Basic Course Informations
Basic Course Informations
Basic Course Informations
German Language I is organized to cover basic communication skills, syntax and
vocabulary required to understand everyday conversational dialogues and reading
texts, to actively become engaged in daily communication activities, while
simultaneously providing information on the culture of the people and language itself.
Course organization: The course will be held twice a week, each time lasting for 1
school class or session (40 minutes). The lecturer will predominantly use the
German language, with absolutely minimal use of the English language. The
attendees will be asked to follow the same principle. Verbal communication will be
insisted on to bolster the confidence of the course attendees, whereas the written
portion of the work will be done at home, through homework. It is mandatory for each
attendee/student to maintain notes during the lectures, as well as to have a textbook
that will allow them to follow the units. The work will take place in a group, in pairs
and independently, depending on the respective task.
Course objective: This course will allow the attendees to speak and understand
German Language I and to use it in everyday basic communication. The course
attendees will, with no prior knowledge of the language, develop communication
skills allowing them to speak the language with confidence. The course will enable
the attendees to learn about the culture, tradition and lifestyle of native German
Course content:
Unit 1: Begrüßung, Befinden: Guten Tag. Mein Name ist…: Das Alphabet;
sich begrüßen/verabschieden; nach dem Befinden fragen; sich und andere
vorstellen; Verbkonjugation: sein, heißen; W-Fragen: Wie...?/Wer...?;
Personalpronomen; Negation mit nicht; Angaben zur Person, Berufe: über
den Beruf und Persönliches sprechen; Berufe nennen; Familienstand;
Heimatland erfragen und nennen; Länder nennen; Sprachen; Präpositionen:
aus,in; W-Fragen: Woher...?; Was...?Verb konjugation: kommen, leben,
Unit 2: Meine Familie: über die Familie und über Sprachkenntnisse sprechen;
einen kurzen Text über sich schreiben; Familienmitglieder vorstellen;
Possessivartikel; die Zahlen 0-1.000.000; nach der Uhrzeit fragen und die
Uhrzeit angeben
Class attendance is essential to students’ academic success. Although
attendance in the lectures and tutorials/ practicals is not exactly graded, it is
taken into consideration in the process of final grade calculation. If students
do not attend the classes regularly, they will fall behind and will have difficulty
catching up on everything that has been done meanwhile.
Grading system:
A percentage-based grading system is used to evaluate student’s final grade.
The percentage-based system groups the homework, the attendance, the
midterm and final exams into categories and assigns a percentage to each
category. The sum of all categories is 100%.
The use of mobile phones, tablets and laptops is prohibited during the
classes, as they can be a distraction to the students sitting near you. If you
normally take notes on your laptop or a tablet, please turn off the sound so
that you do not disrupt the flow of the lecture. If a student is caught texting in
class, he will be asked to put the phone away.
No food is allowed in the classroom during the lectures. On the other hand,
beverages are allowed in the class, as long as the classroom is kept clean
In order to maximize instructional time, students are expected to arrive to all
classes on time.
The noise is distracting to other students and to the instructor as well, so
please do not have private conversation during the lectures or tutorials.
Come to class prepared and equipped with basic classroom supplies.
Plagiarism is copying another person’s text or ideas and passing it as your
own work. All the sources consulted to any extent must be cited (including
material copied from internet pages). For quotations, four or more words used
in sequence must be set off in quotation marks, with the source identified.
Any form of cheating will immediately earn you a failing grade for the entire
course. By remaining enrolled, you consent to this policy.
If the instructor needs to cancel the class, students will be sent an email notifying
them of the class cancellation.