Jim Keith - Mass Control

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The book discusses the history and development of technologies for mass mind control and human engineering by elite groups to consolidate power and control over populations.

The book is about the history of mind control programs and technologies used by intelligence agencies and others in positions of power to control human consciousness and populations.

The book discusses technologies for electronic mind control, implants, psychotronic weapons, media manipulation and propaganda for mind control.



Jim Keith
Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness

Copyright 1999, 2003 by Jim Keith

All rights reserved

Published by

Adventures Unlimited Press

Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA


ISBN 1-931882-21-5

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

For the Inhabitants of Planet 9

After the publication of my book Mind Control, World Control, I was contacted by
many persons with new information on the subject of human control, both researchers
in the field as well as some persons who believe that they have been the subject of
abuse by intelligence and other agencies. The necessity for an update and an
expansion of my earlier research became apparent. This book is the result.

As always, I was greatly assisted by my personal friends, network of fellow

researchers, and readership. Special thanks are due my family who continue to
tolerate my odd hours and bohemian brain-style, and to my publishers, to whom I owe
much gratitude.

“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” —Adolf Hitler


1. Origins of Control

2. Perfecting Inhumanity

3. Dumbing Us to Death

4. Tavistock

5. Injecting Ideology

6. Subverting Sex

7. The CIA and Control

8. Estabrooks and the Manchurian Candidate

9. Dr. Cameron’s Chamber of Horrors

10. Electronic Implants and Dr. Delgado

11. Turn On, Tune In, Become a Robot

12. Jolly West and the Violence Center

13. Occult Connections

14. Consolidating Control

15. Guerrilla Mindwar

16. The Greening of America: Monarch

17. Claudia Mullen

18. Brice Taylor

19. Katherine Sullivan

20. Evaluating MONARCH

21. Concealing Mind Control Abuse

22. Electronic Mind Control

23. Mind Prison

24. Beam Warfare

25. The Persinger Plan

26. Psi War

27. Hardwiring Humans

28. Dreamscape

29. One-World Brain


Chapter 1

Origins of Control
Agents of the world’s elite have been long engaged in a war on the populace of Earth.
Greed is the motivation for this war, a greed so pervasive that it encompasses the
planet and all of the beings on it, but in recent times a philosophy has been used to
justify that greed. It is the philosophy of mass control, that ultimately aims at dictating
every aspect of human life—even remolding man’s perception of reality and himself.

Although the lust for control can be discerned since the beginning of recorded history,
a nexus of particular importance arose in Germany in the latter half of the 19th
century. As the country increased in military and industrial might, becoming the
strongest power in Europe, a revolution simultaneously took place in German
philosophic and scientific thought that paradoxically would spread through the world
to create positive technological change as well as to birth innumerable toxic children.
According to one source:

“The sudden change from relative political weakness to world power and from
economic insecurity to prosperity proved to be a great strain on the German character
and public life. The spread of materialistic philosophy of life was world-wide in this
age, and the idolatry of power was not confined to Germany, but its corrosive effect
was particularly strong in a country that was not inured to power.”1

One aspect of this transformation, this “idolatry of power” was a negative

transformation of the psychological sciences. In the late 19th century, earlier more
humanistic approaches to understanding mankind were replaced by a scientific
philosophy that would be employed less as a measure for the understanding of man
than as a justification for a new feudalism and a mechanism of pure control.

The materialist overhauling of psychology was in great part ushered in by the work of
the German psychologist Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt. Wundt was a professor of
philosophy at the University of Leipzig, and in 1875 established the world’s first
psychological laboratory there, a move that would eventually turn the world of more
humanistic-oriented psychology on its head. Interesting, but Wundt’s grandfather is
documented as having been a member of the Illuminati secret society, making it not
unreasonable to imagine that herr professor may also have been a member of that

Wundt, in reflection of a powerful materialistic groundswell in German thought that

began with Schopenhauer at the beginning of the 19th century and that was to be
later epitomized by Karl Marx, rejected in cavalier fashion the notion that man might
have a soul or deeper significance than the merely physical, that he was in fact
anything more than an animal. Following this line of reasoning, an approach that came
to be known in psychology as Structuralism, Wundt insisted that all psychological
studies should depend entirely on the study of body reactions. The truth of man,
Wundt insisted, could be determined solely through mechanistic means:
measurement, analysis, and dissection of bodies. After Wundt had thoroughly infused
the psychological sciences with his materialist approach, many scientists—and the
members of the ruling class that employed them—believed that they were justified in
treating human beings as if they were pieces of meat, and as an overall plan of action,
proceeded to do so.

The materialist psychological doctrine spread rapidly with at least twenty-four

laboratories established by Wundt’s students between the years 1883 and 1893, with
more of the German’s acolytes fanning out to infiltrate related fields, such as
education. Wundt’s materialistic approach would infect the thinking of most of the
influential psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, and social planners who would
follow in the 20th century.2

One man who marched to Wundt’s dirge was the Russian, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.
Pavlov conducted a wide-ranging research into techniques of control, primarily using
dogs for his experimentation. In the now-famous experiment, Pavlov fed his dogs,
stimulating salivation, while at the same time ringing a bell. After doing this many
times, Pavlov was able to stimulate salivation in reaction to the sound of the bell
alone. Other of Pavlov’s experiments involved rewarding dogs with petting, or
punishing them with pain. Using these kinds of approaches, Pavlov developed his
theory of the conditioned reflex, demonstrating that animals are motivated by patterns
of conditioned response, and that conditioning can be artificially induced. The results
of Pavlov’s experiments did not escape the social planners of his day, nor those who
would follow.


1. “Germany—History Since 1850,” Encyclopedia Americana. New York:

Americana Corporation, 1963

2. Lionni, Paolo. The Leipzig Connection. Sheridan, Oregon: Delphian Press, 1988;
“Germany—History Since 1850”; Wood, Samuel and Ellen Green. The World of
Psychology, third edition, at www.prenticehall.ca/wood; Weiten, Wayne. “A New
Science is Born: The Contributions of Wundt and Hall,” Psychology: Themes and
Variations. 3rd edition, at http://psychology.wadworth.com/book

Chapter 2

Perfecting Inhumanity
A time-dishonored approach to the manipulation of man kind is through the
philosophy and techniques of eugenics. This is the attempted ‘perfecting’ of humanity
through genetic means: selective breeding, sterilization, biological manipulation, and
even murder for those considered unfit.

The study of eugenics has its beginning in Germany, sometime after the mid-19th
century mark, stimulated by volkish concerns for Aryan racial purity. Rudolf Virchow,
pathologist and politician, began a study of national ethnic statistics in 1871,
convinced that the majority of Germans would prove to be of relatively pure Nordic
descent. The results of his studies proved otherwise. According to Virchow, the
obvious solution was to set about Nordicizing the debased German stock.1

The popularity of eugenics theories was given a jump-start in England by Francis

Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. In 1869 Galton published his book Hereditary
Genius, that Cornell University anthropology professor Davydd Greenwood has called
“an impassioned brief for hereditary aristocracy that became the first modern
document of the modern eugenics movement.” Galton was the man who launched the
‘nature vs. nurture’ debate that quietly rages today, arguing for the domination of
innate rather than acquired human abilities. It was Galton’s opinion that the human
race could be improved by selective breeding and the extermination of the unfit.
Galton once said that he hoped that eugenics would become “the religion of the
future." In the latter part of the century, with endeavors like the Human Genome
Project that seeks to map the entirety of human DNA, his hope seems to be moving
toward fulfillment.

Galton’s theories were influenced in part by his examination of the family trees of
eminent stuffed shirts in England. He noted that most persons of accomplishment
were related to each other—an aristocratic theory of intelligence—thus theoretically
putting the aristocracy on a genetic pedestal and rationalizing a stratified society, or
caste system, in Britain and the world.

Even the name of the subject betrays something of its orientation. Galton derived the
word eugenics from the Greek ‘eugenes’ meaning ‘well born.’ This aggrandizement of
the privileged class was one of the reasons why eugenics research found ready
support from the monied in both America and Europe; it justified their disdain for and
parasitism of “the masses.”2

Chairs in Eugenics and Eugenics in Working Society were established at the University
College in London in 1904, with the Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics founded
in 1907. In 1905, in the United States, the Rockefellers and Carnegies constructed the
Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor, New York, where genetic research
(none dare call it eugenics) is still being done in 1999.3

In 1912 the first International Congress of Eugenics was convened at the University of
London, presided over by its president, who also happened to be Charles Darwin’s
son. Vice Presidents of the Congress included the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston
Churchill; M. von Gruber, Professor of Hygiene at Munich University; Dr. Alfred Ploetz,
President of the International Society for Race Hygiene; Charles W. Eliot, President
Emeritus of Harvard, and the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell.

The second International Congress of Eugenics was held in 1921, sponsored by U.S.
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover and the presidents of Clark University, Smith
College, and the Carnegie Institution. Other prominent supporters of eugenics of the
period—who will loom large in the history of control to follow—included many
members of the American Eastern establishment, particularly of the Eastern
Establishment Dulles and Harriman families.

From 1907 to 1960 more than 100,000 persons were eugenically sterilized in over
thirty states in the United States. It is unlikely that the well-known and horrific Nazi
approach to eugenics, brutally carried out in laboratories and concentration camps
during World War II and reportedly claiming hundreds of thousands of victims, would
have taken place without eugenics theory having been earlier popularized by British
and American scientists and media, and funded by American and British money

German eugenics studies were organized and bankrolled by the family-run Rockefeller
Foundation and its allies in medicine, industry, and politics, with large grants provided
to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for
Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity, in Munich. The latter facility was run by
the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin and his underlings Otmar Verschuer and
Franz J. Kallmann. In 1932, Ernst Rudin was named president of the worldwide
Eugenics Federation. Rockefeller funding for eugenics research in Germany would
continue during World War II, the stated justification being that the war should not
impede scientific research.

The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute’s eugenics studies were initially endowed by Gustav
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, the head of the Krupp munitions monolith, and
James Loeb, of the Kuhn-Loeb banking family. Loeb’s relatives, the Warburgs, were
banking partners of William Rockefeller, and both families were responsible for setting
up the American Harriman family—also movers and shakers in eugenics—in business.

Although we know little about what took place in German laboratories researching
mind control and brainwashing during this period, there are some hints. In 1933, the
German Reichstag building was burned. In the time-honored tradition of “the patsy,” a
Dutchman, a mental patient named Marinus Van der Lubbe, was arrested and charged
with the crime. Psychiatric reports called Van der Lubbe an unstable but happy man,
who lived as a vagabond and entertained notions of changing the world. In court,
however, Van der Lubbe seemed nothing of the sort, appearing almost completely
apathetic, responding dully to questions.

On the forty-second day of the trial, Van der Lubbe suddenly made a remarkable
change. Now he began excitedly talking about “inner voices” that commanded him.
He demanded that he be put to death, and then just as suddenly slumped back into

Van der Lubbe was convicted by the court and executed. Subsequent events made it
clear, however, that it was members of the Nazi party itself who had burned the
Reichstag. It is not outside the realm of possibility that Van der Lubbe had been
brainwashed to take the fall, as many other patsies have been programmed to do in
the years that have ensued.6

After Hitler took control in Germany, Rudin’s organizational structure was internalized
as part of the Nazi political machine. Rudin was appointed head of the Nazi Racial
Hygiene Society, with he and his staff joining the Task Force on Heredity, chaired by
Himmler, the group that was to institute the infamous Nazi sterilization laws.

One of Rudin’s employees was Josef Mengele, also known as “the Angel of Death,”
who was to become the medical commandant of Auschwitz and perform his own
horrific experimentation upon inmates of the camp.

In 1936, the direct predecessor of the CIA’s more famous MKULTRA mind control
operation was launched at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, funded by the
Freemasonic Scottish Rite Northern Supreme Council, and supervised by Dr. Nolan
D.C. Lewis, the Masonic Field Representative of Research on Dementia Praecox. The
program was directed by Winfred Overhulser, a prominent Freemason and the
superintendent of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C, where much CIA mind
control experimentation would later take place. In 1943, Overhulser went on to
become the chairman of the “truth drug” committee for the OSS, among the earliest
mind control research programs instituted by American intelligence.

In 1936, Ernst Rudin’s assistant Dr. Franz Kallmann, after being exposed in Germany
as being half-Jewish, emigrated to America where he established the Medical
Genetics Department of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, an operation also
funded by the Scottish Rite.

In the preface to his Masonic-funded study of schizophrenics, Kallmann wrote that

schizophrenics were a “source of maladjusted crooks...and the lowest types of
criminal offenders. Even the faithful believers in liberty... would be happier without
those.” He added, “I am reluctant to admit the necessity for different eugenics
programs for democratic and fascistic communities... There are neither biological nor
sociological differences between a democratic and a totalitarian schizophrenic.”7

After World War II, Otmar Vershuer—who had procured funds for Mengele’s
experimentation at Auschwitz—was hired by the Rockefeller-funded Bureau of Human
Heredity in Denmark, and Rudin, Vershuer, and Kallmann participated in founding the
still-active American Society of Human Genetics. Kallman was elected director of the
organization and would hold that position until 1965. The American Society of Human
Genetics is primarily responsible for the current $3 billion Human Genome Project—
headquartered at Cold Springs Harbor, the historical center of American eugenics
study that is in the forefront of the news today.

The relation of eugenics to British psychiatry bears examination. The primary

controlling body for psychiatry in England is the British National Association for Mental
Health (NAMH), formed in 1944, and initially run by the mentally-unstable Montagu
Norman, previously of the Bank of England. The group originally met at Norman’s
London home, where he and Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht had met in the
1930s to arrange financing for Hitler.

NAMH is a renaming and public relations sanitization of the National Councils of

Mental Hygiene, earlier one of the primary proponents for eugenics programs
worldwide, and a group that broadly collaborated with Nazi eugenics practitioners
prior to World War II. It can be seen that the current British psychiatric establishment
proceeds in a direct line from the earlier eugenics establishment, much the same as
the majority of movers and shapers in American politics have come from eugenics
pro-active families.

In 1948, NAMH joined forces with the United Nations and the Tavistock Institute, a
long term collaboration between British military intelligence and psychiatry. NAMH
and Tavistock convened an International Congress of Mental Health at the Ministry of
Health in London. A World Federation of Mental Health was formed there to
coordinate planetary psychological operations. The head of the World Federation was
chosen: Brigadier General Dr. John Rawlings Reese, who was also the head of
Tavistock. Co-director was Frank Fremont-Smith, the chief medical officer of the Macy
Foundation, an organization that was later to be a primary funding source for the CIA’s
MKULTRA mind control projects. Vice presidents of NAMH included Tavistock
psychiatrist and eugenics activist Professor Cyril Burt; Dr. Hugh Crichton-Miller, a
founder of Tavistock; psychiatrist Sir David Henderson, author of Psychiatry and Race
Betterment; Lord Thomas Jeeves Horder, the president of the Eugenics Society of
Great Britain and the Family Planning Association; pro-Nazi psychiatrist Carl G. Jung,
who was also the psychiatrist for the Dulles family; Dr. Winfred Overhulser,
representative of the Scottish Rite Masons; and Dr. Alfred Frank Tredgold, of the
British Ministry of Health’s Committee on Sterilization.

Although eugenics organizations and activists sought deep cover after the defeat of
Hitler, something of the stench of the death camps clinging to the subject, the same
programs to weed out the “inferiors” from mankind would continue, with the same
personnel or their successors in charge of the programs. Working out of the family
offices of the Rockefellers in the United States, the Eugenics Society now
metamorphosized into the Society for the Study of Social Biology.8

Although it has been a carefully guarded secret by the watchdogs of the mainstream
media, eugenics programs were never discontinued worldwide, with involuntary
sterilization programs continuing in many countries to this day. Information has only
recently surfaced that sterilization programs for those considered to be unfit because
of genetics or behavior continued to exist in Scandinavia and in France until the
1970s. At the same time, massive involuntary sterilization programs continue to be
implemented in the third world.

Eugenics practice has continued in Australia, where more than one thousand
“intellectually disabled” women have been illegally sterilized since 1991. The Human
Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission discovered that 1,043 sterilization
operations—only 17 of them approved by the court, as mandated by Australian law—
had been performed. The number of such operations may in fact have been “several
times” as high, since only operations performed using medical insurance were

In 1974 Federal District Court Judge Gerhard Gesell estimated that ‘over the last few
years’ between 100,000 and 150,000 low-income persons had been sterilized under
federally funded programs in the United States. Gesell stated ‘an indefinite number’ of
those sterilized were ‘improperly coerced’ into accepting sterilization.10

One of the prime target groups for sterilization in the United States has been the
Native American population. According to Ruthann Evanoff, in an article titled
“Reproductive Rights and Occupational Health” states that, “Overall, at least twenty-
five percent of the Native women of childbearing age have been sterilized, although
the total population numbers less than one million. Recent reports estimate that the
percentage sterilized in one tribe alone, the Northern Cheyenne, is eighty percent.”11

An oft-cited justification for current eugenics practice is the elimination of violence in

society. At this time millions of dollars are being spent on research into the control of
violence through genetic means. In 1992, a report was produced jointly by the
National Academy of Science and the National Research Council, titled
“Understanding and Preventing Violence.” Among the groups funding the report were
the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Justice Department, and the National
Science Foundation. The report suggested that more studies should be done on
“biological and genetic factors in violent crime,” and suggested that the higher crime
rates among black males might come from a genetic predisposition.12

In England, concerns are similar. The Department of Health has recently

commissioned research into a “delinquency gene” called “Fragile X.” According to the
London Sunday Times, it is believed by some scientists that one in every 259 women
carry the defective Fragile X, which causes a lack of brain protein, resulting in anti-
social behavior. Health officials are planning to engage in mass screenings so that
women who carry the defective gene can be alerted and induced to abort their


1. Hillel and Henry. Of Pure Blood. New York: Pocket Books, 1975

2. Tweedy, Michael, “Francis Galton: The Man and his Science,” University of
Calgary Course Notes; Reilly, Phillip R. “A Look Back at Eugenics,” The Gene Letter,
Volume 1, issue 3, at www.geneletter.org/; Lapon, Lenny. Mass Murderers in White
Coats (From Harvard to Buchenwald: A Chronology of Psychiatry and Eugenics); Kuhl,
Stefan. The Nazi Connection—Eugenics, American Racism, and German National
Socialism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994

3. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR,

October 7, 1994.

4. Lapon

5. Chaitkin

6. Meerloo, Joost A.M. The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control,
Menticide, and Brainwashing. New York: World Publishing Company, 1956

7. Chaitkin

8. Chaitkin; Reisman, Phd., Judith A. Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences. Arlington,

Virginia: The Institute for Media Education, Inc., 1998; “Editorial: Ernst Rudin,
1874-1952,” American Journal of Medical Genetics, Volume 67, number 4; Chaitkin,
Anton, “Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N.!”

9. “More Than 1,000 OZ Girls/Young Women Illegally Sterilized” by Michael Perry,

December 15, 1997, Reuters news service

10. Mehler, Barry, “In Genes We Trust: When Science Bows to Racism," Center for
the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, The Public Eye, March 1995

11. Evanoff, Ruthann, “Reproductive Rights and Occupational Health,” WIN

magazine, undated clipping

12. “Recent FDA Decision Highlights Ethical Issues in Drug Research On Children,”
Peter R. Breggin, M.D., otherwise unattributed clipping

13. Neill, Patricia, “Mass Testing for ‘Delinquency’ Gene,’ Parascope, at


Chapter 3

Dumbing Us to Death
An ideological Fifth Column subverted American education in the early days of the
twentieth century, with the leader of the movement Daniel Coit Gilman, the first
president of Johns Hopkins University and the Carnegie Institute. Gilman studied at
the University of Berlin in 1854-55, at the same time that Wilhelm Wundt taught there.
After Gilman, Wundt’s materialist spin on the subjects of the mind and soul—or lack
thereof—would dominate the thinking of the most influential of American educators.
The result was that children would soon after be viewed as something akin to lab rats,
to be put through mazes, their characters molded at the whims of the “educational”

Another form of Germanic thinking informed Gilman’s views: he was a member of the
Skull & Bones society. Skull & Bones is a highly secret, ritualistic society based at Yale
University that has been called “The most powerful organization in America.”

Incredibly, Skull & Bones may be a front for that most mysterious of secret societies,
the Illuminati. The German organization from which Skull & Bones obtained its charter
appeared within a year after the outlawing of Adam Weishaupt’s group in Bavaria and,
additionally, an inscription found in the sanctum sanctorum of the Bonesmen at Yale is
nearly identical in wording to that of a ceremony cited in Proofs of a Conspiracy, an
early condemnation of the Illuminati by Robison. Like the Illuminati, Skull & Bones
initiates refer to the group as “the Order.”1

Since the formation of Skull & Bones about 2,500 persons have been inducted into
the secret group, with a small group of Eastern Establishment families forming the
core of the group. These families include the Allen, Bundy, Gilman, Perkins,
Wadsworth, Phelps, and Lord families. Other families who rose to wealth in the 18th
and 19th century have been added to this group, including the Harriman, Davison,
Rockefeller, Payne, Pillsbury, and Weyerhauser families. A third group—not Bonesmen
—have acted as intermediaries between Skull & Bones and the financial hub of
London. This group includes the Warburg, Schiff, Guggenheim, and Meyer families.

Undoubtedly the most important influence that Skull & Bones has had on the world is
through the world of politics. Since the turn of the century the direction of American
statecraft has been largely steered by prominent Bonesmen from the Harriman,
Bundy, Taft, Stimson, Bush, and other families, although I do not recommend that you
hold our breath waiting for the establishment media to avail you of this fact.

According to accounts of the time, members of Skull & Bones took over the
administration of Yale University in the late 1800s while Daniel Coit Gilman was
employed there, and it is reported that all presidents of Yale since that time have been
either Bonesmen or closely affiliated with the group.

Yale and Skull & Bones have provided fertile recruiting grounds for American
intelligence agencies, with an in-house club for Bonesmen existing in the CIA,
according to Covert Action Information Bulletin. The term “spook,” CIA jargon applied
to spies, in fact was a Yale expression designating a member of a campus secret

After becoming head of Johns Hopkins University, Daniel Coit Gilman hired another
Wundt-trained specialist who not-coincidentally happened to be a Bonesman. This
was G. Stanley Hall, who took over the psychological lab at the university. Hall also
founded the American Psychological Association and the American Journal of
Psychology, and mentored the career of Fabian Socialist and New World educator
John Dewey.

Dewey, who went on to become the most influential teacher of this century, also
studied under George Sylvester Morris, an Hegelian philosopher who had taken his
doctorate at the University of Berlin under the same teachers as Gilman. Dewey was
among the first to promote school as a mechanism for the creation of a Socialist world
order, and as a forum for enforcing “conformity” of the masses rather than as a place
to learn the three ‘R’s. In 1899 Dewey said, “Children who know how to think for
themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where
everyone is interdependent.”

One reason for the success of Dewey’s “progressive education” is that it was backed
to the hilt by Rockefeller and Carnegie money. Dewey for many years was the
honorary president of the National Education Association, founded in 1857. The group
was founded as a lobbying organization for teachers but soon aligned itself behind a
scarlet psycho-political banner of “progressive education”—a delightful-sounding
term that conceals the brainwashing modus operandi pioneered by the Soviets. By the
turn of the century the NEA was working in full support of Dewey’s plans, advocating
the dumbing down of the masses into a malleable unit, as well as a one world Fabian
Socialist view. A 1934 NEA report avowed, “A dying laissez-faire must be completely
destroyed and all of us, including the ‘owners,’ must be subjected to a large degree of
social control.”

This one-worldly view persists in current NEA literature, but it has been re-
contextualized in recent times as a “liberal” viewpoint. The group now issues the
following pronunciamento in its NEA journal: “The teacher ...can do much to prepare
the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation... At the
very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must
stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession.”3

Another American student of Wundt was James McKeen Cattell, who was Wundt’s
assistant in Leipzig in the years 1883-86. Cattell was also deeply influenced by
Francis Galton, the founder of eugenics. In 1891 Cattell took over the psychology
department at Columbia University, and spent the rest of his life disseminating
Wundtian/eugenics doctrine through an abundance of magazines and reference works
he edited and wrote.4

These and other materialist Wundtians and Fabian one-worlders, funded by the
Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and others intent on the suppression and pacification of
the populace of the world, completely remade the face of American education in the
twentieth century. The agenda that they pursued has culminated in the all-too-familiar
situation of American education today in which the majority of persons graduated
from high school are functionally illiterate and ill-prepared for doing anything else than
saying “yes” to Big Brother and his tele-screens.

From the standpoint of the social controllers there are many advantages to keeping
the populace stupid, not the least being that the less intelligent a person is, the more
susceptible he is to exterior control.

Currently, one of the primary thrusts in American educational brainwashing goes by a

variety of names, including Mastery Learning, World Class Education, Common Core
of Learning, and Outcome Based Education, but which is most commonly referred to
as Goals 2000. Written into law by Bill Clinton in 1994, Rockefeller monies have
launched literally hundreds of books into the educational market pushing Goals 2000.
Promoted by the National Education Association, the literature describes Goals 2000
as “an Academic/Behavior Modification Plan based on control theory/reality therapy.”
The simple purpose of Goals 2000 is populace control and promotion of the
totalitarian world order.

Instead of teaching children the academic skills that most parents favor, Goals 2000
and its educational offshoots emphasize “life adjustment skills,” “family-life
education,” and “environmental stewardship.” Academic study is de-emphasized
while “cooperative” attitudes are mandated, including attitudes which significantly
seem to bolster a eugenics agenda in the mind of the child, such as the attempted
normalizing of homosexuality and playboyism, and abortion as a form of birth control.

Providing a hint of what the future of American ‘education’ is going to be like is a

Goals 2000 program that has been adopted in forty states: the “Parents as
Teachers” (PAT) program. It is a program that would be more aptly termed the
“Teachers as Parents” program. Under this plan children are given a personal
computer code number by which they can be tracked for the entirety of their life, and
a “parent educator” visits the homes of students a minimum of eight times a year to
see that Mom and Dad are giving Junior his tranquilizers and doing their bit in
programming a good little robot.

Another offshoot of Goals 2000 is ‘the Oregon Option,’ which was signed into being
on December 5, 1994 by the entire Clinton cabinet and members of the Oregon
Congressional delegation. This program was developed by the administrations of
former Oregon governors Mark Hatfield and Neil Goldschmidt, and was drafted under
the direction of Goldschmidt, a member of the Trilateral Commission. Persons backing
the plan include members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Bank, the
Carnegie Foundation, and the RAND Corporation. One of the main thrusts of the
Oregon Option is to seamlessly transition children from school into the industrial
workforce, with apprenticeships provided by large corporations.

Again, under the Oregon Option all children conceived in Oregon are entered into a
huge database. All expectant parents will be required to attend parenting classes.
Once the child is attending school, home visits will be undertaken by school teachers
and administrators to determine if the family is fit for rearing the child. Those families
deemed to be unfit, or offering “developmental neglect,” can be ripped asunder, with
children shunted into foster homes or state-run facilities.5

Furthering the goals of the social planners, perhaps the most destructive current trend
of the educational establishment is the wholesale drugging of students. Drugs,
especially amphetamines and Ritalin, are commonly used to dose school-children
throughout America. Ritalin is a highly dangerous stimulant that is, according to the
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, more addictive than cocaine. It also has a wide
variety of other negative side effects, including nausea, insomnia, the inhibition of
growth, nervous tics, and potential brain damage.

A current estimate of the number of U.S. schoolchildren being drugged with Ritalin is
three to five percent, or in excess of two million kids! Since most of the children to
whom the drug is given are male, it has been estimated that 10 to 12 percent of all
male school children in the U.S. between the ages of six and fourteen are being
zombified with Ritalin.

This drugging is being done because of alleged brain malfunctions that cause the
children to be “hyperkinetic” or “hyperactive.” In most cases the children have been
diagnosed by their teachers, almost none of whom who have the medical credentials
to do such an assessment.

The main problems that drugs are supposedly used to handle are classed as Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These
conditions have in fact never been proven to exist outside of the imagination of
medicos and sociatrists, but instead are catchalls that include a wide variety of
common childhood problems including inability to concentrate, nervousness,
fidgeting, interrupting people, and disciplinary problems. No consistent brain
abnormalities have been demonstrated to be linked to ADD or ADHD, although brain
disorders including cortical atrophy have been shown to have been caused in some
cases by long term treatment with Ritalin and other drugs commonly-prescribed for

The symptoms that ‘educators’ are treating with drugs may in fact have nothing to do
with congenital brain defects, as they have argued, but with a number of other less
mysterious factors including:

• Poor nutrition, fostered by parents either too poor, irresponsible, or dumbed down
themselves to provide decent food for their kids; encouraged by a criminal food
production industry more intent on moving cheap, sugar-coated, chemically-dyed,
pesticide-poisoned swill than in providing healthy food. Sugar, pesticides, and
chemical additives may be a key factor in causing what is termed ADD and ADHD.

• Television and other media. Kids are estimated to watch six hours per day of an
electronic medium deliberately designed to foster a short attention span, with quick
three-to-five second visual cuts purposely stimulating the kind of artificial agitation
that induces a child to respond to commercials. Is it any wonder that these kids
have a short attention span?

• Another negative aspect of the pop media is the abundance of sexual and violent
images disseminated via TV, movies, hyper-violent video games like Mortal
Kombat, and music with violent/sexual ‘gangsta’ ghetto rap. There are many
studies showing that when television is introduced to a community that violent acts
double over the course of a few years.

As an example of the character of current media that is aimed at children, while

waiting in an office recently I was surprised to find a depiction of full female nudity
when I picked up a “Batman” comic for the first time in many years. Far be it from me
to put down female nudity, but such images are certain to provide a potent distraction
to children entering puberty, as well as to encourage a eugenics-friendly
“Playboyism,” of the kind advocated by Hugh Hefner, himself an admitted acolyte of
eugenicist Alfred Kinsey.

• Families who have taken the Dr. Spock or New Age amalgam to heart are another
source of problems in childhood discipline. For a kid whose role model is Tupac,
Ice-T, KISS, or Marilyn Manson, and whose fantasies are fed by the quick-cut,
toxified kink of M-TV, ‘Time out’ is not going to be an effective disciplinary action.

• Little parental contact with kids at all. The prevailing economy, regardless of the
praises of Rapegate Bill, is designed so that both parents usually have to slave full
time, leaving very few moments for contact with the kids. The situation of the single
parent family is usually worse.

• Finally, there is a problem with the nature of public schooling itself, which does not
challenge children to learn or to think creatively, but instead indoctrinates them to
conform to their prison-like surroundings. I personally would not like to endure
again the circumstances of regimentation and immobilization—sitting at an
uncomfortable desk with hands folded and mouth clamped shut for hours every
day—that children are forced to put up with in public schools. I would also not
relish again being forced to drag my eyes over and memorize deadly-dull texts that
no sane adult would ever read if given a choice in the matter. In circumstances like
these, it is no surprise that any child with an ounce of wit or energy would rebel and
begin to longingly ogle his father’s gun cabinet.6

These are some of the real causes of ADD and ADHD in school, symptoms for which
children are being treated with Ritalin and other addictive drugs. A dramatic example
of the results of drugging children may have been played out on April 20, 1999, in
Littleton, Colorado, when two young men in black trench coats systematically killed
12 of their schoolmates, and then themselves. Eric Harris, one of the shooters, had
been turned down from joining the Marines a scant five days prior when they were
informed that he was being prescribed the psychiatric antidepressant drug
fluvoxamine maleate, or Luvox, a chemical relative of Ritalin. The American Journal of
Psychiatry reports that “Our observations confirm the efficacy of fluvoxamine [Luvox]
in the treatment of depression but suggest that this drug can induce mania in some
patients when it is given at a normal dose.” The coroner’s report showed that Harris
had therapeutic levels of Luvox in his bloodstream at the time of the shooting, and
friends of Harris state that the young man was attempting to quit using the drug in the
days prior to the shooting.7

There is no indication that the drugging of children is going to diminish in the near
future. Quite the contrary.

In an address by James Basco at the National School Boards Association, he said,“In

my crystal ball, I see that the teacher of the 21st century will not be trained in schools
of education as we know them today but rather will be trained in a school which is an
amalgam of contemporary schools of education, medicine and pharmacy. A
considerable portion of the teacher’s training will be devoted to understanding
physiology and psychopharmacology, which will equip the teacher to administer drugs
which affect learning and learning-related behaviors.”8

Nor should we be surprised. Since the advent of “progressive education” schools

have not been intended to educate, but simply to regiment.


1. Sutton, Antony C. America’s Secret Establishment. Billings, Montana: Liberty

House Press, 1986; Lionni, Paolo. The Leipzig Connection. Sheridan, Oregon:
Delphian Press, 1988; Millegan, Kris, “The Order of the Skull & Bones,” Parascope, at
www.parascope.com/main.htm; Robison, John. Proofs of a Conspiracy. Los Angeles:
Western Islands, 1967

2. Goldstein and Steinberg, “George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World
Order: A New American View,” International Edition White Paper; Millegan, Kris, “The
Order of the Skull & Bones,” Parascope at www.parascope.com/main.htm

3. Samuelson, Eric, “A Brief Chronology of Collectivism,” October 1997; Sutton;

Lionni; Stormer, John. None Dare Call It Treason... 25 Years Later. Liberty Bell Press:
Florrisant, Missouri, 1992; Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File. Seal Beach, California: ’76
Press, 1976

4. Sutton; Lionni

5. “Sinister Oregon Plan Underway to Control Children & Families,” Paul Richmond
—Sightings at www.sightings.com

6. Scanlon, Dana S., “Menticide Against the Children of America,” The New
Federalist, May 13, 1996

7. Weller, Robert, “25 May Be Dead in School Shooting,” Associated Press, April
20, 1999; American Journal of Psychiatry, September, 1991; KCNC News 4, Denver,
Colorado, May 4, 1999; Reuters news service. May 6, 1999

8. Basco, James, cited in Packard, Vance. The People Shapers. New York: Bantam
Books, 1977

Chapter 4

One prominent locus of world control—its influence spreading through the media, the
scientific establishment, corporations, governments, and the military—is the Tavistock
Institute. Tavistock, a collaborative effort of British military intelligence and the
psychiatric establishment, was created in 1921 reportedly on the orders of members
of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House). The RIIA
is an arm of the British Rhodes Round Table group, founded by British imperialist and
Freemason Cecil Rhodes. The Round Table, functioning through a myriad of offshoots,
has been this century’s most effective proponent for the creation of a one world
government. Tavistock relies on grants for its operations from the Rockefellers,
Carnegies, the British Home Office, and large anonymous grants.

Initially run by British military intelligence officer Major John Rawlings, from its
inception Tavistock was intended as a coordinating center for planetary social control
using “psychological shock troops,” a term coined by Reese. These shock troops in
white lab coats have farmed out across the planet, infiltrating organizations in order to
implement policies deemed productive by the organization’s strategists.

At core Tavistock consists of Freemasonic British intelligence agents collaborating

with the hydra heads of world psychiatry to achieve two goals:

1. A one world order where the nation state has been abolished and a single
totalitarian control center established.

2. The simultaneous psychological control of the world or, using their term, “societry.”
Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting its broad world mind
control orientation.1

In 1932 German psychologist Kurt Lewin, one of the creators of the American OSS
intelligence network, precursor to the CIA—took over the steering of Tavistock from
Reese. Lewin was an early proponent of the use of trauma for reprogramming both
individuals and societies, his modus operandi possibly more than merely an analog of
the Freemasonic dictum “Ordo Ab Chao,” meaning “order out of chaos.”

Lewin’s theory was the origin and definition of the concept of Future Shock, written by
Tavistock-associated Alvin Toffler, although Toffler promotes the idea that current
cultural deconstruction and leveling is an accident. It is not.

This Tavistock signature approach, this “Future Shock” deprogramming of the subject
to a vegetative state through torture and trauma, for subsequent reprogramming—is
the recurring methodology for world mind control as well as cultural programming in
the 20th century.

Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute, reported to have been at the time
working in the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control program, in his 1957 book Battle for the
Mind—A Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing elaborated on Lewin’s theories
by stating:

“Various beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been
sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement.
Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily
impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations
are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most
spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of
common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.”

During World War II, Tavistock ran the British Psychological Warfare Directorate, and
the group maintained its military orientation after the war. Tavistock agents have
penetrated American intelligence agencies, psychiatric institutions, industry, media,
and political organisms, firmly guiding those bodies in alignment with the purposes of
the Tavistock controllers.2

Spreading out from Tavistock, agents have been present at the creation of institutional
centers such as the Stanford Research Institute’s Center for Advanced Behavioral
Sciences, the Sloan School at MIT, the Wharton School of Finance and Business
Administration at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute for Social Research at
the University of Michigan, and other locations. The Tavistock network has also
influenced and penetrated such groups as Esalen, the RAND Corporation, the Hudson
Institute, and the Heritage Foundation.

A key thrust of Tavistock has been accomplished by the National Training

Laboratories, sponsoring group “encounter” or “sensitivity” programs involved in
breaking down an individual’s personality and reconstructing it along lines agreeable
to the group—a microcosmic intervention intended to gradually bring about the
macrocosm of the New World Order. It is estimated that millions of persons have been
put through this type of “processing,” including most of America’s corporate leaders
and officials from the State Department, the Navy, the Department of Education, and
the National Education Association.

Although touted as a tool for personal and organizational liberation, sensitivity

programs are also an effective tool for control along the lines the group leader desires,
as has been effectively demonstrated through the use of similar methods in cubic
groups such as those of Charles Manson and Jim Jones.3

Tavistock is invariably portrayed in its literature as being a non-political organism, but

the lie is apparent. As an example, one recent Tavistock project is SMARTCARDS, a
pilot program done in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University on behalf
of the European Commission.

This project for putting a person’s work history and skills including academic
accreditation onto a single ID card is being carried out in Europe and America, and is
intended to gradually facilitate the creation of a universally-policed and regulated
world economic system.4


1. Dicks, Henry Victor. Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic. London, England:
Routledge & K. Paul, 1970; Wolfe, L., “The Tavistock roots of the ‘Aquarian
Conspiracy’,” EIR, June 5, 1987; Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The
Story of the Committee of 300. Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992;
“Tavistock—The Best Kept Secret in America” at tavinstitute.org/index.htm

2. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR,

October 7, 1994; Steinberg, Jeffrey, “‘Anticipatory democracy’ : Britain’s Tavistock
Institute brainwashed Newt." EIR, January 12, 1996

3. “Will You Allow Your Child to Be Spiritually Molested?,” The New Federalist

4. EDRU, Educational Development and Review Unit white paper of the Tavistock

Chapter 5

Injecting Ideology
We are only being told what they want us to know.

Probably the most effective method of control ever discovered is simple information
management. This technique consists of withholding information, disseminating lies
(disinformation) or providing misdirection so that we cannot fully comprehend the
reality that we deal with, and the forces that shape our lives. These deceptive views
are projected to the populace through various communications media, but primarily by
television, radio, motion pictures, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.

A gauge of elitist thinking on the topic of media control is provided in the work of
Edward Bernays, a close friend of New World Order mastermind H.G. Wells. Bernays
wrote Crystallizing Public Opinion (1928), Propaganda (1928), and The Engineering of
Consent (1955). In Propaganda, Bernays wrote:

“As civilization becomes more complex, and as the need for invisible government has
been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and
developed by which public opinion may be regimented. With printing press and
newspaper, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly,
and even simultaneously, across the whole of America.

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of. What ever attitude one chooses to take
toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives,
whether in the sphere of politics or business, our social conduct or our ethical
thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons, a trifling fraction
of our hundred and twenty million, who understand the mental processes and social
patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind,
and who harness social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”

Far from disapproving of this manipulation, Bernays felt that it was vital for the masses
to be controlled by propaganda:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the
masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this
unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true
ruling power in our country.”

Bernays also participated in the crafting of American psychological warfare programs.

It is hardly surprising that he was put in charge of the CBS communications network
in its early days.

The single factor that most enables control of the media and its use as a tool of
propaganda is monopolistic ownership. Ninety-eight percent of the 1,700 daily
newspapers in America are owned by fewer than 15 corporations, with Time, Inc.
taking in about 40% of the total revenues. The three major TV networks, ABC, CBS,
and NBC still have the majority of the television watching audience.1

Monopolistic ownership is reinforced through additional interlocking controls and

failsafe systems. These include the membership of media bosses and workers in such
conclaves as the Council on Foreign Relations; Skull & Bones; the Trilateral
Commission; and the Bilderbergers, among other groups. Many of the members of
these organizations hold memberships in other related elitist social, political, and
business groups, insuring coherent action amongst these ruling classmates.
Membership in one or more of these groups is virtually required to obtain entree to the
highest levels of success in the Western world.

One is reminded of the statement of ex-CIA director William Colby, although he was
speaking specifically of the American intelligence community:

“Socially as well as professionally they cliqued together, forming a sealed fraternity.

They ate together at their own special favorite restaurants; they partied almost only
among themselves; their families drifted to each other, so their defenses did not
always have to be up. In this way they increasingly separated themselves from the
ordinary world and developed a rather skewed view of that world. Their own
dedicated double life became the proper norm, and they looked down on the life of
the rest of the citizenry.”2

According to author G. William Domhoff in The Higher Circles:

“[T]he power elite have created and developed that wonderful field of public relations
on an incredible scale. Some of the early practitioners of this art helped scrub up the
images of the ‘Robber Barons’ families; others specialized in the corporate image and
the corporate conscience. Functionally speaking, the public relations departments of
large corporations, in conjunction with the giant public relations firms that service
many corporations, have become the early warning system of the upper class, picking
up and countering the slightest remark or publication that makes funny lines on their
sensitive radar. Thanks to them public opinion is well-monitored, with an assist of
course from the alert social scientists in certain university institutes financed by the
big corporations and foundations. Wayward opinions, once detected, are duly
corrected by a barrage of printed matter and public pronouncements...”3

Intelligence agency penetration of the media began at the same time as the forming of
the American media conglomerates in the first half of this century. One of the first and
most successful control operations of the media was launched in 1919 with the
creation of RCA by Westinghouse, Morgan Guaranty and Trust, General Electric, and
the United Fruit Company. In 1929 David Sarnoff, a close associate of Tavistock, was
appointed head of RCA. Shortly afterward, British Intelligence set up the “Black
Chamber” intelligence operation in the RCA building in New York, under the direction
of Sir William Stephenson (Code name: “Intrepid”) and General Marlborough Churchill,
a relative of Winston Churchill. General Churchill would later be instrumental in
founding the Macy Organization, which would be used as a funding conduit for CIA
MKULTRA mind control operations. All three major American television networks were
offspring of RCA.4

The information war entered a new realm of effectiveness in the 1930s when the
Rockefeller Foundation launched “secret psychological war projects” to shape public
opinion. According to Christopher Simpson, author of Science of Coercion:

“[They were] a remarkably tight circle of men and women who shared several
important conceptions about mass communications research. They regarded mass
communication as a tool for social management and as a weapon in social conflict,
and they expressed common assumptions concerning the usefulness of quantitative
research—particularly experimental and quasi-experimental effects research, opinion
surveys, and quantitative content analysis as a means of illuminating what
communication ‘is’ and improving its application to social management.”5

At about the same time that the Rockefeller’s media manipulation programs went into
overdrive, the Office of Strategic Services and the Office of War Information began
recruiting “the best and the brightest” from American intelligentsia for initiation into the
ranks of spookdom, as well as inserting their agents into powerful positions in the
mass media, in politics, and in the universities. A survey of Office of War Information
alumni working in the media in the early 1950s included:

“The publishers of Time, Look, Fortune and several dailies; editors of such magazines
as Holiday, Coronet, Parade, and the Saturday Review, editors of the Denver Post,
New Orleans Times-Picayune, and others; the heads of the Viking Press, Harper &
Brothers, and Farr, Strauss and Young; two Hollywood Oscar winners; a two-time
Pulitzer prize winner; the board chairman of CBS and a dozen key network executives;
President Eisenhower’s chief speech writer; the editor of Reader’s Digest international
editions; at least six partners of large advertising agencies; and a dozen noted social
scientists...chief of the U.S. government’s overt psychological warfare effort from 1950
to 1952 and later dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and founder of
the Columbia Journalism Review.”6

During the 1950s American mass media interlocked directly with the CIA, the Agency
feeding information to journalists in exchange for their own intelligence developed
domestically and abroad. Reporters were employed by the CIA to deliver
communiques as well as money to contacts, and to tow the Agency line in their own
dispatches. The CIA even ran a training program teaching reporting skills to agents.

It is virtually impossible to determine the exact number of American journalists who

are currently on the CIA or other intelligence agency payrolls—much less who are
informally slipped information—but in 1977 Carl Bernstein, in an article for Rolling
Stone, guessed the number at that time to be about 400.

• Bernstein noted a longstanding relationship of the Agency with the CBS network,
and former CIA director Allen Dulles’ friendship with CBS’ president, CFR member
William Paley. The president of CBS News from 1954 to 1961, CFR member Sig
Mickelson, acted as Paley’s liaison with the CIA, using a direct telephone line that
bypassed the network switchboard and connected directly with the Agency. The
chief directors and news anchors of CBS have also been CIA-connected,
according to Bernstein.

The journalist wrote that, “Over the years the [CBS] network provided cover for CIA
employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several
stringers; it supplied outtakes of news film to the CIA; established a formal channel
of communications between the Washington bureau chief and the agency, and
allowed reports by CBS correspondents...to be routinely monitored by the CIA.”

• The New York Times and its publisher, CFR member Arthur Hays Sulzberger,
frequently liased with the CIA, providing cover for at least ten CIA agents during the
1950s and 60s.

• The publisher of The Washington Post, CFR member Katherine Graham, was close
friends with CIA directors Dulles and Casey, and employed a number of reporters
who worked with the CIA.

• Henry Luce, the founder of Time and Life, was a friend of CIA Director Allen Dulles,
and looked the other way when some of his reporters attended CIA briefings. C.D.
Jackson, a leading exec at Time-Life lived a double life as a mover and shaker in
American psychological warfare efforts.

• According to CIA files, ABC news was used as a cover by agents during the 1960s.

• Bernstein also noted the following news organizations as having also provided
cover for CIA agents: the New York Herald-Tribune, the Saturday Evening Post,
Scripps-Howard Newspapers, Hearst Newspapers, the Associated Press, United
Press International, the Mutual Broadcasting System, Reuters and the Miami

• Another means of CIA control over the media is through outright ownership. The
New York Times in 1997 reported that the CIA owned more than fifty radio stations,
wire services, magazines, and newspapers, with the majority of them being
overseas. Many foreign news agencies were also infiltrated with CIA agents, and
more than one thousand books that had been subsidized or produced outright by
the CIA had been put in print by American publishers. Given these extensive
involvements, would it be too much to venture that the American media, that
bastion of freedom and independence, holds CIA credentials?7

• Another means of influencing public opinion has been through the Advertising
Council, a tax-exempt non-governmental agency whose membership is heavily
weighted with members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Among the projects
that the Advertising Council has furthered are ones aimed at the creation of a one
world government, including “World Peace Through World Law” and various
“public service announcements” promoting the United Nations.

A technique for influencing public opinion is polling organizations which have

demonstrably been shown to slant their public opinion questions in order to achieve
desired results, but which may also be engaged in outright deception and alteration of
statistics in the service of whomever is paying them. During the recent bloody
American intervention in Yugoslavia public opinion pollsters placed approval of the
war by the public at 73 percent, while an informal poll that I and some friends
conducted determined exactly the opposite, that only one-third of Americans
supported the bombing. I know that we are not lying.

Probably the most infamous example of media manipulation took place after the
assassination of American President John F. Kennedy. A CIA memorandum dated
April 1, 1967 was issued on the use of Agency “assets” in the media in “Countering
Criticism of the Warren Report” on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a murder
that many researchers have in fact laid at the doorstep of American intelligence itself.
Among the ways to “answer and refute” those critical of the Warren Whitewash the
CIA suggested, were a variety of ploys including saying that a critic’s research was
faulty, that they had a financial interest in writing negatively on the Warren Report, and
that “Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal.”
Of course, this was in the horse-and-buggy days before the expediency of calling
someone a “conspiracy nut” existed.8

Within the last year another example of media manipulation may have saved President
Bill Clinton from impeachment, due to an incident that has come to be known as
“Rapegate.” During the impeachment trial of Clinton, Juanita Broaddrick, referred to
as “Jane Doe #5” in the Starr Report, was interviewed at length by NBC
correspondent Lisa Meyers. Broaddrick alleged that in 1981 Bill Clinton had raped her
in an Arkansas motel room when she had been working for his campaign for
governorship. This is not an incredible allegation, since Clinton has been accused of
rape and forcing his sexual attentions on women on numerous occasions in the past,
the first time that we know of during his studies at Oxford University in England in the
1960s. There were several reliable witnesses to corroborate Broaddrick’s story,
including a nurse who treated her for injuries inflicted during the alleged rape. NBC
completed the interview with Broaddrick prior to the end of the impeachment trial, but
the network suppressed airing the story until the trial was over, after the story had
been picked up by the Wall Street Journal, and other media outlets. Thus Congress
and the American public were prevented from making a fully informed decision about
the suitability of Clinton as president.

Media management does not always have to be so dramatic. Simple distraction—the

“circuses” part of the historic “bread and circuses” formula—is another effective
technique. The dissemination of entertainment—“popular culture”—and useless
factoids has channeled public attention away from far more important issues such as
poverty, human rights abuses, the equitable distribution of the wealth of the world,
true political representation for the vast majority of humans—and media control by the
elite. This is one of the main functions of the television, which is in essence a
propaganda box spewing out the “positive” drug-like reinforcements of sex, violence,
and simulated social interaction.

As an example of distraction by the media, the political struggle of black Americans

for economic and political wellbeing has been effectively derailed by the safe-to-the-
Establishment energetics of “gangsta rap” culture, drugs, and sports, preparing black
youth to take their place in the world as drug addicts and latterday Steppin’ Fetchits
struggling in grinding McPoverty.

Journalist John Swinton—one of the most respected of the breed at the time—
described the situation succinctly when he gave a toast at the New York Press Club in
1953. Swinton said,

“There is no such thing at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an

independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to
write your honest opinions and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never
appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am
connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of
you would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets
looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my
paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

“The business of journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to
fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

“We are the tools of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull the
strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of
other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

Another media strategy employed in the latter half of the 20th century is subliminally
embedded messages. There are a number of methods by which subliminals can be
injected into a communication. In electronic media these include the use of sub-
audible sounds, backwards masking, tachistiscopic flashes, image associations, and
other techniques. Print media primarily utilizes embedded messages, image
association, and symbolism.9

Some verified examples of media subliminals are:

• In 1956 the British Broadcasting Company transmitted a subliminal message

during the course of a regularly-scheduled television program. When the program
was over, viewers were queried whether they had noticed anything unusual about
the program. Only a few persons responded, and still fewer able to identify the
subliminal message that had been broadcast. This, of course, is not an indication
that the subliminal was unsuccessful; the viewer is not supposed to be able to
perceive consciously what the message is, only be influenced subconsciously.10

• In September of 1957, American advertising executive James Vicary told a

gathering of journalists that subliminal advertising had been successfully tested.
For a period of six weeks, subliminal messages to drink Coca-Cola and to eat
popcorn had been shown to 45,699 patrons at a movie theater. The projected
subliminals had been brief in duration, 1/3000th of a second, and had been
projected every five seconds during the airing of motion pictures. It was reported
that popcorn sales rose almost sixty percent, while Coca Cola sales increased
almost twenty percent.11

• At about the same time as Vicary’s announcement, the Los Angeles television
station KTLA announced that they would be commencing with subliminal
broadcasts. In order to quell public concerns, the station indicated that programs
bearing subliminal messages would be announced prior to airing, and that they
would only carry non-commercial subliminals, at least initially. The general manager
of the station. Lew Arnold, said, “We’ll flash on something like ‘Join the Army’ or
‘Give to the March of Dimes.’ The next step would be to promote our own shows.
Then—and I have a feeling this is a long way off—we might go into the commercial
end of it.” According to a press release from the station, however, the subliminals
were reportedly cancelled without having commenced.12

• Also in 1957, radio station WTWO in Bangor, Maine began running subliminal
messages in station promo announcements. The content was, “If you have seen
this message, write WTWO,” and it was flashed thousands of times for 1/80th of a
second during a one-month period. The experiment was considered unsuccessful,
so the station reported, since there was no increase in mail.13

• On January 19, 1958, an undisclosed subliminal message was flashed across the
television screens 352 times during a CBC-TV network program. A spokesperson
for the CBC said that the experiment was inconclusive.14

• Also in 1958, sub-audial “phantom spots” were broadcast during radio programs.
Broadcasting stations that ran such spots included stations WCCO in Minneapolis;
WAAF in Chicago; KLTI in Longview, Texas; KOL in Seattle; and KYA in San

• In 1958 researchers in the media and sociology departments of Indiana University

ran subliminal experiments on both closed-circuit television and broadcasts of
WTTV, in Bloomington, Indiana. Indiana University crops up surprisingly frequently
in research into mass control, and was the home base for sexologist Alfred Kinsey,
who will be profiled in the next chapter, as well as a recruiting grounds for death
evangelist Jim Jones.16

The effect of subliminal motivational techniques did not escape American
intelligence agencies. It is documented that the CIA, for one, looked into the use of
subliminals beginning in 1958. A partially declassified CIA document dated January
17, 1958 stated “it may be that subliminal projection can be utilized in such a way
as to feature a visual suggestion such as ‘Obey [deleted from original document].”
Martin A. Lee, writing in High Times magazine, quotes an anonymous CIA agent as
saying, “some thought was given to whether or not we could affect political
outcomes by using subliminal perception on things like radio and TV.”17

• According to a statement of the Federal Communications Commission, shortly

before Christmas in 1973 American television viewers complained about the
insertion of a message of almost instantaneous duration saying “Get it” in an

• In 1994 a viewer of Channel 11 in Rome, Georgia, saw a rapid flash of light while
viewing reruns of the Batman television series. Since he had been recording the
show on his VCR, he freeze framed the moment of the flash, only to find out that a
scene of protestors with “Keep Abortion Legal” signs had been inserted into the

• In 1997 in Japan more than 700 children went to the hospital after viewing the
popular cartoon series Pokemon. The children experienced convulsions and in at
least one case stopped breathing, supposedly because of a scene twenty minutes
into the cartoon that triggered “photosensitive epilepsy” with strobing lights.
According to one report, “Tokyo doctors... described the effect of the scene as
similar to hypnosis.”

There is another possibility other than epileptic seizures that may have affected the
children, that may not have occurred to many. Russian Major I. Chernishev, writing in
the military journal Orienteer in February, 1997, referred to experimentation by the
Japanese in “noiseless cassettes.” Chernishev claimed that the Japanese had
developed techniques for patterning messages at infra-low frequencies over music,
messages that could be used for mind control.

A related technique was described by the Russian Dr. Victor Solntsev, of the Baumann
Technical Institute in Moscow. In a Russian military publication Solntsev described a
computer virus termed Virus 666. The virus is displayed visually in every 25th frame on
a visual display including television or computer, and supposedly broadcasts colors
that put the viewer into a hypnotic trance. If exposure is continued, it can result in
arrhythmia of the heart. This is not simply Solntsev’s fantasy, but has been spoken of
by other Russian scientists. It is suggested that Virus 666 can be used to subliminally
influence a viewer’s thinking and perceptions.20

Another secret subliminal technique is described by an informant of the author who

chooses to remain anonymous. He wrote, on April 14, 1999:

“I went back to college for the summer to work on my Media degree (I had hoped for
awhile to get into TV and film production—and become a movie director). Anyway, I
happened upon some of the TV technicians there discussing a rumor that they had
heard about a new subliminal process that was being called Fractional Framing. And,
as I was into TV technology at the time, I joined their brief discussion to just find out
more, for curiosity’s sake.

“As they described it, Fractional Framing is very similar to the regular movie subliminal
cut. In the subliminal cut, a whole frame of the film is removed and replaced with an
ad or an order. And, though you cannot see it with your eye, it affects your
subconscious and you end up craving the thing advertised or doing what was
ordered. However, for Fractional Framing, rather than taking out a whole frame on the
TV screen, all they do is replace a few of the five hundred lines on the TV screen
(which makes it harder to detect). But, it appears to be just as effective!

“Being interested in subliminals, which we had discussed in my various Media

classes, I asked if there was any proof of these rumors. One of the technicians
insisted that he had heard it that it had been experimented with on the public at KIRO
TV channel 7 in Seattle.”

As in subliminal broadcasting, at this time the great majority of the information that we
receive from major media is designed to keep us confused, entrapped, and to
motivate us without our knowledge. As Professor Noam Chomsky wrote, in Chronicles
of Dissent:

“Our system works much differently and much more effectively [than the Communist
system]. It’s a privatized system of propaganda, including the media, journals of
opinion and in general including the broad participation of the articulate intelligentsia,
the educated part of the population. The more articulate element of those groups, the
ones who have access to the media, including the intellectual journals, and who
essentially control the educational apparatus, should properly be referred to as a class
of ‘commissars.’ That’s their essential function: to design, propagate and create a
system of doctrines and beliefs which will undermine independent thought and
prevent understanding and analysis of institutional structures and their functions.”

At times the controllers themselves are even willing to admit the manipulation, as
David Rockefeller did, when addressing the Trilateral Commission in June of 1991:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and
other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected
their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for
us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of
publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to
march toward world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite
and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determinism practiced in
past centuries.”21

Surely. But media was never a singly effective enough tool for you, Mr. Rockefeller, nor
for the other rulers of this world. You have sought other means for control.


1. Bagdikian, Ben, “The 50, 26, 20... Corporations That Own Our Media,” Extra!,
June 1987

2. Colby, William (with Peter Forbath). Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1978

3. Domhoff, G. William. The Higher Circles. New York: Vintage Books, 1970

4. Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.
Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; Chaitkin, Anton, “British
Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR, October 7, 1994

5. Simpson, Christopher. Science of Coercion: Communication Research &

Psychological Warfare, 1945-1960. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994

6. ibid.

7. Overbeck, Ashley, “Spooky News: A Report on CIA Infiltration and Manipulation

of the Mass Media,” Parascope at www.parascope.com/main.htm; “Journalism and
the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer,” NameBase Newsline No. 17, April-June 1997

8. Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America.

Venice, California: Feral Flouse, 1997

9. Parkes, Eric, “Subliminal Stimuli: Sleep, Obey, Sex,” MindNet Journal, Vol. 1,
No. 52, at visitation.com/mindnet/MN16A.HTM

10. “Subliminal Projection,” 1977, Information bulletin of the Federal

Communications Commission

11. Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the Mind as an International Human
Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4

12. Elliston, Jon, “The Subliminal Scares,” Parascope at www.parascope.com/


13. “Subliminal Projection”

14. ibid.

15. ibid.

16. ibid.

17. Gafford, Richard, “The Operational Use of Subliminal Perception,” Studies in

Intelligence, Spring 1958 (CIA’s previously classified journal); Lee, Martin A., “The
CIA’s Subliminal Seduction,’ High Times, February 1980.

18. “Subliminal Projection”

19. “TV Station Zaps Viewers with Subliminal Abortion Message!,” Paranoia, Winter

20. Thomas, Timothy L. “The Mind Has No Firewall,” Parameters, Spring, 1998, U.S.
Army War College Quarterly; http://conspire.lycos.com/curren39.html

21. “The Invisible Hand of the Media,” World Internet News Distributary Source,

Chapter 6

Subverting Sex
Another loyal foot soldier in the program for the subjugation of the masses was
Rockefeller-funded Alfred C. Kinsey, the co-author of the influential Sexual Behavior in
the Human Male, and other volumes. One technique of eugenics and control that is
little acknowledged is the destruction of traditional morality, and the normalizing of

Kinsey studied at the Bussey Institution at Harvard in the 1920s—at the time a hotbed
of eugenics research—then moved on to teach at Indiana University, where his work in
cultural deconstruction would ultimately succeed in decimating American sexual
mores, help to fragment the American family, and leave the population still more
vulnerable to reproductive, cultural, familial, and mind programming.

Kinsey, always portrayed in the press as a wholesome Leave it to Beaver style family
man, was, “one of the scholarly eugenicists of pre-W.W.II,” according to biographer
James Jones, and recommended that a portion of the “lower classes” should be
sterilized to foster a more robust gene pool. Among Kinsey’s intimates was Dr. Ewen
Cameron, the infamous Canadian mind control doctor, who will be treated in a later
chapter. In many ways what took place at Kinsey’s research laboratory is highly
reminiscent of what was going on at intelligence agency psychiatric labs at the same

Another of Kinsey’s influences was Dr. Hermann Muller, a colleague at Indiana

University. Muller, who had begun receiving Rockefeller-funding from the National
Research Council in 1925, received a Guggenheim grant in 1932 to pursue his work in
the genetics department of the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research
Institute in Berlin. Muller studied under Ernst Rudin, who was to become the head of
the Nazi Racial Hygiene Society. One of the benefits of Rudin’s policy for the
extermination of hereditary undesirables was that it provided a continual harvesting of
fresh brains for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute’s brain research division.1

According to Roderick Gorney in his book, The Human Agenda:

“The more radical method of genetic intervention is called ‘positive eugenics.’ This is a
more ambitious and controversial proposal, championed, among others, by the late
Hermann Muller, who [advocated] selective breeding...to eliminate the defects...[and]
to increase the number of people with ‘superior’ qualities. One way to accomplish this
would be to establish sperm (and eventually egg) banks in which the reproductive
cells of individuals with the exceptional health, intelligence, or special talent could be
preserved. These could then be used by people who want to produce children with
better endowment than would result from their own genes. Some have objected that
people would not willingly agree to substitute the sex cells and characteristics of
others for their own. Muller rejects ‘the stultifying assumption that people would have
to be forced, rather than be inspired, to engage in any effective kind of genetic
betterment.’ He points out that...seemingly ‘normal couples’...would elect to use this
means of having at least a part of their family...”

Another of Kinsey’s apparent influences was the occultist Aleister Crowley, whose
Thelema Abbey Kinsey visited shortly before his death in 1955. Although it has not
been established that Kinsey used Crowley as a research source in his books, they
shared mutual friends and acquaintances such as filmmaker Kenneth Anger, American
Nazi George Sylvester Viereck, and Frenchman Rene Guyon.2

Kenneth Anger has said that:

“Kinsey was obsessed with obtaining the Great Beast’s [Crowley’s] day-to-day sex
diaries... To obtain grant monies and maintain the support of the university, Kinsey
needed the excuse of research to validate his twenty-four-hours-a-day obsession with
sex. However, Prok’s [Kinsey’s nickname] battle cry of ‘Do your best and let other
people react as they will’ seemed a variation on Crowley’s ‘Do what thou wilt’ maxim.”
If in fact such was the case, I wonder how the American public would have reacted to
find out that the highly respected Kinsey was a disciple of the Great Beast?3

Kinsey’s most effective weapon for psychological warfare was his Rockefeller-funded
study of American sexuality, the most famous volume being his vaunted study, Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male, published in 1948. Upon release of the book, 200,000
copies were sold in two months, primarily due to the championing of the volume by
American media and the Rockefellers.4

According to Rene Wormser, legal counsel for the Reece Committee investigating tax-
exempt foundations in 1954: “The Rockefeller Foundation’s statement filed with the
Committee explained its connection with the Kinsey studies in this way. In 1931 it
‘became interested in systematic support for studies in sexual physiology and
behavior’... Its work in these areas was chiefly in connection with the ‘committee for
research in problems of sex of The National Research Council,’ to which, by 1954, the
Foundation had granted $1,755,000 in annual grants running from $75,000 to
$240,000. Beginning about 1941, a considerable portion of these funds was supplied
to Dr. Kinsey’s studies, and one grant was made direct to Dr. Kinsey... The work of the
NRC produced some results of truly noteworthy importance... [However] the much-
publicized ‘bestseller’ Kinsey studies base an advocacy of criminal and social reform
on the very unscientific material which Dr. Kinsey had collected and permitted to be
widely disseminated.”5

According to Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., the author of Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences:

“Kinsey’s quantitative research and his numbers were a perfect fit for Rockefeller to
utilize the mass media to ‘shape public attitudes and conduct.’ Attitudes were
changed through mass communications, which caused a rejection of chastity, self
control and moral public governance, as well as increased illicit sexual conduct.
‘Social management’ of this sort was nothing less for Rockefeller than changing
America’s way of life, by among other things altering what Kinsey would call ‘breeding
patterns’ along an evolutionary or animalistic view of human sexual conduct.”6

The main problem with Kinsey’s “quantitative research and his numbers” is that they
were radically skewed in order to achieve his own purposes. Researchers into
Kinsey’s methods—which purportedly catalogue normal sexuality in America—have
noted that he loaded the ranks of his test subjects with an inordinately high number of
persons imprisoned for sex deviancy, prostitutes, and child molesters—criminals
estimated by one researcher as providing as high as one third of his overall subjects.
Kinsey entered them into his database as normal examples of the population.

In addition, Kinsey relied heavily on volunteers. Six years before the publication of
Kinsey’s volume, psychologist Abraham Maslow had pointed out that, “any study in
which data are obtained from volunteers will always have a preponderance of
[aggressive] high dominance people and therefore will show a falsely high percentage
of non-virginity, masturbation, promiscuity, homosexuality, etc. in the population.”7

Kinsey Institute Director Paul Gebhard described Kinsey’s approach:

“At the Indiana State Farm we had no plan of sampling—we simply sought out sex
offenders and, after a time, avoided the more common types of offense (e.g. statutory
rape) and directed our efforts toward the rarer types... In the early stages of the
research, when much interviewing was being done at Indiana correctional institutions,
Dr. Kinsey did not view the inmates as a discrete group that should be differentiated
from people outside; instead he looked upon the institutions as reservoirs of potential
interviewees, literally captive subjects. This viewpoint resulted in there being no
differentiation in our 1948 volume between persons with and without prison
experience...the great majority of the prison group was collected omnivorously without
any sampling plan—we simply interviewed all who volunteered and when this supply
of subjects was exhausted we solicited other inmates essentially at random…
Kinsey...never...[kept] a record of refusal rates—the proportion of those who were
asked for an interview but who refused.”8

Kinsey’s manipulation extended to his choice of staff. His assistants in his studies
were selected from young students, both male and female, who were required prior to
coming on board to provide their sexual histories. Another requirement was that they
be filmed in explicit sexual movies (ostensibly for research) in Kinsey’s attic.

Psychologist Wardell Pomeroy, who worked with Kinsey, reports that, “The public
would have been astounded and disbelieving to know the names of the eminent
scientists who appeared at the Institute from time to time to examine our work and
talk with Kinsey, and who volunteered before they left to be photographed in some
kind of sexual activity.”9

Kinsey’s research included observation of child sexuality, the manual and oral
stimulation of children’s genitals, and the timing of child orgasms with stopwatches.

According to Reisman, “The Kinsey Report claims at least ‘317 pre-adolescents’ were
sexually experimented upon by ‘older adults,’ and confirmation of at least 2,035 child
experimental subjects were later admitted in 1980 by Gebhard and Pomeroy as
reported in Ethical Issues in Sex Therapy.”10

Part of Kinsey’s collection of sex films included films of children in sex acts, and adult-
with-child sex. Kinsey Institute Director Paul Gebhard wrote, in 1981:

“Since sexual experimentation with human infants and children is illegal, we have had
to depend upon other sources of data. Some of these were parents, mostly college
educated, who observed their children and kept notes for us. A few were nursery
school owners or teachers. Others were homosexual males interested in older, but still
pre-pubertal children. One was a man who had numerous sexual contacts with male
and female infants and children and, being of a scientific bent, kept detailed records
of each encounter. Some of these sources have added to their written or verbal
reports photographs and, in a few instances, cinema... The techniques involved adult-
child contacts—chiefly manual or oral.”11

Gebhard, with a candor rare among social engineers, many years after his
collaboration with Kinsey admitted that: 

“We [were]...amoral at best and criminal at worst. Examples of amorality are our
refusal to inform a wife that her husband has...an active venereal disease, and our
refusal to tell parents that their child is involved in seriously deviant behavior. An
example of criminality is our refusal to cooperate with authorities in apprehending a
pedophile we had interviewed who was being sought for a [child] sex murder.”12 

Taken as a description of American sexuality, the information in the Kinsey volume
was damning in the extreme. It reported that 95 percent of American males had
violated sex laws serious enough to put them in jail, 85 percent had had premarital
sex, 69 percent had used prostitutes, 45 percent were adulterers, as high as 37
percent had experienced orgasm in a homosexual act, and that 17 percent had had
sex with an animal. In these post-Kinsey days this information is not that shocking, in
fact is almost believable, but in 1948 it fell upon the public like a bombshell.

According to reports of the time, the Kinsey Report “shocked” and “dumbfounded”
the nation in 1948. The reason for this was simple: Americans knew that the
information he had catalogued did not fit with their own perceptions of sexual morals
and behavior. Kinsey’s statistics were wrong, and they remain wrong. Recent studies
of American sexuality show that even in this era of “liberated” sexuality, figures of
homosexuality, deviancy, and promiscuity do not approach the figures broadcast by
Kinsey. One recent study by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of
Chicago showed that 83% of Americans had sex with one person or did not have sex
in the preceding year, with half of those polled having had only one sex partner in the
previous five years.13

Reisman reports:

“Over the past fifty years, enormous changes in law, medicine, science, and education
have been wrought by Kinsey’s data which was Kinsey’s ‘grand scheme’ from the
beginning. The reason for a massive and extensive legal, educational, and political
effort to continue the deception and suppress efforts to bring the full truth out in the
open, is due to the enormity of the multidisciplinary sex edifice in the United States
and extending today worldwide through the United Nations. This edifice stands four
square upon the foundation of the false authority of Alfred Kinsey’s science, yet
billions in government-funded programs dealing with sex, gender and human
reproduction are advanced based upon the Kinsey false authority.”14

One spearhead launched by the Kinsey Institute was an “encounter” group called
Sexual Attitude Technique, which trained at least 60,000 people beginning in the early
1980s. Writing in Esquire magazine, George Leonard reported his SAR experience:

“The sensory overload culminated on Saturday night in a multi-media event called the
F-korama...in the darkness... images of human beings—and sometimes even animals
—engaging in every conceivable sexual act, accompanied by wails, squeals, moans,
shouts and the first movement of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. Some seventeen
simultaneous moving pictures... Over a period of several hours, there came a moment
when the four images on the wall were of a gay male couple, a straight couple, a
lesbian couple, and a bestial group. The subjects were nude... I felt myself becoming
disoriented...was she kissing a man or a woman? I struggled to force the acts I was
watching into their proper boxes...and now I couldn’t remember which was which.
Wasn’t I supposed to make these discriminations? I searched for clues. There were
none. I began to feel uncomfortable. Soon I realized that to avoid vertigo and nausea I
would have to give up the attempt to discriminate and simply surrender to the
experience... The differences for which lives have been ruined, were not only trivial,
but invisible. By the end... Nothing was shocking... But nothing was sacred either. But
as I drove home, I began to get a slightly uneasy feeling. It was almost as if I had been
conned...by my own conditioned response of taking the most liberated
position...whatever my deeper feelings...love had not been mentioned a single time
during the entire weekend.”15

Another of Kinsey’s accomplishments was to force the courts, through dint of the
“normalcy” of what had hitherto been thought of as perverse, to lessen penalties for
illegal sex acts, and to normalize homosexuality in the military.

With Kinsey, American mores were almost completely warped, to the point where
almost any sexual act is now acceptable. Wife swapping, easy divorce, swinging, the
depiction of sex acts in the media, homosexuality, and sadomasochism are promoted
as the norm.

As with most actions of the social engineers, there are a number of reasons for this.

• One is the creation of what has been called a “sen-sate” society, satiated with sex,
drugs, and TV (the modern form of “bread and circuses,” so that no challenge is
ever mounted to the controllers by a numbed electorate.

• Another reason for this is the decoupling of sex from procreation, thus making the
instituting of sterilization and birth control policies including abortion more easily
instituted upon the “masses.”

• Another purpose is the destruction of the nuclear family, opening the door for
greater societal intervention and manipulation.

Although it is dangerous to point out in this era of Ellendegenerated “sexual

liberation,” the forces that spawned the fascist New World Order as well as eugenics
have also historically been the first wave of assault for the destruction of traditional
values regarding sex. This approach was exemplified by the Nazis, for whom,
according to Pearl Buck, “Love was old-fashioned, sex was modern. It was the Nazis
who restored the ‘right to love’ in their propaganda.”16

The war against sexual sanity—and for mass control—continues today.


1. Reisman, Phd., Judith A. Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences. Arlington, Virginia:

The Institute for Media Education, Inc., 1998; Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry:
From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR, October 7, 1994; Jones, James. Kinsey: A
Public/Private Life. New York: W.W. Norton, 1997; Abrams, Kevin E., “Kinsey,
Rockefeller and the Nazi Doctors,” Alberta Report, June 29, 1998]

2. Reisman

3. Landis, Bill. Anger. New York: Harper Collins, 1995, cited in Reisman

4. Reisman

5. Wormser, Rene. Foundations. New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1958, cited
in Reisman

6. Reisman

7. Maslow, Abraham, “Test for Dominance-Feeling (Self-Esteem) in College

Women,” 1940, cited in Reisman

8. Gebhard, Gagnon, Pomeroy, Christenson. Sex Offenders. New York: Bantam

Books, 1965, cited in Reisman

9. Pomeroy, Wardell. Dr. Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research. New York:
Harper & Row, New York, 1972, cited in Reisman; Reisman

10. Reisman

11. Letter of Paul Gebhard, Kinsey Institute Director, to Judith Reisman, dated
March 11, 1981

12. Masters, Johnson and Kolodny, Ed. Ethical Issues in Sex Therapy and Research,
Reproductive Biology Research Foundation, Conference. Boston: Little, Brown and
Company, 1977

13. Reisman; Lively and Abrams. The Pink Swastika. Keiser, Oregon: Founders
Publishing Corporation, 1997

14. Reisman

15. Leonard, George, “The End of Sex,” Esquire, December, 1982, cited in Reisman

16. Buck, Pearl, cited in de Jonge, Alex. The Weimar Chronicle: Prelude to Hitler.
New York: New American Library, 1978

Chapter 7

The CIA and Control

A study of control must draw a tight focus on the programs of American intelligence
agencies. General William “Wild Bill” Donovan in 1940 is believed to have been the
first person to call attention to the need for an American psychological warfare
division. Thus is explained the beginning of the Office of the Coordinator of Strategic
Services (COI), that became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942. The COI
from its inception was a black operation run by Donovan, with little governmental
scrutiny applied to the way it used its funds.

There may have been another influence on Donovan other than the simple perception
of the need for spying. According to John Marks in The Search for the Manchurian
Candidate, “Clandestine lobbying by British agents in the United States led directly to
President Franklin Roosevelt’s creation of the organization that became OSS in 1942...
Learning at the feet of the British who made available their expertise, if not all their
secrets, Donovan put together an organization where nothing had existed before.”

After the formation of the OSS, research was launched into the discovery of a “truth
drug” for use during interrogation, as well as into what would later be termed the
“Manchurian Candidate”: hypnotically programmed agents and assassins, the popular
coinage derived from the 1959 fiction book of the same name.

The OSS, run by Donovan, was terminated in 1945, with American intelligence
operations taken over by Allen Dulles and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The
CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence continued research into mind manipulation, with
an early emphasis on drug research. Early phases involved reviewing the drug-related
work of a number of hospitals around the country for results which could be applied to
covert operations.1

Although responsibility for the mind control programs that were launched in America
in the early 1950s has been placed at the doorstep of the CIA, this attribution ignores
earlier sources. These programs were the visible edge of a wave that had begun much
earlier, with the British, American, and Nazi eugenics/psychiatric/New World Order
combination, propelled by Rockefeller and Round Table funding, with the most
prominent agents of this group in America being the Eastern Establishment’s
Harrimans and Dulleses.

Skull & Bonesman W. Averell Harriman’s family had promoted eugenics causes since
the turn of the century. Harriman was also a major supporter-through his controlling
interest in Union Bank—of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. In 1951 Harriman was
named director of the Mutual Security Agency, elevating him to an influential position
in shepherding the American/British military intelligence alliance. Harriman and his
business partners Allen and John Foster Dulles, also from a pro-eugenics
background, were largely responsible for the increase of American efforts in the area
of covert and psychological warfare operations, as well as for promoting the Fabian
one-world orientation that was the raison d’etre of the Council on Foreign Relations.2

Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA, was in many ways the penultimate political
insider. His family was an influential early supporter of international eugenics
movements and had strong financial connections with the Nazis. The Dulleses were
intermarried with the Prevosts and Mallets of Switzerland, who in collaboration with
the British royals, had been European spy masters for hundreds of years and, it is
said, instrumental in injecting the Scottish Rite of Masonry into the United States.

Perhaps most important to their rise to power was that at the end of World War I, Allen
and John Foster Dulles were recruited by the infamous one-worlder “Colonel” Edward
House (who in fact bore no military rank), and during the Paris peace conference the
brothers were informally inducted into the Rhodes Round Table group. The Dulles
brothers were responsible for starting the American branch, the Council on Foreign
Relations, with funding coming from the Rockefellers, the Morgans, Bernard Baruch,
Paul Warburg, and others.

In 1920 Allen Dulles was appointed First Secretary of the American Embassy in Berlin
and, perhaps because of his family connections, took over American intelligence in
the strategically key country of Switzerland. Dulles was chief of station in Berne,
Switzerland in the early 1940s, at the time that the effects of LSD were purportedly
discovered by Dr. Albert Hoffman, working for Sandoz laboratories. At the same time
mind control experimentation using mescaline and other drugs were being used on
inmates of the Dachau concentration camp, a scant 200 miles away.

Allen’s brother, John Foster Dulles, became the chief executive of the influential
Sullivan and Cromwell law firm, that represented the notorious I.G. Farben during the
rise of the Nazis. I.G. Farben, run until 1937 by the Warburg family, banking partners
with the Rockefellers, along with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey, were
merged in hundreds of transnational cartels. They were in essence the same firm.
After World War II, the president of Standard-Germany, Emil Helfferich, testified that
Standard Oil funds had been used to pay the wages of SS overseers at Auschwitz.

CIA mind control experimentation emerged full-blown under Project BLUEBIRD in

1947, that sought an “exploitable alteration of personality,” through testing a wide
variety of drugs, under the supervision of Security operator Morse Allen. At the same
time the U.S. Navy was doing its own drug experimentation under Project CHATTER,
a project that sought a “truth drug.” In 1950, LSD was used on suspected double
agents and North Korean prisoners of war under the auspices of BLUEBIRD, and
Morse Allen requested of his boss Paul Gaynor that the CIA acquire what was termed
an ‘electro-sleep’ machine that had been built at a Richmond, Virginia hospital.

Basic to the financing of mind control projects, Nelson Rockefeller merged three
federal corporations into the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and 

HEW and its sub-agency the National Institute of Mental Health were used to fund
ARTICHOKE and other early CIA mind control projects. Other agencies involved in
research into people manipulation at the time included the Defense Department, the
National Science Foundation, the Veteran’s Administration, the Department of Labor,
the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the National Institute of Mental
Health, and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.

Funding conduits for control operations run by the CIA and other agencies were and
have been numerous, octopus-like. The Rockefellers and Allen Dulles established the
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology at Stanford which channelled funds for
this type of research. Other organizations that provided cash for CIA mind control
operations included the Macy Foundation and the Geshickter Fund, named after
MKULTRA contractor Charles Geshickter. Another channel was the H. Smith
Richardson Foundation, formed in the late 1959s by Bonesman Eugene Stetson,
assistant manager for Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman, one of the largest
private banks in the world at the time.3

The following is a listing of early major CIA mind control experimentation with brief
descriptions, as documented in the Congressional record in 1977, by the
Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human

• MKDELTA: This was apparently the first project established by the CIA in October,
1952, for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations. It may never have been
implemented operationally.

• MKULTRA: This was a successor project to MKDELTA established in April, 1953,

and terminating some time in the late 1960s, probably after 1966. This program
considered various means of controlling human behavior. Drugs were only one
aspect of this activity.

• MKNAOMI: This project began in the 1950s and was terminated in 1969. This may
have been a successor to MKDELTA. Its purpose was to stockpile severely
incapacitating and lethal materials, and to develop gadgetry for the dissemination
of these materials.

• MKSEARCH: This was apparently a successor project to MKULTRA, which began

in 1965 and was terminated in 1973. The objective of the project was to develop a
capability to manipulate human behavior in a predictable manner through the use
of drugs.

• MKCHICKWIT: This was apparently a part of the MKSEARCH program. Its

objective was to identity new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain
information and samples.

• MKOFTEN: This was also apparently a part of the MKSEARCH project. Its objective
was to test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and

In the Top Secret “Memorandum for Chief, Medical Staff, PROJECT ARTICHOKE
[deleted in original document], Evaluation of I & S Role, January 25, 1952,” the
question was posed, “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do
our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature such
[sic] as self-preservation?

In a moment of candor as he spoke before Princeton alumni in 1953, CIA Director

Allen Dulles spoke about two fronts in the “battle for men’s minds.” He said the first
front in America was indoctrination, both through censorship as well as public
relations techniques, and a second, vital and more specialized front, was individual
“brainwashing” and “brain changing.”4

Using the justification that Communist mind control programs were more advanced
than those of their American counterpart programs, MKULTRA was authorized three
days after Dulles’ peptalk. Created as an adjunct to the ARTICHOKE program,
$300,000 initially funded this highly secret, compartmented umbrella program
researching mind control. The great majority of MKULTRA programs were ‘black’ or
undocumented programs about which little has ever been revealed. What is
documented of MKULTRA, however, is horrific enough to provide scripts for a hundred
grisly horror films—and to provide credibility to the monstrous stories about mind
control programs that surface to this day.

The primary administrator for CIA mind control programs was Sidney Gottlieb, who
had a doctorate in biochemistry from CalTech. At age 33 he headed up the Agency’s
technical services division, presiding over MKULTRA and its minimum of 149 subsets
conducted in universities, hospitals, prisons, and military institutions across the
country, as he would until 1973. The Strangelovian Gottlieb compensated for a club
foot and a severe stammer by being an avid folk dancer, demonstrating new steps
before his co-workers after his return from foreign lands.

An excerpt from a characteristic Gottlieb memo follows:

11 May 1953


1. On this day the writer spent the day observing experiments (Mr. [deleted] has
already submitted his proposal to the [deleted])

2. The general picture of the present status of the project is one of a carefully
planned series of five major experiments. Most of the year has been spent in
screening and standardizing a large group of subjects (approximately 100) and the
months between now and September 1 should yield much data, so that these five
experiments should be completed by September 1. The five experiments are; (N
stands for the total number of subjects involved in the experiment.)

Experiment 1 - N-18 Hypnotically induced anxieties to be completed by September 1.

Experiment 2 - N-24 Hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written
matter, to be completed by September 1.

Experiment 3 - N-3 Polygraph response under Hypnosis, to be completed by June 15.

Experiment 4 - N-24 Hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall a complex

arrangement of physical objects.

Experiment 5 - N-100 Relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis.

3. The work for next year (September 1, 1953 to June 1, 1954) will concentrate on:

Experiment 6 - The Morse code problem, with the emphasis on relatively lower I.Q.
subjects than found on University volunteers.

[deleted material]

Experiment 7 - Recall of hypnotically acquired information by very specific signals.

[deleted] will submit detailed research plans on all experiments not yet submitted.

Among other experiments authorized by Gottlieb were those of Dr. Harris Isbell, who
ran the Center for Addiction Research in Lexington, Kentucky. Using black heroin
addicts as research fodder, Isbell tested more than eight hundred psychoactive
chemicals, shipped to him directly from Gottlieb. In one experiment Isbell kept seven
addicts stoned on quadruple normal dosages of LSD without interruption for 77 days,
jolting them with electroshock to wake them when they fell asleep. In another
experiment Isbell strapped nine men to gurneys, inserted rectal thermometers, shot
them up with massive hits of psilocybin, shined lights in their eyes to check pupil
dilation, and pounded on their joints to test nervous system response. The subjects of
Isbell’s torture garden were paid off with heroin fixes.

In 1952 Gottlieb collaborated with government drug agent George White, setting him
up in Operation Midnight Climax. Safehouses decorated to resemble bordellos were
set up in both New York and San Francisco, where men would be lured by prostitutes
and then dosed with LSD without their knowledge. In most cases, the victims were
given LSD-spiked drinks, but in at least one instance LSD gas was sprayed into a
restroom before the john entered the john. The ever-curious White observed the
unsuspecting victims through a mirror, while sitting on a portable toilet sipping

As with most accounts of CIA testing, one suspects that more was going on than was
documented. My own suspicion is that White’s ultimate mission was to obtain
compromising information on crime figures and perhaps politicians in an ancient-by-
then drugging and prostitution ruse.5

Other participants in MKULTRA and programs that followed were recruited from
approximately five thousand Nazis brought from Germany immediately after World
War II through the clandestine Project PAPERCLIP. These included: 

• Karl Tauboeck, a Nazi expert on sterilization drugs and a chief plant chemist at I.G.

• Theodore Wagner-Jauregg, Kurt Rarh, and Hans Turnit, who continued their
wartime research on super poisons like Sarin and Tabun.

• SS Brigadier General Walter Schieber, a specialist in chemical warfare and nerve


• Dr. Huburtus Strughold, who worked in MKULTRA as well as at NASA. According to

a report by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 1995:

“The sadistic Nazi background of a late German scientist has resulted in plans to
remove his name from a U.S. Air Force library. In 1993, soon after the scientist’s
background was first uncovered, his portrait was removed from a mural of medical
heroes at Ohio State University. Scientist Huburtus Strughold, who died in 1986,
was secretly brought to the United States in 1945 to work on the space program,
even though he was sought for prosecution in Nuremberg. The library at the School
of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas had been named to
honor Strughold, who helped develop the pressure suits used by astronauts as well
as the U.S. space capsule. As the head of Nazi Germany’s Air Force Institute for
Aviation Medicine, Strughold participated in a 1942 conference that discussed
‘experiments’ on human beings. The experiments included subjecting Dachau
concentration camp inmates to torture and death.”6

Curiously, another MKULTRA faction consisted of representatives of the Scottish Rite

of Masonry, which had sponsored research into eugenics, psychiatry, and mind
control since at least the 1930s. MKULTRA doctor Robert Hanna Felix was director of
psychiatric research for the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the director of the
National Institute of Mental Health. Felix was the immediate senior of Dr. Harris Isbell,
already noted in relation to MKULTRA.

Another prominent Freemason involved in MKULTRA was Dr. Paul Hoch, financed by
the Army Chemical Center. A member of the American Eugenics Society, Hoch was
co-director with Nazi eugenicist Franz Kallman in research at Columbia University’s
New York State Psychiatric Institute.

Other participants in mind control programs were garden variety American fascists
and sadists who saw intelligence agency work as being the perfect milieu for fulfilling
their own murderous desires.7

Among the areas investigated during MKULTRA were: brain surgery including
lobotomy; the use of electrical and chemical shock; the effects of stress on human
beings, including hunger, fear, fatigue, duress, and torture; narco-analysis; handwriting
analysis; ultrasonic, subsonic, and vibrational disorientation and control; interrogation
techniques; drugs that induced speech and amnesia, sensory deprivation and
“electro-sleep”; radiation; genetic research including gene splicing and the creation of
mutations; ESP; various forms of brainwashing; personality assessment; concussions
produced by remote control; brain implants and electrodes; the use of prostitutes as
agents; hormonal and glandular products; gases; poisons; drug agents that could be
sprayed; and drugs, including LSD, amphetamines, morphine, nicotine, ether,
psychedelic mushrooms, barbiturates, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. At least four of
the MKULTRA programs were specifically conducted on children. This is the vast sub-
structure of MKULTRA experimentation that has for the greater part been successfully
concealed by the Agency.8

One early MKULTRA experiment had agents driving a 1953 Mercury through the
streets of New York City, an altered tailpipe belching an unspecified gas that was
probably laced with LSD. LSD was also sprayed in the New York subways, with the
results undocumented in extant paperwork, and an unspecified gas sprayed and
dissipated off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

The CIA was only too aware that it was engaged in illegal research, and cautioned its
employees about secrecy. In 1957 CIA Inspecter General Lyman issued an internal
memo warning that “precautions must be taken not only to protect the operations
from exposure to enemy forces, but also to conceal these activities from the American
public in general. The knowledge that the Agency is engaged in unethical and illicit
activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and
would be detrimental to the accomplishment.”9

One of those “unethical and illicit activities” may have been the elimination of the
black American entertainer and political activist Paul Robeson. Aside from his
involvement in the struggle for black rights in the U.S., Robeson had also campaigned
for the colonial independence movement abroad as led by men like Jomo Kenyatta
and Jawharlal Nehru. In the spring of 1961, three weeks before the CIA’s Bay of Pigs
fiasco, Robeson travelled to Moscow where he had meetings and interviews and gave
speeches. The next stop on Robeson’s itinerary was to be Cuba, where he was
scheduled meet Fidel Castro, then he planned to head back to the United States to
continue his commitment to civil rights activism.

Robeson, according to the people who were with him in Russia, “was in unusually
good spirits.” After a surprise party at his Moscow hotel, Robeson suddenly felt
possessed by extreme paranoia. He went off by himself and tried to kill himself by
cutting his wrists. Robeson was admitted to the Priory hospital in London where,
within 36 hours, he was given the first of 54 electro-convulsive shock sessions that he
would eventually receive. Robeson was never to fully recover from the sudden
“paranoiac” bout or from the electroshock.

Now, in 1999, Robeson’s son has presented formal appeals to British, American and
Russian intelligence agencies for the release of classified materials relating to his
father’s visit to Moscow and his subsequent medical treatment. He believes that the
symptoms that his father exhibited suggest he was poisoned by the CIA with the
psychoactive chemical BZ in order to halt the entertainer’s visit to Havana, and to
nullify him as a force in the civil rights movement. Robeson Jr. cites the fact that there
had been previous attempts on his father’s life, as well as the fact that two of the
doctors who treated him in London were linked to MKULTRA.10

MKULTRA was administratively reformed as MK-SEARCH in 1963, running until 1973.

Among the MKULTRA sub-projects that were carried over was one on the paranormal
and the use of ESP for espionage. This project was said to have been discontinued in
1973, but is documented as having continued until 1984.11

In 1977 a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was convened to gaze into the
darkness that was MKULTRA. According to Senator Edward Kennedy, testifying
before the committee:

“Perhaps most disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of experimentation on
human subjects was unknown. The records of all these activities were destroyed in
January 1973, at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms. In spite of
persistent inquiries by both the Health Subcommittee and the Intelligence Committee,
no additional records or information were forthcoming. And no one—no single
individual—could be found who remembered the details, not the Director of the CIA,
who ordered the documents destroyed, not the official responsible for the program,
nor any of his associates...”12

In confirmation of my own belief that there was a vast MKULTRA continent of which
we have only been given a glimpse is the statement of ex-CIA officer Miles Copeland,
speaking in an interview with journalist John Marks. Copeland said, “The
congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of thing got only the barest

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, an earlier-mentioned MKULTRA mastermind, may have died by

the same sword he lived by. In 1999 several new court trials were in progress for
victims seeking compensation for experimentation performed upon them by the CIA.
According to persons who had talked to Gottlieb, he suspected that current the CIA
administration was going to target him as the scapegoat for the MKULTRA atrocities.
There has been speculation that Gottlieb was not willing to take the fall for the
Agency, and was ready to blow the whistle on what had gone in. But Gottlieb died on
March 10, 1999, at a very fortuitous time for the Agency.14

Although the information that has been revealed about CIA mind control projects
constitutes only the tip of the research, what has been revealed is a national shame
that should have leveled the CIA, as John F. Kennedy had proposed doing shortly
before his assassination. We know that from the beginning the CIA employed citizens
in mind control experimentation and other mutilations without their consent. In these
experiments lives were destroyed, minds and bodies shattered, all ostensibly in the
interest of the military industrial complex’s Cold War. Congress has estimated that
23,000 persons were experimented upon under the auspices of MKULTRA, but given
the fact that much of the documentation for that program was destroyed, it is difficult
to understand how they could have made such a precise determination. Certainly,
most researchers in the field would say that the figure was a gross underestimate in

It is plain that during its history the CIA has been the prime player in formulating a
secret science of mind control that has only been hinted at in the controlled media.
Extensive research suggests that advanced techniques of control were created far in
advance of anything that the Agency has ever been willing to admit to.

The CIA and its successor agencies such as the National Security Agency must be not
seen as instruments for furthering American security, but as arms of the planetary
controllers for maintaining their own dominion. These agencies primarily further the
elitists’ own interests, including the implementation of plans of eugenics, social
control, monopolistic control of resources, and other forms of the suppression of the
masses worldwide.


1. Marks, John. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind
Control; Bowart, Walter. Operation Mind Control. New York: Dell, 1977; Cannon,
Martin, “Mind Control and the American Government,” Lobster 23

2. Sutton, Antony C. America’s Secret Establishment. Billings, Montana: Liberty

House Press, 1986; Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Seal Beach,
California: ’76 Press, 1976

3. Colby, Gerard. Thy Will Be Done. Cited in Constantine, Virtual Government, CIA
Mind Control Operations in America. Venice, California: Feral House, 1997; Ross,
M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian
Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and
Dissociation, April 18, 1996; Krawczyk, Glenn, “Mind Control Techniques and Tactics
of the New World Order,” Nexus, December-January 1993; Bowart; Constantine;
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography; Chaitkin, Anton. Treason in America. New
York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1984; Pincher, Chapman. Too Secret, Too Long.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984; Editors of the Executive Intelligence Review.
Dope, Inc. Washington, D.C.: EIR, 1992; Lee and Shlain. Acid Dreams. Grove Press:
New York, 1985; Lyttle, Thomas, “Blot Art," an interview conducted by Mark Westion.
Paranoia, winter 1995/96; Stevens, Jay. Storming Heaven. New York: Harper & Row,
1987. Marks; Chaitkin, Anton. Treason in America; Pincher; Chaitkin, Anton,
“Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N.!”; Marks

4. Brandt, Daniel, “Mind Control and the Secret State,” Prevailing Winds, number 3

5. Stevens, Jay

6. Constantine; Cannon; Lee and Shlain. Acid Dreams. New York: Grove Press,

7. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR,

October 7, 1994

8. Bowart; Lee and Shlain; Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the Mind as an
International Human Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4; Constantine; Ross

9. Quoted in Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992

10. Rhodes, Tom, “U.S. ‘poisoned Robeson’ with mind-bending drug,” Sunday
Times of London, March 14, 1999

11. Ross; Cannon; Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to

Assassination”; Constantine; “LSD, the CIA, and Your Brain: Midnight Climax,”
Lycaeum Drug Archives; Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995, conducted by
Will Robinson and Marilyn Coleman

12. Project MKULTRA, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification,

Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on
Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States
Senate, ninety-fifth Congress, August 3, 1977, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Washington, D.C.: 1977

13. Marks

14. “Stanley Glickman LSD Overdose,” The Observer, February 14,1999; MKULTRA:
CIA Mind Control by Jon Elliston, pscpdocs@aol.com; Cockburn, Alexander and St.
Clair, Jeffrey, “CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher, Assassin & Pimp,” press release from
Chapter 8

Estabrooks and the Manchurian Candidate

As early as the turn of this century neurologist Morton Prince broached the subject of
patients with multiple personalities or, as it is now termed by psychiatrists.
Dissociative Identity Disorder. Prince believed that a person might possess several
different personalities that operated at the same time, that might not be aware of each
other. It took a while for men to notice that this information could be of particular use.

One man who took note of Prince’s views was Rhodes Scholar, Dr. George
Estabrooks, chairman of the Psychology Department at Colgate University, near
Buffalo, New York. Estabrooks was well-connected with most of the major
psychological figures of this century, and conducted research for all of the major
branches of American military intelligence. Estabrooks was one of the first persons to
realize that mind controlled intelligence agents and assassins really could be created
hypnotically, Svengali aside. His experimentation in the use of hypnosis in espionage
began, amazingly enough, during World War I.

In the 1920’s Estabrooks engaged in research into psychic phenomena at Harvard,

but he soon turned his attention back to hypnosis and its use in the overriding of the
individual’s will. One of Estabrooks’ early and unique realizations was that if multiple
personalities could be cured by hypnotism, then it followed that multiple personalities
could be created in the same fashion.

In 1942, Estabrooks was appointed as an Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War,

liaison with the Naval Research Laboratory, while at the same time conducting a
massive correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover. In later years Estabrooks would take
on work with the CIA.1

According to an article penned by Estabrooks in 1971,

“One of the most fascinating but dangerous applications of hypnosis is its use in
military intelligence. This is a field with which I am familiar through formulating
guidelines for the techniques used by the United States in two world wars.
Communication in war is always a headache. Codes can be broken. A professional
spy may or may not stay bought. Your own man may have unquestionable loyalty but
his judgement is always open to question. The ‘hypnotic courier’ on the other hand,
provides a unique solution. I was involved in preparing many subjects for this work
during World War II. One successful case involved an Army Service Corps Captain
whom we'll call George Smith. Captain Smith had undergone months of training. He
was an excellent subject but did not realize it. I had removed from him, by post-
hypnotic suggestion, all recollection of ever having been hypnotized. First I had the
Service Corps call the captain to Washington and tell him they needed a report on the
mechanical equipment of Division X headquartered in Tokyo. Smith was ordered to
leave by jet the next morning, pick up the report and return at once. These orders
were given him in the waking state. Consciously, that was all he knew and it was the
story he gave his wife and friends. Then I put him under deep hypnosis, and gave him
—orally—a vital message to be delivered directly on his arrival in Japan to a certain
colonel—let’s say his name was Brown—of military intelligence. Outside of myself,
Colonel Brown was the only person who could hypnotize Captain Smith. This is
‘locking.’ I performed it by saying to the hypnotized captain: ‘Until further orders from
me, only Colonel Brown and I can hypnotize you. We will use a signal phrase, ‘the
moon is clear.’ Whenever you hear this phrase from Brown or myself you will pass
instantly into deep hypnosis.' When Captain Smith re-awakened, he had no
conscious memory of what happened in trance. All that he was aware of was that he
must head for Tokyo to pick up a division report. On arrival there. Smith reported to
Brown, who hypnotized him with the signal phrase. Under hypnosis, Smith delivered
my message and received one to bring back. Awakened, he was given the division
report, and returned home by jet. There I hypnotized him once more with the signal
phrase, and he spieled off Brown’s answer that had been dutifully tucked away in his
unconscious mind. The system is virtually foolproof.”2

Estabrooks also wrote about the creation of multiple identities for military use:

“During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I’ll
call Jones. Under the watchful eye of Marine Intelligence, I split his personality into
Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a ‘normal’ working Marine, became entirely
different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed
enthusiastically by communist cells, was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge
by the Corps, which was in on the plot, and became a card-carrying party member.
The joker was Jones B, the second personality, formerly apparent in the conscious
Marine. Under hypnosis, this Jones had been carefully coached by suggestion. Jones
B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American
and was ‘imprinted’ to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was
hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a
pipeline straight into the Communist camp.”3

Estabrooks went on at length about the creation of mind controlled assassins in his
1943 book Hypnotism. In 1945 Estabrooks, with Richard Lockridge, also penned a
fictional potboiler titled Death in the Mind. In that book Nazis captured Allied officers
and hypnotically turned them into double agents.4

Although the general opinion among psychologists at the time of Estabrooks’

experimentation was that a person’s will could not be overridden through the use of
hypnosis, Estabrooks thought differently. “In fact,” Estabrooks wrote, “I believe the
hypnotist’s power to be unlimited—or rather to be limited only by his intelligence and
his scruples.”5

In an interview with the Providence, Rhode Island Evening Bulletin, Estabrook talked
about the creation of hypnotically controlled spies by splitting personalities.
Estabrooks said that the capability “is not science fiction... This has and is being
done. I have done it.”

As he indicates, Estabrooks was not the only one “doing it” at the time. Morse Allen
wrote that in his early days of CIA research, he attempted to “...Take an existing ego
state—such as an imaginary childhood playmate—and build it into a separate
personality, unknown to the first. Allen would then work with this ‘new’ personality and
‘command it to carry out specific deeds about which the main personality would know
nothing. There would be inevitable leakage between the two personalities, particularly
in dreams, but if the hypnotist were clever enough, he could build in cover stories and
safety valves which would prevent the subject from acting inconsistently.’”6

In March of 1951, 28-year-old Palle Hardrup walked into a bank in Copenhagen and
shot two bank employees to death. When he was apprehended, Hardrup confessed
that he had done the murders, but said that he had been hypnotized by an
accomplice, Bjorn Schouw-Nielsen, to commit the crimes. Hardrup was found guilty
of manslaughter and institutionalized, and his programmer, Schouw-Nielson, was also
found guilty of manslaughter, but given a life term in prison.7

An account of the creation of mind controlled assassins was provided by Colonel

William Bishop who, in 1983, made the following statement to researcher Gary Shaw:

“That was how, after the Korean War, I got involved with CIA. I have been subjected to
every known type of drug. The medical doctors connected with the agency found that
certain drugs work quite well in conjunction with hypnosis-hypnotic power of
suggestion—with some subjects. It did with me. I speak with absolute certainty and
knowledge and experience that this is not only possible, but did and is taking place

“I never understood why they selected me personally. There were any number of
psychological or emotional factors involved in people’s selection. Antisocial behavior
patterns, paranoid or the rudiments of paranoia, and so on. But when they are
successful with this programming—or, for lack of a better term, indoctrination—they
could take John Doe and get this man to kill George and Jane Smith. He will be given
all the pertinent information as to their location, daily habits, etc. Then there is a
mental block put on this mission in his mind. He remembers nothing about it.

“Perhaps a month or a year later—rarely over a year, at least back in those days—the
phone rings. A code word will be read to him in a voice that John Doe recognizes.
That will trigger the action. John Doe will commit the assassination, return home, and
remember absolutely nothing of it. It is totally a blank space.

“Now, there is a problem with this, and they never found a way that I know of to
overcome it. From time to time—it happens to me now—I will see faces, names,
places, gunfire, for which there is no rational explanation. I went back for
deprogramming. In these sessions, they explain that this does happen from time to
time, not to worry about it, just clear your mind and forget it.

“I know men who gradually lost their sight, or some of their hearing, or the use of their
vocal cords. Some had chronic constipation. For entirely psychological reasons, not
physical, because inadvertently these mental blocks developed. I myself became
totally impotent. For obvious reasons, I don’t care to go into this in any greater detail.”

Within days after authorizing the release of the above information, Colonel Bishop
died of heart failure, a not-un-common fate for those who expose the Agency’s

dirty laundry.8

Judging from the information that we have, as early as World War II psychiatrists
working for American Intelligence agency were able to fracture and compartment
subjects’ personalities, to occlude information from both the subject and from
interrogators, and to insert false memories into a subject’s mind. Thanks to George
Estabrooks, at the mid-century mark the creation of technology of the Manchurian
Candidate was complete.9

As many have suspected, there is evidence suggesting that George Estabrooks’

Manchurian Candidate may have been employed in the field. Perhaps the most
significant instance of this may have been in the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, whom evidence suggests was
anything but a “lone gunman,” seems to have instead been a dupe of forces that
probably included the CIA, the Mafia and others, and may have programmed to kill

In a letter to the author, Kerry Thornley, Oswald’s best friend at the Atsugi Japan Naval
Air Base, wrote:

“In the late 1970s I was contacted by David Bucknell, who said he was in Marine Air
Control Squadron Nine with Oswald and me. When he mentioned that his nickname
was ‘Bucky Beaver,’ I recalled Bucknell—a large man with buck teeth who wore his
utility cap all the way down on his head, giving it a dome shape instead of the
common stretched, flattop shape.

“Bucknell asked me if I remembered an attempt to recruit us (Bucknell, Oswald, me) to

military intelligence. I did not. Then he asked if I remembered approaching he and
Oswald one day and being told by Oswald that ‘This is a private conversation.’ That I
recalled clearly. Bucknell said it happened as we were on our way to the recruitment

“Indeed, I remembered the incident occurred as all three of us were walking in the
same direction toward ‘Mainside’ on the base and away from the radar outpost, the
names Oswald, Bucknell and Thornley had been called over the P. A. system and that
we were told to report to the squadron office. In the squadron office, we were ordered
to report to base security over at ‘Mainside’ of L.T.A., the satellite of El Toro Marine
Base where we were stationed.

“Bucknell said he and Oswald were running a loan sharking operation and their private
conversation concerned whether or not they were now being called in for questioning
about that. Oswald doubted it, because I had been called up at the same time and
knew nothing about the operation.

“Bucknell says when we arrived at base security we were seated in a small auditorium
or lecture room with a number of men from other outfits. Up in front, according to
Bucknell, was a Marine captain and a Hispanic man in civilian clothes with a flat top
haircut. Bucknell was surprised to see that the Captain was acting as an ‘errand boy’
for this civilian, whom the Captain finally introduced as ‘Mister B.’

“‘Mister B.’ said, ‘We have reason to believe that Castro’s new revolutionary
government has been infiltrated by Soviet agents.' (This would have been in late May
or early June of 1959, just after the New Year’s Day Revolution, before Castro ‘went
Communist.’ I recalled someone making that statement in a lecture I attended, but did
not remember the context).

“We had all been called together, said Mr. B., because we were reputed to be admirers
of Fidel Castro. As I understand it, and dimly recall it, the pitch was that Castro
needed our help in getting rid of these agents. We were being asked to volunteer for a
counter-espionage program!

“I’m sure I would have volunteered. To the best of my recollection, I was ostensibly
turned down because I was already slated for a tour of duty in the Far East, to begin in
June, and the training program was in the U.S.—But not before I signed some papers
authorizing using me for intelligence purposes.

“Bucknell made detailed notes of this extraordinary event the day after it occurred,
and when we met in San Francisco in the late 1970s he read me those notes.

“Volunteers were interviewed on a one-on-one basis after the recruitment lecture.

Bucknell says he had a maternal grandfather named E.H. Hunt, who he listed on the
recruitment form as a reference. Mister B. looked startled and said, ‘Who is this E.H.
Hunt?’ Bucknell explained. Mister B. said, ‘Oh!,’ and laughed. (E. Howard Hunt was
second in command under Nixon on the Bay of Pigs operation.)

“Bucknell was never contacted again in relation to this program. Neither was I.

“Bucknell says that the Marine Air Control Squadron’s covert security was handled by
Army Intelligence, and we now both suspect that Oswald may already have been an
Army Intelligence agent pretending to be a Marxist at the time of Mr. B.’s recruitment
attempt, which may have enhanced his qualifications for Mr. B.’s program.

“At about the time all this happened, I began having vivid audio hallucinations, usually
just before falling asleep.”

Thornley believes that while he was in the Marines he personally was the subject of
mind control experimentation, and that he was implanted at the base of his neck with
a mind control device through which transmissions were directed. Kerry may have
simply been paranoid, or he may have been onto something.10

Others in the know have suggested that Lee Harvey Oswald may have been mind
controlled. Army and CIA counter intelligence agent Herman Kimsey came forward in
1975 to tell what he knew about Oswald. According to Kimsey, in an interview with
journalist Hugh MacDonald, “Oswald was programmed to kill, like a medium at a
seance. Then the mechanism went on the blink and Oswald became a dangerous toy
without direction." Surely it was a coincidence that Kimsey died of heart failure three
weeks after the interview.11

As documented in the Warren Report, Oswald is alleged to have lived at Cuban

psychiatrist Francisco Silva’s home prior to the assassination, and to have gotten a
job at the hospital where Silva was employed. It is of note that Silva had collaborated
in his scientific writings with brain implant scientist Robert Heath.12

Among the darkling creatures who populated the world of Lee Harvey Oswald was
David Ferrie, believed by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison to have been a
key participant in the assassination conspiracy. Ferrie had been a senior pilot with
Eastern Airlines, until he was fired for homosexual behavior on the job.

Ferrie was in the thick of anti-Castro activity, and associated with Mafia boss Carlos
Marcello as well as members of the CIA. According to Victor Marchetti, former
Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA, he was told by a CIA agent that
Ferrie had been a contract agent for the CIA in the early 60s. Ferrie allegedly became
bitter with John F. Kennedy after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, and a
number of witnesses recall hearing Ferrie talking about assassinating the president.

Ferrie’s earliest contact with Oswald was probably in 1954 in the Louisiana Civil Air
Patrol, supposedly the same year that Oswald became wildly interested in
Communism. On the day of the assassination Marcello’s attorney visited Ferrie to tell
him that Oswald’s wallet contained Ferrie’s library card.

The connections become more strange. Ferrie was a hypnotist, who allegedly used
his skills in his quest for homosexual conquests. One of Ferrie’s fellow travelers, Jack
Martin, reportedly said that Ferrie had hypnotically programmed Oswald to kill

Ferrie is also alleged to have been into “black magic” and was the high priest of the
Apostolic Old Catholic Church of North America, members of which were investigated
by Garrison for involvement in the Kennedy hit. The Apostolic Church may have been
—this is entirely speculative—a chapter of the Ordo Templi Orientis-connected
Gnostic Catholic Church. Certainly it was not what would be described as your
average Catholic parish. According to researcher Loren Coleman, “The church
conducted services involving animal sacrifice and blood guzzling. During Lee Harvey
Oswald’s last weeks in New Orleans, he attended many ritualistic parties in private
homes and apartments with David Ferrie.” This is a curious conjunction that is seen
again and again in the research: black magic, military intelligence, and mind control.

Ferrie was found dead in his apartment on February 22, 1967 while in the midst of
testifying about the Kennedy assassination. There were two apparent suicide notes,
but the New Orleans coroner stated that the cause of death was natural, a cerebral

1969 saw the publication of Were We Controlled, a book written by journalist Arthur
Ford under the pseudonym “Lincoln Lawrence.” Ford claimed to be in contact with an
intelligence agency insider who gave him the details of a CIA technology dubbed
RHIC-EDOM, that is, Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution
of Memory, that was used to program Oswald. According to Lincoln Lawrence,
Oswald’s murderer may have also been mind controlled. The evaluation of Jack
Ruby’s mindset by a number of doctors is suggestive. According to Dr. Walter
Bromberg, a psychiatrist and clinical director at the Pinewood Psychiatric Hospital at
Katonah, New York, Ruby was “preset to be a fighter, to attack.” Bromberg also said,
“Definitely there is a block to his thinking which is no part of his original mental

Dr. Roy Schafer, Staff Psychologist and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and
Psychology at Yale University, said of Ruby that, “He appears to feel not altogether in
control of his body actions, as if they occur independently of his conscious will at

Dr. Manfred S. Guttmacher, Chief Medical Officer of the Supreme Court of Baltimore,
suggested that Ruby’s brain had been damaged by undisclosed means.14

Perhaps the most convincing evidence that exists of the use of a Manchurian
Candidate was in the assassination of John F. Kennedy’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy,
who was at the time of his death a strong contender in the American presidential race.
Although the Kennedy case is labyrinthine in its complexity, and probably included a
police/intelligence agency cover-up after the fact that makes getting at the truth
difficult, I will touch on a few salient points.

Pointing to the possibility that Sirhan may have been a mind-controlled assassin, the
man received a head injury while working as an exercise jockey in 1966, perhaps
making him more easily hypnotizable. We do know that he received attention from a
number of doctors at this time. Terry Welch, a friend from the racetrack where he
worked, stated that Sirhan’s personality completely changed at this time. If an
operation was conducted on his head at that time, a brain implant might have been
inserted without attracting attention.

Sirhan disappeared for three months during 1967, not informing his family of his
whereabouts, which would have provided an excellent opportunity for mind control
programming to take place. It was noted that after his return to Los Angeles, Sirhan
had acquired an interest in occultism that he had never had in the past.

A search of Sirhan’s room by the police in the days after the shooting turned up
literature from the AMORC Rosicrucian mail order metaphysicians, and it is alleged
that Sirhan had become acquainted with a member of The Process, a Scientology
offshoot group that Charles Manson had also had a brush or two with. According to
researcher John Judge, Sirhan had attended parties at the Roman Polanski mansion,
as had Manson, and Robert F. Kennedy dined at the Polanski home the day before his

A number of persons who saw Sirhan after the murder of Kennedy commented on his
hypnotic-seeming demeanor. When he was questioned by the public defender who
was assigned to him after the crime, Sirhan said, “I don’t remember much about the
shooting, sir, did I do it? Well, yes, I am told I did it. I remember being at the
Ambassador [Hotel]. I am drinking Tom Collinses. I got dizzy. I went back to my car so
I could go home. But I was too drunk to drive. I thought I’d better find some coffee.
The next thing I remember I was being choked and a guy was twisting my knee.15

The “who” in Sirhan’s hynosis may have been Bill Bryan, the president of the
American Institute of Hypnosis, who bragged that he had worked for the CIA, and said
in 1968 that Sirhan had been his client. Bryan is also known to have hypnotized Albert
De Salvo, the “Boston Strangler,” and references to “Di Salvo” are in Sirhan’s

On June 2, 1968, Sirhan was seen at the Kennedy Campaign headquarters in Los
Angeles. When he was asked whether he needed some assistance, he pointed to a
new volunteer who was standing nearby. The worker was Khaiber Khan, who had
joined the campaign the day before. Khan, unbeknownst to the Kennedy staff, was a
high-level CIA operative, who had participated in a number of major CIA actions over
the years, including working as an agent in the toppling of the Iranian government in

On the day of Kennedy’s shooting, Khan is reported as having provided a ride to the
Ambassador Hotel for Michael Wayne, who had earlier been seen with Sirhan. Wayne
was identified by several witnesses as running out of the hotel pantry after the
shooting, carrying what appeared to be a rifle.

Khaiber Khan is said to have given misleading answers when questioned about Sirhan
after the death of Kennedy. He was then left alone by police investigators, perhaps
because of his role in intelligence operations. One can imagine the stickiness of the
L.A. police implicating the CIA in the murder of Kennedy.

It is of possible importance that the famous “girl in the polka dot dress” who ran out of
the Ambassador Hotel immediately following the Kennedy shooting, exulting, “We
shot him! We shot him!” was tentatively identified by two witnesses as being Khaiber
Khan’s daughter, Shirin Khan.17

Apparently the quest to create the Manchurian Candidate by intelligence agencies

continues. In April of 1984 while studying at the University of Wisconsin, Dan Harr was
approached by a man who identified himself as a recruiter for the CIA. Offered
enlistment in a “special program,” Harr turned him down. Harr believes that he was
approached due to high intelligence scores, technical ability, and possibly abuse he
may have experienced as a child. His maternal grandfather was chief civilian officer at
the Badger Army Ammunition Ordinance plant at Baraboo, Wisconsin, and may have
worked for the CIA, according to his grandmother. According to Harr, Baraboo was
one location where Project Paperclip operations were conducted.

In late 1985 Harr needed money. He telephoned the CIA man, was recruited into the
Agency, and during 1986 spent approximately half of his weekends at a “farm” near
Fairfax, Virginia. Although the location was a working farm, it also had underground
rooms for what Harr terms NOC (Non-Official Cover) training in “Pegasus” and “Orion”

Harr says, “Pegasus was the operation of ‘programmed responders’ and Orion the
operatives, the Hunters... At the NOC training I learned weapons training, extensive
computer knowledge for ‘hacking,’ use of radios and other communication devices,
and certain evasion techniques. Some of the memories are blurred because, I believe,
they were later ‘wiped,’ and overlaid with fake trails, although I still retain the skills I
was taught.”

As a cover, Harr entered the Navy in January 1987 and went through electronics
training. He was transferred to Mare Island near Vallejo, California, which he believes
is a “special projects” submarine base with a strong CIA and NSA presence on-site.
His service records from the period show a “T-secret” clearance, with additional
attached code numbers.

According to Harr, he has virtually no memory of what took place at Mare Island. He
believes that this was the time period in which he underwent mind control
conditioning, part of it possibly conducted at Oakland Naval Hospital.

One operation Harr says he was involved with was “Bedrock-Stalemate.” A former
military man who had been involved in 1968 in a program of assassination of Laotian
political leaders (he believes the project was called “Black Stripe”) decided to become
a whistleblower. Harr and two other “programmed responders” were “activated to
plug the leaks.”

After a knee injury, Harr recalls additional programming taking place at Oakland Naval
Hospital: “I remember being strapped to the chair. My right hand was splayed out and
had rubber cups on the ends of my fingers with wires running out of them. There was
an IV needle in my hand. I remember hearing four drug names—Scopolamine, Sodium
Pentothal, Nebutal, and Xanax. The strobes and speakers would flash and sound in
sync, about one per second unless something was said to me or shown to me, which
caused them to flash very fast. I think I had a metal band around my left leg, and I
remember sometimes feeling shocks with the strobe lights. They would ask me
questions and give directions. ‘They,’ I think, was a Dr. O'Connor...

“I remember some of the things I saw on the movie screen. There were many different
pictures—dogs having sex, my parents with their heads cut off, a movie of a human
sacrifice and some cannibalism, mixed with pictures of flowers, porno, cars, animals
and such. Over and over again. Good, and bad, good and bad.

“I also remember something that felt like a coffin. It was all dark and filled with warm
water. After awhile, I felt like a HEAD just floating without a body. There were also
strobe lights and speakers in there as well. I remember feeling ‘high’ all the time. I also
spent time in a small room where there was only a hole in the floor. The lights would
go on and off and days would pass in hours, and hours in days. There was no sense
of time.”

Harr was honorably discharged after 23 months of a scheduled six-year enrollment.

He returned to his hometown in Wisconsin, but was, according to his friends and
family, somehow different than he had been prior to his hitch in the military. He had
taken on “Right wing, Christian fanatic, Militia, Posse Commitatus” views. His belief is
that these beliefs were installed to provide cover so that he could spy on right wing

In April of 1995, Harr suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar restaurant in Madison,

Wisconsin. A woman whom he did not know was sitting across from him. She said,
“Good, you’re back,” stood up, and walked away. Later he found a needle mark on
one arm and a puncture in his right hip. To this day, Harr labors to remember all of the
details of what happened him after his recruitment by the CIA.19

A similar mind control project is detailed by a former member of Navy Intelligence and
the CIA who was the head of a SEAL team. In “A Working Outline of a U.S.
Intelligence Mind Control Program” he talks of Project Open Eyes, in which a “Clear
Eyes” refers to a mind controlled subject.

“This segment is dedicated to Operation ‘Open Eyes.’ A preset group of our people
canvass the country hospitals and immigration centers in order to find viable
candidates for above named operation. We locate the target individuals, who have no
close family or real good friends. They are then put under heavy stage one hypnosis,
where a clear and definitive pattern of their usefulness is determined by our shrinks
and field officers. If the candidate possesses a relatively high IQ he will be filed in a
category file, called ‘call file.’

“If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, he will be serviced by a trigger word or
number, while under level 1 hypnosis. We then systematically do a background search
and create a file for future reference. If there are no relatives to speak of, the subject
will be moved to a location of our choice where further tests for vulnerability are
conducted. He is then brought to level 2 hypnosis where diverse small orders and
specific instructions are written into his personality.

“If subject, upon release shows that he has retained instructions and carries out small
and unimportant work duties assigned under level 2 hypnosis, he will receive a recall
‘Service notice’ by a person we have introduced him to.

“The next step is level 3 hypnosis, where he will become an overwrite upon his own
personality. He/she will be told that everything the subject does for his ‘friends’ is
okay, even though it may very well be against all laws of the land. He will believe that
he is capable of fulfilling all their (our) commands, and will be again discharged to live
his normal life. (All operatives have to go to/through these 3 levels before any of us are

“The higher the IQ of a given subject, the further the programming goes! If the IQ is
high enough we will bring the subject to the Farm or one of our numerous facilities
throughout the U.S. and Canada. (Dallas - ‘Doctor’s Hospital’ is one of our main

“There we will put the subject into level 4 hypnosis, where he does no longer
differentiate between right and wrong. (We do this at the medical facility at the Farm—
one of our contract hospitals. If he has to perform a particularly suicidal or important
assignment we do our job at Stony Mountain facilities.) At level 4, diverse programs
can be written/or overwritten into the brain. Any command is accepted at this level. At
that level you can give the test subject a complete personality, history and make him/
her believe anything the program requires for the accomplishment of any desired
project. He is then given a new life in a new state and town. Driver’s license, car, bank
account, passport, credit cards, Birth Certificate, and all the small things—such as
photos of his family (that don’t really exist.) Subject and patient (one and the same)
has now an agenda (that he believes is his own) and is prepared for level 5 hypnosis.
At this stage, very carefully a code word or sequence of numbers or a voice imprint is
etched into his brain. That is commonly known and referred to as the trigger that will
activate subject to action.

“He then lives a very normal and sometimes useful life, until subject is required to
perform the programs implanted/written into level 4 hypnosis at the point of activating
the trigger, subject is beyond recall. That’s why a level 5 person can only be
approached after his/her operation. There is no actual recall in the subconscious
program of any of the hypnosis. If an act of violence had been perpetrated, subject
will not be able to associate with the deed. Only shrinks trained in this particular form
of sub mental behavior will find any tracks leading to post level 1 or 2 mind control.

“I have personally witnessed level 1-5 programming, and was myself a subject of level
3 programming.

“Due to the fact that subject has such high IQ (preferably around 130-140) subject is
very quick to learn anything fed to him/her. All major patriot groups, and normal
workers and workers in big (government contract firms) corporations have at least one
or more ‘sleepers’ attached to them.

“Project Clear Eyes is always a violent group or commune in any given community.
The OKC incident was a clear cut case of Project Clear Eyes. Tom Valentine’s group is
the trigger mechanism for Open Eyes. Waco was an Open Eyes group that had a
specific job to perform. Randy Weaver was a control subject that ended out of control.
Robert Hunt is a sleeper that was put on hold. At some not too distant date you will
see Bob Hunt performing his true and final role.

“Now it must be clear to you the various levels used by the Intel community to get
their job done. Remember Jonestown? It was one of ours that went sour because a
clear eyes was in the group. When he began firing on the runway, it all self-destructed.
The man (Congressman Leo Ryan) who was killed, knew it was a government
operation. Clear Eyes was accidentally—through a lone sequence—activated! There
was no way to stop the killings. They were all programmed to at least level 3, the
culties themselves. There were only 3 deaths attributable to cyanide, the rest died of
gunfire. Now you know a little more about our line of work. I am glad I am out of it.”20


1. Ross, M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the
Manchurian Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on
Trauma and Dissociation, April 18, 1996

2. Estabrooks, G.H., “Hypnosis Comes of Age,” Science Digest, April 1971

3. ibid.

4. Estabrooks, Dr. George, quoted in Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the
Mind as an International Human Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4

5. Ibid.

6. Restak, Richard M. The Brain: The Last Frontier. New York: Warner Books, 1979

7. Lawrence, Lincoln, and Thomas, Kenn. Mind Control, Oswald & JFK: Were We
Controlled? Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997

8. Russell, Dick. The Man Who Knew Too Much. New York: Carrol & Graf, 1992

9. Estabrooks, Dr. George, quoted in Human Rights Law Journal

10. Thomley, Kerry, correspondence with the author, August 30, 1997

11. Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship. Portland, Oregon: Feral House, 1995

12. Bowart, Walter, “Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50+
Years of Mind Control’, MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94, www.visitations.com/mindnet/
MN16A.HTM; Ross

13. Craig, John S., “JFK Redux: The Sinister World of David Ferrie,” Steamshovel
Press, Fall 1996; Coleman, Loren, “The Occult, MIBs, UFOs and Assassinations,” The
Conspiracy Tracker, December 1985; cited in Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship in the
U.S.A.; Greenfield, Rev. Dr. Allen H. Greenfield, “The Secret History of Modem
Witchcraft,” unpublished manuscript in the author’s possession

14. Lawrence

15. Kaiser, Robert Blair. R.F.K. Must Die! New York: Grove Press, 1970

16. Williams, Day, ed. Sirhan Sirhan is Innocent of the Assassination of Senator
Robert Kennedy. “Facts About the Kennedy Assassination.” Carson City, Nevada:

17. ibid.

18. Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil. New York: Bantam Books, 1987; Judge, John,
“Poolside with John Judge,” Prevailing Winds, undated; Bresler, Fenton. Who Killed
John Lennon? New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989

19. Harr, Dan, “CIA Programming,” MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No.47,


20. Bowart, Walter, “Operation Open Eyes: Disaffected Spook Spills SEAL Mind
Control Experiences,” MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 72, www.visitations.com/mindnet/

Jack Ruby exacts a nation's revenge on the assassin. BOB JACKSON

Chapter 9

Dr. Cameron’s Chamber of Horrors

In an effort to escape problems having to do with jurisdiction, much CIA
experimentation during the MKULTRA era was conducted in Canada and in other
foreign countries. Early funding of Canadian experimentation went to James Tyhurst,
who in 1951 had been part of a committee providing oversight on Projects
ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD. The Canadian Defense Research Board also provided
money to Tyhurst, who did research on the effects of LSD on over 300 patients at
Hollywood Hospital in Vancouver. CIA-funded research into LSD was also done in
Saskatchewan, by Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond.1

Another early CIA mind control program in Canada was ‘Experimental Studies of
Attitude Changes in Individuals,’ with contract X-38 given to Dr. Donald O. Hebb of
McGill University in 1951. Sensory deprivation and isolation in interrogation was
researched, with the first subjects volunteer university students. After prolonged
isolation, many of the subjects reached a point where they could no longer distinguish
waking from sleep.

One of the most macabre series of experiments outside of the Inquisition was funded
by the CIA and conducted by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, with funds also coming from
the Canadian government, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Gershickter
Foundation. Cameron had studied at the Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland,
under the tutelage of eugenicist Sir David Henderson. He later took over the
psychiatric division of the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal,
which had been founded with Rockefeller monies. CIA Director Allen Dulles called
Allen Memorial “a good source for human guinea pigs.”

During the 1950s Cameron was anything but a rogue researcher; he was one of the
most influential shrinks on the planet, founding the Canadian division of the World
Federation of Mental Health with his friend, Tavistock’s Brigadier General John
Rawlings Reese. Cameron became president of many major psychiatric organizations,
including the Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Organizations.

Cameron seemingly took the Freemasonic dictum “Ordo Ab Chao” to heart, and set
about turning patients—some of them suffering from ailments as insignificant as
nervousness or mild depression—into zombies using a variety of grisly techniques.
These included dosing patients with drugs including Thorazine, Nubutal, and Seconal,
then giving them amphetamines to wake them up. At that point they would be blasted
with electroshocks administered at voltages forty times greater than what was
considered to be safe by most practitioners of the time. Patients would then be
returned to their beds, tied down, and given “psychic driving” for up to thirty days, the
repetition of recorded command signals with wording culled from their own
psychiatric profiles. Patients were also subjected to sensory deprivation for up to 65
days, or put into comas for weeks of drugged sleep.

Cameron asked, “whether the behavior patterns of adults could be erased by a

physiological process that attacked neural patterns. Could adults be made
theoretically patternless? Could they be returned to a state of neurological and
psychological infancy for a short period, and then could new patterns of behavior be
introduced?”2 In other words, Cameron was working at doing something not so
different than the Goals 2000 approach currently being used on American

Linda McDonald is one among many persons who remembers being treated by Dr.
Cameron. Her experience was described by Dr. Colin Ross in a lecture given to the
Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation, in April of

“She was 25 years old when she went to McGill [University] to be treated for a
relatively mild postpartum depression. She turned 26 during her hospitalization from
March to early September, 1963. During the course of her hospitalization, she received
102 ECT [electro-convulsive therapy] treatments, using the Paige-Russell technique, in
which the button is pushed six times per treatment instead of one time. She also
received about eighty days of barbiturate and neuroleptic induced sleep. During the
course of her hospitalization—now, I have not only her testimony I also have the
actual medical record, with all of the nursing notes documenting this and Ewen
Cameron’s signature in the chart—so this is not rumor or patient distortion, this is the
actual record. And this is work that has been settled out of court by the CIA. She
comes in a normal, somewhat depressed person... She gets regressed back to
incontinent of urine, incontinent of feces, totally disoriented, unable to state her own
name, year, where she is, recognize her children, recognize her husband. She
gradually comes out of this. At the time of discharge she is sent home to live with her
husband and children, resume normal sexual relations with her husband—she doesn’t
know how to drive a car, read, cook, use a toilet. Not only does she not know exactly
what sex is all about, and she’s not exactly sure who her husband is, she doesn’t
know what the concept of a husband is. She neuropsychologically pulls out of this
over months, and several months down the road, she’s at the point where a full time
homemaker has taught her how to scramble eggs. She was a fully competent
housewife and mother before this. When her children go out to play on the street, she
is unable to remember thirty seconds later where they are, so she puts a map of the
neighborhood up on the wall and puts pins in the map to keep track of where her kids
are playing. Otherwise she goes into a panic and doesn’t realize what’s going on.”3

“Mary” is another person who remembers being violated by brainwashing procedures

under the hand of Dr. Cameron. She was born in Halifax, Canada, in 1947, a short
time after her father left the army. Her childhood was spent in Ontario, Canada. She
recalls being taken from her home on a number of occasions for mind control
experimentation. These experiments, she believes, took place in upper New York state
and at the Uplands Canadian Forces base near Ottawa, Canada. She says that these
procedures took place in a building called “the Playhouse.” Here, Mary says, in a
room with walls but without a ceiling, she received an electronic mind control implant
through her nostril that was fixed behind her eyeball. She also recalls being
suspended in midair, with electric current flowing through her, causing her to make
jerking, inadvertent body movements. “It was horrible, because my head was
conscious, but they made my body do things, and I couldn’t stop it. It was like being a

Mary also remembers having electroshock, being subjected to sensory deprivation

experiments, being drugged, and being abused sexually. She says that the
experimentation ruined her life. A marriage at age twenty fell apart, and she has not
been able to sustain a stable relationship since that time. In 1986 she suffered a
complete nervous breakdown.

In the 1990s bits and pieces of memory involving hospitals and electroshock came to
the surface and encouraged Mary to investigate what had happened to her in her
childhood. She went to the local library and checked out a book about the MKULTRA
experiments that included pictures of Ewen Cameron. When she saw a photo of
Cameron a flood of memories of her mind control ordeal burst forth. She became
hysterical and thought she was going to die.

In 1991 Maclean’s magazine reported that the Mulroney government had appointed

a commission composed of a single lawyer, “a defeated Conservative MP, George

Cooper of Halifax...loyal to the regime that held the answer to his future...” to
investigate the claims of nine victims of Dr. Cameron—nine out of the hundreds that
Cameron is known to have abused. Cooper recommended that each victim be given
$100,000, but not, he said, due to any government wrongdoing, but as “an expression
of a collective sense of accountability for events that took place in good faith with ill

Cameron retired from his chamber of horrors in 1964, and died of a heart attack while
mountain climbing in 1967. Eventually the CIA also got around to cash settlements for
a few of the people whose lives were destroyed by Cameron and his psychiatric


1. Dr. Colin Ross interview, Sunday, April 6, 1997 on CKLN-FM 88 in Toronto,

Canada. Interview conducted by Wayne Morris

2. Bowart, Walter. Operation Mind Control. New York: Dell, 1977; Lee and Shlain.
Acid Dreams. New York: Grove Press, 1985; Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in
the U.S.A. Portland, Oregon: Feral House, 1995; Thomas, Gordon. Journey Into
Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York:
Bantam Books, 1989; Victorian, Armen, “United States, Canada, Britain: Partners in
Mind Control Operations,” MindNet, Vol. 1, No. 81, visitations.com/mindnet/
MN16A.HTM; Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,”
EIR, October 7, 1994

3. Ross, M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the
Manchurian Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on
Trauma and Dissociation, April 18, 1996

4. “Ewen Cameron and the Sleep Room,” The Fifth Estate television show,
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, January 6, 1998; Bronskill, Jim, “Mind Games,”
Ottawa Citizen, September 13,1997; Maclean’s, March 13, 1991; Cockburn, Alexander
and St. Clair, Jeffrey, “CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher, Assassin & Pimp,” press release
from CounterPunch at www.newsun.com/Counter.html

Chapter 10

Electronic Implants and Dr. Delgado

In 1870, two German researchers named Hitzig and Fritsch electrically stimulated the
brains of dogs, demonstrating that certain portions of the brain were the centers of
motor function. The American Dr. Robert Bartholow, within four years, demonstrated
that the same was true of human beings. By the turn of the century in Germany Fedor
Krause was able to do a systematic electrical mapping of the human brain, using
conscious patients undergoing brain surgery.1

Another early researcher into electrical stimulation of the brain was Walter Rudolph
Hess, who began research into ESB in the 1930s, jolting patients’ brains with shocks
administered through tiny needles that pierced their skulls.

During the decades of the 1940s and 1950s, Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon at
McGill University, experimented with electrical brain stimulation on patients
undergoing surgery. One of Penfield’s discoveries was that the application of
electricity on alert patients could stimulate the memory of past events.2

Since 1949, the Tulane University Department of Psychiatry and Neurology has done
experimentation in the implantation of electrodes into patients’ brains. According to
one of their staff-generated reports, “By implantation of electrodes into various
predetermined specific brain sites of patients capable of reporting thoughts and
feelings, we have been able to make invaluable long-term observations...”3

Other early researchers into direct brain stimulation were Robert G. Heath, of Tulane
University School of Medicine, in New Orleans, and his associate, Dr. Russell Monroe.
Beginning in 1950, with funding from the CIA and the military, among other sources,
they implanted as many as 125 electrodes into subjects’ brains, and also
experimented by injecting a wide variety of drugs directly into the brain tissue through
small tubes; these drugs included LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline. One of Heath’s
memorable suggestions was that lobotomy should be used on subjects, not as a
therapeutic measure, but for the convenience of the staff.4

According to Heath, “In the old days we could leave the electrodes in for only a few
days; we’d stay up all night making recordings. After we refined our method, we
started leaving the electrodes in up to several years so that the patients could be
restimulated when symptoms recurred. Eventually, of course, we developed a
pacemaker with its own internal power source to provide the patient with continuous

Heath and Monroe demonstrated that by implanting electrodes into the brains of their
subjects they could switch on and off a variety of emotional and mental states,
including fear, feelings of well-being, sexual sensations, as well as controlling memory
and artificially inducing hallucinations. These feelings and thoughts, selectively chosen
by those wielding the electric pushbutton, could in Pavlovian fashion be used for
reward and punishment.6

One experiment performed by Heath utilized subject “B-19,” a young male

homosexual. Heath set about treating the man’s homosexuality by inserting electrodes
into his brain, including in the septum, a cerebral pleasure center. When Heath would
activate the electrodes the man would experience something akin to a slow-burn
orgasm. The man was shown heterosexual pornographic films while electricity was
channeled through the electrodes, in an effort to rearrange his pleasure orientations,
and switch his sexual interest from men to women. Eventually the man was given his
own control box, which during one three-hour period he pushed 1,500 times for self
stimulation. A twenty-year-old female prostitute was brought to Tulane University, and
the man’s brainwaves were studied while he engaged in sex with the her.7

By 1976 Heath had come up with the “cerebellar pacemaker,” designed to electrically
stimulate the brain through an array of tiny electrodes inserted at the back of the
head, under the skull on the cerebellum. Although early versions of the pacemaker
included a battery pack that the patient would carry in his pocket or on his belt, later
versions would be implanted in the patient’s abdomen.8

Heath was far from the only person thinking about using implants for control. In 1956,
Curtiss Shafer, working as an electrical engineer for Norden-Ketay, offered the
following prescription at the National Electronics Conference in Chicago. Shafer said,
“The ultimate achievement of biocontrol may be man himself. The controlled subjects
would never be permitted to think as individuals. A few months after birth, a surgeon
would equip each child with a socket mounted under the scalp and electrodes
reaching selected areas of brain tissue.”

The subject’s “sensory perceptions and muscular activity could be either modified or
completely controlled by bioelectric signals radiating from state-controlled

Intelligence agencies have long been interested in the possibilities of direct brain
electrical stimulation. A report on the CIA’s MKULTRA subproject 94, issued in
October 1960, said: “Initial biological work on techniques and brain locations essential
to providing conditioning and control of animals has been completed... The feasibility
of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated.
The present investigations are directed toward improvement of techniques.”

A CIA research staff memorandum for the Deputy Director of the Agency from April
21, 1961 stated: “At present time we feel that we are close to having debugged a
prototype system whereby dogs can be guided along specific courses through land
areas out of sight and at some distance of the operator... In addition to its possible
practical value in operations, this phenomenon is a very useful research tool in the
area of the behavioral sciences. Dr. [deleted in original document] is taking appropriate
action to exploit our knowledge of this area and provide adequate background for the
development of future Agency applications in the general areas of influencing Human
Behavior, Indirect Assessment and Interrogation Aids.”

The Spaniard Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriquez Delgado, who studied medicine and taught
physiology in Madrid, casts a long shadow in early CIA mind control research.
Delgado is the man who perfected the stimoceiver, a tiny electronic device that is
implanted into the brains of humans and animals, and is used to transmit electrical
impulses directly to the brain.

Delgado came to the United States in 1950 to work at Yale University, where he was
to remain for more than twenty years. He was financed by a number of agencies
including the Office of Naval Intelligence, which was used to channel CIA funds.
Unlike many of the researchers at the edge of behavioral control who seek anonymity,
we are familiar with a good deal of Delgado’s early research because he authored a
book on the subject, Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilised Society,
as well as several less well-known monographs.

In a 1967 medical report dated titled “Man’s Intervention in Intracerebral Functions,”

Delgado rhapsodized about how he had:

“... Started to influence the physiological basis of the mind, and scientific investigation
has established the principles that:

“We can experiment with intracerebral mechanisms responsible for the onset,
development, and maintenance of specific behavioral and mental functions... The
greatest challenge, however, is the possibility that we might substitute—at least in part
—human intelligence for natural choices in man’s design of man’s highest quality:
mental functions.”

In the same monograph Delgado said that he had invented several types of brain
implants. One type was the “radio stimulator,” that provided jolts of electricity to the
brain that were controlled by radio.

“Programmed stimulators” were another type of brain implant. Delgado said, “The
advantage of the programmed stimulator is that it is self-contained and does not
depend on a radio-link, and therefore the mobility of the subject is not limited, which is
an important consideration in possible application of this unit for ambulatory therapy
in humans.” Another type of stimoceiver was the “radio injector.” The subjects of this
type of stimoceiver are, according to Delgado, “equipped with mutilated electrodes
attached to fine tunings, forming assemblies called ‘chemitrodes’ which are
permanently implanted into the brain. Administration of chemicals is performed with a
specially designed ‘chemitrode pump,’ which measures 40 x 18 mm. and weighs only
10 grams, and consists of two lucite compartments separated by an elastic
membrane. One side is filled with synthetic spinal fluid or any other solution to be
injected, and the adjoining side is filled with a solution of hydrozoan. When a current is
passed through the latter compartment, gas is released and its pressure pushes the
drug to be injected through the chemitrode.”10

In an interview Delgado said that, “The brain is like an ocean through which, by relying
on instrument guidance, we can navigate without visibility and reach a specific

What Delgado is specifically talking about when he says “instrument guidance” is

locking the subject’s head into a metal restraint attached to a metal arm that holds
either a long hypodermic needle (for chemical stimulation) or a thin steel wire
electrode that can be hooked up to dozens of other wires. Controls allow the vertical
and lateral adjustment of the head until the needle or electrode is specifically targeted
to a hole that has previously been drilled in the skull. The electrode is then thrust into
the brain.12

Delgado soon came up with a new “transdermal” stimoceiver that communicates

back the reactions of the subject to the electrical or chemical stimuli. Delgado
reported: “The new system described here is based on the implantation under the skin
of a small instrument, without batteries, which is powered by transdermal reception of
energy and is able to stimulate three different areas of the brain with remote

Dr. Colin Ross describes another experiment performed by Delgado:

“He...describes a technical innovation in an eleven year old boy who had brain
electrodes implanted for non-therapeutic reasons. Previously you had to have wires
connecting the transmitter box directly to the electrode terminals that were sticking
through the skull. In this eleven-year-old boy, however, Jose Delgado had figured out
how to have a remote transmitter without a direct wire connection. He describes
pushing a button in this otherwise normal eleven-year-old boy’s brain transmitter box
and the boy starts being confused about his identity, wondering whether he is a girl
and talking about wanting to marry Jose Delgado. He pushes another button, and this
behavior stops.”14

These innovations in brain implants were, in fact, a very primitive level of Delgado’s
research that would later be exceeded by light years. Later breakthroughs in
technology were documented in “Two-Way Transdermal Communication with the
Brain,” published in 1975. By this time Delgado had linked his brain implants with
computers. The monograph records,

“The most interesting aspect of the transdermal stimoceivers is the ability to perform
simultaneous recording and stimulation of brain functions, thereby permitting the
establishment of feedbacks and ‘on-demand’ programs of excitation with the aid of
the computer. With the increasing sophistication and miniaturization of electronics, it
may be possible to compress the necessary circuitry for a small computer into a chip
that is implantable subcutaneously. In this way, a new self-contained instrument could
be devised, capable of receiving, analyzing, and sending back information to the
brain, establishing artificial links between unrelated cerebral areas, functional
feedbacks, and programs of stimulation contingent on the appearance of pre-
determined patterns.”

The monograph further stated that:

“Two-way, transdermal exploration of the brain has the following possibilities:

“1. Long-term, depth EEG [electro-encephalogram] recording to monitor physiological,

pharmacological, and psychological phenomena in unrestrained subjects;

“2. Long-term electrical stimulation of the brain to influence autonomic, somatic, and
behavior responses or to provide information directly to the brain circumventing
normal sensory receptors;

“3. Communication from the brain to computer and back to the brain, for the
establishment of artificial intracerebral links and feedback circuits;

“4. Clinical applications to humans of ‘on-demand’ programs of stimulation, triggered

by predetermined electrical pattern.”15

Many popular articles on Delgado intend us to think that his primary purpose was the
rehabilitation of the mentally and physically sick. This does not happen to be the case.
Delgado was a blatant control freak. An example is Delgado’s experimentation on
changing the social orientation of animals. One staging area for this experimentation
was an island in the Bermudas, where Delgado maintained a free-roving population of
gibbons with electronic implants, using electrical brain boosts to build and destroy
social orders among those primates as if he was knocking down a row of dominoes.16

Delgado returned to his native Spain in the 1970s, where he was ostensibly employed
as a physiology professor at the University of Madrid. He continued his
experimentation on human subjects while in Spain, although these researches have
not been publicized. According to the report of a doctor who was a friend of
Delgado’s, one of the experiments that Delgado engaged in was the stimulation of the
brains of the elderly in order to cause them to experience continuous sexual orgasms.

By the 1980s, Delgado had changed directions in his work. Working at the one
hundred room Ramon y Cajal hospital in Madrid, Delgado now began to emphasize
changing brainwave patterns and physiology through electromagnetic broadcasting.
Delgado said, “Much more research will have to be done. But with further knowledge,
I am hopeful that without surgery or drugs, we will eventually be able to correct
abnormal brain activity in humans.”18

In an interview, Delgado stated that electromagnetic broadcasting for mind control

had been developed to a state of effectiveness, and could be utilized at up to three

Interestingly enough, part of the thrust of Delgado’s research was genetics, since he
had determined that low intensity electromagnetic fields were capable of altering
DNA. Delgado said, “Our understanding of genetics is very clumsy at present. But if
we can produce lethal mutations with EMF fields, perhaps we will someday be able to
use the technique to produce behavior changes.”20

Summing up his philosophy, Delgado remarked, “This new knowledge is so important

that I think it should radically change the philosophy of our educational system, which
believes in the sanctity of individuals, thinking that an individual exists at birth. This
belief is not true. And this science is going to prove the fallacy of democracy in the
sense that we talk about the rights of the individual; this democratic belief is not true.
Because we are forming this individual, because we are constructing his brain, we are
willy nilly making the differences we either desire or dislike.”21

Always a visionary in the Orwellian mold, Delgado said, “Looking into the future, it
may be predicted that telerecording and telestimulation of the brain will be widely

Another researcher who specialized in brain implants is Dr. Stuart Mackay, who in
1968 penned a textbook titled Bio-Medical Telemetry. Mackay reported, “Among the
many telemetry instruments being used today are miniature radio transmitters that can
be swallowed, carried externally, or surgically implanted in man or animal. They permit
the simultaneous study of behavior and physiological functioning. The scope of
observations is too broad to more than hint at a few examples. The possibilities are
limited only by the imagination of the investigator. ”23

In the early 1970s, in the law review Crime and Justice, an article by Barton L.
Ingraham and Gerald W. Smith was published, titled “The Use of Electronics in the
Observation and Control of Human Behavior and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation
and Control.” The article stated:

“In the very near future, a computer technology will make possible alternatives to
imprisonment. The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors
implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of
human behavior without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it
will be possible to maintain twenty-four-hour-a-day surveillance over the subject and
to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behavior. It
will thus be possible to exercise control over human behavior and from a distance
without physical contact. The possible implications for criminology and corrections of
such telemetric systems is tremendously significant.”24

During the Vietnam war one of those interventions to influence behavior was done by
a team of CIA psychologists at the Bien Hoa Prison outside of Saigon, where they
were working as part of the infamous Phoenix Program. Suspected members of the
National Liberation Front were brought into the prison, and experiments were done on
them. One such experiment involved anesthetizing three prisoners and then
implanting electrodes in their brains. After the prisoners were brought back to
consciousness, they were placed in a room where knives had been left in the open.
They were covertly observed by the psychiatrists as the electrodes were turned on,
sending jolts of electricity directly to their brains. The apparent hope was that the
prisoners would go berserk and attack each other with the knives, providing a juicy
footnote to the CIA psychiatrists’ reports. To the dismay of the CIA shrinks, this did
not happen. The electrode-implanted prisoners were deemed useless. They were
summarily shot; their bodies burned.25

In the States, doctors at the University of Mississippi in Jackson as of 1972 were

implanting electrodes into the brains of black children as young as five years old, with
the purpose of controlling “hyperactive” and “aggressive” behavior. A report from Dr.
Peter R. Breggin states that, “Their brains were being implanted with electrodes that
were heated up to melt areas of the brain that regulate emotion and intellect.”26

Although it has been a closely guarded secret, the technology of electronic brain
control implants has continued to be advanced throughout this century, and continues
to be applied by mind control practitioners today. One area where the technology
continues to be developed is the University of Michigan Center for Neural
Communication Technology. According to information on their website, “The Center
was initiated to obtain resources necessary to meet the increasing demands for
multichannel silicon substrate microprobes fabricated at the University of Michigan
Center for Integrated Sensors and Circuits. These probes are being developed for
acute and chronic recording and/or stimulation of the central nervous system.”


1. Morgan, James P., “The First Reported Case of Electrical Stimulation of the
Human Brain,” Journal of the History of Medicine at www3.oup.co.uk/jalsci/scope/;
Zimmerman, M., “Electrical Stimulation of the Human Brain,” Human Neurobiology,

2. Project Open Mind

3. “Stereotaxic Implantation of Electrodes in the Human Brain: A Method for Long-

Term Study and Treatment,” Heath, John, Fontana, Department of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Tulane University School of Medicine

4. Heath, Robert G. Undated interview in Omni; Cannon, Martin, “Mind Control and
the American Government,” Prevailing Winds, 1994; Human Rights Law Journal,
“Freedom of the Mind as an International Human Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4; Ross,
M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian
Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and
Dissociation, April 18, 1996

5. Heath

6. Cannon, Martin, “Mind Control and the American Government,” Prevailing

Winds, 1994; Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the Mind as an International
Human Rights Issue”; Ross, M.D.

7. Ross

8. Heath

9. Cited in Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. Portland, Oregon:

Feral House, 1995

10. Delgado, Dr. Jose, “Man’s Intervention in Intracerebral Functions, New Haven,
Connecticut: Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, School of Medicine, 1967

11. Packard, Vance. The People Shapers. New York: Ballentine Books, 1979

12. Packard

13. Delgado; Packard

14. Ross

15. Delgado, Lipponen, Weiss, del Pozo, Monteagudo, and McMahon, “Two-Way
Transdermal Communication with the Brain,” a co-operative publication of the Medical
University of Madrid, Spain, and Yale University Medical School, 1975

16. Packard

17. Correspondence with the Spanish NosMan research group, April 1999

18. McAuliffe, Kathleen, “The Mind Fields,” Omni. 1985

19. Correspondence with the Spanish NosMan group

20. McAuliffe

21. Delgado, Dr. Jose, quoted in Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the Mind
as an International Human Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4

22. Delgado, Jose, “Radio Stimulation of the Brain in Primates and Man,” New
Haven, Connecticut: Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine,

23. Mackay, Dr. Smart, cited in Krawcyzyk, Glenn, “Mind Control Techniques and
Tactics of the New World Order,” Nexus, December-January 1993

24. Ingraham and Smith, “The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of
Human Behavior and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control,” Crime and
Justice, 1972

25. Cockbum, Alexander and St. Clair, Jeffrey, “CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher,
Assassin & Pimp,” press release from CounterPunch

26. “Recent FDA Decision Highlights Ethical Issues in Drug Research On Children,”
Peter R. Breggin, M.D.

Chapter 11

Turn On, Tune In, Become a Robot

Along with CIA mind control programs, media manipulation, and Kinsey’s “sexual
revolution,” in the 1950s and 60s America was ripe was for another ambitious
operation: the restructuring of American society through the use of psychedelic drugs
and mysticism.

As illogical as it may seem at first glance, the LSD drugging of the world and an
accompanying injection of mystical religion fits neatly into the New World Order—and
eugenics—intention for population control and a “post-technological” world. Believing
that the world is overpopulated and that resources are being squandered through
consumption by the masses, dystopian social visionaries epitomized by those of
Tavistock and the Club of Rome have repeatedly urged that the solution is a return to
a mystical primitivism—at least for the vast majority of the world’s population. And
that primitivism, they seem to believe, can be furthered through the use of drugs and

Strangely, LSD may be a byproduct of German occultism. According to Captain Alfred

Hubbard, the intelligence agency “Johnny Appleseed of LSD,” the drug was
discovered years prior to its announced discovery by Albert Hoffman, in a project
mounted by members of the Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy—an offshoot of
Blavatsky’s occultist Theosophy group—to discover a “peace pill.” The documented
history of LSD begins much later.

The major proponent of the acid drugging of America was Aldous Huxley, the
grandson of British imperialist Thomas Huxley, one of the founders of the Rhodes
Round Table. The materialist Thomas Huxley was referred to during his life as
“Darwin’s bulldog” for his efforts at suppressing opposition to Darwinism, and his
frank advocacy of genocide for the Australian aborigine for eugenics purposes.

Aldous Huxley was a lifelong collaborator with Arnold Toynbee, who was on the
council of the Round Table’s Royal Institute of International Affairs, and was the head
of British Intelligence’s Research Division. In a 1971 dialogue with Kei Wakzizumi of
Kyoto Sangyo University, Toynbee said:

“If I am right in forecasting that a world dictatorship is likely to be the way in which we
shall avoid liquidating ourselves in an atomic war, and if I live to see this development,
I should on the whole be optimistic, because I should not expect the dictatorship to
be permanent... It is most unlikely, I fear, that it will be established by the will, or even
with the acquiescence of the majority of mankind. It seems to be likely to be imposed
on the majority by a ruthless, efficient, and fanatical minority, inspired by some
ideology or religion. I guess that mankind will acquiesce in a harsh Leninian kind of
dictatorship as a lesser evil than self-extermination or than a continuing anarchy which
could end only in self-extermination. If the reluctant majority does accept this
dictatorship on this ground, I think they will be making the right choice.”

Huxley was tutored by Fabian Socialist and pivotal New World Order theorist H.G.
Wells, author of The Open Conspiracy and other books detailing the intentions of the
international New World Order faction. Wells was the head of British intelligence
during World War I who proposed the creation of a “one-world brain”—soberingly
similar in conception to that of today’s Internet—that would ultimately act as “a police
of the mind.”

It has been reported that Huxley was a member of “the Children of the Sun,” a
mystical free love cult of children of the Round Table in Britain that may have shared
more than just its name with the German Sonnenkinder, the term used to designate
the eugenically bred, racially pure Lebensborn children of Nazi Germany.

There is more to suggest this connection than just the name of the group. Members of
the British Children of the Sun are reported to have included the fascist Sir Oswald
Mosley, British intelligence agent George Orwell, and Guy Burgess. Burgess was one
of the founders of the “homosexual Freemasonry” and “higher sodomy” of the
Apostles at Cambridge, a founder of the pro-Nazi Anglo-German Fellowship in
England, a paid agent of the Rothschild’s family private intelligence network, and—his
most famous role—a Soviet spy. Other members of the Apostles homosexual cabal
included Soviet spies Blunt, Philby, and Maclean, who were largely responsible for the
massive compromise of Western intelligence to the Soviets that began in the 1930s.

Huxley was a collaborator with Tavistock’s Major John Rawlings Reese, and author of
the influential Brave New World. Among other eugenics ideas in the book is the strict
structuralization of society through test tube breeding, with the lowest members of
society denied oxygen during their fetal growth to reduce intelligence.1

In Brave New World Revisited, the book’s non-fictional sequel he wrote:

“The twenty-first century...will be the era of the World Controllers... The older dictators
fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough
circuses, enough miracles and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship education will
really work—with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their
servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a
thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.”

Huxley came to America from Britain shortly after the first published findings about
LSD, in 1949. He was accompanied by his friend Dr. Humphrey Osmond who, once in
America, immediately set about toiling in the MUKULTRA mindfields—including
turning on his friend to acid—while Huxley was the seed crystallizing dozens of LSD
and mystico-religious projects, both official and informal. Huxley was also friends with
George Estabrooks, who had done early work into the creation of mind control
assassins and hypnotically-installed multiple personalities, and worked with Andrija
Puharich, an early researcher into the effects of electromagnetics on humans.

Certainly Huxley cannot have been unaware of the effects that the widespread
distribution of LSD might bring about. He wrote,

“Now let us consider another kind of drug—still undiscovered, but probably just
around the corner—a drug capable of making people happy in situations where they
would normally feel miserable. Such a drug would be a blessing, but a blessing
fraught with grave political dangers. By making a harmless chemical euphoric freely
available, a dictator could reconcile an entire population to a state of affairs to which
self respecting human beings ought not to be reconciled...”2

Huxley, who was also a pal of CIA mind control kingpin Louis Jolyon West, was
responsible for “turning on” dozens of persons who went on to proselytize the
mystical religion and acid, including Alan Watts, Ken Kesey, members of the Grateful
Dead musical group, and anthropologist Gregory Bateson, who had been a
“psychological planner” for the OSS. From the ranks of persons turned on directly or
indirectly by Aldous Huxley, an entire generation was mentally re-grooved.

Supporting the idea that Huxley may have had an agenda other than enlightening
America to the Buddha-mind, an FBI memorandum from 1968 states that Grateful
Dead bandleader Jerry Garcia, was used “to channel youth dissent and rebellion into
more benign and non-threatening directions.” It is not known whether Garcia was a
witting collaborator in this channeling.3

Huxley’s most influential acolyte was Dr. Timothy Leary, who in the 1950s coasted on
eight monetary grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, a pipeline for CIA
funding. Leary was first turned on to LSD by his long time friend, CIA agent Frank
Barron. In an interview for High Times magazine in February 1978, Leary said:

“If you look back, many things that we thought were accidents turned out were not
accidents. The entire LSD movement itself was sponsored originally by the CIA, to
whom I give great credit. I would not be here today if it had not been for the foresight
and prestige of the CIA psychologists, so give the CIA credit for being truly an
intelligence agency.”

Mind control researcher Walter Bowart interviewed Leary in the 1970s, and the acid
guru had some interesting things to say about his association with the CIA. Asked,
“Do you think CIA people were involved in your group in the sixties?” Leary
responded, “Of course they were. I would say that eighty percent of my movements,
eighty percent of the decisions I made were suggested to me by CIA people... I like
the CIA! The game they’re playing is better than the FBI. Better than the Saigon police.
Better than Franco’s police. Better than the Israeli police. They’re a thousand times
better than the KGB. So it comes down to: who are you going to work for? The
Yankees or the Dodgers?” Bowart might have responded that one could simply “drop
out” from the game, as Leary had counseled an entire generation.

Leary sang the praises of the CIA throughout the interview. Asked whether he had
been used by the CIA, Leary said, “I’ve known this for ten years.”

In an attempt to pin him down, Bowart asked, “You were wittingly used by the CIA?”

Leary hedged:

“Wait, when you say CIA, it’s like saying ‘Niggers’... I knew I was being used by the
intelligence agents of this country.”

Asked again whether he wittingly worked for the CIA, Leary answered forcefully, “Yes,
I was a witting agent of the CIA, but I’m not a willing agent of Nixon! I did everything in
my power to throw out Nixon! ”

Bowart asked him, “So, you work for the Central Intelligence Agency? Is it the Deputy
Director of Plans you work for? Who makes out your checks?”

“It’s none of your business to know how those things work,” was Leary’s response.
“I’ll answer you no questions that have to do with business. I’ll answer you any
question about history or people...”4

After the interview, Bowart, as well as several friends of Leary who were present,
agreed that “this was not the same man we’d known before he’d gone to prison. We
couldn’t tell if he’d changed because of the normal prison brutality, or because he was
under some great pressures or had been tortured.” Bowart says, “The first thought I
had when seeing the altered Leary was, ‘He’s been the victim of one of the secret
prison mind control programs.’”

There is additional confirmation that Leary himself was the guinea pig of his esteemed
“intelligence agents.” Bowart relates that while Leary was in Folsom Prison he was
held incommunicado for a period of time, and that, according to his wife Joanna
(Harcourt-Smith) Leary, when he was finally allowed to visit her, he seemed radically
different: his head had been shaved, and he was bruised and pale. This information
was confirmed by a former convict who told Bowart that during the period when Leary
could not be located by his wife, the acid guru was given fright drugs—anectine is one
drug that induces hysterical fear—and kept in solitary confinement in order to break
him down. Leary returned to their cell “with his head shaved and blue lines painted on

According to the man, “Well, one day he comes back to the cell with lines on his head.
They were actually very precise measurement lines. His head was shaved and it was
marked with all these careful, precise blue lines.

“I asked him what the lines were for. He told me that they were going to give him a
lobotomy. They were going to stick ice picks into his brain. He told me that it was
really going to be great. They had him completely brainwashed. He said, ‘This is going
to be the greatest thing. All my life I’ve been going through this, you get up, you get
down, but now,’ he said, ‘I’ll be just as smart as I am but I won’t have to feel emotions
any more. Wow!’”5

Leary’s initial intelligence handler may have been British agent Michael Hollingshead,
yet another friend of Aldous Huxley. Hollingshead first provided Leary with acid, and
according to reports of the period, Leary idolized him.6

One of Leary’s major supporters was William “Billy” Mellon Hitchcock, heir to Gulf Oil,
nephew to financier Andrew Mellon, and alleged to be a broker for money interests
that included the Mafia and the CIA. Mellon family foundations have long been used
as a conduit for CIA monies, and several members of the family have been members
of American intelligence agencies. Hitchcock’s father was a university roommate with
David Bruce, a Chief of Technological Intelligence of the OSS. During his tenure at the
Agency, CIA Director Richard Helms, the man who conceived of MKULTRA, was a
close friend of the Mellons, as was Averell Harriman. Hitchcock was the largest
investor in Resorts International, a consortium where a number of clandestine
interests met, including British Intelligence and the networks of Mafia kingpins Tibor
Rosenbaum and Meyer Lansky. Some researchers have convincingly fingered Resorts
International as part the cabal that sponsored the killing of John F. Kennedy.7

Others involved in the acid-drugging of the world included Captain Alfred M. Hubbard
of the OSS, the Treasury Department, the Federal Narcotics Bureau, and the Food and
Drug Administration, and—it is alleged—the Mafia, who acted as a “Johnny
Appleseed of LSD.” Hubbard, who first took LSD in 1951, and guided Aldous Huxley
through his second mescaline trip, distributed huge amounts of Agency acid around
the world. While he was passing out LSD, Hubbard also led raids on the LSD labs of
“rebel chemists” suggesting that Hubbard might have been an elitist who thought that
acid was only good enough for the commissar class.

In 1968, at the height of the hippie phase, Hubbard joined the world’s largest military
research think tank, Stanford Research Institute, as an investigator. This was done at
the behest of Tavistock-associated Willis Harmon, at that time the director of the SRI
Center for the Study of Social Policy, and reported to have himself been an
experimenter with LSD.

SRI was founded in 1946, reportedly by agents of the Tavistock Institute, and its first
contracts were obtained from the defense establishment. SRI had already received
Army money for research into “chemical incapacitants” as well as for the alleged 1958
Project Shaky, delving into using the environment as a weapon through weather wars
and controlled earthquakes. SRI is linked in its database with 2,500 other
organizations, including the CIA, Bell Telephone, U.S. Army intelligence, the Office of
Naval Intelligence, RAND, Harvard, and MIT.

Harmon wrote to Hubbard, saying:

“Our investigations of some of the current social movements affecting education

indicate that the drug usage prevalent among student members of the New Left is not
entirely undesigned. Some of it appears to be present as a deliberate weapon aimed
at political change. We are concerned with assessing the significance of this as it
impacts on matters of long-range educational policy. In this connection it would be
advantageous to have you considered in the capacity of a special investigative agent
who might have access to relevant data which is not ordinarily available.”

Well, who would have been promoting “drug usage...among student members of the
New Left”? Surely Harmon didn’t think it was the communists. This sounds more to
me like a cant language proposal for carrying out “political change.”

Hubbard was employed by SRI ostensibly as a security guard. In fact his actual work
took place under the auspices of their Alternative Futures Program, a “corporate
strategy program” that reminds one that Hubbard had his own corporate strategy of
turning business and political leaders on to LSD.8

The LSD drugging of America was not limited to experimentation performed on adults.
In the Proceedings of the 19th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the
Society of Biological Psychiatry, that took place in Los Angeles, May 13, 1964, it is

“In the children’s unit of Creedmore State Hospital with a resident population of 450
patients, ages 4 to 15, we have investigated the responses of some of these children
to lysergic acid and related drugs in the psychiatric, psychological and biochemical
areas. Two groups of boys receiving daily LSD, UML (which is a methylated derivative
of LSD) or psilocybin...at first the medication was given weekly but was eventually
given daily for periods of up to several months. Dosages remain constant throughout,
LSD 150 mcg, psilocybin 20 mg. daily or UML 12 mg. daily, all given in two divided
doses. The average duration of treatment was 2 to 3 months.”9

It is not necessary to comment at length on the magnitude of the LSD drugging

program and its mystical retooling of the American psyche in the 1960s. The varied
results of that operation—the destruction of much of political activism in America; the
birth of the quiche-breathed lock-stepping Yuppies; the alienated and politically
impotent Punks and Gen X; and the drug gang fetishism of both black and white
“gangsta” culture—are testimony to the effectiveness of this far-reaching pacification


1. EIR, volume 14, number 23; Lockhart, Robin Bruce. Reilly: The First Man.
London: Penguin Books, 1987; Pincher, Chapman. Too Secret, Too Long. New York:
St. Martin’s Press, 1984; Lively and Abrams. The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the
Nazi Party. Reiser, Oregon: Founders Publishing Corporation, 1995; White, Carol. The
New Dark Ages Conspiracy. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1980; Editors
of EIR. Dope, Inc. Washington, D.C.: EIR, 1992; Desmond, Adrian. Huxley: The Devil’s
Disciple. London: Michael Joseph, 1994; Costello, John. Mask of Treachery: Spies,
Lies, & Betrayal. New York: Warner Books, 1988

2. Huxley, Aldous, “The Doors of Perception,” Collected Essays. New York: Harper
and Brothers, 1958

3. Dope, Inc.; Lee and Shlain. Acid Dreams. New York: Grove Press, 1985; White,
Carol. The New Dark Ages Conspiracy. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House,
1984; Ross, M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the
Manchurian Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on
Trauma and Dissociation, April 18, 1996

4. Bowart, Walter, “Timothy Leary and the CIA or The Spy Who Came In From the
(Ergot) Mold”

5. ibid.

6. Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America.

Venice, California: Feral House, 1997; Bowart, Walter. Unpublished manuscript, cited
in Constantine; Bowart, “Timothy Leary and the CIA or The Spy Who Came In From
the (Ergot) Mold”

7. Lee and Shlain; Dope, Inc.; Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995,
conducted by Will Robinson and Marilyn Coleman

8. Constantine; Coleman, John. Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the

Committee of 300. Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992

9. Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, the Proceedings of the 19th Annual

Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Los
Angeles, volume 7, May 13, 1964. “Autonomic Nervous System Responses in
Hospitalized Children Treated with LSD and UML”

Dr. Jolly West

Chapter 12

Jolly West and the Violence Center

Air Force Major Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West signed up early on as a co-conspirator in
the CIA’s MKULTRA, although most of his activities in the program are shadowed. In
the most famous event of his career, while he was chairman of the Department of
Psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma, West injected an elephant named Tusko
with a huge dosage of LSD in an experiment supposedly designed to provide insight
about animal behavior. Not surprisingly, Tusko collapsed into a stupor and, while
trying to bring the elephant back to consciousness with a variety of drugs, West
succeeded in killing the animal.

West lived in Haight-Ashbury in the summer of 1967 and was supposedly involved in a
project of studying the hippie in his native habitat. This was at the time that CIA
chemists were allegedly collaborating in setting up laboratories for the production of
LSD in the Bay Area, and one can only speculate just what West was up to.1

West was in charge of the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA, and director there of the
Neuro-Psychiatric Institute until his death in 1999. In 1973, during Ronald Reagan’s
governorship in California, West proposed the creation of what he dubbed a Center
for the Study and Reduction of Violence, that would have been located in an
abandoned Nike missile base in California. In a letter to Dr. J.M. Stubblebine, the
Director of Health in the California Office of Health Planning, West said:

“Comparative studies could be carried out there, in an isolated but convenient

location, of experimental or model programs for the alteration of undesirable
behavior.” West said that there were certain factors that militated toward violent
behavior, including “sex (male), age (youthful), ethnicity (black), and urbanicity.”

In a secret memo he discussed projects that the center might employ in more detail.
He said, "... Now by implanting tiny electrodes deep within the brain [it] is even
possible to record bioelectrical changes in the brain of freely moving subjects through
the use of remote monitoring techniques. They are not yet feasible for large scale
screening that might permit detection of a violent episode. A major task at the center
should be to devise such a test...”

Other techniques that West planned on using on violent offenders at the Center
included castration by chemicals, drugs for mood manipulation, and brain surgery.
The Center would collaborate with the California state police and share a database
that would keep track of “pre-delinquent” children in order to treat them before they
became delinquents, a foreshadowing of programs currently in operation in Clinton’s
Goals 2000.2

One critic of West was Dr. Isidore Ziferstein, associate clinical professor of psychiatry
at the UCLA Neuro-Psychiatric Institute. “We have a new situation on our hands,”
Ziferstein said. “Because of the intensifying economic decline it is inevitable that more
and more jobless will go beyond the limits of the law to satisfy their needs. There are
probably upwards of 30 percent of our population who are permanently
impoverished... And once these 30 percent become convinced that the democratic
process is not working for them, they become desperate and may resort to violent
means. There is a rising radicalism in their midst and there is an uppityness among the
blacks and Chicano prisoners which prison officials find intolerable. To subdue them,
the authorities are using new methods. They’re employing the psychiatric
armamentarium and a new technological tool set—what has come to be known as
psycho-technology. Under the guise of therapeutic behavior modification they’re
applying anything from [the terror drug] Anectine and other aversive drugs to

Despite Reagan’s support, the idea for the Violence Center was tabled, although he
retained the concept of the Center in his active file until his election to President.

After the demise of the Violence Center, West seems to have moved into the role of a
“fixer” for the CIA, always on the spot for high profile psychiatric intervention,
character assassination, or an off-the-cuff interview when the Agency sought damage
control. West examined Jack Ruby after the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald, and
determined that Ruby was in a “paranoid state manifested by delusions, visual and
auditory hallucinations, and suicidal impulses.” This diagnosis was probably
influenced by Ruby’s insistence that a conspiracy had been responsible for the murder
of John F. Kennedy, and that Ruby was being troublesome by virtually begging the
authorities, including Chief Justice Earl Warren of the Warren Report, to listen to his
take on who had done the deed.

In correspondence that journalist Lincoln Lawrence had access to, Ruby wrote:

“...to start my story off, they found some very clever means and ways to trick me... I
was used to silence Oswald. I walked into a trap the moment I walked down that ramp
Sunday morning.”

Ruby also wrote, “The reason I have gone through all, the explanation is, that knowing
of my complete innocence and their framing me as they have, there certainly was a
tremendous motive for it. The old war lords are going to come back. S.A. [South
America] is full of these Nazis! They will know that it is only one kind of people that
would do such a thing...that would have to be the Nazis and that is who is in power.”

If the idea of Nazi involvement in the assassination seems far-fetched, then a perusal
of the Torbitt Document would be in order.3

Ruby finished his letter by say, “The rest depends upon you. You can be of some help
some way. Be careful...they are after my blood. See if my prediction will be correct.”

In the end, no one listened to what Ruby had to say, except for journalist Dorothy
Kilgallen, who was found “suicided” shortly after her interview with him. Ruby himself
was to die soon after from a cancer that he believed had been injected into him.4

At the end of his life West was associated with the Cult Awareness Network, founded
by deprogrammer Ted Patrick, who had been an aide to Ronald Reagan at the time
that the Violence Center was proposed.5


1. Interview with Walter H. Bowart, July 16, 1995, conducted by Will Robinson and
Marilyn Coleman

2. Neill, Patricia, “Mass Testing for ‘Delinquency’ Gene’, Parascope at

www.parascope.com/main.htm; Krawczyk, Glenn, “The New Inquisition: Cult
Awareness or the Cult of Intelligence?,” Nexus, October/November 1994

3. Torbitt, William. Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, republished by Torbitt

and Thomas/NASA, Nazis, and JFK. Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press,

4. Lawrence, Lincoln, and Thomas, Kenn. Mind Control, Oswald & JFK: Were We
Controlled? Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997

5. Krawczyk

Chapter 13

Occult Connections
It is difficult to overestimate the role of religion and occultism in the history of world
control. This is one means by which zealots are molded who are unable to evaluate
effectively, and who thus can be turned to the purposes of their controllers. In many
religious or occult groups the zombie-ism of the mind controlled is the entry fee, and
the “disposal” problem for getting rid of the victims of mind control is not so
formidable since cult members have often become disaffected with their former
friends and family.

A quick scan through cultic history in recent years reveals significant, branching
connections, a few of which I will cover in this book.

A prime instance of CIA involvement in a cult in recent years is the case of Jim Jones’
Peoples’ Temple, although nary a word of these dark underpinnings has slipped into
mainstream accounts of the group. Evangelist Jim Jones started out as a member of
Bertrand Russell’s Fellowship of Reconciliation, which sponsored him at Butler
College in Indianapolis. The Fellowship is reported to have financed his first trip to
Brazil, in 1961. Jones at the time told the Brazilians that he was in the employ of Naval
Intelligence, and both his food and lodging during his stay were provided by the U.S.

While in Brazil, Jones took regular trips to Belo Horizonte, the location of CIA
headquarters in the region, and returned to the United States with an unexplained
$10,000 cash windfall. Apparently Jones was doing more than missionary work.
According to one account, Jones had been part of a CIA effort attempting a
government overthrow in South America, and distributed leaflets and stirred up
revolutionary sentiments during his stay.1

It is alleged that one of Jones’ earliest source of financing for his work was Rabbi
Maurice Davis, who provided him a church in Indianapolis. Davis was on the board of
the American Family Foundation, the founding group for the Cult Awareness Network,
and worked as a chaplain at the National Institute for Mental Health’s infamous
Lexington Addiction Research Center, where MKULTRA research had been done.2

Jones moved his growing fellowship to Ukiah, California, where reports from the
disaffected from his group said that behavior modification experiments were
performed on the congregation. According to People’s Temple researcher Michael

“Early Temple experiments in sensory deprivation are not well documented, but it is
known that Jones imparted his expertise to Donald DeFreeze, who utilized the
technique to brainwash Patricia Hearst.”3

Also, according to Meiers, “Tom Grubbs, a psychologist with the University of

California, was in charge of ‘the box.’ Grubbs, who was also principal of the
Jonestown school, personally constructed Jones’ sensory deprivation chamber.” In
Ukiah, Jones became chairman of the county grand jury, and worked with many
wealthy collaborators, including persons connected to military and intelligence
agencies. The Jones group also infiltrated and took over the Mendocino State
Hospital as part of a government pilot project to evaluate the feasibility of
deinstitutionalizing mental patients. After a reduction in state funding for psychiatric
institutions, most of the patients at Mendocino were released into the custody of the
Peoples’ Temple.4

In 1971, the People’s Temple relocated to San Francisco, where Jones and many of
his followers are said to have smoothly integrated as part of the Jerry Brown political
machine. Jones became the head of the San Francisco Housing Commission, and
used the city welfare department to recruit members for the People’s Temple.

Among the most important of Jones’ supporters were the Layton family, whose head,
Dr. Lawrence Laird Layton, had relocated to America from Germany after World War II.
Layton had worked on the Manhattan Project, and was Chief of Chemical and
Ecological Warfare Research at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, where Army LSD
research was carried out. Layton’s wife Eva had worked for the CIA at Berkeley
University. According to Dr. Colin Ross, “...her job at the library was to keep track of
all the left-wing literature taken out of the library and the names of the people who
took those books out and report that to the CIA.”

Another home for Jones’ flock was set up in Guyana at the former site of the Shalom
Project, allegedly a CIA training camp for guerrillas to be used in operations in Angola
between 1973 and 1975. Jones received assistance from the U.S. embassy in
Georgetown, Guyana, which was also the headquarters for the CIA in the area. It has
been alleged that all of the members of the embassy in Georgetown were agents of
the CIA.

At Jonestown, children were kept in line with electric cattle prods. When
Congressman Leo Ryan attempted to investigate Jonestown, members of the U.S.
embassy attempted to prevent him. This was finally left up to Jones’ followers.5

The Jonestown deaths were the ultimate in “assisted suicides.” According to the
officiating pathologist in Guyana 80-90% of the victims had fresh needle marks on
their bodies. Other victims had been shot or strangled. Orders were sent to U.S.
military officials by an aide to national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to remove
“all politically sensitive papers and forms of identification from the bodies.”

Jim Jones may have survived the destruction of the People’s Temple compound. The
body identified as being Jim Jones was so decomposed as to be unidentifiable,
although it is reported that the corpse did not have Jones’ distinctive chest tattoos.

Examining the evidence, the conclusion is simple, inevitable: Jonestown was a project
of U.S. intelligence agencies and the psychiatric establishment, and the mass murders
or suicides there probably took place to cover that fact up. American media is in
collusion in keeping the information from the public.6

• The Esalen Institute, located at Big Sur, is a New Age-style group with a myriad of
interesting connections. One of the founders of the group was Aldous Huxley, the
primary advocate for the LSD dosing of the world. The first seminar on Human
Potential at Esalen was led by Willis Harmon of Stanford Research Institute, who
was anything but a hippie. Charles Manson and members of his group played a
concert at Esalen three days before the Helter Skelter murders.

Physicist Jack Sarfatti reports on “weird stories” that he heard at the Esalen
Institute in Big Sur that the occultist philosophy Arica had been founded in Chile by
fugitive Nazis who were occult adepts. Sarfatti says, “Many of the regulars at
Esalen, including some of our group like Dr. John Lilly and Claudio Naranjo had
been in the first Arica training in Chile.” Sarfatti also lists Soviet officials who were
at Esalen in the late ’70s and early ’80s: “Valentin M. Berezhkov, Yuri A. Zamoshkin,
Andrey A. Kokoshin, Henrikas Jushkevitshus, Vladimir M. Kuznetsov, Victor M.
Pogostin, Vlail PI Kaznacheyev, Joseph Goldin. This list is not complete.”

One of the people said to have been involved in the Russian presence at Esalen is
the Rockefeller-funded John Mack, formerly on the board of advisors of Werner
Erhard’s est. Mack has lately achieved prominence as a UFO abduction researcher.
Donna Bassett, who infiltrated Mack’s group, says that he has been funded by an
“ex-CIA” source.7

• The Unification Church of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, has since its beginning
maintained close connections to the South Korean Central Intelligence Agency. At
least four of Moon’s early acolytes were army officers closely connected to the
founding director of the KCIA. One of Moon’s most influential aides, Bo Hi Pak,
based with the CIA for the KCIA, and is said to have made many trips to the
National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland.

Moon’s church is enormously rich and influential, with at least 600 front groups by
last count. Among the group’s notable acquisitions has been the Washington Times
newspaper, which Moon admits has cost him more than a billion dollars, and the
University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, that has hired as a trustee Jack E. Thomas,
former assistant chief of staff for U.S. Air Force Intelligence.8

• On March 23 through 25, 1997, 39 members of a UFO/apocalyptic cult group

called Heaven’s Gate killed themselves with phenobarbitol and vodka in the
Rancho Santa Fe suburb of San Diego. As with many apparent cults, when a
thread is pulled, it often leads to the shadowy denizens of American spookdom. In
the case of Heaven’s Gate, one of these connections is via the Internet. The web
server for the Heaven’s Gate website is a small company, Spacestar, staffed by one
man in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Fracturing coincidence, another group that uses
the services of Spacestar is the Scientific Applications International Corps, or SAIC
(‘CIAs’ spelled backward). Doubly coincidental is that SAIC is located in La Jolla,
California, near Rancho Santa Fe.

SAIC is the parent company to a group called Network Solutions, which in turn
owns a company called InterNIC. That group is in charge of all the website
addresses on the Internet. The board of directors of SAIC includes NSA Director
Bobby Ray Inman, as well as retired U.S. Army General W.A. Downing. Other alum
of SAIC include William Casey, former head of the CIA [until], former CIA director
John Deutch, former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, Donald Kerr, former director
of Los Alamos National Laboratory, and William Perry, the head of the Department
of Defense. SAIC has been involved in remote viewing experimentation with
American intelligence agencies, for which medical oversight, according to
researcher Jim Schnabel, was provided by Louis Jolyon West.

San Diego must be a hotbed of strange research at the edges of American spy biz,
since it is also the location for Naval Electronics System Command, who have been
reported to have been another one of the binding sources for Hal Puthoff’s early
remote viewing experiments at Stanford Research Institute.

Another interesting connection to Heaven’s Gate is alleged by researcher John
Judge. Judge has said that the murdered CIA and British Intelligence operative Ian
Spiro, who lived within a few blocks of the Heaven’s Gate group, was also a
member of the group.

What would be the purpose of putting together and manipulating a group like
Heaven’s Gate? Like People’s Temple, such a group might provide a model for
larger societal manipulation, for the fine-tuning of larger scale “New Age” religious
manipulation, and perhaps a testing ground for drug or electronic manipulation.9

• Intelligence agencies seem to have infiltrated, interfaced, and created some satanic
groups, with the resurgence of groups of this type beginning in 1966, with the birth
of the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey. LaVey studied criminology at the
San Francisco City College, and worked in the crime lab of the SFPD. According to
journalist Linda Blood, “He maintained a cordial relationship with the SFPD...” An
associate of LaVey’s has also told me that he has personal knowledge that the
Satanist also functioned as an informant for Interpol.

Prior to the Church of Satan, LaVey ran a group called the “Magic Circle,” whose
members were a surprisingly un-satanic bunch that according to LaVey biographer
Burton Wolfe included an anthropologist who would hold professorships at Yale,
Columbia, and Berkeley, and chair the New School for Social Research; a billionaire
and accused pederast; a feminist who would go on to direct the National Women’s
Political Caucus; and a number of San Francisco Police Department employees.
The most interesting member of the group is said by Wolfe to have been the heir to
the Vickers munitions empire.

Although I do not know specifically which member of the Vickers family was
involved with LaVey, the family background is telling. Sir Peter Vickers Hall is a
Fabian Socialist, member of NATO, and alleged to be a senior member of British
MI6. His father-in-law Sir Peter Vickers worked on the Stanford Research Institute
“Changing Images of Man” project, a definitely Tavistock-influenced endeavor. To
quote Vickers Hall reeling off his own one world propaganda:

“I am perfectly happy working with the Heritage Foundation and groups like that.
True Fabians look to the New Right to push through some of their more radical
ideas. For more than a decade the British population has been subject to a
constant propaganda barrage of how it was on the industrial skids. All of this is
true, but the net effect of the propaganda was to demoralize the population.

“This will happen in the United States as the economy worsens. This [demoralizing]
is necessary to make people accept difficult choices. If there is no planning for the
future or if constituencies block progress there will be social chaos on a scale
which is currently hard to imagine. The outlook for urban America is bleak. There is
a possibility of doing something with the inner cities, but basically the cities will
shrink and the manufacturing base will decline. This will produce social

Michael Aquino was a prominent member of the Church of Satan who went on to
form his own group, the Temple of Set. Aquino, at the time of his entrance into
LaVey’s group, was an Army specialist in intelligence and psychological warfare. In
1973 he became the executive officer of the 306th Psychological Operations
Battalion at Fort MacArthur in California. Several other members of the military and
military intelligence are alleged to have been involved in the Temple of Set,
including a member of the Naval Reserve; a captain in Psyops; an intelligence
officer; and a reserve Army major.11

Aquino and others were alleged to have been involved in child molestation at the
Child Development Center at the Army’s Presido in San Francisco, one in a string
of abuse investigations of military daycare centers that have taken place in the past
by the Army. Investigations of child abuse have taken place at West Point, Fort Dix,
Fort Leavenworth, and Fort Jackson. Other daycare centers investigated for
allegations of abuse include a Navy day care center in Philadelphia where a man
was sentenced to three years in prison for child abuse, two Air Force daycare
centers, and a Department of Defense elementary school in Panama.12

Reporter Linda Goldston describes what she found when she conducted an 

on-site investigation at the Presidio:

“Inside a concrete bunker behind the military intelligence building at the Presidio,
the words ‘Prince of Darkness’ are painted boldly in red on one wall. Used decades
ago to house artillery guns, the reinforced concrete batteries appear to have been
converted to something like ritual chambers.

“Emblazoned next to the ‘Prince of Darkness’ is the word ‘Die,’ and what looks like
a list of names, painted in red, that have been crossed out with heavy black paint.
One wall is covered with the numerals 666, a sign of the devil, and occult drawings.
A clearing in the center of the concrete floor, where the ground is exposed, is filled
with refuse and partly burned logs. On the front wall beneath the window that faces
the Military Intelligence Building is a huge pentagram inside a circle. In the rear,
where sunlight gives way to darkness, white and black candle drippings sit atop a
dome shaped recession in the wall, apparently a crude altar. Incense sticks lie half
burned to the side.

“At another battery farther up Lincoln Boulevard, a large drawing of Satan, with red
eyes and horns appears on an outside concrete wall. Doors to the battery are
secured shut...no entry is possible here.”


1. Judge, John, “The Black Hole of Guyana,” Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith,
Ed. Portland, Oregon: Feral House, 1993; Krawczyk, Glenn, “The New Inquisition: Cult
Awareness or the Cult of Intelligence?,” Part 2, Nexus, December 1994/January 1995;
Ross, M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the
Manchurian Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on
Trauma and Dissociation, April 18, 1996

2. White, Carol. The New Dark Ages Conspiracy. New York: New Benjamin Franklin
House, 1980

3. Meiers, Michael. Cited in Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government. Venice,

California: Feral House, 1997

4. Ross; Constantine; Krawczyk

5. Judge; Krawczyk; Constantine; Ross; White

6. Judge; Krawczyk; Constantine

7. Doc Hambone, John Mack listing at www.io.com/%7Ehambone; Sarfatti, Jack,

“Sarfatti’s Illuminati: In the Thick of It!,” MindNet Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2A,
www.visitations.com/mindnet/MN16A.HTM; Editors of EIR. Dope, Inc. Washington,
D.C.: EIR, 1992; listing for Esalen at Doc Hambone

8. Brandt, Daniel, “Cults, Anti-Cultists, and the Cult of Intelligence,” NameBase

NewsLine, number 5, April/June

9. Sightings, “Heaven’s Gate!” by J.P. Essene, at www.whatshotin.com;

Constantine; Schnabel, Jim. Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic
Spies. New York: Dell, 1997; Knight, Robert, “Heaven’s Gate to Higher (Income)
Sources,” at the Earthwatch website

10. Coleman, John. Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.
Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; Blood, Linda. The New
Satanists. New York: Warner Books, 1994

11. “Re: Former ToS Member on Satanic Crime," posted at alt.mindcontrol news

12. Blood, Linda. The New Satanists. New York: Warner Books, 1994; Goldston,
Linda, “Army of the Night,” San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988

Chapter 14

Consolidating Control
During the Nixon administration, psychiatric and police organizations merged their
efforts on many fronts. Richard Nixon and members of his staff met with agents of the
Justice Department’s Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and Dr. Bertram
Brown, director of the National Institute of Mental Health. LEAA was also involved in
plans for the creation of a national police force, and urban warfare preparation that
went by the names Operation Cable Splicer and Operation Garden Plot.

Incredibly, the LEAA began the financing of 350 National Institute of Mental Health
psychiatric projects, with LEAA directly monitoring the NIMH doctors. These projects
included screening children for psychological problems, experiments in behavior
modification and psychosurgery, drugging programs in prisons including the use of
nausea and terror-inducing drugs, and shock treatment programs.

By the 1960s, due in part to an increasing uproar from the public for accountability by
the government, some officials had begun to scrutinize, at least at a superficial level,
the excesses of intelligence and other official agencies in experimentation and mind
manipulation of the public. Concerns of U.S. intelligence agencies about this scrutiny
were expressed in a 1962 “Inspector General’s Report on Inspection of MKULTRA.”
The report said:

“(a) Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many

authorities in medicine and related fields to be professionally unethical, therefore the
reputation of professional participants in the...program are on occasion in jeopardy.

“(b) Some [of these] activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter
[of the CIA].

“(c) A final phase [of certain projects] places the rights and interests of U.S. citizens in

“(d) Public disclosure of some aspects could induce serious adverse reaction in the
U.S. public opinion, as well as stimulate offensive and defensive action in this field on
the part of foreign intelligence services.”

In the U.S. government publication “Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior
Modification,” a study prepared by the staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional
Rights of the Committee of the Judiciary in 1974, it was revealed that “A number of
departments and agencies, including the Department of Justice, the Department of
Labor, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Defense, and the National
Science Foundation, fund, participate in, or otherwise sanction research involving
various aspects of behavior modification in the absence of effective review structures,
guidelines or standards for participation.”

One of the results of Senate scrutiny of these programs was that the head of the LEAA
was interrogated. He announced that the LEAA would discontinue funding for
psychosurgery and that funding for other behavior modification programs would be
discontinued by the organization.

Nothing of the sort happened, with LEAA funding for behavior control continuing. At
the Atmore State Prison in Alabama at least 50 psychosurgical operations took place.
According to Dr. Swan of Fisk University, these were lobotomies performed on black
political activists.1

In 1977, a Senate hearing into Central Intelligence Agency drug experimentation was
launched, which had the effect of driving CIA programs underground, according to ex-
CIA agent Victor Marchetti. To secure the survival of their projects, networks, and
funding the mind controllers had to a great degree abandon scientific and military
laboratories and seek deeper cover.

A probable by-product of the scrutiny that Congress was applying to behavior control
is that researchers in mind control began to work unofficially, or hid their activities
through a variety of other ruses; by performing their experimentation on the voiceless
incarcerated of the prison and psychiatric systems, or in the inner city; by
manipulating or starting cults and using them as a cover for their projects; by hiding
their work within the tentacles of criminal enterprises; or by undocumented mind
control projects performed on an unsuspecting populace.

Now, for the sake of secrecy, there would be no official paper trail. The great majority
of documentation relating to MKULTRA and its related projects was destroyed, and
never again would the mind controllers make the mistake of documenting their evil.
Mind control operations were hidden in undocumented ‘black’ projects and
intelligence agency ‘cutouts’ of all types, providing cover and deniability for the
perpetrators. Government and heads of intelligence agencies looked the other way at
violations of human rights, or sometimes they continued to gaze with unconcealed


1. Martin, Harry V., and Caul, David, “Mind Control,” Napa Sentinel, 1991 2.
Constantine, Alex, “The False Memory Hoax: CIA Connections to Mind Control Cults,”
Paranoia, Winter 95/96

Chapter 15

Guerrilla Mindwar
The Symbionese Liberation Army, the revolutionary group that kidnapped heiress
Patty Hearst in 1974, like Jonestown, was created at the fringes of U.S. intelligence.
The group’s leader, Donald DeFreeze, known as “Cinque,” was employed as a paid
informant by the Los Angeles Police Department’s Public Disorder Unit from 1967-69,
then directed the Black Cultural Association at the prison deceptively titled the
Vacaville Medical Facility, which researcher Alex Constantine has alleged to be “a
covert mind control unit with funding from the CIA channeled through SRI.” Behavior
modification was performed on DeFreeze at Vacaville—where documentation
suggests electronic brain implanting and lobotomies, among other techniques, have
been employed.

The Black Cultural Association was run by Colston Westbrook, a black CIA expert in
psychological warfare who had participated in the Operation Phoenix assassination
and mind control program in Vietnam. Westbrook’s controller is alleged to have been
the CIA’s William Herrmann, the man who originated the idea of the violence center
that Louis Jolyon West would champion during Reagan’s governorship of California.1

Veteran conspiracy watcher Mae Brussell asked, “Why was CIA agent Colston
Westbrook educated in psychological warfare and the indoctrination of assassination
and terrorist cadres, chosen to select and train the group that became the SLA?
Joseph Remiro and Nancy Ling Perry, important to the SLA for military tactics and
cover story rhetoric, were dependent upon drugs. Both were political conservatives
with a ‘kill-a-Commie-for-Christ’ background. Their transition into ‘radicals’ could
have been assisted by the same chemical and psychological controls our intelligence
agencies are using and experimenting with daily.

“Bill and Emily Harris, and Angela Atwood, worked together as a ‘mod squad’ narc
team back home in Indiana, for the Indiana State Police. What brought them all
scurrying to the Bay Area in the summer of 1972? Russell Little and Robyn Steiner,
college chums from the University of Florida, drove out together from Florida to
Oakland in the summer of ’72. Though neither had shown any previous interest in
blacks or prisoners, both immediately began working with Colston Westbrook and
Donald DeFreeze at Vacaville Medical Facility. Camilla Hall and Patricia Soltwk were at
least authentic residents of the Berkeley community. What controls were used to draw
them into the SLA and ultimately to their deaths in Los Angeles?”

According to Brussell, “In March, 1974, a prisoner in Soledad was offered a chance to
‘escape’ by three prison officials if he would ‘join the SLA army.’”2

Heiress Hearst, abducted by the SLA, was subjected to sophisticated mind control
programming that turned her into a “changeling,” as defined by CIA brainbanger Louis
Jolyon West, who commented on her case:

“Prolonged environmental stress or life situations profoundly different from the usual,
can disrupt the normally integrative functions of personality. Individuals subjected to
such forces may adapt through dissociation by generating an altered persona, or

According to West, “[Patricia Hearst], violently abducted by members of the

Symbionese Liberation Army in February of 1974, [was] brutalized, raped, tortured and
forced to participate in illegal acts beginning with the bank robbery for which she was
later (in our view wrongly) convicted. The traumatic kidnapping and subsequent two
months of torture produced in her a state of emotional regression and fearful
compliance with the demands and expectations of her captors.

“This was quickly followed by the coerced transformation of Patty into [her alter ego]
Tania and subsequently (less well known to the public) into [alter ego] Pearl, after
additional trauma over a period of many months. Tania was merely a role coerced on
pain of death; it was Pearl who later represented the pseudo-identity which was found
on psychiatric examination by one of us (West) shortly after Heart’s arrest by the FBI.
Chronic symptoms of PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] were also prominent in
this case.”4

According to Dr. Colin Ross, Jim Jones and the People’s Temple were closely
connected to the SLA:

“Jim Jones was a good PR guy. When Patty Hearst was kidnapped he offered William
Randolph Hearst a program to set up a collection/donation of money to pay the
ransom to the SLA. And the SLA was demanding something like $170 million from
Hearst for the release of Patty Hearst. Jim Jones offered to set up this fund, but
Hearst said no. The next outcome was that the SLA also wanted food donated to poor
people that they said they were representing in a revolution. So a committee was set
up to do food distribution, financed by William Randolph Hearst. According to this
book, the way that food distribution was done was Jim Jones got control of the
mechanisms and he brought people down from the People’s Temple down to be the
homeless and poor people who received the food and the same food was distributed
around the network six times, constantly being picked up by new People’s Temple
people, and taken back to the distribution point. So actually only one-sixth as much
food was purchased as it appeared, and the rest was skimmed by the People’s

One person who survived the Jonestown deaths relates that Hearst’s boyfriend
Steven Weed had been to the People’s Temple compound in Ukiah, and was seen
talking to Jim Jones three months prior to the kidnapping of Hearst.6

Another example of government funding of “counterculture” political groups involved

in terrorism: According to an Associated Press report from January 10, 1976, “The FBI
created and funded a...group called the Secret Army Organization (S.A.O)...in the early
1970s the ‘San Diego Union’ reports.”

The S.A.O., a division of the Weather Underground, was involved in urban guerrilla
warfare including murder, kidnappings, bombings, and arson and was, according to
AP, a “centrally designed and externally financed infrastructure designed for terror and
sabotage... These acts were sanctioned by the nation’s most powerful and highly
respected Law Enforcement Agency: the FBI.”

The San Diego Union reports that the S.A.O. was guided and funded by Howard Berry
Godfrey, who ‘paid the expenses of the secret army, recruited new members, supplied
the explosives, and picked out targets.’ Godfrey was a paid FBI informer who had
helped to found the SAO on the orders of the FBI.


1. Ross, M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the
Manchurian Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on
Trauma and Dissociation, April 18,1996; Brussell, Mae, “Why Was Patty Hearst
Kidnapped?” Paranoid Women Collect Their Thoughts. Joan D’Arc, ed. Providence,
Rhode Island: Paranoia Publishing, 1996; Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government, CIA
Mind Control Operations in America. Venice, California: Feral House, 1997

2. Brussell

3. West, Louis Jolyon, “Pseudo-Identity and the Treatment of Personality Change

in Victims of Captivity and Cults,” in Dissociation: Clinical and Theoretical
Perspectives, Lynn, S.J. and Rhue, J.W., eds. Guilford Press, 1994

4. West

5. Ross

6. ibid.

Chapter 16

The Greening of America: Monarch

One of the problems of researching covert control is obvious: we are attempting to
delve into programs that are secret, and meant to remain so. For this reason there is
often no paper trail to follow, and the researcher must pick his way through thickets of
conflicting information and first person accounts that sometimes lack substantiation
and challenge our current belief systems. It is often a difficult task to sort out fact from
fiction, reality from delusion or disinformation.

After CIA mind control programs were severed as official projects in the 1960s and
1970s, the paper trail becomes sporadic. The Freedom of Information Act, which has
provided at least a partial view of what took place during the MKULTRA era, now fails
us entirely. One is forced to access primarily first person accounts, some of them
contradictory, some of them plainly delusory. Determining the truth becomes difficult,
and it is evident that there are many areas of our knowledge of mind control programs
that will take years to understand, to clarify.

An area of research that still demands corroboration and definition is what has come
to be known as Project MONARCH. On June 25, 1992, psychologist Dr. Corydon
Hammond gave a talk to an audience of psychology professionals at the Fourth
Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality in Alexandria,
Virginia. The title of the lecture was “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,” and it was one
of the first public presentations which seems to expose a vast terra incognita in the
area of mind control research.

Dr. Hammond began his presentation by commenting on the prevalence of multiple

personality disorder cases who had apparently suffered ritual abuse at the hand of
mind controllers, and his own efforts to understand what was going on by interviewing
other psychologists and psychiatrists who were encountering the same type of cases
around the country. Carefully, “without leading or contaminating,” as Hammond says,
he cross-checked with other mental health care professionals, comparing cases until
he felt that he had had a good sense of what was going on.

Hammond stated that in as many as two-thirds of the ritual abuse cases that existed,
the victims had been subjected to a highly developed and uniform technology of mind
control, suggesting that there is a large network of practitioners of this kind practicing.
This observation goes along with my own belief that the CIA, beginning in the 1940s,
labored long in creating a secret science of mind control, the details of which are only
now coming to light. What we know of MKULTRA is the tip of the iceberg.

Often, according to Hammond, these will be “bloodline people,” that is persons

programmed by their parents who are involved in cultic practice such as Satanism, or
in intelligence agency programs.

Hammond said, “When you start to find the same highly esoteric information in
different states and different countries, from Florida to California, you start to get an
idea that there’s something going on that is very large, very well coordinated, with a
great deal of communication and systematicness to what’s happening. So I have gone
from someone kind of neutral and not knowing what to think about it all to someone
who clearly believes ritual abuse is real and that the people who say it isn’t are either
naive like people who didn’t want to believe the Holocaust or—they’re dirty.”

According to Hammond, “What they basically do is they will get a child and they will
start this, in basic forms it appears, by about two-and-a-half after the child’s already
been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like
sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching
the parents, ‘You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and
remove it.’ They start in rudimentary forms at about two and a half and kick into high
gear, it appears, around six or six and a half, continue through adolescence with
periodic reinforcements in adulthood.

Basically in the programming the child will be put typically on a gurney. They will have
an IV in one hand or arm. They’ll be strapped down, typically naked. There’ll be wires
attached to their head to monitor electroencephalograph patterns. They will see a
pulsing light, most often described as red, occasionally white or blue. They’ll be given,
most commonly, I believe, Demerol... Then they will describe a pain on one ear, their
right ear generally, where it appears a needle has been placed, and they will hear
weird, disorienting sounds in that ear while they see photic stimulation to drive the
brain into a brainwave pattern with a pulsing light at a certain frequency... Then, after a
suitable period when they’re in a certain brainwave state, they will begin
programming, programming oriented to self-destruction and debasement of the

Hammond says that many of the cases dramatizing MPD phenomena have
connections to the CIA and military installations. He describes one patient who went
to a “cult school,” where mind control sessions would take place several times a
week. “She would go into a room, get all hooked up... When she was in a proper
altered state, now they were no longer having to monitor it with
electroencephalographs, they also had already had placed on her electrodes, one in
the vagina, for example, four on the head. Sometimes they’ll be on other parts of the
body. They will then begin and they would say to her, ‘You are angry with someone in
the group.’ She’d say, ‘No, I’m not’ and they would violently shock her. They would
say the same thing until she complied and didn’t make any negative response. They
would continue. ‘And because you are angry with someone in the group,’ or ‘When
you are angry with someone in the group, you will hurt your self. Do you understand?’
She said, ‘No’ and they shocked her. They repeated again, ‘Do you understand?’
‘Well, yes, but I don’t want to.’ Shock her again until they get compliance. Then they
keep adding to it. ‘And you will hurt yourself by cutting yourself. Do you understand?’
Maybe she’d say ‘yes,’ but they might say, ‘We don’t believe you’ and shock her
anyway. ‘Go back and go over it again.’ They would continue in this sort of fashion.”

She said typically it seemed as though they’d go about thirty minutes, take a break for
a smoke or something, come back. They may review what they’d done and stopped
or they might review what they’d done and go on to new material. She said the
sessions might go half an hour, they might go three hours. She estimated three times
a week. Programming under the influence of drugs in a certain brainwave state and
with these noises in one ear and them speaking in the other ear, usually the left ear,
associated with right hemisphere non-dominant brain functioning, and with them
talking, therefore, and requiring intense concentration, intense focusing. Because
often they’ll have to memorize and say certain things back, word-perfect, to avoid
punishment, shock, and other kinds of things that are occurring... There will be very
standardized types of hypnotic things done at times. There’ll be sensory deprivation
which we know increases suggestibility in anyone. Total sensory deprivation
suggestibility has significantly increased from the research.”

Hammond has come to believe that there are several levels of programming within the
patients with whom he has worked, that can be accessed by letters of the Greek
alphabet. Although Hammond does not mention it, these designations may have been
roughly derived from the classifications in the classic eugenics tract Brave New World,
by Aldous Huxley. Some of these letter designations follow:

• The first level, ALPHA, is generalized mind control, the base level of programming
of the subject, and characterized by augmented memory and the splitting of the
mind into left and right brain divisions.

• BETA is apparently programming of sexuality and the destruction of moral


• GAMMA is a level providing mind control system protection involving deception

and misdirection.

• DELTA is the assassin programming level, and includes killers trained to perform
ritual sacrifice.

• THETA is termed the “psychic killer” level. According to Hammond, “You know, I
had never in my life heard those two terms paired together. I’d never heard the
words ‘psychic killers’ put together, but when you have people in different states,
including therapists inquiring and asking, ‘What is Theta?’ and patients say to
them, ‘psychic killers’ it tends to make one a believer that certain things are very
systematic and very widespread. This comes from their belief in psychic sorts of
abilities and powers, including their ability to psychically communicate with
‘mother’ [and] including their ability to psychically cause somebody to develop a
brain aneurysm and die.

• OMEGA is the level of programming dictating self destruction, and is intended to

cause the subject to commit suicide when they are interrogated or begin therapy.

Hammond believes that this type of program was originally created by the CIA, and in
particular by Dr. L. Wilson Greene, whose original name Hammond reports was
Greenbaum. Among the code names used for the programming is Green Tree and

Hammond describes a self-destruction programming: “This was called the ‘Green

Bomb.’ B-O-M-B. Lots of interesting internal consistencies like that play on words
with Dr. Greenbaum, his original name. Now in this case it was done to her at age nine
for the first time, only hers was different. Hers was a suggestion for amnesia. ‘If you
ever remember anything about Ultra-Green and the Green Tree you will go crazy. You
will become a vegetable and be locked up forever.’ Then finally the suggestions
added, ‘And it will be easier to just kill yourself than have that happen to you, if you
ever remember it.’

“At age twelve then, three years later, they used what sounds like a [Sodium] Amytol
interview to try to breach the amnesia and find out if they could. They couldn’t. So
then they strapped her down again, gave her something to kind of paralyze her body,
gave her LSD...and reinforced all the suggestions. Did a similar thing at the age of

One area where mind control programming takes place, according to Hammond, is in
southern Utah. “Remember the Process Church?” Hammond asked in his
presentation. “Roman Polanski’s wife Sharon Tate was killed by the Manson Family
who were associated with the Process Church? A lot of prominent people in
Hollywood were associated and then they went underground, the books say, in about
’78 and vanished. Well, they’re alive and well in southern Utah. We have a thick file in
the Utah Department of Public Safety documenting that they moved to southern Utah,
north of Monument Valley, bought a movie ranch in the desert, renovated it, expanded
it, built a bunch of buildings there, carefully monitored so that very few people go out
of there and no one can get in, and changed their name. A key word in their name is
‘Foundation.’ ‘The Foundation.’”

Hammond’s allegations about ritual abuse in Utah are supported by a document I

received in 1991. This was a copy of a memo authored by a General Authority of the
Mormon Church, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Glenn L. Pace,
directed to the “Strengthening Church Members Committee.” Suffice it to say that I
am not a Mormon—I am not a member of any organized religious group—but that
members of the church sent it to me.

According to the memo, which has “Do Not Reproduce” emblazoned across its
masthead, Mr. Pace has met with sixty victims of ritual abuse in Utah. Pace writes,
“That number could be twice or three times as many if I did not discipline myself to
only one meeting per week... Of the sixty victims with whom I have met, fifty-three are
female and seven are male. Eight are children. The abuse occurred in the following
places: Utah (37), Idaho (3), California (4), Mexico (2), and other places (14). Fifty-three
victims are currently living in the State of Utah. All sixty individuals are members of the
[Mormon] Church. Forty-five victims allege witnessing and/or participating in human
sacrifice. The majority were abused by relatives, often their parents. All have
developed psychological problems and most have been diagnosed as having multiple
personality disorder or some other form of dissociative disorder.”

Pace reports, “I don’t pretend to know how prevalent the problem is. All I know is that
I have met with 60 victims. Assuming that each one comes from a coven of 13, we are
talking about the involvement of 800 or so right here on the Wasatch Front [in Utah],
Obviously, I have only seen those coming forth to get help. They are in their twenties
and thirties for the most part. I can only assume that it is expanding geometrically and
am horrified the numbers represented by the generation who are now children and

Pace goes on to detail the mindset of these cultic victims with information more
reminiscent of the type of intelligence agency mind manipulation that Hammond
speaks of than straight Satanism:

“The memories seem to come in layers. For example, the first memory might be of
incest; then they remember robes and candles; next they realize that their father or
mother or both were present when they were being abused. Another layer will be the
memory of seeing other people hurt and even killed. Then they remember having seen
babies killed. Another layer is realizing that they participated in the sacrifices. One of
the most painful memories may be that they even sacrificed their own baby. With each
layer of memory comes another set of problems with which they must deal.”1

Is the Pace memo an accurate representation of what is going on? Is Hammond

correct in his view about a vast mind control underground? The main problem with
Hammond’s testimony is the difficulty in substantiating his statements. We do know,
however, that the reports of many persons who believe that they have been victims of
mind control coincide with the information that Hammond has brought forward.


1. Pace, Bishop Glenn L., “Ritualistic Child Abuse,” memo to the Strengthening
Church Members Committee of the Mormon Church, July 19, 1990

Chapter 17

Claudia Mullen
In March 1995 Claudia Mullen spoke before a U.S. presidential advisory committee
investigating government radiation experiments after World War II. Mullen stated to
the commission:

“Between the years 1957 and 1984, I became a pawn in the government’s game. Its
ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy, all through the use of
chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in tubs of water, sleep
deprivation, brainwashing, verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. I was
exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life and the only explanations
given to me were ‘that the end justifies the means’ and ‘I was serving my country in
their bold effort to fight communism.’ I can only summarize my circumstances by
saying they took an already abused seven-year-old child and compounded my
suffering beyond belief. The saddest part is, I know for a fact I was not alone. There
were countless other children in my same situation and there was no one to help us
until now. I have already submitted as much information as possible including
conversations overheard at the agencies responsible. I am able to report all of this to
you in such detail because of my photographic memory and the arrogance of the
people involved. They were certain they would always control my mind. Although the
process of recalling these atrocities is not an easy one, nor is it without some danger
to myself and my family, I feel the risk is worth taking.”

Mullen fingered Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and members of the TSD, or “Technical Science
Division of the CIA” as being the primary co-conspirators in her abuse.

“In 1958 they told me I was to be tested by some important doctors from the Society,
or the Human Ecology Society and I was instructed to cooperate. I was told not to
look at anyone’s faces, and to try hard to ignore any names because this was a very
secret project. I was told all these things to help me forget. Naturally, as most children
do, I did the opposite and remembered as much as I could.” According to Mullen, “I
was told by Sid Gottlieb that I was ‘ripe for the big A’ meaning [Project] ARTICHOKE.”

Mullen continued: “The next year I was sent to a lodge in Maryland...to learn how to
sexually please men.” Mullen said that this was an attempt by high-ranking members
of the CIA to fill “...as many high government agency officials and heads of academic
institutions and foundations as possible so that later when the funding for mind
control and radiation started to dwindle, projects would continue. I was used to entrap
many unwitting men including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was
only nine years old when the sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations
about part of the Agency called ORD which I found out was Office of Research and
Development.” One occasion Mullen heard a high-ranking CIA mind control doctor
state “that ‘in order to keep more funding coming from different sources for radiation
and mind control projects’ he suggested stepping up the amounts of stressors used
and also the blackmail portions of the experiments. He said, ‘it needed to be done
faster then to get rid of the subjects or they were asking for us to come back later and
haunt them with our remembrances.’

Mullen said that, “I would love nothing more than to say that I dreamed this all up and
need to just forget it. But that would be a tragic mistake. It would also be a lie. All
these atrocities did occur to me and to countless other children, and all under the
guise of defending our country. It is because of the cumulative effects of exposure to
radiation, chemicals, drugs, pain, subsequent mental and physical distress that I have
been robbed of the ability to work and even to bear children of my own. It is blatantly
obvious that none of this was needed, nor would ever have been allowed to take
place at all, and the only means we have to seek out the awful truth and bring it to
light is by opening whatever files remain on all the projects, and through another
Presidential Commission on Mind Control.1

“I believe that every citizen of this nation has the right to know what is fact, and what
is fiction. It is our greatest protection against this ever happening again. In conclusion,
I can offer you no more than what I have given you today—the truth.”2

Mullen recalls that one of her government tormenters had a Scottish accent and
called her “lassie.” “I almost fell off my chair,” Mullen’s therapist Valerie Wolf recalled,
when she saw a film of CIA mind controller Dr. Donald Ewan Cameron addressing a
female patient and calling her “lassie.”3

Later, in a radio interview, Claudia Mullen further described the extent of her mind
control ordeal, which she says continued from 1957 to 1983:

“I was tested at Tulane and at several other places outside of New Orleans, and then
once they decided I could become part of the projects—and they had a series of
projects, the Umbrella project, and the Bluebird which became Artichoke and then
came MKULTRA and each one on down the line. Each one had a different purpose. I
was taken on train trips, planes—small planes to different military bases. I was taken
to places out in the woods—I guess Tulane was the worst where I would receive
intensive electric shock, isolation for days, sleep deprivation where they would attach
electrodes to me and if I started to fall asleep, they would shock me—enough to wake
me up. You couldn’t sleep for days. The messages would start: ‘Your mother doesn’t
love you, she left you here, your mother doesn’t want you, you are too much trouble
for her, you are a very evil child, you want to hurt people, you want to entice men.’

“My adoptive father was very ill and he died when I was very young, so I was taught to
take to older men and encouraged to become friendly with older men and eventually,
when I was old enough, I was sent out into what they called the operational field and I
would be photographed with government and agency officials (CIA), doctors who
were consulted, heads of universities and private foundations—all under the chance
that if the government funds started dwindling they wanted to be able to blackmail or
coerce the men into making sure the projects continued. That was the ultimate goal.
The projects had to continue at all costs. They had to train a certain amount of young
females to go around and I was sent to a camp in Maryland for three weeks when I
was nine years old, and that was my first training on how to sexually please men.

“I went through a training course, like a seminar. There were children of all ages, even
younger than myself. Teenagers, young adult girls were there. We were all assigned
someone there, and at the end of three weeks we were taught. They decided it was a
success. It was a CIA project. It was called Imaginative Research. They had to give a
name to it that they could release and document because they couldn’t really put
down what it really was. It came under the heading MKULTRA, project 74, and I was
subject #3. I remember we were given a number. We were allowed to choose a name
and after the three weeks I was sent home. For the next few years they worked on
making sure I was amnesia controlled, making sure the amnesia barriers were in place
so that if something should ever happen to me and the memories should ever start
coming back, the pain would come first. I would seek help from the doctors who I was
taught were the only people who could help me, the ‘good doctors.’ I was taught that
doctors were the answer to everything. I had no reason to disbelieve that because
every time I was sent home, I was told you are a good girl, you are cured, you are
going to be just fine, you are going to grow up and have lots of kids. I didn’t even
realize that they had taken that away from me. I didn’t know I couldn’t even bear
children. ”4

According to Mullen some of her initial programming was done at a camp for boys
and girls, run by an official at Tulane University Medical Center. She says that her
programming continued until she graduated from high school in 1968, and that by that
time she had been programmed with nearly one hundred different personalities.

Most of this material was unknown to her until October, 1992, when she was attacked
and raped in her home.

“It took two and one-half years to go to trial,” Mullen states, “and during the time I
was in therapy, that’s when the memories started coming back... I would never
recommend going back to any place where abuse happened by yourself, because you
immediately go into a flashback... We went to some places around New Orleans that I
had been to. One was a camp, an arsenal, that’s now a police training facility and they
allowed us to go in and look around... I went back to Tulane University... I showed her
the room—I said, ‘It’s room 301’ and I described what the hall would look like, what
was on the wall, and sure enough a lot of it was the same. ...It was exactly the way I
described it.”

Mullen says that she was experimented on at Edgewood Arsenal, and is able to verify
her account through the memories of some people who were there at the time:

“It did turn out that one of the people that was verifying the information that I sent
interviewed different people. A couple of times they interviewed people that I actually
remembered from my childhood that remembered me, only they remembered me as
‘Crystal Stone’ which was my name back then. That’s what they called me for the
experiments...” Mullen says that Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was involved in her programming
“From eight years to sixteen years—about eight years. He told me he raised goats...”

Of Ewen Cameron: “They called a lot of them in as ‘consultants.’ ...Next thing I knew I
would be called back to Tulane and here was ‘Camera Man’ [her nickname for him],
Cameron. He came in around 1960 when I was about 9 or 10. He was there a lot at
first, testing how much electricity was too much, they didn’t want to fry my brain or
anything because they needed me to seem fairly intelligent because I had to associate
with people...”

Her memories of Dr. Greene are extensive: “Next to Heath, I guess he had the most
authority or whatever you wanted to call it. He was a German doctor. Liam was his
first name, but he hated being called anything but Dr. Greene. He was head of
Edgewood Arsenal, that’s where his office was...in Fort Dietrich, Maryland but he
came to Tulane quite a bit and worked with Dr. Heath on the projects. He told me,
when I was about fourteen or fifteen, he told one of my shadows [or multiple
personalities] the story...how he got involved. He said he was Jewish, and he was in a
concentration camp when the war ended and the Nazis had killed his sister and put
him in a concentration camp. He had met the Angel of Death [Mengele] there, and that
was his hero and he used to love to watch him do experiments on twins and
everything. Dr. Greene said he was put in the camp when he was fifteen...but when
the war ended, the United States paid to bring him back to the U.S. and put him
through medical school and now they paid him to do these experiments.”

Mullen recalls, “They had no reason to think they had to hide anything from me, so
they would have conversations about the projects, about so-and-so, what he’s
working on, where he is, where he is from, they would call each other by name. They
would have suitcases with their name-tags on them, briefcases. I met with Richard
Helms who was Deputy Director of the CIA for a long time. I met with him lots of
times. I mean I got to know them all on a first-name basis. They would say, ‘call me
Uncle.’ Of course, every now and then they would expect ‘a favor’ but then you would
be assured they were not being filmed. Somehow they managed to film almost
everything... Until you got sent out into the field as, you know, an operative—to target
these officials and get them on film. The idea being they wouldn’t want a child who
had been abused over a long period of time. They would want a child who was
innocent and pure, and this was your first time. You were taught other ways to please
men—anal intercourse, oral sex, everything else...

“Under the Umbrella Folder, the first one was Artichoke which could produce amnesia
and also to develop polygraph techniques. There was MKDELTA, MKNAOMI which
was germ warfare. They were laughing about how they would drop canisters of toxins
—they had no idea what effect it was going to have—they would just wait five or ten
years and see what the effects on this neighborhood was—a poor neighborhood. I
was told about using retarded children in East New Orleans and exposing them to
large doses of massive radiation and they saw no reason to use them because they
were already retarded, they just wanted to see what anomalies would develop over
the years.”

On October 23, 1997, Claudia Mullen was shot. For months she was hooked up to a
respirator, and is still undergoing a series of surgeries at this writing in May, 1999. She
believes that she knows who the assailant was, but is unable to discuss the person’s
identity pending litigation.5


1. “Mind Control Survivors’ Testimony at the Human Radiation Experiments

Hearings,” CKLN-FM radio, July 1, 1997

2. ibid.

3. Bronskill, Jim, “Mind Games,” Ottawa Citizen, September 13, 1997

4. Mullen, Claudia, Interview conducted by Will Snodgrass for CKLN-FM radio,

July 15, 1997, Toronto, Canada; “Mind Control Survivors’ Testimony at the Human
Radiation Experiments Hearings”

5. Mullen, Claudia, correspondence with the author, March 5,1999, and May 20,

Chapter 18

Brice Taylor

Other believed survivors of government mind control programs have come forward to
tell their stories. One such person is the pseudonymous Brice Taylor. Born in 1951,
Taylor speaks without hesitation about being the victim of CIA mind control
programming, although in an interview with the author she confides that she fears that
one day all of the information that she has stored in her mind will suddenly come
pouring forth and overwhelm her.1

Taylor recalls that after a 1985 auto accident in which her head was smashed through
a windshield she began recovering memory, experiencing flashbacks of her
programming and mind controlled missions. Beginning in 1988, Taylor sought
deprogramming from a therapist. Her therapy continued every day for six years, and
she spent, according to her estimate, a total of $300,000 on recovery.

In an attempt to escape mind control, Taylor left her husband and children, whom she
believes are still victims of programming. At present, the mind programming of her
twenty-year-old daughter is breaking down, Taylor relates to me, so that the woman is
currently in a near-catatonic state: drooling and in diapers.2

According to Taylor, from infancy her personality was progressively shattered by her
father. She believes that he was also a victim of programming, and used CIA
dissociative techniques on her in order to transform her into a mind controlled slave.
Taylor believes that from childhood she was sold as a prostitute, and used in
pornography. She states that at the Baptist Sunday school she attended as a child,
the minister and secretary of the church practiced witchcraft.3

In a short memoir of her experiences, Taylor reported, “I started menstruating. This

heralded abuse in rituals involving getting raped and impregnated, sometimes twice a
year. When the fetuses were two to three months old, they were aborted at rituals and
ingested to fulfill the beliefs of the group that it made those participating more
powerful. These were devastating, deeply traumatizing and painful experiences that
were repressed along with the other traumas.”

Brice Taylor believes that throughout childhood she was abused and programmed at
military bases including Edwards AFB, Twenty-Nine Palms, and Point Magu Naval
Base.4 Among the techniques she says were employed on her were sensory
deprivation chambers, “spin chambers,” and light and sound entertainment
technologies. She says that she was programmed at a number of other locations
including Barking Sands missile base in Hawaii and the UCLA Neuropsychiatric
Institute, where drugs, light and sound, and sophisticated computerized methods
were used on her under the supervision of Louis Jolyon West.5

Taylor reports that her “owner” was a popular Hollywood entertainer whom she
names. He was “much more than an entertainer. Entertainment was actually just a
clever hobby of his. I witnessed his participation as a strategically placed, influential,
and integrated part of an underworld group that secretly sought to control the world.
He maintained direct ties to the White House.”6

She recalls that for her sixteenth birthday, her husband-to-be surprised her with a visit
by train to the San Diego zoo. According to Taylor, once on the train she was delivered
to a private car where the entertainer, a well-known politician, and two other men
awaited her. “I had sex with each of them as the others watched.”7

Starlite was the name that the entertainer gave her. “Starlite was one of my alter
personalities. She was to become his ‘starlet’...” The entertainer “took me to several
of Hugh Hefner’s penthouse parties in Los Angeles. There were windows all around
and at night you could see all the twinkling lights of the city.” According to Taylor she
was prostituted to members of “the Rat Pack” of Hollywood celebrities.8

As an adult, Taylor says that she had fully taken on the characteristics of a multiple
personality “presidential model” mind-slave, used as a courier, and sexual toy for
government leaders and other world figures. She says that she was also used as a
“human tape recorder,” to store the text of secret documents by the use of her
photographic memory. This was done so that these high level players could
communicate without records or physical connections within their cabal, a group
whose total intention is to bring about a fascist New World Order.

Taylor alleges that she was programmed to sexually service politicians:

“I was used extensively on and around 1968 by top politicians...guaranteed by the

Central Intelligence Agency that my training in Project Monarch...insured the highest
level of security. The level of mind control I possessed guaranteed that I could be
used with these leaders who were involved at the highest levels of ‘national security,’
without my own awareness.”9

Taylor says she went to Alcatraz and other locations, and saw mind control
programming being done at those sites. Taylor indicates that she was also prostituted
to several presidents.10

“[W]hat many of the CIA may or may not have been aware of was that a powerful
group of men, whom I will call The Council, secretly ran the government. The Council
was also able to access me and had programmed me to subversively influence top
government officials in ways that benefited them. The CIA’s latest technology was
being used against our own government...

“The Council studied people’s psychological profiles and knew exactly what their likes
and dislikes were, their sexual preferences, what perfumes they liked, and any other
information that could be used to influence individuals in ways of which they were
never even aware. The Council would preprogram me with instructions (all based on
careful research of the targeted person) of what to wear, how to act, what type of
sexual stance to take...specific words or phrases to say, and the best time to deliver
them. The Council always worked up a complete strategy and never sent me to a
person unprepared.”11

Taylor has penned an autobiography titled Starshine, written in fictionalized format,

she says, in order to protect her from reprisal, and as of May, 1999 has finished a
more complete statement of her experiences called Thanks for the Memories: The
Truth Has Set Me Free.12

Perhaps the most persuasive validation of Taylor’s recollections comes from mind
control researcher Walter Bowart, who recalls seeing Taylor at a charity event in Palm
Springs in the company of the entertainer who say alleges controlled her. He says that
she was “just another of the many ‘hostess’ types that you find working the parties in
the Coachella Valley.” Other physical proof consists of what she characterizes as
numerous stun gun marks over her body.

What is the truth about what happened to Brice Taylor? Admittedly, her story is
incredible, outrageous, and bears little resemblance to what is commonly thought of
as reality. Because of the outlandish details of her story, linking mind control
programming to various prominent entertainers and politicians, one is tempted to
reject her story out of hand. The difficulty is that, when speaking with her, one does
not detect lying.


1. Taylor, Brice, telephone interview with Jim Keith, December 19,1998

2. Bowart, W.H. Operation Mind Control. Fort Bragg, California: Flatland, 1994;
interview with Don Trainor, September, 1998; “Special Report: Mind Control Goes
Public”, Chicago Health Television, 1998; Taylor, Brice, lecture for the Global Sciences
Conference, Daytona, Beach, Florida, 1998

3. Bowart; “Special Report: Mind Control Goes Public”

4. ibid.

5. Taylor, Brice. “Naming The Names,” videotape presentation, 1998

6. Bowart

7. ibid

8. ibid

9. Bowart; Taylor, Brice. “Naming The Names”

10. Taylor, Brice. “Naming The Names”; Taylor, Brice, telephone interview with the
author, December 19, 1998

11. Bowart

12. Taylor, Brice, with Patrick Stone. Starshine. Carbondale, Illinois: Brice Taylor
Foundation, 1995; Taylor, Brice, lecture for the Global Sciences Conference

Chapter 19

Katherine Sullivan
Katherine Sullivan speaks plainly, without hesitation, with a hint of a Southern accent,
offering a wealth of detail to flesh out an incredible story. As she speaks one cannot
help but wonder if what she says is a particularly twisted brand of science fiction. But
the ease with which the woman answers questions put to her, and her sense of
sincerity is compelling. Finally, one fears that she is telling the truth.

Sullivan says that she realized that something was terribly wrong when it became
apparent that she did not have many childhood memories. Bom in 1955, it was only in
1990, while in treatment for codependency with her daughter, that she began to have
memories of sexual abuse and torture by her father, as well as experiences of cultic
ritual abuse.

Later, in a hospital in Dallas, Texas, Sullivan uncovered what she believes was another
whole layer of programming. She began to remember being imprinted with CIA
“assassin programming,” which she believes was inadvertently activated during the
course of her therapy, causing her to attempt to kill hospital nurses and staff. Sullivan
says that memories of being programmed to become an assassin came back to her
before she knew anything about the subject of intelligence agency mind control, and
that her initial reaction was denial. Eventually, however, she says that she could deny
her memories no longer. She finally had to admit to herself that she had been utilized
in government mind control operations for twenty years.

During the years that followed, Sullivan remembered many more details of her
programming. She came to believe that she had been victimized from the time she
was six or seven years old by members of the CIA, NSA, and other groups and

According to Sullivan, her principal programmer was her father, an electrical,

mechanical and chemical engineer who worked for AT&T. She says that he was
employed in overseas work for the CIA, and had also worked as an interpreter in the
infamous Operation Paperclip transferal of Nazis to the U.S. He was also, according to
Sullivan, the head of a satanic coven in Reading, Pennsylvania. She believes that her
father had been programmed as a child, and that her mother was “definitely a
multiple,” in other words a person who had been programmed to have multiple

Sullivan has said that, “Two older male relatives from my childhood were also involved
with dad in criminal, ‘black’ activities that included ritual murders and orgies attended
by invited ‘guests,’ kiddy pornography, filmed bestiality, black marketing of
dismembered parts ‘pickled’ in glass jars of formaldehyde; and more. Around my age
eight, Dad began to force me to sit by myself on an altar each week, usually late on
Friday nights. I would watch in horror and great grief as he and his criminal associates
would murder and mutilate quite a few humans...from babies on up to adults! They
would usually accuse the adult victims of having been ‘traitors,’ which also
conditioned me to believe that ‘to talk is to die.’ I was forced to ingest small, raw
pieces of the murder victims’ bodies, and was usually forced to eat excrement, drink
urine, and drink human blood...often laced with powdered opium. On several
occasions I was also forced to ingest human brain matter.”1

According to Sullivan, her father was a confidant of CIA super-spook James Jesus
Angleton, who also programmed her. Early on, she recalls, she was offered as a piece
of human chattel to the White House, usually referred to by her programmers as “1600
Pennsylvania Avenue,” but which was also called the Hub, and Emerald City. The
President, she says, was referred to as Oz or God, and she was conditioned to return
to the White House like a “homing pigeon.”

Another of her programmers was a mysterious Dr. Black (aka Dr. Schwartz), a tall man
with curly black hair who spoke German fluently, and whose primary interest in
research seemed to be the study of aspects of aggression. She calls Dr. Black a major
figure in her childhood, and remembers that his office was a black train car. Whether it
actually traveled on railway tracks, she does not remember.

Sullivan claims that one of her mind controllers was Henry Kissinger, of whom she
says, “I still love Henry Kissinger, even though I should be absolutely furious at him, I
haven’t found that anger yet.” She states that Kissinger was one of the few controllers
who did not rape her, and was “a very lonely man, an absolute genius,” and in a “lot of
pain and fog somewhere.” Oddly, she still has a degree of respect for him because he
was “honest about being a bastard.”

Sullivan believes that the Luciferians see the lower classes as cattle, and are
determined to phase out what they consider to be inferior races. They are determined
to create a one world order where Luciferianism can be openly practiced, and where
such activities as pedophilia and bestiality will be legalized.

Sullivan believes that the Bilderbergers are at the top of the heap in terms of
international control, the “top of the top,” she says, and remarks that the members of
the group associate mainly with each other, thus fostering a cultish mentality in their

Other groups that Sullivan was involved with, or was aware of included:

• The Austrian Order of the Reich, “actively working, under supervision of Ford
Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Rothschilds, to create a new world

• The Black Brotherhood, “direct ties to the Vatican, American Military Intelligence,
CIA, etc.”

• Order of the Golden Dragon, “Asian ties. Americans. Small, politically powerful
group. Elite.”

• Black Star Rising, “consider themselves to be the antithesis of the Order of the
Golden Dawn”

• NOWD (Nazi Order for World Domination), “One of the think-tank groups actively
planing world takeover (neo-Nazi government) to be accomplished by the year

• The PLAN “Public (or) Political Liberation for All Nations, belief systems & plans
based on Orwellian society presented in 1984”

• The Organization, “New, more streamlined, large, radical terroristic neo-Nazi

organization based in Alabama & Mississippi”

• Knights of the Golden Armor, “an elite subgroup of the Black Brotherhood.”

• The Code, “organization comprised of top worldwide new age & occultic

• Society of the Inner Light, “metaphysical, mystical group. One of five main
Illuminati families”

• Western Mysteries, “occultic organization, also one of the five main Illuminati

• BNO, “(Brave New Ones/Order) - group of the newer generation of politically active
Illuminati members. Newer, more radical beliefs and plans to create a worldwide
Orwellian society”

• Wolffen, “neo-Nazi, secret underground organization. Hitler, their idol... Based in

West Germany, at least partly... Militaristic, use semi-automatic weapons. Practice
paramilitary takeover of various countries. War games”

• Thornless Rose, “More local Satanist, criminal cult practicing in the Southwest”

• The Brotherhood of the Hand, “last known to be headquartered in Louisiana. Local

criminal occultic group”

• AOR, or in Italy AORI, standing for Austrian Order of the Reich. The purpose of the
company was to bring world leaders to facilities where they were taught to increase
theta brain wave activity. Once there, they would be recruited to a Nazi, one world

One approach to the creation of the New World Order, Sullivan says, is by the
promotion of Gaia worship. Sullivan says that she was told that Benjamin Creme’s
reclusive messiah Maitreya will be the main public figure used in the transition to the
New World Order, and that other leading Christian evangelists would be the means to
convert the world to Luciferianism.

She states that many Luciferians are involved in the Golden Dawn occultic
organization, which has many members in in Washington, D.C.

Sullivan believes that she participated in ritual sacrifices performed by her father since
the time she was four years old. She indicates that another child of her father by a
later marriage was also sexually abused by him. She believes that he traumatized her,
as well as many other children, in order to split off parts of their personalities into
many “alters” for mind control programming.

Sullivan also states that “screen memories and scrambles,” injecting false details into
her memory, were used to cover up what had been done to her, and operations that
she had been forced to engage in. Drugs, hypnosis, and electric stun guns, as well as
the use of virtual reality systems were used to program her, as well as to make it
nearly impossible for her to access her own mental programming.

The list of covert intelligence operations that Sullivan believes she engaged in is long:
smuggling of drugs and children, being a courier of information, programming of
children, disposing of bodies, participating in porn movies, torture and interrogation,
sex with political dignitaries, the seduction of female politicians and wives of

When employed as a bodyguard she was called “Plain Jane” and dressed in a brown
jacket and skirt. She believes her usefulness as a bodyguard was because she was
not an identifiable employee of any agency. She also was utilized for assassinations,
and remembers putting a poisonous substance in the lemonade of a cult of young
people, perhaps in a foreign country. Another assassination technique was scratching
people through their clothes with a pin that stuck out of her purse. The pin was coated
with a fast-acting poison.

Sullivan: “By my eighteenth birthday, my assassin/ops training was complete. I was

introduced to other members of what I was told was “Illuminati.’ I was then made to
join a ‘religious’ mind-controlled ‘cult’ During the three-and-a-half year stint, my
previous programming was overlaid by the religious God/submission/spiritual realm
programming. My basic personality was further split into two almost completely
separated parts. Because I had also been extensively, sexually abused by one female
relative in particular during my childhood, a number of split-off parts of my personality
had been further conditioned to ‘sexually service’ females. This was another business
‘bonus’ for my father and other owners. I was occasionally assigned to ‘service’ wives
of politicians, both locally and otherwise. To the best of my recollection, most (if not
all) of them were members of a secret pagan organization. Although a number of
lesser gods and goddesses were mentioned in their rituals, the main ‘god’ was known
to me as ‘Ra.’3

“Some of the women would get together around high noon in privately owned
greenhouses or rooms with overhead windows to practice divination and to do Greco-
Roman type rituals. They would dress in distinctive garments, and would drink a clear,
gelled liquid containing what seemed to be tiny yellow flecks that seemed to ‘sparkle’
when a clear glass container of the liquid was held up to direct sunlight. The women
called the odd, clear liquid the ‘elixir of life.’ Approximately two years ago, while
skimming through Texe Marrs’ book of the New Age cults and religions for verification
concerning these memories, I discovered the true ingredient of the ‘elixir of life’—
human semen!

“I believe that many people would be deeply shocked to learn how many politicians
and other leaders in our society are practicing pagans—going to church on Sundays,
and then gathering together to do secretive pagan rituals. (Often in female gatherings,
I was forced to do female/female sex with participants). It is no surprise to me that
Hillary Clinton placed a sun ornament atop the White House Christmas tree, several
years ago!”

Sullivan has identified a large number of participants in Washington, D.C., some of

them prominent politicians or the wives of same, but has asked me not to divulge |
their identities. She has also provided a transcript of a long occultic ceremony she
remembers that was practiced at these meetings.

One of the facilities where she believes she was conditioned was called The School or
The Fortress, where she received some type of surgery on her head. There were other
children there, with units designated A, B, and C, and the “Romper Room.” There she
recalls children being indoctrinated into government ops conditioning, part of which
involved disemboweling teddy bears.

Another facility, she recalls, was in Reading Pennsylvania, where there was a building
with large theatrical stages. She remembers being there at the age of eight, and
remembers being forced to kill men who were dressed like “street bums.” “I still don’t
want to actually believe that I killed these men at my age,” she says, suggesting that
the event may have been staged; a mock murder meant to traumatize her. This and
another location where Sullivan believes she was programmed have been tentatively
identified in the Reading area.

Another programming location was Coffeesville, Maryland. She was taken from public
school to a facility consisting of several trailers and pavilions. There she was given
“chameleon” training and shown how to behave around dignitaries.

According to Sullivan she was programmed by NASA personnel at various locations

including Huntsville, Alabama; Houston, Texas; Cape Canaveral, Florida; and Goddard
Air Force Base, outside of Washington, D.C. At Goddard, she says that the
programmers dressed in Star Trek uniforms in order to confuse and discredit the
memories of those they programmed—as a “scramble” for their memory. She believes
that at Goddard she was hooked up to a helmet that was linked to a computer
system, apparently some kind of virtual reality system, since when she closed her
eyes images would “flash in front of [her] face.”

Sullivan describes alleged NASA conditioning called “Father Time” training, which
involved real or imaginary dimensional travel. Sullivan says that NASA specialized in
“time folding” and “going back in time at least in our minds.” The children involved in
these program read Madeleine L’Engle’s juvenile science fiction books, including A
Wrinkle in Time, about dimensional traveling children. Sullivan believes that NASA is
trying to find ways to explore alternate dimensions, and that this kind of programming,
“Really messed up my head.”

By 1991—interestingly, before Dr. Hammond’s voicing of his own discoveries about

mind control, as confirmed by dated drawings that she has sent the author—Sullivan
had come to the conclusion that there were five principal mind control programming
systems, closely paralleling the systems that Hammond later described.

“Another form of verification that is important to me,” she states, “is that I was
remembering and diagramming my programming (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta and
Omicron) back in the summer of 1991, years before anyone else came forward and
exposed that stuff. When I received independent verifications that the programs exist,
and that they are used the way I had remembered, I was very depressed and upset... I
had wanted this stuff to be fantasy!”4

• Alpha, she says, is the most basic programming.

• Beta, also referred to as “Barbie” (she believes this type of programming was
invented by the Nazi Klaus Barbie) is sexual programming.

• Delta is military programming, involving loyalty and submission.

• Theta programming is also called “psychic killers,” and involves the programming
of mental energy in telepathic killing and to influence events. She also performed
remote viewing, which may have been a subset of this kind of programming.

• Omicron, she says, was special programming for mind control programs run by the

She has detailed a number of programming techniques that she believes are used,
including electroshock to the head and spine, a “neck choker” to shock her throat,
and the injection of a drug related to the South American drug curare, that would
paralyze her so that she could not move but could still think and feel.

According to Sullivan, one technique that her father specialized in was “shell
programming,” which she alleges took place at or near Georgia Technical University.
There, children were programmed into split personalities by being placed in large
papier mache shells where gallons of bugs were poured on them. Sometimes the
children went catatonic which, Sullivan indicates, was not an acceptable outcome.

When used as codes, the numerals three, two, and one all had to do with CIA
activities. The numeral zero specified an “inactive” case or agent. “Naomi” was a code
used to specify biochemical projects, while “Birdcage” indicated a location where
biochemical weapons were kept.

Sullivan recalls that mind control subjects were frequently programmed through
music, including chords, sequences of notes, and lyrics. Music by the Beatles was
used more than any other type, but also Pink Floyd (“used in NASA time
programming”) and The Who, especially portions of the rock opera “Tommy.” Movies
were also used as programming devices, with the most common being “the Wizard of
Oz” and Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland”.

Some of the designations for projects that she remembers participating in, or was
aware of were: Seabase (or C-Base), Goldilocks, Massacre, Sandstone, Royal India,
Dot Purple or Deep Purple, Larkspur, Chronic Headache, Marigold, Z-Bomb, Top Hat,
Messiah, Overlord, Fire and Ice, Delta Blue, Deep Blue, Blowfish. Code Failsafe was a
system for creating amnesia in mind control victims. One computer system was
referred to as Brandon. “Goldstar Operations Systems” and Mongoose were
supposedly a brainchild of George Bush; “The Link,” is apparently a liaison operation
between NSA and NASA; Centipede is an information compartmentalization system in
the CIA and National Security Agency. A mind control program that created an entire
fantasy world in a person’s mind was called “Heaven’s Gate.” Mensa, not connected
to the organization of the same title, was a program for using genius IQ mind control
victims in think tanks. Pax Romana and The Plan were Aryan-related code names.
Project Armageddon had to do with war games and preparation for World War III, with
“the Keys of Solomon” providing code information for the Armageddon scenario.

According to Sullivan, the CIA and the KGB have been working together for many
years—with cross-training taking place in Russia—while at the same time being in
competition. KGB codes included Dark Chocolate, Sasha, Mink, and Ermine. In CIA
numerical code, negative one, negative two, and negative three referred to the KGB.

Sullivan remembers that there was a location near Dallas where a full-sized UFO
equipped with a hydraulic lift had been transported to or constructed in a large room.
Her understanding is that government UFOs were based on World War II German
technology, and that there are several UFO bases that are currently in operation,
including one in the Himalayas, and another at an underwater base near Hawaii.

Inside the UFO were “people that looked like aliens,” and this UFO prop was used to
make people think that they had been abducted by extraterrestrials. Based upon the
bragging of her father and other information, Sullivan believes that these “aliens” were
first created in German labs during World War II experiments on embryos. She calls
these pseudo-aliens “The Children,” and says that they are programmed so that they
believe that they are extraterrestrials.

Sullivan claims to have met several of The Children, including one young boy who
spoke English and what was referred to as “Trilateral” language, containing lots of
clicks and symbolic gestures. She also says that she met several breeders of these
mutated humans, and that one distinguishing characteristic is that some wear a
“bird’s nest” haircut, shaved part way around the top of their head.

Sullivan believes that the purpose of faking UFOs and aliens is to prepare the people
of the world to believe in aliens. She explains that she has heard discussions about
the possibility of a faked UFO invasion that would psychologically decimate the
populace so that they would gladly submit to total control.

According to Sullivan she heard other possible plans for initiating the New World
Order, including using Christian evangelists to push belief in the “tribulation” or “last
days” of the Earth. Sullivan says that she was led to believe that AIDS was created
specifically to key into belief in the biblical Revelations. Another possibility that was
talked about was the assassination of a president, providing the opportunity for FEMA
to take over the country and to institute totalitarian control.5

Evaluating Sullivan’s statements, her description of some aspects of the New World
Order sound too reminiscent of the stock-and-trade of conspiracy literature. This
suggests contamination of her story by reading the work of others; in fact, Sullivan at
one point mentioned that she had read something by radio evangelist and conspiracy
author Texe Marrs. It does not, however, disprove that she is a victim of mind control.

In terms of physical evidence, Sullivan has said in correspondence with the author, “I
have little round white stun gun marks all over my forearms and on other parts of my
arms and legs. There might be some on other parts of my body, too, but I can’t see
them, (an investigator/police officer in Atlanta verified, without my saying what I knew
they were, that they are stun gun marks). I have a discoloration on the left side of my
head/eyelashes/eyebrow from where Dad used to make a blank gun go off... I don’t
have much physical evidence, because every ten years or so, my then-current handler
would make me literally throw or give away everything I owned, right down to my bed
sheets and all my jewelry, and start from scratch again. I guess that was their way of
making sure I wasn’t holding onto any evidence.”6

Another form of verification offered by Sullivan to the author is a lengthy series of

lecture notes that her father used for what was apparently a philosophical self-help
class that he taught. What these notes show is a wide-ranging familiarity with
psychological and philosophical teachings, with several interesting emphases. He
mentions the use of “chemotherapy, surgery and shock therapy” in psychiatry, the
work of Dr. Jose Delgado, as well as “ancient sacrifices of children.” He also
references “Russia’s mental reconditioning” and “T.V. flash techniques & editing.”
Obviously her father was not completely unaware of mind control techniques.

Sullivan has also provided a photocopy of a letter from a district attorney in Georgia—I
respect her desire for me to not to be more specific than that—that confirms that her
father was arrested for sexually molesting her half-brother. In the letter, the D.A.
states, “I feel we would have been successful at trial because the evidence against
him was overwhelming and also because he had made some admissions to the

Before he could go to trial, her father committed suicide.


1. Sullivan, Katherine, “Like Father, Like Daughter” at Mind Control Forum at

www.mk.net/~mcf/resrc-hm.htm, CAHRA; CKLN interview at Mind Control Forum

2. “Questionnaire for Survivors Abused Over the Age of Eighteen”, February

21,1993, copy furnished to the author by Katherine Sullivan

3. Sullivan, Katherine, “Like Father, Like Daughter”

4. Katherine Sullivan, correspondence with the author, March 23, 1999


6. Sullivan, Katherine, correspondence with the author, March 23, 1999

7. Letter from a district attorney in Georgia, name withheld at request, dated

January 30, 1990, to Katherine Sullivan’s mother

Chapter 20

Evaluating MONARCH
The problem with evaluating the account of many believed victims of mind control is
the problem with psychological therapy itself. It is ultimately a subjective process in
which the patient is influenced by the therapist, and the therapist by the patient. It is a
private process where two persons collaborate to hopefully heal the patient and bring
forth the truth about what happened to them. Sometimes that goal is not

In some cases the accounts of believed victims may have been influenced by the tales
of others. They may be referencing things that they have read or heard from others.
Thus, not to make light of such things, an incident of childhood sexual abuse might be
turned into an abusive encounter with a prominent politician. A childhood nightmare of
cloaked Satan-worshippers might be remembered as fact. Daddy’s clients in the
insurance trade might fit all the earmarks of members of the Illuminati.

Even Dr. Colin Ross, a well-known researcher on multiple personality disorder and
mind control admits this difficulty in evaluating these cases:

“You cannot tell just by listening to a patient’s story...you can’t tell that it is true. Also
you can’t tell that it is false. In other words you can’t tell without some sort of outside
proof. That is proof that it really happened, or proof that it didn’t happen. What I have
learned especially in the last five years, there is really no limit to how detailed, how
compelling, how full of feeling...how detailed a bunch of memories can be and actually
be totally real, or never have happened. I have worked with people who have had
really elaborate memories of all kinds of things with tremendous amounts of detail and
then we have been able to prove it never happened. You can’t tell.”1

While there is no question that many people have been the victims of mind control
and ritual abuse—in my opinion far more than have ever been acknowledged—there
are also many people who proclaim themselves mind control victims whose accounts
I do not find entirely credible. Like copy cat criminals, there seem be copy cat victims
who source their current problems to the stories of others, who may or may not be
actual victims themselves.

An example of possible delusion and contamination in the memory of an alleged mind

control victim is the story of Pat Burgess, who in the mid-1980s experienced post
partum delivery trauma after the birth of her second son. Prior to that time Burgess
seems to have lived a normal life, and to have had no psychological problems.
Complaining of depression, Burgess consulted hypnotherapist Ann Marie Bauman,
who over the course of many visits came to believe that she had discovered at least
thirty personalities within the recesses of Burgess’ psyche. Feeling that a therapist
more experienced in Multiple Personality Disorder was called for, Bauman referred
Burgess to Dr. Bennet Braun, who ran a clinic at the well-known Rush Presbyterian St.
Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago. In March of 1986 Burgess checked into Braun’s

During the course of her therapy Braun prescribed large doses of psychoactive drugs
for Burgess, including Halcion, which is known to in some cases induce
hallucinations. Braun came to believe that he had eventually summoned forth three
hundred hidden personalities in Burgess, and that the woman had been a leader in a
worldwide satanic cult that had engaged in numerous murders, cannibalism, rape, and
other crimes. Braun, it is reported, had long believed in a huge satanic cult engaging
in mind control and ritual abuse, and at one point, according to Burgess, told her that
the Pope was the head of the cult and had sexually abused her son. Burgess called
the FBI to investigate, but having heard her stories, they chose not to pursue the

Both of Burgess’ sons, aged three and five, were checked into the hospital for
evaluation, and put on a course of drugs and therapy, spending three years in the
locked child psychiatry department of the hospital.

After twenty-seven months in the hospital Burgess went home. She has concluded
that her beliefs that she was a member of a satanic cult and engaged in murder were
the product of the mind altering drugs that she was prescribed, and the paranoid
world view of Dr. Braun and the MPD unit at Rush Presbyterian. Burgess sued Dr.
Braun and the hospital, who settled out of court for 10.6 million dollars. Braun’s clinic
was closed, but he is still practicing psychiatry at Rush. What has only been recently
revealed is that Braun had not been a licensed psychiatrist to begin with, but only
obtained his license some time after Burgess had gone into therapy with him. The
state of Illinois has brought formal charges against Dr. Braun to revoke his license.2

As another example of possible delusion in tales of mind control, I noted in my Mind

Control, World Control that the book The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler
contains much that does not seem credible to me. Their narrative seems to be a
conglomeration of horror tales oft-told in the fundamentalist Christian underground
without much regard for evidence, credibility, or even possibility. Since my first write-
up, I have obtained a lengthy taped interview with Cisco Wheeler that has in many
ways confirmed my opinion of her story.

Wheeler, who frames her story within a strong Christian religious belief structure,
believes that she came from a multi-generational satanic family, and that her father
was a 33rd degree Mason, a mind control programmer for the U.S. government, as
well as being a grand master of the Illuminati secret society. She believes that he was
involved with the shipment of drugs from Vietnam during the Vietnamese War; he was
one of the guys who picked up the kilos of heroin sewn into corpses sent home for
burial. “The purpose of that,” Wheeler says, “was to destroy the structure within the
family unit. The drug culture was the real purpose behind the Vietnam War.”

“Structure within the family unit” and the purpose of the Vietnam War aside, Wheeler
reports that in the late 1940s the Illuminati set upon a plan to infiltrate churches
“because they understood the power of God within the structure of the church, and
they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break down that spiritual strength
within the church, the power of the holy spirit that works within the church.” Her
father, she says, was used to further this purpose, and married a woman who was not
Illuminati or involved in ritual magick, but who did have a Christian background so that
he could obtain entrance into fundamentalist circles.

Wheeler believes, like many others, that she was adversely conditioned by trauma
while still in the womb, and that, “By the time I was 18 months, because my father
was a programmer, he could control my liver, my kidneys, my heart rate, my pulse, my
respiration.” Later, she says, she was sexually groomed to service the top politicos of
this country. This programming, according to Wheeler, took place at China Lake Naval
Base, Alcatraz Prison, the Presidio, and Scotty’s Castle in California, and at the state
mental hospital and Dorenbecker Masonic hospital in Oregon. Wheeler estimates that
there were a total of ten million children who were programmed in MKULTRA.

“I was part of the Illuminati function within the British Royal Family during elite
meetings,” she reports. The first American president that sexually abused her, she
recalls, was Eisenhower. She also believes that she endured mind control procedures
under the hand of the infamous Dr. Greene, who she identifies as actually being the
Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele working under an alias. Her father, she says, was Mengele’s
number two man.

As to the books that she and Springmeier have self-published, Wheeler says, “If we
had a publishing company distributing them, the Illuminati would buy them all up and
have the right to them, and we would lose our books.”

Perhaps providing insight into how Wheeler came to believe that she was the victim of
mind control abuse is the information that her therapy took place in the context of a
group of four woman, all of whom believed that they had been programmed at about
the same time by the same programmers. She says, “In our healing process the first
thing we had to acknowledge within ourselves, and we each had to do this separately,
is to acknowledge that we are MPD [Multiple Personality Disorder], that we are DID
[Dissociative Identity Disorder], and that we were generational families of Satanism.”

Again, like many other recovered memories of mind control and ritual abuse and being
dawdled on President Eisenhower’s lap, Cisco Wheeler’s version of history is long on
Christian sermonizing about the End Times and, so far as I can tell, devoid of proof. It
is obvious that Cisco Wheeler believes what she is saying—I do not doubt her
sincerity—but her recollections are so scanty and so generalized in detail that they do
not comprise anything approximating proof, or even a possibly credible account. This,
of course, may not be vital for widespread acceptance of her story in an era where
seemingly half of the population believes that extraterrestrial aliens collaborate with
the American government in underground bases, but it is vital to me. Horror of horrors
to some researchers, in order to accept reports of this nature as being true, one
absolutely must rely on proof.

It is obvious to me that Cisco Wheeler has had problems in her life, and those
problems may even have stemmed from mind control programming. I do not rule that
out as a possibility. But the simple fact is that she has not proven that she is a subject
of mind or control, or that the CIA or the Illuminati are responsible.3

To repeat, I do not say that all people who believe that they have been mind
controlled, or who believe they have been victims of ritual abuse are deluded. Far from
it, as evidenced by the time I have spent writing this book. I believe that many of these
persons are actual victims, and that there is an underworld of mind control and ritual
abuse that has been only partially exposed at this time. It is simply cases such as
these must be evaluated carefully and individually. To uncritically accept every
account, even the most outrageous and obviously paranoid, as many so-called
researchers do, discredits real mind control abuse that does take place.

It is also important to realize that the contamination of stories of actual as well as

believed victims, may be a way of discrediting the truth. By injecting outlandish details
into these stories, by linking intelligence agency mind control with extraterrestrial
aliens and such, a pallor of doubt is cast upon real cases of abuse. This is the activity
of “scrambling” that Katherine Sullivan and others talk about. It is also true that
traumatic abuse and conditioning confuses and disorients the victim, causing cross-
referencing of mental information, and potentially adding to the nightmarish quality of
many reports of this sort.

Finally, there are many reports of mind control conditioning that I find credible, and
many witnesses whose testimony holds up under scrutiny.


1. Dr. Colin Ross interview, aired on Sunday, April 6, 1997 on CKLN-FM 88 in

Toronto, Canada. Interview conducted by Wayne Morris

2. Dateline, NBC television, October 28, 1998

3. Wheeler, Cisco, interview conducted by Wayne Morris for CKLN-FM radio,

Toronto, Canada, October 5, 1998

Chapter 21

Concealing Mind Control Abuse

One strategy for concealing actual mind control is to erect pseudo-scholarly fronts to
disprove that such misdeeds exist. One such group is the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation, a group of psychiatrists whose mission is to prove that cult abuse and
mind control are figments of the imagination. While it is no doubt true that some cases
of mind control and ritual abuse are imagined and that false accusations do take
place, there is a solid body of evidence showing that such abuse does exist. For
starters, documentation on the CIA’s MKULTRA program is not in question. But the
Foundation is intent on proving that this is not the case.

Of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, mind control researcher Walter Bowart
has said, “This is a Central Intelligence Agency action. It is an action aimed at the
psychological and psychiatric mental health community. To discredit you, to keep you
in fear and terror.”

The membership of the Foundation is telling. Many of the psychiatrists in the group’s
advisory board are linked to CIA mind control operations or to the military. These
persons are often called upon in court cases to discredit testimony of cult sexual
abuse and mind control.1

One of the original members of the group, Martin T. Orne, a researcher at one time
funded through MKULTRA and the gamut of military agencies, is employed at the
University of Pennsylvania’s Experimental Psychiatry Laboratory. Orne was friends
with George Estabrooks, the early researcher on the creation of hypnotic Manchurian
Candidates, and bragged to researcher John Marks that he was routinely briefed on
advances in CIA mind control research.

Some of Orne’s early researches, including studies of post-hypnotic amnesia, were

financed by the Human Ecology Fund, a conduit for CIA monies at Cornell University.
HEF financed numerous major mind control experiments worldwide, including those of
the infamous Ewen Cameron at the Montreal Allen Memorial Institute.2

Orne was called in to examine Patty Hearst after the Agency-created Symbionese
Liberation Army was immolated by the LAPD. Also evaluating Hearst were Robert Jay
Lifton, a founder of the CIA-contracted Human Ecology Fund, and infamous
MKULTRA shrink Louis Jolyon West.

Another person testifying at the trial of Patty Hearst was retired Berkeley Ph.D. Dr.
Margaret Singer, also on the advisory board of the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation. Singer had studied American prisoners of the Korean War at the Walter
Reed Army Institute of Research in Maryland during the 1950s.

FMSF founder Ralph Underwager, director of the Institute of Psychological Therapies

in Minnesota and the publisher of a magazine titled Issues in Child Abuse Allegations,
is another member of the group who may have an axe to grind. It is reported that
Underwager said in an interview in an Amsterdam journal that it was “God’s Will” that
adults have sex with children. Underwager later filed an affidavit in France for
members of the Children of God cult, whose tenets at least at one time promoted sex
with children. Underwager testified that they were not guilty of child abuse.3

The story of Peter and Pamela Freyd, who are executive directors of the Foundation,
may also be significant. The Freyds have been accused of sexual abuse by their
daughter Jennifer, who is a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.
Pamela Freyd called in her own psychiatrist, Dr. Harold Lief, an original board member
of the FMSF. His determination was that Jennifer had not been abused. Lief himself
was a major in the Army medical corps, was on the University of Pennsylvania faculty
during the time that the university was conducting federal-funded experiments in
behavior modification, and assisted Dr. Orne in studies on hypnotic programming.4

Another strategy for discrediting victims of mind control abuse and therapists who are
investigating this subject are criminal charges. In 1998 the federal government
initiated criminal charges against Texas psychologist Dr. Judith Peterson, charging
that she had intentionally implanted false memories into her clients in order to extend
their period of therapy. Dr. Peterson was also charged with mail fraud for mailing those
clients bills through the mail. At the time of this writing, the government had only
interviewed disgruntled patients and their attorneys, neglecting to interview Dr.
Peterson or clients whose experience with her has been positive. Earlier, the same
alleged victims of fraud complained to the Texas Department of Mental Health and
Mental Retardation, and the Texas Department of Health. After investigations by those
bodies. Dr. Peterson was found to be innocent of the charges.5


1. Constantine, Alex, “The False Memory Hoax: CIA Connections to Mind Control
Cults,” Paranoia, Winter 95/96

2. Constantine; Ross, M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control
Research: Building the Manchurian Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western
Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation, April 18, 1996

3. Constantine

4. Constantine; Blood, Linda. The New Satanists. New York: Warner Books, 1994

5. Morris, Wayne, preface to an interview with Professor Alan Scheflin on CKLN-

FM radio, Toronto, Canada, June 22, 1998

Chapter 22

Electronic Mind Control

A giant leap forward in the technical capability for mind control came with the
discovery that electromagnetic energy could be used to influence, disable, or kill
humans at a distance. The famous scientist Nikola Tesla was one of the first persons
to delve into the effects of electromagnetics on the human organism, with E.L. Chaffee
and R.U. Light following in 1934 with the monograph “A Method For the Remote
Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System.”

In the same year Soviet scientist Leonid L. Vasiliev wrote “Critical Evaluation of the
Hypogenic Method” about the discoveries of Dr. I.F. Tomashevsky and his research
into remote influencing of the brain through radio waves. Vasiliev wrote: “As a control
of the subject’s condition when she was outside the laboratory in another set of
experiments, a radio set-up was used... Not many experiments of this sort were
carried out, but the results obtained indicate that the method of using radio signals
substantially enhances the experimental possibilities.”

Later in the paper Vasiliev wrote: “Tomashevsky [I.F. Tomashevsky, famed Russian
physiologist] carried out the first experiment with this subject at a distance of one or
two rooms and under conditions where the participant would not know or suspect
that she would be experimented with. In other cases, the sender was not in the same
house and someone else observed the subject’s behavior. Subsequent experiments at
considerable distances were successful...one such experiment was carried out in a
part at a distance… Mental suggestion to go to sleep was complied with within a

Another researcher into the potential of electromagnetics in the 1930s was Professor
E. Cazzamalli. Cazzamalli bombarded subjects with VHF radio waves and “told an
astounded world that his subjects would hallucinate when under the influence of his
“oscillatori telegrafica.”2

Andrija Puharich was another early researcher into the effects of electromagnetics
who delved into the effects of radio waves on animals, working at Northwestern
University in the late 1940s. Puharich founded a laboratory he called the Round Table
Foundation of Electrobiology in what he modestly termed “a barn in the woods”
outside of Camden, Maine, in 1948. It was hardly a barn, sized one hundred by fifty
feet, with a basement and upper story. It had been used by the Navy, reportedly for
storage, during World War II.

Among Puharich’s associates at the Round Table were Warren S. McCulloch, one of
the founders of cybernetics theory, who had worked at Bellevue Hospital in New York.
McCulloch was an early advocate of electronic brain implants, and chaired
conferences sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, a channel for CIA mind
control funding. Another associate of Puharich’s was John Hays Hammond, said to
have been Nikola Tesla’s only student. Hays was also interested in the use of
electromagnetics to influence the human mind.

After the demise of Puharich’s Round Table he spent time with social engineer Aldous
Huxley in Tecate, Mexico, again studying the effects of electronics on the human
organism. Puharich was also employed at the Army’s Chemical and Biological Warfare
Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland, researching the effects of LSD for the CIA in 1954.
He delved into the effects of digatoid drugs at the Permanente Research Foundation,
with funding from the Sandoz Chemical Works.3

Among Puharich’s accomplishments was the design of what is described as a radio

tooth implant, the technical specs of which were sold to the CIA. At a conference on
electromagnetism in September of 1987, Puharich described this invention: “We were
able to develop a hearing device that fit under the cap Of a tooth and we could hear
very clearly from a small little relay and receiver and transmitter and unfortunately it
was promptly classified by an agency of our government. But we did solve the
problem in terms of hardware.”

The radio tooth implant may still be in use. According to the Chemical and Engineering
News for February 5, 1996, in a story titled “Hong Kong professor sues U.S. for mind

“The South China Morning Post reported on January 25 that an assistant professor at
the University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, has filed a $100 million suit
against the U.S. government for implanting mind-control devices in his teeth. Huang
Si-ming charges that the devices were implanted during root canal work in 1991 while
he was studying at the University of Iowa, according to Morning Post reported Patricia
Young. Another student at Iowa University, who like Huang, was born in China, had
gone on a shooting spree, and the Feds, Huang says, put the devices in his teeth to
find out if he was involved.

“The Hong Kong professor says he suffered an Alzheimer’s disease-like memory loss
that hampered his teaching. It stopped, he says, only when he sought legal aid to
mount his lawsuit. Besides the U.S., the suit names the University of Science &
Technology on the grounds that it was involved in continuing the mind-control work. It
also seeks punitive damages of $1 million from the defendants for Tow ethical

“Huang claims that one of the devices in his teeth can read his thoughts and talk to
his mind when he’s asleep. A second device, he believes, transmits pictures of what
he sees to a receiver for recording. The mind controller, he says, can drive him to ‘bad’
behavior. He gives two examples, one of which cannot be mentioned in a family
magazine.” Huang is not alone in his complaints about having mind control devices
implanted in his teeth. David B. recounts his story:

“X-rays revealed a metal object on the left side of my skull under the jaw in the soft
tissue of my neck. In May 1996, I finally had it removed, I asked many doctors about
the possibility of it falling there during an extraction—they said, ‘possible, but remote.’
Most of them thought it punctured my neck from the outside. I sent X-rays to Dr. Sims,
and he arranged removal. The strange thing that came out of this was the discovery of
the small object in my shoulder. Dr. Leer called after receiving my X-rays and asked if I
had ever broken my shoulder, if I had ever been in an explosion. I replied no. He said
the reason was that the X-ray clearly showed a screw in my left shoulder. He said it
looked like an operation for a broken shoulder. I have never broken a bone to my
knowledge, and called my mother to ask. She said I’d had no operations as a child.
This part is a complete mystery.

“During the first six months of torture (extreme at that time), I went to a dentist and
reported pain under my new dental bridge, installed a few months before the assault.
He removed it and I was still in contact. So I wrote off my teeth and concentrated on
my throat, wrongly. In my X-rays and CAT scan, one tooth is very bright and in one
frame of the CAT scan it shows rays of white emanating from it. People I asked said it
was probably an interference effect with the metal.”5

An insight into the state of early Soviet research into electromagnetics is provided by
an account of a meeting held on May 22, 1963, in the office of Professor Zinoviev at
the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education in the Soviet Union. In a
meeting of sixteen scientists, a Professor Artemov mentioned what he called a
“mental work machine.” Artemov said that in the near future an electromagnetic
broadcasting unit the size of a transistor radio would be used to stimulate creativity
and mental energy. Artemov said that the first models of the machine that had been
constructed were desk-top size, but that now the units were portable and were in use.

The Soviets also worked on less benign applications of electromagnetics. About 1960,
as microwave scientist Milton Zaret recalls it, he was approached by the CIA. Zaret
had worked on an Air Force project evaluating potential eye damage to radar and
microwave technicians, but the CIA was interested in more arcane matters. They
asked about the effect of microwaves on human behavior, and the possibility of using
microwaves for brainwashing. Later, in 1965, they finally disclosed to Zaret why they
were interested: the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was being bombarded with
microwaves by the Soviets—with radiation that they dubbed the “Moscow Signal.”

Zaret was briefed on Project Pandora, a government program in progress that was
aimed at finding out why the Soviets were irradiating the embassy, and perhaps
turning that research to the CIA’s own purposes. In one Project Pandora experiment
chimpanzees were irradiated with microwave bursts. The head of the program
determined that “the potential for exerting a degree of control on human behavior by
low level microwave radiation seems to exist and he urged that the effects of
microwaves be studied for possible weapons applications.”

Zaret conducted his own tests and determined that “Whatever other reasons the
Russians may have had, they believed the beam would modify the behavior of the

Zaret’s recommendations were simple. The American government should demand that
the Soviets stop irradiating its employees. Persons stationed at the embassy should
also be briefed on what was going on, which they had not been, and be given the
option of transferring to other areas of the world. Zaret was assured that his
suggestions would be followed, but they were in only one particular. President Lyndon
B. Johnson issued a demand to the Soviets that the irradiation end. They ignored him.

Embassy personnel were never told that they were being subjected to
electromagnetic irradiation, nor that tests showed many of them were afflicted with
terrible medical problems. Ambassador Walter J. Stoessel had problems with bleeding
from the eyes, and was diagnosed with a blood disease similar to leukemia. The two
previous ambassadors had both died of cancer. State Department tests also found
what they described as a “slightly higher” white blood cell count in one-third of the
employees tested, but in fact their lymphocyte count was forty percent higher than
normal. Several children of embassy employees were found to have blood disorders.

They would only learn of the source of their illnesses in 1972, when newspaper
columnist Jack Anderson would blow the whistle on the “Moscow Signal” in his
newspaper column.

A possible by-product of Project Pandora is that in 1961 Dr. Alan Frey reported that
microwaves are sometimes audible to humans, although the discovery was dismissed
by many scientists as being a case of outside noise. Frey’s experiment was later
described in detail by James C. Lin, in his Microwave Auditory Effects and

“Frey...found that human subjects exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves
at average power densities of 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 perceived auditory sensations
described as buzzing or knocking sounds... The peak power densities were on the
order of 200 to 300 mW/cm2 and the pulse repetition frequencies varied from 200 to
400 Hz... Frey referred to this auditory phenomenon as the RF (radio frequency)
sound. The sensation occurred instantaneously at average incident power densities
well below that necessary for known biological damage and appeared to originate
from within or near the back of the head.”10

There were important ramifications to Frey’s discovery. In his paper, “Human 

Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy,” Frey explained
“...how voices can be beamed directly into an individual’s head.” Among other areas
of research, Frey also delved into the induction of heart seizures by beamed

Other Pandora personnel included Operation Paperclip Nazis like Dr. Deitrich
Beischer, who irradiated 7,000 Navy crewmen with dangerous levels of radiation at the
Naval Aerospace Research Laboratory in Pensacola, Florida. Beischer simply
disappeared in 1977, with records of his employment—and his existence—expunged.

Spanish researchers maintain that brain implant specialist Dr. Jose Delgado was also
involved in Pandora.9

In 1972 the Department of the Army released a report titled “Controlled Offensive
Behavior—U.S.S.R.,” documenting five hundred Russian studies of the use of “Super-
high frequency electromagnetic oscillations.” “SHF may be used as a technique for
altering human behavior,” the report stated.

“Lethal and non-lethal effects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal
exposures, definite behavioral changes have occurred.”12

In the same year the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development
Center released a study titled “Analysis of Microwaves for Barrier Warfare.” The report
discussed the use of truck-portable microwave broadcasting systems that would be
used to irradiate and immobilize people, and suggested that with the current state of
armament there was no way of protecting against the use of such a system.13

At about the same, electronics engineer Tom Jaski was conducting experimentation
using a low-power oscillator broadcasting at 300-600 MHz to irradiate subjects. In
repeated trials, subjects were able to detect the electromagnetic sweeps and, “at
these ‘individual’ frequencies, the same subjects announced having experienced
pulsing sensations in the brain, ringing in the ears and an odd desire to bite the

As research in mind control progressed, the potential of directly and precisely

influencing the human brain with microwaves became apparent. Technologies
whereby emotions, messages and subliminal commands could be beamed directly to
the brain of unwitting subjects were researched by both the American and Soviet
governments. Among many other projects, the Department of Defense funded work of
J.F. Schapitz, who in 1974 proposed the use of radio broadcasting in conjunction with
hypnotic control:

“In this investigation,” Schapitz wrote, “it will be shown that the spoken word of the
hypnotist may be conveyed by modulate electromagnetic energy directly into the
subconscious parts of the human brain—i.e., without employing any technical devices
for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such
influence having a chance to control the information input consciously...

“The second experiment was to be the implanting of hypnotic suggestions for simple
acts, like leaving the lab to buy some particular item, which were to be triggered by a
suggested time, spoken word, or sight. Subjects were to be interviewed later. It may
be expected that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be undertaken out
of their own free will.”

The results of Schapitz’ experimentation have never been released to the public.15

In 1978 Dr. Andrew Michrowski wrote that, “Potentially, almost anything could be
inserted into the target brain mind systems, and such insertions would be processed
by the bio-systems as internally-generated data/effects. Words, phrases, images,
sensations, and emotions could be directly inserted and experienced in the biological
targets as internal states, codes, emotions, thoughts and ideas.”16

On April 20, 1976, an “Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering
Brain Waves” was patented. Its inventor was Robert G. Malech, of New York.
According to the patent abstract, it is an “Apparatus for and method of sensing brain
waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of
different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject.”
Although somewhat technical in its jargon, the “Summary of the Invention” in the
patent bears wading through for the interested researcher:

“The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring brain waves
wherein all components of the apparatus employed are remote from the test subject.
More specifically, high frequency transmitters are operated to radiate electromagnetic
energy of different frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning the
entire brain of the test subject or any desired region thereof. The signals of different
frequencies penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they
mix to yield an interference wave modulated by radiation from the brain’s natural
electrical activity. The modulated interference wave is retransmitted by the brain and
received by an antenna at a remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to
provide a profile of the subject’s brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring his
brain waves, the subject’s neurological processes may be affected by transmitting to
his brain, through a transmitter compensating signals. The latter signals can be
derived from the received and processed brain waves.”17

In the years 1980 to 1983 the Marine Corps sponsored research into electromagnetic
weaponry, with the project run by Eldon Byrd, a specialist in medical bioengineering.
The lion’s share of the research was conducted at the Armed Forces Radiobiology
Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, with research done on small animals and
even Byrd himself. Byrd’s focus was an attempt to see if electromagnetic waves could
be used to influence or entrain the brain activity of living organisms.

Using electromagnetic broadcasting, Byrd says, “We could put animals into a stupor
by hitting them with these frequencies. We got chick brains—in vitro—to dump 80
percent of the natural opioids in their brains. The effects were nonlethal and reversible.
You could disable a person temporarily,’ Byrd suggests that, “It [would have been] like
a stun gun.”

Byrd’s program was scheduled for four years, but was closed down after two. Byrd
believes that it wasn’t because the research was unsuccessful: “The work was really
outstanding. We would have had a weapon in one year.”

Byrd believes that the work was not discontinued, but was instead simply taken out of
his hands and turned into a black project. That statement is hardly outlandish, and
numerous other researcher in electromagnetics tell a similar tale of having their work
taken away from them at the precise point when they began to get successful results.

As conservative a publication as the International Review of the Red Cross in 1990

acknowledged the ascendancy of “beam weapons” in the field of warfare. The authors
of an article titled “The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons” stated:

“The effects induced in human beings by electromagnetic waves have been known,
albeit imperfectly, for a long time and have been the subject of continuous research.
Depending on the frequency used, the emission mode, the energy radiated, and the
shape and duration of the pulses used, electromagnetic radiation directed against the
human body may produce heat and cause serious burns or even changes in the
molecular structure of the tissues they reach.

“Research work in this field has been carried out in almost all industrialized countries,
and especially by the great powers, with a view to using these phenomena for anti-
materiel or anti-personnel purposes. Tests have demonstrated that powerful
microwave pulses could be used as a weapon in order to put the adversary hors de
combat or even kill him. It is possible today to generate a very powerful microwave
pulse (e.g. between 150 and 3,000 megahertz), with an energy level of several
hundreds of megawatts. Using specially adapted antenna systems, these generators
could in principle transmit over hundreds of meters sufficient energy to cook a meal.
However, it is important to mention that the lethal or incapacitating effects which can
be expected from weapon systems using this technology can be produced with much
lower energy levels. Using the principle of magnetic field concentration, which permits
the control of the geometry on the target, by means of antenna systems especially
designed for the purpose, the radiated energy can be concentrated on very small
surfaces of the human body, for example the base of the brain where relatively low
energy can produce lethal effects.”

In 1991, the ITV News Bureau reported on the first known use of electronic subliminals
on the battlefield and the “true reason for the seemingly illogical and apparently
suicidal attack by Iraqi troops on the deserted city of Al-Khaiji...12 miles south of
Kuwaiti border...” According to ITV the Iraqis had launched a successful attack meant
to destroy an FM radio station that had been installed in Al-Khafji by the U.S. Defense
Department’s PsyOps branch. Although the station outwardly appeared to be
broadcasting “Tokyo Rose” style propaganda, deserting Iraqi soldiers claimed that the
real purpose of the station was to broadcast “the new, high tech, type of subliminal
messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency ‘silent sounds’ or ‘silent subliminals.’”

According to ITV, “Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice
messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by psyops
psychologists were clearly perceived by the subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers
and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling
of fear and hopelessness in their minds.”18

In 1993 a “Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of

Consciousness, Including Specific Mental Activity, in Human Beings” was patented by
its inventor, Robert A. Monroe. The now-deceased Monroe was an early practitioner of
what is termed “remote viewing,” or out of body travel, and is the founder of the
Monroe Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is reported to have had close
connections to the CIA.19

The abstract of Monroe’s patent says that specific states of consciousness can be
induced “through generation of stereo audio signals having specific wave shapes” and
that “In accordance with the invention, human brain waves, in the form of EEGs, are
superimposed upon specific stereo audio signals, known as carrier frequencies which
are within the range of human hearing.”

Monroe followed up his initial invention with a “Method of and Apparatus for Inducing
Desired States of Consciousness,” apparently a new and improved form of his first

The U.S. Air Force Review of Biotechnology in 1982 warned that: “Radiofrequency
radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military
threats...RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an
electrically-mediated organ suggests the serious probability that impressed
electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable
of directing and or interrogating such behaviour. Further, the passage of approximately
100 milliamperes through the myocardium [of the brain] can lead to cardiac standstill
and death, again pointing to speed-of-light weapons effect. A rapidly scanning RFR
system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area.”

The article continued:

“There is little doubt that crowd control devices using Radio Frequency Radiation do
exist. The development of such devices would complement sonic and infra-red
weapons, which are well known, and were advertised in the British Defense
Equipment Catalogue until 1983. These included the Valkyrie, an infra-red device
causing night blindness and the Squawk Box or Sound Curdler, developed by the U.S.
for use in Vietnam. The Squawk Box was designed to induce feelings of giddiness and
nausea in the victim, and is highly directional, so that as individuals are hit by the
invisible effect, distress and confusion is spread amongst a crowd... In 1984 the
Ministry of Defense ordered that all advertisements and references to ‘frequency
weapons,’ but cut from the Defense Catalogue.”21

By 1993 the National Institute of Justice, an office of the Justice Department, was
recommending in its “NIJ Initiative on Less-Than-Lethal Weapons,” that state and
local police departments in America utilize psychotronic, electromagnetic and other
mind control weapons against American citizens involved in “domestic
disturbances”—a description so broad as to include family arguments. The report
said, “Short-term research will be completed to adopt military technologies to use by
domestic law enforcement...including laser, microwave, and electromagnetic”
weapons. The Washington Post reported: “The Pentagon and the Justice Department
have agreed to share state-of-the-art military technology with civilian law enforcement
agencies, including exotic ‘non-lethal’ weapons.”

This new approach to law enforcement was showcased in a three-day secret

conference on non-lethal weaponry at the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns
Hopkins University in Maryland. The conference head was Col. John B. Alexander,
Program Manager for Non-Lethal (psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National
Laboratory. Attending the meeting was Attorney General Janet Reno, military
weapons specialists, and representatives from state and local police departments. A
wide variety of subjects were covered at the conference, including “radio frequency
weapons, high powered microwave technology, acoustic technology, voice synthesis,
and application of extreme frequency electromagnetic fields to non-lethal weapons.”

The U.S. Air Force has installed high-power microwave generators on air-launched
cruise missiles. The stated purpose for the beam generators is to wage computer
warfare, frying delicate computer components, but these generators would also
theoretically be able to fry the delicate mental components of human beings.22

Has electromagnetic weaponry ever moved beyond the experimental stage and been
used on citizens? Has it ever been utilized in experiments upon an unsuspecting
population, the way that drugs and other forms of behavior modification were used in
MKULTRA? Literally thousands of persons worldwide believe that they have. They
claim that electronic assault weapons have been used on them, either for
experimentation, or possibly for harassment. The sheer number of these accounts, the
parallels to what has been verified in terms of government testing, and the credibility
of many of the persons making these claims strongly suggest covert use of these
weapons on civilians.

One man who believes that he has been irradiated with electronic beam weapons is
Martin C. Mack. In an open letter Mr. Mack describes his experience:

“I’m a former truck driver, now retired. My troubles with what I am about to recount
began in the fall of 1987 when I rented a room in Seattle, Washington. The renter...next
to me had visitors who tried to avoid being seen by me. Comments were made about
me describing my actions, as if coming from his room. Somehow, they were able to
make me hear and also pick up on the process of my hearing—hear what I heard. As if
my head, strange as this sounds, was a sort of antenna, and I picked things up—not
subliminally but audibly.

“They knew when I was coming and going and commented on such. While I was at
the hotel; talk was heard about what I was doing. They could account for much of
what I did in my room and in that building. They must have some way of watching me,
I thought.

“Statements to throw me off as to what they were doing were heard, such as: ‘This
stinger will reach 35 feet’ and ‘There is a two-way mirror in the lobby.’ ‘Let us test him’
was heard.

“This was before I moved out, and afterward: ‘He has a microphone in his throat.’ I do
not have a material one there, of course. It was implied that they could pick up on
what I voiced. All this seemed like an impossibility. Due to what has transpired over
the years, I know these things as fact—regardless of what others might think.

“One night my spine was made very warm. That region is thermal sensitive and part of
the central nervous system. The reflex arc which passes through the spine was
triggered and gave my body a jerk.

“They could heat sting my back shoulder blades. The bone coverings of those are
pain sensitive. They decided to drive me out of there and did before the month was

“There is a way that a person can be made selectively receptive to a modulated radio
frequency carrier and that was resolved while I was there. Before leaving, I inquired as
to how long the two previous tenants stayed in that room. ‘A month or two,' the
manager said. I was not hurt so very badly after they drove me out.

“Concerning the behavior and mind control: There is not much of a point in stimulating
a person unless you can get a visual or audible response from the subject. They do
get an audible one from me, a curse for one thing.

“How I think it is done: An unmodulated radio frequency carrier is sent out from one
location—preferably lower in frequency. It passes into the spine and head regions of
the subject. The carrier is modulated by the electromagnetic nature of the hearing
process—speech and inner speech of the victim. The fields of the processes piggy
back onto the carrier. It thought that the unwanted fields are filtered out on arrival at
the point of reception. If what is received by the offenders displeased them—then a
hurtful stimuli is sent out on a carrier to cause pain to the subject—hence behavior
and mind control. There is much more to it than that.

“All sorts of responses can be brought about in the body and head—by modulation of
a radio frequency carrier with various frequencies of sound and energy—hearing and
cranial pain, ear pain, and others—yes, heart pain, torture and death. They are able to
resolve motion or the absence thereof. A very loud snap sound can be caused at the
rear of the head. The sound modulation can be spiked and cause hurtful jolts of pain.
Eye stinging and eye pains have been caused. The heat pain sting torture is believed
to be caused by vibrating the molecules in nerve endings of the thermal receptors.
While in the process of thinking about what they are doing or reading, some people
use inner speech or subvocalization. The trachea, i.e. wind pipe is piezoelectric and
should act as a transducer.

“Subvocalization has been recorded directly off the throat by researchers. The

indications have long been good, that they can take off the electromagnetic field
associated with inner speech. They have commented on that of which I inwardly
voiced—many times. The shoulder muscles can be made stiff and sore—those of the
neck also. The heart muscle can be made sore. I am monitored round the clock. Sleep
deprivation is caused each night. The offenders needed a scapegoat to field test their
equipment on and with me they got lots of practice...”23

Regina Cullen, a resident of the UK, also reports that she has been the victim of
electronic assault. She feels that she was targeted for such harassment because of a
complaint that she made against local police in 1984. After numerous examples of
more overt forms of harassment, including having her bicycle tires slashed, her car
broken into, and being physically assaulted twice, she says, “A new element of
harassment appeared: my home was rendered uninhabitable by ‘frequency assault.’
What I now know to be microwaves and/or infrasound were used to turn the room into
a torture chamber.”

Cullen reports that she was harassed with an “irregularly pulsed ‘humming’ sound,
impossible to tell which direction it came from, seeming louder when one was lying
down... It reverberated most in the area just behind the ear, the mastoid bone area
which is filled with air pockets, and caused my eyes to ache and my forehead to feel
fuzzy and interfered with.”

The woman was forced to change residences repeatedly during the ensuing years.
She says, “Sometime, in outrage at being forced out of my home, I would return in the
middle of the night to find complete peace and quiet, but ten or twenty minutes later
the frequency assault would begin again.”

At one location, she says, “I believe the source of the assault was the flat above,
unless microtechnology is hidden in one’s own flat, for this took place on the 11th
floor. There were no houses of comparable height nearby, and the flat above was
inhabited by the building’s caretaker... On the day this happened there had been a
man pretending to be asleep in a red car parked half onto the sidewalk in front of the
building’s entrance. I was instantly afraid of him, but warned myself not to be
paranoid. Two weeks later, as I was running suddenly for a bus and looking over my
shoulder, I caught him ducking behind a van to avoid being seen following me.”

Cullen says that, “Earlier, back at the bedsit [a single occupancy room], intuition had
given me another clue to look out of my spy-hole just as the hooligan was being
handed a strange box with orange hemispherical plastic knobs on each corner by a
trench-coated detective type, who did not speak and took care not to creak the
hallway doors... [Not] long after that I saw him carrying in full view a small Christmas
tree-shaped aerial, and he seemed upset that I had seen it.”

On one occasion, as Cullen sat in her garden, “Something shot through my head with
a strange ‘fzzzzzzzzssst’ sound as it happened, seeming to come from behind the
fence. I was terrified and could no longer sleep there anymore. A year or so later,
sitting in front of the window with the curtains open, the same thing happened again
and the TV instantly turned to snow. The alignment that time of the invisible beam was
such that it came from above and on the other side of the garden, from the very area
where in ’86 had appeared a momentary pencil-like beam of white light which was
aimed at my bathroom window.”

Cullen describes two types of electronic assault:

“Symptoms of Type 1 include a bizarre feeling that the right and left halves of the brain
are separating, with a cap in between, as if parts of the head and face are rearranged
spatially, as in a Cubist painting. There is an impression of slight puffiness in the face,
a flattening of the nose, and ‘definement of features.” Type 2 symptoms include the
feeling that “I could hardly breath and felt like I was in an oven. Each breath is like
trying to inhale searing desert air, along with the usual headache and severe lassitude,
sore tired eyes, fatigue, hot burning skin, old scars throbbing, and an overwhelming
sense of oppression, evil and helplessness.”24

Further substantiating these claims of electronic assault are the reports of believed
victims of mind control harassment who have observed suspect equipment in areas
adjacent to where they live. A number of reports of this kind have been compiled by
the Association of National Security Alumni in their Electronic Surveillance Project,
intending to document and expose mind control abuses in the United States.

One individual documented by the Electronic Surveillance Project talked to her next
door neighbor who claimed that he was a military intelligence officer employed by a
space technology firm, and that he was on a year-long temporary duty in the
individual’s apartment building. It was later determined that the individual was not
employed in the military. When the pretended military intelligence officer moved out of
the apartment building, the contact went into his apartment and found a microwave
oven size device, and that an “excavation” had been made in the wall facing her

Another believed victim of mind control harassment looked through the window of her
neighbor’s apartment to see a one by five foot gray box. A black-framed lens
projected from the box, facing in the direction of her apartment. According to the
witness, the box was being operated in some fashion by a man in a three-piece suit,
who was startled when he realized that he was being observed.25


1. Wall, Judy, “Synthetic Telepathy,” Paranoid Women Collect Their Thoughts, Joan
D’Arc, ed. Providence, Rhode Island: Paranoia Publishing, 1996; Vasiliev, Leonid L.,
cited in Lawrence, Lincoln, and Thomas, Kenn. Mind Control, Oswald & JFK: Were We
Controlled? Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997

2. Cannon, Martin, “Mind Control and the American Government,” Prevailing

Winds, 1994

3. Milner, Terry, “Ratting out Puharich,” at Doc Hambone, www.io.com/


4. Welsh, Cheryl. Mind Control is No Longer Science Fiction, Volume 2. Davis,

California: Citizens Against Human Rights Abuses, 1997

5. Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government. Venice, California: Feral House, 1997

6. Lawrence

7. Cited in Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. Portland, Oregon:

Feral House, 1995

8. Kaufer, Scott, “The Air Pollution You Can’t See,” New Times, March 6, 1976

9. Wall; Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.; Correspondence by

the NosMan group

10. Lin, James C. Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications. Spring-field, Illinois:
Charles C. Thomas, 1978

11. Cannon; Lin; Wall

12. Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government

13. Wall

14. Cannon

15. Robert O. Becker. The Body Electric. New York: William Morrow, 1985; Welsh

16. Welsh

17. U.S. Patent 3,951,134, “Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and
Altering Brain Waves,” April 20, 1976

18. “High Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East,” ITV News Bureau,
Ltd. 1991

19. Porter, Tom, “Government Research into ESP & Mind Control,” MindNet Journal,
Vol. 1, No. 46, www.visitations.com/mindnet/MN16A.HTM

20. U.S. Patent 5,356,368, “Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of
Consciousness,” October 18, 1994; U.S. Patent number 5,213,562, “A Method of
Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Consciousness, Including Specific
Mental Activity, in Human Beings,” May 25, 1993

21. Kennard, Peter, “Field of Nightmares,” The Weekend Guardian, February 2-3,

22. Baker, C.B., “New World Order & ELF Psychotronic Tyranny,” Youth Action
Newsletter, Dec. 1994; Microwave News, March/April 1998; Aviation Week, January
19, 1998

23. “Re; Assault by Remote Technology methods,” statement by Martin C. Mack,


24. Cullen, Regina, “The Traveling Torture Chamber: Microwave Harassment,

Gangsterism and Freemasonry.” Paranoid Women Collect Their Thoughts. Joan D’Arc,
Ed. Providence, Rhode Island: Paranoia Publishing, 1996

25. Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation, published by the

Association of National Security Alumni, Electronic Surveillance Project

Chapter 23

Mind Prison
From the earliest days of such research, a ready source of human fodder for
experimentation has been found in prisons. This has not exactly been kept secret. In
1962, James V. Bennett, at the time the director of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons,
encouraged psychiatrists and social scientists to use the “tremendous opportunity”
that 24,000 incarcerated and helpless prison inmates offered for experimentation. He
said, “We here in Washington are anxious to have you undertake some of these
things...perhaps on your own—undertake a little experiment on what you can do with
the Muslims, what you can do with...sociopath individuals.”1

In 1971 the Director of Corrections for California proposed the broad implementation
of neurosurgery for violent inmates of prisons. That does not mean that this sort of
surgery had not been done earlier. As an example, in 1968 three inmates at Vacaville
Medical Facility had a portion of their brains’ amygdalas mutilated, reportedly in an
attempt to quell their violent urges.2

In 1974 a prisoner at the Arizona State Prison wrote in the New York Times about a
program of electroshock at the prison that was aimed at discouraging the activities of
“jail-house lawyers” and political radicals. The term the prisoners used for the
program, he said, was “Edison’s medicine.”3

In October, 1988, David Fratus, a 38-year-old prisoner at the Utah State Prison serving
a one-to-fifteen year sentence for second degree burglary penned an open letter
describing his experiences, protesting that he was being subjected to mind control
torture. He indicated that eleven months prior he had had an altercation with another
prisoner that, he believed, was the reason that a program of systematic mind control
torture had been instituted against him.

Fratus’ account is detailed and believable. According to his letter, “Day after day they
tampered with my food, smashing and removing items from my tray, and threatened
to poison me with carcinogens and diseases. My mail received similar treatment. I
was constantly verbally badgered as well as physically assaulted, and was told my
parents would be murdered should I fail to maintain silence.”

Fratus believes that these harassment’s were used to drive him over the edge into
losing his temper, thus providing justification for placing him in solitary confinement
and for more intense harassment.

“Once isolated,” Fratus relates, “some extremely peculiar things began to occur. I
became disoriented to the extent that my cell and surrounding area would take on a
surrealistic appearance as though I were under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug,
and I was plagued by severe headaches and insomnia for weeks at a time... I began to
receive, or hear, high frequency tones in my ears. Like the test pattern on a TV set.
The volume or intensity of these frequencies is adjustable and some are so high and
piercing that they’ve literally had me climbing the walls. When I plug my ears with
cotton or fingertips, the tones are still inside and become amplified. It’s as if they had
become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out.”

When Fratus complained, he says that he was thrown into a “strip cell” without
clothes, mattress, toilet paper, or drinking water.

After five months of harassment, Fratus says that the torture escalated to the point
that he admits that what happened would sound crazy to anyone not familiar with
current capabilities of mind control technology. “I began to hear voices in my ears,”
Fratus reports. “Voices that change pitch and timbre in contrast from being a
cartoonish high and squeaky, descending through the octaves, including everything
from sinister Darth Vaderish to basically normal characteristics. The reception of these
voices into my inner ears is as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo
headphones, and they are able to mix, match, and blend them in conjunction with the
frequency tones creating a raucous cacophony of audio discord that disheartens the

Fratus believes that eventually advanced technology was brought to bear upon him,
to the extent that a computer mind scanning machine was used on him capable of
monitoring—“picking apart,” he describes it—his thoughts as well as physical
functions. Fratus said, “With the apparent ease of manipulating a keyboard they can,
with the flick of the switch, strip me of all energy and motivation to where I’m forced to
lie on my bunk and stare at the wall like a zombie. I’ve been left in this state for weeks
at a time—literally chained to my bed without the actual use of physical restraints,
having not the energy to walk back and forth in my cell even a few times.”

Fratus describes a list of devastating effects used to debilitate his body and his
psyche, and admits that it would be hard for people to believe that prison officials
would torment their captives in this manner. Corroborating his tale, he says, is a
conversation with a paralegal advisor who told him that he had received similar
complaints from other prisoners at the facility, and when Fratus launched a legal suit
against medical personnel at the facility, several inmates came forward to substantiate
his claims, strikingly describing similar symptoms to those described by Fratus.

Forty-six year old Robert LaSalle, also an inmate at Utah State Prison, who had been
housed in a cell adjacent to Fratus, described with complete coherence and in great
detail his own torment at what he believed was an electronic mind control technology.
In an affidavit dated 11 July, 1991, LaSalle stated:

“That for approximately five years now I have been subjected to some type of device
or technology that causes me to receive voice transmissions into my inner ears just as
if I have little radio speakers in my head...

“That the voices I am hearing respond to my thoughts and punish me with electrical
current cooking sensations when I do not cooperate or respond the way they want 

me to...

“That I have experienced periods of torment where I felt as if my body were made of
metal and a giant magnet was pulling me to the floor so that I could not hardly get up
from bed and move around...

“That I often hear different tones of high and low frequency signals in my ears—like
the test pattern on a T.V. set.”

LaSalle describes a variety of other effects, including itching and vibrating in the inner
ear, electronic tones changing from high to low, and electronic assault that is so
intense that he is completely incapacitated. He speaks at length about voices in his
head, primarily female, that are sometimes interrupted by male authority figure voices.
These voices tell him that he will be punished until he becomes cooperative, and that
he is being punished for his past crimes. One telling factor, LaSalle states, is that the
voices sometimes use the names of prison or medical staff or inmates that he seldom
comes in contact with, and thus would be unlikely to think about.

In another affidavit, Utah State Prison inmate Frank Moxley, also imprisoned in a cell
adjacent to Fratus, stated that he has also “been subjected to the influence of some
type of device or technology that causes me to receive voice transmissions into my
head, just as if I had little radio speakers in my inner ears.” Moxley also reported “That
there are many inmates here in Utah Maximum Security having this mental
communications system used on them, but that due to the methods employed in so
doing, not many inmates are willing to speak of it.”

Robert Varner, also at Utah State Prison, stated, in an affidavit dated 10 June, 1991,
that he had also endured apparent electronic assault and was aware of at least six
other inmates who had similarly complained of these activities. Varner said, “That the
sounds I experience in my inner ears consist of frequency like ringing noises from
which I can sometimes, but not always distinguish voices... That when the voices are
distinguishable, I sometimes hear things concerning my past history” and that “these
voices sometimes respond to my thoughts.”

Varner also reports “high and low ringing sounds in my ears” and “pressure
sensations in my ears.”

Another inmate of Utah State Prison, James F. Gardner, testified about his own mind
control harassment in an affidavit dated 10 June, 1991. Gardner describes a variety of
symptoms corresponding to electronic bombardment, including “the effects of a
device or technology that caused me to hear voices—in my inner ears—that gave me
behavior instructions.” Gardner experienced “torturous headaches and intense
pressure chamber sensations in my inner ears, to the end that I was driven to
explosively aggressive behavior... That the mental voice communication process I am
describing definitely involved thought comprehension because the voices were able to
respond to what I was thinking, and on one occasion the voices advised me that
certain inmates—with whom I had had an altercation—would be waiting to jump me
with weapons (on A-block): the voices told me exactly who the inmates were and
where they would be hiding, and all information was correct—there is no way I could
have hallucinated such a situation.”

The experience of David Fratus and other inmates at Utah State Prison is hardly
solitary. Many other inmates have attempted legal action against the prison system,
complaining that they have been subjected to electronic torture, some of it
corresponding strikingly to the testimony of the men at Utah State Prison. These legal
actions have uniformly been struck down by the courts as being frivolous. And yet,
given our knowledge of advances in electronic mind control by the CIA and other
agencies, and the similarity of statements between these inmates, these complaints
seem very credible. They strongly suggest that electronic mind control technology is
currently being used at prisons throughout America.4

America is not the only country where mind control techniques and experimentation
have been employed on prisoners. In August of 1971 an experiment began in England
using torture and sensory deprivation on Irish political prisoners. Many prisoners
suffered permanent psychological debilitation and some died during the course of the
experimentation, while some attempted suicide in order to escape the torture.

After the protestations of a number of civil rights group, including Amnesty

International, a number of prisoners who had endured the torture were released
without charges.5

Further confirmation of the use of electronic torture device comes from

Electromagnetics News, detailing information originally published in the London
Observer, for Jan 13th, 1990. According to the article, “An electronic torture chamber,
using a white noise generator designed to pulse sound at 11 Hz—apparently
ultimately capable of destroying the human body—has been installed by a British
company. Electronic Intelligence, inside the headquarters of the Special Branch of
Dubai. Called ‘The House of Fun,’ the torture chamber also houses a strobe light, also
set at 11 Hz and synchronized with the white noise generator, the combined effect of
which is to reduce anyone inside the cell to a ‘screaming, helpless suppliant within

“According to the Observer, the equipment was referred to as ‘Prisoner Disorientation

Equipment’ within Electronic Intelligence, run by three former London policemen,
while the bulk of the 1 million pound contract involved the installation of bugging
equipment and concealed video cameras in the rooms and cells of the Special Branch


1. Mitford, Jessica. Kind & Usual Punishment

2. Packard, Vance. The People Shapers. New York: Bantam Books, 1977

3. DiSpoldo, Nick, “Arizona’s Clockwork Orange Bill,” New York Times, June 20,

4. Russell-Manning, Elizabeth. Mind Control in U.S. Prison System. San Francisco:

Self-published, 1996

5. Victorian, Armen, “United States, Canada, Britain: Partners in Mind Control

Operations,” MindNet, Vol. 1, No. 81, visitations.com/mindnet/MN16A.HTM

6. “Electronic torture chamber of Dubai’s Special Branch,” Electromagnetics News,

undated clipping

Chapter 24

Beam Warfare
By the mid-1970s full-scale electromagnetic warfare was in progress between the
United States and the Soviet Union, although full details of that war would not leak out
until years later. On October 30, 1976, the New York Times published a report
revealing that a broadband shortwave radio signal was being broadcast from the
Soviet Union that disrupted radio and other electronic communications worldwide.
The radio signal, varying in frequency between about 3.26 and 17.54 megahertz, was
initiated on July 4, 1976, the date of the U.S. bicentennial, and continued to be
broadcast in the years to follow. The signal came from a high power transmitter
located near Kiev in the Ukraine. Due to pulse modulation the radio signal produced a
unique woodpecker-like chatter on radio receivers, hence its informal name, the
“Russian Woodpecker.”

According to electromagnetics expert Robert Beck, “The signal is so strong it drowns

out anything else on its wavelength. It first appeared on the UN International
Telecommunications channels, including the emergency frequencies for aircraft on
transoceanic flights. Now the woodpecker leaves ‘holes’; it skips the crucial
frequencies as it moves up and down the spectrum. The signal is maintained at
enormous expense from a current total of seven nations, the seven most powerful
radio transmitters in the world.”

Since the first broadcasts of the Russian Woodpecker, at least thirty similar
transmission centers have been set up by the Russians, sending signals in the same
dangerous frequency range.

Shortly after the Russian Woodpecker began broadcasting, complaints were heard
from numerous locations in the United States and Canada, but mostly centered in
Oregon, of people experiencing headaches, anxiety, lack of body coordination, and
other symptoms.1

Dr. Andrija Puharich, who had been researching electromagnetics at the fringes of
spookdom since the early 1950s, commented on the Soviet signal in 1983:

“When the Soviets went on the air in July 4, 1976 with their 100 megawatt
transmissions of extremely low frequency waves (ELF), the intelligence community of
the U.S. was caught unaware of this new technology. The Soviet’s ELF pulses covered
the frequency range of the human brain. No one knew what the purpose of this new
technology was. I had a hypothesis that this was a new mind control weapon that
could entrain a human being’s EEG. Bob Beck and I designed an experiment that
conclusively proved that the Soviet Transmissions could indeed entrain the human
brain, and thereby induce behavioral modification. I reported this finding to the
intelligence community in the U.S. and my paper was promptly classified. A CIA
commission of inquiry reported to President Carter that there was no substance to our
findings. Today, five years later, all of our findings have been confirmed by various
agencies of the U.S. government. However, they went one step beyond our findings,
and proved that a certain ELF frequency (Classified) will cause cancer. I have repeated
these experiments and found this to be true... A single ELF frequency can produce

Elsewhere Puharich said:

“The U.S. Air Force identified five different frequencies in this compound harmonic the
Russians were sending through the earth and the atmosphere. The intention was to
affect a change of consciousness in mankind. The extremely low frequency waves will
penetrate anything and everything, the specially shielded Faraday cage, the ocean.
Nothing stops or weakens these signals.”

Referring to himself in third person, he said,

“Dr. Puharich and Robert Beck designed receiving equipment which could measure
these waves and their effect on the human brain. Their experiments proved that a
signal of 6 Hertz easily penetrated the copper walls of a Faraday cage. So could a rate
of 6.6—of the rates being used by the Russians. This caused depression.

“7.83 Hertz could make a person feel good. This is the so-called Schumann
Resonance, the earth’s pulse rate.

“10.80 Hertz could cause riotous behavior. As far as he could determine, the Soviets
never sent out a signal in the 8 Hertz range that would be beneficial to people.

“When Dr. Puharich presented this information to certain U.S. military leaders they
would not believe him! He then made up a secret report and had it hand delivered to
President Carter, to the head of the French Intelligence Service, to Prime Minister
Trudeau of Canada, and to certain dignitaries of other Western nations.

“Heavy action was then taken by our government to shut him up. His home in
Ossining, New York, containing the results of much of his research work, was burned
to the ground. He fled for his life to Mexico. From there he continued to monitor the
Russian ELF wave signals and the higher harmonics in the Megahertz range (5.340

“Through his Washington contacts a group meeting was arranged with the CIA. A
showdown ensued, an agreement reached, since then no trouble with the CIA—
except for the publication of his books! The government program is now called the
ELF (for Extreme Low Frequency) and the Navy set up a research program on it, two
years late!

“Puharich’s secret report was expanded into a book, under contract to Dell publishing
company, but publication has been blocked for the past four years; meanwhile the
Russian attack goes on, unknown to the general public.

“Whole populations can be controlled by ELF waves. Intensive research on such

‘behavior modification’ is now being conducted by the United States government, to
find out just what such waves do to people. This electromagnetic research is similar to
the secret drug experiments conducted on the unsuspecting populace in the 1950s.
Dr. Puharich did identify one ELF wave as a cancer-causing agent in mice....

“These waves cannot be jammed. The lower frequency Hertz waves are as long as
300,000 miles. The government has built huge transmitters in South Africa, Australia
and other places to beam ELF waves back at Russia. There is no shield that will stop
these signals.”3

At a conference on Electromagnetism in September of 1987, Puharich said:

“...In 1981, the U.S. government went into full scale ELF warfare and set up all their
big transmitters down under in Australia and Africa so on and now they’re in business
and everything’s classified and you can’t say a goddamned thing about it, a tough
situation. And you can’t get any real information out of any government agency. And I
know all of them, that they do the work. I know the people who head the projects, etc.
When they’re in trouble, they usually come and ask me. And they classify what I tell
them. Insanity.”4

Although the United States government did not officially acknowledge that the country
was under electromagnetic assault from a foreign power, they apparently did respond
in kind, beyond what Puharich documented. Stefan Rednip, a journalist living in
England, reported that he had gotten access to secret documents about an American
electromagnetics program called Operation Pique, that involved firing electromagnetic
signals off the ionosphere, to ricochet down on Eastern Europe, with a particular focus
being Eastern European nuclear installations. [Beck]

What is apparently the most recent and largest escalation in the beam war is the
construction of the HAARP project in the Alaskan wilderness.

HAARP is the world’s largest electromagnetic broadcasting station, composed of 180

high frequency broadcast antennae, with power estimated at 72,000 times more than
the next most powerful radio transmitter. The project is the creation of the U.S. Air
Force Phillips Lab, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the Office of Naval Research.
Although announced as a facility for ionospheric research, HAARP seems to have a
number of other potential uses, including weather control and electromagnetic
sweeps that can be used for mind control of large populations.

Of odd note, is the observation of a civilian who was monitoring the output of the
HAARP transmissions at precisely the times that the recent mass murder in Littleton,
Colorado took place. According to Kent Steadman, “A peak in HAARP transmission
occurred between 10:40 PDT and 1:20 PDT. The shootings began between 11:00 and
11:30 PDT.5


1. Welsh, Cheryl. Mind Control is No Longer Science Fiction, Volume 2. Davis,

California: Citizens Against Human Rights Abuses, 1997; Beck, Robert. The Body
Electric, 1985

2. Puharich, M.D., LLD, Andrija, “Successful Treatment of Neoplasms in Mice with

Gaseous Suproxide Anion with a Rationale for Effect,” Sixth Ozone World Congress of
the International Ozone Association, May 22-26, 1983

3. Puharich, Dr. Andrija, “A Way to Peace Through ELF Waves,” transcript of a talk
delivered at the Understanding Convention of Astara, Upland, California, November 6,
1982. The Journal of Borderland Research, March-April 1983

4. Welsh

5. Smith, Jerry, “HAARP—The Beast in the Alaskan Wilderness,” Wake-Up Call

America, May/June 1999; Kent Steadman, at the Orbit, http://members.aol.com/

Chapter 25

The Persinger Plan

Dr. Michael Persinger, a psychologist and neuroscientist employed at Laurentian
University in Ontario, Canada, lives at the cutting edge of research into the effects of
electromagnetics on the mind. Persinger, on the Board of Advisors of the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation, has been funded by the Navy and, reportedly, the
National Security Agency, and “did research on the effects of electromagnetic
radiation on the brain for a pentagon weapons project” according to researcher Daniel
Brandt. Persinger says, “My research has not been ‘funded by U.S. interests.’ All of
the money for our human research for the last 30 years has been from my personal
income as a professor. The only funding ($10,000) we ever obtained from the U.S. was
from the U.S. Navy.”

Among Persinger’s accomplishments is the ability to cause subjects to think that they
have been abducted by aliens, or have had an encounter with angels or God through
the use of a modified motorcycle helmet equipped with solenoids to send
electromagnetic pulses through the frontal lobes of their brains. “Ultimately,” Persinger
says, “human experience is determined by what is happening in the brain. And the
experience of God can be generated by a process that has nothing to do with whether
God exists or not.”

In 1993 British journalist Ian Cotton put on the “Persinger helmet” in the course of
research on a book on evangelical Christianity. Persinger’s team rang temple bells
while Cotton’s brain was being irradiated and, he said, “I was actually in a line of
solemn Tibetan monks, grave-eyed, brown cowls around their heads. I too was a
Tibetan monk, and what I realized was that I always had been.”1

Persinger’s article “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by
Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms,” published in Perceptual and
Motor Skills in June 1995, delves into even more far-reaching mind control
possibilities. Concealed within scientific jargon that may be purposefully daunting in
its complexity, are keys to understanding just how far mind monitoring and influence
has progressed in current years.

The article states that contemporary neuroscience has discovered that there are
“fundamental algorithms” and specific codes through which the brain operates.
Persinger says that these codes can be stimulated through “contemporary
communication networks” and “A process which is coupled to the narrow band of
brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected by a
subharmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1 Hz.”
These codes “would be determined by the human genome, i.e. be species-specific,
and would contribute to or would serve as a substrate upon which all phenomena that
affect neurobehavioral measures are superimposed.”

Persinger says that “One logical extrapolation to a neurophysical basis of

consciousness” is that “random variations of ‘noise’ within the matrices could
potentially differentiate between individual brains.” In other words, individuals could
be identified by the specific characteristics of their brain output. “Identification of
these sequences could also allow direct access to the most complex neurocognitive
processes associated with the sense of self, human consciousness and the aggregate
of experiential representations (episodic memory) that define the individual within the
brain.” In other words, using the techniques that Persinger outlines, a person’s
memory, consciousness, and sense of self can be fully accessed and modified by
electromagnetic means. This is essentially the same as saying that a person’s
personality can be completely shaped by electromagnetic means, in a sentiment that
hearkens back to the research and statements of Dr. Ewen Cameron, who employed
far more primitive means of erasing consciousness.

Persinger states that he has been studying “Application of weak electromagnetic

fields whose intensities are usually less than 10 milligrams (1 microT). The purpose of
this research... is to identify the basic codes for the language of the representational
systems within the human brain.”

Using the information thus obtained, brain processes can be “circumvented by direct
introduction of this information within the brain... The basic premise is that synthetic
duplication of the neuroelectrical correlates generated by sensors to an actual
stimulus should produce identical experiences without the presence of that stimulus.”

Persinger is saying that experiences, feelings, memories—virtually any mental state—

can be artificially injected into a human brain from an exterior source. The most
frightening thing is that the means for doing this already exist in a fully operational
form on a worldwide basis.

Persinger says, “The power levels for these amplitudes are similar to those associated
with the signals (generated globally by radio and communication systems)... Within
the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable but which is now
marginally feasible. This potential is the technical capability to influence directly the
major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species... by
generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of
the species are immersed.”

Within all of the jargon, most of which I have eliminated in this paraphrase, Persinger’s
message is that the entire human race can be mind controlled through the use of
television and radio networks.2


1. Blackmore, Susan, “Alien Abduction: The Inside Story,” New Scientist, 11/19/94;
Daniel Brandt, Mind Control and the Secret State; Persinger, Michael, letter to Wes
Thomas, 1/6/99; Royte, Elizabeth, “The Altered State,” New York Times Magazine,
September 29,1996; Nichols, Mark, “The God Machine,” MacLean’s magazine,
January 22, 1996

2. Persinger, Michael, “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain
by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms,” Perceptual and Motor
Skills, June 1995

Chapter 26

Psi War
According to Andrija Puharich, a secret Navy project researching psychic powers was
begun in 1948, called Project Penguin. The project was headed by Rexford Daniels;
another participant was Army Colonel Jack Cooney, the head of the medical branch of
the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project. The well-known psychic Peter Hurkos
was among those tested during the course of the Navy program.1

Possibly as a byproduct of this research, in 1952 Puharich presented a research paper

to the Pentagon titled “On the Possible Usefulness of Extrasensory Perception in
Psychological Warfare” and, well in advance of the more-touted Soviet research on
such matters, lectured the Army, Air Force, and Navy on the possibility of using
extrasensory powers for mind war.2

Communist state authorities, the military, and the KGB were engaged in a research
program to use ESP in mass mind control as early as the 1960s. Dr. Milan Ryzl said,
“Some years ago a project was begun in the USSR to apply telepathy to indoctrinate
and ‘reeducate anti-social elements.’ It was hoped that suggestion at a distance could
induce individuals, without their being aware of it, to adopt the officially desired
political and social attitudes.”3

In 1961, according to an in-house report of the CIA, “the chief of CIA’s Office of
Technical Service (then the Technical Services Division) became interested in the
claims of some researchers that ESP was a reality. Technical project officers soon
contacted Stephen I. Abrams, the Director of the Parapsychological Laboratory,
Oxford University, England. Under the auspices of Project [MK] ULTRA, Abrams
prepared a review article which claimed ESP was demonstrated but not understood or
controllable. The report was read with interest but produced no further action for
another decade.”4

In 1974 Robert Monroe founded the Monroe Institute, sited near Charlottesville,
Virginia, to research remote viewing. Among prominent persons associated with
remote viewing who have trained at Monroe—almost all whom have been launched
into a degree of prominence by the Art Bell radio show—are Courtney Brown, John
Alexander, Albert Stubblebine, and Joseph McMoneagle. Monroe, aside from being
the author of a number of books about his out-of-body jaunts, was former vice
president of the Mutual Broadcasting System. Journalist Carl Bernstein has indicated
that MBS provided cover for CIA agents. According to Andrijah Puharich, Monroe
stimulated his ability to go out-of-body by sniffing ether.

Although it has not been confirmed, according to researcher Tom Porter, Robert
Monroe is the son of James Monroe, who was the executive director of the Human
Ecology Society CIA cutout, a primary agent for MKULTRA financing. Monroe
personally supervised the infamous Dr. Ewen Cameron.5

In the early 1970s research into what has come to be called ‘remote viewing’ was
begun at Stanford Research Institute. Project Scanate was run by Harold E. “Hal”
Puthoff (a former National Security Agency engineer) and Russell Targ. The CIA liason
for the funding of the SRI experiments was reportedly former CIA station chief Harold
Chipman, alias “Orwell,” said to have been in charge of all mind control research
being done in the Bay Area at the time. Partial funding came from the Cognitive
Sciences department of the defense contractor SAIC, later circumstantially linked to
the Heaven’s Gate suicide group, and from EST guru and former Scientologist Werner

Using test subjects Ingo Swann, Pat Price, and others, the purpose of Project Scanate
was to determine the ability of subjects to travel out of their bodies and to identify
distant locations, in particular the locations and particulars of foreign military targets.7

The main participants in Project Scanate, both scientists and psychics, were members
of L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of Scientology. Some of the funding for SRI remote
viewing is also reported to have come from an unnamed Scientologist. Harold Puthoff
was an Operating Thetan Class 3 (OT 3) in the lingo of the group, while Ingo Swann
was classified in the church hierarchy as an OT Class 7, at the time the highest level of
attainment available in the church.

According to church literature, “In this spiritual state it is possible for the thetan
[scientologese for “spirit”] to possess complete spiritual ability, freedom,
independence and serenity, to be freed from the endless cycle of birth and death, and
to have full awareness and ability independent of the body.” Pat Price was also ranked
as an OT, and Swann has said that fourteen Scientologists ranked “Clear”—a
Scientology level below OT—also participated.

Since then Swann is reported to have become disenchanted with Hubbard’s church,
and is known to have participated in an offshoot group called Avatar.8

It is not surprising to note a Scientology connection in remote viewing experiments.

Hubbard’s church had, according to their own literature, since the early 1950s been
involved in “exteriorizing” individuals from their body, and at least believed that they
had engaged in out-of-body travel, as can be determined by a perusal of non-
introductory Hubbard texts of the sort that are kept away from the newbies.9

Remote viewing targets in Project Scanate included locations in Russia and China,
and the location of submerged Soviet submarines. One experiment involved Swann
and five other SRI subjects descending 2,000 feet in the Pacific in a submersible
vehicle to test their ability at locating objects on the ocean floor.

Asked to probe a secret underground military base in Virginia, Pat Price came up with
the following information: Top of desk had papers labeled: Flytrap; Minerva

File cabinet on north wall labeled: Operation Pool—and word unreadable

Folders inside cabinet labeled: Cueball; 14 Ball; 4 Ball; 8 Ball; Rackup; Some of site
vaguely seems like Hayfork or Haystack

Personnel: Col. R.J. Hamilton; Maj. Gen. George R. Nash; Major John C. Calhoun??

When a government security officer read Price’s results he told Price, “Hell, there’s no
security left.” Intelligence consultant Joseph A. Ball evaluated the results of the
psychic testing at SRI and determined that it “produced manifestations of
extrasensory perception sufficiently sharp and clear-cut to justify serious
consideration of possible applications...”

This in fact seems to have been the case, at least judging from Swann’s own early
descriptions of remote viewing in a book titled To Kiss Earth Goodbye.10

After Targ’s participation in Scanate, he went on to direct the Human Freedom Center
in Berkeley, California. Part of Targ’s responsibilities at the center were to interview
and counsel former cult members, an interesting job for a man who was a physicist.
The center had been founded by Elmer and Deanna Mertle—who had changed their
names to A1 and Jeannie Mills—earlier public relations officers for Jim Jones of the
People’s Temple. Targ joined the Human Freedom Center four months after the death
orgy at Jonestown.

Another Scanate connection to People’s Temple is Keith Harary. After a stint as a

research associate in psychiatry, Harary moved to San Francisco to counsel former
cultists—in particular, ex-members of the Peoples’ Temple. A year later Harary joined
Puthoff and Targ in the remote viewing research being done at SRI.11

Pat Price’s ability to remote view may have ultimately brought about his demise. After
a meeting with agents of the Office of Naval Intelligence and NSA in July of 1975,
Price flew to Salt Lake City for a short, three-hour visit with his son. From there he
flew to Las Vegas, where he was met by his friends Frank and Sherry at the airport.
Suggesting that he might have believed he was in danger, Price had earlier told his
friends that if anything happened to him, that information on the SRI experiments
should be given to Hal Puthoff.

While registering at the Stardust Hotel, a man bumped into Price. Price soon “began
to feel lousy” and retired early. The following day he phoned his friend Frank from his
hotel room to tell him that he was sick with stomach cramps, cramps in his back
muscles, and impaired breathing. Frank visited Price, who soon seemed to feel better.
Frank left, but when he returned later that night, Price was sitting rigidly, staring into
space. Price was calm, but his face was deeply flushed. “I think I will be all right now,”
he told his friend, but then Price’s body arched so that only his head and heels were
touching the bed. Frank heard what he thought was a “death rattle.” Frank attempted
CPR and called a doctor, but Price died before the doctor arrived.12

SRI was involved in other projects that seemingly had less to do with psychic abilities
than with straightforward mind control. In 1975 the scientific assistant to the Secretary
of the Navy, Dr. Sam Koslov, was reviewing SRI research projects when he noted a
section of SRI work titled ELF and Mind Control, the “ELF” referring to “extremely low
frequency” electromagnetics. Koslov was upset by this frank admission of mind
control research and ordered Navy investigations done by SRI to stop. According to
various reports, the experimentation continued to roll on.13

After the apparent success of the SRI experiments, funding was increased into remote
viewing research. Gondola Wish was an early remote viewing project begun in 1977
and run by Lt. Skip Atwater of the Army Systems Exploitation Detachment (SED).
Atwater gained approval to gather a small group of psychics for obtaining remote
viewing intelligence. After consultation with SRI, Atwater recruited persons from the
Army, Navy, and the private sector. Gondola Wish did not last long, but promising
recruits were passed on to SRI for evaluation. After Atwater left the Army in 1987, he
became director of research at the Monroe Institute.

At Fort Meade, the home of the National Security Agency, Project Grill Flame ran from
1978 to 1983, operated by Major General Edmund Thompson, with oversight done by
the Defense Intelligence Agency. The project was managed by former nuclear
physicist Jack Verona, the head of the DIA’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence
Directorate. Verona also ran Project Sleeping Beauty, dealing with the offensive use of
microwave weapons.

Grill Flame included three full time remote viewers: Ken Bell, Joseph McMoneagle,
and Mel Riley, with the programs monitored by CIA mind control kingpin Dr. Louis
Jolyon “Jolly” West. The remote viewing research program at SRI was merged with
Grill Flame in 1979. When Thompson left Grill Flame in 1981, it was taken over by the
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).

In 1983 Grill Flame became Center Lane, a designation that would last until 1985. The
project was supervised by the head of INSCOM, General Albert Stubblebine, who is
married to psychiatrist and UFOlogists Rima Laibow. Additional remote viewers were
recruited to the program, including Captain Ed Dames, Captain Bill Ray, Captain Paul
Smith, and Charlene Cavanaugh, a civilian analyst employed by INSCOM. These
individuals were trained at the Monroe Institute, and had personal training with Ingo
Swann. Stubblebine resigned from Grill Flame in 1984, to be replaced by Major
General Harry Soyster. Stubblebine later became chairman of the “civilian” remote
viewing company Psi-Tech, founded by Ed Dames.

Army funding for Center Lane was discontinued in 1985, and the program was
renamed Sun Streak, with control transferred to the DIA’s Scientific and Technical
Intelligence Directorate. Run by branch chief Fern Gauvin, the program began to
emphasize occult methods, including the use of tarot cards and channeling.
According to Ed Dames, during a Pentagon evaluation in 1988 three paper shredders
burned out while destroying documents.

Around 1991, Sun Streak was renamed Star Gate, and the program moved from Fort
Meade to an undisclosed location. Branch chief Dale Graff was in charge of Star Gate
until 1993, when he was replaced by an unnamed DIA specialist.

The program was reported to have been terminated after a negative evaluation by the
American Institutes for Research, commissioned by the CIA in 1995. Although remote
viewer and intelligence specialist Paul Smith has suggested that the program be
continued, it was more deeply classified from SAP (Special Access Program) to a
LIMDIS (Limited Dissemination) program.

Ed Dames left Sun Streak in 1988, and took on work in INSCOM “strategic
deceptions” and an anti-narcotics group termed Team Six. One of his strategic
deceptions may be furthered by his current high visibility in the UFO/paranormal
research community.14

In recent years intelligence agency remote viewing projects have been parlayed into at
least a dozen popular books by participants in these projects. Now “experts” can be
heard almost any night on talk radio or tabloid TV offering a wacky amalgam made
from CIA mind control research and the mostly crackpot beliefs of the psychic and
ufological fringe—everything from the “Face on Mars” to an alien hitchhiker tagging
along on the Hale-Bopp comet—with little said about the involvement of government
in population mind control. Companies have suddenly popped up offering their
services to corporations wanting to obtain intelligence through remote viewing, or in
teaching others the skills of remote viewing. But then, the CIA and other intelligence
agencies have always used the beliefs of occultists, religionists, and UFO hobbyists to
further their own agenda.

Interestingly, remote viewer Major Ed Dames, on a recent Art Bell show, stated that he
had once lived in Littleton, Colorado, and was familiar with Columbine High School
where the 1999 mass shooting took place. Dames announced to Bell that his remote
viewing business Psi-Tech was sponsoring Operation Guiding Light, that is, remote
viewing classes for the students of Chatfield Senior High School, the school that
absorbed the Columbine students after the mass killing took place. It is regrettable
that Dames didn’t remote view Littleton before the killings took place; or perhaps he


1. Milner, Terry. Ratting Out Puharich. Excerpt from unpublished book, 1996

2. Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government. CIA Mind Control Operations in America.

Venice, California: Feral House, 1997; Wilhelm, John, “Psychic Spying?,” Washington
Post, August 7, 1977; McRae, Ron. Mind Wars, 1984

3. Ryzl, Dr. Milan, cited in Ostrander and Schroeder. Psychic Discoveries Behind
the Iron Curtain. New York: Bantam Books, 1970

4. Kress, Dr. Kenneth A., “Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and

Conclusions,” Studies in Intelligence, Winter 1977

5. Porter, Tom, “Government Research into ESP & Mind Control”; Brown, Courtney.
Cosmic Voyage. New York: Dutton, 1996; McMoneagle, Joseph. Mind Trek.
Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads, 1993; Schnabel, Jim. Remote Viewers: The
Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies. New York: Dell, 1997

6. Constantine; McRae; Sarfatti, Jack, “In the Thick of it,” cited in Doc Hambone
bio on Werner Erhard at www.io.com/%7Ehambone; Dickson, Paul. Think Tanks. New
York: Ballentine Books, 1971; SAIC website

7. Wilhelm

8. Wilhelm; Theology & Practice of a Contemporary Religion: Scientology. Los

Angeles: Bridge Publications: 1998; Constantine

9. Wilhelm

10. ibid.

11. Constantine

12. Milner, Terry. “The Death of Pat Price,” Doc Hambone,


13. Wilhelm

14. Constantine; Schnabel, Jim. Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s
Psychic Spies. New York: Dell, 1997; Emerson, Steven. Secret Warriors. New York:
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1988; Kress; Trull., D., “Operation Star Gate: U.S. Intelligence
and Psychic Spies,” Parascope at www.parascope.com/main.htm; Elliston, Jon,
“Parapsychology in Intelligence,” Parascope at www.parascope.com/main.htm

Chapter 27

Hardwiring Humans
Intelligence agencies in league with the scientific establishment are currently in a rush
to create the ultimate in control, where a person’s entire perception of reality is
replaced by another of the controllers’ choosing. The means to accomplish this is
provided by access and control of the human mind by computer.

The first step in access and control began with mapping the brain. One early
experiment was funded by the CIA in 1975 to the tune of $100,000 per year.
According to an article in the San Diego Union titled “CIA Funds Project At Hospital

“Children’s Hospital and Health Center is conducting experiments under a CIA grant
to develop what some say could be a sophisticated lie-detector system that probes
the human brain electronically. Experiments on human volunteers, most of them
members of the hospital staff, administrators and friends have been conducted for
two years. The agency at first asked the hospital not to discuss the project. However,
the hospital’s medical director and hospital officials later decided it [sic] disliked the
idea of secrecy and told the CIA they wanted to be able to talk freely about the work...

“Experiments are being conducted in the health center’s Speech, Hearing and
Neuromemory Center by its research director, Dr. Albert Lawrence. They involve what
are called “visual evoked responses” recorded electronically from brain waves and
analyzed by computers. Subjects respond to pictures of faces flashed on screens.
Some are familiar, some are unfamiliar. Familiar faces evoke a different brain wave
pattern than unfamiliar faces, and the computer can tell the difference even if the
subject says nothing.”

According to the director of the project, accuracy of identification by computer had

reached as high as eighty percent. He also mentioned that the results of the
experiments would be combined with clinical trials at the children’s hospital.1

Apparently San Diego wasn’t the only place where brain mapping studies were being
done on children. Advanced techniques were patented in 1983 by the Children’s
Medical Center of Boston for “Brain Electrical Activity Mapping” which in turn would
be displayed on detailed present time video “topographic maps” that could be
monitored by technicians.2

In a story headed “See Ya Tomorrow!,” the Washington Post in 1984 reported on a

convention of the World Future Society. The author said:

“Perhaps the most exciting stuff came from engineer James B. Beal, who simply told
about what already exists that might lead us to mainlining information from one brain
to another... He spoke of devices that can be placed in the eyeball to aid sight or
behind the ear to stimulate hearing, pacemakers that work from outside the heart,
gadgets that can induce all sorts of reaction from vomiting to laughter. The body is,
after all, electrochemical and is affected by the low-frequency fields emanating from
TV sets, for instance: hyperactive children seem to be made worse by overexposure
to TV sets. The fantasy in the film Brainstorm, in which a person’s mental pictures are
literally transferred onto tape to be beamed into someone else’s head, will be a reality
soon, Beal said...”3

This type of research has been on the front burner for intelligence agencies in both 

the West and East, judging by information released about a mind control device
developed by Russians Igor Smirnov and Sergei Kavasovets at the ominously titled
Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy. “Non-lethal
weapons”—including mind control—researchers Janet and Chris Morris watched a
demonstration in 1991 of a device that was able to analyze the contents of a person’s
mind, building up “a picture of the mind” that could be used for subliminal and other
forms of “corrective” intervention.

The Smirnov/Kavosovets device was later demonstrated by the Morrises to journalist

David Shukman at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, with Shukman videotaping
the demonstration. He describes the equipment as being “hardly impressive,” simply a
few pieces of computer equipment. But the results of the equipment were impressive.

Chris Morris acted as a guinea pig, with several electrodes taped to his head. When
the equipment was activated a computer screen came to life and displayed a
succession of words. Shukman says, “Each letter was at least six letters long; a few
made sense but most had the curious characteristic of nearly resembling a
recognizable word but not quite doing so: ‘Deambutt...Jovotree...Christoph...Ficknell...

Morris stared at the screen and “The light from the screen flashed across his face, his
eyes transfixed by the words. A slight furrow appeared on his brow as he struggled to
interpret them in the split-second before they vanished... Yet it turned out that there
was another, hidden layer of probing taking place as well. When we replayed our
videotape several days later, we discovered that sandwiched between the visible
words were other words, caught on a single frame, appearing for as little as one-
sixtieth of a second. These had a more sinister tone: ‘Armed…attack...

According to the inventors, the words were simply designed to focus the mind and to
distract the activity of the conscious mind while the machine delved into the
unconscious reactions of the subject. After twenty minutes the Russians downloaded
a three-dimensional graph that showed the relationship of ten different factors in
Morris’ life, including anxiety, health, family, father, and job. Morris found the analysis
accurate, so much so that he asked it be kept confidential. Smirnov and Kavosovets
remarked that, using the results of the analysis, they could choose “the optimal
strategy for treatment.”

Smirnov and Kavosovets also talk about analyzing ethnic groups and even countries
for problems and vulnerabilities, and then specifically targeting communications with
subliminals to handle those problems, or perhaps to exacerbate them.

According to researcher Shukman:

“It is believed in Western intelligence circles that such a technique was applied to
certain key Soviet units in Afghanistan. The open scientific literature certainly reveals a
highly active research program in this area and, with morale low among the occupying
troops, a device for encouraging a robust performance would have proved useful. One
former Soviet paratrooper sergeant confirmed as much to me, in an interview in Minsk
in February, 1992. He said that before particularly unpleasant missions, such as a
search-and-destroy operation, he and his colleagues were sometimes ordered into a
dark room to watch swirling colored shapes projected on to a screen and to listen to
‘strange noises.’”4

In 1990 a device called a “Biomagnetic Analytical System” was patented, consisting

of a helmet whose purpose is to minutely map magnetic fields in the brain or any
other part of the body through fiber optics. According to the patent, “The output
signals...are processed to provide a display or recording exhibiting the pattern or map
of magnetic fields resulting from emanations” in the brain or other portion of the body.

A current innovation in the interface between human beings and computers is the
creation of a silicon computer chip that stimulates an individual nerve cell without
damaging it, with the capability of selectively triggering neuronal response. Designed
by Drs. Peter Fromherz and Alfred Stett at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in
Munich, the silicon chip triggers neuron impulses and also receives them, using
“neuron transistors” that are able to translate those impulses.

Theoretically, these computer chips would have the capability of broadcasting whole
complexes of perceptions and thought into the unwitting brain of the hardwired
subject, of dumping whole simulations of reality into their minds.6

In January 1991, Dr. Stuart Hameroff of the University of Arizona, indicated the
possibility that human brain functions could be contained in modules outside of the
human body. Hameroff noted that he believed that human consciousness might be
dependent upon “computer-like cytoskeletal polymers within living cells,” and that,
“An idea expressed relevant to life ‘beyond 2000,’ was that the brain cytoskeletal
proteins could be prepared in an artificial environment which may be capable of
containing cognitive function.” A frankensteinian notion, indeed.

Listings of government spending for 1992 show that the Office of Naval Research
(ONR) was funded for research along similar lines that involved the melding of
computers and human minds. They were involved in the process of creation of
“artificial neural nets,” and the emulation of human neurology “within electronic
information processing systems” as well as “Multi-Modal Integration”: “A final cluster
of research includes theoretical and experimental studies of multi-modal perceptual
integration, and expression in what appears to be automatic control behavior. The aim
of this program is to understand perceptual integration and control processes at a
level that permits design guidance for human computer interfaces and supervisory
control systems.”

Also researched was “Neural Plasticity” in behavior modification. Behind the

gobbledygook of jargon is the potential for completely shaping the perceptions of
human beings—beyond the kind of shaping that is now done by propaganda and
advertising and other less subtle means.7

Another startling innovation is the creation of what is called an “intelligence amplifier.”

In a paper titled “Symbionic Technology and Education” presented in 1983 at the
American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Glenn F. Cartwright of
the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling at McGill University
reported that “Research findings indicate that major breakthroughs in education will
have to occur through direct cortical intervention, using either chemical or electronic
means.” Cartwright further stated:

“In the future, it will be possible to build more sophisticated intelligence amplifiers that
will be internal extensions of our brains. These ‘ethnotronic’ devices will be
significantly more powerful than present day computers and may even be wired
directly to the human brain for both input and output. They will amplify and strengthen
all the intellectual abilities we now take for granted as comprising intelligent human
activity. We may call such devices ‘symbionic minds’ (symbiotic + bionic), because of
the close, interdependent relationships that will almost certainly exist between them
and our own brains and because they may make us, to some degree, bionic.”
Intelligence amplification aside, my concern is that these sorts of devices will be used
to delete mind/brain functions that do not conform to the will of the mind control

In 1999 Reuters news service spoke of, “A device that reads brain waves through the
skull has enabled paralyzed people to write sentences on a computer screen... Two
patients have managed to write messages on a computer screen via electrodes
planted in the brain by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta... Now researchers
in Germany and the United States have placed small electrodes on top of patients’
heads to record signals from the brain. Once patients learn to control the computer
cursor in this way, they can begin to write messages.”9

“Neuroscientists have implanted a device in the motor neocortex of two people that
has allowed them to operate a computer display by ‘thinking’ about it... Dr. Phillip R.
Kennedy...at Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University developed an
implant that can be used to detect activity of neurons, and convey these signals to
computers for further processing and control operations. The small recording sensor
is enclosed in a glass envelope and coated with nerve growth factors that allow
neurons in the region of the implant to establish functional connections with the
sensor. Surgeries on two patients were performed by Dr. Roy Bakay from Emory... The
electrodes were implanted in the motor cortex, near the arm/facial region. Both
patients were paralyzed and unable to move their limbs or speak. The first patient,
who had the implant for 2.5 months before dying from ayotophic lateral sclerosis,
learned to control the signals in an ‘on-off manner for seven days. The second patient
who suffered brain stem stroke after a heart attack, has had the implant for 6

By the 1990s electronic control of human beings was fairly openly mentioned in the
literature of the military, as for instance in the the US Army War College of The
Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, by Seven Metz and James
Kievit, published in 1994. One of the revelations of this book is that “Behavior
modification is a key component of peace enforcement,” and that such modification
will be directed against the American people. This will take place, the authors state,
through directed energy systems, whose primary advantage is “deniability.” Setting
their report sixteen years in the future, Metz and Kievit are straightforward about the
unlimited possibilities inherent in “perception molding” through the use of psycho-
technologies. Anyone who objects to this kind of mind-warping will be “identified
using comprehensive inter-agency integrated databases,” then categorized into
“computerized personality simulations,” which will be used “to develop, tailor and
focus psychological campaigns for each.”11

The book New World Vistas was published in 1996 by the U.S. Air Force Scientific
Advisory Board. In this report, under the heading “Biological Process Control,” we
note that,

“Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the
field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human
brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be
manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of
electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and
focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to
prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce
sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long term memory,
produce an experience set, and delete an experience set...

“It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body,
raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high
power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small
temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the
slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a
pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the
5-15 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected
adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.”

Other capabilities mentioned in New World Vistas are akin to the creation and
broadcasting of artificial realities:

“...The concept of imprinting an experience set is highly speculative, but nonetheless,

highly exciting. Modern electromagnetic scattering theory raises the prospect that
ultrashort pulse scattering through the human brain can result in reflected signals that
can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system
arousal. The concept behind this ‘remote EEG’ is to scatter off of action potentials or
ensembles of action potentials in major central nervous system tracts. Assuming we
will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take
this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual.”12

Another military paper, titled “Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability,”

published in 1996, “is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of
staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the
United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.”

The paper speaks of the primary necessity for the U.S. “for continued success as a
superpower” to be “information dominance.” Part of this dominance will be the
development of a space satellite-linked Information Integration Center, or IIC, which
will act as a central processing and control center. The IIC will monitor people who
have been implanted with a “microscopic brain chip... [The] chip performs two
functions. First, it links the individual to the IIC, creating a seamless interface between
the user and the information resources (in-time collection data and archival
databases.) In essence, the chip relays the processed information from the IIC to the
user. Second, the chip creates a computer-generated mental visualization based upon
the user’s request...

“One of the techniques to achieve this is “A combination of brain processes and visual
imaging [that] has been developed in the laboratory. The California Institute of
Technology has developed an energy efficient computer chip which emulates the
analog thinking of the human brain... When this capability is fully mature, this chip
could provide the baseline for a brain implant hooked to all the sensory segments of
the brain, not just the eye.”

The paper notes certain concerns. It states:

“Implanting ‘things’ in people raises ethical and public relations issues. While these
concerns may be founded on today’s thinking, in 2025 they may not be as alarming.
We already are evolving toward technology implanting. For example, the military
currently requires its members to receive mandatory injections of biological organisms
(i.e. the flu shot). In the civilized world, people receive mechanical hearts and other
organs. Society has come to accept most of these implants as a fact of life. By 2025 it
is possible medical technology will have nerve chips that allow amputees to control
artificial limbs or eye chips that allow the blind to see. The civilian populace will likely
accept an implanted microscopic chips [sic] that allow military members to defend
vital national interests.”13

In 1982, Dorothy Burdick wrote a book about her ordeal as an experimental subject of
U.S. intelligence agencies. Although this information has not been completely verified,
additional information that will be presented in this book leads one to believe that
Burdick was not deluded.

She wrote, “Since 1973, the Advanced Research Project Agency of the Defense
Department has utilized the combined efforts of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, New York University, the University of California at Los Angeles and the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center at Moffett
Field in California to read minds at a distance by deciphering the brain’s magnetic
waves. The Pentagon denied the project was secret although a reporter was ousted
from a meeting on the subject by someone identified as a member of the CIA.

“The MEG (magnetoencephalogram) is many times more sensitive than EEG

(electroencephalogram). MEG was originally reported in 1968. A computer search of
the current literature reveals little published on MEG because it is undoubtedly
classified in ARPA’s (Advanced Research Projects Agency) computer network.”

Another aspect of the technology, Burdick wrote, was “FOCUS (flexible optical control
unit simulator) projects hallucinatory images directly on the retina of the eye. When the
images are projected the subjects show the same body responses that they would by
taking a drug. The subjects cannot tell the machine images from reality. FOCUS was
developed at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute by Ron Siegel, an experimental
psychologist, who eventually hopes to control retrieval of imagery information at will
including that of daydreams, sleep and hallucinations.” Although Burdick does not
mention it, Siegel was a writing partner with CIA mind control expert Louis Jolyon

Evaluating the above information, it is obvious that with the state of the art in
computers, electronics, implants, and other forms of manipulation that a threshold has
been crossed. We have reached a point where the mind masters can now or very
soon will be able to completely control our perception of reality. They will be able to
own our reality completely, so much so that we will not know that our thinking, our
perceptions, are not our own, but are dictated to us from an exterior source.

As reported in the New York Times, in 1998, British Telecommunications is currently at

work on a device that they dub the Soul Catcher, a computer chip implanted in the
optic nerve behind the eye that, in conjunction with genetic programming, will monitor
and record the entirety of a person’s thinking, what they see, what they feel. This
information, according to Dr. Chris Winter of British Telecommunications, will be
stored in a central computer. Information will also be fed to the person from an
exterior computerized source, for “extrasensory” experience. Among the other
capabilities foreseen for Soul Catcher is the implanting of one person’s chip into a
newborn baby, thus transplanting the entire experience of one person into another.15


1. Scarr, Lew, “CIA Funds Project At Hospital Here,” The San Diego Union,
September 24, 1977

2. “Brain Electrical Activity Mapping,” U.S. Patent 4,408,616, October 11, 1983

3. Keman, Michael, “See Ya Tomorrow! At the World Future Society, It’s All in the
Mind,” The Washington Post, June 13, 1984

4. Shukman, David. The Sorcerer’s Challenge; Elliot Dorinda, “A Subliminal Dr.


5. “Biomagnetic Analytical System Using Fiber-Optic Magnetic Sensors,” Patent

number 4,951,674, August 28, 1990

6. Physical Science Letters, August21,1995, cited in Constantine, Alex. Virtual

Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America. Venice, California: Feral House,

7. U.S. Government Funding for Neural Networks Research, May 1992

8. Cartwright, Glenn F., “Symbionic Technology and Education,” research paper

presented to the American Educational Research Association at Montreal, Canada, in
April 1983

9. “Computers Now Unlock the Mind,” Reuters news service, obtained at the
Millennium Frontier online discussion group, www.newpower.org

10. “Brain Implants That Allow ‘Willful Thinking’,” Principles of Psychobiology,

Interactive Study Guide for the Allied Neurosciences

11. Metz and Kievit. The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War. US
Army War College, 1994

12. New World Vistas, United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Ancillary
Volume, June 1996

13. Osborne, Bethel, Chew, Nostrand, Whitehead, “Information Operations: A New

War-Fighting Capability,” A Research Paper Presented to Air Force 2025. August 1996

14. Burdick, Dorothy. Such Things Are Known. New York: Vantage Press, Inc. 1982;

15. “The Coming Melding of Mind and Machine,” New York Times, 8-25-98

Chapter 28

One of the most fascinating accounts of mind control from the perspective of a victim
is provided by a woman named Joanne “JoJo” Carey, a successful 57-year-old artist
who lives on a boat docked in Florida. JoJo is an intelligent woman who writes with
lucidness and even wit about what has taken place to her and perhaps, according to
her count, about a dozen other people in the same vicinity in the last few years.
Perhaps significantly, Ms. Carey is an ex-employee of the CIA, who worked on their
“French desk” in the United States in 1959-60, and has a 35-year history of
supporting human rights movements in print.

For Carey the torture began in 1995.

While in a dispute with her ex-husband and some of his friends, including an ex-
Louisiana judge, she began to “hear” threats against her life. The threats, as described
by Carey, were like a “holographic sound system—3D, in fact” and seemingly
encompassing whole city blocks around her. The threats took on the form of
completely scripted scenarios, and were played five or six times during the day, and
continuously at night, terrifying her and depriving her of sleep. The voices behind the
threats said that they were “DEA and Marine Patrol.”

In March of 1995, while feeling as if she was in a strangely drugged state, the voices
turned into an interrogation taking place at the level of thought. Another time, four
voices in an elaborate scenario demanded that she leave the area in her boat, and
threatened her with physical harm if she did not comply. She was told to pack a bag
and wait for a Marine Patrol boat to come and pick her up. Later she was told to dive
into the water and go under the hull of the boat “to find out where the voices were
coming from.” Carey comments that another woman had recently drowned in the
area. The woman had been hearing voices prior to her “suicide.” She also notes that
the famous alleged mind control victim Candy Jones almost drowned.

Later she was told that someone would come by with a gun and that “You’ll know
what to do with it.” This continuing assault, along with sleep deprivation, she believes,
gradually drove her into a state of shock and dissociation. A friend of hers happened
to visit her on her boat, and Carey went unconscious. The friend drove her to a
hospital emergency ward, where she woke up in an hysterical state, still overwhelmed
with intra-cerebral voices.

Carey was checked into a “Crisis Stabilization Unit,” and put on “suicide watch.” She
says, “I had no idea then this was only the beginning of a three year, 9 1/2 month long
nightmare from hell—and that two hundred plus ‘near death’ trips would follow.”

While she was in the CSU facility the intra-cerebral interrogation continued, “asking
me to ‘give them’ people, organizations, events in my life—I didn’t know then that
meant ‘hand over,’ tell on—everything I knew about the people involved. They’d
mention a person, group or organization, like...a local grass roots civil rights group—
then ‘prowl’ my thought patterns.” Among the sounds that she believes were injected
into her mind were sounds of cats being tortured. She was told that they were her pet
cats. Her friends were also threatened, and she was told that if she did not keep quiet
her friends would be killed.

Carey says, “Similar ‘scenarios’ went on every night for the next 17 days—for hours.
This was ‘reinforced’ about a week into the stay by a 3-D holographic sound ‘kidnap’
trip—I heard a group of people come into the unit and demand I be handed over to
them (did not see the persons—men)—I was told they were going to put me on a
boat, take me into the Gulf Stream, handcuff me to an ‘inflatable’ then sink the
inflatable raft with me cuffed to/in it... It scared the hell out of me—it was meant to
keep me in the CSU unit—I was told the men were ‘DEA agents.’”

After Carey was released from the CSU unit she returned to her boat. She was given a
deadline to leave the area, and then for the first time began to be hit by “shocks” to
her head, in what she believes was an attempt to drive her from her boat. According
to Carey, she was told she was going to be shocked before it happened and that
“We’ll make it clear... From pin-prick level shocks to ‘bee-sting’ level shocks would hit
my head. I went deeper into shock, my mind running on survive only—memories
‘blanking’—being erased—time blurring.”

“A lot of interrogation went on about what I had of ‘value’ anywhere in the world—on
‘info’ I had on other people and where they kept their valuables.”

She says, “There is a specific ‘language’ to what I hear (at least 2-3 up to 8-12 inputs
all at once). Neurolinguistic programming occurs; a lot of ‘double-meaning’ words or
phonetically sounding words with different meanings, sometimes in different
languages... A high-pitched ringing always accompanies what is happening—several
different pitches at once—also in the background is some sort of sound curtain that
echoes like the sound of 18-wheelers driving on an eight lane highway in rain—the
audial inputs ride on them and on those sounds. Probably some kind of ‘voice
changers’ are used. Some of the inputs might be linear radio or laser-borne signals—
both of which can carry infrasound.

“There’s a two-parter to what’s going on—the baiting, the scenarios are evidently an
external input—the high shrieking voices—these are probably infrasound inputs used
here as well in an ‘echo’ effect...also Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control techs, and
EDOM, Electronic Dissolution of Memory.

“Hypnosis is used—probably Erickson dual-induction methods—Repetition of

negative programming, negative suggestion and elicitation of fear and reaction is also
constant and used from dawn ‘till sleep all day long. It equates to a high-tech
anonymous filthy phone call you can’t hang up on anywhere you go...

“What I hear—the baiting—is always vicious, sadistic, threatening, derisive, mocking,

hurtful (physically and of course, mentally), sexually aberrant, filthy, in fact; geared to
put anyone on edge or over an edge. It is deliberately designed so that when
‘repeated’ it matches schizophrenic criteria. Anyone with the basic sound equipment
and a DMS-IV [psychiatric diagnosis] manual can come up with ‘scripts’ that match
diagnostic symptoms—and aim them at an innocent victim who ends up NUTS

At one point in the latter part of May, 1995, she sat all night in a chair outside of the
hospital drop-in clinic while a “very unfavorable biography” on herself was read to her
by a male voice. In the morning, she was told, “You did not do what we told you to—
so we’re going to give you a heart attack and a stroke.” According to Carey, “I fluffed
it off and went for coffee. As I stood on the drop-in center porch I felt a sudden pain—
as though I’d been shot in the chest.” One of the drop-in unit’s staff called an
ambulance and Carey was taken to the hospital again, “watching my print-out do a
Bolshoi Ballet and Martha Graham dance on [the] heartbeat." At the hospital Carey
was given an MRI, and then dismissed, told that she had only had an anxiety attack.

Carey characterizes her condition for months after that as being in “shock.” “The
‘interrogation’ by summer took a new twist—the audials began to tell me just as a
thought was forming what I was thinking—before I could fully form a thought—then
began ‘editing’ these forming thoughts. That sent me back into deep shock again—
from then on in for months I’d be told what I was going to do before I did it.

Carey describes the continuance of perhaps 1,000 different “scenarios” that played
out in 3-D sound around her, including an extraterrestrial contact scenario and one
scenario where she believes she was “hooked up” to the brain of a dolphin: “One of
the few pleasant experiences in all of this—imaged to me inside calm beautiful ocean,
endless space, a sense of ‘oneness,’ with ocean, peace and quiet joy in being there
with her (a dolphin named ‘Anessa’). She’s real—took off from the Dolphin Research
Center on Grassy Key before Hurricane Andrew—I learned from other sources.
Transplants, implants were tried on her (not on record—no one will go on record with
that)...probably associated with the Janus Project research into interspecies
communication, an Air Force John Lilly project and DoD 1st Pilot Association project. |
I looked up the project and talked with people in the know. A lot of the staff were on
LSD while ‘coming’ in to the dolphins... Some of the dolphins in Janus committed
suicide after killing other dolphins as a reaction to intra-cerebral access (on record in
Lilly’s research).”

Carey notes, “About 15 to 20 years ago, a transplanted tribe of Hmong (from Nam) in
Texas were dying of nightmares (about two dozen of them...). They probably died as a
direct result of the ‘dream state’ mind control agenda...”

By September of 1995 Carey was discontinuing the use of psychiatric drugs that had
been prescribed for her, in an attempt to get at the nature of what was going on. Using
the library and a grass roots research team, she read everything that was available on
the subject of mind control, as well as a good deal of material that is normally

She says, “I wandered across Delgado’s work at Stanford [and] discovered that
Delgado was ‘translating’ brain waves into words in 1977 before his work went
‘Classified’ context. And that was the concept for the Janus Project—which involved
Real Time/Past Time on human thought—which gave me the answer on how anyone
could know what I was thinking and edit it before I was fully cognizant of what I was
thinking...When neurons fire chemically and interact, a 1.5 to 3 second ‘window’ exists
between cognizing one’s own thoughts...and the actual Real Time firing...that
chemical firing can and is being computer accessed before a person can cognize,
know, think their own thoughts!”

Carey believes that this technology is the basis of current computer-to-pilot interfaces,
and says that once she understood this, she realized what was happening to her. She
also believes that the technology is probably run through a surveillance satellite

Carey says, “The interrogation methodologies have been identified by a former Psy-
ops expert at the local American Legion (retired) as ‘East German,’ definitely KGB
origin-classic—and ‘beyond his training... scares the hell out of me,’ he said.”

Carey speculates, “If I were to call this one, I’d almost say the KGB has married the
CIA and Italian Mafioso interests and have Chinese thought reform experts on salary
in being able to do anything from ‘hitting’ a head of government (literally) to enacting a
New World Order—and somewhere in the middle of this is the Deep Throat equation:
‘Follow the money’—and so far that the entire world economy is at risk by so-called
non-lethal weapons that could cause war to break out in a Trappist monastery—to
WWIII for 50 years into the future. That’s a conservative estimate... A Zen master
would be clubbing geese to death after this...”

According to Carey, she is not the only one who is “hearing voices” in the area of the
country she lives in. “They have conducted extensive interrogation on me on a few
‘cult-like’ murders down in Big Pine Key, which I know little of except from news
reports, but told me the name of a man—‘Tom’ who was arrested six months later for
the murder of a pregnant woman and her husband...so they knew that six months
before his arrest...which means they probably used this tech on him, too. I have no
idea if he’s guilty or innocent.

“A prisoner in Key West was reported to be hearing ‘demons’ prior to murdering at the
Rum Runner Bar, its owner and wounding three other people.

“So was Louise a month ago at Key Colony Beach before her ‘suicide’ by drowning.

“So was a boy in ’89-’90 from the Marathon Housing Projects [hearing demons] and
chased out of Key West on a bike and hit by two cars...

“There are a lot more reports of ‘voices’...on scene-haunted houseboats in Key West;
voices talking from funeral urns; people hearing angels, God the Father, Jesus,
devils... All the same source, probably...”1

Bill Burke, of Clovis, New Mexico, is another person who believes that he has some
insight into the mind control technology that the U.S. government currently
possesses. He believes they are using a technology called “Dreamscape” on him.

Burke is a forty-six year old ex-Marine. Twenty years ago Burke checked in to a
hospital in the California desert town of Barstow for an ankle problem. He spent three
days in the hospital and woke up with someone forcing something into his nose. Later,
in recovery at home, he woke up to find four uniformed military men standing by his
bed: apparently a holographic or mental projection, but one that carried with it the
complete sense of reality.

Burke believes that while he was in the hospital he was implanted with a number of
electronic control devices that are capable of projecting computerized images directly
into his mind. The mind control projections began three months after he had been
operated on in the hospital, and he has been tortured by them on a daily basis ever

The mental projections, which he believes are projected through “Dreamscape”

technology, vary. He is assaulted by electronic frequencies, by taunting speech,
suicidal thoughts, and by “semi-transparent images that are just as real as you and I.”
He feels constant pressure in his head, popping of the ears, swelling of muscles and
other portions of his body, and the sensation of electric shock.

Burke believes that the persons who are monitoring and manipulating him are
employed by the Goldstone Tracking Station and the Jet Propulsion Labs—he
believes that there is a brain interaction computer at JPL that is used to monitor mind
control victims.

How is one to evaluate the plight of a man like Bill Burke? At first glance one would
assume that Burke was the victim of delusion rather than government manipulation.
But there is evidence that causes one to question that evaluation. To begin with, the
kind of technology that Burke describes has been under development for a long time,
and since most of this type of research is classified, it is not likely that we are aware of
more than the most insignificant portion of this research. But there is more compelling

Backing up Burke’s story is that the implants he speaks of apparently exist. Burke has
provided me with medical reports of x-ray examinations performed in 1995 by the
Department of Radiology of the Plains Regional Medical Center in Clovis, New
Mexico. Among the conclusions in the medical reports is that there are “small metallic
type densities seen just posterior to the superior aspect of the of the petrous bone on
the right” in the brain. Also, “one can see a very small fleck of what appears to be a
metallic object in the area of the AC joint” of the shoulder. In another report analyzing
x-rays of his feet is noted: “Impression: retained foreign metallic bodies." A additional
medical report, dated May 18, 1998, notes: “there are some questionable foreign body
objects in the base of his skull.”2


1. Carey, Joanne, correspondence with the author, December 16 - December 20,


2. Burke, Bill. Correspondence with the author, December 18, 1998; Medical report
by Michael P. Nachtigal, M.D., November 18, 1995; Medical report by Dr. S.T. Haider,
M.D., the Department of Radiology, Plains Regional Medical Center, Clovis, New
Mexico, November 9, 1998; Medical report authored by Andrew J. Stansberry, P.A.-C
and Doyle B. Hill, D.O., January 1, 1998; Medical report by James B. Moss, M.D., May
18, 1998

Chapter 29

One-World Brain
In the 1930s, British intelligence agent and one-world theoretician H.G. Wells
proposed a mind control plan that is apparently coming to fruition now, at the turn of
the 21st century, with the creation of the Internet. At a November, 1936 speech before
the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Wells laid out his idea for what he called a
“World Encyclopaedia.” Wells said:

“I want to suggest that something, a new social organization, a new institution—which

for a time I shall call World Encyclopaedia... This World Encyclopaedia would be the
mental background of every intelligent man in the world... Such an Encyclopaedia
would play the role of an undogmatic Bible to world culture. It would do just what our
scattered and disoriented intellectual organizations of today fall short of doing. It
would hold the world together mentally... It would compel men to come to terms with
one another... It is a super university. I am think of a World Brain; no less... Ultimately,
if our dream is realized, it must exert a very great influence upon everyone who
controls administrations, makes wars, directs mass behavior, feeds, moves, starves
and kills populations... You see how such an Encyclopaedia organization could spread
like a nervous network, a system of mental control about the globe, knitting all the
intellectual workers of the world through a common interest and cooperating unity and
a growing sense of their own dignity, informing without pressure or propaganda,
directing without tyranny.”

Wells was a little more candid in a private memo written in the same month: “The
Universities and the associated intellectual organizations throughout the world should
function as a police of the mind.”1

Policing of the mind is precisely the danger of the Internet. Although at first blush the
possibility of a communications medium that is egalitarian in its ability to
accommodate both individuals and media monoliths is exciting, the apparent freedom
of the Internet may be transitory...and illusory.

One problem is that along with ability to disseminate information widely and almost
instantaneously, due to its technical flexibility the Internet also has the potential for
assimilating—for literally devouring—all of the major information sources on the
planet. With high-tech linkages and interfaces it is quite probable that worldwide
television, radio, computer, and print media will all be sucked into the maw of what is
currently called the Internet. All of these information and communication sources are
gradually being linked together into a single computerized network, providing an
opportunity for unheralded control of what will be broadcast, what will be said, and
ultimately what will be thought.

The Internet provides the ability for almost instantaneous monitoring of the content of
communications. It is possible that the ‘wide open information frontier’ of the Internet,
as it currently exists, is going to be a temporary thing, and that a program of increased
monitoring and regulation—as well as a more aggressive use of mind control, such as
foreseen by Dr. Persinger—will emerge.

When NBC and Microsoft launched their joint venture MSNBC, in an attempt to link
television and the Internet, newscaster and CFR member Tom Brokaw said, “We can’t
let that generation and a whole segment of the population just slide away out to the
Internet and retrieve what information it wants without being in on it.”2

In China, they have also not held their tongues about what they see as the necessity
of Internet control. Xia Hong, an advocate of government monitoring of the Net has
said, “The Internet has been an important technical innovator, but we need to add
another element, and that is control. The new generation of information superhighway
needs a traffic control center. It needs highway patrols: users will require driver’s
licenses. These are the basic requirement for any controlled environment.”3

Is the idea that the Internet can be used for increasing surveillance on the public just
paranoia on my part? Then we should examine who currently controls the medium:
American intelligence agencies. At this time the major nexus of control of the Internet
resides in the monopoly of “domain registration,” the keys to the broad Internet
landscape. These domain names are registered as Internet Protocol numbers, and
until recently were deeded by Network Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of the government
funded National Science Foundation. While Network Solutions registered the I.P.
numbers, it was done as a free public service. This is no longer taking place.

Now the long arm of American intelligence agencies has hijacked the free flow of
information—registration of domain names now starts at fifty dollars per year—since
the purchase of Network Solutions by another company, Scientific Applications
International Corp, a group previously mentioned circumstantially in this book in
connection with the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide—or murder.

SAIC is an arm of the military industrial establishment, with twenty thousand

employees and over 90% of its $1.9 billion in 1994 revenues obtained from
government contracts. On the twenty-three person board of directors of SAIC are
Admiral Bobby Inman, former deputy director of the CIA and head of the National
Security Agency; President Nixon’s former defense secretary Melvin Laird; General
Max Thurman, who commanded the invasion of Panama. Other board members of
SAIC have included former CIA director Robert Gates; Secretary of Defense William
Perry; and CIA director John Deutch.

Among the projects that Scientific Applications International Corp. has been engaged
in recently have been the creation and implementation of technology for the Army
Global Command and Control System—the renovation of the Pentagon’s computer
and communication systems—and the upgrading of national, state, and local law
enforcement databases. In other words, SAIC is involved in the upgrading and
integration of the computerized infrastructure of the Establishment.

And now SAIC stands at the gate of the Internet.

According to researcher Jesse Hersh:

“The military-industrial complex was the name used to refer to the ruling power elite
during the 1950s and 1960s. However, with the wide penetration of television during
the ’60s, and the further proliferation of electronic media throughout the 1970s and
’80s, the complex has dissolved into the inner workings of almost all aspects of our
society. The war economy has successfully been transformed into the information
economy. Military technology, and military communications systems now control and
operate almost all of our political-economic and social relations. This amalgamation of
media, and conglomeration of power, is currently being presented to the ‘consumer’
as the Information Superhighway or ‘Internet.’”4

If it seems unlikely that Big Brother would concern himself with the communications of
ordinary citizens on the Internet, then it should be realized that government is already
engaged in monitoring civilian and business communications on an awesome scale.
Around the world, electronic messages are intercepted by a collaboration amongst
several spy agencies headed by the American NSA, termed ECHELON. Based upon a
document known as the UKUSA Agreement, signed in 1948 by the U.S., Great Britain,
Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, ECHELON is a system composed of receiving
stations in Yakima, Washington; Sugar Grove, West Virginia; Norwenstow in Cornwall,
England; Waihopai, New Zealand; and Geraldton, Australia.

The receiving stations of ECHELON sift through the output of the world’s electronic
media. ECHELON primarily targets non-military domestic and business
communications, including email, telephone, fax, and telex networks. This interception
is primarily done through monitoring the communications of international phone
company telecommunications satellites, civilian communications satellites, and
communications as they are sent from undersea cables to microwave transmitters.

ECHELON uses computers that incorporate symbol and voice recognition systems to
sift through millions of messages every minute, and to identify keywords and phrases,
including business names, e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers that are of
interest to its participating member intelligence groups in the U.S., Britain, Canada,
and New Zealand. After these phrases are located and the communications they are
embodied in are culled, they are sent to analysts in whatever country requested the
intercepts. According to one analyst, Amnesty International and Greenpeace have
been among ECHELON’S targets.

“Let me put it this way,” a former NSA officer said, “Consider that anyone can type a
keyword into a Net search engine and get back tens of thousands of hits in a few
seconds. Assume that people working on the outer edges have capabilities far in
excess of what you do.’5

The gradual assimilation and control of all communications—and ultimately all

transactions entirely, including those of perception and thought—is a long term
strategy of the controllers that has in recent years been facilitated through the creation
of the interdisciplinary science of cybernetics. Now, with cybernetics, mass control is
here, eating up our freedom on a day-to-day basis like a fast-acting viral organism.

The term cybernetics was invented by Norbert Wiener, a professor of mathematics at

MIT who was involved with what was termed Operations Research as well as System
Dynamics for the U.S. during World War II.

Cybernetics is primarily the science of information theory, and it is currently being

applied to the world as a whole. Cybernetics theory was first envisioned as a way of
precisely managing wars, but with experience it was seen that the disciplines and
projections that were vital in the conduct of war were essentially the same as those
utilized by government during peacetime. The cybernetic approach evolved such
cross-disciplinary groups as the RAND Corporation, Mitre, and Ramo-Wooldridge
(which became TRW), brainstorming the cybernetic approach to controlling society
and nature itself. The cybernetics idea also provided the genus for the National
Security Agency, which is at this time the largest intelligence agency on the planet.
Such is the importance of information, according to the controllers.

According to cybernetic innovator Jay W. Forrester, “The professional field known as

system dynamics [or cybernetics] has been developing for the last 35 years and now
has a world-wide and growing membership. System dynamics combines the theory,
methods, and philosophy needed to analyze the behavior of systems in not only
management, but also in environmental change, politics, economic behavior,
medicine, engineering, and other fields. System dynamics provides a common
foundation that can be applied where we want to understand and influence how
things change through time.”

One experiment in cybernetics was conducted in 1971 after the Marxist-leaning Dr.
Salvador Allende was elected president of Chile. As Castro had done earlier, Allende
set about nationalizing the industry, banks, and major companies of Chile. But Allende
was no agrarian primatif, and therein lay his danger to the Establishment world. He
called in the British cyberneticist Stafford Beers to provide the means for micro-
managing the country, which is rich in natural resources, but which has always been
drained by the major industrial powers with little of its gelt left over for the country

Beer gathered together a highly qualified group of cybernetics-savvy scientists and

launched what he called Project Cybersyn, the objective of which was, according to
Beers, “To install a preliminary system of information and regulation for the industrial
economy that will demonstrate the main features of cybernetic management and
begin to help in the task of actual decision-making by March 1, 1972... It was a
massive application of cybernetic feedback to help each industry and each factory
keep track of itself through a central location. All communications flowed through the
central location.”

Project Cybersyn utilized three primary components:

• Cybernet, which was something of a precursor to today’s Internet, a means by

which businessmen and government could communicate and consult with anyone
else in the web.

• Cyberstride, the programs necessary for monitoring individual companies as well

as the economy as a whole, as well as providing alerts when specific areas needed
enhancement or were in trouble.

• Chaco, a computerized model of the Chilean economy that provided effective

simulations of potential scenarios.

The purpose of Cybersyn was to monitor, to dissect, and to predict the Chilean
economy; to debug it in order to create a functioning machine, in much the same
manner that is being done in many countries throughout the world today.

The problem is that Cybersyn may have worked too well and so posed a threat to the
capitalist world. As the demonstration project that Allende and Beers foresaw, it might
have provided a tremendous public relations coup for the Communist world. Henry
Kissigner, it is said, was the one who intervened to put an end to the grand
experiment. Salvador Allende was assassinated by Chileans who are reported to have
been in the pay of the CIA, and Cybersyn went by the wayside.

The CIA seems to have known precisely what it was doing, since there are indications
that the Agency at about the same time was focused on cybernetic concerns of its
own. According to Anna Keeler in my Secret and Suppressed anthology, “Richard
Helms wrote of such a system in the mid-1960s while he was CIA Plans Director. He
spoke of ‘Sophisticated approaches to the coding of information for transmittal to
population targets’ in the ‘battle for the minds of men’ and of ‘an approach integrating
biological, social and physical-mathematical research in an attempt to control human
behavior.’ He found particularly notable ‘use of modern information theory, automata
theory, and feedback concepts...for a technology controlling behavior...using
information inputs as causative agents...”

Elsewhere Helms wrote, “Cybernetics can be used in molding of a child’s character,

the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the
establishment of social behavior patterns., .all functions which can be summarized as
control of the growth processes of the individual.”

Cybernetics and the Internet—otherwise, the one world brain envisioned by H.G.
Wells—allows for a regulated, interventionist world, one so fine-tuned that much of the
machinations that take place behind the scenes are not observed by the man in the
street. Among the control strategies that can be and are employed by the elitists in a
cybernetic world are the control of food, the control of the monetary supply, the
control of energy, and the control of public opinion. The Clinton administration’s close
attention to the media and opinion polls, and manipulation of same, are in essence a
primitive cybernetic approach that has allowed for the institution in the U.S. of a “soft”
cybernetic fascism where violent internal intervention is rarely needed, and then
seemingly only for public relations purposes.

The techno-fascists are approaching closure, and may have already achieved it. Not
only do governments and intelligence agencies currently have the ability to monitor
computer and other media messages, as well as the emotional responses of the
electorate via polling and other techniques, they have the ability and the will to use
media to brainwash us, to change our opinions when they believe it is warranted, and
to sell us on every step on the road to complete utilization. As satirized in works like
Report From Iron Mountain and Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, the cybernetics
approach to world management can yield the ultimate in control. Extrapolating from
the accelerating advances of the last century, it is obvious that unless lovers of
freedom act, and act fast, within the next twenty years the ruling elite will have
effectively realized total control over the minds and bodies of mankind.6


1. Wells, H.G. Cited in White, Carol. The New Dark Ages Conspiracy. New York:
The New Benjamin Franklin House, 1980

2. Brokaw, Tom, cited in Pouzzner, Daniel. The Architecture of Modem Political

Power, http:///www.douzzer.ai.mit.edu:8080/conspiracy.html

3. “The Great Firewall of China” by Geramie R. Barme and Sang Ye, Wired

4. Hersh, Jesse, “The Internet Complex,” Prevailing Winds, number 4; King,

Bradley J., “Doubleplusungood! The Specter of Telescreening,” Parascope at

5. Hagar, Nicky,’’Exposing the Global Surveillance System,” Covert Action

Quarterly online, www.w2/docs2/c/covertaction.html; “Spies Like Us,” Connected, 16
December, 1997, atwww.telegraph.com.uk; Vest, Jason, “Listening In,” Village Voice,
August 12-18, 1998

6. Helms, Richard, cited in Bowart, Walter. Operation Mind Control. New York: Dell
Books, 1978; Friedman, George and Meridith. The Future of War - Power, Technology,
and American World Dominance. 1996; Beer, Stafford. Brain of the Firm. 1986; Wiener,
Norbert. The Human Use of Human Beings—Cybernetics and Society. 1954; Silent
Weapons for Quiet Wars, Secret and Suppressed, ed. Jim Keith, Feral House

Jim Keith. 1949-1999.

Here stands the New Man, his mind and body stolen from him, soul reduced to 

the impulses of the animal he thinks he is. His conception of reality is a dance of
electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of his masters,
designed so that he will not under any circumstances perceive the actual. His
happiness is delivered to him through a tube or an electronic connection. His God
lurks behind an electronic curtain; when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA
sorcerer, the media manipulator, the cyberneticist, the weaver of the Dreamscape.

As can be seen in the recitation of horrors in these pages, with the advent of
advanced technology for mind control and people control we stand at the edge of an
abyss. We are at that moment in history where the controllers can do away with what
little freedom the human race still possesses, and chain every aspect of the life of
mankind to their own parasitic purposes. We are at the point where it is feasible that
the destiny of mankind can be owned, and can be molded and shaped with the ease
of shaping clay.

A revolution is taking place in the United States instituted by the controllers, whose
agents have learned their materialist, immoral philosophies at the knee of monsters
like Cameron and Delgado. They are putting in place mind control technologies,
advanced surveillance, computerization, indoctrination, prisons and other people-
control technologies, that will render freedom meaningless and obsolete, syllables
fallen from the lips of a mind-controlled moron. They are launching new assaults on
people’s lives every minute.

Using these new and old technologies, dissent and original thought are being ripped
from us. Traditions of individual sovereignty and freedom are being expunged from our
minds and from the history books. And, due to the multitude of anesthetics we have
been shot up with, we don’t feel a thing.

If we do not succeed in stopping the Controllers, ultimately the only people left will be
the marching morons, the gullible, and those so apathetic as to have entirely forgotten
that freedom can exist.

I am no technology-hating Luddite of old. I use a computer, I surf the Internet. But I

am against the use of technology in the continuing commission of crimes against
humanity. As the information in this book must have shown, throughout history new
technology has been used in the service of authoritarian control without regard for the
presumed—at least in America—rights of individuals. Unless our children are going to
be the subjects of a world that makes 1984 look benign, then it is time for us to resist
the mutilations that the mind masters are foisting upon us.

People should be reminded that the individual sovereignty of our minds and bodies is
our most valuable possession. We must educate the populace about the programs of
control that have gone on for at least the latter half of this century. We must expose
mind control programs that are currently going on in the military, in religious cults, and
in psychiatric experiments, in the media, and see to it that these operations are
brought to an end. Mind control fascism should be turned worldwide into a hot button
topic so that at the mere mention of new incursions on our freedom, the public uproar
will be overwhelming.

We must force government to open all files on mind control and related
experimentation. Although much of this information has been destroyed, there is
certainly a great deal of such documentation that still exists. We must take back the
ownership of our world and ourselves.

Now that you have read this book, it is time to act. As always, I advise against illegality
and violence. We must expose the nature of totalitarian control, its technologies, its
agents. We must safeguard against further incursions against our freedom, our
humanity. We must end the mass control of mankind in our lifetime.

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