Uses and Properties of Nouns
Uses and Properties of Nouns
Uses and Properties of Nouns
2. Predicate Noun
A noun that is usually after the linking verb
renames, identifies or explains the subject in a sentence.
3. Direct Object
A noun that receives the action of the verb.
It answers the question What? or Who?
I like watermelon.
Jack slammed the door.
The robber killed the policeman.
4. Indirect Object
A noun that receives the secondary action of the verb.
tells to whom, to what, for whom or for what a thing is done.
6. Appositive
Refers to a noun that identifies or provides further information about another word in the
Essential appositive makes the meaning of a sentence clear. It is usually not set off by a
Non-essential appositive may be omitted in the sentence without changing the
meaning of it.
7. Direct address
A name or word used in directly addressing the person. It is set off by a comma.
8. Object complement
adds to the meaning of or renames the direct object. It appears only with these
verbs: appoint, call, consider, declare, elect, judge, label, make, name, select or think.
1. Gender
Masculine Gender for words representing males:
Example: boy, man, duke, son.
2. Number
Singular in number indicates one object only.
Examples: bus, girl, boy, town, stone, scissor.
Plural in number indicates two or more objects. Most noun form their plural by adding -s or -es
Examples: bag-bags, tree-trees, glass-glasses, church-churches, pencil-pencils.
3. Case shows the relation of a noun to other words in the sentence or phrase.
Nominative case indicates that a noun is doing or being something in the sentence. A noun in
the nominative case can be either a subject or predicate but not both in the sentence.
The lawyer argued with plausibility.
The girl is a student
Objective case indicates that a person or a thing is being acted upon. A noun in the objective
case can be use as object of the verb or object of the preposition.
The farmer built a fence.
He drove across the country.
Possessive case indicates that a person or a thing owns something. The possessive form of a
noun is usually formed by adding an apostrophe (') or an apostrophe s ('s).
This is the teacher’s manuscript
The mob occupied the city's square
4. Person property of a noun or a pronoun which distinguishes the speaker, the person spoken to, and the
person or object spoken of.
1. Speaking
2. Spoken to
3. Spoken of