Study On Curve of Pe-Heating Temperature Control in Selective Laser Sintering
Study On Curve of Pe-Heating Temperature Control in Selective Laser Sintering
Study On Curve of Pe-Heating Temperature Control in Selective Laser Sintering
Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Web Information Systems and Applications (WISA’09)
Nanchang, P. R. China, May 22-24, 2009, pp. 156-158
Abstract—Through selective laser sintering PSB powers, the there generates a thermal stress between upper and lower
influence of temperature control in SLS process on precision part. with heat transfer of air convection, the upper part
of sinter products was studied by orthogonal experiments cooled quickly, and then contracted largely. Reference
and variance analysis means. The results show that the [2]The lower part cooled slowly and shrank little because
influence of pre-heating temperature of differ process on
of thermal conductivity with powder bed. In this way,
precision of products is different. The influence of pre-heat
temperature before sintering first layer on warping degree there generates a residual strength, and parts have a
is bigger, and the influence of beforehand warm warping for the combined effect of thermal stress and
temperature before sintering last layer on difference size residual stress.
between sample two end is bigger. The better curve of During the molding, the biggest contraction layer is first
temperature control is first temperature of pre-heat layer. When sintering the second layer, in order to connect
phase(TA)is 85℃,and pre-heat temperature before sintering the first layer, second layer is bound to be burn through,
first layer (TB)is 105℃,and pre-heat temperature before and first layer melted a part also. Reference [3]Then,
sintering last layer (TC)is 85℃. un-melted part of the first layer will treated as a support to
retard the contraction of second layer. This retard to
Index Terms—selective laser sintering, pre-heating, curve of shrinkage was greater than the support or gridding. So, the
temperature control, precision contraction of second layer is small than the first layer, and
the size is bigger. Thus, each layer will retard the
contraction of subsequent layer, and the retard is bigger
Any complex parts can be quickly created by selective and bigger. With the Z-axis increase in size, the size of X,
laser sintering (SLS), which is a method to control the Y-axis gradually increased also, the shape of parts changes,
laser beam sintering, curing, and superimposing, point by because the amount of shrinkage is different at different
point, line by line, layer by layer. In the process of SLS sintered layers, the error will eventually affected the
process, control system controls the laser beam to sinter a contour of parts. For example, a CAD model sample with
layer of powder; job piston shift to next layer after rectangular cross-section will become a trapezoidal
completion of previous layer, at the same time, powder cross-section, as shown in Fig. 1.
paving system paves a new layer of powder. Because of
lower density of powder layer, the parts shrink excessively,
which lead to lower precision is in making parts. This is
the bottleneck of SLS. In order to get higher precision,
processing technology of SLS must be manipulation Fig.1. Graph of sample distortion
reasonably. Powder preheating is a very important process Presently, most study focus on the contraction of parts
for improving the precision in SLS, which can decrease the size. The technique of improving parts’ precision is mainly
temperature differences between sintering zone and through the development of a reasonable contraction
non-sintering zone, elimination of thermal stress avoiding compensation coefficient. Few studies are concerned the
distortion. At present, few studies have been done in precision of parts shape itself. It is difficult to improve the
preheating temperature, constant preheating temperature precision rate through contraction compensation. In the
results in low precision of molding parts or waste of experiment, we found that precision of parts shape is
energy and materials. Therefore, it is necessary to study mainly affected by distortion and section size error.
the effects of preheating on the SLS molding, and develop Pivotal achievement of this article is to discuss the
a gradual changed preheating temperature in accordance warping and sample size variance at both ends affected by
with different stages of processing. the preheating temperature curve. In this experiment, we
use the temperature control system produced by Beijing
II. PRECISION ANALYSIS OF PARTS Longyuan Co., Ltd. to control the preheating temperature.
Using precision-guided laser beam, SLS molding can Three key parameters in the temperature curve are studied,
make materials powder solidify after melted. Although the the initial temperature in stage of preheating(TA), the
gap between the powders is propitious to the transmission preheating temperature in sintering the first layer of
of laser, with the increase of depth, energy inevitably sample (TB), and the preheating temperature in sintering
attenuates. Reference [1] In each sintering layer, there the last layer of sample (TC), as shown in Fig. 2.
obtains different energy in different depth. The energy of
upper part was great, the energy of lower part was low, and
temperature for accurate Shape is A1B3C1. That is, the C. The effect of TC on the precision
initial stage of preheating temperature is 85℃, preheating After completing the sample processing, we still need
temperature of sintering sample in first layer is 105 ℃, and to warm-up powder bed in order to avoid deformation
preheating temperature of sintering sample in last layer is because of cold. The preheating temperature using 85 ℃
85 ℃. in the processing of the final layer, in which powder
around sample can be avoided melting together with the
sample because of the high preheating temperature, thus
We can conclude from the results of variance analysis ensuring the accuracy of the sample, reducing the sample
that impact, preheating temperature on the warping size difference between upper and lower surfaces.
degrees and shape errors, are inconsistent at different Therefore, a better preheat temperature curve for
selective laser sintering is 85-105-85℃. By using this
A. The effect of TA on the precision preheat temperature curve, no significant deformation of
Initial preheating temperature plays its role before the the sample occurred, and get a better accuracy. As shown
molding in SLS processing. After preheating in higher in Figure 5.
temperature for a long time, the temperature of powder bed
arise , powder in the lower part obtains thermal radiation
by powder bed, which can reduce temperature difference
and warping degree to some extent. But preheating
temperature in the initial stage had little impact on the
precision. From the point of energy conservation, Fig.5. Graph of sample
temperature at A point should give priority to the size
difference, that is, to choose 85 ℃.
Generally, before the sintering, polymer powder should Increase of preheating temperature can effectively
be evenly preheated 1 hour. We can get better result when eliminated the warping in SLS. At preheat temperature of
we use the preheating temperature control software. We 105 ℃, warping degree is 0, and it is easy to clean-up
preheated each layer of powder by spread powder layer by because powder agglomeration around sample was not
layer while heating. The first stage of preheating can be obvious. In high-low preheating temperature sequence, the
defined as 30-storey powder. After half-hour’s heating, size error of sample between upper and lower surfaces can
requirements can be met well. be reduced. Preheating temperature curve of 85-105-85 ℃
is better.
B. The effect of TB on the precision
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