Flexible Coupling For Gas Turbine Applications
Flexible Coupling For Gas Turbine Applications
Flexible Coupling For Gas Turbine Applications
Average radius for a misaligned coupling (Figure 21): 3. Worm Tracking - C :old flow or welding occurs more frequentlv
on continuous lubed couplings. Thi; occurs near the-end of
the teeth when misalignment approaches the design limit of
the crown and the lubrication film breaks down and causes
metal-to-metal contact. High, localized tooth loading or lubri-
cant deterioration can cause this type of failure as described in
Where: R = Pitch radius of gear (IN) number 2 above (Figure 24).
A = Angle for gear tooth contact range (Degrees)
Figure 25:
4. Sludge build-up can cause failure of almost any system com-
ponent such as shafts or bearings (see Figure 25). Sludge also 0 0
will collect corrosive residue, which can corrode coupling
parts and act as a source of crack initiations for a fatigue-prop-
agated failure of a part.
0 -t- 0
Diaphragm Coupling Design Considerations
As stated earlier, there are two basic types of flexible metallic
membrane couplings, the diaphragm and the disc. Either type can @
be used singularly or as a pair separated by a spacer or spool piece. 0 0
Metallic membrane coupling use was limited through the 1940’s 0
to low torque, low speed applications where only limited amounts
of misalignment were required. In the late 1940’s the appearance of MULTIPLE CONVOLUTED DIAPHRAGM
the small gas turbine produced the need for the thin contoured dia-
phragm, which saw usage in aircraft applications. The progress
and acceptance of this coupling in industrial and marine applica- Figure 26: apical diaphragm coupling
tions was greatly hindered by the inability to accommodate high
misalignment and large axial movements. Both shapes have some type of profile modification that helps
For many years gear couplings have been used on steam tur-
reduce size, increase flexibility and control stress concentrations.
bines, gas turbines, compressors and pumps. When the horse-
For example, in order to increase flexibility, tapered contoured dia-
power, speeds, and operating temperatures increased, many phragms are designed for a constant shear stress from the inner
problems with gear couplings developed. The need for lower diameter to the outer diameter.
moments, forces, and noise characteristics has pushed the Couplings using multiple diaphragm designs, with a number of
advanced development and usage of diaphragm couplings in thou- thin plates in parallel rather than a single thick one, have improved
sands of applications. Because of this developed technology, dia- flexibility and usually lower stresses. Diaphragm stresses,
phragm couplings have been successfully used since the mid moments and forces increase with the cube of the material thick-
1970’s for gas turbine applications.
ness (t ). Therefore, several thin diaphragms will produce lower
Many manufacturers and users of rotating equipment have stress values than a single thick
increased their list of coupling requirements to include the follow- Since diaphragm couplings
ing: equipment which require high
A. No lubrication usually made of high strength alloys with good fatigue properties.
B. Higher torque capability without an increase in coupling size Typical materials are AISI 4100 or 4300 steels coated for corrosion
C . Accommodation of greater misalignments protection, PH stainless steels or high strength nickel alloys.
D. Accommodation of greater axial motions Diaphragm couplings, like all metallic membrane couplings, are
E . Suitable for high temperature operation usually designed for infinite life. In applying membrane couplings
E Adaptable to all types of connections: splines, taper shafts, to gas turbine applications the most important design consider-
flanges, etc. ation (in relation to the flexible membrane) is the operating stresses
G. Produce low moments and forces in the’flexible membrane. The stresses in the diaphragm & disc are
H. Produce predictable moments and forces designed to be less than the endurance limit of the material used
I. Easily balanced with some factor of safety.
J . Operate for years without maintenance or problems
K. Produce low vibratory inputs into equipment
Diaphragm couplings for these applications are available in two
Diaphragm Stresses
basic forms (Figure 26): As an example, a multiple convoluted diaphragm will be used,
A. Tapered contoured but the approach is very similar for most flexible membrane coup-
B. Multiple convoluted diaphragm lings as most have the same type of stresses.