Floor Epopark: Solvent Free Epoxy Mortar For Flooring System
Floor Epopark: Solvent Free Epoxy Mortar For Flooring System
Floor Epopark: Solvent Free Epoxy Mortar For Flooring System
A solvent free three component epoxy mortar designed to
provide continuous protection for concrete floors. floor
epopark provides a flowable consistency that can be applied
up to 10mm thickness. It provides excellent abrasion and
good chemical resistance.
• Automobile production units, Aircraft manufacturing
• Industrial and commercial warehouse
• Pharmaceutical and food factories
Color Brown
Density 2
Pot Life 1 hour @ 20°C PACKAGING
Drying time for 3 mm. Leb Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Kuwait KSA Oman
Tack free 4 hours 30 min 20 Kg 20 Kg 20 Kg 20 Kg 20 Kg 20 Kg 20 Kg 20 Kg
Pedestrian traffic 48 hours 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg 24.5 Kg
Road traffic 7 days
Not colored: 20 kg kit (3.4 kg epoxy + 16.6 kg fillers).
Over coating time For 3 mm Min. 48 hours - max. 7 Colored: 24.5 kg kit (10.982 kg epoxy + 13.518 kg fillers).
(BS 1881 Part 107) days
Description 3-components epoxy
Composition Resin, Hardener, and durability.
selected fillers Maximum moisture content should not exceed 5%.
Finish Gloss New concrete structures need to dry for at least 28 days. Old
Thinner No thinning coatings, dirt, fats, oils or organic substances need to be
Water absorption @ 14 days 0.14% removed by a grinding machine. Possible surface irregularities
(ASTM C 413) need to be smoothened.
Compressive Strength 87 MPa Any loose surface pieces need to be thoroughly removed.
(ASTM C579) @ 3 days and The surface should then be roughened using a dust-free
40°C “grit-blasting” machine. The substrate should be clean, dry
Flexural Strength (BS 4551) 17 MPa and sound, free of any dust or contamination which may
@ 3 days and 40°C harmfully affect the adhesion of the primer layer.
Tensile Strength (ASTM C 13 MPa WARNING: Do not wash surface with water!
807) @ 3 days 40°C
C807) @ 14 days 40°C Mix the two parts hardener and resin by an electric mixer
Bond Strength on concrete > 2.8 MPa with low rotation speed (< 300 rpm).
(BS 1881 part 207) @ 14 To obtain a uniform epoxy mortar compound, gradually add
days the graded aggregates to the epoxy fluid while mixing for 2 to
VOC and formaldehyde None (<10µg/l) 3 minutes.
content ISO/FDIS
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE After the surface has been prepared, prime any smooth
SURFACE PREPARATION areas with floor eposil. In case of high porosity
Careful surface preparation is essential for optimum finishing
6 Kg/m²/3 mm thickness.
12 months after manufacturing date in its original packing
non open and in dry cool area.
Application should be done in a ventilated area away from
any heat source. Wear protective gear for hands and eyes
and avoid breathing of vapor. If mixed resin comes into
contact with the skin, it should be promptly removed before
hardening, followed by thoroughly washing the skin with
soap and water. In case of heavy vapor inhalation, place
affected person in an open-air area. In case of contact with
eyes, wash thoroughly with clean water. If swallowed, do not
induce vomiting. In all cases, seek medical attention. In case
of fire, use CO2 foam to extinguish. Tightly seal containers
when not in use, store them away from heat and carefully
dispose empty ones.
While the company guarantees its products against defective
materials, the use and application of these products are
made without guarantee since the conditions of their
application are beyond its control. It is recommended to
verify with the company that the product is suitable for the
intended use, and that this Data Sheet version is the latest
one. The company may modify it without prior notice. Technical
characteristics are listed for guidance only. For more
information, please contact the company’s office in your