How To Overcome Jealousy in A Relationship
How To Overcome Jealousy in A Relationship
How To Overcome Jealousy in A Relationship
in a Relationship
Sylvia Smith
Sylvia is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt its principles in their
relationships. Read full profile
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Have you ever wondered if your partner was lying to you about where they
were going? Maybe Facebook crept your spouse’s ex? Or ruined a perfectly
good evening by accusing your partner of something you’re pretty sure they
didn’t even do?
The bottom line is that there is nothing fun about jealousy. It ruins
relationships, makes you feel crazy, and gives birth to a hurtful bulb of
suspicion that lives inside your heart.
So, what can we do about it? How can you overcome jealousy?
1. Count to Ten
There is nothing fun about catching your partner sending a flirty winky text to
someone else or listening to them crush over some hot celeb, but are these
things really worth getting upset about?
Whenever your jealousy starts to make you feel angry, close your eyes, take a
deep breath, and count to ten. After ten seconds is over, ask yourself if what
you’re upset about is really worth ruining your day over.
How do you know if your partner is being faithful? The bottom line is this:
trust your instincts.
Odds are you know if you are overreacting to something silly, but if your gut is
telling you that something feels off in your relationship, you’re probably right!
Talk to your partner about how you feel in a way that is calm and respectful,
and get to the bottom of what’s eating your relationship.
By doing these things, you and your spouse will build healthy trust that will
make you feel safe and loved in your relationship.
4. Boost Self-Love
Jealousy often stems from self-esteem issues. You may not feel worthy of
having someone’s unconditional affection or perhaps someone has betrayed
your trust in the past and it has left you feeling uncomfortable giving your
heart away.
Whatever the case, a healthy relationship stems from healthy levels of self-
love. Boosting self-love also helps in overcoming jealousy. You can practice
boosting the love and respect you have for yourself by spending time alone
and learning to appreciate your own company, treating your body well, and
working on self-expansion.
6. Consider Counseling
Is your jealousy getting the better of your relationship?
Most times jealousy stems from something that happened to you in the past.
Perhaps you had a traumatic childhood or someone you trusted emotionally,
verbally, or physically hurt you. Whatever the case, therapy can help: What Is
Marriage Counseling and How It Helps Relationships
A therapist can also give you coping mechanisms to deal with anger or
jealousy in the future – or they may even validate your feelings and let you
know that you may have a legitimate reason for being jealous.
If your partner has done something to make you suspicious of their motives,
perhaps having been unfaithful in the past, it may be worth checking out some
couples counseling or an online marriage course.
7. Adjust Your Relationship Expectations
One tip for overcoming jealousy is to readjust your expectations for your
relationship. Find out here some unrealistic expectations people often have for
So long as your partner is not acting on their attraction to someone else, this is
nothing to worry about.
Note that adjusting your expectations does not mean lowering your standards.
You should not be with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself.
Show more appreciation for one another / not take each other for
Increase love and affection
Promote self-improvement
Work hard to make each other happy
Act as a messenger when things don’t seem right
But again, how you express jealousy is going to be the determining factor in
how well it helps in your life. If you lash out and yell at your partner, odds are
this is not going to improve your relationship. But if you respectfully express
your concerns, you and your partner can use jealousy as an opportunity to
learn and grow as a couple.
Final Thoughts
Jealousy doesn’t always have to be a bad thing – but if it is, you need to reign
it in! You can overcome jealousy in a relationship by working on self-love,
communicating respectfully with your spouse, and adjusting your
expectations. These will contribute to a happy, healthy relationship.
فقط تذكر أنه ال يوجد أحد مثالي ،وستكون هناك أوقات تؤذي فيها أنت وزوجك بعضكما البعض عن غير قصد
-.لذلك لن يضر أي منكما بترك بعض األشياء تنزلق بين الحين واآلخر
افكار اخيرة
ال يجب أن تكون الغيرة دائ ًما أمرًا سيئًا -ولكن إذا كان األمر كذلك ،فأنت بحاجة إلى السيطرة عليها! يمكنك
التغلب على الغيرة في العالقة من خالل العمل على حب الذات والتواصل باحترام مع زوجتك وتعديل
.توقعاتك .هذه ستساهم في عالقة سعيدة وصحية
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How to Overcome Jealousy in a Relationship
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