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Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Volume 2019, Article ID 1208614, 7 pages

Research Article
Elective Splenectomy Combined with Modified
Hassab’s or Sugiura Procedure for Portal Hypertension
in Decompensated Cirrhosis

Ya-wu Zhang,1,2,3 Feng-xian Wei,1,2,3 Zhen-gang Wei,1,2,3 Gen-nian Wang,1,2,3

Man-cai Wang ,1,2,3 and You-cheng Zhang 1,2,3
Department of General Surgery, Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou 730030, China
Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Institute, Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou 730030, China
Lanzhou University Second Clinical Medical College, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, China

Correspondence should be addressed to You-cheng Zhang;

Received 20 November 2018; Revised 10 March 2019; Accepted 28 March 2019; Published 28 April 2019

Guest Editor: Eduardo G. Vilela

Copyright © 2019 Ya-wu Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Objective. Portal hypertension is a major complication of decompensated cirrhosis. In China, modified Hassab’s and Sugiura
procedure are the two major methods of nonshunting surgery. This study aims to compare the efficacy and safety of the two
procedures for portal hypertension. Method. Between January 1994 and December 2009, 172 elective patients diagnosed with
decompensated cirrhosis with significant hypersplenism adopted elective splenectomy for hypersplenism, and also modified
Hassab’s (n = 91) or Sugiura (n = 81) procedure was additionally performed to reduce the risk of variceal bleeding. Postoperative
mortality and morbidity data were collected, and a retrospectively comparative analysis was conducted. Results. All of the patients
were treated successfully without death during operation, and no variceal bleeding occurred during hospitalization. There were 4
(4.4%) deaths in Hassab’s group and 3 (3.7%) deaths in Sugiura group postoperatively (P > 0.05). During follow-up, the survival
rate was 90.2%, 82.42%, and 71.43% in Hassab’s group and 96.29%, 81.48%, and 75.31% in Sugiura group in 1, 3, and 5 years (P
> 0.05). There were 22/71 and 12/63 patients in each groups who suffered no deadly variceal bleeding (P = 0.11). Bleeding related
death and no bleeding related death occurred in 7/23 and 3/13 patients in each group (P = 0.26 and 0.14, respectively). Conclusion.
Elective splenectomy combined with modified Sugiura procedure seemed to be associated with a reduced trend of no deadly variceal
bleeding compared with Hassab’s procedure. As statistical significance was not found, further large scale and prospective study was

1. Introduction in decompensated cirrhosis patients, variceal hemorrhage

always occurred in patients with moderate-to-severe red
Portal hypertension is mainly caused by liver cirrhosis, color sign in esophagus, which accounted for approximately
which usually represents the end-stage of chronic hepatitis 12% in total patients, and 60% of them would experience
due to virus infection, alcohol abuse, fatty liver disease, a recurrent hemorrhage [3, 4]; in this phase, the mortality
and other kinds of diseases [1]. The prevalence of liver rate would be as high as 57% in a year [5]. Three main
cirrhosis is reported to be increasing that it is the 23rd challenges exist for the management of portal hypertension
cause of deaths in 2010 and 12th cause of deaths in 2011, related esophageal varices in clinical practice: the preven-
whereas the related disease burden is underestimated [1, 2]. tion of first episode of hemorrhage, the treatment of acute
Its consequences include gastroesophageal variceal hemor- bleeding episodes, and the prevention of recurrent variceal
rhage, ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatorenal hemorrhage [3].
syndrome, hepatopulmonary/portopulmonary syndromes, Comprehensive treatment including drug therapy [6],
and hepatic encephalopathy. To be the first cause of death endoscopic techniques (endoscopic injection sclerotherapy
2 Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

and endoscopic variceal ligation), interventional radiology 81 patients who adopted modified Sugiura procedure were
(transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt [TIPS], in the Sugiura group. Informed consent was required before
percutaneous transhepatic obliteration, transileocolic vein surgery. The study was legally approved by our Institutional
obliteration, and partial splenic artery embolization), surgery, Ethics Committee. The rights and specific information of the
liver transplantation, and a combination of the former all the participants were protected in the process of both data
methods have been developed during the past years [7, 8]. collection and analysis.
Among them, both shunting and nonshunting surgery can
achieve stable control for both first and recurrent variceal
hemorrhage and also can be applied when other new devel- 2.2. Surgical Procedures. Firstly, current surgery is based on
oped and less invasive techniques failed. It was reported the necessity of hypersplenism treatment and secondly for
that nonshunting surgery had a higher risk of rebleeding lowering the risk of deadly variceal bleeding. The indication
than shunting surgery [9, 10], with no significant difference of splenectomy for hypersplenism was mainly based on the
of mortality. Besides, nonshunting surgery is much more platelet count. White blood cells (WBC) and platelet (PLT)
simple in technique and is associated with a lower risk of count can be easily influenced in hypersplenism, and among
encephalopathy [11]. them platelet count is earlier and more sensitive than white
As interventional radiology such as TIPS was widespread, cells in hypersplenism patients with different severity. Also,
while it did not contribute to many benefits on hyper- most patients with low white blood cells can be commonly
splenism besides variceal bleeding treatment. Particularly, and effectively controlled by drugs in clinic. So, current
hypersplenism together with collateral circulation is very study restricted the indication of splenectomy to patients
common in China; elective splenectomy combined with with PLT count <80 × 1012 /L and ineffective leukopenia by
modified Hassab’s or Sugiura procedure is thus very popular drugs.
for portal hypertension in decompensated cirrhosis patients. General preoperative preparation included prophylactic
Meanwhile, previous study indicated surgery a new role for antibiotics, cleaning enema, gastrointestinal decompression,
cirrhotic patients as it treated several pathological processes and infusion. Both of the procedures were completed by three
caused by liver cirrhosis [12]. Together with the increasing different hepatobiliary surgeons (Prof. YC Zhang, Prof. YW
burden of liver cirrhosis, it is necessary to reevaluate the Zhang, and Prof. ZG Wei) with other assistants in the team;
clinical outcomes of the two procedures. In this study, we all the surgeons had more than 5-year experience of more
retrospectively compared perioperative and postoperative than 20 cases of such operations. The distribution of the two
data of elective splenectomy combined with modified Has- procedures was same over time in our center.
sab’s procedure and Sugiura procedure in both bleeding Modified Hassab’s procedure mainly focused on selective
related mortality and nonbleeding related mortality as well vascular devascularization [13]. Extensive devascularization
as morbidity to clarify their effectiveness in the management included pericardial and upper stomach vascular type (abla-
of portal hypertension. tions of the left gastroepiploic vein, short gastric vein, vena
gastric posterior, left inferior phrenic vein, left gastric vein,
and high branches and probable ectopic branches of gastric
2. Patients and Methods coronary vein). And after devascularization, serosa wall
2.1. Patients and Grouping. From January 1994 to December of the stomach was sutured. Modified Sugiura procedure
2009 in Lanzhou University Second Hospital, 172 patients included transabdominal gastroesophageal devascularization
diagnosed with portal hypertension with a high risk of and additional esophageal transection/anastomosis, which
variceal hemorrhage who underwent nonshunting surgery theoretically ensured a more comprehensive devasculariza-
were retrospectively analyzed. Inclusion criteria included (1) tion of transesophageal and submucosal vessels [14]. Similar
age < 60 years, (2) severe splenomegaly and hypersplenism to the above extensive vascular devascularization, the distal
that required splenectomy, (3) prothrombin activity > 40%, esophagus 4-6cm above the gastric cardia was additionally
(4) Child-Pugh classification of B and C or recovery to transected and anastomed with a stapler.
A after proper treatment preoperatively, and (5) risk of
first variceal bleeding (moderate-to-severe red color sign 2.3. Data Collection and Follow-Up. Baseline characteristics
in esophagus by endoscopy). Exclusion criteria included of the patients were retrospectively collected, including aver-
(1) portal hypertension without hypersplenism, (2) emer- age age, sex, and etiology, the history of upper gastrointestinal
gency patients without sufficiently preoperative evaluation bleeding, Child-Pugh classification, white blood cell, platelet,
and treatment, (3) bleeding patients failed to be controlled direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, albumin, prothrombin
by other less invasive technique, especially for endoscopic activity, fibrinogen, free portal pressure, and operation time.
injection sclerotherapy failure due to its certainly negative Outcome measurements included perioperative bleeding,
effects on anastomosis, (3) uncontrolled and serious white mortality and causes, postoperative rebleeding, survival,
blood cell, hemoglobin, and platelet decrease after trans- mortality and causes, and morbidity and diagnosis. All
fusion or other drugs, (4) hepatocellular carcinoma, and perioperative outcomes were measured during hospital stay,
(5) heart, liver, and kidney dysfunction not able to tolerate and postoperative outcomes were measured after discharge
general anesthesia and surgery injury. According to inclusion and follow-up for 5 years ranging between 1, 3, and 5 years
and exclusion criteria, 91 patients who adopted modified or until death through telephone or outpatient department
Hassab’s procedure were included into Hassab’s group, and visit.
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3

2.4. Statistical Analysis. Data analysis was carried out by patients in the two groups were absent after 1-year follow-
using SPSS soft (Version 12.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) for up, who were regarded as lost to follow-up; thus the follow-
Windows. For patients lost to follow-up, statistical analysis up rate was 81.6% and 80.8%, respectively. The 1-, 3-, and 5-
excluded the data in specific outcome measures. Continuous year survival rates were 90.2%, 82.42%, and 71.43% in Hassab’s
variables were expressed as mean ±standard deviation and group and 96.29%, 81.48%, and 75.31% in Sugiura group,
compared using an nonparametric Manne-Whitney U test. respectively. No significant difference was shown in follow-
Dichotomous variables were presented as case and percentage up rate and survival rate. Among them, 7 (7.69%) and 3
(%), and the significance was obtained by 𝜒2 test. P< 0.05 was (3.70%) in each group suffered deadly variceal bleeding, and
considered statistically significant. the difference also failed to be statistically significant. Besides,
23 and 13 patients were dead because of no variceal bleeding
related causes including liver cancer, hepatic failure, and renal
3. Results failure, as shown in Table 3.
3.1. Patients Characteristics. From January 1994 to December 3.4. Morbidity and Variceal Bleeding Related Morbidity during
2009, 172 patients underwent nonshunting surgery. There Follow-Up. For bleeding prevention, there were 22 (31%)
were 63 male patients and 28 female patients in Hassab’s patients in Hassab’s group and 12 (19%) patients in Sug-
group, and the average age was 42.3 ± 13.24 years, ranging iura group who suffered postoperative variceal bleeding.
from 17 to 64 years. There were 60 male patients and 21 female Although higher incidence seemed to be associated with
patients in Sugiura group, and the average age was 43.1 ± 15.21 Hassab’s procedure, the difference did not reach statistical
years, ranging from 21 to 68 years. The etiologies were post- significance (P > 0.05). Other morbidities included hepatic
hepatitis A cirrhosis (6/5), post-hepatitis B cirrhosis (67/70), encephalopathy (12/7), portal vein thrombosis (3/2), ascites
post-hepatitis C cirrhosis (15/5), alcoholic cirrhosis (2/1), and (18/9), pleural effusion (5/3), anastomotic stricture (0/3), and
autoimmune cirrhosis (1/1) in the two groups, respectively. gastric retention (0/4). No significant difference was found in
Preoperative history of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding the aspects of both overall and specific morbidities, as shown
occurred in 88 patients in Hassab’s group and 68 patients in in Table 4.
Sugiura group, and all of the 156 patients were diagnosed with
splenomegaly and hypersplenism. Preoperative functional
hepatic reserve was classified according to the Child-Pugh 4. Discussion
classification, and the cases in the two groups of Grade A, Portal hypertension is mainly caused by liver cirrhosis which
Grade B, and Grade C were 6/9, 67/58, and 14/11, respectively. is reported to be with a prevalence of 0.15% in the United
The preoperative levels of white blood cell, platelet, direct States and European countries, and much more patients
bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, albumin, prothrombin activity, mainly located in Asia and Africa [15]. Collateral circulation,
and fibrinogen were listed in Table 1, and no significant splenomegaly, and hypersplenism are three major syndromes,
difference was found between the groups. Average free portal which always lead to medical emergency of variceal bleed-
pressure was 44 ± 3.5 and 43 ± 3.8 cm H2 O. Modified Sugiura ing, hematologic syndrome of thrombocytopenia, and/or
procedure was associated with significantly longer operation leukopenia [16]. Liver transplantation is considered to be
time than that of modified Hassab’s procedure (166.2 ± 48.1 the most effective method to treat portal hypertension in
vs 210.5 ± 62.3 min, P < 0.05). No statistically significant decompensated period [17]. However, organ shortage and
difference was found to be located in baseline data between high medical cost appear to be the major problem in clinical
the groups as shown in Table 1. transplantation currently, especially in China.
In the management of portal hypertension, emergency
3.2. Perioperative Bleeding and Mortality. All of the patients procedure for life-threatening variceal bleeding must to be
were treated successfully without death occurring during done firstly, and an appropriate procedure is supposed to
operation process, and no incidence of variceal bleeding have a low mortality, a low rate of rebleeding rate, a low
occurred during hospitalization. In Hassab’s group, there incidence of hepatic coma, and less decompensation of
were 4 deaths including 2 cases of massive ascites with renal hepatic function. Currently, drugs, endoscopic techniques,
failure, 1 case of stress ulcer bleeding, and 1 case of liver and interventional radiology with reliable efficacy are firstly
function failure, with an overall mortality of 4.4% (4/91). In recommended [7, 18]. Emergency surgery may be required
Sugiura group, there were 3 deaths including 1 case of massive only for patients when endoscopic and pharmacologic thera-
ascites with renal failure, 1 case of liver function failure, and pies are unsuccessful and TIPS placement is contraindicated,
1 case of acute respiratory distress syndrome, with an overall unavailable, or unsuccessful [14].
mortality of 3.7% (3/81). No significant difference was found Meanwhile, elective surgery is mainly recommended to
between the groups (Table 2). patients who are not scheduled for liver transplantation
and with certainly severe splenomegaly and hypersplenism
requiring splenectomy [16]. Actually, there is no need to
3.3. Mortality and Variceal Bleeding Related Mortality during perform a portal hypertension surgery (shunting or non-
Follow-Up. A total of 87 patients in Hassab’s group and shunting surgery) aiming at only preventing or treating
78 patients in Sugiura group were finally discharged after variceal bleeding nowadays. Based on the requirement of
improvement from hospital. The data of 16 patients and 15 splenectomy, reports stated that surgeons tend to choose their
4 Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the included patients.

Group Hassab’s group (n = 91) Sugiura group (n = 81) P value

Sex (n, %)
Male 63 (69.23%) 60 (70.07%) > 0.05
Female 28 (30.77%) 21 (25.93%) > 0.05
Age (yrs) 42.3 ± 13.24 43.1 ± 15.21 > 0.05
Etiology (n, %)
Post-hepatitis A cirrhosis 6 (6.59%) 5 (6.17%) > 0.05
Post-hepatitis B cirrhosis 67 (73.63%) 70 (86.42%) > 0.05
Post-hepatitis C cirrhosis 15 (16.48%) 5 (6.17%) > 0.05
Alcohol 3 (3.30%) 2 (2.47%) > 0.05
Autoimmune cirrhosis 1 (1.09%) 1 (1.23%) > 0.05
The history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (n, %) 79 (86.81%) 68 (83.95%) > 0.05
Child-Pugh classification (n, %)
A 6 (6.59%) 9 (11.11%) > 0.05
B 67 (73.63%) 58 (71.60%) > 0.05
C 14 (15.38%) 11 (13.58%) > 0.05
White blood cell (×109 /L) 3.8 ± 2.2 5.1 ± 3.1 > 0.05
Platelet (×109 /L) 47 ± 18 45 ± 19 > 0.05
Direct bilirubin (umol/L) 6.7 ± 4.5 6.9 ± 4.8 > 0.05
Indirect bilirubin (umol/L) 26.6 ± 4.8 28.0 ± 5.3 > 0.05
Albumin (g/L) 36.2 ± 9.0 35.3 ± 10.2 > 0.05
Prothrombin activity (%) 69.7 ± 17.5 68.6 ± 16.1 > 0.05
Fibrinogen (g/L) 1.82 ± 0.70 1.90 ± 0.74 > 0.05
Free portal pressure (cm H2 O) 44 ± 3.5 43 ± 3.8 > 0.05
Operation time (min) 166.2 ± 48.1 210.5 ± 62.3 < 0.05

Table 2: Perioperative incidence and causes of mortality.

Hassab’s group Sugiura group

Group P value
(n = 91) (n = 81)
Post-operative mortality (n, %) 4 (4.4%) 3 (3.7%) 0.82
Causes of death (n)
Massive ascites with renal failure 2 1 0.63
Stress ulcer bleeding 1 1 0.34
Liver function failure 1 0 0.29
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 0 1 0.29

Table 3: Incidence of mortality during follow-up.

Hassab’s group Sugiura group

Group P value
(n = 91) (n = 81)
Survival rate
1 year 82 (90.20%) 78 (96.29%) 0.11
3 years 75 (82.42%) 66 (81.48%) 0.87
5 years 65 (71.43%) 61 (75.31%) 0.57
Causes of death
Hepatic failure 13 (14.29%) 9 (11.11%) 0.53
Liver cancer 8 (8.79%) 2 (2.47%) 0.08
Renal failure 2 (2.20%) 2 (2.47%) 0.91
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding 7 (7.69%) 3 (3.70%) 0.26
Variceal bleeding related 7 (7.69%) 3 (3.70%) 0.26
No bleeding related 23 (25.27%) 13 (16.05%) 0.14
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 5

Table 4: Incidence of morbidity during follow-up.

Hassab’s group Sugiura group

Group P value
(n = 71) (n = 63)
No deadly upper gastrointestinal bleeding (n, %) 22 (30.96%) 12 (19.05%) 0.11
Portal vein thrombosis (n, %) 3 (4.23%) 2 (3.17%) 0.75
Ascites (n, %) 13 (18.31%) 9 (14.29%) 0.53
Hepatic encephalopathy (n, %) 12 (16.90%) 7 (11.11%) 0.34
Pleural effusion (n, %) 5 (7.04%) 3 (4.76%) 0.58
Gastric retention (n, %) 1 (1.41%) 4 (6.35%) 0.13
Anastomotic stricture (n, %) 0 3 (4.76%) 0.06

favorite portal hypertension surgery as optimal procedures incidence of perioperative mortality and morbidity for portal
mainly based on patient’s conditions and operator’s skill [19]. hypertension patients [23]. During the past years, widespread
Nonshunting surgery is certainly easier in technique than application of other mini-invasive endoscopic and radiol-
shunting surgery. Currently, hepatitis B virus is the most ogy techniques had obviously decreased the dependence of
common cause of portal hypertension and liver cirrhosis in surgery for life-threatening variceal bleeding [7]; endoscopic
China and further accompanies hypersplenism commonly; techniques together with pharmacotherapy remained the
thus splenectomy combined with nonshunting surgery is the first-line treatment with >85% bleeding control [14]. Thus, it
most popular choice [11, 20]. seems that a combination of other techniques may achieve
Current study retrospectively compared two kinds of equivalent overall treatment effects [16, 18, 21]. Actually, for
nonshunting surgery named modified Hassab’s and Sugiura portal hypertension patients suffering hypersplenism com-
operation focused on bleeding, mortality, and morbidity plicated by high risks of gastroesophageal varices as well as
outcomes for elective patients. The average operation time liver dysfunction, they are difficult to control without elective
was longer in the Sugiura group than that in Hassab’s group. splenectomy [14]. Under this situation, additional nonshunt-
However, our data showed that bleeding related outcome ing surgery was considered by our center to ensure an
measurements are equivalent between them, although there extensive devascularization including pericardial and upper
seemed to be a trend without statistical significance of a stomach vascular types, which could be hardly completed by
higher incidence of no deadly variceal bleeding after Hassab’s other techniques. Because of the development of less invasion
procedure than Sugiura procedure. Modified Sugiura proce- concept, modified laparoscopic nonshunting surgery has
dure considering existence of patent perforating veins and been introducing and playing new roles in the management
periesophageal collaterals is the main reason of esophageal of portal hypertension [24, 25]. Although invasion is less,
variceal recurrence and rebleeding [21, 22]; thus additional the specific surgery scope and method do not have essential
esophageal transection and anastomosis are performed in difference between open and laparoscopic surgery other than
order to achieve a relative more thorough devasculariza- surgery-related complications [25]. Dr. Wang et al. retro-
tion. Also, modified Sugiura procedure is relatively complex spectively investigated the efficacy of the modified Sugiura
and may suffer high injury stress than Hassab’s proce- procedure and Hassab procedure for treatment of rebleeding
dure. Although a higher incidence of anastomotic stricture due to portal hypertension after endoscopic variceal ligation
occurred in the Sugiura group, no statistical difference was and found the modified Sugiura procedure is more effective
found in all of the no variceal bleeding related mortality than the Hassab procedure for the treatment of rebleed-
and morbidity. Compared with other studies [19, 20], the ing after endoscopic variceal ligation [26]. Current study
mortality in our study was lower; it may be because our study compared two open nonshunting procedures and showed
excluded emergency patients due to variceal bleeding. In this a potential trend of decreased no deadly variceal bleeding
study, treatment of hypersplenism is the primary purpose in modified Sugiura procedure, which would be helpful in
and concern, and prevention of the first or recurrent variceal emphasizing the necessity of additional esophageal transec-
bleeding is additionally performed. About 13% of patients in tion and for further research although sufficient evidence is
Hassab’s group and 16% of patients in Sugiura group did not absent.
have a history of bleeding, and nearly all the patients did not
have an average level of platelet within normal limits. Besides, 4.2. Limitations. Emergency patients failed to be con-
our patients seemed to have a higher proportion of A and B trolled by endoscopic technique and pharmacotherapy were
patients under Child-Pugh classification. excluded; the limitations from study design and participant
inclusion may induce unavoidably little bias. Also, preopera-
4.1. Implications. Improved vasoconstrictor such as oc- tive evaluation of liver function was mainly based on Child-
treotide, somatostatin, and vapreotide and modified surgery Pugh classification, which is easy to realize but is relatively
with reduced invasion (not only modified surgery procedure, inaccurate compared with new developed indocyanine green
but also laparoscopic instrument application) decreased the retention test (ICG-R15) [27]. Although controversial results
6 Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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