Notes PDF
Notes PDF
Notes PDF
Idk dude
GDDR5 memory
From rory m.
from Rory M.
this is a man - i found him on an SD card
that was left in a camera i bought from a
lady in BONDI - i think its an amusing photo
.Love a footbath
I love these ghost deers !!! I wonder if Celina H. thinks these?
- Anton T.
Cecile, You are part of a n
ew materiality
Beatrice M.
Do you know about it?
Hi there,
Are you looking at this thing often?
All the best and congratulations for your collaboration with Chateau Shatto.
Christophe Boutin
Sporadically and thanks
Someone told me I came back here I love you Come back He created this
about your work to check this platform
today Google doc.
Vernie sanders children filter/me Physical earth Race for
Cécile B. Evans examines the value of emotions in contemporary societies, and their rebellion as they come
into contact with the physical and technological structures that increasingly impact our daily lives. Her
videos, which combine live action and digital animation, use narrative to negotiate the possibility of many
diverse realities within a common space
I have n't told said you or showeddemonstrated you enoughp lenty, but I l ovelike you. I l ovel ike you for
who you arerepresent. I l ovelike you for who you wantn eed to betake. I lovel ike you for who you u seh
to bestay. I knowrealize you're not p erfecti deal by any m eansw ays. You s tilleven have a lot to workget on,
but I'm proud of you and I a mbe c onstantlya lways inspiredcheered by you. You have a b ighugehearteye.
You c arewant more for others than you do yourself, and sometimes thatthis getsm akes you h urti njured.
But t hatthis' s okokay. I still lovel ike you. You w onderq uestion a wayout from those that carew orry about
you. You do n't openmove up your hearteye enough to feell ook as though you deserve l ovelike, but I
stilleven lovel ike you. I will c ontinuego to showpresent you and tell you how much you m eanrelate to me
until you t rulyr eally b
elievet hink one daytime that I L OVEL IKE YOU.
I am here too, just finishing my dissertation about Cecile and other artists, my computer is really slow
I just searched the link to use this in my bio
Lily fiala?
Hello4 C édcile, love your work. Contact me.
Da dove veniamo? Chi siamo? Dove
ㅇㅕ기는 한국
Hi from lausanne =)ㅁ
I’ve been inspired by your work. I truly loved, What the Heart Wants- -emotional magic
I am trying to understand the simmers. The simmer is me, but it is also not me. I want things for her,
that i want for my self as well. Then i go ahead and remove the pool ladder. Is this self-destructive
Is Cécile B. Evans
real ? not sure
Yes. Sorry. :-)
Hell is other people’s hell
HELLO FROM MUNICH! Specifically from the academy of fine arts.. Is this how it works?
Yes this is how it works
You can do whatever you want.. I don´´ know if this is a question or some kind of … order maybe.
Order? Who orders who
to do what? Just being
here on this website? Is
it even a website, not
more of a kind of ..
platform, bundle of
Let´s just keep
chatting… this is fun.
Or,.. i mean can i
join? -P
Digital the new wild wes anderson
Im back again, it’s me wes andersong for legal reasons it is not wes andersong but I am return again to say good day
Is < (1770-25k ) ^ >thepublished ?
An old sile
Hello from Eugene, OR, Lab Section of ARTD252 (2/21/1
splash! Silence again..
Time is not real :)
Hi :)
Star oh star up in the sky
Guide my dream to a light that shines
Help me know just what to do
To get Wirt home and also me too
And if you don’t, i don’t care
I’ll pull down your underwear
Learning The impact onthe human condition - groups, individual … freedom of expression allows persecution and
Y will Programming ChanGE?
Face, personality
On the concept of history Walter Benjamin? Each epoch dreams the one to follow
(amazing website btw!)
“The point kees being made in her writings: ‘God is not dead’ (cf. ‘Copy without Origins’), for
man is endlessly, demiurglly pitting himself against His image, torn between the desire for
finiteness and its opposite, to the point of self oblivion, of self deletion. Sturtevant’s tone can
be prophetic and even apocalyptic” - Anne Dressen helo
,, " Faced with brutal nothingness, I felt a great nostalgia for something to touch, something to look
: ) jj
Halo jhbjhinun
It's desire to create or own something that is completely dependent on the object
Rose Bowl ‘Dust Devil’ Captured on Video; 3 People Receive Minor Injuries
a copy without origins
Cyborgs don’t exist
Booker Wright
Hello from Eugene, OR, University of Oregon, ARTD252 Lab Section (2/20/19)
What have I become?
without suspecting
I have become a
I am not a body
I am dots.
I am waves.
I am numbers
I am an algo...rhythmic dancer.
A structure of a stranger.
(could i get two for the price of three?)
The book contains a breathtaking section featuring the first thoughts communicated by nonverbal
children, wh???
anthem for genovia from princess diaries
Hello hope you are well and happy. Just saying hi really. Enjoy!
“My primary interest in the Internet is as a condition or a tool, not just a medium. I am
influenced by the internet because I use it everyday and because it is a dominant
presence in society. I find most of my information online, I communicate and exchange
with my peers online—so it’s not a coincidence that my aesthetic is informed by that.
But that’s just as a result of living between the digital and physical realms naturally.”
'goodbye' gilda + most of bill urray actually hurray what is happeneing here
the much-loved Rock on Top of Another Rock by Fischli/Weiss, will complete its year-long tenure in
Kensington Gardens in March. :( That’s really sad, I enjoyed it, and the descriptive title, which is
almost all you need. There could be a plaque saying: sometime ago here stood a once a rock on
top of another rock. I think they left it for a while longer, last time I checked it was still there :)
lock of hair + vegetable closing sequence
as what it is
According to Pirkei Avot, a classical Jewish text of the third century of the common era, the first pair
of tongs were created by God right before God rested in the Seventh Day. The reasoning is that
a blacksmith must use a pair of tongs in oder to fashion a brand new pair of tongs. Accordingly,
God must have provided humankind with the first pair of tongs.[2]
“i don’t want to be a vegetable”
“I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we sat
there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.”
beaches :(
“UNDO is the border line between the Virtual and the Real World everybody is so keen to grasp.
You can't und IRL. If you can't undo it means you are IRL or on Android.”
“The smoke clears, and there’s pieces of the two guys around the crater. And there’s this guy over
and he’s missing his right leg above his knee. He’s holding it, and he’s rolling around, and the blood
is squirting out of his leg, Cand it’s hitting the ground, and it’s hot. His blood is hot. But when it hits
the ground, it starts to cool off; the pool cools fast. It took him a long time to die. I just watched him. I
watched him become the same color as the ground he was lying on.” -from GQ article
Omg this is amazing.
The Refurses
Once there were two mice they ate too much cheese.
I saw them begging the cat to eat them and the cat was begging the dog to strangle her.
This is what it was going to be when it is not ready yet, but under permanent developement, this is something different, it’s coming out of multiple
nowheres into the light of your screen, illuminating the darkness in your eyeball(s) while being changed ceaselessly, because it’s neverending, it’s a
process, it’s a state of fluidity that is dripping forwards, backwards, sidewards, nowards all the time, flowing in time and space as it were real
dimensions, but it’s just an imag(e)ination of a bunch a words in a row making some kind of sense, but only if you think or try to think about them or
their sense, while this is a thought that might never end as long as you do with…
Hi Hi, its Sunday,Hi Hi, Hi mit is not sunday anymore and i am very tiredmmHi,
Sprung a Leak
can’t help reading again and again this pie
Dear Listeners,
I am back, t i am better than before.
Ecris un truc
Comment faire maintenant tout est perdu plus aucun sujet ne serait être sauvegardé il sera toujours
Dear, Listener
I don't care about your philosophies and ideologies. I am here for one night only.
I don't have time to waste. I want your attention for selfish reasons.
I am in isolation I take, two steps forward, and two steps back, all is speculative. It is all output and
input, me to you, us to them, you to all, we are creating the experience. It is not fiction, just a natural
fact. And I am scared. I am scared, that I care not enough and care to(o) much about all the wrong
I am scared I do not have the drive to affect all in the manner I hope too.
Click Clack
(I am Learning)
Sorry? What is this about?
the text at the beginning is there again at the end but backwards
do you understand
I know that so many of the things said in your videos are incredibly loaded. But ( probably because
of some work I’m doing at the moment involving gestures) a line from What The Heart Wants really
struck me when I last watched it - “It’s always the hands that give a system away.” Could you say
any more on that?
I am the voice.
Ma perche dici questo il tuo occhio e aposto nn tieni bisogno di guardarle vai avanti punto .
Si tutto bene
the arabic in the Hyperlinks piece isn’t written correctly, is it supposed to be like that?
Hi! Yes, I had this proofread by 2 Arabic language speakers (Kuwaiti Modern Standard Arabic) and
a print version of the SOFTNESS advertisement was published in Harper’s Bazaar Arabia- but you
are definitely not the first person to point this out…In the narrative, the commercial (and Haku) was
designed by the Japanese government, so an error (especially in tense) would have been feasible.
What mistake have you noticed?
None of the letters are written in their proper connected form. Most arabic letters are written
differently depending on where in a word they are placed, and most also connect to other adjacent
letters, but the letters in the commercial are all disconnected and in their standalone forms. A sort of
equivalent would be if I. W. R. O. T. E. L. I. K. E. T. H. I. S. This is a quite common mistake among
people who don’t read or write arabic, so it is plausible that the makers of the commercial could
make that mistake, as you say.
Gotcha, that’s good to finally understand! For knowledge’s sake, what is the correct spelling? (thank
if you connected all the letters in each word in the commercial it would be اﻟﻨﻌﻮﻣﺔ ﻣﻊ ﻫﺎﻛﻮ
Im feeling lots of things recently,
Me too x
And me too!
Me 4
A public google document is embedded in the website, active users dwelling on the artist’s webpage
are suddenly weighted, assigned a visual icon as “anonymous fox,” or “anonymous antelope.”
February now
March now
It’s noobember
March again
Digitization of affect
Out of nowhere, a patient I recently met in my clinic told me, “If my heart stops, doctor,
Just let me go.”
Without hesitating, he replied, “Because there are worse states than death.”
● Yep, I turned it into a character in my last video! Called “A Memory from 1972”- <3 THANKS!
What if you write here who would notice yes
10/10 :D
Who is the anonymous squirrel?
I wish that was me.
Hi andrea sisson.
Hi Pete ohs, I moved this down to be more o
I’m so glad “I’m Anonymous Crow” - as I wanna be anonymous crow. Despair despair :’-(
I have always preferred reflection of life to life itself.
(Damien is that you?)
It is important that you know that this is all this message is and that it is not even trying to be
anything more profound or interesting or to even exist in any other context other than to directly say
‘I think this
is a fun thing to put on your website’ and maybe act as an incentive to do more things that generate
positive feedback and maybe at most, validate your ego and your decision making process and
contribute to your
- Patrick Stari
→ (Watch & Learn, greetz, UBERMORGEN)
Having an avatar follows the traditions of wearing masks, it's an anonymity that allows you to extend
your personality.
Michel houellebecq’s Refuge
And here we are.
We are watching
I have a “nothing fucking matters feeling” it matters
I know its not real.
‘PREGNANT AND ALONE’ she cried out never.
Hello Cécil e
takk for the philipp seymour hoffman project. cu
I’m trying to make work about conversations, does anyone have anything to say about that? What
did you last say to someone?last thing i said to anyone real
I am aswell. zssrgkz4k
12/8/2016 no way, all bullshit
2) Issues around two voices ‘performing’ together. So, for example, our default (with people we
like - to some extent) is that (sub those we dislike, our voices become increasingly dissimilar.
But also, time-based questions about listening, when to ‘jump in’, phatic noises that say “I’m
still listening”.
3) How many people can converse? I’ve seen 5 and 7 cited in different places. Past this number
and so-called ‘side’ conversations, or multiple conversations, break out. That’s how we are,
as humans.
3) There is interesting feminist work around the difference between how men and women
speak, why men don’t listen to women, and interrupt them, the connection between pitch and
perceived authority, all of that - see, for example
The classic text is by Jennifer Coates.
a. accord, to reach a place neither would have arrived at alone. And indeed, that’s what a really
b. A sceptical view of c arbove: Deconstructionists like Jacques Derrida say that we can never
actually share meaning. The signified (the thing being talked about) is not the signifier
(the language denoting that thing). So taking conversation as one particular subset of all
language use, people in conversations are (in some sense) ‘misunderstanding’ one another
- ie not truly, fully understanding the other, even as they create new language together.
5) Conversation is about more than language or even voices; it’s the physical proximity of the
other: so sight, movement, touch, smell. It’s also about reading the other (tho you will find a
mountain of bullshit about that online). Which is why the bWhat is actually happening in
c. That conversation is a time-efficient evolution from grooming, which is tactile bonding
consciousness. So that conversation and other social interactions are always (in some way)
attempts to form a ‘group mind’. See discussion of mirror neurons. (And some modern
6) A time-based analysis: That conversation is not exactly a dialectic, with thesis and antithesis
(ie the opposite) hhdhdhfdhfekfeksl combining to a new synthesis - more that 2 human minds
move forward together, putting in thoughts, processing the other’s thoughts, sometimes in
disagreement, sometimes in urkha, veil etc etc are so profoundly anti-human and evil. (Quite
apart from expressing the repugnant ideology that women should hide themselves rather
than men
facial expression and its reciprocal recognition. No-one has the right to refuse this interplay
of consciousness and still claim to be within human society. Question: what right does a
PS: On BBC iPlayer at present you could catch the 2 parts of Radio 4’s programme ‘Hot Gossip! -
might be something there for you
Hi Cecile. How dsn ,dmare you doing ? Can we actually write anything we want o your website ?
PS: Come and say hello whenever you’re in Paris
Haha yes you can. I haven’t updated my website in a long time, thanks for the reminder :). Please
do the same when you are in London!
ps hryone!
.... felt her German roots more powerful than her Rumanian birth. Fluent in German, Hungarian, Rumanian, Italian, English and Spanish. She hosts
international events in Sacred Geometry and Ananda’s Diamond Light Body training. She connects much of Europe with her facility with language
and tradition. Her husband died being irradiated by the ’secret societies’ for revealing the true Rumanian history also of World War II. The book was:
"Antonescu", (he was ghost writer for the signer Dragan European Foundation)- and also he wrote "The Origins of the Rumanian Language,
Literature and Nation".
It includes photos - and suggests the DACian and ’Traci ’- Tracian origins of Rumanian. (See Morningsky on the Orion queen origin of Mag vs Tak -
MagzDak.. see TAK=ORION below) - Traci / Dragi - Rumanian (including Transylvanian - Hungarian) were the closest to pure Draco language
of this planet. See Korinna’s book editing: "History of Romanian Literature". (by G.Calinescu, Nagard Publishers pres. J.C.Dragan, limited edition,
English 1988) Particularly helpful here are the sections tracing the real roots of St. Germain’s Dracul family blood in Transylvania.
(Her husband was TRAIAN FILIP, author also of "Falsifier of Images" largely dealing with George Calinescu - original source of ’History of
Romanian Literature’.)
Drag = DR-AG., M-AG, becomes AMYGdala, meaning ’to tower’, being the mouth of the reptilian brain stem where the juices of kundalini, tantra,
testasterone and bliss are regurgitated feeding the high bird brain. (URU feeds IBI - serpent feeds eagle, Quetzlcoatel / SUN-God returns. )
Never switch my laptop off at mnight always forget just close it and let it warm up the empty side of
the bed
"Uru-An-ia"? - Ro-man, Ru-man-ia...
Sumer / An / Uru’s came for Gold. Then the Romans, the Turk’s, AND the Russian’s ALL came to Rumania for gold.
The uRu-An’s came to RU-M’ANia because of gold deposits. Drag / MAG’s needed to follow the Gold. The gold magnetic lines were fractality food
for their wounded soul. After the Templar MAG - Then the Roman’s conquered Dacia (today ’Rumania’) looking for gold. (Rumania was at that time
called DACIA , DACia comes from DAC, as in MAG z TAK. Tak = Orion as in AlniTAK, MinTAKa, etc.). Their king was DECebal, (DAC?) was
fighting with Roman emperor Traian. Aryan/ Tryon is the name of the town in Carolina settled by Daniel Peyseur of King Louis of France MAG
fortune initiating the Rockefellers, ref: Pandora’s Box, book. Traian - last name of Korinna’s husband, whose life purpose involved
chronological weakness.
a tower of culture with vast columns of meaning, like that maddona and child with a long eck
ar frantic disposition is something lost in anxiousness, a plague on the internet
art is a star quality
t i s a junction mipihpbetween limbs
tr ounce my digital existence
tra dition is best left alone, forgotten before we find magic at the centre of things.
Is magic progress? Or is art progress? There is a place for tradition in progress but probably only in
a method . . I wonder whether form and formlessness is a relevant topic to discuss. too shy. too shy
to ask, to shy to even bring it up. Maybe I’ll get drunk and ask everything I’ve never had the heart to
Пейо Яворов
Вас слънце ви не вижда - лъх,
зефирен лъх ви не допира;
сред тръни, скромни и без дъх,
дори пчела ви не намира -
печални, бледни теменуги.
Печални чакате ръка,
сънувате и пръсти нежни.
Напразно чакате!... Така,
в надежда тихо безнадеждни,
вий мрете - болни теменуги.
Вий мрете - в храсти и бодил
от първи ден чела навели...
Желания в живот немил,
мечти неволни и несмели -
вий чезнете едни след други.
О бледни, болни теменуги!
<c>who would come here</>
Maximiliano Parlagreco tootsies
다 지우ㄱhkb
다 지으
다 지ㅇ
응 그래
Have you ever tried to stu
Mis Winters
Hi Cecile
Cecile - where were you born?
Why did you use Tori Amos’ Winter in the ice cream video?
kcnds;kf.dsmf md.m
Hello! Hello!
From the intern at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis MO.
I love your work… thank you for watering my plant
Hi Cecile, what about the potted plants? I’m intrigued about the role they play in your installations.
Decorative? Embodied presence? A reference to something? Thx
I’ve only ever used one potted plant. It’s a rubber plant and it’s there because it’s alive.
”We thought there were windows but actually they’re mirrors.”
I watched ur video at the biennale and it made me uncomfortable so i had to google you to see if
you looked sane
I met your Agnes at the Brussels Art fair. She occupies a couple of neurons of me since then.
Intriguing. (Alain 20160424)mmm
Forever young
This is a nuisance.
Cecile, have you heard of the film sunspring? It seems like it would align to your interests.
Virtual is reality!!!
Is this, in fact?
"“Fans of popular media often develop parasocial interactions, ie individuals believe they have a
personal relationship with a media character where none exists,”
Hmmmmmmm. How did I end up in this document? I don’t remember…hi
2017. Artificial life isn’t really a new idea? Thinking about the alchemical homunculus and the golem
in jewish folklore.
Objective thought is unaware of the subject of perception.It sees the world as a series of events and
views perception as one of the events. Modern Art is the one discipline which has not continued to
sophisticate its ability to externalize its information.Instead it has a 150 year recent history in
personal research of the soft fact areas of subjective response. This information is missing in all
habitability criteria and systems developed by a projected logic and methods. Further is not
obtainable by any
of the methods or disciplines heretofore used.
No amount of objective research can define the infinite variety of subjective responses and needs.
Design was the appendage of the objective logic to art and acted to replace sensate
in the cultural application of technology.
With the resulting lie that you can replace subjective consciousness with a system of aesthetics.
This is attested to by our present humanist starved environment.
Symbols of life quantity have replaced subjectively felt qualities
Since we are all in part inculcated with this loss , it will not fully impact on short duration
(we can maintain this abstract relations on quality in short span or with constant diversion)
But as time spans out it will be necessary to have developed a real sensate conscious environment.
Hello Cécile. I have been at the exhibition of yours and Yuri´s work at the H.M. Klosterfelde Galerie
in Berlin. The idea of this work you did, brought me back to this text that artist Robert Irwin wrote in
1970. Are notes that he drew up in preparation for his participation in the first NASA habitability
Do you think that this concepts in a way apply to virtual reality?
By the way. Thinking on the subject I found this interesting statement by Buzz Aldrin.
The second man that put his feet on the moon.
In a way online life, and even more virtual life, seem to me like a way to solve the disappointment of
not having been able to develop new explorable spaces. In a historical time when we do not seem
to perceive the earth anymore as endless, a fear that Humanity enjoyed for centuries. A sense of
vasty, and unknown, that we do not have any more. Kind regards. Lucio
Hey lucio, thanks for your thoughts, especially at a time when human life is urgent. it is nice to be
reminded of the potential for evolution and enlightenment- which is what i think you are talking
about? Currently developing an astronaut/time traveller character loosely based on Mae Jemison so
this link to habitability/Buzz/the unknown is really useful. Will get back to you soon but in the
meantime check out Yuri’s work half relief shelter zone for user, space (hexayurt configuration)
which was influenced by the NASA clean air study
Thanks Cecile for your answer. Yes, indeed I find like you that to remind the potential for evolution
and enlightenment is truly necessary. I experienced that at your piece “What the heart wants” at the
Berlin Biennale. Thanks a lot for that.
I will check the Yuri´s work that you link. The Nasa article looks very interesting.
Thank you.
Kind greetings.
I have checked Yuri Pattison´s installation. The photos and info that I found on the internet. I wish
I could visit it, but is not possible at the moment. I live in Berlin and just cannot find the time-money
to go there at the moment. In any case. He is working spaces, and specifically workers spaces. I
have been reading on working on something about spaces that I would like to share. I have read
this by Merleau Ponty.
Space is not the setting (real or logical) in which things are arranged, but the means whereby the
position of things becomes possible. This means that instead of imagining it as a sort of ether in
which all things float, or conceiving it abstractly as a characteristic that they have in common, we
must think of it as the universal power enabling them to be connected.
Is interesting to think space not as something that is fulfilled but something that enables things to
connect. In a way things determine the space. And space enables them to connect. Im at the
moment working with an old analog sequencer that I bought one year ago or so. I am not a techno
I like it but I do other kind of music, sometimes it can even get techno but is not my intention to do
In any case. Usually the sequencers are meant to create rhythmic patterns. But I noticed, that the
device, at least the one that I have, is always sounding. So when you have to play a silence you
have to not allows the machine to sound in the place that you chose-compose, what takes you to
compose the silences. Usually we think silences as something that you fulfill with sound, but in this
case is the contrary. Is interesting because with spaces is the same , the Merleau text takes you not
to think to fulfill the space, but to perceive it or to create it according to what we do with things and
where we place them. I will exchange some questions about Yuri´s work soon whenever I find some
Thank you.
imbroglio intaglio
A nutritional bummer
Unruly lark
I hate nationalism
A Lewd Image
A Lascivious Thoughtmmmm
A Salacious Moment
How sweaty I would feel right now
Thank ;you
non-psychotic (?) draw to disaster narratives in media/culture coming from desire for/lack of unity
and the love that comes from it, displays privilege of general freedom from survival-driven lifestyle
(where there is imminent threat to life). Would additionally explain why artists are drawn to
melancholic themes (aside from personal narratives and real struggle).
“To any adequately 'privileged' group, equality seems like oppression.”
d + A to see if it would all select. It did. The power freaked me out and I let go.
thank you x 2
It’s raining all the time.It is sad. I melt with rain
Alone Together :)
Bonjour tout les monde
I saw what the heart wants in shanghai 2 weeks ago n i cant stop thinkin about it ! fucked me up
saSasI think all artist work now lives on google drive… safe in the cloud and not clogging up your
All my work lives on the cloud, but it still takes up storage on my mac… i dont understand this and
i don’t think anyone does...
Hi Cecile. I saw How Happy A Thing Can Be at the Kunsthalle Wein a year ago and have been
thinking about it since. The piece resonated with me in such a pervasive way that I’ve been trying to
catch enough of the reverberations to string into coherence in order to communicate. I haven’t
gotten far. I think that I felt eased. Here are some thoughts; I’ll add to them as they come and
remove as I get embarrassed. I’m already embarrassed.
him it was anonymous. I don’t understand why, as people, we’re expected to hide our
thoughts from others, to hide ourselves. It’s as though we should be ashamed of anything
underneath a surface representation of ourselves. I think and I feel and I want to share those
things. Why do I so often feel discouraged to do so? Is humanness that terrifying? Am I that
scary? Is it that I’m too strange? Function like all the rest and full stop
The space I inhabit does not feel real, and it is not.
The constructs of visibility/invisibility are complex, and deeply personal. I once had a critic criticize a
position a work of mine took on the historical invisibility of women, and laborers, and said that
invisibility can provide power. It was 2014 and I’m assuming he had just seen Hito Steyerl’s work
How Not to Be Seen? Which is a great work, and not totally wrong- but is not using reason or
applying context. Also to allow people to decide context, and to decide how, not, or to be seen- for
themselves. Otherwise, it’s the person assigning value to visibility positioning themselves at the top
of a hierarchical construct. They are, likely, power grabbing.
I may be confined to anonymity until I comment, if I understand the open google doc correctly.
Thank you, by the way, for sharing Steyerl’s How Not to Be Seen. I’m captivated by the idea of
becoming invisible by becoming smaller than a pixel--rather intriguing notion given in our
increasingly audiovisual culture. Though I’m left asking myself what pixels capture. Steyerl seems to
imagine a world in which technology is the subject that perceives and thinks, and it is humankind
that digests these images as already made, a sort of autopoiesis on the part of the technology.
Pixels are the eyes as well as the screens, much like our own brain. Humankind, then, are the
floating-chaired sloths in Wall-E (don’t think, consume). I’d go so far as to say that pixels have
replaced our brain in Steyerl’s imagined world. If pixels are analogous to our brains then it does not
matter that humankind cannot see smaller than the individual pixel. The pixel is still capturing
something. You are not invisible if smaller than a pixel because the pixel nonetheless sees you. It’s
humankind that cannot see you. Though how much does this really matter in this imagined world,
for technology is the one thinking and how can we perceive anything if we are not thinking? We
often do this now. We see but do not see. I was moved by Guan Xiao’s David, which touches on
some of this. I saw it at this year’s Venice Biennale; someone’s uploaded a recording:
What I appreciate so much about HS re: seeing pixels is HS’s seemingly acute awareness of the
shadow of human behind or acknowledgement of human as creator of the pixel. Have been thinking
a lot about the weirdness/problems of turning a blind eye to human touch ---- like to say a landscape
painting is non-human or signifies the absence of human- as it then assumes the human gaze as
neutral (except when given context within fiction). The landscape is still painted how a subjective
being has seen it, even if the human paints it “as a giraffe would see it” it’s still a painting of a
human’s perspective on how a giraffe would see a landscape. How much of this could be down to a
desire to absolve or not deal with one’s own subjective limitations? I am also drawn to autonomy
and think it’s possible to think about autonomous/non autonomous aspects of entities- such as HS’s
“pixels”- in a layered or parallel way- I suppose that’s what constitutes a profound work :) Personally
feel it allows for the sense of human longing & desire for there to be something beyond ourselves,
(The pixel is still capturing something. You are not invisible if smaller than a pixel because the pixel
nonetheless sees you. It’s humankind that cannot see you. )
while maintaining the frustration that no such thing has been conceived of, perceived of by humans,
or rather- achieved (that we know of).
i.e. acknowledging the limitations/current state/not ignoring one’s own subjective lens
yeah Guan Xiao’s work is so good. Thanks for sharing this one, didn’t know it.
Not sure if this is what you mean but yes there is usefulness in sometimes looking at something with
the acknowledgement that you are not really seeing it- not able to see all of its parts and therefore
not able to even see the sum of its parts.
---- sidebar: useful to view certain interpretations of the term “post human” as wish fulfillment? Not in
a positive or pejorative sense.
english mystics, that wrote, stay/ed anonymous, which was usual back then, f.e. Thestay/ed
“cloud-author” (f.e. the cloud of unknowing)
Like for like, like, like, like, like likey
Sarah Kane <3
Hi Cecile B. Evans
I loved your video, it was insightful, entertaining and visually beautiful. You shine light on such
important experiences. The medium of video is still so untapped, still so fresh especially with the
genesis of all these new technologies. I hope i can watch another of your works soon/
Hi Cecile,
How do you think Phil affects the image of the original famous actor? Will Phil have an impact on his
heritage? Do we forget about death when we see dead people digitally alive? Do we want to be
famous because we think that it’s the same as escaping death? I don’t want to be famous though
Hi! I can’t say whether this has an effect on individual perceptions of the original actor’s image, but I
doubt it even makes a dent in the global perception of this image- which I chose because it would
always be larger than anything else, even the original actor himself. I’ve often wondered if this was a
burden or a blessing- to be able to live in the shadow of one’s image. There was an understanding
that it would be a “bad copy”, an homage of kinds, and that people would already come to the video
with their own relationship to the image.
We do not, ever, forget about death I don’t think- we make copies and versions of humanity A.
because our humanity is inescapable, it’s how we see things and B. in attempt to get closer to
seeing things we’ve always considered immaterial (though I would say that true immateriality is
Not sure about being famous, but the photograph, the digital image, all of it- are storage mediums.
They are placeholders for memories, which outlast us by miles. Biological systems have definite end
dates. I have an aversion to having my photograph taken and this makes me wonder if that means a
part of me is in complete denial of death? All of this is off-record btw- we saw your email and would
rather know what you think in your writing :). At this point, what I have to say is not as interesting.
Thanks so much, and I respect the off-record. Was just intrigued by your open notes, and the fact
that I could correspond with you here. Thank you for taking the timlways be larger than anything
else, including himself, but I suppose it’s all small actions, projects, images surrounding him
including your (amazing, according to me) piece that builds and reinforces or deconstructs this
image, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’s just a fact of life and technology, I guess.
I think it’s interesting what you say regarding placeholders for memories, I think we have a difficult
time separating the photograph from the memory and in turn from reality, and we often interpret
both memory and photography as complete and absolute truths. Which is very understandable, as
photography makes a good case for itself, as does one’s brain. :-) When really none of them are
true, but some of them might be closer to the truth than others. And photography always messes
with memory. I think it’s sometimes even more confusing with animation, because it’s like a
resurrection or after-life, or at least as a viewer I can sometimes catch myself thinking about the
animation as the truth as well, or as this”.
Maybe having an aversion towards having your photograph taken isn’t a denial of death but rather a
wish to not mess with people’s actual memories of you? I don’t know.
Don't tread on me
Thank u for some amazing pieces, love the jemma hixon appericiation :) :)
Gilbert Simondon reminds us that for every chair that we sit on or every building that we build, there is a hollow left in the earth
exactly proportional to the materials that were extracted to build it. The city has its negative image in the ground.
Agreed, KX show Blew
my mind, DVDs?
Hey what are you up to these days cecile?
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhow do i eat
Salut, on est le 14/11/2019 à 12:00. Nous sommes en workshop à Angers. Je viens du
Mans et c’est mon anniversaire ! j’ai 21 ans, la vie est belle mais ce monde est cruel.
Comment faire ? Pour soigner l’humain ? Pour créer l’avenir ? Tant de questions que
l’on se pose, auxquelles personne n’a de réponse, ou personne n’a la même. Chaque
vie, chaque chose, est unique et individuelle, mais elle coéxiste. Je me pose des
questions sur mon avenir, dois je contacter un marabout ? Je ne crois pas. Mais tout a
si peu de sens, la société est complexe, variée et étendue, impossible d’en faire un
portrait claire. Et pourtant le temps n’attend pas, et on se retrouve perdu dans le flot
de la vitesse, le FLUX de la vie. Tout va si vite, on nous borde l’esprit et on nous envoie
courir un marathon les yeux fermées. Ils y a des solutions aux problèmes mais tout les
problèmes n’on pas les mêmes valeurs. Le monde est complexe. Il est difficile de se
retrouver ici bas, personne ne peut nous aider, à moins que ? Je pense que notre
entourage est la base de notre survie, mieux notre entourage nous supporte, est
derrière nous, mieux on vit. Dans l'entourage je ne pense pas qu’aux proche, c’est
l’environnement, le pays la ville, la maison. Toutes les échelles impact nos vie. Il faut
être attentif à tout. C’est épuisant. Et l’idée de raccourcir son séjour nous traverse
l’esprit. Mais il faut être. Sinon plus rien n’a de sens, le chaos nous envahit mais si on
ne lutte pas c’est inutile. Le combat la vie le future le flux l’amour… Le monde.
によって下された決定は、ミュージシャンの間で民主的である。 ”
Dear Tiger,
Learning Paradigm
NOTHING (I AM DOING THE SAME THING AS WELL)? Iit ntersects object oriented ontology with
Afro-pessimism in order to conceptualise a data abolitionist project within the context of speculating on a
future autonomous art-form
And observes contemporary art production as a planetary computational affect machine/metadata capture
The circulation of metadata is preceded by the circulation of bodies. Before the aggregation of metadata
enabled the first mass participation into artistic production and semiocapitalist production, the Atlantic slave
trade enabled the first mass participation of land ownership in the ‘New World’ and the modern liberal
development of capitalism.
is it possible to desire something other than the affirmation of the human subject? For non-human actors to
desire something other than their capture and expropriation into anthropocenic teleology? How do we supply
futurity to social life (both post-human and non-human) by engineering the next machine? A future art in
which value ceases to be the metric of our difference?
+++Hi Cécile,
Just a few lines because as you know Gillo has passed away.
I’m through your pages thanks to him.
Hi cécile xoxo i saw your hyperlinks piece multiple times in my school and i so was heavily influenced by it as
well as hito steyerls writings! my final film is about a 19th century portrait that talks to a drone about vertical
perspective and i used mocap to animate them. would love to hear ur thoughts <3333333
I’m not even really sure to write and - maybe - i shouldn’t write anything … but what an incredible resource.
Thank you for ‘allowing’ this and being a source of creative strength for many.
It’s so hot in Scotland today - the air smells different.
Why did humans feel the need to create so expansively that we created problems we didn’t ever ahve in the
first place? Why did we make living such a difficult burden to bear?
Qtd: “What a nightware (nightmare); The garbage chutes are always full. The top floor smells like carcass.
Images can be strangely categorized in two kinds
Sweet contemplation on the acquisition of any new vocabulary in a given langauge (language) by dividing a
word into two substrings as if the word itself synthesizes the meanings of their total arbitrary other words its
letters contain
by Edel Yang
on june. 29th; Montréal, Canada; h3h 2a9
6:13 am; UTC -5
Am i on here alone ?
And again, yes, entirely.
Hi Cecile,
Just saw What the Heart Wants in Sydney.
Love react.
Wow react.
- Eloise 2/9/18
Cecile have you seen the movie Jessica Forever? I think you would like it.
Hi Cecile, you have a really cool website!!!! I can’t believe you can actually leave a note here! Wooow!
Congratulations! Sophie & Natalia from Tagsmart
Cecile: By my hands
Hi Cecile, I am a student from Ireland and I am really fascinated by your work. I am currently working on a
project in which This also expands to the broader questions of what images or content has shaped how I
think and interact.
… just kidding.
Deletedeleteldelete delete deletedeletedeletedelete
Lo virtual es.
Pourquoi la censure ? c’est le mal tmtc, #jesuischarliedeltacommando. Oui mon sens de l’humour n’est pas
terrible. Mais c’est la vie
Bonjour, this has
been a ride
Hello Cécile! Saw Amos’ World last weekend in Mönchengladbach. Well done, thanks! I connected your work to
Michel Serres’ book `Thum
Why do i love looking outside the window Halo Cecile! What do you
think about the extractive attention economy? I think to focus is a little
harder nowadays. We are constantly distracted by so many things more
than before, do you think it affects our ability to
perceive our emotions?*thinking emoji* *curled under a kitchen
counter emoji*
Heyo, i think you’re right.. It is a lil harder to focus on one thing at a time nowadays,... but as long as we’re
aware of it we can work with it!! :-) hhghghg
This is so fire.
Hello Cecile
Hello this is good stuff
Have you ever heard of the story bout the bear luis and the dragon hugo?
안녕하세요. 이곳에 한국인이
방문한 건 처음인 것 같군요. 아니
어쩌면 한국인이 방문해서
아무런 말도 남기지 않았을 수도
있고, 다른나라 언어로 남겼을
수도 있지요. 저는 한국어로
남기고 가겠습니다. 2020년 4월
2일 조치원에서 기록.
Hi cecile, I still consider seeing “what the heart wants” at the berlin biennale 2016 as one of
the strongest and best art experience i’ve ever had. Thank you!
¿Asume su condición de cyborg?