SQL Exercises (HR Database) (SUBQUERIES)
SQL Exercises (HR Database) (SUBQUERIES)
SQL Exercises (HR Database) (SUBQUERIES)
1. Write a query to display the name ( first name and last name ) for those employees who
gets more salary than the employee whose ID is 103.
2. Write a query to display the name ( first name and last name ), salary, department id, job id
for those employees who works in the same designation as the employee works whose id is
3. Write a query to display the name ( first name and last name ), salary, department id for
those employees who earn such amount of salary which is the smallest salary of any of the
4. Write a query to display the employee id, employee name (first name and last name ) for all
employees who earn more than the average salary.
5. Write a query to display the employee name ( first name and last name ), employee id and
salary of all employees who report to Payam.
6. Write a query to display the department number, name ( first name and last name ), job
and department name for all employees in the Finance department.
7. Write a query to display all the information of an employee whose salary and reporting
person id is 3000 and 121 respectively.
FROM employees
WHERE (salary,manager_id)=
(SELECT 3000,121);
8. Display all the information of an employee whose id is any of the number 134, 159 and
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id IN (134,159,183);
9. Write a query to display all the information of the employees whose salary is within the
range 1000 and 3000.
10. Write a query to display all the information of the employees whose salary is within the
range of smallest salary and 2500.
FROM employees
(SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees) AND 2500;
11. Write a query to display all the information of the employees who does not work in those
departments where some employees works whose manager id within the range 100 and 200.
FROM employees
WHERE department_id NOT IN
(SELECT department_id
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id BETWEEN 100 AND 200);
12. Write a query to display all the information for those employees whose id is any id who
earn the second highest salary.
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id IN
(SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE salary =
(SELECT MAX(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE salary <
(SELECT MAX(salary)
FROM employees)));
13. Write a query to display the employee name( first name and last name ) and hiredate for
all employees in the same department as Clara. Exclude Clara.
14. Write a query to display the employee number and name( first name and last name ) for
all employees who work in a department with any employee whose name contains a T.
FROM employees
WHERE department_id IN
( SELECT department_id
FROM employees
WHERE first_name LIKE '%T%' );
15. Write a query to display the employee number, name( first name and last name ), and
salary for all employees who earn more than the average salary and who work in a
department with any employee with a J in their name.
16. Display the employee name( first name and last name ), employee id, and job title for all
employees whose department location is Toronto.
17. Write a query to display the employee number, name( first name and last name ) and job
title for all employees whose salary is smaller than any salary of those employees whose job
title is MK_MAN.
SELECT employee_id,first_name,last_name,job_id
FROM employees
WHERE salary < ANY
( SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE job_id = 'MK_MAN' );
18. Write a query to display the employee number, name( first name and last name ) and job
title for all employees whose salary is smaller than any salary of those employees whose job
title is MK_MAN. Exclude Job title MK_MAN.
20. Write a query to display the employee number, name( first name and last name ) and job
title for all employees whose salary is more than any average salary of any department.
21. Write a query to display the employee name( first name and last name ) and department
for all employees for any existence of those employees whose salary is more than 3700.
22. Write a query to display the department id and the total salary for those departments
which contains at least one employee.
23. Write a query to display the employee id, name ( first name and last name ) and the job id
column with a modified title SALESMAN for those employees whose job title is ST_MAN and
DEVELOPER for whose job title is IT_PROG.
24. Write a query to display the employee id, name ( first name and last name ), salary and
the SalaryStatus column with a title HIGH and LOW respectively for those employees whose
salary is more than and less than the average salary of all employees.
25. Write a query to display the employee id, name ( first name and last name ), SalaryDrawn,
AvgCompare (salary - the average salary of all employees) and the SalaryStatus column with
a title HIGH and LOW respectively for those employees whose salary is more than and less
than the average salary of all employees.