03 Five-Year-Plan
03 Five-Year-Plan
03 Five-Year-Plan
The Five-Year Career Plan is designed to help me develop skills in my current job or to
prepare for my next job. This plan is very much an individual and personal plan and is
designed to facilitate my growth, development and advancement. Always use the
SMART model when setting goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and
within a specific Timeframe.
My Current Position: 2nd Year student at Shipley College- studying Level 3 Business
Being in the first year at university, I need to get comfortable with new
surroundings and make myself feel like I’m at home, away-from-home and
most importantly enjoy university and student life!
Before the end of this year, I want to pass my driving theory test.
Year September 2022 will mark the beginning of my 2nd year at university. I
Three want to move out of student halls this year and maybe live in a shared
2022-23 accommodation with some friends.
Year Four The course I want to do takes 4 years to complete. So, this is the 3rd year
2023-24 at university. This year I will have a placement in my chosen field of work. I
need to look at bank branches that have corporate finance/investment
sectors in them. This will be my opportunity to put all the theory to practice
and get hands-on experience.
The driving lessons should finish before mid-term this year and hopefully, I
should pass my practical. Once I have done so, I will find myself a car as
that will be useful for me, so that I can cut down on travel costs to and from
placement locations.
This year brings me one step closer to my goal as the placement might be
a stepping stone for me to get a full-time job after I leave university- I may
get offered a role full-time if my skills and expertise are valuable.
Year Five If I wasn’t able to get an offer from my placement bank, I need to actively
2024-25 start looking for potential jobs for as soon as I finish university.
Once I have graduated, I need to start looking at banks like Barclays,
Natwest, Lloyds and Bank of England who have corporate finance sectors,
if they will take me on, full time.
What are some educational activities that will help me reach my goals?
Training or Course Scheduled Completed
Plan to revisit your plan often to make sure you stay on track and that your goals remain relevant to your
career plan.