My Heart'S Thanksgiving Chorus: Take and Receive
My Heart'S Thanksgiving Chorus: Take and Receive
My Heart'S Thanksgiving Chorus: Take and Receive
HOLY (Farrell)
1. You crown me with honor and glory
And you set all things under my feet
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of pow’r,
You have made me a little less than angels Lord God of might, Lord God of pow’r and
even if I fly often away might! Heaven and earth are full of your glory,
hosanna in the highest! Hosanna, hosanna,
2. In my anxious and browbeaten moments hosanna in the highest.
you comfort me, fill me with peace
When my foes threaten dare and surround me Blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed is He who
You're my strength you're my light and my comes in the name, who comes in the Lord’s
shield. own name. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the
highest. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the
Il Signore, Mi Rende Uno Strumento Della Life is not all that bad, my friend, hmm
Vostra Pace (Lord Make Me, Make Me An If you believe in yourself
Instrument Of Your Peace) If you believe there's someone
Who walks through life with you
Dove Ci E Odio Lasciarlo Seminare L’amore You'll never be alone
(Where There Is Hatred, Let Me Sow Love;) Just learn to reach out,
And open your heart
Dove Ce E Ferita (Where There Is Injury) Lift up hands to God,
Perdono (Pardon) And He'll show you the way.
Dove Ci E Dubbio (Where Is Doubt)
Fede (Faith) And He said, "Cast your burdens upon Me
Dove Ci E Disperzione Those who are heavily laden,
(Where There Is Despair) Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Sperare (Hope) Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
Dove Ci E Nerezza And My burden is light,
(Where There Is Darkness) Come to Me and I will give you rest."
Illuminarsi (Light)
Dove Ci E La Tristezza When you feel the world
(Where There Is Sadness) Is tumblin' down on you,
Gioia (Joy) And you have no one
That you can hold on to,
O Divine Master, Grant That Just face the rising sun
I May Not So Much Seek; And you'll see hope,
To Be Consoled As To Console; And there's no need to run
(To Be Understood As To Understand,) Lift up your hands to God,
To Be Loved, As To Love And He'll make you feel all right.
(As To Love)
Il Signore,
Mi Rende Uno Strumento Della Vostra Pace
(Lord, Make Me Make Me An Instrument)
Il Signore
Of Your Peace.