Diagnostic Trouble Codes - ECU - Engine Control Unit

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ile: OUO6075_0000B3D_19_02AUG07.…

Diagnostic Trouble Codes - ECU - Engine Control Unit

SPN FMI Priority Description
CAN Bus message containing throttle input not
ECU 91 09 Information
valid or not received.
ECU 94 01 Stop Fuel pressure too low - most severe level.
ECU 94 03 Warning Fuel pressure sensor voltage out of range high.
ECU 94 04 Warning Fuel pressure sensor voltage out of range low.
ECU 94 16 Warning Fuel pressure too high - moderately severe level.
ECU 94 17 Warning Fuel pressure too low - least severe level.
ECU 94 18 Warning Fuel pressure too low - moderately severe level.
ECU 97 03 Warning Water in fuel sensor voltage out of range high.
ECU 97 04 Warning Water in fuel sensor voltage out of range low.
ECU 97 16 Stop Water detected in fuel.
ECU 100 01 Stop Oil pressure low - most severe level.
Oil pressure sensor (cc# 5467) voltage out of
ECU 100 03 Warning
range high.
Oil pressure sensor (cc# 5467) voltage out of
ECU 100 04 Warning
range low.
ECU 100 18 Warning Oil pressure low - moderately severe level.
ECU 100 31 Warning Oil pressure detected at zero engine speed.
Predicted boost pressure and measured boost
ECU 102 02 Warning
pressure mismatch.
Manifold air pressure sensor (cc# 5468) voltage
ECU 102 03 Warning
out of range high.
Manifold air pressure sensor (cc# 5468) voltage
ECU 102 04 Warning
out of range low.
Turbocharger speed sensor (cc# 5435) speed too
ECU 103 00 Warning
high - most severe level.
Turbocharger speed sensor (cc# 5435) speed
ECU 103 02 Warning incorrect. Predicted speed and measured speed
Open circuit detected in turbocharger speed sensor
ECU 103 05 Warning
(cc# 5435).
Short circuit detected in turbocharger speed sensor
ECU 103 06 Warning
(cc# 5435).
Turbocharger speed sensor (cc# 5435) speed
ECU 103 08 Warning
Turbocharger speed sensor (cc# 5435) input
ECU 103 31 Warning
ECU 105 00 Stop Engine manifold air temperature too high - most
severe level. Maximum power level is derated.
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5/10/2020 OMH229936: 9670 STS and 9770 STS Combines9670 STS 725101 9770 STS 725101 , Block File: OUO6075_0000B3D_19_02AUG07.…

Power boost is disabled.

Engine manifold air temperature sensor voltage is
ECU 105 03 Warning
out of range high.
Engine manifold air temperature sensor voltage is
ECU 105 04 Warning
out of range low.
Engine manifold air temperature too high - least
ECU 105 15 Warning
severe level.
Engine manifold air temperature too high -
ECU 105 16 Warning moderately severe level. Maximum power level is
derated. Power boost is disabled.
Air filter restricted switch indicates a plugged air
ECU 107 00 Warning
ECU 108 02 Warning Barometric pressure invalid.
Engine coolant temperature too high - most severe
ECU 110 00 Stop level. Maximum power level is derated. Power
boost is disabled.
Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage is out
ECU 110 03 Warning
of range high.
Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage is out
ECU 110 04 Warning
of range low.

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SPN FMI Priority Description
Engine coolant temperature too high - least severe
ECU 110 15 Warning level. Maximum power level is derated. Power
boost is disabled.
Engine coolant temperature too high - moderately
ECU 110 16 Warning severe level. Maximum power level is derated.
Power boost is disabled.
Engine coolant temperature too low - least severe
ECU 110 17 Warning
ECU 157 01 Stop Fuel pressure low - most severe level. (6135)
Rail pressure sensor (cc# 5475) voltage out of
ECU 157 03 Stop
range high. (6068, 6090)
Rail pressure sensor (cc# 5469) voltage out of
ECU 157 03 Warning
range high. (6135)
Rail pressure sensor (cc# 5475) voltage out of
ECU 157 04 Stop
range low. (6068, 6090)
Fuel pressure sensor (cc# 5469) voltage out of
ECU 157 04 Warning
range low. (6135)

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ECU 157 10 Warning Rail pressure (cc# 5475) drops too fast when
engine is motoring and high pressure pump is off.
(6068, 6090)
Fuel pressure high - moderately severe level.
ECU 157 16 Warning
Rail pressure (cc# 5475) is below 10 mPa during
ECU 157 17 Warning
starting. (6068, 6090)
Fuel pressure low - moderately severe level.
ECU 157 18 Warning
Controller not powered down properly. Battery
ECU 158 17 Warning
voltage does not go to 0 VDC.
ECU 174 00 Warning Engine fuel temperature high - most severe level.
Engine fuel temperature sensor voltage is out of
ECU 174 03 Warning
range high.
Engine fuel temperature sensor voltage is out of
ECU 174 04 Warning
range low.
Engine fuel temperature too high - moderately
ECU 174 16 Warning
severe level.
ECU 189 00 Stop Engine speed derated.
ECU 412 00 Stop Exhaust temperature high - most severe level.
ECU 412 03 Warning Exhaust temperature out of range high.
ECU 412 04 Warning Exhaust temperature out of range low.
ECU 412 15 Warning Exhaust temperature high - least severe level.
Exhaust temperature high - moderately severe
ECU 412 16 Stop
The injector driver has detected a short to voltage
ECU 611 03 Stop
in the injector wiring.
The injector driver has detected a short to ground
ECU 611 04 Stop
in the injector wiring.
Injector pull-in current too low or hold current
ECU 627 01 Warning
ECU 627 18 Warning Low voltage.
ECU 629 13 Stop Control unit ECU has not been programmed.
Electrical noise is detected on the engine position
ECU 636 02 Warning
signal (cc# 5445).
ECU 636 05 Warning Engine position signal (cc# 5445) current too low.
Engine position signal (cc# 5445) current too
ECU 636 06 Warning
Engine position signal (cc# 5445) signal is
ECU 636 08 Warning
Engine position signal (cc# 5445) signal has
ECU 636 10 Warning
incorrect pulse pattern.

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SPN FMI Priority Description
Electrical noise detected on the engine timing
ECU 637 02 Warning
signal (cc# 5447).
ECU 637 05 Warning Engine timing signal (cc# 5447) current too low.
ECU 637 06 Warning Engine timing signal (cc# 5447) current too high.
Position relationship between engine timing signal
ECU 637 07 Warning (cc# 5447) and engine position signal (cc# 5445)
not correct.
ECU 637 08 Warning Engine timing signal (cc# 5447) signal is missing.
Engine timing signal (cc# 5447) signal has
ECU 637 10 Warning
incorrect pulse pattern.
Turbocharger actuator had to be power cycled too
ECU 641 04 Warning
many times due to actuation or learn failures.
ECU 641 05 Warning Turbocharger actuator current too low.
Loss of communication between the turbocharger
ECU 641 12 Warning
controller and control unit ECU.
ECU 641 13 Warning Turbocharger learn error.
Turbocharger temperature too high - moderately
ECU 641 16 Warning
severe level.
ECU 651 02 Stop Injector #1 part number invalid.
ECU 651 05 Warning Current to injector #1 is less than expected.
ECU 651 06 Warning Current to injector #1 increases too rapidly.
The fuel flow to cylinder #1 is lower than
ECU 651 07 Warning
Injector #1 part number is correct but calibration
ECU 651 13 Warning
string is not what is expected.
ECU 652 02 Stop Injector #2 part number invalid.
ECU 652 05 Warning The current to injector #2 is less than expected.
ECU 652 06 Warning The current to injector #2 increases too rapidly.
The fuel flow to cylinder #2 is lower than
ECU 652 07 Warning
Injector #2 part number is correct but calibration
ECU 652 13 Warning
string is not what is expected.
ECU 653 02 Stop Injector #3 part number invalid.
ECU 653 05 Warning The current to injector #3 is less than expected.
ECU 653 06 Warning The current to injector #3 increases too rapidly.
The fuel flow to cylinder #3 is lower than
ECU 653 07 Warning
Injector #3 part number is correct but calibration
ECU 653 13 Warning
string is not what is expected.
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ECU 654 02 Stop Injector #4 part number invalid.

ECU 654 05 Warning The current to injector #4 is less than expected.
ECU 654 06 Warning The current to injector #4 increases too rapidly.
The fuel flow to cylinder #4 is lower than
ECU 654 07 Warning
Injector #4 part number is correct but calibration
ECU 654 13 Warning
string is not what is expected.
ECU 655 02 Stop Injector #5 part number invalid.
ECU 655 05 Warning The current to injector #5 is less than expected.
ECU 655 06 Warning The current to injector #5 increases too rapidly.
The fuel flow to cylinder #5 is lower than
ECU 655 07 Warning

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SPN FMI Priority Description
Injector #5 part number is correct but calibration
ECU 655 13 Warning
string is not what is expected.
ECU 656 02 Stop Injector #6 part number invalid.
ECU 656 05 Warning The current to injector #6 is less than expected.
ECU 656 06 Warning The current to injector #6 increases too rapidly.
The fuel flow to cylinder #6 is lower than
ECU 656 07 Warning
Injector #6 part number is correct but calibration
ECU 656 13 Warning
string is not what is expected.
ECU 676 03 Warning Glow plug relay stuck on or shorted to power.
ECU 676 05 Warning Glow plug relay failed or circuit open.
ECU 1075 05 Warning Electric fuel pump current is too low.
ECU 1075 06 Warning Electric fuel pump current is too high.
ECU 1075 12 Warning Electric fuel pump failed.
Control unit ECU temperature too high - most
ECU 1136 00 Stop
severe level.
Control unit ECU temperature too high -
ECU 1136 16 Warning
moderately severe level.
Turbocharger compressor inlet temperature (cc#
ECU 1172 03 Warning
5516) out of range high.
Turbocharger compressor inlet temperature (cc#
ECU 1172 04 Warning
5516) out of range low.
ECU 1180 00 Stop Turbocharger turbine inlet temperature too high -

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most severe level. This is a value calculated from

turbocharger speed.
Turbocharger turbine inlet temperature too high -
ECU 1180 16 Warning moderately severe level. This is a value calculated
from turbocharger speed.
Driver detects problem in circuit to pump solenoid
ECU 1347 03 Stop low (cc# 178). Circuit has short to battery voltage.
Detected only during harness diagnostics.
Driver detects problem in circuit to driver high
ECU 1347 05 Stop
(cc# 5424).
Rail pressure control is unable to match required
ECU 1347 07 Warning
rail pressure. It may be either too high or too low.
Engine protection - power derated due to other
ECU 1569 31 Warning faults. This code occurs in conjunction with other
codes that indicate faults.
ECU 2000 13 Stop Control unit ECU security violation.
Exhaust gas recirculation fresh air temperature
ECU 2630 00 Stop
high - most severe level. Engine will derate.
Exhaust gas recirculation fresh air temperature
ECU 2630 03 Warning
signal (cc# 5455) out of range high.
Exhaust gas recirculation fresh air temperature
ECU 2630 04 Warning
signal (cc# 5455) out of range low.
Exhaust gas recirculation fresh air temperature
ECU 2630 15 Warning
high - least severe level
Exhaust gas recirculation fresh air temperature
ECU 2630 16 Warning
high - moderately severe level. Engine will derate.
Exhaust gas recirculation flow/temperature
ECU 2659 02 Warning

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SPN FMI Priority Description
Exhaust gas recirculation flow higher than
ECU 2659 15 Warning
expected - least severe level.
Exhaust gas recirculation flow lower than
ECU 2659 17 Warning
expected - least severe level.
Turbocharger compressor outlet temperature high
- moderately severe level. Engine will derate. This
ECU 2790 16 Warning
is a value calculated from compressor inlet
temperature and turbocharger speed.
Exhaust gas recirculation valve position signal
ECU 2791 02 Warning
(cc# 5425) voltage mismatch.
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ECU 2791 03 Warning Exhaust gas recirculation valve position signal

(cc# 5425) out of range high.
Exhaust gas recirculation valve position signal
ECU 2791 04 Warning
(cc# 5425) out of range low.
Exhaust gas recirculation valve position signal
ECU 2791 05 Warning
(cc# 5425) current below normal.
Exhaust gas recirculation valve position signal
ECU 2791 06 Warning
(cc# 5425) current above normal.
ECU 2791 07 Warning Exhaust gas recirculation valve not responding.
ECU 2791 13 Warning Exhaust gas recirculation valve out of calibration.
ECU 2791 14 Stop Exhaust gas recirculation valve turned off.
ECU 2791 31 Warning Exhaust gas recirculation valve position error.
Vane position feedback from variable geometry
ECU 2795 07 Warning
turbocharger is invalid. Engine will derate.
Controller is unable to obtain variable geometry
ECU 2795 12 Warning
turbocharger position. Engine will derate.
ECU 3509 03 Stop Sensor supply voltage #1 out of range high.
ECU 3509 04 Stop Sensor supply voltage #1 out of range low.
Sensor supply voltage #2 (cc# 5416) out of range
ECU 3510 03 Warning
Sensor supply voltage #2 (cc# 5416) out of range
ECU 3510 04 Warning
ECU 3511 03 Warning Sensor supply voltage #3 out of range high.
ECU 3511 04 Warning Sensor supply voltage #3 out of range low.
ECU 3512 03 Warning Sensor supply voltage #4 out of range high.
ECU 3512 04 Warning Sensor supply voltage #4 out of range low.
Sensor supply voltage #5 (cc# 5511) out of range
ECU 3513 03 Warning
Sensor supply voltage #5 (cc# 5511) out of range
ECU 3513 04 Warning
Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve position signal
ECU 3822 02 Warning
(cc# 5515) voltage mismatch.
Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve position signal
ECU 3822 03 Warning
(cc# 5515) out of range high.
Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve position signal
ECU 3822 04 Warning
(cc# 5515) out of range low.
Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve position signal
ECU 3822 05 Warning
(cc# 5515) current below normal.

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Control SPN FMI Priority Description

Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve position signal
ECU 3822 06 Warning
(cc# 5515) current above normal.
ECU 3822 07 Warning Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve not responding.
Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve out of
ECU 3822 13 Warning
ECU 3822 14 Stop Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve turned off.
ECU 3822 31 Warning Exhaust gas recirculation 2 valve position error.

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