Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra: Vice-Chancellor: Vc@kuk - Ac.in Registrar: Proctor: Proctor@kuk - Ac.in

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(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)

(‘A+’ Grade, NAAC Accredited)

Minutes of the meeting of the committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor held

on 13.06.2019 at 12.00 noon in the Committee Room to review and strengthen the
measures to curb the menace of ragging in the University Teaching Departments/Institutes
and its affiliated Colleges/Institutes for the session 2019-20: -
Members Present
1. Registrar
2. Dean Academic Affairs
3. Dean Students’ Welfare
4. Dean of Colleges
5. Chief Warden (Girls Hostels)
6. Principal, Institute of Integrated and Honors Studies
7. Director, Institute of Mass Comm. & Media Tech
8. Director Public Relations.
9. Chief Security Officer.
10. Dy. Proctor (Female)
11. Deputy Registrar (Academic)

(Proctor & Dy Proctor (Male), Chief Warden (Boys Hostels), Principal, Institute of
Teacher Training & Research and Director, UIET could not attend the
The Committee was apprised that Ragging is totally prohibited in the University
Teaching Deptts./Institutes & its affiliated colleges/Institutes of the K.U. Kurukshetra and
anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, whether actively or being a part of
a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with the UGC
Regulations on curbing and Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009
and “The Haryana Prohibitions of Ragging in Educational Institution Ordinance, 2012” as
well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force. UGC and State
Regulations/Ordinance, 2012 alongwith measures to be taken for curbing the menace of
ragging were already circulated to all the UTDs/institutes for strict implementation.
Instructions in this regard were also issued to all the affiliated Colleges/Institutes by the
Dean of Colleges.
The Committee reviewed the measures taken during the last year and noted that:
i. For the session 2019-20 directions regarding curbing the menace of ragging, anti-
ragging committee, anti-ragging squads (zone-wise) constituted by the University, toll free
anti-ragging helpline numbers and e-mail helpline, self-declaration by the student and
his/her parents to the effect that the student will not indulge in ragging, and if found so,
will be liable for punishment as per UGC and State regulations, have been included in the
Prospectuses of various courses and also in the Hostel Rules & Regulations.
University: E-mail Vice-Chancellor: vc@kuk.ac.in,
Registrar: registrarkuk@gmail.com,
Proctor: proctor@kuk.ac.in,
ii. Posters as per Clause 6.1 (a) that “the ragging is totally prohibited in the Institution
and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, whether actively or passively,
or being a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance
with UGC Regulations (www.ugc.ac.in) as well as under the provisions of any penal law
for the time being in force” are being got printed and will be pasted by the office of the
Dean Students’ Welfare at all important places in the University Campus.
The Committee further made the following recommendations for implementation: -
1. DSW will arrange to display Flex Boards carrying anti-ragging message along
with important Telephone Nos. at various prominent places on the University
2. DPR will take action for vide publicity of the measures which the University takes
to curb the menace of ragging from time to time {ref 6.4 (e)}
3. Dean of Colleges will make the recommendations to colleges/institutes with
reference to Clause 6.1(c), 6.1(f), 6.4(l), 6.4(n), 9.2 of UGC Regulations.
4. All Chairpersons, Directors and Principals on the University Campus will take
self declaration from every enrolled students and their parents on the prescribed
proforma given in the Prospectus. However, this is not required to be obtained
from the promotee students as they have already given it at the time of their
admission during the last year.
5. It will be mandatory for a Chairperson, Director, Principal, to include the
paragraph as to whether the student has been punished for committing or abetting
an act of ragging as also displayed persistent violent or aggressive behaviour or
any inclination to harm others, during his/her course of study in the institution
{with ref. to Clause 6.4(m)} in the character certificate to be issued from the
Department/Institution/College last attended. (www.ugc.ac.in.)
6. An induction programme may be fixed in the mid July or so in which the
Vice-Chancellor alongwith Registrar and other senior functionaries/officers of the
University will address to freshers students in the University Auditorium. Dean
Students’ Welfare will arrange to download ‘Documentary on Anti Ragging’
available on UGC website and display it during this programme and ensure its
circulation to the University Teaching Departments/Institutes.
7. All the Chairpersons/Directors/Principals/Wardens of UTDs/Institutes/
Hostels on the Campus will arrange to show the ‘Documentary on Anti Ragging’
as stated above at Sr. No. 6 to the Junior & Senior Students. Dean of Colleges will
issue instructions to all the affiliated Colleges/Institutes in this regard.
8. Every institution shall engage or seek the assistance of professional counsellors
before the commencement of the academic session, to be available when required
by the institution, for the purposes of offering counselling to freshers and to other
students after the commencement of the academic year.
DSW will notify the list of counsellors available for the purpose of counseling at
the beginning of the academic session in Hostels and in teaching faculties as per
clause 6.1 (o) of the UGC Regulations.
9. A leaflet incorporating Telephone Nos. of Anti Ragging Help Line, Anti Ragging
Committee and Anti Ragging Squads will be got printed by DSW after getting the
same from the office of the Proctor and will be circulated to all Chairpersons,
Directors and Principals of the Departments/Institutes and they will provide these
printed leaflet to every fresh student admitted.
10. As a regular practice, UGC Toll free Anti –Ragging Help line Number 1800-180-
5522 and E-mail – help line @ antiragging.net, and the Telephone numbers of
University Anti–Ragging Committee, Anti–Ragging Squads, Monitoring Cell,
Nodal Officers and Counsellors are displayed on the University Web-site. In
addition, official E-mail address of the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar are also
displayed on the University Web-site. (Proctor/Director, IT Cell)
11. All the Chairpersons, Directors and Principals of the Departments/Institutes
will arrange Orientation programme/Induction sessions on Anti-Ragging
awareness at Department/Institute/College level, within one month of admission
{Ref. Clause 6.2(b), (e)} and will include the list of such programmes in the
academic calendar (www.ugc.ac.in).
12. Chief Wardens (Boys & Girls Hostels) will meet the requirements under Clause
6.1(b), 6.2(e, j, k), 6.4(b, i) or other relevant clauses of the UGC regulations.
13. All the Chairpersons, Directors and Principals of the Departments/Institutes
will depute teachers one each for a group of 15 to 20 fresh students for interacting
with them. These interactions may be held in the tutorial periods or in other classes
in the first month at the start of the session {Ref. 6.2(f, h, i). (www.ugc.ac.in).
14. All the Chairpersons, Directors and Principals will meet requirements under
clause 6.1(d, e, f, g, h, n), 6.2(a, b, c, f, g, h, n, & o) & 6.4 (i) (www.ugc.ac.in).
15. Dean of Colleges is Nodal Officer for the affiliated Colleges/Institutes. He will
take all measures to ensure that steps taken by the University from time to time are
implemented at the Affiliated Colleges/Institutes. The Principals/Directors of the
Colleges/Institutions affiliated to Kurukshetra University shall submit a weekly
report on the status of compliance with anti-ragging measures under these
regulations and monthly report on such status thereafter to the Nodal Officer of
Kurukshetra University. All Chairpersons, Directors and Principals of the
Departments/Institutes will submit such reports to the office of Proctor, KUK
who is Nodal Officer for Anti-Ragging measures on the University Campus.
16. Anti Ragging Squads will keep vigilance in Boys Hostels, Girls Hostels and other
vulnerable areas of the University. Anti Ragging Squads, constituted for Hostels
will also raid the Hostel in the night. On finding any case of ragging, the squad
will report the matter to the Anti Ragging Committee.
17. Anti Ragging Committee will periodically review the situation and the
information supplied by the Anti Ragging Squads and recommend actions as per
UGC regulations. Minutes of the meetings of the Anti Ragging Committee will be
placed before the Monitoring Cell of the University. (Proctor/Chief
18. A close watch should be kept on all outside anti-social elements and it should be
ensured that they may not enter the University Campus. For this purpose intensive
patrolling on the University Campus should be carried out. The students, whose
entry into University Campus has been banned, should not be allowed to enter the
University Campus/Hostels. (CSO)
19. The CSO (Security) will ensure that the Gates on the Canal Road should be
locked up-to 30th September, 2019 and no entry should be allowed from these gates
except from 08.30 a.m. to 09.30 a.m. and from 05.00 p.m. to 05.30 p.m. only for
the convenience of employees. No students will be allowed to use this road upto
the month of September, 2019.
20. The CSO (Security) will contact the concerned Police Officer and make necessary
arrangements for patrolling on the campus during the months of July, August and
September. It was decided that during evening hours a few police personnel may
be deployed on the road leading to the Girls hostels so that the male students be
not allowed to stand near the Girls hostels after the visiting hours. The Warden of
the Girls hostels should take round on the main gates of the hostels.
Special Vigil be kept over on the students of 5-year Integrated/other
professional courses.
21. As per clause 6.2 (p), the CSO (Security) shall also instruct mobile patrolling party
to bring to the notice of the University authorities any incident of ragging
immediately. No incident of ragging will be hushed up. Even small incident of
ragging will have to be reported. The patrolling party will not only keep a close
watch on the activities of the students on the University Campus, but also visit
Jyotisar, Shekh Chilli Tomb, Brahamsrover, Jindal Park and other nearby picnic-
spots and ensure that the students are not indulging in ragging even outside the
University Campus. The CSO (Security) will also put some security-men on duty
on the Rose Garden, University Canteens, Open Air Theater etc. who will
immediately bring into the notice of Proctor/DSW/Chief Wardens/Deputy
Proctors/Registrar/ Chairperson/ Director of the concerned Department/Institute if
any incident of Ragging comes to their notice. DSW will arrange the meeting of
the Canteen Contractors/owners and they should be asked to bring the incident of
ragging, if any, to the notice of the University authorities.
22. In every Department/Institute/College a Committee of a few teachers should be
formed which may watch the activities of the students especially during lunch
hours/recess and also when they come to the departments/institutes/colleges and go
back to their Hostels. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of any member
of above Committee or any other member of the teaching or Non-teaching staff, it
should immediately be brought to the notice of the Proctor/DSW/Chief
Wardens/Deputy Chief Wardens/Registrar/ Deputy Proctors/ CSO (Security). The
Non-teaching staff in every Departments/Institutes/Hostels should also remain
alert towards incident of ragging. They should report promptly any case which
comes to their notice
The Chairpersons/Directors/Principals shall constitute a Committee under the
teachers by involving Senior Students and Freshers to report any act of ragging.
Similar committee shall also be constituted by the Wardens of Hostels (Boys &
Girls) to prevent any act of ragging in the Hostels.
23. The Chairpersons of University Teaching Departments/Directors/Principals
of Institutes shall convene meetings of teachers & non-teaching staff of their
Departments/Institutes and bring to their notice all anti-ragging measures being
taken by the University. The teachers of their Departments/Institutes shall further
inform the students about the consequences of ragging and ensure that no incident
of ragging takes place in their Department/Institute and other vulnerable places. As
a regular practice, the teachers will remain present in the Department/Institute from
9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. for two months from the start of classes and the
Chairpersons/Directors/Principals will ensure compliance.
24. The Chairpersons/Directors/Principals shall make all efforts that no class should
be left unattended by the teachers and will send weekly attendance report of
students on the prescribed proforma (to be devised by the Chairperson/Director/
Principal concerned) for information of the Vice-Chancellor.
25. It was also decided that the students shall not be allowed to hold any party outside
the campus. Proctor shall write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner and
Superintendent of Police, Kurukshetra requesting that the owners of Hotels in the
city not to allow the students to hold any parties in their Hotels to avoid any
untoward incident. In case they suspect any such activity at their premises they
should inform the University authorities or Distt. Administration for further
necessary action. A letter in this regard be also written to all the Hotel owners in
the city (Proctor).
26. The Chief Wardens shall convene the meeting of the Deputy Chief Wardens/
Wardens of all the Hostels and bring to their notice the necessity of their active
involvement in “No Ragging” programme and put them on 24 hours visit to ensure
that no incident of ragging takes place on the Campus (CW).
27. To avoid any incident of ragging in the Hostels during night hours, it was decided
that anti ragging Squads will carry out night patrolling. They would be provided a
vehicle by the General Branch for this purpose. The Hostel Supervisor shall
remain present in the hostel from 9.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight to check the
incidents of ragging upto 30st September, 2019. All the wardens shall also check
their hostels from 9.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight (A.R. General/All
28. During the first two months of starting of the classes no guest of the students
should be allowed to stay in the Hostels. No student should be allowed to enter in
the University Hostel without Hostel identity card. (All Wardens)
29. If any fresher student is found in the room of the senior student or any senior
student is found in the room of the fresher student during night hours in the Hostel,
the senior student will be dealt with penal provisions of UGC regulations.
(All Wardens).
30. The Security-men posted at the Hostels should also remain alert and if any
incident of ragging in the hostels during night hours comes to their notice, they
should immediately inform about the same to the concerned Warden/Chief
Warden/Deputy Chief Wardens. They should also keep with them the telephone
numbers of all the functionaries. (CSO)
31. It was also decided that regular mess of Girls Hostels should be started from the
date of start of classes so that the girl students need not to go out from the hostels.
Wardens will ensure the proper security of the students. (Chief Wardens (Girls)
32. It was also decided that Ist year students should be kept separately from senior
students as far as possible in University Hostels. (Chief Wardens (Girls & Boys))
33. The Chief Wardens and the CSO (Security) will have periodical meetings with
their staff to review the position from time to time and to put the information in the
meetings of Anti-Ragging Committee (Chief Wardens & CSO).
34. It was also decided that anti-ragging measures taken by the University should be
brought to the notice of Principals/Directors of Affiliated Colleges/Institutes to
take similar actions in respect of their Colleges/Institutes. The Dean of Colleges
will issue instructions to the Principals/Directors of affiliated Colleges/Institutes
especially to Technical Institutions to ensure that no untoward incident occurs in
their College/Institution. The Institution failing to curb ragging or fail to follow the
UGC regulations & “The Haryana Prohibitions of Ragging in Educational
Institution Ordinance, 2012” in letter and spirit will be dealt severely and stern
action, to the extent of disaffiliation of the concerned institution, will be taken.
(Dean of Colleges)
35. The Chairpersons/Directors/Principals of Departments/Institutes will ensure
the following: -
(i) To issue the temporary ID Cards to fresh admitted students and to submit
completely filled Students Information Proforma after one week of the last list to
the General Branch so that their permanent PVC Id Cards can be made.
(ii) To collect ID Card Fee as notified by the University along with Students
Information form.
(iii) To collect self-declaration with regard to not involving in ragging activities signed
by the Students and his/her Parents.
(iv) To inform all the Students, Freshers as well as seniors, to keep their ID Cards
always with them. It shall be obligatory on the part of Chairpersons/Directors/
Principals to issue temporary ID Cards if the permanent PVC ID Card has not
been issued to a student.
36. The Director, UIET may be authorized to prepare/update safety and security apps
without affecting the privacy of individual students with regard to create the
avenues to spread the idea of ragging free campus (Ref. UGC letter No. 1-15/2009
(ARC) pt.III dated 28 may 2018).

Endst. No.ACM-1/M.28/19/ 10944-11043 Dated: 02-07-2019
Copy of the minutes of the Anti-Ragging Committee, duly approved by the
Vice-Chancellor is forwarded to the following for information and take further necessary
action on Top Priority:

1. All members of the Committee

2. Dean Academic Affairs, KUK
3. Dean Students’ Welfare, KUK
4. All Deans of Faculties & all the Chairpersons/Directors of UTDs/ Institutes, KUK
5. Principals, ITT&R/ IT&H, KUK
6. Proctor/Deputy Proctors (Male & Female), KUK
7. Dean of Colleges, KUK
8. Controllers of Examinations, KUK
9. Director, Directorate of Distance Education, KUK
10. All Chief Wardens/Dy. Chief Wardens/Wardens (Boys & Girls Hostels)
11. Director Public Relations, KUK
12. Director, Youth & Cultural Affairs, KUK
13. Director, IT Cell to upload the minutes on the University website.
14. OSD to the Vice-Chancellor, KUK
15. Chief Security Officer, KUK
16. Assistant Registrar (General), KUK
17. A.R. o/o the Registrar (for kind perusal of the Registrar).
18. P.A. to the Vice-Chancellor (for kind perusal of the Vice-Chancellor).

Assistant Registrar (Academic)
for Registrar

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