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Understanding and Extracting Valuable Information from

Basic and Advanced Power Transformer Testing Techniques

Charles Sweetser, Services Manager, PRIM Engineering,

Waltham, Mass.
Topics of Discussion

1. Power Factor and Variable Frequency Power Factor

2. Exciting Current
3. Turns Ratio
4. Leakage Reactance
5. DC Winding Resistance
6. Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA)
Diagnostic Testing - OVERALL
• Oil Screen
• Power Factor / Capacitance*
• Exciting Current*
• Transformer Turns Ratio*
• Leakage Reactance*
• DC Winding Resistance*
• SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis)*
• DFR (Dielectric Frequency Response)
• Thermal Imaging
• Insulation Resistance
• Partial Discharge
Transformer Tests
Dielectric Thermal Mechanical


Oil Screen Oil Screen Leakage Reactance
Exciting Ima DC Winding RES Exciting Ima
Turns Ratio Tests DC Winding RES
Insulation Resistance
Partial Discharge
Diagnostic Testing - FOCUS
1. Power Factor / Capacitance 1. Overall PF/CAP

2. Exciting Current 2. Bushing PF/CAP (C1, C2, EC)

3. Transformer Turns Ratio 3. Exciting Current (Phase A, B, C)

4. Leakage Reactance 4. Surge Arresters

5. Insulation Resistance 5. Insulating Fluids (Main Tank, LTC)

6. DC Winding Resistance 6. Turns Ratio (H-X, H-Y, H-T, X-Y, X-T)

7. SFRA 7. Leakage Reactance (3 Equiv, Per )

8. Insulation Resistance

9. DC Winding Resistance (H, X, Y)

10. SFRA
Instrument Basics

• Burden
• VA
• Sources – V and I
• Meters – V and I
• KVL and KCL
• Kelvin Connection
Power Factor Tests

1. Overall PF/CAP

2. Bushing PF/CAP (C1, C2, EC)

3. Surge Arresters

4. Insulating Fluids (Main Tank, LTC)

Dependent on Transformer Type

• 2-Winding XFMR
• 3-Winding XFMR
• Autotransformers
• Will cause variances in test plans and
Overall PF/CAP

Type Main Insulation Bushings Surge Insulation

Arresters Fluids
2-Winding CH, CL, CHL Up to 8 Up to 6 Stacks Main Tank
C1, C2, EC Tap Changer
3-Winding CH, CL, CT Up to 12 Up to 9 Stacks Main Tank
CHL, CHT, CLT C1, C2, EC Tap Changer
Auto w/Tert CAuto, CT, CAutoT Up to 10 Up to 9 Stacks Main Tank
C1, C2, EC Tap Changer
Auto wo/Tert CAuto Up to 7 Up to 6 Stacks Main Tank
C1, C2, EC Tap Changer
Power Factor / Capacitance Measurement

ITOT Insulation can be modeled through:

• Capacitance (Physical Geometry)
IR IC • Resistance (Losses)
Losses can be categorized as:
• Conductive
IR • Polarization (60 Hz Range)
Power Factor measures bulk degradation:
Power Factor
• 0.00% - 100% • Moisture
 • cos φ = IR/ITOT x 100% • Aging
• Contamination
 V
Power Factor / Capacitance

• “Applied Test” at Rated Frequency (60 Hz)

• Measurements Normalized to 20°C.
• Test voltages for a typical field test set range from below 100 V
to as high as 12 kV. (IEEE Std. 62)
• 10 kV is Normally Applied
a) 2000 VA
b) 80,000 pF
• Data should be analyzed by:
a) Limits
b) Trending
c) Nameplate
2-Winding XFMR
3-Winding XFMR
Two-Winding Transformer Model

• Windings are short-circuited to remove unwanted inductance

• CH, CL and CHL insulation systems
• CH includes H-C1
• CL includes X-C1
GST Measurement

• Both CH and CHL are measured together

GST GUARD Measurement - CH

• CH is isolated by use of the GSTg measurement circuit

UST Measurement - CHL

• CHL is isolated by use of the UST measurement circuit

Overall Test Data


Measurement Type Ref@10 kV

Watt PF [%] PF [%] Correction Insulation

Test # Energize Ground Guard UST Test kV I mA Cap pF Loss Measured Corrected Factor Mode Condition
ICH+ICHL H (prim) L (sec) 10.013 33.241 8814.88 0.746 1.00 GST
ICH H (prim) L (sec) 10.010 7.889 2089.50 0.217 0.28 0.28 1.00 GST gA PASS

ICHL H (prim) L (sec) 10.013 25.355 6725.82 0.526 0.21 0.21 1.00 UST A PASS

Calculated ICHL 25.353 6725.38 0.529 0.21 0.21 1.00 PASS

ICH-C1 = ICH minus H (prim) bushings; HV C1 ONLY 5.206 1377.91 0.156 0.30 0.30 1.00 PASS

ICL+ICHL L (sec) H (prim) 7.500 94.449 25051.64 2.375 1.00 GST

ICL L (sec) H (prim) 7.501 69.096 18325.39 1.864 0.27 0.27 1.00 GST gA PASS

ICHL L (sec) H (prim) 7.500 25.356 6725.70 0.519 0.20 0.20 1.00 UST A PASS

Calculated ICHL 25.353 6726.25 0.511 0.27 0.27 1.00 PASS

ICL-C1 = ICL minus L (sec) bushings; LV C1 ONLY 58.678 15562.15 1.619 0.37 0.37 1.00 PASS
Variable Frequency Power Factor
CHL Insulation
PF(f) Frequency Response



0.30 Transformer A

Transformer B


0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00


Bushing Taps

Field Tests
The following test are electrical field tests performed with portable
test equipment to determine bushing suitability for service.

Condenser Bushing with Condensers Bushing with

Non Condenser
Potential Tap Test Tap

Visual Inspection Visual Inspection Visual Inspection

C1 Power Factor (60 Hz) C1 Power Factor (60 Hz) Energize Collar Test

C1 Capacitance (60 Hz) C1 Capacitance (60 Hz) Infrared Test

C2 Power Factor (2.5 kV) C2 Power Factor (0.5 kV)

C2 Capacitance (2.5 kV) C2 Capacitance (0.5kV)

Advance Power Factor Advance Power Factor
Measurements Measurements

Power Factor Tip Up Test Power Factor Tip Up Test

Infrared Test Infrared Test

Power Factor / Capacitance - BUSHING C1

• Bushing H1-C1 UST

• All Terminals Remain Shorted
Bushing C1 Test Data
Bushings - NAMEPLATE

Model/ Serial Catalog Drawing BIL kV A C1 C1 C2 C2

Bushing Manufact. Year
Type Number Number Number kV Rating Rating PF[%] Cap (pF) PF[%] Cap (pF)
H1 ABB O+C 1993 350 44.00 400 0.35 238
H2 ABB O+C 1993 350 44.00 400 0.26 240
H3 ABB O+C 1993 350 44.00 400 0.32 239

X1 ABB O+C 1993 150 25.00 2000 0.33 695

X2 ABB O+C 1993 150 25.00 2000 0.30 692
X3 ABB O+C 1993 150 25.00 2000 0.31 699
X0 ABB O+C 1993 150 25.00 2000 0.29 693

Bushings - C1

Measurement Type Ref@10 kV

Watt PF [%] PF [%] Correction Insulation
Bushing Energize Ground Guard UST Test kV I mA Cap pF Mode
Loss Measured Corrected Factor Condition
H1 Conductor - - Tap 10.022 0.891 236.25 0.020 0.22 0.22 1.00 UST A PASS
H2 Conductor - - Tap 10.014 0.896 237.67 0.021 0.23 0.23 1.00 UST A PASS
H3 Conductor - - Tap 10.022 0.896 237.68 0.021 0.24 0.24 1.00 UST A PASS
H0 Conductor - - Tap n/a 0.000 0.00 0.000 n/a n/a 1.00 UST A

X1 Conductor - - Tap 7.505 2.617 694.15 0.062 0.24 0.24 1.00 UST A PASS
X2 Conductor - - Tap 7.506 2.560 679.08 0.058 0.23 0.23 1.00 UST A PASS
X3 Conductor - - Tap 7.506 2.631 697.78 0.061 0.23 0.23 1.00 UST A PASS
X0 Conductor - - Tap 7.505 2.610 692.23 0.063 0.24 0.24 1.00 UST A PASS
Power Factor / Capacitance - BUSHING C2

• H1-C2 GST gA
Bushing C2 Test Data

Bushings - C2

Measurement Type Ref@10 kV

Watt PF [%] PF [%] Correction Insulation
Bushing Energize Ground Guard UST Test kV I mA Cap pF Loss Measured Corrected Factor Mode Condition
H1 Tap - Conductor - 0.507 2.099 553.67 0.058 0.28 0.28 1.00 GST gA PASS
H2 Tap - Conductor - 0.505 2.301 607.14 0.074 0.32 0.32 1.00 GST gA PASS
H3 Tap - Conductor - 0.502 2.165 571.03 0.063 0.29 0.29 1.00 GST gA PASS
H0 Tap - Conductor - n/a 0.000 0.00 0.000 n/a n/a 1.00 GST gA

X1 Tap - Conductor - 0.508 0.887 232.41 0.063 0.71 0.71 1.00 GST gA PASS
X2 Tap - Conductor - 0.507 0.879 230.15 0.029 0.33 0.33 1.00 GST gA PASS
X3 Tap - Conductor - 0.507 0.873 228.82 0.023 0.27 0.27 1.00 GST gA PASS
X0 Tap - Conductor - 0.507 0.844 221.01 0.014 0.16 0.16 1.00 GST gA PASS
Power Factor / Capacitance - BUSHING EC
• H1-EC GST or UST
• UST and GUARD circuits can be used for external
contamination investigation and/or isolation
Energized “Hot” Collar Test Data

Bushings - Energized Collar

Measurement Type Ref@10 kV

Watt Insulation
Bushing Energize Ground Guard UST Test kV I mA Loss Mode Condition
H1 Collar - - - 10.022 0.891 0.020 GST PASS
H2 Collar - - - 10.014 0.896 0.021 GST PASS
H3 Collar - - - 10.022 0.896 0.021 GST PASS
H0 Collar - - - n/a 0.000 0.000 GST

X1 Collar - - - 10.006 1.973 0.061 GST PASS

X2 Collar - - - 10.016 1.974 0.060 GST PASS
X3 Collar - - - 10.008 1.973 0.062 GST PASS
X0 Collar - - - 10.020 1.975 0.061 GST PASS
Transformer Exciting Current Test


1. Apply Voltage Vs on primary phase, secondary winding left floating

2. Measure current Iex
3. The current required to force ``transformer action´´ (the use of one
winding to induce a voltage in the second winding).
Analyzing Results
Unexpected results can be observed from the following:

1. Full or partially short circuited turns

2. Open Turns

3. Core Construction Problems

4. Saturated Core
Analyzing Results

Confirm Expected Phase Pattern

Confirm Expected LTC Pattern
(For load tap changing transformers)
Compare to Previous Results
Make sure same voltage is applied
Magnitudes do not have to match
Any change should be uniform across
phases (similar percent change).
Analyzing Results
Confirming the Expected Phase Pattern:
1. High – Low – High (HLH) Pattern
 Expected for a 3-legged core type transformer.
 Expected for a 5-legged core (or shell) type transformer with a
Delta connected secondary winding.
2. Low – High – Low (LHL) Pattern
 Will be obtained on a 3-legged core type transformer if the
traditional test protocols are not followed.
Neutral on high side Wye-configured transformer is
Forget to ground 3rd terminal on a Delta-connected
Expected for a 4-legged core type transformer.
3. All 3 Similar Pattern
 Expected for a 5-legged core (or shell) type transformer with a
non-delta secondary winding.
Exciting Current Test
Transformer: HV – Delta LV - Wye

H2 X2

X1 X0

H1 H3

Test HV Lead LV Lead Ground Float Mode Measure Result

1 H1 H3 H2, X0 X1,X2,X3 UST H1-H3 63.8 mA
2 H2 H1 H3, X0 X1,X2,X3 UST H2-H1 48.6 mA
3 H3 H2 H1, X0 X1,X2,X3 UST H3-H2 64.2 mA
Exciting Current Test
Transformer: HV – Wye LV - Delta
Inaccessible Neutral Bushing (H0)


X1 X3

Test HV Lead LV Lead Ground Float Mode Measure Result

1 H1 H2 NONE H0,X1,X2,X3 UST H1-H3 75.1 mA
2 H2 H3 NONE H0,X1,X2,X3 UST H2-H0 89.4 mA
3 H3 H1 NONE H0,X1,X2,X3 UST H3-H0 73.2 mA
Exciting Current LTC Pattern – Reactor Type

Exciting Current


Exciting Current

300.00 A
200.00 C


16L 15L 14L 13L 12L 11L 10L 9L 8L 7L 6L 5L 4L 3L 2L 1L N 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 12R 13R 14R 15R 16R
LTC Position

Leakage Reactance
• Leakage flux is flux that does not link all the turns of the winding
• Leakage flux creates reactive magnetic energy that behaves
like an inductor in series in the primary and secondary circuits
• Winding movement changes the reluctance of the leakage flux
path, resulting in a change in the expected leakage reactance
Leakage Reactance
Leakage Reactance

• Short circuit LV winding or “winding pairs”

• Inject 0.5 - 1.0% of rated current 60 Hz (Line-to-Line)
• A variable 280 VAC source is recommended
• Measure Series Current and Terminal Voltage
• RESULT - Z, R, and X

• There are two ways to perform the measurement

1. 3 Phase Equivalent
2. Per Phase
Leakage Reactance – NAMEPLATE
Leakage Reactance – Example
Nameplate: 6.85% 69 kV 12.5 MVA

Phase V I Z R X L
H1-H3 55.22 1.05 51.59 4.38 51.41 136.4
H2-H1 54.68 1.05 51.15 4.37 50.96 135.2
H3-H2 54.46 1.05 50.96 4.46 50.76 134.2
Transformer Turns Ratio
Primary winding
Np turns Secondary winding
Ns turns Basic Ideal Transformer
Ip Is
Vp Vs L

Turn Ratio (N) Equation

Np Vp Is
N= = =
Ns Vs Ip
Vs = Vp
Turns Ratio Test
Example: Transformer Nameplate
Tap Voltage
Field Turns Ratio Test obejective

 Measure transformer turn ratio of each

HV Winding
phase and tap position (Matching

 Measure Phase Angle of the voltage from

the high voltage winding and low voltage

 Polarity check is performed as well LV Winding

Turns Ratio Test
How is it performed?
X2 Three Phase Transformer
HV 34500GRDY/19920 Volts
X1 X0 LV 13200 Volts

H1 H3 X3
A Phase

Calculated Ratio
Test Input Measure Phase Ratio 19920
= 1.51
1 H1-H3 X1-X0 A 13200

2 H2-H1 X2-X0 B Measurement

3 H3-H2 X3-X0 C
Ratio % Dev Angle
1.509 0.06% 0.05
Turns Ratio Test Procedure
Routine Test

•Should perform turns ratio test on “as found” DETC


•Unless specified by company or manufacturer

•Ideally turns ratio test on all LTC positions

•Place DETC in “as found” position

Turn Ratio

Turn Ratio

Turn Ratio

Transformer Winding Resistance
One Phase Transformer Equivalent Circuit

R1 = Power Loss in HV Rn = Iron Loss in Core R2 = Power Loss in LV

winding winding

L1= Leakage Inductance Lm = Core Inductance L2= Leakage

of HV Winding Inductance of LV
Failure Modes

A change greater than the criteria mentioned can be

indicative of the following:

1. Shorted Circuited Turns

2. Open Turns

3. Defective DETC or LTC (contacts)

4. A Poor Connection Between Terminals Measured

Winding Resistance
Very Important when Performing this test
1. Transformer high voltage and low voltage terminals need to
be disconnected and isolated

2. Be aware and use saftey at all time. Make sure the winding
is discharged after a test by grounding the terminal.

3. Never inject a DC current higher than 15% of the winding

rated current

4. Temperature affects the test results and should be

corrected to a common temperature of 75C or 85C

5. The temperature of insulated liquid has to be stabilized (top

and bottom temperature should not deviate more than 5C
Winding Resistance Test
Example of how is it performed?
H2 Three Phase Transformer
HV 230 Amps
H1 H0 LV 350 Amps

X1 X3 Winding Temperature 35 C


B Phase
H2 X2 Factory Result (75 C)

+ + 0.165 Ω
– –

Result Corr. %Dev
Core is neglected 0.148 0.170 3.03
Analyzing Results

The winding resistance measurement can be evaluated by

the following three methods: (+/-5%)

1. Compare to Factory Results

2. Compare to Previous Results

3. Compare Among Phases

DC Winding Resistance

DC Winding Resistance

DC Winding Resistance

Transformer Nameplate

POS Volts LTC N 13800 0 0

X1-X2-X3 A B 9
1L 13715 8 0
16R 15180 8 8
2L 13360 8 8
15R 15095 7 8
3L 13540 7 8
14R 15010 7 7
13R 14920 6 7 4L 13455 7 7
12R 14835 6 6 5L 13370 6 7
11R 14750 5 6 6L 13280 6 6
10R 14660 5 5 7L 13195 5 6
9R 14575 4 5 M 8L 13110 5 5
8R 14490 4 4 9L 13025 4 5
7R 14405 3 4 10L 12940 4 4
6R 14320 3 3
11L 12850 3 4
5R 14230 2 3
12L 12765 3 3
4R 14145 2 2
13L 12680 2 3
3R 14060 1 2
2R 13970 1 1 14L 12590 2 2
1R 13885 0 1 15L 12505 1 2
N 13800 0 0 16L 12420 1 1

Connection 7 Common to 14R and 4L

SFRA - Diagnostic Category

• Dielectric
• Thermal
• “Mechanical”

• Use SFRA:
1. Transportation
2. Post Fault
Transformer Tests
Dielectric Thermal Mechanical


Oil Screen Oil Screen Leakage Reactance
Exciting Ima DC Winding RES Exciting Ima
Turns Ratio Tests DC Winding RES
Insulation Resistance
Typical Results
5.000e+001 1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006










5.000e+001 1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006


N W sec N V sec NU
Passive Components
SFRA Trace Example

Failure Mode Identified with SFRA
1. Radial “Hoop Buckling” Deformation of Winding
2. Axial Winding Elongation “Telescoping”
3. Overall- Bulk & Localized Movement
4. Core Defects
5. Contact Resistance
6. Winding Turn-to-Turn Short Circuit
7. Open Circuited Winding

• Residual Magnetization
• Oil Status (With or Without)
• Grounding
Radial Failure
Transformer Types
• 2 Winding (H, X)
 3-H OC
 3-X OC
 3-HX SC
• 3 Winding (H, X, Y)
 3-H OC
 3-X OC
 3-Y OC
 3-HX SC
 3-HY SC
• Auto Transformer (Series, Common, Tert)
 3-H Series OC
 3-X Common OC
 3-Y Tert OC
 3-HX SC
 3-HY SC
Test Connections

Analysis Strategies

1. Baseline

2. Similar Unit

3. Phase Comparison
SFRA Interpretation
Time based comparison

Phase based comparison

Date X Date Y

1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006

1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006
f/Hz -10
1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006





1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006


-80 -80
dB dB °


° ° f/Hz
1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006
100 100 -50

-50 Fingerprint
1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006

1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006




A vs B vs C
-100 N-U N-V N-W
-150 n-u n-v n-w
-150 -80

u2-v2 v2-w2 w2-u2

N-U N-V N-W N-U N-V N-W dB
N-U Kontakte fließpoliert v2-w2 second
n-u n-v n-w
n-u n-v n-w °
u2-v2 v2-w2 w2-u2
u2-v2 v2-w2 w2-u2 100
N-U Kontakte fließpoliert v2-w2 second
N-U Kontakte fließpoliert v2-w2 second f/Hz
1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006





Construction based comparison


1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006

1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006
f/Hz -10















dB °


1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006

1.000e+002 5.000e+002 1.000e+003 5.000e+003 1.000e+004 5.000e+004 1.000e+005 5.000e+005 1.000e+006

f/Hz -50


-50 -150

n-u n-v n-w

N-U N-V N-W u2-v2 v2-w2 w2-u2

n-u n-v n-w N-U Kontakte fließpoliert v2-w2 second

u2-v2 v2-w2 w2-u2

N-U Kontakte fließpoliert v2-w2 second

1969 Transformer

Initial Problem

Phase 1: Trip out of Service, Differential

Phase 2: DGA
LV Open Circut
Failure Modes due to Radial Forces

Shift to the right

IEEE PC57.149
Leakage Reactance – 3 Phase Equivalent and Per Phase Test

9.62% difference compared to average!

Tear Down
B Phase

Take a closer look

B phase Zoom In

From Left side of Buldge Right Side of Buldge

Thank You for Your Attention

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