Nursing Care Plan-Epilepsy
Nursing Care Plan-Epilepsy
Nursing Care Plan-Epilepsy
Name : Ms. Gauri
Age : 16 years
Sex : Female
Education : None
Mother tongue : Hindi
Religion : Hindu
Address : Uttar pradesh
Ward : Neuro ICU
CR.NO : 383641
Diagnosis : Epilepsy
Date of admission : 23-05-2017
Surgery Proposed : No surgery
CHIEF COMPLAINTS AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION: Patient came to GB Panth emergency with Chief complaint of :
PRESENT MEDICAL HISTORY: Patient came to emergency with chief complaint of seizure, vomiting loss of speech and
weakness of right side when doctor examined then then they found that patient had aspirated then they intubated the patient in
emergency and patient shifted to neurological ICU and patient is on medication diazepam, clonzepam.
Initially seizures was afebrile gernalized tonic clonic seizure. Seminolgy changed after few months head and eye deviation to
left side, dystonic position of left upper and lower limb and jerking of eye lasting for 30-40 second and then patient confused
for 2-4 hours.
Patient diagnosed with epilepsy in 2007 for that he took treatment in Lok Nayak hospital and patient took continuous medication and
patient recover.
Mr. Pankaj is the bread winner of the family. Mr. Pankaj is farmer.
Patient is having nuclear family. Patient belong to middle class family. Patient monthly income is 5,000/ month. Patient is
having his own house, located in the rural area.
Water : municipality
Electricity : available
Ventilation : satisfactory
Latrine : well
Method of waste disposal : Municipality
a. Family Tree:
Mr. Pankaj 40 years healthy Ms. Rubi 38 years healthy
The patient did not have any habits of alcohol, smoking, tobacco, drugs, caffeine, any other.
Patient has normal sleep patterns. He sleeps for 6 to 8 hours.
Patient is a non-vegetarian.
Patient has regular bowel and bladder patterns.
Body Built : Moderate
Posture : Erect
Gait : Not able to seen.
Consciousness : Unconscious.
Orientation : Not Oriented to time, place, person
Speech : Patient is having ET tube
Level of Co-operation : Patient is unconscious.
Height : 140.5cm
Weight : 42 kg
BMI : 21.66
Color : Fair
Turgor : Poor
Moisture : Dryness
Temperature : Warm
Texture : Soft
Lesion : No lesion
Edema : No edema
Vascularity : Red
Conjunctiva : Clear
Sclera : Pale
Cornea : Clear
Lens : Brown lens
Eye Lids :Symmetrical
Eye Balls :Normal
Eye Brows :Symmetric
Reaction to Light :PERRLA
Reflexes : Normal
Position : Symmetrical
Lesions : Absent
Patency : Patent
Sinuses : Normal
Sense of Smell : Normal
Odor : Dryness
Color : pink
Number of teeth : 30
Color : White
Dental Caries : Absent
Dentures : Absent
Color : Pink
Lesion : Absent
Color : Pink
Moisture : Moist
Tongue Tie : Absent
Tongue Sensation : Present
Oral Cavity
Color : Pink
Lesion : Absent
Infection : Absent
Symmetry : Symmetrical
Color : Normal skin color
Lesions : Not present
Areola : Size equal
Nipple : Normal
Discharge : Not present
Abnormalities : No lump/No mass
Redness : Absent
Lumps : Absent
Rash :Absent
Lymph Nodes Enlarged : Absent
Inspection : Symmetrical
Barrel Chest : Absent
Kyphoscoliosis : Absent
Breathing Pattern : 18 breaths/min
Palpation : No tenderness/No mass
Tactile Fremitus : Normal
Percussion : Dull
Air Entry : Equal and Normal
Contour : rounded
Umbilicus : center
Hernias : present
Lesion : absent
Percussion : tympanic
Palpation :
Tenderness : present
Organs : hard
On examination of eye there is paleness present in sclera and patient is having poor skin turgor and and ET tube present in mouth.
Medication :
Advise patient to
report signs of
and allergy.
Evaluate patient’s
hearing beforeand
during therapy
Notify prescriber if
patients has
tinnitus, vertigo, or
hearing loss
Injection metrogyl Intravenous Hinder Ameobic hepatic Hyper Dizziness assess pts.
Generic name 100ml IV TDS growth of abscess sensitivity headache Infection
Metronidazole selected Intestinal first trimester Abdominal pain >watch carefully
microorganis ameobasis of pregnancy vomiting diarrhea for edema because
m including To prevent Give Leukopenia itmay cause
anaerobic postoperative precautionary Phlebitis at the sodium retention
bacteria and infection in in pregnancy local site >assess skin for
antibiotic colorectal and children periphery severity areas of
surgeries neuropathy localadverse
Pelvic reactions
inflammatory >record number
disease and character
In my patient of stools
To prevent >assess pt’s and
postoperative family’s
infection knowledge of drug
Tablet Levra 750mg 1 tablet Blocks Partial seizure Uncompensate fatigue, weakness, Instruct patient to
stimulation d HF anxiety dizziness, take medication as
of beta drowsiness, directed.
adrenergic Pulmonary insomnia, memory
receptors. edema loss nervousness, Teach
Therapeutic blurred vision, patient and family
Effects: Decr Cardiogenic stuffy how to check pulse
eased BP and shock nose.bronchospas daily and BP
heart rate. m, biweekly and to
Decreased Bradycardia wheezing,BRADY report significant
frequency of CARDIA, HF, PU changes to health
attacks of heart block or LMONARY care professional.
angina sick sinus EDEMA, diarrhea,
pectoris. syndrome drug-induced
Decreased hepatitis, Advise patient to
rate of Cautious use heartburn, urinary change positions
cardiovascul in Renal frequency, slowly to minimize
ar mortality impairment hyperglycemia, orthostatic
and Hepatic hypoglycemia, hypotension.
hospitalizatio impairment arthralgia, back
n in patients Increased pain. Caution patient
with heart sensitivity to that this
failure. beta blockers medication may
initial dose increase sensitivity
reduction to cold.
Pantoprazole 40mg IV BD Binds to an Erosive Hypersensitivit headache,abdomin Monitor
enzyme in esophagitis y to al pain, diarrhea, bowel function.
the presence associated with rabeprazole or eructation, Diarrhea,
of acidic GERD. related drugs flatulence, abdominal
gastric pH, Maintenance of (benzimidazol hyperglycemia, cramping, fever,
preventing healing of erosive es) hypomagnesemia, and bloody stools
the final esophagitis acute interstitial should be reported
transport of Pathologic gastric nephritis, vitamin to health care
hydrogen hypersecretory B12deficiency, professional
ions into the conditions. bone fracture. promptly as a sign
gastric of Clostridium
lumen. difficile-associated
diarrhea (CDAD).
Therapeutic May begin up to
Effects: Dimi several weeks
nished following
accumulation cessation of
of acid in the therapy.
lumen, with
lessened acid Instruct patient
reflux. to take medication
Healing of as directed for the
duodenal full course of
ulcers and therapy, even if
esophagitis. feeling better.
Decreased Advise patient
acid to avoid alcohol,
secretion in products
hypersecreto containing aspirin
ry or NSAIDs, and
conditions. foods that may
cause an increase
in GI irritation.
Advise patient
to report onset of
black, tarry stools;
diarrhea; or
abdominal pain to
health care
promptly. Instruct
patient to notify
health care
immediately if
rash, diarrhea,
cramping, fever, or
bloody stools
occur and not to
treat with
without consulting
health care
Tab Shelcal Orally 1 tab Neutralizing Bones weakening, Hypercalcemia Headache,Loss of Monitor
BD acids thus Dietary kidney appetite,Nausea,Vo vitals,watch for
relieving supplement, disease, kidney miting,Stomach side
acid reflux; Vitamin D stones, little or ache effects,Encorage
increasing deficiency, Better no stomach patient to take
absorption of absorption, acid \ calcium and
calcium and Acidity, (achlorhydria), vitamin D rich diet
phosphorus Heartburn and heart disease,
required for other conditions. disease of the
strong bones in my patient pancreas, a
Dietary certain lung
supplement, disease
Calcium (sarcoidosis),
supplement difficulty
absorbing nutri
tion from food
me sugar-free
of calcium
contain asparta
me. If you
have phenylket
onuria (PKU)
or any other
condition that
requires you to
restrict your
intake of
aspartame (or
Injection Perfalgan 500mg IV Analgesic- Mild-to-moderate Severe a]Bloody or black, Monitor
TDS antipyretic. It pain and hepatic tarry stools vital sign
has moderate-to- impairm b]bloody or of the
analgesic, severe pain with ent or cloudy urine patient
antipyretic adjunctive opioid severe c]fever with or Monitors
and weak analgesics active without chills (not side effects
anti- indicated for liver present before like cloudy
inflammator reduction of fever disease: treatment and not urine.
y action. The Contrain caused by the
mechanism dicated. condition being
of action is Mild-to- treated)
associated moderate pain in the lower
with hepatic back and/or side
inhibition of impairment (severe and/or
prostaglandi or active sharp)
n synthesis, liver disease: pinpoint red spots
the Use caution; on the skin
predominant a reduced skin rash, hives, or
influence on total daily itching
the dose may be
thermoregula warranted
tion center in
s, enhances
heat transfer.
S. Investigation 7/6/17
Normal Remarks
No. value
1 Hb 6.8 13-17gm/dl anemia
2 TLC 18,400 5-10thusand Infection
3 Neutrophill 75.2 40-75% Normal
4 Lymphocyte 24 20-45% Normal
5 Monocyte 04 02-10% Normal
6 Eosinophil 1 01-06% Normal
7 Platelet 6,32000 150-400 Thrombocytopenia
8 BU 16 15-40mg/dl Normal
9 S.Cr. 0.2 0.2-1.0mg/dl Normal
10 Na+ 132 135- Hyponateremia
11 K+ 3.6 3.5- Normal
12 T.Bilurbin 0.3 0.3-1.2mg/dl Normal
13 ALP 230 30-115u/l Normal
14 T.Protein 6.1 6-8gm/dl Normal
15 Albumin 2.6 3.5-5.2gm/dl Hypoalbunemia
MRI : T2 hyperintense signals B/l basal ganglia likely encepalomaledia with signal alteration in right medial temporal lobe.
The patient is having ryles tube , as patient is on ventilator.
Theory application :
To assess the patient condition by the various methods explained by the nursing theory
To identify the needs of the patient
To demonstrate an effective communication and interaction with the patient.
To select a theory for the application according to the need of the patient
To apply the theory to solve the identified problems of the patient
To evaluate the extent to which the process was fruitful.
Reason for choosing this theory : Dorthea orems had explained the three basic theory : self care theory
This theory explains that some individuals are capable to perform their activities individually and some need guidance or
assistance to perform them on the otherhand some people are totally dependent on others to perform their activities.My
patient comes under wholly compensatory.
Dorthea orems gives gernal theory nursing. Under this theory she gave three sub theories.
1. Self care theory: Under self care theory she describes four major component.
Self care
Self care agency
2. Self care deficit theory : Under self care deficit theory she describes five major component :
Acting or doing
Wholly compensated
Partially compensated
Accomplishes patient’s therapeutic self care
Monitored vitals
Administered IV fluids
Administer medications
Provide ryles tube feeding
Other theories that can be applied Change position every second hourly
Care of endotracheal tube
King’s goal attainment theory Oral care given
Henderson’s need theory Suction done
Interpersonal theory Eye care and skin care given
Nursing care plan Ensured the ventilator tubings are insitu
Assess Diagnosi Plan Intervention Implementa Evaluati
ment s tion on
Ineffectiv To Nurse Monitor Monitore Patient
OD: e airway clear action respiratory rate, d airway
Patient Clearenc the depth, and respirato cleared.
is e related airway Compensates for patient’s inability to engage in
effort. ry rate
having to of self-care
Keep head of continuo
excessiv excessive patient. Provide bed bath
bed elevated. usly
e secrectio Provide mouth care
Position on Provided
secretio n. Do all self care activities
sides. ventilato
n. Catheterization done and care given
Encourage r support
frequent Kept bed Care given to prevent pressure
repositioning.. of head
Monitor serial elevated
ABGs, pulse Monitore Supports and protects patient
oximetry, vital d ABG Prevent injury
capacity every 6th Keep side rails up
measurements, hourly Provide psychological support to the
chest x-rays. Chest patient
Do Suctioning physioth
Include family members in the patient care
of patient. erapy done .
Suctioning of
patient done.
OD: Imbalanced Maintain Assess nutritional status and Nutritionist Nutrition status
Imbalances in nutrition less nutritional weight of the patient. assessed the of patient
nutritional than body status. Give small, frequent feeds. nutritional status maintained.
studies requirements Refer to dietitian to provide of the patient
related to diet high in calories and Inserted Ryles
inability to take simple carbohydrates, low in tube
feed orally. fat, and moderate to high in Kitchen feed
protein; limit sodium and fluid administered
as necessary. Provide liquid every 2nd hourly.
supplements as indicated. Provided mouth
care every 6th
prescribed diet
high in calories
and low in fats.
OD: Poor skin Risk for Maintain Inspect pressure points and Assessed the skin Skin integrity of
turgor impaired skin skin skin surfaces closely and every 2nd hourly patient
integrity related integrity. routinely. Changed position maintained.
to poor skin Gently massage bony every 2nd hourly
turgor as prominences or areas of Kept linen free
evidenced by continued stress and free of
patient is Use of emollient lotions and wrinkles
immobile. limiting use of soap for Provided alpha
bathing may help bed
reposition on a regular Provided skin care
schedule. with oil
active and passive ROM
exercises as appropriate.
Recommend elevating lower
Keep linens dry and free of
Suggest clipping fingernails
short; provide gloves if
Provide perineal care
following urination and bowel
Use alternating pressure
mattress, egg-crate mattress,
waterbed, sheepskins, as
OD: Patient is High risk for Prevent Monitor vital signs. Assessed the skin Patient prevent
having infection related infection. Assess skin color and every 2nd hourly from infection.
invasive lines to invasive lines temperature. Monitored WBC
and tubing. and tubing. Monitor WBC, Hct and count.
other pertinent laboratory Adequates feed
records. ... provided to the
Provide adequate foods patient.
and fluids. ... Intake and output
Measure Intake and of patient
Output. measured.
Maintain aseptic Aspectic
technique. technique
Provide catheter care. maintained.
give antibiotic as Catheter care
prescribed. given to the
Antibiotic given
as prescribed.
OD: Statement Deficient Provide Review disease process and Assess the disease Family member
of knowledge knowledge prognosis and future condition and is able to
misconception related to to family expectations. prognosis. participate in
from family unfamiliarity members. Refer to dietitian or Encouraged care
members. with information nutritionist. patient to
resources as Inform patient of altered verbalize the
manifested by effects of medications and doubt.
continuously importance of using only Clarified doubt.
asking questions drugs prescribed or cleared by Encouraged
a healthcare provider who is scheduling
familiar with patient’s history. activities with
Assist family members adequate rest
identifying support person. period.
Emphasize the importance of Promote
good nutrition. diversional
Recommend avoidance of activities.
high-protein/salty foods, Provided spiritual,
onions, and strong cheeses. Psychological
Provide written dietary support.
instructions. Educated the
Stress necessity of follow-up family member
care and adherence to and relative about
therapeutic regimen. the area they lack
Discuss sodium and salt in knowledge
substitute restrictions and
necessity of reading labels on
food and drugs.
Encourage scheduling
activities with adequate rest
Promote diversional activities
that are enjoyable to patient.
Recommend avoidance of
persons with infections,
especially URI.
Identify environmental
dangers: exposure to hepatitis.
Instruct patient’s signs and
symptoms that warrant
notification of health care
provider: increased abdominal
girth; rapid weight loss/gain;
increased peripheral edema;
increased dyspnea, fever,
blood in stool or urine; excess
bleeding of any kind and
Instruct health care providers to
notify any confusion, untidiness,
night wandering, tremors, or
personality change.