Proiect Civile 2 Final
Proiect Civile 2 Final
Proiect Civile 2 Final
Electricity supply will be made from the electricity network, with authorization obtained from
“E-on”.The sewerage will be made by joining the sewerage network of neighborhood.
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
The heating will be made by connecting to the thermic network of the neighborhood or
individually by central heating.
The thickness of the load bearing walls must satisfy the following criterion:
- Structural safety
- Thermal insulation
- Soundproofing
- Fire protection
A. Written part :
1. The project theme;
2. Project content;
3. Technical report;
4. The design of the walls and roof for hygrothermal conditions:
- the general factor of heat loos G,
- estimation of water vapour condensation risk in the envelop structure;
5. The assessment of loads and design load combination;
6. The computation of the cross shear walls sectional characteristics;
7. Stress and strain analysis for the cross shear walls.
B. Drawings :
1. Current floor plan, scale 1:50,
2. Ground floor plan (building access detail), scale 1:50,
3. Cross section through the staircase, scale 1:50,
4. Roof plan, scale 1:100,
5. Constructive details, plan, scale 1:5, 1:10.
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Technical Report
This project consists mainly of designing a block of flats with basement, ground floor
and 4 floors. Now we shall determine the inner space area.
To assure the optimal surfaces for rooms, we must take into account the purpose of
every room. In the case of a villa, which is ment to assure a higher degree of confort, bigger
surfaces must be used.
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Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Exterior Walls
No. Material layer Layer thickness [m] conductivity d/λ
1 1/αi - - 0,125
2 Lime plaster 0,02 0,87 0,023
3 Brick masonry 0,2 0,46 0,435
4 Rigid mineral wool 0,1 0,05 2,000
5 Cement plaster 0,02 0,93 0,022
6 1/α2 - - 0,042
thermal resistance ΣR= 2,646>1,80
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
No. Material layer Layer thickness [m] conductivity d/λ
1 1/αi - - 0,167
2 Marble 0,015 3,48 0,004
3 Mortar bead 0,03 0,93 0,032
4 R.C. Slab 0,1 1,74 0,057
5 Rigid mineral wool 0,15 0,05 3,000
6 Ceiling plaster 0,015 0,87 0,017
7 1/α2 - - 0,084
thermal resistance ΣR= 3,362>2,90
No. Material layer Layer thickness [m] conductivity d/λ
1 1/αi - - 0,167
2 Hardwood floor (Oak) 0,024 0,41 0,059
3 Extruded polystirene 0,06 0,044 1,364
4 Vapour barier 0,005 0,17 0,029
5 Mortar bead 0,05 0,93 0,054
6 R.C. slab 0,1 1,74 0,057
7 Rigid mineral wool 0,15 0,05 3,000
8 Ceiling plaster 0,015 0,87 0,017
9 1/α2 - - 0,084
thermal resistance ΣR= 4,831>2,90
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Terrace roof
No. Material layer Layer thickness [m] conductivity d/λ
1 1/αi - - 0,167
2 Plaster Ceiling 0,03 0,87 0,034
3 R.C. Slab 0,1 1,74 0,057
4 Sloping layer 0,06 0,93 0,065
5 Water vapour barrier 0,005 0,38 0,013
6 Rigid mineral wool 0,2 0,05 4,000
7 Waterproof layer 0,005 0,38 0,013
8 Protecting 0,1 0,17 0,588
9 1/α2 - - 0,084
thermal resistance ΣR= 5,022>5,00
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Thermal bridges
A thermal bridge represents a area of the buildings envelope where the thermic flow is
in one direction and it is influenced by:
- the partial or total penetration of the building elements with different thermic
- thickness alternation of the construction element;
- alternation between the interior and exterior areas of the surfaces.
Types of thermal bridges:
a) Vertical thermal bridges:
- bridge of outer corner - R.V. outer corner (symmetric bridge)
Ψ1 = Ψ2 = 0,01 W/m
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Ψ1 = Ψ2 - 0,02 W/m
R.O. eave
Bridge length=Pslab
Pslab= the
perimeter of the
superior slab at the
interior face of the
Ψ2=0,24 W/m
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-R.O. footing
R.O. footing
Bridge length=Pslab
RO footing
Ψ1 = Ψ2 = 0,2 W/m
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R.O. slab
Bridge length = L
Ψ1 = Ψ2 = 0,24 W/m
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Pcarpentry = 2*(L+H)
Ψ1=0.25 W/m
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nr of thermal
Bridge detail
Thermal Thermal Corrected Temp.
Heat loss Axτ/
No. Building element bridge Ψxl Area (A) resistanc Σ(Ψxl) thermal corr. R'm
(Ψ) R'm
length (l) e (R) resistance (R'j) Factor (τ)
V=3269,75 m3
This factor of thermal insulation reflects the sum of all thermal loss trough all the
building envelope elements for a thermal difference of 1 Kelvin (Δθ) plus the losses because
of ventilation and air infiltration.
1 A∗τ
G= ∗∑ + 0.34∗n [W/m3K];
V R 'm
The area chosen is Tecuci city situated on thermal map in zone III with Te = -180 C.
( T i−T u ) 20−1
τ= = =0.5
( T i −T e ) 20+18
A – The area of the element with the specific main thermal resistance R’m,[m2
V – represents the inside volume of the building [m3] ;
R’m - represents the average corrected thermal resistance of the building element,
n – represents the ventilation rate:
Volume: 3269,75
G= 0,417
Envelope area 1608,3
A/V= 0,492
GN= 0.45
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- Ti=+20 C;
- Te= -18 C;
1.Determining the temperatures on the interior and the exterior sufaces and the
temperatures on the contact faces of the materials:
( T i−T e ,med )
T si =T i – ∗R si [° C]
T x =T i−¿ ¿
No conductivi
Material layer thickne d/λ μj
. ty (λ)
ss [m]
1 1/αi - - 0,125
2 Lime plaster 0,02 0,87 0,023 8,5
3 Brick masonry 0,2 0,46 0,435 4,1
4 Rigid mineral 0,1 0,05 2,000 2,5
5 Cement plaster 0,02 0,93 0,022 7,1
6 1/α2 - - 0,042
thermal resistance ΣR= 2,646
Ti= 20⁰C
Tsi= 18,205⁰C
T1= 17,8749⁰C
T2= 11,6315⁰C
T3= -17,0881⁰C
T4= -17,3969⁰C
Tse= -18⁰C
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2. The determination of the saturated vapour pressure of the inside and outside
air (pse,psi) and the saturated vapour pressure on each surface ( ps,si,ps1,,se).
3.The determination of outside and inside air water vapours partial pressure:
pve , pvi.
pvi= 1403, Pa
pve 99,2 Pa
R v =Rv ,1 + R v, 2+ …+ Rv , n=∑ R v, j =∑ d j × µDj × M [ ]
Mj= 108 ×54 s−1; µD = .
k dj
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Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Loads computation
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Terrace roof
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Specific Characteristic
No. Material layer Layer thickness (d)
weight(ρxg) load(gk) γF Design load(gd)
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Dividing walls
Specific Characteristic
No. Material layer Layer thickness (d)
weight(ρxg) load(gk)
Snow loads:
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μi=shape coefficient
Ct=thermal factor
s0,k=characteristic value of the snow load on the ground, depending on the location of
the building
Sk=μi*Ce*Ct*s0,k= 1,6 KN/sq.m
μi= 0,8
Ce= 1
Ct= 1
s0,k= 2 KN/sq.m
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Category qk[KN/sq.m]
accessible roofs 1,5
current floors 2,0
balconies 2,0
stairs 2,0
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Loads Weight
Surface Surface Loads Weight of Total of
Type on of the No. of
Total with with on cold the cold Total each
of warm warm similar
surface warm cold flooring flooring weight type of
floor flooring flooring floors
flooring flooring solution solution floor
solution solution
Pi St Sw Sc gc gr Gw Gc G - Gt
- m^2 m^2 m^2 KN/sq.m KN/sq.m KN KN KN KN
78,8759 157,751
P1 22,62 2
4 9
74,7961 149,592
P2 21,45 2
5 3
P3 13,65 2 95,1951
P4 7 26,005 398,18 2 52,01
225,5 3,487 3,715
39,5077 19 79,0154
P5 11,33 2
1 2
P6 17,97 66,75855 1
P7 6,2 23,033 1 23,033
P8 5,6 20,804 2 41,608
P9 5,6 20,804 2 41,608
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Variable loads
No. of
Total surface Unitary variable Variabl of each
Type of floor similar
of the floor load e load type of
Pi Sf q Q - Qt
- m^2 KN/sq.m KN/sq.m - KN
P1 22,62 79,17 2 158,34
P2 21,45 75,075 2 150,15
P3 13,65 47,775 2 95,55
P4 7 24,5 2 49
P5 11,33 3,5 39,655 2 79,31
P6 17,97 62,895 1 62,895
P7 6,2 21,7 1 21,7
P8 5,6 19,6 2 39,2
P9 5,6 19,6 2 39,2
∑Qt,fl= 695,345
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Ei St So Sn gp go Gn Go G - Gt
- m^2 m^2 m^2 KN/sq.m KN/sq.m KN KN KN KN
E1 14,526 2,29 12,236 0,5 37,3198 1,145 38,4648 2 76,9296
E2 14,526 3 11,526 0,5 35,1543 1,5 36,6543 2 73,3086
E3 9,415 1,8 7,615 0,5 23,22575 0,9 24,12575 2 48,2515
E4 8,877 1,8 7,077 3,05 0,5 21,58485 0,9 22,48485 2 44,9697
E5 7,263 2,28 4,983 0,5 15,19815 1,14 16,33815 2 32,6763
E6 9,415 1,2 8,215 0,5 25,05575 0,6 25,65575 2 51,3115
E7 8,877 1,62 7,257 0,5 22,13385 0,81 22,94385 2 45,8877
∑Gt,wl1 373,334
= 9
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No. of Total on
Surface of Loads on the Total
Type of the floor similar each type
the floor terrace floor weight
floors of floor
Variable loads
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Total on
No. of
Surface of Loads on the Total each
Type of the floor similar
the floor terrace floor weight type of
Fterr St gc Gterr - Gt,terr
- m^2 KN/sq.m KN - KN
P1 22,62 36,192 2 72,384
P2 21,45 34,32 2 68,64
P3 13,65 21,84 2 43,68
P4 7 11,2 2 22,4
P5 11,33 1,6 18,128 2 36,256
P6 17,97 28,752 1 28,752
P7 6,2 9,92 1 9,92
P8 5,6 8,96 2 17,92
P9 5,6 8,96 2 17,92
No. of
Loads from the Total Total
Type of the floor Attic surface similar
attic Weight load
Ei,att St gc Gatt - Gt,att
- m^2 KN/sq.m KN - KN
E1 12,2 35,868 2 71,736
E2 19,5 57,33 1 57,33
E3 8,365 24,5931 1 24,5931
E4 8 23,52 2 47,04
∑Gt,att= 200,6991
G1=G2=G3=G4=Gc= 1643,39369 KN
G=4xGc+G5= 8336,76293 KN
Gc= 1643,39369 KN
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
G5= 1763,18817 KN
Tc=1 s
Gtot=Groof+4*Gfloor = 8336,76293
Stanchion 3
Am1 = 1.06 m2
m1 Am2 = 1.44 m2
Am = 2.5 m2
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b x h 4.9 x 0.2
Am1,t = = =0.89m2
k 1.1
b x h 6.4 x 0.2
Am2,t = = =1.28m2
k 1
Am,t = 2.17 m2
k = correction coefficient = 1.1 for T and L sections
k = correction coefficient = 1 for I an C sections
yg,m1= 2.17 m
Iy,m1 = 2.37 m4
yg,m2= 3.11 m
Iy,m2 = 5.11 m4
Iy4 = 23.69 m4
Ix4 = 0.067 m4
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Ir = 0.00524 m4
b x h 0.2 x 0.68
Ar,t = = =0.123m2
k 1.1
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Stanchion 3
The shear walls with one line of unsymmetrical openings (the openings are not placed
in the symmetry axis of the shear wall), thus the two stanchions will have different
characteristics and λ, ϒ and I0 will be computed using the equations below.
Kr K ℜ
λ= =
K m K me
6∗E r∗I r L 3
∗μ ()
1 1
μ= = =0.597
30∗I r 30∗0.00524
1+ 1+
A r , t∗l 2 0.123∗1.3762
where Ar,t = the active area of the coupling beam to shear force
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Km1+ Km2
K me = - computed in the hypothesis that as the both ends of the coupling beams the
rotation are equal and in this circumstances the stiffness is the arithmetic average of each
walls stiffness.
Em 1∗I m 1 Em 2∗I m 2
K m 1= ; K m 2= - the torsional stiffness of the two equivalent stanchions;
he he
Em 1∗I m 1 Em 1∗2.37
K m 1= = =0.817 Em 1
he 2.90
Em 2∗I m 2 Em 2∗5.11
K m 2= = =1.762 E m 2
he 2.90
Thus, λ becomes :
2∗K r 0.0818∗Ec
λ= = =0.032
K m 1+ K m 2 0.817 E c +1.762 Ec
For determining the γ factor, which reflects the axial deformation of the stanchions the
following equation will be used :
I m 1+ I m 2 1
γ =1+
L 2 (A
m1+ A m 2
Im1 , Im2 – the inertia moment of the two wall elements / equivalent columns (m4)
Am1 , Am2 – the active area of the wall elements assimilated to equivalent columns (m2)
I m 1+ I m 2 1 2.37+5.11 1
γ =1+
L 2 (A
m1 + A m2
6.74 2
∗ (
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
L2 6.74 2
I 0= ∗γ = ∗1.06=193.42 m4
1 1 1 1
− −
A m 1 Am 2 1.06 1.44
The level of seismic load is distributed to each shear wall proportionally with the walls
stiffness. The distribution of the seismic force will be made with respect to I ´es ,i , which is
computed using the following equation:
ηS∗I 0
I ´es ,i =
ν S∗η S∗I 0
1+ 2
H ∗∑ A m ,i
H = the total height of the shear wall (the height if the buildinig)
νS = 10.87
ηS∗I 0 0.072∗193.42
I ´es ,i = = =10.45 m 4
ν S∗η S∗I 0 10.87∗0.072∗193.42
1+ 2 1+
H ∗∑ A m ,i 14.52∗2.17
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Using the values of the corrected equivalent inertia moments, I ´es ,i computed for each
shear wall, an overall value, ∑ I es´ , iwill be computed.Then, the distrubuted factor, C d , i, for
each shear wall, resulting a ratio between the equivalent inertia moments, I ´es ,i , of each shear
wall divided to the overall value ∑ I es´ , i .
I ´es,i
C d , i= n
∑ I es´ ,i
i =1
I es´ ,1 10.45
C d= n
= =0.5
∑ I es,´ 1
Fb = 15667,18232 KN
Multiplying each distributed factor,C d , i with the value basic seismic force previously
computed on the entire building Fb, results the shear force taken by each shear wall Fb,i.
F b ,i=C d ,i∗F b
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
F b ,i∗mi∗zi
Si= n
∑ mi∗z i
Fb,i – base shear force at the base of the shear wall “i”
F b ,i=S=791.992 KN
The equivalent load distributed along the height of the storey will be :
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
n – number of storeys
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
2. Determine N, V, M diagrams
Using the equivalent frame method in the tables within the appendix for the values of
γ and λ computed before can be found the coefficients ms used for computing the moments in
the stanchions, above and underneath each coupling beam jj, using the following equation:
q s∗H 2
M jk ( ji) =m s
The signs of ms coefficients from the tables correspond to the sign convention, with
moments in joints being positive when clockwise.
In case of shear walls with one line of unsymmetrical openings the moments in the
stanchions of the replacing structure are determined with the relation :
m s∗q s∗H 2
M me =
This will be distributed to the stanchions of the real shear wall in direct ratio to their
M me∗K m 1 M me∗I m 1
M m 1= =
K me I me
M me∗K m 2 M me∗I m 2
M m 2= =
K me I me
where, I me =( I m 1 + I m 2 ) /2
The moments at the ends of the coupling girders are obtained from joints equilibrium,
and the shear force is computed with the equation presented before.
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
A1= 4,95 m2
A2= 2,35 m2
A3= 7,34 m2
A4= 6,63 m2
A5= 1,9 m2
A6= 4,72 m2
Atot= 27,89 m2
N5= 154,17445 KN
N4sup= 195,06445 KN
N4inf= 293,01672 KN
N3sup= 333,90672 KN
N3inf= 431,85899 KN
N2sup= 472,74899 KN
N2inf= 570,70126 KN
N1sup= 611,59126 KN
N1inf= 709,54353 KN
N0= 750,43353 KN
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
516 3 8 - -
403 2 4
- -
402 1 3
331 9 1
- -
3- - - -
263 2 4
- -
2- - - -
115 3 7
- -
1- - - -
017 5 1
l0= 0,9
qs= 3
he= 2,9
H= 14,5
Im1= 2,37
Im2= 5,11
Ime= 3,74
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Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308
Caprioara Claudiu Civil Engineering 2 - Project Group 3308