How To Succeed PDF
How To Succeed PDF
How To Succeed PDF
Accepted File Formats: Projection Type: Upload content in either landscape (16:9) or
AVI, WMV, MP4, MPG or MOV Equirectangular 360, Equirectangular portrait (9:16)
Maximum File Size: 10GB 180, Equidistant 180 3D or 2D When editing videos that are filmed in
Optimal Frame Rate: 30-60 FPS Over-Under-LR, Over-Under-RL, Side- portrait, do not add in a pre or post roll that is
Bitrate: Min 1500 kb/s By-Side-LR, Side-By-Side-RL 16:9. Doing so would add black bars around
Recommended 8000 kb/s Bitrate: Min 1500 kb/s Recommended your video
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Widescreen 12,000 kb/s When filming with a phone, film in landscape!
Video Resolution: Recommended Video Resolution: Recommended 2160p Do not start in portrait and then flip halfway
Size Matters
Videos over 10 minutes are more likely to get featured and make more money.
Make sure your video has a beginning, middle and end! Videos without a cumshot/orgasm
tend to leave viewers unsatisfied and can lead to lower ratings
Use good lighting and a camera with decent resolution to catch all the sexy action
Make sure your camera is stable and in focus
Users want to hear the action as well, so make sure to have quality audio
Only use royalty free music, or music that you have licensed in your videos
For more tips on equipment and editing, check out the How to Succeed section of our helpdesk!
Click the Upload Button and select the video you want
to upload
Save and stay on the page until you get a notice saying the
video has been uploaded succesfully
Public, Private (only your Friends can For Sale Fan Only
see the video) or Unlisted (only those Choose a price between $0.99-$150 Your video (or ablum) will only
with the direct link can see the video). Choose if the video will be viewable be visible to active members of
You can add a download price to the on Premium for a Viewshare RPM. your fan club
video in your video manager post upload. If you don't have one already, this will
create a Modelhub profile for you
All model videos will receive the Verified Model
(professional models) or the Verified Amateur
(amateur models) category post upload.
Use up to 16 tags that describe the video,
DO If you are an exclusive model, your video will also
performers, fetish, action and cumshot
Select up to 8 relevant categories receive the Exclusive category automatically
Ad Revenue Videos
Change the privacy of the video to Private or Unlisted
(if your video is featured, you will have to contact
Model Support to change the privacy)
Made a mistake? You can edit the title of your video
Add a download price for the video
Remember to save any of your changes!
Action Tags
Thumbnails Action tags are action specific tags that are time
stamped. This helps users get to the action that
In your video manager your can choose a thumbnail from one of the 16 pre-generated images.
they want to see.
If you want more options, you can click on Regenerate Different Thumbnails
You can also upload a custom thumbnail (if the video is For Sale or has a download price)
You can add videos to playlists.
The custom thumbail needs to be 640x360 We recommending building themed playlist with
all of your content (ex: a playlist with all of your
The action present in the custom thumbnail needs to be present in the video anal videos, a playlist with all of your POV
If you are going to include text in the thumbnail, make sure that it covers no more than 2/3 of the image
Thumnails that are clear and show sexy action perform better!
On your video manager you will also find the
following stats for each video:
Playlist Additions
You have control of what you want to offer in your custom videos, and for what price.
Add a description, base price, duration options, quality options, actions and turn around time
along with the additional charge for each.
The defaults included for custom videos are the duration of 5 minutes and the turn around
time of 3-4 weeks.
You can add any extra options for free ($0) or with an additional charge.
When you have a custom video request, you will receive a notification and an email asking
you to approve or deny the request.
Once the request is approved, we will send reminder emails to ensure the video is
completed in time!
You can upload your finished custom video by clicking on Review button next to the custom
video order.
Models can create paid subscriptions, called Fan Clubs, that your
fans and customers can sign up for. There's a monthly fee for the
customer, and it gives them access to extra discounts, fan only
content, messaging, and more.
You can disable your Fan Club at any time so no new Fans can
follow you. Fans who are already subscribed will continue to
Set the price that you want members to pay per month to access
your Fan Club (between $0.99-$150). Then choose what your
Fan Club is going to include.
You can add Other Perks that we don't currently have listed, as
long as it is legal!
EARNINGS Sold Services
You can find a list of all of your sold
services (tips, video sales, fanclub
subscriptions and custom videos) on
your Modelhub tab
Updates Daily
The earnings update daily. For Ad
Revenue , the earnings are always
calculated one day behind. Example, the
earnings made on views incurred on
Free Video Earnings Modelhub Earnings Tuesday will appear in your earnings
The ad revenue made within the given month The revenue made on Modelhub sales, Fan Club table on Wednesday.
subscriptions and Custom Videos within the given month
Viewshare Video Earnings Other Earnings Payment
The viewshare revenue made within the given month Any referral bonuses, tips or prize winnings
Video Counts Last Payout : The total amount of your last payment
The video counts on your earnings table show the Date Processed: The date your last payment was processed You can update your address and
amount of videos that made money within the given Pending Payout: The payment that is currently being sent to you payment information at any time in your
month. (will only appear when there is a payment processing) model settings tab. Make sure this
Current Balance: The pending balance you have in your account information is correct prior to the end of
(not including any payment that is currently being processed) the month to ensure no lost payments!
When you are working with others, You can set a default setting for your You can enable automatic tweets for
whether performers or producers, you downloads on all newly uploaded, whenever you make a sale, upload a
must always take all necessary actions to free to view videos. You can choose video, when a new fan joins your Fan
protect both yourself and your content. We to block downloads, charge a default Club and when new Fan Only content
strongly recommend you use the co- price for downloads or allow is posted. You can also set a limit of
performer agreement in your settings tab downloads for free. the amount of tweets per day.
as well as upload 2 IDs for your additional
Help Button on
Contact Form Twitter
Use the support contact form for any
When you are on any of your Model tabs, Follow @PornhubHelp for any program
Model Program questions.
you will see a little help button on the updates. You can also DM us if you have
Be sure to select Model Program as
bottom right hand corner. You can use any quick questions.
the type of query to ensure a quick
this button to search articles on our
reply as well as the Support Type
helpdesk or send us an email. Be sure to Any long form questions should be sent via
most relevant to your question.
include your username, the email the contact form, or directly via email to
address associated with your account
and all relevant information/screenshots