AOW Walkthrougth v043 Final PDF
AOW Walkthrougth v043 Final PDF
AOW Walkthrougth v043 Final PDF
Side quests
Besides the main adventure there is also an open world part. Quite a few things
can be done more efficiently during the main adventure. However some people
find doing side quests during the main adventure distracting and so I’ve
rewritten this walkthrough to accommodate both types of plays: main
adventure and then everything in the open world part or main adventure
including open world when this is efficient. So I collected every side quest in it’s
own episode where the steps are labeled A and so on. In the main adventure
I’ve added side quest boxes like this:
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part D can now
be done. Before changing back to normal clothes, read the next tip as
For this to work your PDF reader must support internal links so a click on the
page number will go to the correct side quest episode where you then scroll to
the mentioned part to do that. To quickly go back your PDF reader should have
an outline side bar. There you will see all the episodes and page numbers on
which you can also click to go back. If your PDF reader doesn’t support this,
you will need to go manually to the correct page...
Earning money
This game has a money system and Willy – the main character – has to buy
things. For now there is a money pile (page 167), but that will be gone when
the game is finished. Therefor I added another type of boxes like this:
This game is huge and there are a lot of things to investigate. Feel free to do
that. To be sure you don’t miss things I’ve added yet another type of boxes like
☼ By pressing and holding the letter B on the keyboard all exits (rotating
yellow arrows) and important objects (green down arrows) for the main
adventure will be shown. You can use it for locating [BlupBlup] or the
[car key] if the above images of the objects in red doesn’t help. This
system is in v020 only implemented in Willy’s apartment but in future
versions it will be added to the whole game. Unimportant objects
including [dolls], [lingerie], [photos] or [portfolios] won’t show! For those
you can use the images after the big red spoiler alert (page 171)
The side quest and money boxes can be ignored, but I recommend to read
these tip boxes so you can decide to ignore it as well or not. After the main
adventure the Open world (page 115) episode starts. If you ignored all the side
quest, you must do everything there to complete the game. And else I mention
which parts haven’t be done yet in the main adventure. Of course I will add
some of the parts in newer episodes if possible...
In the above money box you already saw colored words between brackets.
Those are objects were the mouse pointer changes its icon. Here is the
complete list:
[Rose bar] location on the map or in the scene were Willy must go
[Claudia (7)] collectible photo sets, name girl and number in set
between brackets
“Buy dildo” the dialogue line Willy must use at this point
I highly recommend to collect everything, but do at least the dolls which are
necessary for opening doors in the [Doll house]. The photos are very detailed
and the rest are animated. Willy can also find issues of the Art of Pornography
magazine and those are like the sex magazines of the past.
In the Practice with Dee Dee (page 15) episode you will choose the path to
play. From that moment there are two different paths: mom (incest) or
neighbor Alan. This gives you the option to not see any incest related content!
Therefor playing both at the same time is not an option. The path will change
parts of the game, but it will always come back to the main story. After
choosing I will label sections with main, mom or neighbor. The main part is
off course the same for everyone, the other two are based on your choice. So
the flow is main (all above this point), mom or neighbor, main and so on.
Found items
After each episode in the main adventure I will catalog the inventory, [dolls],
[lingerie], [photos], [portfolios] and magazine issues. They are listed in the
same order from left top to right bottom as in the collection. Because finding
things in both path differ in timing and may be not doing side quests, the
number is not always correct. I will add mom and neighbor according to path
and in green the part that isn’t collected yet. The side quest items are labeled
as shown. With this it should be possible to check the numbers in the collection
so far.
I hope you like this walkthrough and the way it is organized. If you want to give
feedback, found errors or discuss other things you can find me on the Discord
channel1 of the developer under the pseudonym blupblup96.
Miss Skye’s blowjob
• Click somewhere on the carpet before the bed. This will automatically
start a hilarious intro. Afterwards gab the [car key] on the night stand by
clicking on it
• Go to the [living room] by the door on the left side of the screen and left
click when the rotating arrow appears. Go to the [kitchen] (bottom right
corner), grab the [apartment key] and go back to the [living room].
There move your mouse to the left and the living room expands. Left
click when the door becomes visible and Willy starts walking. During
that you can left click on the [out] arrow
☼ If you don’t want to see the walking, most of the time a right click on a
rotating yellow arrow also works. However sometimes a transition scene
starts right after entering a new scene and those can be missed when
using the right click method. My advise is to use the right click only in a
second play or if you know for sure there isn’t a transition scene…
The screen scrolls automaticly when the mouse nears the left or right
side of the screen. And the default is automaticly scrolling back to where
Willy is currently walking. Press O and you get a list of all possible
shortcuts or other functions. Read especially the numbers 1 through 4.
Personnaly we use 3 for playing this game, but feel free to experiment.
Use Resume game at the top to close this screen
$ Willy needs money for buying all kind of things. A box like this tells how
money can be earned. For example on this scene Willy can find [money]
($5). Use the above image if you can’t locate it
Up until the last version you may ignore all boxes with a dollar sign,
because there is a money cheat (page 167). But be warned that the
money pile will be gone in the final version ☺
◀ In the intro we saw a girl with sleeves on her arm sucking Willy’s dick
while driving. Before [enter car] below click on the [Royal family poster]
and this explains why Willy said she was well know in Duck City. This
also unlocks the [Royal palace] – left from Mrs. [Maria’s house] where
the [Princess bronze] doll can be collected
☼ Items which are not collectibles like the [car key] go to the inventory. To
open this press I on the keyboard or move the mouse to the top of the
screen. Left click on an item you want to use and move the cursor to the
item where you want an interaction to take place. Drop the item by left
clicking again. If you make a mistake, left click on the inventory to leave
it there...
• Drop the [car key] from the inventory on the car which shows [enter
car]. This action will bring up the city map. For now there are two
locations which shows when you hover the mouse over a balloon:
[home] and [office]. Click on the last
• [Enter office] by clicking on the two big doors. Talk to Maya by clicking
on the young girl who is working on the computer. This brings up the
dialogue lines were Willy can ask “How is your back?” by clicking on this
☼ In this walkthrough I only mention the dialogue lines needed for
progressing the main adventure. Most of the times you have to close the
dialogue and usually it is the last line. For example to stop talking with
Maya use the line “Bye”. From now on I won’t mention the line to close
the dialogue unless it is important for the main adventure to use the
correct line
Feel free to do the other lines as well. You learn more about the
characters, do something or are just funny. For example in the next part
the line “You look lovely today Miss Skye” gives a sexy animation...
• Go to the [executive office] at the left. There ask miss Skye “Maya said
you needed to speak with me?”. Go back to the [employee area] and
search for the [Skye bronze] doll and [Skye (5)] photos
☼ To see the [Skye bronze] doll in action open the inventory – see above –
and click on Collection left of the screen. In the new screen click on the
doll collection (top left) and another screen opens. For now there is only
one doll and the ones you haven’t seen are labeled with the word NEW
in green. Click on the doll and it appears in the show area. The button
controls shows information how to interact with the doll. The on/of
button is a light switch, just as in a real showcase...
☼ To see the [Skye (5)] photos in action open the inventory – see above –
and click on Collection left of the screen. In the new screen click on the
photo collection (bottom left) and another screen opens. Now click on
Skye and in the following screen on a thumbnail. Right an enlarged
version appears as long as the mouse hovers on the thumbnail
• Beside [photos] Willy can sometimes find a single photo for fantasizing
about a girl. In this case it is essential for unlocking Maya’s bronze doll,
so pick up the [photo] on the floor by her chair. [Leave office] and [enter
car]. You don’t need the [car key] anymore and the map will
automatically pop up. Go [home]
• [Enter building] and from now on Willy has to use the stairs because the
elevator is broken. After entering a transition scene will automatically
start. Use [stop peeking]
☼ If you want to see what the single photos is about, hover the mouse
over the pinned photo and it will be clear what Willy can do
• Drive to the [office], talk with miss Skye and enjoy the scene that
follows. Afterwards search the [employee area] for the [Maya bronze]
• [Leave office] and say to Carlos “I have some sexy photos of Miss Skye”
to get rid of the evidence. In exchange he will give you a [gold card]
(bookmark03.dat). Then ask “So what’s new with you lately?” to open two
new locations where his girls are working and waiting for senor Willy:
outside to the right of [Rose bar] and on the left of [Majora Street West].
Now search for the [Skye silver] doll and the [Maya (7)] photos
☼ In the next episode Willy must go to [Rose bar] where he can check out
the working girl there. The one in [Majorie Street West] is a Carlos’
platinum girl, but Willy can ask “I would like to use your Gold service
please”. In the Hypnosis (page 72) episode Willy gets a [platinum card]
which unlocks four new positions with her...
☼ The bookmark03.dat above depicts the name and exact moment were
this file is created. You can use them as autosaves. If in the next chapter
something goes wrong you can go to the Main menu – left in the
inventory overlay – and then Options. If you click on 0.0.1 – shortened
to v001 in the rest of this walkthrough – this file will be loaded so you
can start over at exactly that point. So Willy must start by saying “So
what’s new with you lately?” to continue the adventure...
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card
Dolls (4) Skye (b), Maya (b), Princess (b), Skye (s)
Lingerie (0) -
Portfolio (0) -
☼ If you want to see what the [gold card] from Carlos is good for, walk to
the right and say to the standing girl “I have a gold membership card”
followed by “OK”
• To start the lingerie collection investigate the [fuse box] in the alley.
Willy wonders what will happen if he presses the red button. Now [enter
bar]. Say to Rose “It’s hot in here” and the function of the red button
becomes clear. Of course Willy will now say “Give me your pantyhose”
☼ Wait a few minutes to stare at the sitting girl. She has three randomly
playing animations which are quite funny to see...
• [Exit bar], go to [Neal's place] and [enter building] through the green
doors. Again investigate the [fuse box]. [Exit building] and speak with
the [nervous guy] by walking to the far left. At the right of your screen is
Daisy – one of Willy’s neighbors and aspiring actress – so ask her about
“Other drama schools?”
• Drive to [Majora Street] and grab a fuse by clicking on the [small fuse
• Move your mouse to the left, click and grab the [Gabriella bronze] doll.
Talk with Gabriella to start a transition scene. Afterwards search for the
[Gabriella (6)] photos
• Go back to [Neal’s place] and drop the [fuse] in your inventory on the
[fuse box] to repair the elevator. Click on the [elevator button] to see if
it works. It becomes clear why Willy has to [use stairs]
• Find the [Claudia bronze] doll. Enter [Neal’s apartment] and search for
the [Claudia silver] doll and the three sets of [Claudia (2) (7) (4)] photos.
Ask Neal about “Restaurant reservation” and this will open [Maria’s
• [Enter villa] and ask Mrs. Maria “I was wondering if you might do me a
favor” to get the reservation. Afterwards Mrs. Maria ask Willy to come
back later
• Drive to [Majora Street] and walk to the working girl. Willy automatically
gives the reservation (bookmark04.dat)
☼ Although she is a platinum girl Willy can from now on ask “I want to use
your services”
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo
Dolls (8) Rose (b), Gabriella (b), Claudia (b), Claudia (s)
Portfolio (0) -
Magazines (1) -
Nadya’s imagination
• Walk [downstairs] and click on the door right to [pool]. Move cursor to
the right and click when both Mrs. Maria and Diane are visible. There a
transition scene automatically starts. Afterwards search for the [Diane
(4)] photos and then walk back to Mrs. Maria and Diane. Click either to
ask “What do you do here?” followed by “What do you ladies want to do
now?”. Nadya will interrupt and tell that Neal called if you could pick up
Claudia. Walk left to somewhere between the two towels and at the
bottom [enter house]. Change to normal [clothing] by clicking on it in
[Nadya’s room]
◀ Willy can also find the second issue of the Art of Pornography magazine.
For that investigate all objects in the bathroom and pay attention to
what Willy says...
• On the way back to the pool, enter [Maria’s room] and tell her
“Problems with Fiona” followed by “I dunno what to do about it”. Enjoy
☺. Afterwards search [Maria bronze] doll
☼ From now on Willy can always ask “May I touch your boobs again?”
• Go back to Diane and ask “About sunscreen”. Go back upstairs and get
the key to Diane’s room from the [antique vase]. Drop [Diane’s room
key] from the inventory on [Diane’s room]. Grab the pink [dildo]
(bookmark05.dat) and search for the [Diane (5) (4)] photos
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo, sunscreen
Dolls (12) Nadya (b), Diane (b), Erica (b), Maria (b)
Photos (90) Amelie (5/5), Dee Dee (3/22), Erica (5/15), Diane (13/18),
Maria (14/14)
Lingerie (1) -
Portfolio (0) -
From now on there are two different paths: mom (incest) or neighbor Alan. If
you want to play both paths you must save the game because both at the
same time is not an option! So press F5 and save your game! Then speak
with Diane and select “Choose path”. This will change parts of the game, but it
will always come back to the main story. I will label from now on sections with
main, mom or neighbor. The main part is off course the same for everyone,
the other two are based on your choice. So the flow is main (all above this
point), mom or neighbor, main and so on.
• This path has a new location [Mom’s place] so go there. [Enter building]
and go to [living room]. Grab the [valve] (1st image) by the kitchen sink
and search for [Violette (5)] photos. Click on the carpet near the two
chairs and ask mom about “Lunch time”. Willy says he is going to visit
someone in Jeb village first. End the conversation
• Now wait until mom starts touching her left boob. Afterwards ask “What
was that?”, “Mrs. Maria has a new fountain” and last “About Mrs. Maria’s
statue”. End the conversation. Wait again until mom accidentally reveals
her right boob when fixing her dress and afterwards say “I saw your
boob!” and of course “Comfort your mom”. The conversation stops
• Go behind the two chairs and now wait until mom reveals both boobs.
Immediately go into [mom’s bedroom] – just left by the chairs at the
bottom edge of the screen – where Willy can click on the [keyboard] and
then grab the [printed picture]. Search for [Violette bra] and [Violette
(6)] photos
• After arriving at the [motel] walk to the left and investigate the [window]
of room 4. Willy sees for himself that Alan is indeed cheating. Now
[enter room] 5. You can switch the toilet light on, but even without it you
can find a [valve] (5th image) by the sink
• [Exit room] and go back to Amanda. Tell her “You were right...”, “You
must be so lonely...”, “I love your dress. Did I say that yet?” and last
“You could show your panties to me though...”. After the show ask “So
are you still plan on making lunch?” and Willy says he is going to visit
someone in Jeb village
☼ After the above conversation with Amanda she will randomly do naughty
things, so watch her for a little while. Willy can also ask “Seeing
Amanda's boobs”
• Go to [Jeb village] and then [South Street]. Talk with Dee Dee “About
Carlos”, “More about Carlos”, “Why would you wanna become an escort
girl?” and last “So you want to become an escort girl?”. Willy promise
her to talk with Carlos
• Drive to the [office] and tell Carlos “I met a girl in Jeb village”. Carlos
asks Willy to do him a favor and practice with her
• Go back to Dee Dee. She is not by her house anymore. Go further south
to the [village fountain] and tell Dee Dee “I spoke with Carlos”. Mr. Goat
complains about the noise. Ask “So can we practice now?” and Dee Dee
refuses because she moans loud. But Mr. Goat could not hear her when
the fountain was working
• On the left go to [sewer entrance] and go inside [sewer]. There are four
sets of pipes coming out of the wall. One is blocked by a rat. First click
on the pipe opposite of the one with the rat. Willy says “Hmm...”. Now
click on the pipe where Willy entered the sewer. Willy now says “Hmm…
interesting...”. At last click on the opposite pipe. If done correctly the
sound of water running through pipes will begin and Willy will say “Oh…
something happened...”
• Go back to Dee Dee and say “Let’s practice now”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards
Willy can “Ask for her panties” and then must say “Enough practice for
today. I need to go now”. Search for the [Dee Dee bronze] and [Dee Dee
silver] doll and [Dee Dee (4)] photos. Go to [sewer entrance] and search
for [Dee Dee gold] doll, the [Dee Dee (6)] photos
$ On the street in front of the [sewer entrance] Willy can also find [money]
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo, sunscreen,
valve, Mom photo (mom)
Dolls (16) Dee Dee (b), Nadya (s), Dee Dee (s), Dee Dee (g)
Photos (111) Violette (11/14, mom), Amanda (7/19, neighbor), Dee Dee
Portfolio (0) -
Magazines (2) -
Claudia’s threesome
• Willy promised earlier to come back for lunch after his visit to Jeb
Village, so go to [mom’s place]. Ask her “Is it lunch time yet?”. She will
tell that Neal called for a favor (bookmark06.dat). When Willy [exit
apartment] he sees his sister Melissa arguing with Johnny. Talk to your
sister and do all the lines until Willy can “Grab Melissa’s ass”. After that
Melissa will go inside
• Willy promised earlier to come back for lunch after his visit to Jeb
Village, so go [home] to freshen up. On the floor in front of Willy’s
apartment a [Amanda photo] can be picked up. Willy says he can use it
to jerk off (bookmark12.dat). Now [enter apartment] and start walking to
the [bathroom]. Willy sees that there is a voice message on his phone.
Investigate the [phone] just left of the bedroom door and it will play the
message from Neal
☼ To clean up the inventory lets pin the [Rose photo] and [Amanda photo]
on the ugly [painting] in the [bathroom] and let Willy fantasize...
• Go to Neal and ask “What do you need now?”. Willy promises to go to
the garage. After [exit building] Willy hears a strange conversation in
the drama school. Click on [drama school entrance] to investigate.
Afterwards search for [Daisy bronze] doll
$ Almost on the same spot as the [Giovana (8)] photos Willy can find
some [money] ($20)
• [Go out] and drive to [Giulio’s car service] (new location). Here Willy can
find [Giovanna (8)] photos. Go to [back alley] and say to Giulio “Neal
sent me...”, “Anyway… Neal will need his car by tomorrow” and last
“W... What should I tell Neal?”. Before going grab the [Giovanna (5)]
photos, but don’t come near her!
• The dialogue with Giulio opens the [treehole cabin] location on the map
Drive there, walk right and then [uphill]. Now search for a [rusty key].
Go again [uphill], move the mouse to the left until the next [uphill]
appears. Take the [mountain gate key] from your inventory and drop it
on the [gate]. At last Willy can go to the [cabin] where he will find the
$ On the same scene were Willy can find the [rusty key] there is also
[money] ($100) to be found
• Now go all the way back to Willy’s car and tell Giulio “I got the
• Willy can now tell Neal that his “Car will be ready”. Depending on the
chosen path Willy says that he promised mom or his neighbor
☼ After the above conversation with Neal a new “Need money” line
appears. Even if you don’t want to earn money, you still MUST ask this
question from Neal because in [Port Duck] five dolls can be found or
$ Asking Neal about “Need money” unlocks the [Port Duck] location with
two possible jobs (page 144) and opens the possibility of earning money
from older ladies (page 166) by having hilarious sex with them...
◀ For doing some side quest during the main adventure, Willy must have
collected enough dolls at the right moment. So I advise to do now parts
A, B and C of Penelope – three dolls – and part A and B of Savannah –
two dolls – in the Port Duck (page 144) location
$ On the street in [port Duck] Willy can find some [money] ($10)
• Offer “Massage mom” from the conversation lines. Ask “Is this good?”
then “Do it a bit harder”, “Continue massaging mom” and of course
“Touch boobs”. This opens the familiar sex options screen, but only with
“Stop” and that almost disappears in the left light blue wall. The normal
conversation appears again and for now choose “Stop massage”. Search
for [Melissa bronze] doll and [Melissa (7)] photos. Go to [mom’s
bedroom] and search for [Violette bronze] doll
• Go to [Alan’s apartment] and tell Amanda “You know I was thinking..”,
and off course “Wanna make out?”. This opens the familiar sex options
screen, but only with “Stop”. From now on Willy can repeat this.
Afterwards search for [Amanda bronze] doll
• [Exit apartment] and when walking to the car Willy says he has a boner
which isn’t appropriate during lunch. But it should be cured by a burping
– do the non essential dialogue lines and you will understand this joke –
• Go to [Neal’s place] and speak with Claudia about “Favor for Claudia”
(bookmark07 mom and bookmark13.dat neighbor) and then off course “I am
ready for the threesome...”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards search for [Claudia’s
stockings] and [Claudia’s panties]. See tips below before [exit
apartment]. Pick up the [Claudia (5)] photos, [use stairs] and then
search for the [Claudia platinum] doll. Remember repairing the elevator?
☼ For some funny dialogues Willy can afterwards compliment Claudia with
“You have such beautiful breasts” or say “I was wondering...”
☼ If you want to do the threesome again, ask Claudia about “Need pills”.
This opens the [HoTaboo] now instead of in the next episode. Go there
and ask the Domina “Buy pills”, “Birth control pills $100”. Go back to
[Neal’s place] and drop the [b-control pills] from the inventory on her.
Now Willy can do the threesome again by asking her “I’m ready for the
threesome...”. The package contains ten pills, so after that many times
Willy must buy another package for her…
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo (mom),
sunscreen, valve, Mom photo (mom)
Dolls (25) Violette (b, mom), Amanda (b, neighbor), Melissa (b,
mom), Emanuelle (b, neighbor), Daisy (b), Penelope (b),
Savannah (b), Penelope (s), Savannah (s), Penelope (g),
Claudia (p)
Portfolio (0) -
Magazines (2) -
Surprise for Dee Dee
• Now Willy’s boner is cured, it is time for lunch at [mom’s place]. After
[enter building] a transition scene will automatically start. Afterwards
grab the [Leonora bronze] doll
• Go to [Melissa and Julia’s room] and pick up the [Julia bronze] doll,
[Melissa (4)] and [Julia (6)] photos. Tell Julia “You look quite pretty
today”. Speak with Melissa and “Talk about Julia”. During the
conversation Willy needs to pee and Melissa will give him the location of
the spare bathroom key. Go to the [apartment hallway] and check the
middle upper [drawer] to find the [bathroom key]. Drop this on the
[bathroom] door
☼ Watch mom for some because there is a 50% chance she will touch her
boobs. If she does that there is a 20% chance she will start
masturbating or else washes her face again
• Go to [Melissa and Julia’s room] and say to Julia “Phew! That was close”.
At the end Willy says he has to go to Jeb village
• Now Willy’s boner is cured, it is time for lunch in [Alan’s apartment].
After entering a transition scene will automatically start. Afterwards
speak with Eve about “Amanda under shower”. That becomes
embarrassing so Willy blurts out that he must go to the [motel] in Los
Labia now! But before going grab the [Eve bronze] doll
• There another automatic conversation starts. Enter through [door] of
room 2. You know why if you did earlier more investigation than the
minimum I tell you to do ☺. Search for the [Emanuelle bronze] doll and
[Emanuelle (7) (4)] photos. At the right just above the bed Willy can go
to the [bathroom]. Another automatic conversation starts and Willy says
he needs to go to Jeb village. Before leaving grab the [Emanuelle (4)]
photos and [Emanuelle silver] doll
$ In the previous episode Neal suggested sex with older ladies. Because
Willy has to go to [Jeb village] anyway, this is an easy way to get some
money from Mrs. Martha (page 166)
• When Willy arrives at [Jeb village] he sees Amelie by the pizzeria. Ask
her “Do you know Dee Dee?” and she tells about a fight between Dee
Dee and Erica. Grab the [Amelie bronze] doll and [Amelie (5)] photos.
Go to [North Street] and “Ask about fight with Dee Dee” from Erica’s
conversation lines. She tells about a huge dildo she threw away because
Dee Dee was obsessed with it. Now go to Dee Dee and “Ask about
Erica”. She tells the dildo was very expensive and bought in the
☼ If you didn’t ask Claudia about “Need pills” in the Claudia’s threesome
(page 18) episode, this location will now be opened on the map
$ The [Domina bronze] doll on the counter in the [HoTaboo] costs $99.
Press M if the amount is not show in the top right corner. For now there
is a money pile (page 167) at [Majora street west] but that will be gone
in the final version. You’ve be warned...
☼ If you find the music in the [Hotaboo] irritating ask the Domina “Change
music” and choose the one you like better...
• Go to the [HoTaboo] and ask the Domina “I want to buy a dildo”. Willy
gets a replacement for free after explaining the situation
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
• Go to [Jeb village] and give the [realistic dildo] from your inventory to
Dee Dee. An automatic conversation starts in which Willy suggest that
the dildo could be used as an introduction for threesome sex. Tell her
“Let’s practice now” if you want to see the suggested options for the
• Now that Willy used the dildo in a simulated threesome it is time for a
“Report on Dee Dee’s progress” to Carlos at the [office]. Carlos
mentions (bookmark09 mom and bookmark15.dat neighbor) that Maya is
waiting at the [cinema] (new location), so go there
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo (mom),
sunscreen, valve, Mom photo (mom)
Dolls (31) Emanuelle (b, neighbor), Julia (b, mom), Eve (b,
neighbor), Leonora (b, mom), Stella (b, neighbor), Amelie
(b), Domina (b), Violette (s, mom), Amanda (s, neighbor),
Emanuelle (s, neighbor)
Portfolio (0) -
Magazine (2) -
Maya’s interrupted handjob
☼ If you click on the first [sign] left (movie Dark) you get the option to
view3 it on the Youtube channel of the developer
• Talk to Maya and you will both enter the cinema. Ask the ticket seller for
“Two tickets for ‘Life is a mess’, please”, “I would really like to see this
movie” and last “Can you give me a hint?”
• The hint won’t help, but Willy thinks about asking Carlos. Ask him “Can
you help me with something?”. This will open the [Los Labia] location
☼ Don’t confuse with the [motel] in Los Labia when you play the neighbor
$ Willy can find in [Los Labia South] some [money] ($10) on the street
• Go to [Los Labia South] and try to enter the [alley]. The puppy begins to
bark and Willy is afraid of dogs. Ask Mrs. Camila “Is that your dog over
there?”. She will tell you it is Charlotta's dog. Go left to [Main street] and
ask Lucas “Do you know Charlotta?”. Of course, it’s his wife. But before
he will call her Willy has to get a car part from Giulio
• Drive to [Giulio’s car service], ask him “Lucas sent me… He needs...”
and the [car part] will be added to the inventory
• Go back to [Los Labia] and say to Lucas “I have your car part from
Giulio...”. Afterwards Charlotta will move the puppy. Now go into the
[alley] and Willy sees Selina, sister of Carlos and wife of Hoyt. First
collect the [Selina (5)] photos. Willy can go to [roof] – left side of stairs –
for collecting the [Selina bronze] doll and the [Selina ()] photos or to the
[backyard] – right of the stairs. There ask the guy in camouflage “Are
you Hoyt?” and then “I wanna see movie at the cinema...”. Afterwards
collect [Selina (5)] photos
• Go back to [Los Labia Entrance] and walk to [Los Labia North] to find
Charlotta. Say “Thank you for moving that dog”. Now walk left to [Main
street] and collect the [Charlotta bronze] and [Charlotta silver] doll
• Go back to the [cinema] and ask the ticket teller again “Can you give
me a hint?”. After mentioning Hoyt he blurts out that Gloria Star has
rented the VIP room. That is the same person who owns the restaurant
for which we got a reservation in the second episode
• Go to [Maria’s room] and ask “I need another favor from you”. Willy gets
the [VIP theater special]
• Go back to the [cinema] again and now talk with Maya. This
conversation is a little bit weird, but she and Willy automatically go
inside the VIP room. Willy finds it a strange movie and says so. This
leads to an interrupted handjob from Maya. When she leaves Willy says
he will return the VIP pass to Mrs. Maria. But first search for the [Maya
silver] doll
• Say to Mrs. Maria “Thank you for this VIP pass”. She sees Willy’s
excitement and offers help. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards “Tell Mrs. Maria about
your plans”. Willy will explain he promised his sisters (mom) or a friend
(neighbor) to visit the beach (bookmark10 mom and bookmark16.dat
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part D can now
be done
• Before going to the beach let’s collect a few dolls first by going to
[Nadya’s room] and changing into swimming wear. Then go to the
[fountain] and search for the [Maria silver] doll
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part E can now
be done
☼ The scene in [Diane’s room] goes further when Willy is still in his
swimming wear, so don’t change into clothes yet. Later in the
adventure this fun goes even further...
• Go to [Diane’s room] and decide if you want to have some fun with her –
hover the mouse over her to see what is in store. Now search for the
[Diane silver] doll
◀ At this point the [Orion Star hotel] location can be opened by reading
the [envelope] on the chair. After changing into normal clothes you can
now do part A of Eliza and parts A, B and C of Jade in the Orion Star
hotel (page 138) location. You can also start the Coin collecting (page
122) side quest by doing part A and About submission (page 133) side
quest by doing part A and B
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo (mom),
sunscreen, valve, Mom photo (mom), page 1 (side quest),
VIP theater special, hand cream (side quest), rose (side
Dolls (43) Stella (b, neighbor), Eliza (b, side quest), Natalie (b, side
quest), Brenda (b, side quest), Selina (b), Jade (b, side
quest), Charlotta (b), Maya (s), Amanda (s, neighbor),
Natalie (s, side quest), Diane (s), Maria (s), Jade (s, side
quest), Charlotta (s)
Portfolio (0) -
Magazine (2) -
Relaxing at the beach
• Go to [mom’s place] and ask Julia “Where’s Melissa?”. She tells that
Melissa already went to [Cool bay beach] (new location), so go there
• Walk right to [Middle beach] and [Lone beach] to find Melissa. Do all the
conversation lines until “Use suncreen” appears. With that one Melissa
wants to know the exact time. Go back to the [beach entrance] and ask
the old couple for the time. They will eventually tell the time. Go back to
Melissa and say “It’s 3:20 and… OH MY GOD!”, “Compliment your
sister” and last “Undress and touch her ass”. While touching her ass say
“Melissa?” and she will ask Willy to tell Julia that she needs to help mom
wash her back. Search for the [Melissa silver] doll
• Go back to [mom's place] and tell Julia “Help mom wash her back”. She
doesn’t want to do it so of course Willy offers to do it. Go to [bathroom]
and tell her “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” and then “Undress and
help mom wash her back”. Now ask “Is this good” and at the end Willy’s
dick says they need to buy pills for more confidence. That implies a visit
to the [HoTaboo]
• Go [home] to [Alan’s apartment] and search for [Amanda’s bra]. Ask Eve
“Where’s your mom?” and she will tell her mom went to [Cool bay
beach] (new location)
• Drive there and walk right to [Middle beach] and [Lone beach] to find
Amanda. Do all the conversation lines until “Give Amanda suncreen”
appears. With that one Amanda wants to know the exact time. Go back
to the [beach entrance] and ask the old couple for the time. They will
eventually tell it. Go back to Amanda and say “It’s 3:20… Wow! You…
You’re naked...”, “So would you let me touch them?” and of course “Can
I touch your boobs?”. Then “Undress and touch Amanda's boobs”. While
touching her boobs say “Amanda?” and she will ask to tell Eve to stay at
home until a package is delivered. Pick up the [Amanda silver] doll
• Ask the girl “Hello young lady. Is your name Stella?”. Willy lacks
confidence when talking with pretty girls and thinks asking the Domina
about pills for this problem. Search for the [Stella bronze] doll
• In the [HoTaboo] “Ask about self-confidence pill” and the Domina will
explain that Willy must ask Selina for a batch of Indigo essence scent
☼ In [Los Labia] the only [hole in the wall] Willy has found is in the [alley].
When investigating Willy says he needs light to see inside. That means a
[burning torch] which can be assembled behind the [silver door] in the
[Doll house]. For that part we need at least 75 dolls...
• Go to [Selina’s home] in [Los Labia] and “Ask about essence”. You can
forget the whole explanation. This is a walkthrough, so I’ll tell you what
to do ☺
☼ In the explanation on how to make the indigo essence she starts saying
“Where the wind blows and then suddenly stops...”. Willy interrupts with
“Oh my God! Just say at the top of [Treehole cabin]”. So if you didn’t
figure that out from the first clue in the the Future telling (page 120)
side quest, it’s now clear where a page can be found
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part F can now
be done
$ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest and just gave Mrs.
Camila a rose, Willy can now “Help Mrs. Camila” to earn some money
(page 166)
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Treehole cabin] for the main adventure
anyway he can deliver a package to Giulio (page 135) to earn some
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part G can now
be done by going back to the [cabin]
• Go back to Selina and say “I have indigo essence” and she will give
Willy [indigo essence scent]
$ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
“Help Mrs. Camila” (page 166) to earn some money
• Go to the [HoTaboo] and say “I have the indigo essence scent… thing”
to the Domina. Willy asks to spray the free sample on him and now he
has more confidence
☼ Buy the new Art of Pornography issue #3 on the counter for $20
◀ Because Willy now has confidence, parts B and C of Eliza in the Orion
Star hotel (page 138) side quest can be done to collect two more dolls.
Also do part C of the About submission (page 133) side quest
• Go back to mom and test Willy’s confidence in the [bathroom] with
“Undress and help mom wash her back” again and then “Ask mom
about her boobs” to see what happens. At the end mom ask if Willy
don’t need to go back to Melissa? Before going grab [Violette stockings]
• So go back to Melissa on the [Cool bay beach]. “Undress and touch her
ass”, “Tell about mom” and of course “Talk to your sister”. Enjoy ☺.
Afterwards “Stop touching ass” for this dialogue and say in the normal
dialogue “I need to see how Daisy is doing” (bookmark11.dat)
• Go back to Stella on [Majora Street] and test Willy’s confidence by
saying “You look very pretty” and if you want “Do something very
dirty!”. Willy can also collect [Stella panties] with “Ask her for panties”
• Finally go back to Amanda on the [Cool bay beach]. “Undress and touch
Amanda's boobs” and “I want to ask something...”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards
“Stop touching boobs” for this dialogue and say in the normal dialogue
“I better go now and check up on how Daisy is doing” (bookmark17.dat)
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, Rose photo (mom), valve,
Mom photo (mom), page 1 (side quest), VIP theater
special, hand cream (side quest), page 4 (side quest),
page 3 (side quest)
Dolls (46) Stella (b, neighbor), Giovanna (b), Amanda (s, neighbor),
Melissa (s, mom), Eliza (s, side quest), Eliza (g, side
Portfolio (0) -
☼ This is the first time that Willy goes home in both paths. So take a
[peek] in your neighbors apartment – four new positions: cowgirl,
behind, drilled, missionary – on the [1st floor] ☺. If you play the
neighbor path Willy saw the first two in the Practice with Dee Dee
(page 15) episode
• In the previous episode Willy promised to check how Daisy is doing after
leaving the drama school when she found out what a pervert the
instructor was. So go [home], enter [Daisy’s apartment] on the [2nd
floor] and tell her “I could ask someone for help...”. Before leaving grab
the [Daisy (7) (5)] photos. [Exit apartment] and now pick up the [Daisy
silver] and [Jux Apo bronze] doll
☼ Later in this episode we start the Happy ending (page 125) side quest
with Jux Apo – the new girl on the [2nd floor]. If you want, talk with her
for an introduction. Willy can also investigate the [box] for a funny
• Go to [Neal's place] and ask Claudia “Help for Daisy”. This dialogue
starts a transition scene where Claudia introduces Willy to Mia.
Afterwards ask her “I need a favor” and then “So what is the Doll
house?”. Search for the [Mia bronze] doll and [Mia (4)] photos
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part H can now
be done
◀ If you started the Coin collecting (page 122) side quest, part B can now
be done
• Click on Willy’s car and go to the [Doll house] (new location). Ask the
sitting person “Are you Nemad?” and then “Mia sent...”. Nenad promises
Daisy the main role if Willy can find the entrance of the Doll house. Go
to right side and investigate the [rock]. Willy can’t read the carvings and
wonders if Selina has some “magic” potion for that. Go back via the
[forest path]
• Drive to [Los Labia] and say to Selina “I need your help again...” to get
[liquid cleaner]. Afterwards “Ask for her panties” for adding [Selina
panties] to the lingerie collection
$ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money
• Go to the [Doll house] again and use [liquid cleaner] in your inventory
on the [rock]. If successful it becomes a [puzzle rock] so investigate.
Now solve the sliding 8-puzzle until a ninth piece appears in the empty
space. Now click “Exit” and see what happens...
◀ Willy can ask the mysterious girl what it is all about, but at this point
Willy is one doll short – only if you did all the side quests – if he tries the
[bronze door]. However in the next step he can collect the [mysterious
bronze] doll and then the Secret Garden of Desire (page 151) location
can be opened. Now the Happy ending (page 125) can be started by
doing part A. In the [contest area] do all parts of Brianna and A through
D of Amy
$ The betting on the winner in the blowjob contest – if you use my saving
cheat (page 152) – is by far the most easy and fun way to earn money
when the money pile (page 167) at [Majora street west] in the final
version will be gone...
• Return via the [forest path] and say to Nenad “I found the entrance to
the Doll house” and he tells that Daisy needs a recommendation from
her drama school. Now search for the [mysterious bronze] doll
• Go to [Neal's place] and click on the [drama school entrance]. Say to the
drama teacher “I wanna talk about Daisy...”
• Go [Home] and say to Daisy “I have a surprise for you”. At the end Willy
says that he needs to tell Mia that everything worked out
◀ If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side quest part B can now
be done
☼ Willy can “Buy lubricant $200” in the [HoTaboo] and drop the [lube]
from the inventory on her. Then ask “Claudia… I wanna fuck you...” and
titjob, blowjob and rough anal are added to the menu
☼ This is the first time that Willy is home in the mom path. Clean up the
inventory after saying “I need a drink now” by pinning the [Rose photo]
and [Mom photo] on the ugly [painting] in the [bathroom] and let Willy
☼ Willy can “Buy lubricant $200” in the [HoTaboo] and drop the [lube]
from the inventory on her. Then ask “Can we do it again?” and rough
anal is added in the empty spot
However in Miss Skye’s threesome (page 79) episode Willy can ask her
about the “Sweet memories” and then the rough anal is automatically
available, so again don’t waste your money ☺
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, page 1 (side
quest), VIP theater special, hand cream (side quest), page
4 (side quest), page 3 (side quest), page 6 (side quest),
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest)
Dolls (55) Jux Apo (b), Mia (b), Brianna (b, side quest), Mysterious (b),
Amy (s, side quest), Daisy (s), Brianna (s, side quest),
Claudia (g), Skye (g)
Portfolio (0) -
Magazine (3) -
Need a drink
• This is the first time after the Platinum girl (page 9) episode Willy has a
reason to visit [Rose bar] so “Ask her to give you her panties” from Rose
is a bit sneaky with Mary present. It will however add [Rose panties] to
the lingerie collection. Then ask “Do you know Sophie” – the girl in front
of his office. Finally ask Mary “About Fiona” and then “Talk to Rose and
Mary”. End the conversation and Willy will say he’s going to the beach.
But first [enter office] and search for the [Rose silver] doll, then [back to
bar] and search for the [Mary bronze] doll
• Go to [Cool bay beach] and “Talk about Julia” with Melissa
• Go to [mom’s place] and talk with Julia until the line “Kiss Julia” appears.
Use “Stop” to end the lesson and go to the [living room] and search for
the [Julia silver] doll. Now go to the [bathroom] and use “Undress and
help mom wash her back” and use the new line “Grab mom’s boobs
without warning”. Enjoy ☺
• After mom’s help, Willy can go to [Cool bay beach] and say to Melissa “I
spoke with Julia...”, then “Melissa? I wanted to ask you something...”
and of course “Ask for blowjob” (bookmark20.dat). Stop this with “Cum”
(right, barely visible in the sky) and then “Ask for her panties” to add
[Melissa panties] to the collection. Go to [middle beach] and search for
[Melissa gold] doll
• Go to [Cool bay beach] and talk about “Check Eve” with Amanda. Go
[home] and enter [Alan’s apartment]. Eve is not standing in the dinning
room anymore, so use the [door] and the enter [Eve’s bedroom]. She is
now very shy, so talk with her until the line “Make out with Eve”
appears. Use “Stop” to end it and Willy’s dick suggests to visit
Emanuelle in the [motel]. But first grab the [Eve silver] doll and [Eve (6)]
Dolls (59) Mary (b), Rose (s), Julia (s, mom), Eve (s, neighbor),
Melissa (g, mom), Emanuelle (g, neighbor)
Portfolio (0) -
Magazine (3) -
Mia’s insurance document
• At this point I haven’t seen a clue what to do next. The hint (press H)
suggests visiting Neal. Tell him “I met Mia earlier today” and he ask
Willy to check with Claudia if she already arranged the promised
◀ If you opened the Secret Garden of Desire in the [Doll house] do part E
of the Amy side quest. If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side
quest part C can also be done
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Doll house] for the main adventure anyway
he can easily earn $1.000 by betting on the winner in the blowjob
contest and using my saving cheat (page 152)
☼ Amy has moved from the [contest area] to the [university]. That
location is not opened yet...
• Go to the [Doll house] and say to Nenad “Mia is asking for you...”. He
says he forgot to get an insurance document and that the Duck City
Insurance office is now closed. Remember were Willy works?
☼ In the previous episode Willy discovered from Rose that she is asking
about Mary. This unlocked the [Sophie bronze] doll and the possibility to
talk with her. For example try to “Ask for panties” ☺
• Go to the [office] and search for the [Sophie bronze] doll. [Enter office]
and investigate the [desk]. Willy doesn’t find the right document and
suggests to try [Maya’s laptop], but it is password protected. This opens
[Maya’s street] on the map so drive there...
• [Enter building] and tell Maya “I need your help with something”. Willy
gets her password of the laptop. Search for [Maya (6) (6)] photos
• Go back to the [office] and now [Maya’s laptop] says the document is in
the [drawer]
☼ To see the [Claudia] portfolio in action open the inventory – see earlier –
and click on Collection left of the screen. In the new screen click on the
portfolio collection (top middle) and another screen opens. Click on a
portfolio top open, just as in the photos collection. Right you can choose
the animation except that Lingerie and Clothing don’t work for the
moment. At the right bottom some other controls are explained and
work the same as in the doll collection
• At the [HoTaboo] Willy has to “Ask for endurance pill”. The Domina will
give a free recipe. So ask “Where can I find these things” and she refers
Willy to Selina
$ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money
• Drive to [Los Labia] and ask Selina “Can you help me with a recipe”. She
will tell were the three needed ingredients can be found or made. Willy
has to collect them all, but it doesn’t matter in which order. I choose to
do them in the following order:
$ Willy can find outside of the [hospital] some [money] ($50) on the street
• First drive to the [hospital] (new location) and [enter hospital]. Try to
enter [hospital room] and Dr. Scarlett will tell Willy that he doesn’t look
sick. Of course Willy’s dick has an idea to get ‘sick’…
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Treehole cabin] for the main adventure
anyway he can deliver a package to Giulio (page 135) to earn some
money. Do this BEFORE speaking with Giovanna...
• The [enduro herb] can be found in front of the [sewer entrance] in [Jeb
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part I can now be
◀ If you started the Coin collecting (page 122) side quest, part D can now
be done
• Now that all ingredients are collected, drop the [enduro herb] on the
[red essence] to get [enduro gel]. Use the [valve] – or the [dagger] – to
crush the [erectile dysfunction pills] to [erectile dust]. Make the [enduro
gel] stronger by combining it with the [erectile dust]. Apply the
[strengthen enduro gel] by clicking on it. You can do it in other places
which could be funny ☺
• Go back to [Claudia’s apartment] and say to them “I’m sorry about what
happened last time” and enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I have to go visit a
friend now...” and Willy is going to thank Maya for her help. Pick up the
[Mia platinum] doll and in the [kitchen] [Mia panties]
☼ If you’re on the mom path and want to see the shower scene again, go
to [Mom’s place] now. Or load v012 through Autosaves in the main
menu if you accidentally said to Maya “I need to go now” => sweet
• Go to [Maya’s street] and say “Thank you for your help today...”. Enjoy
again ☺ (bookmark22.dat mom and bookmark23.dat neighbor). Afterwards
ask about “Best friends” and then “I wanted to ask you something” to
add [Maya panties] to the lingerie collection. For continuing the
adventure say “I need to go now” – not the last line! – and it becomes
clear that Willy has to visit mom or neighbors daughter
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, page 1 (side
quest), VIP theater special, hand cream (side quest), page
4 (side quest), page 3 (side quest), page 6 (side quest),
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), page 2 (side quest), old coin (side quest)
Dolls (66) Candy (b), Scarlett (b), Sophie (b), Giovanna (s), Jux Apo (s,
side quest), Mia (s), Mia (p)
Photos (269) Maya (19/48), Amanda (7/14, neighbor), Candy (9/18), Mia
(13/13), Claudia (27/36)
Magazine (3) -
Sexy clothing
• Go to [Mom’s place], ask in [mom’s bedroom] “Mom… I wanna ask you
something” to try getting her panties. Instead she asks Willy if he can
help Melissa finding a new job
• Go to [Cool bay beach] and “Talk about job” with Melissa. She wants to
work in the [HoTaboo]
• Go [home] to [Eve’s bedroom] and use the dialogue line “Favor for Eve”.
She will ask Willy if he can help Stella finding a new job
• Go to [Majora street] and say to Stella “Eve told me that she won’t be
able to meet you here today” and in that conversation Willy says he will
ask Rose
• Go to [Rose bar] and ask Rose “Do you need any help?” and she says to
try the [HoTaboo]
• “Ask about job” from the Domina. She will refer Willy to her daughter
Angel in the [clothing section] – bottom right just above the glass
display. Speak with Angel and “Ask about job”
☼ The mannequins show the lingerie Willy can buy. Some give extra sex
positions or are needed to unlock [dolls] or [photos]. collectibles. After
opening the [clothing section] the girls in question get an extra “Change
outfit” in their dialogue. See the next side quest to unlock this...
◀ To start the Clothing shop (page 127) side quest you can now do part A
• Go back to Melissa and say “I asked Domina for a job for you”
• Go back to mom and say “I got a job interview for Melissa”, then “Can
you give me your panties now?” (bookmark24.dat) and at last “Mom, I’m
horny”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say to her “I need to go visit Mrs. Maria”
• Go back to Stella and say “I asked at the bar, but Rose didn’t need
anyone at the moment”. In that conversation Willy will tell about the job
from Angel and that he will go to Eve now
• Go back to [Eve’s bedroom] and say “I found a job for Stella”. She will
say that her mother is back from the beach and wants to speak with
him. She also gives Willy her picture (bookmark25.dat). Now go to
[Amanda’s room] and enjoy ☺. Afterwards say to her “I need to go visit
my mother-in-law”. Before going search for [Amanda panties], [Amanda
gold] doll and [Amanda (7)] photos. In the [living room] collect the
[Amanda] portfolio and [Amanda (5)] photos
☼ The “Sideway” is only available when she is naked. When the Clothing
shop (page 127) side quest is done and Willy can buy outfits, you’ll have
to use the “Change outfit” to undress her if necessary. The “Let’s fuck”
unlocks the [Amanda (5)] photos in the [living room]
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, page 1 (side
quest), VIP theater special, hand cream (side quest), page
4 (side quest), page 3 (side quest), page 6 (side quest),
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), page 2 (side quest), old coin (side quest), Eve
photo (neighbor)
Dolls (69) Angel (b), Domina (s), Violette (g, mom), Amanda (g,
Magazine (3) -
Lady Gloria
• Go to [Maria’s house] and ask Mrs. Maria “What are you sexy girls doing
here?” and then “So… is Diane going with you two?”. Willy says he
could check on Diane. Go to her room and when entering a transition
scene with Nadya will start. She put sleeping pills in Diane’s drink earlier
that day so she won’t wake up. Go back to Mrs. Maria and say “I dunno
how to tell you this, but...” and lady Gloria will mention that she didn’t
get an answer from Nenad yet. End the conversation with Mrs. Maria
and ask lady Gloria “You know that Memad guy?” and Willy discovers
that she is also the owner of the Doll house. Willy promises to tell Nenad
that he must read his mail
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Doll house] for the main adventure anyway
he can easily earn $1.000 by betting on the winner in the blowjob
contest and using my saving cheat (page 152)
• Go to the [Doll house] and tell Nenad “Lady Gloria needs you” and at
the end of the conversation Willy asks for the Art of Pornography issue
☼ Look on the last pages of this issue if you want to find out something
about Lady Gloria
• Go back to [Maria's house] and tell Gloria “I told that Nived guy that he
needs to contact you”. Willy ask about her posing in the magazine. Mrs.
Maria says she bought the issue and maybe Nadya knows were it is now.
Go to her room and ask “Mrs. Maria said you maybe have a magazine”.
She thinks she left it at the [hospital]
• Go there and “Ask about magazine” from Dr. Scarlett. She says Hoyt
took it
• Go to [Los Labia] and ask Hoyt “Did you take a magazine from the
hospital?”. He gave it to Lucas
◀ If you started the Clothing shop (page 127) side quest, part B can now
be done
$ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money
• Go to [Maria’s house] and search for the [Gloria silver] doll. [Enter villa]
and say to Nadya “I think I need to punish you” and then “Time for
punishment!”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards search for [Nadya’s bra] and say to
her “I need to check Diane” (bookmark26 mom and bookmark27.dat
☼ Willy can “Buy lubricant $200” in the [HoTaboo] and drop the [lube]
from the inventory on Nadya. Then say “Time for punishment!”. This
adds anal jump and rough anal to the positions
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, page 1 (side
quest), VIP theater special, hand cream (side quest), page
4 (side quest), page 3 (side quest), page 6 (side quest),
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), page 2 (side quest), old coin (side quest), Eve
photo (neighbor), indigo essence scent (side quest)
Portfolio (2) -
• Go to [Diane’s room] and… well use her if you like to. Afterwards search
for the [Diane gold] doll. Because Diane seems to be fine, go back to
[Nadya’s room] and say “I will consider how to punish you more”. At the
end Willy says he needs to check Julia (mom) or Eve (neighbor). [Leave
villa] and search for the [Nadya gold] doll
• Go to [Mom's place], [Melissa and Julia’s room] and search for a [photo]
of Julia. Now say to her “I just came to check up on you...” and she will
tell that aunt Leonora isn’t answering the telephone. Willy offers to go to
[Minora town] (new location) where she lives
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part J can now be
• Enter [Aunt’s house] (white door at the right) and ask her “Where is
uncle Karl?”, “Julia tried to call you earlier...” and last “I’m going to say
hi to Isabel”. Go to [Isabel’s room] and say to her “Julia sent her
greetings to you...”, “You look happy today” and then “So what’s going
on with you?”. Now search for the [Isabel bronze] doll, go to the [living
room] and search for the [Leonora silver] doll
• Go back to [Mom’s place] and tell Julia “I told aunt Leonora we would go
there this weekend”, “Talk about cuddle” and then of course “Let’s
cuddle”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards “Talk about cuddle again” then go to
[living room] and Willy’s dick suggests a visit to Claudia and Mia
• Go [home], enter [Alan’s apartment] and say to Eve “I came to see how
you’re doing...”. She will tell Stella wants to talk with him and that she
lives in [Minora town] (new location), so go there
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, part J can now be
• Enter [Stella’s house] (red door at the left). A transition scene will start
and this opens the dialogue with Stella. Say “Eve said you needed to
talk to me” and then “I still don’t get it...”. Now speak with Leila and say
“Your name is Leila?” and “So you two live her alone?”. Now search for
the [Stella silver] and [Leila bronze] doll
• Go back [home] and say to Eve “Stella only wanted to thank me...”,
“About cuddle” and then of course “Let’s cuddle”. Enjoy ☺. Now go to
the [hallway] and Willy’s dick suggests a visit to Claudia and Mia
• Go to [Claudia’s street], enter [Claudia’s apartment] and say “Mia… I
wanted to ask you something...”. Willy promises to go to Ninged... err
Nenad and ask him about the package
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Doll house] for the main adventure anyway
he can easily earn $1.000 by betting on the winner in the blowjob
contest and using my saving cheat (page 152)
• (At this point 74 dolls in mom path and 75 in neighbor => silver door
for now in next visit) Go to the [Doll house] and say to Nenad “Mia
said...” and he will tell that the package is still in the [HoTaboo]
• Go to the [HoTaboo] and say to the Domina “Mr. Nomub sent me” and
she will tell that the package will be done tomorrow
(buy lube for anal Daisy now, else unneeded visit to Hotaboo?)
☼ The [money pile] (page 167) will be gone in the final version of the
game. At this point I usually have earned more than the $1.400 needed
for all collectibles in the next side quest. However if you combine the
main adventure and side quests, the most important collectibles are the
dolls. My advise is to buy at least the [corset] – unlocks the [Maya gold]
doll – and decide if you can/want to spend $1.000 in part E below –
[Angel (33)] photos and [Angel] portfolio – as well…
◀ If you started the Clothing shop (page 127) side quest, part C and D can
now be done. Do part E – see explanation in the above tip – if you used
the [money pile] (page 167) or have earned enough already (Do mom
• Go back to [Claudia’s street] and tell Mia “I found that Nomot guy
again...” (bookmark28.dat mom and bookmark29.dat neighbor). Willy can
enjoy his reward, but for the continuation of the adventure say “I need
to go visit a friend on Duckyard district”. [Exit apartment] and search for
the [Mia gold] doll
☼ From now on Willy can have sex with Mia or Claudia alone or both of
them together by asking the corresponding line in the dialogue
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, page 1 (side
quest), VIP theater special, hand cream (side quest), page
4 (side quest), page 3 (side quest), page 6 (side quest),
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), page 2 (side quest), old coin (side quest), Julia
photo (mom), Eve photo (neighbor), page 5 (side quest),
corset (side quest)
Dolls (77) Isabel (b, mom), Leila (b, neighbor), Leonora (s, mom),
Stella (s, neighbor), Angel (s), Violette (g, mom), Diane (g),
Nadya (g), Mia (g)
Lingerie (14) -
Magazine (5) -
Giovanna’s hideout
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
• Follow Dean to [Jeb village] and see him talking to Amelie. Move a little
bit closer and another transition scene will start. Now go to Dee Dee and
again listen to the conversation. Afterwards say to Dean “Ok. Here’s
what this is all about” and then “Explain to Dean about Dee Dee
threesome practice”. Dean is still a virgin so Willy hopes Selina has a
magic solution…
◀ If you started the Future telling (page 120) side quest, the final part K
can now be done. Enjoy ☺
$ If you’ve done the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
• Go back to [Jeb village] and drop the pill on Dean. Then say to him
“Let’s practice a threesome with Dee Dee”. Afterwards say “That was
great Dee Dee!” and Willy mentions he has to go to Duckyard district.
But first go to the [sewer entrance] and search for the [Dee Dee
platinum] doll
☼ WARNING: if you DON’T want to see two dicks in the same hole, skip
this tip!
Willy can “Buy penetration spray”, “Wide open spray $500” – ask the
other question if you want more information – in the [HoTaboo] and drop
the [wide open spray] from the inventory on her. Then ask Dean “Lets
practice a threesome with Dee Dee” to see the three new positions...
• Go back to [Giulio’s car service] and then enter the [basement] (red
dumpster in the middle of the screen). In the basement seven [Kama
Sutra pages] can be investigated (see picture above)
• In the basement there are two safe places were Willy can stand without
being seen by Giulio. The first is by the door and the second behind the
wall in the picture above. According to Nenad the path he takes is not as
random as it seems, so try to race to a page when he is out of sight.
Most probably Willy will be caught – see the tip below – in the end, but if
the page is read successful that position will stay unlocked
☼ In the introduction we said that you could ignore the yellow side quest
boxes like the one below. In this case do READ it!
◀ At this point the Candycare (page 118) side quest can be combined by
doing parts A and B while trying to get the [key] and reading the seven
[Kama Sutra pages] above. Parts C to E are also a cheat for easier
access to Giovanna. My advise is to do this side quest, because most
people will be caught by Giulio at least multiple times anyway…
• After collecting the [key] drop it on the [door] – it will stay open
afterwards – at the top. Walk to Giovanna and say “Wow! You look
sexy… I mean that pose”, “I came here… Like you asked me to...”
(bookmark30.dat mom and bookmark31.dat neighbor) and at last
“Giovanna… I want to fuck you so badly...”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say to
her “That was great but I have to go now” and Willy says he needs to
check Julia (mom) or Eve (neighbor). But before [exit basement]
collect the [Giovanna gold] doll and [Giovanna (5) (5)] photos
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, VIP theater special,
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), old coin (side quest), Julia photo (mom), Eve photo
(neighbor), corset (side quest)
Dolls (83) Candy (s), Selina (s), Scarlett (s), Violette (g, mom),
Giovanna (g), Selina (g), Dee Dee (p)
Lingerie (14) -
Magazine (5) -
Sex lesson
• Go to [mom's place] and collect [Julia panties] first. This opens the
dialogue line “So… You don’t have panties on now?” and then “Let’s
touch each other”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I need to go to Neal’s
girlfriend now”
• Go [home] to [Eve’s bedroom] and collect [Eve panties] first. This opens
the dialogue line “I would love to see you without panties”, “Let’s get
naked!” and enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I have to go now and visit my
friend’s girlfriend”
• Go to [Claudia’s street] and ask about “Another favor for Claudia”. She
will tell Willy to visit her sister Yvonne who needs help with something
◀ If you started the Coin collecting (page 122) side quest, part E can now
be done
☼ The [money pile] (page 167) will be gone in the final version of the
game. At this point I usually have earned more than the $3.700 needed
for all collectibles in the next side quest. However if you combine the
main adventure and side quests, the most important collectibles are the
My advise is to buy at least all the dolls ($2.900) and decide if you
can/want to spend $800 on the first digital Art of Pornography issue and
the extra positions of Victoria as well. If money is really tight, skip the
following side quest and pay a visit to Nenad’s store later in the game...
Pay $200 for the first digital Art of Pornography issue and read the
interview for a hint about the Winning a night with Elvira (page 100)
episode later in the main adventure. She is the daughter of Mrs. Gloria.
Now buy the [Elvira bronze] ($200) and [Elvira silver] ($700) doll
• (Mom gold doll ???) Go back to [mom’s place], say “You know Julia… I
was thinking...”, “Let’s cuddle naked” and enjoy again ☺. Afterwards
say “I promised Mrs. Monique I would go back to her place”
• Go back [home] and “Listen to Eve’s suggestion”, “Wanna rub your
pussy on my cock?” and enjoy again ☺. Afterwards say “Go back to
• Go back to Monique and ask “Is Yvonne back?”. Enter [Yvonne bedroom]
and say to her “I’m Willy”, “Claudia said you need some help” and Willy
promises to ask Claudia if she wants to help in the sex education. But
first grab for the [Yvonne bronze] doll and [Yvonne (8)] photos
• Go to Claudia and say “I was at your mom’s place” and she will do it in
case her mom refuses
• Go back to Monique and say “Mrs. Monique? May I ask you something?”.
She will do it if Yvonne agrees. So go to [Yvonne bedroom] and say “I
asked Claudia about… lessons”. Go back to Monique and say “Yvonne
said she’s ok with it...” and then of course “Ready for lesson”.
Afterwards say “I hope I did well” and Willy mentions Maya as his other
sex partner. But before going there search for the [Monique silver] doll
and [Yvonne (8)] photos
◀ (mom first???) If you started the Clothing section (page 127) side quest
and earlier bought the [corset] (part C), part F can now be done to
unlock the [Maya gold] doll. Do this first and then the main adventure
because it makes more sense...
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, VIP theater special,
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), old coin (side quest), Julia photo (mom), Eve photo
(neighbor), old coin (side quest)
Dolls (92) Victoria (b, side quest), Elvira (b, side quest), Monique (b),
Yvonne (b), Victoria (s, side quest), Elvira(s, side quest),
Monique (s), Violette (g, mom), Maya (g, side quest),
Victoria (g, side quest)
• Willy last saw Mrs. Maria in the Lady Gloria (page 45) episode at the
[cinema]. Both aren’t in the VIP room anymore so ask the ticket seller
“Do you know where Mrs. Maria and Mrs. Gloria are?”. He thinks they
went back home and Willy decides to ask Nadya
• Go to [Maria’s house] and ask her “Do you know where Mrs. Maria and
Mrs. Gloria are?”. She will tell that they are probably in the garden of
[villa Gloria] (new location)
☼ [Maria’s house] and [villa Gloria] are opposite of each other. Willy can go
by car or use [villa Gloria] (bottom middle). In the [villa yard] Willy can
go to [Maria’s house] (bottom left) or directly to the [city map] (bottom
middle). On the map Willy can go directly to either location...
• Go to the [garden] and Willy sees Heidi standing there. Off course Willy
will introduce himself by saying “Hello. I’m Willy. I need to speak with
lady Gloria”. Heidi is the main hostess of the villa and says they are in
the shower at the moment. So Willy says he is going to check on Daisy.
But first pick up the [Heidi bronze] doll, [Heidi (6)] and [Gloria (5)]
photos. Go back to the [villa yard] and collect the [Gloria (5)] photos...
☼ This is the second time that Willy goes home in both paths. So take a
[peek] in your neighbors apartment – one new positions! – on the first
floor ☺
◀ If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side quest part D can now
be done
• Drive [home] and say to Daisy “I was wondering...”. This will trigger a
transition scene to the drama school to get the recommendation.
Afterwards Willy says he will go to Nenad and tell him the good news
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Doll house] for the main adventure anyway
he can easily earn $1.000 by betting on the winner in the blowjob
contest and using my saving cheat (page 152)
• Go to the [Doll house] and say to Nenad “My friend Daisy got that
letter”. He doesn’t remember the promise so Willy threatens to tell Mia.
That helps and opens his studio in [Hillwood] (new location)
◀ If you started the Coin collecting (page 122) side quest, part F can now
be done. For part G in this side quest, Willy must now unlock the
[university] by first doing all parts of Larissa followed by part A of
Raquel at the Church (page 140) location. Finally collect another [old
coin] by doing part G
While at the [university] the Sisterhood (page 132) side quest can now
be started by doing part A. You can also do part A of Mrs. Kelly, Ivy,
Amy and Audrey in the University (page 142) side quests...
• Arriving there enter the [studio entrance] where a transition scene will
start. Afterwards ask Nenad “What is this movie about?” and Willy of
course suggests that he will do the male part. Talk with Daisy about “I
asked Nirub about the movie...”, “So what should I do?” and “I’m ready
for the rehearsal”
◀ At this point the Script completion (page 129) side quest can be started
by doing part A
• Go to [villa Gloria] and ask Heidi in the [garden] “Are lady Gloria and
Mrs. Maria back?”. Heidi will prepare Willy so enjoy ☺. If you want to
collect all dolls then read the following side quest first
☼ There is a 33% chance that Heidi and Willy arrive too early and see Mrs.
Maria using a strap-on. If not and you want to collect all dolls and photos
say “I really need to go” and let poor Heidi prepare again. Repeat until
the extra scene appears. It is a chance so statistically it could take more
than twelve (!) tries. When it finally happens first say “Great view”
because that is the trigger to unlock the [Heidi silver] and [Heidi (6)]
photos. Don’t forget to pick them up when leaving...
• Continue the conversation with “Try to take it easy”, “You both look
sexy” and of course “I’m ready” Afterwards – for the last time if you’ve
done the above side quest – say “I really need to go”. When Willy is
clothed again he can “Ask for her panties”. Heidi doesn’t have any on
right now but has stolen three sets of Mrs. Maria. Afterwards say to her
“I need to go to Hillwood now” (bookmark34.dat mom and bookmark35.dat
☼ The [Maria gold] doll is unlocked after the “I’m ready” and is not
dependent on seeing the strap-on scene. It can be found in the
[bathroom] of [Maria’s place]. We will collect it later in the adventure...
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, VIP theater special,
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), old coin (side quest), Julia photo (mom), Eve photo
(neighbor), old coin (side quest), burning torch (side
Photos (390) Violette (11/14, mom), Heidi (12/12), Gloria (10/24), Jux Apo
Portfolio (5) -
Magazine (6) -
Script changes
• Go to [Hillwood] and ask Nenad “So what happens next in this movie?”.
He doesn’t know because Danielle – his girlfriend – writes the script and
is working on it at some bar. Willy promises to get the new pages…
☼ If you want all photos, don’t talk immediately with Danielle. She
randomly reveals her nipple so wait until this happens. After she has
rearranged her dress say to her “Oh… I saw your nipple...” to unlock
[Danielle (6)] photos in [Hillwood]
◀ If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side quest, part E can be
done BEFORE [exit bar]
☼ If you want to see how the movie evolves, do part A in the Script
completion (page 129) side quest first – unless you did this already in
the previous episode – before giving the [corrected movie page 1] to
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
• In [Jeb village] say to Amelie “I wanted to ask you something...”. She
refuses so say to Dee Dee “I think we should do another threesome” to
see if she has suggestions. She doesn’t, but wonders if Erica knows that
she now has a boyfriend
• Go to Erica in [North street] and ask “Did you know that Dee Dee has a
boyfriend now?”. She asks Willy to be her boyfriend and tell Dee Dee the
happy news. So say to Dee Dee “Erica said she also has a boyfriend
now...” and she mentions that Erica probably didn’t have sex with this
• Erica said she would be at the [old house] further north so go there
(bottom screen) and [enter old house]. Say to her “Wow! You changed
dresses...” and Willy tries to stop the fighting between her and Dee Dee.
Now search for [Erica (5)] photos and then [go out]. Search for the [Erica
silver] doll, [Dee Dee (4)] and [Erica (5)] photos. Go back to Dee Dee
again and say to her “I think you and Erica should stop fighting...”. Then
back to Erica again and say “She said you should apologize to her...”.
Finally Willy gets his reward by saying “Wanna have sex now?”. Enjoy ☺.
Afterwards ask “So… Did you enjoy it?” and Willy gets an argument with
little Willy and says he needs to check a therapist (bookmark36.dat mom
and bookmark37.dat neighbor). [Go out] and search for the [Erica gold] doll
☼ Willy can “Buy lubricant $200” in the [HoTaboo] and drop the [lube]
from the inventory on her. Then ask “Wanna have sex with your
boyfriend?” and anal is added in the empty spot
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, VIP theater special,
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), old coin (side quest), Julia photo (mom), Eve photo
(neighbor), old coin (side quest), burning torch (side
quest), pen
Dolls (97) Danielle (b), Erica (s), Violette (g, mom), Erica (g)
Photos (353) Violette (11/14, mom), Dee Dee (17/22), Erica (15/15),
Danielle (17/28), Jux Apo (9/10)
Lingerie (18) -
Portfolio (5) -
Magazine (6) -
Sex therapy
• The therapist is Gabriella – see the Platinum girl (page 9) episode – and
her office is in [Erohide]. Enter [therapist office] (right) and she says
Willy is free to roam around. Ask her “You’re a therapist?” and “I have a
friend… who needs some help”. At the end of the conversation Willy
says he needs to visit his aunt (mom) or Stella (neighbor). Pick up the
[Gabriella silver] doll and [Gabriella (4) (6)] photos. [Exit office] and
search [Gabriella (4)] photos
• Go to [Minora town] and enter [aunt’s house] (right). Talk to aunt
Leonora and choose “Sit with your aunt and uncle”. This opens a new
dialogue where Willy can say “So how are you uncle Karl?”, “So…
anything new with the two of you?”, “Chat a bit” and finally “Talk about
oil”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I need to go” and Willy says he needs to
check on Julia
• Go to [Minora town] and enter [Stella’s house] (left). Do “Stella’s
☼ If you want to know how the rent is paid, go to the [bathroom] (right)
and [listen] – click on the door
• Although I didn’t see any clue, usually the next visit is Eve. The hints –
press H – confirms this. So go [home] to [Eve’s bedroom] and say “I
wanted to talk with you about something”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards Willy
says he needs to visit a therapist
☼ On macOS and Linux the hypnosis scene although very sexy can crash
or give other strange effects. So use F5 to save the game now! If you
experience problems, reload and skip the “I’m ready for my hypnosis
session” part…
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, VIP theater special,
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), old coin (side quest), Julia photo (mom), Eve photo
(neighbor), old coin (side quest), burning torch (side
quest), pen
Lingerie (18) -
Magazine (6) -
Blackmailing Mary
• Go to [mom’s place] and “Listen to Julia’s wish”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards
Willy says he needs to get a drink at [Rose bar]. But before going search
the [Julia gold] doll
• Go [home] and say “Hey Eve… I was thinking...”. Afterwards Willy says
he needs to get a drink at [Rose bar]. But before going grab the [Eve
gold] doll
◀ If you started the Script completion (page 129) side quest, part B.1 can
now be done
• After entering [Rose bar] Willy is not happy because Mary is still there.
So ask “Mary… Don’t you have anything to do?”. She becomes very
suspicious and won’t go away. It is obvious that Willy needs something
to get rid of Mary and the most logical place to look is at [home]
◀ If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side quest, part F can now
be done
• Go there and investigate the [plastic box] in the [bedroom] to get some
naughty [photos of Mary]
☼ Clean up the inventory by pinning the [Julia photo] (mom) or [Eve
photo] (neighbor) on the ugly [painting] in the [bathroom] and let Willy
☼ The [Monique (8)] photos below are different in the mom and neighbor
path! Although the “Can we go to your room?” isn’t necessary for
continuing the main adventure it unlocks the [Monique] portfolio
☼ If you’re curious how Willy’s wife Fiona looks, see the first photo of
Mary’s sets. She is the one sitting on the left of the couch. We will meet
her later in the main adventure...
The lady standing on the left is Sophie and from the 4 th and 5th photo it
is clear that she is a lesbian and likes Mary. The lady in the green dress
is Diane
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, gold card, valve, VIP theater special,
old coin (side quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side
quest), old coin (side quest), old coin (side quest),
burning torch (side quest), pen
Dolls (103) Mary (s), Yvonne (s), Violette (g, mom), Julia (g, mom), Eve
(g, neighbor), Mary (g), Monique (g)
Photos (463) Violette (11/14, mom), Mary (12/12), Sophie (4/25), Monique
Lingerie (18) -
Magazine (6) -
Tricking Nenad
• Go to [Hillwood] and say to Nenad “I was in Rose bar talking with your
girlfriend...”. Afterwards Willy says he will try to calm down Danielle…
◀ If you started the Script completion (page 129) side quest, part C can
now be done
• Go back to [Rose bar] and say to Danielle “I talked with your boyfriend”.
She will think about it. Willy’s dick is somewhat disappointed, but comes
up with another great suggestion for another threesome with Dee Dee
◀ If you started the Script completion (page 129) side quest, part D.1 can
now be done
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
• Go to [Jeb village] and say to Dee Dee “I can’t find anyone to help us
with threesome...”. She suggest asking Amelie. Say to her “Dee Dee
sent me...”. Amelie really wants to do it with Dee Dee, but not with Willy
as male. Willy promises to ask Carlos if another male is acceptable…
• Go to the [office] and say to Carlos “Remember about that girl in Jeb
village?”. Carlos only trusts Willy, so another male is out of the question
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
• Go back to [Jeb village] and say to Amelie “I talked with Carlos..”. She
will think about it, so Willy says he is going to have a drink
• Now go to [Rose bar] and ask Rose “Do you know where Danielle
went?”. She thinks home, so Willy says he will ask Nenad
• Go to [Hillwood] and say to Nenad “Your girlfriend went home from Rose
bar”. This opens [Danielle’s place] – just left of [home] – on the map
◀ If you started the Script completion (page 129) side quest, part E can
now be done. Also if wanted the Tattoo patterns (page 148) side quest
can be started by doing part A. Then do part B of the Sisterhood (page
132) side quest and part B of Kelly at the University (page 142)
location. See the money tip below while at the [Doll house]. Finally do
part C of the Sisterhood (page 132) side quest, part B of the Tattoo
patterns (page 148) side quest and part C of Kelly at the University
(page 142) location
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Doll house] for the main adventure anyway
he can easily earn $1.000 by betting on the winner in the blowjob
contest and using my saving cheat (page 152)
At [Daniella’s place] Willy can also find [money] ($20) on the street
• Got back to [Hillwood] and say to Nenad “Danielle and me made some
photos for you...”
• Go to Nenad again and say “Here are some new photos of your
girlfriend and me”. In that conversation Willy promises to make a video
as well…
• Tell Daniella “He loved this photos also!”. She becomes exited and
suggest to make the video in her bedroom. That is on the left side of the
living room. Say to her “Exited!” and then of course “Spread your legs. I
am gonna fuck you now!”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say to her “Wow! That
was awesome!” and Willy says he is needs to go to [Jeb village]. But
before going search for the [Danielle gold] doll and [Danielle] portfolio
◀ Click on the [book] on the armchair. This is the sequel to Life is a mess
and little Willy suggests that Maya will probably like it…
☼ If you didn’t ask Danielle for movie script pages when she was in [Rose
bar] – part B.1 and D.1 from the Script completion (page 129) side
quest – Willy can now find [movie script page]s at the coffee table in the
living room… (can more be collected at once => YES!)
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money
Dolls (100) Kayla (b), Amelie (s), Danielle (s), Violette (g, mom), Danielle (g),
Daisy (g), Amelie (p)
Photos (421) Violette (11/14, mom), Dee Dee (22/22), Danielle (28/28),
Claudia (28/28)
Lingerie (18) -
☼ With the [platinum card] Willy can go to [Majora street west] and say to
the working girl “I would like to use your Platinum service please” which
adds four extra positions to the menu…
There is a chance that you see a [tattoo pattern] in [Majora street west].
Collect it and do part C of the Tattoo pattern (page 148) side quest
◀ Before or after testing the [platinum card] in the above tip, part D of the
About submission (page 133) side quest can now be done
☼ After visiting aunt Leonora, Melissa will leave the beach. So this is your
last chance to relive those scenes. If you accidentally said “I came back
again...” to aunt Leonora it is possible to load v022 through Autosaves
in the main menu (sweet memories?)
• Go to [Minora town], enter [aunt’s house] and “Sit with your aunt and
uncle”. Now say “I came back again...” and after an interesting
discussion Willy says he needs to visit Melissa who should be home by
☼ (earlier???) After opening the [clothing section] this isn’t the first time
Willy is at [mom’s place], but this is the first time he must go to [mom’s
bedroom] again. However in between there wasn’t a visit to the
[HoTaboo] to buy a new [corset] because the other one was given to
I include for now the following side quest although I didn’t earn the
$3.120 which is needed. Not even if I excluded all non essential
collectibles up till this point. This part will hopefully in a future version to
a better point in the adventure. Anyway if money is tight my advise is to
skip the following side quest for now...
◀ If you started the Clothing section (page 127) side quest, part G and H
can now be done to unlock the [Violette gold] doll and [Violette (3)]
photos. Do this while in [mom’s bedroom] before or after the following
part in the main adventure:
• Go to [mom’s place], enter [bathroom] and say to Melissa “Oh you are
showering” followed by “No one will hear us”. Pick up [Melissa bra], go
to [Melissa and Julia’s room] and say to Julia “Oh… Music here is still
very loud...”. Go to [mom’s bedroom] and say “Mom… It’s very quiet
here...”. Willy offers to ask aunt Leonora for some jazz music
• Go back to [Minora town] and say to aunt Leonora “This is nice music
that plays here”. Now go to [Isabel’s room] and say “I need to ask you
• Go back to [mom’s place] and say to her “I asked Isabel about music
they have there”. Finally go to Melissa and say “I checked Julia and
mom” followed by “Undress and join Melissa in shower”. In there say
“Enjoying...” and “Tell her more”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “That was
great!” and Willy says he needs to visit his therapist
• Go to [Minora town], enter [Stella’s house] and “Talk about her new
job”. She wants to help Willy so “Unzip pants and take your cock out”.
Afterwards say “I better go now” and Willy’s dick suggest visiting
• Go to the [motel] and enter the [door] of room 2. Talk to Blake and
“Explain who you are”, “Try to solve situation” and offer “I’ll go to
Hotaboo”. Before leaving grab [Emanuelle bra]
• Go back to the [motel] and say to Blake “I have condom for you” and of
course “About fucking Emanuelle”. Now say to Emanuelle “I wanna …
fuck you now”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say to her “Thank you for this …
reward” and Willy says he needs to visit his therapist
• Go to [Erohide] and tell Gabrielle “I came back for my hypnosis session”.
Enjoy ☺. Afterwards ask “Did hypnosis help you figure out my problems
yet?” (bookmark44.dat mom and bookmark45.dat neighbor) and Willy’s dick
suggest a visit to Selina
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card
Portfolio (8) -
Fiona’s fury
☼ There is a chance that you see a [tattoo pattern] at the [Doll house] if
you do the side quest below. Collect it and do part C of the Tattoo
pattern (page 148) side quest
◀ If you started the Coin collecting (page 122) side quest, part H must
now be done. Do also part D of the Sisterhood (page 132) side quest
and part D of Mrs. Kelly at the University (page 142) location. See the
money tip below before leaving the [Doll house]. Finally do part I of the
Coin collecting (page 122) side quest
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Doll house] for the above side quest
anyway he can easily earn $1.000 by betting on the winner in the
blowjob contest and using my saving cheat (page 152)
If you’ve done the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money when visiting [Los
• Go to [Los Labia] and say to Selina “May I ask you something?”. She
tells Willy that Charlotta needs his help. Walk to [Los Labia North] and
say to her “Selina told me that...”. She tells Willy that her husband has
lost all the toys of her puppy. Walk to [Main street] and say to Lucas
“Ehm… I want to ask you about your dog”. He tells that they could be all
over the city, but Willy’s dick has two suggestions: he likes whores and
he is friend with Giulio
☼ At this point Willy knows three working girls: [Rose bar], [Majora street
West] – no [dog toy] there! – and the one he helped in the Platinum girl
episode (page 9) at [Majora street]
◀ If you didn’t need the cheat in the Giovanna’s hideout (page 51)
episode, I recommend to do part C of the Candycare (page 118) side
quest before or after collecting the [dog toy] at [Giulio’s car service]
• Visit the working girls at [Rose bar] and [Majora street]. Then go to the
[back alley] at [Giulio’s car service]. Search all three locations for a [dog
toy]. See above images if needed, they are in the same order as
• Now go back to Charlotta and drop the three toys on her to unlock the
question “About dog toys...”. She wants to thank Willy, but Fausto
doesn’t know where the keys of the guest house are. He’s the husband
of Mrs. Camila so ask her “Charlotta need key for guest house”. She tells
that Selina was the last one with guests, so go ask her “I am looking for
guest room key...”
$ If you’ve done the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money
☼ After giving the [guest room key] to Charlotta he can say “I am ready to
go inside...” and enjoy his reward ☺. However there are three empty
spots in the sex options so it is clear that three more dog toys need to
be found. In this walkthrough we collect the reward in the last part of
the Dog toys (page 131) side quest...
• Now go back to Charlotta and give her the [guest room key] from the
inventory. Then say “I need to go now...” and Willy’s dick suggest to tell
Sophie were Mary lives. Although for now Willy doesn’t have sex – see
tip above for the reason – the [Charlotta gold] doll can be found at the
same position as her other dolls…
◀ At this point another side quest can be started. If you want part A of
Dog toys (page 131) side quest can now be done
☼ In the Need a drink (page 36) episode Rose told Willy that Sophie was
asking for Mary. Talking with Sophie in Mia’s insurance document (page
38) episode reveals that she is waiting for a girl – no name is mentioned
– but you don’t have to be a genius to know that the girl must be Mary.
And last the photos in the Blackmailing Mary (page 65) episode shows
an connection between Mary and Sophie...
• Go to the [office] and “Tell her about Mary”. She will change into
something more sexy and go there. Because that could take some time
Willy’s dick suggest a visit to Miss Skye in his apartment
• Go to [villa Gloria] and say to Heidi “I need to speak with Mrs. Maria. It’s
urgent!”. After preparing and maybe watching the dildo scene, say
“Mrs. Maria… I came here to...”. Enjoy ☺. Or not, because Fiona will
interrupt again. Afterwards Willy says he will go to Mary and see if he
can fix the whole mess
◀ If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side quest, part G can be
done before going to Mary...
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest), dog toy (side quest)
Portfolio (8) -
Miss Skye’s threesome
• Go to [Skye’s house] (near [Doll house]), grab [Skye] portfolio and talk
with miss Skye’s mom Valerie by doing all the dialogue lines until a new
line “I came to see miss Skye” appears. With that Willy discovers that
Carlos is at the [pool]. Going there starts a transition scene and Willy’s
dick suggests to pick-up Rose. Before [leave pool] (right) grab miss
[Skye (6) (6)] photos
• Go to [Rose bar], ask Rose “Hey Rose… I wanted to...” and Natasha will
interrupt. Now talk with her by doing all dialogue lines in which it
becomes clear that another issue of the Art of Pornography magazine
can be collected. Do at last the new line “So what are your plans here?”
and she will go to [Lone beach]. Before going after her, grab the
[Natasha bronze] doll. [Exit bar] and collect the [Natasha (5) (5)] photos
• Drive to [Cool Bay beach] and walk right to [Lone beach] to find
Natasha. Again do all dialogue lines until a new “Do you have a
boyfriend?” appears. In that dialogue Willy’s dick suggest a visit to
Monique and Yvonne in [Erohide]
☼ Visit Nenad Asanovic’s store in [Erohide] and buy the Art of Pornography
issue #6 for $20
• Ask Monique “Yvonne new lessons” and she says Yvonne is ready for
another one. Go to [Yvonne bedroom] and say to her “Your mom said
you wanna try more lessons?” followed by “Ready for lesson two?”.
Enjoy ☺. Afterwards speak with Monique again and say “Yvonne
enjoyed this lesson...”. Willy's dick reminds him that he still hasn’t
apologize to miss Skye
☼ During the Fiona’s fury (page 75) episode miss Skye leaves Willy’s
apartment. By asking her about “Sweet memories” those sex scenes
can now be relived
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest), dog toy (side quest)
Dolls (106) Natasha (b), Violette (g, mom), Gabriella (g), Skye (p)
Lingerie (21) -
• Go to [Cool bay beach] and there to [Lone beach]. Ask Natasha all
dialogue lines until “Undress and let her jerk your cock” appears. This
unlocks the [Natasha silver] doll. Afterwards say “I need to check my
• Drive to [villa Gloria] and in the [garden] Willy can tell Mrs. Maria “Oh I
thought Heidi will be here”. Then ask “About Fiona”, followed by
“Anyway... I better get going...” and Willy says he needs to visit his aunt
(mom) or a friend (neighbor) in [Minora town]
☼ Mrs. Maria says she is now alone and asks if Willy has some time. If you
have, say “Mrs. Maria?” and enjoy ☺. With the exception of the new
sideway and reverse cowgirl options they are the same as when Heidi
and Mrs. Gloria were present. The main difference is choosing the
☼ During the Sexy clothing (page 43) episode Mrs. Maria leaves her
bedroom. By asking her about “Sweet memories” those sex scenes can
now be relived
• Say to aunt Leonora “I thought I could come by...” and she will tell that
Isabel wants to talk with him
• Enter [Isabel’s room] and a transition scene will start. Afterwards say
“Wow… You’re so… sexy”, followed by “So… You’re going somewhere?”.
Now grab the [Isabel silver] doll
• Go to [living room] and “Sit with your aunt and uncle”. Say “I dunno
what to talk about” and then “Talk about fashion”. This will make your
uncle sleepy so he takes a nap. Now Willy can “Be very naughty”. Enjoy
☺. Afterwards say “I need to go” to both and then to aunt Leonora
standing “I am going to say bye to Isabel” (bookmark50.dat)
• Enter [Isabel’s room] again and say “I just came to say that I am going
now”. Willy feels weird so Isabel suggests he gets naked as well. Of
course “Undress and chat with Isabel”, “Talk about this situation” and
“Touch her belly”. Enjoy ☺. Willy says he needs to tutor a girl in Erohide,
so go to [living room] and search the [Leonora gold] doll
• Speak with Stella “About Leila”. Stella says Leila is in the [bathroom] and
wants to talk with Willy
• Ask Leila “Stella said you need to speak to me?”, followed by “I need to
go back to Stella now...”. Grab the [Leila silver] doll
• [Exit bathroom] and say to Stella “Leila just wanted some… fashion
advice”. Of course Willy says “I want to spank that sexy ass”. Enjoy ☺.
Afterwards say “I guess I am going now” (bookmark51.dat) and Stella asks
if he said good bye to Leila
• Go to the [bathroom] again and say “I just came back to say bye to you”
and she wants to see Willy naked. Of course “Undress and chat with
Leila”, “Well… Hi again” and “Jerk it off”. Enjoy ☺. Willy says he needs
to tutor a girl in Erohide, so [exit bathroom] and grab the [Stella gold]
In playing v040 we now have the needed 120 dolls for opening Willy’s heaven.
However Trixie starts at Claudia’s street (Mia’s threesome), Keiko at Majora
street (v041 or higher?) and Dolores at Los Labia (Diane’s threesome). For now
we will unlock Willy’s heaven in Diane’s threesome...
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest)
Dolls (109) Isabel (s, mom), Leila (s, neighbor), Natasha (s), Violette (g,
mom), Leonora (g, mom), Stella (g, neighbor)
Lingerie (21) -
Portfolio (10) -
Separate lessons
• Drive to [Erohide] and outside search for the [Gabriella (5)] photos.
Enter [Monique’s apartment] and say to Yvonne “I was thinking… If you
need more lessons...” of course followed with “Let’s do anal practice”.
Enjoy ☺. After Yvonne’s suggestion say “I am ready for full lessons
practice” and Steve goes to Mrs. Monique. Enjoy again ☺. Now search
for the [Yvonne gold] doll, [exit bedroom] and say to Mrs. Monique “I
just wanted to ask… About Steve”. Willy says he is going to the beach…
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest)
Lingerie (21) -
Portfolio (10) -
Spore island
☼ In the following side quest you MUST ask Harley Hardwood “I just came
to see did you find Mrs. Maria”. If you don’t want to see the threesome,
say “Bye” instead. The [Maria platinum] doll is unlocked in both cases
and we will collect it later in the adventure...
• Drive to [villa Gloria] and “Ask about lady Gloria” from Mrs. Maria and
she will arrange a visit to [Gloria’s yacht] (new location) docked at Spore
• There walk to the far right to find Heidi. Say “Mrs. Maria sent me here...”
and she tells Willy to talk with the captain. [Get on yacht] – Willy
undresses to his boxers automatically – and search for [Heidi] portfolio.
Talk with Harmony – girl in red swimsuit and captain hat – to start a
transition scene were Willy enters the cabin were lady Gloria is sitting.
Say to her “This yacht is amazing lady Gloria”, “About Elvira” (daughter)
and then “About Megan” (niece). Collect the [Gloria (5)] photos and
[Megan bronze] doll when going left. Say to Megan “My name is Willy”.
Now go to [yacht deck], [upper deck] and say to Elvira “I just met
Megan”. She thinks that inviting Angel over could help Megan relax.
Before going search for the [Elvira (4)] and [Gloria (4)] photos and in the
[captain’s cabin] (left) another set of [Elvira (4)] photos
• Go to the [HoTaboo] and say to Angel “I just met your friend Megan”.
She promises to come later…
◀ If you started the About submission (page 133) side quest, part E can
now be done
☼ If you load v029 through autosaves, Willy must start with “Wanna hang
out on the beach?” to unlock the [Heidi gold] doll...
• Go back to [Gloria’s yacht] and say to lady Gloria “I think I know how to
help Megan”, followed by “I want to ask you something about Heidi”. Of
course Willy goes asking her “Hang out with Heidi” (bookmark54.dat mom
and bookmark55.dat neighbor) and “Wanna hang out on the beach?”. Enjoy
☺. Afterwards say “I’m going to Hillwood again” but before driving
there, search on the [upper deck] for the [Heidi gold] doll
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest)
Lingerie (21) -
◀ If you started the Happy ending (page 125) side quest, part H can now
be done
☼ The “Let’s practice those sex scenes” with Daisy is very boring if you
didn’t follow any of my Script completion (page 129) side quest boxes,
so check at least the one below ☺. The [corrected movie page 1] given
in the main adventure gives blowjob and hard fuck (check answer
Nenad), [corrected movie page 2] adds doggy and [corrected movie
page 3] gives sweet and rough anal. Off course “Cum” is always present
as she explains in the dialogue
Please note that ONLY part E – when she is still in [Hillwood] – in the
Script completion (page 129) side quest unlocks her anal scene in the
Daisy’s threesome (page 93) episode
☼ When going to the location below, there is a chance that you see a
[tattoo pattern]. Collect it and do part C of the Tattoo pattern (page 148)
side quest
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Treehole cabin] for the main adventure
anyway he can deliver a package to Gina (page 135) to earn some
money or the alternative payment. I also recommend to make the full
set of essences (page 165)
◀ If you acted on the money tip above, go to the [church] and sell
everything EXCEPT of course the orange one to sister Larissa. Then do
part B of Raquel and parts A through E of sister Tatiana at the Church
(page 140) location
◀ If you did all the side quest boxes, you now have at least 120 dolls.
Which means that Willy’s heaven (page 158) can be unlocked. Then
start the side quests with part A of Lulu (page 159). Before leaving the
[Doll house] also do part B of the nun in the Chamber of Lust (page
156) and part F of sister Tatiana in the Church (page 140) side quests
$ If you’ve done the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money
◀ If you started the Willy’s heaven side quest above, part A of Dolores
(page 159) can now be done
• Go to [Los Labia] and drop the [orange essence] from the inventory on
Selina to get [anus cream]
☼ Diane and Nadya can both be asked about “Sweet memories” to revisit
those sex scenes
Go to the [bathroom] and collect the [Diane (5)], [Maria gold] doll –
unlocked in the Artistic movie (page 57) episode – and [Maria] portfolio –
unlocked in the Visa for Natasha (page 81) episode
Then change into swimming wear in [Nadya’s room] and search for the
[Diane platinum] doll at the [pool]. If you unlocked the [Maria platinum]
doll in the Spore island (page 84) episode, collect it at the [fountain]
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest), old coin (side
Lingerie (21) -
• Drive [home] and “Hear Daisy news”. Nenad wants her in another movie
as well!
• Go to [Hillwood] and ask Nenad “Daisy told me you want her in another
movie...”. Willy suggests Maya for the other role (check if photos and
doll are collected if you play side quest during main adventure, else they
can be collected now)
◀ For the story it’s more natural to give Maya [Life is a mess 2] first by
dropping it on her from the inventory. Then ask “So? Will you let me
fuck your ass now?”. This unlocks the [Maya (5) (6)] photos outside...
• Go to [Maya’s street] and “Talk about Nenad’s movie”. She will think
about it and Willy says he needs to check a friend in the [HoTaboo]. Now
[exit apartment] and search for the [Maya (5) (6) (8)] photos
• Angel isn’t in the [clothing section] so ask Domina “Is Angel here?”. She
has already gone to Spore island
• Drive to [Gloria’s yacht] and say to lady Gloria “I can’t find Megan”.
They are gone to the beach. Now ask Heidi “Do you know where is the
beach Megan went to?” and this will open [beach] right of her. There go
to [Gloria’s beach] and do all dialogue lines with Angel until “Talk with
Megan” appears. Now again do all lines until “Cuddle with Angel and
Megan” becomes possible. Enjoy ☺
• Go to [HoTaboo] and Angel has a new outfit, hair and make-up. So say to
her “Oh my God! Angel?” and Willy’s dick suggests to visit Julia (mom)
or Eve (neighbor)
• Got to [mom’s place] and say “Julia, I want to...”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards
“Talk about what happened” (bookmark56.dat) and “Visit Isabel”. But first
collect the [Julia] portfolio
• Go [home] and say “Eve… I really want to fuck you...” followed by “Fuck
her hard”. This finally opens the option to choose positions. Afterwards
ask “Did you like me fucking you hard?” (bookmark57.dat) and “Visit
Leila”. Willy promises to tell Leila that Eve is free for shopping. Before
going collect the [Eve] portfolio
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest), old coin (side
Lingerie (21) -
• Go to [Minora town] and inform Isabel “Julia said you are going shopping
on Monday” and “Kiss with Isabel”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I’m going
to Hillwood now”, but before going grab the [Isabel gold] doll in the
[living room]
• Go to [Minora town] and tell Leila “Eve sent me” and of course “Jerk on
her ass”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I’m going to Hillwood now”, but
before going grab the [Leila gold] doll
• Go to [Hillwood] and ask Nenad “So… When you will do audition for new
movie?”. For that he needs two dresses for the main actress from the
CHECK: This is the last chance to practice anal with Daisy. If Willy didn’t do this,
she will refuse to do it in the practice. Put this as tip earlier if possible...
• Go [home] and tell Daisy “I was at Hillwood studio” and she will go there
after taking a shower
• Go to [Maya’s street] and ask her “Did you think about audition for the
movie?”. She will take a shower and then go there…
• Go to [Hillwood] again and inside on the right side of the screen Willy
can enter [studio B]. Say “I’m here” and keep doing the new lines that
appear including “More practice”. At that point Willy’s dick wants to fuck
a lesbian and suggests Sophie...
Dolls (115) Violette (g, mom), Isabel (g, mom), Leila (g, neighbor)
Lingerie (21) -
Portfolio (13) -
Daisy’s threesome
• Go to [Hillwood], enter [studio B] and say “So… Maya are you ready for
more rehearsal?”. She needs to go home because her mother needs a
favor. Willy says he will ask her what it is about…
• Go back to [Maya’s street] and tell Sandra “I spoke with lady Gloria”.
She wants to surprise Maya so Willy can only say that the problem is
☼ In the threesome below Willy will automatically try to fuck both in the
ass as well. Daisy, Maya or both will refuse to do it if you didn’t do anal
with them earlier in the game...
• Go back to [Hillwood] and say “I was at your place, Maya”, off course
followed with “Join Mary and Daisy”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “I need to
go to HoTaboo now” (bookmark62.dat mom and bookmark63.dat neighbor).
Before going there search for the [Daisy platinum] doll in the main
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest), old coin (side
Lingerie (21) -
Portfolio (13) -
Date with Angel
☼ In the dialogue below Angel says Francesca is filling in for her. You can
talk with her – and of course “Buy clothing” – in the [clothing section]
inside, but that’s it for now...
☼ Finishing the date unlocks the [Angel gold] doll at the counter in the
[Hotaboo]. We will collect it later in the adventure...
• Go to [Gloria’s yacht] again and say to Megan “Angel said you wanted to
see me”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “That was amazing Megan...” and
Willy says he is going to lady Gloria. Go there after collecting the
[Megan gold] doll. Tell lady Gloria “I was with Megan again”. She wants
to reward him. Enjoy again ☺. Then say “I’m going now” (bookmarks?)
and Willy mentions he is going to visit Melissa (mom) or Emanuelle
◀ Go to [upper deck] and “Talk about lady Gloria” with Elvira and read
very carefully! Willy is still not sure if he understood correctly, so “Ask
about help” and then off course “Miss Elvira… Can I… Fuck your titties…
Please?”. This unlocks [Elvira (4)] photos, so search for them...
Found items:
Inventory car key, apartment key, valve, VIP theater special, old coin (side
quest), dagger (side quest), old coin (side quest), old coin
(side quest), pen, Life is a mess 2, platinum card, old coin (side
quest), torch (side quest, dog toy (side quest), old coin (side
Lingerie (21) -
Portfolio (13) -
Threesome surprise
• Go to [mom’s place] and search in the [living room] for the [Violette (5)]
(Earlier? Introduced in v035) photos. Melissa is now in [mom’s bedroom]
so say “Melissa… I just wanted to… Ehm...”. The conversation is very
cryptic because mom is present, but Willy understands what she is
• Go back to [mom’s place] again and ask Melissa “Did you get pictures
from Isabel?” and another transition scene starts. Enjoy again ☺.
Afterwards say “Mom… Is it alright if I fuck you alone now?” and Willy
says he needs to check on Daisy first. Before going collect in [Melissa
and Julia’s room] [Melissa] portfolio and in the [bathroom] the [Violette
platinum] doll
☼ The last question above restores mom’s original sex options. The
threesome can be repeated by asking Melissa “Hey… Wanna have
threesome with me and mom again?”
• At [home] she hurts her ankle on the stairs – remember that the
elevator broke in the Miss Skye’s blowjob (page 4) episode – which
starts another transition where Amanda will help her. Because they
ignore Willy, his dick suggests a visit to Leila
• Go to [Minora town] and say to Leila “I was thinking about you since
we… you know”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say “That was fantastic Leila!”
and Willy mentions a visit to his neighbor…
• Go back [home] again and talk with Amanda and Emanuelle. This will
start a transition to a threesome in Amanda’s bedroom. Enjoy again ☺.
Afterwards say to Amanda “I need to go to Hillwood now”
(bookmark66.dat mom and bookmark67.dat neighbor). Go to the [living room]
to collect the [Amanda platinum] doll
Blowjob from Natasha
• Go to [Hillwood] and ask Nenad “Where are Daisy and Maya?”. He says
they went home
• Go [home] and tell Daisy “That movie director is very happy with your
audition”. She likes Maya and Willy mentions he is going to visit her now
• Go to [Maya’s street] and search for the [Maya (8)] photos. Then [enter
building] and tell Maya “I asked that movie director about you and
Daisy...”. During the conversation Willy says he is going to the beach
• Go back to [Cool Bay beach] again and tell Natasha “Here… I have your
photos...”. They are for Willy, but he wants off course more. So say
“Could you give me blowjob now?”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards “Talk about
divorce” and Willy says he doesn’t know where Fiona is. Natasha
suggests talking with her friends…
• Go to [Mary’s place] and ask Mary “Do you know where Fiona went?”.
She says it is too early to talk with Fiona and suggest instead fucking
Sophie alone. Ask Sophie “So… you want me to fuck you now?”. Enjoy
again ☺. (bookmarks?) (check order speaking with Mary) Afterwards say
to Mary “Well, I think I’m gonna speak to Fiona” which opens [Fionas
father’s house] location. [Exit apartment] and search for the [Sophie
gold] doll and [Sophie (5)] photos
☼ (check!) The “So… you want me to fuck you now?” will also unlock
[Sophie (4)] photos at Willy’s [office]. We will collect them in the next
Fiona’s solution
• Go [home], [enter apartment] and collect the [Fiona gold] doll in the
[bedroom]. Then enter [Daisy’s apartment] were a transition scene will
automatically start. Her boyfriend Rick explains that he wants Willy to
join in a threesome. Of course say to Rick “I’m ready for a threesome”.
Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say to Daisy “I need to go visit Maya now”. Before
going collect the second [Daisy platinum] doll
• Go to [Maya’s street] and say to Maya “I was just with Daisy and her
boyfriend...”. She also wants a threesome and ask Willy to find a
handsome stranger
◀ (tips where are they unlocked?) [Sophie (6) (4)] photos in front of the
☼ The [Maya platinum] doll is unlocked after the transition scene and can
be found in the [office]. We will collect it later in the adventure...
Winning a night with Elvira
• Go to [Gloria's yacht] and ask lady Gloria “Do you know where Elvira
is?”. She will tell that her daughter is at the [Orion Star hotel] for a
charity were the highest bidder can have a night with her
(Include other Orion Star hotel and About Submission side quests!)
• Drive to the [Orion Star hotel] and go to the [upper floor] (left from
Brenda). On the right enter [Elvira’s bedroom] and ask “So… Did
bidding started?”. It has and the amount is already very high, so Elvira
suggest to get a sponsor…
• Go to [villa Gloria] and “Ask about sponsorship” from Mrs. Maria. She will
sponsor Willy up to 2,5 million
• Drive back to the [Orion Star hotel] and ask Elvira “So how’s bidding
standing...”. Of course it is not enough, so she suggests his wife’s father
• Go to [Fiona’s fathers house] and “Talk about charity” with Fiona. She
ask her father and he will add another 3 million
• Drive back to the [Orion Star hotel] again and say to Elvira “I have
another sponsor”. Again it is not enough, so Willy’s dick suggest a visit
to Erohide for another “lesson”
• Go to [Gloria's yacht] again and ask “Lady Gloria… I wanted to ask you
something”. Because Harley has problems, the mayor will win, but that
is something she doesn’t like!
• Drive back to the [Orion Star hotel] again and say “I just came to check
how charity event is going on”. Finally Willy can ask “Miss Elvira… Can I
fuck you now?”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards collect the [Elvira gold] doll and
then say “That was best sex I ever had in my life!”. Willy says he needs
to go to Erohide to thank a friend who helped him
• Go to [Erohide] and say to Mrs. Monique “I just came to say thank you
for what you did today”. She says Yvonne is curious about a threesome
so say “Ready for threesome lesson” (bookmark72.dat mom and
bookmark73.dat neighbor). Enjoy ☺. Afterwards collect the [Monique
platinum] doll and say “I better go and thank all my sponsors for today”.
Willy says he’s going to visit his wife first...
Open world
• Go to [Fiona’s fathers house] and say to Fiona “I came to thank you and
your father for today”
• Go to [villa Gloria] and say to Mrs. Maria “I came to thank you for being
my sponsor today”
• Go to [Gloria's yacht] and say to lady Gloria “I came to thank you for
being my sponsor today”. As a reward for defeating the major she and
Jessica – the girl standing next to her – will give a lesbian show.
Afterwards say “That was awesome lady Gloria” and Willy says he is
going to the beach
• Drive to [Cool Bay beach] and “Ask her for sex”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards say
“I need to go back to Spore island” because Willy thinks he lost his
apartment keys. But before going search for the [Natasha gold] doll
• Go to [Gloria's yacht] and ask Jessica “Did you see my keys here… I
think I lost them here earlier”. Willy likes here and that leads to special
threesome. Enjoy again ☺. (bookmarks?) Afterwards say “Wow! Thank
you so much lady Gloria” and Willy’s dick suggest a visit to Claudia and
Mia. Before going collect the [Gloria platinum] doll in the [captain’s
Open world
• After touching Natalie – piano girl in [Orion Star hotel] – goto [Majora
street West] and read “Diary entry two” on her [laptop]. In that she
mentions her hotel room. Go to [Orion Start hotel] and the [upper floor]
(left from Brenda). On the left enter [door] and click to “Fuck her”.
Enjoy ☺. Her story is not over yet, it is just starting...
• Go to [Star Girls club] and “Pay $20 for a private dance” to Nella. She
thinks Willy deserves an extended dance. Afterwards “Listen to Nella’s
proposal” and of course “Pay $100 for a special lapdance”
• Go to the [church] and “Talk about her feelings” with sister Tatiana. She
misses [mother superior]. Go to the [Doll house] and “Talk about nun
Tatiana”. She will give Willy some advice on how to proceed. Go back to
the [church] and say “I talked about you with mother superior”. and of
course “Start ‘therapy’”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards collect the [Tatiana
bronze] doll, go to the garden and search for the [Tatiana silver] doll
Mia’s threesome
• Go to [Claudia’s street] and say to the ladies “I was near by”. Mia wants
to do the threesome wit Neal and asks Willy to pick him up because his
car is still at the garage
• Drive to [Neal’s place] and say to Neal “Wow! Man… you stink so bad!”.
This starts a transition scene were both end up in Claudia’s apartment.
In this conversation Willy says he will go home to rest a bit...
• Go [home] and say to Angel “Hey… I’m back”. She got a call from
Megan who is bored. This starts a transition scene where both go to the
beach. There Harmony interrupts the conversation because he has to go
to lady Gloria. After another transition and lady Gloria asks if Willy will
get Angel to hang out with Megan again. Now Willy is free to go to the
[beach] – right near Heidi – and then [Gloria's beach]. Say to Angel
“Here I am” and enjoy the threesome ☺. Afterwards say to Angel “I
need to go now and check on my friend”
☼ The [Angel platinum] doll is unlocked after the threesome and can be
found [home]. We will collect it later in the adventure...
• Go back to [Claudia's street] and ask Neal “So… Do you need a ride
back home?”. Mia now wants a threesome with Willy and Neal, so say to
him “Want to fuck Mia together?”. Enjoy ☺. (bookmarks?) Afterwards tell
Neal “I am going to check Maya”. [Exit apartment] and search the [Mia
platinum] doll and [Mia (5)] photos. Descend the stairway to [Trixie’s
place] and collect another set of [Mia (5)] photos
Open world
• (included) Go to the [university] and say to Ivy “Maybe… We could
check your dad’s office”. Enjoy the two new animations: sideway and
anal – the previous anal is now missionary anal
• Go to the [Orion Star hotel] and fulfill her fantasy with “Undress her and
fuck her hard”. Afterwards go to [Elvira’s bedroom] and collect the
[Elvira] portfolio (when is [Natalie gold] doll unlocked in her [bedroom]?)
• (included) Go to [Port Duck] and collect the [Savannah silver] doll. Say
to the [warehouse supervisor] “I would like to help in the warehouse”.
Enter [warehouse] and collect the [Savannah bronze] doll. Then “Talk
with Savannah” and she asks if Willy knows a place were they can hang
• Go to [Willy’s heaven] and search the [Lulu bronze] doll. Go inside and
say to Lulu “I want to have sex with you”. Enjoy the two new positions:
anal and side anal. Afterwards search the [Lulu silver] and [Lulu gold]
doll. Then “Ask about Savannah” and she’s fine with Willy bringing her
• Go back to [Port Duck] and tell Savannah “I have some good news”.
Willy suggests to tell her grandpa she will be working as his trainee at
his office. [Exit warehouse] and “Talk about Savannah” with the
[warehouse supervisor]. He wants to see a contract…
• Go to [Skye’s house] and “Talk about Savannah” with miss Skye. She
says her mother has the contracts, so [leave pool] and say to Mrs.
Valerie “Miss Skye said you can give me a trainee contract”. Willy gets
one, but she notices that he is very tense and offers a handjob. Of
course ask “Mrs. Valerie? Can you jerk my cock?”. Enjoy ☺
• Go back to [Port Duck] and drop the [trainee contract] from the
inventory on the [warehouse supervisor]. Then do the procedure to get
into the [warehouse] and say to Savannah “I told your grandpa that
you’ll work in my office” and she will go to his gold room in the [Doll
• Go to [Willy’s heaven] and ask Savannah “So.. what do you think?” (is
this needed?) and then “Savannah...”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards [exit gold
room] and search the [Savannah gold] doll
• Go to the [office] and search the [Maya (5)] photos. [Enter office] and
search the [Maya (5)] photos
• Go to [Maria’s house] and search the [Maria (4)] photos in the
• Go to [Maya’s street] and say to her “I came to see how you’re doing”.
She tells that Nenad wants some legal papers for participating in the
movie and off course Willy offers to get them
• Drive to [Hillwood] and say to Nenad “Maya sent me”. He needs a letter
of recommendation from the drama teacher
• Go to [Gloria's yacht] at Spore island and ask “I need another favor from
you lady Gloria” followed by “Gloria’s secret”. She is secretly in love
with Megan (mom) or Angel (neighbor) and wants Willy to see if the
feeling is mutual. [Get off yacht], enter behind Heidi the [beach], grab
the [Heidi (6)] photos (new?) and then right to [Gloria’s beach]. Ask
Megan “I want to ask you something about your aunt” (mom) or Angel
“I wanted to speak with you about something” (neighbor) depending
on the path you’re playing. Go back to lady Gloria and say “I was with
the girls” followed by “So… About your reward”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards
say “Oh shir! I forgot that I need to go see Maya!”
Open world
• Go to the [office] and collect the [Maya diamond] doll
• Go to the [Doll house], enter the [gold door] and collect the [Coco &
Roxy bronze] doll. Indeed, Coco and Roxy now have sex scenes as well,
so check them out in [Willy’s heaven]. Afterwards collect the [Coco &
Roxy platinum] doll, then go to the [bridge] via the East or West room
and collect the [Coco & Roxy silver] doll
• Go to the [university] and ask Amy – when she is not wearing a grey
undershirt – “I would like to fuck you again”. She refuses, so Willy’s dick
suggests a visit to the older lady in the [Doll house] to find out if Amy
has a ‘trigger’ word. Enter [bronze door] and ask “I have more questions
about Amy”. After promising not to abuse it, he gets the magic words.
Go back to the [university] and whisper “Filthy whore!” to her when she
is wearing a grey undershirt. She magically removes it, so now ask
“Let’s go and fuck in the toilet!”. Enjoy ☺. Go to the blowjob [contest
area] in the [Doll house] and collect the [Amy gold] doll
• After collecting both the Mrs. Kelly – done in a previous episode – and
Amy’s gold doll, enter the [silver door] in the [Doll house]. Go to the
[library] and say to Donna “I had sex with two of your teachers”. She is
very impressed by this, so ask “Can I fuck your ass?”. Enjoy ☺
• Go to [Mary’s place] and collect outside the [Mary (5) (6)] photos
• Go to [Giulio’s car service] and collect the [Giovanna (5)] photos in the
[back alley]
• Go to [Elvira’s bedroom] in the [Orion Star hotel] and collect the [Elvira
(7)] photos
• Go to the [clothing section] in the [Hotaboo] and pay $99 for the
[Francesca bronze] doll
This version doesn’t contain any new content in the main story. This disclaimer
will be removed when I incorporate the open world below in the main
Open world
☼ WARNING: if you DON’T want to see two dicks in the same hole, skip
this tip!
After the threesome with Mia and Neal go to the [Hotaboo] and “Buy
penetration spray”, “Wide open spray $500” – ask the other question if
you want more information. Drop the [wide open spray] from the
inventory on Mia. Then ask Neal “Want to fuck Mia together?” to see the
two new positions...
• After collecting 170 or more dolls, go to the [Orion Star hotel] when she
is gone to her room. Tell her “I have <number> now” – the <number> is
the amount Willy has collected so far – and she also wants a platinum
doll. Luckily she has an old coin Brenda wants to buy and of course Willy
will try to make a deal. Say to Brenda “Jade has a coin that you want”
and of course “Wanna do that three way… transaction?”. Enjoy ☺. [Exit
hotel] and search for the [Brenda platinum] doll
☼ Jade doesn’t get the wanted doll, but Willy can repeat the threesome by
asking Brenda the above question again...
• Go to the [Doll house] and ask Trixie about “Favor for Trixie”. She wants
Willy to guard her sister Lacey during practice so no pervert takes
advantage. Go to [Claudia’s street] and say to Lacey “Your sister said
she usually accompanies you to your gymnastic practice” followed by
“So? You wanna do sex gymnastics?”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards collect the
[Lacey bronze] and [Lacey gold] doll. Go upstairs and search for the
[Lacey silver] doll
• If Willy has collected the Katy, Mrs. Kelly and Amy gold dolls of and had
sex with Donna, he can finally have a normal conversation with Flora.
Go to the [university] and “Chat a bit” with her. She suggest to meet her
in the classroom, so go there. Flora will always start the conversation
with Amy’s ‘trigger’ word. Say to Flora “Here I am” and of course “I
want to have sex with you”. Enjoy ☺
• As Flora explained, Willy can fuck the other schoolgirls too:
▪ Say to the student in the front row “Hi… Flora said I can fuck any
student” and she says she is on her period. So ask “Can you suck
my cock now?”
▪ Say to the student sitting behind her “Flora said I can fuck any girl
in school I want”. She is grounded by Flora so say “I think I need to
spank you”
• When Willy visits Maya after the Maya epic rehearsal (page 107) episode
an transition scene starts – move mouse to the left to see the scene
completely. She will have randomly sex with Pierre, drama teacher or
stranger. There are six – more in future episodes – possible scenes, so
repeat many times if you want to see them all. After a left click to close
Willy’s dialogue she will change back into her regular clothes
• After Maya goes home from Hillwood in the Blowjob from Natasha (page
98) episode her mother goes back to [Sandra's house] (new location,
just above Erohide). At the right side of the screen go to the [bathroom]
were a transition scene starts. She is naked, so Willy leaves. Afterwards
enter the [bathroom] again and say “Sorry. I really didn’t think...”
followed by “What will you wear to the clubs?”. Before [exit bathroom]
collect the [Sandra silver] doll and [Sandra (7)] photos. Now walk to the
left and say “I love your boobs” followed by “Feel her boobs”. She tells
that her nipples are very sensitive, so Willy needs to ask again if he can
“Feel her boobs”. This will start the same, but ends with a surprise ☺.
Before leaving collect the [Sandra bronze] doll and [Sandra (6) (4)]
photos. Enter the [bathroom] again for getting another set of [Sandra
(6)] photos
This version doesn’t contain any new content in the main story. This disclaimer
will be removed when I incorporate the open world below in the main
Open world
• If you did the side quests in the Miss Skye’s blowjob (page 4) episode
Willy can go to the [Royal palace]. On the left go to the [limousine] and
say to Samira “Hi… I’m Willy”, “Is this your limousine?” and “Can you
show me inside your… limousine?”. For now it is only teasing because
even this small scene took eleven hours of rendering. Collect the
[Samira bronze] doll and [Samira] portfolio
▪ Say to the student sitting by the lockers “Hi” followed by “OK. Lets
try this”
▪ Say to the student sitting on the grass outside “Hi… Flora sent me”
followed by “I want to fuck you now”
• In Diane’s threesome (page 86) episode Willy got anus cream from
Selina. When going back to his car he will meet Esmeralda. Ask her
“What are you doing here?” followed by “Let her touch your… car”. Go
back to Selina and say “I met Esmeralda”. She predicts that Willy will
touch Esmeralda’s ass the next time she touches his car. Go back to
Esmeralda and “Let her touch your… car” again. Collect the [Esmeralda
bronze] doll
• After giving sister Larissa a petal or essence a new dialogue line “Move
closer to her” appears. This starts a transition scene for now...
• Go to [Skye’s house] and use the dialogue line “Stare at her tits” from
Valerie. Because Willy is a gentleman he ten asks “Can I fuck your tits
Mrs. Valerie?”. Enjoy ☺
• Go to the [clothing section] in [Hotaboo] and ask Francesca “I wanted to
buy some dresses”. She accepts Willy’s proposal to show the dresses in
certain sexual positions. This unlocks three new dialogue lines. With
“Change clothing” Willy can directly see his selection on her. Do this at
least once with any of the dresses to unlock the [Francesca silver] doll.
The other two are “Lets try dresses (buttons)” – classical buttons for
choosing dress – and “Lets try dresses (story)”. I suggest to choose the
story because it explains why showing the dresses can lead to ‘pretend’
sex with her ☺. Either option unlocks the [Francesca gold] doll. Go back
to the main shop and pay $198 for both. Also “Buy lubricant $200” from
the domina
• Go to the [Doll house], enter the [gold door] and check the new
positions of Keiko. Drop the [lube] from the inventory on Savannah and
check out the three anal positions
• Check all numbers and inventory when newer versions adds collectibles
• Three checks are needed for the Script completion (page 129) side quest:
▪ (check again if rewrite is correct) add side quest boxes when pages
are in Danielle’s room (anal?)
• Add (yellow marker included in main adventure) Amy A-D as side quest
in main adventure, add part E in the second visit to the [Doll house]
◦ Collect the [Angel gold] doll at the [Hotaboo] (yellow marker is added)
◦ Add part F of Candycare when visiting the [hospital] for the 2nd time
◦ Add part I and further of Happy ending when visiting the [Doll house]
◦ Mom: Go to [mom’s bedroom] and change her into the V-dress, then
say “You look so hot in that V-dress”. Because she doesn’t want to
spoil this dress an “Anal” position is unlocked when she is naked. Also
new is the “Sideway” position
◦ Neighbor: (included?) Go to [Alan’s apartment] and see the new
“Sideway” position with Amanda when she is naked
Open world
This game has two parts: main adventure and open world side quests. As said
at the beginning, this walktrough is based on the most efficient way to finish
from the start to the latest episode. That means I also did part of the side
quests when it can be logically or easily done in the main adventure. However
some are (for the moment?) not done, so not all collectibles are found. In this
part I will guide you through the rest of the side quests and finish up some
loose ends as well
• (include as tip when Willy is at the office again!) Willy collected 6 of the
12 photos of Sophie so its is logical to find the other [Sophie (6)] photos
in front of the [office]. Also collect the [Maya platinum] doll inside
• (include as tip when Willy is in the Hotaboo again!) collect the [Angel
gold] doll at the counter in the [Hotaboo] (warning from the Domina)
• (include as tip when Willy is at home again!) Collect the [Fiona gold] doll
in the [bedroom] at [home]
• The complete Future telling (page 120) side quest is included in the
main adventure. You can do it now if you chose for no distractions
during that part
• At the moment one of the three extra dog toys in the Dog toys (page
131) side quest is found in the main adventure. You can now do parts B,
C and D or all if you chose for no distractions during that part
• Do all the parts in the Port Duck (page 144) location if not done yet. Try
to earn enough money from Penelope, because it is easy and fun!
$ From start (v034) up till this point, I earned $12.049 and spend $5.448.
Including the $100 at the start gives a total left of $6.701. Including the
$750 from the [creditcard] this is still not enough for finishing the game.
For now grab enough money from the pile in [Majora street West]
• Do the parts in the Clothing section (page 127) not done yet, this will
depend on the earned money during the main adventure. Do all parts if
you choose for no distractions in the main adventure
• (This part must be rewritten, see all the yellow marker lines in the
Daisy’s threesome episode: in v034 it was possible to collect pages in
Danielle’s apartment, but if you didn’t give them, the rehearsals for the
second movie is now started. This will hopefully be resolved in v036)
Willy promised in the Script completion (page 129) side quest to buy
lube for Daisy. You can now do parts F and G. If you chose for no
distractions in the main adventure you can do part A but not the rest
because Danielle is now at home. If you want to see the rest of the
script changes go to the main menu and load through Autosaves v018.
Now start at the beginning of the Script changes (page 61) episode till
the point were Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] and then continue with
this side quest. This will hopefully be solved in v028...
• If you opened the Secret Garden of Desire (page 151), you probably also
did everything except (check in next play) part E of Amy (page 152).
Now finish this side quest by doing the mentioned part E of Amy or all if
you chose for no distractions in the main adventure
• Finish the Happy ending (page 125) side quest. If you started this in the
main adventure, you probably can start with part I (check what’s done
in the next play)
• If you haven’t opened the Chamber of Lust (page 154), then it is time to
correct this mistake ☺. Afterwards do the side quests (page 156). Part B
of the nun can’t be done yet
• (check what’s done in the next play) Check if you’ve done everything in
the Church (page 140). If not, do those now. This should unlock the
[university] location and gets Willy the virginity key for part B of the
nun in the Chamber of Lust (page 154)
• (check what’s done in the next play) Check if you’ve done everything at
the University (page 142) and the Sisterhood (page 132) side quest. If
not, do those now
• If you did all the mentioned side quest in the main adventure only one
coin for the Coin collecting (page 122) side quest must still be found.
Now do parts J, K and L or the complete episode if you chose for no
distractions above
• Finish the Orion Star hotel (page 138) side quest by checking which
parts you didn’t do yet
• Now check which parts of the Candycare (page 118) side quest you
didn’t do yet and of course do those
• At this point only two dolls are missing – and the [Daisy] portfolio if you
didn’t follow my advise of doing the Script completion (page 129) side
quest in the main adventure – and both are at this moment not logical:
▪ A rather vague clue about the [Princess bronze] doll can be seen in
the introduction movie. There a girl with sleeve-ons is sucking his
dick. Willy says that everybody in Duck City knows her. As said
vague, but if you investigated [royal family poster] outside of
Willy’s [home] the same sleeve-ons can be seen. This action also
unlocks the [royal palace] (left of [Maria’s house]) were the last doll
can be found
▪ If you are missing the [Daisy] portfolio, nothing can be done at this
point. It is very tricky to create a main adventure and open world
part when characters are moving from place to place. Nenad will
probably add another solution...
• This is the end of all that can be done or seen v034 of this game. Feel
free to visit favorite characters again and enjoy there scenes. Willy has
also collected 142 dolls, 565 photos, 21 lingerie, 15 portfolios and 9
issues of the Art of Pornography magazine. If not, you’ve forgotten
things. Check the photos after the spoiler (page 171) to see what is
missing and use that information to locate the location or unlocking
This side quest can be started after being caught by Giulio in the Giovanna’s
hideout (page 51) episode.
A) Go to [Giulio’s car service], enter the [basement] and let Giulio catch
Try to reach Giovanna without using the cheat and unlocking the titjob. Check if
the titjob is possible after the main adventure...
B) Willy will wake up in the hospital were nurse Candy is putting cream on
his penis. Say “AH! That hurts! Please stop it” and Willy suggests her
breasts as being softer. She refuses, so collect the [Scarlett silver] doll.
Now do part A and B – this one – two more times. At that point the
[Candy silver] doll appears and the cheat in parts C to E is unlocked!
☼ If you want to see the titjob from nurse Candy after waking up, Giulio
MUST catch Willy for a 4th time! After waking up she will be using her
breasts as suggested, so say “Oh… This’s nice...”
C) Go back to [Giulio’s car service] and enter the [back alley] instead of the
[basement]. Grab the [beer] and Gina – mother of Giulio and Giovanna –
will ask to bring it to Giulio. Try placing it on the [barrel] near the
entrance and Willy forms a plan of drugging it with the [sleeping pills]
form Nadya…
D) Go to [Maria’s house] and ask Nadya “Do you still have some of those
sleeping pills?”. If you do this side quest after the main adventure she is
not in her room anymore. So check the [nightstand] in her room to get
the [sleeping pills] – see pictures above
E) Go back to [Giulio’s car service] for the last time. Drop the [sleeping
pills] on the [box of beer] to get [sleeping beer]. Place this on the
[barrel] in the [basement] and a transition scene will automatically start.
It should be clear that Willy is now free to read all the pages, grab the
key and visit Giovanna without being afraid to get caught by Giulio…
☼ If you managed to get to Giovanna without the [sleeping beer] cheat in
parts C to E above, you must do it now anyway for moving Scarlett into
the [doctor’s office] so Willy can go freely to the [hospital room] without
becoming sick. In part F below the [Candy (4) (5)] photos and the
[Candy] portfolio are unlocked
F) Go to the [hospital] and lie to Candy by saying “I still feel pain...”. Then
of course “So? Are you going to put cream on my dick?”. Enjoy ☺. This
also unlocks a new dialogue line “You know I was thinking...”. She has a
boyfriend who works at the reception in the [Orion Star hotel]. Willy’s
dick finds it suspicious that her boyfriend is so concentrated on his work.
While leaving collect the [Candy (4) (5)] photos and [Candy] portfolio
G) Go to the [Orion Star hotel], enter the [reception] and say to the
receptionist “I need to ask you something”, followed by “She said you’re
very busy...”. He explains why he doesn’t want to have sex with Candy
and instead is having sex with Trixie
☼ Willy will meet Trixie in the Willy’s heaven (page 159) side quest
I) Go back to the [hospital] and say to Candy “I found out some disturbing
news”. She wants to have “Revenge sex” with Willy. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards
grab the [Candy gold] doll
Future telling
Throughout the main adventure Willy can find six pages from an ancient book if
you unlock this side quest: find out why Selina is very good at predicting the
future ☺. You can also do this after the main adventure. I will hint at this side
quest in the walkthrough by mentioning the corresponding letters below.
A) Enter [Selina’s house] and ask her “Can you read my future?“. She tells
that her hand doesn’t slide on the crystal ball very smoothly. Then ask
her about the “Ancient book”. If Willy finds any missing pages she will
tell his future for free. Ask “Hint about ancient book pages” and Selina
gives three hints for locations:
B) The fourth page of the ancient book can be recovered by asking Mrs.
Camila “I am searching for pages from an old book”. She has found one,
but wants a rose for it. Willy remembers the roses by Mrs. Maria’s new
C) The third clue is obviously the car Lucas is repairing on [Main street].
Use the image above if you can’t find [page 1]
D) Go to [Maria’s room] and ask “Do you have some hand cream?” to get a
tube of [hand cream]. If you do this side quest after the main adventure
she is not in her room anymore. Instead go to the [bathroom] and get
the [hand cream] – see picture above – there
E) Change to swimming gear in [Nadia’s room] and then go to the
[fountain]. Investigate the [roses] and Willy will pick one for his
F) Go to [Los Labia South] and tell Mrs. Camila “I’ve a rose for you”. In
exchange she gives you [page 4] of the ancient book
G) Go to the top of [Treehole cabin] and pick up [page 3]. If you are doing a
job for Giulio or Gina it is beneath the package, so pick that up first
I) The second clue points to the [sewer] in [Jeb village] were Willy saw a
rat. The clues from Selina are confusing and the rat is probably the
mentioned mouse. Search in the rocky and weed part before the [sewer
entrance] and pick up [page 2]
K) Now that all six pages are found, it’s time to find out why Selina is very
good at predicting the future. In part A she told that her hands didn’t
slide smoothly across the crystal ball, so drop the [hand cream] – see
side quest above if you don’t have it – on her. Now drop one by one the
six pages as well and finally ask her “Can you read my future?”.
Afterwards search for the [Selina silver], [Selina gold] doll and [Selina]
portfolio. Remember where you found her first doll?
☼ You can probably guess what the pages will do. Page 1 is behind
position, page 2 is blowjob, page 3 is missionary position, page 4 is anal,
page 5 is cowgirl and page 6 is reverse cowgirl. The [hand cream] opens
the possibility of sex with only “Cum” as option…
Giving the [hand cream] also unlocks the [Selina silver] doll and [page
4] gives as reward the [Selina gold] doll
Coin collecting
Throughout the main adventure Willy can find six coins for Brenda. You can do
this after the main adventure as far as I know. I will hint at this side quest in the
walkthrough by mentioning the corresponding letters below.
3. In Los labia some old houses have holes in the walls were people
put coins to protect from evil spirits
C) The second clue points to the mountain wall beside the road to the top
of [Treehole cabin]. If you did the tip in the Relaxing at the beach (page
28) episode you know that for getting this coin Willy needs something
pointy. This is the [dagger] which Willy obtained in opening the Secret
Garden of Desire (page 151). Drop the [dagger] on the last [rock] going
uphill to the [fence] – or the first going downhill – and Willy gets an [old
D) The first clue is of course the [fountain] in [Jeb village] which Willy got
running again in the practice wit Dee Dee (page 15) episode.
Investigating the [fountain] will give an [old coin] in the inventory
H) Go to the [Doll house] and enter the [silver door]. Now drop the [torch] –
obtained in opening the Chamber of Lust (page 154) – on the [oil] in the
[West chamber] and lit it again with the [candles] in the [temple
I) Go to [Los Labia] and drop the [burning torch] on the [hole in the wall] –
left in the [alley] where Selina is hanging outside the window – to get
the last [old coin]
☼ The coin from Hoodend gives the cowgirl position and unlocks the
[Brenda (8)] photos. The coin found at the church gives a titjob and
unlocks the [Brenda silver] doll. The coin found in Los Labia gives anal
and unlocks the [Brenda gold] doll. The coin found at the university
gives sideway, in Erohide gives missionary, on the mountain gives a
handjob and in the fountain of Jeb village gives a blowjob
J) Go back to the [reception] in the [Orion Star hotel] and drop all the coins
on Brenda.. After all the coins are processed ask her “So… about
payment..” to get the promised rewards. See the tip above for three
positions Willy MUST do so he can afterwards collect the [Brenda
silver], [Brenda gold] dolls and [Brenda (8)] photos. To unlock the last
set of photos ask “Are you a celebrity?” and she mentions that she
knows a celebrity: Nenad
K) Go to [Hillwood] and through the [studio entrance]. Now search for the
[Brenda (5)] photos
Happy ending
Willy saw Jux Apo for the first time in the Fiona’s stockings (page 32) episode.
This side quest can be started after unlocking the Secret Garden of Desire
(page 151)
A) Enter through the bronze door in the [Doll house]. First click on the
[bench] so Willy gets naked. When walking to the left Willy recognizes
the girl in white boots, so try to talk with this couple. Now leave by
clicking on [clothing] to get dressed again
B) Go [home] and then to the [2nd floor]. Say “See you found a job (wink)”
and “You’re a very dirty girl he he”. The conversation doesn’t make
sense because she is taking words literally
C) Go back to [Doll house] and she will be gone. Search for the [Jux Apo
silver] doll
D) Go [home] again and Jux Apo has now moved into her new apartment.
Grab the [Jua Apo (5)] photos. Click on the [door] and choose “Open
peephole $10”. Click on the white door to [stop peeking]. Do this three
more times (total spend is $40)
E) Go to [Rose bar] and say to her “Enjoyed the show”. Willy answers its
becoming boring and she hints there will be more soon. Grab the [Jux
Apo (4)] photos
F) Go back [home] and peep again. The scene has changed to the 69
position. Repeat the peeping four more times (total spend is $50) to see
another change in position. Peep another two times (total spend is $70)
(BUG: $80 is charged) and the room becomes empty
G) Now go to [villa Gloria] and Willy sees [Harley Hardwood]. He was the
man in the massage room so say to him “I think I saw you somewhere
before”. In the following conversation Willy will ask how to get a
massage from Jux Apo
☼ In the conversation in part H below, Willy is asked if he wants a regular
or an ice massage. The real difference will become clear later...
H) Go [home] and the message on the [door] has changed. The “Open
peephole $300” gets Willy a massage with happy ending
☼ Collecting the [Jux Apo (1)] photo in part I unlocks “Open peephole
$50”. Check the photo to discover that she has a twin sister named Ice.
That explains the confusion in part H and why she seems to be
I) Go to [Doll house] again and search for the [Jux Apo (1)] photo
J) Go [home] and the message on the [door] has changed. The “Open
peephole $50” gives Willy a show between the twins Jux and Ice Apo.
Enjoy ☺
☼ See the two tips at the start of the Spore island (page 84) episode on
directing Harley Hardwood to Mrs. Maria
K) Go to [villa Gloria] and speak with Harley Hardwood – this ONLY works if
he’s standing next to Mrs. Maria in the [garden], if not see the tip above
on how to correct this – about “May I ask yo something about my
L) Go [home] and the message on the [door] has now the line “Enter
apartment”. Then say to Ice Apo “I was talking with Mr. Harley” and off
course “Can you take me on a… fuck journey?”. Enjoy ☺
Clothing section
In the Sexy clothing (page 43) episode the [clothing section] in the [HoTaboo]
became available. Besides creating and selling clothing, Angel has more to
offer so opening this part of the shop is a good idea!
A) For opening the clothing section Willy must ask “I would like to buy
something”. Angel will say that she needs indigo essence from Selina
and will pay him $100 for getting it. This also unlocks two dolls in the
main shop area. Grab the [Angel bronze] doll (free) and the [Domina
silver] doll ($199) at the counter
B) Enter [Selina’s house] and ask “Angel, from Hotaboo needs indigo
essence”. Willy gets it without the trouble of making the ingredients
D) Ask Angel “About pictures” and she will open her photo shop as well.
This also unlocks the [Angel silver] doll on the counter
E) Willy can now buy [Angel (33)] photos for a total of $1000 by asking
“Buy picture sets”. Depending on available money this part can be done
later. To unlock the [Angel] portfolio Willy must at least “Buy set for
$500” and then ask “About portfolio”
F) Go to [Maya’s street] and drop the [corset] on Maya. Then ask “Change
outfit”, “Change to corset” and say “Oh your pussy looks delicious” to
unlock the [Maya gold] doll somewhere in her apartment…
G) Go to the [clothing section] in the [Hotaboo shop] shop and ask Angel
“Buy clothing”. Then “Buy corset $400”, “Buy latex catsuit $550” and
“Buy dream dress $2170” to get a [corset], latex [catsuit] and a [dream
dress] in the inventory. These three costs together $3.120 and are
essential to unlock the [Violette gold] doll and [Violette (3)] photos
After talking with Nenad and the first rehearsal in the Artistic movie (page 57)
episode, it becomes clear that Willy is an even greater pervert than Mr. Perv.
This is side quest describes his ideas to fuck Daisy even more...
A) After the first rehearsal ask Daisy “I hope I was ok”, followed by “I gotta
go”. Now talk with Nenad “About this scene...” ☺. Daisy agrees so say to
her “I’m ready for some extended rehearsal”
B) This part can be done in different episodes or after the main adventure.
Choose 1 in the Blackmailing Mary (page 65) episode and 2 in the Open
world (page ) part of the adventure:
1. Go to [Rose bar] and ask Danielle “Is another page ready yet?”.
[Exit bar] and drop the [pen] on the [movie script page 2] to make
some changes
D) This part can be done in different episodes or after the main adventure.
Choose 1 in the Tricking Nenad (page 68) episode and 2 after the main
1. Go to [Rose bar] and ask Danielle “Do you have new pages for the
movie?”. [Exit bar] and drop the [pen] on the [movie script page 3]
to make some changes
G) Go to [Hillwood] and drop the [lube] on Daisy. Then ask “Wanna try anal
Dog toys
In the Fiona’s fury (page 75) episode Willy collected already three dog toys for
Charlotta. However three more can be found:
A) Go to the [roof] at Selina’s house in [Los Labia] and collect the [dog toy]
B) Go to [Neal’s place] and in front of the drama school another [dog toy]
can be found
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Jeb village] for the main adventure anyway
he can visit Mrs. Martha (page 166) to earn some money (move this
when included in main adventure)
C) Go to [Jeb village] and by the yellow door on the left side of the road the
last [dog toy] can be found
$ If you’ve done the Future telling (page 120) side quest, Willy can now
help Mrs. Camila (page 166) to earn some money (move this when
included in main adventure)
D) Go to [Los Labia] and drop the three [dog toy]s onto Charlotta. Then say
“I am ready to go inside...” and the positions missionary, footjob and
standing are added to the menu. Enjoy ☺
In this side quest Willy opens the [library] in the [Chamber of lust].
☼ If you followed this walkthrough Willy can now [enter church]. If not do
the parts of Larissa in the Church (page 140) first
A) Go to the [university] and ask Katy “You are student here?”. Willy
promises to talk with Flora. Start walking to the left and say “I wanna
talk with you about Katy” to unlock the [library] in the [Doll house]. Go
back to Katy and say “I spoke with Flora about you..”. Because she is
shy Willy promises to talk with Donna. But first search for the [Katy
bronze] doll
B) Enter the [Chamber of Lust] and there the [library] (far left). Donna is
the schoolgirl with red hair. Say to her “Flora sent me...” and she will
explain what Katy must do. Now grab the [Katy silver] doll
☼ The blowjob is enough for unlocking the [Katy gold] doll. However in the
dialogue it becomes clear that Willy needs to “Buy pills” followed by
“Birth control pills $100” – gives the positions missionary and lifted – at
the [HoTaboo]. The empty spot in the sex positions indicates that “Buy
lubricant $200” should give anal. Buy both if you want to see these and
want to minimize the traveling
After the blowjob drop the [b-control pills] and [lube] from the inventory
on Katy and ask “Lets have sex again”. The anal starts slowly but will
speed up if you watch long enough. It will reset to a slow start after
every “Cum”
D) So go to the [library], find Katy and ask “Did you decided yet… Will you
do it?”. She doesn’t have birth control pills, so Willy only gets a blowjob
Throughout the main adventure Willy can find out more about Natalie. You can
do this after the main adventure as far as I know. I will hint at this side quest in
the walkthrough by mentioning the corresponding letters below.
B) Go to [Majora street West] and drop [Natalie’s keys] from the inventory
on the (screenshot!) [door]. Now enter [Natalie’s apartment] and search
for [Natalie (5) (5) (2)] photos. Enter [bedroom] and search for [Natalie
silver] doll and [Natalie (5) (4)] photos (teddy bear???)
C) Go back to the [Orion Star hotel] and ask Natalie “You are working all
day?”. She is almost ready for lunch at her home and of course Willy’s
dick has an idea
E) Go to the [HoTaboo] and “Ask about submission” from the Domina. She
tells Willy to visit Brianna
2.Open world
1. Mom
3. After you had sex with julia with normal sex scene (with buttons) you can
give her a gift. So go to Natalie apartment in Majora street and pick up
pink teddy bear. Give it to Julia and after ask for anal. After you are done
with anal try willy will say that he will bring some lube. So go to hotaboo
and buy some lube. Bring lube to Julia and give it to her. Now you will
have full anal scene open…
1. Neighbor
4. After you have Eve sex scene (standard one with sex buttons) you can
give her gift. Go to Majora street wet into Natalie's apartment. Take Pink
teddy bear and bring it back to Eve. Give teddy to Eve and she will when
talking with her want to reward you with anal sex. After anal try go buy
some lube in hotaboo and bring it back to Eve. Use lube on her and whole
anal scene will unlock.
1. Main
5. After you learn all things from Brianna about submissive girls, go to
[Orion Star hotel] and enter [reception]. Now “Ask about ‘special’ word”
from Natalie and then “Move closer to her” to start a transition scene.
This unlocks the Art of Pornography issue #8 in her apartment
Giulio’s car service
This location is unlocked in the Claudia's threesome (page 18) episode. After
delivering the first package Willy can earn money by delivering packages to
Giulio or later in the adventure to his mother Gina. Both are described below,
so pick the correct section...
☼ The pay for delivering a package is calculated when Willy gives the
package to Giulio or Gina. If you save the game – press F5 – just before,
you can quickly reload if the paid amount is less then $500 (Giulio) or
$750 (Gina) and accept if it is more. With reloading there is a chance
that the newly calculated pay will be less, but on average Willy can
expect $625 (Giulio) or $863 (Gina) with this cheat...
If you’re willing to reload two times it can even be better! Now refuse
the first or second time if it is less then $577 (Giulio) or $819 (Gina) and
accept when it is more. Willy will now earn on average $692 (Giulio) or
$923 (Gina). And yes you can go even further, but the extra gain
becomes smaller and is probably not worth the time of multiple reloads
This job was suggested by Giulio in the Claudia's threesome (page 18) episode
by asking about “Job?”. Before going to [Treehole cabin] go to [Giulio’s car
service] and ask him “I need a job”.
Now a new [package] will be available in front of the cabin at the top of
[Treehole cabin]. After collecting it go back – save if you want to do the above
cheat – and say “I got the package”. Giulio will pay between $1 and $1.000.
In the Giovanna’s hideout (page 51) episode Giulio is replaced by his mother
Gina. So start by saying “I was working for Giulio before...”, followed by “I
need a job”.
☼ Gina pays between $300 and $1.200 for a delivery. But she also has a
“Different way of payment” so ask this for an explanation. It boils down
to sex with poses she is in the mood for. This means the default “Cum”
and a random selection of anal, reverse anal, doggy, reverse cowgirl,
blowjob, missionary and sideway. Some have more chance to be an the
menu, others less. With some luck and a few visits to [Treehole cabin]
you will be able to see them all
Now a new [package] will be available in front of the cabin at the top of
[Treehole cabin]. After collecting it go back – save if you want to do the money
cheat – and choose between “I got the package” (money) or “I got the package
(different payment)” (sex). There is however a third option as described in the
side quest below.
This location is opened in the Mia’s insurance document (page 38) episode
after talking with Selina about the recipe for a homemade endurance pill. The
following lady has her own side quest:
A) If Willy was caught at least once by Giulio in the Giovanna’s hideout
(page 51) episode he has already collected the [Scarlett silver] doll after
waking up in the hospital. Else do parts A to E of the Candycare (page
118) side quest to get into the [hospital room] for collecting her doll and
to move her into the [doctor’s office]
B) Enter the [doctor’s office] and check if she wears a shirt. If so [exit
doctor’s office] and try again – could take many tries! – until Willy can
see her cleavage. At that point “Talk about health insurance” with her
and off course “Fuck with Dr. Scarlett”. Enjoy ☺. Before leaving grab the
[Scarlett gold] doll
Orion Star hotel
This location is opened by reading the [envelope] on the chair in [Diane’s room]
at [Maria’s house]. The [Orion Star hotel] has a [hotel lobby] and [reception]
area. The following three ladies have there own side quests:
The other ladies are for now described in this side quest:
A) She is the standing lady in red in the [reception] area. Not necessary but
Willy can speak with her to find out that see also collect dolls. Watch her
by standing just left of her. She randomly fixes her dress or she looks
away to the right or to her wrist! When fixing her dress there is a chance
you see where she is hiding the [Jade bronze] doll. It can take several
minutes and multiple fixes of her dress so be patient! When she looks
away Willy can grab at her [purse] to collect the [Jade (4)] photos
B) After collecting both (!) in part A above a new line “Do you wanna have
even more dolls?” is unlocked and asking this gives a transition scene.
Now enter [Jade’s room] and say to her “Huh? Still no doll?” followed by
“So what we are going to do now?”. Of course Willy has a suggestion as
to why no doll appeared. Enjoy ☺. Collect the [Jade silver] doll and [Jade
(8)] photos and then click on [clothing] to automatically leave her
☼ Ask “I think we should do that again...” followed by “So are you ready
for a dirty titjob?” and the dialogue becomes more sexy. No new doll of
course, but you probably guess what is going to happen in a future
episode ☺
D) Go to the [Orion Star hotel], ask Jade “How many dolls you have now?”
and off course “Want me to fuck you?”. Enjoy ☺. [Exit hotel] and search
the [Jade gold] doll
☼ Melanie gives three dolls as a gift if Willy spent enough on her services.
The [Melanie bronze] after more than $21, [Melanie silver] after more
than $2000 dollar and [Melanie gold] after more than $5000 dollar. A
session with all services costs $2000 dollar. This means at least three
sessions, so the best way is to start with a session above $1000 for the
first doll and then two full sessions for the other two. Ask “I want to
arrange a session”, click on everything and “Pay $ 2000”. After “exit
session” – you don’t have to do all – ask “Doll gift” and repeat again. If
money is tight do in the first session titjob, missionary, flat anal and
special anal for $1010...
A) Melanie is the lady on the left side in the [hotel lobby]. Start by asking
“What are you doing her? If I may ask”. Of course Willy thinks “So you
work for Carlos?” and it becomes clear that his [gold card] won’t work.
So ask “Price for service”. Willy needs a lot of cash – see tip above – and
her dolls will probably collect last...
A) Eliza is the lady on the right side in the [hotel lobby]. The [Eliza bronze]
doll is available after opening the [Orion Star hotel] location
B) In the Relaxing at the beach (page 28) episode Willy gains confidence
and with that the [Eliza silver] doll will appear. That is also the signal for
“Arrange session with Eliza”. She is a lot cheaper then Melanie – see
above – because she doesn’t do anal, but if Willy is nice he can practice
it with her. To do that pay for at least “Oral pleasures $ 270” and start
the “Pose 69” animation. Let it run for 10-15 seconds until a “Anus
practice” is added to the menu. After enough waiting the “Sweet anal”
appears. Do this for 30-40 seconds until at last “Rough anal” is possible.
From now on these three options are always available and Willy is not
charged for it because she still needs the practice
C) To unlock the [Eliza gold] doll ask her “So did you like anal sex”, [exit
hotel] and search for it…
After opening the Chamber of Lust (page 156) behind the [silver door] in the
[Doll house], Willy can unlock this location in part A of mother superior (page
156). After finishing the sister Larissa side quest below, Willy can [enter (the)
church] and start the side quests for the other ladies.
A) Go to the [church] and “Talk about essence” with sister Larissa. Willy
can now make money by selling essences (page 165) or petals to her
$ Because Willy needs to visit [Treehole cabin] for the this side quest
anyway he can deliver a package to Gina (page 135) to earn some
C) Go to the [church] and drop the petal on sister Larissa. This unlocks the
“Visit church” dialogue and afterwards Willy can [enter church]
A) [Enter church] and ask Raquel “What are you doing here?” followed by
“So your daughter is a student?”. This unlocks the [university] location.
Of course Willy now says “I can give instructions to your daughter”
B) Go to the [church] and say to Raquel “I met your daughter and I gave
her some basic instructions...”. She will tell that Audrey needs to work
A) [Enter church] and say to priest Antonio (left) “Nice church...” and “So I
can look around a bit?”. Now investigate the [key] hanging above the
altar behind priest Antonio
B) Walk to the [church hallway] (far right) were Willy sees sister Tatiana
adjusting her stockings. Use the [dagger] – see tip above – to cut the
[thin rope]. If you listen carefully you hear the key drop. Walk back to
the altar and pick up the [small key]. Drop it on the [small chest] near
Raquel – the lady sitting on a bench – to get the virginity key. Willy’s dick
has a suggestion on its use...
☼ After finding the virginity key sister Tatiana will be gone and Willy can
enter the [garden]. For now Willy can only talk with sister Clara, sister
Magdalena and sister Rosita
C) Between sisters Magdalena and Rosita, Willy can [enter room] to find
sister Tatiana. Ask her “So you still feel pain in your knee?” and Willy
suggest a massage. Because she’s not sure, Willy promises to talk with
priest Antonio. Collect the [Tatiana bronze] doll
D) Go back to the [church main hall] and ask . Ask priest Antonio “One of
your nuns have a lot of pain in legs” and Willy gets permission
E) Go back to sister Tatiana and say “Well… Priest said it’s OK” followed off
course with “Start massage”. When the massage is finished, ask “Did
the massage help you?”. She mentions asking sister Larissa about
stretching her legs and of course Willy will “Stretch her legs”. Enjoy ☺.
Afterwards “Talk about her feelings”. She misses [mother superior]
F) Go to the [Doll house] and “Talk about nun Tatiana”. She will give Willy
some advice on how to proceed
G) Go back to the [church] and say “I talked about you with mother
superior”. Then of course “Start ‘therapy’”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards collect
the , go to the garden and search for the [Tatiana silver] doll
This location is unlocked after talking with Raquel in the Church (page 156).
The following three ladies have there own side quests:
The other ladies are for now described in this side quest:
A) Go to the [university] and ask “Mrs. Kelly?” from the lady standing at
the entrance. Of course Willy suggests “We could go for a drink...” but
she still has classes later. Go through the [university entrance] and pick
up the [Kelly bronze] doll. Then enter [classroom] and collect the [Kelly
silver] doll and [Kelly (5) (7) (4)] photos
B) Go to the [Doll house], enter the [silver door] and then the [library] (left
of screen). Ask Donna “About Mrs. Kelly” and she suggest a visit to [Mrs
Kelly’s office] at the end of the school corridor
D) Go to the [Doll house], [silver door] and in the [library] say to Donna
“Mrs. Kelly sent me”. She gave the reserve key to Flora
E) Go to the [university] and say to Flora “Donna said she gave you key”.
She will tell that Audrey has them. Go trough the [university entrance],
first door (unlocked???) left and say to Audrey “Flora said you have
reserve key”. Unfortunately she gave it to Mr. John who is now at lunch.
Now say to Mrs. Kelly “Well… I tried to get your reserve keys” and of
course “Should we go to the restroom now?”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards enter
[Mrs. Kelly’s office] and collect the [Kelly gold] doll
A) Go to the [university], [university entrance] and [classroom]. Talk with
Ivy by saying “You have… an interesting outfit”. For now Willy doesn’t
dare to follow up on her suggestion
B) After trying to talk with Kayla – part A of the Tattoo patterns (page 148)
side quest – Ivy’s dialogue will change. Go to the [university] and say “I
saw a girl that has similar style as you”. This unlocks finding [tattoo
pattern]s for Kayla – see part C of her side quest. She suggest to go to
her dad’s office if Willy wants to fuck her. Off course say “Maybe… We
could check your dad’s office”. Enjoy ☺
A) Go to the [university], [university entrance] and enter the first
classroom to find Audrey – the daughter of Raquel – see the Church
(page 140) location. Ask her “Huh? What are you doing?” because she is
acting suspicious. Then “I can understand now...” and of course “OK. I
won’t tell your mom”
B) Go to the [university] and say to Audrey “Your mom said you need to
work harder” and of course “So… Will you stroke my cock now?”. Enjoy
After asking Neal about “Need money” in the Claudia's threesome (page 18)
episode, the [Port Duck] location is unlocked on the map. Here Willy can earn
money by doing the ‘job’ Penelope offers or moving boxes in the warehouse. In
there he can also talk with Savannah. Both ladies, the real job and the ATM to
collect your earnings are described in this side quest:
☼ Willy can just have fun with Penelope and collect her three dolls or he
can earn some money as well. For that see the money tip below and
follow the instructions…
$ Listen carefully to what she says, because they are clues to what sex
positions she wants. I’ve compiled the following table with the clues and
what positions that means to maximize your earnings:
A) Enter the [warehouse office] and collect the [Penelope bronze] doll. Walk
further to the right and wait until Penelope shows her boobs. Then say
“Ehm.. I saw your boobs...”, followed by “Talk about job offer” and off
course “Take job offer”
☼ For now leave the [mysterious package] on the chair. We will need it for
Gina when she appears in the Giulio’s car service (page 135) location
Warehouse supervisor
$ After talking – use the first three dialogue lines for more information –
with the [warehouse supervisor] Willy can move up to 20 boxes per
session from one end of the warehouse to the other. It pays randomly
between 20 to 40 dollars per box. For getting paid Willy must
afterwards say “I finished working” and it will be deposited in his bank
account. See the ATM section below on how to collect it
B) [Take box] at the entry and double click – Willy walks faster – [drop box]
at the other end of the warehouse. Just below the amount of money in
yellow the number of moved boxes is shown. Double click at [take box]
and repeat
C) After [exit warehouse] – see the money tip above if you want to be paid
for the hard work – it will be locked again, so start with A again when
another visit inside the [warehouse] is needed...
A) See part A of the [warehouse supervisor] to enter the [warehouse], then
do part B at least five times. Now say to Savannah “I am a bit tired” and
she wants Willy to grab her boobs. So say “I think I need some rest
now”. Enjoy ☺
☼ From now in Willy can always ask her “I think I need some rest now”
without doing any work...
B) After resting “Talk with Savannah” again and she asks if Willy knows a
place were they can hang out. That will be in Willy’s heaven (page 158)
but for that we must collect 120 dolls first and then open it in the [Doll
house]. So for now we say “Bye” to Savannah. Before leaving collect the
[Savannah bronze] doll. [Exit warehouse] – see part C of the [warehouse
supervisor] if you want to be paid! – and collect the [Savannah silver]
C) Go to [Willy’s heaven] and “Ask about Savannah”. She’s fine with Willy
bringing her
D) Go back to [Port Duck] and tell Savannah “I have some good news”.
Willy suggests to tell her grandpa she will be working as his trainee at
his office. [Exit warehouse] and “Talk about Savannah” with the
[warehouse supervisor]. He wants to see a contract…
E) Go to [Skye’s house] and “Talk about Savannah” with miss Skye. She
says her mother has the contracts, so [leave pool] and say to Mrs.
Valerie “Miss Skye said you can give me a trainee contract”. Willy gets
one, but she notices that he is very tense and offers a handjob. Of
course ask “Mrs. Valerie? Can you jerk my cock?”. Enjoy ☺
F) Go back to [Port Duck] and drop the [trainee contract] from the
inventory on the [warehouse supervisor]. Then do the procedure to get
into the [warehouse] and say to Savannah “I told your grandpa that
you’ll work in my office” and she will go to his gold room in the [Doll
G) Go to [Willy’s heaven] and ask Savannah “So.. what do you think?” (is
this needed?) and then “Savannah...”. Enjoy ☺. Afterwards [exit gold
room] and search the [Savannah gold] doll
$ At the beginning of the game Willy has $750 in his bank account. Both
Penelope and the [warehouse supervisor] in this side quest deposit the
earned money (in v036 money could only be collected when Willy has
less then $5.000 in his wallet; this limit will be removed in the next
A) To draw money from his bank account Willy needs his [creditcard] at the
bookshelf near the [bathroom] door in his apartment. Go [home] to
collect it
B) Now go to a location with an [ATM] – has a small blue dollar sign left of
the location name (see 7th picture for an example). For now the only
ones are at [home] or [mom’s place] (mom). The first dialogue line tells
the amount and the others will remove the selected amount to his
wallet. Press M if it is not shown in the top right corner
Tattoo patterns
This side quest is a bit of a grind if you do it in the Open world (page 115) part
of the adventure. After doing part A and B in the Tricking Nenad (page )
episode I will add a tip box when Willy visits one of the following places:
☼ When going to the location below, there is a chance that you see a
[tattoo pattern]. Collect it and do part C of the Tattoo pattern (page 148)
side quest
A) Go to [Daniella’s place] and try to talk with Kayla. This won’t work, so for
now just collect the [Kayla bronze] doll
B) For unlocking the [tattoo pattern]s Willy must talk with Ivy by doing her
part B at the University (page 142) location
After this a new [tattoo pattern] will randomly appear in one of the nine
locations above. Because of this you probably collect multiple times a
basic or fine tattoo before finally finding the epic tattoo. In that case just
drop the [tattoo pattern] on Kayla and press ESC to skip the handjob or
blowjob. The basic tattoo leads to a handjob, a fine tattoo gives a
blowjob and the epic tattoo is full blown sex and also unlocks the [Kayla
gold] doll
☼ Tip Nenad: there is however easy way to find them all, pick any of them
after they spawn go to Kayla and save game drop tattoo on her and skip
scene with esc then check is desired pattern spawned, if not load game
and repeat random spawn triggers each time we drop pattern on Kayla
Star Girls
(v036 has a bug were Willy is trapped inside, so SAVE before you go here! Also
DON’T talk with the bouncer yet!)
After talking to Trixie – see part A in the Willy’s heaven (page 159) side quest –
the strip club [Star Girls] (in v036 wrongly labeled as Orion Star hotel) where
she was working will be unlocked. This is still work in progress. You may enter
and see few girls and talk with one. This will be expanded in future but for now
you can just go and watch animations there.
Secret Garden of Desire
Entering the [bronze door] in the [Doll house] is possible after collecting 50
dolls. If you don’t have enough the mysterious girl won’t let Willy enter!
After entering read the [sign] on the door. This gives all the clues to solving the
puzzle. Don’t read any further if you want to try it on your own. Because the
rest of this part will explain in detail what must be done…
• Go to the [West room] and pick up the [dagger]. Click on the left
[faucet] to get [sand]. Grab it two times (check inventory)
☼ Between the two [faucet]s in the [East room] and [West room] is a
[hook] and that is part of the clue. Now we must make a weight and
Willy is collecting that although it is at this point not completely clear...
• Go back to the [temple chamber] and take the [dagger] from the
inventory. Hover it to the bottom of the left pillar near the entrance until
two pieces of [rope] can be cut by clicking
• Despite the comment of Willy’s dick that he’s an idiot, we have now
everything two make two weights to put on the [hook]s as the clue in
the [sign] says. Click in your inventory on a [pile of sand] and drop it on
a [tissue] to get [sand on tissue]. Now click on a piece of [rope] and drop
it on the [sand on tissue] to get a [pouch with sand]. Do this again for
another one
• Willy has now two weights, so put one on the [hook] in each room. Now
go back to the [temple chamber] and there the [Secret Garden of
Desire] is opened
Side quests
There is a lot to be seen and done in the [Secret Garden of Desire]. First click
on the [bench] so Willy gets naked. He can talk with everybody and learn more
about the bordello and the city. Before leaving click on [clothing] to get dressed
again. The following lady has her own side quest:
The other ladies are for now described in this side quest:
Bordello girl
☼ Not necessary for the adventure but Willy can ask the [bordello girl] on
the bench what it is all about. However do ask “Can you please give me
a blowjob?” ☺
A) Go to the [contest area] and ask Brianna ”What is going on here?”. This
unlocks her bronze doll (see part C below). For the [Brianna silver] doll
Willy has to win at least once a $500 bet. Read the following tip carefully
☼ Before placing a bet below use F5 to save the game. Now place a $500
bet and if Willy wins he can ask for the “Doll gift” . If not reload the
game and try again. Evey time Willy has a winning chance of 33% so if
you’re really unlucky this could take more then ten reloads!
The system without the above cheat is a neutral proposition for the [Doll
house] owner ☺. A bet of $500 gives $1.500 back when predicting the
correct couple so a $1000 profit. Else Willy will loose $500 but by just
keep betting he will earn on average $0 per bet...
B) Now keep doing “Bet”, “$500” and selecting a couple. After winning ask
for the “Doll gift” and the [Brianna silver] doll will be added to the
C) Go to the [West room] and click on the right [faucet]. Now search for the
[Brianna bronze] doll
A) (separate side quest!) Go to the [contest area] and try to talk with Amy
B) Go to the [main garden] and “Ask about Amy” from the older lady who is
giving a handjob. Amy has memory problems, which gives Willy an
C) Go back to the [contest area] and ask Amy “We could go somewhere
more private...”. She doesn’t like crowded places, so no luck for now...
D) Go to the [East room] and search there for the [Amy silver] doll
☼ The line “About Amy” in part E below is unlocked after collecting the
[Amy silver] doll. Therefor it can’t be combined with part B above
E) Enter through the bronze door in the [Doll house] and ask “About Amy”
from the older lady who is giving a handjob. She tells that Amy works as
a teacher at the University (page 142) and her side quest will be
continued there...
Chamber of Lust
Entering the [silver door] in the [Doll house] is possible after collecting 75 dolls.
If you don’t have enough the mysterious girl won’t let Willy enter!
After entering two [sign]s are lying on the floor. Both give a clue for solving the
puzzle. Don’t read any further if you want to try it on your own. Because the
rest of this part will explain in detail what must be done…
☼ The first [sign] shows the numbers 1 through 4 with connecting arrows
plus the line “When 3 are lit 4th will burn”. The only thing what can be lit
are the candles and they represent the numbers from left to right. Click
for example on number 3 – right next to the entrance – and then on
number 2 – left next to the entrance. You will see that number 3 will go
out again and that explains the arrows. When you succeed to light three
candles clicking the fourth will NOT turn of any candles according to the
explanation on the sign
• The solution is pretty easy, just follow the arrows to the next candle.
Because number two – if not click on this one first – is lit we have arrows
pointing to 1 or 3. So click 1, then 3 and at last 4
• After lighting the 4th candle in the middle of the room above the hole a
silver nun will appear
• Now go to the [East room]. On the [manhole] is a [silver dick] and [jar]
with some grease in it. Pick up the [jar]
☼ If you pick up both the trapdoor will close, so put the [silver dick] back
on the [manhole] to open the trapdoor again
• It is now clear that Willy must attach the [silver dick], so go back to the
[East room]. There a [torch] has fallen on the ground, so pick it up. Then
grab the [silver dick] and the trapdoor closes. Put the [torch] on the
[manhole] top open it again...
☼ If you try to use the [empty jar] Willy says it needs to be heavier which
is a clue for the next part!
• Go back to the [West chamber] and drop the [silver dick] on the
[statue]. [Oil] begins to flow, so drop the [empty jar] on it to get a [jar
with oil]
☼ If you want to do it faster, now read ahead before doing things ☺. Trying
to ignite the oil with the candles doesn’t work, so go back to the [East
room] and put the [jar with oil] on the [manhole] and pick up the [torch].
That works because the first is now heavy enough again. However the
statue needs some flammable material as well. Try it without and Willy
says it won’t melt, but may it will if he spills some oil on the statue
• First drop the [jar with oil] on the [nun statue] and then refill it in the
[West chamber] again so it is heavy enough to swap with the [torch] in
the [East room]. First pick up the [torch] and then place the [jar with oil]
on the [manhole]
• The [torch] has nothing in it that can burn, so drop it on the [oil] in the
[West chamber] to fill it. Now drop the [torch with oil] on the candles in
the [temple chamber] and Willy says “It burns!”. So now try to melt the
silver on the [nun statue] by dropping the [burning torch] on it. You
expect a spectacular effect, but it isn’t as a disappointed Willy says.
However the nun is now a whore and Willy can finally enter the
[Chamber of Lust]
Side quests
There is a lot to be seen and done in the [Chamber of Lust]. Because Willy now
knows the drill he automatically undresses and when leaving dresses. He can
talk with everybody and learn more about this place. The following ladies have
there own content:
A) Enter the [Chamber of Lust] and for understanding the parts below ask
the [nun] sitting on the bench near the entrance “Whoa! You’re a nun?”.
She wants to loose her virginity but she doesn’t know were the key for
her belt is…
☼ The [virginity key] is collected in part B of sister Tatiana in the Church
(page 140). To unlock the [church] Willy must do part A of mother
superior below
B) Go to the [Doll house] and drop the [virginity key] on the [nun] sitting
near the entrance. Say to her “I wanna fuck you” which begins with
“Missionary”. Keep watching until the “Rough anal” appears. Now Willy
can try them out. Enjoy!
Mother superior
☼ A very funny scene unravels by asking [mother superior] “Are you like…
a boss here?” and then “I want to confess mys sins”
A) Enter the [Chamber of Lust]. Talk with the [mother superior] (walk to the
left) and ask “Did you come from church?” to open the [church] location
on the map (just North-East from [Minora town])
Entering the [gold door] in the [Doll house] is possible after collecting 120 dolls.
If you don’t have enough the mysterious girl won’t let Willy enter!
(include [Mysterious silver] doll? When entering I’ve 128/129 dolls or 129/130
when collecting the Lulu bronze)
The [writings] left and right – see tip below for the text – of [Willy’s heaven] are
clues for solving the puzzle. Don’t read any further if you want to try it on your
own. Because in the rest I will explain in detail what must be done…
☼ The left [writings] reads “When you touch the symbol it’s value will rise.
When you figure out how you’ll get the prize” and right reads “If you
touch too much it’s value will fall. But sometimes it’s good when things
are small”. These clues will become clear after some investigation
• All the rooms in the [Doll house] are towers. So it is logical that if Willy
enters the [East room] and walks right onto the [bridge] he finally enters
the [West room] or visa versa. The [strange symbols] in the East and
West room – see above – looks the same except that the arrow in the
middle points suggests that the [East room] is counter clockwise and
the [West room] is clockwise. The pillars – see pictures above – on the
bridge have the four [symbol]s as seen on the [strange symbols] in both
rooms and also Roman numerals. When Willy clicks on a [symbol] the
value will increase until it reaches IV. After that it will go back to I and
that explains the clues in the tip above
• The four symbols between the same [symbol]s on the pillars can be
read as the mathematical operators greater – > – and smaller – < – than
the following. So the [strange symbols] in the [East room] can be
translated as value pillar 1 must be greater – counter clockwise! – than
value pillar 4 which must be smaller than value pillar 3 which in turn is
greater than value pillar 2 which again is smaller than value pillar 1.
With the possible values 1, 2, 3 and 4 on each pillar the only solution is
4 > 2 < 3 > 1 < 4. So click [symbol] on pillar 1 until it shows IV, pillar 2
and 3 stays the same and pillar 4 is clicked once to give I. Now a
musical note can be heard and in the [main gold chamber] on the
column before the [East room] a [crystal ball] can be collected. Now
drop this on the middle of the [strange symbols] in the [East room]
• The [strange symbols] in the [West room] can in the same way
translated as value pillar 1 must be smaller – clockwise! – than value
pillar 2 which must be greater than value pillar 3 which in turn is smaller
than value pillar 4 which again is greater than value pillar 1. The only
solution is 1 < 3 > 2 < 4 > 1. Enter this on the [symbol]s to get again a
musical note. Now in the [main gold chamber] on the column before the
[West room] a [crystal ball] can be collected. Drop this on the middle of
the [strange symbols] in the [West room]
• This opens the door to [Willy’s heaven] in the [main gold chamber]
Side quests
☼ At this point Willy can have sex with most of the girls below. Like
Melanie and Eliza in the Orion Star hotel (page 138) location the climax
can be repeated until “Exit” is used
[Willy’s heaven] is pretty empty, so start this side quest by doing part A of
Lulu below. She and the other ladies are for now described in this side quest:
☼ Of course Willy can ask her “I want to have sex with you” – the empty
lines suggests more fun (check!) in the future fun! Enjoy ☺. If you don’t
like her following, ask “Can you stop following me?”
A) Before entering [Willy’s heaven] collect the [Lulu bronze] doll. She is the
red haired girl standing behind the pillar when Willy enters. She also
follows him when he walks around. Start by asking “What is this place”
followed by “So where can I find more girls?”. Because she is the
manager, Willy can also ask about the preferences of the recruited girls
as well. Collect the [Lulu silver] and [Lulu gold] doll
☼ At the moment Coco & Roxy don’t have any scenes. But do ask if you
want a funny response...
A) Go to [Claudia’s street] and on the left use the stairs down to [Trixie’s
place]. Willy can talk with Lacey – she is the sister of Trixie – but for the
moment this is going nowhere. Say to Trixie “Hi. I’m Willy” followed by
“Oh… Your job?”. She was a stripper but lost her job so Willy offers her
one in his personal gold room by asking “So you don’t have a job
anymore?”. Now collect the [Trixie bronze] doll
☼ After the conversation above, the strip club [Star Girls] where she was
working will be unlocked. See the Star Girls (page 150) location for fun
B) Go to the [Doll house], enter the [gold door] and collect the [Trixie
silver] doll. Enter [Willy’s heaven] and find the [Trixie gold] doll. Then
ask “I wanna fuck you Trixie!” and one empty line suggest that another
position will be added in the future… (check in future version)
A) Go to [Majora street] and say to Keiko “Hello. I’m Willy” followed by
“This job is in the Doll house” and “Send her to Lulu”
B) Go to the [Doll house], enter the [gold door] and then [Willy’s heaven].
Now ask Keiko “I wanna fuck you” – the empty lines suggests future fun!
Enjoy ☺ (check in future version)
A) Go to [Los Labia], enter [alley] and Dolores is standing in front of
Selina’s house. Say “Hello” followed by “So… What are you doing
here?” and it becomes clear she also wants a job. Willy’s dick isn’t
convinced this is a good idea ☺. Willy however says “Maybe I can help
you with finding a job” and “Talk about job offer”. Selina offers to help
Dolores because she is sorry for her...
☼ The [Dolores silver] doll is unlocked after “Send her to Lulu” and can be
collected in the [East room]
C) To unlock the extra positions with Dolores, Willy must start with “Can I
ask you something?“. Willy’s dick suggests talking with Lulu, so say to
her “I want to ask you more about Dolores”. Before going, collect the
[Dolores silver] doll in the [East room]
D) Go to [villa Gloria] and “Ask about Dolores’ situation” from Mrs. Maria.
She says models have to do things they don’t like. The only model Willy
knows is Claudia...
In the [HoTaboo] is a lot for sale. Willy has visited it many times for the main
adventure, but in this part I explain the rest.
• The “Buy pills”, “Birth control pills $100” can be used for the following
◦ Claudia: see tips in the Claudia’s threesome (page 18) and Fiona’s
stockings (page 32) episodes before wasting your money...
◦ Miss Skye: see tips in Fiona’s stockings (page 32) and Fiona’s fury
(page 75) episodes before wasting your money...
◦ Claudia: see tip in the Fiona’s stockings (page 32) episode before
wasting your money...
◦ Daisy: see tip in the Script completion (page 129) side quest
• The “Buy penetration spray”, “Wide open spray $500” – ask the other
question if you want more information – can be used on the following
◦ Dee Dee: see tip in the Giovanna’s hideout (page 51) episode
• The “Buy clothing” from Angel in the the [clothing section] – see part A
to C in the Clothing section (page 127) side quest if this line isn’t
available – can be used for the following girls:
◦ Maya: she can wear the innocent dress ($1530), body stockings
($260) and corset ($400). The [corset] unlocks the [Maya gold] doll,
see part F in the Clothing section (page 127) side quest
◦ Mom: she can wear the V dress ($540), dream dress ($2170),
innocent dress ($1530), night dress ($890), latex catsuit ($550) and
corset ($400). The combo [corset], latex [catsuit] and [dream dress]
unlocks the [Violette gold] doll and [Violette (3)] photos, see part H in
the Clothing section (page 127) side quest
◦ Amanda: she can wear the V dress ($540), night dress ($890), latex
catsuit ($550), corset ($400) and body stockings ($260)
• -2 new TV channels are for sale at hotaboo shop so... try those as well.
• On the left stands a prototype sex doll (more with “What’s that doll over
there?”) which has three upgrades. On the right stands a silicon doll
which has an extra maid outfit and four upgrades. This one only works if
Willy has enough batteries and those aren’t cheap as well. But with the
money pile you can try everything. Both dolls will be delivered to Willy’s
Willy can buy a lot of things. The following table shows for example the costs
for completing all collections. For the moment it doesn’t include the costs for
extra sex positions. This could change in the future depending on how the
portfolios turn out.
[Domina bronze] - 99
Art of pornography #2 - 20
Art of pornography #6 - 20
Total 1.070
Willy starts with $100 in cash. Press M if the amount is not show in the top
right corner of the screen. Press N if you want to hide the amount again. During
the main adventure I pointed at money which could be found on the street.
Making essences
At the [lake] you see an yellow, blue and [red flower]. Grab at one of these
flowers to add a corresponding colored petal to the inventory. The petal can be
dropped on the [rug] at the end of the dock. Repeat the process with another
petal – can be of the same color! – and by clicking on the click on the [rug]. The
petals will disappear and an [essence] will be added to your inventory. Which
one depends on the combined petals:
Forget the worthless essence, because it means mixing two more valuable
ones. If we use the shortcuts y(ellow), b(lue) and r(ed) the colors are made as
shown in the table below:
☼ For creating the indigo essence needed in the Relaxing at the beach
episode (page 28) first make a green and blue essence to combine in
turquoise, then a purple essence to combine in indigo
Mrs. Martha
☼ The amount Mrs. Martha gives is determined just after the sex scene.
Cheating by saving can’t be done during a scene. Because reloading
means watching the whole scene again which takes time, it is probably
best just to accept whatever she offers and not bothering with cheating
to get a better pay
She is standing in [Jeb village] [North Street]. The first time Willy needs to say
“You sound a bit sad...”, followed by “Who’s Mark?”. From now on Willy just
needs to “Help Martha with loneliness”. There is a 40% chance she isn’t lonely
– the line isn’t present- and in that case go back to [Main Street] (right click is
faster!) and try again. Because the whole point is earning money you must
watch it all ☺. Afterwards she gives randomly between 100 and 400 dollar.
Mrs. Camila
She is standing on the street in [Los Labia South]. After giving her the rose in
the Future telling (page 120) side quest the option “Help Mrs. Camila” becomes
available. She pays 1000 pesos (in game 55 dollar).
Money pile
$ The money pile will be removed in the final version of the game. Then
Willy has to earn everything he wants to buy! Therefor I added in the
main adventure sections like this to hint were (some) money can easily
be earned
Working for money – except for some the sex with old ladies – is not fun. And
things get really expensive, so for the moment there is a money pile in front of
the “Fart sales” shop in [Majora Street West]. For now taking $10,000 is more
than enough. If needed Willy can also drop money back by buying farts from
the shop owner
New features
Sometimes new features are introduced and those are described below.
• The dolls in the collection screen can now be rotated manually. See the
tip about the [Skye bronze] doll in the Miss Skye’s blowjob (page 4)
episode for how it works
• You can now take screenshots by pressing F12. They will be saved in the
screenshots directory within the game folder and are high quality PNG
files with the date and time coded in the name
• A new collection called lingerie is added. You can find them lying around
or ask them from girls. See the tip about [Rose pantyhose] in the
Platinum girl (page 9) episode for how it works
• Both the doll and lingerie have now a counter and total number that can
be found
• When a scene is bigger than seen, you can scroll it by moving the mouse
to the left or right of the screen. Sometimes a yellow arrow for a location
appears. Don’t try to maneuver the mouse on it, because it will still be in
scrolling mode. Just left click and Willy starts to move and then click on
the rotating arrow position. In the beginning it is a bit confusing, but with
practice it becomes clear...
• Willy already could walk faster by left double clicking. But for some this
wasn’t fast enough so from now on we can right click at any entrance,
door or passage to immediately change the scene to the next place. In a
text file an even faster walk hack is explained, but that one could have
side effects...
• Work in progress: see the first tip in the Miss Skye’s blowjob (page 4)
episode for an explanation. It will be implemented for every scene in the
future, but that may take some time because the game is already huge
• The inventory has now on the right the possibility to load/save games.
Introduced for macOS users whose keyboard don’t have a F5. But also
useful for Windows/Linux users who don’t remember the shortcut key…
• Autosaves from previous version now have separate screen (you may
see button on main game screen). The options screen is redone...
• If you press 1 on your keyboard (right number pad doesn’t work!) the
game will go to black and white. You may undo this by pressing 1 again
• In the previous version (see above) the black and white shader was
introduced. In the same way by pressing 2 instead of 1 you get the
cartoon/cellshading effect. By pressing 3 the brightness can be
corrected in normal or either of the shaders. You can also combine 1 and
2 for black and white cartoon. More shaders will be added in future. I
recommend saving game before you try to use this cause it is still work
in progress. It does work in real time so it may suck up your CPU/GPU a
bit more while this are on. I hope you will like this new feature
• - Doll screen now is expanded and you can scroll screen from left to
right and vice versa by simply moving cursor to edge (left or right) at
this state it still may have some lil glitches (as if you are on actual scene
that also have scrolling doll screen will "adjust" to that position rather
then one you left it last time... If you encounter any other bugs please
let me know. Reason for this change was to fit more dolls in future.
• - When pressing O you will not go to scene with all kjeyboard buttons
that can be used in game.
• Please read all those especially what 1, 2 ,3 and 4 do cause they give
you control of screen scrolling.
Spoilers below!
Location of dolls
The walkthrough mentions when a [doll] can be found. With the following parts
of the screen it should be easy. Some dolls below can’t be found as they are a
gift from the girl in question. In red the alternate doll from the neighbor path.
Bronze dolls
Skye Maya Rose Gabriella
Silver dolls
Skye Maya Rose Gabriella
Gold dolls
Skye Maya Violette Amanda
The walkthrough mentions when [lingerie] can be found. With the following
parts of the screen it should be easy. Some lingerie below can’t be found as
they are a gift from the girl in question. In red the alternate lingerie from the
neighbor path.
Panties (row 1)
Rose Claudia Selina Nadya
Rose Claudia Violette Maria
Nadya Violette Amanda Melissa
Panties (row 2)
Maya Mia Stella Dee Dee
Location of photos
The walkthrough mentions when [photos (x)] can be found. The x is the
number of photos in the set. With the following parts of the screen it should be
easy. Some lingerie below can’t be found as they are a gift from the girl in
question. In red the alternate photos from the neighbor path.
Row 1
Skye (5) Skye (5) Skye (5) Skye (6)
Mary (3)
Row 2
Candy (5) Candy (4) Candy (4) Candy (5)
Amelie (5) Dee Dee (3) Dee Dee (4) Dee Dee (6)
Dee Dee (4) Dee Dee (5) Erica (5) Erica (5)
Row 3
Danielle (4) Danielle (7) Danielle (6) Danielle (5)
Row 4
Angel (33) Amy (5) Amy (3) Daisy (7)
Daisy (5) Daisy (7) Daisy (5) Jux Apo (5)
Jux Apo (4) Jux Apo (1) Mia (4) Mia (5)
The walkthrough mentions when a [portfolio] can be found. With the following
parts of the screen it should be easy. Some portfolios below can’t be found as
they are a gift from the girl in question. In red the alternate photos from the
neighbor path.
Row 1
Skye Maya Gabriella Violette
Row 2
Candy Dee Dee
Row 3
Danielle Elvira Heidi Maria
Row 4
Angel Daisy Claudia Monique