Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Unit III
Roots of SOA – Characteristics of SOA - Comparing SOA to client-server and distributed
internet architectures – Anatomy of SOA- How components in an SOA interrelate - Principles
of service orientation
Type of architecture
* Application architecture
* Enterprise architecture
* Service-oriented architecture
Application architecture
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
organization that houses both .NET and J2EE solutions would very likely have separate
application architecture specifications for each.
Enterprise architecture
Service-oriented architecture
• The ability for tasks to be carried out in a secure manner, protecting the contents of
a message, as well as access to individual services.
• Allowing tasks to be carried out reliably so that message delivery or notification of
failed delivery can be guaranteed.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Standard open technologies are used within and outside of solution boundaries.
Perhaps the most significant characteristic of Web services is the fact that data exchange is
governed by open standards. After a message is sent from one Web service to another it
travels via a set of protocols that is globally standardized and accepted.
Organizations can certainly continue building solutions with existing development tools and
server products. In fact, it may make sense to do so, only to continue leveraging the skill
sets of in-house resources. However, the choice to explore the offerings of new vendors is
always there. This option is made possible by the open technology provided by the Web
services framework and is made more attainable through the standardization and principles
introduced by SOA.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
SOA supports and encourages the advertisement and discovery of services throughout the
enterprise and beyond. A serious SOA will likely rely on some form of service registry or
directory to manage service descriptions
Contemporary SOA fosters intrinsic interoperability
Further leveraging and supporting the required usage of open standards, a vendor diverse
environment, and the availability of a discovery mechanism, is the concept of intrinsic
interoperability. Regardless of whether an application actually has immediate integration
requirements, design principles can be applied to outfit services with characteristics that
naturally promote interoperability.
Establishing SOA within an enterprise does not necessarily require that you replace what
you already have. One of the most attractive aspects of this architecture is its ability to
introduce unity across previously non-federated environments. While Web services enable
federation, SOA promotes this cause by establishing and standardizing the ability to
encapsulate legacy and non-legacy application logic and by exposing it via a common, open,
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
SOA establishes an environment that promotes reuse on many levels. For example, services
designed according to service-orientation principles are encouraged to promote reuse, even
if no immediate reuse requirements exist. Collections of services that form service
compositions can themselves be reused by larger compositions.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
In other words, services can be designed to express business logic. BPM models, entity
models, and other forms of business intelligence can be accurately represented through the
coordinated composition of business-centric services. This is an area of SOA that is not yet
widely accepted or understood. We therefore spend a significant portion of this book
exploring the service-oriented business modeling paradigm.
One of the characteristics that tends to evolve naturally through the application of service-
oriented design principles is that of abstraction. Typical SOAs can introduce layers of
abstraction by positioning services as the sole access points to a variety of resources and
processing logic.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
a core benefit to building a technical architecture with loosely coupled services is the
resulting independence of service logic. Services only require an awareness of each other,
allowing them to evolve independently.
Change in an organization's business logic can impact the application technology that
automates it. Change in an organization's application technology infrastructure can impact
the business logic automated by this technology. The more dependencies that exist between
these two parts of an enterprise, the greater the extent to which change imposes disruption
and expense.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
SOA defines an architecture that is related to but still distinct from its predecessors. It
differs from traditional client-server and distributed environments in that it is heavily
influenced by the concepts and principles associated with service-orientation and Web
services. It is similar to previous platforms in that it preserves the successful characteristics
of its predecessors and builds upon them with distinct design patterns and a new technology
While the characteristics described so far are fundamental to contemporary SOA, this point
is obviously more of a subjective statement of where SOA is at the moment. Even though
SOA is being positioned as the next standard application computing platform, this transition
is not yet complete. Despite the fact that Web services are being used to implement a great
deal of application functionality, the support for a number of features necessary for
enterprise-level computing is not yet fully available.
Lecture Notes:
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
• These environments, in which bulky mainframe back-ends served thin clients, are
considered an implementation of the single-tier client-server architecture
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Application logic
– Client-server environments place application logic into the client software. that
controls the user experience, as well as the back-end resources.
– One exception is the distribution of business rules. A popular trend was to embed
and maintain business rules relating to data within stored procedures and triggers
on the database. This abstracted a set of business logic from the client and
simplified data access programming.
– The presentation layer within service-oriented solutions can vary. Any piece of
software capable of exchanging SOAP messages according to required service
contracts can be classified as a service requestor.
– Within the server environment, options exist as to where application logic can
reside and how it can be distributed. These options do not preclude the use of
database triggers or stored procedures.
– However, service-oriented design dictating the partitioning of processing logic
into autonomous units. This facilitates specific design qualities, such as service
statelessness and interoperability, as well as future composability and reusability.
Application processing
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
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– 4GL programming languages,
– Visual Basic and PowerBuilder.
– Windows operating system by providing the ability to create
aesthetically rich and more interactive user-interfaces.
– On the back-end, major database vendors,
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
– The one part of client-server architecture that frequently is centralized at the
server level is security. Databases are sufficiently sophisticated to manage user
accounts and groups and to assign these to individual parts of the physical data
– Security can be controlled within the client executable, especially when it relates
to specific business rules that dictate the execution of application logic (such as
limiting access to a part of a user-interface to select users).
– Additionally, operating system-level security can be incorporated to achieve a
single sign-on,
– The advantages of SOA, most architects envy the simplicity of client-server
security. Corporate data is protected via a single point of authentication,
establishing a single connection between client and server.
– In the distributed world of SOA, this is not possible. Security becomes a
significant complexity directly relational to the degree of security measures
required. Multiple technologies are typically involved, many of which comprise
the WS-Security framework
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
– One of the main reasons the client-server era ended was the increasingly large
maintenance costs associated with the distribution and maintenance of application
logic across user workstations, each update to the application required a
redistribution of the client software to all workstations. In larger environments,
this resulted in a highly burdensome administration process.
– Maintenance issues spanned both client and server ends. Client workstations were
subject to environment-specific problems because different workstations could
have different software programs installed or may have been purchased from
different hardware vendors. Further, there were increased server-side demands on
– Because service-oriented solutions can have a variety of requestors, they are not
necessarily immune to client-side maintenance challenges. While their distributed
back-end does accommodate scalability for application and database servers.
– New administration demands can be introduced. For example, once SOAs evolve
to a state where services are reused and become part of multiple service
compositions, the management of server resources and service interfaces can
require powerful administration tools, including the use of a private registry.
SOA vs. distributed Internet architecture
• Distributed architecture could be designed as SOAs.
• There are distributed environments in existence that may have been heavily influenced by
service-oriented principles
• Multi-tier client-server architectures
– Multi-tier client-server architectures breaking up the monolithic client executable
into components designed.
– Distributing application logic among multiple components (some residing on the
client, others on the server) reduced deployment headaches by centralizing a
greater amount of the logic on servers.
– Server-side components, located on dedicated application servers, would then
share and manage pools of database connections.A single connection could easily
facilitate multiple users.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
– Services share a formal contract For services to interact, they need not share
anything but a formal contract that describes each service and defines the terms of
information exchange.
– Services are loosely coupled Services must be designed to interact without the
need for tight, cross-service dependencies.
– Services abstract underlying logic The only part of a service that is visible to the
outside world is what is exposed via the service contract. Underlying logic,
beyond what is expressed in the descriptions that comprise the contract, is
– Services are compos able Services may compose other services. This promotes
reusability and the creation of abstraction layers.
– Services are autonomous The logic governed by a service resides within an
explicit boundary. The service has control within this boundary and is not
dependent on other services.
– Services are stateless Services should not be required to manage state
– Services are discoverable Services should allow their descriptions to be
discovered and understood by humans and service requestors that may be able to
make use of their logic.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Service operations abstract the underlying details of the functionality they expose
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Service autonomous
Services are stateless
– Services should minimize the amount of state information they manage and the
duration for which they hold it.
Stateless services
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
RailCo’s services are not discoverable, but TLS’s inventory of services are stored in
an internal registry
7 Lecture Notes:
Services can be modeled to represent either or both types of logic, as long as the principles of s
orientation can be applied.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
However, to achieve enterprise-wide loose coupling (the first of our four outstanding SOA characte
physically separate layers of services are, in fact, required. When individual collections of s
represent corporate business logic and technology-specific application logic, each domain of the ent
is freed of direct dependencies on the other.
This allows the automated representation of business process logic to evolve independently fro
technology-level application logic responsible for its execution. In other words, this establishes a
coupled relationship between business and application logic.
Much of this depends on whether existing legacy application logic needs to be exposed via serv
whether new logic is being developed in support of services. Existing systems can impose any num
constraints, limitations, and environmental requirements that need to be taken into consideration
service design.
Applying a service layer on top of legacy application environments may even require that some s
orientation principles be compromised. This is less likely when building solutions from the ground u
service layers in mind, as this affords a level of control with which service-orientation can be d
incorporated into application logic.
Either way, services designed specifically to represent application logic should exist in a separate
We'll therefore simply refer to this group of services as belonging to the application service layer.
Business logic is defined within an organization's business models and business processes. When mo
services to represent business logic, it is most important to ensure that the service representation
logic is in alignment with existing business models.
It is also useful to separately categorize services that are designed in this manner. Therefore, we'll r
services that have been modeled to represent business logic as belonging to the business service lay
adding a business service layer, we also implement the second of our four SOA characteristics, w
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
The key to building an agile SOA is in minimizing the dependencies each service has within i
processing logic. Services that contain business rules are required to enforce and act upon these r
runtime. This limits the service's ability to be utilized outside of environments that require these
Similarly, controller services that are embedded with the logic required to compose other servic
develop dependencies on the composition structure.
Introducing a parent controller layer on top of more specialized service layers would allow us to esta
centralized location for business rules and composition logic related to the sequence in which servi
executed. Orchestration is designed specifically for this purpose. It introduces the concept of a p
service, capable of composing other services to complete a business process according to pred
workflow logic. Process services establish what we refer to as the orchestration service layer.
While the addition of an orchestration service layer significantly increases organizational agility (n
three on our list of SOA characteristics), it is not alone in realizing this quality. All forms of org
service abstraction contribute to establishing an agile enterprise, which means that the creation of s
application, business, and orchestration layers collectively fulfill this characteristic.
Though we addressed each of the preceding questions individually, the one common element to all
answers also happens to be the last of our four outstanding SOA characteristics: layers of abstraction
We have established how, by leveraging the concept of composition, we can build specialized la
services. Each layer can abstract a specific aspect of our solution, addressing one of the issu
identified. This alleviates us from having to build services that accommodate business, applicatio
agility considerations all at once.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
purchased or leased
Typical examples of service models implemented as application services include the following:
• utility service
• wrapper service
When a separate business service layer exists, there is a strong motivation to turn all application s
into generic utility services. This way they are implemented in a solution-agnostic manner, pro
reusable operations that can be composed by business services to fulfill business-centric pro
Alternatively, if business logic does not reside in a separate layer, application services may be requ
implement service models more associated with the business service layer. For example, a
application service also can be classified as a business service if it interacts directly with applicatio
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Services that contain both application and business logic can be referred to as hybrid application s
or just hybrid services. This service model is commonly found within traditional distributed archite
It is not a recommended design when building service abstraction layers. Because it is so common, t
it is discussed and referenced throughout this book.
Finally, an application service also can compose other, smaller-grained application services (such as
services) into a unit of coarse-grained application logic. Aggregating application services is freq
done to accommodate integration requirements. Application services that exist solely to enable inte
between systems often are referred to as application integration services or simply integration se
Integration services often are implemented as controllers.
Because they are common residents of the application service layer, now is a good time to introdu
wrapper service model. Wrapper services most often are utilized for integration purposes. They con
services that encapsulate ("wrap") some or all parts of a legacy environment to expose legacy functi
to service requestors. The most frequent form of wrapper service is a service adapter provided by
vendors. This type of out-of-the-box Web service simply establishes a vendor-defined service interfa
expresses an underlying API to legacy logic.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
Business services are the lifeblood of contemporary SOA. They are responsible for expressing business
logic through service-orientation and bring the representation of corporate business models into the Web
services arena.
Application services can fall into different types of service model categories because they simply represent
a group of services that express technology-specific functionality. Therefore, an application service can be
a utility service, a wrapper service, or something else.
Business services, on the other hand, are always an implementation of the business service model. The sole
purpose of business services intended for a separate business service layer is to represent business logic in
the purest form possible. This does not, however, prevent them from implementing other service models.
For example, a business service also can be classified as a controller service and a utility service.
In fact, when application logic is abstracted into a separate application service layer, it is more than likely
that business services will act as controllers to compose available application services to execute their
business logic.
Business service layer abstraction leads to the creation of two further business service models:
• Task-centric business service A service that encapsulates business logic specific to a task or
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
business process. This type of service generally is required when business process logic is not
centralized as part of an orchestration layer. Task-centric business services have limited reuse
• Entity-centric business service A service that encapsulates a specific business entity (such as an
invoice or timesheet). Entity-centric services are useful for creating highly reusable and business
process-agnostic services that are composed by an orchestration layer or by a service layer
consisting of task-centric business services (or both).
When a separate application service layer exists, these two types of business services can be positioned to
compose application services to carry out their business logic.
Orchestration is more valuable to us than a standard business process, as it allows us to directly link
process logic to service interaction within our workflow logic. This combines business process modeling
with service-oriented modeling and design. And, because orchestration languages (such as WS-BPEL)
realize workflow management through a process service model, orchestration brings the business process
into the service layer, positioning it as a master composition controller.
The orchestration service layer introduces a parent level of abstraction that alleviates the need for other
services to manage interaction details required to ensure that service operations are executed in a specific
sequence. Within the orchestration service layer, process services compose other services that provide
specific sets of functions, independent of the business rules and scenario-specific logic required to execute
a process instance.
All process services are also controller services by their very nature, as they are required to compose other
services to execute business process logic. Process services also have the potential of becoming utility
services to an extent, if a process, in its entirety, should be considered reusable. In this case, a process
service that enables orchestration can itself be orchestrated.
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Lecture Notes
IT6801 – Service Oriented Architecture Unit III