Biomedical Data Acquisition System
Biomedical Data Acquisition System
Biomedical Data Acquisition System
TMI Systems is pioneer in the supply of Test and Measurement, Process Control,
Communication and Bio-Medical Instrumentation equipment’s and Engineering
Software, for Engineering Institutions, Medical Colleges, Industries, R&D Centers and
Defense Establishments in India and abroad. TMI Systems is a 20 year old organization.
The growth of the organization is due to their vision “We grow by providing
encouragement, mentoring and learning opportunities by communicating openly, and by
challenging ourselves to excel”[1]. The headquarters is located at Bangalore. Their
branch office is at Chennai. It has Supporting offices at Kolkata, Mumbai, Coimbatore,
Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam.
TMI Systems started as a trading company 20 years back. Its major milestone
started from the year 2007-2008. TMI Systems started their manufacturing of products
from 2007-2008.
Mr.Suresh Rangan
Senior Manager
A. T&M equipment’s
1. Oscilloscopes
a. Analog Oscilloscopes
b. Analog /Digital Oscilloscopes
c. Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
2. Signal Generators
3. IC Testers
a. Digital IC Tester
b. Analog IC Tester
c. Handheld IC Tester
a. 32 channel PGLA
b. 16 channel PGLA
6. Multimeters
f. Microcontroller Lab
g. DSP Lab
h. Embedded Systems Lab
i. VLSI Lab
a. Systems
b. Simulators
c. Modules
d. Transducer Kits
e. Sensors
f. Softwares
a. Systems
b. Simulators
1. ECG Simulator
2. EEG Simulator
3. EMG Simulator 12. Bio signal test Station
4. PCG Simulator 13. Respiration Apnea Simulator
5. Respiration Simulator 14. Pacemaker Simulator
6. Peripheral Pulse Simulator 15. Defibrillator Simulator
7. GSR Simulator 16. 12 lead ECG Simulator
8. EEG 16 channel Simulator with 17. Advanced EEG Simulator
spectrum 18. Advanced EMG Simulator
9. EMG Simulator with NCV 19. ECG System with Simulator
10. Multi parameter Synch patient 20. EEG System with Simulator
Simulator 21. EPR Simulator comprising of ECG,
11. Arrhythmia Simulator Pulse &Respiration
c. Modules
38. 50Hz Sine Wave Generator 89. 'P' Wave Astable M/V
39. Sine Wave Generator 2KHz 90. 'QRS' Wave Monostable M/V
40. H.V. Generator 91. 'T' Wave Monostable M/V
41. White Noise Generator 92. Charger
42. Pulse Detector 93. Battery
43. Respiration Detector 94. Speaker
44. Paced Pulse Detector 95. VT Detector
45. QRS Detector 96. HRV Module
46. Pressure Pulse Detector 97. F to V Converter (10KHz)
47. F to V Converter (1Hz) 98. F to V Converter (1KHz)
48. Timer 99. Sine Wave Generator 200Hz
49. OPTO Coupler 100. Current Indicator 100mA)
50. Audio Buzzer 101. Current Indicator (10mA)
51. RS Flip Flop 102. A / D Source
1. GSR Modular Setup 10. ECG Heart Rate Alarm System with
2. Respiration Rate, Tachypnea, Apnea HRV Module
Monitor Modular Setup 11. Electronic Stethoscope Modular Setup
3. ECG Modular Setup 12. EMG Modular Setup
4. Bio-Telemetry Modular Setup 13. Pulse Rate Modular Setup
5. Audiometer Modular Setup 14. Instrumentation Amplifier Modular
6. Digital Blood Pressure Modular Setup Setup
7. Temperature Monitor System Modular 15. Blood Flow Monitor Modular Setup
Setup 16. Electrical Safety Modular Setup
8. EEG System Modular Setup 17. DC Amplifier Modular Setup
9. Pacemaker Modular Setup 18. EEG Modular Setup
e. Transducer Kits
f. Sensors
1. XbioAqulyser 2. USB-DSO.DAQ
i. Biomedical Software’s:
1. Telemedicine and Telehealth
2. Gait, Kinetics, Kinematics, Biomechanics, Motion Analysis
3. Virtual Rehabilitation
4. Neurophysiology
5. Musculoskeletal modelling analysis
6. Human Ergonomics And Behavioral Analysis
7. Biomedical Systems, Simulators, Sensors
8. Modular Setups, Transducer Kits
9. Data Acquisition System & Software
1. Administration
Office administration is one of the key elements associated with a high level of
workplace productivity and efficiency. It is very difficult to run an organization without a
good administration faculty. It is administrator, who makes the rules & regulations and
applies these rules in an organization.
2. Account Section
for the purpose of uncovering and enabling development of valuable new products,
processes, and services. New product design and development is more often than not a
crucial factor in the survival of a company.
4. Production/Manufacturing:
The production manager forms a very important and defining part of the organization
structure of an engineering company. The responsibilities of a production manager can be
summarized as follows.
approach that covers selection of an automated testing tool and definition of a Test
Automation framework, test planning and management, test scripting and defect
6. Dispatch
It is one of the most important roles within their field service company. The
dispatcher is the first person to talk with customers, the one who schedules jobs, and the
one who provides techs with all of the information they will need out in the field.
1. Oscilloscopes
2. Signal Generators
3. Spectrum Analyzers
4. Pattern Generators
5. Power Supplies
6. Multimeters
7. Communication
8. Bio-Medical.
Function Generator
They have Function Generator of different frequency ranges. For Ex: 2MHz,
3MHz and 5MHz Function Generators. Apart from this they also have 5MHz AM/FM
Function Generator. They are currently developing 20 MHz Function Generator.
Power supply:
Analog IC Tester:
The key feature of the Analog IC tester is its ability to functionally test all
common analogue ICs in circuit. It is also capable of testing all types of analogue by
means of the well-known, power off V-I test technique. They are currently developing 40
pin ZIF [1].
Signal Generator:
2. Waveforms: Sine wave, Square wave, Triangular wave, Pulse and TTL output
3. It has power consumption from 200V to 240V and AC 50Hz.
TV pattern generator:
There are different kinds of DAQ based on their number of channels. 10 channel
USB-DAQ is mostly used in college for demonstration purposes. The portable Data
acquisition systems are developed by TMI systems. They have developed two channel
USB-DSO-DAQ and now currently developed an eight channel USB-DSO-DAQ system.
Portable USB-DSO-DAQ:
1. It is a 2 channel DAQ
2. Its input range is from 0 to 5V
3. Sampling rate is less than 400 KHz
4. PC Interface is with USB
This is the main research work carried out in TMI systems. This 8 channel DAQ is
working currently with ECG and EMG modules successfully. They are yet to do a
research on DAQ system to work with Spirometer, Voltage and Pressure and other
biomedical signals.
1. Bandwidth: 100MHz
2. Two analog channels
3. 5.7” TFT QVGA (320X240) with 64K colour LCD backlit display
4. Cursor measurements: Manual, Track, Auto measure modes.
Specification of Multimeter:
During the course of internship, was assigned to get the practical insights of
biomedical engineering, from basic design aspects, component identification and usage.
To study the application of sensors, test and measurement, biomedical instruments. Got
trained in signal acquisition and analysis technique. As an intern was working with the
data acquisition system for acquisition of biomedical signals.
i. Linear Resistor: The voltage across such a resistor is proportional to the current
flowing through it.
ii. Non-linear Resistor: The current applied to the resistor is not directly
proportional to the potential difference applied to it.
iii. Fixed resistor: Fixed value resistors are those types of resistors whose value is
fixed already while manufacturing and cannot be changed during its usage.
iv. Variable Resistors: Variable resistor are those resistors whose value can be
changed during its usage. They are potentiometer, trimmer and rheostat
v. Carbon composition Resistor: These resistors are cylindrical rods which are a
mixture of carbon granules and powdered ceramic. The resistor value depends on
the composition of the ceramic material. A higher quantity of ceramic content will
result in more resistance. Since the rod is coated with an insulated material, there
are chances of damage due to excessive heat caused by soldering. High current
and voltage can also damage the resistor [2].
vi. Wire wound resistor: Wire wound resistor are made by winding a metal wire
around a ceramic core. The metal wire is an alloy of various metals based on
the characteristics and resistance of the resistor required. These types of resistor
have high stability and can also withstand high powers but are usually bulkier
compared to other types of resistors [2].
vii. SMD (surface mount): SMD resistors are rectangular in shape. Chip resistors
have metallized areas at either end of the body and this enables them to make
contact with the printed circuit board through the solder [2].
Capacitors can be classified by different die electric materials used and there are called in
different generic names:
precise frequency.
Bridge Rectifier It is used for converting an
alternating current into a direct
current output.
3.2.1 Oscilloscope:
There are two types of oscilloscopes cathode ray oscilloscope and digital signal
oscilloscope. Before the advent of digital electronics, oscilloscopes used cathode ray tube
as their display element and linear amplifiers for signal processing.
The cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube containing one or more electron guns, and
a phosphorescent screen used to view images. It has a means to accelerate and deflect the
electron beam onto the screen to create the images. In a cathode ray tube, the cathode is a
heated filament. The heated filament is in a vacuum created inside a glass tube. The ray is
a stream of electrons which are negative. The anode is positive, so it attracts the electrons
from the cathode. The beam of electrons hits the flat screen at the other end of the tube.
This screen is coated with phosphor, which glows when struck by the beam.
3. 5.7” TFT QVGA (320X240) with 64K colour LCD backlit display
4. Cursor measurements: Manual, Track, Auto measure modes
The difference between CRO and DSO according to type of display is Liquid Crystal
Display and Cathode Ray Oscilloscope has phosphor screen display. Cathode Ray
Oscilloscope is the oscilloscope utilizing Cathode ray tube.
According to mode of operation: Analog and Digital. Analog oscilloscopes process the
signal entirely in analog format while digital oscilloscopes convert the signal in digital
format, process it by means of digital circuit. In Analog oscilloscope, it is not possible to
store waveforms for comparing with each other or for study later on. With digital
oscilloscopes, the waveforms can be saved by using memory chips.
During each heartbeat, the electrical signal begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node,
located at the top of the right atrium. The SA node is sometimes called the heart's "natural
pacemaker." When an electrical impulse is released from this natural pacemaker, it
causes the atria to contract. The signal then passes through the atrioventricular (AV)
node. The AV node checks the signal and sends it into the bundle of His and into the
Purkinje fibers spreading down throughout the ventricles causing them to contract. This
orderly pattern of contraction of heart gives rise to the characteristic ECG tracing [3]. It
generates impulses at the normal rate of the heart, about 72 beats per minute at rest.
To the trained clinician, an ECG conveys a large amount of information about the
structure of the heart and the function of its electrical conduction system. ECG can be
used to measure the rate and rhythm of heartbeats, the size and position of the heart
chambers, the presence of any damage to the heart's muscle cells or conduction system,
the effects of cardiac drugs, and the function of implanted pacemakers.
Electrodes which are used to trace the voltage difference at any two sites due to
electrical activity of the heart is called lead. There are two types of leads Bipolar leads
and unipolar leads.
Bipolar Leads: In bipolar leads, ECG is recorded by using two electrodes such that the
potential difference between the electrodes gives the electrical potential existing between
During the Experiment the electrodes are attached to the skin under Lead-I
configuration to get the waveform which is displayed on the CRO. The observation is
that the amplitude of Lead II is greater than Lead I and Lead II
During the experiment to get the ECG waveform, the electrodes used are button
electrodes and ring electrodes. Here silver-silver chloride electrodes are used. We use a
gel to get a better interface between the skin surface and the electrode.
The contraction of the skeletal muscle results in the generation of action potentials
in the individual muscle fibres, a record of which is known as electromyogram. The
activity is similar to that observed in the cardiac muscle, but in the skeletal muscle,
repolarization takes place much more rapidly, the action potential lasting only a few
milliseconds. Since most EMG measurements are made to obtain an indication of the
amount of activity of a given muscle, or a group of muscles, rather than of an individual
muscle fibre, the EMG pattern is usually a summation of the individual action potentials
from the fibers constituting the muscle or muscles being studied [3]. The electrical
activity of the underlying muscle mass can be observed by means of surface electrodes on
the skin.
EEG analysis namely delta, beta, alpha, theta, gamma. In the Hospitals they use 10-20
lead EEG.
In this experiment, three electrodes are used placed on the forehead and delta wave can
be observed on CRO.
3.3.4 Electrooculagram:
The PPG signal reflects the blood movement in the vessel, which goes from the
heart to the fingertips and toes through the blood vessels in a wave-like motion .PPG is
used to measure the changes in volume of blood in the finger. The change in volume
caused by the pressure pulse is detected by illuminating the skin with the light from
a light-emitting diode and then measuring the amount of light either transmitted or
reflected to a photodiode. It uses a probe which contains a light source and a detector to
detect cardio-vascular pulse wave that propagates through the body. Each cardiac cycle
appears as a peak. In this experiment Heart Rate can be calculated.
PPG Sensor
Software Recording:
Some pins of the I/O ports are multiplexed with an alternate function from the
peripheral features on the device. Each port has three registers for its operation. These
registers are:
The output from the data acquisition system is displayed on the computer by taking the
samples in excel sheet. These samples can be used for further processing in MATLAB
Software. Mostly Biomedical Signal, ECG was taken and displayed on the computer
screen. The figure is shown below.
Chart Title
Figure 3.27: ECG Signal Acquired from DAQ
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure3.29: ORS Peak Detection
(a) Original ECG Signal (b) ORS Peak detection
3. Pulse detection
Reflection Notes
Internship play an important role which acts as a bridge between the knowledge
acquired in colleges and to learn the skills to develop how to apply the knowledge in
industries. Hence as this four month of internship given by the university, as an intern
was given a chance to be an Engineer in a real world and to gain profession experience
and apply knowledge and skills in the real world
During the course of internship, was assigned to get the practical insights of
biomedical engineering, from basic design aspects, component identification and usage.
To study the application of sensors, test and measurement, biomedical instruments. Got
trained in signal acquisition and analysis technique. As an intern was working with the
data acquisition system for acquisition of biomedical signals.
There are different kinds of circuit elements like different kinds of resistors,
different kinds of capacitors, heat sink, voltage regulator, bridge rectifier, crystal
oscillator, relay etc. The physical appearance of these circuit elements is an important
aspect for a hardware design person. Therefore, with the theoretical basics, the physical
appearance of the circuitry components is also important which was taught during the
After the circuit is designed, it can be implemented after assembling all the
components on a single board by the method of soldering using Lead. A printed circuit
board (PCB) is the board base for physically supporting and wiring the surface-mounted
and socket components in most electronics.
The biomedical signals like ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG and PPG are the signals acquired
from the biomedical instrumentation. These signals are bio-electric potentials associated
with heartbeat, muscle activity, brain activity, nerve activity, eye activity, pulse activity.
i. ECG: ECG amplifier module, silver–silver chloride electrode, and DSO is used to
display the ECG waveform. The electrodes are attached to the skin under Lead-I
configuration to get the waveform. Heart rate is calculated with the ECG
ii. EEG: EEG amplifier module, silver–silver chloride lead, and DSO is used to
display the EEG waveform. EEG signal are picked up from the electrodes
attached to the forehead. Delta wave can be observed. The variations in EEG
signals both in terms of amplitude and frequency are of diagnostic value.
iii. EMG: EMG amplifier module, silver–silver chloride lead, and DSO is used to
display the EMG waveform. EMG signals are picked up from electrodes attached
on the biceps. The contraction of muscles can be observed in the waveform.
iv. EOG: EOG amplifier module, silver–silver chloride lead, and DSO is used to
display the EMG waveform. EOG signals are picked up from electrodes placed on
forehead. The waveform shows the eye activity.
v. PPG: PPG amplifier module, pulse sensor which consists of LDR which is placed
to the finger and DSO used to display the pulse waveform. The waveform helps to
calculate pulse rate
i. The operation of Data acquisition system, for conditioning of signal- low pass
filter, instrumentation amplifier used to amplify the signal
ii. Analog to digital converter by sampling method using microprocessor
iii. Isolation of Data Acquisition system.
iv. The signal acquired from DAQ is displayed on computer and used for further
processing of signals.
7. MATLAB Software
This software is used for further processing of biomedical signal got from data
acquisition system. With the help of ECG signal, can detect peaks, calculate the heart rate
using this software
1. Applying knowledge to task: Through this internship, with the help of theoretical
knowledge the tasks assigned during internship was performed
2. Negotiating and arriving at a decision: In this internship was able to learn how to solve
a problem assigned and arrive at a particular decision while working with software.
3. Task Management: To plan and prepare the task, to provide and maintain standard and
then identifying a proper resource to complete task.
8. Work with diversity: this internship, helped to work with people from diverse
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