Geology and Hydrocarbon Occurrences in The Ghadames Basin, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya

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Geology and hydrocarbon occurrences in the Ghadames Basin, Algeria,
Tunisia, Libya
K. E C H I K H

Petroleum Exploration Consulting Ltd, 20-22 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4EN, UK

Abstract: The Ghadames Basin is a large intra-cratonic basin, covering portions of Algeria,
Tunisia and Libya. The three countries are independently conducting petroleum exploration
in their portions of the basin, using different play concepts and consequently obtaining dif-
ferent exploration results. This paper presents the first published basin-wide view of petro-
leum stratigraphy and play types. Some 700 exploratory wells have been drilled in the
basin, resulting in the discovery of at least 150 oil pools with 9500 MMBO (million barrels
of oil) in place. Most wells were located in the structurally higher parts of the basin, with
deeper portions being less explored because of shifting dune conditions and an expectation
of reservoir thinning into the basin centre. Silurian and Devonian source rocks occur
across large parts of the basin and have generated volumes of hydrocarbon orders of magni-
tude above those discovered. The numerous structural phases (Taconic, Caledonian, Hercy-
nian and Austrian) that have affected the basin have had important implications for
depocentre migration, structural style, and for patterns of trap formation, alteration and
destruction. The erosion pattern and topography developed on the Hercynian unconformity
is a key control on petroleum systems within the basin, controlling the preservation of
Palaeozoic hydrocarbons, communication between source and higher reservoirs and patterns
of long-distance migration in the Triassic reservoir. For each of the producing plays, an ana-
lysis is presented of the geological factors controlling the habitat of hydrocarbons (e.g. the
effect of various tectonic phases, the influence of basin-scale facies variations on reservoir
quality, and the source rock-reservoir relationship), and is related to the variations that
have been observed in exploration success rate and producibility. It is believed that a substan-
tial volume of hydrocarbons still remains undiscovered in a range of trap and play types.

The Ghadames Basin is a large intra-cratonic mated to have generated volumes of hydro-
basin, covering portions of Algeria, Tunisia and carbon far greater than the volumes discovered
Libya, and extending over 350000 km 2. The in traps to date, suggesting that a great volume
basin contains up to 6 000 m of Palaeozoic and of oil remains to be discovered in the Ghadames
Mesozoic sediments. It is bounded to the north Basin. In the Algerian portion of the basin alone,
by the Dahar-Naffusah High, to the south by Daniels & Emme (1995) calculated that 2100 bil-
the Qarqaf Uplift (Libya) and the Hoggar lion barrels (BBO) have been generated. The oil
Shield (Fig. 1), and its western limit is repre- in place established in known oilfields is less
sented by the Amguid-E1 Biod Arch. The eastern than 1% of this figure.
boundary is not well defined, being overlapped Algeria, Tunisia and Libya are conducting
by the western flank of the younger Sirt Basin. exploration activities in adjoining parts of the
The region often termed the 'Illizi Basin' is same basin, concentrating on the reservoirs that
included, for the purposes of this paper, in the have proven most productive in each country.
Ghadames Basin. This paper attempts to integrate all previous
Some 700 exploratory wells have been drilled studies into a regional synthesis of the geological
in the three countries, resulting in the discovery factors controlling the habitat of hydrocarbons
of 160 oil pools with at least 9 500 million barrels in the most important plays. Particular emphasis
ofoil (MMBO) in place (c. 3500 M M B O recover- is given to two aspects, (1) the correlation of the
able). These figures exclude recent discoveries in main producing reservoirs and their regional
central Ghadames and those in the extreme facies trends, and (2) the effects of the tectonic
west of the basin (Rhoude Nouss and Gassi history of the basin on reservoir development
Touil regions). Most wells were located in the and hydrocarbon preservation.
structurally higher parts of the basin. The
deeper parts of the basin are underexplored
because of hazards presented by shifting sand Structural setting
dunes, and because of a previous perception
that Palaeozoic reservoirs will thin or shale out The present-day structural configuration of the
in this region, a view that will be challenged in Ghadames Basin is represented by the structural
this paper. Silurian and Devonian source rocks contour map for the latest Ordovician (Fig. 1).
occur across large parts of the basin, and are esti- This map highlights the major tectonic elements

ECHIKH,K. 1998. Geology and hydrocarbon occurrences in the Ghadames Basin, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya. In: MAC-
GREGOR,D. S., MOODY,R. T. J. & CLARK-LOWES,D. D. (eds) 1998. PetroleumGeologyof North Africa. Geological
Society, London, Special Publication No. 132, 109-129.
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Fig. 1. Structural contour map: latest Ordovician. Infilled polygons are oilfields; non-filled polygons are gas fields.
Fields: 1, Tin Fouy6-Tabankort; 2, Tiguentourine; 3, Alrar; 4, Mereksene; 5, Dimeta; 6, Stah; 7, Zarzaitine;
8, Ohanet; 9, Makhrouga; 10, Chouech Essaida; 11, Larich; 12, R. Nouss; 13, G. Touil; 14, Brides; 15, Rhoude el
Baguel; 16, Nezla; 17, H. Touareg; 18, Wadi E1 Teh; 19, Bir Berkine; 20, Bir Rebaa; 21, R. Messaoud; 22, R. E1
Rouni; 23, E1 Borma; 24, Tigi; 25, F90; 26, H. Messaoud.

bounding the basin, i.e. the Amguid-El Biod Palaeozoic tectonic events
Arch, the Dahar-Naffusah High and the
Qarqaf Uplift. The southern flank is complicated Taconic phase
by several second-order structural highs, e.g.
the Tin Fouy6, Tihemboka and A1 H a m r a Early Ordovician time was characterized by a
Highs. tectonic instability (Attar 1987) indicated by the
The evolution of this basin occurred in three absence of the Cambrian over the main uplifts,
phases: (1) initiation through reactivation of e.g. the Ahara Uplift and the Tihemboka Arch.
Pan-African fault systems of a subsiding Palaeo- Peak activity occurred during Llandeilo time,
zoic basin; (2) uplift and erosion of much of the when there was substantial activity, particularly
basin during the Hercynian phase; (3) a north- on the southern rim of the Ghadames Basin, in
west tilting and superimposition of a Mesozoic Illizi and close to the Qarqaf Uplift. Active
extensional basin. fault uplifts caused erosion and the creation of
The present structural framework of the Gha- a series of overlapping deep erosional troughs,
dames Basin was produced by the successive which were later filled by periglacial deposits.
effects of tectonic movements related to the The folds created at this time are broad, with
Taconic, Caledonian, Hercynian and Austrian active faulting controlling thickness and facies
phases. As a consequence, there is a wide variety distribution in syn- and post-tectonic forma-
of structural styles, fault patterns and structural tions. The Taconic unconformity is illustrated
trap types present, and depocentres have tended by a cross-section though the Dahar High (Fig.
to migrate with time. 2), where successive units of the Early Ordovi-
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Fig. 2. Geological cross-section: Ordovician formations. Datum: latest Ordovician. This section illustrates the
erosional effects of the Taconic event.

cian are seen to be overlain by the Late Ordovi- result of the collision between West Africa and
cian Microconglomeratic Shales. North America. This caused the uplifting and
The presence of volcanic layers in the Brides erosion of the southwestern and southern flank
area (western flank of basin) and in Illizi (Merek- of the Ghadames Basin, where the Lower Devo-
sene, Stah and Dimeta fields) is also related to nian (Tadrart) is seen to directly overly the
this tectonic activity. In Libya, deep troughs Upper Silurian (basal Acacus). Figure 3 illus-
were formed close to the Qarqaf Uplift (Echikh trates the progressive truncation of the various
1992) and were filled with the periglacial facies Acacus (Upper Silurian) units from NE to SW
of the Bit Tlacsin and Memouniat Formations on this unconformity. In Algeria (Illizi) only
(Unit IV of Algeria). These unconformably over- the lowermost part of Acacus Formation is pre-
lie older Ordovician strata (Fig. 2). An erosional served (Fig. 4). Again, there are few indications
phase is also noted in southern Tunisia (Chan- of significant high-amplitude folding during this
doul 1992). phase, except in NW Libya and over the A1
Kabir trend (Echikh 1992) and in Illizi (Sona-
Caledonian phase trach-Beicip 1975; Attar 1987; Boudjema 1987).
In these regions, seismic data may show folding
A significant Caledonian tectonic event was of the Silurian section below flat-lying Devonian
initiated during the Pfidoli-Gedinnian as a deposits (Fig. 5, 1)

OT-t01 ES-101 MRK A~90 O-26

c ........................... l .............

Fig. 3. Log correlation showing progressive erosion of Acacus units towards Algeria on the Caledonian
unconformity. (For location, see Fig. 4).
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Fig. 4. Subcrop map: latest Silurian (Caledonian unconformity), illustrating the basin-scale erosion of Acacus

Two additional unconformities are observed sian over the entire basin (as proven by
higher in the Devonian, particularly over the biostratigraphy) all clearly indicate the existence
southern flank of the Ghadames Basin, repre- of a regional early Hercynian tectonic event.
senting Late Caledonian tectonic phases. These
unconformities are observed at the top of the Main Hercynian phase. The Late Westphalian-
Emsian (Sonatrach-Beicip 1975; Abdesselam Early Permian Hercynian movements initiated
Rouighi 1991; Echikh 1992) and at the base of the uplifting of the E1 Biod, Dahar and Naffusah
the Frasnian radioactive carbonate-shale layer Highs, resulting in the intensive erosion of
(Sonatrach-Beicip 1975). In Libya, biostrati- Palaeozoic rocks, in some cases as deep as the
graphic hiatuses occur in the Givetian and Fras- Cambrian. The effects of the earliest movements
nian (Echikh 1987 1992). of the main Hercynian phase on structure are
well illustrated in the Illizi basin, e.g. over the
Hercynian phases Edjeleh structure, where Westphalian carbonates
are observed to unconformably overlie subcrop-
Two major tectonic events occurred during the ping Namurian units (Sonatrach-Beicip 1975;
Carboniferous, representing the Hercynian tec- Attar 1987).
tonic movements that terminate the Palaeozoic
Mesozoic tectonic events
Early Hercynian phase. The thickness distribu-
tion of the Tournaisian-Lower Vis6an sediments Trias-Jurassic period
in the Illizi basin, their partial erosion over some
local structures in the Tihemboka Arch (Boud- An extensional event affected the area in the
jema 1987) and the absence of the Early Tournai- Triassic-Liassic, related to the rifting of Tethys
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T-100 E-52 A-NC55

"--- LOW. DEVO

1 BRD-4

BBK-1 HC-1



A-147 U-100




NIAN--- ~

Uppe R SILUIpaAN ~
---------- ORDOVICIAN --- '-"'- "-'-"" I_ i

Fig. 5. Examples of different generations of structural traps in the Ghadames Basin. 1, Structural growth up to
Silurian; 2, structural growth up to Late Devonian; 3, structural growth up to Hercynian; 4, Triassic-Liassic
extensional; 5, Austrian compressional; 6, Pyrenean compressional; 7, structural related to glacial
palaeotopography: 8, structure reopened during Late Devonian-Carboniferous subsidence.
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and the opening of the Atlantic (Guiraud this phase); (2) Structures which grew in pre-Devo-
volume). This led to the development of a series nian and Devonian times only; (3) Palaeozoic
of en echelon normal faults and tilted blocks, structures which continued to grow until the
with associated volcanism, in the northwestern Hercynian event; (4) Structures produced by
part of the Ghadames Basin and southern Tuni- Liassic extensional movements; (5) Structures
sia. These fault sets can be demonstrated to con- formed during the Austrian phase during the
trol thickness and facies changes within Triassic latest Barremian, often by inversion of earlier
sediments. Peak activity probably occurred faults; (6) Structures formed by Tertiary (Pyre-
during the Lias (Hettangian, Boudjema 1987). nean, Alpine) structural phases, again often by
The Bir Berkine (Fig. 5), Si Fatima and Wadi el inversion. Implications of each of these for the
Teh tilted fault block traps were formed at this formation of structural traps will be discussed
time. later.
It can be noted that in many cases, structural
culminations have shifted with time. The Aus-
Cretaceous period trian event in particular played a significant
role in causing lateral migration of the culmina-
At the end of the Barremian, the tectonic move- tions of Palaeozoic aged structures. It can be
ments tied to the Austrian phase occurred. These noted that the location of structural culminations
were pronounced over the E1 Biod Arch and its can consequently differ at the levels of the Liassic
eastern flank (Boudjema 1987), with east-west anhydrite seismic marker and the Triassic reser-
compression producing high-amplitude struc- voir. In the northern part of the basin, it is possi-
tures along north-south-trending reverse faults. ble to identify early structures on which closure
In Algeria, structures such as the Hassi Chergui, has been destroyed through structural tilting
Hassi Touareg, Rhourde Nouss and Ain related to Mesozoic subsidence. The failure of
Romana anticlines were initiated during this many dry wells in the basin can be related to
phase. The Hassi Chergui example is illustrated the resulting problems of accurately locating
in Fig. 5, where flat-lying Cretaceous strata is structural crests at reservoir level from mapping
seen to overlie folded Jurassic deposits. on higher seismic markers.

Tertiary tectonic events Reservoirs and petroleum results

Latest Eocene (Pyrenean phase) movements, Different stratigraphical nomenclatures cur-
which are significant in the Atlas area, affect rently apply in each of the three countries. A cor-
the Saharan platform with less intensity. The relation between these for the Palaeozoic section
distal effects of this compressive event led to is attempted in Fig. 6. The most important reser-
accentuation and remodelling of Austrian struc- voirs are summarized below for each geological
tures (Boudjema 1987), inversion of Hercynian period.
or Liassic normal faults (producing traps such
as the Bir Rebaa, Rhourde E1 Rouni and El
Borma structures) and the formation locally of Ordovician reservoirs
some new structures, such as the Brides, Ain
Romana and Rhourde Adra features. A typical The Ordovician section is seen to have a signifi-
Tertiary aged structure is illustrated in Fig. 5. cant sand content in the marginal and structu-
rally highest parts of the basin. A few
penetrations in the deepest part of the basin indi-
Local structural styles and ages cate the presence of a more shaly facies.
In the Algerian part of the Ghadames Basin,
Analysis of seismic data over the Ghadames the Ordovician has been subdivided into several
Basin indicates the existence of a wide variety reservoir-bearing formations, namely the Oued
of structural types of different ages. Many struc- Saret, Ouargla, Hamra Quartzites and E1 Atch-
tures and traps have grown successively through- ane Formations. The Ordovician lies very deep
out geological time. It is therefore difficult to over much of the Algerian portion of the basin
classify structures in discrete timing categories, and is penetrated only on its western flank,
but the following broad groupings can be where it contains wet gas (Brides and Gassi E1
made: (1) Structures which grew in pre-Silurian Adem fields). In Illizi, the Ordovician has been
times only; these include traps related to Early subdivided into two Units: III and IV. The
Ordovician glacial palaeotopography (Taconic most prolific reservoirs, such as those of Tin
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Fig. 6. Stratigraphical correlation chart of the Palaeozoic of Algeria and Libya, illustrating the different reservoir
and source rock terminologies, sources for Libya: M assa (1988), Echikh (1992); sources for Algeria: Attar (1987),
Bekkouche (1992).

Fouy6-Tabankort, lie in Unit IV, corresponding Silurian reservoirs

to the Memouniat Formation in Libya. These
sands are glacial in origin (Fekirine & Abdallah The main regional reservoir of Silurian age is the
this volume). The petrophysical proprieties of Acacus Formation, equivalent to the lower part
Unit IV show rapid lateral and vertical varia- of the F6 in Algeria (Fig. 8). The Acacus has
tions, with porosities ranging between 6 and been subdivided into three formations, Lower,
10%, except for some levels with values reaching Middle and Upper, by Massa (1988), which are
12%. Gas columns occur with oil rings in wells well represented in the northern parts of the
on the Tin Fouy6, Tiguentourine and Tihemboka basin, within Libya. On the southern margin,
Highs. Caledonian erosion (Echikh 1984, 1992) has
In Libya, the Cambro-Ordovician has been removed the upper two members and only the
penetrated by only a few wells, with most of Lower Acacus Formation (reservoir units M,
these terminating at the top of the Memouniat. A, B1 and B2 of the lower F6 in Algeria) is pre-
The main producing reservoir lies in the Memou- sent. In the basin centre, the Silurian has yet to be
niat quartzitic sands (equivalent to Unit IV in reached by drilling. The Lower Acacus and
Algeria). Available data suggest a similar facies equivalent reservoirs show maximum sand devel-
distribution pattern to that established in Algeria opment on the southern flank (Fig. 8), passing
(Fig. 7), passing from sandy periglacial deposits progressively into a more shaly facies in central
in the south, close to the Qarqaf Uplift, to a and northwestern areas. This trend is sometimes
marine shaly sequence in the central and north- broken by the incoming of sands orientated
ern parts of the basin. Several oilfields have along SW-NE trends, related probably to an
been found by AGOCO and AGIP over the A1 intra-basin high that was active in the Caledo-
Hamra High. In the central and northern parts nian. This palaeohigh is evidenced in some
of the basin, and at Larich in Tunisia, only wet wells by the presence of a local unconformity
gas has been tested. within the Acacus Formation and follows a simi-
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Fig. 7. Regional facies variation of Memouniat (Unit IV) Formation in Libya. The southern part is the area of
maximum sand development, where sediments of peri-glacial origin were deposited in deep erosional troughs. The
facies in central and northern areas is shalier. (Note the presence of a palaeohigh around the B1-26 and A1-70
wells, probably initiated by Taconic movements, close to the Nafussah High.)

lar orientation to the Amguid-El Biod Arch in sene, Stah, Dimeta, Ohanet and In Anemas
Algeria. Both features are suggested here to be fields. The low productivity in Algeria seems to
essentially features of Caledonian rather than, be related to seal, rather than reservoir, issues,
as has previously been suggested, Hercynian age. as will later be discussed.
Within the Illizi Basin, Silurian sands show
fair to good reservoir quality, with porosities
ranging between 10 and 15% (maximum 20%) Lower Devonian reservoirs
and permeability around 100 mD. Over the E1
Biod Arch and in the Rhourde Nouss field, the Within Libya, there are two discrete producing
reservoir deteriorates, with porosities of 8-12% reservoirs in the Lower Devonian, the Tadrart
and permeabilities not exceeding 10-50 mD. and Ouan Kasa Formations. These are respec-
Within Libya, the Acacus sands show good pet- tively equivalent to the upper part of the F6
rophysical properties in the productive areas in and the F5 in Algeria (Fig. 6). The Tadrart-F6
southern and central parts of the basin, with por- reservoir can be correlated throughout the
osities of 20-25%, rising locally to 30%. A dete- basin, and consists in practically all areas of
rioration in petrophysical proprieties occurs clean, medium- to coarse-grained sandstones
from the south towards the northwestern part deposited as widespread channelled sheets. The
of the basin, where porosities do not exceed Ouan Kasa Formation is more difficult to corre-
12-15%. late, because of facies changes and the erosional
The Lower Acacus has proven to be a prolific effects of a mid-Devonian (Frasnian) unconfor-
producer in Libya, with flowing oil in the central mity in Algeria, particularly over the Ahara
and northwestern parts of the basin. Twenty-two and Tihemboka Highs. Over these highs,
oilfields and three gas fields have been found in Middle and Upper Devonian strata directly over-
this region. In Algeria, the Silurian is productive lie the lowermost sections of the F6 (Acacus).
only in Illizi, with the lower parts of the F6 (M, B Although showing a remarkably constant
and A units) producing gas with oil in the Merek- facies throughout the basin, the Tadrart shows
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Fig. 8. Sand content (percentage) of Lower Acacus Formation. (Note the presence of a Caledonian high in the
central part of the basin, with an associated SW-NE trending sand-rich belt.)

significant regional porosity variation, attributed trast, is of fairly uniform composition through-
to burial and diagenetic effects. The highest por- out the basin, consisting of an alternation of
osities are seen in the south, where they range sands, silts and shales. It is of markedly less sig-
from 15 to 20%. Porosity falls into the central nificance as a producing reservoir.
and deepest parts of the basin, where it does
not exceed 8-10%, but then increases again
towards the northwest, where values of 11-14% Middle and Upper Devonian reservoirs
are seen (Bir Rebaa, Rhourde Messaoud and
Bir Berkine fields). The Tadrart-F6 reservoir is Reservoir quality in the Middle and Upper
a prolific producer over the southern part of Devonian is considerably more irregular than
the basin (see Fig. 10, below), producing mainly in the Early Devonian, with reservoir units thin-
oil in Illizi (Algeria) and on the A1 Hamra high ner and generally associated with local highs.
(Libya). The recent intensification of exploration The Middle-Upper Devonian reservoirs also
activities on the Algerian side resulted in the dis- generally do not show good petrophysical char-
covery of several new oilfields (e.g. Bir Rebaa, acteristics, except in some areas of shallow
Rhourde Messaoud and Bir Berkine), upgrading burial and proximity to source areas close to
the potential of the western flank of the Gha- the Tihemboka, Ahara and A1 Hamra Highs.
dames Basin at this level. The F4 reservoir produces oil in Illizi, the F3
The Ouan Kasa can be subdivided into two gas in the Alrar field (Chaouchi et al. this
members, Lower and Upper. The Lower volume) and the Aaouinet Formation oil in the
Member shows substantial facies variation, pas- A1 Hamra area (Libya). The Tahara (F2 in
sing from a very sandy succession in the south Algeria) reservoirs seem to be more gas prone
to shaly with carbonate layers in the northern and are productive as such over a large area of
part of the basin. The Upper Member, in con- the central part of the Ghadames Basin.
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Triassic reservoirs Further to the NE, the depositional environment

passes into fluvio-deltaic and sand development
Sands, often non-marine in origin, are present at becomes highly irregular.
Triassic level over all three countries. These are The Triassic reservoirs are prolific oil and gas
termed the Trias Argilo Greseux in Algeria, the producers (Fig. 10), particularly over the E1
Ras Hamia Formation in Libya and the Kirch- Biod Arch (Gassi Touil, Rhourde Nouss,
aou Formation in Tunisia. These form the high- Nezla, Hassi Chergui fields) and over the western
est-quality and most prospective reservoirs in the flank of the Ghadames Basin, where a number of
northern parts of the basin, particularly in more recent oil discoveries have been made (e.g.
Algeria and Tunisia. Wadi el Teh, Bir Berkine, Bir Rebaa and
The Triassic is characterized by significant ver- Rhourde El Rouni fields, plus the recent Anar-
tical and lateral facies variations, which can be darko, Cepsa and AGIP discoveries). In Tunisia,
related to the topography developed on the Her- Triassic oil is produced from E1 Borma, Makh-
cynian unconformity (Benrabah et al. 1991). rouga, Chouech Essaida and Larich fields.
Triassic sediments were supplied from the
major palaeohighs such as the E1 Biod, Dahar
(Algeria) and Naffusah (Libya) in the manner
shown in Fig. 9. Deposition took place on the Hydrocarbon occurrence
flank of these palaeohighs within braided fluvial
systems characterized by a high sand/shale This section analyses the distribution of hydro-
ratio, leading to the development of sheet sands carbons in the basin in terms of stratigraphic dis-
with good lateral continuity and petrophysical tribution, depth and trap type. Statistics are
properties. In the northeastern part of the Gha- compiled on oil in place and illustrated in a
dames Basin, conditions of deposition change series of charts (Figs 10-14). The fields in the
to a meandering fluvial system flowing SW to extreme west of the basin (Gassi Touil and
NE. A more shaly facies is observed in this Rhourde Nouss areas) are not included in these
area, with sands developed as elongated lens- figures. Recent downwards revisions of the
shaped bodies, e.g. in the Rhourde El Rouni, reserves and oil in place of the Illizi Basin fields
E1 Borma and Makhrouga (Tunisia) field areas. have been taken into account.

Fig. 9. Sedimentologicalframework of Triassic deposits, with braided and meandering fluvial systems merging
into fluvial~leltaic systems towards the northeastern part of Tunisia. Most major oilfieldsat this level are located
in the braided fluvial belt and are characterized by high reservoir quality.
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DAH~,R n Sea
MESSAOUD .._~\, ~ ~ J
O J ~ , ,, .,,f i %
-- * J"-._~ 9 ~, /I'o:'.NClOO 9 ',
/, (;~ /, ioo/
/ /;9 o %\ SeK-~
.k' ~ / }' o
., /
/ /h
~' /
" -
-/ ~ ' j TRIASSIC
h..o,,.% \ , ..j f _,~_~- ~.

( , / ' ~ : ~qdlm~ o 200 km



Fig. 10. Regions ('fairways') in which the different reservoir levels are productive. (Note the substantial
geographical differences, which are caused by many geological factors, as discussed in the text.)

STOIIP no. o f fields



9 oil in place 160

[ ] number of fields

3347 120





550 2O


Fig. l l . Oil in place (STOIIP) and numbers of oilfields within the Ghadames Basin, by country. Libya has the
highest number of fields but Algeria the highest oil volume.
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Fig. 12. Oil in place distribution within the Ghadames Basin by reservoir age.

Fig. 13. Distribution of oilfields within the Ghadames Basin, by reservoir age. The differences from Fig. 12 are
caused by the tendency towards a small number of large felds in some reservoirs (e.g. the Ordovician) and towards
a large number of small fields in others (e.g. the Silurian).
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Pementage of Fields Algeria (46%, Fig. 11). However, proven oil in

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
place within these pools is substantially higher
in Algeria, despite the use here of conservative
figures, implying that average field size in Algeria
is considerably higher than in Libya. This is pri-
marily due to the occurrence of a small number
500- of very large fields in the Illizi area. It should
.,,,,, also be noted in interpreting these statistics that
most of the smaller Libyan discoveries lie in the
Silurian fairway of the A1 Kabir area. The south-
1000- ern portion of the Ghadames Basin in Libya is
1500 less explored than the southern Algerian portion
,,J (Illizi). Tunisia contributes only 4% of the dis-
J covered pools in the basin.
Stratigraphic distribution
2000- The Lower Devonian is the most productive hor-
2500 f izon in the Ghadames Basin in terms of both
number of oil pools (Fig. 12) and total oil in
l ----" LIBYA
place (Fig. 13), with 40% of each parameter.
2500-~ Roughly half of the Algerian reserves and pools
30001 and about a third of the Libyan occur at this
TOTAL (including level. It is followed in importance by the Triassic
TUNISIA) (22% of oil in place in 15% of fields, figures
which can be expected to rise as the latest discov-
3500 / eries are added), the Silurian (16% of oil in place
in 26% of fields) and the Ordovician (15% of oil
/ in place in only 3.5% of fields).
3500- Triassic fields are heavily concentrated in
4000 Algeria, whereas the play is thought to be under-
explored in Libya, where identical reservoirs and
Fig. 14. Depth distribution of proven oilfields in the
seals are present. More detailed study of the Ras
Ghadames Basin. The fall-off of number of discoveries
below 2500 m is noteworthy, and is particularly marked Hamia reservoir wiIl probably lead to further
for Algeria. This suggests that many deep fields may lie discoveries at this level. In contrast, Silurian
undiscovered. fields are the dominant producers in Libya
(42%), where they show a tendency towards
small field sizes, but are insignificant in Algeria.
This is largely because of the depths reached by
Areal distribution the Silurian over much of Algeria and to the
absence of a good sealing formation within the
The geographical extent of the productive 'fair- late Silurian. Many pools at Silurian level may
ways' at the various reservoir levels described have been drilled but not detected by log analy-
above is illustrated in Fig. 10. The older reser- sis, as it is now known that this reservoir often
voirs (Ordovician and Devonian) are good pro- gives a low resistivity response when hydro-
ducers over the southern and western flanks of carbon bearing. Significant Ordovician reserves
the Ghadames Basin, whereas the Silurian fair- are found only in a few large fields in Algeria,
way extends over the northwestern part of the particularly Tin Fouy~-Tabankort. The Ordovi-
basin (AI Kabir), extending into the Illizi area. cian represents a promising but still ill-under-
Triassic production is centred in Algeria and stood frontier play over much of the region,
southern Tunisia. These geographical trends particularly in Libya.
can be related primarily to patterns of reservoir
distribution and quality, although the lower den-
sity of drilling of the deeper reservoirs may also
Depth distribution
play a role.
The largest number of oil pools has been dis- There is no discrete trend of oilfield occurrence
covered in Libya (49%), just above that of against depth for the basin as a whole (Fig. 14).
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A peak at around 1000 m for Algerian fields (2) Normal faulted structures of Hercynian
represents the predominantly shallow Illizi age. These are related to basement vertical move-
group of fields. Elsewhere, in the Algerian por- ments during the Hercynian event. Examples of
tion of the central part of the basin, discoveries this trap types are observed in north and north-
are spread over a wide depth range, ranging west Libya and in Illizi (e.g. Zarzaitine, Tin
down to 3500 m. In Libya, oil pools are concen- Fouy6, J-100, TNC7 fields).
trated between 2000 and 3000 m. The sharp fall- (3) Reverse faulted structures. These are
off in number of discovered pools below 3000 m observed along the western flank of the basin
may be attributed at least partly to lack of deep (e.g. Brides field), the E1 Biod Arch (Gassi
drilling. Touil, Hassi Touareg and Rhourde Nouss
fields) and the A1 Hamra High in Libya. This
form of trap was produced by compressional
Trapping mechanism movements related to the Austrian and Pyrenean
Structural traps. Most of the discovered oil accu- (4) Uplifted faulted blocks of Liassic age. In
mulations occur in structural traps. As pre- this form of trap, entrapment was achieved by
viously discussed, the complex structural the uplifting of blocks through faults initiated
history of the region has produced a wide variety during the Liassic distensional movements.
of structural traps of differing ages. Known Examples occur in the central Algerian part of
structural traps fall into the following categories, the basin, e.g. Bir Berkine, Wadi el Teh and
with examples shown in Fig. 15: Rhourde Messaoud
(1) Simple anticlines (unfaulted) of pre-Hercy-
nian age. This trap type is present mainly in Stratigraphic traps. Two forms of stratigraphic
northwest Libya (e.g. Silurian oilfields of conces- trap have been observed (Fig. 16):
sion NC100) and in the central part of the Gha- (1) Updip shale-outs. The most significant
dames Basin. Such anticlines are generally broad example is the Alrar field (Chaouchi et al. this
low-relief structures and were formed during the volume), located close to the boundary between
Silurian and Devonian (Caledonian and Fras- the Ghadames and Illizi Basins. A large trap is
nian events). here created through an abrupt updip sand

Stah Field, Algeria L NC100 Field, Libya Hassi Chergui Field, Algeria Bir Berkine Field, Algeria


-~ <'/j~..,,~ M1

1 2 3 4

Zarzaitine Field, Algeria AI Hamra Fields, Libya


Gas D2

5 6
Fig. 15. Sketch sections across type examples of different structural traps: 1, 2, Simple anticlines; 3, 6, Reverse
faulted structures of Austrian/Pyrenean age; 4, normal faulted structure of Trias-Jurassic age; 5, normal faulted
structure of Hercynian age. A1 Hamra field after Hammuda (1980). Zarzaitine field after Echikh (1975).
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on May 11, 2016


G - 100 Field, Libya Z NC 5 Field, Libya Dimeta Field, Algeria

eF"~o. - -
[ 3

Tigi Field, Libya Alrar Field, Algeria

~._~__ ~ i i "--'T----~T--. ~ i I i

__~_- - - ..PermQ-T_da_ssicsl!ales ~ ,,

Fig. 16. Sketch sections across type examples of different combination and stratigraphic traps: 1, 2, structural trap
enhanced by pinchout within the closure; 3, unconformity trap; 4, subcrop trap; 5, pinchout trap.

pinchout. Other oilfields, such as Wadi el Teh (at whereas wells only a few kilometres to the
Triassic level) and A1 Kabir also show elements south and east penetrated a tight, very compact,
of this trap type. quartzite at reservoir level.
(2) Stratigraphical truncation (on unconfor-
mity). This trap type has been proven to date Hydrodynamic and combination structural-hydro-
only in the northwestern part of Libya. Hydro- dynamic traps. The Late Silurian-Early Devo-
carbons are trapped in the subcrop of the nian pools of the Tin Fouy6-Tabankort field
Acacus (Silurian) reservoirs below Triassic are well known hydrodynamic traps (Alem et
shales (e.g. Tigi field, Fig. 16). It is likely that al. this volume). Other fields in the same area
further examples of this play type lie undiscov- have variable hydrodynamic components.
ered in the basin, e.g. over various arches in
Algeria (Ford & Muller 1995).
Factors controlling habitat of hydrocarbons
Structural-stratigraphic combination traps. A Hydrocarbon richness varies widely across the
number of fields shows elements of both struc- Ghadames Basin, depending on several key geo-
tural and stratigraphic trapping. In Libya, good logical controls. The most important of these
examples are the Z and G-100 fields (Fig. 16),
controls are believed to be reservoir facies and
where entrapment is accentuated by rapid facies diagenetic tranformation, communication with
changes in the Acacus (Silurian) reservoir over source, and the influence of the numerous tec-
the crest of the structure.
tonic phases on patterns of hydrocarbon migra-
In Algeria, an example is the Dimeta field. The tion, accumulation and preservation.
seal to the Upper Silurian (A, B) reservoir is pro-
vided here on an unconformity surface by Upper
Devonian shales, the Early Devonian having Reservoir facies changes
been removed by Frasnian erosion. The field, Ordovician and Devonian reservoirs both show
though essentially structural, does therefore sandier facies and improved petrophysical prop-
show some features of a subcrop trap. erties on the southern flank of the Ghadames
Basin. Reservoir quality deteriorates towards
Permeability barrier. The Tiguentourine field in the central and northeastern parts, where open
Illizi provides an example of a diagenetic trap, marine shale-prone environments predominate
with a lateral seal provided by increased quartzi- (Echikh 1992). Most production from the Ordo-
fication within the Cambrian II reservoir. The vician and Devonian thus comes from the south-
TG-1 well encountered a 600 m gas column, ern flank of the basin.
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on May 11, 2016


The Silurian reservoirs follow similar environ- affect permeability. The presence of fibrous
mental and sand thickness trends. However, illite, however, usually is associated with a con-
there is not such a good relationship between siderable loss in permeability, through the block-
reservoir thickness and exploration success, as ing of pore throats. This is also a significant
the net/gross value is so high in the southern factor for the Cambro-Ordovician reservoir
area as to preclude the formation of effective (Djarnia et al. this volume).
intraformational seals, The Silurian sands Data concerning the effects of diagenetic pro-
(Acacus) thus communicate directly with the cesses on reservoir quality of the Upper Devo-
Early Devonian (Tadrart) sandstones. The most nian and Triassic reservoirs are not available at
productive areas at Silurian level are thus located this time.
in the northwestern part of Libya, where Caledo-
nian erosion is minor, net/gross values are lower Communication o f reservoirs with source
and effective intraformational seals are thus
developed. The presence of hydrocarbons in effective traps is
Because of their continental origin and conse- clearly dependent on communication with one or
quently complex depositional patterns, reservoir more of the two main source rocks in the basin,
quality and productivity within Triassic reser- namely the Silurian and the Upper Devonian
voirs varies widely. Productivity may change shales. The observed distribution of hydrocar-
rapidly within the same structure, as has been bons would indicate that communication can
established by the delineation wells over some occur in one of three ways:
oilfields (e.g. Wadi el Teh, Rhourde Messaoud, (a) Through direct contact of Silurian and/or
Rhourde E1 Rouni). Reservoir quality and pro- Upper Devonian source rocks with potential
ductivity are maximized within areas where the reservoirs, either through stratigraphic proximity
sands were deposited as laterally continuous or through juxtaposition on unconformity sur-
braided fluvial sand sheets or as point bars. Qual- faces, particularly the Hercynian. Migration dis-
ity deteriorates rapidly towards the flood-plain tances in this model are usually short.
environments, which show high shale and silt (b) By long-distance updip migration (gener-
contents. ally eastwards) from the Hercynian subcrop of
the various source rocks, following the regional
Reservoir diagenetic transformation dip of the Hercynian unconformity surface.
(c) By vertical migration through fault sys-
Ordovician reservoirs decrease in quality with tems.
burial depth, as a result of the effects of compac- Model (a) is applicable to most Palaeozoic pet-
tion and quartzification. Permeability can be roleum occurrences. Within Illizi, the distribu-
improved through fracturing, close to intensively tion of hydrocarbons within reservoirs shows a
faulted areas, such as the E1 Biod High. strong relationship to proximity to source
Lower Devonian reservoirs also show increas- rocks, with the most prolific reservoirs being
ing quartzification with depth. Sonatrach analy- the Tadrart-F6 and the Ordovician, which
tical reports (e.g. Bekkouche 1992) conclude respectively overlie and underlie the Silurian
that Lower Devonian reservoir quality can be source rock. Communication with the Tadrart
related to three separate diagenetic processes, is facilitated here by erosion on the Caledonian
as follows: unconformity. The same trend is true in Libya,
(1) The presence of primary chlorite cement where Silurian (Acacus) sands are those in closest
coating quartz grains inhibits the deposition of proximity to source, with seals within and above
quartz cement, and so leads to preservation of these preventing significant vertical migration to
anomalously high permeabilities. Where chlorite higher reservoirs. Carboniferous sands, which
cement is thin or absent, quartzification and feld- are normally significantly separated from the
spar alteration usually lead to the blocking of source rocks are, with a few notable exceptions,
pore throats and a consequent loss of both por- usually devoid of hydrocarbons.
osity and permeability. Model (b) is applicable particularly to Triassic
(2) Carbonate cement may also block pore reservoirs directly overlying the Hercynian
throats, and carbonate may also replace other unconformity (Fig. 17). Over the Algerian cen-
minerals. On the other hand, should the carbo- tral parts of the basin, the productive basal Trias-
nate cement be dissolved at a late stage, anoma- sic reservoirs are separated from the Upper
lously high porosities may result. Devonian and Silurian sources by a thick shaly
(3) Clay mineral type seems to have a major Carboniferous section (Figs 18 and 19). Since
influence on permeability. Pore filling by kaoli- Cretaceous time, both source rocks in this
nite may reduce porosity but not materially region are believed to have been in the gas
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on May 11, 2016


Fig. 17. Structure contour map on the Hercynian unconformity over the central Ghadames Basin. Interpreted
long-distance migration paths on the Triassic reservoir are illustrated, originating from the Silurian and Devonian
source rock subcrops. Triassic oilfields also tend to be located over structural noses and highs at this level.

window ( Chaouche 1991; Taylor 1991; Ghenima pool. A model of active charging up the bound-
& Espitalie 1992; Daniels & Emme 1995). The ing fault system may here be invoked to explain
answer would appear to lie in a model of long- this.
distance migration from the source rock sub-
crops to the west and northwest, derived from a Influence of tectonic phases
kitchen that is still in the oil window at the pre-
sent day (Fig. 17). The proposed migration path- Each of the major tectonic phases has had signif-
ways and spill chains extend many hundreds of icant direct or indirect influence on the hydro-
kilometres into fields of biodegraded Triassic carbon habitat of the Ghadames Basin. Some
oil within Libya. of the main influences are as follows.
The vertical migration model (c) is supported
by the study of the distribution of the Early Caledonian movements. In late Silurian time, the
Devonian oil pools in many areas of significant western and the southern flanks of studied area
faulting. Within the central-northern part of were uplifted and partially eroded. Subsequent
the basin, oil is found in the Devonian only in deposition led to the Silurian sands being
structures that are characterized by the presence placed in direct contact with Devonian (Tadrart,
of dense fault systems (e.g. Bir Berkine, Rhourde lower F6). As a result, Silurian (Acacus) reser-
Messaoud and Bir Rebaa fields). These fields are voirs often lack a seal. In some fields, such as
penetrated by a series of faults that cut both the Mereksene and Stah, Early Devonian (Tadrart)
reservoir units and the deeper Silurian source and Silurian (Acacus) reservoirs have common
rocks. In other areas of central Algeria and oil-water contacts. This is essentially the main
northeastern Libya, where tectonic activity was reason why the Early Devonian is the main pro-
weak, the Early Devonian has tested only water. ductive reservoir in Illizi, whereas the Late Silur-
In the Bir Rebaa field, different hydrocarbon ian is the most productive over large areas of
compositions are observed within stacked oil Libya.
pools in the Early Devonian, with the oil in the
deeper (Tadrart equivalent) pool lighter than Hercynian movements. Hercynian tectonic move-
that in the overlying (Ouan Kasa equivalent) ments were significant in limiting the extent of
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126 K. E C H I K H


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9 ~
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the Silurian and Devonian source rocks though former reservoir subaerial exposure. The uplift
erosion and in placing Palaeozoic source rocks of the Hoggar (Algeria) and the A1 Hamra and
and Triassic reservoirs in direct contact over sig- Qarqaf Highs (Libya) during the Late Cretac-
nificant areas. The topography developed on the eous led to the exposure of, and freshwater
Hercynian unconformity seems to form an influx into, the Upper Palaeozoic and Trias-Jur-
important control on migration patterns. Most assic reservoirs. This influx of meteoric water is
major Triassic oilfields are located over palaeo- of greatest significance for the Lower Devonian,
highs on the unconformity surface (Fig. 17). this being the most permeable reservoir in this
In addition, it is believed that large scale region. The lower permeability Cambro-Ordovi-
destruction took place of pools filled during Car- cian reservoirs are not as seriously affected.
boniferous time. Various workers (e.g. Daniels & The meteoric water invasion at Lower Devo-
Emme 1995) have modelled generation from nian level created a steep hydrodynamic gradient
Silurian source rocks in central parts of the on the southern flank of the Illizi Basin (Chiarelli
basin before the Hercynian, and presumably 1978), probably causing the flushing of low-relief
pools were formed in pre-Hercynian structures structures in this region. The region of existing
at this time. In both Libya and Algeria, the large fields in Illizi and A1 Hamra (Hammuda
Lower Devonian reservoirs are unproductive 1980; Echikh 1984) seems to have encountered
when partially eroded or not sealed by Upper a less intense hydrodynamic gradient, insuffu-
Devonian and Carboniferous rocks. In such cient to flush the high-relief structures present
situations, only water and traces of heavy oil (Echikh 1992). The hydrodynamic traps in the
have been found. Tin Fouy6-Tabankort region should, however,
Figure 19 illustrates the distribution of oil be noted (Chiarelli 1978; Alem et al. this
volume across the basin according to various volume).
stratigraphic relationships resulting from the Within the Triassic reservoirs, fresh water
Hercynian erosion pattern. It can be seen that (salinity less than 500--1000 ppm) is observed in
the productivity of the Lower Devonian and the southern part of the basin, passing into
other Palaeozoic reservoirs increases markedly brackish water in the F-90 area, and to brine
with increasing stratigraphic separation from further north. Further evidence of freshwater
the unconformity. The inference drawn from invasion is given by the presence of biodegraded
this is that oil pools filled before the Hercynian oil in the A1 Kabir area of Libya (Fig. 19).
event have been destroyed in areas of deep ero-
sion. Additionally, during the second (Mesozoic)
pulse of generation and migration, oil has tended Conclusions
to migrate up into the Triassic in areas of reduced
stratigraphic separation, rather than be trapped The present structural framework of the Gha-
in less well-sealed Palaeozoic reservoirs. dames Basin was produced by tectonic move-
For the Triassic reservoirs, it can be noted that ments related to the Taconic, Caledonian,
the largest number of fields occurs in areas where Hercynian and Austrian phases. This complex
the Triassic strata are in contact with, or in close structural history has produced a wide variety
stratigraphic proximity to, the Silurian source. of structural styles and trap types. The main fac-
This relationship is less well marked, however, tors controlling hydrocarbon habitat are: (1) the
because of the effects of long-distance migration effects of these main tectonic phases and the
mentioned above. resulting basin topography (particularly at Her-
cynian level) on stratigraphic column, seal pre-
servation and consequently migration; (2) basin
Austrian movements. The Cretaceous movements
scale reservoir facies variations; (3) diagenetic
related to the Austrian phase resulted in the
processes. Different reservoir levels are prospec-
remodelling of Hercynian structural features.
tive within fairways covering differing parts of
This caused the redistribution, through new
the basin. Ordovician and Devonian reservoirs
faults, of hydrocarbons previously entrapped in
have the best petrophysical properties on the
Hercynian structures in the western flank of the
southern basin flank but decrease in quality
Ghadames Basin (Sonatrach-Beicip 1991).
into the basin because of increased shaliness
and diagenetic effects associated with deeper
burial. The Silurian is the most prolific reservoir
Hydrodynamic factors in northwestern Libya, in a region where source-
reservoir-seal relationships are optimized, lar-
Hydrodynamic regime plays a key role locally on gely because of preservation of seals below the
the basin flanks, in areas close to present and Caledonian unconformity. Triassic reservoir
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on May 11, 2016


Fig. 19. Relationship between hydrocarbon occurrence and stratigraphic relationships across the Hercynian
unconformity. Most Devonian and other Palaeozoic-reservoired oilfields are found in regions where the degree of
erosion on the unconformity is light. Substantial destruction of Palaeozoic oilfields may have occurred in areas of
deeper erosion.

productivity is controlled mainly by depositional (1) The central parts of the basin are still
facies, with the braided fluvial facies favoured. poorly understood, with seismic data quality
Communication with source at this level is con- poor. The Triassic-Liassic evaporite layers in
trolled by the subcrop pattern on the Hercynian this region prevent the penetration of much of
unconformity. Migration distances along this the seismic energy to the Palaeozoic section. If
unconformity can be very long. this problem can be resolved, many new traps
The recent successes obtained by foreign com- may be identified. Recent oil discoveries at
panies in partnership with Sonatrach in the depths of more than 3500 m in Algeria suggest
Algerian portion of the Ghadames Basin confirm that much untapped potential may exist in Silur-
the high potential of this region. Further explora- ian and Devonian reservoirs in the basin deeps.
tion potential in the basin may exist in the var- (2) The central part of the basin in Libya is still
ious reservoirs, plays and regions, as follows: poorly explored, with low seismic and drilling
Downloaded from at Pennsylvania State University on May 11, 2016


coverage, because of previous expectations of (F3) sand bar of the West Alrar field, Illizi Basin,
p o o r reservoir quality. The successes in Algeria, Algeria. This volume.
particularly at Triassic level, upgrade this region. CnIARELCl, A. 1978. Hydrodynamic framework of
(3) Whereas the Algerian Illizi basin has a high Eastern Algeria: influence on hydrocarbon occur-
rence. Bulletin, American Association of Petroleum
drilling density and can be considered to be well
Geologists, 62(4), 667-685.
explored, the analogous southern flank of the DANIELS, R. P. & EMME, J. J. 1995. Petroleum system
basin in Libya is considerably less densely drilled. model, Eastern Algeria, from source to accumula-
Further discoveries can be expected in this tion - when, where and how. Sonatrach Symposium
region. on Ghadames Basin, Hassi Messaoud, Algeria.
(4) Discoveries such as the A1 Fatah field in DJARN1A,M. R. & FEKIRINE,B. 1998. Sedimentological
Libya, related to sand pinchout, plus the occur- and diagenetic controls on Cambro-Ordivician
rence of a n u m b e r of subcrop traps, such as reservoir quality in the southern Hassi Messaoud
Tigi, indicate that the basin has a high potential area (Saharan Platform, Algeria). This volume.
ECHIKH,K. 1975. GOologie des provinces p&rolifOres de
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mentological evolution of the Givetian-Eifelian Boumerdes.

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