Chapter 2 Lecture PDF
Chapter 2 Lecture PDF
Chapter 2 Lecture PDF
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
Chapter 2
Learning Outcome
At the end of the chapter, learners are expected to apply appropriate
mathematics teaching approaches in a given learning situations.
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
situation. From the given examples and situations, the learners discover new meanings
from their interests, experiences, and imagination.
How do we apply discovery approach in teaching primary mathematics?
The steps in conducting a discovery approach are introduced as follows:
1. Observe and discuss
2. Identify common features for use in grouping the data, note the distinguishing
3. Decide on a basis for grouping them.
4. Label, name or define each group.
5. Have the learners use the term and provide new examples.
Guidelines for implementing the discovery approach
1. Plan ahead. Advance and careful planning is a very important ingredient of
success in every endeavor. This gives you time to examine, reflect, and refine
your role and that of the learners before you start to begin.
2. Incorporate. Whenever appropriate, use this approach with other teaching
strategies such as demonstration and discussion.
3. Motivate and aim for success. Plan a short, simple problem or scenario,
preferably one that is familiar or relevant to the learners’ experiences.
4. Be supportive. Encourage and help the learners when they encounter difficulty.
It is very important that the learners feel comfortable and are aware that the
teacher is there to assist and guide them through the learning process.
5. Encourage sharing. At the end of your lesson, allot time for your learners to share
with you and their classmates their discoveries, outputs and answers, or even
their feelings when doing the activity. Remember that you have to recognize their
accomplishments to motivate them to get involve in math activities any safe
Example of discovery approach: Read the situation below and try to find the solution.
Suppose you are hosting a party with 15 guests. There are 5 boxes of pizza.
How should you divide the pizza so that every guest gets a fair share?
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
Integrative Approach
Integrative approach is not only a teaching method but is also a way of organizing
the instructional program to link skills from different subject areas. The integration does
not only show the learners how mathematics is used in everyday life, but provides them
opportunities to practice mathematical concepts. The learning environment is this
approach can be less formal or less structured. This approach is very useful in teaching
mathematical concepts and skills as it has also been proven effective in the other
learning areas.
It can be used in combination with topics and skills in the different learning areas.
It cuts across the curriculum as specific learning areas.
Why integrate?
The “real world” is integrated.
Learners do best when learning is connected.
It makes learning relevant and meaningful.
It capitalizes on the learners’ experiences.
How do we integrate?
Integration may be content – based. For example, some contents of Araling
Panlipunan can be used as vehicle for the language skills development in Math,
as well as the content of Science and Health.
Integration may be done by using thematic teaching. Some themes can center
on celebrations, current issues, learners’ interests/hobbies, priority values to be
enhanced, or learning area concepts.
Some principles on planning and implementing thematic teaching effectively are:
1. Themes should relate directly to the learner’s real-life experiences and should
revolve on what they know.
2. Themes should represent a concept for learners to discover more about the
topics/concepts to be learned.
3. Themes should be supported by a body of content that has been adequately
researched on.
4. Themes should integrate content learning with process learning.
C. Problem Solving
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
problem”. A problem is defined as a “situation in which you are trying to reach some
goal, and must find ways on how to get there”. Consider learner’s interest, ability level,
availability of resources and learners familiarity with brainstorming techniques.
A. Cooperative Learning
B. Brainstorming
It is a teaching strategy in which the teacher elicits from the learners as many
ideas as possible while refraining from evaluating them until all possible ideas have
been generated. It is an excellent strategy for stimulating creativity among learners.
Although there may be many variations, brainstorming usually occurs in 4 phases: 1)
problem identification, 2) Idea generation, 3) Idea evaluation, and 4) solution
implementation and evaluation. The teacher should also encourage everyone to
participate and should accept all suggestions regardless of how strange they may seem.
During the idea – generation stage, criticism or evaluation of the learner’s ideas in NOT
C. Questioning
The teacher initiates a questions or probe to an individual, group, or entire
Students respond to a query individually or in unison.
The teacher provides feedback to learners in the form of evaluation,
praise, or another question.
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
Questions are important mechanisms for teachers to get learners more actively
involved in lesson development. However, teachers must remember that there is always
room for improvement in getting learners to ask appropriate questions and actively
evaluate responses. Effective questions are those that elicit an active response from
Following are other approaches and strategies that are also applicable in
teaching mathematics.
a. Simulations
b. Laboratory Approach
c. Individualized instruction using modules
d. Investigations
e. Social activities like a visit to a market or a store
f. Dramatization and dramatic play(for example , creating a classroom
g. Stories and songs
h. Games
i. Contests
D. Inquiry Teaching
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
1. Take each pair of cylinder and cone having the same diameter and height
2. Fill the cone with the rice
3. Pour the cone into the cylinder until the cylinder is full
4. Observe the experiment
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
The following table provides information about the knowledge and skills which
will be developed in learning mathematics using a particular teaching approach.
Suggested teaching activity is also included to help you understand how the learners
develop specific skill effectively.
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
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Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist