A Review of Biopsy in Dentistry: Principles, Techniques, and Considerations
A Review of Biopsy in Dentistry: Principles, Techniques, and Considerations
A Review of Biopsy in Dentistry: Principles, Techniques, and Considerations
Massoumeh Zargaran
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Dental Research Center, Faculty of Dentistry,
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Abstract Introduction
Biopsy is a useful technique for definitive diagnosis Any lesion appearing in oral cavity should be
of abnormal oral conditions and it must be performed carefully evaluated (1) while clinical diagnosis must be
carefully since any error may result in histopathologic confirmed throughout different procedures (2).
misidentification of the lesion. Present study evaluated In this context, microscopic analysis is accepted as a
the most relevant literatures published between 1982 gold standard procedure to diagnose most of lesions (3),
and 2012 in order to review existed guidelines of correct so the exact identification of their nature would be
biopsy performance using scientific database sources feasible only via histopathologic evaluation of tissue
such as PubMed, MEDLINE, IMEMR, and Chemical specimens taken from the patient by a biopsy technique
Abstract. The aim of this study was to increase (1,4). In addition, early diagnosis of some oral lesions,
knowledge of dental practitioners especially general especially various malignancies, is only possible by
dentists about factors which may influence optimization taking biopsy specimens, which are important to
of oral biopsy. improve patient prognosis (1). Nowadays, oral cancer is
considered as a major health problem with increasing
Key words: Biopsy, dentistry, histopathology, oral incidence and mortality rates in various parts of the
lesion, specimen. world. Rapid and early diagnosis of oral cancer makes it
possible to apply various conservative treatment
modalities and shorter period of care with more
favorable prognosis (5). Therefore, a delay in diagnosis
or referral might have a great effect on mortality and
morbidity associated with oral cancer (6). Dental
practitioners have an important role in this context (7).
The majority of researchers believe that proper
knowledge, ability and sufficient expertise in relation to
the recognition of symptoms and signs of malignant and
premalignant lesions in clinical examinations, carrying
out a biopsy procedure and its submission for
histopathologic evaluation are associated with early
diagnosis (7,8). In fact, more and widespread use of
biopsies by dental practitioners will most probably
decrease the number of legal actions due to belated
diagnosis or lack of diagnosis of a lesion (9). The
application of biopsies may also provide the correct
diagnosis of oral lesions and some systemic diseases
--------------------------------------------------------- which decreases patients’ problems and improve
Zargaran M. A Review of Biopsy in Dentistry: Principles, professional credibility of dentists (4).
Techniques, and Considerations. J Dent Mater Tech 2014; Considering the importance of obtaining a biopsy all
3(2): 47-54. the dental practitioners, including general dental
Considering the importance of biopsy for definitive
diagnosis and management of oral lesions, dentists
Figure 4. Appropriate (left) and inappropriate (right) should be able to take biopsies while they must be
biopsy containers aware of variety of factors influencing histopathologic
interpretation of an oral biopsy specimen to prevent
misidentification of the lesions .This review article is to
increase knowledge of dental practitioners about
Data Sent to the Pathologist principles, techniques and considerations of biopsy.
The biopsy specimen should be accompanied with a
complete patient history and particulars (name, age,
gender and medical history including the drugs used,
use of alcohol and smoking), data in relation to the 1. Mota-Ramírez A, Silvestre FJ, Simó JM. Oral
lesion (clinical appearance, presence of other lesions, biopsy in dental practice. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir
the results of other evaluations, the type of the biopsy,
Bucal 2007;12:504-10.
clinical diagnoses) and also the name and address of the
dentist in charge. It is very useful to include a diagram 2. López-Jornet P, Velandrino-Nicolás A, Martínez-
on the oral pathology biopsy requisition form to show Beneyto Y, Fernández-Soria M. Attitude towards
the location and size of the specimen and area of
oral biopsy among general dentists in Murcia. Med
sampling. Other details, including the shape and color of
the lesion, its texture and radiographs (if any) should Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2007;12:116-21.
also be provided (14). Providing such data will 3. Kumaraswamy KL, Vidhya M, Rao PK, Mukunda
contribute to a more thorough and comprehensive A. Oral biopsy: Oral pathologist's perspective. J
interpretation of the specimen (15). For example, some
conditions are associated with age, gender and Cancer Res Ther 2012;8:192-8.
occupation (28). Providing clinical differential diagnosis 4. Zargaran M, Baghaei F, Musivand R. A
is very valuable for pathologists because it contains the Comparative Evaluation of Senior Students of
dentist’s viewpoint about the lesion (9). Lack of clinical
Dentistry and Dental Medical Doctors' Knowledge
data or incorrect differential diagnoses will result in
ordering unnecessary tests or use of a wide range of
Corresponding Author:
Massoumeh Zargaran
Faculty of Dentistry
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Tel: +988118381063
Fax: +988118381085
E-mail: mm.zargaran@yahoo.com & massoumehzargaran@gmail.com