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P E P S I Screening
Ana K. Gonzalez
I decided to screen a young lady called Theresa Gonzalez, she was born in Montebello Ca.
Her parents are from Mexico, and they brought Theresa to Las Vegas NV, when she was one
year old, so basically Theresa feels herself a nevadan. Parents are divorced for more than six
years. She just turned 17 last month, she is the youngest of three sisters that are very independent
and smart, that have been able to acquire scholarships for their careers, and because of that,
Theresa feels too pressured to do well in school. Theresa is going to Las Vegas Academy of the
Arts, majoring in Dance, She was also part of the Nevada Ballet Theater until last school year.
She is aware that her career is very difficult to succeed and she is planning to have another major
as a second option, to back up her dream career in case she does not succeed. She loves music,
especially the band Muse, and she cares about animals a lot, especially dogs.
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Physical Development
In an article from a journal of research on adolescence says that growth mixture modeling was
used to identify different trajectories of body mass index among adolescent, ages 10-15 and
within the results in which they based their investigation on, they found out that there is a
Based on the studies of Fran Ebling, “ puberty might can start as early as 10 years of age in a
girl and the duration varies, (‘Puberty: Mind and Body)” so Theresa is 17 years old and she is a
dancer, at least that is what she is studying for, and of course she is in the puberty stage, merely
because of all the exercises that a dancer, like her, needs to do every day, she has those curves in
her body that Mr. Ebling is talking about, nevertheless, she is always thinking about the ways of
how to perfect it. Puberty hormones kicking might have something to do in regards that she
thinks her body is not perfected or not attractive enough,and that is why she needs to exercise
even more, therefore she is always talking about the food she needs to eat, the exercises she can
do to better shape her muscles, or if she has too much fat on her tummy, or on her legs, curves
are too big, she is way too concerned about her appearance (Physical Characteristics for a High
School girl, Growth Mixture Modeling of Adolescent Body mass Index Development, Girl)
another physical characteristic in adolescents, according to the Mental Help Association is the
perspiration, acne, and oily skin. Theresa does not show signs of acne on her face, but she
complains about having a lot of it on her back, that also makes her feel embarrassed and very
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conscious about it and likes to use lotion all the time to do not be “disgusting” she says of course
For many parents, the adolescent period can seem like a whirlwind of rapidly changing
emotions. In fact, some earlier theories about adolescent development proposed that
that outdated notion. Developmental experts have since learned that what may appear
as "storm and stress" is actually the natural outcome of youth learning to cope with a
much larger array of new and unfamiliar situations. (Larson & Ham, 1993).
Theresa is a very smart young woman that complies with the description of “storm and
stress” very well, she mentions that there has been occasions where she does not know how
come she answers her mother rudely when there is no reason for that. She does not understand
why sometimes she gets upset for simple things that are not even important, and I don’t know if
it is important to mention, but her favorite word is “stupid” everything that do not falls into her
During this research paper I have learned that humans have an amygdala and a ventral
striatum actively working in the brain that affects the effects of affective evaluation of stimuli
on a synthesis of human and non-human animal research we suggest that ELS acts on
neural systems associated with affective valuation by modulating (i.e., decreasing) the
ability of the amygdala to send value-based information to the ventral striatum via
sensitive periods of development, ELS causes increases in the release and circulation of
stress hormones (i.e., corticosterone, cortisol), which act not just to accelerate amygdala
development but to interact with midbrain dopaminergic systems, resu caregiving early
psychosocial stressors early in life (early life stress; ELS) in the form of the
dopamine into the amygdala and the ventral striatum. The increased levels of dopamine
neural and behavioral phenotypes associated with the emergence of behaviors during
adolescence associated with internalizing illness such as anxiety and depression that
may persist into adulthood. (Dominic S. Farreri,Effects of early life stress on amygdala
Even Though Theresa is not showing any type of depression, she is definitely very
dramatic when expressing her attitudes towards a subject, or when she speaks about
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her position into a particular theme, and tends to victimize herself when expectancies are not
met. Now the question is, how Theresa’s early life stressors were to actively changed the levels
of Dopamine to be able to act this way now. Even though it seems to be very typical among
As I stated before, Theresa is very Intelligent, taking into account the definition of Snowman
in chapter 4 section 1e being “the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, think
rationally, and effectively with the environment” it seems that she has shown rational qualities
when she comes to make good decision not only at home but at school as well, her grades are a
testimony of that good decision making and belonging to the National Honor Society shows
good quality of those choices as well. “Intelligence has many facets 1)Practical ability: Involves
imagining and supposing. 3) Analytical ideas: involves breaking ideas and products into their
component parts making judgements, evaluating, comparing and contrasting, critiquing”. And all
that has been proven by her on daily basis, e.g.She sometimes rides the bike to the school bus
stop that is a little bit over 2 miles away from her house, during that time, there has been a
thousand of different situations where she could have been ran over or fallen down and get into a
really bad injury, but her prompting and acerted decisions had kept her been untouched.
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In school she falls into the kind of learning that must of the students fall into, both
“field-dependent and independent learning style”, (Snowman, chapter 4-3d) where she prefers to
work in “ situations in which procedures are clear and well defined but sometimes she likes to do
it her own way depending on the nature of the task” (Snowman, chapter 4-3).
Theresa also has not a preferable type of environment to learn, she can focus and do her own
learning regardless of her surroundings, that is another way to show how intelligent she can be. I
guess that is why she does not show any conflict in her social world.
“Erik Erikson (1902–1994) was a stage theorist who took Freud’s controversial theory of
attitudes, ideas, and skills at each stage of development. This mastery helps children
grow into successful, contributing members of society. During each of Erikson’s eight
stages, there is a psychological conflict that must be successfully overcome in order for
a child to develop into a healthy, well-adjusted adult”. (Lumen, Education, Society, & the
Taking into account the different psychosocial stages it is obvious that Theresa is in the
Identity vs role confusion. That basically “ According to Erikson, an adolescent’s main task
is developing a sense of self. Adolescents struggle with questions such as “Who am I?”
and “What do I want to do with my life?” (Lumen, Education,society from k-12 learners, part
II : Educational Psychology). Theresa has not decided really what she wants to do with her life
yet, she loves dancing and that is why she says she is going to be a dancer I guess she is still in
the process to develop that sense. Right now she is looking for a job and she says that she is
going to be independent by the age of 18 years of age. According to what has been said about
this stage, Theresa fits perfectly fine in the Identity vs role confusion.
Intellectual Development
able to talk about this stage, and I found out that Intelligence is a “mental ability” while
Piaget noted that reality is a dynamic system of continuous change and, as such, is
defined in reference to the two conditions that define dynamic systems. Specifically, he
argued that reality involves transformations and states.[7] Transformations refer to all
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manners of changes that a thing or person can undergo. States refer to the conditions
For example, there might be changes in shape or form (for instance, liquids are
reshaped as they are transferred from one vessel to another, and similarly humans
change in their characteristics as they grow older), in size (for example, a series of
coins on a table might be placed close to each other or far apart), or in placement or
location in space and time (e.g., various objects or persons might be found at one place
at one time and at a different place at another time). Thus, Piaget argued, if human
transformational aspects of reality, and that figurative intelligence is responsible for the
Snowman explains that “Piaget may have overestimated the formal thinking of adolescents.
Research summarize by Michael Shayer (1997) indicates that only 20 percent of children exhibit
well developed formal operational thinking by the end of adolescence” (Snowman, p. 46).
Theresa as I stated before is very smart, I don’t exactly know if she actually fits or not in the
20% of students that exhibit well-developed formal operational thinking, but she is part Mexican
therefore I strongly believe that her cognitive development has been systematically,
unconsciously and directly, socially and culturally affected by that, and according to her, she
likes to learn from everybody and everywhere, and she states that she has her own opinion of the
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world around her, but in order to acquire more knowledge, she needs to hear the opinion of
others too.
Theresa seems capable to manage and redirect her life in the way she wants, except that she
knows, she needs to work on organizing her time better and to start setting more realistic goals
for herself.
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Ames, M. E., & Wintre, M. G. (2016). Growth Mixture Modeling of Adolescent Body Mass Index
Development: Longitudinal Patterns of Internalizing Symptoms and Physical Activity. Journal of Research
CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
Ferari, S. Dominic. Effects of early life stress on amygdala and striatal development. Amygdala and
Oswalt, Angela, MSW (2009) Adolescent Emotional Development. Mental Help.Net 1995-2015
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Ebling, F. (2003). Puberty: Mind and Body. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 15( 3), 323–324.
Snowman, Jack. McCown, Rick. Psychology Applied to Teaching. 14th edition. Chapters 2-6.