The Jugaad Technology (Indigenous Innovations) (A Case Study of Indian Origin)
The Jugaad Technology (Indigenous Innovations) (A Case Study of Indian Origin)
The Jugaad Technology (Indigenous Innovations) (A Case Study of Indian Origin)
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"The jugaad mindset is crucial. It's not just jargon." says Ananth Krishnan, chief
technology officer of Tata Consultancy Services. Jugaad or Indigenous
innovation is the tool not a jargon it is the basically a mindset of the innovator. In
which he used his/her skills and traits to make things in productive way. Jugaad
is the most economical way to do task or a particular work. In India there is huge
problem of employment in rural as well in urban areas jugaad is the new
opportunity to those youth who has some new ideas and they are willing to do the
work this provide self employment to the youth in their own areas or regions it
also helps in inclusive growth of the India. This study will find the scope of the
so that everyone can use these as per in Indian rural areas the scarcity is more
for employment as well as for resources. We used the case study method for the
evaluation. The cases are taken from different parts of rural India.
technology officer of Tata Consultancy get around, or deal with, prohibitive rules
seems to embody it. Jugaad is shortcut to
Many forgein companies come to India to the approaches but it does not include the
for new ideas specially in the field of in legal work it is done in the four coroner
information technology they set up their of the law.
branches in India they see that Indian
minds are full of new ideas. They make The concept of jugaad technology is also
close look on the Indian industries to see related with the innovation. To understand
new innovation or jugaad. the jugaad properly there is a need to
understand that what is innovation?
Jugaad is the technique to add value in the
product. Jugaad is the different way to do
job or task which may not be performed in
the present system or condition. Basically
it is brainstorming process in which many MAHATMA GANDHI
ideas come in mind and taking them into
feasible arena weather they are practical or Innovation can be defined as the
not after that choosing the best alternative application of knowledge to create
solution for that problem which is additional value and wealth. Innovation
economical at that time. involves using knowledge to find new
ways to create and bring about change for
In jugaad technology the innovator or
the better. This definition of innovation
jugaadee men have to rational in the
has implications for the types of activities
nature. He has to thinking new ideas or
within businesses that can be considered
finding new paths to get the mission
innovative. First, innovation does not
completed these path are easy to use and
necessarily involve technology and
easy to understand and easy to apply
technological knowledge. Successful
without much changing the current system
innovation can involve the use of any type
it is the process to manage the available
of knowledge, provided its application
resources in a such a way that maximum
results in additional value and wealth.
output can be generated in many of the
Second, innovation is not invention.
cases the jugadee person use the scrap
stuff things in such a way that it full fill its
Innovation may not even require the
all needs. Jugaad is not used in India but it
creation of new knowledge be it to the
is globally accepted thing in some nations
world or to the firm. What it does require
this is might be known as innovation but in
is the inspired application of knowledge
Indian context it is called as jugaad.
(old or new) to create additional value.
In India there is huge problem of Given this, it is problematic to equate
employment in rural as well in urban areas business innovation with business R&D
jugaad is the new opportunity to those expenditure. R&D involves the creation of
youth who has some new ideas and they new knowledge which can be an
are willing to do the work this provide self important, but is not a necessary
employment to the youth in their own component in the innovation process.
areas or regions it also helps in inclusive Moreover, R&D is associated only with
growth of the India. Jugaad If we the creation of a specific type of
knowledge, while innovative activities can
ingenuity and improvisation required to involve the creation and use of a broader
range of knowledge. While R&D is an Jugaad is most popular thing in India but it
indicator of scientific knowledge creation has not undergone through the research
it says little about how that knowledge is
applied to create value and wealth. For them and use for self-purpose. This study
instance, the potential disconnect between will find the scope of the indigenous
expenditure on R&D and the creation of
value was highlighted in a recent global the patent of the technology so that
survey of corporate R&D spending by everyone can use these as per in Indian
Booz Allen Hamilton which found no rural areas the scarcity is more for
direct relationship between R&D spending employment as well as for resources.
and significant measures of corporate
success. R&D is undoubtedly an important In the northern region i.e. Punjab,
innovative activity in business, but the Haryana, there are so many villages where
above analysis calls into question the the people used the jugaad as the mean of
usefulness of business R&D expenditure transport or caring goods one place to the
as an indicator of total business other place. With the help of their
innovation. This point is borne out in a available resources they make the vehicle
number of studies that have found little with the help of Peter engine which is used
correlation between business R&D as the pump in the farm or in other course
expenditure and the level of reported of action.
innovation within firms.
In this I would explore the entire jugadee
thing in my research in the context of
Indian prospect.
To understand the benefits of There are so many research take place but
innovation in production. no such thing research is done in the
To explore the concept and application jugaad field.This is exploratory research in
of jugaad technology for innovation which I explain the jugaad is new tool of
purposes. production which would add value in the
To bring out suggestion for making product jugaad is so much helpful to the
jugaad technology more successful in new entrepreneur jugaad provided new
the global production scenario. idea of production which is economical.
To find out the available ways for the
patent (exclusive rights) of jugaad 4. SCOPE OF THE STUDY
technology. Scope means that where this approach is
applicable the scope is jugaad in this
3. NEED OF THE STUDY research is basically divided into two parts.
It was clearly seems that there are so many
researches take places in every field 4.1 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA
whether it relates to production, marketing,
human resources, fianace, these reserves
take place in the western world or in the In this study geographical means study is
east of Asia(Japan) but in the south east done in north region of the India basically
Asia there is no such research is done. it includes Punjab, Haryana rural area
where the people mind set is innovator
they used scrape thing into the used full
In the upper image Cleary shows that a It also helpful in the health of the farmer,
farmer sprays pesticides with the help of in the village most of the people fall to ill
the motorbike. This is displayed at the and many of them died due to inhaul the
exhibition at farmer mela. pesticide along the breath. With the use of
her husband Devisingh Patil, Dharamvir is (5 cents) and can vary depending on the
even more elated at the response his
machine received at the exhibition. local transport system for farmers. It was
Devisingh Patil and Delhi Chief Minister conceived to meet a transportation need.
Sheila Dikshit evinced keen interest in the
unit and wanted to buy a few of these n
machines. He even received orders for Haryana because automobile companies
supplying his machines to several other protested to the government. Madhya
countries, including Kenya. While he Pradesh also banned it, but the ban was
admits to earn Rs 60,000 to Rs 80,000 ignored after many people complained.
every month, he has provided employment The lobbying for the bans was
to 30 women in his village, who help him spearheaded by auto makers on the pretext
grow strawberry, Aloe Vera, mushroom of safety. That is a difficult argument to
and several fruits.
5 miles per hour.
The plantation and juice processing keep
them busy while Dharamvir spends time in
fine-tuning his machine. that no luxury automobile can claim
empty tin are avail in the scrap it are used There is a need that we commercialize
for these type of sheds it provide cool
shadow in the days of June and July. need of government initiative as well
as there is a need that the innovators
It is based on the significance theory that will not just use the innovations for
the hot air goes upward the empty tin themselves but provide those
contain hot air and rest of the area is filled techniques for the well-being of the
with the cold air. These shads are also very society as well. There is a requirement
durable in the life of use these are mostly from the government that they identify
seen in the Rajasthan area where the this kind of work and provide them
people are not above the poverty line they sufficient funds as well as
collect the tin tin the scrap and make them infrastructure as well because in the
into the productive way. This is the basic country like India the jugaad will be
rule of jugaad is adding the value in the very beneficiary as well as effective.
non productive things.
operating laymen can understand all the person use its own traits and skills of the
function of the vehicle it is made up of person.
peter engine which is used a pump in the
farm. If there is any troubleshoot arises the Jugaad is the tool not a jargon it is the
owner or the user can easily rectified that basically a mindset of the innovator. In
problem. which he used his/her skills and traits to
make things in productive way. Jugaad is
JUGAAD AS THE MEDIUM OF the most economical way to do task or a
TRANSPORT particular work. Jugaad is mostly used in
small scale or cottage industries in India.
In rural India most of parts are facing the In India Jugaad is an Indian philosophy,
problem of transport facility for their daily but it's not unique to India.
use or in case of medical help to the
villagers all the vans are costly but he Jugaad is the technique to add value in the
Jugaad can the solution of their problem product. Jugaad is the different way to do
which have the capacity to fit more than 8 job or task which may not be performed in
to 10 person in one time and the the present system or condition. Basically
consumption is fuel is also very low and it is brainstorming process in which many
the cost is also very cheap. It can be easily ideas come in mind and taking them into
purchased by the Panchat of the village. feasible arena weather they are practical or
not after that choosing the best alternative
8.3 CONCLUSION solution for that problem which is
economical at that time.
In jugaad technology the innovator or
jugadee men have to rational in the nature.
According to the study the only thing is
He has to thinking new ideas or finding
matter is the will power of the innovator or
new paths to get the mission completed
the Jugadde person. It is art of manage
these path are easy to use and easy to
things in a way, so that the maximum
understand and easy to apply without
output can be obtained.
much changing the current system it is the
Demand is unlimited, but sources are process to manage the available resources
scare, choosing that option which provides in a such a way that maximum output can
be generated in many of the cases the
jugadee person use the scrap stuff things in
CHOOSING THE BEST ONE IS THE such a way that it full fill its all needs.
JUGAAD Jugaad is not used in India but it is
globally accepted thing in some nations
Jugaad is the basically the mindset of the this is might be known as innovation but in
jugadee (innovator) and it is the Indian context it is called as jugaad.
customized technology means it is
different from place to place. Basically 9. REFERENCES
jugaad is the mixture of art and science
because it has no fixed rules and but it Bhavan, U. (2006), The National Strategy
needs some technical knowhow for take its , New Delhi National
benefits. Art in the sense it is used in Manufacturing Competitiveness.
different situation according to the
condition of the job in this part Jugadee Chandler, A.D. (1990), Scale and Scope:
the dynamics of Industrial Capitalism,
Harvard University Press.
Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium
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