Multimodel Modelization and Stabilization of A Bioreactor
Multimodel Modelization and Stabilization of A Bioreactor
Multimodel Modelization and Stabilization of A Bioreactor
Abstract—This paper present a modeling approach of a Lyapunov function has a non-quadratic form which is resolved
bioprocess based on a Takagi-Sugeno formulation (TS). Using too. Finally a simulation is given to prove the effectiveness of
the resulted TS model, we construct a Parallel Distributed the method.
Compensation control law (PDC) to ensure the convergence of
the state to a specific equilibrium points. The performance of
this approach is illustrated by means of a simple example of a II. TAKAGI -S UGENO F UZZY M ODELS
biomass growth process. The T–S fuzzy approach main is to describe the comport-
Index Terms—Takagi-Sugeno systems, parallel distributed ment of a nonlinear system by a finite number of local linear
compensation (PDC), bioprocesses, constraints subsystems inside different operating regions. And it’s de-
scribed by “IF-THEN” rules which represent local input/output
relations of a nonlinear system. There is three methods to
construct T-S fuzzy models [6]:
Living cells and their components play a key role within • Black box identification.
biotechnology industry. And the modeling of the bio-processes • Linearization method.
is a delicate and a fundamental step in any control law in • Nonlinearity sector methods.
order to ensure optimal working of such bioprocesses. The We are interested by the third one. We consider a nonlinear
lack of appropriate sensors has motivated the elaboration of system where the main feature is that the control input u(k)
mathematical models for the estimation of various process occurs linearly in the equation relating inputs to states. It can
parameters and states and may be helpful to describe the be represented by an equation of the form:
biological phenomena which intervene in these process [1].
Therefore the obtained models are highly nonlinear and very ẋ(t) = f (x(t)) + g(x(t))u(t) (1)
complex and the task of designing control laws and diagnostic f (.) and g(.) are two nonlinear functions.
algorithms become more difficult to achieve. In the recent To transform the model (1) to a T–S fuzzy model, the
years, the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) structure, introduced in [2], following rules are:
provides a good way to represent nonlinear systems thanks Rule i :
to its reduced mathematical complexity and its capabilities IF z1 (t) is M i1 and . . . and zp (t). is Mip ,
to describe a large class of nonlinear systems. This paper
aims is to design a stable nonlinear controller based on fuzzy ẋ(t) = Ai x(t) + Bi u(t)
controllers for a bioprocess. For the control of these processes T HEN (2)
y(t) = Ci x(t) i = 1, 2, . . . , r
the authors, in [3] used the identification to find the Takagi-
Sugeno model to approximate the nonlinear system in [4] the Here, Mij is the fuzzy set and r is the number of model rules;
neural network was used for the identification of the nonlinear x(t) ∈ Rn is the state vector, u(t) ∈ Rm is the input vector,
system, in [5] the linearization method is used to find the T- y(t) ∈ Rq is the output vector, Ai ∈ Rnxn , Bi ∈ Rnxm , and
S model in this work the Takagi-Sugeno approach is used Ci ∈ Rqxn ; z1 (t), . . . , zp (t) are known premise variables
to approximate the nonlinear system of a biomass growth that may be functions of the state variables. Let note:
process. Once the fuzzy model is obtained, the control design
is carried out via the PDC scheme ensuring stabilization at ωi (z(t)) = Πpj=1 Mij (zj (t)), i = 1, 2, . . . , r
a selected equilibrium point and taking into account of the , t ≥ 0 (3)
ωi (z(t)) ≥ 0
process constraints. The problem we deal with it her is that
the direct uses of the lyapunov function to find the Controller The global model is given by:
gains lead to a 0 as equilibrium points which mean the leaching
of the bio-reactor, in the literature to counter this problem ẋ(t) = hi (z(t))(Ai x(t) + Bi u(t)) (4)
we transform the stabilization problem to a tracking control. i=1
978-1-5386-1516-4/17/$31.00 2017
3rd International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies ICEIT’2017
where D1 (t) is a water dilution rate and D2 (t) is the ẋt (t) = f (xt ) + g(xt )ut (t) + G(t) (15)
substrate dilution rate, the affine form (1)can be obtained by where the added term G(t) is a result of the transformation
replacing D(t) and Sin (t) in (7) by their expressions (9): and :
⎡ dXt ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎡ dX ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ D1 − D1eq2
−X −X dxt dt
dt μ(S)X D1 =⎣ ⎦ ut = ⎣ ⎦
⎣ ⎦=⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦ (10) dt dSt
D2 − D2eq2
−k1 μ(S)X −S max
Sin −S D2
μ(S) − Deq2
f (xt ) =
−k1 μ(S) − Deq2
⎡ ⎤
A TS M ODEL −(Xt + Xeq2 ) −(Xt + Xeq2 )
A. Equilibrium points g(xt ) = ⎣ ⎦
Before transforming the nonlinear model, we need to com- −(St + Seq2 ) max
Sin − (St + Seq2 )
pute the equilibrium points of this model because in the ⎡ ⎤
following section to control the system, we need to use the (μ(S) − Deq2) ) ∗ Xeq2
Lyaponuv theory which ensure the convergence to a null G=⎣ ⎦
equilibrium point. (−k1 ∗ μ(S) ∗ Xeq2 + Sin
∗ D2eq − Seq2 ∗ Deq2 )
3rd International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies ICEIT’2017
ẋt (t) = hi (z(t))(Ai xt (t) + Bi ut (t) + Gi ) (19)
• Model Rule i:
IF z1 (t)is Mi1 and . . . and zp (t) is Mip , Figure 1: Validation test
= minλ(−Qi, j) (28)
δ = maxGTi σi Gi
So we guarantee that the state is bounded and converges to a Figure 2: TS fuzzy control bloc diagram
small origin-centered ball of radius δ .
Qi,j < 0 is equivalent to VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
Programming theses LMIs with x0 = (5 9) and d = 0.5
P −1 Fi,j
+ Fi,j P −1 + σi−1 < 0 (30) we obtain:
In this paper, we deal with the stabilization problem of a
bioprocess. The process is described by a nonlinear equations
obtained using the mass-balance. This model is transformed
to a fuzzy T-S model. The stabilization deals are guaranteed
by a PDC control law respecting the inputs constraints.
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