Indla Highvv: Par Iament
Indla Highvv: Par Iament
Indla Highvv: Par Iament
Transport Bhawan.
1, Par Iiament Street,
New Delhi-110001
No. RW/NH-35072/04/2004-S&R(R) Dated: 27th April, 2010
All central and centrally sponsored projects shall be framed keeping in view
these safety measures as applicable to specific site situations.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above iv:-~
(Trivkndra Kumar)
Executive Engineer SR&T (Roads)
for Director General (RD) & SS
Copy with enclosure forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. DG (RD) & SS
2. ADG
3. All Chief Engineers of MoRT&H
4. All ROs I ELOs of MoRT&H
5. IRF
1. Introduction
The existing road accident scenario on Indian roads is very grim and is a matter of
serious c~ncern for all stakeholde_
rs . . The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and
IRF have JOtntly embar~ed_ on _a Mrssron to reduce fatalities on Indian roads by 50% by
the year 2012. This M1s~1on involves a multi-prong approach combining engineering,
enf?rcement and education measures. The multi-lane highways being built under
various road development programmes are adopting the geometric standards
specifications , signage, road markings, etc. as per the provisions contained in the
Codes of Practice and the Standards of the Indian Roads Congress supported by the
Ministry's specifications. However, accident data demonstrate that motorists leave the
roadway for numerous reasons including errors of judgement. To ensure long term
road safety on these highways built so far, those being contemplated to be upgraded
and the ones being planned and designed, the following engineering measures are
considered essential for adoption so as to help in improving road safety leading to
reduction of accidents:
For all future multi-lane highways where adequate land is available, it is preferable to
provide wide depressed median having width of 12 m or more, but with .W-beam metal
crash barriers at the edges of the median.
For multi-lane highways already developed I being developed with raised median, it is
essential to provide W-beam metal crash barrier in the median along both the
c·arriageways. In case the two carriageways are at different levels, the median edge of
the higher carriageway shall be provided with a W-Beam metal crash barrier. In case of
narrow medians , 2m or less wide , as generally provided in urban areas , New Jersey
type concrete crash barriers should be used along with anti-glare screen for avoidance
of headlight glare.
In urban areas , all through lanes should be of normal width (3.5m) for maintaining
uniform safety, except at the approaches to the junctions where the speed is expected
to be very low, the lane width can be reduced to a minimum of 3.1 m as per IRC code
for a length of at least 50 m in the approach.
In constrained situations where deep road side drains with depth of 1.0 m or more exist
(including those along the central median), these shou ld be covere_d by concrete or
steel gratings, and should be protected by W-beam meta l crash barrier to prevent the
traffic from entering such deep drains.
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Wherever embankment height is 3 m or more, the W-beam metal crash barrier must be
provided at the edge of the formation .
For the safety of traffic operation, in all cases of multi-lane highways, local traffic has to
be separated I segregated from the through traffic plying on the multi-lane carriageway
by adoption of suitably designed 7 m wide (absolute minimum 5.5 m wide) service
roads with safety fence , railings , etc. of robust and vandal proof design. To enable the
traffic on the service roads to cross over to the other side cf the multi-lane carriageway,
suitably designed cross connections as cattle underpass , pedestrian underpass and
vehicular underpass shall be provided.
In order to ensure that service roads are always available for safe movement of local
traffic, it is necessity to provide requisite parking facilities for the local IPT arid
commercial traffic. Also, suitably designed truck laybye or truck parking areas for
highway truck traffic is a must to avoid parking on road side, leading to the safe
operation of high speed traffic on highways.
4. Pedestrian Facility
All pedestrian underpasses shall have a minimum 7 m width, with a vertical clearance
of 3.5m.
5. Bus Bays
In situations where passengers have to board or alight from the buses , suitably
designed bus bays at desired locations shall be provided along the main carriagewcw,
but using extra width together with approach and exit transition lanes. At such
locations, the arrangement for the dispersal of the passengers have to be designed
duly considering their safety, i.e. in no case pedestrian should be required to enter the
main carriageway for cross over or even to move along the highway. The passengers
(pedestrian) should move to the footpaths provided along the service roads, and then
use the cross over facilities like FOB, underpass , etc.
6. Illuminations
Stretches of the multi-lane highways in built-up areas , the underpasses and Foot Over
Bridges (FOB) shal l be adequately illuminated, for which appropriate design shall be
adopted so that a minimum of 40 lux is achievable with 24 hour power supply , if
required. supported by solar power.
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8. Signages
(i) All curves with R < 750 m to be delineated on outer side of the curve from both
the directions (for RH curve it will be on shoulder and for LH curve it will be on
median), by chevron signs .
(ii) All embankments with height 3 m or more shall have W-beam metal crash
barriers with delineating reflectors fitted on them .
(iii} In low embankments and flat curves, where crash barriers are not provided, these
need to be delineated by 1.5 m high reflectorized delineators.
(iv) One-way reflective road studs shall be provided on edge lines and lane lines on
the approach to an intersection or a high level bridge/culvert/ROB etc with high
embankment. Also , such studs shall be provided along tie sharp curves.
Wherever multi-lane highway passes through built up areas, designs should be such
as to bring about a reduction in the speed to the level of 60 I 70 Kmph . To achieve
this, repeated bar markings (raised bars with gradually reducing spacings) with hot-
applied retro-reflective thermo-plastic, white paints shall be provided at the approaches
to such built up areas.
In the approaches to and exit from , bridges and other CD structures, W-beam metal
crash barriers shall be provided in continuation of the parapet on both the
carriageways for at-least 30 m in addition to hazard marker signs.
11. Miscellaneous
At special locations like open well or pond of the village , etc. along the highway located
close to the formation of the highway, VY-beam metal crash barrier shall be provided for
appropriate length for the safety of traffic operation on the highway.
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12. Road Safety Audit (RSA)
Road Safety Audit (RSA) should be carried out at all stages of road development
(planning, ~design , construction and operation) for all the highways. The highways,
which are already built as BOT or DBFO or EPC project, should be subjected to road
safety audit to identify the safety related deficiencies, if any. RSA should identify the
nature of accidents from the past data to recommend specific corrective measures. All
RSA recommendations should be duly considered and implemented for the roads
being planned for future as well for the existing multi-lane high speed roads to make
them safer highways. ·
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