The Effectiveness of Information System in Divine Mercy Hospitalsan Pedro Laguna
The Effectiveness of Information System in Divine Mercy Hospitalsan Pedro Laguna
The Effectiveness of Information System in Divine Mercy Hospitalsan Pedro Laguna
Mr. MhonBrazas
Platino, Jireh P.
The Hospital Information is not easy as it seem to be, it has many procedures and
functions for each modules, it is a notable advancement for the technology – as the
former manual data-basing done in papers is now set in a computer network devices.
Efficiency has now come to most of the healthcare facility as they progressed their
Information System, this saves majority of work time from most of the modules in the
hospital, the security also has greatly improved by its intangible method of saving the
data, connection from each units of the facility has fasten by the networking of the
building, and server-manipulated information system meaning that all of the data
registered/entry all goes to one spot, the server room, where the head of ICTD
(Inpatient & Outpatient) where all the transaction of the patient begins in the sub-
module called“Admission”, where both the inpatients and outpatients register and the
Admission Office will assign the patient once they are classified upon what “patient”
they are. The outpatients will be transferred or placed in the OPD (Out Patient
Department) or Emergency room – which the outpatients can be an inpatient once the
result of the doctor’s order is formally to admit the patient to the hospital, the
prompted to choose whether what is their room for admission from Ward, Semi-Private,
Private, Suite-room, Presidential Suite (prices varies in order).The second module is the
Nurse station (exclusive for inpatient) after the inpatient is admitted to the chosen room
the inpatient is assisted by the nurse. Also in the same module is the Revenue Center
which both inpatient and outpatient are admitted to Radiology, Laboratory, Station,
Pulmonary, and Dialysis; the nurse will register the data then. The third module is
theInventory where the nurse request medical supplies from the system which triggers
the system for the Pharmacy and CSR (Central Supply Room) supplying the requested
supplies. The fourth module is “Billing” which generates the SOA (Statement of Account)
after the expenses of the patient’s data have all sums up, the discounts are also
accounted to the patient (e.g. PhilHealth, HMO, and Other insurances) as seen on SOA.
The fifth module is Medical Records which involves the stored data for Medical
Certificates, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, and Medico-legal. The sixth module is
forAccounting involving data for General Journal, Financial Statement, Payables, and
Revenues. The seventh last-module is Cashier Modules which Personnel Modules or the
HR (Human Resources) takes care for the employees’ data, the Payroll of the
The estimated modules in the Divine Mercy is about 200 modules but only the major
modules are notable to the facility, the major modules emphases the patient /employee
1. Does the data and information in the program are secured in the chosen
3. Are the data and information can be imported or available in the other branches
The research is aimed: to identify the performance of the company with the use of
Information System, to assess a company that uses the Information System, and to
know their alternatives to the Information System-Program (Bugs and glitches of the
Operational Framework
- Interview
- The questionnaire will be administered
and the result will be tallied, analyzed,
evaluated and interpreted by the
The Effectiveness of
Information System in
Divine Mercy Hospital
Figure 1.1
The researchers indicated Divine Mercy Hospital as the area of their study because it is
one of the hospitals having Information System (Data Registry). To know the
an interview with nurse, administrations, medicine doctors and/or the one who handles
Scope and Limitation
This project focuses on analyzing how Hospital Information System (HIS) is more likely
useful. Our study will test our choice of company “Divine Mercy Hospital” how surely
secured their programs.This research will be only conducted at San Pedro College
Business Administration.
The findings of this study could affect the other healthcare facility that is using the old
method or low-class/old computer, it will give them insights of the said usefulness of
how the Information System in a computer. This study intends to give: the patient for
the importance of their medical records, the employees of the healthcare facility for
their job to keep the patient’s medical record accurate, current, complete, relevant, and
Definition of Terms
severe sickness/disease.
Information System - The system-program that collects data and provides
The insights from the exploration wherein the researchers that healthcare facilities
undergo several challenges to their Information Systems – these varies among the
Information System. As time passes by, the healthcare facilities catch up to the fast
growing technology as such that the system faces new/modern bugs, viruses and
privacy issues, and errors in its software and hardware, such that as the healthcare gets
aged more patient’s data are kept in the memory – how it is managed to expand and to
accommodate such data bytes. This Chapter cites to present the review of literature and
Foreign Literature
The progression of time consciously improved the hospital management and the days
facility. As a healthcare facility management the facility should constantly update their
convenience. It is vital for the hospital to improve their quality of medical care as being
The healthcare facility faces so many challenges through its technology that used for the
data collection mainly the patient’s medical record, transactions and etc., which before
System in 1960’s, and now most of the healthcare facilities are now relying to the
Hospital Information System. Hospital Information System had become advanced these
the patient, evaluate by medical professionals with temporal perspective, and the
healthcare facility to provide the availability of the information for the medical record,
and the smooth flow of transactions (; also as the advancement of the
healthcare facilities they’re data and information became dependent to the internet.
more and more patients recorded resulted to expectedly high difficulty of management.
The technology from the Hospital Information System comes from a computer which
contains software, hardware, network and other subsystems, which in the case of the
Foreign Studies
According to Dan Sheldon, the essence of the creation for Hospital Information System
(HIS) is to ease jobs for the employees and professionals of a hospital/healthcare facility
making their job effectively and efficiently. Huge amount of money is spent in dealing
with the information management for the hospital starting from its Core System (patient
Systems (integration of all parts of the HIS, order entry and results reporting),
functional model for HIS by Friedman and Martin. HIS is also a “rich database for
decision making” as it can be assimilate both clinical and administrative information into
the same information system of a (healthcare) facility. The Information System for
Hospital is a vast and fast-paced advancing technology that most of the works and
process in the healthcare facility is using the HIS for improving their services for the
As researched by NihanNamoglu and YektaUlgen (29 January, 2015) that the healthcare
industry has generally relied on the Information Technology and the Internet.
Transcending from paper to electronic medical records the industry has grown
significantly, errors are lessen from the records but the quality is not totally achieved
with its usage of the internet, internet is also the weakness for its risk for the hackings
and viruses that can manipulate all the confidential records from the patient and the
Local Literature
The Hospital Information System is comprehensive for making an integrated system for
all of the aspect of a healthcare facility processes. This serves as a man point of data
entry, main database and storage facility, and main source of census and reports. The
Advantages of having HIS in a healthcare facility: the data entry is at the computer –
intangible as it is in the computer’s software application. The Medical records are quick
to access and retrieve. The stocks and inventories are being monitored uptime of its
quantity (and quality). The facility improves it backdates transactions; and has a better
controls and policy compliance especially in audit of the facility. (Dr. Mike Muin 2014)
Local Studies
A case study was done by Indra Company in the Philippines specifically in Makati
proposed that the system is designed to improved and ease the services by the MMC to
the patients and employees. A real-time availability of information, for their clinical
optimization and their administrative process of hospital resources, the system will also
stricken the safety of the medical practices and provide an accessibility of patient’s from
their services. Today Indra is benefiting 32 million people both patient and employee for
Sarmiento, Lawrence JelloShio and Ms. Lissa Andrea K. Magpantay, they made the
Hospital Information System more accessible as they develop it with the mobile
technology as by the modern society vast majority of people are using mobiles which is
a great advancement once more by Information Technology. The said mobile technology
system will become accessible through wireless networks which is faster and simpler,
information. (
The sources from the local studies were still lacking whereas the foreign has already a
vast number of studies from different healthcare facilities. The review of related
literature and studies points out that there are still needs of improvement from the
technology-system and also from the healthcare facilities but it cannot be more than
significant of the progress and efficiency of the Hospital Information System Brought us.
According to the foreign literatures above, the progress is continuing and still needed to
be improved as the goal is to lessen the errors and easing the access of the information,
to the local literatures, the hospitals in the local today is in need to evolve their Hospital
Information System as stated by the Indra Company that having HIS can be said as
Research Methodology
This chapter discussed the design and procedures undertaken during the conduct of the
In this research, the respondents are from the different departments such as
and Cashier Module) of Divine Mercy Hospital. Only the persons who have the authority
on the patient’s information are included in the survey conducted by the researchers.
There are a total of twenty (20) nurses/doctors who are qualified to be the respondents
Description of Respondents
The respondents of the study are the selected Major Module Department from Divine
Mercy Hospital. The total respondents are twenty (20) because under those
the respondents finished answering the questionnaires, the researchers collected it.
After all the answered questionnaires were gathered by the researchers, it was tallied
and computed by the researchers. The data collected from the survey were organized in
Research Instrument
In this study, the instrument that will be used is survey questionnaire. It consists of
three (3) items in which a respondent rate how long have they used a computer, how
often they use the system and average amount of time they spend each time they use
the system and the twenty (20) items focuses on the effectiveness of Information
System in their hospital. Each question can be answered by checking the corresponding
This research is a quantitative research. The data that the researchers will gatherwill be
expressed in their numerical forms. The data collected by the researchers were
results of the research. This research is also a descriptive research. To be exact, this
paper was done using survey methodology. The researchers formulated questions
guided by the articles used in Chapter II and made into a survey questionnaire. Then, the
is a type of sampling that the researchers use if they want to pick the person as a
respondent by judging its experience and capability to provide specific data needed for
solving the problem. Purposive sampling is a bias sampling because only the researchers
can pick the respondents of the research. The researchers collected the data through
survey questionnaires given to the nurses and doctors. The data collected was tallied,
treated and interpreted by the researchers in order to know if the Information System is
effective in hospitals.
The percentage and frequency distributions have been used to organize, summarize,
and present the results of our survey questionnaire. The frequency has been presented
questionnaires. Frequency distribution table have been used as a tally sheet for the
response to simple questions gathered in a summary form. On the other hand, the
percentage of the item has been computed by dividing it with the total sample number
P= ∗100
Where: P = percentage
f = frequency
n = number of respondents
The researchers used tables and pie charts for the presentation of the
findings. The answers of the respondents on questions one (1) to ten (10) are presented
using the blue tables. The total numbers of the answers of the participants are grouped
according to their strands. There are six (6) participating strands: Humanities and Social
and Home Economics (THE) and Information Communications Technology (ICT). The
strands are located at the leftmost column and the findings are at their row. The
researchers converted the raw numbers into percentage for easy comparison. At the last
part, total number of the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers on the positive effects and the yes’ and
‘no’ answers on the negative effects were converted into percentage and presented in a
pie chart.
The following tables are the presentation of the answers of the participants to the
questions one (1) to twenty (20) on the survey questionnaire. Please take note that the
blue tables represent the positive effect-questions while the red tables represent the
negative effect-questions.
How Long Regis B N M I A C P u r c
i S R n c a
l v c s
Less than ayear – 1 year
More than 1 year – 2 years
T o t a l
H o w o ft e n Regis B N M I A C P u r c
i S R n c a
l v c s
1 – 2 years
2 – 3 years
3 – 4 years
T o t a l
T o t a l
Collected data were presented in tables. All these data were based on the feedback
Gant Chart
Stages of Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Research 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
making for
thesis title
Overview of
thesis Project
Title Defense
Finalizing of
Chapter 1
Submission of
chapter 1
together with
Online research
for Name and
Profile of
Submission of
Profile and
Chapter 2
Submission of
Chapter 3
Defense of
Chapter 1-3
Expected of
Submission of
Chapter 4
Submission of
Chapter 5 and
Research Survey
[ ] Registration Purpose [ ] Nurse Station [ ] Inventory [ ] Cashier
[ ] Billing [ ] Medical Records [ ] Accounting
Please write your station/unit _________
How long have you used a computer? How often do you use the system?
[ ] 1 year [ ] less than once a month
[ ] 2 years [ ] once a month
[ ] between 2 and 3 years [ ] a few times a week
[ ] between 4 and 5 years [ ] a few times a day
[ ] more than 6 years [ ] many times a day
Average amount of time you spend each time you use the system:
[ ] less than 30 minutes [ ] between 30mins.& 1hr.[ ] between 2 & 3 hours
1.The records are easily configured
2. The records are useful
3. The records have updated information
4. It is easy to insert information to the system
5. Easy to use
6. The speed of the system is good
7. The system facilitates patient care
8. It facilitates the prescribing of patient
9. The system works well
10. The system provides clear information
11. The system has a few interruptions
12. Data in the program are secured
13. Information can be exported/imported
14. The records of the system are well-organized
15. The screens of the system facilitate research of
the information
LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Check inside columns)