Forging of Specific Metals And: Alloys
Forging of Specific Metals And: Alloys
Forging of Specific Metals And: Alloys
located in front of the container that contains the die assembly should be high in both strength SELECTED REFERENCES
the die and the backer and toughness.
0 A die backer, which is a circular steel block The mandrel is a rod used to produce the cav- 0 T. Altan et al., Ed., Forging Equipment, Materials. und
Practices. Battelle-Columbus Laboratories, Metalworking
placed behind an extrusion die for support. The ity in a hollow shape while it is being extruded. Division, 1973
hole in the backer is slightly larger than the Mandrels should be high in hot hardness, abra- 0 T.G. Byrer, Ed., Forging Handbook, Forging Industry Asso-
hole in the die to allow for clearance of the sion resistance, fracture toughness, and yield ciation and American Society for Metals, 1984
extrusion. strength. 0 D. Lange, Ed., Handbook of Metal Forming. McGraw-Hill,
0 One or more bolsters, which are circular steel Press Operation. With the ram retracted, a hot 1985
blocks used adjacent to the backer to reinforce billet or slug is placed in the container. A dummy 0 Forging Processes, An Internet publication with executive
the die and backer against billet pressure block is inserted between the ram and billet; then summary, Forging Institute of America, 1997
A tool carrier (die slide or housing) 0 Hot Forging, Tool and Manufacturing Engineers' Hand-
0 the hot billet is pushed into the container liner
book. Vol 2,Forming. 4th ed., C. Wick, J.T. Benedict, and
and advanced under high pressure against the die. R.F. Veilleux, Ed., Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
The die itself must have high toughness com- The metal is squeezed through the die opening, 1984
bined with resistance to wear and softening at assuming the desired shape, and is severed from 0 Open Die Forging Manual. 3rd ed., Forging Institute of
elevated temperatures. The other components of the remaining stub by sawing or shearing. America, 1992
1020 carbon steel 4340 olloy steel A 6 tool s t e e l The effect of carbon content on forging tem-
I60 perature is the same for most tool steels as for
I40 carbon and alloy steels. However, the complex
alloy compositions of some tool steels have dif-
.p 120
ferent effects on forging temperature. Table 3
0 I00 lists forging temperatures for tool steels.
0 Heating Time. For any steel, the heating time
v- 80
must be sufficient to bring the center of the forg-
cn 60 ing stock to forging temperature. A longer heat-
- ing time than necessary creates excessive decarb-
c" 40
LL urization, scale, and grain growth. For stock up
20 to 75 mm (3 in.) diameter, the heating time per
0 inch of section thickness should be no more than
Z 50 5 min for low-carbon and medium-carbon steels
or no more than 6 min for low-alloy steel. For
0 40
0 stock 75 to 230 mm (3 to 9 in.) diameter, heating
2- 30 time should be no more than 15 min per inch of
P thickness. For high-carbon steels (0.50% C and
= 20
v) higher), and for highly alloyed steels, slower
a 10 rates are required, and sometimes preheating at
F O temperatures from 650 to 760 "C (1200 to 1400
p 0 10 2 0 3 0 40 5 0 60 7 0 0 10 2 0 30 40 5 0 60 70 "F) is necessary to prevent cracking.
LL Upset reduction. % Upset reduction, % Upset reduction. % Finishing temperature should always be well
above the transformation temperature of the steel
Fig. 2 Effects of compositions of three ditferent steels on loads and pressures required for upset reductions of increasing
being forged to prevent cracking of the steel and
severity at various temperatures
excessive wear of the dies. Temperatures should
be low enough to prevent excessive grain growth.
Table 3 Forcing temDeratures for tool steels For most carbon and alloy steels, 980 to 1095
"C (1800 to 2000 "F) is a suitable range for finish
Forging temperatures
Preheat slonly to: Start forging at(a): Do not forge below:
Steels "C "F QC "F "(' "F
~~ ~ ~ ~~
Water-hardeningtool steels
WI to w5 790 1450 980- 1095(b) 1800-2000(bj 815 I500 Cooling Steel Forgings
Shock-resistingtool steels
Cooling in still air or in factory tote boxes
s1, s2, s4, s5 815 I500 1040-1 150 1900-2 100 870 I600
Oil-hardeningcold work tool steels usually is satisfactory for carbon-steel or low-
01 815 I500 980- 1065 1800- 1950 845 1550 alloy steel forgings with cross sections no greater
02 815 I500 980- 1040 1800-1900 845 1550 than approximately 64 mm (2v2 in.). Larger forg-
07 815 1500 980- I095 1800-2000 870 I600 ings can flake when air cooled. Flakes (also
Medium-alloy air-hardeningcold work tool steels
called "shatter cracks" or "snowflakes") are
A2. A4. A5. A6 870 1600 1010- 1095 1850-2000 900 1650
High-carbon,high-chromium cold work tool steels short, discontinuous internal fissures attributed to
DI to D6 900 I650 980-1095 1800-2000 900 I650 stresses produced by localized transformation and
Chromium hot work tool steels decreased solubility of hydrogen during cooling.
H I I , H12, HI3 900 1650 1065-1175 1950-2150 900 I650 Flaking indicates the need for cooling to at least
H14, H I 6 900 1650 1065-1175 1950-2150 925 I700 175 "C (350 OF) in a furnace or by burying the
HI5 845 I550 1040-1150 1900-2 100 900 1650
Tungsten hot work tool steels piece in sand or slag. An alternative treatment
H20, H21, H22 870 I600 1095- I205 2000-2200 900 1650 for large forgings of alloy steels (such as 4340)
H24, H25 900 1650 1095- I205 2000-2200 925 I700 is to cool in air to approximately 540 "C (1000
H26 900 1650 I095 - 1 205 2000-2200 955 1750 OF), followed by isothermal annealing at 650 "C
Molybdenum high speed tool steels ( I 200 OF).
MI, MI0 815 1500 1040- I 150 1900-2100 925 I700
M2 815 I500 1065-1 175 1950-2 I50 925 I700 Alloy tool steel forgings should always be
M4 815 1500 1095-1175 2000-2 150 925 I700 cooled slowly, as is recommended previously for
M30, M34, M35, M36 815 1500 1065-1175 1950-2150 955 1750 larger forgings of carbon and alloy steels. Micro-
Tungsten high speed tool steels alloyed steels may require "controlled cooling,"
TI 870 1600 1065- I205 1950-2200 955 I750 in which time and temperature are controlled to
T2, T4, T8 870 1600 1095- I205 2000-2200 955 I750
T3 870 I600 1095%I230 2000-2250 955 1750 produce a specific microstructure, and properties,
T5, T6 870 1600 1095- 1205 2000-2200 980 I800 in the finished workpiece.
Low-alloy special-purpose tool steels
L1, L2, L6 815 1500 1040-1 150 1900-2 100 845 1550
L3 815 I500 980- I095 1800-2000 845 1550
Carbon-tungsten special-purposetool steels Forging of Stainless Steels
F2, F3 815 1500 980- 1095 1800-2000 900 1650
Low-carbon mold steels Stainless steels, based on forging pressure and
PI ... .. 1205- I290 2200-2350 1040 I900 load requirements, are considerably more diffi-
P3 ... ... 1040- I 205 1900-2200 845 1550 cult to forge than carbon or alloy steel, primarily
P4 870 I600 1095-1230 2000-2250 900 1650
P20 815 1500 1065-1230 1950-2250 815 I500 because of the greater strength of stainless steels
Other alloy tool steel at elevated temperatures and the limitations on
6G 815 1500 1040-1150 I 900-2 100 845 1550 the maximum temperatures at which stainless
steels can be forged without incurring micro-
(a) The temperature at which to start forging is given as a range, the higher side of which should be used for large sections structural damage. Forging load requirements and
and heavy or rapid reductions, and the lower side for smaller sections and lighter reductions. As the alloy content of the steel
increases, the time of soaking at forging temperature increases proportionately. Likewise, as the alloy content increases, it forgeability vary widely among stainless steels of
becomes more necessary to cool slowly from the forging temperature. With very high alloy steels, such as high speed steels different types and compositions; the most diffi-
and air-hardening steels, this slow cooling is imperative in order to prevent cracking and to leave the steel in a semisoft condition. cult alloys to forge are those with the greatest
Either furnace cooling of the steel or burying it in an insulating medium (such as lime, mica, or diatomaceow earth) is satisfactory. strength at elevated temperatures. Figure 1 com-
(bj Forging temperatures for water-hardening tool steels vary with carbon content. The following temperatures are recommended: pares the forgeability of various types of stainless
for 0.60 to 1.25% C , the range given; for 1.25 to 1.40% C, the low side of the ranee given.
Forging of Specific Metals and Alloys / 865
Forging Characteristics based on an upset reduction of 109'0, show that (100 OF) or more to prevent additional delta fer-
at 760 "C (1400 "F) type 304 stainless steel re- rite from forming at higher temperature. This is
Martensitic Stainless Steels. Forging charac-
teristics of high-chromium martensitic stainless quires only half as much pressure as A-286 (an particularly critical for forging in high-energy-
steels are similar to those of low-alloy steels. iron-base, heat-resistant alloy), although the rate machines.
curves for forging pressure for the two metals
Because they are higher in chromium content,
converge at I100 "C (2000 OF). However, at a
however, the forging-load requirements for these Process Variables
forging temperature of 1100 "C (2000 OF), the
stainless grades are 30 to 50% higher. Maximum Heating for Forging. The thermal conductivity
pressure required for a 10% upset reduction on
forging temperatures are generally 55 to 165 "C of stainless steels is lower than that of carbon or
type 304 is more than twice that required for a
(100 to 300 OF) lower than those for low-alloy low-alloy steels. Therefore, stainless steels take
carbon steel (1020) and approximately 60% more
steels. Figure 3 gives recommended forging tem- longer to reach the forging temperature. How-
than that required for 4340 alloy steel. Differ-
perature ranges for various stainless steels. Table ever, they should not be soaked at forging tem-
4 lists forging temperatures and relative forging ences in forgeability, based on percentage of
upset reduction and forging pressure for type perature, but should be forged as soon as possible
loads (relative to 4340 low-alloy steel) for var- after reaching it. The exact time required for
304, 1020, and 4340 at the same temperature
ious martensitic alloys. Martensitic stainless heating stock of a given thickness to the estab-
steels are characterized by high hardenability. (980 "C, or 1800 OF) are plotted in Fig. S(b).
Forging temperatures are usually adjusted lished forging temperature depends on the type
Therefore they are subject to cracking and must of furnace used.
downward for forging operations requiring small
be cooled slowly from the forging temperature. Gas-fired and electrically heated furnaces are
Austenitic stainless steels are more difficult amounts of deformation. For example, typical
forging temperatures for type 304 stainless steel used with equal success for heating the stock.
to forge than carbon and low-alloy steels. They The gas should be free from hydrogen sulfide
require greater loads, and their forging-tempera- for various operations would he as follows:
and other sulfur-bearing contaminants. Oil-fired
ture ranges are narrower. For example, Fig. 4 furnaces are widely used for heating the series
gives forging pressures for type 304 stainless temperature 400 stainless steels and the 18-8 varieties, but
steel as a function of the percentage of upset Operations 'C "F because of the danger of contamination from sul-
reduction. Temperature has a marked effect on fur in the oil, they are considered unsafe for heat-
the pressure required for any given percentage of Severe reductions (ingot breakdown, 1260 2300
roll forging, drawing, blocking, back ing high-nickel grades. Although not absolutely
upset, and at any given forging temperature and necessary, heating of stainless steel is preferably
extrusion, etc.)
percentage of upset, type 304 stainless steel re- Moderate reductions (finish forging, 1205 2200 done in a protective atmosphere. As for all steels,
quires at least twice the pressure required for upsetting, etc.) induction heating is used whenever it is econom-
1020 steel. Slight reductions (coining, restriking, I 120 2050 ical.
Figure 5(a) further emphasizes the effects of end upsetting, etc.) D i e Lubrication. Dies should be lubricated be-
temperature on forging pressure. These data, fore each blow. For forging in shallow impres-
Similar adjustments are made for other austenitic sions, a spray of colloidal graphite in kerosene or
grades. The temperatures used for slight reduc- in low-viscosity mineral oil is usually adequate.
tions seldom exceed 1150 "C (2100 OF), regard-
Type of
stainless steel less of the alloy being forged.
201, 202, 301, Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels. Be-
302, 302B. 303, cause of the combination of lower forging tem-
304. 305. 308. Forging temperature. "F
perature and greater stiffness, forging of precipi-
321, 347 __ 1200 1400 1600 I800 2000 2200
tation-hardening stainless steels requires loads 30
309, 310 800
405, 420, 4 4 0 -
the higher-carbon, low-alloy steels. In addition, 2 500 v)
400 60 .'
for various martensitic stainless steels 50 m
g 300 a, g 200
temperature a 40 h a
Relative m m
Material m C C
"C "F forging load 30 '9 '9 100
;. 200
4340 1260 23011 1 .o 0
0 0
410 1175 2150 1.2-1.5 v 20 LL
Table 5 Recommended forging temperatures for precipitation-hardening stainless steels ing behavior of heat-resistant alloys are flow
Recommended temperature for forgings receiving given nominal amounts of reduction stress and ductility. Because these alloys were
forging designed to resist deformation at high tempera-
temperature Lightia) Moderate(b) Severeic) Variableid)
tures, i t is not surprising that they are very diffi-
Alloy 'C "F "C "F "C OF "C OF "C "F
cult to hot work; ductility is limited, and the flow
Semiaustenitic grades stress is high. Further, any alloying addition that
AM-350 117s 2150 1150 2100 117s 2150 117s 2150 iisn 2100 improves the service qualities usually decreases
AM-355 1205 2200 109s 2000 1175 21x1 1175 2150 109s 2000 workability. These alloys are usually worked with
17-7 PH 1205 2200 1120 2050 117s 2150 120s 2200 106s 1950
1095 the precipitates dissolved; the higher concentra-
PH 15-7MO 1230 2250 1095 2000 iisn 2100 117s 2150 2000
tion of dissolved alloying elements (40 to 50%
Martensitic grades total) gives rise to higher flow stress, higher re-
Stainless W 1230 2250 1120 2050 1205 2200 1205 2200 1120 2050 crystallization temperature, and lower solidus
17-4 PH 1205 2200 IISO 2100 117s 2150 117s 2150 1150 2100
temperature, thus narrowing the useful tempera-
(a) Up to 15%. (b) 15 to 50%. (c) Over 50%. (d) Refers to forgings receiving widely differing reductions. End upsets, for ture range for hot forming. Where ductility is
example, receive large reductions on the upset end while the shaft may remain essentially undeformed. defined as the amount of strain to fracture, the
ductility of these alloys is influenced by the de-
formation temperature, strain rate, prior history
Ordinarily, dies are sprayed manually, but in blast cleaning is usually followed by acid pick- of the material, composition, degree of segrega-
press forging, automatic sprays timed with the ling. The forgings are then thoroughly washed in tion, cleanliness, and the stress state imposed by
press stroke are sometimes used. For deeper cavi- water. Salt bath descaling followed by acid clean- the deformation process.
ties, however, it is often necessary to use a sup- ing and brightening is an efficient method of re- Temperature limits for forging nickel-base,
plemental spray (usually manual) to reach the moving scale. heat-resistant alloys are largely determined by
deep areas of the cavity or to swab the cavity melting and precipitation reactions. As with all
with a conventional forging oil. Forging oils are heat-resistant alloys, an intermediate temperature
Forging of Heat-Resistant Alloys region of low ductility is likely to be encountered
usually mixtures of oil and graphite; the oil
should be free of lead and sulfur. Forging oils Heat-resitant alloys, because of their greater in attempts to forge metals near a temperature
are often purchased as greases and are then di- strengths at elevated temperatures, are more diffi- between regimes of low- and high-temperature
luted with mineral oil to the desired viscosity. cult to forge than most other metals. Some iron- deformation. The region of low ductility often
Any volatile lubricant should be used sparingly. base, heat-resistant alloys, such as 19-9 DL and occurs at temperatures around 0.5 of the melting
With even a slight excess, vapor explosions are A-286, are similar to austenitic stainless steels point, as measured on the Kelvin scale. The di-
likely, and greater amounts can cause explosions in forgeability. Most heat-resisting alloys, how- viding temperature has a physical basis. At hot-
that will eject the workpiece, possibly injuring ever, are more difficult to forge than stainless working temperatures, self-diffusion rates are
personnel. steels, although they can be forged by open-die high enough for recovery and recrystallization to
Glass is sometimes used as a lubricant or billet or closed-die forging, upsetting, extrusion forg- counteract the effects of strain hardening.
coating in press forging. The glass is applied by ing, roll forging, ring rolling, isothermal forging, Iron-Base Alloys. Stock for forgings of the
dipping the heated forging in molten glass or by or hot-die forging. Often, two or more of these iron-base alloys is generally furnished as press-
sprinkling the forging with glass frit. Glass is methods are used in sequence. forged squares or hot-rolled rounds, depending
an excellent lubricant, but its viscosity must be on size. As-cast ingots are sometimes used.
compatible with the forging temperature used. The inclusion content of the alloys has a sig-
Forging Alloys nificant effect on their forgeability. Alloys con-
For optimal results, the viscosity of the glass
Table 6 lists the most commonly forged heat- taining titanium and aluminum can develop ni-
should be maintained at 10 Pa . s (100 cP).
resistant alloys and their forging temperatures tride and carbonitride segregation, which later
Therefore, when different forging temperatures
and forgeability ratings. appears as stringers in wrought bars and affects
are used, a variety of glass compositions must
be stocked. Another disadvantage of glass is that General Characteristics. The two basic mate- forgeability. This type of segregation has been
rial characteristics that greatly influence the forg- almost completely eliminated through the use of
it will accumulate in deep cavities, solidify, and
impair metal flow. Therefore, the use of glass is
generally confined to shallow forgings that re-
Table 6 Forging temperatures and forgeability ratings for heat-resistant alloys
quire maximum lateral flow.
Trimming. When production quantities justify Forging temperature(a1
the cost of tools, forgings are trimmed in dies. Upset and breakdown Finish forging Forgeability
Hot trimming is preferred for all types of stain- Alloy designation "C "F "C "F rating(b)
less steel because less power is required and be- Iron-base alloys
cause there is less danger of cracking than in A-286 S66286 I 095 2000 1040 1900 1
,old trimming. The precipitation-hardening stain- Alloy 556 R30556 1175 2150 1175 2150 3
less steels must be hot trimmed to prevent flash- Alloy 800 Nnmno I150 2100 1040 I900 1
line cracks, which can penetrate the forging. Nickel-base alloys
Frequently, hot trimming immediately follows N13017 I 120 2050 5
Astroloy I 120 2050
forging, before the workpiece temperature falls Alloy X ~06002 1 I75 2150 I I75 2150 3
below a red heat. Less often, forgings are re- Alloy 214 ... 1 I60 2125 I 040 1900 3
heated to 900 to 955 "C (1650 to 1750 OF) and AIIOY 2311 ... 1205 2200 1205 2200 3
then trimmed. Alloy 600 NO6600 I is0 2100 I 040 I900 1
Cleaning. Stainless steels do not scale as heav- Alloy 718 ~ 0 7 18
7 I095 2000 I o4n I 900 2
ily as carbon or alloy steels, especially if heated Alloy X-750 ~07750 I I75 2150 I 120 2050 2
Alloy 75 I NO775 I I150 2100 I150 2100 3
in a protective atmosphere. Alloy 901 ~09901 I 150 2100 1095 2000 2
However, the tightly adherent, hard, and abra- M-252 NO7252 I 150 2100 I 095 2000 3
sive scale that does form must be removed prior Alloy 41 NO704 I I150 2100 1120 2050 4
to machining, or tool life will be severely im- u-500 ~117500 I175 2150 I175 2150 3
paired. u-700 ... I120 20x1 I120 2050 5
Mechanical or chemical methods, or a combi- Waspaloy NO7001 I160 2125 1040 I900 3
nation of both, can be used to remove scale. Cobalt-base alloys
Abrasive blast cleaning is efficient. However, if Alloy 25 ... 1230 2250 I 230 2250 3
surfaces are not to be machined or passivated, Alloy 188 R30 I88 I 205 2200 1175 2150 3
blasting must be done only with silica sand; the
use of steel grit or shot will contaminate the sur- (a) Lower temperature7 are often used for specific forgings to conform to appropriate specifications or to achieve structural
faces and impair corrosion resistance. Abrasive uniformity. (b) I , most forgeable; 5, least forgeable
Forging of Specific Metals and Alloys / 867
Click here to view Click here to view
p 200
conditions. Particular attention must be given to
control of the work metal temperature. Figure 9
U shows ductility (measured by percentage of re-
60 2 0I 0 duction in area) versus temperature curves for
._ 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 several nickel-base alloys. Data on transfer time,
U Temperature, "C soaking time, finishing temperature, and percent-
40 age of reduction should be recorded. Critical
Fig. 7 Forging pressure versus temperature for A-286. parts are usually numbered, and precise records
Also shown is the effect of increasing tempera- are kept. These records are useful in determining
ture on the tensile strength of the material. Upset strain the cause of defective forgings, and they permit
rate: 0.7 s-' metallurgical analysis so that defects can be
LIVE GRAPH avoided in future products.
Click here to view The nickel-base alloys are sensitive to minor
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o variations in composition, which can cause large
la) Upset reduction, % o 400 .
._ variations in forgeability, grain size, and final
7 300 c
properties. In one case, wide heat-to-heat varia-
tions in grain size occurred in parts forged from
>r 0
0 Alloy 901 (UNS N09901) in the same sets of
P 30
2W dies. For some parts, optimal forging tempera-
9Rn O C >: tures had to be determined for each incoming
0 P
Ic 100 heat of material by making sample forgings and
m ._ PP m
5 Y
v) 0 I 10
examining them after heat treatment for varia-
tions in grain size and other properties.
P P 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
ul fn
In the forging of nickel-base alloys, the forging
EP EP Strain rate, s ~ ' techniques developed for one shape usually must
m m be modified when another shape is forged from
.- .- Fig. 8 Specific energy versus strain rate i n the press and the same alloy; therefore, development time is
m P hammer forging of A-286 at three temperatures often necessary for establishing suitable forging
and he#-treating cycles. This is especially true
for such alloys as Waspaloy (UNS N07001),
Alloy 41 (UNS N07041), U-500 (UNS N07500),
"F) is approximately 193 MPa (28 ksi), but for
and U-700.
an upset reduction of 50%, the pressure increases
Cobalt-Base Alloys. Many of the cobalt-base
to approximately 241 MPa (35 ksi). Figure 7 also
(b) Upset reduction, % alloys cannot be successfully forged because they
shows that forging pressure is up to 10 or 12
ordinarily contain more carbon than the iron-base
Fig. 6 Effect of upset reduction at four temperatures (a) times greater than the tensile strength of the alloy
alloys and therefore greater quantities of hard
on forging load in the forging of A-286 and (b) at forging temperature.
carbides, which impair forgeability.
the forging pressure for A-286 compared with that for 1020 Strain rates also influence forging pressures.
The two cobalt-base alloys listed in Table 6 are
steel Figure 8 shows that as strain rate increases, more
forgeable. The strength of these alloys at elevated
energy is required in presses and hammers.
Nickel-base alloys initially consisted of rela- temperatures, including the temperatures at which
tively simple nickel-chromium alloys hardened they are forged, is considerably higher than that
by small additions of titanium and aluminum for for iron-base alloys; consequently, the pressures
vacuum melting. Therefore, iron-base alloys can service to 760 "C (1400 OF). With the develop- required in forging them are several times greater
be forged into a greater variety of shapes with ment of production vacuum-melting techniques, than those for the iron-base alloys.
greater reductions, approaching the forgeability workable alloys can be produced that contain rel- Even when forged at its maximum forging
of AISI type 304 stainless steel. atively large amounts of titanium, aluminum, zir- temperature, Alloy-25 work hardens; therefore,
Temperature has an important effect on forge- conium, niobium, and other reactive elements. forging pressure must be increased with greater
ability. The optimal temperature range for forg- Nitrogen and oxygen levels are reduced by vac- reductions. Accordingly, this alloy generally re-
ing A-286 and similar iron-base alloys is narrow. uum melting, which eliminates most of the quires frequent reheating during forging to pro-
Figure 6(a) shows the forgeability of A-286, nitrides and oxides that contribute to poor for- mote recrystallization and to lower the forging
based on the forging load required for various geability. Therefore, current nickel-base alloys pressure for subsequent steps.
upset reductions at four forging temperatures. consist of numerous compositions containing Forging conditions (temperature and reduction)
Figure 6(b) shows that, on the basis of forging larger amounts of hardening elements. have a significant effect on the grain size of
pressure, A-286 is considerably more difficult to As shown in Table 6, the nickel-base alloys cobalt-base alloys. Because low ductility, notch
forge than 1020 steel, even though A-286 is are, in general, less forgeable than the iron-base brittleness, and low fatigue strength are associ-
among the most forgeable of the heat-resistant alloys; almost all of the nickel-base alloys re- ated with coarse grains, close control of forging
alloys (Table 6). For example, as shown in Fig. quire more force for producing a given shape. and of final heat treatment is important.
6(b), 1020 steel at 1205 "C (2200 "F) requires Astroloy (UNS N13017) and Alloy U-700 are the Cobalt-base alloys are susceptible to grain
only about 69 MPa (10 ksi) for an upset reduc- two most difficult to forge nickel-base alloys. For growth when heated above approximately 1175
tion of 30%, but for the same reduction at the a given percentage of upset reduction at a forging "C (2150 OF). They heat slowly and require a
same temperature, A-286 requires approximately temperature of 1095 "C (2000 OF), these alloys long soaking time for temperature uniformity.
172 MPa (25 ksi). require approximately twice the specific energy Forging temperatures and reductions, therefore,
Forging pressures increase somewhat for needed for the iron-base A-286. depend on the forging operation and the part de-
greater upset reductions at normal forging tem- In the forgeability ratings listed in Table 6, sign.
peratures. As shown in Fig. 7, the pressure for Astroloy and U-700 alloys have approximately The alloys are usually forged with small reduc-
a 20% upset reduction of A-286 at 1095 "C (2000 one-fifth the forgeability of Alloy 600 (UNS tions in initial breakdown operations. The reduc-
868 / Forging
H ui
7010 370-440 700-820
vi 7039 380-440 720-820
E 7049 360-440 680-820
E 75 c
10 2
U 7079 405-455 760-850
in flow stress with temperature is even greater;
indicating the principal reason for the relatively
5 narrow metal temperature ranges.
Table 7 lists the 15 aluminum alloys that are
most commonly forged, as well as recommended
temperature ranges. All of these alloys are gener-
ally forged to the same severity, although som
alloys may require more forging power andioi
0 0 more forging operations than others. The forging
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 temperature range for most alloys is relatively
narrow (generally < 5 5 "C,or 100 OF), and for
Strain, %
no alloy is the range greater than 85 "C (155
Fig. 10 Flow stresses of commonly forged aluminum alloys and of 1025 steel at typical forging temperatures and OF).
various levels of total strain Effect of Deformation Rate. Aluminum alloy
forgings are produced on a wide variety of forg-
ing equipment. The deformation or strain rate im-
parted to the deforming metal varies considerably
sorbed in the range of forging temperatures typi- nificantly above those presented; however, these ranging from very fast (for example, 2 1 0 s - ' on
cally employed for the alloys in question. Also alloys have limited application in forging because equipment such as hammers, mechanical presses,
considered in this index is the difficulty of they cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. and high-energy-rate machines) to relatively slow
achieving specific degrees of severity in defor- Effect of Temperature. As shown in Fig. 1 1 , (for example, 50.1 s-' on equipment such as
mation as well as the cracking tendency of the the forgeability of all aluminum alloys improves hydraulic presses). Therefore, deformation or
alloy under forging process conditions. There are with increasing metal temperature, and there is strain rate is also a critical element in the suc-
wrought aluminum alloys, such as 1100 and considerable variation in the effect of tempera- cessful forging of a given alloy.
3003, with forgeability that would be rated sig- ture for the alloys plotted. For example, the high- Figure 13 presents the effect of two strain rates
silicon alloy 4032 shows the greatest effect, (10 s - ' and 0.1 s-I) on the flow stresses of two
while the high-strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 7xxx alloys aluminum alloys (6061 and 2014) at 370 "C (700
display the least effect. Figure 12 shows the ef- OF). It is clear that higher strain rates increase
fect of temperature on flow stress at a strain rate the flow stresses of aluminum alloys and that the
Forging temperature, "F
of 10 s - ' for alloy 6061, a highly forgeable alu- increase in flow stress with increasing strain rate
700 750 800 850 900 minum alloy. There is nearly a 50% increase in
I is greater for more difficult to forge alloys, such
flow stress between the highest temperature (480 as the 2xxx and 7xxx series. For 6061, the more
"C, or 900 "F, the top of the recommended forg- highly forgeable alloy, the increase in flow stress
ing range for 6061) and 370 "C (700 OF), which with the rapid strain rate is of the order of 70%;
is below the minimum temperature recommended for 2014, the higher strain rate virtually doubles
for 6061. For other, more difficult to forge al- the flow stress.
loys, such as the 2xxx and 7xxx series, the change LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
Click here to view 150
20 m
4032 m
.- f 100
; ;
- 75
10 6 B 50
I 7010,7075,.
7049,17050 2
50 - 2 -
5 "
2014.0.1 s
I l
I I I 0
0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
350 375 400 425 450 475 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Strain, %
Forging temperature, "C Strain, %
Fig. 1 3 Flow stress versus strain rate for alloys 2014
Fig. 11 Forgeability and forging temperatures of var- Fig. 12 Flow stress versus strain rate for alloy 6061 at and 6061 at 3 7 0 "C (700 "F) and two different
ious aluminum alloys three temperatures and a strain rate of 10 s-' strain rates
870 I Forging
Forging Methods
Most aluminum alloy forgings are produced in
closed dies. The four types of aluminum forgings
shaped in closed dies are blocker-type (finish
forging only), conventional (block and finish
forging or finish forging), high-definition (near-
net shape), and precision (no draft, net shape).
Figure 14 illustrates these closed-die forging
Tolerance, mm (in.)
types. Other forging methods employed include
Characteristic Blocker-tvoe Conventional High-definition Precision
upsetting, roll forging, rotary (orbital) forging,
ring rolling, and extrusion (both hot and cold). Die closure +2.3, - 1.5 + 1.5, -0.8 + 1.25, -0.5 t0.8, -0.25
The 6xxx series of aluminum alloys is selected +
( 0.09, - 0.06) +
( 0.06, - 0.03) ( t 0.05, -0.02) (+0.03, -0.01)
for nearly 75% of extrusion applications. Mismatch 0.5 (0.02) 0.5 (0.02) 0.25 (0.01) 0.38 (0.015)
Straightness 0.8 (0.03) 0.8 (0.03) 0.5 (0.02) 0.4 (0.016)
Flash extension 3 (0.12) 1.5 (0.06) 0.8 (0.03) 0.8 (0.03)
Length and width k0.8 (20.03) 2 0.8 ( ? 0.03) ? 0.8 ( ? 0.03) f0.5, -0.25
Machines and Dies
( t 0 . 0 2 , -0.01)
The types of hammers and presses that are Draft angles 5" 5" 3" I"
used for forging of aluminum alloys are essen-
tially the same as those used for forging of other Fig. 14 Types of aluminum closed-die forgings and tolerances for each. (a)Blocker-type. (b)Conventional. (c) High-
alloys (see the article "Hammers and Presses for definition. (d) Precision
Forging," in this Section). Hydraulic presses are
very widely used in forging of aluminum alloys
because heating of the dies to a temperature near
the workpiece temperature-that is, to about 425
"C (800 OF)-eliminates die chilling. As a result, Forging of aluminum alloys requires the use 0 Temperature control of dies for forging alumi-
the time of contact between the forging and the of dies specially designed for these alloys, for at num is critical; thus, facilities for heating dies
dies, which usually is extensive in hydraulic least three reasons:
presses, does not affect the forging process. I n and controlling die temperature during forging
addition, the easy control of the hydraulic press 0 Aluminum alloys are seldom fullered or bent must be considered in die design.
allows forging to proceed at a moderate speed in the forging sequence; two forging stages,
Finish on dies used for forging of aluminum
and/or permits the forging operation to be preforming and finishing, are most commonly
stopped at any time during the stroke. Thus, a 119Pd
alloys is more critical than that on dies used for
part can be forged in the same die, using several Allowances for shrinkage are greater than for steel. Cavities must be highly polished to obtain
forging strokes. steel. acceptable surface finish on the forgings.
Forging of Specific Metals and Alloys / 871
Stock Preparation and Heating may offer longer service lives. The hot trimming Table 9 Relative forgeability ratings of
of aluminum alloys is usually accomplished im- commonly forged copper alloys
The two methods most used for cutting stock
mediately after forging without reheating.
into lengths for forging are sawing and shearing. Relative
Abrasive cutoff can be used, but it is slower than forgeability(a),
Alloy Nominal composition 90
sawing for cutting aluminum, and, like sawing, Forging of Copper and Copper Alloys
produces burrs. C10200 99.95 min Cu 65
Gas-fired semimuffle furnaces are the most Copper and copper alloys offer a number of C10400 Cu-0.027 Ag 65
widely used for heating aluminum alloys for advantages over parts produced by other proc- CI 1000 99.9 min Cu 65
esses, including high strength as a result of work- C11300 Cu-0.027Ag + 0 65
forging, mainly because gas is widely available C14500 Cu-0.65Te-0.008P 65
and is usually the least expensive source of heat. ing, closer tolerances than competing processes,
such as sand casting; and modest overall cost. C18200 Cu-0. IOFe-0.90C4-0.10 80
Furnace design and construction necessarily vary Si-0.05Pb
with the requirements of the operation. The most forgeable copper alloy, forging brass C37700 Cu-38Zn-2Pb I00
Oil-fired furnaces can be used if gas is not (alloy 37700), can be forged into a given shape C46400 Cu-39.2Zn-0.8Sn 90
available. The oil must be low in sulfur content with substantially less force than required to C48200 Cu-38Zn-0.8Sn-0.7Pb 90
to avoid high-temperature oxidation, especially if forge the same shape from low-carbon steel. A C48500 Cu-37.5Zn-1.8Pb-0.7Sn 90
used in a semimuffle furnace rather than a full- less forgeable alloy, such as aluminum bronze, C62300 Cu-lOAl-3Fe 75
can be forged with approximately the same force C63000 Cu- IOAl-5Ni-3Fe 75
muffle furnace. C63200 Cu-9Al-SNi-4Fe 70
Electric furnaces are entirely satisfactory for as that required for low-carbon steel.
C64200 Cu-7AI-1.8Si 80
heating aluminum alloys, but in most areas they C65500 Cu-3Si 40
cost more to operate than fuel-fired types, and Forging Methods C67500 Cu-39Zn-1.4Fe-ISi-O.IMn 80
hence they are seldom used.
Time at temperature is not critical for alumi- Closed-Die Forging. Most copper alloy forg- Ratings are in terms of the most forgeable alloy, forging brass
num alloys. Long soaking times provide no ad- ings are produced in closed dies using the same ((37700). (a) Takes into consideration such factors as pres-
sequence of operations as that used for forging sure, die wear, and hot plasticity
vantage but, except for the high-magnesium al-
loys such as 5083, are seldom harmful. Long a similar shape from steel. Excessive flash is pro-
soaking times are sometimes difficult to avoid, duced, but is easily trimmed and remelted.
as when a press breaks down. When forging a Upset forging is used less frequently for cop- Machines
high-magnesium alloy, if the operation is delayed per alloys than for steels, primarily because cop-
per alloys are so easily extruded. A part having Most copper alloy forgings are produced in
so that soaking time will be more than 4 h, the
a long shaftlike section and a larger-diameter crank-type mechanical presses. With these
billets should be removed from the furnace or
head can often be made at less cost by extruding presses, the production rate is high, and less op-
the furnace should be shut down. Before forging
the smaller cross section from a larger section erator skill is needed and less draft is required
is resumed, the billets should be reheated.
than by starting with a small cross section and than in forging copper alloys in hammers.
upsetting to obtain the head. Press size is normally based on the projected
Ring rolling is sometimes used as a means of (plan) area of the part, including flash. The rule
1ubricants of thumb is 0.5 kN of capacity per square milli-
saving material when producing ring gears or
Dies are always lubricated for forging of alu- similar ringlike parts. meter of projected area (40 tonfiin.'). Therefore,
minum alloys because aluminum alloys have a a forging with a projected area of 32.2 cm' (5
tendency to adhere to steel at elevated tempera- in.') will require a minimum of 1780 kN (200
tures. Lubrication practice is generally the same Forging Alloys tonf) capacity for forgings of up to medium se-
as that for forging of other metals: spraying with Table 9 lists coppers and the copper alloys verity. If the part is complicated (for example,
colloidal graphite mixed with water, mineral spir- most commonly forged. They comprise at least with deep, thin ribs), the capacity must be in-
its, or mineral oils. If metal flow is a problem, 90% of all commercially produced copper alloy creased.
as in forging metal into narrow rib sections, soap forgings. Forging brass, the least difficult alloy
is added to the graphite mixture. State-of-the-art to forge, has been assigned an arbitrary forgeabil-
lubricant application systems have the capability
ity rating of 100. Dies designed for forging copper or copper al-
of applying very precise patterns or amounts of Some copper alloys cannot be forged to any
lubricant under fully automated conditions such loys usually differ from those designed for forg-
significant degree because they will crack. ing the same shapes from steel, as follows:
that the forging processes are optimized and re- Leaded copper-zinc alloys, such as architectural
peatable. bronze, which may contain more than 2.5% Pb, 0 The draft angle can be decreased for forging
are seldom recommended for hot forging. Al- copper (3" maximum and often less than 3")
though lead content improves metal flow, it 0 The die cavity is usually machined to dimen-
Trimming promotes cracking in those areas of a forging, sions that are 0.005 in./in. less than those for
The flash generated in most closed-die alumi- particularly deep-extruded areas that are not com- forging steels
num forging processes is removed by hot or cold pletely supported by, or enclosed in, the dies. 0 The die cavity is usually polished to a better
trimming or sawing, punching, or machining, de- This does not mean that the lead-containing al- surface finish for forging copper and copper
pending on the size, shape, and volume of the loys cannot be forged, but rather that the design alloys
part being produced. Hot- or cold-trimming tools of the forging may have to be modified to avoid Die materials and hardnesses selected for
are ordinarily used to trim large quantities, espe- cracking. forging copper alloys depend on part configura-
cially on moderately sized forgings that are intri- The solubility of lead in P-brass at forging tion (forging severity) and number of parts to be
cate and may contain several punchouts. The temperatures is approximately 2% maximum, but produced, as shown in Table 10.
choice of hot or cold trimming is largely based lead is insoluble in P-brass at all temperatures. Whether the dies are made entirely from a hot-
on the complexity of the part and on cost. The Consequently, although a lead content of up to work steel such as HI 1 or H I 2 or whether or
trim presses employed are either mechanical or 2.5% is permissible in Cu-40Zn a-P brasses, lead not inserts are used depends largely on the size
hydraulic. Trimming dies are usually constructed in excess of 0.10% in a Cu-30Zn a-brass will of the die. Common practice is to make the in-
of 6G or 6F2 die block steel at a hardness of contribute to catastrophic cracking. serts from a hot-work steel and to press them
approximately 444 to 477 HB. Tools of these Other copper alloys, such as the copper-nick- into rings or holders made from a low-alloy, die
steels are less costly because they are often pro- els, can be forged only with greater difficulty block steel (Table 10) or L6 tool steel. Hardness
duced from pieces of worn or broken forging and at higher cost. The copper nickels, primarily of the ring or holder is seldom critical: a range
dies. Blades for trimming and the edges of trim- because of their higher forging temperatures, are of 341 to 375 HB is typical.
ming dies are frequently hardfaced to improve sometimes heated in a controlled atmosphere,
their abrasion resistance. In addition to these thus complicating the process. The silicon
grades, 01 tool steel and/or high-alloy tool steel bronzes, because of their high forging tempera- Heating of Billets or Slugs
such as D2 hardened to 58 to 60 HRC have also tures and their compositions, cause more rapid Optimal forging temperature ranges for ten al-
been used to trim aluminum alloy forgings and die deterioration than the common forging alloys. loys are given in Table l l . Atmosphere protec-
872 I Forging
Table 10 Recommended steels and hardnesses for dies and die inserts for hammer and Cleaning
press forging of copper and copper alloys Scale and excess lubricants are easily removed
Total quantity lo be forged from copper and copper alloy forgings by chemi-
100 to 10,000 10,000 and over cal cleaning. Pickling in dilute sulfuric acid is
Maximum severity(a) Tool steel Hardness, HB Tool steel Hardness, HB the most common method for cleaning brass and
most other copper alloy forgings, although hydro-
Hammer forging
chloric acid can also be used.
Part I HI I 405-433 HI2 405-448
Aluminum bronzes form a tough, adherent alu-
6G, 6F2 341-375
Part 2 6G, 6F2 341 -375 6G. 6F2 341-375 minum oxide film during forging. An effective
H12(b) 405-448 method of cleaning aluminum bronze forgings is
Part 3 6G, 6F2 269-293 6G, 6F2 302-331 first to immerse them in a 10% solution (by
Part 4 HI I 405-433 HI I 405-433 weight) of sodium hydroxide in water at 7 5 "C
Part 5 6G, 6F2 302-33 I 6G, 6F2(c) 302-331 (170 O F ) for 2 to 6 min. After rinsing in water,
Press forging the forgings are pickled in acid solutions.
Part 1 HI2 477-514 HI2 477-514
6G, 6F2 341-375
Part 2 6G, 6F2 341 -375 HI2 477-514
Forging of Magnesium Alloys
Part 3 Part usually not press forged from copper alloys Magnesium alloys most commonly forged are
Part 4 HI I 405-433 6G. 6F2(d) 341-375 listed in Table 12, along with their forging tem-
Part 5 6G. 6F2 341-375 HI2 477-514 peratures. Magnesium alloys are often forged
within 55 "C (100 "F) of their solidus tempera-
ture. An exception is the high-zinc alloy ZK-60,
which sometimes contains small amounts of the
low-melting eutectic that forms during ingot soli-
dification. Forging of this alloy above approxi-
mately 315 "C (600 OF)-the melting point of
the eutectic-can cause severe rupturing. This
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 problem can be minimized by holding the cast
ingot for extended periods at an elevated temper-
ature to redissolve the eutectic and to restore a
higher solidus temperature.
The commercial alloys ZK21A, AZ31B. and
AZ61A listed in Table 12 are low-cost magne-
sium alloys suitable for applications in which
slightly lower mechanical properties are accept-
able. AZ31B is slightly more difficult to forge
Part 3 Part 5 than the other two alloys. ZK21A bas good weld-
(a) Dimensions in illustration are in inches. (b) Recommended for long runs-for example, 50,000 forgings. (c) With either Of the two high-strength alloys in Table 12,
steel, use insert of HI2 at 405 to 448 HB. (d) With either steel, use insert of HI2 at 429 to 448 HB. ZK60A is more widely used because it is inher-
ently fine grained and more workable.
tion during billet heating is not required for most forgeability of copper alloys, die temperature is Of the elevated-temperature alloys in Table 12,
alloys, especially when forging temperatures are generally less critical than for forging aluminum. both E K 3 l A and HM21A are readily forgeable.
below 705 "C (1300 O F ) . For temperatures toward Dies are seldom preheated in ovens. Heating is To ensure good workability, only forging-grade
the top of the range in Table 1 I , a protective usually accomplished by ring burners. Optimal billet or bar stock should be used. This type of
atmosphere is desirable and is sometimes re- die temperatures vary from 150 to 315 "C (300 product has been conditioned and inspected to
quired. An exothermic atmosphere is usually the to 600 OF), depending on the forging temperature eliminate surface defects that could open up dur-
least costly, and it is satisfactory for heating cop- of the specific alloy. For alloys having low forg- ing forging and has been homogenized by the
per alloys at temperatures above 705 "C (1300 ing temperatures, a die temperature of 150 "C supplier to make it forgeable.
OF). (300 OF) is sufficient. Die temperature is in-
Gas-fired furnaces are almost always used, and creased to as much as 315 "C (600 OF) for the Table 12 Recommended forging
furnace design is seldom critical. Open-fired con- alloys having the highest forging temperatures
veyor chain or belt types are those most com- shown in Table 11. temperature ranges for magnesium alloys
Recommended forging temperature(a)
monly used.
Workpiece Forging dies
Lubricants Alloy 'C "F OC "F
Heating of Dies
Dies should be lubricated before each forging Commercial alloys
Dies are always heated for forging copper and 300-370 575-700 260-315 500-600
operation. A spray of colloidal graphite and water ZK21A
copper alloys, although because of the good AZ61A 315-370 600-700 290-345 550-650
is usually adequate. Many installations include a
spray that operates automatically, timed with the AZ31B 290-345 550-650 260-315 500-600
Table 11 Recommended forging press stroke. However, the spray is often inade- High-strength alloys
temperature ranges for copper alloys quate for deep cavities and is supplemented by ZK60A 290-385 550-725 205-290 400-550
Temoerature ranee
swabbing with a conventional forging oil. AZ8OA 290-400 550-750 205-290 400-550
Temperature, "F
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
6oo 80
1 I I I I
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Temperature, "C
600 40
80 Cracks or surface imperfections should be re-
m moved by grinding after forging operations.
n 200 30 Grinding normally is done at room temperature
5 400 60
vi after the metal is air cooled from the forging
E 40 20 temperature. Liquid-penetrant inspection or etch-
1W ing can be used as an aid to visual inspection of
200 the surface for defects.
20 10
The oxide layer that forms on titanium at forg-
n 0 ing temperatures is brittle and can promote crack-
0 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ing of the underlying metal in subsequent bend-
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
ing or forging. Consequently, it is often desirable
(b) Strain, % M Strain, % to remove the oxide between successive forging
400 Grit blasting is a reasonably effective method
250 of removing this oxide layer, which can vary in
h thickness from 0.13 to 0.76 mm (0.005 to 0.030
300 200 in.). The blasting is done with zircon sand (100
to 150 mesh) at an air pressure of 275 kPa (40
c psi), although other types of grit are also used.
:2 w
Salt bath descaling followed by acid pickling
i s an effective method for removing scale from
1 I I I I I titanium alloys. The process must be closely con-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 trolled, however, or the work metal may become
50 embrittled. Also, titanium racks must be used;
(c) Strain, %
with steel racks, electric rotential would be
Fig. 19 Effect of forging temperature o n flow stress of n generated, resulting in erosion of the titanium
titanium alloys at l o i s strain rate. (a) a-alloy 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 work metal.
Ti-8AI-1Mo-1V. (b) a+ alloy Ti-6AI-4V. (c) Metastable p- (c) Strain, %
alloy Ti-lOV-2Fe-3AI
Isothermal and Hot-Die Forging
Fig. 20 Effect of three strain rates (0.001,0.1,and 1O is)
on flow stress of three titanium alloys forged Because the forging behavior of titanium alloys
Dies at different temperatures. (a)a-alloy Ti-8AI-1 Mo-l V at 955 i s highly temperature-dependent, as illustrated in
"C (1 750 "F). (h) a-P alloy Ti-6AI-4V at 900 "C (1 650 "F). Fig. 17 for various alloys, it is desirable to forge
Forging of titanium alloys requires the use of
(c) Metastable P-alloy Ti-lOV-2Fe-3AI at 81 5 "C (1 500 "F) these alloys under isothermal conditions (dies at
specially designed dies, for the following rea-
sons: the same temperature as the forging) or under
steel because of the relatively poor flow char- hot-die conditions (dies slightly below forging
Shrinkage allowance in die sinking is 0.100 in. acteristics of titanium. temperature). Thus, the part can be forged at low
per foot for forging titanium alloys, compared speeds to reduce flow stress and forging pressure,
Practices for die-material selection, die harden-
with 0.187 in. per foot for dies used for forg- without much danger of die chilling. The effect
ing, and die heating are similar to those used in
ing steel. of strain rate on flow stress is shown in Fig. 20.
forging of alloy steels.
0 Titanium alloys fill die contours less readily Isothermal or hot-die forging, however, requires
than alloy steel, stainless steel, or aluminum expensive die-heating systems and die materials
alloys: therefore, the die impressions for forg- Preparation and Heating of Stock that can maintain their strength at temperatures
ing titanium alloys must have larger radii and Production of sound forgings from titanium al- from 815 to 925 "C (1500 to 1700 OF). Die mate-
fillets. For intricate or close-tolerance forging, loys requires that all surface defects on stock be rials that are suitable for this purpose are heat-
more forging steps, and therefore more dies, removed. Therefore, all billets should be rough resisting alloys such as Waspaloy, Udimet 700,
are usually needed for titanium alloys than for machined or rough ground on all surfaces, and Astroloy IN-100, and Inconel 71 3C.
steel. bars should be turned or centerless ground to en- In isothermal and hot-die forging, stringent de-
0 Dies for forging titanium alloys must be more sure that all surfaces are free from defects. Saw- mands are placed on forging lubricants and stock
rugged than for steel because greater force is ing is the preferred method for cutting stock to coatings as well as on die lubrication. Various
required. Dies for forging titanium alloys are length. glass mixtures are used for coating the billets.
commonly about 50% thicker than dies used Heating of titanium alloys is critical, both in In addition, i t is often necessary to apply an addi-
for the same depth and severity of impression terms of providing protection against harmful tional "die-separation agent" to the stock prior
for forging steel. If the die is not made consid- contaminants, such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, to forging so that the forged part can be removed
erably thicker for titanium alloys, the number and hydrogen, and of controlling temperature from the die without distortion. Several isother-
of resinkings that can be made without risk of within narrow limits. Although heating in vac- mal forging lubricantsicoatings are commercially
die breakage will be fewer. uum or in a suitably inert atmosphere is feasible, available, and many others have been developed
0 Maintaining a good surface finish on dies is billets are often precoated with a glass-type coat- by various companies active in this technology
more important for forging titanium than for ing material and heated in the usual manner. and are considered proprietary.