Remanufacturing of Nodular Cast Iron Crankshaft With Plasma Cladding
Remanufacturing of Nodular Cast Iron Crankshaft With Plasma Cladding
Remanufacturing of Nodular Cast Iron Crankshaft With Plasma Cladding
Jinxia Liu , Chao Ma, Luda Yu, Yu Wang and Zhiyuan Jiao
Remanufacturing technology has a wide range of applications in the repair of scrapped parts with a certain remaining ser-
vice life. In this work, a scrapped crankshaft fabricated from nodular cast iron that had failed from working surface wear
was remanufactured via a plasma cladding process. Taking into account the wear amount on the working surface and the
characteristics of nodular cast iron, in this article, cladding layer parameters were designed and two types cladding pow-
ders, Fe-based and Ni-based, were prepared, respectively, to perform the cladding experiment. After examining different
process parameters, relatively smooth cladding layers were obtained using four powders. The cladding experiment
results showed that the powder No. 3 exhibited superior qualities when combined with proper processing parameters.
When applying powder No. 3 to the main journal of crankshaft, a higher quality of cladding layer was achieved.
Crankshaft, remanufacturing, nodular cast iron, plasma cladding, surface treatment
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Table 2. The diameters and errors of the main and connecting rod journal.
Powder C Cr Si Mn W V Mo Nb B Fe Ni
circumferential directions are shown in Table 3. From well, the Fe-based and Ni-based alloy powders were
Table 3, it can be seen that the hardness range for the made by water and nitrogen atomization, respectively,
main journal is 28.5–57 HRC. However, the difference according to the melting point. Finally, the powders
in hardness of a same crankshaft working surfaces is were obtained after drying and sieving, and the parti-
required no more than 6 HRC in accordance with the cles size is 53–198 mm. The components of four alloy
literature.32 powders are shown in Table 4.
According to the measurements of diameters and
hardness of main and connecting rod journals, it can The process of cladding experiment
be deduced that the main journals was more severely
Design of cladding layer parameters. The thickness of the
and unevenly worn.
cladding layer was determined to be 1–2 mm based on
the maximum wear thickness of the crankshaft, which
Cladding experiment would meet the repair requirements for the crankshaft’s
abrading section, and the width and length of the clad-
Preparation of the cladding powders ding layer were set to be 10 and 30 mm, respectively.
In line with the performance requirements for the clad- The path for the cladding processing is denoted via
ding layer, the physical and chemical properties of clad- arrows in Figure 2.
ding powders should be similar to the material of the
scrapped crankshaft, including melting point, thermal Determination of cladding parameters. The ideal micro-
expansion, and cold shrinkage, and should have high structure and properties of the cladding layer were
wear resistance, corrosion resistance, oxidation resis- determined not only by the alloy powder and the clad-
tance, wettability, and so on. In this article, two differ- ding processing route but also by the plasma processing
ent types of, Fe-based and Ni-based, alloy powders, parameters, which include the cladding power, scanning
which were numbered from 1 to 4, were prepared to speed, powder feeding rate, distance between the plasma
perform the cladding experiments. When melt with high torch and the substrate surface, gas flow, and so on.
temperature in electric melting furnace after the compo- The coating thickness is not very thick according the
nents of materials at a certain proportion ratio mixed plasma cladding technology (the thickness of single
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Powder Current (A) Voltage (V) Powder feeding Cladding rate Distance between plasma Gas flow (m3/h)
rate (r/min) (mm/min) torch and substrate (mm)
Sample 1 2 3 4
Figure 2. The cladding processing path. layers of the four powders achieved high hardness,
and the Fe-based cladding layer had a higher hardness
than the Ni-based cladding layer. Also, the hardness
of all cladding layers was higher than the standard
hardness requirement for the nodular cast iron crank-
shaft surface.32
Figure 4. The microstructure from powder No. 1: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c) adjacent substrate bonding region.
Figure 5. The microstructure from powder No. 2: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c) adjacent substrate bonding region.
Figure 6. The microstructure from powder No. 3: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c) adjacent substrate bonding region.
of microcracks from the higher contents of C and B in middle region form a white reticular structure, and the
powder No. 2, which caused the higher hardness and carbide solid solution of M7(C, B)3 appears as strip-like
brittleness of the cladding layer. The structure near the structures in adjacent substrate bonding regions.22
bonding region consists of obvious lamellar eutectic Figure 7 shows the microstructure from the cladding
material from the melting of the iron substrate. layer for powder No. 4, which is also composed of a
Figure 6 shows the microstructure from the cladding Ni-based alloy and carbide. The distribution of car-
layer for powder No. 3, which mainly composed of a Ni- bides is relatively uniform and tiny in the middle region
based alloy and carbide according to literature.20 The and the carbide began to form into thick strips with
microstructure is dense, homogeneous with some tiny good wear resistance due to the diffusion of the C into
micropores and no obvious microcracks. The distribution the cast iron in adjacent substrate bonding region.
of carbides in the microstructure is different between the However, there are some micropores that act as the
top and adjacent substrate bonding regions. Due to the source of the microcracks, resulting in a cladding layer
diffusion of C in the cast iron, the carbides in adjacent with a lower toughness.
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Figure 7. The microstructure from powder No. 4: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c) adjacent substrate bonding region.
Figure 8. The high magnification microstructure from powder No. 3: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c) adjacent substrate
bonding region.
High magnification microstructure of cladding layer decreases to about 2 mm in the middle region. Near the
adjacent substrate bonding region, the structure is more
formed by powder No. 3
compact and homogeneous without any micropores,
The high magnification microstructure of the cladding and the strip-like structures is nearly perpendicular to
layer formed by powder No. 3 is shown in Figure 8. the wear surface with high wear resistance.22 It implies
There are many micropores with diameters of 3–5 mm that in positions closer to the substrate bonding region,
in the top region. The diameter of the micropores the performance increases.
Liu et al. 7
Figure 12. The low magnification microstructure from cladding layer of main journal: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c)
adjacent substrate bonding region.
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Figure 13. The high magnification microstructure from cladding layer of main journal: (a) top region, (b) middle region, and (c)
adjacent substrate bonding region.
in Figure 13. And, the micropores are so small that it Declaration of conflicting interests
hardly affects the practical performance of the The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
crankshaft. respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Conclusion Funding
1. For the scrapped crankshaft experiencing wear The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
failure, the original working surface dimensions port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
can be obtained by plasma cladding remanufac- article: This research was supported by the High Educational
turing, permitting the crankshaft to have a Institution of Shandong Science and Technology Project
(grant no. YB06).
higher performance than a new one.
2. The performance of cladding layer was deter-
mined not only by the process parameters but
also by the degree of matching between the Jinxia Liu
cladding powders and the substrate. In this arti-
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