Student Guide Tor Vergata University 2020-2021

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Student Guide

A.Y. 2020/2021

Academic Year 2020-2021

The data contained in this guide was updated on 28th July 2020

Please check any subsequent updates


This English version of the Student Guidebook is made only for information purposes.

For resolving any dispute and for all legal purposes, only the Italian version is valid.

Edited by Department I - Didactic and Student Services


Cover Image:

"MyCamp", the mascot of Orientation activities of the Tor Vergata University of Rome

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Studying at Tor Vergata ....................................................................................................... 6
1.1 - Academic courses.................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 - What you need to know .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 - Minimum entry requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 - Organization of studies ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services ............................................................................................... 8

2.1 - General information services ................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 – Student area secretarial offices ............................................................................................................. 11

Chapter 3 – Preliminary Enrollment Procedure ..................................................................................... 13

3.1 - How to participate in the "admission test" ............................................................................................ 13
3.2 - How to enroll in "Assessment Tests"...................................................................................................... 14
3.3 - How to request a "verification of the curricular requirements" .............................................................. 14
3.4 - Specific procedures concerning the preliminary assessment of applications at courses taught in English . 15

Chapter 4 – Enrollment ........................................................................................................................ 16

4.1 - How to enroll ........................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2 -Enrolling in a shortened degree course ................................................................................................... 18

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students............................................................... 20

5.1 - EU and equivalent students, non-EU residents in Italy and Italian citizens with a foreign qualification..... 21
5.1.1 - Admission test ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.1.2 - Admission requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 21
5.1.3 - Enrollment procedures ................................................................................................................................................ 22
5.1.4 - Documentation............................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1.5 Tuition fees .................................................................................................................................................................... 24

5.2 - Non-EU students resident abroad (students with a visa)......................................................................... 24

5.2.1 - Before you leave .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.2.2 - Once in Italy................................................................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.3 - Admission tests ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.4 - Reassignment for non-EU students ............................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.5 - Admission requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.6 - Enrollment procedures ................................................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.7 - Documentation............................................................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.8 - Tuition fees .................................................................................................................................................................. 31

5.3 - MARCO POLO Program for Chinese students.......................................................................................... 31

5.3.1 - Before you leave .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.2 - Once in Italy................................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.3.3 - Admission tests ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.4 - Reassignment for non-EU students ............................................................................................................................. 33
5.3.5 - Admission requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 33
5.3.6 - Enrollment procedures ................................................................................................................................................ 34
5.3.7 - Documentation............................................................................................................................................................ 34
5.3.8 - Tuition fees .................................................................................................................................................................. 35

5.4 - Non-EU citizens holding a qualification obtained in Italy ........................................................................ 35

5.4.1 - Tuition fees .................................................................................................................................................................. 37

5.5 - Recognition of qualifications achieved abroad ....................................................................................... 37

Chapter 6– Registration in academic years following year one ............................................................. 38

6.1- How to enroll in your second year and following years ........................................................................... 38
6.2 - Enrolment in year two and following years with residence permit .......................................................... 39
6.3 - Deadline extension for the enrollment of graduates (PRECAUTIONARY APPLICATION) ............................ 39
6.4 - Enrollment as a part-time student ......................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions .................................................................................................... 43

7.1 - Verification of merit requirements for the calculation of university fees ................................................. 47
7.2 – Payment and deadlines of tuition fees .................................................................................................. 47
7.3 – Payment methods ................................................................................................................................ 49
7.4 - ISEE–University ..................................................................................................................................... 50
7.4.1– What is an ISEE certification and what is it for? .......................................................................................................... 50
7.4.2 – How to apply for an ISEE-University ........................................................................................................................... 51
7.4.3 – Foreign Students ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
7.4.4 – Deadline for the ISEE-University submission .............................................................................................................. 52
7.4.5-Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................................ 53

7.5 - Exemptions ........................................................................................................................................... 53

7.5.1 – Total exemptions ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
7.5.2 - Partial exemption ........................................................................................................................................................ 56
7.5.3 - Exemption from admission test payment ................................................................................................................... 57

7.6 - Various contributions ............................................................................................................................ 57

7.7 - Healthcare graduate schools ................................................................................................................. 58
7.8 - Graduate schools in Legal Studies .......................................................................................................... 59
7.9 - Tax refunds ........................................................................................................................................... 60
7.10 - Sanctions and tax assessments ............................................................................................................ 61

Chapter 8 - During your career ............................................................................................................. 62

8.1 - Interruption and resumption of studies ................................................................................................. 62
8.2 – ALIAS career for transgenders ............................................................................................................... 63
8.3- Discontinuing your studies ..................................................................................................................... 64
8.4 – Time limits for discontinuing your studies ............................................................................................. 65
8.5 - Resumption of studies with exam recognition after discontinuation ....................................................... 65
8.6 - Suspension ........................................................................................................................................... 66
8.7 - Transfers............................................................................................................................................... 67
8.8 - Inbound transfers.................................................................................................................................. 68
8.9 - Outbound transfers ............................................................................................................................... 70
8.10 – Enrolling in single-subject courses ....................................................................................................... 71
8.11 - Scholarships - Opportunities ................................................................................................................ 73
8.12 - Examinations, verifications and issue of certification............................................................................ 75
8.12.1 -Exams ......................................................................................................................................................................... 75
8.12.2 - Study plan and exam booking ................................................................................................................................... 75
8.12.3 - Graduation exam ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
8.12.4 – Collecting your graduation parchment ..................................................................................................................... 78
8.12.5 - Diploma supplement ................................................................................................................................................. 79
8.12.6 – Certification issue ..................................................................................................................................................... 79
8.12.7 – Duplication of your university transcript of records (Libretto universitario) ........................................................... 80
8.12.8 - Self-certification ........................................................................................................................................................ 81

8.13 - Additional services provided................................................................................................................ 81

8.13.1- Libraries ...................................................................................................................................................................... 81
8.13.2 - University sports centre ............................................................................................................................................ 83
8.13.3- Student Ombudsperson ............................................................................................................................................. 84
8.13.4- Accommodation ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
8.13.5 – SOS CUG and psychological counseling .................................................................................................................... 85
8.13.6 - Commission for the inclusion of students with disabilities and DSA (CARIS) ............................................................ 86
8.13.7 - Online Delphi platform .............................................................................................................................................. 86
8.13.8 - Uniroma2-live - Online services for Tor Vergata students ........................................................................................ 87
8.13.9 -Regulations ................................................................................................................................................................. 88
8.13.10 - Facilitations ............................................................................................................................................................. 88

Chapter 1 - Studying at Tor Vergata

Chapter 1 - Studying at Tor Vergata

1.1 - Academic courses

The Tor Vergata University of Rome offers a wide range of academic courses. The section
containing the academic courses offered on the university portal, at
provides you with the full list of the bachelor, master and one-cycle master’s degree
courses at your disposal.

Take a look at the chart and click on your macro-area. In this way, you will be linked to
the academic course web page. Our schools include Economics, Engineering, Humanities,
Law, Medicine and Surgery, and Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.


Law Engineering


Physics, and

Medicine and

Chapter 1 - Studying at Tor Vergata

1.2 - What you need to know

1.2.1 - Minimum entry requirements

In order to participate in a Bachelor or Master’s degree course, one of the following

qualifications is required:
• Five-year high school diploma;
• Four-year high school diploma together with an additional year;
• Four-year high school diploma with no additional year 1 (following approval by the
degree course committee)

1.2.2 - Organization of studies

Doctorate (3 or 4 years)
High school diploma

Master's degree course (120

Graduate school
ECTS credits)
Three-year Degree course
(180 ECTS credits )
1st level Master 1st and 2nd level Master

Doctorate (3 or 4 years)

One-cycle Master's degree

course (5 or 6 years) – (300 or Graduate school
360 ECTS credits)

1st and 2nd level Master

1It is possible for students to enrol with a four-year high school diploma. However, they shall be evaluated by the
degree course committee, in order to identify, in addition to the specific entry certification, any additional
academic requirements.

Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services

Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services

The campus has numerous information services offering general advice as well as specific
information regarding individual macro-areas.

2.1 - General information services

Public Relations Office (URP)

Address 50, via Cracovia– 00133, Rome

Opening hours Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm
Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm to 4pm
"Call Tor Vergata"
Telephone number + 39 06 72503099
Opening hours Call from Monday to Thursday from 9am to 1pm and from
2pm to 5pm
Friday from 9am to 1pm

“Alternanza scuola/lavoro” (ASL), welcoming, mentoring

Address 50, via Cracovia – 00133, Rome

Telephone number + 39 06 72592701 - + 39 06 72592099 - + 39 06 72592536

Guidance and Mentoring services

Address 50, via Cracovia– 00133, Rome

Telephone number + 39 06 72593622

Welcome Office

Address 50, via Cracovia - 00133, Rome (first floor - block C)

Telephone number + 39 06 72592817
Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services

Foreign Student Secretarial Office

Address 50, via Cracovia– 00133, Rome

Telephone number +39 06 72592566 - +39 06 72592022 - +39 06 72592567
Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm


Address 50, via Cracovia– 00133, Rome

Telephone number + 39 06 72592555 - + 39 06 72592062
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm

University Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Specific
Learning Disorders - SLD (CARIS)

Address Macro-area of Engineering: 1, via del Politecnico – 00133, Rome

(ground floor - room 11)
Telephone number + 39 06 72594783 - + 39 06 2022876
Office opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12pm
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm

Master Secretarial Office

Address 2, Via Columbia - 00133 Rome (ground floor - block B)

Office opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm
Telephone number + 39 06 72592003

Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services

Graduate Schools Secretarial Office – Healthcare Area

Address 1, via Montpellier– 00133, Rome (first floor, Block D)

Telephone number +39 06 72596966

Office opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm

CLA (University Language Centre)

Address 341, via di Passolombardo – 00133, Rome

Opening hours Monday and Tuesday from 10am to 12am
Telephone number +39 06 725991026
Opening hours Call on Monday and Thursday from 10am to 12am and from
2pm to 3pm
Friday from 10am to 11 am

Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services

2.2 – Student area secretarial offices


Address 2, via Columbia – 00133, Rome (ground floor, Block B)

Telephone number +39 06 72595839 - +39 06 72595841 - +39 06 72595836

Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm


Address 2, via Columbia – 00133, Rome (ground floor, Block B)

Telephone number + 39 06 72595845 - + 39 06 72595849 + 39 06 72595846 -

39 06 72595848
Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm


Address 1, via del Politecnico– 00133, Rome (ground floor, teaching

Telephone number + 39 06 72597599 - + 39 06 72597253 - + 39 06 72597598
Opening hours Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 9am to 12am
and Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm


Address 1, via Columbia– 00133, Rome (ground floor, block A)

Telephone number + 39 06 7259 5237 - + 39 06 72595200 - + 39 06 72595232

Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 3pm to 5pm

Chapter 2 - Campus Information Services

Medicine and Surgery - Medical Area

Address 1, via Montpellier– 00133, Rome (ground floor)

Telephone number + 39 06 72596964 - + 39 06 72596013 - + 39 06 72596043
- + 39 06 72596045
Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm

Medicine and Surgery - Dentistry and Dental Prostheses

Address 1, via Montpellier– 00133, Rome (second floor)

Telephone number + 39 06 72596034
Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm

Medicine and Surgery - Healthcare

Address 1, via Montpellier– 00133, Rome (ground floor)

Telephone number + 39 06 72596965 - + 39 06 72596967 - + 39 06 72596049
- + 39 06 72596057
Opening hours Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 9am to 12am
and Wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00

Mathematics, Physics, and Natural Sciences

Address 1, via della Ricerca Scientifica – 00133, Rome (ground floor,

Sogene Block)
Telephone number + 39 0672594832 - + 39 0672594092 - + 39 0672594093 -
+ 39 0672594830
Opening hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am to 12am
Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm

Chapter 3 – Preliminary Enrollment Procedure

Chapter 3 – Preliminary Enrollment

Degree study programs are divided into:
- courses for a limited number of students, which require an "admission test"
(programmed access);
- three-year undergraduate courses for an unlimited number of students (an
"assessment test" is required in order to test the student’s general knowledge);
- master’s degree courses for an unlimited number of students (a "verification of
your curricular requirements" and of the student’s general academic background
is mandatory);
- study courses taught in English with a pre-course evaluation of applications
following specific procedures.
Payment of a fee is required in order to participate in the selection process to access
university courses.
a. Students with an officially-registered disability equal to or higher than 66% or with
any disability in accordance with art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3, law no. 104 dated 5th
February 1992 and
b. students who have graduated at this university with a final grade of 110/110 and
who would like to enroll in a master’s degree
are exempt from the payment of the above-mentioned fees.

3.1 - How to participate in the "admission test"

To enroll in a study program for a limited number of students at national or local level,
students have to register for, take, and pass the admission test.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services website:
b. Select Student Section, Key 1>Enrollment in the admission tests.
c. Fill in the application form concerning the admission test. A form and a payment slip with
a CTRL code will then be provided.
d. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available in the
following website:
e. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
“Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.
Online payment validation is mandatory in order to participate in the admission

Chapter 3 – Preliminary Enrollment Procedure

3.2 - How to enroll in "Assessment Tests"

An assessment test is mandatory even if a student wants to enroll in a bachelor’s degree

course designed for an unlimited number of students, in order to verify the student’s
general background knowledge.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services website:
b. Select Student Section, Key 1>Enrollment in the assessment tests.
c. Fill in the application form concerning the admission test. A form and a payment slip with
a CTRL code will then be provided.
d. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available in the
following website:
e. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
“Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.
f. Students whose payment document is equal to zero are also required to validate the
Online payment validation is mandatory in order to participate in the assessment

3.3 - How to request a "verification of the curricular


If a student wants to enroll in a master’s degree course designed for an unlimited

number of students, a verification of the curriculum requirements and the personal
background is requested before registration; it is also necessary to participate in an interview
as far as it is required by the concerned macro-area.


Connect to the Delphi Services website:
a. Select Student Section, Key 1> Application for Verification of Curricular Requirements.
b. Fill in the application form concerning the admission test. A form and a payment slip with
a CTRL code will then be provided.
c. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available in the
following website:
d. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
“Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.

Chapter 3 – Preliminary Enrollment Procedure

Online payment validation is indispensable in order to obtain the verification of the

curricular requirements.
The application to get verification of your curricular requirements will be transmitted
online to the teaching office of the course you have applied for and will be evaluated.
Once the application submission deadline has expired, the Course Committee (Consiglio di
Corso) will meet to evaluate the student’s curricular requirements and decide whether or not
to allow the student to enroll in the degree course in accordance with the procedure
described in “Chapter 4 – Enrollment”.

3.4 - Specific procedures concerning the preliminary assessment

of applications at courses taught in English 2

As far as the courses taught in English are concerned, which require a preliminary evaluation
of applications but no admission test, the following procedures are mandatory.
Foreign/international students whose academic qualification was obtained abroad
Foreign candidates legally residing in Italy and those who are resident abroad awaiting the
start of preliminary registration procedures at the Italian Diplomatic Institutions in their
country of origin may contact the university, by providing a copy of their academic
qualifications in order to request a preliminary assessment of their curriculum. The university
will then be able to inform applicants regarding possible admission together with any
academic exams that shall be passed in order to be enrolled; alternatively, the university
shall recommend the enrollment in another study course deemed as more appropriate.


a. Connect to the Delphi Services website:
b. Select Student Section, Key 1>Assessment.
c. Fill in the application for preliminary assessment and attach relevant documentation.
d. After receiving notification of your admission, you will be able to print out your
acceptance letter by selecting point b) in the Student Area - ASSESSMENT, which can
then be used to start your study visa application at the Italian Diplomatic Institute in your

2 Except for degree courses in "Medicine and Surgery" and "Pharmacy".

Chapter 4 – Enrollment

Chapter 4 – Enrollment
It is possible to start your ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE in the following cases:
- once passed the admission test (study course for a limited number of students);
- once taken the compulsory admission test relating to a one-cycle three-year
degree course (for an unlimited number of students);
- once received CLEARANCE (nulla osta) after verification of your curricular
requirements to enrol in a master’s degree for an unlimited number of

N.B. Enrolling in more than one university courses or in more than one course at
the same university is forbidden, except for Ph.D. and Healthcare Graduate
Courses. Further exceptions are covered by the law in force.

4.1 - How to enroll

If you satisfy the admission criteria, you can enroll in the course you have chosen.


a. Fill in the evaluation questionnaire on the "Quest Test" site:

b. Keep your questionnaire code (CQ) that will be issued by the system (N.B. the CQ
remains valid for only five days; after five days, the questionnaire must be filled in again).
c. Connect to the Delphi Online Services website:;
d. Select Student Section, Key 2 - Registration;
e. Select “Start application procedures";
f. While filling in your application:
- if you want to pay for the whole amount of university fees and taxes in one installment
instead of two, select this option;
- you self-certify your academic qualification to be used in your registration procedure.
The university will verify the information contained in this self-certification in accordance
with the norms and regulations in force;
g. Select “print”: the system will issue your application and a pay slip to be used for the
payment of the first installment;
h. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available on the
following website:;
i. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time;
j. The system will issue your personal ID number (matricola) and password, which
must be kept carefully as they will be essential to access the university's
computer services.

Chapter 4 – Enrollment


Once the payment has been validated, students shall present the following
documentation to the Secretarial Office in question, within the deadline indicated in
the calls and notices or, where no expiry date is specified, by 6th November 2020:

a. the enrollment application, to be signed while submitting it, which shall include a
passport-size photo put on the space provided in the application form;
b. two passport-size photos(identical to the one put on to the application form);
c. a copy of a valid identity document (ID);
d. a copy of the payment receipt (except for those who are exempt from payment);
e. a section of the form issued during the payment validation procedure, which
contains your personal ID number. This section is marked as "Da consegnare alla
Segreteria Studenti” (to be delivered to the Student Secretarial Office).


TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (Libretto Universitario).

Students can join master’s degree courses also after their start date, provided that they
register in time to attend classes in accordance with the rules provided in the didactic
programmes and on condition they adhere to the procedures and deadlines indicated on the
website of each macro-area. However, there will be a penalty if students make their
payments after the deadline specified in the relevant calls.

Students who wish to apply for fee reductions shall, through their reserved area of the Delphi
portal, authorize the university to consult the INPS database in order to obtain their ISEE-
UNIVERSITY certificate. The deadline for this procedure is 16th December 2020. For further
information, please read Chapter 7.4-ISEE-UNIVERSITY.
In order to proceed with enrolment, international students must follow the
information given in chapter 5 of this guide.


There are several forms of exemption from tax payments for certain categories of students.

Students who are entitled to total exemption include:
- students with an officially registered disability of (or greater than) 66% or with a
handicap in accordance with art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3, law no. 104 dated 5
February 1992);
- victims of organized crime and terrorism, and victims injured in the course of duty;
- political refugees;
Chapter 4 – Enrollment

- recipients of DISCOLAZIO scholarships (except for non-EC students non presenting the
ISEE certificate in conformity with art. 8 DPCM no. 159 dated 2013 or in case this
certificate is impossible to be obtained);
- foreign citizens recipient of scholarships;
- students graduated with top marks (100/100).

The procedure for the above-mentioned facilities is explained in paragraph 7.6 "Exemptions"
(Chapter 7 “Taxes and Contributions”).

In case DISCOLAZIO scholarship is not awarded or is withdrawn, if applicants are going to

request tax reductions, they shall, through their reserved area of the Delphi portal, authorize
the university to consult the INPS database in order to obtain their ISEE-UNIVERSITY
certificate. The deadline for this procedure is 16th December 2020.

If DISCOLAZIO rankings establish that students have not won a scholarship and are not
eligible, they have to pay a supplement to the first installment within 30 days from
the start date of payment procedure. The following installments deadline will be the same for
all students or within 30 days from the start date of the first installment. Once the date has
expired, a penalty of 100.00 Euros shall be applied.

Students who are entitled to this sort of tax reduction shall consult paragraph 7.6
"Exemptions" (Chapter 7 “Taxes and Contributions”).

4.2 -Enrolling in a shortened degree course

Enrolling in a shortened degree course is possible if students hold a degree or another

academic qualification which can be considered sufficient for admission to an academic year
following year one of the degree course of their choice, after official validation of their ECTS
credits (CFU) earned during their previous study course.

For information on the requirements necessary to be considered eligible for shortened

degree courses and any specific procedures to be followed in the enrollment
process, students should consult the calls/notices/information provided regarding their
chosen degree course.

Before applying for enrollment in a shortened degree course, depending on the specific
didactic regulations of the chosen course, students may need to request a preliminary
evaluation of your academic qualifications (i.e. the exams taken at another university)
following the instructions below:
a. fill in the evaluation questionnaire on the "Quest Test" site:;
b. connect to the Delphi Online Services website:;

Chapter 4 – Enrollment

c. select Student Section - Key 2 - Select “Registering for a shortened degree course”;
d. select your macro-area and your chosen degree course;
e. fill in the application form;
f. select "Degree" in order to insert the data concerning the degree/academic
qualification for which official validation is being requested;
g. list all the examinations taken and click on "Next";
h. take note of the CTRL so you can return to the menu and modify, delete or reprint
your application form;
i. select “print”: the system will print the application form and a €0 pay slip and the
automatic validation receipt with a specific protocol number.

The application will be transmitted online to the degree course administration for
authorization to enroll.

Applicants must wait for the study course administration to evaluate their exams and
qualifications indicated in the application. After this, an e-mail will be sent containing the
result of the evaluation.

Applicants must also, in any case and in accordance with the instructions contained in
the relevant call/notice, take the admission test/assessment test or request
verification of their curricular requirements. In such case, return to the Delphi site
homepage and type Key 1 – Enrollment for Admission Tests, Enrollment for compulsory
assessment tests, Application for verification of Curricular Requirements, Assessment.

Once received the evaluation of their qualifications for their chosen course (if students have
been selected to access degree courses for a limited number of students or, alternatively, if
they have chosen a degree course that does not require any preliminary qualifications), they
can fill in the application form for enrolling in a shortened degree course following the
instructions provided in Chapter 4.1 “How to enroll”.

Students who wish to apply for university tax reductions must, through their reserved area
on the Delphi portal, authorize the university to consult the INPS database in order to obtain
their ISEE-UNIVERSITY certificate. The deadline for this procedure is 16th December 2020.
For further information, please read Chapter 7.4 “Isee-University”.

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for

international students
Students holding a qualification obtained abroad, after passing the admission or evaluation
process (if required), can enroll in any program the Tor Vergata University of Rome offers,
available at:
The first step is to obtain information about procedures and deadlines, which may differ for
every single program, reported in the respective calls published on the website:
Enrollment in Italian universities is regulated by ministerial procedures, which establish
different access procedures for EU and non-EU students resident in Italy holding a
foreign qualification, non-EU students resident abroad (student visa
applicants),“Marco Polo” Programme Chinese students holding a foreign
qualification, and non-EU students holding an Italian qualification.
Detailed information is published on the ministerial website at:


In order to enroll in a course at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, foreign students holding
a qualification achieved abroad shall have to submit a statement of comparability issued
by CIMEA (Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze accademiche) or a
Declaration of value issued by the Italian competent authority.

Comparability refers to identifying the level of the foreign qualification based on the
framework established by the Bologna Process and on the EQF (European Qualifications
Framework). The mentioned comparison does not ratify the formal recognition of the foreign
qualification within the Italian system or by the Tor Vergata University of Rome. However, it
is a useful indicator for the evaluation of the qualification for the purpose of gaining access to
higher education.

The Tor Vergata University of Rome and CIMEA have made an agreement for the issuing of
a statement of comparability for final school and university qualifications obtained abroad.
Students can access the service by visiting the CIMEA website through the following link:


The Tor Vergata University of Rome provides Italian language courses for international
students. Students can find out all the opportunities to improve their Italian by checking the
following link:

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

In the following sections, once you have chosen the right category, you will find information
about deadlines, places available, necessary documentation and how to enroll in our courses:
5.1. EU students and non-EU students residing in Italy with a qualification obtained abroad;
5.2. Non-EU students residing abroad (applying for a student visa);
5.3. “Marco Polo” Programme Chinese students;
5.4. Non-EU students residing in Italy and who have an Italian qualification.

5.1 - EU and equivalent students, non-EU residents in Italy and

Italian citizens with a foreign qualification

This category includes EU citizens (also Italians), equivalent and non-EU citizens with a
residence permit, who have a foreign qualification. Citizens of Norway, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Republic of San Marino are considered as equivalent students;
as well as refugees and holders of subsidiary protection status, including staff in service in
Diplomatic Representations abroad and in international bodies located in Italy – accredited to
the Italian State or the Holy See – and their dependent families (spouse and children).

If you are EU or non-EU citizen holding a residence permit (art. 26, law no. 189/2002) and a
qualification obtained abroad you will be admitted to the university under the same
conditions as an Italian qualification holder, hence with no limitations in terms of places
available and without having to sit the Italian language test.

5.1.1 - Admission test

Where mandatory, you shall sit the admission test for the course you have chosen following
the procedures explained in the various calls/announcements published on the university web
page “Offerta Formativa”:
Once passed the test, if you satisfy the admission requirements listed in 5.1.2, you can enroll
in accordance with the instructions provided in 5.1.3.

5.1.2 - Admission requirements

In order to be admitted into bachelor’s degree programs and one-cycle degree
programmes, it is compulsory to hold a diploma obtained abroad after a minimum of 12
years of education and which allows you to enroll in a university in your Country. In cases
where the local educational system provides shorter education programmes, you must prove
you have attended university, and passed the exams required, so as to meet the 12-year-
education requirement, or you must hold a post-secondary study qualification obtained in
non-university higher education institutes. It is additionally required that you pass an
academic qualifying examination, when required in your Country (i.e. GAO KAO in China;
Vestibular in Brazil; Selectividad in Spain; etc.).
A pre-school year can also be considered a 12-year equivalent if the attendance was
compulsory and part of the curriculum, and also in cases where the pre-school program was

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

provided with the teaching of reading and writing in the language of the given Country
together with some basic mathematics.
For further information on valid qualifications obtained abroad, please check the ministerial
procedures published at the following link:
In particular, we invite you to consult Attachment no. 1 which refers to the US qualification
(American High Schools Diploma), the UK qualification, Greek qualification or those issued by
university institutes of ecclesiastical studies based in Italy approved by the Holy See, and
Attachment no. 2 which refers to Italian qualifications obtained in “scuole di frontiera” or in
Italian sections of foreign schools, in international Baccalaureate, in schools of the Republic
of San Marino, or obtained in foreign schools based in Italy or other European schools.

To be admitted into master’s degree programs (two-year programs), you need a

qualification obtained in a foreign university or a post-secondary qualification achieved in a
non-university higher education Institute which allows you to continue your studies in the
academic institutes in your Country.

5.1.3 - Enrollment procedures

To complete the enrollment procedure link to, following the
instructions listed below.


a. Access the website:;

b. Select “Student Section”, Point 2 – Registration;
c. Select “start application procedures”;
d. Choose between your course;
e. Upload your education qualification(s);
f. While filling in the form: choose whether you prefer to pay the second installment of
university fees in one or two slips;
g. Select “print”: the system will provide you with the enrollment application and the list of
the documents which must be uploaded;
h. Take note of the CTRL and fiscal code;
i. Select in the Students section, key 2 (Registration) – point B “you have already filled out
an application”;
j. Insert your fiscal code and CTRL;
k. Upload the required documents for enrollment (see paragraph 5.1.4. Documentation),
items A) and B). It is necessary to upload a pdf file for each document;
l. Wait for the communication from the International Student Secretarial Office which, after
verifying the uploaded documentation, will send you an e-mail which describes all the
steps for printing the postal order, online payment, validation and printing the ID number
and the password;
m. Provide the documents uploaded via the Delphi system in original copy to the International
Students Secretarial Office (Via Cracovia 50, block D, floor 0); non-EU citizens have to
provide the residence permit, too.

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

In the event of irregularities in the documentation provided relating to the foreign

education qualification, the enrollment will be automatically cancelled ex officio.

5.1.4 - Documentation
A) Documentation needed for enrollment in a bachelor’s or one-cycle degree course
- Statement of comparability of the post-secondary qualification issued by CIMEA (to
be requested on line via the following linkl: https://cimea.diplo- or post-secondary qualification issued by CRIMEA with
an official translation into Italian and validated by the Italian competent authorities in
the Country of the educational system attended. This validation is not necessary if the
certification contains the “the Hague Apostille”.
In cases where the qualification was obtained after less than 12 years of education,
the following documentation shall be provided:
a. certification of the partial academic studies accomplished with an official translation
into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not
necessary if the certification contains “the Hague Apostille”;
b. academic qualification obtained in a non-university institution with official
translation in Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation
is not necessary if the certification contains “the Hague Apostille”;
c. certification of a foundation course released by Italian secondary school institutions
as a complementary qualification of schooling abroad. Please note that with the
above-mentioned additional or complementary certifications of qualifications
obtained with less than 12 years of education, you can enroll in the first academic
year, but they cannot be evaluated in enrollment procedures for shortened courses
in order to avoid a double evaluation of the same qualifications.
- Copy of the certificate that states the student has passed the admission test for
access to university courses if foreseen and mandatory in your home Country
(Selectividad in Spain, Prova de Aferiçao o Prova geral de Acesso in Portugal, etc.)
with an official translation in Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities.
This validation is not necessary if the certification contains “the Hague Apostille”.
- Copy of your residence permit (only for non-EU students officially resident in Italy).
- Copy of your fiscal code.
- Copy of your letter of admission, when required.

B) Documentation needed for enrollment in a master’s degree course (two-year

- Statement of comparability of the final qualification issued by CIMEA (to be
requested on line via the following linkl: https://cimea.diplo- or final qualification document with an official
translation into Italian and validated by the Italian competent authorities in the
Country of the educational system attended This validation is not necessary if the
certification contains the “the Hague Apostille”.
- Transcript issued by the competent university which states the exams passed
with an official translation into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities;

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

as well as, for each subject, a description of the programs attended to obtain the
qualification in question. The transcript can be replaced by a “Diploma Supplement”.
- Copy of your residence permit (only for non-EU students officially resident in Italy).
- Copy of your fiscal code.
- Copy of your letter of admission, when required.
- ATTENTION: all documents in a foreign language must be provided with an official
translation into Italian and consular validation (you can contact a local translator and
then request the Italian competent authorities in your Country to certify the validity of
the translation. This procedure is not necessary if the certificate contains “the Hague

5.1.5 Tuition fees

Information on the payment of tuition fees for the 2020/2021 academic year will be available
in this guide (see Chapter 7 “Taxes and contributions”).

5.2 - Non-EU students resident abroad (students with a visa)

This category includes students with citizenship of a non-EU Country and resident abroad,
who are hence applying for a student visa.
The procedures regarding registration for the bachelor’s/master’s degree programs and one-
cycle degree programs for non-EU citizens residing abroad follow the ministerial dispositions
which annually certify the terms and modes for the submission of the pre-enrollment
application to the Italian diplomatic-consular Representation, validation of qualifications and
student visa. More detailed information is available on the MIUR website:

In order to enroll in this university, you need to follow the following steps.

5.2.1 - Before you leave

a. Check the availability of places on the on-line database of the MIUR website. Every
year, for each program, the number of places is established by the competent
academic bodies for non-EU students resident abroad.
b. Submit your pre-enrollment via the Universitaly website. In the application you must
indicate the Tor Vergata University of Rome and choose the degree program you want
to enroll in. You will also indicate the Embassy/Consulate at which you will apply for
the entry visa to Italy. The pre-enrollment application will be verified by the Tor
Vergata University of Rome and forwarded to the Embassy/Consulate you indicated.
The subsequent pre-registration phases will be completed at the competent
diplomatic-consular offices in order to obtain the relating visa. Attention: pre-
enrollment does not in itself allow admission to study courses. To enroll you must also
take and pass the entry requirements checks and the admission tests required for the
course of study of your interest.
c. Complete the procedures provided by the Tor Vergata University of Rome for the
chosen degree program: enrollment in the admission tests or curricular evaluation
Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

(where provided). Detailed information will be published on the following website:
If you hold one of the qualifications listed in Attachment no. 1 of the Ministerial Circular, you
can choose only one of the programs. For the programs with a planned national admission
test (Medicine and Surgery; Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Veterinary Medicine and
training courses for Architects), pre-enrollment is intended also for the other universities
indicated at the moment of the test.
If you hold one of the qualifications listed in Attachment no. 2 of the Ministerial Circular, you
can choose a course independently of the number of places available. In both cases, the
application is not automatically accepted by the Italian competent authorities if the applicant
is attending the last year of school and is about to sit the final test or the specific academic
qualification tests when required.

Documentation which must be submitted to the Italian Competent Authorities

For bachelor’s and one-cycle degrees

• Original copy of the final high school Diploma, obtained after at least 12 years of school,
or an equivalent certification in accordance with the regulations;
• certificate that states you passed the academic qualification test for universities in your
• two photographs (one of them to be authenticated by the Italian competent authorities
• copy of your letter of admission, when required.
• a summary of the pre-enrolment letter validated by the university.
In case your secondary education qualification has been issued after less than 12 years of
education (Attachment no. 1), the following documents shall be included:

a. a certificate declaring the partial academic studies that you have already completed
with an official translation into Italian and validated by the Italian competent
authorities in the Country of the educational system attended This validation is not
necessary if the certification contains the “the Hague Apostille”;
b. a post-secondary qualification gained in a non-university higher education institute
with an official translation into Italian and validated by the Italian competent
authorities in the Country of the educational system attended This validation is not
necessary if the certification contains the “the Hague Apostille”;
c. the foundation course certificate awarded by Italian higher education institutions as a
supplementary qualification of the foreign school curriculum.
Please note that the above-mentioned additional or complementary certifications of
qualifications obtained with less than 12 years of education allow for the enrollment only in
year one in Italy, but they cannot be evaluated in enrollment procedures for shortened
courses in order to avoid a double evaluation of the same qualifications.

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

For master’s degree courses (two-year program):

• Academic qualification obtained from a university or post-secondary qualification gained
in a non-university higher education institute which allows to proceed in academic
institutions at a further level;
• certificate released by the competent university stating the exams passed, as well as, for
each subject, details of the programs followed to obtain the afore-mentioned
qualifications. You can check the number of places that each university reserves for each
degree course, if and from which foreign languages the certificate in question shall be
translated. Post-secondary studies (exams and credits) already gained can be certified in
the “Diploma Supplement”;
• two photographs (one of them to be authenticated by the Italian competent Authorities
• copy of your letter of admission, when required;
• a summary of the pre-enrolment letter validated by the university.

5.2.2 - Once in Italy

Italian language test

Unless you choose a program that is entirely taught in English, you will have to take and
pass the Italian language test in order to be admitted into the programs. If you do not pass
this test, you cannot enroll and you will have to leave Italy before the expiry date of your
visa. The procedure to carry out the Italian language test is available in the following
/6299 (“Notices”).
The Italian test is not necessary for:
a. students who obtained a diploma in an Italian high-school abroad;
b. students holding one of the qualifications issued by the schools in Attachment no. 2 of
the Ministerial Circular;
c. students who obtained a final qualification of junior high-school in Argentina and hold
complementary certificates that state they studied Italian language for at least 5 years
d. students who obtained their Diploma in Italian language and culture at “Università per
Stranieri” of Perugia and/or Siena;
e. students who obtained the Italian language certification (level B2) issued by the CLIQ.

Residence permit request

Within eight days of your arrival in Italy with a “D” type national student visa, you will have
to submit a residence permit request to the competent “Questura” (specific police office) of
the city where you intend to establish your residence. The application can be submitted to
the Post Office using the appropriate kit. Applying implies the payment of taxes. Applicants
will be notified about the date where they shall go to the appropriate offices of the Questura,
bring photographs, and undergo a fingerprint check. If the application has to be integrated
with additional documentation, you will be informed by SMS or a registered mail. You can
check the status of your request on the Police website or immigration portal.

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

Fiscal Code request

The fiscal code is a 16-digit alphanumeric code, issued by the income revenue authority
(“Agenzia delle Entrate”) for free, which uniquely identifies Italian and foreign citizens.
With the fiscal code, you may:
• enroll in an Italian university
• open a bank account
• sign a contract (rent, telephone contract, etc.)
• register with the National Health System (SSN)
Citizens who are resident abroad may apply for one at the Italian Diplomatic Representation
in the country of residence. In Italy, however, it has to be requested at the nearest "Agenzia
delle Entrate" (income revenue authority) of the city where the student lives. The following
Agenzia delle Entrate Office is the closest to the university:
Roma 5 Tuscolano –110, Via di Torre Spaccata - Phone: +39 06526061 -Fax: +39
0650763658 - email address: – Opening times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:50 am to 1:30 pm; Tuesday and Thursday from 7:50 am
to 3:30 pm.
You can visit the Agenzia delle Entrate website at:
ATTENTION: to be assisted in preparing the documentation please refer to the
Welcome Office.

Health Insurance
A health insurance valid for Italy is extremely important in order to apply for a residence
permit within 8 days of your arrival in Italy. In cases where you have not obtained health
insurance in your country of origin and have not had it validated by an Italian Diplomatic
Representation, you can choose between two options: either a private health insurance, or a
voluntary registration with the SSN (National Health System).
Your registration with the National Health System (SSN), which lasts a year, gives you the
opportunity to choose a doctor, who will take care of your health problems for free and will
be able to prescribe drugs, examinations and any specialist visits in exactly the same way as
an Italian citizen.
For any information regarding this matter, please check the following website:

White Code
The Tor Vergata University of Rome is delighted to offer a new service that will guarantee
free access to basic healthcare prior to registration with the Italian National Healthcare
(Servizio Sanitario Nazionale). A clinic is open on Mondays and Thursdays (2pm-4pm) at the
Policlinico of Tor Vergata. Please send an email to: .

5.2.3 - Admission tests

Where required, you shall sit the admission test for the course you have chosen following the
procedures explained in the various calls/announcements published on the university web
page “Offerta Formativa”:

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students
/5365. Once passed the test, if you satisfy the admission requirements listed below (5.2.4),
you can enroll in accordance with the instructions provided in 5.2.5.

5.2.4 - Reassignment for non-EU students

If you have not ranked among the admitted applicants, within the terms established by the
MIUR (The Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) after publication on the website
(, you can apply for:
a. admission to another program at the same university;
b. reassignment for the same program or a different one in a different university.
Application for point b) must be submitted to the dean of the university where you are going
to transfer and also to the Dean of the university where you sit the test (link: Modulistica per
la carriera dello studente).
Remember: you need to verify if the Declaration of Value entitles you to enroll in the
program you have chosen. The final verification shall be carried out by the International
Students Secretarial Office at the moment of enrollment.

NOTE: Students who have not passed the admission test or who do not obtain a place in
another university or program, despite having achieved a qualifying score, must leave Italy
no later than the expiry date of their visa or of their residence permit for study purposes
(except for those holding other residence permits which entitle them to stay legally after that

5.2.5 - Admission requirements

In order to be admitted into bachelor’s degree programs and one-cycle degree
programs, it is compulsory to hold a diploma obtained abroad after a minimum of 12 years
of education and which allows you to enroll in a university in your Country. In cases where
the local educational system offers shorter education programs, you must prove you have
attended university and passed the exams required so as to meet the 12-year-education
requirement, or you must hold a qualification of post-secondary studies obtained in non-
university higher education Institutes. It is additionally required that you pass an academic
qualifying examination, when required in your Country (e.g.: GAO KAO in China; Vestibular
in Brasil; Selectividad in Spain; etc.). A pre-school year can also be considered a 12-year
equivalent if the attendance was compulsory and part of the curriculum, and also in cases
where the pre-school program was provided with the teaching of reading and writing in the
language of the given Country together with some basic mathematics.
For further information on the validity of qualifications obtained abroad, please check the
ministerial procedures published at the following link:http://www.studiare-in- In particular, we invite you to consult Attachment no. 1 of the
Ministerial Circular, which refers to the US qualification (American High Schools Diploma), the
UK qualification, Greek qualification or those issued by university institutes of ecclesiastical
studies based in Italy approved by the Holy See. Also consult Attachment no. 2 of the same
Ministerial Circular, which refers to Italian qualifications obtained in “scuole di frontiera” or in
Italian sections of foreign schools, in international Baccalaureate, in schools of the Republic
of San Marino, or obtained in foreign schools based in Italy or other European schools.
Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

To be admitted into master’s degree programs (two-year programs), you need a

qualification obtained in a foreign university or a post-secondary qualification achieved in a
non-university higher education institute which allows you to continue your studies in the
academic institutes in your Country.

5.2.6 - Enrollment procedures

After the admission test, if required, you will have to complete the enrollment procedure at, following the instructions reported below.


a. Access the website:

b. Select “Student Section”, key 2 – Registration
c. Select “start application procedures”
d. Choose the course
e. Upload your education qualification
f. While filling in the form: choose whether you prefer to pay the second installment of
university fees in one or two payments
g. Select “print”: the system will provide you with the enrollment application and with the
list of the documents which must be uploaded
h. Take note of the CTRL and Fiscal Code
i. Select in the Students section, key 2 - Registration – point B “you have already filled
out an application”
j. Insert your fiscal code and CTRL
k. Upload the documents required to enroll in your course. Further information about the
list of the documents to be presented at 5.2.7 (Documentation) - items A) and B). It is
necessary to upload a pdf file for each document
l. Wait for the communication from the International Student Secretarial Office which,
after verifying the uploaded documentation, will send the student an e-mail which
describes all the steps for printing the postal order, online payment, validation and
printing the ID number and the password
m. Provide the original copy of the uploaded documents to the Welcome Office or
International Students Secretarial Office (50, via Cracovia, Rome - block D, ground
floor), which will check your documentation uploaded via the Delphi system and your
residence permit in case of non-EU citizens.

In the event of irregularities in the documentation provided relating to the foreign

education qualification, the enrollment will be automatically cancelled ex officio.

5.2.7 - Documentation

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

A) Documentation needed for enrollment in a Bachelor’s or one-cycle program

Statement of comparability issued by CIMEA (to be requested on line via the following
linkl: or post-secondary qualification
with an official translation into Italian and validated by the Italian competent authorities in
the Country of the educational system attended. This validation is not necessary if the
certification contains the “the Hague Apostille”.
In cases where the qualification was obtained after less than 12 years of education, the
following documentation (listed in the Ministerial Circular) must be provided:
a. certification of the partial academic studies accomplished with an official translation
into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not
necessary if the certification contains “the Hague Apostille”;
b. academic qualification obtained in a non-university institution with official translation
into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not
necessary if the certification contains “the Hague Apostille”;
c. certification of a foundation course released by Italian secondary school institutions as
a complementary qualification of schooling abroad. Please note that with the above-
mentioned additional or complementary certifications of qualifications obtained with
less than 12 years of education, you can enroll in the first academic year, but they
cannot be evaluated in enrollment procedures for abbreviated courses in order to
avoid a double evaluation of the same qualifications;
d. copy of the certificate that states the student has passed the admission test for access
to university courses if foreseen and mandatory in your home Country (Selectividad in
Spain; Prova geral de Acesso in Portugal; etc.) with an official translation into Italian
and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not necessary if the
certification contains “the Hague Apostille”;
e. copy of your residence permit (for non-EU students resident in Italy only);
f. copy of your fiscal code;
g. copy of the letter of admission, when required.

B) Documentation needed for the enrollment to a master’s degree program (two-year

• Statement of comparability issued by CIMEA (to be requested on line via the
following linkl: or post-secondary
qualification with an official translation into Italian and validated by the Italian
competent authorities in the Country of the educational system attended. This
validation is not necessary if the certification contains the “the Hague Apostille”;
• transcript issued by the competent university which states the exams passed, with an
official translation into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities; as well
as, for each subject, a description of the programs attended to obtain the qualification
in question. The transcript can be replaced by the “Diploma Supplement”;
• copy of your residence permit (for non-EU students resident in Italy only);
• copy of your fiscal code;
• copy of your letter of admission, when required.
ATTENTION: all the documents in a foreign language must provided with an official
translation into Italian and consular validation (you can contact a local translator and then
Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

request the Italian competent authorities in your Country to certify the validity of the
translation; this procedure is not necessary if the certificate contains “the Hague Apostille”).

5.2.8 - Tuition fees

Information concerning the payment of the tuition fees for the 2020/2021 academic year are
available in this guide (see Chapter 7 “Taxes and contributions”).

5.3 - MARCO POLO Program for Chinese students

The “Marco Polo”Program consists in a governmental agreement, between Italy and China,
with the purpose of supporting the presence of Chinese students in Italian universities.
The students who participate in this project will have the chance to arrive in Italy in advance
compared to the other international students in order to learn Italian for 10 or 11 months.
According to the project, passing the Italian language test exempts them from the Italian
language exam provided for non-EU students residing abroad who enroll in an Italian
university. After passing this test, they will have to take any admission tests for individual
study courses (where applicable) and enroll according to the procedures indicated for each
three-year or master's degree course.

5.3.1 - Before you leave

a. Check the availability of places on the on-line database of the MIUR website. Every
year, for each degree course, the number of places is established by the competent
academic bodies.
b. Submit your pre-enrollment application to the Italian competent authorities in
your Country, in order to know the documents required to obtain the visa allowing you
to enroll in the Italian universities. More info available in the website of the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
ATTENTION: pre-enrollment does not in itself allow admission to study courses. To enroll
you must also take and pass the entry requirements checks and the admission tests required
for the course of study of your interest.

5.3.2 - Once in Italy

Residence permit request

Within eight days of your arrival in Italy, you will have to submit a residence permit request
to the competent “Questura” (specific police office) of the city where you intend to establish
your residence. The ministry rules concerning the request are available at You can also request a residence permit
before your arrival in Italy by filling in the appropriate form with the assistance of Uni-Italia.
The application on site is forwarded to the competent institutions only if you already have a
study visa. Uni-Italia will provide the information necessary for the completion of the
procedure in Italy.

Fiscal Code request

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

The fiscal code is a 16-digit alphanumeric code, issued by the income revenue authority
(“Agenzia delle Entrate”) for free, which uniquely identifies Italian and foreign citizens.
With the fiscal code, you may:
• Enroll in an Italian university
• Open a bank account
• Sign a contract (rent, telephone contract, etc.)
• Register with the National Health System (SSN)
Citizens who are resident abroad may apply for one at the Italian Diplomatic Representation
in the country of residence. In Italy, however, it has to be requested at the nearest "Agenzia
delle Entrate" (income revenue authority) of the city where the student lives. The following
Agenzia delle Entrate Office is the closest to the university:
Roma 5 Tuscolano – 110, Via di Torre Spaccata - Phone: + 39 06526061 - Fax: + 39
0650763658 - email address: – Opening times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:50 am to 1:30 pm; Tuesday and Thursday from 7:50 am
to 3:30 pm.
You can visit the Agenzia delle Entrate website at:

Health Insurance
A health insurance valid in Italy is extremely important in order to apply for your residence
permit within 8 days of your arrival in Italy. In cases where you have not obtained health
insurance in your country of origin and have not had it validated by an Italian Diplomatic
Representation, you can choose between two options: either a private health insurance, or a
voluntary registration with the SSN (National Health System).
Your registration with the National Health System (SSN), which lasts a year, gives you the
opportunity to choose a doctor, who will take care of your health problems for free and will
be able to prescribe drugs, examinations, and any specialist visits in exactly the same way as
an Italian citizen.
For all information regarding this matter, please check the following website:

White Code
The Tor Vergata University of Rome is delighted to offer a new service that will guarantee
free access to basic healthcare prior to registration with the Italian National Healthcare
(Servizio Sanitario Nazionale). A clinic is open on Mondays and Thursdays (from 2pm to 4
pm) at the Tor Vergata Policlinico. For info send an email to

5.3.3 - Admission tests

Where required, you must sit the admission test for the course you have chosen following
the procedures explained in the various calls/announcements published on the university web
page “Offerta Formativa”:

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

/5365. Once passed the test, if you satisfy the admission requirements listed in 5.3.5, you
can enroll in accordance with the instructions contained in 5.3.6.

5.3.4 - Reassignment for non-EU students

If you have not ranked among the admitted applicants, within the terms established by the
MIUR (The Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) after publication on the website
(, you can apply for:
a. admission to another program at the same university;
b. reassignment for the same program or a different one, in a different university.
Application for point b) must be submitted to the dean of the university where you are
going to transfer and also to the dean of the university where you sit the test (link:
Modulistica per la carriera dello studente)
ATTENTION: students who have not passed the admission test or who do not obtain a place
in another university or program, despite having achieved a qualifying score, must leave
Italy no later than the expiry date of their visa or of their residence permit for study
purposes, except for those holding other residence permits which entitle them to stay legally
after that date.

5.3.5 - Admission requirements

In order to be admitted into bachelor’s degree programs and one-cycle degree
programs, it is compulsory to hold a diploma obtained abroad after a minimum of 12 years
of education and which allows you to enroll in a university in your Country. In cases where
the local educational system provides shorter education programs, you must prove you have
attended university, and passed the exams required so as to meet the 12-year-education
requirement, or you must hold a qualification of post-secondary studies obtained in non-
university higher education Institutes. It is additionally required that you pass an academic
qualifying examination, when required in your Country (i.e. GAO KAO in China). A pre-school
year can also be considered a 12-year equivalent if the attendance was compulsory and part
of the curriculum, and also in cases where the pre-school program was provided with the
teaching of reading and writing in the language of the given Country together with some
basic mathematics.
For further information on valid qualifications obtained abroad, please check the ministerial
procedures published at the following link:
In particular, we invite you to consult Attachment no. 1 which refers to the US qualification
(American High Schools Diploma), the UK qualification, Greek qualification or those issued by
university institutes of ecclesiastical studies based in Italy approved by the Holy See, and
Attachment no. 2 which refers to Italian qualifications obtained in “scuole di frontiera” or in
Italian sections of foreign schools, in international Baccalaureate, in schools of the Republic
of San Marino, or obtained in foreign schools based in Italy or other European schools.

To be admitted into master’s degree programs (two-year programs), you need a

qualification obtained in a foreign university or a post-secondary qualification achieved in a
non-university higher education Institute, which allows you to continue your studies in the
academic institutes in your Country.

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

5.3.6 - Enrollment procedures

You will have to complete the registration procedure at the link:,
following the instructions reported below.


a. Access the website:

b. Select “Student Section”, Key 2 – Registration
c. Select “start application procedures”
d. Choose your course
e. Upload your education qualification(s)
f. While filling in the form: choose whether you prefer to pay the second installment of
university fees in one or two payments
g. Select “print”: the system will provide you with the enrollment application and with the
list of the documents which must be uploaded
h. Take note of the CTRL and fiscal code
i. Select in the Students section, key 2 (Registration) – point B “you have already filled
out an application”
j. Insert your fiscal code and CTRL
k. Upload the required documents. Upload the documents required to enroll in your
course. Further information about the list of the documents to be presented at 5.2.7
(Documentation) - items A) and B). It is necessary to upload a pdf file for each
l. Wait for the communication from the International Student Office which, after
verifying the uploaded documentation, will send the student an e-mail which describes
all the steps for printing the postal order, online payment, validation and printing the
ID number and the password
m. Provide the documents uploaded via the Delphi system in original copy to the
International Students Secretarial Office (Via Cracovia 50, building D, floor 0) non-EU
citizens have to provide the residence permit, too.
In the event of irregularities in the documentation provided relating to the foreign
education qualification, the enrollment will be automatically cancelled ex officio.

5.3.7 - Documentation
A) Documentation needed for the enrollment in a Bachelor’s or one-cycle program:
• Statement of comparability of the final qualification issued by CIMEA (to be
requested on line via the following link: https://cimea.diplo- or post-secondary qualification with an official
translation into Italian, validated by the Italian competent authorities in the Country of
the educational system attended. This validation is not necessary if the certification
contains the “the Hague Apostille”. For this academic year, students not yet graduated
can obain thier own declaration of value only if their “Gao Kao” exam score is at least
equal to 400/750, in conformity with the instructions provided by the Italian
Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

diplomatic representation in China. The documentation of the students coming from

Hong Kong and Macao, not subject to the Gao Kao exam system, shall be submitted to
the Italian competent consular authority which, once verified its validity, shall issue
the necessary declaration of value
• Copy of your residence permit or copy of your receipt of residence permit request
• Three passport-size photos
• Copy of your fiscal code
• Copy of your pre-enrollment with an authenticated signature of the Italian Diplomatic
authorities in your Country
• Copy of the passport pages with your personal data and visa
• Copy of the Italian language certification (level not lower than B1)

B) Documentation needed for enrollment on a Master’s degree program (two-year
• Statement of comparability of the final qualifation issued by CIMEA (to be
requested on line via the following link: https://cimea.diplo- or post-secondary qualification with an official
translation into Italian, validated by the Italian competent authorities in the Country of
the educational system attended. This validation is not necessary if the certification
contains the “the Hague Apostille”
• Transcript issued by the competent university which states the exams passed
with an official translation into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities,
as well as, for each subject, a description of the programs attended to obtain the
qualification in question. The transcript can be replaced by the “Diploma Supplement”
• Copy of your residence permit or two copies of your receipt of residence permit
• Copy of your fiscal code.
• Three passport-size photos
• Copy of your pre-enrollment with an authenticated signature of the Italian Diplomatic
authorities in your Country
• Copy of the passport pages with your personal data and visa
• Copy of the Italian language certification (level not lower than B1)
ATTENTION: all the documents in a foreign language must provided with an official
translation into Italian and consular validation (you can contact a local translator and then
request the Italian competent authorities in your Country to certify the validity of the

5.3.8 - Tuition fees

Information on the payment of tuition fees for the 2020/2021 academic year will be available
on this guide (see Chapter 7 “Taxes and contributions”).

5.4 - Non-EU citizens holding a qualification obtained in Italy

Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

Non-EU citizens who hold a qualification obtained in Italy can gain access to university
courses in accordance with the same procedures as for the Italian citizens (hence with no
quotas nor need to sit the Italian language test). After the admission test, if required, you
will have to complete the registration procedure at the link:,
following the instructions reported below.


a. Fill the assessment questionnaire “Quest Test” on the website:
b. Take note of the code (CQ) issued by the system. (Warning: the code will be valid for 5
days; after that, a new one has to be obtained)
c. Access the website:
d. Select “Student Section”, key 2 – Registration
e. Select “start application procedures”
f. Choose your course
g. While filling in the form:
• choose if you prefer to pay the second installment of university fees in one
payment only instead two and select the relating option
• write a self-certification of the qualification you have obtained. The university will
verify the information reported in the self-certification in accordance with the
regulations in force.
h. Select “print”: the system will provide you with the enrollment application form and the
payment order concerning the first installment.


Once you have made your payment, you must submit the following documentation to the
Student Secretarial Office in question within the deadline reported in the call (6th November
2020), if no other specific deadline is indicated for the program:
a. Your enrollment application, to be signed on submitting the application, together with a
passport-size photo;
b. two passport-size photos identical to the one attached to the application;
c. copy of a valid identity document;
d. copy of your payment receipt (excluding those entitled to a total exemption of fees);
e. an original copy of your residence permit.



Chapter 5 - Enrollment procedures for international students

5.4.1 - Tuition fees

Information on the payment of tuition fees for the 2020/2021 academic year will be available
on this guide (see Chapter 7 “Taxes and contributions”).

5.5 - Recognition of qualifications achieved abroad

If you have achieved an academic qualification abroad, you can apply for a recognition with
an equivalent university qualification issued by the Tor Vergata University of Rome. The
evaluation process is carried out by each faculty’s academic body and is aimed at continuing
one’s university education and obtaining the Italian academic qualification. For more info on
the procedure, visit the following website:
For purposes other than those mentioned above (for example, participation in public
competitions or access to regulated professions), the application shall be submitted to other
public administrations. For further information, visit the CIMEA(Centro di Informazione sulla
Mobilità e le Equivalenze accademiche) website.
Students can apply for recognition of final qualifications obtained at public or legally
recognized foreign universities. The application shall be submitted to the competent
authorities of the country where the university is based. It is not possible to apply for
recognition of final qualifications obtained in private centres in agreement with foreign
The mentioned application may be submitted by EU citizens and non-EU citizens legally
residing in Italy, in accordance with art. 26 law no. 189/2002, and non-EU citizens residing
abroad who hold a foreign academic qualification.
Where to hand in the documentation:
EU-citizens and non-EU citizens legally resident in Italy shall submit the documentation to
the student secretarial office.
Non-EU citizens resident abroad shall submit the whole documentation by means of the
competent Italian diplomatic representation.

Chapter 6– Registration in academic years following year one

Chapter 6– Registration in academic years

following year one
Each year students have to re-enroll. Therefore, in order to take the exams, students have to
be enrolled in the 2020/2021 academic year (as a precaution, too) and fulfill the obligations
relating to the payment of taxes and contributions.
In order to enrol in the second year and the years that follow, you must pursue a very simple
procedure which can be carried out exclusively online (there is no need to go to the Student
Secretarial Office).

6.1- How to enroll in your second year and following years

The enrollment procedure for your second year or following years is possible only if you have
duly paid your previous year(s) university fees.



a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services

b. Select Student Section, Key 3 – “Enrollment in year two and following years”;
c. Digit your personal ID number (matricola) and password in order to gain access to the
student section;
d. Modify or confirm existing data;
e. If you wish to pay the second installment of university fees and contributions in one
payment (instead of two), select the appropriate option;
f. Select “print”: the system will issue your application and pay slip for the payment of
the first installment;
g. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are awailable on the
following website:
h. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time
i. For students who are exempt from the payment of university fees, a pay slip marked
ZERO Euros has be used for validation purposes.
You must not deliver any documents to the Student Secretarial Office. The online
payment validation is indispensable in order to complete the enrollment process.


Chapter 6– Registration in academic years following year one

Please note that students who fail to pay their first installment by 6th November
2020 shall pay a penalty. Registration is possible until 31st March 2021.

Students who wish to apply for university tax reductions must, through their reserved area
of the Delphi portal, authorize the university to consult the INPS database in order to obtain
their ISEE-UNIVERSITY certificate. The deadline for this procedure is December 16th, 2020.
If the “Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica”(DSU) which is used to apply for an ISEE-UNIVERSITY
certificate from INPS is not issued by 16th December 2020, the procedure can be repeated
but a penalty shall be paid. For more information, consult Chapter 7.4-ISEE-UNIVERSITY.


There are various types of total and partial exemption from the payment of fees and
contributions for certain categories of students. Instructions regarding how to gain access to
the above-mentioned benefits are provided in paragraph 7.6 “Exemptions” (Chapter 7 “Taxes
and contributions”).
Students who have applied for a DISCOLAZIO scholarship, in the event that this scholarship
is not awarded or is withdrawn, in order to obtain tax reductions, will have to, however,
through their reserved area of the Delphi portal, authorize the university to consult the INPS
database in order to obtain the ISEE-UNIVERSITY certificate. The deadline for this procedure
is 16th December 2020.

6.2 - Enrolment in year two and following years with residence


In order to enroll for the 2020/2021 academic year, non-EU students holding a residence
permit shall submit their valid residence permit to the student secretarial office. If the permit
is no longer valid, students can enroll upon condition they submit a valid residence permit
no later than 15th March 2021.
After applying for and obtaining the new residence permit, students shall submit it to the
Student Secretarial Office, which shall update the document’s expiry date in the system.
After this, students are allowed to validate payments and gain access to didactic and
administrative functions for the 2020/2021 academic year.

6.3 - Deadline extension for the enrollment of graduates


If you are planning to graduate in the winter session or in the final session of the 2019/2020
academic year, there is a legal ruling that allows students to put off their registration for the

Chapter 6– Registration in academic years following year one

2020/2021 academic year. However, you will, in any case, have to fill in an application for
registration in the 2020/2021 academic year labeled "PRECAUTIONARY APPLICATION".


In case students have not duly paid their taxes and university fees for the previous
academic year, this procedure will not be possible.


The precautionary application must be completed and validated by 31st December

2020 and retained by the student. This precautionary application must not be
submitted to the Student Secretarial Office.



a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services

b. Select Student Section, Key 3 – “Enrollment in year two and following years”
c. Digit your personal ID number (matricola) and password in order to gain access to the
student section
d. Modify or confirm existing data
e. Click on "Domanda cautelativa” (Precautionary Application)
f. Select “print”: the system will issue your application and pay slip for payment
g. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available on the
following website:
h. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time
i. For students who are exempt from the payment of university fees, a pay slip marked
ZERO Euros has be used for validation purposes.


Students that have submitted a "Precautionary Application" in order to obtain a reduction in

taxes and contributions but have failed to graduate in time, will have to, however,
through their reserved area of the Delphi portal, authorize the university to consult the INPS
Chapter 6– Registration in academic years following year one

database in order to obtain their ISEE-UNIVERSITY certificate. The deadline for this
procedure is 16th December 2020.
In cases where students have enrolled for the 2020/2021 academic year without a
precautionary application, it will, however, still be possible to submit a late request by
formally submitting the request to the Student Secretarial Office in question which will verify
the validity of the application. If the late request is made by 31st January 2021 and is
accepted, students will be refunded.


If students fail to graduate in the final session of the 2019/2020 academic year, they must
connect again to their Delphi (
personal page and select “Cancelling a Precautionary Application”.
The system will cancel the "Precautionary Application", and will proceed with the enrollment
of the student in the 2020/2021 academic year issuing a pay slip regarding the first
installment of university fees to be paid and validated, so that the system can print out the
pay slip for next installment.
The first and second installments must be paid, in any case, no later than 7th June
You must pay a €100.00 penalty every time a payment is made after a deadline. The penalty
will automatically be added to the following installment.

6.4 - Enrollment as a part-time student

Should students for work, family, medical, personal and other similar reasons consider it
difficult to study the standard number of hours required in an academic year, they can
choose to attend a university course part time. Students choosing this option will increase
the number of academic years but can benefit from a 30% fee reduction. For more details,
see Chapter 7–“Taxes and Contributions”.
The choice of a part time course is irrevocable, while students that have enrolled in a full-
time course can change and opt for a part-time one.
The 30% reduction for part-time students cannot be added to the exemptions listed
in chapter7.6.2: “Partial Exemptions”.

When you can choose the part-time option

It is possible to request the part-time option at the beginning of each academic year after
having enrolled or registered in the academic years that follow. Students selecting this option
in cases where they are enrolling or when registering in subsequent years must apply by
31st December 2020.
It is important to check, before proceeding with the application, whether the
course of study provides for the possibility of part-time.

Chapter 6– Registration in academic years following year one

For part-time enrollment in healthcare area degree courses, part-time registration is only
possible from the second academic year onwards and can only be requested for one year.

Natural duration of degrees and the arrangement of different course length

It is possible to apply for part-time conditions after initial enrollment and arrange a course
length that is twice as long as the standard degree course, unless there are other time limits
imposed directly in the didactic regulations of your course.
At the end of this period, students will be considered part-time students who are “fuori
corso”. You can still benefit from a 30% reduction but the payment will be calculated
according to the "maximum tax" for your course. For more details, see Chapter 7–“Taxes and
In cases where students:
• obtain over 36 ECTS credits (CFU) they will not be considered eligible for a
discount in that year;
• obtain the number of ECTS credits (CFU) needed to qualify for the final exam in order
to complete their degree before the time limit for a part-time course, they will, in
any case, have to pay their fees for the entire period established.
The part-time option cannot be considered in any way differently from the normal
duration of a university course regarding, for example, how many academic years
should be taken into consideration when calculating retirement pensions and social
security contributions. Certification, therefore, will indicate "normal" concerning
the duration of the course from a juridical point of view together with the actual
“agreed” duration for the part-time course.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services

b. Select Student Section, Key 3 “Enrolling part-time”.
c. Fill in the online application regarding the part-time option.

This application will be received by the Student Secretarial Office, which will check the
validity of the information contained before sending it to the Committee of the Didactic
Structure (Consiglio di Corso di Studio) in question. In fact, the Committee of the Degree
course will have to decide whether or not to accept the part-time option request, and can
also provide students with a didactic proposal in order to help them better organize their
Once the Student Secretarial Office in question has received the decision of the Committee of
the Degree Course, students will be summoned in order to sign the contract at the Student
Secretarial Office. They will also have to submit their self-certification concerning the work,
family, medical or personal reasons which motivated their decision to opt for a part-time

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

The Tor Vergata University of Rome, in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 254, law no. 23
dated 11 December 2016 ”Bilancio di previsione dello Stato per l’anno finanziario 2017 e
bilancio pluriennale per il triennio 2017-2019”, has defined the levels of student fees to be
paid for degree courses, in accordance with the principles of equality, advancement and
progress, aiming to guarantee the right to study and to promote student dedication and
Therefore, as far as the 2020/2021 academic year is concerned, the university has set up a
new system of tariff accounting structured as follows:
A) an all-inclusive contribution taking into account the ISEE-University, the degree course,
the amount of ECTS credits (CFU in Italian) and the following classification of students:
a. EU-students and non-EU students whose family unit’s income is earned in Italy;
b. EU students whose family unit’s income is earned abroad and who are enrolling or
signing up for years following year one.
The all-incluse contribution is referred to different contribution categories, as shown in the
following table.

Contribution class 1 - Bachelor’s degree courses, one-cycle

degree courses, Master’s degree courses
- Ordinary taxation: not included in other contribution
From 0 Euros to a maximum of 2,270 Euros classes
- Superior taxation: - One-Cycle degree in Law and
From 200 Euros to a maximum of 2,576 Euros Construction Engineering-Architecture
- Maximum taxation: - Hybrid and online course 3
From 450 Euros to a maximum of 2,932 Euros - Bachelor’s degree in Food and Wine
Contribution class 2 - One-Cycle degree courses (Medicine
and Surgery and Civil engineering-
- Ordinary taxation: Architecture), Master’s degree in
From 0 Euros to a maximum of 3,100 Euros Human Nutrition Sciences, Master’s
- Superior taxation: degree in Health
From 200 Euros to a maximum of 3,448 Euros - Master’s degree in Biotechnology
- Maximum taxation: (held in English)
From 500 Euros to a maximum of 3,895 Euros - Bachelor’s degree in Engineering
Sciences (held in English)
- Master’s degree in Physical Activities
and Health Promotion (held in
- Bachelor’s degree in Managerial
Engineering (mainly e-learning)

3 A 20% discount is provided for these kinds of courses in the macro-area of Humanities.

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

- Master’s degree in Mechatronics

Engineering (held in English)
- Master’s degree in Italian Language
and Culture for Foreigners:
Welcoming and Internationalization
- Master’s degree in Science for Health
Professions of Prevention

Contribution class 3

- Ordinary taxation: - One-Cycle degree in Dentistry

From 0 Euros to a maximum of 3,600 Euros and Dental Prostheses
- Superior taxation:
From 200 Euros to a maximum of 4,042 Euros
- Maximum taxation:
From 500 Euros to a maximum of 4,445 Euros
Contribution class 4 - Bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration and Economics (held
- Ordinary taxation: in English)
From 0 Euros to a maximum of 4,250 Euros - Master’s degree in Economics
- Superior taxation: (held in English)
From 200 Euros to a maximum of 4,655 Euros - Master’s degree in Finance and
- Maximum taxation: Banking (held in English)
From 550 Euros to a maximum of 5,210 Euros - Master’s degree in Pharmacy
(held in English)
- Master’s degree in Art History in Rome,
from Late Antiquity to the Present (held
in English)
- Bachelor’s degree in Tourism
Strategy, Cultural Heritage, and
Made in Italy (held in English)
Contribution class 5 - Master’s degree in Business
Administration (held in English)
- Ordinary taxation: - Master’s degree in European
From 0 Euros to a maximum of 5,250 Euros Economy and Business Law (held
- Superior taxation: in English)
From 200 Euros to a maximum of 5,705 Euros - One-Cycle degree in Medicine
- Maximum taxation: and Surgery (held in English)
From 600 Euros to a maximum of 6,105 Euros - One-Cycle degree in Conservation
and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

Contribution class 6

- Ordinary taxation:
From 0 Euros to a maximum of 7,250 Euros
Superior taxation: - Bachelor’s degree in Global
From 200 Euros to a maximum of 7,763 Euros Governance (held in English)
Maximum taxation:
From 600 Euros to a maximum of 8,255 Euros

Three types of contribution, for each contribution class, are based on the number of ECTS
credits obtained and the year of registration for the degree course.

Ordinary taxation: applicable to those students who:

a. enrolled in a degree course in the 2020/2021 academic year;
b. enrolled in the 2019/2020 academic year and who have obtained at least 10
ECTS credits (or 6 ECTS credits for part-time students) from 10 August
2019 to 10 August 2020;
c. registered within a delay of maximum one year later than the natural
duration of the course and having obtained at least 25 ECTS credits (or
th th
18 ECTS credits for part-time students) from 10 August 2019 to 10 August
No-tax area
Within this Ordinary taxation, a no tax area is meant for students who have an ISEE-
UNIVERSITY not exceeding 26,000 Euros.
Partial exemption
Within this Ordinary taxation, a partial exemption is meant for students whose the ISEE-
UNIVERSITY is between 26,000 and 30,000 Euros.

Superior taxation: applicable to those students who do not fall under the ordinary
taxation and are registered within a delay of maximum one year later than the natural
duration of the course and have obtained at least 12 ECTS in the period from 10 August
2019 to 10 August 2020.
Partial exemption
Within this Superior taxation, a partial exemption is meant for students whose the ISEE-
UNIVERSITY is between 20,000 and 30,000 Euros.

Maximum taxation: applicable to those students who do not fall under the ordinary or
superior taxation and are:
a) registered with a delay of more than two years later than the natural duration of
the course;
b) registered within a delay of maximum one year later than the natural duration of
the course and have not obtained at least 12 ECTS credits (less than 6 ECTS in the
th th
case of students enrolled in the second year) from 10 August 2019 to 10 August
Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

The tuition fee will be calculated based on the ISEE-UNIVERSITY, as follows:

- for an ISEE-UNIVERSITY between 0 Euros and 90,000 Euros: the contribution
will be proportional to the value and will vary according to the contribution class
and the type of taxation of the course;
- for ISEE-UNIVERSITY of more than 90,000 Euros or for students that have
no ISEE-UNIVERSITY: the contribution will be the maximum foreseen for the
contribution class and type of taxation of the course.

B) Non-EU students, for which the ISEE calculation is inapplicable in compliance with art.
8, paragraph 5, DPCM no. 159 dated 2013, enrolled in an academic year following the first
one, have to pay, in addition to the regional tax and the stamp duty, a fixed annual
contribution based on their Country of origin, as follows;
- 500.00 Euros if coming from the so-called “developing countries”, as defined in the
decree no. 62 dated 6th May 2020 issued by the MIUR;
- 1,000.00 Euros in all other cases.

C) Starting from the 2020/2021 academic year non-EU students enrolled in the first year, for
which the calculation of the ISEE is inapplicable in compliance with art. 8, paragraph 5, DPCM
no. 159 dated 2013, in addition to the regional tax and stamp duty, are required to pay:
a) the all-inclusive annual fee of 2,500.00, even if in possession of the DISCOLAZIO
scholarship, if enrolled in the following three-year and master's degree courses in English:
"M.Sc. Business Administration", "M.Sc. Finance and Banking", "B. Sc. Business
Administration and Economics "," M.Sc. European Economy and Business Law "," M.Sc.
Economics "and" B.Sc. Global Governance";
b) the fixed all-inclusive contribution per year on the basis of the Country of origin, even if in
possession of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship (the scholarship recipients of the DISCOLAZIO
scholarship are not subject to the payment of the regional tax) as follows:
- 500.00 Euros if coming from the so-called “developing countries”, as defined in the decree
no. 62 dated 6th May 2020 issued by the MIUR 4;
- 1,000.00 Euros in all other cases.

Enrollment of international students in higher education courses in Italy

Given the persistence of the COVID-19 emergency, the physical mobility of
foreign/international students to Italy, as per the MIUR communication dated 22nd May 2020,
must be replaced, at least for the whole of 2020, by e-learning, and therefore this category
of students will be able to follow the lessons remotely for this period.
Nonetheless, the procedures for issuing visas for study purposes must be concluded by 30th
November 2020.

4 Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic,
Chad, Comoros, Congo Democratic Republic, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti,
Kiribati, Korea Dem. Rep., Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali,
Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon
Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia e
Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

In order to guarantee effective enrollment, foreign/international students will have to pre-

enroll by paying a contribution of 200.00 Euros. Upon completion of enrollment, this amount
will be deducted from the university contribution; otherwise, it will not be refunded.

On-line or blended courses within the field of Humanities (Lettere e Filosofia)

Also for the 2020/2021 academic year , the taxation of the previous year, i.e. the
contribution class 1 reduced by 20%, is confirmed.
ATTENTION: in order to better understand the taxation system, a fee simulator is provided
here: (select: “Simulatore tasse”).

7.1 - Verification of merit requirements for the calculation of

university fees
The evaluation system regarding merits (the number of ECTS credits obtained) is calculated
automatically and requires no official application by the student. The ECTS credits (CFU)
must be obtained within the 12 months before August 10th, preceding registration. Only the
registered exams within the above-mentioned date will be considered, except for credits
obtained after an internship attended by students of health care degree courses. In this case,
credits will be considered even if registered later than August 10th and before September30th.
ECTS credits (CFU) of eventual “integrated” exams need to be registered by August10th.
Credits obtained abroad at partner Universities during a student mobility program will be
evaluated only if registered in the twelve months before August10th, preceding registration.

7.2 – Payment and deadlines of tuition fees

Students who intend to make use of the services provided by the Tor Vergata University of
Rome must be up to date with the payment of fees and university contributions.
Students who have not duly paid their fees:
• cannot take exams
• cannot obtain any certificate relative to their student career
• cannot transfer credits to another university.
Fees and contributions have to be paid in the following way.

A) First installment
All students (except for those who are exempt from payment) must pay the first installment,
which includes:
1. €16 stamp duty
2. €140 regional fee
3. university tuition, which varies according to the type of taxation:
a. Ordinary taxation: 0 Euros
b. Superior taxation: 200 Euros
c. Maximum taxation: 332 Euros
An example of how the first installment is calculated is shown below.

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

Taxation class (in Euros)

Ordinary Superior Maximum

Stamp duty 16 16 16

Regional fee 140 140 140

university tuition 0 200 332

Amount 1st installment 156 356 488

ATTENTION: for no-EU students, with no Italian citizenship and belonging to a

family unit whose income is earned abroad, enrolling in their year one in
2020/2021, the first installment is equal to 156.00 Euros.

Deadline for the payment of the first installment

For students enrolling in the first year, the first installment must be paid during the
enrollment procedures. If this is not specified in the course call, the first installment must be
paid by 6th November 2020.
For enrollment in academic years following year one, the first installment must be paid
by 6 November 2020.
The first payment slip is issued by the Delphi system in the section reserved for initial
registration in year one or in the following academic years.
In cases of late payment, a penalty will automatically be added to your next installment:
• 50.00 Euros for payments made by 31st December 2020
• 100.00 Euros for payments made after that date.

B) Second installment
The amount of the second installment is based on the contribution class of the degree
course, the type of taxation (ordinary, superior or maximum) and the student’s family
income (ISEE-University).


a. Connect to Delphi website:
b. Select “Student Section”, key 4 “Manage Career online”
c. Select “Payment of Taxes and contributions”
d. Print the payment order

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

e. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available on the
following website:
f. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA”.

Deadline for the payment of the second installment

The second installment may be paid in two ways:
a. Divided into two payments (standard option)
- 50% by 31st March 2021
- 50% by 29th May 2021
b. A single payment by 31st March 2021 if you select “pagamento in un’unica soluzione”
(single payment) or if the second installment is lower than 300 Euros.

In case of late payment, a penalty will be automatically added to your next installment of:
• 50 Euros for payments within one month after the deadline
• 100 Euros for payments more than one month after the deadline

ATTENTION: it is important to remember that penalties due to late payments can be

avoided by guaranteeing that all installments are paid within the established
deadlines. In case of recalculation of the installments, the due
balances/repayments will be made at the request of the student.
In order to better understand the taxation system, a fee simulator can be found here: (select: “Simulatore tasse”).

7.3 – Payment methods

Tuition and university fees can be paid using the PagoPA system. The PagoPA system
guarantees electronic payments to the public administration.
Payments can be made in the following ways:
- online using your credit card at;
- via APP IO of PagoPA if you have SPID credentials;
- via home/mobile banking through the CBILL circuit or members of the PagoPA system;
- at all bank branches or ATMs that allow you to pay through the CBILL circuit or are
members of the PagoPA system;
- in the Sisal/Lottomatica betting shops.
It is not possible to pay PagoPA orders at the Poste Italiane Offices.
The updated list of all Payment Service Providers (PSP), where you can pay via PagoPA, can
be found at the following link:
After payment, the student must return to the Delphi reserved page and validate the
Information on payment methods, also online, is available at the following link:
Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions


Use only the payment slip issued by the system at the moment of
enrollment/registration. Any other payment made and in any other way (i.e.
through a direct credit transfer) will not be considered valid in the enrollment
procedure and will not be refunded.

7.4 - ISEE–University

Students who wish to apply for university tax reductions must, through their reserved
area of the Delphi portal, authorize the university to consult the INPS database in order to
obtain their ISEE-University certificate. The deadline for this procedure is 16th December
Students who decide not to apply for a reduction in tuition fees, who do not have a valid
ISEE-University, who have an ISEE-University of more than 90,000 Euros or who do not
authorize the consultation of the INPS database will automatically have to pay the
maximum fee for their contribution class.
The university will not accept ISEE certifications that:
• have expired and which are therefore invalid
• are incomplete or compiled in the wrong way
• are deemed to be ineligible to obtain tax benefits for university studies.
After the acquisition of the ISEE-University certification, taxes and contributions
will be recalculated. Following this, no new forms of certification will be
permitted for the remaining part of the academic year.

7.4.1– What is an ISEE certification and what is it for?

The ISEE certificate (Indicatore Situazione Economica Equivalente - Equivalent Economic
Situation Indicator) is the instrument for assessing the economic situation of individuals who
request subsidised social benefits. It is reserved for students from EU and non-EU countries
who belong to a family unit with declared incomes in Italy. This can be obtained by
combining and considering three elements: income, assets, and family. For the purpose of
tuition fees, if parents are not members of the family unit, students can be considered to be
a single member of the family only in the following cases:
• students have not been living in the original family home (or in a house owned by a
family member) for at least two years since the date of their original enrollment
application for each time they apply for a course;
• the student has an adequate income.
If both conditions are not satisfied, students will be considered as a member of their parents’
In accordance with current legislation, the only ISEE considered valid for the calculation of
tax brackets and other benefits provided by the university is the ISEE-University.

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

7.4.2 – How to apply for an ISEE-University

In order to obtain the ISEE for services regarding the right to study (ISEE-University),
students must fill in the form entitled “Dichiarazione sostitutiva unica(DSU) integrale” .
The DSU contains information about the family and its members and about the assets and
incomes of each member of the family. It must be filled out and handed in at the following
• Centri di Assistenza Fiscale (CAF);
• INPS, also online using the INPS portal.
Once compiled and submitted their DSU, students must wait for an average of ten working
days to obtain their ISEE-University.
Given that in order to compile the DSU a lot of information concerning property, assets, and
income must be collected, the procedure may be time-consuming. Students should submit
their DSU as soon as possible to the CAF office which will provide the ISEE-University.
The university cannot offer a direct DSU service.
As soon as INPS or CAF provides the ISEE-University certification, the student must check
on the Delphi platform that the uploaded document is correct and control the amount to
be paid in the second installment.
Should any errors come to light, the student must report them through the following
email address:

7.4.3 – Foreign Students

In order to access the benefits provided for the reduction of university contributions, EU
students belonging to a family unit whose income was earned abroad and who register or
enroll in years following the first one have to obtain the ISEE-University certificate (data
collection form for university indicator) at any CAF at national level by 16 DECEMBER 2020
and deliver it to the Student Secretarial Office.
To obtain an ISEE-University certificate, students must provide details regarding their
incomes and assets in Italy and their incomes and assets abroad of each member of their
These documents need to be issued by the competent authorities in the country where the
incomes are produced. They must also be officially translated by the Italian Diplomatic
Authorities of that country together with the income expressed in Euros.
In those countries where obtaining such documents is difficult, the documentation may be
requested at the foreign diplomatic Authorities in Italy and certified by the Prefecture in
accordance with art. 33 DPR no. 445 dated 28 December 2000.
For foreign students from particularly poor countries indicated in the Ministerial Decree no.
1455 dated 9th June 2017, their income will be evaluated according to the documentation
issued by the Italian Embassy in the student’s country of origin in order to certify that the
student does not belong to an upper-class family with a high income(DPCM dated 9th April
Once obtained their certificates, students must submit to the Foreign Student Secretarial
Office a copy of their final ISEE-University certificate issued by a CAF office together with all
the documentation related to the certification. Following this, students will be able to check
the amount they will have to pay in their second installment.
Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

Should any errors come to light, students must report them to the following email address:
For more info on the ISEE-University, please consult paragraph 7.4 of the present guide book
or visit:

7.4.4 – Deadline for the ISEE-University submission

The ISEE-University certification regarding the right to participate in a university course must
be applied for by 16th December 2020. On receiving the ISEE certification, students, through
the Delphi portal, must immediately authorize the university to obtain the ISEE-U from the
INPS portal within the validity period of the certificate.
Through the Delphi portal, student must authorize the university to acquire the ISEE-U from
the INPS portal within the validity period of the certificate.
Students who already have a valid ISEE-University do not need to apply for a new ISEE-
University certificate for enrolment in the 2020/2021 academic year but must authorize the
university to acquire the ISEE-University certificate from the INPS database through its
reserved area of the Delphi portal by 16th December 2020. Therefore, students must not
consign any document to the university, nor should they send their ISEE-University by e-
Should the DSU not be presented by the deadline of 16 December 2020, students will be
placed in the highest income bracket and therefore will not be entitled to any reduction
in their tuition fees.
If the DSU is presented after 16 December 2020, a penalty will be applied as follows:

Application dates Penalty

th th
From 17 December 2020 to 16 March 2021 150.00 Euros
From 17 March 2021 to 29th May 2021 200.00 Euros

The penalty for the late submission of ISEE-University may be combined with other
penalties such as a late payment of tuition fees.
The penalty for the late transmission of your ISEE-University will not be applied in the
following cases:
• enrollment in a degree (bachelor, master and one-cycle master’s degree) if the
deadline for the enrollment is later than 1st December 2020;
• enrollment in courses with an admission test after 1st December 2020;
• enrollment after 31st December 2020 due to a transfer from another university.
Students must retain their ISEE-University certificate as the university may in the
future request to check it.

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions


After the acquisition of the ISEE-University certification, the taxes and

contributions will be recalculated. Following this, no new forms of certification
will be permitted for the remaining part of the academic year.

• Students who have applied for a DISCOLAZIO scholarship, in the event that this
scholarship is not awarded or is withdrawn, in order to obtain tax reductions, will
have to, however, through their reserved area of the Delphi portal, authorize the
university to consult the INPS database in order to obtain their ISEE-University
certificate. The deadline for this procedure is 16th December 2020.
• Students who submit a “domanda cautelativa” (precautionary application) in order to
obtain a reduction in tuition fees due to their income and who fail to graduate in
time must, through their reserved area of the Delphi portal, authorize the university to
consult the INPS database in order to obtain their ISEE-University certificate. The
deadline for this procedure is 16th December 2020.

7.5 - Exemptions

7.5.1 – Total exemptions

The following types of exemptions are to be considered for those students that are
enrolled in bachelor’s and master’s degree courses, and one-cycle master’s degree

A) Students with disabilities

Students with certified disabilities, equal to or higher than 66%, or students with disabilities
in accordance with art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3, law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992, are
totally exempt from the payment of taxes and tuition fees at initial enrollment and
registration in the following academic years. Documentation, issued by a competent body,
must be provided to demonstrate students’ disability, which must be submitted to the
Technical Secretary of theCommittee for the Disabled (Segreteria Tecnica della Commissione
per l’inclusione degli studenti conDisabilità) and DSA (CARIS) in 1, via del Politecnico (Faculty
of Engineering).
In accordance with art. 5, law by decree no. 221 dated 7 May 1999, wounded and
mutilated war victims are to be included in this category.

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions


Students that are entitled to total exemption must follow the above-mentioned enrollment
instructions clearly stating the reasons behind their request (disabilities/victims of crime).
The system will release a €0 bank pay slip, which must be validated with the AUTH code
printed on the slip. Students are required to consign their documentation certifying their
disability to the Technical Secretary of Commission for the Disabled (Segreteria Tecnica della
Commissione per l’inclusione degli studenti con Disabilità) and DSA (CARIS)
(, within 60 days of their enrollment.
CARIS will check students’ eligibility and, if it is considered valid, will:
• validate fee exemption;
• email the student in order to confirm the exemption of fees;
• send a copy of the disability document to the Student Secretarial Office.
If it is not considered valid, CARIS will:
• rehabilitate the payment of the first installment;
• email the student informing him/her that they must pay the first installment;
• inform the Student Secretarial Office that the student is not eligible for exemption.
In case of “temporary invalidity”, students must address to CARIS (1, Via del
Politecnico - Rome) before the enrollment in each academic year.

B) Victims of organized crime and terrorism, plus victims injured in the course of
Students who have become invalid or are sons and daughters of invalids as a result of acts of
terrorism or organized crime in Italy are totally exempt from the payment of fees and
university fees for enrollment in degree courses and subsequent registration in the academic
years that follow. In accordance with the DPR no. 243 dated 7th July 2006, the victims of
terrorism and organized crime are to be considered equivalent to victims injured in the
course of duty together with their family members and children (100% disability) in
accordance with art.30, law no. 118/1971.

C) Political refugees
Foreign citizens who have been officially recognized as political refugees in accordance with
th th
the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 and ratified through law no. 722 dated 24 July
1954 are exempt from the payment of university fees. Please note that political refugee
students who do not maintain the pace of the exam program of the degree course or have
gone beyond the natural duration of their course (fuori corso) are not entitled to this
exemption. The percentage of students who can benefit from this exemption can be no
higher than 5% of the total number of foreign students enrolled in the previous academic
year. Students must prove their status of political refugee by providing official documentation
issued by a specific Italian Commission for Political Refugees of the Ministry for Internal

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

D) Recipients of DISCOLAZIO Scholarship

Students who have applied for a DISCOLAZIO scholarship must pay only a virtual stamp duty
(marca da bollo) of 16.00 Euros. If they are neither winners nor eligible, following publication
of the final DISCOLAZIO ranking list, they will have to pay their first installment within 30
days from when they have access to the payment procedure. The following payments will
have the same deadlines as those foreseen for all students, or if more favourable, within 30
days of the deadline established for the first installment. Any students that make their
payments after the expiry date will have to pay a penalty of 100.00 Euros.
If students do not validate their payment, their application will be considered invalid and they
will lose all rights to a DISCOLAZIO scholarship.
In case DISCOLAZIO scholarship is not awarded or is withdrawn, if applicants are going to
request tax reductions, they shall, through their reserved area of the Delphi portal, authorize
the university to consult the INPS database in order to obtain their ISEE-UNIVERSITY
certificate. The deadline for this procedure is 16 December 2020.
Non-EU students enrolled in the 2020/2021 academic year, who do not present the ISEE in
conformity with art. 8 of the DPCM no. 159 dated 2013, are required to pay the fixed annual
contribution even if in possession of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship (the recipients of the
DISCOLAZIO scholarship are not required to pay the regional tax).

E) Foreign students with scholarships

Foreign students benefitting from scholarships granted by the Italian government obtained
due to development programs and intergovernmental, cultural and scientific agreements, and
relative periodical executive programs are totally exempt from the payment of tuition fees
and contributions.
In the academic years that follow year one, tax exemption will depend on the renewal of the
scholarship by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and conforming to the conditions provided in
art. 4, paragraph 2 of law by decree no. 68 dated 29 March 2012.

F) Students with an Italian high school grade of100/100

All students with a high school grade (Italian school) of 100/100 are entitled to enroll for the
first time in the first year of a university degree course at the Tor Vergata University of Rome
with no payment of taxes. The only payments they must make are stamp duty (imposta di
bollo) and regional tax.

G) Winners of the National Mathematics Olympics and similar initiatives

Winners of the National Mathematics Olympic Games or other similar initiatives are exempt
from the payment of their first year fees. The only payments they must make are stamp duty
(imposta di bollo) and regional tax.

H) Students who have been awarded an Olympic medal

Students who have been awarded an Olympic medal are totally exempt from the payment of
tuition fees for the entire duration of the degree course. The only payments they must make
are stamp duty (imposta di bollo) and regional tax.

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

7.5.2 - Partial exemption

The following partial exemptions are to be considered only for those students who are
enrolled in bachelor’s and master’s degree courses and one-cycle master’s degree courses.
The reductions in force for partial exemptions cannot be accumulated.
Furthermore, please note that these reductions cannot be added to the 30%
discount foreseen for part-time courses.
The procedure regarding the application for partial exemption of the second installment is
activated on the Delphi platform following payment of the first installment.
Applications for partial exemptions must be compiled by 16th March 2021 (apart
from maternity benefits, which must be requested by 31st December 2020).

A) Students with disabilities between 46% and 65%

Students with disabilities between 46% and 65% are entitled to a 20% reduction on their
second installment in accordance with a ruling of the Executive Board of the university dated
24 March 2015.
Students must present a documentation which certifies their disability to the Technical
Secretary of the Commission for the Disabled (Segreteria Tecnica della Commissione per
l’inclusione degli studenti con Disabilità) and DSA (CARIS) by 16 March.
CARIS will check students’ eligibility and, if it is considered valid, will:
• validate fee exemption;
• email the student in order to confirm the exemption of fees;
• send a copy of the disability document to the Student Secretarial Office.
If it is not considered valid, CARIS will:
• rehabilitate the payment of the first installment;
• email the student informing him/her that they must pay the first installment;
• inform the Student Secretarial Office that the student is not eligible for exemption.

B) Students with brothers or sisters currently enrolled at Tor Vergata University of

Each brother or sister is entitled to a 10% reduction of the second installment on condition
that the ISEE-University of each brother/sister is equal to or lower than 23,000 Euros.

C) Employees of the Tor Vergata University of Rome

Employees of the university will have an automatic right to a 50% reduction in university
fees regardless of their level of income.

D) Sons and daughters of employees of the Tor Vergata University of Rome enrolled
at the university
A reduction of the second installment of 50% is meant for students who have at least one
parent working on an open-ended or fixed-term contract with an ISEE-University of no more
than 50,000 Euros.

E) Students residing in Italy outside the Region of Lazio

Students who officially reside in Italy outside the Region of Lazio are entitled to a reduction
in university fees of 5%.
Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

F) Students with a degree grade of 110/110 who decide to enroll in a master’s

degree course
A reduction in university fees of 10% is foreseen for students who have graduated at the Tor
Vergata University of Rome or another Italian university with a score of 110/110 and who
decide to enroll in a master’s degree course.

G) Students participating in the Olympic Games

Students participating in the Olympic Games are entitled to a reduction of 30% of the “all-
inclusive” tuition fee.

H) Maternity
During maternity, students can decide to interrupt their studies. Should students opt for this
possibility of a one year break, the starting point will be based on the date of birth of their
child. Mothers, from this date, will be able to choose within the following three years when
exactly to exercise this right. Students deciding not to interrupt their studies for maternity
reasons are entitled to a 30% reduction of university fees foreseen for their degree course
for one year. Please note that it is possible to apply for this reduction by no later than 31st
December 2020.

7.5.3 - Exemption from admission test payment

Participation in the admission and assessment tests for study courses for the 2020/2021
academic year which require the use of the university platform
( is free. For the other courses an amount of 30 Euros
is established with the exception of courses for which it is otherwise established in the
various calls or notices.
The following categories of students are exempted from the contributions to be paid in
order to participate in the admission test for bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and
one-cycle master’s degrees:
• disabled students in accordance with art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3, law no. 104 dated
5 February 1992 or students with an invalidity equal to or more than 66% (DR
19161 dated 2 June 2014);
• students who have graduated at the Tor Vergata University of Rome with a grade
of at least 100/110 are exempted from the contributions to be paid in order to
participate in the admission test for master’s degree courses (CdA dated June

7.6 - Various contributions

The following table contains the contributions to be paid for the 2020/2021 academic year:

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

Copy of enrollment booklet (Libretto 70.00 + 16.00 (stamp duty) Euros

universitario iscrizione)
Copy of your parchment document 120.00 Euros (stamp duty included)
(Degree certificate)
Fee for the request of official recognition 166.00 Euros (stamp duty included)
of academic qualifications obtained
abroad and the relating issue

Students who have interrupted their 500.00 Euros for the enrolment
studies resumption
Recognition of expired exams 60.00 Euros (request) and 500.00 Euros
(in case of acceptance)
Contribution for outbound transfer 166.00 Euros (stamp duty included)
(by 31/12/2020)

Transfer Contribution (by 31/12/2020) 66.00 Euros (stamp duty included)

Copy of parchment (degree certificate) for 130.00 Euros (stamp duty included)
graduate schools, university masters and
equivalent foreign academic qualifications

7.7 - Healthcare graduate schools

Students enrolled in the Schools of Specialization in the Health Area are required to pay
university fees and contributions for the 2019/2020 academic year to the following extent.

Medical graduate schools (redefined in accordance with EU legislation)

Non-medical graduate schools with scholarships
First installment
Minimum enrollment fee established by the State: 201.58 Euros
Stamp duty: 16.00 Euros
Regional tax: 140.00 Euros
TOTAL: 357.58 Euros (rounded up to 358.00 Euros)
Payment of the first installment must be made at the time of enrollment, whereas for
registration in later academic years payment is to be made within two months of the start of
Second installment
Students registered from 2017/2018 academic year: 1,708.00 Euros
Members of the academic years prior to 2017/2018 academic year: 1,558.00 Euros

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

The second installment has to be paid within eight months of the start of lessons.

Non-medical graduate schools without scholarships

First installment
Minimum enrollment fee established by the State: 201.58 Euros
Stamp duty: 16.00 Euros
Regional tax: 140.00 Euros
TOTAL: 357.58 Euros (rounded up to 358.00 Euros)
Payment of the first installment must be made at the time of enrollment, whereas for
registration in later academic years payment is to be made within two months of the start of
Second installment
Students enrolled in the first year of course: 745.00 Euros
Students enrolled in years after the first one: 745.00 Euros
The second installment has be paid within eight months of the start of lessons.

Graduate schools of dental medicine

First installment
Minimum enrollment fee established by the State: 201.58 Euros
Stamp duty: 16.00 Euros
Regional tax: 140.00 Euros
TOTAL: 357.58 Euros (rounded up to 358.00 Euros)
Payment of the first installment must be made at the time of enrollment, whereas for
registration in later academic years payment is to be made within two months of the start of
Second installment
Students registered from 2017/2018 academic year: 1,708.00 Euros
Members of the academic years prior to 2017/2018 academic year: 1,558.00 Euros
The second installment has to be paid within eight months of the start of lessons.


No exemption is foreseen for healthcare graduated schools. For late payments made beyond
the established deadline the penalties are as follows:
• 50 Euros within 30 days of the expiry date
• 100 Euros over 30 days after expiry date.

7.8 - Graduate schools in Legal Studies

Students enrolled in the graduate schools in Legal Studies are required to pay university fees
and contributions for the 2020/2021 academic year to the following extent.
Minimum enrollment fee established by the State and adjusted according to the inflation rate
of 0.6%: 201.58 Euros

Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

Stamp duty to be paid to the State: 16 Euros

university tuition: 1,184 Euros
TOTAL: 1,402 Euros
The regional tax of 140.00 Euros is to be added to the above-mentioned sum.
First installment: 702 Euros + 140 Euros = 842.00 Euros
Second installment: 700 Euros
The expiry date regarding payment of the second installment will be announced in the call for
the 2019/2020 academic year.
For late payments made beyond the established deadline, the penalties are as follows:
• 50 Euros within 30 days of the expiry date
• 100 Euros over 30 days after expiry date.

7.9 - Tax refunds

All applications for tax refunds must be submitted exclusively to the Student Secretarial
Office of the macro-area in question.
The Student Secretarial Office:
• if the application is accepted, will send the student and the tax refund office
notification that the request has been accepted and the amount to be refunded;
• if the request is not accepted, will send the student notification that the request has
been turned down.
The application form for tax refunds can be downloaded by connecting to the
website – studenti - segreterie studenti - modulistica (Students –
Student Secretarial Office -application forms).

Refunds are possible in the following cases.

• In cases where students pay twice by mistake or pay too much: the application
for a refund, including the receipt regarding the original payment, must be submitted
within 30 days of the erroneous payment.
• Students who pay their first installment of university fees but fail to submit
the complete enrollment documentation to the Secretarial Office (application
for a refund due to an incomplete enrollment procedure): the application for
reimbursement, together with all the necessary documentation, and the original
receipt of payment must be submitted by 30th January 2021.
• Students registering in a master’s degree course who pay their first
installment of university fees, but who fail to submit the documentation
required in the matriculation procedure to the Secretarial Office (refund
application due to erroneous matriculation procedure): the application for a refund,
which must be motivated and documented, should be sent together with payment
receipt within 30 days of the date of payment of the first installment.
• Students who did not make use of the ruling regarding postponement of
enrollment and therefore have already paid their registration fees for the
2020/2021 academic year, provided they apply for a reimbursement by 30th
January 2021.
Chapter 7 – Taxes and contributions

The following tax and contributions cannot be refunded:

• contributions paid for participation in admission and entry tests for access into degree
• contributions for enrollment in single courses or exams;
• fees and university contributions in cases where students pull out of courses or
transfer to another university;
• taxes and contributions paid in ways other than through the above-mentioned
Applications for refunds cannot be accepted after the end of the academic year
(31st October).

7.10 - Sanctions and tax assessments

The university will apply the administrative sanctions to any student that makes false or
misleading statements in their applications in accordance with art. 3, law no. 390 dated
2nd December 1991. Furthermore, if such infringements constitute a crime, they will be
punishable in accordance with the criminal code.
When a false declaration has been identified, students must pay the difference between
the sum established for the second installment resulting from the verification and the one
established on the basis of their self-certification. An administrative penalty must also be
paid, which will be the same figure as the difference between the two above-mentioned
The Tor Vergata University of Rome will conduct a thorough but random check of the
applications made by the students. In particular, it will control the veracity of the
information they have provided regarding their families, by comparing the income and
wealth data they have declared with the data registered in the information system of the
Inland Revenue. To this end, the university has the right of direct access to Local Tax
Offices (SIATEL) in order to make these controls.
Students who pay the maximum fees and contributions are excluded from this

Chapter 8 - During your career

Chapter 8 - During your career

This chapter will describe events and situations that may possibly occur during the course
of your studies and the consequential administrative requirements.

8.1 - Interruption and resumption of studies

In accordance with law by decree no. 68/2012, if students do not renew their enrollment
and at a later date decide on the resumption their studies, they must submit a specific
application in order to resume their studies.
• In the period of interruption of your studies and until the end of the extraordinary
session of the academic year of your resumption, you cannot take any exams
regarding your period of interrupted study. In such cases, these results will be
officially declared invalid.
• Requests regarding the interruption of studies are irrevocable.
• The interruption period is not taken into account when assessing academic merit.
• It is not possible to apply for more than two career interruptions within each cycle
of your study course.
There are two types if study interruption:
A. Normal interruption, without having to explain the motivation behind your decision;
B. Interruption of studies due to serious and prolonged illness.
A) Normal interruption
This type of study interruption refers to when students do not renew their enrollment for
at least two academic years. Students must pay a fee of 500 Euros in addition to the
fees and contributions due for the academic year when their studies resume.
Before applying for a resumption of studies, students must regularize their payment of
contributions (including unpaid installments and penalties) regarding their last academic
year. When up to date with these payments, students must follow the instructions listed
a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site
b. Select Student Section, key 4, “Manage Career Online”, and enter your Personal ID
number (matricola) and password
c. Select "During your career”, and select "Resume studies after interruption"
d. Fill in the online application regarding your resumption of studies and then print it out
e. Submit the following documents to the Student Secretarial Office: Application for
resumption of studies and Stamp duty of 16 Euros
f. The Student Secretarial Office will authorize you to resume your studies and will print
out a pay slip requiring you to pay a fee of 500 Euros
g. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available in the
following website:
h. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
“Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.

Chapter 8 - During your career

i. Students can then enroll in the new academic year following the procedure described
in Chapter 6 “How to enroll in your second year and following years”.
B) Interruption of studies due to serious and prolonged illness or owing to
Students who have been forced to suspend their studies due to serious and prolonged illness,
on condition they provide certification to confirm this, are entitled to total university tax
exemption for at least one academic year during that period.
Female students are entitled to maternity leave of one year with total exemption from
university fees during that period.
Before applying for a resumption of studies, students must regularize their payment of
contributions (including unpaid installments and penalties) regarding the last academic year
in which they were enrolled.


Application can be submitted from 1st September 2020 to 31st December 2020

When up to date with these payments, you must follow the instructions listed below:
a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site (https://
b. Select Student Area, key 4, “Manage Career Online”, and enter personal ID number
and password
c. Select "During your career”, and then "Resume studies after interruption"
d. Fill in the online application regarding the resumption of studies and then print it out
e. Submit the following documents to the Student Secretarial Office:
• Application for resumption of studies
• Stamp duty of 16 Euros
• Certificate of sickness or birth certificate regarding your maternity.
The Student Secretarial Office, once controlled the documentation, will grant students
access to the Delphi platform so that they can enroll in the new academic year following
the instructions described in Chapter 6 “How to enroll in your second year and following

8.2 – ALIAS career for transgenders

The Tor Vergata University of Rome, as established by the Administrative Board on 26th April
2016, provides the so-called “ALIAS” career for transgenders in order to ensure their
coexistence in a serene study environment, in which interpersonal relationships are built on
fairness, mutual respect for each individual’s freedom and inviolability. The administrative
procedure consists in promoting an Alias career by providing a temporary identity, which
cannot be consolidated, and by issuing a new ID badge reporting first and last name (chosen
by the person concerned) and ID number (matricola). Alias career is a preliminary procedure

Chapter 8 - During your career

for the actions to be taken at the end of the gender transition, when the person’s details
shall be modified as provided by law no. 164/1982.
For further info, please contact our Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG)

8.3- Discontinuing your studies
The discontinuation of your studies is a formal and irrevocable act with which students decide
to interrupt their university careers. It is important to know that students:
• can discontinue their studies at any moment of the academic year;
• are not required to pay any outstanding university fees and may not claim any
refunds regarding installments that have already been paid;
• it should be noted that any exam results obtained in academic years where
students are not up to date with the payment of their contributions will be
officially declared invalid. However, before starting their discontinuation
procedure, students should duly pay their fees and contributions so that
they don’t lose their ECTS credits (CFU);
• students may still obtain certificates regarding their study career, but they will
include mandatory notification of the discontinuation.


a. Fill in evaluation questionnaire on the "Quest Test" site:

b. Select item 401 – Career closure
c. Keep the questionnaire code (CQ) issued by the system (Attention: the CQ has a
validity of five days from the date of compilation of the questionnaire; following this
expiry, the questionnaire must be recompiled)
d. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site:
e. Select Student section, key 2 “Career Management Online”
f. Select the item “Career closure” in the appropriate space
g. Enter your Questionnaire Code (CQ);
h. Print out your discontinuation request;
i. Submit your discontinuation application, a stamp duty (16 Euros), and
your Transcript of records (Libretto) to the Student Secretarial Office.

N.B. Foreign Students – MIUR ruling (Circ. Prot. 7802 of 24th March 2014): "If foreign students who have
already enrolled at an Italian university have discontinued their studies and have applied to enrol again at the
same university, they cannot make use of the specific permit of residence issued for their previous registration.
When students officially discontinue their studies, the motivations behind their original permission of residence
permit become invalid and therefore their authorization will be annulled” (see art. 5, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, law
by decree no. 286 Consolidated law regarding the provisions pertaining to immigration regulations and norms
regarding the status of foreigners" and subsequent amendments).

Chapter 8 - During your career

8.4 – Time limits for discontinuing your studies

If eight consecutive academic years have passed since the date of your last exam (the
exam result can be positive or negative, but it must have been officially registered), you will
no longer be considered a student of the university.
The time limit for health area degree courses is not calculated according to the last exam
taken, but rather by taking into consideration a period of nine years since original
The time limit remains as established even when students continue to pay their
university fees.
With the exception of Health Care Courses, there is no time limit if students have
passed all their exams but have yet to pass their graduation exam.

8.5 - Resumption of studies with exam recognition after


If you have exceeded the time limit or have officially discontinued and you want to resume
your studies, you will be regarded as students who are enrolling in their first year. Any
possible recognition of previously acquired ECTS credits will depend on the decision of the
Degree Course Committee (Consiglio di Corso di Studio).
Instructions regarding the resumption of studies after the time limit or following
official discontinuation
a. Download the career reinstatement form for students who have exceeded their time
limit or who have previously officially discontinued their studies together with the pay
slip regarding a payment of 60.00 Euros. These can be downloaded by connecting to: – studenti - segreterie studenti - modulistica
( - students - student secretarial office – forms)
b. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available in the
following website:
c. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
“Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.
d. Submit the following documents to the Student Secretarial Office:
• Career reintegration application
• Stamp duty of 16.00 Euros
• A € 60.00 pay slip
e. The submitted application will be evaluated by the Degree Course Committee in order
to reinstate or partially reinstate your ECTS credits
f. The Student Secretarial Office will inform you regarding the ruling of the Committee,
after which it will be possible to re-enroll.
Following the partial or full recognition of your examinations, in addition to paying the fees
and the contributions regarding enrollment, a 500 Euros una-tantum have to be paid
within 15 days of receiving notification from the Degree Course Committee.
Chapter 8 - During your career

Applications regarding the reinstatement of your ECTS credits following the

discontinuation of your studies must be made at the same time as your new
enrollment procedure. ATTENTION: your credits cannot be recuperated through
applications made in later years.

8.6 - Suspension

Your career can be suspended for the following reasons:

- to enroll in foreign universities;
- military training institutes;
- Ph.D.;
- First and second level master’s degrees;
- Graduate schools (until the qualification has been obtained);
- recipients of "research grants" in accordance with art. 22, law no. 240 dated 30th
December 2010, for the entire duration of the grant, including possible renewals
when provide by the law.
If you are registered in a degree course at the university and you want to enroll at a
Higher Institute of Musical and Choreographic Studies, in accordance with the Ministerial
Decree of 28th September 2011, which allows simultaneous registration, you will not be
required to apply for a suspension.
During your suspension period, you can do nothing to further your university career, such
as taking exams, modifying or submitting a study program, requesting official recognition
of ECTS credits, studying abroad through the Erasmus program, or graduating.
Before you suspend your studies, you must be up to date with the payment of
your university fees.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site

b. Select Student Area, key 4 – “Manage Career Online” and enter your personal ID
number (matricola) and password
c. Type in "During your career – suspension of studies"
d. Compile the online application regarding the suspension of your studies and then print it
e. Submit the following documents to the Student Secretarial Office:
• Application regarding the suspension of your studies
• Stamp duty of 16.00 Euros
• university transcript of records (Libretto)
The application must be made in accordance with the enrollment procedure. In this
case, students are not required to pay university fees and contributions for that academic
Chapter 8 - During your career

However, in cases the suspension has been requested during an academic year because
the new activity starts later, students must pay all the university fees and contributions
for the 2020/2021 academic year.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site

b. Select Student Area, key 4 – “Manage Career Online”
c. Enter your personal ID number (matricola) and password;
d. Enter “resuming your studies after suspension” together with all the information regarding
your suspended career
e. Fill in the online application for the resumption of studies and print it out
f. Submit the following documents to the Student Secretarial Office:
• Application for resumption of studies
• Certification regarding the attainment of your qualification or, a certificate
demonstrating the years you were enrolled in your chosen course
• A stamp duty of 16.00 Euros.
The Student Secretarial Office will then print out your pay slip regarding the fees to be paid
and will return you your university transcript of records (Libretto).
In order to obtain tax reductions, consult chapter 7 – “Taxes and Contributions”.

8.7 - Transfers

The term “transfer” refers to the possibility of enrolling in a course other than the one in
which the student is currently enrolled. This transfer is possible between courses of the same
macro-area as well as between two different macro areas of this university. It is not possible
to switch to a course belonging to a former system, if this course is no longer active.
Students may apply for a switch of course from 1st August 2020 to 31st December 2020 or by
the deadline stated in the calls or specifically indicated in the regulations of each individual
course. Before applying for a course switch, you may need to pass an admission test or have
your study curriculum evaluated, depending on the specific course requested or on what is
stated in the various calls. Only after the verification of the entry requirements for the new
course you have chosen, can you then apply for a course switch.
Students must also be up to date with the payment of their university fees and contributions.


Students may apply for a course switch from 1stAugust 2020 to 31stDecember 2020.

Chapter 8 - During your career


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site

b. Select Student Area – key 4, "Manage Career Online " and log on by entering your
personal credentials;
c. Select in "During your career" > "Course switch request";
d. Fill in the course-switch application form and print it out together with a pay slip of
66.00 Euros (50.00 Euros + 16.00 Euros of stamp duty which is not refundable should
students change their minds and decide not to opt for a course switch)
e. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available on the
following website:
f. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.
g. Once the Student Secretarial Office has received your online course-switch application,
it will send the documentation relating to your academic career to the macro-area /
degree course requested
h. Periodically check the Delphi online services website to check the bureaucratic
progress of your application, and, once completed, sign up for the degree course you
have chosen
i. You can enroll in the degree course you have chosen without paying any
You must keep your old transcript of records (Libretto) and show it to the Student
Secretarial Office of the new degree course you have chosen, once you have officially
completed the transfer and paid your fees, so that a new label can be attached indicating
the title of your new course of study.

8.8 - Inbound transfers

Inbound Transfer refers to a transfer from a degree course of another university to the
same or other degree course of this university. It is not possible to transfer to a degree
course belonging to a former university system if this course is no longer active.


Students may apply for a transfer from 1st August 2020 to 31st December 2020 or
by the deadline indicated in the calls of the various courses or in accordance with
the specific regulations for each individual degree course.

Chapter 8 - During your career

Before applying for your transfer, it may be necessary, depending on the regulations of your
chosen degree course to apply for transfer CLEARANCE (nullaosta) which will be granted
by the Secretarial Office of the degree course following a prior assessment of your academic
qualifications (i.e. the ECTS credits obtained from another university). To do this, you must
follow the instructions given below:
a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site
b. Select Student Area > key 2 - Transfer from another university (Admission)
c. Select "CLEARANCE Request for Transfer (Preliminary Assessment of Qualifications"
d. Type in "Fill in the application" for the preliminary assessment of your qualifications for
e. Select your chosen degree course
f. Fill in your application entering the data required and listing all the exams you have
g. Click "Next" and from the following page, note down your CTRL, which will serve to
return to the menu and modify, delete or reprint your application
h. Click “print”: your filled-out application will be printed out, together with a €0 pay slip
and your automatic validation receipt with a protocol number.
Your application will be transmitted online to the Secretarial Office of the degree course in
question for transfer authorization. You must wait for the Student Secretarial Office to
evaluate your ECTS credits listed in your application. You will be able to verify the outcome
of the assessment by entering your fiscal code (Codice Fiscale) and CTRL in the "Check
Status of Application" link.
In any case, you must do and pass the admission test (for study courses designed for a
limited number of students) or you must, when required, do the evaluation test. Then you
must return to the first page of the Delphi online services site
( and select Key 1 >
enrollment for admission tests / assessment tests.
Only when you are in possession of your Clearance for transfer request, which you have
obtained from the Student Secretarial Office of your chosen degree course, or you have
passed the admission test in courses where there are a limited number of places available, or
you have chosen a degree course with an unlimited number of places available, can you can
fill out the application for inbound transfer and at the same time submit your application for
outbound transfer to your university of origin in accordance with the regulatory procedures in
force. This application, in any case, must be made no later than 31st December2020.
The former university will then provide this university with your clearance form including
your academic record.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site


Chapter 8 - During your career

b. Select Student Area > Key 2 - Transfer from another university (inbound) and digit
"Inbound Transfer Request". You should then fill in the application, selecting the
macro-area and your chosen degree course
c. Enter your personal data (if you insert your CTRL code of your previous "application
requesting the verification of your qualifications regarding your transfer clearance", all
previously entered data can be retrieved)
d. Print out your inbound transfer request with the relevant CTRL Code and do not lose it
e. Confirm your transfer request by clicking on key b.2 "Confirm your transfer request ":
f. Submit your outbound transfer request to your former university in accordance with its
deadlines and procedures.
Check your TRANSFER STATUS by connecting to the Delphi online services site
( - Student Section - Key 2
Transfer from another university (Admission) - Click on Key b "Application for Transfer
Admission" - select Key b.5 "Check Status of Transfer" and enter your personal fiscal code
(codice fiscale) and CTRL code.
When the words "your transfer request has been accepted" appears, it means that the
Student Secretarial Office has received a letter from your former university, and your
clearance/evaluation of academic qualifications has been granted so you can now proceed to
the ENDING PHASE of your enrolment.


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site

b. Select Student Section - Key 2 Transfer from another university (Admission) - select c.
Application for Registration following the Acceptance of Transfer - and fill in the
application form. Then follow the instructions.
If you transfer from another university, you must pay all the fees and university
contributions required to enroll in this university, even if you have already paid to register in
your former university.
The regional tax is to be paid only if your former university is outside the Region of Lazio.
For more information regarding enrollment fees, see Chapter 7 - “Taxes and

8.9 - Outbound transfers

To transfer from a degree course of this university to the same or alternative study course of
another university you should consult the didactic regulations of the chosen university.

Chapter 8 - During your career


Students may apply for a transfer from 1st August 2020 to 31st December 2020.

In order to make your transfer request:

a. you must be up to date with the payment of your university fees
b. you are not required to renew your enrollment, which must be paid to the
university you wish to transfer to, taking care to consult your new university
c. you must attach your clearance (nullaosta) regarding your transfer to your new
university if you are applying for a new course with a limited number of places


a. Connect to the Delphi Online Services site

b. Select Student Area, Key 4 "Manage Career Online" and enter your personal ID
number (matricola) and password
c. Select "during your career" - "Clearance for Transfer"
d. Fill in your transfer application online
e. Print out the 166.00 Euro pay slip (150.00 Euros + 16.00 Euros stamp duty, which is
not refundable should students change their minds and decide not to opt for a
f. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available on the
following website:
g. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time
h. Only after validation, you have to go to the Student Secretarial Office and present:
• A signed transfer application
• A copy of your pay slip following payment
• Your university transcript of records (Libretto universitario).
As soon as these documents are received, the Student Secretarial Office will forward your
clearance certificate to the university you have selected.

8.10 – Enrolling in single-subject courses

As part of your professional upgrading, or curricular development or simply for your general
cultural enrichment, you can apply to enroll in single-subject courses that are taught in a

Chapter 8 - During your career

bachelor’s or master’s degree program without having to enroll in the whole program itself.
The following requirements are required to be entitled to take these single exams:
• you must be enrolled in a foreign university;
• you are students enrolled in other Italian universities, with permission of the university
you are attending or you have applied according to specific agreements;
• you have graduated or have the academic qualification necessary to be enrolled in the
degree programs of the university;
• you are graduates that do not have the curricular requirements needed to gain
admission to a master’s degree course, and must satisfy such requirements in
accordance with the regulations laid out by the degree course committee.
The university governing body annually establishes the amount of enrollment fees that must
be paid, with the exception of foreign students participating in inter-university mobility
programs. Students enrolled in a degree course cannot register in other paid study courses
referred to in this article.
Single-subject courses are subject to the same general or special regulations established for
each Department in question, in particular with regard to matters such as attendance.
Exceptions regarding propaedeutical sequence may be authorized by the didactic structures
The number of courses that can be attended in one year by the students mentioned in the
previous paragraphs is established after evaluation of the sustainable limits of each single-
subject course.
The number of places available for degree courses with a limited number of places depends
on the evaluation of the Didactic Committee of the degree course in accordance with the
facilities available, the sustainable teaching load and curricular requirements.
Students that have signed up for single exams are not eligible to receive the benefits
foreseen for students enrolled in the university degree courses, except for students with
disabilities and foreign students involved in inter-university mobility programs.
Students enrolled in a degree course cannot contemporarily enroll in individual courses.
Applications for single-subject courses can be submitted:
• for courses starting in the first semester from 17th September 2020 to 30th November
• for courses starting in the second semester from 15th January 2021 to 15th April 2021.
For courses which require compulsory attendance, registration applications must be
submitted before the start of the course or in accordance with the measures stipulated in the
university degree program.


a. Connect to the on-line Services

b. Student area
c. Section 3 – Enrollment in single courses
d. Fill out the application question and print it out

Chapter 8 - During your career

e. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available in the
following website:
f. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
“Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time.
g. Present the following documents concerning the single-subject course you want to
attend to the Student Secretarial Office, before the beginning of the didactic period
established for your chosen course:
• Your application for enrollment in a single-subject course
• A copy of your paid pa yslip
• Your clearance (nullaosta) from your former university, if you are enrolled in
another institution.
The Student Secretatial Office will issue the pay order regarding the single-subject courses.
The cost of these single courses is calculated as follows:
- Humanities macro-areas:
- 150.00 Euros per exam up to a maximum of 6 ECTS credits
- 300.00 Euros per exam over 6 ECTS credits
- Science cmacro-areas:
- 200.00 Euros per exam up to a maximum of 6 ECTS credits
- 400.00 Euros per exam over 6 ECTS credits
▪ for each exam which is needed to integrate your curriculum for enrollment in a master’s
degree course: 100.00 Euros.
You can obtain up to a maximum of 36 credits per academic year.
Your payment receipt must be submitted to the Student Secretarial Office.

8.11 - Scholarships - Opportunities

DISCOLAZIO scholarships
The DISCOLAZIO scholarship, which is awarded following a selection, covers the costs to
attend study courses at the university. The total amounts are updated annually and can vary
according to the income bracket of students and can also depend on whether they are
"students officially residing in Rome", "commuters" or "students who officially reside in
another region". For more information, please visit:
Other scholarships and prizes
You can consult the following site and see the list of scholarships and prizes offered by the
Student collaboration activities
It is possible to assign students forms of collaboration related to the services offered by the
university, with the exception of those relating to teaching activities, assisting in university
exams, and administrative activities. This working collaboration will total 150 hours, which
will be carried out and organized according to the internal requirements of the structure in
which the collaboration takes place. Students who are officially enrolled in study courses can
Chapter 8 - During your career

participate in this initiative. For more information, visit: > Students >
Erasmus plus
Erasmus+ promotes international mobility for students of all levels as part of the European
Program for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport 2014-2020. This program, which has been
in force since 1st January 2014, integrates and replaces the EU programs established for
2007-2013. If you are interested in Erasmus+ mobility and ongoing projects, please visit:
For more information on the Program's administrative procedures, send an email to the
university Erasmus+ Office:
For information on partner universities and exams that can be taken abroad as part of the
Erasmus+ Mobility program, address to the Erasmus+ International Mobility Offices of the
various faculties / macro-areas:

FACULTY OF ECONOMICS;; Tel. 0672595752
FACULTY OF LAW; Tel. 06 7259 2355
MACROAREA OF SCIENCES; Tel. 06 7259 4471.

Internships andApprenticeships
The “Ufficio Rapporti con le imprese, Stage e Placement” of Tor Vergata University of Rome
offers activities aimed at promoting its own students and graduates into the labour market.
To this end, it cultivates relations with companies and institutions, in order to accompany
students and graduates along the path towards their future employment.
By carrying out recruiting and career days, students and graduates have the chance to get
into direct contact with companies and get to know a profession even before attaining their
qualifications. In this way, they are allowed to carry out internships and apprenticeships,
apply for degree prizes or scholarships, get to know job offers from Italian and foreign
(inter)national companies and institutions.
As for the procedures required in order to carry out internships and apprenticeships, the
students can contact each faculty/macro-area contact person:
• Tel. 06 72592627/3066/3650/3206

Chapter 8 - During your career

8.12 - Examinations, verifications and issue of certification

8.12.1 -Exams
An exam is a verification that you have to do and pass for each course foreseen in the
official and/or individual study plan of your degree course. The minimum grade is
18/30, while the maximum is 30/30 to which can be added a special distinction (cum
laude). The final evaluation also takes into account the results of any periodic tests
foreseen in some degree programs.
On passing the exam, students receive the number of credits foreseen for each course.
At the end of each course, students must take an exam at various time intervals, which
are publicized. The type of exam varies according to the study course following the
regulations of each didactic structure, which, depending on the specific characteristics of
their courses, can establish a limited number of exam dates linked to the running of the
course and an obligation to repeat the course if the exams have not been passed.
Written exams can consist of quizzes, multiple-choice tests, etc., while oral tests are
To be admitted to Exams / Evaluation tests, you must:
• have included the relevant lessons in the approved study plan;
• have obtained their declaration of attendance where foreseen in the course
• have satisfied the compulsory exam order;
• be in line with the payment of taxes and contributions.
Exams that have been taken without having satisfied all the above-mentioned
requirements will be declared null and void. Students will receive written notice regarding
the annulment of their exams. Once an exam has been passed, it cannot be repeated. If
you have failed an exam, you will not receive a vote, but only a result that will be
registered in the exam report (withdrawn or rejected) which will not be included in your
curriculum and therefore will not affect the average of your final vote. In order to take an
exam, students must have their university transcript of records (Libretto universitario)
with them, and, where foreseen, an approved study plan.

8.12.2 - Study plan and exam booking

A study plan is the path that encompasses all your training activities (lessons,
laboratories, etc.) that must be carried out to obtain your degree.
Each degree course involves a number of examinations, some of which are compulsory
and are foreseen in the didactic program established by institutional bodies. There are
others, however, which may be chosen by students. The sum of compulsory examinations
and exams chosen by the student constitutes a student's study plan to be followed in
order to reach the number of ECTS required to obtain a degree. During the compilation of
your study plan, you can choose a part of your examinations from a pre-set list (optional),
while others, you have total freedom of choice (free choice).
You can book many macro-area graduation exams online. It is possible to do so from 30
working days before the date of the exam to 4 working days before. The data is always
visible. The electronic exam result registration service is directly linked to the above-
Chapter 8 - During your career

mentioned booking of exams. This electronic system, through a sequence of automatic

procedures, considerably reduces the student exam result registration times and
consequently certification.

8.12.3 - Graduation exam

To be entitled to take your degree and master graduation exam, you must first pass all
the exams related to didactic lessons and other forms of test and have completed all the
credits foreseen in your study plan.
You must also be up to date with your administrative obligations. In particular, you must
be in line with the payment of all your fees and university contributions foreseen in your
academic year, including the second installment even if it has yet to expire.
It is, however, possible not to pay your university fees for the 2020/2021 academic year if
you intend to graduate during the final session of the 2019/2020 academic year (for
which you are already registered) by compiling a special PRECAUTIONARY APPLICATION
with which you apply for a deferral of your enrollment for the 2020/2021 academic year.
For more information, see Chapter 6.3 "Deadline extension for the enrollment of
graduates (precautionary application)".
This university has joined the Alma Laurea Interuniversity Consortium, a service
which was set up in order to create a link between companies and graduates and to act as
a point of reference within the university environment for all those (students, operators,
etc.) who are involved, at various levels, in themes relating to university studies, such as
employment, the condition of the young etc. The Alma Laurea Consortium, in particular,
aims to:
• facilitate entry into labour market and improve the placement of young people on
the workplace, help companies search for staff, improve the matching of labour
supply and demand;
• guarantee the valorization of human resources through the continuous professional
updating of graduate careers;
• monitor the study plans of students and analyze the characteristics and
performance of graduates facilitating comparisons between different courses, study
centres and macro-areas;
• analyze the internal efficacy of the training offer of universities;
• assess the needs and professional profiles required by public and private Italian and
foreign companies;
• analyze the external efficacy of study course proposals through the monitoring of
job opportunities;
• develop a synergic link with high schools in order to better guide high school
students in their choice of university course and their work entry the labour
• promote every initiative which aims to facilitate the above-mentioned objectives
both at national and European level.

Chapter 8 - During your career


a. Connect to the Delphi

b. Select Student Area, key 4, “Manage Career Online"
c. Select "Graduation exam > "Management of degree application"
d. Print out the form regarding the consigning of your final degree thesis,
which must be filled out and signed by your supervisor
e. Fill out online the "application regarding admission to your Graduation
exam" which must include the information already contained in the "Final thesis
assignment statement". The system will also highlight your position concerning
your ECTS credits and it will be possible to point out any anomalies regarding your
exams, should there be any
f. Students who are awarded their degree in accordance with the teaching regulations
foreseen in the Ministerial Decrees no. 509 dated 1999 and no. 270 dated 2004
may, while compiling their degree application, also apply for a Diploma
Supplement. In any case, students can apply for a Diploma Supplement at a later
date by filling out an application form that can be found online
g. Print out your Degree application. The system will provide you with your degree
application and a 16.00 Euros pay slip for the issuing of your original degree
diploma (parchment)
h. Select the "Alma Laurea Registration" link in your personal area only when
you have concluded the procedure outlined in step 4. Following registration, the
system will provide you with your personal credentials (personal ID number and
password) so you will then be able to fill out the electronic Alma Laurea
questionnaire. Connect to the Alma Laurea website ( -
Select "Students and Graduates" - "Alma Laurea Questionnaires”. Once you have
filled in your questionnaire, you can print out your Alma Laurea questionnaire
compilation receipt. If you have any problems registering on the Alma laurea web
site, please call the toll-free telephone number 800 720 772. ATTENTION You do
not have to consign this receipt to the Student Secretarial Office
i. Pay the participation fee due via PagoPA system, allowing to pay in different ways
(traditional and online procedures). Links and further information are available on the
following website:
j. Link again to the Delphi Online Services website and validate your payment by tapping
the “Convalida PagoPA” within 24 hours from the payment time
k. At this stage, the system will verify that the Alma Laurea questionnaire has been
completed. If the questionnaire has not been filled out or is incomplete, you will not be
able to complete the admission procedure for your graduation exam
l. Consign all your documentation to the Student Secretarial Office in
question (consult days and opening hours on the university website) within 30
days of the exam date and in any case before the deadlines established by each
Chapter 8 - During your career

• declaration regarding the assignment of your final thesis signed by your

• application regarding admission for your graduation exam, which must be
complete and then signed in front of a secretary from the Secretarial Office;
• the university transcript of records (Libretto universitario);
• photocopy of your receipt of payment;
• a copy of your last approved study plan if you are submitting your own study
• the traineeship booklet (Libretto universitario di tirocinio) (for students of the
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery).
The Student Secretarial Office will verify the documentation you have submitted. Further
information on graduation regulations and instructions regarding how to consign your
degree thesis is available on the various macro-area websites.

Medicine and Surgery
Sciences (Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences)

ATTENTION: if for any reason students postpones the discussion of the degree thesis after
having made a request, they must submit a new application provided with the relating 16.00
Euro stamp duty.
Degree and master/master graduation examinations together with first and second-level
specializing masters are public. The final grade is expressed in one hundred tenths (110).
The minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum is 110/110. The highest rating can be
further improved by adding the term “with distinction” (cum laude).

8.12.4 – Collecting your graduation parchment

When your graduation parchment is ready, you must go to the Student Secretarial Office
(see opening times), in order to present:
• the receipt of payment relating to the issuing of your parchment, which must be
paid when you make your application for your degree;
• a valid personal identity document. Should you decide to delegate someone else to
collect your parchment, they will have to bring a written delegation from you
together with a photocopy of your personal identity document and a photocopy of
For more information, please visit: – Studenti – Ufficio Stampa
Pergamene (the office responsible for the printing of your final degree parchment)

Chapter 8 - During your career

8.12.5 - Diploma supplement

The university can issue you with a bilingual edition (Italian-English) of your degree
certificate. This Diploma Supplement is a supplementary version of your degree
certification in the English language.


The diploma supplement was set up by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and
Unesco/Cespes, in order to provide independent data to improve the international clarity and
homogeneity of qualifications, so promoting student mobility and the official recognition of
academic and professional qualifications abroad.
It is a certificate that contains only official student career data, and excludes discretionary
assessments, declarations of equivalence or suggestions regarding recognition. It describes
the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies carried out and completed by the
More specifically, you can apply online together with your application for your degree (see
paragraph “Graduation exam”) or at any time after graduation as indicated in the following
paragraph "Certification issue".

8.12.6 – Certification issue

In order to obtain any form of certification regarding your university career, you must be
up to date with the payment of your fees for the period concerning your certificate
All certificates must be replaced by a self-certification, in accordance with art. 75
and 76 of the DPR no. 445 dated 28th December 2000, when they are obtained for
public administration bodies or private public service providers.
In fact, in accordance with art. 15, law no. 183/2011, from 1st January 2012, public
administrations and public service operators can no longer request or accept from private
clients certificates issued by other public offices. The bottom of certificates now,
therefore, include the words "this certificate cannot be consigned to public administration
bodies or to private public service providers".
In absence of the above-mentioned declaration, your certificate will be considered invalid.
The only exceptions to this ruling are the following ones:
• certificates to be consigned to judicial offices, when they exercise juridical activity;
in this case, the certificate will include the words "in accordance with art. 40 DPR
no. 445 dated 28th December 2000 and is issued only in order to be filed in the
documentation of court cases;
• certificates issued for the purpose of renewing/issuing the residence permit or the
EU permits for foreign citizens; in this case, the certificates will include the words
"certificate issued for the procedures regulated by norms concerning immigration"
(application for a permission of stay document);

Chapter 8 - During your career

• certificates to be consigned abroad, issued both in Italian and English, which will
include the words "in accordance with art. 40 DPR no. 445 dated 28th December
2000; this certificate is issued only to be used abroad”.
Procedure: you can apply for the certificate by submitting a specific request on the
application form provided by the Student Secretarial Office or downloaded from the Delphi
online services website (
Select Student Section, Key 4, “Manage Career Online” > Applying for certification.
ATTENTION: in accordance with law by decree no. 196 dated 30th June 2003, certificates are
issued exclusively to the person concerned or to third parties in possession of a valid identity
document and a signed delegation accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the
student applicant.


According to the regulations in force, only certificates with the appropriate 16.00 Euros
stamp duty (certificati in bollo) can be issued and, in this case, the application is also subject
to the stamp duty.
Only in cases where an exemption from stamp study is foreseen by the legislation in force
(Annex "B" to DPR no. 642 dated 1972) can a certificate on plain paper be issued (carta
semplice). In this case, the party concerned when applying for their certification must state
why they are exempt (i.e.: welfare, residence permit, etc.).
The following certificates can be issued by this university
Certificates for STUDENTS
Enrollment with passed exams*
History of the student's career
Enrollment and attendance
Exams sustained
Certificate regarding the passed exams taken (for students enrolled in single courses)
Certificates for GRADUATES
Degree with final grade*
Degree with final grade and all exam details*
Degree with final grade, all exam details and the title of dissertation*
* Recent addiction: this university has made it possible to issue you with the
above-mentioned certificates marked with an asterisk also in English.

8.12.7 – Duplication of your university transcript of records (Libretto

Students who request for a duplicate of their transcript of records (Libretto universitario) due
to loss, theft or damage must download the application form from
/600 0 section and submit it to the Student Secretarial Office in question:
• a compiled application form
• a stamp duty of 16.00 Euros
• two identical photographs
Chapter 8 - During your career

• your damaged booklet or official declaration reporting loss or theft, in accordance with
current regulations
• receipt of payment of 70.00 Euros.

8.12.8 - Self-certification
On 12th November 2011, law no. 183 came into force. This law, among other norms, includes
art. 15, which foresees further regulations concerning the simplification of administrative
From 1st January 2012, the public administration and private institutions that are public
service providers can no longer request or accept private certificates issued by public
administration offices. In such cases, the user must self-certify that they are in possession of
the requirements requested.
In cases where students must declare positions, personal skills and characteristics to the
university, they can use a self-certification form (art. 46 DPR no. 445 dated 28th December
2000) downloadable from
These self-certifications are exempt from stamp duty (in accordance with art. 37 DPR no.
445 dated 28th December 2000). The following documents cannot be self-certified:
• medical, health, and veterinary certificates
• certificates of origin and compliance with EU Community rules
• patents and trademarks.
There will no longer any control of what you have declared in your self-certification so you
will not be asked to provide any original certification, but the public administration will carry
out verification checks. Severe penal sanctions are foreseen for those who make false
declarations (in accordance with art. 76 DPR no. 445 dated 28th December 2000.

8.13 - Additional services provided

8.13.1- Libraries
The library system of the Tor Vergata University of Rome is mainly based on area libraries
and their printed and electronic catalogues.
The area libraries were set up according to criteria of scientific and cultural homogeneity and
are located in the various macro-areas of the university.
Access to facilities is open to all members of the university community. Each area library
independently regulates the access of other scholars and the public. There are also
departmental libraries in the macro-areas of Law and Engineering.

Area Libraries
Economic Area Library - Vilfredo Pareto
2, Via Columbia - 00133 Rome
Tel. 06 7259 5526 Fax 06 2040 236

Chapter 8 - During your career

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.40am to 6.30pm; Tuesday, Thursday
8:00am to 7.00pm

Law Area Library

50, Via Cracovia - 00133 Roma
Tel. 06 7259 2121/19 Fax 06 7259 2115
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6.30pm

Biomedical Area Library - Paolo M. Fasella

1, Via Montpellier (second floor block D of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery) - 00133
Tel. 067259 5413 Fax 067259 5421
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: from 8.15am to 6.30pm

Engineering Area Library

1, Via del Politecnico, - 00133 Rome
Tel. 067259 7109-7108-7106 Fax 06.7259 7109
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9.30am to 6.00pm, Friday 9.30am to 1.00pm website:

Literary, History, Philosophy Area Library

1, Via Columbia - 00133 Rome
Tel. +39 06 7259 5226 Fax +39 06 7259 5178/5238
Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 8.45am to 6.45pm

Scientific Technology Area Library

1, Via della Ricerca Scientifica (first floor, orange area) - 00133 Rome
Tel. +39 067259 4281 - Fax +39 067259 4499
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00am to 6.00pm

Digital Library
The Tor Vergata Digital Library aims to provide detailed information regarding all the
electronic resources available to members of the university, ensuring simple and direct
Please visit the Digital Library site at:

Chapter 8 - During your career

8.13.2 - University sports centre

CUS ROMA TOR VERGATA (CUS) has the following aims:
- the practice, promotion and upgrading of physical education and university sports
activities, as part of amateur sports activities, and the organization of amateur
sports activities, including didactic activities;
- the organization, at regional level, of local, national and international sporting
events and the participation of the FISU and other bodies within CONI, in
compliance with art. 1, paragraph 4;
- the promotion of sport, collaborating with families, institutions, schools and
educational structures, as a social right which imposes the establishment and
increase of related services for all types of student paying particular attention to the
disabled, and the teaching and non-teaching staff of the universities;
- the development and organization of meetings, events and sporting activities (also
non- competitive events), training courses and updating courses for technicians,
executives and students, of motor and sports training centres in the sector of sport
for all and in free time, in agreement with the universities in which they operate
and in accordance with current laws, and in conjunction with the faculties and
degree programs of motor sciences, local authorities and bodies operating in the
fields of interest of the Federation;
- the funding, participation and activation of projects and research and training
programs in sports-related disciplines, to be carried out in agreement with the
university in question, either independently or at public and private research
institutions, both national and foreign, with the aim to promote interdisciplinary
training and school-university integration within an open and continuous process of
learning, also through sporting culture; the sustainable implementation of studies,
premiums, scholarships, traineeships or training contracts, research fellowships and
equivalent initiatives in the field of the disciplines relating to motor and sports
activities, of an educational, scholastic and university nature, taking into
consideration the universities involved;
- the dissemination of cultural and editorial activities, also through specialized study
centres or similar structures.

Sports activities
Beach volleyball
Wellness (Massage centre, aesthetics)
Men's 5-a-side Football
Women’s 5-a-side Football
11-a-side Football
Canoeing /Kayaking
Criterium (Greco-Roman Wrestling)
Chapter 8 - During your career

Dance sport
Horse riding
Fitness (gym, weights room and fitness courses)
Male Basketball
Female Basketball
Male Volleyball
Female Volleyball
Weight lifting
Social media: CUS ROMA TOR VERGATA (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Website:

8.13.3- Student Ombudsperson

The Student Ombudsperson is the authority you can contact in order to make complaints,
observations and proposals. The objective of this organization is not only to act as a form
of guarantee for students, but can also, through their comments, promote improvements
in teaching activities and the services of the university.
When contacting the Ombudsperson, students have the right to remain anonymous if they
wish. The student Ombudsperson is Prof. Giovanni Bruno.
Students can meet the Ombudsperson by fixing an appointment in the following hours:
Thursday from 11am to 12am in room no. 37 – 1 floor (former Faculty of Letters)
Tel. 067259 2628

8.13.4- Accommodation
A) Campus X: Accommodation for students in Tor Vergata
Situated in the green belt of the Tor Vergata neighbourhood, CampusX Roma offers its
residents the opportunity to reach their own faculty on foot. It is also near the airports of
Fiumicino and Ciampino and only a short walk from the Tor Vergata Polyclinic Hospital.
The Campus can provide accommodation for about 1,200 people with 718 available
lodgings, which can be single or double. It offers a large range of excellent services which
will help students considerably their university lives.
Chapter 8 - During your career

For information, contact:

B) DISCOLAZIO accommodation
In order to minimize the inconvenience of living a long way from your place of study and
to facilitate the attendance of university courses, DISCOLAZIO provides accommodation
on its premises (a limited number available) to enrolled students for a period of 11
months (August excluded).
For more information, please consult:

C) university Residences - Rui Foundation

Thanks to a convention with the Tor Vergata University of Rome, the Rui Foundation
(International university Residences) offers 10 places at reduced prices (1,000 Euro
discount on university residence rent, which can be combined with other reductions and
scholarships offered by the Rui Foundation), in favour of the most deserving students.
The Rui Foundation university Residences are excellent lodgings, which host Italian and
foreign students. In addition to providing food and lodging, students are offered training
and personal growth paths in order to assist them in the completion of their university
For more information, consult

Rui is one of the university colleges of merit recognized by the Ministry of Education.
Since 1959, it has hosted more than 3,000 students from all over the world and from all
university disciplines. It is near the LAURENTINA underground stop (Metro B). It will take
you about 30 minutes to reach the university premises on public transport.
For more information, consult

The Porta Nevia university residence

Nevia Gate is an international university residence that offers young off-campus university
students high quality accommodation in a family environment.
For more information, consult

Celimontano university residence

Celimontano is a College of the Rui Foundation in the centre of Rome (Via Palestro 7). It is
a stimulating environment set in a rich cultural setting.
For more information, consult

8.13.5 – SOS CUG and psychological counseling

Law no. 183 dated 2010 introduced relevant modifications to art. 1, 7, and 57, law by decree
no. 165/2001 and also introduced, into public administration, a “Comitato Unico di Garanzia
per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere e contro le discriminazioni” (CUG). It
entails, rationalizes, enlarges, and reinforces the functions previously carried out by the
various committees promoting equal opportunities and contrasting mobbing, such as

Chapter 8 - During your career

“Comitati per le Pari Opportunità” and “Comitati Paritetici per il contrasto al fenomeno del
Aimed at ensuring formal and substantial equality, in accordance with art. 3 of the Italian
Constitution, the purpose of the CUG is to oppose any sort of direct/indirect discrimination,
including gender discrimination.
Therefore, the CUG is committed to removing all those factors which may negatively impact
on equality, well-being, and security in work environments, which may determine inequalities
in pay and career advancement.
As a body which supervises, guarantees, and promotes equality, non-discrimination, well-
being, health, and security, CUG represents a fundamental reference point for all the bodies,
committees, and commissions of the university and for its whole community.
CUG activities and projects:
For further info on how to join and more:

8.13.6 - Commission for the inclusion of students with disabilities

CARIS is the university structure that coordinates, monitors and supports all activities
regarding the integration into university life of disadvantaged students. These include
students with disabilities, with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia,
dysorthographia, dyscalculia or temporary difficulties. Since it was set up in January 2000, a
special commission has organized a series of integrated actions aimed at overcoming
technological, IT, organizational and management barriers. It also analyses and promotes
interventions aimed at overcoming architectural barriers. Its final goal is to help create a
more "friendly" campus, which guarantees the right to study for all students.
Headquarters: Engineering macro-area, new teaching buildings, ground floor, 1, Via del
Politecnico - 00133 Rome.
Tel. 062022876, tel / fax 067259 7483
Office opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 12am; Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday from 2pm to 4pm.

8.13.7 - Online Delphi platform

The Tor Vergata University of Rome offers its students a series of online services, which
helps them carry out a number of administrative tasks without having to go to the Student
Secretarial Office.
Delphi is a system used by the Tor Vergata University of Rome which provides a number of
services for students and teaching staff. Having opened the home page, you can select your
Having logged into the system as a student, it is possible to gain access to various services
provided for those who are already officially registered and for future students.
The main activities provided online are the following:
Chapter 8 - During your career

• Signing up for the admission test

• Enrollment
• Registration in academic years following year one
• Exam management
• Transfers
• Password management.

ATTENTION: all info on the student’s career is contained inside his/her reserved
area and are considered as notified for all the purposes of law. Therefore, the
student shall periodically consult his/her reserved area.

8.13.8 - Uniroma2-live - Online services for Tor Vergata students

The university provides enrolled students with a number of important instruments/services
on line which are free of charge.
In particular, the following services are provided by compiling a request on the Delphi portal.
1. Office 365: a Microsoft application that is available to students free of charge, which can
be used as an online platform or as a software package that can be downloaded on a PC.
Using the same entry code, each user can install Office on 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets
Chapter 8 - During your career

(Windows, iPad and Android) and 5 smartphones. Furthermore, a cloud of 1000 gigabytes
is activated for each student
2. Matlab
3. university post: the university provides all students with an email service
4. MLOL: MediaLibraryOnLine is a digital library project which combines public libraries and
digital lending. Through this portal, students can gain free access to scientific articles,
music, films, e-books, images, data bases, online training course (e-learning), magazines
and newspapers. This service is accessible from the library or directly from your home.
Alternatively, thanks to MLOL Reader (downloadable from Google Play and App Store)
access is also possible with a mobile device such as a phone or tablet.
5. Wifi: students can gain access to a wifi signal, which covers the entire campus. A number
of networks are available with various levels of service:
a. eduroam (advised access for students, with no bandwidth limitations and also
available abroad)
b. uniroma2-CP-NG (legacy technology based on captive portal)
c. WIFImetropolitano (re-broadcast of the network managed by the metropolitan city
of Rome)
d. uniroma2-ccd (management network controlled by the data centre)
e. uniroma2-sensor-network (for IoT applications)
6. National instruments: software including LabVIEW with the relative toolkits, Veristand,
Multisim and all that is included in the Academic Site License. It is also possible to gain
access to traditional and online training courses
7. Microsoft ImagineX
8. Tax and contribution simulator
For more information regarding all the services available, consult:

8.13.9 -Regulations
For information regarding student-specific regulations, please refer to the following web
page:> The Campus> Official School Bulletin> Regulations
where the following regulations are available:
• Charter of Student Rights of the Tor Vergata University of Rome
• Didactic regulations
• Guidance and tutoring regulations
• Regulations regarding student opinion
• Regulations concerning Alias careers
• Electoral regulations
• Regulations regarding the Equal Opportunities Committee
• Regulations regarding the application of disciplinary sanctions to students
• Regulations concerning the assignment and management of contributions aiming at
the scientific-cultural initiatives submitted by students

8.13.10 - Facilitations
This university has selected a number of shops that offer instant discounts on
your purchases. In addition to acting as support and sound help for employees,
Chapter 8 - During your career

students and their families, this initiative represents a symbol of the strength
and unity of this university.

Clothing Hotels in Rome Infant nurseries/summer

Sports activities Welfare centres Restaurants schools
Mobility + insurance Leisure time Shopping
Theatre Financial services

For more information, consult


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