Fiber Optics Solution

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f CUE ROPER DRESS TN SIVAS MISO CLANTVNVCNUROLE CHAPTER 1 FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS = 10 logyo PP) Fractional Power (P2/P1) 1 08 05 0.25 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 10 logyo (Pa/P 1) = logyo (P2/P) Bi = 19 w «, Py x10? =o.001 x 10°"? 2mw Bio _ 11/10 110 2x10°x 101!" = 0.159 mW a E 1078= 10x10" (010 9 Py 19" 10x 109 x1 10x 10x 10° = 10° x 1 1s 16 18 19 From the text, we find that RG-19/U weighs 1110 kg/km, L mile of cable x 1110 kg/km x 1.609 km/mile x 2.2 Ibs/kg = 3929 Ibs. From the text, we find that RG-19/U has an attenuation of 22.6 dB/km at 100 MHz. Using RG-19/U, the allowed loss is: ‘ PL oe Loss = 10 logio pt = 10 logio 0 = 40 eB ‘Maximum coaxial cable length = 40/22.6 = 1.8km ‘Using a fiber with loss, the maximum length of fiber is: Length = 40/5 = 8 km 44.7 x 108 bps x I message/64,000 bps = 698 messages With manually operated blinker lights, I would guess about 2 or 3 bps. ‘Conducting Cable ‘900 (pairs/cable) x 24 (messages/pair) = 21,600 messages Fiber 14 (fibers/cable) x 672 (messages /fiber) = 96,768 messages 96,768 (iber cable)/21,600 (copper cable) = 4.48, ‘About 4.5 copper cables are needed to carry the same amount information as the single fiber cable, At the DS-4 ate, each fiber carries 4032 messages. The comparative message rates are then: 144 x 4032/21600 = 26.88 or about a factor of 27. Wavelength (my | Region of EM Azelf=3x 10% Spectrum 3x 107 Power 5x 106 Power 3x08 Radio 1.5.x 104 Radio 3x 102 Radio 03 Radio 0.03 Microwave 3x 106 Infrared range from 0.4 um to 0.7 um, jum, f= © = 35108 mis 7.5 1014 He 2 04x 10m f= 310° ms 43x 10! Hz me 07x 106m (7.5-4.3)x 10'4=3.2x 104 Hz (6.625 x 10°43 s)(3.x 108 mis) a um) Wi) 0.6 3.3.x 1019 0.82 24x 1019 13 15x 1019 AA visible photon has more energy than an infrared photon. 1-14 P=Wit=hfN = hNe/A, where P= 6625x1010" x3x10* /0.8x10* i= number of photons/sec 5x10? W 5x 109 W (0.65 A/W)= 160A 1s N= Fa a (1x10? W(13 x 105m) _ 65 10° photoatsecond (6.625 x 10345. $)(3 x 108 mis} 116 Carvier_| Bit Rate (bps) HORE 102 For the A= 1 jim carrier =¢ 3x10 ms 1 Miz 108 TS aninG aa 100 MHz 106 =3x 104 Hz 10GHz 108 Ipm | 3x 1012 =10%5 AVIVA IN Ame snag VUTV UU MODULATION t Bes MODULATED CARRIER AAANA : ver Ay mE MODULATION t MODULATED CARRIER, t 2108 m/s 2.83 x 10!4 Hz, BW =0.01f = 2.83 x 10! Hz x 10m 44000 Hiz for one voice channel. ‘Then # Hz x 1 channel/4000 Hz = 7 x 10° channels solution. there are 10 billion (10!) homes each having one 4000 Hz channel, then 8) x 4000 (Hz/home) = 4 x 10!3 Hz is the required bandwidth. Using beam of frequency “The bandwidth 13.3% of the carrier frequency, This might be possible. 10° messages © Zilia 4 |= 64 x 10" bps ‘A single optical carrier at f = 3 x 10"* Hz could not be tumed on and off, fast. P= 100 nW = 100x 109 W. Let N= number of photons WENM=Pt Nht=Pmht= (Phe) A 4 1070.8 x 107) = 4 x 10" photons/second 6.63 x 10(3 x 108) At 1550 nm. Nit=4 x 10! (1.55/.8) =7.8 x 10!! photons/second “The longer wavelength requires more photons because the energy Pet photon is smaller atthe longer wavelength, Pp =-34dBm Pr= Transmitted power in dBm L=-31 4B, system losses Pr=Pr+L. -34=Pr-31 Pr=-34 + 31=-3dBm Pr=0.5 mW x 10°) = 45 x 10° errors/s then x 10%) = 2.7 errors/minutes =2.3x 10° bps ‘of the 144 fibers is 312 10!" bps bps per voice message, yields 5175 x 107 = 5.175 x 10° messages = 5.175 million messages P,=4dBm =42dBm = 10 log P,(mW) sW = 10° W = 10 log P,(mW) aW= 10° W ‘watts (approximately) 15 +10=35 dB x 10/155 x 10%= 1.93548 x 10! ‘of one percent is data rate of: $548 x 10°) = 1.9354 x 10” bps = 19.4 Gbps =20 Mbps for each HDTV channet 9677 x 10° = 967 video channels OC-768 rate is 39,813.12 Mb/s Number of voice channels is Ni —~ N=G39,813.12 x 10°Y(64 x 10°) = 622,080 "The actual mnmber is less than this to accommodate overhead such as signaling, and synchronization. Photon energy W,, W, =hf = he/A = 6.626 x 10 x3 x 10% W, = 19.878 x 10°72 Joules IneV W, = 19.878 x 1074(1.6 x 10 2) = 1.2423 x 10% Ifthe wavelength is in am, the photon energy in eV becomes: W, = 1242.3 /A Wavelength Frequency, Energy T53Sx 10" Az | O80ZeV T93Sx 10" KHz | 1282x107 T T9535 x 10" MHZ T935x 10" GHz T9335 THz CHAPTER 2 OPTICS REVIEW (do/di)"?, and tan o.= a. for small angles, then yi! Yo= VM. ‘Since M = ( 5 using the approximate formula. -y; = 8.32" using the exact expression oF 7 2.2 NA=n, sin@=sin® Cheeni cles! 1 2 a 4 ait dy (mm) infinity 100 60. 30 261 20 u 2.5 f=20mm,D=10mm,2= 0.8 pm, d= 2.44 26/0 = 3.9 pm 26 w= Imm, 2=0.6 nm, f= 20 nun Focused spot size = We = Mf / nw = 6.09 um 2.7 vse? wat mm r(mm) |__Vi, 0 Lo 10h Mo 02 0.923 04 0.726 fos} 06 0.486 08 0278 Ee dee Te 20 ae 10 0.135 15 oon 2.8 £08 pm, w= 1 mm, Zmp9oq = 3.8 x 108 m Divergence Angle = 8 = 2h/mw = 5.09 x 10% Spot size on the moon = Wo,moon ™ 8 Zmoon! 2 = 96.7 km In miles, Wo moon = 96.7 km x (1 mi,/1,609 km) = 60 miles If R=1km, wo = OR = 0.000509 x 10" 9.255 m 27 8B ~ 200050910" - 9.255 IfR=10km, wo = OR = 0.000500 x 10" = 9.55 m =D 2 2.55 2 3x 107 seconds path is approximately 236 seconds = 236 ms satellite delay is about half a second. This is noticeable. The then sin 0, > sin ®, and then we must have nj > ny, 13 2-11 sin 0,=(ny/na) sin 8; = (1.46/1.48) sin 0, = 0.986485 sin 8, 1 m 8 0 5 30 45 60, 75 90. 90. TRANSMITTED ANGLE 0 ma ‘0 » 306090) INCIDENT ANGLE 2-12 sin 6,=(ny/ns) sin 8; = (1.48/1.46) sin 6, = 1.01369 sin 8, ™ m & TRANSMITTED ANGLE o 3 6 9% INCIDENT ANGLE AzAln Fused silica: n = 1.46 ilieon: n= 3.5 i wavelengths in nm in the following table: 7 (Silica) i Silicon) 348 229 890 a7 1062 a3 wavelength shortens when an optical beam enters a material from free The frequency remains the same. The photon energy (hf) remains the ie. a refractive index of 1.5. The wave velocity is; ee 3x10" 2x108 m/s ‘The distance traveled in one second (and, thus, the fiber length is: d=yt=2x10°x1=2x10° m CHAPTER 3 LIGHTWAVE FUNDAMENTALS )=(/L)p- (W/L), =-M AR, AL= 2g - Aya? 4 positive (2. < 1.3 pm), the longer wavelength travels faster. A(t/L) <0 negative (4.> 1.3 um), the shorter wavelength travels faster. A(¥/L) > 0 5 um, A? = 30 nm, M =90 psinm x km M AX =- 30x 90=- 2700 psikm Rpzx L=O0.35/A(c/L) .35/A(t/L), Electrical. Rypz* L= 0.7/A(0/L) g5 um: (1) AX = 30-nm, A(e/L) = 2.7 ns/km (2) Ad =2 nm, ACL) = 0.18 ns/km 55pm: (1) AA =30nm, A(/L) = 0.6 ns/km (2) Ad =2 nm, AGL) = 0.04 ns/km Fap(on0 Tap(elesn OHH Braz O05) a_| on (Mita) yz (MIS) ep [con [Tem [Woke | 6m [tam [Token | Ton Tien [Yoko oss | 30 [reso [iss [ass [1300 | 130 | 13 [2600 | 260 26 oss | 2 |27re0 |277 |2778 Jaa | 194] 194 [38880 | 3888 399 rss | 30 Jass0 [509 seo | sex | sax |ateso | 1166 a7 1750 1.55 | 2 | 125000) 125000 | 12500 87500 | 8750 87s 175000 | 17500 dy 82x 106 Klass Aglass= glace = 0.82/1.5 = 0.55 um 3-6 seabees rg R = ky n= (7.66 x 10°) (1.5) = 1-15 x 107 rad/m 82 pm When AA = 20 nm, Af/ £= 20/820 = 0.024, or 2.4% Af=8.78x 101? Hz, When Ad =] nm, Af/ £= 1/820 = 0.0012, or 0.12% Af=4.39x 10!" Hz Se Ra trea 6748 10 logy 0.68 .67 dB Transmission loss AlGaAs Air nj=36 ny=1 — 32% 68% y= 1.48, n= 1.46 = 108 0)-Vnf nf sin? p= 19)2 , perpendicular nj cos 0; + Vn} - nf sin? 0; =m cos 0; +n) Vinh -njsit? Oy Pale eaten + Rp=lpd?. 1n§ cos 6; +m Vn} - nf sin® 8, = tan’? (ny/ny) = 44.61", 8, = sin’! (ng/ny) = 80.57" aD 30, 40 50 Incident Angle, 9;, (eg) & We tan Op = n/m p= 0 in Eq. (3-29). Solve for = Gp 05 0; + ny Vn} - nj sin? 0, = 0 cos 6) =n; Ving - nf sin? 6 cos? 8; = nf (n} - n? sin? 6) cos? 0, + nf sin? 8; = nf nf 19 nf (1 - sin? 0) + nf sin? 8; = nf nj sin? 0; (nf = nf) =n} 0} - nf (a =n) (nf +3) sin? 0, =n} (nf -n§) sin6;=—2— ‘Thus, 0; is as shown in the triangle, so that tan 8, = n7/ or tan Og =np/ny 3-10 = ke (nf sin® 0-13)! jor! B2 = sin! LAG. = 0.57 Osi am sin 48 80.57P kg 2h = 2 = 7.66 x 108 * 82x 10% [9 Gee) Ya (my = os 2 4 lesa & 0 1 1 1 1 1 s2 |osxio) 1 67 4s | 20 | 04 4 | 14x10®] 1 56 31 10 | 01 g6 | i7x108) 1 30 06 | .004 ag | 1gx10} 1 48 05 | .003 90_[igxi0®| 1 4. 05 _|_.002 4= 10 log [exp (-0.693 (ff gn)")) Bap = 0.58 Pp= Py +P2=Poy + Pop +Pjy C05 (0 mat +9 1) +P22 €08 (0 mt * 4 2) £442 c0s (Ont 4 1+ AG/ 2) c0s (45/2) 41 and we used the identity | Let Lp= 1 dB, solve for £3.48 eos A +c08B=2005(4$2) cas (45%) | 4-0 y | Pr=4+20c05 (0 mitt 61) io a | c < + Py = Pp = 2 + cos (amt + 01) : Pr=P) 4 4410 ty 42x 10%, sec Q) B) (4) Pp24+2.c08 (opt $4 + 402) cos (86/2) P) =2 +608 (Ont $1) 6 Py = 2+ C08 (Wat + 9+ 2/2) 4 Py = 44008 (im! + $1) 2 F +005 (Opt + 61 + 2/2) Cy ga? Py =2 +08 (Ont $1) ai Pp=2-+ 008 (Ont +41 +7) 4 Pp =4 Ab | 2c0s(Ao/2) | Pac P-P 0 2 4 ms 1.85 37 9 Ow2 x” Ab nid 1414 28 3a om 1.58 x 0 0 313 n= 148 ny = 1.465 2=13x10% um (@) From Eq. 3-29 p=zLd6s2cos 85+ s (146s? 148? sin? 8S 1.465? cos 85 + 1.48 V1.4652 - 1.48? sin? 85 a 2 20.187 +} 0.2456 _ 0.309 1273. _ gna 0.187 +] 0.2456 03096527 a my (b) The attenuation factor is given by Eq. (3-35): = ky Vn} sin? 0; -03 = —22— V1.48? sin? 85 - 1.465? 13x 106 802 radian /um The decay is given by: e7=01 az=In 10 z= 2.3/0,802 = 2.87 jm. The proof is outlined using Eq, (3-8) in the text. E = E,e™sin (ot- kz) The intensity is: T=} 62 sin? (ot -ke) Dividing the average intensity at 2 = L by the average intensity at 2 = 0 yields the fractional loss: ya 35 3.16 3.17 Loss = e-2tlje0 = ¢2al Converting to dB: ‘Loss (dB) = 10 log e! = -20 a L log e = -8.685 aL. If qcis in units of km”), then L must be in km, and Loss (4B)/ L(km) =~ 8.685 or dBykm = -8.685 ‘The power is reduced by the factor euse Leta=2x 105 em", L=1 km =10? m= 10% em 22x10) 005) < ¢-4 = 0.0183 fractional loss 4B = 10 log 0.0183 = -17.4 4B Alternatively using the conversion between dB/km and a. dBrkm = -8.658 2x 10% emt =2ed05, 105om 2x 10% cm oa oo dB =- 8.085 x2 =-17.4dB Using, dBrkm = - 8.685 a 0.2 = - 8.685 = 0.023 km Using Eq. (3-17), 6 10 tog fe": 3 (2/f.ap)?} 24 -0,6= log e°2772!3 dB qosn-e-2 72/9 an 4= 2772/03 ap 2.77213 . gg=In4 = 1.386 £3. qp= 1.414 GHz Optical 3-4B bandwidth From Eq. (3- 18) gp (electrical) = 0.71 (optical) f3.qp (electrical) = 0.71 x 1.414 =1 GHz M.(,, 2] Balla M, = -0.095 ps/(nm? x km) = 1300 nm 2.= 1290 nm = 20.095 {1999 1300") ae 4 | mal 0987 mx kn) M, =- 0.095 —PS__ x —Ls— (Lom )?_Lkm nm2xkm 10! ps {10-°m! 103m G@) My=-0.095 x10? sim? {b) M,=-0.095 x 10° nsi(nm? x km) ‘A(e/L) = [MAA|=3 psskm 25 Ak=2nm Thus, M=1.5 ps/nm x km Assume a3 13008-6327 =0 Solve by iteration a a3 - 13004-6322 1320 | 3.00% 10!2-2.856 x 10"? -0.144x 101? = 0.03 x 101? 1315 _|2.99 x 1012 -2.856x 10!2- 0.143 x 10!2 = 0,009 x 101? dee = 1315 - 1300= 15 nm Plot M vs. A from 1275 to 1325 nm to graphically solve this problem. Extra for this problem: At: 1310nm_ M=0.095 (1310 aa’) = 093 psiam x km At: 1315 nm M=2095 (1315 -18008) = 14 psfam x km & 13159 T=20 ps, soliton pulse width (@) The maximum rate is: =— 1, = 005 x 10! = 50 Gbps T 20x10? (b) The system losses will limit the length of fiber that can be used. (Me/4)[. = 20470] The slope is the value of dM/dh, evaluated at ho. AMid2, = (Mo/4)[1 = 2o(-3/04)] Evaluating at 2= Ao yields (@Wiah) = Mo 4B, the loss is: 10 log Pou/Pin = 10 log 10°"? = 10 (yL/10) log 10 = yL, yin dB/kam and L in km. spare this with the alternative loss calculation = 10 loge?" 8.685«. (GB) = 10 log e785 = 10 log 7°" = 10(0.23yL) loge 5 = 2.3yL(0.434) = YL the two results are identical n= 1009 -0.5 dB/km a 3-25 L=0.2 dB/km, 3.27 L(km) | PouPin | Efficiency (%) 1 089 __| 89 10 0.316 | 31.6 100 | 10% __| 0.001 Use Beer's Law = 1350 nm PowPin = 10%" y=-0.2 dB/km Lim) | Pou/Pia | Efficiency (9%) 1 0.955_| 95.5 10 _|o.631_| 63.1 100 jo.o1_|t = 1.55 pm, Ak =2 nm M=-3 ps!( A(t/L) =-MAX =3 x 2= 6 ps/km This is much less than calculated in problem 3-2, as the dispersion M is much less at the longer wavelength. For RZ coding: 0.35 Cae = 58.3x10" kmxb/s x Rx L=58.3 Gb/s For NRZ coding: 28 O7ae 0.7 AGI x10 =116.7x10" kmxb/s RxL=116.7 Ghis Sra loptical) = =e ~ ae = 83.3 GHzxkm Sus (Clectrical) = seb" 58.3 GHzx kn 100m Vk 10km 583 Gb/s 58.3 Gbis 5.83 Gb/s 1167 Gb/s 116 Gb/s 11.6 Gb/s ical) 833 GHz 83.3 GHz 8.33 GHz 583 GHz 58.3 GHz 5.83 GHz

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