Design and Implementation of First in First Out Memory
Design and Implementation of First in First Out Memory
Design and Implementation of First in First Out Memory
A Thesis
submitted towards the partial fulfillment of requirements
for the award of the degree of
Master of Technology
(VLSI Design & CAD)
Submitted by
Registration No - 6040406
June, 2006
This is to certify that the thesis titled, “Design and Implementation of First in First Out
Memory”: is an authentic record of my own work carried out as requirements for the
award of degree of Master of Technology in VLSI Design & CAD at Thapar Institute of
Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Patiala (Punjab), under the guidance of
Mr. Sanjay Sharma, Assistant Professor (TIET, Patiala), during July, 2005 to June,
Dhiraj Punj
Date: ___________________
Roll No. - 6040406
Sanjay Sharma
Assistant Professor,
ECE Department,
Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech.
Patiala (Punjab), India.
Countersigned By:-
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the
successful completion of this thesis. First of all, I would like to thank Mr Sanjay Sharma,
my guide, for providing extensive support and encouragement throughout this work.
I would like to thank my parents and to all my family members and friends for their
constant prayers and moral support throughout my life. I deeply thank my mother for her
efforts to make me successful.
I also thank my friends Harcharan Singh and Tejinder Singh for their help in my work
and all my other friends, for their help and encouragement at times I needed them. I also
thank all my friends at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology who helped me
indirectly in my work.
Last of all I thank GOD for keeping me in good health and spirits throughout my
stay at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.
FIFO is also extensively used in iterative computations in digital signal processing like
the FFT, on an input data record. A FIFO is also used for storing resampled digital
samples for readout at a clock rate which follows the time-averaged horizontal frequency
of the received digitized television signal. A color television signal, digitized by a
sampling clock asynchronous with respect to the television signal's horizontal
synchronizing pulses, is applied to a dynamically programmable digital filter which
upsamples or downsamples the received digitized television signal over short time
periods in response to time-base disturbances in the signal. The user may also select a
higher or lower long-term clock frequency.
FIFOs also find use in packet switching techniques. Because of the unscheduled nature of
arrivals to a packet switch, two or more packets may arrive on different inputs destined
for the same output. The switch architecture may allow one of these packets to pass
through to the output, but the others must be queued for later transmission. the most
common use of FIFOs is in the interfacing of two clock domains operating at different
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Organization of Thesis 2
3.1 Introduction 14
3.2 Free-Running Read and Write Clocks 15
3.3 16 x 16 FIFO with Common Clock 15
3.4 16 x 16 FIFO with Independent Clocks 21
3.5 32 x 8 FIFO 23
3.6 64 x 8 FIFO 24
3.7 An Another Approach 29
3.7.1 Controller block 29 Implementation 30
3.7.2 Dual port memory 31 Implementation 32
3.7.3 The flags block 32 Implementation 33
4.1 Introduction 35
4.2 Implementing a Counter In a Memory 37
4.3 Conclusion 40
5.1 Introduction 41
5.2 Synchronous Design (using Common clocks) 41
5.3 Changes required for Independent Clocks 44
List of figures
1.1 Introduction
The need for large data transfer from/to mass storage in multiprocessing and data
communication fields has become more critical in recent years. Data transfer speed is
becoming a bottleneck in these systems and the necessity for large data buffers is widely
recognized. Mainframe systems have started to implement expanded storage or
semiconductor disks within the system to improve its speed performance. Since the
system simplicity is an essential factor in the expanded storage, FIFO memory is believed
to be one of the best configurations. Simple controllability also makes FIFO memory
most suitable for consumer products. The FIFO concept, for example, can be well
adapted to the field/frame memory in TV/VCR or other video display systems. With the
progress of digital video processing technology, these memories are now widely in
demand. TV/VCRs with high picture quality or other features have been produced by
employing FIFO technologies.
FIFOs also find good use in packet switching techniques. In packet FIFO, messages
arrive asynchronously from a number of sources. Each message is divided, as it comes in,
into packets of some maximum length. The packets are collected in a single FIFO queue
from which they are transmitted over the trunk. Because of the unscheduled nature of
arrivals to a packet switch, two or more packets may arrive on different inputs destined
for the same output. The switch architecture may allow one of these packets to pass
through to the output, but the others must be queued for later transmission. We study the
performance of four different approaches
1.2 Motivation
Many networking/computing applications require high speed switching for multicast
traffic at the switch/router level to save network bandwidth. However, existing queuing-
based packet switches and scheduling algorithms cannot perform well under multicast
traffic. While the speedup requirement makes the output queued switch difficult to scale,
the single input queued switch suffers from head of line (HOL) blocking, which severely
limits the network throughput. The various multicast scheduling algorithms use FIFO
Chapter 3 discusses asynchronous and synchronous FIFO styles. This chapter also
discusses the read and write counters used.
A First-In, First-Out (FIFO) memory is a read/write device that automatically keeps track
of the order in which data is entered into the memory and reads the data out in the same
order. The memory functions like a parallel-in parallel-out register whose length is
always exactly equal to the number of words stored.
The most common application of a FIFO is as a buffer memory between two digital
devices operating at different speeds. Even when two devices operate at the same data
rate, it is not always possible for both to be operated synchronously. The FIFO provides
the necessary data buffering to achieve synchronization, which is a requirement for many
signal processing systems. It has been shown that a FIFO memory can be used for data
shuffling during the computation of Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) and a FIFO can be
utilized in array processor structures.
A problem associated with the use of FIFO memory is data latency, that is, the time for
the data to ripple through the FIFO’s stages. If the FIFO is interfaced with a processor,
the processor’s throughput can be lowered if the FIFO’s data latency is higher than the
data processing time. There are two cases where this situation can develop. The first is
when the processor performs an operation and requests new input data faster than the
time it takes for the data to ripple through one FIFO stage. The second and more common
event, is when the processor performs iterative computations (i.e., FFT) on an input data
record of N samples provided by a FIFO with R stages, where R > N.
The first case can only be accommodated by designing the FIFO with a data ripple rate
faster than the computational rate of the processor. A solution to the problem imposed by
the second case is offered here by designing a FIFO with programmable length. There are
two implications due to this capability. First, the same memory can be used for signal
processing applications with different input requirements without experiencing data
latency; and second, if only part of the memory length is utilized, the power consumption
is lower because the unused portion is not clocked and, therefore, does not dissipate
dynamic power.
A very important aspect of the FIFO architecture is the design for testability scheme used
to ease the functional testing burden at minimal cost, and at the same time used to give
some self-testing capability to the FIFO. The signals generated during self-testing are
available output signals and they can be used to achieve fault tolerance at the system
The logic design of the FIFO is shown in Figure. 2.1. All the signal terms used in the
discussion concerning the FIFO design are illustrated in this figure. The C, (i = 1; . . ,128)
signals are provided by the decoder which is driven by the address specifying the
desirable FIFO length for a given application. The decoder also drives the “bit-set” circuit
that provides the S, signals which only enable the operation of the FIFO control within
the selected FIFO length[1]. Figure.2.2 illustrates the generation of these signals.
The length of the FIFO is selected before data is stored in the FIFO. Data words are
stored in 128 eight-bit registers connected so the output of one feeds the input of the next.
The operation of the FIFO is performed by clocking each register independently so
that data can be selectively shifted through the registers. Each register shifts
independently based on the output of the cross- coupled NOR gates associated with each
register which determine whether or not that register contains valid data (Figure. 2.1).
Initially the FIFO is reset and there is no data stored in it. The FULL(j) (j = l,..., 128) bits
are all reset to “0”. When the LOADEN signal becomes “l”, an S-bit data word can be
entered into the first register and the FULL-O bit is set to “l”, indicating that valid data is
present in the first register. The FULL-l bit of the second register is “0” and this causes it
to continually monitor the FULL-O bit of the first register looking for a “1”. When the
is stored in the first register the control sees the “1” and generates a SHIFT-l pulse which
shifts the data from the first register into the second, sets the FULL-l bit to “1” and resets
the FULL-O bit. The same process is repeated until the data arrives at the 128th register.
At this point only FULL-128 (OUTPUT READY) is set to “l", the others having all been
reset as the data was shifted into the next register.As soon as the data moves from the first
register to the second, the FULL-O bit is reset ‘to “0”. A new data word can now be
shifted into the first register. The new data shifts through the registers as long as their
FULL bits are “0”. Eventually the data reaches the
D1 D8
8 – TO – 128
C1 C128
register immediately preceding the one containing the data, stores itself in that register
since no further shifting is possible , and the process is repeated until all data words are
entered. When the unload line on the output goes “HIGH” it cause full 128 bit to reset
indicating that the 28th register is empty. The next to the last register is shifted into the
last register and the “0” on the FULL-128 line (OUTPUT READY) moves back toward
the FULL-O as the data words move down one register. This process can continue until
all data has been shifted out of the FIFO. When the last word has been read, the FULL-
128 (OUTPUT READY) bit remains “0” indicating that there is no data available at
the output.
This scheme allows the reading and writing of data to occur completely independently.
Data can be written into the FIFO as rapidly as one write per two cycles, after the
LOADEN line goes “high”. The amount of time required for the first data word to ripple
through the registers has been defined as data latency. The data latency can be computed
by multiplying the clock period by the shift register stages. Since the length of the FIFO
is programmable, the data latency is minimized for applications needing less than 128
input data samples. In addition to the control signals required for the FIFO’s operation,
CASCADE signals are also provided as outputs along with the +2 phase of the clock,
thus making the synchronization and interfacing of multiple FIFO chips simple, therefore
allowing the configuration of FIFO memories of any size. FIFO chips can be cascaded to
obtain memories longer than 128 stages. In the case of two chips, FIFO-l can be
programmed to any length, while FIFO-2 is programmed to its maximum length. The
CASCADE output of FIFO-l and the INPUT READY output of FIFO-2 are not used.
Multiple clock domain interfacing
without alteration of the local clock.
2.3.1 Introduction
Many of the methods used to interface clock domains within an integrated circuit use an
asynchronous wrapper around synchronous blocks which alters the local clock of the
synchronous logic[2]. The purposes of this local clock control are to avoid metastability
at the asynchronous-synchronous interface and to provide flow control. A potential
problem with this approach is that altering the local clock may cause problems with
synchronous logic blocks that employ dynamic logic. It is increasingly desirable to reuse
intellectual property (IP) without modification in the design of large integrated circuits in
order to reduce time-to-market and reduce design costs. Altering the local clock is at
odds with this goal.
The probability of synchronization failure could be made negligibly small using a string
of flip-flops tied to the receiving synchronous block’s local clock, but at the cost of high
latency[3]. Synchronizing flip-flops will be avoided in the design presented here by
altering the speed of data flow through the asynchronous interface instead. It is assumed
here that flow control is accomplished already by the synchronous logic block, as would
be the case if the clock domain boundary was at a multi-master bus interface. To achieve
low latency, a modified asynchronous first-in first-out (FIFO) circuit of can be used [4].
One variety of this FIFO can be stopped and restarted without introducing metastability.
In Figure. 2.3 a synchronous block of logic in one clock domain (sclk) on the left is
sending data to a synchronous block of logic in another clock domain (rclk) on the right.
Both synchronous logic blocks are assumed to capture data on the rising edge of the local
clock, but with the addition of an inverter either block could be negative-edge triggered.
Fig 2.3 Asynchronous FIFO passing Data between Two
Synchronous Clock Domains
The data path (D) is of arbitrary width in this bundled data system. For wide data paths,
care needs to be taken that all of the data bits can forward through the last FIFO stage in
the amount of time available during the low portion of the receiving local clock. The
interface is shown with three stages of asynchronous FIFO, but the middle stage can be
replicated as many times as necessary to lengthen this FIFO.
The local clocks are fed to the first and last FIFO stages in order to avoid metastability.
The empty/full FIFO states at the FIFO ends (SF and SL) are only allowed to change
during the time that the attached clock is high. The setup time for the synchronous
storage elements with inputs SF and SL comes just before the rising edge of their
respective clocks, so if they are not allowed to change when the local clock is low,
metastability can not occur. This shifts the burden of synchronization onto the first and
last FIFO stages. Also, by not allowing the last FIFO stage to accept new data when it’s
local clock is low, enough time is allowed for data for forward through the last FIFO
stage and the bundled data constraint is maintained (if the data path is not too wide).
The empty/full state in a FIFO (S) is a bi-directional signal which serves as both the
request and acknowledge. In the variety of used here, a high voltage represents full and a
low voltage empty. If a stage is empty (right state conductor is low) and the preceding
stage is full (left state conductor is high), then the stage momentarily shorts the left state
conductor to Vss and the right state conductor to Vdd. At the same time a short duration
positive pulse is sent to the data path portion of the FIFO stage to forward the data from
the preceding D to the following D. In order to place a new data item in the first FIFO
stage, the sending synchronous block should test that SF is low and both set send high and
place data on DF if SF is low. Figure. 2.4 shows how the first FIFO stage sets the
predecessor state conductor to full on the rising edge of sclk. The read pulse generator in
the last FIFO stage is very similar, with the PMOS pull-up transistor replaced by an
NMOS pull-down, the NAND replaced with an AND, and rclk/recv replacing sclk/send.
Since the empty/full state conductor is bi-directional, it is held with a keeper circuit. The
pull-up or pull-down transistors in Figure. 2.4 must be able to overpower the weaker
feedback inverter from this keeper. The datapath (one copy of Figure. 2.5 per bit of the
datapath) is unidirectional as enforced by the output inverter. This inverter must be able
to overpower the weaker feedback inverter of the latch in the following stage. Data
forwarding is controlled by a positive pulse on P which momentarily allows data to pass.
The design used a self reset circuit for the data control pulse (P) similar to that used for
the Core node in Figure. 2.6. This allowed P to be stretched to compensate for the data
path load. For very wide datapaths, a string of inverters is required to obtain the
necessary current amplification to drive all of the pass gate inputs. Widening of pulse P
can be accomplished more easily by using asymmetric inverters in this case. Since this
interface is envisioned to pass a system bus across clock domain boundaries in a shared-
memory single-chip multiprocessor, the datapath is expected to be wide.
This chapter describes RAM-based FIFO designs using the dual-port RAM. Synchronous designs with a common read/write clock are
described, as well as asynchronous designs with independent read and write clocks will be discussed. Emphasis is on the fast, efficient
and reliable generation of the handshake signals FULL and EMPTY, which determine design performance.
3.1 Introduction
Three different FIFO depths, each with either a common clock (synchronous operation)
or with two unsynchronized clocks (asynchronous operation). The first design is a 16 x
16 FIFO where the depth of the basic CLB-RAM is sufficient. This leads to a very fast
and efficient implementation that can run at, or close to, the maximum write speed, even
for simultaneous read and write operations.
The second design example is a 32 x 8 FIFO (32 deep, 8 bits wide) that requires input
and output data multiplexing between two RAM banks. The address counters are longer
than for the 16-deep FIFO, and the control logic generating FULL and EMPTY is more
complex, with one additional layer of logic. This slows down operation, and 40 MHz
simultaneous asynchronous read and write may be the maximum performance in an
XC4000E-3 device. The third design example is a 64 x 8 FIFO (64 deep, 8 bits wide) that
requires input and output data multiplexing between four RAM banks.
These designs assume free-running clocks, activated by their respective enable signals.
Without a free-running Read Clock, the asynchronous designs would lock up with an
active EMPTY(STRETCHED) output, which can only be terminated by a High level on
Read Clock. If this clock is not free-running, the EMPTY(STRETCHED) output stops
the external decision-making logic from making Read Clock go High [7].
EMPTY(STRETCHED), therefore, stays active, even after data has been written into the
FIFO. FULL(STRETCHED) would behave similarly without a free running Write Clock.
Free-running clocks, activated by their respective enable signals, avoid these problems.
This example implements a 16 x 16 FIFO with a common read/write clock and individual
read and write clock enables. This is the simplest and fastest design, since it avoids the
more challenging issues of asynchronous clocking. Figure 3.1, taken from the XC4000
Series data sheet, shows the basic dual-port 16 x 1 RAM that can be implemented in
each CLB. Writing is synchronous. Write Enable, Write Address, and Write Data
must meet the documented set-up time with respect to the Write Clock. Reading
is asynchronous, controlled only by the Read Address. The two unused CLB flip-
flops have uncommitted data inputs and Q outputs, but share the clock signal (although
not the clock polarity) with the write port [8].
The two 4-bit counters address the RAM in the conventional way. Seen as a “black box”,
the FIFO behaves like an elastic shift register: Input Data is accepted by the Write Clock
when Write Enable was High during the set-up time before the active Write Clock edge.
Output Data is always available at the output port, and is substituted by the next Data,
after the Read Clock was enabled by a Read Enable High during the Read Clock set-up
time.FULL and EMPTY outputs must be interpreted by external logic to prevent a Write
operation during FULL, or a Read operation during EMPTY. Most of the design effort is
spent on the control logic, shown in Figure 3.4, that detects the two abnormal conditions,
When the FIFO contains 16 words that have not yet been read, the FULL flag must be
activated, and further write operations must be avoided. When all words written into the
FIFO have been read, the EMPTY flag must be activated, and further read operations
must be avoided. When all words written into the FIFO have been read, the EMPTY flag
must be activated, and further read operations must be avoided. Unfortunately, the easily decoded signal for these two abnormal
conditions is the same: read address is identical with write address. An additional signal must be created that distinguishes between
Fig 3.4 : 16-deep FIFO Synchronous Control
two very different conditions of FULL and EMPTY. For this purpose, an auxiliary signal
called DIRECTION is created to indicate whether the Write counter is about to catch up
with the Read counter, or whether the Read counter is about to catch up with the Write
counter. The two most significant bits of both counters are compared, since they indicate
in which quadrant of the 16-position circular address space the present address resides.
These two most significant bits of both address counters together are used to address two
4-input look-up tables in parallel. The look-up tables (LUTs) [9][10]decode the relative
quadrant position of the two counters. The 4-bit LUT address describes one of 16
possible conditions:
• Four addresses describe the situation where the write counter is in the quadrant
immediately behind the read counter. This is decoded as a “possibly going full”
condition, and sets the DIRECTION latch or flip-flop.
• Another four addresses describe the situation where the write counter is in the quadrant
immediately ahead of the read counter. This is decoded as a “possibly going empty”
condition, and it resets the DIRECTION latch or flip-flop.
• Four other addresses indicate that the two counters are in the same quadrant, and
another four addresses indicate that the two counters are in opposite quadrants. These
eight addresses provide no useful information about the relative address position, and
thus do not affect DIRECTION.
Note that DIRECTION must start in the reset state when the FIFO is initiated with both
counters at zero. DIRECTION is thus established well before the actual FULL or
EMPTY condition can occur. There will be at least four, and usually many more,
consecutive set or reset inputs to the DIRECTION latch or flip-flop before it is being
used to discriminate between FULL or EMPTY.
FULL goes active as a result of the write clock edge that writes data into the last
available location. FULL goes inactive as a result of the first read clock that reads one
word out of the previously full FIFO. EMPTY goes active as a result of the read clock
edge that reads the last available data from the FIFO. EMPTY goes inactive as a result of
the first write clock that writes one word into the previously empty FIFO. In a
synchronous design, FULL and EMPTY are synchronous control signals, to be used
appropriately by the logic external to the FIFO.
3.4 16 x 16 FIFO with Independent Clocks
This example adapts the 16 x 16 FIFO for use with independent read and write clocks.
An asynchronous design with separate and unrelated read and write clocks poses
additional problems. The RAM array, the counters, and part of the control logic are
unaffected, but the DIRECTION, FULL and EMPTY signals require additional attention,
as shown in Figure 3.5. There is no common clock; DIRECTION therefore uses a latch,
implemented as a combinatorial circuit in a separate CLB. Since the counter bits that
determine DIRECTION are Gray-coded, with only one bit changing per transition, the
decoding is guaranteed to be glitch-free. Initialization reset is provided by a flip-flop that
is set by the first write operation. FULL goes active as a synchronous response to the
write clock, but FULL goes inactive as a result of the read clock, asynchronous to the
write clock. Since FULL is used only by the write control logic, there is no
synchronization problem when FULL goes active, but there is when FULL goes inactive.
The easiest solution is to stretch the FULL signal such that it cannot go inactive during
the half-period of the write clock immediately preceding the active clock edge.
Figure 3.5 shows this circuit, assuming a rising clock edge. The FULL output can go
inactive only while the write clock is High, which gives the write logic enough set-up
time to the following rising clock edge. There is still the possibility of metastable
confusion if the full condition goes inactive in a very narrow timing window when the
latch is about to latch up, i.e.-right after the falling edge of Write Clock. In most cases,
this metastable disturbance will have settled well before the next rising clock edge, but if
the user is concerned about this low-probability risk, FULL can be stretched by a
complete write clock period, which will reduce the likelihood of metastable failure to an
insignificant level. Figure 3.5 also shows this alternate design, using a flip-flop clocked
by the Write Clock, generating a synchronous falling edge of the FULL signal.
Fig 3.5 16 bit deep FIFO Asynchronous Control
EMPTY is generated by a similar circuit that prevents EMPTY from going inactive
while the read clock is Low, or synchronizes it with the other edge of the READ
clock. FULL and EMPTY flags are delayed by an extra level of logic, compared to
the fully synchronous design. The stretcher circuit adds 2 ns, the alternate flip-
flop adds 4 ns, thus reducing peak performance to 58 or 50 MHz, respectively.[9]
3.5 32 x 8 FIFO
Here we implement a 32 x 8 FIFO with independent read and write clocks. Since each
CLB can only implement a 16 x 1 dual-port RAM, the 32-deep FIFO uses two memory
banks. Longlines distribute data to and from the RAMs. For the write port, WE gates a 1-
of-2 decoder. For the read port, TBUFs are used to multiplex the data onto Longlines, as
shown in Figure 3.6. The 5-bit read and write address counters each consist of a 3-bit (8
Linear-Feedback-Shift-Register (LFSR) counter followed by a 2-bit Grey or Johnson
counter. (See Figure 3.7.) The latter drives the 1-of-2 decoders selecting between
memory banks. The DIRECTION detector decodes the quadrant information and
generates set and
3.6 64 x 8 FIFO
This example implements a 64 x 8 FIFO with independent read and write clocks. Since
each CLB can only implement a 16 x 1 dual-port RAM, the 64-deep FIFO uses four
memory banks. Longlines distribute data to and from the RAMs. For the write port, WE
gates a 1-of-4 decoder. For the read port, TBUFs are used to multiplex the data onto
Longlines, as shown in Figure 3.9.
The 6-bit read and write address counters each consist of a 4-bit ¸16 Linear-Feedback-
Shift-Register (LFSR) counter followed by a 2-bit Grey or Johnson counter. (See Figure
2.10.) The latter drives the 1-of-4 decoders selecting between memory banks. The
DIRECTION detector decodes the quadrant information and generates set and reset
signals for the DIRECTION flip-flop or latch. When both counters are identical, either a
FULL or EMPTY output flag is generated, depending on the state of DIRECTION.
Asynchronous control logic for a 64-deep FIFO is shown in Figure 3.11.
The controller block determines and generates the valid read and write signals depending
on both the flags and the system read and write requests.
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
Fig 3.12 System block diagram
This block generates pointers to the next address to be read and to be written Implementation
Result the clock goes infinitely to the counters but the count up is performed only upon
read and write requests
This is the storage core of the FIFO. It consists of 4 signals and one read and one write
bus. The four signals include:
• The write operation is done for each rising edge of the write clock at the address
specified for [7:0] when the WE_MEM is active.
• Read operation is not synchronized “asynchronous read” with the clock and it
produces output data for each input address RA [7:0]
• A 3-state buffer is located at the output of the dual port in order to enable and disable
the output of the FIFO.
• A flip flop with its input connected to the inverted RE_MEM input is to synchronize
the read operation with the block clock and to make it active high signal the same as
the write operation since the control of the tri state is active low
• A delay flip flop is added between the external WE_MEM input and the WR_EN pin
is to synchronize the write command with the input data from the register.
This block is one of the most problematic blocks. This block generates the required flags
that control and validate the read and write signals. It generates three signals, the FULL
signal, which indicates that the FIFO is full and so no further write operation should be
attempted. The half-full signal which is just an indication that half the FIFO is full or
empty. Finally the empty signal that indicates that the FIFO is empty and no further read
operation should be attempted unless a single byte is written in to the FIFO.
Table 3.3 Flag Interface Description Implementation
The main goal of this block is to check both read and write pointers, if they are close
together and by how much. If the difference is zero then the FIFO is either full or empty.
To determine is it full or empty the previous state of the pointers must be checked.
Instead of implementing this ideas as is , we can use another pointer or indicator that is
incremented for each write operation and is decremented for each read operation. when
this pointer is zero, the FIFO is empty. When the pointer points to the highest address in
the memory it means that the output is full.
Regarding this approach we can use an 8-bit up/down counter to represent the pointer
The counter counts up for valid write operation and counts down for valid read operation.
When there is valid read and write signals a the same time, neither count up nor count
down should be done. The same as if there are no valid signals at the input.
This simple arbitration is controlled using CE and count up pins. The truth table of these
functions are described in tables 3.4 and 3.5.
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 0 X
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 X
So UP = WE
Signal Generation
FULL signal is generated when all the lines of the counter are 1’s.
HALF-FULL signal is generated when the MSB bit of the counter is ‘1’.
EMPTY signal is generated when all lines of the counter are 0’s.
4.1 Introduction
The improved dual-port RAM solves most of these problems[12]. Since the basic
RAM in each CLB has independent write and read addresses, there is no need to
multiplex addresses and arbitrate their selection. The synchronous write mechanism
simplifies write timing and contributes to much faster operation.
The FIFO design effort can now be concentrated on achieving high throughput and
low cost, and on solving the fundamental timing problems created by asynchronous read
and write clocks. The self addressing FIFO design employs no external counters. Only
flag and status information logic is used. A self-addressing FIFO (first in first out)
reference design uses block memories to store both data and address information in a
single memory location. These FIFOs are more suitable for data throttling in continuous
data systems rather than the full or empty detection required in frame based data systems
Their advantage is in using only one clock load. In addition, the status mechanism is very
simple.. As there are no counters, the clock load for the incoming and outgoing data is
exactly one. Thus, clock skew is no longer an issue
Fig 4.1 Self Addressing FIFO
As an example, the output buffer on a communication system could use 36-bit wide
data written at 50 MHz, and read as 9-bit wide data at 155 MHz. All the various
combinations of memory structure are shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1
Possible Dual Port Ram Configurations
512 X 36 512 x 36, 1024 x 18, 2048 x 9, 4096 x 4, 8192 x 2, 16384 x 1
1024 x 18 1024 x 18, 2048 x 9, 4096 x 4, 8192 x 2, 16384 x 1
2048 x 9 2048 x 9, 4096 x 4, 8192 x 2, 16384 x 1
4096 x 4 4096 x 4, 8192 x 2, 16384 x 1
8192 x 2 8192 x 2, 16384 x 1
16384 x 1 16384 x 1
There are two possible methods for implementing a counter inside a memory.
Method one is presented for interest while method two forms the basis of the reference
design. By deasserting the write enable pin, a synchronous RAM becomes a synchronous
ROM, or in other words, a sequencer. The contents of each of the ROMs can be
initialized via the bit stream at device power-up. Essentially any sequence and therefore
any state machine (within input and output pin limits) can be implemented in the ROM.
The n-bit counter is a trivial case, it is a state machine with “n” inputs and “n” outputs.
The count order is determined by the contents of the memory. The count speed is
governed by the output enable control, effectively making it a clock enable. With
counters implemented in one block memory, and data storage in another a FIFO can be
built. However, this method gives a fanout of two on the read and write clocks. Although
better than the classic FIFO design, there is still a possibility of clock skew.
We can now imagine a scenario where some of each word in the memory is used as the
counter storage, and the rest is used for data storage. This is where the wide data busses
comes in handy. For example, a 36-bit word can contain 32 bits of data and four bits of
address, to give a 16-deep by 32-wide FIFO. Or the 36-bit word could have nine bits of
address and 27 bits of data to give a 512-deep by 27-wide FIFO. The choice is up to the
designer. The top two bits of the incrementer circuit are Gray encoded. Only one of these
two bits can ever change at any one clock transition. This minimizes any possibility of
error when reading the flags, but it makes the incrementer slightly more complicated, and
therefore slower. To maximize the speed of the design, a pure binary incrementer could
be used, but the flags will need to be checked twice to ensure a valid flag value.
In Figure 4.1, an example data transfer is started by writing data (23) to location x00.
After the clock edge, the data output of port A contains x0123. The lower data byte (23)
is ignored, the upper byte (x01) is fed back as the address for the next write. A one is
added to x01 for merging with the next incoming data. For example, if the next incoming
data is 45, then x0245 is written into location x01. This value then appears at the output
of port A. The next cycle will write to location x03 and so forth.
Reading data is less complicated. An output clock and optional output enable
signal are applied to Port B. Data is read synchronous to the clock. The lower
byte is the valid data that was written into Port A of the FIFO. The upper byte
contains the address for the next read. The upper byte is therefore fed back to
the address inputs of Port B.
Having covered the basic FIFO operation, one very important feature remains.
Indicating whether a FIFO is full, empty, or somewhere in between is usually referred to
as a flag. Since the top two bits of the counters are Gray coded, only one of the two bits
changes at a time. It is safe to compare the top two bits of the write counter with the top
two bits of the read counter, even though they are in two separate time domains. This
comparison gives three flag outputs.
This method gives a very simple yet elegant mechanism for handling FIFO requests.
To take advantage of this method use flag1 (retimed to the receiver clock domain) as the
FIFO read enable. In this way the FIFO is never near overflow, or emptied, and all
asynchronous conditions are avoided. A standard system is also assumed to have
continuous input data. A pictorial view of the counter and flag operation is given in
Figure 4.2.
4.3 Conclusion
The self-addressing FIFO is a small and novel mechanism for transferring data
between clock domains while avoiding the necessity of using a clock tree. The only
constraints are the obvious ones. Data must be valid at the clock edges and the clock
period still needs to be controlled. Clock skew is not an issue and therefore general
purpose routing may be used for the input or output clock depending on the system
architecture. This shows the ability to build multiple self-addressing FIFOs, allowing
designers to input or output data to external devices without ever using the on-board
global clock resources. This is extremely useful in the design of many sorts of systems,
for example where interfaces to multiple external devices are required.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes a 512x8 FIFO, with the depth and width being adjustable within
the HDL code. First the design for a FIFO with common read and write clocks
(synchronous) is described. Then the design changes required for the more difficult case
of independent read and write clocks are presented. This is referred to as "asynchronous"
or "unsynchronized" in reference to the two clocks, although the FIFO logic itself is
always synchronous.
The first design is synchronous, which means it uses common clocks for Read and Write.
When both the Read and Write clocks originate from the same source, the FIFO
operation and arbitration are simplified, and the Empty and Full flags are easily
generated. See Table 5.1 for the port definitions for this design.
Clock_in input 1
fifo_gsr_in input 1
write_enable_in input 1
write_data_in input 8
read_enable_in input 1
read_data_out output 8
full_out output 1
empty_out output 1
fifocount_out output 4
Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) are used for both the read (read_addr) and write
(write_addr) address counters. Because they are addressing a RAM, a binary counting
sequence is not necessary, and the pseudo-random sequence of the LFSRs is acceptable.
They use very little logic, and are therefore much faster than a standard binary
implementation. The only drawback is that the FIFO size is reduced by one, to 511x8.
The fifo_gsr signal resets all counters. The synchronous nature of the Block RAM
memory simplifies the timing requirements to meeting setup times. To perform a read,
Read Enable (read_enable) is driven High prior to a rising clock edge, and the Read Data
(read_data) is presented on the outputs during the next clock cycle (Figure 5.1). To do a
Burst Read, simply leave Read Enable High for as many clock cycles as desired. If
Empty goes active after reading, then the last word has been read, and the
next Read Data would be invalid.
Figure 5.1 Read Cycle
To perform a write, the Write Data (write_data) must be present on the inputs, and Write
Enable (write_enable) is driven High prior to a rising clock edge. (See Figure 5.2.) As
long as the Full flag is not set, the Write will be executed. To do a Burst Write, the Write
Enable is left High, and new Write Data must be available every cycle. The Empty flag is
set when the Next Read Address (next_read_addr) is equal to the current Write Address,
and only a Read is being performed. This early decoding allows Empty to be set
immediately after the last Read. It is cleared after a Write operation (with no
simultaneous Read). Similarly, the Full flag is set when the Next Write Address
(next_write_addr) is equal to the current Read Address, and only a Write is being
performed. It is cleared after a Read operation (with no simultaneous Write). If both a
Read and Write are done in the same clock cycle, there is no change to the status flags.
During global reset (fifo_gsr), both these signals are driven High, to prevent any external
logic from interfacing with the FIFO during this time.
A FIFO count (fifocount) is added for convenience, to determine when the FIFO is 1/2
full, ¾ full, etc. It is a binary count of the number of words currently stored in the FIFO.
It is incremented on Writes, decremented on Reads, and stays the same if both operations
are performed within the same clock cycle. In this application, only the upper four bits
are sent to I/O, but that can easily be modified.
Now we will examine the situation where the read and write clocks are independent or
"asynchronous" to each other. The port definitions for this version of the design are
shown in Table 5.2.
Keeping in mind that the Block RAM itself is still fully synchronous, and the read and
write timing is identical to the common-clock design. In order to operate a FIFO with
independent Read and Write clocks, some asynchronous arbitration logic is needed to
determine the status flags. The previous Empty/Full generation logic and associated flip-
flops are no longer reliable, because they are now asynchronous with respect to one
another, since Empty is clocked by the Read Clock, and Full is clocked by the Write
To solve this problem, and to maximize the speed of the control logic, additional logic
complexity is accepted for increased performance. There are primary 9-bit Read and
Write binary address counters, which drive the address inputs to the Block RAM. The
binary addresses are converted to Gray-code, and pipelined for a few stages to create
several address pointers (read_addrgray, read_nextgray, read_lastgray, write_addrgray,
write_nextgray) which are used to generate the Full and Empty flags as quickly as
Gray-code addresses are used so that the registered Full and Empty flags are always
clean, and never in an unknown state due to the asynchronous relationship of the Read
and Write clocks. In the worst case scenario, Full and Empty would simply stay active
one cycle longer, but this would not generate an error. When the Read and Write Gray-
code pointers are equal, the FIFO is empty. When the Write Gray-code pointer is equal to
the next Read Gray-code pointer, the FIFO is full, having 511 words stored. Additional
comparators are used to determine when the FIFO is Almost Empty and Almost Full, so
that Empty and Full can be generated on the same clock edge as the last operation.
(Traditional control logic uses an asynchronous signal to set the flags, but this is
much slower and limits the overall performance). Unlike the common-clock version, it is
not possible to keep a reliable count of the number of words in the FIFO, so a FIFO status
output is used instead. It is five bits wide, with the signals representing various ranges of
fullness, as seen in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3 : FIFO Status
The FIFO status outputs are mutually exclusive, meaning only one will be High at any
one time, but the ranges that they cover overlap. They are based on the Gray-code
pointers, and the quadrant deltas that exist between the Read and Write addresses.
Because of the nature of Gray-code counting, more precision (such as one based on
octants) can be easily added, because the upper bits of a Gray-code address are
themselves Gray-coded, so there will not be any incorrect status registered.
Figure B1 LFSR FIFO in Burst Write Operation with Read Enable Disabled
Figure B2 LFSR FIFO at Burst Read
Figure A1 Self Addressing FIFO at Start UP
Figure A2 Self Addressing FIFO at signal oe High
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