Lecture 01
Lecture 01
Lecture 01
Lecture 1: Introduction
You are likely coming to this course with some idea of what Monte Carlo simulation
involves. In the next few lectures, we will cover the elements of mathematical
probability theory that are most relevant to Monte Carlo applications. In this lecture,
since it is the first, I will begin with a few examples as a way of introducing the main
themes of the course. In doing so I’ll omit some technical details that we’ll return to in
later lectures.
Since the subject’s response time D varies from trial to trial even though the stimulus
is always the same, it is plausible to assume that the time required for each of the n
processes to respond and pass on the signal can be modeled as a real-valued random
variable. For our purposes, a random variable can be thought of as a box with a button on
the top. Every time you press the button, you get a realization of the random variable.
The realization of a real-valued random variable is, as you might expect, a real number.
The odd thing about a random variable is that, if you press the button repeatedly, it may
realize something different every time. It’s random!
The pdf is all the information we can ever know concerning the random variable
before it is realized.
Unfortunately, it is customary to use the same symbol, T, for the random variable
and its realization. You just have to know from context whether T refers to the random
variable (the process) or the outcome (some number).
Note: In a former course, you may have learned to distinguish between continuous
and discrete random variables and also learned that only continuous random variables
have pdfs. In the next lecture, though, we are going to eliminate the distinction between
the two in order to simplify notation and also in order to allow us to talk about variables
that are partly continuous and discrete. Every random variable will have a pdf. These turn
out to be very useful and we’ll encounter our first mixed variable in the third example
below. In this response time example, though, we will confine ourselves to continuous
random variables.
f ( t ) = α e −α t , t ≥0
=0 , t <0
Some of the things we might want to do with this model are, first of all, to simulate it
and see how it behaves for various choices of n and α > 0 . We could carry out such
Monte Carlo simulations if we had the equivalent of a ‘box’ that generated an exponential
random variable every time we pressed the button.
Second, we might want to work out the pdf of the overall response time D. This is
fairly easy to do with a little bit of calculus. If n is greater than 1, D is not an exponential
random variable, but rather a gamma random variable (a variable with a gamma
distribution). It’s also continous. We’ll meet the gamma family in a later lecture. For now
we need only note that the sums of iid exponential random variables are gamma random
variables, something we can take as simply the definition of a gamma random variable.
Third, we might want to estimate the values of n and α > 0 that best account for
observed experimental data. Now we are into statistics proper: this is a statistical
estimation problem and we postpone consideration of such problems to the second half
the course.
One last thing we might want to do is to decide whether the model we have
developed is consistent with the data we observe for any choice of n and α > 0 . We
would like to test the hypothesis that simple reaction times can be modeled as the sum of
exponential variables. We’ll return to consider hypothesis testing, an important topic in
statistics, in the second half of the course.
For this simple model, we could readily estimate parameters or test the simple
response time model we have developed using standard ‘off-the-shelf’ methods found in
statistics books.
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Maloney Lecture Notes
This sort of response time model was taken seriously in the 1950’s and researchers
tried to figure out how many neurons (n) linked visual input to motor response (Luce,
1986). The more you know about either response times or neural sciecne, the more likely
you are eager to change some of the assumptions we’ve made in order to make the model
more plausible. For example, it is typical to model the uncertainty in the motor response
(the last stage) by a Normal (Gaussian) random variable, not an exponential (Luce, 1986).
You might want to consider the possibility that there are multiple possible connections (a
network) of neurons between eye and finger and that the response is triggered by the first
signal to reach the motor stage along any path. In such a model, we have a race between
signals flowing in parallel. How could that be modeled? Further, how could we model a
choice response time experiment? With two possible actions and a decision to be made?
Once we’ve changed our model to make it more plausible or tried to model a more
complex experiment, will we still be able to find solutions to our problems among
standard ‘off-the-shelf’ statistical methods? The brief answer: very likely no.
3. Example: A Mixed Random Variable. The third example is drawn from the
literature on Bayesian vision and concerns how we might model the prior distribution of
the velocities of objects in an environment. We note, first of all, that most things don’t
move around and so we want to assign a rather high probability p to the velocity 0. We
might also decide that the distribution of the speeds of the things that are moving is
exponential with rate parameter α . The resulting random variable is an example of a
mixed random variable. It will turn out to be easy to do so using Dirac notation.
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Maloney Lecture Notes
This course is about methods for approaching problems of estimation and hypothesis
testing that are computationally intensive but very general. These methods are based on
the same statistical principles as ‘off the shelf’ methods but computing the answer we
want typically involves extensive Monte Carlo simulations on a computer. To do that, we
need a source of realization of random variables that can be incorporated into a computer
Matlab includes a function rand(n,m) that returns a matrix with n rows and m
columns filled with pseudo-random numbers between 0 and 1. If you start matlab and
type in rand(1,5), you might get back,
ans =
0.4447 0.6154 0.799 0.9218 0.7383
a matrix with one row and five columns. There’s no obvious pattern in the numbers
returned and there shouldn’t be: the output of rand(n,m) is intended to mimic in certain
important respect a particular kind of random variable, a uniform(0,1) random variable,
often denoted U(0,1). If you type the above command again, you get a different set of
five numbers.
f ( x) = 1 , 0 < x <1
=0 , otherwise
U k +1 = ( aU k + b ) mod (m + 1) (1.6)
2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1 ….
and we see that it repeats after the eighth term in the sequence. Of course it must
repeat after the eighth term or earlier since there are only eight possible values in the
series (0,1,2,…,7). Once the series repeats it must continue to cycle endlessly since the
next and later terms in the series are completely determined by the current term. Note
also that the sequence produced is a little too uniform. There is exactly one occurrence of
each possible value in each sequence of 8 values and so, after 16, 24, 32, etc draws we
will discover that the number of 0’s, 1’s, etc. are all the same. Morever, notice that the
sequence 2, 2 will never occur (and the sequence 2, 3 will occur in every cycle of 8). If
we choose poor values of a, b, and m, then the sequence may cycle much more frequently
than every m+1 terms. If we choose, a=2, b=2, m=7, for example, and start with 2, we
2, 6, 6, 6, 6, …..
3. Tests of Randomness
From this point on in the course, I’ll drop the ‘pseudo’ in ‘pseudo-random generator
and, for example, refer to the output of rand(n,m) as realizations of a uniform(0,1)
random variable.
Standard matlab (and the student edition) provide only two functions that generate
random numbers. We’ve see the first, rand(n,m), and the other, randn(n,m) generates
Normally-distributed (Gaussian-distributed) random variables. We’ll postpone discussing
them until the next lecture. The question that confronts us at the moment is, how can we
generate realizations of other kinds of random variables such as the exponential
distribution we encountered in the first example? The key concept we need is the
definition of the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a random variable X with pdf
f ( x) :
F (x) = ∫ f (t ) dt (1.7)
This is just the probability that the realization of X ends up in the interval ( −∞, x ] .
Note the asymmetric brackets here. They’re intended to remind you of Eq. 1.4. Some
basic facts about probability guarantee that F(x) is non-decreasing and that it goes from 0
to 1.
With a little bit of geometric reasoning we can show that the cdf of a U(0,1) variable
is just,
FU ( x ) = 0 , x ≤ 0
= x , 0 < x ≤1 (1.8)
= 1 , x >1
which is plotted in Figure 3.
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Maloney Lecture Notes
Uniform cdf
0 1
Fig. 3
FE ( x ) = 1 − e −α x , x≥0
0 , x<0
It turns out that knowledge of the cdf completely determines a random variable just
as knowledge of the pdf did. We need to go over some parts of the definitions carefully
before we can be certain about that, but it will turn out to be true.
Note the suggestive choice of dummy variable, u. What would happen if we applied
the icdf of the exponential to the realization of the uniform(0,1) random variable, U?
P [Y ≤ x ] = P[ − α −1 ln (1 − U ) ≤ x ]
= P U ≤ 1 − e−α x = 1 − e−α x
when x ≥ 0 and it is 0 otherwise. But this is precisely the cdf of the exponential
random variable. So we have the following recipe for generating exponential random
variables with rate parameter α : generate a U(0,1) random variable and transform it by
the icdf of the exponential.
This recipe works for any random variable if we substitute the icdf of the random
variable in question.
So we have a general recipe for computing random variables with any distribution
whose cdf can be written down in a simple closed form.
The material in this lecture and the next corresponds to Chapters 2 and 3 in Wackerly.
Please go through the beginnings of both of these chapters this week.