164 - Pragna Paper
164 - Pragna Paper
164 - Pragna Paper
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
KEYWORDS: Fly ash, Glass fibre, GGBS, strength parameter tests, cost optimization, Water Absorption test.
Concrete block pavements (CBPs) are formed from individual solid blocks that fit closely next to one another to form a
pavement surface. A typical CBP is placed on a thin bed of sand overlaying a sub base. CBP can be placed with a
variety of shapes and patterns. There are joint spaces between blocks. These spaces are filled with sand having suitable
grading. The blocks are restrained from two sides by edge restraints.
CPBs are manufactured from semi-dry mixes. During manufacturing process vibration and pressure is applied to the
mix. By this process dense and strong CPB can be achieved to form strong and durable paving surfaces. Moreover
interlocking behaviour of CBP gives the ability of spreading loads to larger areas.
CBP has several advantages they are available in different shapes, sizes, colour and patterns. So we can create
beautiful pavements with more strength.Maintenance in very easy.Easily replaceable in very short time.Laying of paver
blocks pavement has very less time. Before laying of road it gets its own strength by proper curing.Its life span is
more.Easy to transport.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
The compressive strength of hardened concrete which is generally considered to be an index of its other
properties, depends upon many factors, e.g. quality and quantity of cement, water and aggregates; batching and mixing;
placing, compaction and curing. The cost of concrete is made up of the cost of materials, plant and labour.
This limited use is largely due to the past experience formed when low strength cements and low quality admixtures
were used as well as the restrictions imposed by standards. Therefore, in view of current concreting technologies and
advances in materials production, there is a need to reform the negative impression, prevalent for a relatively longtime,
to increase the use of admixtures in construction.
Materials introduction
The materials that are adopted in this study are fly ash, glass fiber, GGBS, cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and
super plasticizer.The sources and properties of these materials described in below.
Fly ash is a group of materials that can vary significantly in composition. It is residue left from burning coal, which is
collected on an electrostatic precipitator or in a baghouse. It mixes with flue gases that result when powdered coal is
used to produce electric power. Fly ash is purchased from National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) limited
Glass fiber (or glass fibre) is a material consisting of numerous extremely fine fibbers of glass. Glass fiber is formed
when thin strands of silica-based or other formulation glass are extruded into many fibers with small diameters suitable.
Alkali resistant E Glass fibres were used and the properties of glass fibres were shown in table
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Fig 3. GGBS
Cement Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of 53 grade conforming to IS: 12269-1999 was used for casting the paver
blocks. Physical properties of OPC were given in table.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Fig 4. Cement
Locally available crushed coarse aggregates of nominal size 10mm were used in this work. Physical properties of
coarse aggregates used were given in the following table.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
2.36 76.9
1.18 62.2
0.6 42.2
0.3 16.2
0.15 6
In this study, control mix S was designed as per IS 15658-2006 for M30 grade. Glass fibers are initially added in
fractions of 0.2% to 0.8% by weight of cement. Optimum glass fiber content was obtained and then fly ash was
replaced for cement in percentages of 15 to 60. . Optimum glass fiber content was obtained and then GGBS was
replaced for cement in percentages of 15 to 60.The details of the mix proportions are given in the following table.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Materials Cement Fine Coarse Water Sikament Glass fibre Fly ash GGBS
kg/m3) aggregate(k aggregate(k (litres) FF(kg/m3) (% w of (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
g/m3) g/m3) cement)
Mix ID’s
S 364.23 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0% 0 0
Sf0.2 364.23 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.2% 0 0
Sf0.4 364.23 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 0 0
Sf0.6 364.23 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.6% 0 0
Sf0.8 364.23 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.8% 0 0
Sffa15 309.60 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 54.63 0
Sffa30 254.96 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 109.27 0
Sffa45 200.33 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 163.90 0
Sffa60 145.69 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 218.54 0
Sfg15 309.60 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 0 54.63
Sfg30 254.96 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 0 109.27
Sfg45 200.33 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 0 163.90
Sfg60 145.69 748.15 1332.00 142.05 1.82 0.4% 0 218.54
Experimental program carried out includes the methodology and testing procedures of paver blocks by using glass
fibers, fly ash and GGBS.
Paver blocks were casted for conventional mix, then Glass fibers were also included along withthe fly ash and
GGBS to determine the strength. Different proportions of glass fiber are added starting from 0.2% to 0.8% byweight of
cement in the mix were added. 15% to 60% by weight of cement was replaced with the fly ash by keeping glass fiber
content constant. Now 15% to 60% by weight of cement was replaced with the GGBS.
Mix Design
All the concrete mixes in the project are prepared As per IS: 10262-2009 the concrete mixes are prepared in this
Testing Data
Specific gravity of cement=3.15
Specific gravity of sand =2.69
Specific gravity of aggregate=2.66
Specific gravity of chemical admixture =0.32
Zone of sand =II
Mix proportion Grade _ M30
Type of cement used _ OPC 53 grade conforming to IS 12269-1987
Cement = 364.23kg/m3
Water = 142.05 litres
Fine aggregate = 748.15 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1332 kg/m3
Chemical admixture = 1.82 kg/m3
Water-cement ratio = 0.39
Ratio of cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate is 1:2.05:3.66
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Following test procedures are conducted in this paver block experiment.
Compressive strength test
Flexural strength test
Water absorption test
Fig.7. Loading test specimen for compressive strength test on UTM
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
a = the distance between the line of fracture and the nearer support, measured on the center line of the
tensile side of the specimen
b = width of specimen (cm)
d = failure point depth (cm)
l = supported length (cm)
p = max. Load (kg)
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Sffa15 S+15% cement replacement with fly ash +0.4% glass fibers
Sffa30 S+30 % cement replacement with fly ash + 0.4% glass fibers
Sffa45 S+45 % cement replacement with fly ash + 0.4% glass fibers
Sffa60 S+60% cement replacement with fly ash + 0.4% glass fibers
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Compression strength at 7
20 days
10 Compression strength at 28
S Sf 0.2 Sf 0.4 Sf 0.6 Sf 0.8
Fig.10shows the variation of compressive strength at the age of 7 & 28 days for normal, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%
glass fiber addition. There is an increase of 19.72% in compressive strength at 0.4% glass fiberaddition compared to
normal paver block at 7 days.There is an increase of 7.5% in compressive strength at 0.4% glass fiberaddition
compared to normal paver block at 28 days. Optimum content of glass fibers occurs at 0.4% by weight of cement.
5 4.46
Fig.11shows the variation of Flexural strength at the age of 7 & 28 days for normal, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%
glass fiber addition. There is an increase of 35.77% in Flexural strength at 0.4% glass fiberaddition compared to normal
paver block at 7 days.There is an increase of 25.28% in Flexural strength at 0.4% glass fiberaddition compared to
normal paver block at 28 days. Optimum content of glass fibers occurs at 0.4% by weight of cement.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
4 3.24
3.12 2.96
2.96 2.8
2.74 2.64
3 2.59
2.4 2.56
Fig.12shows the variation of Water absorption at the age of 7 & 28 days for normal, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%
glass fiberaddition..There is an increase of 16.67% in Water absorption at 0.4% glass fiberaddition compared to normal
paver blockat 7 days.There is an increase of 20.46% in Water absorption at 0.4% glass fiberaddition compared to
normal paver block at 28 days. Optimum content of glass fibers occurs at 0.4% by weight of cement.
38.86 39.44
40 35.66 36.18 37.64 36.98 36.82
29.06 28.62 28.38
30 26.38 27.32 Compressive Strength at 7
days (N/mm2)
Compressive Strength at
10 28 days (N/mm2)
0 Compressive Strength at
S Sffa 15 Sffa 30 Sffa 45 Sffa 60 56 days (N/mm2)
Fig.13 shows the variation of compressive strength at the age of 7, 28 & 56 days for normal, 15%, 30%, 45%, and
60% cement replacement with fly ash along with optimum fiberaddition i.e. 0.4%. There is an increase of 10.16% in
compressive strength at 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 7 days.There is an
increase of 5.55% in compressive strength 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 28
days.There is an increase of 11.09% in compressive strength 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal
paver block at 56 days. The optimum combination of glass fiber and flyash at 0.4% and 30% by weight of cement.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
3.74 3.52 3.86 3.82
4 3.5 3.62 3.58
2.98 2.84
3 2.56 2.68 2.72 Flexural Strength at 7 days
Flexural Strength at 28
1 days
Flexural Strength at 56
S Sffa 15 Sffa 30 Sffa 45 Sffa 60
Fig.14 shows the variation of compressive strength at the age of 7, 28 & 56 days for normal, 15%, 30%, 45%, and
60% cement replacement with fly ash along with optimum fiberaddition i.e. 0.4%. There is an increase of 16.40% in
flexural strength at 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 7 days.There is an increase
of 17.14% in flexural strength 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 28 days.There is
an increase of 15.50% in flexural strength 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 56
days.The optimum combination of glass fiber and flyash at 0.4% and 30% by weight of cement.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Fig.15 shows the variation of water absorption at the age of 7, 28 & 56 days for normal, 15%, 30%, 45%, and
60% cement replacement with fly ash along with optimum fiberaddition i.e. 0.4%. There is an increase of 16.25% in
water absorption at 30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 7 days.There is an increase
of 15.06% in water absorption30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 28 days.There is
an increase of 8.99% in water absorption30% of fly ash replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 56
days.The optimum combination of glass fiber and flyash at 0.4% and 30% by weight of cement.
50 44.76 42.92
41.07 42.03 41.29
37.68 38.56 40.06 39.38 37.88
26.87 27.86 27.32 26.94 Compressive Strength at
30 26.19
7 days (N/mm2)
Compressive Strength at
28 days (N/mm2)
Compressive Strength at
S Sfg 15 Sfg 30 Sfg 45 Sfg 60 56 days (N/mm2)
Fig.16 shows the variation of compressive strength at the age of 7, 28 & 56 days for normal, 15%, 30%, 45%, and
60% cement replacement with GGBS along with optimum fiberaddition i.e. 0.4%. There is an increase of 6.37% in
compressive strength at 30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 7 days.There is an
increase of 6.31% in compressive strength 30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 28
days.There is an increase of 11.50% in compressive strength 30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal
paver block at 56 days.The optimum combination of glass fiber and GGBS at 0.4% and 30% by weight of cement.
5 4.22
3.81 4.07 3.99 3.76
3.63 3.71
3.58 3.82
2.66 2.69 2.98 2.75 Flexural Strength at 7 days
3 2.64
Flexural Strength at 28
1 days (N/mm2)
Flexural Strength at 56
S Sfg 15 Sfg 30 Sfg 45 Sfg 60 days (N/mm2)
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
Fig.17 shows the variation of compressive strength at the age of 7, 28 & 56 days for normal, 15%, 30%, 45%, and
60% cement replacement with GGBS along with optimum fiberaddition i.e. 0.4%. There is an increase of 12.03% in
flexural strength at 30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 7 days.There is an increase
of 13.69% in flexural strength 30% GGBS of replaced by cementcompared to normal paver block at 28 days.There is
an increase of 16.25% in flexural strength 30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 56
days.The optimum combination of glass fiber and GGBS at 0.4% and 30% by weight of cement.
2.9 2.822.84
2.78 2.78 2.762.8
2.8 2.74
2.7 2.69 2.68
2.7 2.59 2.62
2.6 Water Absorption test on 7
2.5 2.4 days
2.4 Water Absorption test on
2.3 28 days
2.1 Water Absorption test on
56 days
S Sfg 15 Sfg 30 Sfg 45 Sfg 60
Fig.18 shows the variation of water absorption at the age of 7, 28 & 56 days for normal, 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60%
cement replacement with GGBS along with optimum fiberaddition i.e. 0.4%. There is an increase of 17.50% in water
absorption at 30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 7 days.There is an increase of
7.30% in water absorption30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 28 days.There is an
increase of 2.16% in water absorption30% of GGBS replaced by cement compared to normal paver block at 56
days.The optimum combination of glass fiber and GGBS at 0.4% and 30% by weight of cement.
Cost Evaluation
Cost details of materials used
S.No Materials Cost (Rs/Kg)
1 Cement 7.60
2 Sand 0.80
3 Quarry dust 0.40
4 Coarse aggregate 1.20
5 Dolomite powder 1.40
6 Sikament FF 82
7 Glass fibre 150
8 GGBS 1.5
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
1 S 9.82 5115
2 Sf0.2 10.03 5224
3 Sf0.4 10.24 5334
4 Sf0.6 10.44 5442
5 Sf0.8 10.65 5551
6 Sffa15 9.59 4995
7 Sffa30 8.94 4656
8 Sffa45 8.29 4318
9 Sffa60 7.64 3979
10 Sfg15 9.60 5000
11 Sfg30 8.96 4667
12 Sfg45 8.32 4334
13 Sfg60 7.68 4001
Table indicates that the cost of paver block increases with increase in glass fiber content. On replacement of cement
with GGBS and fly ash mix the decrease in cost can be observed. There was an increase of 4.27% in cost at 0.4%
addition of fibres. On replacement of cement with 30% fly ash along with addition of 0.4% fiber it is observed that
there is decrease in cost by 9.80% compared to conventional paver block.On replacement of cement with 30% GGBS
along with addition of 0.4% fiber it is observed that there is decrease in cost by 9.64% compared to conventional paver
1. By the addition of glass fiber and optimum content of fiber of 0.4% by weight of cement the compressive strength
and flexural strength of paver blocks increases.
2. There was an increase of 7.95% in compressive strength and 25.28% increase in flexural strength compared to
conventional paver block at 28 dayson addition of 0.4% glass fibers.
3. There was an increase of 11.09% in compressive strength, 15.50% increase in flexural strength and 8.99% increase
in water absorption compared to conventional paver block at 56 dayson addition of 0.4% glass fiberson 30%
replacement of cement with fly ash.
4. There was an increase of 11.50% in compressive strength, 16.25% increase in flexural strength and 2.16% increase
in water absorption compared to conventional paver block at 56 dayson addition of 0.4% glass fiberson 30%
replacement of cement with GGBS.
5. On replacement of cement with 30% fly ash and 30% GGBS mix along with addition of 0.4% fibre it was observed
that there was decrease in cost by 9.80% and 9.64% for each unit compared to conventional paver block.
6. Combined effect of GGBS and fly ash and glass fibres resulted in enhancement of strength properties with
simultaneous decrease in cost, making the paver block economical.
7. In this study by using of combination of fibers and mineral admixtures in paver blocks makes increase in properties
and decrease in cost and makes eco-friendly.
1. Tests can be continuing by mixing different proportions for strength optimization.
2. Only limited objectives analysed in a practical way to get comparison.
3. This project may extended to some more biopolymer mix for strengthening the paver blocks.
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Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
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