... We Come To Grips With Moisture !
... We Come To Grips With Moisture !
... We Come To Grips With Moisture !
We come to grips with moisture !
For more then 20 years we have specialised in The solutions offered by TROPACK Packmittel
protecting goods from moisture caused damage GmbH are broadly recognized by a wide range
during transport and storage. Our solution: of insurance companies who do not hesitate
a systematic calculated application of desiccants to grant coverage to shipments professionally
to protect a wide range of goods from medical protected by TROPACK solutions.
and food products to machines and textiles.
We come to grips with moisture and keep a tight
Moisture means a high economic risk for manu- grip on it! Our results are sustainable: as if there
facturers, carriers and recipients. Packing, had never been any moisture at all. This is the
dispatch and storage are key points at which TROPACK philosophy for protection of goods and
insufficient care can have severe effects. Her their value.
metic packaging is not sufficient to guarantee
efficient protection. This brochure offers information about applica-
tions, industries, production, material and techno
Changing climate conditions with temperature logy, as well as on our comprehensive product
fluctuations during a sea transport of several range.
weeks lead to condensation that causes corros
ion in metals. If no protective measures are
taken, damage to surfaces, reduced storage
capability and effectiveness or function errors
as well as “total loss” may be the result.
Moisture is everywhere.
Lots to do for desiccants
Small or large – moisture threatens a nearly TROPACK solutions for protection against
never-ending range of products from many indus moisture range in size to fullfill their task from
tries. Surface corrosion of metals is not only a TROPACK Mini desiccant bags to the large
cosmetic problem. When moving parts in tool DIN 55473 sacks. Seaworthy packaging com-
machines or conveyor technology are attacked, bines the effect of desiccant units with shielding
this leads to functional impairment up to use by the TROPACK sealing layer foil, which is
lessness. well suited for long transport and storage times.
Electronic devices from notebooks or commu‑ New developments like the Activ-Polymer® tech
nication equipment to the complete data system nology permit efficient protection even in smallest
can be damaged by humidity. Visual measure- containers. This new solution provides hermet
ment and test instruments, photo and film devices ically closing cans with integrated protection
react as sensitive to moisture as textiles, leather against moisture or bacteria, among others, it’s
goods and furniture. For chemical products, phar- used in transport and storage of medical and
maceuticals, raw materials and food, maintaining pharmaceutical products.
and controlling the internal package climate is of
upmost importance. The investment into desiccant solutions pays
off. Goods will reach the recipient undamaged.
TROPACK Packmittel GmbH offers a wide range Correctly protected shipments can be fully
of solutions depending on product, packag‑ insured.
ing and individual requirements. The common
denominator with which TROPACK provides
these solutions is “Knowledge”. TROPACK has
control of the various technologies, materials
and industries. It combines this with a vast exper‑
ience for the respective application.
Key word:
Activ-Polymer ® technology
Technology and know-how.
Calculable protection
TROPACK desiccant bags are filled with highly Material, production and application of desiccant
resilient natural clay mineral or silica gel. The bags must be “clean”. However, in spite of its
adsorption agent is so clean that even direct con prohibition in the EU since May 2009, goods
tact with the goods is not harmful and therefore contaminated with dimethylfumarate (DMF) are
allowed for various uses. TROPACK desiccants still getting into trade and endanger users as
are produced according to DIN 55473 (or military well as consumers. Stricter control mechanisms
provision TL 6850-0008 and US specification can reduce DMF danger.
MIL-D 3464 E). TROPACK desiccant bags conform
to EU laws and the directives of the US Food TROPACK never uses the highly toxic DMF.
and Drug Administration (FDA), depending on DIN standards, EU directives and US FDA
design, which permits use in transport, packaging requirements for protection of the environment
and storage of food and pharmaceuticals as well. and health are sensible, balanced and correct.
The TROPACK safety and quality claim is checked
The desiccant bag hull is made of dust-tight and approved by regular DIN/ISO certifications.
natron paper, highly tear-proof fleece or the spe- Industry and trade can rely on it just as much
cial hull material Tyvek® – depending on require- as consumers.
ments. Desiccant bags meet the requirements
of DIN 55473, are available in the versions “A”
(low-dust) and “B” (dust-tight) and may be
disposed of with the household waste; the desic‑
cant can be regenerated an unlimited number
of times for reuse.
Tropack desiccant products
P. 8 Hull materials
P. 9 Delivery packaging
P. 11 Activ-Polymer ® technology
P. 21 Adsorption agents
Desiccant bags – TROPAgel ®
Corrosion damage from moisture during trans- The hull substances are applied with a print
port and storage threatens a great number of pursuant to DIN 55473 by default. Alternatively,
goods from a wide range of industries. The range they can be provided neutrally with, “Drying
reaches from medical products to optical devices Agent – Do not eat”, applied in 4 languages or
and electronics to machinery. Desiccant bags an individual text.
provide effective and environmentally compatible
protection in a design perfectly suitable for Desiccant bags are produced in the units defined
each individual package. TROPACK has devel- in DIN 55473. Special sizes are available on
oped a dedicated programme for precise calcul request. A desiccant unit corresponds to a fill
ation of the required quantities. It is available to level of about 35 g. This is the desiccant volume
customers too. that can adsorb at least 3 g of steam at 20 %
and 6 g at 40 % relative humidity at a balance
TROPAgel ® desiccant bags are filled with highly with air at 23 °C (+/– 2).
active desiccants that due to their high porosity
warrant a high degree of air drying. Adsorption The required volume of desiccant in units for
capacity can be up to 35 % of their own weight each individual case can be determined based
at 80 % rh and 25 ° C. TROPAgel ® desiccant bags on our calculation formula on page 23. The
are odourless, non-toxic, chemically indifferent following factors must be observed:
and do not attack metal or other substances.
Packaging design
The desiccant bag hulls are produced from Steam volume from the outer atmosphere
the following materials that comply to the penetrating through the packaging
mentioned requirements: Duration of transport and storage time
Climate at transport and storage
Fleece (version A – DIN 55473 low-dust), Humidity of the inner atmosphere of the
for standard products packaging
Tyvek ® (version B – DIN 55473 dust-tight), Volume and type of the padding (wood,
low-particle and highly tear-proof for sensitive paper, synthetics, cardboard, wooden wedges)
Paper (version B – DIN 55473 dust-tight), The TROPACK desiccant calculation programme
low-particle for standard applications meets DIN 55473 requirements and is available to
customers free of charge on request.
40 rh rh rh rh rh rh
temperature in
% % % % 0% 0%
10 20 40 60
Air temperature
8 10
– 50
– 60
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
water vapour content of the
Water air in of
content H20/m
air in H20/m3
TROPAgel ® desiccant bags con-
tain highly active desiccants that
Desiccant units according to DIN 55473 correspond due to their high porosity warrant
approximately to the following fill volumes: a high degree of air drying.
Hull materials
TROPACK uses different high-quality hull materi- Types PA: 1/6–2 units
als for production of desicant bags, depending Types VA: 1/6–32 units
on usage purpose. A difference is made between Types TA: 1/6–16 units
version A “low-dust” and version B “dust-free”.
These types are in line with the DIN 55473
VA designates fleece bags in the 2008-10 version and are provided with
the DIN Certco sign 5B004.
Version A: low-dust fleece bags of highly tear- All products can be equipped with a humidity
proof fleece material as of 8 units with suspension indicator card as an additional feature.
band. Filling with 1/6 to 32 desiccant units. In that case, a “W” will be added to the
Area of use: for all packaging purposes in over- product labelling (example: VAW).
seas shipment.
Please contact us for custom-made desiccant
PA designates a bag of soda-paper bags which we will manufacture according to
your request and requirements. We offer special
Version B: dust-free. sized bags with an imprint according to your
Filling with 1/6 to 2 desiccant units. own design.
Delivery packaging
TROPACK desiccant bags are delivered in var- bags are still active; if it turns PINK, the control
ious packing units; the “basic package” and the sheet text applies.
“original corrugated cardboard box”.
The original corrugated cardboard box is the
The “basic package”, a polyethylene hose bag next-larger packing unit. It can bare loads up
in accordance with DIN 55473, is the smallest to 30 kg and is filled with a net of up to approx.
packing unit for desiccant bags; it applies for all 20 kg. A delivery pallet comprises of 27 original
types. In the “basic package”, the desiccant bags boxes maximum.
can be stored in dry rooms for an extended per
iod without reduced activity. The dimensions of the different desiccant bag
Each “basic package” is imprinted with an instruc- types, the number of pieces per basic pack-
tion manual and contains a humidity level indicator age and the total volumes per original box are
8 % rh. If the indicator is BLUE, the desiccant shown in the following table:
Number of pieces
Quantity table for packing material Wood or cardboard and synthetic material
Western Europe 17
Packaging should not include any hygroscopic
material as padding. If this cannot be avoided, the Eastern Europe 20
volumes determined according to the table must
be increased by the following number of units North America 20
per kg of packing or padding material:
Central America 20
South America 20
Africa 20
Middle East 20
Far East 20
Pacific 20
TROPACK mini desiccant bags
The compact TROPACK Minis provide effective All bags can be imprinted with a warning or cau-
protection even in the mini-bag packagings small- tion statement and company logo according to
est of units and require little space. Its compact your request. The bags come with a standard “do
size (please refer to the table below) and the not eat” warning statement in German, English,
white silica gel filling offer a multitude of applica- French and Spanish. We would be happy to ac-
tion possibilities. At the same time, our “TROPACK commodate your requests.
Mini” reliably offers its usual and outstanding
humidity adsorption capacity. The materials used for desiccant bags TROPACK
Mini meet the requirements of the U.S. Food
The standard desiccant for TROPACK Mini is and Drug Administration and the German Fed-
white silica gel, but can also hold a 4 Å or any eral Public Health Department (“Bundesgesund
other pore size molecular sieve filling if requested. heitsamt”).
The chemically indifferent fill material is non-toxic,
odourless and does not attack surfaces. The The desiccant fill white silica gel is in line with
product is protected from moisture damage like the requirements of the FDA and approved for
mould, corrosion and other detrimental chemical direct food contact applications. White silica gel
reactions. further meets the TOSCA provisions of the posi-
tive list of additives of the Commission of the
The “TROPACK Mini” hull comprises highly tear- European Communities (CEC) for the manufac
proof, low-particle Tyvek® and is heat-sealed. The turers of food-proved additives, plastics and
medically tested Tyvek® is chemically inert and dyes, which may come into contact with food.
therefore suitable for food packaging. The very
tightly spun polyolefin fibres warrant a dust-free TROPACK desiccants are food-compatible,
product. The material surface is wear-resistant free of hazardous substances and of course
and lint-free. free of DMF.
Activ-Polymer ® technology
The Activ-Polymer ® technology offers innovative humidity and oxygen or the release of a biocide The Activ-Polymer ® composite
ways for the packaging of products such as against germs and bacteria. In addition, the plastic comprises two polymers
pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. The her- combination of various diverse components for and an active component.
metically sealed containers and boxes utilising the simultaneous adsorption of moisture and
the technology offer “built-in” product protection oxygen is possible. The opportunities for the applic
against damage caused by moisture or humidity A second polymer, which does not mix with the ation and use of Activ-Polymer®
or by germs or bacteria. Particles are contained main polymer, surrounds the active compo- technology range far beyond
in the composite synthetic plastic material which nents and thus creates the means of access standard packaging forms and
absorb moisture and humidity, oxygen or odours and flow. designs. For every conceivable
and fight against bacteria microbiologically. product form, such as inhalators
The new active composite synthetic plastic ma- or all kinds of medical products
The new TROPACK product line currently terials transport gaseous molecules through the and supplies, active components
encompasses the following areas: packaging or else absorb moisture in the pack- can be developed accurate
aging, which assures the optimal environment to exact measurement. The
Containers with an Activ-Polymer ® insert which for the packaged product. Through the use of composite synthetic plastic mate-
completely encloses the contents of the con Activ-Polymer ® technology, the interior “climate” rial can be made into any form
tainer, such as for the hermetically-sealing or environment of the packaging is controlled, or shape desired by various injec-
hinged-lid containers from CSP with a capacity depending on the active component, by the ad- tion moulding processes. The
of 10 – 200 ml for pharmaceuticals, laboratory sorption of moisture, humidity, oxygen or odours, individual configuration of func-
samples or liquids. or by the release of aromas or biocides against tional packaging is practically
Activ-Polymer ® foil with a thickness ranging germs and bacteria. unlimited.
from only 0.3 mm up to 1.5 mm, with which
flat or shallow plastic pockets or bags, for
test strips or diagnostic medical dipsticks, can
protect the packaged products against damage
CSP Desiccant Sleeve
An impenetrable barrier
caused by moisture or humidity.
CSP Industry
Desiccant sleeve Standard bottle
The patented technology
Activ-Polymer ®
regulates the flow of the smallest molecules
through the polymer. The technology is based
CSP Incoming Desiccant
on the combination of three materials: vial moisture sachet
Activ-Polymer ® technology
controls the interior “climate” or
environment of the packaging
is controlled, depending on
the active component, by the
adsorption of moisture, humid-
ity, oxygen or odours, or by the
release of aromas or biocides
against germs and bacteria.
Desiccant bags for the automotive industry
TROPACK offers customised solutions for a wide Benefits of TROPACK desiccant bags for
range of applications – from mobile and stationary customers in the automotive sector are
air conditioners in passenger cars, trucks, busses
and light transporters, to the residential and ind High strength of the bag material
ustrial sectors, TROPACK provides customer- Extreme strength in comparison to the
specific solutions for professionally solving humid- four-side seam
ity problems in connection with cooling systems. Work as filters in cooling systems
Very low installation and handling costs
TROPACK desiccant bags provide the Approval for the coolants R134a
following advantages: and HFO-1234yf
Desiccant bags for containers –TROPAsorb®
TROPAsorb® desiccant bags were specifically The bags are made of Tyvek® and are heat-
developed for use in freight containers to protect sealed. The extremely resilient fabric of spun
the goods from damage caused by moisture in polyolefin fibres makes the bags dust-free.
transport. The 200 gram desiccant bags adsorb They have a wear-resistant, lint-free surface
large amounts of moisture to protect goods in and are protected against heat.
metal containers, steel products from rusting,
and prevent food from spoiling. The bags come with a standard “do not eat”
warning statement in German, English, French
TROPAsorb® desiccant bags contain a spe- and Spanish. All bags can be imprinted with a
cially developed patented adsorbent mixture warning or caution statement and your company
(Calium Chloride Vermiculite) against “container logo according to your request. Please contact
rain”, which occurs due to condensation in large us at any time for further inquiries.
steel containers because of the temperature
and climate changes in the course of long sea
transports. Protection against such changing
conditions is important to prevent damage
during transport by truck or train and long-term
storage as well.
Dimensions mm 13 x 28 cm
Seaworthy packaging – Sealing layer foils
Goods in danger of corrosion must be protected TROPACK recommends two material versions
in a “climatic packaging” for sea transport, polar of sealing layer foils:
and tropical shipment and during long-term stor
age. The packed goods are sealed into steam- Polyethylene barrier foil as standard packaging
tight Tropac® layer foils (aluminium composite or for a transport and storage time of no more
polyethylene) that closes off the packed goods than 1 year. A 200-µm thick foil with maximum
hermetically against the outer air. The inner permeability of 0.5 g/m2 in 24 hours and at 23 ° C /
atmosphere is kept securely below 50 % rh with 85 % rh (see DIN 55122) offers the required
the volume of TROPAgel® desiccant units calc‑ protection.
ulated accordingly, which adsorbs the residual
moisture in the sealed packaging. Aluminum barrier foil ( TL 8135-0003 ) is an alu-
minum sandwich foil that is suitable for a feed
Every foil type has a differentiated steam and a storage time from one year to five years.
permeability. Therefore, calculation requires Long-term packing must be e.g. sealing in an
consideration of the continually penetrating aluminum sandwich foil, Tropac® barrier layer
volume of moisture – see DIN 55474. sandwich foil.
The following points are important for this:
Climate zones that are crossed
Duration of transport and/or storage Tropac®III – for the highest requirements with
Water vapor permeability of the foil increased tear proofness and increased bursting
Packaging surface in m2 (all 6 sides) resistance.
Military approval
The packaged goods are weld
ed TL 8135-0003-1 + + not in the
into the Tropac® sealing layer MIL-PRF 131 K+ DIN 55531-1 + + standard
foil (aluminium composite or Roll length m 100 100 100
polyethylene) with the calculated Roll width cm 100/125/150 100/125/150 100/125/150
+ special widths + special widths + special widths
number of desiccant units.
TROPACK sealing layer material is steam- and Packaging with fixed sealing layer
grease-tight, supple, abrasion- and decomposi-
tion-proof and may be heat-sealed on the matte Sheet metal drums with a fixed sealing layer
side. Tropac ® sealing layer foil is available as are good steam-tight packagings for individ-
semi-hose, flat bag or box insert as well. ually packed small parts. They reliably prevent
humidity from penetrating.
The combination of sealing layer foil and desic-
cant bags is the most economical solution for The air captured in the package is dried by
sea transport freight packaging because it can inclusion of desiccant bags. The temperature
be perfectly adjusted. The freight costs can in the packing space must be considered.
be minimised because the weight is low and About 1–2 g per litre are needed to dry 200 l air
little effort is required for preservation and space in the packaging (empty packages).
removal of preservative agents. Most frequently, silica gel is used.
Drying cartridges and capsules
TROPACK desiccant cartridges are used in high- The drying cartridges and capsules are cus-
value measuring and control technology devices tomised in hermetically tight, protective pack-
along with other highly sensitive optical and agings to prevent them from losing effective-
electronic devices (in particular arms technology) ness during transport and storage.
to protect them from moisture and subsequent
damage due to corrosion and fungi. Capsules Standard packaging desiccant capsules: bag of
containing desiccants are particularly suitable as 0.2 mm thick polyethylene foil with indicator
protection for pharmaceutical products because Steam-tight bags of oblique aluminium com
they are available in many types, special sizes posite foil (TL 8135-0003) with moisture indica-
and designs. tor inside (can only be verified with the bag
The residual moisture in the device and the humi Standard packaging desiccant cartridges:
dity entering through leaks that condensates due transparent packaging bags of composite foil
to temperature fluctuations will be adsorbed. with very high steam tightness of MIL-B22191,
Function and use are unimpaired. For best results type I and in cans according to TL 4440-0007
the following prerequisites must be complied
with: close assembled pieces tightly and seal pas- All information on Bundeswehr military standards
sages. All parts must be clean and dry and must are based on the currently valid issues.
not contain any residual moisture. (Plastic parts
may have a residual moisture of 3–5 %.) Special moisture-tight, screw-on protective
sleeves of transparent polystyrole according to
The housings of the drying agent capsule and TL 4440-0007 are used for the desiccant
cartridges are mainly state-of-the-art plastics cartridges. Additionally, packaging in an alumi
like acrylic nitril copolymerisate. Paper or fleece nium can is possible. Only the undamaged and
is used for the cover discs to let humidity dif- unopened collection and shipment packaging
fuse out. Sometimes, indicator papers are also warrants proper characteristics of the capsules
integrated. and cartridges.
Delivery range
Rated size, e.g., 100 designates the empty volume of a device at max. 100 dm3. The desiccant cartridges TL 4440–0007
are tightly screwed into the protective sleeves. Cartridge head and sleeve are secured with red adhesive tape.
The weights are indicated at a tolerance of +/– 10 %.
Desiccant cartridges and capsules for special requirements can be developed. The fill weights of the drying
Please contact us to discuss product and order requirements. cartridges and capsules
may vary corresponding
to bulk weights of the desic‑
cants used.
Packaging aids
Moisture indicators
The moisture indicators are within the sealing Packaging list sleeves
layer hull or are part of sight windows. At proper
expert packaging with desiccants, the relative These plastic sleeves protect the shipping papers
humidity drops to less than 20 % very quickly at from contamination, dust and moisture. They are
regular temperatures. The moisture indicators attached to the outside of the packaging with
show 30 % blue in this case. their self-adhesive back. Packaging list sleeves
If this is not the case, the packaging must be are also available in red as “front loaders”.
inspected for leaks, incorrectly calculated
desiccant amounts or too-moist packaged goods. Size I for papers in DIN A6 format
Size II for papers in DIN A5 format
The moisture indicators are small, simple and
cost-efficient. The permissible tolerance at The packaging list designation is indicated in
a test temperature of 2 ° C (+/– 2 ° C) is +/– 5 % 8 languages: German, English, French,
relative humidity. These values correspond to the Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian.
technical delivery conditions of the Bundeswehr Other foreign languages on request.
TL 6685-0003, issue 4.
Packaging list shields
During transport in areas with extreme climatic
situations, the colour will change later at more Shields are nailed to the shipping boxes.
than 20 ° C and earlier at less than 20 ° C. The They are available in 10 languages.
deviations are about 2.5 % rh per 5 ° C above or
below 20 ° C. Small for paper insert DIN A6, with or without
cut-outs for the documentation
Large for paper inserts DIN A5 with cut-outs
Warning notes and signs Tipping indicators
for desiccant method II VG 95604, These aids show whether special shipping
made of paper, surface water-repellent, provisions like “transport vertically” or “do not
reverse self-adhesive. tilt” were complied with. They are attached
Colour: red RAL 3000 right to the packaged goods with the self-
adhesive reverse. The front of red plastic com-
Rated size 1 prises a chamber pointing up like an arrow tip
Dimensions: 34 x 74 mm, paper. that is delineated by a metal strap and tapers
Vers. No.: 7690-12-140-6350 out into two round chambers filled with blue
Rated size 2 grains towards the bottom. The metal strap
Dimensions: 52 x 100mm, paper. is removed to activate the indicator.
Vers. No.: 7690-12-140-6351
Rated size 3 When the goods are tipped, the grains trickle
Dimensions: 74 x 148 mm, paper. from the initial position up into the arrow tip,
Vers. No.: 7690-12-140-6352 where they are held by the adhesive area.
This irreversible indication permits best control.
For safety reasons, several indicators should
Ventilation sheets and swivel lid be used and marked to prevent malfunction
or exchange. The included warning sign informs
Vents and lids prohibit the danger of steam the transporter and recipient of the use and
penetrating the sealing layer foil in large shipping effect of the tipping indicator.
packagings and ensure even air circulation.
Depending on packaging size, two or more
ventilation sheets are to be attached, preferably
in the upper area.
Packaging aids
The indicator:
the incorruptible
monitor for
your sensitive
transport goods
Shockwatch® is a “bodyguard”
for sensitive freight and shows
even transport damages that
are not recognisable at first
glance. When the freight is
exposed to strong vibrations
and the defined handling
provisions were not complied
with, the indicator will alert you.
Adsorption agents
is one of the widest used adsorption agents used where water may occur in an air or gas flow.
against moisture with a wide range of applica- Here it serves as buffer gel and is used upstream
tions. It consists of irregularly shaped and porous of narrow-pore gel.
particles and is a form of silicic acid. The raw
materials are mostly sodium silicate and sulph Orange self-indicating gel
uric acid. Silica gel is inert, odourless, non-toxic
and non-corrosive. The large inner pore surface is a white gel with moisture indicator that is free
allows adsorption up to approx. 36 % of its own of heavy metals and particularly environmentally
weight. It is available as white or indicator gel. compatible. Active; up to a water load of approx.
6 % by weight, it is orange; at increasing water
Microporous white silicagel adsorption, it turns white. The overall adsorption
capacity is at approx. 23 % by weight at 40 % rh.
is a maximum drying silica gel. The water vapour Its benefit compared to the white gel is visual
adsorption capacity is approx.: 15 % by weight at saturation control.
20 % rh, or 25 % by weight at 40 % rh.
Molecular sieves
Grain 0.2–1 mm – predominantly used in the
insulation glass sector for dehydrating air bet synthetic zeolites characterized by a precisely
ween the glass panels. They can also be found defined and regular pore diameter possessing a
inside desiccant cartridges and capsules. Other crystalline structure. Regardless of the relative
highly pure microscopic gels are used with humidity, they adsorb about 20-22 weight-% of
fragrance carriers and the maintenance of pour water vapour. The volume of a molecular sieve is
ability of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Fur- very low at the same time providing excellent ad-
ther applications are in the cosmetic industry. sorption capacities and regenerates at tempera-
Grain sizes 1–2 or 2–3 mm – used inside tures of 300 to 400 °C.
filters of gas masks, the insulation glass sec‑
tor and for the dehydration of liquids and Clay
cooling agents.
Grain 1–3 mm – represent a universal grain size a mineral (60– 80 % montmorillonit) with strong
for drying air and gas in smaller sized equip- water adsorption and swelling capability. Colour
ment and for the drying of cooling agents. from grey/dark grey to reddish. When active, clay
Grain sizes of 2–5 mm – have an elevated can also take up to approx. 19 % by weight at
adsorption capacity with excellent low pres- 40 % rh. depending on quality. The loaded mate-
sure characteristics for the drying of gases rial can be regenerated at 150 ° C.
(ethane, ethylene, butane, chlorine, natural gas,
methane, methylene chloride, sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen and hydrogen).
Products, materials, customer benefits
TROPACK uses a dedicated programme to The temperature resilience of the hull material
determine the amount of desiccant units required must be considered for desiccant bags. Usually
for a transport and/or storage project. It is freely below the regeneration temperature.
available to customers on request.
Special types
The information in this brochure is meant for initial
TROPACK delivers desiccant bags, desiccant orientation. Desiccant bags must be used accord-
cartridges and capsules as well as sealing layer ing to the envisaged purpose and the materials
foils according to individual customer require- used. The TROPACK consulting team will gladly
ments, also in special versions. support you in this.
Calculation of desiccant units
The required number of desiccant units is The desiccant bags must be attached within the
calculated according to DIN 55474 as follows: product packaging and if required, distributed
throughout. Until application, the desiccant bags
n = 1/a · (V·b +m·c+ A·e·D·t) must be kept in the air-tight delivery packaging
which must be closed at once after desiccant
n = number of desiccant units bags are removed to protect the unused bags.
a = water volume to be taken up per desiccant TROPAgel ® desiccant bags are produced
unit according to permissible final humidity. according to DIN 55473 or the German military
At regulation TL 6850-0008 and the American
20 % rel. humidity a = 3 g specification MIL-D 3464 E by the unit.
40 % rel. humidity a = 6 g
60 % rel. humidity a = 8 g
All registered trademarks in this brochure remain the property of the respective rights owners.