4 in the range of
has been characterised in the solid state by X-ray analysis (4) 60%-96%. Students are provided with vapor pressure data (-78°C)
as 5-anibio-l,2,4-dithiazol-3-thione, (I), and this constitution and infrared data, and they must identify the principal components
persists in solution also (5). of the reaction products from the IR spectrum and assign as many of
the bands as possible to fundamentals and combination bands.
Inventory Control
Globe High School
501 Ash
Globe, AZB53G1
T h e c o s t of v a r i o u s c o m m e r c i a l i n d i c a t i n g e l e c t r o d e s r a n g e s
f r o m a b o u t $ 4 0 for p H e l e c t r o d e s t o a s m u c h a s § 3 5 5 for a
p o t a s s i u m ion-selective electrode.1 T h i s cost can b e r e d u c e d
t o less t h a n $1.50, a n d in s o m e cases t o m e r e p e n n i e s b y
m a k i n g sensors from g r a p h i t e r o d s a n d pencils for u s e in p o -
t e n t i o m e t r i c t i t r a t i o n s . T h e s a m e s e n s o r c a n b e u s e d for m a n y
t y p e s of t h e s e t i t r a t i o n s ( a c i d / b a s e , c o m p l e x ! m e t r i c , p r e c i p -
itation, a n d redox).
Hoke and Collins (J) recently used a membrane of polyvi-
nyl(chloride) (PVC) piastieized with dioctylphtha&te (DOP)
as a sensor in the potentiometric titration of altyl aromatic
sulfonate with a cationic surfactant We have found {2,3) that
a spectroscopic graphite rod and various pencils can serve as
inexpensive support materials for this membrane. This sensor
can be considered a variant of the "coated-wire" electrodes
introduced by Cattrall and Freiser (4) in 1971.
Tttration ceil with a coaled no. 2 pencil sensor and a slngie-junctlon reference electrode.
The bath consists of a 30-gal. polyethylene tub, a homemade 1000-W immersion healer, and a 24-hr timer.
Six inches of insulation are removed from a 5-ft section of 18/2 heater ("lamp") cord (with plug). An uninsulated, sol-
derless connector is used to attach one end of an 11-ft piece of 22-gauge Chrome! wire (total resistance = 10.7 ofcma) to one
of the heater cord wires. The connected wires are slipped into a 12 X % in. O.D. Vycor tube and the majority of the Chromei
wire wound around the outside of the tube to form a 6-ia.-long heater coil. The other end of the Chromel wire is then attached
to the other heater cord wire and the solderless connector pounded.flat. The entire heater assembly is then slipped inside
an i l X %-in. O.D. Vyc«r tube which has been sealed at one end. This assembly, in turn, is inserted into a hole ( # 1 0 borer)
in a # 1 1 Neoprene stopper as shown in the figure. Note that the Vycor tubes are arranged so that the uninsulated portions
of the heater cord wires cannot touch. The heater is pushed firmly into a 2-in. -diameter hole which is drilled just above the
bottom of the tube. A cap of PVC pipe fittings is notched to accommodate the heater cord and pushed onto the Neoprene
stopper to protect the bare wires. To protect the Vycor tubes from heavy giassware, a rigid plastic grill (a refrigerator pop
can dispenser manufactured by Rubbermaid) ia epoxied to the bottom of the tub. Setting the time to heat for 2.5 hr provides
a maximum temperature of about 75"C {except for a region within \ in. of the tub bottom) and yields truly clean glass-
o r p e r h a p s a s Q o s / Q r e d w h e n t h e p o s i t i o n o f t h e c h a r g e s is s t i l l
n o t c l e a r a n d a s Q + / Q or Q / Q ~ w h e n t h e p o s i t i o n of t h e
c h a r g e s is k n o w n . I t s h o u l d n o t b e s h o w n a s s i m p l y Q . It is the photon which provides the energy for the work to be
F u r t h e r , in some representations, t h e reductions are written done.
i n t h e w r o n g s e n s e , i.e., 2) The reduced quinone (Q^red) reacts with a plastocyanin
via a series of reactions involving a quinone, a plastoquinone
H2O - V2O2 + 2 H + + 2 e - and a cytochrome; again an electron is transferred .
T h i s is t o c o n v e y t h e p a r t i c u l a r d i r e c t i o n o f t h e r e a c t i o n d u r i n g
e l e c t r o n t r a n s f e r b u t it c a n lead t o difficulties in calculation
if t h e Ee v a l u e is t a k e n , m i s t a k e n l y , t o r e f e r t o t h i s d i r e c -
tion. The transfer is a downhill process so it is a spontaneous step
2) T h e a x i s is labelled " o x i d a t i o n / r e d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l , " and work is available
Southeast edited by
D. W. Daniel Nigh School
Central, SC 29630
February 15,1984
Augusta College, Continuing Education Bldg., Augusta, GA 30910.
For further information, contact: Greg Witchw, (404) 826-3621.
February 28,1B84
Southern Mississippi University, University Union, Hattiesburg, MS
For further information, contact: Frances A. Karnes, (601)368-7011.
March 13,1984
University of Virginia, School of Education—Ruffner Hall, 405 Emmett
Street, CharloKesvllle, VA 22903.
For further information, contact Jean Raybum, (S04) 924-7751.
March 20,1984
Northeast edited by
Catawba College, College Community Centre, Salisbury, NC
Brookllne High School For further information, contact: James A. Nesbrtt, (704) 637-4402.
Brookline, MA 02146
March 23,1984
February 29,1984 Mississippi University for Women, The Hogarth Student Center (2nd
ULUM CONFERENCE to be held at the College of St. Elizabeth, For further information, contact: Joe Portera. (701) 329-4750,
Convent Station, NJ. April 3, 1984
Topic: "The Importance of Hands-On Science Activities In K-12 Educa-
tion". University ol Kentucky, Student Center Annex, Lexington, KY
Fot further information, contact Joseph Kamsar, 822 Deny Drive, Toms 40506.
River, NJ 08753, (301) 341-9200, XS10. For further Information, contact: Timothy R. Burcham, (606) 257-1606.
April 10,1984
March 5-9,1984
Tennessee Technological University, University Center, Cookesvifle,
APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY AND EXPOSITION 1984 to be held in For further information, contact: James C. Perry, (615) 528-3888.
Atlantic City, NJ.
Conference theme will highlight New Horizons in Nuclear Magnetic Res- For the stale of Florida, the list of AP seminars may be obtained from Hie
onance Spectroscopy. College Board, Suite 200, 1? Executive Park Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA
For further information, contact The Pittsburgh Conference, 437 Donald 30329, or by contacting Nella Connors, Bureau of Curriculum Services,
Road, Dept. J-224, Pittsburgh, PA 16235. Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL 30231, (904) 487-
March 17,1984
THIRD BIENNIAL CHEMISTRY DAY to be held at Drew University,
Madison, NJ co-sponsored by the Teacher Affiliate Group of the North
Jersey Section, American Chemical Society, the New Jersey Science Northcentra! edited by
Teachers Association and Drew University. ROBERT SUITS
For further information, contact: James Miiler, Chemistry Dept., Drew D. H. Hickman High School
University, P.O. Box HS-7, Madison, hi) 07940. (201) 377-3000, X3S9. Columbia, MO 65201
March 7, 1984
Southcentral edited by
Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits—Technical & Design
Cypress-Fairbanks High School Speaker: R. E. Bryant, Asst. Professor of Computer Design, California in-
Houston, TX 77064 Stitute Of Technology.
S2ND TWO-YEAR COLLEGE CONFERENCE, Tarrant County Junior The Crack: the Most Expensive "Nothing"
College, Northeast Campus, Hurst, TX 76053. Speaker: W. T. Krtauss, Professor of Aeronautics 8 Applied Mechanics.
For further information, see the December 19S3 issue of THIS JOURNAL.
May 2, 1984
The Atomic Nucleus: Quantum Physics on a Grand Scale
edited by Speaker: S. C. Koonln, Professor of Theoretical Physics.
ERIC STREITBERGER For further Information on the above lectures, contact t e e f. Browne, or
University of California-Fulierton Phyllis Brewater, California institute of Technology, Pasadena. CA
Fullerton, CA 96231 91125,(213)356-6624.
electric field intensity or strength and not battery voltage
which was being described. In the experimental portion of this
paper, Millikan describes the distance between the parallel
plates as 1.600 cm. A simple calculation shows that the battery
voltage was much greater than 8000 V. (SI units are used.)
Specification of R/S in a Muiiichiral Molecule Two communications have appeared [J. CHJ5M. EDUC., 56,
To the Editor: 451 (1979), 57, 528 (1980); Biochem. Educ, 8,105 (1980)] in
which simple ways to relate R, S stereochemical designations
The recent note 1 describing the specification of R or S to to Fischer projections were presented. Any system, simple or
a chiral molecule by an even number of group exchanges be- complex, cannot be used successfully to relate the R, S des-
comes extremely difficult for a multichiral molecule. Since an ignations to Fischer projections if an incorrect two-dimen-
odd number of interchanges is equivalent to inversion, 2 the sional projection is made of the three-dimensional model of
following method might be useful regardless of the number the structure [Appendix 2, IUPAC Tentative Rules for the
of involved chiral centers. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Section E. Fundamental
Stereochemistry, J. Org. Chem., 35,2849 (1970)). These Rules
1) If the Fischer projection formula has the lowest priority (Section E-7.1) point out that one cannot rotate a Fischer
group, generally hydrogen, to the top or bottom, then projection 90° in the plane without changing the projection
R or S is specified in the usual manner. For example, of the vertical bonds to in front of the plane. In many bio-
chemistry textbooks the standard projection rules are not
COOH being applied to the amino acids, but are being used as if the
rotated vertical bonds project forward. T h e amino acid in
H Dietzel's note {.}. CHEM. E D U C , 56,451 (1979)1 is indeed (R),
but is frequently assumed to be L(S)—see below. This as-
2) I f t h e F i s c h e r p r o j e c t i o n f o r m u l a h a s t h e h y d r o g e n t o t h e sumption is only acceptable when it is clearly stated that it is
left o r t o t h e r i g h t , t h e n t h e R o r S is d e t e r m i n e d a n d being used [Biochem. Educ. ,2,76 (1974)].
then inverted. For example,
NH, 'S{H,
\ ! v
I — CO,H ss 'CHj- - -C- - -5CO5H
OH original inverted and now H5N—C—H 1 A
correct confisura-
tional assignment
S -alanine
For a multichiral molecule, each chiral center can be quickly
I. -alanine
John N. Aronson
and correctly assigned without the possible confusion asso- State University of New York at Atbany
ciated with the switching of groups. For example, Albany, NV 12222
osyfsetm subsatn t
h caet S (cootn
ftan i esngea,sn im G ermaen ) eonfatrya
which such a large number of topics (e.g.,
any l
solids, liquids, gases, phase transitions,
references and problems of varying difficulty.
The chapter sequence is somewhat arbitrary;
statistical mechanics) are introduced in an
. for example, chemical shifts and coupling
constants are discussed in the final chapter
m eutsteachhehtem u nel
a ru
nfedndam o
r enareitled ieasO
arned. th
n atpalagteer65
overview of physical chemistry in chapters 2
and 3, As a book for graduate students re-
although this material logically follows topics
covered in the introductory chapters.
atN e
e.isSotocih noeimm oel iosf O e
Ha ~esoiennstailper moel
they will probably bewilder. i
very helpful; as a first exposure to neophytes
Basic principles, spectral analysis of iso-
tropic systems, chemical shifts and coupling
ccoom f ponen tdofaacnelyarb er
ty engnin a n
nisatgndnigchem srtiythe con-
There are other problems with the orga-
constants are thoroughly covered at a level
appropriate for the advanced undergraduate
u rse an u d er of
nization. (1) If the statistical mechanics of student who has some prior exposure to basic
o e
lc u e
l, a o
tl m ci m as, m o
e l
r m m
a s, a
nd a
chanics, there are too many formulas for ei-
genvalues which must be pulled out of the
mathematical level is elementary and density
matrix formalism ia not utilized. For example,
ceT soehlen iisexsacom rvlun icgap
il foprrobelu fmrh
tse.r su tdy and ofr suc-
hat. (2) A more serious matter concerns the
division of thermodynamics into two blocks
of material. After a conventional introduction
t h e chapter on analysis of complex spectra
begins with a discussion of operator algebra
and proceeds through the formulation and
m exp a erresincetheshom
t wsaetraith l an
t ththesi sltu
i it d
tle entbokwhogoes
before thermodynamics is applied in chapters
15,16, and 17 to real gases, binary solutions,
theory and selection rules appear in an ap-
o se
present a problem to those of us who prefer
Relaxation measurements and mecha-
a n ascim i copnecceapbystl m c
o rur tsctbemastn
e an eld
, a nced
before moving on to molecular phenomena i
to treat thermodynamics and its applications
nisms, multiple-pulse experiments, double
resonance, spin decoupling, the nuclear Ov-
SAFETY Sell T o d a y /
in the I n s u r e T o m o r r o w
Chemical Laboratory In a d d i t i o n t o c o n s t i t u t i n g a
h u g e m a r k e t t h e m s e l v e s , t h e pro-
f e s s o r s w h o r e a d t h e J o u r n a l of
U.S. Foreign
Chemical Education h e l p t o mold
Volume 1 $10.35 $11.25 t h e b r a n d p r e f e r e n c e s of succeed-
(January 1964-January 1967)
i n g g e n e r a t i o n s of s c i e n t i s t s .
Volume 2 $10.35 $11.25 In a m a j o r s t u d y r e c e n t l y con-
(February 1967-Jamiary 1970) d u c t e d for t h e Scientific A p p a -
Volume 3 $10.35 $11.25 ratus Makers Association by
(February 1970-January 1974) Copeland E c o n o m i c s G r o u p , I n c . ,
Volume 4 $11.60 $12.50 t h e y s t a t e " . . . C E G h a s found t h a t
the equipment and apparatus a
(February 1974-January 19S0) s c i e n t i s t u s e s in t h e t r a i n i n g p r o -
Softbound BY X 11° cess tend to be the types and
brand names t h a t he seeks when
T h e articles r e p r i n t e d f r o m t h e J o u r n a l of C h e m i c a l
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E d u c a t i o n reflect a n effort to bring together widely i n d u s t r y or g o v e r n m e n t . "
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The following is m .
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