2020 Texas Sept Topline - tcm18 330588 PDF
2020 Texas Sept Topline - tcm18 330588 PDF
2020 Texas Sept Topline - tcm18 330588 PDF
UMass Lowell
Survey of Texas Voters
Field Dates: September 18-25, 2020
Methodology in Brief
This poll was independently funded by the University of Massachusetts Lowell, designed and analyzed by
the Center for Public Opinion. Data was collected by YouGov, an online polling organization. YouGov
interviewed 1073 respondents who were then matched down to a sample of 1000 registered voters to
produce the final dataset of registered voters. The respondents were matched to a sampling frame on
gender, age, race, and education. The frame of TX Registered Voters was constructed by stratified
sampling from the full 2016 Current Population Survey (CPS) Voting and Registration Supplement, with
selection within strata by weighted sampling with replacements (using the person weights on the public
use file). The matched cases were weighted to the sampling frame using propensity scores. The matched
cases and the frame were combined, and a logistic regression was estimated for inclusion in the frame.
The propensity score function included age, gender, race/ethnicity, years of education, and region. The
propensity scores were grouped into deciles of the estimated propensity score in the frame and post-
stratified according to these deciles. The weights were then post-stratified on 2016 Presidential vote
choice, born again status, ideology, and a four-way stratification of gender, age (4-categories), race (4-
categories) and education (4-categories), to produce the final weight. Benchmarks for born again and
ideology were obtained from the 2014 Pew Religious Life survey. A likely voter screen was then applied
to classify 882 likely voters and a likely voter weight was used in the final model disposition.
UML905a If the presidential election were held today and the candidates were [rotate 1/2] [the
Democrat, Joe Biden], [the Republican, Donald Trump] [rotate 3/4] [the Libertarian, Jo
Jorgensen], and [the Green Party candidate, Howie Hawkins], for whom would you
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Joe Biden 95 43 5
Donald Trump 2 36 93
Jo Jorgensen 1 9 1
Howie Hawkins 0 2 1
Another cand. 0 5 1
Undecided 1 4 1
UML905c And, what if the election for President were held today and the candidates for President
were [rotate] [the Democrat, Joe Biden] and [the Republican, Donald Trump], for whom
would you vote?
UML905d IF UNDECIDED: Do you lean more towards [rotate name order] [Joe Biden] or [Donald
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Joe Biden 96 43 5
Donald Trump 2 31 93
Another cand. * 13 1
Undecided 2 3 1
UML906a If the election for U.S. Senate were held today, and the candidates were [rotate] [the
Democrat, MJ Hegar], and [the Republican, John Cornyn], for whom would you vote?
UML906b IF UNDECIDED: Do you lean more towards [rotate name order] [MJ Hegar] or [John
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
John Cornyn 7 35 91
MJ Hegar 83 44 3
Another cand. 0 10 0
Undecided 10 11 6
UML906c As you know, this year the entire Texas State House of Representatives in Austin is up
for election. If the elections for state senate were being held today, would you vote for
the Republican Party’s candidate or the Democratic Party’s candidate for Texas House of
Representatives in your district?
UML906d IF UNDECIDED: And who are you leaning towards for State Representative?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
GOP Candidate 3 31 93
Dem Candidate 95 49 3
Another cand. 0 6 0
Undecided 2 14 3
UML980 Who do you think will win the presidential election?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Joe Biden 76 28 6
Donald Trump 7 43 85
Another cand. 0 0 0
Not sure 16 29 9
UML907 Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel
things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Right direction 6 26 66
Wrong track 94 74 34
UML908a Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
UML908b Would you say that you [strongly/somewhat] [approve/disapprove] of the way Donald
Trump is handling his job as president?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Strongly approve 3 27 69
Smwht. approve 2 13 23
Smwht. disapprove 12 21 3
Strongly disapprove 83 39 4
UML982a Do you approve or disapprove of the way Greg Abbott is handling his job as governor of
UML982b Would you say that you [strongly/somewhat] [approve/disapprove] of the way Greg
Abbott is handling his job as governor of Texas?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Strongly approve 9 15 46
Smwht. approve 17 25 36
Smwht. disapprove 27 31 10
Strongly disapprove 47 29 8
UML911 How much of the time to do you think you can trust the federal government in
Washington to do what’s right?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Just about always 3 1 6
Most of the time 11 15 16
Some of the time 48 37 55
Hardly ever 38 46 22
UML921a Regardless of who you are planning to vote for, how much do you think Joe Biden and
his allies are cheating in order to win the election?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
A great deal 4 25 57
Somewhat 4 19 25
Very little 14 25 9
Not at all 77 31 9
UML921b Regardless of who you are planning to vote for, how much do you think Donald Trump
and his allies are cheating in order to win the election?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
A great deal 72 34 6
Somewhat 16 21 11
Very little 8 18 19
Not at all 5 28 64
UML920 Do you think that it is safe for your local public schools to be open for face-to-face
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Definitely yes 3 17 38
Probably yes 11 33 40
Probably no 38 18 14
Definitely no 47 32 7
UML915 Do you plan to vote by mail or vote in person on Election day?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Vote by mail 23 20 7
Vote early in person 63 68 63
Vote on Election Day 14 12 30
UMLRBG 1 As you know, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on September
18, 2020. Do you think that the next Supreme Court Justice should be appointed by
[rotate] [the current president], or [the winner of the 2020 presidential election]?
Party ID Leaned
Democrat Independent Republican
Current President 7 37 83
Winner of 2020 93 63 17
This question was added once field had already started. The N for this question is 785 and the MOE is +/-4.6%.
UML940-UML53 Please tell us about some of the qualities of the major two-party candidates.
Regardless of who you plan to vote for, who do you think…
UML959-UML975 We’d like to ask you about how you feel about a number of national political
figures. Please let us know if overall, you have a favorable or unfavorable
impression of them. Select no opinion if you are undecided about that person,
and “never heard of” if you’ve never heard of him or her.
No Never heard of
Favorable Unfavorable
Donald Trump 48 48 3 *
Barack Obama 47 47 6 *
Hillary Clinton 31 59 9 1
Joe Biden 44 50 6 *
Kamala Harris 38 50 10 3
Mike Pence 45 43 12 1
John Cornyn 38 38 19 5
MJ Hegar 35 22 26 17
Ted Cruz 46 43 10 *
Greg Abbott 47 37 15 1
Beto O’Rourke 38 49 10 3
Dan Patrick 31 36 23 10
Bernie Sanders 38 50 12 *
Anthony Fauci 49 27 21 3
Joaquin Castro 24 34 25 17
Julian Castro 26 36 26 12
UML987-UML999 We’d also like to ask you some questions about other people and things. Please
let us know if overall, you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of them.
Select no opinion if you are undecided about them, and “never heard of” if
you’ve never heard of them.
No Never heard of
Favorable Unfavorable
Mark Cuban 36 27 26 11
Jamie Benn 8 3 19 70
Rick Bowness 5 3 20 72
Luka Doncic 17 4 19 60
Jerry Jones 23 33 27 17
Mike McCarthy 21 9 34 36
Tom Herman 11 6 25 58
Dak Prescott 35 11 28 26
Torchy’s Tacos 37 6 25 32
Luby’s 60 13 23 4
Whataburger 84 8 8 1
In-N-Out Burger 49 16 30 5
Joe Rogan 25 14 34 26
Queso 73 4 13 10
HEB Supermarkets 81 2 15 2
Albertson’s 49 11 32 8
Alamo Drafthouse 38 5 30 27