Discuss in Detail Different Themes of The Novel The Mill On The Floss
Discuss in Detail Different Themes of The Novel The Mill On The Floss
Discuss in Detail Different Themes of The Novel The Mill On The Floss
Grief, especially of an emotional nature, seems to have a universal
persistence in The Mill on Floss. Not everyone is expected to suffer,
even some of them are welcome. Maggie and her nefarious tendencies,
or the tendency to seek and even embrace her own suffering, come to
mind. Since everyone in this book suffers, what sets people apart is
how they cope with adversity, their own and others' suffering.
Question No # 3(b)
Discuss in detail different themes of the novel The Return
of The Native
2: Tradition
One of the controversies between the novels is that the traditional
attitudes of the Darset and its successors in the modern world are
declining. Hardy's work often highlights the declining traditions and
ideas of his age, and there are many examples where tradition and
folklore are characterized. Part of the novel's appeal is that it records
the tradition of the dying.
For example, Diggory Van's trade as a Riddleman represents a dying
skill in the region.
3: Illegal destiny
Destiny is a central theme in most of Thomas Hardy's fiction. From the
very beginning of the novel, describing Egden Heath as a lasting,
ancient setting suggests that Hardy sees human characters as
indifferent, perhaps even hostile, playing against the background. In a
depressing moment, Estasia thinks of death if the "satire of heaven"
should last longer. He committed suicide just before he did any harm to
heaven, yet he lamented the bitterness and injustice of his fate.
4: Marrige as a trap:
In repatriation, marriage is presented with a bunch of materialistic and
psychological forces that threaten to end it as a healthy or legitimate
human relationship. Social injustice rejects Mrs. Yeo bright's opposition
to the marriage between her niece Thomasain and Reddaleman
Diggory. In his view, reddleman is a social inferiority whose strange
form definitely excludes him from marital union or relationship
But according to Hardy's picture, the institution of marriage has also
been hit by other powerful forces. For example, the fight against
arrogance. Wildeve and Eustacia are the main contenders here, each
measuring their partner's attractiveness and ability to see how
attractive they are to other contenders.