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MP/EX/064ACIDE AS HPB18052 Excipient ACIDE AS 26/05/21 Excepiant 49.92 0 0

MP/EX/057Acide Citr UJ841 Excipient Acide citri 31/10/21 Excepiant 70.32 0 0
MP/EX/126Acide citr 3MT15110 Excipient Acide citr 01/11/18 DM MP QU 150 115 17250
MP/EX/001ACIDE ST C834562 Excipient AQUARIUS01/04/21 Excepiant 12.522 0 0
MP/EX/004AEROSIL 2159020214Excipient DIOXIDE D01/02/21 DM MP AC 60 0 0
MP/EX/004AEROSIL 2159020214Excipient DIOXIDE D01/02/21 Excepiant 9.4 0 0
MP/EX/004AEROSIL 2159082014Excipient DIOXIDE D19/08/21 Excepiant 30 0 0
MP/EX/004AEROSIL 2159101614Excipient DIOXIDE D15/10/21 Excepiant 7.615 0 0
MP/EX/051ALCOOL B2020-4050 Excipient ALCOOL B01/06/23 Excepiant 2 0 0
MP/SA/030ALGINATEYP200624-Principe ActALGINAD 16/06/22 Substance 0.3 0 0
MP/SA/030ALGINATEH05200307Principe ActALGINAD 24/03/22 Substance 1000 0 0
MP/SA/030ALGINATEH05200307Principe ActALGINAD 24/03/22 Substance 1000 0 0
MP/SA/030ALGINATEH192698 Principe ActALGINAD 16/12/19 Substance 75 0 0
MP/SA/030ALGINATEH05200307Principe ActALGINAD 24/03/22 Substance 723.682 0 0
MP/SA/030ALGINATEH05170604Principe ActALGINAD 29/07/19 DM MP AC 108.577 3990 433222.23
MP/SA/013ALLOPURI19094AY3RPrincipe ActALLOPURI31/10/24 Substance 0.05 0 0
MP/EX/082AMIDON DE1626 Excipient AMIDON D16/11/23 DM MP QU 1950 0 0
MP/EX/082AMIDON DE1827 Excipient AMIDON D01/03/24 Excepiant 429.002 0 0
MP/EX/082AMIDON DE1827 Excipient AMIDON D01/03/24 DM MP AC 200 0 0
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE8154 Excipient AMIDON D12/05/23 Excepiant 143.024 0 0
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE5991 Excipient AMIDON D01/06/22 DM MP AC 20 140 2800
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE6838 Excipient AMIDON D02/11/22 DM MP QU 500 0 0
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE4172 Excipient AMIDON D01/12/21 Excepiant 25 140 3500
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE6896 Excipient AMIDON D01/03/19 DM MP AC 60 140 8400
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE3045 Excipient AMIDON D24/06/21 DM MP AC 320 140 44800
MP/EX/003AMIDON DE3045 Excipient AMIDON D24/06/21 Excepiant 86 140 12040
MP/SA/020AMLODIPI BABJ-1311Principe ActAMLODIPI 23/12/18 Substance 11.9 33799.95 402219.41
MP/SA/044ANTIACID S001 Principe ActANTIACID 08/05/23 Substance 2000 0 0
MP/SA/045APETITO S006 Principe ActAPETITO 30/04/23 Substance 2000 0 0
MP/EX/026APPLE GR03/04/2014Excipient APPLE GR07/04/19 Excepiant 1.8 8659.12 15586.416
MP/EX/026APPLE GR137/03/19 Excipient APPLE GR15/03/24 DM MP QU 1 0 0
MP/EX/085Aquapolish7051008 Excipient Aquapolish09/05/19 DM MP AC 2.2 15813.32 34789.304
MP/EX/085Aquapolish20070203 Excipient Aquapolish02/07/22 DM MP QU 100 0 0
MP/EX/085Aquapolish7030307 Excipient Aquapolish01/03/19 DM MP AC 50 15813.32 790666
MP/EX/085Aquapolish8011509 Excipient Aquapolish14/01/20 DM MP AC 50 15813.32 790666
MP/EX/005AQUAPOLI6080903 Excipient AQUAPOLI08/08/19 Excepiant 11.233 33 370.689
MP/EX/005AQUAPOLI20070103 Excipient AQUAPOLI01/07/22 DM MP QU 500 0 0
MP/EX/005AQUAPOLI6080904 Excipient AQUAPOLI08/08/19 Excepiant 25 4775.18 119379.5
MP/EX/005AQUAPOLI6080903 Excipient AQUAPOLI08/08/19 DM MP AC 92.248 17546.53 1618632.3
MP/EX/005AQUAPOLI6080904 Excipient AQUAPOLI08/08/19 DM MP AC 250 17546.53 4386632.5
MP/EX/084AQUAPOLI7051007 Excipient AQUAPOLI09/05/19 DM MP AC 50 15975.2 798760
MP/EX/084AQUAPOLI20070106 Excipient AQUAPOLI01/07/22 DM MP QU 100 0 0
MP/EX/084AQUAPOLI8011507 Excipient AQUAPOLI14/01/20 DM MP AC 307.87 15975.2 4918284.8
MP/EX/084AQUAPOLI8011507 Excipient AQUAPOLI14/01/20 Excepiant 0.424 15975.2 6773.4848
MP/EX/144AQUARIUS7598 Excipient AQUARIUS28/08/21 Excepiant 1 1 1
MP/EX/139Aquarius P 7558 Excipient Aquarius P 16/08/21 Excepiant 1 1 1
MP/EX/140Aquarius P 7597 Excipient Aquarius P 28/08/21 Excepiant 1 1 1
MP/EX/141AQUARIUS7598 Excipient AQUARIUS01/08/21 Excepiant 1 0 0
MP/EX/097ARBOCEL 070801703Excipient CELLULOS01/03/20 DM MP AC 80 2119.47 169557.6
MP/EX/097ARBOCEL 070801703Excipient CELLULOS24/03/20 DM MP AC 660 2119.47 1398850.2
MP/EX/157AROME C 012006015Excipient AROME C 13/02/21 Excepiant 25.849 0 0
MP/EX/158AROME C 012006016Excipient AROME C 12/02/21 Excepiant 25.849 0 0
MP/EX/089AROME Cit351039 Excipient Arome Citr 31/08/20 Excepiant 3.875 0 0
MP/EX/072AROME FE8839/19 Excipient AROME DE31/01/21 Excepiant 0.05 0 0
MP/EX/087AROME Frai L393/18 Excipient Arome Frai09/07/21 Excepiant 5.64 620 3496.8
MP/EX/087AROME Frai 246029 Excipient Arome Frai31/08/20 Excepiant 160.27 0 0
MP/EX/087AROME Frai L393/18 Excipient Arome Frai09/07/21 DM MP AC 140 620 86800
MP/EX/142AROME FR353039 Excipient AROME FR30/09/20 Excepiant 3.218 0 0
MP/EX/142AROME FR342/18 Excipient AROME FR11/11/21 Excepiant 3 620 1860
MP/EX/156AROME MI012007002Excipient AROME MI12/02/21 Excepiant 27 0 0
MP/EX/088AROME Ora 364118 Excipient Arome Ora 30/05/20 Excepiant 5 0 0
MP/EX/006AROME P 011908017Excipient AROME P 21/02/20 Excepiant 1.7 0 0
MP/EX/006AROME P 001057362Excipient AROME P 10/04/20 Excepiant 150 0 0
MP/EX/006AROME P 001057362Excipient AROME P 10/04/20 DM MP AC 150 0 0
MP/EX/012ASPARTAMW1606131 Excipient ASPARTAM12/06/19 Excepiant 2 3980 7960
MP/EX/012ASPARTAMZT178170 Excipient ASPARTAM17/08/22 Excepiant 3.868 3626.05 14025.561
MP/EX/012ASPARTAMW1606122 Excipient ASPARTAM11/06/19 Excepiant 2 3980 7960
MP/EX/012ASPARTAMZT178170 Excipient ASPARTAM17/08/22 DM MP AC -0.72 3626.05 -2610.756
MP/EX/012ASPARTAMT17Y020 Excipient ASPARTAM02/11/22 Excepiant 24.857 0 0
MP/SA/029Azithromyci129-18062 Principe ActAzithromyc16/06/22 Substance 0.253 0 0
MP/SA/029Azithromyci129-18062 Principe ActAzithromyc16/06/22 Substance 0.3 30839.79 9251.937
MP/SA/032BetamethasE1181/015 Principe ActBetamethas01/11/18 Substance 0.65 389214.39 252989.35
MP/SA/031Betametha C0102/0 1 Principe ActBetametha 28/02/21 Substance 0.7 0 0
MP/SA/031Betametha C0102/160 Principe ActBetametha 01/06/18 Substance 0.76 427750.46 325090.35
MP/SA/041BROMAZE802004200Principe Actif 31/03/25 Substance 6 0 0
MP/SA/004CAFFEINECA202006 Principe ActCAFFEINE30/05/24 Substance 1398.358 0 0
MP/SA/004CAFFEINECA202006 Principe ActCAFFEINE30/05/24 Substance 1000 0 0
MP/SA/004CAFFEINECA2016/09Principe ActCAFFEINE01/08/20 DM MP AC 4.95 6140.35 30394.733
MP/SA/004CAFFEINECA201704 Principe ActCAFFEINE01/03/21 Substance 4.444 34.2 151.9848
MP/EX/011Calcium Hy17D/085 Excipient Calcium Hy01/03/22 DM MP AC 725 450.74 326786.5
MP/EX/011Calcium Hy17D/085 Excipient Calcium Hy01/03/22 Excepiant 19 450.74 8564.06
MP/EX/011Calcium HyC36923A Excipient Calcium Hy01/04/19 Excepiant 22.055 980 21613.9
MP/EX/011Calcium HyC48861A Excipient Calcium Hy04/02/20 DM MP AC 151.395 1188.88 179990.49
MP/EX/011Calcium HyC48861A Excipient Calcium Hy04/02/20 Excepiant 25 1188.88 29722
MP/EX/011Calcium Hy616291 Excipient Calcium Hy31/07/20 Excepiant 14.846 0 0
MP/SA/042CALCIUM+S004 Principe ActCALCIUM D21/04/23 Substance 2000 0 0
MP/EX/073CARBONAT D8048 Excipient CARBONAT 01/01/19 DM MP AC 1262 302.19 381363.78
MP/EX/073CARBONAT 03.04.2020Excipient CARBONAT 30/04/22 Excepiant 2419.631 0 0
MP/EX/062CARBOPOL 2231614K Excipient CARBOMER 31/08/21 DM MP AC 175 8312.54 1454694.5
MP/SA/025CETIRIZIN BCTDZ160Principe ActCétirizine 06/10/21 Substance 0.887 28245 25053.315
MP/SA/026CODEINE 17-00556 Principe ActCODEINE 30/11/22 Substance 0.213 60597.62 12907.293
MP/EX/029COPOVIDO000232219Excipient COPOVIDON 04/11/21 DM MP QU 38.56 0 0
MP/EX/029COPOVIDO83540324UExcipient COPOVIDON 01/02/19 Excepiant 35 4565.21 159782.35
MP/EX/035CROSCAR320105104Excipient CROSCAR01/02/19 DM MP AC 2.299 0 0
MP/EX/035CROSCAR320101920Excipient CROSCAR01/06/23 Excepiant 50 0 0
MP/EX/028Crospovido000220586Excipient Crospovido25/11/20 Excepiant 53.1 3474.97 184520.91
MP/EX/028Crospovido000208236Excipient Crospovido19/11/19 Excepiant 39.625 3686.84 146091.04
MP/EX/028Crospovido000208236Excipient Crospovido19/11/19 DM MP AC 99.8 3686.84 367946.63
MP/EX/028Crospovido2226656P0Excipient Crospovido01/10/18 Excepiant 20 5127.86 102557.2
MP/EX/028Crospovido000220586Excipient Crospovido25/11/20 DM MP AC 149.7 3474.97 520203.01
MP/EX/163CYCLAMATCA036/20 Excipient CYCLAMAT22/01/25 Excepiant 24.52 0 0
MP/EX/170DEXTROS E926P Excipient DEXTROS 08/05/25 Excepiant 235.322 0 0
MP/EX/170DEXTROS E837L Excipient DEXTROS 01/02/23 Excepiant 15.5 0 0
MP/SA/039DIMETHIC 0024 Principe ActDIMETHIC 23/01/23 Substance 880 0 0
MP/SA/037DIOSMECTX191208 Principe ActDIOSMECT13/12/23 Substance 85.746 0 0
MP/EX/016DIOXYDE D5504415 Excipient DIOXYDE D12/02/20 Excepiant 23.868 20 477.36
MP/EX/147DOCUSATE 18J26-B03 Excipient DOCUSATE 30/04/21 Excepiant 1.86 0 0
MP/SA/054Extrait de f 7854 Excipient EXTRAIT D31/01/23 Substance 66.119 0 0
MP/EX/106Flowlac 10 101GCXN Excipient LACTOSE 01/03/19 Excepiant 51.41 1075 55265.75
MP/EX/106Flowlac 10 100WHPB Excipient LACTOSE 01/05/19 Excepiant 14.106 1075 15163.95
MP/SA/043GAS PREMS006 Principe ActGAS PREM07/04/23 Substance 2000 0 0
MP/EX/034GELATINE2025489 Excipient GELATINE01/08/21 DM MP AC 20 8653.36 173067.2
MP/EX/034GELATINE2042338 Excipient GELATINE01/10/21 Excepiant 12.363 7183.23 88806.272
MP/SA/046GELLEE RO S007 Principe Actif 20/04/23 Substance 2000 0 0
MP/EX/068GLYCERIN8265-8266 Excipient GLYCERIN29/03/20 Excepiant 142 241.74 34327.08
MP/EX/068GLYCERIN8265-8266 Excipient GLYCERIN29/03/20 DM MP AC 9886 241.74 2389841.6
MP/EX/002GLYCOLY 101B044 Excipient GLYCOLAT 31/12/21 Excepiant 284.549 1062 302191.04
MP/EX/002GLYCOLY 611160704Excipient GLYCOLAT 31/07/20 Excepiant 114.056 1543.82 176081.93
MP/EX/002GLYCOLY 611160704Excipient GLYCOLAT 31/07/20 DM MP AC 225 1543.82 347359.5
MP/EX/002GLYCOLY 611161107Excipient GLYCOLAT 30/11/20 Excepiant 213 1543.82 328833.66
MP/EX/124GOMME XA38190218 Excipient Gomme Xan 27/02/21 Excepiant 22.71 0 0
MP/EX/124GOMME XA35161586 Excipient Gomme Xan 24/12/18 Excepiant 7.6 650 4940
MP/EX/124GOMME XA38190217 Excipient Gomme Xan 27/02/21 Excepiant 489.15 0 0
MP/EX/027GRANULAC 000279232Excipient LACTOSE M 10/02/24 Excepiant 37.523 0 0
MP/EX/027GRANULAC L10185101Excipient LACTOSE M 28/02/22 Excepiant 124.148 0 0
MP/EX/027GRANULAC P1270MX1Excipient LACTOSE M 31/08/20 Excepiant 45.92 0 0
MP/EX/027GRANULAC 66 Excipient LACTOSE M 07/03/21 Excepiant 21.385 450 9623.25
MP/EX/027GRANULAC L10185371Excipient LACTOSE M 31/10/22 DM MP AC 200 0 0
MP/EX/027GRANULAC L10185101Excipient LACTOSE M 28/02/22 DM MP AC 525 0 0
MP/EX/112GRANULAC L10187151Excipient LACTOSE 01/03/19 Excepiant 1125.9 179 201536.1
MP/EX/112GRANULAC L10187151Excipient LACTOSE 01/03/19 DM MP AC 1139.549 179 203979.27
MP/SA/038GUAIAZULC03-2019- Principe ActGUAIAZUL04/09/21 Substance 0.84 0 0
MP/EX/160Huile essen19020077/ Excipient 31/01/22 Excepiant 1 0 0
MP/EX/160Huile essenL235/18 Excipient 22/04/21 Excepiant 4.8 0 0
MP/SA/006HYDROCHL C01-20151Principe ActHYDROCHL 18/12/18 Substance 8.854 17136.21 151724
MP/SA/006HYDROCHL C01-20180Principe ActHYDROCHL 01/01/21 Substance 50 18095.91 904795.5
MP/EX/075Hydroxyde V3D47817 Excipient sodium hyd01/04/19 Excepiant 37 250 9250
MP/EX/103HYDROXYP 3E120124LExcipient HYDROXYP 11/05/19 Excepiant 197.1784 404.52 79762.606
MP/EX/103HYDROXYP 13419/16 Excipient HYDROXYP 30/06/19 DM MP QU 50 405 20250
MP/EX/103HYDROXYP 14694/18 Excipient HYDROXYP 31/03/21 Excepiant 24.205 0 0
MP/EX/103HYDROXYP 13447/16 Excipient HYDROXYP 30/06/19 DM MP QU 100 405 40500
MP/EX/14 HYDROXYP 14940/18 Excipient HYDROXYP 31/07/21 Excepiant 21.6 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE4001/1201/Principe ActIBUPROFE30/10/22 Substance 48 3643.98 174911.04
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004925 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 DM MP AC 225 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFEIB1Z1115 Principe ActIBUPROFE10/02/21 Substance 16.736 1326.24 22195.953
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004978 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 Substance 4.108 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004921 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 Substance 6.6 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004921 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 DM MP AC 325 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE20041038 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 DM MP QU 1000 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004982 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 DM MP QU 500 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE1704825 Principe ActIBUPROFE01/04/21 Substance 8.078 5031.63 40645.507
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004982 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 Substance 13.54 0 0
MP/SA/001IBUPROFE2004978 Principe ActIBUPROFE30/04/24 DM MP AC 675 0 0
MP/EX/143IMPLUS 15121808870Excipient IMPLUS 1530/05/20 Excepiant 100 4057.64 405764
MP/EX/054IRON OXI W936C Excipient IRON OXI 19/07/19 Excepiant 5 7019.64 35098.2
MP/EX/054IRON OXI W905D Excipient IRON OXI 30/03/19 Excepiant 5 7020.64 35103.2
MP/EX/052IRON OXI W072F Excipient IRON OXI 01/11/21 Excepiant 0.85 0 0
MP/EX/020IRON OXI W072F Excipient IRON OXI 01/11/21 Excepiant 1.7 7020.64 11935.088
MP/EX/020IRON OXI W051F Excipient IRON OXI 03/05/21 Excepiant 1 7020.64 7020.64
MP/EX/020IRON OXI W922D Excipient IRON OXI 01/05/19 Excepiant 9.7656 7020.64 68560.762
MP/EX/134KLUCEL E 64781 Excipient KLUCEL E 24/07/19 Excepiant 0.5 1200 600
MP/EX/134KLUCEL E 64791 Excipient KLUCEL E 24/06/19 Excepiant 1 1200 1200
MP/EX/114KOLLIDON47188997VExcipient CROSPOV01/09/19 DM MP AC 200.347 5127.86 1027351.4
MP/EX/114KOLLIDON47188997VExcipient CROSPOV01/09/19 Excepiant 14.707 5127.86 75415.437
MP/EX/114KOLLIDON000220586Excipient CROSPOV25/11/20 DM MP QU 99.8 0 0
MP/EX/114KOLLIDON000225457Excipient CROSPOV19/04/21 DM MP QU 249.5 0 0
MP/EX/114KOLLIDON2023014 Excipient CROSPOV27/05/19 Excepiant 99.8 3342.06 333537.59
MP/EX/155LACTOSE 000273746Excipient LACTOSE 23/02/24 Excepiant 216.877 0 0
MP/EX/153L-HPC-NBD8118047 Excipient L-HPC-NBD22/11/21 DM MP QU 25 0 0
MP/SA/007LORAZEPA20122004PPrincipe ActLORAZEPA01/05/17 Substance 9.253 375027.15 3470126.2
MP/SA/007LORAZEPA814009170Principe ActLORAZEPA30/08/22 Substance 0.0255 232611.51 5931.5935
MP/SA/008LOSARTAN10100-160 Principe ActLOSARTAN03/05/19 Substance 26.84 125919.37 3379675.9
MP/SA/008LOSARTAN10100-161 Principe ActLOSARTAN26/12/19 Substance 150 125919.37 18887906
MP/SA/008LOSARTAN10102-171 Principe ActLOSARTAN04/04/20 Substance 200 186193.73 37238746
MP/SA/008LOSARTAN10102-171 Principe ActLOSARTAN14/10/20 Substance 25 186193.73 4654843.3
MP/SA/008LOSARTAN10100-180 Principe ActLOSARTAN08/08/21 DM MP AC 150 0 0
MP/EX/076LYCATAB E306L Excipient Maltodextr 01/05/20 DM MP AC 23.452 115 2696.98
MP/EX/076LYCATAB E306L Excipient Maltodextr 03/05/20 Excepiant 225 115 25875
MP/SA/035MALEATE HPMCPI02Principe ActMALEATE 01/09/19 Substance 50 7701.89 385094.5
MP/EX/122MANNITOL05201004 Excipient MANNITOL31/12/20 Excepiant 25 0 0
MP/EX/122MANNITOL05201003 Excipient MANNITOL30/11/20 Excepiant 5.244 0 0
MP/EX/047MANNITOLE407G Excipient PEARLITO23/03/19 Excepiant 10.677 1100 11744.7
MP/EX/036MANNITOLE933H Excipient MANNITOL16/08/21 Excepiant 18.115 1987.22 35998.49
MP/EX/036MANNITOLE133P Excipient MANNITOL24/09/23 Excepiant 1.631 0 0
MP/SA/017METFORMINME128912 Principe ActMETFORMIN 01/11/20 DM MP AC 350 0 0
MP/SA/017METFORMINME129412 Principe ActMETFORMIN 01/11/20 DM MP AC 925 0 0
MP/SA/017METFORMINME130012 Principe ActMETFORMIN 01/11/20 DM MP AC 475 439.69 208852.75
MP/SA/017METFORMINME129812 Principe ActMETFORMIN 01/11/20 DM MP AC 750 439.69 329767.5
MP/EX/030METHANOL 16C070509Excipient METHANOL 01/03/21 Excepiant 20 1251.08 25021.6
MP/EX/030METHANOL I833508 Excipient METHANOL 31/05/21 Excepiant 720 1251.08 900777.6
MP/EX/030METHANOL I769708 Excipient METHANOL 29/02/20 Excepiant 68 1251.08 85073.44
MP/EX/018METHOCEL 3C060124LExcipient HYDROXYP 05/03/19 Excepiant 18.621 404.52 7532.5669
MP/EX/067METHYL PBM161022 Excipient Methyl P-H22/10/19 Excepiant -12.504 2193 -27421.272
MP/EX/067METHYL PBM161022 Excipient Methyl P-H22/10/19 DM MP AC 675 2193 1480275
MP/EX/067METHYL PGB2411 Excipient Methyl P-H23/02/24 Excepiant 0.76 0 0
MP/EX/067METHYL PDE2811 Excipient Methyl P-H27/05/21 Excepiant 2.8 1995.64 5587.792
MP/EX/151METHYL 4 K48821257Excipient METHYL 4 31/03/20 Excepiant 0.025 0 0
MP/EX/031METHYLENK47554249Excipient METHYLEN28/02/21 Excepiant 760 4118.4 3129984
MP/SA/033METHYLPRW2241/0 1 Principe ActMETHYLPR31/05/22 Substance 1.5 637745.86 956618.79
MP/SA/033METHYLPRW2241/0 1 Principe ActMETHYLPR31/05/22 Substance 14.5 637745.86 9247315
MP/SA/028MONTMORI 40790C2 Principe ActMONTMORI 01/11/18 Substance 300 2232.05 669615
MP/EX/025NEELILAK II/11-12/04 Excipient ERYTHRO01/06/19 Excepiant 6.926 4215.69 29197.869
MP/EX/025NEELILAK FG/16-17/ Excipient ERYTHRO24/05/24 Excepiant 4.614 4215.69 19451.194
MP/SA/009OLANZAPI019-19040 Principe ActOLANZAPI25/04/23 Substance 19.05 0 0
MP/SA/009OLANZAPI019-17030 Principe ActOLANZAPI27/03/21 Substance 0.077 192701.26 14837.997
MP/EX/162OMEGA 3 19510.3 Excipient OMEGA 3 17/06/22 Excepiant 1 0 0
MP/EX/162OMEGA 3 20256.3 Excipient OMEGA 3 12/02/23 Excepiant 12.24 0 0
MP/EX/127OPADRY com DT662390 Excipient OPADRY Y26/05/19 DM MP AC 25 7498.69 187467.25
MP/EX/095OPADRY IIDT634132 Excipient OPADRY II01/03/19 DM MP AC 2.32 10245 23768.4
MP/EX/093OPADRY IIDT669670 Excipient OPADRY II12/01/20 Excepiant 11.19 7396.97 82772.094
MP/EX/093OPADRY IIDT684985 Excipient OPADRY II03/03/21 Excepiant 2.51 0 0
MP/EX/093OPADRY IIDT660296 Excipient OPADRY II31/03/19 DM MP AC 38.5 7396.97 284783.35
MP/EX/093OPADRY IIDT670105 Excipient OPADRY II15/01/19 DM MP AC 29.768 6527.23 194302.58
MP/EX/009OPADRY IIDT660843 Excipient OPADRY II13/04/19 Excepiant 7.5 5735.63 43017.225
MP/EX/009OPADRY IIDT660843 Excipient OPADRY II13/04/19 DM MP AC 25 5735.63 143390.75
MP/EX/009OPADRY IIDT670107 Excipient OPADRY II16/01/20 Excepiant 12.479 7412.23 92497.218
MP/EX/009OPADRY IIDT685625 Excipient OPADRY II11/03/21 Excepiant 36.5 0 0
MP/EX/009OPADRY IIDT660295 Excipient OPADRY II31/03/19 DM MP AC 57.149 5735.63 327785.52
MP/EX/094OPADRY IIDT670108 Excipient OPADRY II17/01/20 DM MP AC 10 7405.45 74054.5
MP/EX/094OPADRY IIDT659509 Excipient OPADRY II14/03/19 DM MP AC 74.72 7405.45 553335.22
MP/EX/096OPADRY (W DT658843 Excipient OPADRY (W 17/02/19 DM MP AC 75 7498.69 562401.75
MP/EX/096OPADRY (W DT669934 Excipient OPADRY (W 12/01/20 DM MP AC 15 7498.69 112480.35
MP/EX/092OPADRYII(DT670106 Excipient OPADRYII(16/01/20 DM MP AC 10 7134.19 71341.9
MP/EX/092OPADRYII(DT685626 Excipient OPADRYII(13/03/21 Excepiant 10 0 0
MP/EX/092OPADRYII(DT660297 Excipient OPADRYII(31/03/19 DM MP AC 75 7134.19 535064.25
MP/SA/003PARACET 011710226Principe Actif 27/10/21 Substance 100 1904.58 190458
MP/SA/003PARACET 011711081Principe Actif 09/11/21 DM MP AC 75 2008.49 150636.75
MP/SA/003PARACET 011711081Principe Actif 09/11/21 Substance 25 2008.49 50212.25
MP/SA/003PARACET 011710228Principe Actif 27/10/21 Substance 12.302 1904.58 23430.143
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806040 Principe Actif 21/06/22 Substance 450 2008.49 903820.5
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806042 Principe Actif 22/06/22 DM MP AC 4575 2008.49 9188841.8
MP/SA/003PARACET 31706018 Principe Actif 01/07/21 DM MP AC 25 2008.49 50212.25
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806042 Principe Actif 22/06/22 Substance 42.154 2008.49 84665.887
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806041 Principe Actif 21/06/22 Substance 499.893 2008.49 1004030.1
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806041 Principe Actif 21/06/22 DM MP AC 700 2008.49 1405943
MP/SA/003PARACET 011804072Principe Actif 10/04/22 Substance 25 1904.58 47614.5
MP/SA/003PARACET 31706018 Principe Actif 10/06/21 Substance 25 1846.39 46159.75
MP/SA/003PARACET 011804032Principe Actif 01/04/22 Substance 7.8 1904.58 14855.724
MP/SA/003PARACET 012005263Principe Actif 26/05/24 DM MP QU 5850 0 0
MP/SA/003PARACET 012005129Principe Actif 13/05/24 DM MP QU 3600 0 0
MP/SA/003PARACET 012005278Principe Actif 27/05/24 DM MP QU 5850 0 0
MP/SA/003PARACET 012005280Principe Actif 27/05/24 DM MP QU 2700 0 0
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806040 Principe Actif 21/06/22 DM MP AC 1225 2008.49 2460400.3
MP/SA/003PARACET 31806043 Principe Actif 22/06/22 DM MP QU 1750 2008.49 3514857.5
MP/SA/003PARACET 011710228Principe Actif 27/10/21 DM MP AC 100 1904.58 190458
MP/SA/015Paroxetine 5320-16-0 Principe ActParoxetine 31/10/19 Substance 0.135 62504.52 8438.1102
MP/SA/015Paroxetine 5320-17-0 Principe ActParoxetine 30/10/23 Substance 0.31 90479.56 28048.664
MP/SA/002PhlorogluciS160214-2 Principe ActPhlorogluci13/02/18 Substance 87.8 7457.3 654750.94
MP/SA/002PhlorogluciS170405 Principe ActPhlorogluci19/04/19 Substance 15.9 10559.21 167891.44
MP/EX/043PLASDONE000211574Excipient PLASDONE24/02/20 DM MP QU 49.9 3686.84 183973.32
MP/EX/043PLASDONE000205046Excipient PLASDONE01/08/18 Excepiant 10.4 20.68 215.072
MP/EX/061POLYGLYCK50831206Excipient POLYETHY30/09/20 Excepiant 5 0 0
MP/EX/061POLYGLYCA30413161Excipient POLYETHY13/04/20 DM MP AC 25 450 11250
MP/EX/013Polyglycol A30103171Excipient POLYETHY03/01/20 Excepiant 18.963 550 10429.65
MP/EX/017Polysorbat 20103220 Excipient POLYSORB30/08/20 DM MP QU 100 0 0
MP/EX/017Polysorbat 2111TD18 Excipient POLYSORB21/11/18 Excepiant 181 850 153850
MP/EX/017Polysorbat 1003UD20 Excipient POLYSORB10/03/19 Excepiant 1062.695 850 903290.75
MP/EX/017Polysorbat 0902XD00 Excipient POLYSORB12/02/21 Excepiant 15.6 0 0
MP/EX/017Polysorbat 0602UD19 Excipient POLYSORB06/02/19 Excepiant 871.994 850 741194.9
MP/EX/017Polysorbat 181220W5 Excipient POLYSORB20/12/20 DM MP QU 400 0 0
MP/EX/008POVIDONE22592056PExcipient POVIDONE01/02/20 Excepiant 15.6 3340 52104
MP/EX/008POVIDONE22592056PExcipient POVIDONE01/02/20 DM MP AC -50 3340 -167000
MP/EX/091POVIDONE000209863Excipient POVIDONE09/01/20 Excepiant 15.62 4079.31 63718.822
MP/EX/091POVIDONE000220280Excipient POVIDONE28/11/20 Excepiant 24.851 4079.31 101374.93
MP/SA/024PREDNIS NPL19120 Principe ActPREDNIS 31/10/24 Substance 0.622 0 0
MP/SA/024PREDNIS NPL 19030Principe ActPREDNIS 04/02/24 Substance 0.291 0 0
MP/SA/024PREDNIS NPL20071 Principe ActPREDNIS 07/07/25 Substance 48.898 0 0
MP/SA/024PREDNIS NPL18040 Principe ActPREDNIS 24/10/22 Substance 0.65 51027.74 33168.031
MP/SA/024PREDNIS NPL17070 Principe ActPREDNIS 18/05/22 Substance 0.409 51027.74 20870.346
MP/SA/012PREDNIS NPD18020 Principe ActPREDNIS 18/12/22 Substance 0.04 64866.16 2594.6464
MP/SA/012PREDNIS NPD20050 Principe ActPREDNIS 30/04/25 Substance 50 0 0
MP/EX/107prismalac L10380221Excipient Lactose sif 30/04/22 Excepiant 464.193 0 0
MP/EX/107prismalac L10380401Excipient Lactose sif 01/10/19 Excepiant 67.63 1300 87919
MP/EX/107prismalac L10380401Excipient Lactose sif 01/10/19 DM MP AC 258.513 1300 336066.9
MP/EX/019PROPYLEN86216109TExcipient PROPYLEN30/10/16 Excepiant 220 397.44 87436.8
MP/EX/019PROPYLEN20CT0514 Excipient PROPYLEN10/03/22 Excepiant -1 0 0
MP/EX/019PROPYLENTRC04091 Excipient PROPYLEN09/04/21 Excepiant 154 0 0
MP/EX/019PROPYLENF820HAJP Excipient PROPYLEN19/10/19 DM MP QU 215 395.64 85062.6
MP/EX/150PROPYL4-K50274827Excipient PROPYL4-31/05/21 Excepiant 0.025 0 0
MP/EX/100Prosolv SMCP5S9150 Excipient Silicified M 06/01/24 Excepiant -0.2 0 0
MP/EX/099Prosolv SMCP9S9595 Excipient Silicified M 07/03/24 Excepiant 4.42 0 0
MP/SA/019Pseudoéph218417 Principe ActPseudoéph30/09/22 Substance 0.685 13674.62 9367.1147
MP/EX/022QUINOLIN 1066988 Excipient SPECTRAC11/10/22 Excepiant 0.63 16852 10616.76
MP/EX/022QUINOLIN 5410969 Excipient SPECTRAC19/02/23 Excepiant 10 20581.94 205819.4
MP/SA/023REPAGLINRRPIICP14Principe ActREPAGLINI01/01/18 Substance 22.99 343741.56 7902618.5
MP/SA/005RISPERID RSP10017 Principe ActRISPERID 30/08/22 Substance 3.11 450520.33 1401118.2
MP/SA/005RISPERID RSP10017 Principe ActRISPERID 31/01/22 Substance 0.04 3800 152
MP/EX/059SACCHARI16110801 Excipient SACCHARI01/11/21 Excepiant 25 0 0
MP/EX/059SACCHARI19081602 Excipient SACCHARI15/08/24 DM MP AC 225 0 0
MP/EX/059SACCHARI19081602 Excipient SACCHARI15/08/24 Excepiant 37.764 0 0
MP/EX/059SACCHARI19051502 Excipient SACCHARI31/05/24 Excepiant 0.379 0 0
MP/EX/055SACCHAR L11570960Excipient SACCHAR 05/04/22 DM MP AC 1250 0 0
MP/EX/055SACCHAR L11570960Excipient SACCHAR 05/04/22 Excepiant 95.66 0 0
MP/EX/164SATIAGUM14318BIPPExcipient SATIAGUM31/05/21 Excepiant 22.4 0 0
MP/EX/148Simethico RFLX 18/4 Excipient Simethico 13/03/23 Excepiant 4.99 0 0
MP/EX/023SIMETHIC 8806758 Excipient SIMETHICO 03/05/19 Excepiant 0.429 5176.8 2220.8472
MP/EX/023SIMETHIC 96135 Excipient SIMETHICO 02/04/21 Excepiant 0.1846 0 0
MP/EX/146SODIUM B18C13-B04Excipient SODIUM B01/01/21 Excepiant 10 0 0
MP/SA/034SODIUM BDOC11619Principe ActSODIUM B26/04/22 Substance 1125 0 0
MP/SA/034SODIUM BDOC10718Principe ActSODIUM B17/04/21 Substance 266.6 0 0
MP/SA/034SODIUM BDOC29816Principe ActSODIUM B24/10/18 DM MP AC 2284.33 3989.74 9113882.8
MP/SA/034SODIUM BDOC21318Principe ActSODIUM B01/08/21 Substance 9.15 0 0
MP/SA/034SODIUM BDOC03119Principe ActSODIUM B31/01/22 Substance 1875 0 0
MP/EX/079SODIUM C15K270018Excipient CHLORURE 01/10/20 Excepiant 1 2550 2550
MP/EX/079SODIUM C16C030030Excipient CHLORURE 01/02/21 Excepiant 2 2550 5100
MP/EX/079SODIUM CK50928524Excipient CHLORURE 31/12/23 Excepiant 1 0 0
MP/EX/021SODIUM L 9402 Excipient SODIUM L 01/08/20 Excepiant 24.368 790 19250.72
MP/EX/021SODIUM L 0432867 Excipient SODIUM L 01/10/18 Excepiant 2.014 27317.08 55016.599
MP/EX/044Sodium Metabisulfite
61712   Excipient Sodium Metabisulfite
16/12/18   Excepiant 15.286 140 2140.04
MP/EX/049SODIUM S2015 Excipient SODIUM S31/03/21 Excepiant 0.3 250 75
MP/EX/117SOLUTAB (711191005Excipient CROSCARM 31/10/23 Excepiant 15.046 0 0
MP/EX/154SORBATE 19052904AExcipient SORBATE 28/05/21 Excepiant 33.68 0 0
MP/EX/171SORBITOLE779H Excipient SORBITOL01/03/21 Excepiant 25 0 0
MP/EX/069SORBITOL000649771Excipient SORBITOL12/03/22 Excepiant 1197 0 0
MP/EX/108STARLAC L10426011Excipient LACTOSE 01/01/20 DM MP AC 7.9 1978.18 15627.622
MP/EX/108STARLAC L10426181Excipient LACTOSE 30/04/20 Excepiant 41.75 0 0
MP/EX/007STEARATEC919611 Excipient STEARATE31/01/23 Excepiant 30 0 0
MP/EX/007STEARATEC037519 Excipient STEARATE31/05/24 Excepiant 294.85 0 0
MP/EX/159SUCRALOSKH-S60-19Excipient SUCRALOS08/07/22 Excepiant 49.873 0 0
MP/EX/113TABLETTOL10430091Excipient LACTOSE 01/03/20 Excepiant 29.4 1657.65 48734.91
MP/EX/109TABLETTOS L10431411Excipient LACTOSE 01/03/19 DM MP AC 34 700.71 23824.14
MP/EX/109TABLETTOS P1377GX1 Excipient LACTOSE 31/03/20 Excepiant 45.92 0 0
MP/EX/109TABLETTOS L10431431Excipient LACTOSE 30/09/20 DM MP AC 50 700.71 35035.5
MP/EX/109TABLETTOS L19341586Excipient LACTOSE 05/12/21 Excepiant 5 0 0
MP/EX/014Talc Lezun S732/17 Excipient Talc Luzen 31/10/22 Excepiant 13.412 0 0
MP/EX/014Talc Lezun S210/19 Excipient Talc Luzen 31/03/24 Excepiant 7.328 0 0
MP/EX/014Talc Lezun S.513/19 Excipient Talc Luzen 31/07/24 Excepiant 100 0 0
MP/EX/014Talc Lezun S210/19 Excipient Talc Luzen 31/03/24 DM MP AC 75 0 0
MP/EX/014Talc Lezun S271/16 Excipient Talc Luzen 30/04/19 Excepiant 25 494.55 12363.75
MP/EX/152TITRIPLEXE30000731Excipient ETHYLENE31/05/23 Excepiant 1 0 0
MP/EX/066UENO PROBP160717 Excipient Propyl P-H 17/07/19 DM MP QU 175 3290 575750
MP/EX/066UENO PRODF1711 Excipient Propyl P-H 16/06/21 Excepiant 30.263 2829.38 85625.527
MP/SA/010VALSARTAC5271-16- Principe ActVALSARTAN 30/10/20 Substance 2.8 156066.84 436987.15
MP/EX/101VIVAPUR 385911706Excipient Cellulose M30/06/20 Excepiant 25.05 2100 52605
MP/EX/101VIVAPUR 385911904Excipient Cellulose M30/04/22 DM MP AC 225 0 0
MP/EX/101VIVAPUR 385911904Excipient Cellulose M30/04/22 Excepiant 14 0 0
MP/EX/101VIVAPUR 385911706Excipient Cellulose M30/06/20 DM MP AC 100 2100 210000
MP/EX/098vivapur 10 661016694Excipient MICROCRY01/11/21 DM MP AC 880 405 356400
MP/EX/098vivapur 10 661016503Excipient MICROCRY01/08/21 Excepiant 6.8 405 2754
MP/EX/098vivapur 10 661016694Excipient MICROCRY01/11/21 Excepiant 180 405 72900
MP/EX/098vivapur 10 661016161Excipient MICROCRY01/04/21 DM MP AC 60 405 24300
MP/EX/098vivapur 10 661016503Excipient MICROCRY01/08/21 DM MP AC 40 405 16200
MP/EX/098vivapur 10 661011957Excipient MICROCRY30/09/24 DM MP QU 2800 0 0
MP/EX/010VIVAPUR 561022046Excipient MICROCRY01/06/25 Excepiant 300 0 0
MP/EX/010VIVAPUR 561021951Excipient MICROCRY30/06/24 DM MP AC -28000 0 0
MP/EX/010VIVAPUR 561021951Excipient MICROCRY30/06/24 Excepiant 28000 0 0

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