Asistio v. People
Asistio v. People
Asistio v. People
Paragraph 4 of [Section] 124 of R.A. [6938]- "The following acts or omissions affecting cooperatives are
hereby prohibited: Any violation of any provision of this Code for which no penalty is imposed shall be
punished by imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year and a fine of not
less than one thousand pesos (P1,000.00), or both at the discretion of the court”
Paragraph 3 of Section 124 of RA 6938- “A director, officer or committee member who violated the
provisions of Section 47 (liability of directors, officers and committee members), Section 50 (disloyalty of
a director) and Section 51 (illegal use of confidential information) shall upon conviction suffer a fine of
not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), or imprisonment of not less than five (5) years but not
more than ten (10) years or both at the court's discretion;”
Section 46 of RA 6938- “Directors, officers and committee members, who willfully and knowingly vote
for or assent to patently unlawful acts or who are guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in directing the
affairs of the cooperative or acquire any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict with their duty as such
directors, officers or committee member shall be liable jointly and severally for all damages or profits
resulting therefrom to the cooperative, members and other persons.
When a director, officer or committee member attempts to acquire or acquires, in violation of his duty,
any interest or equity adverse to the cooperative in respect to any matter which has been reposed in
him in confidence, he shall, as a trustee for the cooperative, be liable for damages and for double the
profits which otherwise would have accrued to the cooperative.”
Section 47 of RA 6938- “In the absence of any provision in the by-laws fixing their compensation, the
directors shall not receive any compensation except for reasonable per diem: Provided, That any
compensation other than per diems may be granted to directors by a majority vote of the members with
voting rights at a regular or special general assembly meeting specifically called for the purpose:
Provided further, that no additional compensation other than per diems shall be paid during the first
year of existence of any cooperative.”
Petitioner Jocelyn Asistio y Consino, the Chairperson and Managing Director of A. Mabini Elementary
School Teachers Multi-Purpose Cooperative was discovered entering an exclusive dealership with Coca-
Cola products, to the damage and prejudice of the school. By virtue of a Memorandum of Agreement
between the school and the Cooperative, the principal directed her to submit financial reports during
her tenure, but she refused, claiming that the former had no business and authority on the matter. The
principal then created an audit committee to look into the financial reports and it was found out that
petitioner misappropriated P103, 456. Despite the demands, petitioner refused to return the same,
prompting the Cooperative to issue a Board resolution authorizing the filing of criminal charger against
She was then charged with violation of Section 46 of the Cooperative Code of the Philippines (Republic
Act No. [RA] 6938) and thereafter pleaded not guilty. After the prosecution’s presentation and offer of
evidence, petitioner moved to dismiss the case by a Demurrer to Evidence. She argued that RTC-Manila
has no jurisdiction over the offense. RTC dismissed the case as the MeTCs, MTC, MCTCs have exclusive
original jurisdiction over the case. Upon appeal to CA, the CA reversed the RTC decision and remanded
the case to the RTC. Hence, the petition for certiorari.
Whether or not the Regional trial Court has jurisdiction over petitioner’s case
No. The Court affirms the CA ruling that it is the RTC, not the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC), which has
jurisdiction over her case.
In criminal cases, the jurisdiction of the court is determined by the averments of the complaint or
Information, in relation to the law prevailing at the time of the filing of the complaint or Information,
and the penalty provided by law for the crime charged at the time of its commission. Section 32 of B.P.
Blg. 129, as amended, provides that the MeTC has exclusive jurisdiction over offenses punishable with
imprisonment not exceeding six years, irrespective of the amount of fine. Offenses punishable with
imprisonment exceeding six years, irrespective of the amount of fine, fall under the exclusive original
jurisdiction of the RTC, in accordance with Section 20 of B.P. Blg. 129, as amended.
Clearly, the accused-appellee cannot insist that reference to [Sec] 124, paragraph 4, as the trial court
did, is necessary and therefore, warranted the dismissal of the criminal case for lack of jurisdiction. To
reiterate, [Sec] 46 of the Code, entitled "Liability of Directors, Officers, and Committee Members,"
provides for violations under which the said officers could be held liable for, and the corresponding
liability for damages and profits from the said violations. Since the said [section] does not provide for
penal sanction, an application of [Sec] 124, paragraph 3 should follow as the said provision evidently
refers to the penal sanction on erring directors, officers and committee members. It would make no
sense if we were to follow what clearly appears to be a clerical error, that is, applying [Sec] 124,
paragraph 4 instead, just because paragraph 3 of the same [section] refers to [Sec] 47, which upon
examination of the Code provides for the "Compensation" of the directors, officers and other employees
of the cooperative.
We, thus, agree with the contention of the People that [Section] 124 (3) should refer to "[Section] 46
(Liability of Directors, Officers and Committee Members, [Section] 49 (Disloyalty of a Director) and
[Section] 51 (Illegal use of confidential information)." Following this interpretation, violation of [Sec] 46,
therefore, is punishable by a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), or imprisonment of
not less than five (5) years but not more than ten (10) years or both at the court's discretion, which
under B.P. Blg. 129, shall be within the jurisdiction of the RTC.