Link Up To You! 12º Teacher's Book PDF

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12.' Ano
Niel de Continua,e

Carlota Martins
No~mia Rodrigues
pet Ao
Diana England


12.° Ano Ingles

0onlooreoooAo0Orto0e ••
Tex to

l the rapidly changing world we live in, teachers are

asked to be more and more engaging. dynamic and
The teacher's project Link Ulo to You! airs at
providing teachers with all the tools needed for
engaging. dynamic and creative teaching
lt offers you everything you need to effectively teach
reading writing listening. speaking. grammar and
vocabulary. with keys.. suggestions and likes to the
available extra material It also includes motivating
activities to exploit firs. songs. videos and cultural
With this proie t we want to link up to you and link
you up to your students in an easy,efficient and
meaningful way

Conhece o teu manual!

introugoacal 0ride 0
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Linkup towtartyouh.are
Urn teste formativo no final de ca subunidaie one

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.4. • lite vocabuiae teis para0

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Get linked p.1o

q English worldwide

El Developing a world nde

fnheel toe.en
40abet Gabl

4LA. enghes

ij Citizenship and multiculturalism


Hunan lights for all p 69

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minds p.87
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Democracy and globalisation p.1vo4
TOoucON EA.p G USIE!& •

E una@g a democratic europe_p. 1o7

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Emewonsoie sow_p.1s
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19sos-1990s: Culture, art and

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Get linked

In this unit you will revise..

vocabulary connected to:

how to:
find information about world-famous
select information
complete texts wnth missing sentences
nnd specific information in a text
describe pictures and holidays
• plan a holiday

how to use: ••
..""'_, j different grammar structures

= + tr ?i's z
Get linked

L. Great all of Chine
2Chichi~n ltd Medics
3Cuedeemer. Beal
.The official Seven Wonders of the World have been chosen from more than one
billion online votes torepr ent global heritage throughout history. Identify and
$.Machu Piech Per locate thern on the map.
.Petra. Jordan7. Taj Maheal




1. Think of other world monuments that

could also represent our global heritage
throughout history. Justify your choice
2. Make alist of the monuments you would
consider if you were to choose your
Seven National Wonders. •
[ ne»as i

.you are going to read the online presentation of some of the Seven Wonders TEACHER
of the World. For que tions a f choose from the texts A D.Each one may be a.BhAe.DdCe.Dt.A
chosen more than once. Which place... Sugg stions
a. was left inhabited because of an epidemic disease? I Thie will ark for your
students abytosnaed
bisarefection of rts people's welcoming trarton? saucy lo
c. has been a noel for sports venues al or the worid? inor Olen.ark then to
core ugh their0
d. was0utars afortress against enemies q nlortetso provide
are deg takin dor etr
• was.a place for people's a0uerent
t. is located high above a big city?

A. Christ Redeemer:
This statue of Jesus stands some
38 metres tall atop the Corcovado
ew.... .• .
mountain overlooking io de B. Machu Picchu:
Janeiro. Designed by Brazilian Heitor In the 19 century, the Incan Emperor
da Suva Costa and created by French o Pachac~tec built a city in the clouds on
sculptor Paul Landowski it is one of the mountain known as Picchu
the world's best-known monumentS
The statue took five years to
o construct and was inaugurated on
October 12.19.31. It has become a
("OldMountain·) nmem"°'ll!nafY
settlement lies halfway up the Andes
Plateau, deep in the Amazon jun8le
and above the River
symbol of the city and of the warmth It was probabl abandoned by the
of the Brazilian people, who receive Incas because of a smallpox out brea.l
visitors with open arms and after the Spanish defeated the
lncan Empire, the city remained lost for
so over thee centuries It was rediscovered
by Hiram Bingham in I9I

C Great Wall of China-

The Great Wall of Cina
was built to ink existing
fortifications into a united D. Roman Colosseum:
defence system and to keep This great amphitheatre in the centre
Mongol tribes out of China of Rore was built to give favours to
It is the largest monumnent to 4 succ tul legionnaires and to celebrate
have ever been built and it ie the glory of the Roman Empire. Its de sign
disputed that it is the only one concept still stads to this very day and
visible from space Many vrtually every moder stadium so
rs thousands of people must have 2.000 years later still bears the irresistible
given their lives to build this o imprint of the Colosseum's original
colossal construction design. Today. through films and history
books, we are even more aware of the
cruel fights and games that took place in
this arena, all for the joy of the spectators
[ ne»as i

TEACHER Spead the article below about a visit to the Taj Mahal.
2DhfcBdFe.A 2 Fee sentences have been reroved frorn the ar
bile. Choose fro the sent.en0eS
A-Fthe one wtech fits each gap Theres one extra sentence whuh you do
Me sure students reed the not need to use
sentences before and after
A. the soft flowing water in the front pools glinteqin the sunlight
the gap to find a logical
connection instead of looking 8 they would not create any more art or design in their irtete
forword dues Practise the
different linking ad colt give C. undertook the task of erecting the world's most beauttui monument in the
that will enable them merory of his beloved
toconn teas ire0
D when l catch myself acting a bit unenthusiastic over typical tounsty spots
effect contrast erind them
to notice pron unadveb E. that he decided to bud her an everlasting memorial and resting place
• that they almost resembled an rnpres.sion#st painting
2.2Listen to the text and check your answers

Nothing in India not riding a rickshaw through As my guile led me towards the Southern gate
Deli's markets. learning the proper way to wrap a of the Taj's complex. she began to tell me the love
turban or riding painted elephants through the story behind the building
pink city ot Jaipur. came close to preparing me for Maharajah Shah Jahan spotted Mahal
s the magic of the Taj Mahal at the marketplace in his royal complex It was
With over 16 countries under my belt. there are love at first sight and he quickly made her his
many times a o third wife After bearing him 14 children. Murtaz
The Eiffel Tower in Panis check. The leaning died leaving the Maharajah so devastated
Tower oft Pisa been there. Rome'g Colosseum done. b. looking
o So when Iarrived in Agra the city that houses to the Koran for inspiration Taking inspiration
India'smost iconic structure. I wasn't as excited from its detailed description of Heaven. Shah
as the thousands of tourists around me seemed ahan built the Taj Mahal To ensure that no other
to be living structure would ever rival the beauty of the
Eead the text again to find the following information; then select a sentence TEACHER
from the text to justify your answers la.DhfeBdFe.A
a. The author's expectations about vis.tting the Taj Mahal and why she felt that way .8She dido thee high
be are she head
been tosomen tourist places
before.Al644 They lie in
bray AI-20e. The
• The type of society indiais as regards marriages need never to bed anything
else in their lies.qt 27-29
dShew stuoedad
u 30-33
e. Alth ughit is.cro dedit
e. What the Ta Mahal builders were asked to do to assure ther wonk would be unique
sti feesp fuand quiet

• The authors reaction when arriving at the Taj Mahal

6. The paradox of the Taj Mahal setting

Ta Mahal Shah Jahan made an agreement with

the building's artists In exchange for a generous
payment. c.
o Hearing the effort that Shah Jahan expended
on behalf of his wife.Iwas filled with anew
enthusiasm and. as I stepped through the gate,
I couldn't help but gasp Rising up towards the
clouds. the stark white of the buding pierced
the blue sky. The Taj Mahal conjures heaven but it
was actually the craftmanship that astounded me
The walls of the building were so delicately
carved. d.
From far away you could only see the entire
go structure. but up close you focus on the tiny
Despite the huge crowds that fled the complex
I felt astrange calm fall over me The Taj Mahal may
receive millions of visitors per year. but its garden
«s setting somehow manages to remain peaceful Birds
flew overhead e.
and a hight breeze rustled ever so gently through
the greenery
El u«ism
TEACHER .You will hear five different people talking about a trip they recently went on.
2a For speakers15choose the type of problem from the list a fthat each
4d person care across.lse the letters only onee. There is one extra letter which
you onotneedto use.
la.(Jisnot much
h(adegree in lrael and co- moss2z6
Tourism. Art ltory. Ge graph r- -- ·- -- ·- -· ·- -- ·--, a. The insurance gin't pay the total value of the stolen
orLao99e c.()you ll find Speaker: ;
dffeult tourists to deal with
d(you hae tobeable to
, ea
, goods
• They hain't made a hotel reservation

. . -- ·- -- ·- ···-·-----.
Speaker2: '
keep calm under pi re ..................... J
c. The lug9a8e got lost and they diain't get arefund
e.(Jtomale therm under nd
you.f.(/summer. the peal Speaker 3: .{ d They were mnisle when they booed online for a place
..................... J
(Jitis difficult to to stay
recruit guesincertain
Speaker 4: ' a. He paid double what he should have for contemning he
countries.h.(food ..................... J
a0commotion,a0a r··················• booking twice
worelated travel Speaker 5: '
.................... J t They were charged for the repair of a hired car
Sogge tions
I Stude ts.will he to listen
or gar6 tomoe
f'You will hear an interview with a woman called Caroline, who works as a tourist
guide. Complete the sentences
have tolisten toasenies of
short tets. lave them listen
a Caroline says a tourist guide, the tire you have for yourself whe travelling
to the tets.and write their
0wnqu Donor'give then
atitie that surnoarises the The possible qualifications you may need for the job are
content before doing the
actual exercise c. You'ii need to be good wth people because
first brainstorm idea d. She says everyone wit look at youtf anything goes wrong wtichis why
about what they expect to
hear from the text theyl
listen to nares a. Asa tour guide. you don't only need to speak to your group. but also
adjectives, bud.any
Then read the
senten and die s the f. Caroline mentions that you' only have plenty of work in
kind of information they may g. Itispossible to be a guide na country you (ion't kow much about as
need to complete then
h A tour guide ls pal for sore expenses. Such a

.wording in groups, do the following activities

1. Describe the type of holiday in one of the rnages. landersonelasers

1.2 Decide wtech of the other group's holiday you prefer and wt

Group L. Beach holiday $Group

when describing the type of holiday. you can refer to

whether tt's expensive Or not 1etisealot of lnirte
what type of people rt's suttable to
where people can experience ttys type of ho#day
what time of the year is better for this type of ho#day
what makes people opt for rt prompts or topics to
THINGS TO TAKE help then organ •
good and bad points ilea provide them
sunglasses plenty of lining
hat /cap word to bod
imagine you and your friend have found this list ineidie cohere
a book in the library.It is clearly from someone who Practise cd 0oe

was planning a holiday. In pairs, read the list and

Pod+ 1Pad die 6¥

discuss what type of holiday these people might have comfortable clothes 0%
been planning. 6rve reasons. travel guide l stud ,
they should agree
hoodies 0
aedit card the other stud ts
r-------------------------------------------------------- ' cash and not only ge
intonation and
small backpack
Expressing opinions: D ibing something
ItinkI believe_ It looks as if
+ They seem to be
+From my point of view_
They both/all look
Astar as Tm concerned
It seems to me that_ They don't appear to be_
It looks like
Well in my opinion
perhaps they are.
Maybe it is
Tdsay thisis a
unsase +n»

TEACHER Language review

l.lacrosse frond who
h. which4 world4 first
Mead the texts below and decide which word best fits each gap. Use only one
kastror rt word in eachga There is an example at the beginning.

C6.6 ca6 ts
Famous For. Discovery and colonisation of the Americas
Although Italian a. bu birth maritime explorer Christopher Columbus sailed
b. tbe Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Americas under the Spanish emperors
name. During his fist voyage. he led three Spanish galleons. the Nia. the Pinta. and the Santa Mara
Ain all c. 1492 t0 1503 Columbus sailed between Spain and the Americas

James C«ck (1728-177)9

Famous For. Discovery of the Hawaiian Islands
James Cook was an English captain d.
o circumnavigated around the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean He made
contact with the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands. Australia New
Zealand. and around the Indian Ocean back to the Atlantic. He died
• serving the Crown in Hawaii

Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997) Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

Famous For. His study and exploration of Life Famous For First to walk on the moon
under the sea In 1969the whole i
As a French Naval officer. Jacques Yves heard th words. That's one small
Cousteau blazed a trail and captured the step for man one giant leap
imagination of people when it came to for mankind Nel Armstrong
exploring lite f. the sea holds the distinction of being
Not only was he an officer and explorer
a o to walk on the moon Before
conservationist. filmmaker becoming an k.
photographer and scientist with NASA. he was a Naval
He had a ship named Calypso, Aviator, an officer in the US
wa.sretro- Navy and a test pilot
fitted to meet his exploratory
demands and also a TV programme
that became famous during the late
60s through the early 7Os. The
8 j
Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar TEACHER
meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the wordgiven. You must use lb.wish lcouldc. adv ed us
between twoad five words, including the word given Here is an example. totraetdddthee mer
e. thereat.too
a. James Cook was the first ship's captain to stop scurvy among sailors because he treel more thee
gave them fresh fruts. (providing whether lhead eer been
James Cook was the frst ship's captain to stop scurvy among sators by pron Ldffesltyin unde nding
mopoint ink not feeling
themwtth fresh frurts. well
b. Ican't afford to travel as much as would lie

e. The history teacher suggested travelling around Europe.


• They only had a irttie money to spend on the tnip

The money to spend on the trip
a. in spite of the storm, they didn't call off the fight to London
They didn't call off the flight to London
f. Last summer,I was so exhausted that lain't go abroad on holiday
to go on holiday

g. in the past people ain't travel as much as they do nowadays

People nowadays they used ton the past
• Have you ever been abroaa2Aim asked
Willa/n wanted to0OW

The Englishman found the tourist guide's accent very tfeuit to understand

j lnmy opinion tt's otworth visiting the sane town twice


k. Mary went ona cruise wth her family alt

hough she felt
EL wars
Writing genres
A travelling website has asked readers to write about a holiday destination
anywhere in the world that they particularly like The best le cription will win a
holiday week in that same de tination. Write a description that you can send to the
website (follow the model and tips below).

Set the scene. say why My DREAM holiday Hae?
you've chosen that -
place -- ftisa place witha unique tradition, an amazing culture anda different
Life yle: Switzerland. It is definitely my dream de tination
- Located in central Europe the country is known for its mystic natural beauty
Description mountains and richness Switzerland is quite asmall has asmall
Write about population of just seven million people with a stunning linguistic diversity
the location and culture
the special attractions It also has alist of attractive tourist destinations that I do not want to miss
(what to see) mainly the Swiss Alps and these beautiful cities Geneva Zunich Lucerne
the atmosphere (the Lugano. Zermatt. Berne. Interlaken and many more
way you feel), Berne is the capital city It is diverse and very beautiful It is situated near
the people (how they the river Aare and has many historical sites as well IknowImust visit places
treat you) like the Historical Museum the Cathedral at Munster plat. the Barenplat
the facilities (public which is the heart of the city. the very beautiful and peaceful Elfenau Park
transports hotels, and many other astonishing places! Berne is also very famous for its
restaurants. sports..) Emmental cheese and Toblerone chocolate. Hence. it attracts more tourists
Use than other parts of the country
plenty of adjectives Apart from Berne. Zurich is also a well-known city of Switzerland The city
in their several forms, is known for its marvellous scenic beauty such a rivers. hills and peaceful
linking words to write woods. Also. Lucerne is a perfect de tination that can be explored b foot
a coherent discourse alone asitisacar free town Cities bike Zurich the most outrage us one. Basel
Lausanne and Geneva (the most cosmopolitan) have the best nightlife
- So Ireally want to travel to Switzerland and convert my dreams into
Conclusion reality. because it is a country with so much to offer that I can hardly wait for
Sur up your views
and feelings about the
- the chance of spending some time there


: Addition: Reference and example:
; inaddition for this reason
asaresult in other words
chiefly such as
what'smore that's why so namely • that is
also due to inparticular for instance
as well because of for example
+ too
20 therefore
': consequently
Consider the difficulties you've found while doing the exercises and think about your
different language skills.

so 6otata

+ lhave sore problerns with

a. getting the general meaning of the text 000
b, (rffeult words l on't know the meaning of 000.
c. sentence structure, which/s so0retire
• lhave problems with
a, understanding the general meaning 00O.
• picking up specific information 000
e. folio ming the speaker's accent and
fasts h 000.
d. spelling the words listen to correctly 00O.

• lhave problems with

a my pronunCla Don 00O.
b, fining the night words immediately 000
c. organising grammatically correct
• lhave problems with
a. organising my ideas coherent
in awell-structure text 00O.
b, fining varied vocabulary 000
e. the spelling 000.
d. the sentence structure an the
verb tenses 00O.

• (


0 U, L

Englishes around the world

'3 E U, T, I, U, L
A, u
N, G

In this unit you will be able to revise V
gg 4rt
or learn...
some vocabulary connected to:
different languages

$cot €or periods and events

E, 0 H
different synonyms for speak"
loans and Anglicisms
varieties of English

how to:

• •
identify the origin of Languages
understand the history of the English language
compare English texts in different periods of

language development
write a historical recount
4 engage in aclass debate

L, A s, A
recognise the difference between sounds

and spellings
listen for specific information
identify words borrowed from other Language5

I, urns
explain the supremnaCy of some la090age5
discuss the importance of having a global

"o language

C, • I
• perform a role play

N, •• wme an l!XJ)l,lnaoon


refer to English-speaking countries around

the world

R, " 0,
acknowledge the importance of English
00utf in the world
do an oral fve-minute presentation
6 write areview
discuss differences between British and
u4rt Amenican English
read a literary text

4 W ON Dz the genitive, the double genitive, the double

S, 0, the passive/ the imnpersonal pass/ve


TEACHER @mheimages depict European capital cities

l.land12A.Am rdam • ldentty them and their countries
the Netherlands. Dutch
Lisbon Portugal Portugee L.2 What's the offesal language spoken in each of these
£Madrid. Sein.So nis.h countries?
D.London UK English
E Berlin, Germany. German
f.acne. Italy. ltalien fYou are going to listen to.a of music in the original language of each of the
la.Germany. Spain countries above. Write down the country for each song.
c.halyd The Netherlands [c-morsen
alrob.arorc horner fintables A and B you will find words in the different languages mentioned
damoree.liof. hornbee
above. Complete the tables with the words in the boxes

o homer
llvro +
+ amore
Albro +

amnor 0 Mann
+ Buch
llefde +
+ man
C .I•

d d 8 ±

• d. h

bookh loel man4 Buch ! Aower the questions
k. Mann L lie
fde 4. Do you speak all the languages ab0e?Was t ff0ult for you to complete the
44personal answers
tables? Why were you able to recognise the words?
4.2How may the sir#lattes and efferences between the languages in tables A and B
be explained?
Developing a worldwide language

Mead the text and complete each gap with a suitable word TEACHER
l.a withhbec.asd that
e.tot. how that
THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGES lhehoe the sane origin,
the lalic branch
Our language is inextricably bound up
2Dutch is more similar to
To be human is to use language, and to talk is tot
M demn English lionwegin
Language is an ability inherent in us Languages such e.
are particular systems that are developments of that ability. We can know the
underlying ability only through studying the actual languages d.
are its expressions (_) A good approach«. studying languages is
the historical one. To understand f. things are. it is often helpful foll ed
and sometimes essential to know how they got to beg way path.along the develor mnent
AbertCaugh4 Thomas Cabe
Altory0of the [nth Lan8ea8e of the Germanic beach
edon London Routledge 00. 24Mainly Germanic and Latin
through French

fThe following graph shows the several branches in which the original common
language of most known languages the Proto-lndo-European developed
Analyse it and answer the qu tions
2 Why do French Portuguese and Spanish resemble each other ?

2.2lsDutch more sirnar to Nor gIan or to Modern English? W?

2.3which language has more srnlantes to German? Explain
24 Which languages have influenced the English language as tt is today?

. .

o la


de th


r Ga..a


0n.fed hoe Du

LI u=ours mm
.Listen to a text about the history of Great Britain and how various invaders
have contributed to make the English language what it is today.
• Listen to part 1and complete the tr le wrth the information required

________ ,
Old English
I -------•------- -------..L•-=-=-- =-= -1 .1. _
1000 BC -SC BC -450 AD 450AD -80AD 80AD -OO AD

.2 Now listen to part 2 about Modern Engash, and find out

a the time span of Eary Modern English and the 3eras t crosses,
b what happened to the Church and Latin

e. when and where teaching Englirshas a foreign language began

d. what event triggered English as an international language;

• what happened in 1938 and 1941

f. what happened to the English language after 1950
g. the reason why Amenican English has become the dominant variety of English

Same text overtime

.Listen to different versions of the same text. Can you identify which
fanous old text this is ? Discuss the main changes you can notice regarding
pronunciation, gelling and word order.

Middle Cglish
0 &nglish Modern English
Oure Ladir that art in heuenes,
Faeder ure pu be eart on heofonum halewid be thi name, Our father who art in heaven
sipin nama gehalgo to becume thi kyngloom core to, hallowed be th nae
bin rice; gewurpe din willa on Be thi wille don in erthe as in Thy kingdom come
e0ran 9wa9wa on he0DO.DUTT heuene Thy will be done in earth as it is
Ure gedaeghwamhican hlat syle in heaven
yyue to vs this dad oure breed
us todaeg ouer othir substaunce. Give us this day our dally bead
And forgyf us ure gvltas swaswa And foryyue to vs oure dettis And forgive us our trespasses as we
we forgyfad urum gvltendum as we foryyuen to oure dettours forgive those who tre against ue
And ne gelaed bu us on costnunge And lede vs not into And lead us not into temptation, but
Ac alys us of yfele deliver us from evil
temptaciurn but delyuere vs
Soplice Arnen
froo yuel
Page 76
LtCelt Modem Gaelic
Beowulf and ietel. LLatind
logo! [Germani
f watch the trailer of Beowulf, Vo GS ndicier
llormens drench
the 2007 film based on the
I2a.300 years
epic poem also named Beowulf El b then
written in old English, and find l Their role linedc. in the

out what the story may be 6eeturyin and

France.d The industrial
Re lution e. I938 the first
voeo E < li.h books.ere
published I94l the wold's
Fgeowulf, which is the oldest surviving poem of old English, tells the story of the in the UAf Different varieties
warrior,Beowulf,ad consists of three central conflicts:
of English emerged The
afeartut monster's domination of Heorot Hal (named Grendel);
cultural po rful nation
w the vengeance of Grendel's mother after Grendel is slain
Lio up to Cultural
the rage of the dragon after a thief steals a treasure that rt has been guarding lootedg

2. Read a short excerpt of the poem (translated into Modern English) and decide to
I The far as tet is the
payer Our father
each major confect rt is related to
Page Zl
l. Beowulf
is about the

BEOWULF exploits.of hi

battles with.a
moons neared Grendel with
And his mother now Grendel'srevengeful mother
gloomy and grim. would go that quest ad withadrgowhich
of sorrow the death of her son to avenge gadgahoerd of tre ure
To Heorot came she where helmeted Danes 2The vengtnce of
s slept in the hall loo soon came back Grendel'smother after
Grendel is sdai
old ills of the earls, when in she burl
the mother of Grendel.(.) 2la gl my and grim Z
• tie death of her son to
Haste was hers she would hie alat
and save her life when the liegemen saw her
oe A3e. Danes/ slept
in the he L454Hews
o et asingle at heling up she seized for lro thge of here the
last and firm. as she fled to the moor e rest/of trusty
He was for Hrothgar of heroes the dearest betwbtthe sea/ween she
led on his couch,a
ol trusty vassals betwixt the seas cl mean farm /in battle
whom she killed on his couch. a famous brave."A 12IS
in battle brave t) tr#oudie Lon Useful intona
Be firs the earl
era ulr Egli.hliterate
written baa0of
2.2Fit out in the poem the words/expressions that show us Aero-Sae poet Dated
a. how the mother felt
between the8ad theearl set ireheat is
b why she went to lie0rot now.own D naiad
south tern itis
e. what the Danes were doing
more than 3000lies long
d. she lied one of the king's most favountte and bravest warriors.

[ no»as i

TEACHER •Before reading the text, answer the following questions.

ILangge are le a living How can historical events influence the ind of language each country speaks
body They are constantly
today? Think of examples to support your answer
changing.and evolving ad
events like from L. Which Languages does the English language re mble? which ones is tt more
who sgeska different different fromn? Why may that be?
languge for eungleca
changer evenreplace a
country'slag0age ENowread the text to find out the px sible answers

ch€ ORGIs r e

Since its introduction into the island about the

middle of the fifth century. the English language has
had acareer extending through only 15OO years
Yet this part of the word had been inhabited by
humans for thousands of years 50.000 according to nation the Jutes, the Saxons and the Angles
estimates During this long stretch of time. the The English language of today is the language that
presence of a number of cultures could be detected has resulted from the history of the dialects spoken
and each of these cultures had a language Nowhere by these Germanic tribes who came to England
does our knowledge of the history of humankind
o carry us back to a time when humans did not have ab0Le enGlsh
alanguage. What can be said about the early
languages of England?
he neRa4n conquesc
Toward the close of the Old English period an

olb €nGush event occurred that had greater effect on the

English language than any other in the course of its
Che LATGuAGes I €enGlAno history This event was the
beroRe enGlsb Norman Conquest in 1066
The first people in England about whose «o If WuIam the Conqueror
language we have definite knowledge are the Celts
One other language. Latin was spoken at
he making good his claim to
extensively for a period of about four centuries the England throne. the
o before the coming of the English Latin was English language would
introduced when Britain became a province of 4 probably have pursued
the Roman Empire around 85 AD About the much the same course as
year 449an event occurred that profoundly the other Germanic
affected the course of history. In that year langua8 .retaining
2 began the invasion of perhaps more of its
Britain by certain so inflection and preserving.a
Germanic tribes, the predominantly Germanic
founders of the English vocabulary. In particular
De loping8aorieiel8.a

it would have lacked the greater part of that namely. prince. duke. marquis. viscount. baron al
enormous number of French words that today make their feminine equivalents - date from the period
English seem on the side of vocabulary. almost as r when England was in the hands of a Norman French
much a Romance as a Germanic language. The ruling class French names were given not only to
Norman Conquest changed the whole course of the various animals when served up as food at Norman
English language tables - beef. mutton. pork and veal for instance -
but also to the culinary pr
Th€ FR€nGh ID EnGLADO o English cow. sheep. pug and calf were prepared for
human consumption. for instance boil. broil. fry
to The impact of the Normans on the English
roast and stew
language was to alarge extent confined to the word
The loss of Normandy in1204 by King John. a
stock. A huge body of French words were ultimately
descendant of the Conqueror. removed an important
to become part of the English vocabulary. many of
s tie with France. The Hundred Years' War beginning
them replacing English words that would have done
in1337. saw England and Fane bitter enemies in a
6s just as well for us. But the Norman Conquest male
long drawn-out conflict which gave the death blow
French the language of the official class in England
to the already moribund use of French in England
Hence. it is not surprising that many words having
Those whose ancestors were Normans eventually
to do with government and administration are of
o came to think of themselves as English
French origin attorney.chancellor. country. court
o crime, fudge. noble; or in the religious sphere: abbot
clergy. preach. sacrament. words designating titles of
nobility except for king. queen. earl. lord or lady

Ecoose the correct option TEACHER

3 Whatis the ge eral purpose of 3.2 Hows that purpose mainly Page 28
the text? accomplished? 2.2he English langug
Germanic ad lie
a. To engage us in a story a. Byrecounting events staged in tone langmnoreadtismore
b To inform us of certain facts. b. By explaining causes and effects different froen Arabic or Slavic
c. To evaluate a0dge an 0pin'NOL e. By arguing for a point of vew never head much contact«with
!Explain the meaning of the following expressions as they appear in the text. Page 29
a. ()Latin, was spoken rather extensively () (ll 18-19)
4.Lai the most widely
b,(_)would probably have pursued much the same course ()(ii4446)
l guge bltwould
hoe develop d the sare

e. ()wastoalarge extent confined to the word stock"(4. 61-62) theintr du ionofnewword

dEnded up completely
d, () which gave the death blow()"(87)
[ no»as i

TEACHER find two different meanings for the following words: the meaning in the text first. initial Z arriving context andase ond meaning in a different context. Write a sentence in which
or done before tire Th bus you use the word in the latter context. The first one has been done.
arrived early.elcertain
fen Ile te heres most a. body (162) rrout.
4on! gtrte
4the of4
haeon or arire$l
definitein40onus lit hes
a.large body
hendigin our work by Fnid
d.follc red.2 ch sedf h early (I)
hunted Police pursued the car e. definite (17)
at high geed el con tion
d. pursued(145)
when two tearns he the
same score Ihe match ended a. tie (185)
tu 20-22 4. T 4L 40-52 fsayif the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). Justify your answers
a.Britain becane a Roman by quoting from the text.
province Latin entered a Murnan ire in Britain had existed long before the English language
Britain h. Their ion of
Germanic tribes They brought b Britain had been inhabited by many efferent cultures.. which
to nevertt le s had a 0orion lag0al8 [
Britain c. The llorm c. Britain was never part of the ornan Empire alt
hough the ornans
of French changed the coure settled there for centuries
of the development of the • The development of Englirshas a Germanic language was held up
English Lang 9e d. King
by the Norman Conquest
John lost Normand. Britain
was no longer tied up to
France e. he beginning of the
I00 Years la ht removed the
Gothrough the text and find what the following dates refer to. Explain their
importance in the history of the English langua8e.
French from the bland
Allfthe French hadot ruled
in Britain, the English langug
would heave de lopedasa £Answer the following qu stions about the text.
8. How has the Norman Conquest changed the whole course of the English
a2They tell us that there
was bulary for the rulers language?
in variety of fields.and s.2What do the new French words introduced into the English language after the
servant'sept sore of theirs
The langt 9ended up Norman Conquest tel us about the power relationships between the French and
in tporating both ad the English
becare anewag #9

1. There are funny ways to learn about

important historical events. Search onbine
for 106% game" and play the game on story
mode to learn more about the 1066 battle.
Fight it with the English, the Normans and
the Vings!
l eammar no
Past tenses eo
]Totalk about past events and situations we can use different verb tenses the past
simple (tor noshed actions or past habits), the pa!"oos (tor actions in
progress in the past), the past perfect sirnple (for actions that happened before
other points in the past) and the past perfect continuous (for actions in progress or TEACHER
incomplete before other actions took place in the past), l.wars foughth. had fought
f. ordered
.Complete the following recount by writing the verbs given either in the past h started4charged4 head
simple or the past perfect simple. leptkbrole doe4were

slae tered march d


The Battle of HastingS« (fight, passive) on October
141066. Wilham. Duke of Normandy. was a skilled and experienced military
leader His troops. with both infantry and cavalry. were feared and re spected ,_.
Heb (fight) and defeated the king of France In IO% ad
1057 His Soldiers were well trained and well equipped They e .. •
••' ,,
(wear) chain mal armour. which d. (give) them much a 3%

protection His cavalry«. (ride)specially bred horses r '

which could canry the weight of these horse soldiers and still ride at speed They
had special saddles that effectively locked them in place as they rode but allowed ·"4. 7. - .
them to keep their arms free to fight with They were the elite of WLlham's army +

Wulamt. (a mbie) his men at the bottom of a hull

and allowed king Harold II of England to set up his army on top of Senlac Hl a .
good spot to fight from He had height advantage and the slopes of the hill on his
side. He (order) his men to bud a shield wall around
Senlac to protect themselves from Norman archers
Weknow that the battle h (start) at about 9.00 in the
morning We do not know exactly what happened during the battle itself but we
do know the following
the Normans could only fght through a narrow gap up Senlac as there was
heavy marshland on either side of the hill
the Normansi. (charge) up the hill but suffered
many casualties as English arrows showered down on them
if Haroldj. (keep) his shield wall intact. he could
have won the battle
+ the English e. (be ke down) their shield wall to chase
after retreating Normans;
once this happened. the Normans simply regrouped at the bottom of Senlac
and charged at the English Without the protection of the shield wall, the
English were helpless andt. (slaughter, px ave) by
the Normans
After this battle. WLiam m. (march) through Sus: x
and Kent crushing any resistance to him He had himself crowned King Wilham l , f
on Christmas Day in Westminster Abbey
ie 8 Look (ala0 d
ll aammarim
TEACHER [Choose the correct option in the following sentences
l. had foughth. had a Harold was apprehensive. le had fought /had been fighting in tat battened
c.had been st ndg

a thousand times before but that day was fferent
were feelingdwon had
changed.were They arrived at Stamford Beige night after lunch and fortunately the wind
had diedh had been
fighting. had been gathering
dhad met e. The fighters stood/had been standingn the rain for ten minutes before the Norse
4.won was still getting arrve. by which tone they were fe ling/had been fe ling very a0OouS
was preparing changed d Warn was very lucky. le won/ ad won the battle because the wind changed
had changed and also because Harold's fighters were/ had been tired
dmade were retreating
e.din t understadwere
pretendgfsaws.tag f Complete these sentences about the events that preceded the Battle of
Hastings using the past perfect simple or the past perfect continuous
a Harold couldn't win the battle because his best fighters (de)
at the Battie of Stamford Bnidg
• When Harold was defeated at Hastings. he and his army (fight)
sine September

e. Before the battle. Harold Godwinson (gather) what men he

could so that they could march north
d. Before Hastings. the two armies (meet) at Stanford Beg
just out9de Yorke

Complete the sentences with these pairs of verbs. Use the past simple in one
gap and the past continuous in the other.
See/take + not understand/ pretend + win/get
make/retreat lose/ decide + prepare change

the Battie of Hastings because HarOl's army

ready for war
b Just as will/ his army. the wind
• As the Normans
play a tnck on the English
• wion his troops act as f they
that the Normans to retreat
f. ascene in the Bayeux Tapestry depicting Harold's army at
the top ofahf and another where wiimn his helmet off

The aeux Tapestry was embroidered

on linen by nuns ad it tells the story%
in fifty scenes, of the events leading up
to and including the Battle of Hasting
on October 14 066. It's nearly
metres (29 ft long and it's now of
permanent public display in the city
of Baeu i orand, France

L voe»our De loping8aorieiela8.a

Synonyms for speak" TEACHER

Mead the folowing synonyms for speak" 2a.2he.Id6e84.5
• Which of the synonyms below do you recognise and understand? Which ones are
la.confer edb. I ..
unfamiliar to you?
.2 Share your with a par
t/er ad see If you Can natch each verb to an

appropriate def#ton

t. Total wrth too much pnide about something that

• • you have one or can do

• • 2.lotalk in a friendly informal wary

• • 3. Toexpress an opinion or geve facts about something

• • 4. Toart to a thought or action considered rnproper

or shameful

• • s. lo engage in serious talk

6. lo talk about other people's prvate lves, often in an

f. discuss • • unkind wary

• remark
• • z. losay what you have noticed about a situation

s. To speak very quietly to somebody so that other

h. talk
• • people cannot hear what you are saying

9. T0say things. to speak in order to gee information or

• • express feelings. ideas

Use some of the verbs above in the appropriate tense to complete

the sentences in a meaningful way.
a. One of the students to having cheated on
the history test
b. Ican't concentrate on thus text tf you keep
nmy ear!
c. /believe we should the outline of our project
before we start0doing an research about overseas e00a150n
d While you were about lane's new hairstyle
l was taking notes on David Crystal's interview
6. y project on endangered languages was the best in the class,"
EL wars
HlstorlcaJ recount
.Based on your analysis on page 29 complete the definition of the genre:
A historical recount Is a text whose ge er
al pr'pOeStoa
Writing genres lt accomplishes this purpose by recounting the events stage.d%
tt is usually written by a historian and can be found in a history book

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise an historical recount looking at
the text you have studied on pages28-29as an example

tt sets the scene for the reader, b
descnbing the levant background or Che 0RGIser e

-· ---- €1Glsh
+ paragraph

tt provides ge eral


-· -------.
+ 2paragraph tt provides detas

- ,.___ - -
and sore in/ es0nip/on a-L-

mote enGs

Le- c fog4eras
Stages a

otb en&dsh
The series of events needs to be

------- ------
described in chronological order ••
o@so •
+ it can be broken into paragraphs

beginning with a topic sentence or 40

a0nain point

Dates need to be gven or implied
The past tense form of verbs is used
Connectors are nee0et0 sh0W

the order of events and the link

between events

[ ... ]

fDosome re earch to collect data on one of the following historical events and
write arecount following the information given above
The Scandinavian invasion of Beta.inn the 8 century
The Magna Carta
The Hundred Years'War
The Gunpowder pot
APP nucr+
l eammar no
English spelling and sounds
ftagiish the same sound can be written in different ways and similar spellings .an be
read differently.
• same sound / different spelling e treasure freed
le pard lelure
• Choose fromn the words given one example for the following spellings Then sten to c.//fl door
the words to check your answer
c-mo dei pale.fattdy brea
e. i nloht by
$ i

f/lag6tr see
la ancient •• dj/mite herb
a./V ul •• h/f/
asin pin" • ••
0 ••

asin bet
a day
00 door
Ou eye
asin more"
au fail
aw fall
fy ••
d. /ei/
friend •
asin make"
./Ai law
¥ leisure
uy leopard

t. fl •
as in no

asin you"

h. //
asin ftg
,.. _.

APP mar o
ll aammarim
TEACHER same spelling / different sound
2la.weighth. heardc. bear 2. ea the word gven and then choose the word that has the sare vowel soundin'
each pa.lf
22%.height=mighth beard
herec.dear heard hew 22 Think of a word whose vowel sound sounds le the one you haven't chosen
cutee.9ea+say6nose a date wight or height ?
b word heard or beard?

c. stair dear or bear ?

dknow few or$e
«. people. neat or great
f. be. nose or lose ?

fJoin in pairs and practise reading the poem below. Then listen to confirm

Brush up your English

[take it you already know
Of tough and bough and cough and dough
Others may sturnbole, but not you,
On hiccough, thorough. lough and through?
s Well done! And now you wish, perhaps
lo learn of less familiar traps

Beware of heard,a dreadful word

That looks like beard and sounds like bird
And doat it's said like bed, not bead
For goodness sale don't call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat
(They rhyme with suite and straight and debt)

A moth is not a moth in mother,

Nor both in bother, broth in brother,
s And here is not a match for there
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear,
And then there's dose and rose and lose
Just look therm up -- and goose and che ose,
And cork and work and card and ward
o And font and front and word and sword
And do andgoad thwart and cart
Come, come,I've hardly made a start!
A dreadful language ? Man alive!
d mastered it when lwas five!
IM#attn Sund ones. January.65
El u«ism De loping8aorieiela8.a

.Listen to four students answering the following question: ls English an easy

language to learn2
gende 2Easy
L. Complete the table by choosing easy or rffeuit according to their opinion and fare abud.ry Sesler
noting own the resons presented Lay nose nof cod
social cdas dfer

1.2 Complete the table wrth your own opinion on the issue and share tt in class 9arrear 4:Dfeult
irregularities of the spelling
Speaker Zand13Personal ans ers

Speaker 2
Speaker 3

1.3 Make alist of the students'opinions. separating them in two lists

a. the reasons of those who thunk English s fut

b the reasons of those who think tis ea19¥

Class debate:
ls English the easlest language to learn?
Get into one of these groups
Group believes English is the easiest language to learn

Group 2 defends the opposite view

wor together tor io minutes to foam

use the list of opinions you collected on the previous exercise to prepare.

Agreeing or partially agreeing

Expressing opinions: Iabsolutely/quite agree. Disagreeing
Ithink/1believe_ Iknow what you mean + You can't be serious!
+ From my point of view_ You are quite night. but + Itotally disagree!
As far agm concerned Isuppose you're right + 1bat nonsense
It seems to me that however_ + fm not sue iflagree.
In my point of view_ + Yes, but + fmsorry but I disagree
+ That's true. yet + Fm afraid can't agree
You've got a point there, but the
waylsee it.

'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....
L voe»our
TEACHER Loans and Anglicisms
I.Englishwods. school
umbrella.achord street
e. libertyf. palace. colour
reason4cigar[potato Loans are words borrowed from other languages. A significant proportion of the
l tuna corr d words in the English language have been borrowed from other languages. which
la Adjectives:sexy. bimbo make their origin easily recognisable
b stseller.b. Activities/
obs:derby.part-time. hobby
bbysitter.e.Ci th f .Complete the table with the English translation of the words to see how loans
lee aftershave. pull er are easy to identify.
body.jeans. tog sham4
d Food bacon
e.e /G r a 4t
airbag word loan
pule $00Ola i cigarro
The words given ca be found
in Portuguese with gt great b omnbrello f. palats patata
change Therearejust miner
k. attn
gelling and pronunciation
dferen »leg shamnpo / aa
l ca0na
champ Sore words he
slightly different me niog
too leg bimbo
An Anglicismnis an English word incorporated into and used in a language other
than English. The words may be used with no change or with slight spelling
alterations to fit the target language

fGeoup the following Anglicisms according to the categories in the boxes and
decide if they were incorporated in Portuguese with or without changes.
You may add other examples
aftershave • • password + bacon
derby +

body + bestseller sexy • airbag + bimbo

leans + part-time + pule hobby babysitter
top + shampoo

- -- ------ ----- ----- -------- --,' .----------------------------. ,--·--------·--------·-------- :
' ' : '
' Adjectives ' Activities/ Jobs j e. Clothes/Hygiene j
': ': :
i 'i
't 'i
' ' '
,.. .-----------�
l .._
' ._ _.
, 'i Technology/Games '[
l :
': i
l :
l.a.England. Portugal
Spain the and
Language spread France h English. Portug
Soonish Dutch and Frend
c.borers and
@Look at the map and say: took their! to the
a which European counties were the most Lally powerful in the 16and ofq red territories.and
spread their on
d Most of them soil keep the
b what languages they spoke langge of the colonisers
today e. Te USA£ The most
e. the possible connection between the spread of their languages around the world and
perfud heae
their colonies overseas aleys their
d. what languages the former colon# speak today langg So the more
powerful the. the
e. which country holds the greatest economic power nowadays more the
f. how economical supremacy may be related to the spread of a language 2lie Sg nih English and
Portug are still on the
group of the Smnost
oyage of languintheworld
outnbered only by

- Ma lain Ch e

2ltithe ye with the
most natee but#tis
mot nee nil the most
• in the world
o 23English. itis the
international loge of


de fed l

in the word
ead the graph and answer the following questions
2. Have the countries in the map above ept their SuprenaCyn
terms of language. according to statistics? £plan

2.2Why do you think Mandarin Chinese is at the top of theist?
2.3Which language has the most speakers in the world f we don't
thunk about natve speakers only?Why do you thk that
happens ?

- - -
2.4 Andi the future? What wit the most spoken language in the
world be ?State teas0S ' '
[ no»as i

.bearing the definition of this word in mind: GLOBAL adj [usually
before noun] cover ins
Suggestion a wrtte a possible def#ton of global language
or affecting the whole
2Ask the students to read the b 0discuss which laing0a8S0nay have been 0onSere
complete tetandsuraise world
global languages throughout the history of
e. state reasons tor the establishment of a language as a global language
previoupra9agh or the net
paragraph to read each
paragraphs second tire ad fin the following text, the last sentence of each paragraph is missing. As you read
also to read through t through the text, choose from the sentences b low and complete each paragraph
last sentences.and
ch ethe right one A These are all factors which can motvate someone to learn a language. of course. but
none of theon alone. Orin Corbin aDion can ensure a laing04.age's world spread
g Thedrve to make progress in science and technology fostered an nternatonal intelie tual
and research environment which gave scholarships and further education a high profile
c. When they fall, ther language fads.
p They were srnply more fulpower
E. And the language behind the US dollar was English
• The hwstory of a global language can be traced though the successful expertons of

Why alanguage becomes a global language has popular and misleading beliefs have grown up
Little to do with the number of people who speak it. about why alanguage should become
It has much more to do with who those speakers are internationally succ ful A language does not
Latin became an international language throughout become a global language because of its intrinsic
the Roman Empire. but this was not because the structural properties. or because of the size of its
omans were more numerous than the peoples they vocabulary or because it has been a vehicle of a
subjugated a great Literature in the past. or because it was once
o associated with a great culture or religion c
There is the closest of inks between langua8e
o dominance and economic technological and A language has traditionally become an
cultural power Without a strong power-base. ot international language for one chief reason the
whatever kind no language can make progress san power of its people - especially their political and
international medium of communication Language military pOwer The explanation is the same
has no independent existence. living in some sort of throughout history Why did Greek become a
mystical space apart from the people who speak it. language of international communication in the
Language exists only in the brains and mouths and Middle East over 2000 years ag0? Not because of
ears and hands and eyes of its users. When they the intellect of Lato or Aristotle: the answer lies in
succ ved. on the international stage. their Language the swords and spears wielded by the armies of
succ els. b Alexander. the Great.Why di Latin become known
20 throughout Europe? Ask the legions of the Roman
This point may seem obvious. but it needs to be Empire. Why did Spanish. Portuguese and French
made at the outset. because over the years many find their way into the Americas Africa and the
De loping8aorieiel8.

« Far East? Study the colonial policies of the approaching I00 million) was large than that of any
Renaissance kings and queens. and the way these of the countries of Western Europe. and its economy
policies were ruthlessly implemented by armies and was the most productive and the fastest growing in
navies all over the known world d. so the world British political imperialism had sent
Eng.his.h around the globe during the nineteenth
so But international Language dominance is not solely century During the twentieth century. this world
the re ult of military might It may take a military pr mnce was maintained and promoted almost
powerful nation to tabbish a language. but it takes single-handedly through the economic supremacy of
an economically powerful one to maintain and es the new American superpower Economics Te'placed
expand it This has aways been the case. but it politics as the chief driving force. f
ss became a particularly critical factor in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. with economic Also the development of twentieth century
developments operation on a global scale, supported computers has been almost entirely an American
by the new communication technologies - telegraph o affair Although computer language are not Like
telephone. radio - and fostering the emergence of natural languages. being very restricted. they have
6o massive multinational organisationg The growth of inevitably been greatly influenced by the mother
competitive industry and business brought an tongue of the programmers - and this has largely
explosion of international marketing and advertising been English The first computer operating systems
The power of the press reached unprecedented levels automatically used English vocabulary and syntax
soon to be surpassed by the broadcasting media with and the more recent ones have displayed English
their ability to cross national boundaries Technology influence too. though alternatives in a few other
chiefly in the form of movies and music fuelled new languages are now available For the near future it is
mass entertainment industries which had a difficult to foresee any developments which could
worldwide impact.e. oo eliminate the significant role of English on the
information superhighway. The pig8e t potential
2 Any language at the centre of such an explosion of setback to English as a global language. it has been
international activity would suddenly have found sad with more than a little irony. would have taken
itself with a global status And English was apparently place a generation ago - if Bi Gates had grown up
in the night place at the night time."By the beginning os speaking Chinese
of the nineteenth century. Bnit.ain had become the
Dad Cyst Fnehars a Global
world's leading industrial and trading country. By the Cambndge.Cambridge Unery Press,200.
end of the century. the population of the USA (then

E Choose the correct option. TEACHER

3 Whatis the general purpose of the text ?
a. To engage us in a story
b To inform us of certain facts.
Page 4l
c. To evaluate a0dge an 0pin'NOL
3.2 Hows that purpose mainly accomplished?
a. By recounting events staged in tire.
b. By explaining causes and effects.

e. By arguing for a point of vew

TEACHER Pd words in the text that match the following definitions:
4.. mystie 44 IS • an ad ctve that means having spiritual porers or qualities that are ffeuit to
h mile dig .23
understand or to explain";
c. ruthlessly Al47
d. fostering LS9l h an adjective that means gting the wrong idea or impression and making you believe
made clear from the
beginning etrerely
something thats not true"
important eventc.a c. an adverb that means (doing a hard and cruel wary in order to get what
etaordary state of facts you want and not caring you hurt other people
that oarot be matched with
d. averb that means encouraging something to develop"

difficulty or problem that Explain the following expressions as they occur in the text.
a made at the outset"(122)
from happening
6.the number of h cntcal factor (55)
the intrinic structural e. unprecedented levels"(163)
prge ties its great literature
its, toagreat d. potential setback" (ll 101-102)
culture ort b the
power of the country
fGo through the text and find out information to fill in the table below.
cultural military and politi l
74Latin lit wars the langg
why does a
• 7

of the powerful Rora a. ltdoes't have to do wnth b lthas to do wth

Empire Greek (they were the
mightiest military power)
Spanish Portuguese and
French (they ruled over
geed all oert
2Alguge an only Answer the following que tions about the text using your own words
become global if the count
that speaks it hears politi List the languages which have already been considered international languages in
mnitaryandnoric power the past and the reasons why that happened
3£oglish wouldn't b bl%
2 Watrs the point the authors trying to male when heists those languages as
have Iars4goal
languge(personal examples of international languages ?
justifi nl 3 What would have happened to English f Bu Gates had grown up speaking
Chinese"? Do you agree ?

• What kind of areas of Life would be more affected

if there wasn't a global language which allowed
people to communicate more easily ?

2. In the EU, for example, we have adopted the Euro

as acommon currency (each country used to have
its own currency). Should we also adopt a common
language? Why/Why not?
Pop music pops up
Mead the following statements and discuss the m sage implied in each of
Th Be les.El Pe 4ey
themn, saying if you agree or di agree with it.

o It rtad turning point for the pervasit

"suggest that the pervasive use of
and permanent English influence is, in r S%eh i songs hod a besting effect in
view, the establishment of a specific gout'h tens of motivation fr le ring English
culture and tht propagation of popular net only in furope. but. indeed. all over
music [from tht I onard] the wold where it gained a foothold"

lethal%art nn4el. (urge Deeter

Music has been a vehicle for the spread of English in the world.
2. ldentity the singers/groups below that established the use of English as the
.an1 606
language of music in the world in the 506
2.2Listen to four excerpts of songs that became popular all around the world Try to
identity them and match each of thern to their singers/groups.
ll aammarim
The genitive go

Meuse the genitive s/or the construction of+ possessor to show possession

l.a()Elis's first hit
h correctc. correct4My
the incorrect sentences and change then where necessary
perents favourite song(J
e. Bob Dylan' Bl ming i the a Love me tender"was the fest hit of£Ms
wind(J4 ALA us Hudley's
book The Dloors of Percep on Whats the narne of thus song by The D00rs?
wars(J c. Music fromn the last century false0ssues about pea0e. war aind free0on
3.h.()song of theirs
d. The favourite song of my parents is Love me do"
6(Japroller of mine
d(la9ge fits ow 6. Blowing in the Wif of Bob Dylan has been covered by many artists
e.()of Annas/hers
t.(Jdicti nary/'be k of hers/ t. The book of Aldous Hude The DO0rS of Perception was the inspiration

my sisters.(friend of Paul for the narne of the pand The Do0Ors
[Look at other ways of showing possession in English

M of

the double of + possess/ve pr0Oun afriend of mine

the double genitive of + noun in the genttve afriend of#Mar's

+ noun in the genttve

fuse the double possessive or the double genitive to complete these sentences
he first one has been done as an example.
a. Bob Dylan had le s of fans
My father was.a fan fBod Den's
The Beatles spread the English language wth ther songs
Love me do"is.a
e. Ion'te the music of the 60s much Thats my problem

Noticing the music of the 60s muchs

d. Crites say that every art form has tts own language

Music has also got a

a Anna loves You are aways 0nny min"" It's one Of her favourite $0ngS
,. You are always on my muftis a favountte song
f. My sister studies Linguistics. She has lots of books and dictionaries.

J This.a
F g. Paul McCartney had lots of friends in the music world
.' John Lennon wars.a
El u«ism ape

L:11 tch an interview with Professor David Crvstal.

• ' where he
was asked: Wi English always be the Global Language?
Complete the notes according to what he says.
a. The only reason a language becomes globals

Ddtaeepert onthe [nee.

whaworihide adoer 0 book
totinawee an hon0D Of
+ in the1r century the power of Lngt sat the Un ry of le. Sanor
+ in the 19century the power of
+ in the 20 century the
l.a(the power of the
e. The areas associated to the development of English in the 20 century are people who seekitb the

money cultural
d. English w stay a global language as poere(/pop son
international aver1 sin9a
a. If that happens other nations wit want to traffic control radio
Or and the internet.d()itis
seen.a the lag9e of the
t. The three other languages he puts forward as a scenario for replacing English are most pe rerfud inth
an woride.(/be bile the
g. Itsestimated that the number of people speaking English today is inteetwith them sell ting
to them t.(Chin e.So ihe
Role play:
What's the most suitable global language?

lmasine that you are an Erasmus at the

University of Helsinki in Finland. You are sitting together with
other Erasmus students
discussing about the p ibility
of English being replaced by another language as a global
language. Join in groups of three and follow the steps:

s d
One of you is Chinese, the

you will prepare a list to
other is Spanish and the defend why your langua8e
other one is American is the most suitable to be

i},---------•.,,.,. -"'""-�-·
-1 _•_"'"'
Go back to theprevlous•o-L---�
text ad the interview Role play your
Crystal for ideas You may go back to page 37 and use
the language ips sugs ted for the
EL wars
TEACHER Explanation
l.informs of certain
facts.causes or effecs
.Based on your analysis on page 4I complete the definition of the genre.
An explanations a text whose ge purpose8StO
Writing genres lt accomplishes this purpose by explaining b
ltis usually wnttten by an expert or are earcher ad can be found in specialise

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise an explanation looking at the
text you have studied on pages4041as an example.

State the phenomenon/event thats

going to be explained in a paragraph or sent.en0e do

Explain the multiple causes andbr e.

--•• ----- -----

effects of the phenomenon/event


______ __
+ Don't gve your direct opinion.just o

----- . -- .
present the facts
+ You may ask questions so that you ere aoi-
.e ecoc er sod

can give explanations by answering


therm Ao-
+ Depending on the issue, you Can use .i
data, quotations, studies. statistics
Use linking words/connectors to
[ ]
express addrton. cause and effect
reference and ex.a0n.0le

[Expand the reasons given below to help you write an explanation on the topic
How did the English language become the global language it is today?
The British overseas empire in the1 century
The industrial evolution
The rise of the USA after Word war l
The development of global med (TV and Radio)
The growth of the Hollywood and music industry
PP nucros The internet and the globals.a0ion of 0ornNTuNCaDon1, Coroner'Ce an work
•·- . 1.1
Sociocultural content TEACHER
L.Bearing in mind what you have learned about the English language, choose the correct L2
option fromn the ones given 3e
wWhatis the importance of the Proto-lndo-European family tree ? L4
a Itshows us the origin of all the language in existence today
b tt allows us to understand why there are differences and srnlares
between language$.
c. It shows us how languages are likely to develop in the future
2 Whwwas the Norman invasion an important landmark for the development
of the English language ?
a Local people gave up their language and started to speak French
bltset the English language qev loprent apart from the other Germanic
c. The sounds of words became similar to the French pronunciation
1.3 French words care to replace English ones in certain felts Why2
a French words were easer to pr0On'Ce
b English words can't surt the new Norman realty in the country
c. French words were the language of the rulers
14 English may be considered a artffeuit language to learn because_
a ttsgrammar structure and inflections are ffeuft to grasp
b there's.a great disparity between spelling
.and pronunciation
c. there's.a huge variety of words from very fferent origins
.Choose the group of words in which vowel sounds are read the Sa0ne war¥
a bear helf
b bear. hear, stair
c. sewer, 0door. fore
16 The main reason a language may become a global languages.
a the easy vocabulary and grammar structure
b the number of people who speak that language as a native language
c. the economic power of the nations that speak t
1.7 The languages that have worked as a global language through history so
far were.
a Latin Greek and English
b Latin, Arabic and English
c. Latin, Spanish and English

1.8 English will probably keep ts status as a global language because.

a the nurnber of native speakers is on the nise
b. ttsspoken by the highest number of non-natve speakers
c. ttis the dominant language on the internet

i.Complete the text with the verbs given ina past tense. You won't need to use tern all
c.had been marching
dwere fighting removed
be +march + end + remove + cause
f. gbn ght bring about + begin fight • replace
The Norman conquest of England a
2.(Jofyoursis always
paying those old records 1066 with the invasion of England by win the Conqueror. Duke of Normandy and his
too loudh.()of yours of victory at the Battie of Hastings 0n 4 October 1066 over King Harold#l of England
l ming adead lag A month before. Harold's army.b. 3up,badly depleted in the
e(favourite of mine English victory at the Battie of Stamford Bridge in Northern England over the army of King
d(ateacher of ours
e.(lband of my mother's Harald l of Norway.The Vang fightersc. tor too long and
whie they ad wrtha devastated
6. fighters on hors back

la.t gl ed The Norman Conquest largely f the natve ruling class
2 b violin with a foreign. French-speaking monarchy. aristocracy. and clerical hierarchy This. in turn
c. allig dcoconut a transformation of the English language and the culture
of England in a new era often referred to as Norman England (ape d
nil 204
eRephrase the sentences starting themas sugg ted and using the double genitive.

a Your sister is always playing those old records too loud

That sister
b Tel me about your idea of learning
.a dead language
Tel me about that idea
c. The Beatles were not my favourite
The Beatles were no
d We'veknown David Crystal for a wile now.We wars our teacher
David Crystal was
e. My mother's favourite bands st The DO0rS
The Doors#s st#l the favourite

.Flin the gaps with a synonym for speak"in the appropriate tense
a Thornas4salways about having the accent of the Queen
How arrogant of is.
b Mary somethinginmy ear but lCouicin't understand
c. When we fished the pr# t on languages. we sat on the floor in order to
a little bit and relax

aeead these foreign words and say which words they originate in English
a soc~t~ (Fenech) cellagarto (Spanish)
b violino (Italian) d Coco(Portuguese)
Englishes around the world

.English is spoken worldwide and in every continent. New varieties of English
developed in different territories where the language has taken root. Slade. Se0 ler 6
• Listen to six people of different countries speaking English and identify where they 2lles cot
0ore frorn E +
(c-mors2- "
former Bitie.h
2lheones that have more
native spears of English ate
r--------------. ,
the USA the UK and

Spea _ 23httells us that English is
their mother tongue
24Nonwry. Foland
the Netherlands. ieZeal nod
Liberia Greenland
leel d
personal ans

' ,-------------.
___________ J'

«4 0


,._Speaker J'

Speaker [
,.. J

0 $0 40

f'Discuss the following questions with your partner and then share your opinions
with the rest of the class
2 Why do these countries speak English?
2.2Wheh ones have more native speakers of English?

2.3What does that tell us about the status of the English language in

2.4 ldentty other countries on the map b lok l cw

where English has 809% or more e u~whe esue bl
"Wok ax-
- -

E nead the quotations, explain them

and say if you agree or disagree with
Eidt de lear tegpeal
them correct falids, we are
site$peak it tu?
[ no»as i

TEACHER .vu are going to watch a video called World's

1feronalas e English Mania
I.2a.2billion people h. Chins Moro
c.hisseenasa opportunity
What do you thike rt wt be about ?
for a better ifed A good
thing bet use it gies people 2 Now watch the vie0 a01a09+er
hope fora better future ad
they ca become pert of a
a Howmany people are trying to learn English around the world?
global worlde. Mathematics, • Which putting the biggest emphasis on learning English?
the 4Se noe. and
of e. wWhws English considered so rnportant in that country?
d. Does lay Waler Consider ts English mania a good or a bad tung?
6. What other languages does he compare English to?
2la. globel status.b. first
languget.mother tongue t. Wrats English used for as a language compared wrth the other language he
d official language.second refers to?
language f. foreig
traditional bees.l nor FNowread the text about the spread of the English language.
natie settings4international
lan9ug 2 While reading complete the text wrth the expressions given below

omearn"""_' taaronar bases · stoat status

non-native settings • first language + mother tongue
international language • second language foreign language

.a genuinely a
A language achieves
ENGLISHES government. the law courts. the media and the
when it develops a special role that is recognised in educational system To get on in these societies. it is
every country. Such a role will be most evident in essential to master the official language as early in
countries where large numbers of the people speak Life as possible. Such language is often described as
the language asab. inthe case ae The role of an official
of English this would mean the USA. Canada language is today best illustrated by English which
Britain Ireland. Australia New Zealand. South now has some kind of special
Africa several Caribbean countries and a sprinkling status In over seventy counteS
of other territories However. no language has ever
o been spoken by a mother tongue majority in more
• made
Secondly. a language can be
a ina country's
than afew countries. so mother tongue use by itself foreign language teaching even
cannot give alanguage global status. To achieve though this language has no
such astatus. alanguage has to be taken upby official status There is a great
other countries around the word They must decide variation in the reasons for
togive it aspecial place within their communities. choosing a particular langua8e
even though they may have few (or no) asafavoured f
c. speakers they include historical tradition
There are two main ways in which this can political expediency and
be done. Firstly.a language can be made the the desire for commercial
of a country. to be used as a cultural or technological
medium of communication in such domains as contact

£ng.hes around the word

fpead the text again and explain the meaning of some expressions you have TEACHER
used to complete the text. .A official gt9 8a
loge thetis.gens sec.iel
a offeal language
leg stat.ind partied
b, first langua8e county± The le a
person h le med lroen birth
c. second language c.4lag9 o
d. foreign language tones
Te lane 9et
6. global status
f. non-native settings world j
import.oeoe4pees.abet d
4.a(Jtohae a
Complete the following sentences role
according to the text h()that the firsts an of
1. Where would you place your
a. The condition for a language to be country in the model of the langoe by
from an early9et.L)the
gven the status of global language concentric circles referred to between
s in the text? Explain

• The difference between the status of 2. What about the borders of the
second language"or foreign language i6 circles, do you think they are
clearly defined or may there be
change from circle to circle?
e, Fluency and competence in a language does not
3. How are things bound
account for
to develop in the future
concerning the sprad of the
English language?

Distinctions such as those between first + The inner circle refers to the$.
second and foreign language status are useful but 6s of English where it is the primary langua8 It
4 we must be careful not to give them a simplistic includes the USA. the UK. Ireland. Canada
interpretation In particular it is important to avoid Australia al New Zealand
interpreting the distinction between se on an The outer circle involves the earlier phases of the
foreign language use as a difference in fluency or spread of English in h
ability. Although we might expect people from a the language has become part of a country'schief
so country where English has some sort of official institutions. and plays an important second
status to be more competent in the language than language"role in a multilingual setting. it includes
those where it is none. simply on grounds of greater Singapore. India Malawi and over fifty other
exposure. it turns out that this is not always so territories
We should note. for example. the very high levels of +Theexpanding circle involves those nations
% fluency demonstrated by a wide range of speakers which recognise the importance of English as an
from the Scandinavian countries and the l. .though they do not have a
Netherlands history of colonization by members of the inner
How then may we summarise this complex circle. nor have they given English any special
situation? The US linguist Bra KraChu has suggested so status. It includes China Japan. Greece, Poland and
oo that we think of the spread of English around the asteadily increasing number of other states In these
world as three concentric circles. representing areas. English is taught as a foreign language.
different ways in which the language has been
acquired and is currently used Cambridge Cambridge Unery Press,200.
ll aammarim
The passive
passive is used when we want to emphasise the action and not the doer, who may
l.A and• The doer is there
]be obvious, impersonal or irrelevant.
buttheactionishate want
to emphasise The doer is
(the action could only
be performed by official
.These are passive sentences taken from the text. Analyse them and discuss if
the passive is used because
entities bl legit lators)
D The doer is int rsonal (it we want to emphasise the action instead of the doer,
can be anyone.E The doer is
the doer is obvious, irnpersonal or irrelevant.
irrelevant (the important fact
is that English is taught and A.()no language has ever been spoken by a mother tongue majority in more than a
not by whorn few countries(_)"
lb.has invited/Foreign
()alanguage has to be taken up by other countries around the world"
ling ts heave been invited by
rolessor David Crystal to c.()alanguage can be made the official language of a country()
help hi with his nee
D()representing different ways in wtech the language has been acquired(_)"
chchae been
analysing/ The role of English E. ()English is taught as a foreign language
a«global lang 9ge hears been
analysed for+
/Should f Complete the sentences using one of the following verbs in the correct tense.
British English be con de red Then rewrite the sentene sin the passive The first one has been done as an
the st dardor just another example.
variety?e. study/English is
studied by children all oer the consider acknowledge + invite + make + hire
worldasa foreign Lang analyse + study + tse
f have made/ The teaching
of English has been made a Alrnost two b4on people at English as a foreign'anguage to communicate sore
er0nets fro0nae%al
Engh.s std as a foreign to nest¢ lrrest bg two blon people,

international corporations

b everyone
Bsh English the standard or just another

f. Sore governments the teaching of English compulsory

from an early age

g. inthe future, big international corporations

speakers of English

h Everyone the existence of several varieties of English in

the world today
The passive -- Impersonal structures
Thepassive is also used with cognition verbs"to exprt s more general or impersonal
thoughts, beliefs, considerations, expectations, suppositions etc This structure is
often used in news reports or scientific articles
pstperti iple)+ that
verb(to be+past
May attention to the transformations that occur.
ioonatee are
A Scientists believe that Englishis the most universal language that ever existed to outnumber(
d J
ltis believed that English is the most universal language that ever existed
hlti that(/
wound2bdo people are
though to be(Jc.ti
• Everyone knows that English is a useful tool in the global world that(4/The number
¢ t' J ofEnge.hveiet rsbelieved
English is known to be a useful too in the global world tobe(Jdlti said theat (/
The future role of English is
said to be[J
• Analyse the sentences ad complete the rule for the two poss/be pars5/
constructions. helpd to use

A It •
8. Subject + •
fThe impersonal passive structures are possible with the following verbs.
believe. consider, know. report. understand expect. allege, suppose,
say. think.
estimate, feel find. agree. arrange. decide

fewrite the sentences below in the forms explained above.

a Studies es0irate that non-native speakers of English wit outnurnboer nate speakers
in the next few deca0es

b. Linguists tk that around2b4on people are competent communicators in Engles.h

e people believe that the number of English varieties is increasing every day

d. Linguists say that the future role of Englrshis changing drastically

Read each of the sentences below and decide which verb to use in each one.
Then complete each sentence using the correct form of the verb
help + teach + say • use
a. English to children around the wold fromn a very young.age
b, British pronunciation to be more ffeutt to understand
e. Mastering the English language is believed
communicate successfully
d. Mons 0f people are known awording tool
LI uoomirsm
.You will hear five English speakers across the world answering the question
What English will we be speaking in the future ?
e.s4 er 7d. 3 (c-m0rs6
t t. 5
• 4
lathe future we will speak
Who mentions
$ S2 $3 S4 S5
Amnerni nEnglish la 99
of culture.arts, tech log¥ a the sort of (distinctive linguistic charactenstics that
commerce.trap0rt.ab0, make a variety unique
banking etc. British English
langgeof most published b the poss#bitty of there being.a sort of English which has
materials for le ming English no standard but an international intelligible version oft?
Amir of different varieties-
langge change from e. the original language is st a moGel to foll0w?
culture to culture
d. the poss#bitty of future English being.amoture of the
exsting varieties?
tan Vanietyin
e. the international pre0orNaCe o0facer
rnportat feldg

t. the eventual not so peaceful scenario in the

establishment of a standard English?

g lexicon as the main feid for change and adaptation?

f Make a list (in note form) of all the scenarios for the future of the English
language you have just listened to. You may also think about other scenarios.
Share your list with other students in the class and come up with a single one

·1Speaking link
5-minute presentation:
The future of English
Go through the list you have completed on the previous
exercise and choose the one you most identify yourself
in10 minutes prepare a brief explanation defending your
point of view and the reasons why you believe the future of
the English language will be the stated one
present your point of view in class. You may use the
expressions below
' ---------------------------------------------------------------,
Listing your arguments
Expressing opinions: and summing up ideas
Expressing cause or resut
• Itink /1believe. • In the first place + First(y)
Asa result
• From my point of view + To begin with Second(v)
As far as Tm concerned Above all +Moreover
It seems to me that_ To conclude • Finally
That's why
Inmy point of view Last but not least
Because of
Most importantly
£ng.he around the word
[ ne»as i

Mead the following text and put the paragraphs in the correct order TEACHER
bearing in rind the information given below. LC0AB
Age era introduction to Set the context where the action takes place 2le

Aintroduction to the story plot and the characters of the fimn
eAshort summary of the main events of the plot
g An opinion/'judge ent of the fin

about tts general quality and tts
features the characters. what stands
Foot Journey becoIneS a
out. the message to be kept
story in which cultural
opposites not only learn

HUNDRED FOOT ',$ to coexist. but are in fact

triumphantly and even

JOURNEY romantically reconciled

It contrasts the heat and
intensity of Indian
Zees people include one of the most talented young cooks in Europe. That cooking with the elegance
would be our protagonist. Hassan Kadam (Manish Dayal). who soon begins asly and refinement of French
flirtation with Le Sale Pleureur's beautiful sous-chef. Marguerite (Charlotte Le haute cuisine. then
Bon); she in turn introduces him to the venerable tradition of French cooking balances the two with.a
which he becomes determined to master feel-good lesson in ethnic
This antagonism gently mils all the expected stereotypes for humour and harmony

conflict the French are snobs with their haughty
manners and expensive food and they're deeply
affronted by the thrifty. tacky Indians with their Fleeing a tragic uprising in their native Mumbai for a
colourful clothes and loud music. But rather more idyllic life in Europe. the Kadamn family decide to
than lighting a fuse. this trauma is what begins open an Indian re taurant Unfortunately. they soon fid
to unite the Kadams and Madame Mallory that they have merely abandoned one war zone for
who soon realises that Hassan is not only an another as their scrappy new Maison Mumbai. with its
exceptional cook. but possibly the missing open-air seating and free-wandering chickens is soon
ingredient that could earn Le Sale pleureur locked in a fierce competition with the classy Michelin-
its second Michelin star starred establishment located just 100 feet across the

road That I ta urant. Le Sale Pleureur. is run by the
widowed Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren). an
In The Hunre-F
boot Journey. the Kadam unyielding perfectionist and proud defender of Gallic
famy. displaced from their native India tradition whose first glimps of her brown-skinned
settles in the picturesque village of Saint- neighbours prompts her to sniff Who are zees people?
Antonin-Noble-Val in the south of France

E Choose the right option

2 Whatis the general purpose of the text ? 2.2Hows that purpose mainly accomplished?

a. To engage us in a story a Byrecounting events staged in tone

b To inform us of certain facts. h By explaining causes and effects

c. To evaluate a0dge an 0pin'On e. By describing and making ajudgment

EL wars
le andgive a pribing.mnelg
.Based on your analysis on the previous page, complete the definition of the
20At A A A reviews atext whose general purposelStO
lt accomplishes this purpose not only by
also bye tt usually written by a cinema cnttc
and can be founin a news0aper, a 0nag.a.%0e or awebs/te

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise a review looking at the text you
have studied on page 55as an example.

Ev luation
Ge your opinion/ dgerent
Context on the fin about ts ge neral
lt serves as a general introduCDon quality and#ts speerfc features
to set the context where the - the characters. what stands
action takes place or the relevant out. the message to be kept
topic tis going to be about Your review nary be po0SItve Or

Description Useful tips

+ Use plenty of adectves in
introduce the story plot and the
characters of the fimn book the Description and
play. etc Evaluation stages
Briefly surnon.anise the fan
+ Use expret ions.liker Itk.I

events of the plot You may use t eve.nny 0pinion. In/Ty

view. frorn my point of view
as far as I'm concerned

E choose A or B and write a review.

A Think of a fin or a book you have recently watched/read
and wrte areview following the structure above
B Choose one of the classical firs below related to periods of the culture/history of
rfferent English--spealing countries and wrte a review on tt

APP nucro6
l eammar no
British and American pronunciation

Each area of the English-speaking world has developed its own special • •
variety of English. The differenos concern vocabulary,
structure and pronunciation.
@Let'sfocus on some pronunciation and accent distinctions between • •• • •
British and American English
• •
• in the table below. choose f the rule for pronunciation of Ar/ an At/
for Brtsh English (BrE) or American English (Ame) and put a tick in the
night column
1.2 Check the video to confrmn your answers and practise the
pronunciation on Doth varieties
• voeo4
l.land1BE ti.ahoys
in the middle position in pron d At Ao£Et"%
soe de at the end of word
he e.g.birth learn, work, germ, farm and after n"#ts
aasoft/d/in the mid
At the end of words. bet ntvoe
pronounced as //
orbeteen rand voe
2lb brochure/brochure
At the end of words. • 9arage'9fed.address
e.g. what,cut f· e.laboratory/
f.advert nent/
in the me pos/ton between two
vowels or be tween an ran a vowel
/'controversyh enquyl •
e.g.Saturday, waiter, matter,at a,
what about, party, sort of, part of 20 «+

After an n"
@.g.centre, interview, internet Bitis.hand Aeicon

Al English words of two or more syllables have stress on one of the syllables. In
BrE and Ame the same word can be stressed differently.
2. Use the dictionary to help you find where the stress falls in the fol0 Ang words
in both pronunciations. The stressed syllable is indicated by the symbol placed
mnmediatly before tt

• laboratory
f. acer
$ 0ontr0er9y

2.2Check the video to Confmn your answers a0d practise the pron
CLaDion on Doth'

APP mar sot

Soclal accents

In addition to differences between national varieties of English there are

tor top/near.laughter
after differences within each national variety. For each one there are regional accents
L4Th songis.about two (related to a geographical area) and social accents (related to the speakers'
people wholoe each other but educational. socio economic and ethnic backgrounds)
come from deferent for that
reason areveryderent fror
each other They are confused
are going to listen to a class"al song by Louis Armstrong and Ela Fitzgerald.
Before you listen, read the lyrics to practise the pronunciation
0er whether tobreakup or not

Page S9 1.2 Nowlsten to the song to confer the night pronunciation

Nohe hasnit, Tom says co-mo
t'gall there yet-sir 1.3 Underlie the words that are pronounced afferently by the couple
th us more
and your dad heat ever been L4 Watrs the song about?ls the Couple wing to overcome ther differences to stay
beck since le headtwhen together ? Explain
care ayah0
limn says.kind of soler le
ist ming.beck anymore
Things have come to a pretty pass
lsay. Why. Jim
leer mind why luck-but Our romance is growing flat
For you Ike this and the other
anymore While Igo for this and that
But lept at him so at last he s Goodness knows what the end will be
Oh I don't know where Tm at
Dot you the
house that was floating don It looks as if we two will never be one
the rier,and therewasaran Something must be done
in there covered up adl
You say either andI say either
wentinand uncovered hin
and di tlet you cornei you say neither and I say neither
el(then, you can get your Either. either. neither neither
money whenyouwant Let'scall the whole thing off
be use that was him
You ke potato and Ile potahto
You ke tomato and I like tomahto
II.c2c3Ab4.a Potato. potahto. tomato. tomahto,
Let's call the whole thing off •
But oh if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And oh if we ever part. then that might break my heart
o Soif you kepyjamas and Ile pyjahmas
Tllwear pyjamas and give up pyjahmas
For we know we need each other SO
We better call the calling off off
Let's call the whole thing off
Yousay laughter and Isay larfter.
You say after and Isay arfter.
Laughter. larfter. after arfter.
Let's call the whole thing off
£ng.he around the word

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn is the main character of the farnous novel by Mark Twain. Through
his eyes we see the American South its faults. and its redeeming qualities. Hucl'g
companion, Jin. a runaway slave, provides friends.hip and protection while the two
journey along the Mississippi ona raft

.We find differences in English not only between varieties from different
countries but also within the same country. The USA is a clear example.
• ea the fal excerpt of the novel aloud to aco ledge the ferenes in pronunciation
1.2 ewrte rt n standard English

No. he haint" Tom says it's all there yet - six thousand dollars and more
and your pap haint ever been back since. Hadn't when I come away. anyhow"
Jim says. kind of solemn
He ain't a-comin back no mo' Huck
why. Jim?
Nermine why. Huck - but he hain't comin back no mo"
But Iept at him so at last he says
Doan' you 'member de house dat was floar 'n down de river. en dey wua
man in dah kivered up en I went in en unlivered him an didn' let you come in
Wel den you kin git yo'money when you wants it. kae dat wuz him"

[L venatr
The use of all
Mead the rules for the use of all and choose the correct sentence according to
each rule.

• The noun we use after all" (decides the • By the end of the book. al the characters is happy
number of the verb (t can be singular or b. By the end of the book. al the criminals was arrested
plural) e. By the end of the book. al the danger was over

a. Huck met all the kinds of people on tis journey

2.Wedo not use the"or of the"after all" when
b. All of the cnirmninals should be punished as Huck's dad
we refer to people or things in general
e. All slaves should fight for the free dom as Jin did
3Alli6 not usually used on tts own to mean a At the end.a thanked Jin for his help
everything"oranyone" tt must be followed b. All they were trying to do was to be happy
by a qualt c. Huck was grateful to tis friend in for all
4.All"is not usually used with a singular a. Huck ant Jin had been hiding on the raft al night
countable noun unless/tis a tine express/0n b. AM the story was about friendship
tt replaced b the whole/entre" e. read all the book in a day

i !g '. ,11 EVERY W(BIS

Endangered languages erg ION ±J

.. , ..
I Personal AROUND I
la.n bunie
d.arounddhoevere. Oer
@ Read the following data and discuss
LA40 •• . ' . de%
..English wontbe the only Watrs the most surprising information in $PARS RE UNG SEA
large t.pole worldwide this infographic? Explain
be use it wlben lby
L. Why do you tk languages may be disappearing so fast?
Chin Sp nish and Arabic
The regional langgewill be 1.3 What might be the consequences of the disappearance of so many languages
the ones.of the major trade
blocs There will be fewer
local langgeh This.will
fead the following text and complete it with the five mi ssing words starting
probably be influenced by with the letter given at the beginning

Humanity today is facing a«. I" (ad) extinction languages

are disappearing at an unprecedented pace. And when that happens. a
b. (adj) vision of the world is lost. With every language that
dies we lose an enormous cultural heritage the understanding of how humans
relate to the worldc.$ (prep)us scientific medical and
botanical knowledge; and most importantly. we lose the expre ion of communities'
humor. love and Life. In short. we lose the testimony of centuries of Lite. Languages
are entities that are alive and in constant flux and their extinction is not new
d.h (conj). the pace at which languages are disappearing today
has no precedent and is alarming .[ (prep)40 percent of the
world's approximate 7000 Lang48e are at isk of disappearing

Look at the pyramids depicting the world language hierarchy today and
predictions for 2050 and
a explain the main changes predicted in the next 30 years
b say what may be the factors that influence those changes


The big languages
English French

Regional languages Regional languages

0laneuaes of the UN Arabic Chinese (the language of mar trade block)
English French Germany.Russian. Spanish Arabic.English Chin e.Malay. Russin1. Spanish

National languages National languages

Around80l.a8.¢e serve over80nation.late Around 9language'ere over 20nation9ate

Official languages within nation states Local vernacular laing0lg9es

Around 600la00..a$ woriwice The rernaider of the w0is1000orleslang.

Local vernacular languages

The rerainier of the worlds6,000+lan8.a8e%
•·- . 1.2
Sociocultural content TEACHER
L.Bearing in mind what you have learned about English as a global language, Le
choose the correct option fromn the ones given 3e
The majority of countries that have a fest language L4a
a are former Bntish Colonies 15
b are qeveloping countries. Lse
c. are located in Europe.
2 Theso-called expanding circle"of English speakers includes..
a the native speakers of English
b the speakers of English as a second language
c. the speakers of English as a foreign language
1.3 The status of global language"can only be given to a language which
aisspoken by a mother-tongue majority
b has an offesal status in countries from every continent
c. isused as a mediumn of communication and a pniontty foretgr language
to be learned ina country
14 The difference between being considered a second or a foreign language
es mainly_
a inthe offeual or unoffeual status that language has been given
inacertain country
bin the level of fluency or ability of the speakers in a country the amount of speakers mastering the language.

1.When alanguages used as a global language. the main changes tt usually

undergoes are at the level Of
a graroar
b vocabulary
c. pronunciation

16 The different varieties of English developed around the world

ado not have distinctive linguistic features
follow the standard British English as a model
c. adapt their language to suit ther realty and needs
1.7 The existence of so many varieties of English all over the world
a wit compromise intellgbitty among speakers of English
b wit turn the English language into a moture of eosting varieties.
c. will eventually male one Vaniety stand out a0din9pose It'elf on the others
18 Ting the speakers' e0uatonal S0CO-
Accents within a0a0/00.a variety 0oncer
economic and ethnic backgrounds are called
a national a0cent.S

i.Complete the text with the following verbs in the active or passive form leant
po duoedf.has meant
use + remain + learn + see + teach
remains.his.taught produce + mean + play
la.are D a I t-an international

said towoke.will beaked
English is hugely mnportant as an international language anda
3.7¢ anmoortant part even n countoes where the u has nestonca boo
ttb_ as the principal for tgn language in most schools in We tern
Europe. Its also an essential part of the curriculumn in faflung places lie Lapan and South
laAl the Korea andc. lions of speakers in China prior to
as desirable by
l the whole/entire word(J wwt. most teaching of English as a for4gr language d. Bntrs.t
c.English is so spread that it Englirshas its model. and textbooks and other educational resources e.
• for everyone(J in the UK for use overseas Th reflected the UK's cultural dominance and#ts perceted
ownership"of the English Language. Since 1945, however, the increasing economic power
of the USA and ts unraalled influence in popular cult'uret that
lesteinteratvo Amenican English has become the reference point for learners of English in places lie
Japan and even to a certain extent in some European countries. Betesh English
g. the model inmost Commonwealth countries where Englirs.
h_asase ondlanguage. the story of English has
shown this situation may not last indefttel
wwwbit ( darted)

eComplete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
te"8n- use between two anad tour worsts, inclocirs the word srven
a people believe that a the varieties of English are acceptable variations. (to)
Al the varieties of English
b Everyone says that English works as alink between different cultures.. (said)
English asalink between afferent cultures.
c. They will ask Davi Crystal to make a spee hat the conference. (asked)
Davi1Crystal tomake a speech at the conference

a Choose the right option

31 in which of these words don't we drop the sound Ar/i Bets English?
a read b work c.clever
32in which of these words do we rop the sound At/ in Amnenican English
b attc

i The following sentences are wrong. identify the mistakes and rewrite them correctly.
a Al of the countries in the world w eventually learn English as a foreign language
b After World war ll. al the world acknowledged the USA as a powerful nation
c. Englishis so spread that tis available for all who wants to learn tt
English in the world
Each variety of English represents a country, a flag, a nationality,
a culture,a people and a history
in small groups do some research about one of the following varieties referring to:
+ the historical background and#ts relation to the
English langua8
+ whether English is spoken as a fest, second
or foreign language
the nurnber of s0eat 'S,
+ other languages spoken in the country,
+ the economic and political status of the country
celebrities or historical personalities of the country
+ interesting cultural aspects

. .. . .. . .. . .. .
examples of works of literature written in
English by authors of these countries
+ the main unique features of the English .
variety spoken

The changing English '

Every language is continually evolving. That's particularly true for the English language '
whose lexicon is constantly incorporating new words through contact with the many
linguistic backgrounds it is used in

Sore new entries in the c.bona#es are for e.a0n0le

bestie (n) a person's best friend a very close friend
Der (n)a person who engages in do-tt-yourself actvtes

ln small groups do some research about new words that have entered the English language
in the last decade.
+ Their origin
The lexical area they are use1in
+ examples Of us.age

Forrest Gump

to complete the table:

ECTOR c:r t
t Title. Forrest Gum RELEASE DATE
Director. Robert Zeme
etea we date: 6Jut I994
Cast Torm Harles, Sally wLE VOA WATCH
field. Robin Wright Gary
SiniseOeore Dara
Running tire I42 4nin
fThe film takes place between the 1950s and 1990s - a period of major changes
Awards. Academy Awards
in the USA and the wider world
Oscars for Best Picture, 2 Watch the fr and identity the scenes/characters/circumstances where the
Best Actor ina let ding role
following issues are shown (some of thern rather imnplctty') or how the nan
(lorn Hanks Best Director
obert Zemeckis) Best character gets involvedn them

Screenplay bered on 22Do sore eSearch to find out more info4naDion about the historical events below So
previ sly publ h +d
material (Arthur Schmidt that you can place them in trmne and identfy than II -
Best effects/visual effects
en Rals n.George Murphy ----------
----------------- ,-----------------------------------------,

the Cf war
• •
Best Drector. Best Actor, } A discrimination t the Ku /Klux Klan l
Best Motion Picture- • •,
bitibet rs e EsPresley
Dara. etc •
e child abu e d the Presidents of the USA John Kennedy
•} university access a, the Vietnarn War
Solubee 2
. segregation
t desire for tare ·--
lg the need for heroism and
t the presidents of the USA chard Npeon
s. the Hippie Movement
the presidents of the USA Lyndon

•} questions of honour Johnson

•} the use of drug t fest Landing on the Moon
•! t avertigerent USAChia tension •
•! j

j hurncanes k. John Lennon
Imagine you are a film
critic ad give your

j • cancer/ADS t Watergate affair
t ;
opinion about the }t theneed to believe
believe in m three other presidents of the USA
following topics t cue
oet0iris m woouaton
Apple Corporation
.e smiley faces an burn9er Stiers !
• Read the following quotations from the fim and discuss:
a. how they can relate to the film;
b. how they convey the life lessons we can learn from the message
a:a:: implied in the whole story.
film Goto page 196 to
find the guidelines on 4Ldeislke a box of
howtowrite areview chocolates. You never know Yue got to put the
past behindyou before There's ala so ruch fr tune
what you're gonna get a man real needs and tie rest
you can move oh."
is just fer shin' oft."
Mae you ever thought how long some of our everyday items have existed? TEACHER
Many of today's worldwide used terns were invented by people from English-- LLB2EA04.A5C

Look at the people on the left and match them wth ther
inventions which apparently have core to star¥
Citizenship and

Human rights for all

2.2 open doors, open minds

In this unit you will be able to revise
or learn...

some vocabulary connected to:

• human nights
• human nights' violations
• freedom fighters
• immigration
• discrimination
• immigration policies

how to:
identify and describe human rights' violations
interpret the Universal Declaration of Human
express ideas about the UDHR
distinguish between immigration policies
write anews report
identify migration types
discuss reasons for immigration
write an exposition
exploit videos
describe pictures
role-play a dialogue
build a class debate

hwto use
the gerund and the to-infintve
subject-verb inversion
• suffocation
inversion in conditional Cla0SeS
Citizenship and
r •
• • I
TEACHER @watch the video The History of Human Rignits
Ila.Cyrus. the Great
oonqu red Babylon and
-Voros =
released the slaves.b Th • What do these dates tefer to concerning
MagnaCartawe siled in the dewloprent of a hurnan nights"
England e, The British BAL 0ons0Io0SneSS
ofkehtswe issued
d.America 8. 5398c
independencee. French

Europe.g. Mahatma
Gandhi led inlode
h.Hiler cons red power in
Germany i The UNears
es blishedj The ti we
.2 Although the Universal Declaration of Murnan Rights (up) has been in e0stenoe
12Theright to fo d/helter
fin de of speech the night for over 60 years. there are st nights that are being violated today.Find Out 4 0f
to the bi.hnent those nights as stated in the video
of slavery
1.3 Why haven't the nights enshrined in the Up been respected?
13(lb resp ting the
rights in the de laration is not .4 What's the message we get at the end of the video?
alaw butan 0pion.a
res 2bt
14l4nan rights start with
f mead the articles of the UDHR.
us.whoever we are.whenever 2 Workoingin small groups. discuss world events or situations that depict clear
we le violations of each of the articles (past or present)

Article All buran beings are born Artie.le16 ()(2)Marriage shall be

free and equal in dignity and rights(J entered into only with the free and full

UNIVERSAL Article2 Everyone is entitled to all

tbe rights and free dors set forth in
consent otthe intending spouses
Article.8 Everyone bas the night to

Di'LRATION this Declaration, wit

bout distinction fn do of thought. conscience and
of any kind such as tace, 0olo. 5 religion()
lag ge religion political or other Article24 Everyone has tbe to

opinion() rest and leisure. including reasonable
Article% Noone sba]l be held in limitation of working hours asod
slavery or servitude slavery adtbe periodic holidays with pay

slave trade sball be prohibited in all Article 26 (Everyone bas the
their forms night to education Education sbal
Article$ No one sbal be subjected be free. at least in the elementary
to torture or to cruel. inhuran or and fundamental stage Element.a¥

degrading treatment or punishment. education shall be corp.loony

I n
Human rights for all

Mead the following headlines taken from the British Press and identify the TEACHER
human rights being violated in the stories behind them A Article 6 Article 24
Crt ie 2and 26.D Article I8
E.Article 4 and SF. Article l
¢Article 8
• Sudanese woman who married a personal a ers
non-Musllm sentenced to death
A Chinese Bank On the
c. Bolivia's child labour law Regulator Dies pt
follow the link for the video
of the 30 human nights. which
shames us all. Children From Working of today's
aged just 10 are now
permitted to work
e Human trafficking unit reveals
• NIGERIAN IS LOCKED DP AFTER three women rescued after
SAYING HE IS AN ATHEIST 30 years as slaves

e More than half of women • European court of Human

discriminated against at work Rights upholds French ban
on full-face veils
E oscuss in class
a. examples of current human nights' violations across the word

b. why violations of hurnan nights st exist in the 2 century

tant their
c. which causes the celebrities below have embrace and howl9Or
contribution has Deen
Cries of freedom
Read the poem by Claude McKay Oh when I think of my long-suffering tac
and discuss: For weary centuries, despised, oppressed
l.a Aback person
Note. Stud ts sh ldr fuse a. who ther might be Enslaved and lynched. denied a human place
the terms negr0 nigger or b the connotation of the words used ln the great life line of the Christian West
coloured which.are cone de red And in the Black Land disinherited
to describe how his race has been
connected toy lenoe treated Kobbed in the ancient country of its birth
My heart grows sick with hate becomes as lead
c. his fe lings towards the
behare.le feels hatred
and revoltd Revenge mistreatment of his race for this my tact tlat has no hone on eat
e. White men t. All the d. his wishes for the oppressor, I hen from the dark depths of my soul[cry
counties that once had
slaves. for example the USA a who the oppressor might be, To the avenging angel to consume
Portugal Spain The white man's world of wonders utterly
f. which country/countries we Can
icanseeablack me on Let it be swallowed up in earth s vast womb
associate the situation depicted
the floor being whipp d there Or upward roll as sacrificial smoke
are sore black people in with (past or present)
To liberate my people from its yoke!
chains+ itching#t sore other
black people wording a black lade Mey.ilea She (d
gil that seems to beaner /nice9or let tho.lee
Dover hos Delo
for«white beby ad there is.a
white farniywho seem lie
they are enjoying the show
they are
ob vingwhat must
be the punishment of a slave
f Bearing the poem in mind, look at the painting by Marcel Verdier and answer
the questions.
22lefact that it is.a black
mar whip hgablack slave 2. Describe the scene depicted in the painting
Tht we quite atypical
2.2lsthere anything unexpected in the scene you have just described? Explain
0cue0eat pl0ti00
Therewssa rigid hierarchy ad 2.3Howls the idea of power and oppression conveyed in the posture and attitude of
some slaves.were ordered to the people depicted in the painting
whip other slaves or else they
would get thens.N 2.4 lsthere a theme connecting the painting and the poem you have read above?

4Theunlair treatment of
one race by another

Claude Mcary war a

and poetwhowasaseria
figure in the llalee
et ace
Study the Re ding
l years.a slave
Watch the film Selma
one y
El u«ism
.you are going to hear five reports from the Human Rights Watch organisation TEACHER
talking about human rights'violations occurring today in various countries l.a liorth orea Qatar
around the world North Korea, Turkey, Qatar, Australia and Saudi Arabia h. liorth ores/ Turley

co-mors e 4
c.Saud rabid iorthores
e. lureyf Austral Furey
t. Answer the questions a-h by wring tenare Of the counties men booed above h North ores
2.North ores article 11S
Where 24. Turley arti le 12. I8
a. can we stir find people working and ling in inhurnan conditions Qatar article 224
b has there been sexual abuse of fern.ales by governmental authotte ?
Saud Arabiar ar le L2
c. are women for
Dien to Carry out sore ally act1ties 3. Pers
d. is torture st used on a regular basis?

a. has Islamic fundamentalism been steadily nsing

f. are mentally handicapped giris being made intertie ?
s. are people being prevented from demonstrating in pubic?
h. are the offenders'far les also taken away for punishment ?

Go through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDH') and decide

which articles are being violated in each of the countries

which country would you say is furthest away from the values and principles of
the UpH? Explain

Oral presentation I
Look at the pictures depicting clear violations
of human rights. Choose one of the pictures
and prepare a five minute presentation
referring to:
whatwecan see in the picture
the hurnan night being violated
the article in the Up? where that night
ls referred to

what should be 0one to put an end

to situations like these


Turn to page • It pro ides you with the
phrases you need to describe pictures and
exp your opinion
[ no»as i

TEACHER .watch the video about a new law passed in France

I The prohibition for lrslimn and find the answer to the following que tions
women towearauveiin • voro6
foll yews • Which Law was pars.se01by the French government ?
1.3lobeidentified b 2 owlong hars the on the Meo been
weaning ave?
fie or the loss of cities.hip .3ls there any situation where she would agree to rerove her vet ?
1.5 3.000 L4 What may the penalties be for those who persist in weaning the ven
I6 lo po re the country's L.5 How many women are es0rated to use the vet in Fane?
secular lees
t.6 Whys this new measure cons.ere es.se004al by the French law courts

E Read the article


The European Court of Human Rights has upheld a conscience and religion. and the law was not
French law banning the wearing of the full-face o iscniminatory under Article14
veil, the niqab, on July1, 204. The Strasbourg- The Court Registrar said in a statement that the
based court was ruling onacase brought by a European judge had taken into account the French
24year-old French woman, who argued that the submission that the face played a significant role in
ban on wearing the veil in public violated her social interaction
freedom of religion and expre ion It has also taken account of the view that
The woman argued that the law brings up the individuals might not wish to see. in places open to
issue discrimination based on gender. religion and all practices or attitudes which would fundamental
o ethnic origin. to the detriment of women who wear call into question the po 1bthty of open interpersonal
the full-face veil The woman was not named in the relationships which formed an indispensable
complaint which was brought to the court in April element of community Life."
201L. The case potentially has important The statement said The court was therefore
implications for the UK. where the possibility of able to accept that the barrier raised against others
panning the veil has long been discussed by aveil concealing the face was perceived as
The Law. which was passed in 2010 and went into breaching the night of others to live in a space of
effect the following year. forbids anyone to hide his 4s socialisation which made living together easier"
or her face in an array of places, including the street Although the law admittedly had specific
The Court's Gran Chamber. the highest forum negative effects" on Muslim women it had an
o rejected the arguments of the French woman It objective and reasonable justification"the Court ruled
ruled that the law's bid to promote harmony in a The UK human Tights pre ure group Liberty
diverse population is legitimate and doesn't breach so intervened in the court case, arguing against the ban
the European Convention on Human Rights The After the ruling. Liberty's director Shami Chakrabarti
European Court's Grand Chamber declared. by a sail How do you biberate women by criminalising
majority. that there had been no violation of the their clothing? Banning the veil has nothing to do
Article 8, the night to respect for private and family with gender equality and everything to do with rising
It also held there had been no violation of Article 9 s% racism i We #ten Europe. You are setting a whole

which protects re sp t for freedom of thought group of people apart from the society they live in

Ecoose the correct option. TEACHER
3 Whatis the general purpose of the text ? 3.%
a. To engage us in a story uphold.c. to the
b To inform us of certain facts detnin of4I0d went into
c. To evaluate a0dge an 0pin'NOL effect t 6I/e. bid 2I
f. A2taken into
3.2 Hows that purpose mainly accomnolrshed? t3call into
a. By reporting angles on a newsworthy event
«u »ion t 38
S.a the Euro Court of
b. By explaining causes and effects lluran ghtsh. hears upheld
e. By arguing for a point of vew afnenchlwb the
earing of the full face veil
c. Strasbourgd Jut 204
E rod out in the text: .a toacoepl nt
a. asynonym for prohibition (headline); byaFrench
gt4lag edin face in
baverb that means supports a decson" (headline); 200 that prob.b teed Marlin
aneroresson"en harm or damese to someone" «oanasnarn : men to useful-face veil
d. an expression that means t «gntoapply or use"(paragraph 2)
« anoun that is a synonym for effort or proposal (pa. graph 3) of st nding
peed la
f. averb meaning violate(paragraph 3
6.3lo The fest one. the
s an expression meaning considered particular facts when making a decision" of the French
(paragraph 4) ornneent ad the Eu y
Court.which supp rted the
h. an expression meaning make people doubt(paragraph4) bean or purl
the second the French
read the lead paragraph of the text and find out information to complete the ad the he
following table with the basic inforrnation of the news item Lb tysview which see the
banadirnin i
6.4 Te Court's
hold that the vel pee ts
pope roe social interaction
4 without it
popewoe so le more
easily The states the
not wearing the veil
isgoing to.isolate a group of
[Answer the following questions about the text. people froen
6.1 ldentty the event that brought about
atrial in the European Court of Murnan Rights
6.2Why wasn't the woman who brought the 1. Think of two reas ns why some people
would wis.h women to wear veus and
complaint to court named?
two reasons why people would disagree
6.3 iowmany angles 0n the Issue are shown in the with women wearing veils. Explain
text? Summanse them
2. Which view do you personally agree
6.4 Explain the contradiction between the Court's justfcaton to with? why?
uphold the law and the last sentence of the text You are setting
3. Do you agree that the French law doesn't
a whole group of people apart from the society they le in" br ach the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, namely articles8,9
and14? Justify

L voe»our
TEACHER phrasal verbs based on bring and set
la bring up setting
.Complete the sentences with the missing phrasal verbs, according to the
meaning in brackets
fin making
doers de .raised The woman argued ttat the law (raises) the issue of
f.die regarded. departed dscnrnination based on ge nder, lgion and ethnic origin"
h triced delay[pn ted
d back (making ther different) from the society they live in,"
4.bringsbsete.sets • Go back to the text to check your answers
d will set

fead the sentences using phrasal verbs based on bring and set and replace
thermn with a verb from the list,soas tokeep the same meaning.
present + raise • attract + disregard + trick
cause + succeed + delay persuade + depart

- -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- ------- -- -- -- -•,

a. The European Court ruling on the French t. The judge set aside his personal fe lings
ban brought about a lot of controversy and focused on the drscnirmnination issue
• The huran rights group Liberty"is seeking g The refugees set off today for the refugee
to bring in more supporters for their causes carp on the border
e, IfMuslimn women can bring off a deal wrt h The Saudi Arabian women said they had
French authorities they'ii be able to keep been setup when they were arrested for
the vet in public ring
d, The French woman was afraid to go to the t The recent attack on the Mus.limn
European Court but the director of Liberty community w set back peace
managed to bring her round negotiations for a few months
e. Sore chiren in eloping counties are j The 24-year-old French woman set out the

4PP nut es
- st brought up in unacceptable conrtons

Erin the gaps with a suitable preposition

reasons for her complaint in a long letter

a The young Muslimn had been brought by aFrench Catholic foster family
b in her written statement. the Mus.lrn w0raget her reasons for not

e. The Muslrn women's behaviour has alrnost brought an international cone

d The witness statement will set

Use a dictionary to complete the sentences with a suitable form of bring or set.
a The debate over the banning of vets back the issue of cultural divide
b The decided to up anew business where she cou
her vel freely
e. You must admit that theed Musa woren apat frorn other woren
the Mus.limn community against other religious groups.
l eammar no
The gerund and the to-Infinitive
Elmeserunaz-is form and the to+ introit"e
not vert tenses but vert
in specific grammatical contexts. They cannot be used after a subject,
forms used

- -
The gerund, or ing forris a verbal form which is used

Banning the vet has Women risk being The poss#bitty of She appreciated his/him
nothing to do wrth arrested f they banning the veil has been h loping her at court
equality disobey the law discussed in the UK

The most common verbs followed by the gerund are: aodrtt. appreciate. avoid consider.deny.cir.e. enjoy, up. cant help. imagine. involve. keep. mention. mind.miss. postpone. practise. res#st.risk.can't stand
Aliphaasaverbs are followed by the gerund Sher never ge up fighting for her nights.
The gerund also follows to whenttis used as a preposition in expressions le look forward to object to be used to.
• The gerund is also used after the_epeessons rt'soouse_rt'sno good t An't worth
The negative is formed by using the negatve adverb not before the verb form She admits not we ring the
vet in certain cir'cur7Sta0eS

The to-infinitive is used
to puny afar cert rt afer
The French woman did The woran refused Her attitude encouraged n
Sore woren
tt to nae a point to accept the Court's other women to step feel they are not free to
ruling thernseves
The most common verbs followed by the to-nfvtve are: afford agree. arang ask choose. decide, expect
fall. happen hope. intend, lean. manage. offer. plan prepare. pretend. promise. refuse. seem tend want
Common verbs which take anobiect folio red by the to-nfitve are advise. allow. ask. encourage. expect
forbid force, help rtte. persuade. remind. teach, warn
The negative is formed by using the negative adverb not before the verb form They arsed her to wear the
vet under no CircunS

@Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the gerund or the TEACHER
to-infinitive. ltoseel not toge
• fightingd Having
a. Every minority expects (see) their culture and values respected
b. It should be unacceptable (not give) people the chance to
express themselves freely
e. No one should give up (fight) for their nights as enshrineqin the
(ave)free iomn of religion and expressions 0e of those
ll aammarim
TEACHER f]Match the two halves of the sentences below so that they make
l. toswpport5h. to male l grammatically correct
c. living7d having3e. to end4
leavingh to fightc. taling a. Amnesty international agreed • their own choices overcome b. Mu rn women Shod be 2.under stet liglours
.lot being toread allowed constraints
ctonamed promoting
e.toans erftocreate e. Some French people can't 3.left out her narne to avoid an¥
• Standigh respecting agree with the woran retaliation
having er
d The woran a0rnNtteCd 4. discrimination based or ge
6. She laired that she just wanted the French woran

f Complete the sentenc .with a suitable verb from the ones given. There are
two extra verbs you do not need to use.
have + warn + fight + overcome
give + leave + tal
a Bena Btutto the fst fernale present of, was kled after
her party's last rally in Rawalpinon in 2007
b Lech Walesa1sa former Pre sent of Polan who coin0eS
the nights of workers.
e. Olaudah Equtan was the fst black African slave who nsled
about his epeen0e a a $la0e
d. Shinin Ebadi is an Iranian judge and lawyer.She fought for the night for women career in ran
a. Desmond Tutus a South African act4st who has campaigned on a wide range of
hurnan#tartan issues. seeking racism, sexism. homophobia AIDS
and poverty

!Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: gerund or to-infinitive.


d (not be) free is the fate of twenty-seven mullion people

who live inslavery - more than twice the number during the peak of the slave
trade. And more than a billion adults are unable b. (read)
Given the magnitude of human rights violations it is not surprising that 90
percent of people are unable e. (name) more than three of
their thirty nights With so many unaware of their most basic nights, who will
keep on d. (promote) Human Rights?
If you wante. (ans er)that question you can draw
inspiration from those who made a difference and encouraged others
f. (create) the human nights we have today.$.
(stand) up for human rights is to recognise that peace and progress can never be
achieved without h. (respect) them Each humanitarian in a
significant way.changed the world
EL wars
News report TEACHER
linorms of certain

factsh. dfferent a l
@Based on your analysis on page 73 complete the definition of the genre below.
Anewsreportisa text whose general purpose#Stoa
It accomplishes this purpose by reporting. 0n iting genres
newsworthy event a0recounting events not structure/in time. Its usually written
by a journalist and can be found in a newspaper or mag.a.ine

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise a news report looking at the text
you have studied on page 72as an example.


-o-- _ --
Write an eye-catching

-.. - -- -·
Lead paragraph of and usually short

- ---- - ---
Wrte.aparagraph -f
sentence to nae
,, •
rea0ers CuniOuS about
the topic

information on the o

story. who. wtat
where, when wtry or

-- --
howt happened


-·-------- ---
--• ... -- -
- - -----•-

_,., I --

Body text/Angles
+ Develop the information Use direct speech for
PP aces

in the lead paragraph quotations.

ging details and Use conneCtOrS for
explanations on the reinforcer Tent
story Do not give your opinion
+ Use quotations and on the Issue
0pinions of the people
involved to core up with
the (different angles of the

fGoback to page 69. Choose one of the headlines given and write a
news report onit.
LI uoomirsm
TEACHER .Listen to the song by Beyonce and complete it with the mi sing verbs.
la lefth. rememl c-moo
c.forgetdlivede loved
f. thought.knowh. died
lmeant[touched made
8Everyone should male a I wanna le.ave my footprints on the $a0d 0ftrne
difference in the world.(J Know there was soething tat0eant so0nething
for the good deeds they heave That la. behind
done to help other pe pl When leave this wrid fie.ave noregrets
c(/by doing our best to bring
others sore Leave something to0b
3 So they won'te.
ol Iwashere.Id
eeneie. Degree in
Iwas here
Cormeroe and Political
$ noedSafety of women aid tve done everything that l wanted
and their night to full And tt was more than1t
par boip rtione. The first Arab lwii leave my ark so everyone will$.
wornatowinaiobet Peace
Pre in 20ll Iwas here
lien Sirleaf want to say lived each day until
a. I938b. Lbe ion And know that Ii somebody's rte
0a A
pe 09en
Accounting degeein The hearts/havej w be the proof tat leave
Econori and in That I.
Public Administrationd The
end of corr pti hand the civil
war inLiberise The worlds Fink about the message implied in the song and discuss:
first el ted black fer ale
a whuat tat message is;
p dent and liobet Peace
pre in 20ll b what people nary be rerernbered for,
Lu lab "a I9SS. Chinese c. howwe can make a difference in the world
Degree in Literature ad
Philen phyd Amore open
and der atic Chinae. The fNowlisten to these four true stories of people who have fought and still fight
first Chinese to win.a Nobel everyday to make a difference. Complete the table b low.
Peace Prize in 20.l0 while [c-moss44
serving4jail sentence

Mlala fotfzata, I99

h. Pakistani c. Still attending
school d iomen's night to
ede ione. Nobel Peace

a. date of beth
b. nationality

e. eucation
d. cause he/she stands for

«. achievements/awards
IIApoor girl woring i
l he lo shops with
indoor bonabout which
one is lorblc
Champions of people ad which is for
human rights white people C The inside
of the bu where there is.a
Look at the images and answer the following people only
questions. South
Mrica (until the I990/C l
• What can you see in the pictures? the USA lentil the 19604
.2 When an where may these stuaions have happed? 134ate Swstem is the
way the lodes is
1.3Look at the captions of the pictures what do you know h march lly organ ged
about the words/expressions. ? Ag rhteid wars alegal
of segregation
1.4 Are they st to be found today?
nagen to thee
1.s Do you know any historical figure that fought against
of p ate public places
these segregating systems ? who?
for white ad coloured
pope tobein ore
Look at the men in the pictures b low and say. L4Yes the caste syst min
led is stilinue
a their nares a0d national/es
I The personalties.in2Z
b which of the above situations you associate them with landhohatra Gandhi
lode.A Martin Luther
King Jr.Aenerie C Nelson
Mandela South African. B
2% al 1948 freeld
from British ruled through
nor¥le t
e.le hedame.or role in
try.Masse mated in
I948leis revered as the
father of theled Nation
%. 1929-1968

2. Now watch the vie0s a write notes about

a. the fe span

b their jobs or occupaOnS.

e. what they fought for

d. how they tried to get their point across

• their ion9or
ta0Ce and achievement.S.
f. how they died

s. how they are remembered and honoured today

2.2lfyou were given the chance, wch of them would you lie to have met?why? Winers
[ me»as i

Mou are going to read a text about Barack Obama. The beginnings of each
Page I94cont.) paragraph have been removed from the text. Choose from sentenoisA H the
d. first pe fully. tho ugh one which fits each gap
bot ts strikes ad civil A. After Law school. Obama returned to Chicago to practice as a cv nights lawyer,
drobe die nce.later through
armed conflict«e le freed in2004 Obama was elected to the US Senate as a Democrat

and was the l elected black c. Obama published an autobiography

pi dent4SA44also won D Obama did not have arelationship wrth ti tater as a child and
the Nobel eace Prire in I993
foldagellewas.aleoder E. His second book, The Audacity of Hope Thoughts on e laing the American Drean
adainternational symbol
• Whelving wrth his grandparents Obarna err llefin the este Ted Punahou Academy.
22Personal G. Obama entered Harvard Law School in 198.8
Page 80 M. Barack Hussein 0baa was born on August 4, 1961,

Barack Obama is the 44 president of the United

States, and the first African American to serve as
U.S president. First elected to the presidency in
2008, he won a second term in 2012.

in Honolulu. Hawaii His mother. Ann Dunham. grew maternal grandparents. His mother and sister Later
upin Wichita.Kansas. where her father worked on joined them
oil rigs during the Great Depression Barack Obama's c.
father. Barack Obama Senior. was born of Luo excelling in basketball and graduating with academic
o ethnicity in Nyanza Province. Kenya Obama Sr grew honors in 1979.As one of only three black students at
up herding 8oats in Africa. eventually earning a the school Obama became conscious of racism and
scholarship that allowed him to leave Kenya and what it meant to be African-American Obama also
pursue his dreams of college in Hawaii struggled with the absence of his father who he saw
While studying at the University of Hawaii in only one more after his parents divorced when
Manoa Obama Sr met fellow student Ann Dunham Obama Sr visited Hawaii for a short time in1o
and they married on February 2.1961. Barack was Obama Sr died on November 24, 198.2 when Barack
born six months later was2years old After high school Obama studied at

his parents divorced in March 1064. when he was2
Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years with
«o the help of scholarships and student loans He then
years old In1965. Dunham mar Tie Lolo Soetoro. an transferred to Columbia University in New York
Eagt-West Center student from Indonesia A year graduating in 1983 with a degree in political science
later the family moved to Jakarta Indonesia where After working in the business sector for two years
Barack.'s half-sister Maya Soetoro Ng. was born Obama moved to Chicago in108. There. he worked
Several incidents in Indonesia left Dunham afraid «s on the South Side as a community organiser for
2for her son's safety and education so, at the age of 0 low-income residents in the Roseland and the Alt'geld
Barack was sent back to Hawaii to live with his Gardens communities

d. seond printing in 2004. and was adapted for a
The next year he met Michele Robinson. an children's version The 2006 audiobook version of
o associate at the Chicago law fm of Sidley Austin Dreams. narrated by Obama received a Grammy
She was assigned to be Obama's adviser during
.a so Award (best spoken word album)
summer internship at the firm and not long after $.
the couple began dating Their first kiss took place was published in October 2006. The work discussed
outside of a Chicago shopping center - where a Obama's visions for the future of America. many of
s plaque featuring a photo of the couple issing was which became talking points for his eventual
installed more than two decades later. in August e presidential campaign Shortly after its release. it hit
2012. In February 1990. Obama was elected the first No.Ion both the New Yonke Times an Amazon
African-American editor of the Harvard Law eview best-seller hists
He graduated from Harvard. cum Laude (with h
to very great honor). in 1991 representing Illinois. and he gained national attention
e. oo by giving.arousing and well-received keynote speech
joining the firm of Miner Barnhill & Galland He also at the Democratic National Convention in Boston
taught part-time at the University of Chicago Law In 2008 he ran for President. and
School (1992-2004) -- first as a lecturer and then as a despite having only four years of
6 professor - and helped organise voter registration national political experience,
drives during Bi Clinton's 1992 presidential he won In January 2009. he
campaign On October 31002. he and Michelle were was sworn inas the44
married They moved to Kenwood. on Chicago's president of the United
South Side, and welcomed two daughters several States. Never before had an
o years later. Malia (born 1998) and Sasha (born 200I) African-American been
t. oo elected to that position
Dreams From My Father. A Story of Race and Obama was reelected to
Inheritance. in 1095. The work received high praise geond term in
from literary figures like Toni Morrison and has November 2012
since been printed in10 language including
Chinese. Swedish and Hebrew The book had a

E choose the right option

2 Whatis the general purpose of the 2.2Hows that purpose mainly
text? accomplished?

a. To engage us in a story a. By recounting events staged in te

b To inform us of certain facts. h By descnbing different types of things

c. To evaluate a0dge an 0pin'NOL e. By discussing several points of view

[sen the text to find more formal synonyms for the following words TEACHER
(paragraphs 4-9) 21%
[0ooh. ling30%. sector
•�--------- 43le.l
c. needy 90

[ no»as i

TEACHER eread the text and put the places where Obama lived in chronological order,
4. -place of birth referring to their importance in his life.
lat where they moved
towhen his mother neonarnied

with his grad rents

Los Angeles he studied at
0 dental College. d. Kenwood
er fork-he took a degree
Cleo he metch Ale fcaunolete the table below with information from the text.
where his two
daughters.were born veer
S.%I96lb. graduates with Obama's date of birth
honour fro
Puehou e. I983 b
denters/larvardLaw School
e.I9994.i elected the first graduates in political science
Afr Aerie n editor of the
larvard Law eview.. I99l d
h elected the 44Pr dent
of the USA L. 2012 L

6.alio he dint le wars born

in llaes but after his parent'
divorce when hews he graduates from Harvard wrth very great honour
moved to.Jakarta
At the age of he wars sent h
back tollaea to live with his re-elected to a se0on tern
in everything he
did while hews.a stud tand
this might he been.a sign
trout in the text
that he would be suer ful in a fthe44president of the USA had an ordinary ch#hood and explain
the future e levied the
sector was.a b how.his academic records may have contributed to his ton as the president of
community0r90 ,eito one of the most power
fut nations in the world
of the Harvard Law levier
civil rights lawyer,pert-tire
e. which jobs Obama did before becoming the resent of the USA
lecturer and pole or and(S d. why his ele ion for the presidency of the USA6a e stone in Amnencan history
Senator.dlt startedanewera
menic nhistory since
0f Tawas the first Africa
Arner tobe elected for the
pr dency of the USA 1. Obama didn't have a long political career
before running for presidency but he quickly
Sugg stion
became popular. Why do you think this has
happened ?
2. What does Obama stand tor in the eyes of
American people ?

3. If you could meet him, what qu ions

would you like to ask him?
4. In which ways ate Obama's achievements
similar to those of personalities such as
Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi or,
especially, Martin Luther King?
ll armmarim
Subject-verb inversion
when restrictive expressions are placed first in a sentence to emphasise what's being
said, there is an inversion of the subject and the auxiliary verb,

f mead the sentences A--C below. ee

1 Place the adverbs in the correct place
had never bee elected by
.2 What'sthe rule for adverb order in a sentenoe ? Amer a Themed
A Obama ls seen socialising with White House employees.. (sornetire ; often portray Ob maaa
co ilk tony
1itiplaced beloreamen
8 AnAfncan-Aenan resent ha been erborafter the verb to be
band c
lever before he.a
c. The media portray Obama as a conciliatory president. (often) bgraoh of a been

Adverbs can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence, which implies some changes in
structure the inversion of the subject.
Weuse the inversion for general emphasis of the adverb which is usually negative in meaning

The structure of an interrogative sentence is used An atiliay verb always cores before the subje t
Never had an African
American been elected to that position
Not since his childhood has Obama returned to Hawaii
Under no circumstances can we deny Obama's popularity
arely do we have the chance to isit the White House

fick()the sentences which do not contain inversion. lot fora moment do let
to say th Ob mas strateg
a Nowhere ave we seen a p0tcal career develop as fast as Carn\'$ aerongc.At no tire dd
b Never give up If you want to be rererbereasafn Jorn fighter elisten toat lle
0b naslo gural. on
e. Hardly anyone approves of laws that discriminate against minonttes. 0leery 2009 4. Little do
d. Seldom do we see such a chantsmatic personalty elow about the p at'g
gt nda after Christmas
e. Selk ndoe see
fewrite the sentences with a similar meaning beginning with the pole onleire
word/phrase in brackets.
a A biography 0fa present as never been gen p05ltve reviews. (never before)

b. Ion't want to say that Obama's strategies are wrong (not for a moment)

e. Obama's inaugural Address on 20# la0a 2009 was unique. (at no tire)

There isn't much information about the resident's agenda after Christmas (ittie)

6. We don't frequently see politicians on leisure actvttes.. (seldom)

EL wars
TEACHER Biography
la informs of certain facts
events staged in tire
.Based on your analysis on page 8l complete the definition of the genre below.
A biographys a text whose ge eral purposes to
Writing genres lt accomplishes this purpose by recounting b
ttys usually written by a biographer and can be found in a biography book or on a
web page

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise a biography looking at the text
you have studied on pages80-81as an example.

le 0it.4.,ofL
fe you are going to
es0nboe in general te0TS Lee4 a

(you may refer to name,
nationality. occupation
achieverents or other Sort
0. i4
-ea4 e-
A 0

lo4eei4 oh6.
we de le cocoa
0 lei
CS%, le

boa alee
• eL-Ai-

---- ----
h$ah lee4 el4
el Le •
LC iiee-
lie%be ii4
e} a 4

Describe the stages on the person's life Speerfc tee needs to be indicated
following the tone sequence of the souse preposition of tine a0I ate$
events. referring to and 0ornoneting Verb tenses are many use in the past
on the main events an achievement.S Use tone words and express0nS Suh
peter to beth family. education as before. at that time. earlier, during
relationships. children. achievements mneawtie, the mea0tone. aS
career, 0death. etrerent or present soon as. after, afterwards. when. then
fe later. by the time_

APP nucros fGo back to pages 78-79. Choose one of the personalities you talked about and
write a biography about him/her.
Sociocultural content Le
L.Bearing in mind what you have learned in this unit, chooe the correct option from the 1.3%
ones given I4a
The universal Declaration of Murnan Rights is 1.5%
a aworldwide legally accepted docurent ttuat every country lves by 16%
b alist of basic nights that every country can choose to apply .Te
c. auniversal statement of the nights every hurnan beings entitled to I8c
l2 Which of the statements is true concerning the nights enshrine(in the Declaration
a They should be respected only by the countries who have signed rt
b We should all be responSOle for tern to be respected everywhere
c. Some of therm may be ignored so that cultural values are preserved
13 Forbidding Muslimn women fromn weaning the futface veil or bur0as
sally-a0oepp/emeasure to prevent sonionnaDon
a. aunver
b arecently approved law in France
c.away to help Musarn woren ft in with western soCety
14 Tawakkol Karman and Ellen Johnson Srleaf have
a fought for the night of women to fully participate in society
b helped free their country from oppressive regimes
c. been imprisoned for their protests against hurnan nights'violations
1.5 Malala Yous.afza/ was shot because
a she was riding the bus to school
b she publicly defended the night of education for all
c. her father had founded a school for girts in pakostan
16 The best def#ton of Apartheids
a a policy of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.
bageneral fr ing of racism against native black South Africans
c.away of ke »ping afferent traditions alee
17 Gant
a aways/vein id.a
h organised violent protests across ind.a
c. studied and worked abroad before becoming a nationalist le.aer
18 Martin Luther King and Gant
a both studied law
h both fought for the independence of ther country
c. were both kied for the ideals they defended
19Nelson Mandela
a encouraged an armed confiet to end Apartheid
b was the fest Lawyer to open a black law practice in South Africa
c. spent hs whole fe in prison
Grana i Match the two halves of the sentences using the verbs in the gerund or the to-infinitive ngSl not going so that you can have me ul, correct sentences
8c.volunteering 7d. not
having.Sc. having2f. to a otgkc us extremists will go on
go out.3 hing.4
h being l h My friend John admits
la.L)has an African- e ThekMter thanked the young men
without covering their heads
Arner been elected for
h(are politi nsars
ppularae re dent dtf you entered a Mosque, you would
4. the fir about Mada
0 mac.()do hwant to appreciate
persuade you to vote for hi
net timed(did/low e. No one should be denied chase

6. anyone around to disturb you

until l studied it in depth
e.()does the po de rt of g /really look forward to attherefugee carny
the USA visit our country
f(/should voters h 4won't tolerate your 8 to church since his wedding
politie ns without being
certain of the facts eRephrase the following sentences beginning themas sugge ted.
Vocabulary a tt'sthefest tire that an African-American has beer le ted

b. oirtcans aren't usually as popular as president 0barn.a

c. ldon't want to persuade you to vote for hirn net tne

Net fora. roranl
d ton'tkow much about American history tnt studied rt in depth

e. The president of the USA doesn't gt our country very often

f Voters shouldn't ontt e politicians without being certain of the facts

0n no saint
Vocabul y
Complete the sentences with the prepositions given

back (2x) • up • against • apart

a TheCourt couicint reach a verdict and the trial was set to the folowing
b These children are brought
c. Again. this debate over the banning of the vet brings
d tftradrtonal clothings't allow d.women w feel set froen their roots
e The decision of the Court will probably set the lawyers _each other
Open doors, open minds

.Analyse the graph below and match the statements with each type of migration

, ,I' -I

=[ - 1 I
urban to0rural se al periodic between between
fetrerent ho#day sir ila dis 7
back to nature employment travel Counties
elf w le bran drain'
cottag of sdied
won e000ofTl
habit.aton of
tar havens"

bean drain the emntgration of highly trained or int llgent people (such as
doctors. engin rs, writers, scent9ts) from a par0ula County
0flan Lonon Lo
arhavens -counties where ta00es 0n1 pe0500all in00re are lo llnan m fed

a. Carmen a Spanish teacher,s going to spend a semester in Belfast on an exchange TEACHER

programmeina partner insttuton linternatie l temp tar
peri di biter.national
b. My brother, whos a beiint economist. has been hired to be part of the specialised
penman t
staff an offoe in Switzerland fora fem of UK hedge funds. between sear counties
e. Ihate going to school on foot lprefer the the of the school bus every morning c.internal
d. My dream holiday would be a cruse along the Norwegian fords. temp nary.peri di
a. My boyfriend and went up north last Apr to earn some money fruit-picking e.internal temporary

f. Since the tsunami, many people are shelters. temporary housing or other
sorts of borne-0nae shelters

. • ).

LI uoomirsm
ll.a. waitr b. the
.You will hear four people talking about their immigration experiences in the
USA Complete the table while you listen. The words/expre sions in the boxes
langgZ.a. hotel manager may help you
bf hion %
waiterb. the food4.a maid co-moss «s
fashion the traffic
being hore ck working hours

a. occupation in the USA

b. hardships he/she had to ta0e

Role play
.You would like to get some experience working abroad and want to apply for
a job you have seen advert ed in the paper. Discuss with your best friend
whether this may be a good option to start your career. Develop a dialogue
using the arguments in the boxes below.

loss of cultural identity

improved communication sills or + difficult integration in schools

language skills a0oornOdaton

improved quality of life + changing eating habits

better future for children

·() ·()

--------------------------------- -.
: Commenting:
'' It'sclear that
'' • It's lucky that
If you ask me.
'' • Fortunately/Unfortunately.

': • Im absolutely certain that

Generally speaking.
: Undoubtedly/There's no doubt that
: • Im being honest when Isay that
: From what fve heard
Tobe honest,
bind and Lfeisa barren
field/fro.en with so
Successful dreamers
They send the
ff nead the poem by Langston Hughes and that life
and helpless le
bid with utinst.of
discuss the following que tions.
an"desolate and unfruitful
.t. Identify the two metaphors used to refer to the leafield wheree cannot
meaning of life wtout rear Hold fast to dreams
1.2. Explain how they convey that meaning For if dreams die I3Personal

1.3.Think of other metaphors that could also express

Life is a broken-winged bird l4in sore situt
That cannot fly pope he toleae their
the sare meaning and share thernin Clar5$ niessearch for
14. Explain ow we can ass0€late the message 0f Hold fast to dreams
drears of ofa
better life. of abetter job
the poem to the mnmnigration flows as stated on For when dreams go 2la.and b.A. lei
page 87 Life is a banen field orig0lylroen Austria lees
Frozen with snow in the USA anode ledin
f The personalities below are successful lester ft%aes. collected'at
the cinema She'sroe
Chde lives in the USA and
irnonigrants who have become famous in vol Llereritel44soi O
various areas of entertainment and the arts.
2. Look at the pictures and discuss
a. where they core frorn originally an where they le now pile
b the area they have in(choose from theist b low) fled to/race and later the
USA he e led in
lterature + dance + music + cinema Elles born in l
painting + television irrigated to France ad
lledin dance Flews aria born
farrolh Budsara and fled to
the UK He {led in

3 I

[ me»as i

TEACHER watch the video The Schengen area

L.I Sogge onsa. Toelle • vwotor
iseasier then 3years.a90
t Lake some notes on the foll0 Ang
ltsthenare olfasenell town
in Lu bcrge. Freedom of a travelling across Europe: past and pre t

movement of people and
b the origin of the narne Schenge n
in theareawith no
formality.d Sore e. changes brought about by the agr ment
Eury ncountries le the
d. probable drawbacks in practice
UKare not in the Sch g
are8and sore which aredo 1.2 Do you agree wrth a policy of immigration
not belong to the EU as that stated in the video, where there is
1personal answer free moverent of people wth no special
Page 9l formality?
fpead the text to check the author's opinion on the issue

'(A[I5le gie tr.yeas

pg~gr immigration rifts? ?y Jabber Jabbour
Ever since moving to the UK from Syria ten the characteristics with which they were born The
years ago. I have been following the debate on only criteria for judging anyone would become their
immigration very closely. As world events and personal achievements and contribution to society
attitudes have changed. both the substance and Itisnot po uble for Britain. or any other country
tone of the debate have evolved since 2004 and are for that matter. to operate an open border
continuing to do so today. However during this mmigration policy. Therefore. there have to be
period a fundamental point in relation to criteria against which some people can immigrate
immigration from Europe has not received the to Britain and others cannot. Currently. the right to
attention it deserves. This is certainly how I feel as a immigrate to Britain is automatically doled out to
o this was the only point about immigration that I had people based on whether they hold a European
pondered while growing up in Syria passport or not. Instead. immigration to Britain
As an outsider living in a different continent should be reserved for those individuals who have
I always wondered if it was discriminatory to open worked hard in their own communities to
the door to Europeans to immigrate to Britain simply accomplish significant achievements. an can
due to their nationality demonstrate that they cleanly identify with British
I believe that the most essential principles of an values
ideal society are individuality. freedom and giving In the same way that a business continually and
everyone a chance at succeeding regardless of what dynamically manages its recruitment plans based
their ethnicity. religion or nationality may be. If on what its current needs are. so should every
o these principles are properly applied. no one would society when it de agns its immigration policy. For
gain advantage or suffer discrimination based on example. if Britain required 10.000 immigrants in
2014. there would be only 10.000 pr es to be earned In actual fact. such an immigration policy is no
by the most talented people in the world who different in practice from the Tier and Tier 2
4 identify with British principles programmes that the UK implements when issuing
A meritocratic immigration system is not only visas to skilled and high value non-EU immigrants
beneficial to Britain and countries to which Therefore. it would not be difficult to apply these
immigrants normally come. but is also valuable to programmes to EU nationals as well Other European
countries exporting Labour From experience. IknOW countries have equivalent schemes and could easily
that it is very easy to become demotivated if you live apply these to EU nationals too. Furthermore. point-
inasociety where cronyism and corruption are rife so based immigration systems have been successfully
where there are no opportunities for young people implemented in other parts of the world
and where the law is inconsistently applied In such Throughout history. akey reason behind Britain's
countries. young people often start to question if success has been our ability to trade and do
their hard wonk will ever pay off and whether it is business with people from all backgrounds
worthwhile being ethical and honest es regardless of whether they are European OI nOt
An immigration system that is purely talent- Shifting to a nationality-independent immigration
based. especially if applied strictly and fairly by a policy would send the right me age to everyone in
large number of countries could provide the the world. illustrating that we. in Britain welcome
6o motivation and encouragement that is cleanly hard-working. talented people who identity with
lacking and greatly needed in various parts of the oo our values regardless of their nationality. religion or
world Those individuals who believe in this ethnicity. Currently. this is not the impression given
immigration system start to wonk harder and by Britain and Europe to the rest of the world
compete with each other Whether or not they In conclusion would it not be great if while
es succeed in emigrating. they become the carriers of making sure that we recruit the night number and the
new values within their own cultures This is night kind of individuals to immigrate to Britain we
pc ublethanks to their ambition and self-interest also contribute to making the world a better place
as well as the credibility of a meritocratic and - all at zero cost and while improving our image and
international immigration system relationships with the people of other countries?
• Some might argue that this seems like an
idealised scheme that cannot work in practice

E choose the correct option

3 Whatis the general purpose of the text?

a. To engage us in a story
b To inform us of certain facts.
c. To evaluate a0dge an 0pin'NOL

a. By recounting events not structured in time
b. By explaining causes and effects.
e. By arguing for a point of vew

[ no»as i

TEACHER !rd out in the text

4. pondered4Ill outsider a aformal synonym of the word considered (paragraph)
AI2c.regardless I8
d.criteria23«. doled out b anoun that shows the authors an rnmnigrant (paragraph 2)
4 tt 38 c. an advert wrtha guff meaning wrttout(paragraph 3)
d. our 83
#policy that allows d. aword of Latin origin (paragraph 3)
ayone toirnigrate «. aphrasal verb meaning delivered in small portions"(paragraph4)
stem based on merit(a. t. asynonym of frm"(paragraph.5)
andknowledge)c.a $ apossessive determiner that proves the author of the text considers hirnself Brits
where people are ppr nted to
(paragraph 9)
jobs bet use of their friend
and not of their merit
dsystems of irrigation [Explain the meaning of the following expressions using your own words.
efe0.000 ad.e elf
ambitions.and future pl%e a ()an open border rnmigration policy" (44 26-27)
points.a policy that

country no natter their oni9i¥

Amertocratic inmgration system()"(146)
6.1The fact that the
restrictions 0ioo9ration to
the UK are based on
d. ()point-based immigration systems()" ( 79-80)
6.2lHe doesn't agree with it
ebelives that an ideal
policyuld di.cirri rte a. ()nationality-independent irnmigration policy()" (Ii 86-87)
people on grounds of ethi ty
or nationality
6.3Those who have skills to
contribute to the growth of
the country
f Answer the following qu stions about the text.
6. Dxplain which rnrngration point hasn't been gven the night importance
64lt would keep them
motivtdbe use itwodd 6.2Whatis the author's opinion on the current mnmntgration policy?
6.3who should be gven the opportunity to rmigrate to the UK?

$$htseems.asif they are not 6.4 Clantfy how a meritocratic society would help younger ge nerations
open to the world ad irnose 6.s Watrs the impression gven by European rnmnigration police to the rest of the
barriers based on other
people's origin
6.&The night immigration 6.6 Would a afferent rnrnigration policy improve the Betesh image ?
policy would bring the night
people to Britain, fight

the worldap itie


- • How would you answer

the question in the title?
2. What do you know about
the immigration policy in
Portugal ?
L voe»our

Word formation- suffixation
suffixes in the table below are used to change a word into a noun.
• Complete each column in the table wrth one word from the text on pages 90-91
(check your appendox for more common noun suffers)

L.2 Think of another example for words butt by adding the same guff

ant -do

• b €. d 6

f Look at the adjectives in the table below.

2. Write down the root word and the suff added to tt llimigration3
hnatie lity I
2.2 lentty the word class of the words before and after adding the guff
e. 498
d A39
ootword guff e. 4m
a. talented I2Personal
2la talent (ed)h dang
b 0danger0US
louse.pain (less.d value
• painless fabee. person fat.respect
2before nouns. after

3. 4certainly AS
t. respectful
simply A4l property Al
currently429 clerly36
fWecan build adverbs by adding the suffix -ly to an adjective. Make a list of six ete

adverbs you can find in the text. 4. friends.hipl

c.benfe 4 »l
pf k bf. homed
?Complete the words by adding a suffix. Make any nee sary changes to spelling don dbtyh imprr ion
a. friend (n.) e. break (ad) i present (av.)
• success. (adj.) t. home (ad) judge (n.)
e. benefit (adj.) s credible (n) k wise (n.)
d. happy (adv.) h. irnpress (n) L fury (adj)

[Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space (check your
appendix for more suffixes). The first one is done as an example.
a. international companies are finding.rt i4log mnportant to hire foretg
workers (increase)
b /can't believe you are leaving for Sweden! (actual)

e. inmy opinion its trying to find ust one answer because people
emigrate tor efferent reasons (use)
d. tt'snot that people should be forced to leave their counties and
lvein affeuit conditions ( )
e. Learning a new language sh0MW5a to succeed in the new Country
( ring.)
APP nucr on
ll aammarim
Conditional clauses
Econartore express actions resulting from a previous condition
They are usu ty introduced by if or unless. They come before or after
L.A. future piss.ibdirty. po nt
the main clause depending on the speakers or writers emphasis
single + future single
• hypothetic l po nt
situation past single +would @ Read the sentences below and explain

pest situation pert perfect

+ fthey refer to present. past or future
sirnple+would have+past + fthey are possible. hypothetical or irreversible;
par I I
which verb tenses are used to bl then
2.%.wouldn'th didn't
couldntc. would td will
e.had t A If Britain requires 10.000immigrants. there wt be only 10,000 pries to be
a(lwasitapr sgerous earned by the most talented people in the world
country it would tbe such.a
favouritet foe gIfthe principles of a meritocratic immigration systern were commonly apple d
o one would be prevented frorn entering a country based on their nab0natty
Portugal /will help her settle
cIftheEUhacdnt created the Schengen area the imnmigration in EU countries
inc.(Jddn thave good
career pr0pin n wouldn't have grown so much
country /would think about
working abroadd.(hado t
signed the Schengen fFHin the gaps with one suitable auxiliary verb (affirmative or negative form).
reementmltlie friends
thee to a The US immigration policy besostnet f the rate of mnmigration
move here soea.lye.(Jere wasn't so high
talent- they uldn
find a job in my country.I would consider another

c. British e00nOMTy have grown so much'in the last eCales If

there haain't been r lions of nmngrants corning to the country in the past
d, If we wwlcome irmnmtgrants regardless of the background. our country
be culturally nicher
changed in Europe. mobility wrt the
EU countries wouldn't have seemed so attractve to European citizens.

fewrite the sentences as conditional clauses using if.

a Australia ls a favour
tte 0es0in1a0/oh for inn/grants because tIS such a p05per
ff stow
b My Serbian friends thinking about coming to portugat / want to help her settle in

Sadin frand

e. lhave good career prospects in my country sol have never thought about working

d. European countries signed the Schengen agr ment. so my Italian friends were able
to move here very ears.ll
ff European
a lrnmtgration policier are not talent-based that's why they sometimes feel so unfair
firriortion pdes
Inversion in conditional clauses
informal English, a conditional clause can begin with the auxiliary forms should,
were to or ha and omit if from the sentence. in this case the subj¢ tand the
lad the irrigation
auxiliary verb are inverted
authoniesown.about the

.Look at the following transformations of conditional clauses.

security bo hthey would
hoe taen severer es

f European immigration policies are less strict, Should European mnmntgration policier be less
tt wit be easier for people to work abroad w
stnct it be ease for people to work abroad
lf the world economy irnproved.inonigra on Were the world economy torn0roe,
rates would go down significantly rnrnigration rates would go down significant
f some countries had ckc ed their doors, Had sore counties closed their 000rS
refugees wouicin't have had anywhere to go refuge rs wouicin't have had anywhere to go

Thesis called inversion in conditional clauses because we don't use if but an auxli ry verb to begin the
clause (should + bare infinitive; were to-infinitive; had past participle)

f Rewrite the following sentences without if. Should your bosleep on

ring the wok leg.lion
a If the mnmntgration authorities had known about the secuntty breach beforehand they
would have taken severe measures

b, If your boss keeps on ignoring the work legislation. contact the mnmnigration bureau d#iere the
toetend one
the country's
policy would be
e. Ifthe factory moved its facites to.a different country. the workers would be
ore restrictive Should the
unernoioye ate of the
countryleep going up the
0ereent well hee to redoe
tfthepresdent can't defend more fexble laws.. the country's immigration policy thenberotinoiat
would be more restrite 3.a2-Mere the

e, The government wt have to reduce the number 0frnonNgants f the unernpoyrent harder to control4-Should
rate keeps going up polic noy. they will ear.i
be gated a student vis.a
e.]ere the current

[Match both columns so as to make complete sentences. Then build new stop the. of
sentences beginning with should, were and had would be able to return to

O·············.. ··················· ..: 0--------------------------------,

their hon #add3-Had the
U/notes NAelanurenical
limit to employment-bereed
} a,fthe Schengen area included more ! it would heave
countries. • the muons of refugees would be
heed ch higher level
} • If applicants show language oronoenev
proficiency. '
able to return to their homeland
20 "-
e. If the current international war confects 2.theirnonigration levels wou be pp/ppr
• harder to control leer ion of the subject
• leraionin conditioned
If the US hadn't established a numerical 3.It would reach much higher levels

nit to erploy1net-base0
: 4. they wit easily be granted a
immigration, student vis.a
Popular immigration destinations
@Look at the table with the ten most popular
countries for imigration.

- :
• ldentty the top fee fromn the pictures to complete the

1.2 Complete the missing information wrth the capital ct'es

1.3 Choose from the given data the population numbers for each country
14.3 million • 65 n4[on . 80.5 million
23.4 million + 9.2 million • 46.7 million

C try ac
t ir
C ft

" • f. 3139r 1ii 458rrii n

� b $
• nrriioyn
� €.
• 08rrii y0

4 d 291mullion 01rrion

5 • 78r4lioyn

g UK 6%, lion 78r ii] yn

� France
• 78r4lioyn

p Canada 3 Allon 7.3muon

9 Australia 6.5rrii yn

Spain 6
• 6.5rriiy yn

t. Isthe top ten ab ve what you expected to be
in terms of immigration choic ? Explain
2. Think about advantag each country can
present to be in the top ten hist.
3. Ifyouever had to emigrate to another
TEACHER country, which one from
l.a.USA Russi the list would you choo ?
c. Germanyd Saudi rabis Why?
e.United Arab Emirates
t.Wahington 4. Which would you never
h. BertinL. Riyadh[Ab consider living in? Justify.
Dhabik. LondonL Paris
Ottawa Garbe a
• Madridp. 43 milion
• 80.5million. 92 million
s.6S milliont 23.4 million

El u«ism
.Although Australia and the USA are in the top 1o most popular countries for
irenigration, they have strict imigration policies which set rules for foreigners
who wish to enter the country.Listen to a text about Australia's irenigration hichg0pen
policy and find out: certain periodblts
lc-mos or people whot toooe
a whata1sals. to, fora hold
c. Up to l/months d English
b whoas/tor sals Su
table for, history
history«e.lf you
c. how long you Can stay in Austral.a under aw0ring holay MS.a
are married. engaged. oria
d. three factors to consider to be granted the appropriate skied work visa de facto.elations.hi with
ustr. wet to
e. inwatcircurnstan0eS you Can ask for a par VMS.a
lie with themninAustralia
f. Dwooonotions you must meet to be granted a student Sa f.Applying fora .9i red
utine course ba
f Now listen about the US immigration policies and fit in the table: Austr. liEd ion

%c-mos 2.Fu ty

fl , ea7ie min0or chiread

fawnily based
l-inter¢ phtrashers
athlete entertainers.and
saddled performers-religur
0-orders of
Employment based aoderay.H-various
h t hI led and lesser
sled employment
Refuge ad aylees
those unabe tone.turn to their
home counties

Class debate
Imagine you belong to the school's debating society and you are
li.cussing the hot issue of opening or closing the doors of your
country to immigration. As always, different groups defend different
positions (you should choose a moderator for the debate).

Close the doors

Open the doors Arguments:
Arguments: + there are not enough jobs for

everyone should be given the both locals and foreigners

chance to have abetter life + multiculturalisn beings about
+ multiculturalism encourages cultural conflicts and violence
tolerance and acceptance + loss of identity -------------
irnoigrants are hard workers, •

Turn to page 37. It provides you with
the pbras you need to use in a debate.
EL wars
TEACHER Exposition
la andgive an
pionb. gngfora point
.Based on your analysis on page 9I complete the definition of the genre.
An exposition4s a text whose ge pr'poeStoa
2.l-,· - lt accomplishes this purpose by b. and showing
e. onantssue tis usually written by a journalist and
can be foundina news0aper, a 0r 0nine

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise an exposition looking at the text
you have studied on pages 90-91as an example

RA[I5lsie tor.yeas
introduce the Issue and state a immigration rigtits?
your position by wnttnga remark er
asking.a question or simply

---- -----
---- - -- ----


present efferent arguments on estatement
efferent paragraphs to defend

- -
Write aconclusion

- ------
your position on the issue in which you restate
ttis usually written in the
person T
You can use your personal fe
-·- ------c "woo
your position by
experience to justify your or simply making.a
position on the issue ea statement
Use connectors of addition
cause or result. reference ad
Use suitable expressions to list
your arguments logically and
$urn up your de.a$

fWrite an exposition discussing if you agree or disagree with the following


I support concrete and progressive

immigration reform based on three
primary criteria family reunification,
economic contributions, and
APP nucro6 humanitarian concerns."
Jeff Bingaman, rerican politician
Sociocultural content TEACHER
L.Bearing in mind what you have learned in this unit, chooe the correct option from .2
the ones given
Wecan define migration as the noverent of people I4e
a into another county or region to which they are not nate 1.5%
eawns ter country wt the ntenton or sett8.Peoty another
c. fromn one place to another wrth the intention of setting in the new location 1.Jc.
12Langston Hughes was
a an American poet. social act4st. novelist and playwright
b an American columnist. actor and a musician
c.aBritish poet. social actst and saxophone player
1.3 Isabel Allende was born on 2" Au.gut 1942 and
a Isa5Spanish writer wolvesin the UK
bisaClean wrter wholves in the US
c.IsaMexican who wars Dorin1Spain'
L4 udof Nureyev,the famous ballet dancer,
a emigrated to the USA despite KGB efforts to stop hirn
left France and lived in the UK as a refugee
c. deserted from the Soviet Union to France in 196
1 The Schengen agreement
a led to the creation of Europe's borderless Schenge Area n 1995
wassigned on 4 June 1995 between fee of the then ten member states
of the EEC
c. was signed near the town of Schenge in Fland
16 The Schengen area represents a territory
a where coronon rues an procedures are applied with reg.ard0
for short stays. asylum requests and border controls
b where all European people can move freely
c. where son.all internal borers have replace a single external borer
Ameritocratic immigration policy
a wlooresir non/grants who show talent ad Corpe tenOe
h accepts people who are acquainted to their peers
c.isbased on class privilege or wealth
18 The capital cities wth the largest immigrant population are
a Washington, London. Madrid. Canberra and Ottawa
"ton.oscow. eenm.aan ana Au pat
c.London. Washington. Pans.. Canberra an ryah
19 a conditional authonsaton gven by a country
a to someone allowing ther to enter ad to re0nain in ts territory fO
a limited duration
h to someone wois looking for aJobina 0er
tan OOUnty
c. to someone allowing ther to re0nan in the county for at least fee monthS
- I.

L. Continue the se ond sentence so that it has a similar moaning to the first.
la(Jimigrants head
better living in a lrnmtgrants leave their countries of brth because they have poor ling conditions
their countries of birth they there.
tleave them.h.(J
lhadmit studi da lot to
improve0 log:and
slots. /w uldn't
b /studied alot to improve my linguistic and technical sits I got ajob offer to work in
the US ona5-year work permit
have gotajob offer towor
in the Lona5year work f
permit.c.(l hedthe c. loin't watch the speech by the UN Hgh Commissioner for efugees. so cant take
gechbyte tN Hoh part in the class discussion the next day
Corm ner for Refugees,
hwould haetaenpatin led
the class dis ssion the d Were refugee camps to have better sanitary conditions.. there woucin't be so many
net day.d()refugee 0d eases

carps head try
cooditins. there» »t
be so many d e.(J e. Should the new restrictions to political asylum be accepted asylum seekers wit have
the new restrictions to to leave the embassy they have taken refuge in

politic laslun.are
alum seekers
will hae to leave the f pariarnentis considering passing a new mnrnigration law. so mnmnigrants to the UK wif
embassy they hae taken gain permanent residency fore ea1sly
refuge int(/the Parliament
psanewiroiganla $hold
immigrants to the UK will g Had Edward Snowden been caught. he would have been sentenced
penmaentn deny f
more easily.(Edward
had been caught, h tf countries accepted a the mnmigrants. they wouldn't be able to manage their social
he would have bee security systern
senten d4(/countries
manage their social security

L. Use the words given to form words that fit in the spaces

reassure + Surprise • prefer pule + relation + deny

c.reassuranoedrel nship
e preferablef.denial Farlie Me ring Abroad

2ll - - .
lt takes a great deal of courage for a family to move to a new country
They have to think about the new language, finding a job and a place to live
professor/aluno Not a. being immersed in a new culture can be b
for children in spite of all the evidence that children can cope more easily with
foreign languages than adults. But when living in a new's also important
to know that children needc._. from their parents to help them
adapt emotionally. But parents should also not forget the d
between culture and traditions. Itise to enrol children in a school
where their mother tongue is taught than to place them among foreigners. which
appears to be asort off. of one'scultural background
world in which the risk of human
rights'violations is con dered

in son.all groups 0do sore reSear
about the fee countries on the map

referred to as the worst violators of
huran nights. Beaning the UDR n
mind gather information about
+ which human nights are being

the main poirtcal leaders and ---

----- ---
- -

perpetrators of the violations .4

4 ---
+ the historical background that led
to the violations

Seeking asylum
ln the 2 century there are still people that have to flee from
their country and seek political asylum because they are
persecuted for their beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, etc

Do sore research about these faOu a90urn seekers a0d present
them to the class referring to
+ their personal background
+ what they ad to be forced to ask for asyturn
+ whots persecuting them and what they are accused of .. LI
their current stua0on «


Find out information about the fiimn to

ECTOR c:r t
I Title. Mandela Long walk to RELEASE DATE
free m Director. Justin

Chadwick ele e date

2013Cast ldris wLE VOA WATCH
Eba liaormi llarris. Genre
Dram q ming tine IS2 fE we watching the fen find out
minutes Ads Gale
Globe for Best Original song .h the ethnic group Mandela belongs to;
tu20diary Love h the name gven to tun by his father and ts meaning Roll.ala the
e. his job in 1942
d whites felt blacks d. the fe sings of whites towards the black people and vice -versa
felt e. Africa
Nati nal Party ANCf. you can a the name of the party Mandela ended up joining
only haveaelabiowith f. alaw concerning relationship'S,
someone of'your own race
the bus boycott people g whuat the fest boycott Mandela participated in was
ereared not to ride the h the policy instate db the government n 1948
buses Segregation the
geographic-p ration of i an event that stunned the word and turned the mnoverent into violence
blacks and whites4 69 black j what Mandela was a0cue of when he wars arrested
people ere shot in the bee4e
by the police when pr ting k. his sentence an/ where he wars sent to
anew la
t what happened to Winnie Mandela
m. the world campaign happening by the end of the 19706
n wtat President Botha offered Mandela in the early 806
a. Mandela's condition to accept the president's conditional release

p the result of Mandela's negotiations wth the government

Imagine you are a film q the name of the South African president who set Mandela free
critic ad give your
r. what Mandela a04se pe0ple to 0do when the c war becare en et
opinion about the
following topics s the year he was elected president of South Africa

1. Read the following quotation by

Nelson Mandela and discuss how
it relates to his life and ideals as
portrayed in the flm

Writeareviewonthe al counts in life is not the mere

film Goto page 196 to fat that we have lived lt is what
find the guidelines on
howtowrite areview
difference we made to the lives
of others that will determine the
significance of the life we lead.
.Two of the most impressive examples of massive human rights' violations
occurred in the rid 2ope century and were dealt with in ray films and books
+ World War Il
ft lit.ating
• Racial segregation in the USA
watch the trailers of the following clasgc fins an
match each of them to one of the events referred to
-vosos ad tortured free Ne4on
Mel his re lorn
henge or the end of
d. that the Pr je t
lie nanted the Ag thy d
e eat de Kerl
t.stay home be pe hulaed
vote in the s I994

Page 103
L.A iotd War • ltd
0facials Eiod

guess whos
coming to dinner

Building a democratic Europe

In this unit you will be able to revise
or learn...

# some vocabulary connected to;

the European Union
• government. politics and elections
• European institutions
• Euro#argon
• globalisation
• art movements

how to:
express ideas about EU policies

refer advantages and disadvantages for
countries by being members of the EU
identify the different institutions of the EU
and their responsibirties
distinguish between the different policy areas

,..J •
of the EU
learn about the Erasmus+ programme
write an anecdote


i • l •
understand globalisation
discuss positive and negative aspects of

distinguish between developed and developing

• write an argumentative text

establish a relation between development and

! globalisation

hwto use
different ways of expressing the future
the future perfect
reported speech
polite questions
connectors of contrast
Democracy and
TEACHER identify the products below. Then answer the following questions
1.Me0e ld's. Lipton lee Tea
KFC.Ce -Cola
I The are all products with

own labels.and containers
that speak for themselves
la()because they can be
easily found whenevere go
l.)bet use the economies
are all connected and
products can be ear.idly
p ted
1.4 the po
by which national
s rties.and cultures he
• Wwist so easy to recognise the brands even tf you don't ow the languages they
are written in?
the global network of trade L.2 Why are they so widespread today?

and trans tation 1.3 Howistt possible for them to be so widespread today?
2la lifeh inoon ion L4 What does the word globalisation" mean to you?
dkodedee. cultures
f. partnerships F watch the video Global mind" about the future of
globalisation and its impact on our world
h. friendsl
22a. Moros
together people and idea
2. Complete the short text wrth the missing words.
to end poverty al die.easel
h Culture [introdurc urs to
new cultures.and ways of life GLOBALISATION
eEoonomi (separate
are becoming Globalisation affects all the people in every aspect ofa
interdependent4S ty Because of h ande. technologies. we're
(ch ge the work life and
all connected. giving us instant to collective d.
social life through the use of
social mob.e • f. .8
devise. Quality of life h That's globalisation
(affects our health, human
rights edu tion. personal
wellbeing ad the 2.2 ldenttty each critical area being addressed and explain how global 1ton can
environment) influence each of them

I· J
b d

Building a democratic Europe

.These symbols are used in all the countries which
belong to the European Union (EU).

2A.le need it to travel
c (€
C out eEU/countries./tis
the off 4 doe nent of

men.bes.Ctiused to

--- 112
ind rte theta certain pr duet
has been made in conformity
with the.

-- -.,
• requirements of the Eu
ptlnder[Ueles all tau dry

p ducts on sale most

• Do you recognise them? aenerg label
L.2 Whatare they used for in our everyday lives. ? Germ ry and France
h Robert Sch mar and
Listen to a news report on the origins of the EU and complete the table with the onset Ade sere. Eur y
Cool ad Steeld Te
missing information coal
lc-mas e. The Treaty of Rome t. UK
reland and Denmark I9@l
a. The two countries that decided h Spain and Portugal1 28
never to oppose each other
after the Second World War

• The names of the two

politicians who made the EU
e, The name of the frst body
from which today's EU
d. Its objective

a. The name of the treaty that

established the EEC in 197
f. Countries that joined Germany
France. Italy. Belgurn
g. The year Greece joined in
h. Countries which joined in 1986

t The number of countries in the

EU after Croatia joined
[ no»as i

.watch the video and tick the effects of

EU policies mentioned
• vwotoo

a the increase of exports

b the cost of goods

c. farmers'profit
d. the use of pesticides
«, quality of water
f. water shortage
$ pollution j. food lat ng
h the variety of products available
i. consumer oblige ions t. peace and economic stability

Epead the text and choose the best title for it.

The @U is all THE EU

HAS '3I2Di
around you OUR LIVES everyday life
Europe seems so remote to many people but each country. having amonopoly on certain routes
when we look more closely. we find that Europe. Or and charging high prices. These days. every airline
rather the European Union is actually all around us within the EU can fly wherever it wants So, tor
It affects our lives in many areas Starting with example. you can now book a flight from Denmark
money. the eurois a common currency not all to Spain with an Irish airline The fact that Dying in
countries have adopted it. but more than half of the EUis safe is also due to common safety
them have. When we goon holiday to Austria standards lad down by the EU for all Member
Fane or Spain for example, we can pay for things States. which do not allow companies operating in
in this common currency. And even in countries o conditions below essential safety levels to enter into
o where the euro is no used It is nevertheless European airspace
accepted as a strong global currency With the euro Many of these regulations have
we are welcome all over the world come about thanks
Many people are so used to being able to travel to the internal
anywhere in Europe that they hardly notice it. But market If you
not so long ago things were different. Then there wanttohavea
were passport controls and queues at the border and single market in
the customs officers wanted to know exactly what which people
purchases you were bringing back with you. Flying can buy and
has become much cheaper That is also down to the s produce things
EU which has abolished national monopolies This how and where
means that there is no longer a national airline for they want. there
Match the headings below to the corresponding paragraphs TEACHER
a Environmental protection la.4hie. 3d.2
4.Euro common.Al
b. Currency d Cheaper flights strong d Ill globet A Ill
biog cheaper Ill sale
!scan the first and the second paragraphs of the text to find.. then4ISe.
td laid down.A28
a. the adjectives used to quarty the Euro"and tying"
S.Europe- Te EU tr Kling
b the a0verb used to locate the tire when flying wars00tars ea09y as 00W, flying interpol-Europol
fair -solar farer
c. avert wtuchs used instead of elirninate
d. aphrasal verb which means passed"or enshrined (in law
ead the following summary of the text and correct the 5 mistakes
Europe has a great influence in our lives starting wrth the Euro, which#s a common
currency that makes you wcore worldwide. Also wrth the EU travelling has become
cheaper because the monopoles on certain routes have 0s.ape.are1. The singe
market has established common rules and police forces in the EU
the interpol, work together to end crimes made by those trying
to take advantage of the open borders. Environmental protection
ensures that there is no fair competition and that farmers label List the differences
their products properly you would find if you
were to travel to a non
EU country

have to be common rules The police forces in the ignoringenvironmental rules and so producing
EU also work closely together. and an EU body 6 cheaper goods The requirement for fairness in the
4 Europol coordinates the data They are not super European single market safeguards jobs because it
cops. charging around Europe with blazing guns. but prevents unfair competition Many people refuse to
national police officers who compile information on eat genetically modified foodstuffs But how can we
crime and criminals and make it available to police know whether our cornflakes are made from
forces throughout the EU. This is always about genetically modified maize? The EU has forced all
serious crime. EuTOpol is not concerned with food manufacturers to label their products If they
parking. It is concerned with human traffickers and GM ingredients. they must say so
drug smugglers, counterfeiters and sex offenders We could go on But it is already obvious by now.
stolen car dealers and internet fraudsters. who are Europe -that is all of us And Europe affects us all
happy to exploit the open borders for their hg/er ae
s% unscrupulous activities aces.edin 20%

Environmental pollution does not stop at frontier

signs. That is why the threat to our environment can
only be tackled collectively. This affects us directly

because we all breathe. we drink and consume
water and we eat the crops that grow in the fields

European environmental protection lays down
4t ¥
common standards to ensure that one EU country ,; •
cannot gain economic advantage over another by
#r 4
• # 4
LI uoomirsm
TEACHER .Listen to four young people of different EU member states. They were asked to
Ira free movement of choose a benefit and a disadvantage of belonging to the EU.
labour and cagit.alb sore
• Listen to them and fin the table in note form
mernbe states heave fie l
difficulties Se dra. free [ct-morsss-ss

to wok. etc..
movement of people to study
have et site poet.end
reductionin the price
of mobile phone calls

b. de atic Ft% • ••
of rtional sovereignty

Debate: EU pros & cons
Work in two groups.

You are to the maintenance

of the EU with a single currency You are AGAINST the maintenance
open borders and a single of the EU. Name five issues that
market Name five issues which have made our loves worse because
have changed Europeans'lives of the existence ofa cornron
currency. open borders and a single
in the last 40 years.
,,.. -- --- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -

Expressing your attitude Rsponding

L I to an opinion
Luckily Responding to an opinion
Unfortunately. Well. that's your opinion
+ Too right!
Surprisingly_ + perhaps. perhaps not.
Not surprisingly. Icompletely agree with you + [can'tagree with you there.
+ That'scertainly true
Idon't know about that
You have a point there_

L voe»our
Euro]argon (words and expressions TEACHER

used to talk about the EU) Eu0jargon

lEurob ornetee
hEurotaoffc. Eured
@Complete the sentences with words formed with the prefix Euro- and one of dart piece.Euroerat
the words below.
f. Eur it

Just Sceptic + barometer Government

crat • tart . dac a0dele tis
l.monarch.dem acy
u. The.rd sac0orris9ion Service which measures a001a0ayes
trends in public opinion the member states and the candidate counties.

• The rt caps maornurmn prices for phone calls made and rec ved
wtile a.broad
e. The r system enables EU countries to help identify asyturn
ere0which the
applicants a0 pe0ple who have been apprehenedin ConoeCDOn with an regular
crossing of an external border of the Union the people ad

directly by them or by their
a. AEag ssomeone whos opposed to European integration or who
s doubtful of the EU ants airns alonmo inic

a. A Earp sastaff member of the administratve commission of the in the people
is ruled
European Union or. more broadly.any oteal of the European Union c#mayor
¢ Ero sthebody entrusted wrth enforcing the fight against serious ranking of
crime through closer judicial cooperation wrttin the European Union
sucha that ofacitor ton
dApolicyis the peogene
Government, politics and elect Ions 0factionofaoerta
porte.Arefere d is.a
.Choose the correct option in the sentene below. el tc ateis.a.led to vote
a. Queen Elizabeth has always been the head of the democracy / monarch 0nabart ular

b. Ademocracy/republics a government of. by and for the people f.At isadiion

ofcountry that elects
e. A(n) ambassa do / mayors a diplomat who represents ht/her country abroad
peep¢ to
d. A policy/ministryis a department of state headed by aMinister pealinentre eneyis
the collective adini ratie
a. eferendumn/Ma.jc itys the number of votes by which someone wins an ele Dion
t. policy/ Constituency is the programme of action of a certain political eris.ts.around an office of the
party po dent ofa state or country
A senor
g. Hitler was the leader of one of the most famous dictatorships/ the senteadelb tatie
0ta the
house or chen of a
h. Acandate/senator IS someone whos trying to0 get legidatueor pelieeet
elected LAne isalonmal
pn by
i. A(n) suffrage / s the night to vote gained
which.a pgulion. an
trough the democratic process indin dual to hold public office

write your own definitions for the options not

chosen in the previous exercise

ll aammr mm
Ways of expressing the future
Mecan refer to future events using different tenses according to the type of situation
we want to describe.
la checkb. does the
tryopenc.Are you
meetingd the
rire Mi ter taling present simple or present continuous

8igoigtobebwill never
leaeeigoing t visitdwill
the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous of
istohavehistoleep the verbs given
tis.about to open + check • fish + meet + talk
a We can print the leaflets as $00n as we a the information
about the EU
what tire (the Ministry) tomorrow? At 9 0'lock. as usual
(you) the Mayor tomorrow?es. lam scheduled at 3 o'clock
the project on Eurojargon, we can go out dancing

• (the Pnmne Minister) on TV tonight? Yes. her They

announced it thus morning

will or be going to

f Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
a Martin Schut s doing a good job±He (be)the presdent of
the European parliament for a long time
blbelevee DurAo Barros0.the former president of the European Corris.son
(never /leave) politics
e. Catherine Ashton, the High Representatve for Foreign Afars for the European Union,
(visit) our country next weel
(understand) this article on fongr.afars

Be to + infinitive or be about to + infinitive

+ Beto + infinitive is usually used in news reports to talk about events that
are likely to happen in the near future. usually with a conditional meaning
+ Be about to + infinitive is used in conversation to say that something is
happening ina short tire

crcie the correct answers.

a The Mayor needs to make a clever campaign f he is having/is to have any chances
of winning the elections
b tftheEUi.about to keep/is to keep an rnage of fairness. t needs to gve people
fore information
c. The Eu parliament has been discussing a new immigration law for a long time but
finally tis about to/is to be passed
The future perfect

Weuse the future perfect to say that something will be ended. completed. or achieved by a particular
point in the future or to express an as5urn0Dion
A.By the time you finish your meal the Prime Minister will have made the speech
gBythe time we goto University. someone will have repla ed Juncker in the presidency of the
European Commission
Some expressions usually used with this tense are
by the time. by this time (next year). by 9 o'clock, I suppc e
We form it with
will have+ past participle of the rnain verb

@Use the following words to write sentences in the future perfect. TEACHER
a. By 2024 / more European countries/join/the EU/ l.a 24 core Euro4
countries.el he joined th
LU±By this time net year
b. By this tire next year / the European Commission/ elect/ a new president/ will the Euro4
have anew
e.I thatafewyears
c. /suppose that a few years r0n now/ sore European Counties/not oerCore /the roooosore European
financial cnss/ core the finer ialt iis
dBythe tire school ends in
July hw hoe finished my
d. By the time school ends in July// fish/ my final project/ final
Zalar confide at that /w
hoe reno dell the
f'guild sentences by joining the sentences in column A to sentences in column C,
countries in the EU before the
end of the day.l The
using the verbs in column B in the future perfect. Pre detof the Eu
£ mer ione heeeft
• c
• everything about the political
office b 204 e.By this tine
tomorrow the new Fire
a. lam content that L whee announced
0n1sis hi programmed4Sooner
than you think the med wt
b The president of the EU 2.all the countries in the EU
have everything
Commission broadcast before the end of the day
e. By this time tomorrow the nere i personal answers
new Pnirne Minister_
d. Sooner than you ttk the weoant
4. offce by 2024

Write sentences about what you will have done..

a. by dinner time today
b. by this tone net wee

e. by the end of surnrner.

d five years from now.
The Institutions oft he European Union
and European policy areas
TEACHER Europ n Council .what do you know about the way Europe is ruled?
h Europe nCoromni n
Council of Mi er .Match the institutions wrth their res.pons.bites in the way the EU governed
dEurope nplianent
European Parliament + European Commission
e.Court of Justice of the
Euro nblnionf. Eu peon Court of Justice of the Europe an Union European Court of Auditors

Central Bank Euro, European Central Bank • European Council

Court of Auditors Council or Ministers

lt consists of government
It represents the governments ministers from al LU Member
of each EU country. it sets lt administers the EU, ensuring States. It meets regularly
to male decisins and to
targets and priorities and
takes the fundamental to by the Member States and pass laws proposed b the
decisions on European policy making proposals for Laws to Commision
the Council and Parliament

lt represents the citizens of
the EU members it has to vote
to endorse or reject the laws
it also approves the budget of
the European Urion

lt passes independent f.
judgements based on t controls the EU budget
European laws and imposes le_if the European budget
fines on Member States if they is being spent properly and
do not abide by the law sensibly 8.
ht ensures Europe rerains
http/#eurpa4 (a0n1.leddad
nice stable by managing the money
supply and setting key interest
Ere Member States of the European Union cooperate in different policy areas.
2 Which policy area deals wth the issues mentioned? Acornon currency

common currency rural development


common policy to support the regions corneonaeslue pole

renewable energies + common ayum policy C.compulsory food
common law enforcement common security and defence policy
st dordsh food labelling
c.mend rymoinn so0a
single market climate protection reduced mobile roaming tariffs
compulsory food standards food labeling
mandatory minimum social standards en/or entoornoon
cooperation in civil and criminal proceedings defence policy
6.Maio inc.ieland
cnirial p

-- . ----- -- --- --- --,


the reg
A. Economic policy j ]
, __ -- --- --- -- --- -- . -- . -- --·

( --------..

; a Foreign policy ! )

:::: :: ::::x,

protection \l b

,--- -----------'
'D.Internal policy and

',_ ------------
----- -----·'

----------- -----.,

r. Agricultural and i

structural policy
'·---- ------ ----- ----- -----·
Fundamental freedoms
Caged bird
The free bird leaps Mead the poem in order to complete the text explaining its
on the back of the wind meaning.Use only one word in each space
and floats downstream
The poern ts about two They have very afferent
till the current ends
lves. The frst one fies b inc.
and dips his wing
in the orange sun 1a@y and#es happiys ing the d
and dares to claim the sky
But a bird that stalks The only thing he can dos i
down his narrow car9¢
can seldom see through
his bars ol rage
E oecse
the sculpture
his wings are dipped and
and explain
his feet are tied
the syrlb
so he opens his throat to sung
underlying the title.
poem of la+ Newok
Random louse,99.4 (ab0idee )

TEACHER Listen to the song Freedom" which was part of

la birds freelyc. nature the soundtrack of the film Diango Unchained,by
dwinde rage Quentin Tarantino.
h. flyl sing
2 The books symbolise
langut ad the wing the 31 Complete rt wrth the missing words
reedcm to use it lag ge is
never lockedinaa9
dfare.everythingf.everything Felt bke the s. of the world was on my shoulders
4 [hey share acornenon pressure to break or at every tun
theme the need for fin doe Facing thee that the truth had discovered
whether of speech or
No telling how all this will wonk out
But Ive gone too d to go back now

am looking for freedom looking for freedom

And to fndit cost mes. Ihave_
Well1am looking for freedom. looking for freedom
And to fndit may taket. 1have

?Discuss what the relation between the poem, the sculpture

and the song is

; to
1. Which would you consider your
-- ·-
fundamental freedoms as a citizen?
. . .. '

[ ne»as i

tLearn more about the programme Erasmus+ by watching the

presentation video Changing Lives, Opening minds"issued by the
European Commission
- voeon
L. Find information about
a. the Erasmus+ chale 1g

b the paradox found in the EU ob market

c. the main air Of£aS4TS
d. the number of people who wt be able to participate in learning
6. who the programme is for,
t. the number of people who wt be supported
la lohelp people to adapt

higher education students, toafast-changing word
traineeships k Theresa high level of youth
but million
vocational and training students,
volunteers an young people in youth exchange c. lo bridge the gap between

- ....
edu iooand the need of the

lecturers. teachers. trainers. education staff. youth workers labour mnaet44lion
• 0 es
fNowread the text about the feelings of an Erasmus student unpaid
eoer ed ion

BROADENING HORIZONS t.million, 450.,000. 650.000

500.000. 800.000

Mu Erasmus Experience
Stange as it may seem. having reached the age happen Indeed I
of 20.Iad never set foot outside of the United found the Belgian
Kingdom on my own So the prospect of spending a o people very warm
year studying in Belgium was met with a mixture of and welcoming
trepidation excitement and curiosity.Iwas leaving Upon meeting
my comfort zone and stepping into the unknown someone for the fist
One year on. I look back on my Erasmus experience time there was
with fond memories -I think of the people Imet. the always.afriendly air
places I visited the challenges I faced and even the of curiosity as to
o studying Idid - and Ireally am glad to have had such where I had come
a diverse. interesting. yet challenging opportunity
There are certain skills you obtain during the
from and why Iwas
there. not an air of
g Russet Donaldson
course of an Erasmus placement that you just could o suspicion around a
not pick up by staying at home foreigner visiting their country. And whilst we are
Itound myself being more proactive - all of the not far geographically in the United Kingdom from
positive experiences and new friends will not just Belgium it was fascinating to get to know some of
happen automatically. you have to make them the cultural differences between the two nations

[ me»as i

Itwas alittle odd to begin with having to greet all of circuits in the world it could have been the first
mny new acquaintances with akiss each time we met time Iwas invited into a Belgian family's home for
but equally it was very pleasant to be always wished Sunday lunch or it could have been getting 100% in
a good day. evening. week. weekend or whatever it my first oral exam I look back upon all of these
mnay have been whist bidding someone farewell It is experiences with delight: all experiences I probably
do these little things which help you get to know a place would never have known were it not for my EraShu
better and help us remember that we don't Live in a exchange
bubble -that there are other people out there with For the most part. my Erasmus year has
their own inter ting way of doing things broadened my horizons immeasurably It has male
Erasmus is not always a walk in the pan There me realise that there is more to life than our own
4 are many challenges It is safe to say that being country and that no matter where you are there will
confronted in an exam with 2o negative marking aways be someone wIth worn you have a 0oImOIn
multiple choice questions on Keyne ian economics so interest and can become friends with One year ago
in French was not a highlight of my year and I am I would never have envisaged one day actually
still somewhat scarred from my infrequent but wanting tolive abroad but my Erasmus experience
o nevertheless necessary trips to the local launderette has changed that It has whetted my appetite for
But would I recommend the Erasmus experience ? travelling and for learning more about the world and
Without hesitation of course I would For me, e its different cultures Indeed. Inow feel that even
Erasmus was the opportunity to explore somewhere after just one year Inow have aspecial affinity with
new and to let my curiosity become discovery. It Belgium For me it is now a country to which1can go
s% int lie a holiday. you are no longer a tourist but a back and visit without feeling completely foreign
resident in that country and this change in There will be people know and places I recognise
perception will undoubtedly lead to a better oo an that's not something Ican say about any other
understanding of the place and its people. Moreover country outside of my own
Erasmus is a choice to go beyond what is obvious It Asa sports fan. I would Like to conclude with a
to is an opportunity to step outside of the box and do football analogy. The Erasmus year is Ike a young
something different something to make you stand footballer being sent out on loan They leave the
out from everybody else. learning skills which you os secuity of their home club and go somewhere
just cannot pick up whist living at home where nobody has ever heard of them But ashort
Luke most Erasmus students. I struggle to pick out time later they return more skillful more confident
6 one single highlight from all the things I did It could and more experienced
have been visiting Spa Fancorchamps to watch
Formula1cars at one of tbe most spectacular

TEACHER E choose the correct option 3 Whatis the general purpose of the 3.2 Howls that purpose mainly
3.27% text? accomplished?

a Toengage us in.a story

b lo inform us of certain facts
e. Toevaluate ad sun0an/Se b Dy explaining causes

an 0pinion e. By supporting one point


!Match the words from the text with their suitable equivalents. TEACHER
There is an extra option .Sh7e.Id3e.I4.6
a. trepidation (LS) imagined doing thing in very
different we froen what e
h. fond(8) 2. loving usully doh saying
e. 0d0 (135) 3 best part c.lie. apart froen
other realties.deasy
d. highlight (148) • 0deep
a. envisaged(I81) s. anxiety
62i Belgium people greet
f. whetted (183) 6. a00use
strange each tire they meet ad
alysis.hgood de
fExolain the meaning of the underlined expressions
.Twas leaving.mycomfort zone()(1.5-6) emuse
6.34saresident yo get a

place ad its people that yo

catget if you'rea tourist
b. ()tray have been whistt " (Ii 38-39)
farewell $4lo coders the
p abitty of not only ling
abe dbutalso trawling ad
e,(_)and help us remember that we don't ive in a bubble (_)(441-42) l ming fore about the word
ad its.deferent cultures
d. Erasmus is not always a_walk nthe_par«"(I44)

Answer the following questions about the text.

6.1 How does us.sell describe Belgian people ?

6.2List the cultural differences that he has encountered between the UK and Belg'urn
6.3 According to fussell. wtats the afference between being
.a tourist and being.a
res/dentin a 0country ?
6.4 How has the Erasmus experience changed him in terms of rte expectations

1. What do you think are the main
challenges when you stud
abroad ?
2. Russell talks about: () learning
skills which you just cannot pick
up whist living at home." What
skills may these be?
3.Would you like to experience
Erasmus+ ? Why/Why not?
4. What other programme would
you like to take part in? Explain
ll aammarim
eported speech
Reporteds is used when we want to report something that someone else has
said We have to ale sore changes in terms of verb ten es, pronoun, eterrine$,
references to tire and place an/word orer

Mead the sentences below and the changes they suffered when written in
reported speech

struggle to pick out a simple fussell said he struggled to pick out a simple
highlight from all the things I did highlight frorn all the things he had done

How long have you stayed in when he care back. a friend asked usself how long
• Begum? he had stayed Begun
Don't miss the chance to be an After tis experience Russell acursed everyone not to
Adie lord«
Erasmus studentt miss the chance to be an Erasmus student

TEACHER f Here are some sentence that a student has written about Russell
2la. Russell said he 2. ldentty and correct the mistakes
con dered living.abroad in.a
near future.b.A friend aked a Fussell sal he con1Sers lying abroad in a 0ear future
hirr what he head st died b, Afriend asked turn what had he studied in Belgiumn
Belgium c. Russel told the
students to be open minded c. us.sell told the students that are open minded about the culture you are in
about the culture they were in d. asked usself f he have met a lot of people fromn other countries
d/asked Russell if he had
metalot of people fron other a. Russell avised me to not be ashared tf you find yourself in unknown situations
countries.e.Russell advised 2.2 ewrte them in direct spee h
me not to bea.harediflfoud
22a.lcon de living abroad
f Choose from the sentences 1-5 direct spe ch the one to complete each
sentence below in reported speech (a -e). Follow the example
inanear future.b. What did
you study in Belgium?c. After a He was insecure about going abroad. sol told hn net to worn be4est ¢04.%
our Lrasous«nienee,t
care beck more self confident him.ff he roded
hep •it
dBe open minded about the
culture youaeinc. llae you • Can you help me ?
met /Did you meetalot of 2. Don+tworEeeryonew help-you+f you-nee#le
people from other countries
f Dontbe ashamed if you find 3.Speak more slowly because l can't keep up!
yourself in union situations 4.What other languages do they speak Belgiumn?
ah(Jtospeak more slowly
bet usel couldnitkeep up s. Read the course programmes thoroughly to fd the one that suits your needs
e.(Jhe could help me d(to
b My Belgian friend was speaking too fast. sol asked her
thoroughly to fid the one that
suited her needs.e.(Jwhat e. lCoulcin't fin the Erasmus application form on my own sol asked my brother If
other la g +9e they spole in
d. lane was finding it ffeut to choose a host ladvised her

a was wornie about my fluency in French so lase1 the 0orottee

Asking polite questions
fnmore formal conversations, instead of asking direct questions we use introductory
phrases which change the structure of the questions ad nale then sound fore
2a.(flam eligible for
hL/what the for
If read the information below. the olie is
c.(/how long it tales for
them togaaer to the
When we ask for information in a polite wary, we often use introductory pl 74Lflneedte
send my C¥attached to the
Can/Could you tet me_? e.(Jwho the
lwoner_ + Hae you any ea? for the selection
1don't suppose younOW. + Do you happen to know_?
.8Doyou tolow
tf you begin a question.le tis, you foll0w the sare word order as in reported questions what lid of
will be. blare you
a.g. How can l apply for the Erasmus+ programme ?
a idea how mooch/wit have
Could you tell me howlcan apply for the Erasmus+ programme? to pay for university fees
eldont youo
what the courses ilable are
fNowrewrite the following sentences starting them as suggested in each university.dGayo
tel oewhere the unerid
a. Amn!eligible for the Erasmus+ programme ?
Gan gout nee 2
• Watrs the deacine for the online applications?

-Douo.happen 2
eported sech
e. How long does tt take for them to give an answer to the application? Poltequ ns

hie. 2
d. Dolneed to send my Cy attached to the application?
6. Who is the responsible for the selection of candidates ?

o. oow
I.don't spat.
feasine that you are in an interview for a placement in a European university.
How would you ask for the following information in a polite way?

a. a0ooroar ton

« •«
b university fees

• d

e. courses

d. university's location
EL wars
TEACHER Anecdote sin8story
shearing about the
.Based on your analysis on page I8 complete the definition of the genre below.
An aneootels a text whose general purpose tO
lt accomplishes this purpose by b
Writing genres
fNowanalyse the tips below on how to organise an anecdote looking at the text
you have studied on pages 1-118 as an example.

Mu Erasmus Experience
Orientation $a0eh04ea
tt sets the context tor the 0a1toe40000-L. descnboing the 0ha00

• •

-- -
relevant background or context lw 0400ft
000alt 0
place. tire. episode 00h000 ht
woe I0fpe0pelt0
po7wt I0be

.q1 a
a 00po
+ ttintroduces the series of ha000.6
000at00 bi
ernark.abe events worth
oh. 00
describing and shares the th040%p0
.Lo tr
feelings experienOe while th00baa0.Of
going through them 00lb000al
b00a4 3l
It can be broken into b00a 00004ha0
paragraphs beginning wth.a 000lb000al te06¥ b
teeota0 % to9-00.0000
topic sentence Or a 0.aln th0.a04 th0

Ev luation
Its an evaluation of the narrators
feelings about what has happened

E mink of an event you"Pn troosh and write an anecdote about it

Describe it, sharing the feelings and impr sions you've experienced. t can be
• a social event
• a party
• a feid tniop;
• a weekend/holdary with friends,
APP puces • astt to aspecial place
------------------ TEACHER
L. Bearing in mind the knowledge you acquired about the Europe an Union, chooe the le
correct option from the ones given. Le
Which of these countries are not part of the EU? I4a
a Norway and Switzerland 1.5%
b. Slovakia and Latvia I8a
c. Finland and Croatia
1.2 The goal of the fest common body that care to form the EU was..
a tocontrot the oil and natural gas industries
b toreconstruct Europe after Won war l
c. to manage coal reserves fairly
1.3Which of these countries were members of the EU before 1986, the year
Portugal and Spain joined?
a Austria. Sw den and Finland
• Poland. Hungary and orania
c. Luxembourg Greece and Denmark
4 Which sentence s true about the EU?
a Flying4scheaper because there are no national 0TO0OpOleS
b. All the Member States of the EU have adopted the euro as a common
c. European citizens have their passports controlled at the borders of some
Member States
1.5 Eur0polis a police force which s not concerned wth.
a human taffekeing and drug smugglers
b. legal parking and traffic tickets
c. sex offenders and internet fraudsters

1.6 The Eu institution that represents the governments of Eu countries is.

a the European Council
b. the European Central Bank
c. the European Commission
1.7 One of the responssbrtes of the European parliaments.
a to make proposals for European laws
b. toset key interest rates wthin the EU area
c. to approve the budget of the EU
1.8 The main goal of the Erasmus+ programme ts
a toadurst education to the needs of the labour market in Europe
b. to bridge the gap between higher education and vocational training
c. to give university students better qualifications.
........,. _
i, co»re the best way to express the future in the following situations.
la. b.will join
6.isgoing torowdwill a As soon as the application fom for Erasmus (appear) on the
have appliede.are to website,I want to apply for vocational training abroad
becomet.will heave visited
b My parents think that more and more countries (join) the EU in
la ichard told us he a
had met()h Julie asked
chard how he felt when c. According to recent statistics the EU economy (grow) alrnost
LJe. Richard 10% next year
to expect everything( d. By the end of next year. (apply) for Erasmus+ I want to study
d ichard also said that if abroad
we ever found oursevesin
e. Al counties ave to 0ornpy with 0er e0ooOIN reqrerents If they
would be hag to help us (become)EU members
e. ichard. do you f. Oiviais going on a European tour next year. By December she
toow how many (visit) twelve countries.
vacancies there are for net
year eThe sentences t low are about ichard, wto has just returned from an exchange
programme abroad. Correct the mistakes.

a chard told us he met a lot of foreign students during his stay

abroade.referer dur
dforce electinst trend
b Julie asked chard how id he feel when he arrived at the host country
f. Eur l «tic

.l photography -phit vphy c. chard advised us to not expect everything to go nice and smoothly at the beginning
l home -school AL 3
worries- trr uboles.Al5l life
d chard also said that tf we ever found yourself in a feult situation. everyone wt be
happy to help us
9lraces differer
lg nation -vision 2
chg e. you happen to know how many vacancies are there for next yeae2
24option -choice 2
fun-done 30
2litisapledge for a world
where people lie together -----------------
with justice ad equality
i.Complete the statements with the missing words. The first letter(s) of the word has
22Surviving. paying the
have been given
mortgage provide for the
23intolerance.war. The
h. Anarbassadorsadd
solution is to get together,
speak up. discuss. fight for c. ta ton on which everyone in a 0Couty can vote
A pubic consul to 0nae a 0e0Son about
j tion a particular subjects a
d.A dictatorships a type of government headed by a leader who usually takes power by
and does not allow far
e. The Eurobarometer measures and analyses tr in pubic opinion
f. Someone who doesn't believe in the goals of European integration is called.a
The world going global

Luten to the song by The Black Eyed Peas,
featuring Sting.
L. Spot the 10 wrong words and correct them

Got no time for grand photography
I barely keep my head above the tide
got this mortga8e, got three kids at home
What you're saying is the truth
But really worries me inside
Td change the world if Icould change my Life
IfIcould live beyond my fears
Exchanging unity for all my insecurity
Exchanging laughter for my misery
o (One for all one for all
It's all it's all for one)

Let'sstart a union calling every human

It'sone for all and all for one
Let's Live in unison calling every citizen
It'sone for all and all for one
I don't know.y'all weinareal deposition
In the midst of all this negative condition
Divided by beliefs. races and religion
Why do wekeep missing the point in our mission?
Why are we killing each other. what's the reason?
God made us all equal in his nation
I wish that I could make music as areligion
Then we could harmonize together in this mission
Listen. Iknowit's really hard to make con tons E Focus on the message of the song and
ut twoof us could help rearrange. discuss answer the que ions
Utilize the power in our voices 2. Discuss what the main topic of the
Together we will unite and make the right option songs
And for education. save the next generation
2. Find the individual problems referred
Come together as one
toin the fest verse sung by Sting
o Ion't understand why it'snever been fun
2.3 identity the global ssues being
So let's change on the count of one
focused on the third verse and the (ab 0er)
aces.edelay 20 solutions suggested
LI uoomirsm
TEACHER .watch the video Globalisation easily explained
1telephones planes mobile and do the activities
phones internet • vwoco
l28information and goods
e.for more people
CCle the terns tat were showninthe
dodedL .god lg9es
I I background of globalisation
e.the erronentfloe
television + mobile
phones + faxes planes
internet + post + telephones
2 Corpe te the sentences with one to three words
a Globalisation is the process in which people and countries can exchange
• with globalisation, companies can produce
e. More affordable goods are available

• The exchange is not only of services but also of cultural goods

• The two negative consequences of globalisation are felt b people and
t industrialised countries people can
g. in economically disadvantaged countries. people work for
h Workers dot have sufficient insurance
i. One of the ecological imnpacts of globalisation is
j The use of transport means fore bon
car ode rele use which wt eventually

1.3 Watch the video again and check your previous answers

s-mlnute presentation
.Bearing in mind the chain of positive and negative effects of globalisation
referred to in the previous exercises
a 0esane the rnages beNOW

b discuss their relation to globalisation and#ts posttve and negatve sides

You may go back to page I7 and

use the language tips to describe
something and express opinions
fl noaains nun meres

.Discuss the importance of the following issue in a globalised world. Then read
the texts to check your opinions
• 0onSureIS4 • transport
• wider markets • cultural traditions
• 0onrunaDon • job opportunities
• ecological problems • the English language


Globalisation has its advantages and
downsides: it lets countries move closer to each
other People. companies and organisations in
different countries can live and wonk together If!see myself as a consumer Ihave to say
more easily. But this proximity can also lead to that globalisation is quite advantageous. Just
xenophobia and intolerance as people feel they imagine your shirt was made in Mexico and
might be losing their national identity In some your shoes in China Your CD player comes from
counties. bike India people no longer wear Japan You can travel to Moscow and eat aBig
national costumes because they all want to look Mac there and you can watch an American fuim
o bike Hollywood stars and wear jeans. for in Rome I don't have to leave my own country
example. People want to become American" to get a wide variety of products to choose from
and consume everything that is American As.a o at competitive prices. The transport of goods is
matter of fact. many people see globalisation so easy that international trade has flourished
as.a process of Americanisation As
.a and given us acce to better and cheaper
consequence. more anI more people are products. This comes at a price, though
learning and speaking English instead of local Companies face much greater competition
languages There are more international sch0OlS Smaller companies do not have resources
and the focus nowis on the acquisition of this to compete at global scale with the big
global language rather than their own mother multinationals and most have to go out of
2o tongue. It is feared that it won't be long before business. So, whether globalisation is good
counties lose out on their culture and heritage or bad cannot be answered in black or white
There are several greys in between. I think
[ no»as i

There are benetts and disadvantages to globalisation Firstly

globalisation is good for certain countries. such as those in the Furst World
or Global North Rich countries Ike the USA UK. Germany. etc. can sell
more products and goods to new markets in the Global South or poorer
countries. Think of McDonald's and Starbucks and other big American
brands We can find McDonald's almost everywhere. However due to
globalisation many local brands and businesses in poorer countries go
bankrupt and can't survive the economic might of these rich countries
On the other hand these industrialised countries. the so-called developed
so countries, see their unemployment rates rise due to globalisation because
companies move their factories to places where they can get cheaper
labour force. This brings out another issue: the exploitation of workers in
the developing countries. including children which is unacceptable
in the 2 century. Slavery times should have been long gone and

globalisation shouldn't rely on shameful old means to justify its ends

TEACHER F choose the correct option

2le 2.1, Watrs the general purpose of the text?
a Toengage us in.a story
3. Tent E: 6
intolerance6 heritage Al2l b lo inform us of certain facts
ert2cone mer AZ wide c. To evaluate ad g/e an 0pin#On
t29. competitive A 30
ert bankrupt Al48.might 2.2Howls that purpose mainly accomplished
48. developing 53
b. By explaining causes

c. Dy ebating two or more points of iew

find the words in the texts that match the definitions in the table
dis.e of or prejudice against people from other countries

unwillingness to accept views.. beliefs, or behaviour that offer fromn one's own

cultural traditions that pass from generation to generation

a person who purchases goods and se0ices for personal use

as good as or better than others of a comparable nature

declare in la0was unable to par their deb


becorning more economically and s0ally a4a.0e

!peolain the following clauses as they are used in the texts. TEACHER
a.()ttlets countries move cloy er to each other" (text ) 4.Glbeli ti0aloes us
to bear#hereat a tire
• There are several greys in between("(text 2) [hinge not only bed or
e. "()globalisation shouldn't rely on shameful old means to justify ts ends." (text 3) go0di Soreties
they are not single black ad
white g bione.Under no
fComplete the following summary by writing one word in each blank. should the
For consumers. globalisations something because t alows
us to have access to a variety of goods. On the other hand. small companies cannot S.a
b wrth big mutt
nationals. congetec. deentity
Globalisation can cause xenophobic feelings among people as they are losing their d Engl.he. dew loped /
e. andbecoring Americanised Theres a fear that Counties industrialised6. child
yone wants tole.ard
nary lose their laing0age as ever 6.Bria. people. countries
and are.doer
Globals.aon Causes unemployment/n«
and intolerance
corporations relocate their factories in 0developing counties. However, this w raise the loss of. turel hert e ind
ssue oft. labour in developing countries. native Kr
• lablty of products and
0one.dies petite
Complete with the opinions on globalisation taken from the texts prices better ad
po du tseytrans rtof
pros goods goth of internatie
• b a00

rises develop d countries

€. d
ploittion of deeloping

• f.

1. Think about the positive effects of

globalisation we have been discussing.
Which may be the most significant for
your future life?
2. Discuss how some of the negative sides
of globalisation could be minimised
L voe»our
TEACHER Word building
e. brothert di. chl
d.clearlyh. darkness

.Add a suffix from the box to the following words to build new words

l decei ble[. dies II a. adore adorile ea

k. falsify L frier dship

• glob lisen. graph
d. harmful p pen il
h agree
e. beauty
gr4rant -ise
+ 4ty

dnational/yr scholarship d. broad • -(e)n -less

s. skilful t.
¥.thicken.regularity « brother + -fl y
neighbourhood hood
2.Adjectives: able, al. -fut
ical less Adverbs:ly
hood4ty rent es t. special
-ship erbify. iseen u. taste
a fortunatelyh priceless
v. tuck
e. skilful d. friendsl
• w. regular
l friend

f Decide which of the suffixes from the box above are used to build each part of
speech and complete the table.


fuse the word given in brackets at the end of each line to form a word that fits in
the space.
a lhave lost my credit card .there are other paying methods
accepted on ebay. (fortune)
b floe Starbucks" (inks It's true that they are a bit expensve but for me they are
c. Workers in Chinese factories must Devery in order to mneet all
the orders. (ski )
d. Globalisation makes t easier for people to develop international

·"Lao ininternational law, you nay have a future in a

multinational corporation. (special)
t. 4have just bought a
l eammar no
Connectors of contrast eo
@connectors of contr re inking words which establish a relation of contrast
between twoideas expressed in different clauses or seen0eS.

Mead the following sentences and identify the words used to show contrast.
a.()international trade has flourished and gvenus access to better and cheaper
products This comes at a price. though"
b. eple. 0or9a0Ne and0rg.a00sa0/0nshn (fferent counties can le an work together
more easily. But ts prom/ty can also lead to xenophobia and intolerance()
e. We can find McDonald's alrnost everywhere. However. due to globalisation. many
local brands and businesses in poorer countries go bankrupt(_)"

Connectors of contrast can be organised in three groups. Complete the table

-�-· .
below with the connectors given.
but +
.even ·.
in spite of

+ yet

• Connectors use01 in the nie b. Connectors used at the e. Connectors used at the
of the two clauses preceded
by a corona or a seer0Colon the two clauses (one speCIf the two clauses folio red by
or betwe twosentenoes connector can be use at the the lgform ora noun phrase
preceded by a full stop end of the sentence)

Complete the following sentences with a suitable connector of contrast. TEACHER

L al the possible disadvantages. global pion has definitely l.a though Bute. hloweer
rnprove people'slves la.however.still
but yeth.although even
b. Developed countries have mostly benefited from the process of globalisation though though.
they have more unernoloyrent an banrupy Issues to in spite of

.a.Des itel spite of

b. t/sol/neverthet
McDonald's chain restaurants can currently be found in every
e. Alth h/Even tho0nh
country, the food offered in each menu st has a local feel to t

Rewrite the sentences with the connector given in brackets. Make the lhee(JM. Although free
trade he be oh about
necessary changes
a. lamnastrong supporter of global ton. but /have to agree tt has raised some human smell (e. Bi Anet
nights issues in developing countries. (in spite of) be d pan now be food
b. Despite the economic development brought about by free trade. many small people(J
companies can't keep up and are going bankrupt. (although)

c. Even though big Arnenican brands Can now be our alost everywhere. 0any people
don't see globalisation as a process of Americanisation" (yet)
EL wars
TEACHER Argumentative text
la eluate and give an
pionb.debating two or
more points of vie
.Based on your analysis on page 128 complete the definition of the genre.
An argumentative texts a text whose ge eral purposes to
It accomplishes this purpose by b
Writing genres ttys usually written by anyone debating an issue and can be found in magazines. blog

fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise an argumentative text looking
at the text you have studied on page 127128as an example.


introduce the Issue
identifying the subject to

• Present one side Of

- esolution
State your
position on
Do0.a00. 0a40a.D
the argument. usually
$0..4 400000 the issue by
the one which 0doesn't op4000 a.00f00D
pro of0 making final
support your point of a. th A,
00f 090. 0000 stater7ens
view. alt
hough this may a900A a00a000a0.
0a0090.9. h00a0. and. If

not always happen i%0%0 6.f possible,
• present the sides that Sf h • judging which
are opposed to the one ht70000f s/els fore
before 0ii.0be
040000. valid

[ ... ]
• Justify your statements t
with evidence
examples, grounds
0on/us/onS. etC f Choose one of the topics -A or B - and write an argumentative text following
• Use connectors Of .. --�-·•·•-�ho··•

contrast to present globalisation just another word for Anenicants.aton? Ae we all becoming
opposite sides.
g Thunk about your test
ylie (food clothes. objects. technology. shopping.) and dscuss
the advantages and disadvantages of being immersed in a global worid far beyond
the lirntts of your country

APP nucr

Pop Art
These are paintings from artists of the Pop Art school (po
everyday technology lcars,
T¥get micro nee

phry: lly fit woman

aver .in0g

ht debrates

of pr ducts

ichad Halton. Jut what isit that makes

Aa'shores so different (992)

2llhe Popt movement
ma haebeenastepinto
bring the Aeeri n culture
to the wold thrtushart but
aloe of o th

people by seelg to elevate

pyula culture to the level
of fie art

C. Andy Warhol Marilyn (9-67)

• Describe what you can see in the pictures

.2 Discuss which may be the main charactenstics D. Eduardo
of Pop Art
1.3 Would you say that pop Art and the concept of
Anenicants.aton" are somehow relate? Explain
ver4no and ti«en one pint'sd
f Read the quotation by Pablo Picasso picture tat seemed to lave opened
2. Can you relate his words to Pop Art and the idea of
d door and terves a a1feppnd
tone to otter tiinag.
able Pi&do
[ me»as i

.what is the role of music, cinema, food and sports brands in turning our world
into a global village? Discuss in small groups.

E Read the text carefully.

In 1981. MTV exploded into American homes and Much of the local content produced within the
changed the entertainment and media industries community parallels the shows coming out of the
forever It combined television and radio. and added US. Universal programme topics include top IO
araw flair that was distinctively youth oriented countdowns. music panel discussions. Cultural
drastically changing youth culture around the discussions. music and international news. dance
word. defining popular culture and speaking on programmes such as Club MTV. dating shows and
behalf of young adults everywhere « game shows but each channel's programming is
MTVbegan as a small cable channel. determined modified to appeal to its local audience. Every
to bring music to the masses 24 hours a day. The market is different and requires a different
o plan was to create an all music channel directed approach
towards teenagers and young adults MTV defined Many cnitics of MTV International believe this to
style and the artists became known not only for 4 be wrong MTVis often criticised for peddling
their music but for their clothes and attitude as American Culture to the rest of the world and they
well After MTV had dominated the American music feel that MTV is promoting not just globalisation but
t and advertising industries. it set its sights globally Americanisation Dy controlling cultural ouICeS
On August 1987. six years to the day after MTV was around the world Americanisation is defined as
launched in America MTV Europe was launched so making something American in form st le or
reaching an audience of16 million subscribers in character or the propagation of Americanism which
fourteen countries Since then MTV Networks has is defined as allegiance to the United States and its
2 expanded to include 34 customise feeds in164 customs an institution.S
countries through eighteen different languages, Regarding the charge oft Americanisation
such as MTV China MTV Canada MTV India etc s% American ideals are coming from Liberal thought.
These many forms of MTV all carry an individual globalisation encourages liberal ideas. Amenia
characteristic. The channel now reaches has made the decision to embrace Liberal belief
approximately 375 1Llion households worldwide patterns as part of its development. As the world
.audience of one
and has an estimated viewing becomes Liberated from ideas of tradition and
billion. more than twice the size Of CNN 6 culture. it will lean towards ideas that have been
International Contrary to popular opinion MTV established by America because of its lack of
International content is not primarily focused tradition and culture. Therefore MTV is not guilty
o around American Culture and products. In mOSt of perpetuating Americanism but rather
MTVinternational channels. between 50-80% of encouraging globalisation
the content is locally produced while the remainder
is international programming"
E coose a smorym and an antooym from te ,,
.. -� ~·'.. ..... . � ..._ ·-�
ofnatee 00Wlf w0r0Sr0hhI ,---------------------------------

SYNONYM ANTONYM • matches + neglecting

a. expanded (1 20) grad , horn • repel free
h. parallels (I35) , • repressing address

appeal (I41) , shrank

• promoting
s. ad
d. peddling (I4) , imprisoned preserving

e. liberated (L59) ,
t. perpetuating (l63) ,
!Complete the following sentences according to the ideas from the text.
a. Its said that4MTV(drastically changed youth culture because
c. regeld pro bing
tepee ipi ned
• MTVwas not only about the music and the artists t also :Zij.
L ng
4.a(Jitbegan to define
pyulr culture ad spoke
e. The content of MTV international can be sad
on behalf of young people
h(defined the and
d. As every aue Oels fferent attitude to be. dopted by the
young re(Jtobe mostly
locally produ ddry
a. The common ground for globalisation and Americanisations that has different

e.(both defend liberal

f. According to the author the main plus of4TV ideals.f(/encouraging

1. What MTVprogrammes do you know?

2. Which one is your favourite (if any)?
3. Find examples of programmes on your local MTV
that have been adapted to your own culture.
• Do you agree that MTV still defines popular
culture among the youngsters? Give reas pons
TEACHER Global symbols, abbreviations and acronyms
A United
.MTVis an abbreviation used all around the world to refer to a TV channel
instead of its full name (Music Television)
p ration in variety of field t. Below are the symbols and abbreviations or a0royTS f'or O of the most well k0own
force (the first United Nations global organisations in the world in pars
force C. Net write the fut description of each abbreviation or acronym
Atlantic Treaty Organi na
molar, lll nee for collective b explain their fission in the global/Se world welvein

.2 Share the information in class

states.see to rutudefence
in toanattack bar
eternal party)lion
governent Organ bi

ns' group
dona local, tionel
peope withacomoon
forum for the governments

internatie fian lsys ml

f0rgani tic for Eoononic
Ge Dev loprent
[aninternaionae noric
or9an bion four deed
stin late ee nonic prog
and wold trade
{NGO • • • •
Food and Agni tural
Organ rtion agency of the
United iti ns that leads
G - 2 0
interati al efforts to defeat
hunger4Cable News
Net rk (Aerie nbaic cable Ill
and the
first channel to El
provide 24hour news
l United lotions Ed
$ ntific and Cultural
Organ tion(organi tion
whose purpose is to contribute
to peace.and
l ab ration thrr ugh
edu tio. and
culture United ations
" unicef&
de lopentaasstance to
ch.enand mothers

------------------ TEACHER
L. Bearing in mind wtat you have learned about globalisation, cho e the correct 1.2b
option fromn the ones given 1.3%
Which of these sentences about globalisation s not true ? I4e
a Itisaprocess of interaction and integration among people. companies 1.5%
an governments of different nations I6c
b. ttisdriven by international trade and investment and fostered b .Ta
information technology 1.8
c. It has an impact on the world economy but not on individual counties
or political systerns
1.2 Globalisation ts linked to the growth of consurmnenism as.
a small companies can't keep up and go bankrupt
b international 900ds and brands are ea54ly
c. food chains like McDonald's adapt their menus to each country's taste.
1.3 Bigcorporations are turning to developing countries because
a they want to help them grow and prosper
• cheaper labour force allows tor the cheaper
pro.t '
c. they have better working oonotions a0d better workers

I4 Globalisation4s tr
neS seen as Aenc.a/Sa Don due to
a the might of the Amnenican nation
b. demands for quality American products
c. the easy widespread crstnbuton of Amnencan goods throughout the world
1. The pop Art artists created art using.
a cornmonplace objects a0 coroner rages 0f products a0 celebrities
b. the message and lyrics of popular pop songs
c. actual photos of everyday life and common people
1.6 Which sentence s not true about MTV today
a lthas.alarger audience tha CNN international. the 24hour news channel
• The international channels share their broadcasting time between
international contents and locally--produced ones
c. Itis an all music channel broadcasting music 24 hours a day
1.7 The organisation that aims to contribute to peace and secuntty through
education and cultures.
1.8 Which of these organisations are not part of the United Nations?
b. NATO and G20
........, _
i Match the two halves of the sentences and choose connector of contrast to link

a. however.2. yet. them together.

e. but.I
a There has always been trade without the technological revolution
la he global demand for
labour hes inere d between counties and so0eties.. this explosion would not have happened
richer hoee
2 tthas never been on a scale close to
c Thesis the golden age for commerce 3 many countries st don't have the
intolerance and same chances to market their products
even though to be open to e.ewrite the sentences with the connector given in brackets.
other cultures.and ways of
a mnrnigration policies have not yet been developed although the global demand
living.De ite raising
living st dard in for labour has increase in richer e0ooorTNeS. (oweer)
develop ng countries
globeli tion ha.increased
pr ssure to work faster,
longer ad forless money b Globalisation allows us to be open to other cultures and ways of living but many people
stir sow feelings of intolerance and xenophobia (even though)

l.a. hopeful deful

h. po nity.reality
6. c. Globalisation has raised laing standards in developing countries t has increased
pressure to work faster, longe and for less money. though (de spite)

I, Co»see wowords frorn below that form ade tive», nouns and verbs using the sane
suffix and write them in the table under the correct heading.

prosper + special + hope real + wonder + sympathy

Noun Verb

• b

aeUse the words in brackets to form a word that fits the space
a AneniCan products are marketed to feel trendy and
b 1hope that globalisation can lead to a more
c. in this go0base9 word we have more adore people that fin themselves p0OM
and (ob)
d. ltiseaser now for counties to estabs.hinternational
e. We should take advantage of the easy communication among nations to
our cultural horizons. (broad)
f. eh countries only thunk about their own profit(normal)
g Some people don't howmuch the worlhars changed (real)
International products
American products/brands are not
the only ones which have gone global
There are many products/brands fronr

different countries which also have a
global reach

Do some research and find out more about the

products on the night or others that you can
thunk of and say
what they are
+ where they core froon

+ where they are sold

+ why they have become globally successful

present your fangs to the class

MTV goes global

4TVeetworkes have gone global and have launched
numerous native language regional varieties of44TV
channels in every continent around the world

Choose one of these natee MTV channels and do some

research about
+ its beginnings.
+ ttsVs (ideolockeys)
+ ts characteristics
+ the programmes they broadcast concerning.
- musical content
entertain content
- International Content
national content

present your findings to the class.


Find out information about the fmn to complete TI

the table

I ---·-
-- -
ECTOR c:r t
t Tile The Good Lie RELEASE DATE
Director: Pl Falardeau
et e 3ct0be 20l4
Cast Reese ihers.po n Eobetter understand the film, find out
Emmanuel Jal Corey Stal information about what has been happening
Ger Duany. Arnold Ooeng in Sudan since 198.3.
0ere Drama unoing
tie II Awards
le fife eel's.Jury
Sgeciel rire Hart Fin le
While watching the film pay attention to the following and take notes on
Ming cture Ard
a the many things/objects that pule the Sudanese when they arrve to the USA (the
The food on the plane
the the cell developed globalsed world) because they are untarniar to thern
phone M De 4's food b the differences of behaviour and attitudes they come across with and that cause
el tricity.the tele hone
culture shock
e. the changes in their behaviour that showus thuat they are adapting to the new world
they lven
house without k kng the
existence of food for dog d. persisting attitudes that show they are not being corrupted in their principles;
foodc. They start to
a the downsides of the globalrsed society they have to face;
understand jokes to sleep on
the bed to use the t. Carnie's transformation as the story develops

telephone to eat pi

R Emmanuel Jal, starring as Paul the film, is a former

child-soldier of Sudan. He turned into a lip-lop artist
to tell his story. Listen to the song and relate it to the
story of Mamnare, Jeremiah, Paul and Abital.
Imagine you are a film
critic ad give your
opinion about the
following topics
(with Nol Furt do)
ma troubled cld
Could you see my smile ?
lwaked many miles
My story's the Nile
EFFECTS know whatis mine
Idon't live in denial
Mysears are what9otmethis fa elate the African proverb If you
film Goto page 196 to
And nowlean touch the stars want togofast, go alone but if you
find the guidelines on
howtowrite areview Cause it don't matter who you are want to go far, go together with
who you are the message conveyed by the film
We've all got scans
acts.seed October 204
' ·p to the
.here are songs from the 1980s and 90s that have become internationally
fanous. This happened because they were the soundtracks of files that were page 40(cot)
also successful worldwide. dlhey.areal
• Listen to the excerpts of the following songs and see tf you can identity therm as the grateful polite. friendly
unable to be
soundtracks of the fimns presented below or unfair tu to their beliefs
c-moss6-6r e. The burocraoy. the drugs, the
a. lrene Cara what a feeling" (198.3)
em. ther the
the • 1 the
h. Berlin -Take my breath away" (19/86) lack of lidarity f. She led a
e. Bi Meley & Jennifer Warnes -(Ive had) The tmne of my irfe" (1987)
looele worried about wok
adheig car.el
d oyOrbison -petty woman" (1990) Ashe gets.involved in the
lees she chg
e. Whitney Houston - wt always love you" (1992' into.em can helpful and
t. Celine Dion --My heart wit go on" (19907) worried per! tend up b
ineg the sister in her hone
etch the fie
Ct Emmanuel Jed
Page 4
a4Fl hdance.6 lop Gun
e.I Dirty Dancing d5 Petty
Miocene.2 The Body
t.3 Titanic
• •

L.2 Watch the videos of the songs to check your answers.

and society
Cultural 2o century revisited

4.2 rent voices In Engl I


In this unit you will be able to revise

or learn...
some vocabulary connected to:
• SoClal movementS
• artistic movemenS
• mu5lC
• Maoris
• Abongines
• Natve Americans

how to: •
• learn about fe in the 50$, 605$. 705. 80s an0d 90s
discuss the importance of social movements
understand the values of the Beat Generation
a5So0Clate important world events with decades
identify different artistic movements
recognise the importance of personalities
from different decades
understand the changing role of women in the
second half of the twentieth century
write an explanation
identify the different trends and generations
of each decade
learn more about life and culture of indigenous
MATO cultures in English-speaking Countries
recognise indigenous types of art
write anarratve text

hwto use
impersonal pronouns
• get as a multifunctional verb

l the present subjunctve

compound nouns
culture, art and society
Look at the pictures of important personalities of the se zond half of the 20
• ldentty therm
.2 Match themn to a specrfc decade of the 20" century (OS. 6OS, 705. 805, 905)

1.3 Dxplain why they are important personalties of that decade and st farnous today


50s 60s 70s 80s 90s
.Ito134Marilyn Monroe
50-she wars the first big
cinema deal ope Joh
peel 7-he had an
important role in religion
tolerance and aooeptan
£Pat Diena. 80s-she
changed the way people look
at the monarchy Bl Gates,
90s-he is the founder of
Mien ft.E. The Beatles, 60%
-they revolutionised the
music industry
la.andb Jerrylee Lewiss
6Sos. Queen (704 U2 90
F Listen to the song excerpts and identify: Frank Sinatra
tolling Stones
Frank Sinatra (s0Meche l • U2
le 4eon (0sl. Rolling Stones a the singers (use the list gnven for help); Queen
(604.Bob Martey (Isl.
h the decade of the second hat of the 20# Michael Jackson
Mdonnea 0800 Alanis
Mou tte (90 Beach century these songs were alt/n' Bob Marle
Boys 4604 Jerrylee Lewi
Beach Boys
Alanis Morissette
Cultural 2O" century revisited

.le the second half of the 20 century there where inventions and innovations in TEACHER
many different areas of human activity. These have had a significant impact on I. S:c.4mOak.q
the world's future.
• Read the list of imnportant social, political and cultural events and match them to a

spectfc decade

'(t conteoirenos


• --
Th fit hon tooler

.abthll was coronate

entered trait

fey was, ate fest
fly-cloned complier orals 5
Th ftrnawith@sign wast
[ no»as i

Mead some of the characteristics of the Beat Generation, an American social

and literary movement originating in the 19506, and discuss what their meaning
might be.
1 The poets of the Beat generation
a wanted to be alienate1 fro0rn SoCety
b were apolitical and nfferent to social probie ns
e. sought to.liberate poetry from academic preciosity and bring rt back to the
d. advocated personal release. puntfcaton. and enlightrent brought about b the discipline of Zen Bun

fNowread the poem by one of the Beat writers and check which lines show the
characteristics above.

«4$T0 Na.1
Joete ooee out of our cloeeta
0pen your windows, open your does
You have been haled-up too Log
fie non to face outed
in your closed worlds
in the full Lotus position
ith eyes ide open
io time how for the artit to hide
Tie now to open your acute
above beyond behind the geepee
with a new ope speech
indifferent, paring his fingernails
0 tie now to corruicate ith all sentient
refiring ioelf out of existence binge
o io time now for our little literary gas
no tie now for our paranoias hypochondria
to th street of told one oe
no time now for fear t loathing
And open your aid k eyes
time now only for light4 love
with the old vieu delight,
we have been the beet zinde of our generation
Clear your throat and speak up
destroyed by boredom at poetry readings
Poetry is deed long live poet
Poetry lat a secret society,
ith terrible eyes and buffalo strength
tiota temple either
Dot wait for the Revolution
Secret word chants wont do any longer.
«o or it happen ithout onu
he hour of oeig i over
Stop ubing ad speak out
0 the tie for keening tome
with a ne ide open poetry
time for keening 4 ooicing
ithanew cot otoenema"public surface
over the coning end
with other subjective eve1e
of industrial civilisation
4 or other eubeve level
which is bad for earth Man
a tuning fork in the inner
toetrile below th guface
Match the following words taken from the poem to their meaning. TEACHER
a. holed-up (1. 3 page 46
h. 0ring (19) 2. delayed. held back
ha They nted to set
th nelees.apertlroen the
e. keening (L20) 3towards the outside ad orth l
d. outward(L25) 4. able to see or feel things trough the sen es 0ray
e. sentient (L 30) s. performing the Buist OM chant or mantra in a yoga lass social problems.c. They
ti0get poetry out of the meet more popular
ad informeld They beti wed
?choose the words/lines in the poem that show us: ibtabocane frown feeing
their minds b the use of drug
a. the appeal that the authors making to other poets mu.a00dtab0on
le. Petry ista secret
ooetr./ltisnita templ
either." Al I6I/ Secret
b the attitude towards writing that the author wants contemporary poets to leave
longer."4I8 Poets./
/to the street of the
world once more"( 31-32
c. the new attitude he wants poets to assure d lie now to facet f
in the full lotus /with
eyes wide open4 25-2
d. the newrole of poetry in society
Page l
4.%pets core out of your
Tpead these quotations by Jack Kerouac, one of doset"I pets.descend/
to the street of the word onee
the main figures of the Beat Generation, and more" AL32-33 S%o
relate them to the message of the poem mumbling and speak out4l
tire no for the artist
0 to hide/above.beyond behind
the /indifferent
Some poring his fioge mails./
0 people refin g hin pelf out of

I wanna see a i69¢. Poets,

are so e nd/ to the street of the
generation finally poor, wold oooemore/#dopen
your min&eyes/with the
waking up inside. all they old visual d [ear your
throat and seek up (4 32-36
have is
public surface /with other
money. levels/or other
fiokin the inner ear /to strike
below the surte ·(44347
The first hears to do with the
appeal of the Beat Generation
1. Discuss what the five types of Fine Arts in that poetswoudaieavoice
Western European tradition may be. ad sing their poetry
0fl the books
2. Explain what the role of art in society is or sore toread
the second relates to the
3.Say what kind ofart can be more powerful li nation of materiel good
in changing asociety and give examples. that they stn gy defended
4. Give examples from history of how Sag9 stior
powerful art can be in changing latch the fmn On the load
mentalities 0012
ll aammarim
Impersonal pronouns
]euse impersonal pronouns when referring to something unspecified or people in
la.lth youc. heydltws
e. lout. they
.althhtc. oned one .pay attention to the impersonal pronouns:
e. They t.It

• used as the subject of meteorological • tt dint rain much in the summer
verbs of 191
• use0as a Sub/ect of sentences which • ft was the earty Os when the Beat
give information about tire and dates mnoverent fest appeared
• use as a sub/ect to exp0re$ 0pin#On • lt was very bold of them to go against
conventional Society

• use to refer to unspecIfed people not • They say that the Beat Movement was
including the speaker centred in bohemian artist communtt
one (formal)/ • used to refer to people in general • 0e (formal/You ca understand the
yo including the speaker Beat philosophy by reading their poetry

[Choose the correct option to complete the sentences

a One/tr amaing how poetry can be so powerful
b Reading something that helps you/they understand your own emotions
• One/They say that art in the 1950 was a way to express social points of vew
d. thought/twas/they were interesting the wary you explained how people ledin the
a t/You' be able to learn more about thes decade by visttng the upcoming exhibition
f. Most people say they/ one wouicin'tie to lvein the 19506

[Use the impersonal pronouns to complete the text in a meaningful way.

a. isgenerally accepted that the Beats formed an artistic movement

that challenged the dominant culture.h. wasin the early 19os that this
small group of artists and wniters formed around poet Allen Ginsberg. novelist
Jack Kerouac and other bohemian writers
An obscenity trial in 106 over Ginsberg's scalding poem Howl brought the
movement to national attention When e. reads the poem d.
immediately notices its frank references to sex and drugs and its blistering
criticisms of modern Life. Kerouac'snOel On the Road. released a year Later
became second pillar of the Beat movement.. say that its depiction of
afrantic but aimless wandering back and forth across the country rang true to.a
generation f. is easy to see how the Beats shook the sheer
normalcy of the era
El u«ism
Listen to five people talking about life in the 1950s.
• Whatis each speaker talking about ?

Speaker 4:

Speaker 2: Speaker 5:

Speaker 3:

L.2 What are the speakers referring to when they use the expressions below?
a. suddenly spied" (speaker)
• would go more or less unchanged(speaker 2)
e. the size of a garage(speaker 3)
d. upbeat. sensual and rebellious nature"(speaker 4)

e hung out"(speaker 5)

Listen to the statements once again to find out about:

a. the meaning of baby boom"
b the family structure in the 19506
e. what the farule used to do together,
d. what the UNIVAC was

a. the music styles which rook 'n'roll originated from

f. howEis Presley wars seen at the tone
s. what kids aid for fun back then

Ls»oars music.Sp er
Oral presentation $fun
Bearing in mind the statements about the
h the design of
1950s'lifestyle in terms of family and social life, TVsetse. UNNC
media and technology, prepare a five
minute drock n roll
presentation describing life in the 2010s and e.what people
did for fun
comparing it to that in the 1950s.
,,... L ""\

'' the birthrate
'' hworing dad

but yet
'''' house temotherchave
deer and watch Ty4the

both Lkewise '' first mast ooenguter

although even though ' e.jaand blues4fa.a
also just as despite controversial rock performer
pike in the same way
on the other band on the contrary
similarly as well as in comparison in contrast to
whereas on asimilar note + instead of unlike
L voe»our
TEACHER The use of get
la3hie.Sd. 4e.7
la.()get there a bit late Getis a multifunctional verb, expre sing different meanings and used in different
(get you from the airport
sentence structures.
c.(/get her a vinyl record
from the SO.d.()getting
easier or me to under
the Beat Generation
Mead the sentences below and match them to the right meaning of the verb get.

a. She got Jack Kerouac's book O the ad froen
ct. have the opportunity to
an old friend • • do something

%. l'dike to get to know more about the Beatnik

mnoverent • •
e. What tire did you get to the poetry reading
• •
d. They're going to get Anna from the 19505
Literature" conference • • 4. fetch. collect

• tmn getting curious about the Beat Generation's

fwhat would you say/think in the following situation? Follow the cues to write
sentences using the verb get.
a You are going to see a 1950 art exhibition You arranged to meet your trends
at4pmitts already 3.55 pm and you are st at home
You ca them and say 9gr.t •

b Your friends arriving at the airport from London and he needs a nde home
You tell hewn

c. It'syour mother's birthday and she lies every 190'

You think to yours.elf
hm.gr0g.ta •

d, The more firs you watch about the Beat Generation the easier rt is for you to
understand them
You think to yours.elf
1 •
Contemporary art
.The predominant term for art produced since the 1950s is Contemporary Art
Since then, a profound change in the perception of works of art has occurred
• insmall groups. analyse the works of art and read the de nipton of each art
noverent below to match the pictures to one of thern

Abstract Expressiids:
lt %s descried as tle uncovetiowal
application of pait, usuallu without
a eceisable subject. that tends
toward amorphous gapes in brliat
colours. It costed i di@Pi,
Stai, slathering, ad fliin lets
of paint ow to the Cava$.

, [clksn.
kt deriket a style c ad.tract peirtin
ch@ta«ctetied l} the «we c 'pet, letche
c taint c cclcut en lite trfacet.
1ft or
o o} Three-lorn.s« aduo.t
* . hose coosTon.s ore Forced le
one or+ore1ins, The
•• ••••••• • info
• • • • •• • cobs Ton.Coch non-orT oleeT,
such es
e ewee o#roee or nee4et, ecges
ofhefie or stole eenen9,

D George Mathieu Untitled (97)

LI uoomirsm
TEACHER .Listen to a report about society and life in the 1960s and answer the que »tions
in note form
Ci rights movement • Identity the areas of irfe that went trough revolution and change in the 19606
erinonactivison, the
1.2 List the three main protest issues that marked the 19606 as an era of protest"
.3Joh F Kenedy. Robert 1.3 Narne three imnportant people that were assassinated in this decade
ennedy. Martin Luther ling 1.4 Explain how young people showed they were ag.an1st0nainstre.a0n Soety
I4 By wearing long hair and
earing unusual clothes
1.s Narne two protest singers of the time

I5Bob Dylan and loan Baez 1.6 ldentty two popular hands of beat and pop music
I6 The Beatles and the 1 £xplain what the Woodstock Festval was
.8 State the aspects of the hippie lifestyle
LT The largest pop festival
ever held mentioned in the text
I8 The use of drugs and the
belief in seeel fre de n F watch the video about the Woodstock Festival
2.daysh. over 2million and complete the table with the m sing
dollarsc, 600 hundred acre information.
dairy farm4St6August
I969 e. IS0.000 to 200.000
f. more then S00.000.$. IL .000
h peace.lee ad
l the ther conditions, the
use of drugs. un nitry
conditions food shortages
d. date

• expected 0Ow
3.a. Song 3. Song 4c. Song
2d Song l f. actual attendance

Sugg4 stion s. number of tickets sold beforehand

latch the fin laking h event'sat0sphere

i. the worst things about the festval

Suggestion j number of musicians who played at

L.I! 0a0see8 0Ope. oat, pl »ibly the event
in theld hen, ad mother
k. per
forrnanoes cons/ere leg9e00.a/¥
talking care of her children's
break fast t what the festval symt Mses
1lhewoman is portrayed a
a house ieandacaretaker
for the hush d and children
E Now listen to four songs and match each of them to one of
the legendary performers at Woodstock referred to in the
Linen today also heave
their careers but thes reotype
of the hous «wife still eis.ts
[ ne»as i

Ihe Chef
Look at the 1960s acts. does everything
but cool
• What can you see in the irnages?
- that's what
.2 Howls the role of woren portraye wives are tor!
• Has that role changed in the 2r century?

Now read the text and identify what the role of

women was in the 1960$.

The problem lay buried unspoken for many

years in the minds of American women It was.a

• of t
strange stirring. a sense of dissatisfaction. a
yearning that women suffered in the middle of the
twentieth century in the United States. Each
suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made
the beds. shopped for groceries. matched slipc aver
material ate peanut butter sandwiches with her
children lay beside her husband at night - she was
o afraid to ask even to herself tbe silent question ls
this all taught to pity the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy
For over fifteen years there was no word of this women who wanted to be poets or physicists or
yearning in the millions of words written about presidents They learned that truly feminine women
women. for women. in all the columns. books and do not want careers. higher education political
articles by experts telling women their role was to o rights -the independence and the opportunities
seek fulfilment as wives and mothers (_)Experts that the old-fashioned feminists fought for Some
told them how to catch a man and keep him how to women in their forties and fifties. still remembered
breastfeed children and handle their toilet training. painfully giving up those dreams but most of the
how to cope with sibling rivalry and adole ent younger women no longer even thought about them
o rebellion how to buy adishwasher. bake bread Cook (_)
gourmet snails and build a swimming pool with rhesuburban housewife -she was the dream
their own hands how to dress. look. and act more image of the young American women and the envy
feminine and make marriage more exciting how to it was said of women all over the world (_)She was
keep their husbands from dying young and their healthy. beautiful educated. concerned only about
sons from growing into delinquents. They were so her husband her children her home. (_J
[ me»as i

In the fifteen years after World War LI this at nineteen to

A mother of four who left college
mystique of feminine fulfilment became the get married told me Tve tried everything women
cherished and self-perpetuating core of are supposed to do - hobbies. gardening. pickling
contemporary American culture. ML]ions of women canning. being very social with my neighbors
es Lived their lives in the image of those pretty pictures joining committees. I can do it all and Ilke it. but it
of the American suburban housewife. kissing their don'tieave you anything to think about - any
husbands goodbye in front of the picture window feeling of who you are. Inever had any career
depositing their station wagons full of children at so ambitions. AI I wanted was to get married and have
school and smiling as they ran the new electric four children I love the kids and Bob and my home
so waxer over the spotless kitchen floor They baked There's no problem you can even put aname to. But
their own bread sewed their own and their Tm desperate. I begin to feel I have no personality
children's clothes. kept their new washing machines Tmaserver of food and putter-on of pants and a bed
and dryers running all day. (_) Their only dream was e maker somebody who can be called on when you
to pe perfect wives and mothers their highe t want something But who am1?_It'sasif ever since
ambition to have fve children and a beautiful you were a little girl there'salways been somebody
house. their only fight to get and keep their or something that will take care of your Life: your
husbands. They had no thought for the unfeminine parents. or college. or falling in love. or having a
problems of the world outside the home; they oo chld or moving to anew house Then you wake up
wanted the men to make the major decisions () one morning and there's nothing to look forward to"
6o Ifawoman had a problem in the 100s and 1960s ()
she knew that something must be wrong with her If lam night. the problem that has no name
marriage. or with herself Other women were stirring in the minds of so many American women
satisfied with their lives, she thought. What ind of a o today is not a matter Of loss of femininity or too much
woman was she if she did not feel this mysterious education. or the demands of dom ticity. It is far
6 fulfilment waxing the kitchen floor?(_) more important than anyone recognizes It is the key
Gradually Icame to realise that the problem that to these other new and old problems which have
has no name was shared by countless women in been torturing women and their husbands and
America Just what was this problem that has no oo children and puhing their doctors and educators for
name? What were the words women used when they years. It may well be the key to our future as anation
o tied to express it? Sometimes a woman would say and aculture We can no longer ignore that voice
Ifeel empty somehow_ incomplete Or she would within women that says. I want something more
say Iteel as if I don't exist"(.) than my husband and my children and my home"

Bet fed Ihe free

iewon, w.Norton Company. 20 (ab

E coose the correct option.

3 Whatis the general purpose of the text? 32 Howls that purpose mainly accomplished

a. Toengage usinastory. a. Bysharing fe lings about the

• To explain causes an/or events
effects of an event b. By explaining causes
e, ~on
lo evaluate and give an opinion. e. By debating two or more points
!ind synonyms in the text for the following words/expressions
Page IS4
g feel sorry for

Page IS5
b competition h expect 4.a yarning4lb.rivalry

dcherished443. s4
50t. 4167$pity
2l look forward toll 9.l]
l puling A IOO
[Complete the following sentences according to the ideas expressed in the text. S.a.L)they felt
ad suffered%
a Although women were taught tole their Ives as wives a0 0other'S h()goo9opcareer.high
and political nights
c.() 'tomatch the
b Being atruly fern.inine woran meant of young
Aveni mwomend()they
other women dd t
feel the sane ad were happy
e.(tobe more than
d. Women reran
e silent about ther feelings 0fern.piness because motheraodawe
$.A this aura
the iroe of perfectly happy

fExolain the meaning of the following sentence.

(_.) this mystique of feminine fulfilment became

the cherished and self-perpetuating core
of contemporary American culture" (1. 41-44)

1. Are women still stereotyped

as wives and mothers today,
do you think?

2. Are there still different roles

tasks traditionally assigned
to men and women? Explain
3. Isthere areal genre equality
in our society today, for
example in terms of job
opportunities, careers, etc.
ll aammr mm
The present subjunctive
Thepre nt subjunctive is a special verb form that looks the same as the infinitive
without to.

Look at the two ways we can use the pn vent subjunctive.

A ln that clauses
clauses after report verbs (advise. demand. insist. order, propose. request. recommend su gest)to
express plans. requests. urgency. intentions or suggestions
«.g Women demand that they be given more rights.

+ This verb formn is rather formal and in less formal speech it is replaced by the present simple or by
«.g Women demand that they should be given more nights.

Women demand that they are given more rights.

suffice it to say core what0nary

so be it hea +en forbid

TEACHER f Choose one of the verbs given to complete the sentences below in the pre sent
Zabel. accepts. 9o subjunctive.
d. think
A.al3c.Id2 think be go accept
4 Personal an a Husbands expected that their wives suborns.Se
b Popular b liefs advised that women
c. Feminists suggest that women out to tel the worid that
women want equal nights
d, The publishers of he Feminine Mystique recommended that Betty Friedan
carefully before presenting such disruptve ideas

fead the sentences and match the highlighted phrases to their meaning.
a Suffieeit to say that people w never gee up ,. ............•............. ,
fighting for equal opportuntest '
] nomatter what happens
If/have tobe set aside from society to defend my
2hope that something
deals. so be it!
e. Come what may,ti always fight for women's
4.itis enough to say
d. Hear en forbid that things go back to the way they ''.._ ....•.................... .-
were in the 19605!

!Now write your own sentences using those same phrases

l. heavy metal disco bell
glen style video
1970s, a tumultuous time lie
pun rock art-fie h art
ln some ways, the decade was a continuation of the 19606. Women, African lighters hip hop. bell bottoms
Americans, Native Anericans,gays and lesbians and other minorities continued video ttes per
their fight for equality, and it marked the beginning ofacrusade to protect the
environment.. but much more was happening.

How much do you know about the 1970s?

heavy metal disco balls
e0 ga0es nine s.ates e0onorC CI/SlS

punk rock pop
Ja mobile phone
2..Disney liort.db England
bell bottoms tniccars Margaret Th he e. I976
d Englade.At.Mich
disposable lighters e0Ono/NC DOOM Germany Portugal
personal corouter

.2 Watch the video to check your an9werS

f Answer this cultural qui about events that were front page news in the 1970s.

g)Trivia 6hall6n% wich group began bombing parts of
• Britain including the lover of London
• what famous amusement resort
openeqf in Florida in 1971?

Louring the 92 summer Olympics,

which country wars a wornan elected
•• Prine Minister for the tire and who
in which city were Ilsrael athletes
[what men's facial
murdered by Arab gunmen?
wars she? hairstyle becane popular
in the seventies ?

"Agola gained independence from

" what year was the Apple Corouter which country in19757
Company founded b Steve lobs.a { what lend of shoe was
Steve Woaniac? considered trendy in the

{which European country granted seventies
woren the night to vote in I9
what country was the fest test tube

baby"born fromnintro fert.aton in 19787
EL wars
TEACHER Explanation
l.explain causes.and/or
effectsb causes effects
.Based on your analysis on pages 153-154 complete the definition of the genre

Page S9 below.
lg. The kind of colours seen
An explanations a text whose ge petal purpoeStO
everywhere in lot.hes streets
decorations Ge rgelichael lt accomplishes this purpose by explaining b
Price of BeAr8 The era of
films deping years
Sorteen Candles Breakfast
fNow analyse the tips below on how to organise an explanation looking at the
Club Z.Other music genres text you have studied on pages 153-154as an example
shored up with the desire of
ind dualism hip-hog
rock glan inly punk

State the phenomenon
event that is going to be


_________ ... •
explained in a paragraph or in

-- --
a srnole sentence
• de

_ --

-.0 - .o


-e- ---a-
ug llna boon bee

.6 9 eh
• The yuppie culture
0or30 6eh

ride or upper cla people

: =-----
withastucup attitude driven 0. e-

by materialist al/street boo u

---- --
Amen nPycho4. Saturday do e- e
by toy ads.Cabb e--g
patch dolts3 The crary cutes
e- •
and melodramatic make0pa
way of eegret ng personality
and style Mde na Demi Explanation you can gee explanations by
Moore.Julia Roberts
Explain the multiple causes an/or answering thermn
Everyone gotearier access
to pro9far effects of the phenorenonevent + Depending on the issue, you can
CNN.HBO.MTYL. Fashion wees denned above in separate use data. quotations. studies
all about Bi (big heir, big paragraphs statstcs
colours. big Don't gve your direct opinion. Just + Use.inking words/connectors to
sh udder pads multicoloured
leg mmers.eye hing present the facts express airon. cause and
Mou may ask questions. so that effect.reference and ex.an0le

Writing genres Ewrite an explanation on one of the topic below

AWhw were the 1970s.a tumultuous the?
a Bearing in mini the feeling of women in the 1960s about their role in society. explain
why the feminist movement took off in the 19706
El u«ism
watch the video Top 10 Trends of the 1980s" and complete the
table below.

0. The soundtrack to our rte Must sowdtaus beuaroe bi@ hits

a. Bright and bold
8. Corning of age

re of the subgenre
6. Music on the go

s. Greeds good
4. in the toybox
3. Big hair. Bg make-up

2. Iwant my Cable TV

1. fashion

Listen to four people who were teenagers in the 1980s telling us about what it
meant to them. Page BS9icont.
ce-mo 2la.leggingsh bright
2. Listen to Speaker and complete the sentences wrth the clothes worn in the 80s coloured c.belts,
s shirts.dscrunch sock
a. skinny
e.rahed blue jess huge
b overse moth holes
e. ridiculously large 2lhepeace between the
USA and the USSR the fell of
d. colour coordinated the Bertin the Chernobyl
e. black or stone-
23a technology.l. on the
2.2Listen to Speaker 2 and note down the three big historical events of the 19805 he street.drtya tunes on
refers to their be lock their front
c-mo doorsc.cell phones
internet4real life trial and
2.3Listen to Speaker 3 taling about being a#din the 1980s and complete the error
sentenoeS 24aMdonna cheel
ce-moz l #son Whitney He ton
ice Through their
a. The 1980s generation was not corrupted by videos theyeeamode to
follow c.A greater public

e, They can't have pop cul re
d. They learned through

2.4 Listen to Speaker 4 an fad out

l ce-more
a. the main mega pop stars that efed the decade
b how they influenced fashion
e. the three reasons these mega stars emerged in the 19806
[ no»as i

TEACHER .Before reading the text, discuss the difference between:

la The adult generation a Generation X
in the 1990 b. the adult
generation in the I90%. b Baby Boomer6
c.the adult generation in c. Meno4als
the 2000%

Epead the text to check your answer.

When we think of the 1960s. we think of youthful namely on American soul In1993a nascent terror
rebellion and social upheaval while we associate network of Islamic militants launched its fist
the 170s with hedonism and disco music. The attack against the US. exploding a bomb in the
1980s evoke images of excess and pop singers with basement of the World Trade Center that led six
aerodynamic mullets and parachute pants gyrating people and wounded1500.It was the first inlng of
on MTV. But the 1090s in contrast. elude such facile aconflict that would explode in a national trauma
characterisation. It was a decade oft18 and change the course of history eight years later
sometimes inconous motifs without a theme to It also was a decade which saw the ripening and
tie them coherently together - the Persian Gulf War. blossoming of changes that started earlier - from
o the coming of age of Generation X. the sudden so the rise of the internet and wireless mobile
popularity of tattooing. goatees. Seinfeld. the rise of communication to the shift from an analog to a
anti-government militias. Princess Diana's death in digital information culture. to the shift to economic
acar crash Quentin Tarantino movies. the Dotcom globalisation in which inve rent and finance
bubble. fear Of Y2K. reached across borders and manufacturing flowed
I Indeed. the last 0 years of the 20 Century was a 4 to developing countries with the cheap gt LabOI
decade with an existential crisis It was atime in But the online world which developed into a
which the foundation was laid for the starting mass medium in the 199Os had actually the greatest
disruptive changes and new order of things that would impact. The World Wile Web. a graphical point-
suddenly emerge in the early 2 Century. Eany in the and-chick version of the internet. altered how people
decade. the disintegration of the Soviet Urion and s found information The amount of content grew
the demise of communism as a threat led the then- from a single website in 1o01 to neany 258.,000 sites
President [of the USA] George H W.Bush to give.a in1006. and by the end of the decade. there were
speech in which he proclaimed a new world order nearly 17 million websites
in which the US would lead the world in enforcing The people most powerfully influenced by all
the rule of law and reining in chaos and aggre on tese changes were those who reached adulthood
But that optimism about human progress n the 1090s. the so-called Generation X Those who
eventually was shattered by an ethnic cleansing were older often described them as self-absorbed
campaign in the Balkans, genocide in Rwanda. and and apathetic. That stereotyping seems as shalow
home-grown anti-government extremist as the notion that all Baby BoomerS were
o movements that penetrate deadly bombings 6 revolutionaries on the barricades. but even Xers
seemed to buy it Two decades later.a 204 pew could merely be a function of age
Research Center study found that only 49 percent But it also could be that
of Xers see their generation as unique. compared to Generation X. Like the decade in
58 percent of Boomers and 6l percent Of which they came of age. formed
Millennials, the group born after 1980. But what's a bridge between old and new
more revealing is that Xers usually are nestled ways of thinking and living
between Boomers and Millennials in terms of their h/thane er8aOh.corn
attitudes and beliefs on a range of issues. from
immigration to same-sex marriage. Of course. that

fre following words are synonyms of the words underlined in the text. Pick the
right word to match the ones below.
a crushed t. instabiirty TEACHER
b 0omitted super
teal .a.shattered h perpetr
d. pathetiedstartling
e. indifferent h 0e oprent e.inldgt. jarring. shall
d. astounding i death h ipeigt demise

e. hint j noons/Stent
4.the goth of oolie
h the year 2000
R what do the following expressions refer to? c.the former Corneis.t Boe
d ofpeogle fro%
a. the Dotcom bubble different ethic grog
8. Y2K
po ring the new
e. Soviet Union
2The death of cornrnuni n
d. ethnic cleansing

[Answer the following questions about the text. iteretard wire

s.1 Explain in general terms how the 199Os are describe(din the text
s.2 Name the main events and/or changes of the 19906 (social political economic 3They see thems
qte0ray.having doe
etc.) that can now be seen as the preamble to the 2 century world
hing for the world
s.3 How do people who belong to Generation X see themselves $4L)/ they are stuck
between odaodnewwesof

op hrcroii
s.4 Bearing the last paragraph in mind explain why they
thinking and living They led
may feel like that towards their own generation
ainbetween a

• L

--·---- •
C • •

R d
1. Work in pairs to discuss what you f
know about these 199ops events


the Persian Gulf War ••
4. •
Quentin Tarantino movies 4
the disintegration of the Soviet
Urion •

Clothes and accessories over the 2o century
.Look at the pictures and decide which group of people lived in
a the early 60s.

h the 70s.
e. the 80%

d. the 90s


flared trousers
+ pillboy at
le wafers
+ eta»i patter
+ flaw.el shirts
+ overall¢
L.A. the 90B. the B0.C. the E Choose from the list the items of clothes/ ba corduroy pats
70p the early 60s accessories which were fashionable in the flared flowered dresses
la. pillbox hat. short boy different decades. Use your dictionary to + short bey jackets
jekts. shift de es. pale help you find the words you don't know.
toned shades capripants plat@or glees
flared trousers ethic acid wash jean$
patterns.baggy corduroy
peats flared flowered de es + gift dresses
platform shoesc. leg
+ vibrant lo windbreak.erg
warmers ai/was.hjeans
sh ulder pads jellies.ray
-bean pale toed shades
sunglasses A flannel shirts,
overalls vibrant melon
+ shoulder pads
str ioh legged jellies
+ capfi pat¢

alba $u3lase5
straitleed ripped
dew jean$
+ backward caps
, .,
•· . 4.1
Sociocultural content TEACHER
L.Bearing in mind what you have learned about the second haf the 2om century, 2e
choose the correct option fromn the ones given 1.3%
The Beat Generation was0own for I4e
a their political protests interary form Se
their public poetry reading sessions to the sound of [a

their conventional poetry

which of the following novels is considered the bible"of the Beat Generation
a The Great Gatsby
The Sound ano the Fury
On the Road
Which of the following events dint tale place in the 19606?
a the fat of the Ber wall
the Woodstock festrval
the fest Landing on the moon
The so-called baby-boom" generation ved their adult rte
a in the 1970s
in the 19805
in the 1960s

The artistic style of assemblage"is characterised by

a their abstract colourful paintings
their use of spots. blotches or stains of colour
their three-rnenslonal 0ornpoS/Dons using everyday terns
L.6 The 1970s were 0onSered
aatumultuous decade of cvi nights
an era of peaceful living
a tire of huge economic develop/Tent
Choose the personalities who were popular icons in the 19806
a The Beatles and the oling Stones
Madonna an Michael Jackson
rank Sinatra ands Presley
Which of these ideas are not associated wrth the 19806?
a Bright and bold colours in clothes. streets and decoration
b. platform shoes and belt bottoms
Crary haircuts and melodramatic make--up
Lo Which of these were typical looks of the 19906?
a Flared trousers and an ethnic patterned shirt
A pox hat. short boxy jacket andasft cress
A flannel shirt. overalls. a cap put on backwards
l j

.Complete the text with an impersonal pronoun (it,they, one, you')
The hippie were born
The 1960i known as the decade of irresponsible flamboyance. and decline in
" rapt tour le st d
the 0 better b. Polit • social
on., wasin the late 60s that young people began to rebel against the
everywhere conservative norms of the time.b_ called these youngsters hippies. These

gveworneneg.el rights groups created a movement toward liberation in society.If had lvet then
c The currentawnequires would ave witnessed how they questioned authority and government. ad
thateercitienbe treated 0de0anded 0e f+ on5 a0fights fo wore a0fin'On
with diityad
aSobeith core what eephr e the following sentences by using a that clause followed by the pre nt
0nary subjunctive.
a Historians recommend reading pop icons' biographies to understand the 80s better
la buysh. had the
dneoeiet be mo

The current law requires every citizen to be treated wnth cigntty and respect

Cornplete each sentence using one of the phre es with the subjunctive
suffice lt to$a¥ • sobelt + come what may + heaven forbid
a Thousands of people moadead the woocstock testoat wnth"ts meywanted the
festal to be a symbol of inclusiveness. The organisers just agreed and said
• ,.
Women leading the feminist moerent were so et.er7nine to get ngts for wore
that they said. We'll stand our ground.

eplace the verb get with.a suitable synonym. Make any necessary changes
a My mother gets at the tems for her 19606 Colle on from the antique shop on the

fleer got to meet an important personality f'die to meet B Gates.

We have to get to the poetry reading session at 9 o'clock sharp or al the seats wit be

Did you get my parcel from the post offoe? m expecting some old rook 'n' roll vinyl

Young people are getting more and more interested in the 19805 pop culture
Different voices in
English-speaking countries

f took at these fess.
• Decide wtech of these English-speaking countries were inhabited by io Jige ous
people before the British settled there.

.2 Match each of the following native people to a country and flag from above. TEACHER
Maoris + Aborigines Native Americans land128USA Native
Amneni rd.C Austral
(Ab ii gDNe Zeal nd
The pictures represent part of the cultural tradition of Maoris, Aborigines and M isl
Native Americans 2land22A.totem pole
2. Choose a word to label each of them latie Acneni
mask 4 mis/C
dreamcatcher • didgeridoo tikd mask
(Ab ii gE the long
the Hongl boomerang
+ totem pole
M slF
2.2Match each picture to a particular culture llatie Aeneri nel
LI uoomirsm
TEACHER .Listen to the texts about the native people of some English-speaking
la Moorish. Ab nigines countries and answer the que stions below by ticking(J:Maoris (M),
c.Abe rigines.d.Native Aborigines (A) or Native Americans (NA).
Avner e.Maoist.late
iatie Aneni ns.Maoris
Whose main arts carving

LAb nigines
2le rnors the 8. Who came fron Asia 30,000 years ago?
Everything lake.akind of
Godbe creates.anireals e. Whose cultures based on storytelling and art?
and everything else in the who makes up149% of the population of the country they vein?
woride. The rabbit wants to
have nice long egs ears[ilea 6. Who. according to statistics has 530.000 people st laing?
deer and sharp des t Whoivesin reservations?
g. Who possesses strong spiritual beliefs?
h. Whose culture originated in Ca?

Who gaveus everyday objects that are st used today?

g whose population has plummeted severely because of roder. diseases?
e. who arrived at the country they lvein a thousand years ago?
Whose populations about 400,000?

fTheculture of the peoples above is rich in tales and folk stories. Listen to the
traditional story Why the Owl has Big Eyes"of the Native American tribe of the
2. d out

a who Rawen0ls
b what hedoes f. why the of he does.
e. what the rabbit wants to look lie g. why the rabbet looks lie he does
d. what the ow1wants to look lie
2.2lsthere amoral n this story? Explain

Oral presentation
d The odwants to haves There are similar stories and tales in every culture; sore
nice long neck beautiful red of them are even universal. known and told all over the
fe thers.a nice long beak ad '
world Prepare a ten-minute presentation in which you
a nice crown of pies
e.legatient defiant proud tell the class one of those traditional stories and explain
dis b diet.f.ltwask reno's its meaning and/or moral. You may choose:
punishment for his attitude
A.atraditional local story from your country ,,. -- -- -- -- ---- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -..
glean off before Q reno
had finished him B amore universal tale (Lrttie fed fang Hood
22lfyouare. yo ee Se¢ ) $oat
caret pt 60Whyte an

end up by being punished the Seven Dwarves Three Ltte pigs._)

Turn to page 200. It provides you
with the phases you need to tell
a story
L voe»our •

Compound nouns

Sore tires we join two words to forrn a compound which contains elements of both words in its
A Many people see dreacatchers hanging from people'car rear-view mirrors()"
g Aborigines use ddg nidoos in formal ceremonies such as sunsets(_)

Sore corpound nouns are written ars one wor(e.g. sunset). others with a hyphen (e.g. rear-view) ad others
as two words (e.g exercise book). Yet others may be spelt in two or even ttvee ways (egicecreamn
ioe-cean. Ne Crea)

.Choose two words from each column to formn a new compound noun.

L life
b moon
L cont
l after-ife south
" ht
h. after-bile
e. earth '' '' tine d hand d
'' '

d. hand

L sun '''
'' ''
horner de hornete

f. thunder
+ ''
'' west


• water '' '' ght

h. eye
' '' '' front
h gh hub "
'' ' EL 5
i after
''' '' quake i
j south '' '' storm
,._ ____________ .,'' ''' .

Now complete the sentences using one of the compound nouns from above.
a. They sailed down the rver by with stars in the clear night sky
b. Many tribes believe that their good deeds w be rewarded in the
c. The entire Island was evacuated. The authorities Issue a severe
her warning
There was aprediction for he.any1an a0a
d. Many indigenous tribes survive today thanks to handicraft
a. Portugal is located in the ofEurope.

[Use a dictionary to find compounds which start with

the following words. Then write your own sentences
with then
.,----------, .----------) .,-------) .------. .--------
_________ ., --------·
b water
+ it
-------- '' d--
foot ' a. night
' '--------
+ ¢tat
+ of

[ me»as i

.Working in small groups, discuss the difference between the following types of
4. alegend

fNowread the text taken from the Australian Aboriginal folklore and decide
which of the above types best describes it.

'i 1


·, .theRtinbo and
the -
s \' - Uandering 6oys

Far to the west in the deep blue sea there dwells o stretched far away untilit was lost to view in the
a great serpent named Thugine His scales ate of dim distance. The cool waves rolled lazy in great
many shimmering colours When a rainbow appears green billows from the outer reef and dashed in a
in the sky. it is Thugine curving his back and the sun haze of sparkling white foam on the hot sands of the
reflecting the colours of his scales palm-fringed beach The song of the sea rose in a
Many years ago. a tribe of blacks camped close to deep loud booming. and gradually died away to.a
a sea beach One morning they all went out to fish low.soft murmuring The boys were lost in wonder
and hunt. with the exception of two boys. whom the at the beauty of the scene Never had they seen such
old men left in charge of the camp. Wander not into an expanse of water sparkling in the sun bike the
o the forest lest the wild dogs eat you. or to the beach blue sky Over its rippled surface the shadows of the
where Thugine the serpent is waiting for children clouds floated like sals across the sun
who wander alone" This was the parting advice of Thugine. the serpent. had seen the boys coming
the old men to the boys from afar. and wtile they played on the beach. he
When the men had departed. the boys played swam swiftly and silently to the shore and seised
about the camp for a while. but they soon grew tired them When the men arrived at the camp. they
of their games. The day was very hot. and in the «s discovered the absence of the boys They searched
distance the boys could hear the dull deep booming the bush all through the night. and at dawn came to
of the surf Both the boys were longing to go to the the beach Far from the shore they saw two black
but were afraid to speak their desire At last rocks jutting out of the sea Then they knew that
o the elder boy spoke, and said The fires of the sun Thugine had taken the wandering boys and turned
are burning bnight. but on the breeze I can feel the so them into rocks. The men turned their faces again
cool breath of the sea Let us go to the beach and we towards the camp their hearts were heavy and their
shall return before the shadow of night has fallen thoughts were sad
The men will not know." The other boy hesitated and To this day the rocks remain between Double
z was afraid. but at last he yielded. and together they Island Point and Inship Point. When a rainbow
wandered hand in hand through the bush appears in the sky. the old men of the tribe tell the
After walking for some time they came to an story of the disobedience and punishment of the
opening in the trees, and. before their expectant wandering boys
gaze. a wonderful scene unfolded A golden beach
E Look at the text as a whole.
3 Whatis the purpose of the text? Page I68
3.2 Hows that purpose accomplished la4storylroenacicent
ties.about peopieand events
thatrey orma not be true
identify the following narrative elements: bA story that

charts.e.Astory froen
an lly pee
thats told to clan
natural events e.
Page l69
Al The purpe e of the tert is
to Alina story
32lht purpo ·is
by telling the
events the. and
the participants' role in the

Eltere amoral in this story? Explain

doh4tribe'scarp+g site
Triad out in the text the words or expressions used to doe tosses beache The old
men twoboysaodaserpt
a what the serpent looks le dfishing and hu ng

b the weather that day

e. The boys decide
to the old mens
e. the se ond boy'sreaction to the fest boy's suggestion prohibition of going to th
beach( They are by
d. the beach they arrived at
the serpent They sered a
a. the sound of the waves at the beach an of penis.hen t foe
t. the boys' fe lings at the sight of the beach
$Jhesarea the moral of
g.the way the serpent grabbed the boys the stoe the Ol hes Bi
h. the men's feelings when they found out what had happened
byes.ifyou bad
things will, toyo
6.a great4 shimmering
colours'A3M. hot" (I6
burning bright A2l. weeze"
tu7n coot A22¢.
424. wrs afraid A29
d. "A2stretched
far ay30 et sand."
33 palm-fr 9el" 434
1. What do you think is the role of e. deep loud be ming"439
low. soft murmuring(36
traditional folklore stories bike the one
f. iostin A 36
you've just read?
swiftly and silently4.3
2. Are these stories still told to children l hearts were heavy 5l
nowadays as a vehicle of education? thoughts.were sad45
Why/Why not?
3. Think of a similar story with a similar
purpose in your country. What
differences and similarities are there?
ll aammarim
Language review
LLZ:the.Lasin LS.a
.Look carefully at each of the lines. Some of them are correct and some have a
word which should not be there. If a line is correct put a has a word
LS:great Lg slL IM as, that should not be there, cross it out (). Follow the example
LI2they.L4:our wered which Ntie American Indians
e.whatfhaegad in
l bile ✓ The Native Amenican Indians are an important part of the culture of the totted
x States. Whie their people have lived on this land forte thous.ands of years. today their
numbers are dwindling. Once again. the Natve Amnencans lived on ts continent wnth
rttie scourse and disruption. They were well fed content. and established in fact. the
men and woren usually were place in typical roles The men were a hunters. wa0Ti0MS
and protectors while the woren tended to the chiren, their horneS. and are
whie the late 1800s into the 1900s began to bring struggle to the Native American
Indians. they fought a tough battle in great pursuit of protecting their land Eventually
many simply adopted the European wary of dress and even religion, wrt at many ind.ans
o converting over to Christianity Today. there are approornately 560 federally recognised
Native American tribes wrt the United States. Many face problems as such as
poverty. alcohol abuse. a0d heart0disease. Fortunately there are sore who they want to
be sure the Native history an9wary of life s preserved. so that we never forget
the role they have plarye0din the development of this Our nation

[Complete the poem with suitable words and then read it out loud.
Indian pride
Grandfather he did speak a
around the sacred fees peacefully
Of Mother Earth, all she brought forth
our people traveled 60uth west and Orth

Awayb life now lost and since g0ne,

because boundaries 0f la0de. re-drawn
The many moons of d we count seven
st blaze the skies of6

The seasons of#rte f.

teachings.are different. they have other names
Through our stones hand down generations
we learned of our an0eSOrS$

That Nations are Nations and Tribes are Tribes

whates moth. our hearts/s the loan rile
We fought in alt of the warsi. somany others
hand to hand combat beside our brave brothers
Ha Paiww
Septe nber 20

Indigenous art
.These are examples of art made by the Aborigines, the Maoris and the Native
L.A Ab nigies (dot

Learnt me sisters
in the power of these
spirits Their role is
togaed the lad and sacred
sites4Mae ilc in9s, also
lone whlrod th
caviare referred b sore
people a the written
langgof the loris
b use the patterns tel
stories.Clatie Aver
Na io bl nlet they are
arts.for their g metric
pattern its original purpose
w to p duce clothing

Native Anet

defies then
in Drearning the
creation tie-hichests
before the le of a person
begin ad continues to eis.t
when the life end

f Nowread the following sayings and what they might say about the life
and culture of the people

0 does nol sll #he

Lets kep dre tweer, land people walk on
wt wde pr±. Wk or Nlw Aria
led basket aunt win&, r
pole wll poser.' We are all vi#ors + #his lire
Murr0 this piaue Or prpose heres
to odszrve. to leamn, to grow. to
ovt_and then we return horoe."
EL wars
TEACHER Narrative
la engageusin story
h. telling the events, the
and th
.Based on your analysis on pages 168-169 complete the definition of the genre
its rolein the below
resolution A narratives a text whose ge purpoeIStO
lt accomplishes this purpose by b

Writing genres
Now analyse the tips below on how to organise a narrative looking at the text
you have studied on page 168 as an example

the Rdinboana +
Uandering 6oy
- ------------
Set the context and

a esolution

the participants in the ho
moos.woo • Show how the

4.- --
story.d dee- characters

.6oboe % solve the



he- a unexpected

. --e
0eoe o. events


---- -
• include the

6 characters'

- --- b--0
Tell the events as they de ,. acons
et the e- reaction ad

expected seq0enOe
feelings about


incue an expected

do the events
surprising event that -ob

- --a-
0ob. e- • Ac your own
creates ten940n

0orentS On

--------- --
he0 -6

Le the story.If

you le

[Think of apossible story which begins as follows (don't forget togive it a

suitable moral ending). Choose A or B
A. On pon a hiroe thoert was a bou wino olsus led to overugpoe boot everutiring,
ls nor¢ wt_and he led
s inarrote rotin loot tier lived a ford f five, wino drareed clout mooing
to a bi rodamn utu Ore du

APP nucr+
•· .
Sociocultural content TEACHER
i.Bearing in mind what you have learned about the indig nous people from English 2e
spealing counties, chooe the correct option fromn the ones given 3e
which of the following countries gain't have indigenous people ling there I4a
before they were colonised by the Bets? 1.5%
a Canada 1$

New Zealand 1.
The USA 18%

One of the symbols of Native American cultures the

a boomerang
Ti mask
Which incig nous people st has a population of around half anion?
a atve ArenCan6
The Hongns
aatraditional Maori greeting
a carve.woooen ask
a wind0nus#cal instrument
There are very few Maoris of pure M.aon 0escent DeCa0Se
a their cultures dying out
there's a high number of mixed marriages
they are leaving New Zealand
L.6 Which of the following types of stones teaches a moral lesson, usuay
using anirnals as characters?
A fable
Whats the culture whose spirituality entals a close relationship between
humans an the land?
a Ma0Ml
Natve AnenCan
Which indigenous people wars wiped out by the newcomers. who epre It
of ts land?
a Natve AnenCan
l j

.Complete the text with.a suitable word
la by whoc. that/which
d stile. with f. inside
fromh. intol on4about
as The most recognised4aont tradition todays the Haka whichs a war dance
Performed before the onset of war, today Athas been nOOrtlSeC
New Zealand's Rugby Teamn, the A Blacks.t performn thus dance before
la lifetimeh me light
c. handm ded every g.are
e. south4 at. Lifestyle Another prominent feature of MaOnt culture is the string tattoos
seale di eaind adorn the face Today the Moko dives onas an increasing number
0fMaon1 opt to receive their Molon an effort to preserve their culture and ConeCt
the herttage
professor/aluno A traditional formn of cooling called a Hangs a feast cc led
earth Stones are heatedina fe nside a dug out pit and covered in cabbage leaves or
watercress to stop the too¢ burning Mutton, pork. chicken, potatoes
a0kurera (a sweet p0tat.o) are then unusually lowered the pttin.a
basket The foods covered wnth mutton cioth or sirnilar and traditionally wrth flax ally
earth is placed top to keep n the heat and steam The food takes
3hours to Cook.The unique taste of food cooled ina Hang can best be
d scribed seared food with an earthen favour

Vocabut y

Useaword from below to form a compound word which gives the sentences a suitable
f ing. Sore are not used

bathe + catching + time • tfe + made + storm

style + light + food + quake + east + bow

a Sitting Bull was a Teton Dakota Indian chief Dunng hes ft he united the
Sioux trbes in their struggle for survival
Many tribal ceremonies took place under the noon
Many indigenous people survive today by selling od pieces of art le
carvings or blankets.
Most indigenous arts very colourful and.
e. New South Wales, which is located in the $0th of Australia has the highest
percentage of Aboriginal population
Native Americans spanned the continent and the and traditions vaned
from tnbe to tnbe
Before the arrival of European explorers. Ma0nS' dally ife evolved around planting
hunting and gathering $04
Regarding Aboriginal mythology. the_fin Serpent is the oldest recorded rock
shelter painting. b # red to be 7000 years old
« World-changing events
ln the second half of the 20 century there were
historical events that influenced the world forever,
changing mentalities, ways of life and worldviees
from wars to inventions, from culture to politics,
from music to society.
In swnall groups. choose an event which you 0Oler
relevant or which somehow pare a ge era0on. Ince
information about
the event
the year
+ the historical or economic background

+ the wayttchanged or marked its decade/century


A generation's
Choose one of the types of art (literature, music, painting,
cinema) and do some research about an artist that
marked a generation
the decade they edin
+ ther biography

pictures of the artist and their wore

reasons why they nae a difference in their tire
aconclusion explaining why their works st recognised
to complete the table:

I Title: Across the Uhniverse
Director. Julie larymor
etease date 2007 Cast Jin
Sturgess Evan Rachel Wood
fo better understand the film, search for a list of the Beatles'famous songs and
say which ones you are farilia with
Dana Fuchs Genre Drama
musical Running tire I33
rn w vOu WATCH
la.Jude is sitting on a
' H,.a,tw.••;•;z: �•�•=-••
air.h. Lucy sin9gig to her
accompanies the whole story

boyfriend Daniel while they a Lsten to the following excerpts of the songs and say which main characters are
daceat the prone Prudence
being presented and in watcrcuSta0OeS
acheerle d
another git flrtwith [c-moss
player.dJode meet e. want to hold your hand
4when he helg hideg and d. with art
tie help from my friends
they then g out together
32 What developments of the plot are shown to the sound of the following songs?
.2.Jude is pacling his bag
to board ship to Aenenica [c-mors4o
for his father. Lucy a. Ali my loving" • Helter Skelter
ecited bet se Daniel will b. It won't be long" t. Hey Jude
havealewweeks leave roe e. rvejust seen a face" g All you needs love
the arm
a. fifer h Lucy in the sky with amnonds"
3.3 ldenty the historical events that are presented along the story wth the songs
ll co-mesa-4
a Lett be" e. Revolution
b. Iwant you d. While my guttar gently we»p

Imagine you are a film ATER YOU WATCH

critic ad give your
opinion about the
following topics
Read the lyrics as you listen to the song by the Beatles and explain why it might
have been chosen as a title for the file,

the uverse
Words are flowing out bike endless rain into a paper cup
They slither widly as they slip away across the universe
pools of sorrow. waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind
possessing and caressing me
Ja Guru Deva OM
Writeareviewonthe Nothing'sgonna change my world (4x)
film Goto page 196 to
find the guidelines on Images of broken light which dance before me like a mullion eyes
howtowrite areview They call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander Like arestless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
Nothing'sgonna change my world (4x) '
aces.sedin January 20
watch the opening themes of some famous TV series.
voe0s.22-o Page 6 cot
Match each of them to the TV genies below c.Jude that he is
allgilee withLoe
which decade of the second half of the 20e century do you associate them wnth? dLocy#sprite bing and Jude
tiestosae her roon the
policee.After heaving been
sent back to England Jude
to return to the States
tor Lucy4. The friend
get alter the police
beak a at the
Jude nerein on the roof
ada he sing the police
allow the bend to
rooftop ad they gaeat each
3.3a. Ihe Cl nights

net of young
men to the hetar
e. The anti pr ~
d Martin Lathering's

Get the
towokin sell
each gout
wok o the lyrics
of one of the
whit might hee
been used at that
part of the film
Page IT
L2A. 8OE. 7OC. 7OD. 90%
E.BOE. 90G. 90%M. TO
L. 80%

ppen IX
,. 180
Pre tcontinuous 18
Past continuous 18
present perfect simple 82
past perfect simple 82
Present perfect continuous 18.3

{Zz:..-mm= 18.3
The genitive 185
The passive 185
Conditional clauses 185
eported speech 186
Most corn0non phrasal verbs 188

I. wting genres
News report
Narrative recount

IL. Speaking cues

Expressing preferences, likes and dis.ikes
Asking for opinions / Expr sing opinions
Agreeing and ii agreeing
Asking for advice and giving advice
Accepting and rejecting advice
Making sugge tions and re »ponding to suggestions
Asking for permission and giving permission
Keeping the conversation moving
Di ribing something/someone
Giving an oral presentation
ordering the events ina story

I, British and American Engllg.

phonetic chart
I. Vocabulary lists
vi. irregular verbs list
I. Revision Link
Present slmple

permanent situation repeated acons/routines

+ tetable and programmes general facts4universal truths
verbs of thoughts. feelings and states (think. seer. smell. sounds. believe. feel. taste.lie. hate. love)

usually. sometimes. always (general use). nearly. almost always. never. seldom. hardy ever, every day (month year,
week. fortnight.), once, twice a week (month, year). every other day (week. month)

L/You/We/They + verb (base form) L/You/We/They + do not (cont) Do +l/you/'we/they + base form of
base formn of the nan verb the main verb
He/She/t + He/She/t + does not (do nt')+ Does + he/she/it + base form of
verb(base form) + s base formn of the nan verb the main verb
verb(base form) ending in
verb(base form) ending in

e.g. Shelves New York

Past simple

completed actions that started and fished in the past

last year (month week), yesterday. 1987 at that tire_

+ past ten form of the verb

Regular verbs They +id not (int we/they base form of
verb-ed(work - worked) +base formn of the rain the man verb
verb ending in consonant+yt-le(study -stued) verb
verb d(love -loved)
verb ending in consonant + vowel+ 0oSonat+ 0double
the last consonant + -ed (stop - stopped)
lr gular verbs
check your irregular verbs list on pages 206-207

e.g. /went to France and stayed at a friend's house

Present continuous

future arrange0entS
events happening now

learn+ nan verb+-ling l +amnnot (r not) + main verb+ -ling Am +l+man verb+ 4ng

He/She/lt is + main verb +ling He/She/lt +is not (is't) + main verb +ing ls+he/she/t + main verb+ -ling

You/We/They are not (arent) + mnain

e.g. leis listening to music


e.g. Heist playing video games .a

e.g ls he watching fimn?

Past continuous

L/He/She/lt + was+ 0nan verb L/He/She/t + was not(

0nan verb+-ling
) . 4as /he/'she/t + main verb+

We/You/They were not

(weren't) fnainverbing

e.g.lwas working e.g. You weren't crying

Present perfect simple

an action which started in the past buts not fished yet (unfished tone)
an action that happened at an indefinite tire in the past

L/You/We/They + have(ve)+ L/You/We/They + have not (havent) + Hae l/you/we/they main verb
main verb in the past participle main verb in the past participle the past participle

He/She/t +has(s) + main He/Sett + has not ( nt) + main las + he/she/t + fainerbin the
verb the past participle verb in the past participle

e.g. She has left e.g. They haven'tseen the fin yet e.g lave you ever isited New

Past perfect simple

an event which happened before a sequence of events in the paSt

apast event which happened before another also in the past

before, after, unti

main verb in the past participle not (hacit) + main verb in the nain verb the past participle

e.g. They had finished watching e.g. They haant fished watching e.g. Hait they finished watching
the movie before they started te
the movie before they star te
the movie before they star
(inner 0dinner diner ?
Present perfect continuous

anactvrtyin progress unt recently or unt the tme of speaking

something that has recently finished wnth verbs that su gest arepeated actty

L/You/We/The +have not(harveent)

been + main verb+ -ling

He/She/lt +has + been + fain He/She/t + has not (hast) +

verb+-ng been main verb-ng

e.g. She has been playing the violin e.g. She hast been playing the e.g. Has she been playing the
for two years Molin for two year$ violin for two years

Past perfect continuous

an action in progress 0er a period of toe before a certain Orne in the past

had not Had lyou/he/she/we/they

(baain't) +been +marverbting been naiverbt-ling

e.g. rdbeen trying to get in touch e.g. lhaint been trying to getin e.g. Hadlbeen trying to get
wnth tn for the past two touch with hirn when he showeup in touch with hirn wen he
weeks when he su0en/¥ at my door. showed up at my door?
showeupat0ny 0Or
Future tenses
There are many ways of expressing the future in English These are the most
frequent ones


will + base form of the predictions for the future + [be afarnous scientist
fain verb requests. offers. prorSS + wi you help me wrth
these bags
spontaneous e0IS/onS There's someone at the
taken at the moment of door f see whots

will be+main verb+ an action in progress at a + By this tire tomorrow fl

speerfc tone in the future be playing at the concert

will have+ main verb actions completed betore + By this trne tomorrow
a 0irne mentioned in the lwif have m
future homework

arr'is/are +going + You've studied so hard t'rm

to+mainverbinthe sure you are going to get a
good grade
+ Net surnmhert're going to
travel around Europe
arnhlshare main verb arr, tgements for the + fmm ting my frends at
+ ng future the cinema before the fimn

base form of the main + The fight leas at 4 pm

p verb(+sin3person
The genitive
Thegenitive shows possession. We normally use 'g /fer people

wits.oar non hp.rah non

1travelein/0e's Car Plural nouns enngins

Do you know where la0es's houses? + The students' homework
+ 4My parents'car
You can uses without a noun after tt Irregular plural nouns
A cars faster than my brothers + The children's teachers

John's grades are higher than lorn's

The passive
How to form a passive sentence (the four-step change")
The object in the 2. Add the auxiliary 3 Write the main 4. The subie tin the active sentence
active sentence verb to be"in the verb using the becomes the ge t in the passive
Decor s the Sarne tense as the past participle sentence (preceded by by")
main verb of the Omit this step when the subject is
pass/ve sent.en0e active sentence obvious. unknown Or irrelevant

Active ' Hundreds of tourists London
'.._ _,'
s 0
.._Passive _,
j London by hundreds of tourists every year

s Auxiliary Main Agent

verb verb

Condltlonal clauses
ft cont4on.a TypET Second cont#one.ypE Third condtioa.ypE3
To refer to real/possible future lo refer to unreal/ hypothetical lo refer to something wtech did
situations situations not happen in the past and tots

If+present slrnoe, + f+past simple + if+past perfect.

wii/anay + inf4tve would/could/mnight + iftve
Reported speech
lf the reporting verb is for example. said, the tense of the verb that follows is further
back"in time
e.g l'm single. She said she was single

Verb tense changes

pr tsimnpie past srmnple

le led
pr tconoOUS past continuous
am going was going
pr t perfect simple past perfect sirnple
+ have bought + had bought

past simple past perfect sirnple

went had been
past continuous past perfect continuous
was seeing had been seeing
Past perfect Past perfect
had 0one had 0one
Future (win Would + inftve
will see would see
to look

Time and place reference changes

now atthat morent then

today/tonight • that day/that night

yesterday + the day before; the previous day

last week/nonth/ye.a + ore
the previous week/onth/year the weeinoth/year bet

+ tomorrow + the next day the following day

next week/month/year + the following week/month/year; the week/'month/year
pronoun and determiner changes
my his/her
fine his/hers
re turn/her
you me/us
we they

US therm
Our their
0urS theirs

Reporting questions
+ Change the question into a statement and do not use the auxiliary of the question
.g. Where do you study
She asked me where lgtudie d

Yes/No questions
Add if/whether
e.g. Do you live here?
She asked me if/whether [lived there

eporting commands and other functions

+ She told me to be quiet

She told me not to move

+ She asked himn to help her

Ave + You really should eat less. + She advised her to eat less

If you on't give me my money back + He warned her to gve hirn his money baCK

Sugg ion + Let's go out! + He suggested that they went out

Most common phrasal verbs

.ask out - ask someone to go on a date goin for dedicate

go with mnatch
LL·bacon- soooort growup-becore an arut
break down -stop working properly
break off end (a relationship. for example) •hanod n-give something to a teacher
break out -- happen suddenly hangup -end a phone conversation
break up - separate + have on-wear
bring back return
bring up -raise children •eeo back-restrain
keep frorn - prevent
•callback -return a phone call keep on -continue
call off -- cancel
call on --visit E.letdown- drsappoint
call up --make a phone call live up to --maintain high standards
carry out -conclude long for --wish
cheer up -ale happier look own on - feel superior
core along with - a0company look forward to wish impatiently
core down on -criticise look into -investigate
core over look over -examine Carefully
core up with-have anew idea look out for - be careful
cover up -- hide look up --look for information in a book
look up to -a0rnire
•oaway wnth-remove
dress up - put on special clothes L.male uo-et
drop in -pary an unexpected visit movein -start lovinginanew hoone
drop out of - stop attending move on-leave one place and travel to another

LL.see up to-accept L.ow back -tale revenge

fall back on -- rely on pointout --call attention to
fal for -- fall in love with put back - return
figure out --understand put down-stop holding
fill out --write information on a form put forward--suggest
find out - discover learn a new fact put off - postpone
fool around with have fun put on --put clothes on
put out --extinguish
•get along with - have a good relationship wnth putup-provide a0corn
get back return put up with - tolerate
get over -recover from aniline6S
giveaway -reveal asecret L.rninto-meet by chance
gveup-quit run out of finish the supply
go back on fail to honour
goon -continue •sattonth-resent
Word formation

Building adjectives

l with suffes
-able, -be respectable. accessible exciting
-al natural chicdrsh
-ant,-ent extravagant. obedient fatherly
-an, an republican. Italian rainy

-ic dynamic wooen

-ical historical chide
eSe Portuguese lonesome
-0us dangerous worth
e active
-ful ful
less painless passionate

E wre preftuxes
nfferent. loon
mnpossible, rnmnoral
Me t •
mi- misplaced. misunderstood
non-tooc. non-Soong

Building nouns

t wreh suff«es
at.ion examination Cupful

-er, or, -arr teacher, governor. beggar mother oO

-st, lan, -an artist, magician, historian
-eer, ee engin er, employee

ess actress, pi9OeSS

E wre preftuxes
er- ex-wife

.. . ' intersection

Building verbs
t wreh suffuses E wren orefxes
[ __, shafpen.d,:;:a•"Ueil>horten be befriend
fy sirnplrfy. exernplfy ef enrich. enlarge
-ate regulate. circulate, actvate pro procreate
-lse apologise, tranquilse pre- prearrange

L contrast
Athough Used to put two contra.singe.ars in one Sentence
e.g/didn't buy the tablet. although I wanted rt so much
They can be placed at the beginning of the sentence or in
the mite between two contrasting ideas
e.g. She decided to cal tun even though she was furious
with hon
When the sentence begins with the connector, we separate
the twodeas wit.ha0oMa If the connectors use0in the
file, no coronal used
e.g./decided to go swimming whereas he decided to go for
a wa.l

It normally starts.anew sent.en0e a refers to the preVOuS

idea ts folio +edby a comma
e.g. She was.aquarfed worker However, she couicint find
a job

Used to refer to a fact that makes something else surpnsing

e.g. She was hired in spite of not being quaired for the job
They can be placed in the beginning or in the mice of a
sentence tf used in the beginning it's necessary to use a
0or.a to separate the Dwoears
e.g. D spite studying.alot.she can't do welt in her examns.
+ ttcan be followed by verb -ing. anoun phrase or the fact
that + clause
e.g.inspite of raining/the rathe fact that tt rained a lot
he had a great time in pans

It can be used to oin two sentences in the Tile usually

preceded by a comma
e.g.Icaled her. but she gain't hear me.
It can also be use in the beginning 0fanew sent.e0e
e.g. He met the president when he was in South Africa But
that's.another story
El Purpose
ltis followeby a clause and place be tween two clauses
So (that)
e.g.She washes her hair daily so that tt stays curly
ltis followeby verb+ -Ing after the main clause
e.g.He went to the bank with the intention of seeing the
bank nan.ager

Soas to + They are followed by the infrtvee. after the main Claus.e
In order to e.g./goto the gymsoas to keep fit

E Reason
+ They are folie red by a clause at the beginning of the
sentence or be tween clauses
e.g. Since the teacher has been#i the test has been
postponed The test was postponed as the teacher
has been

They are folio reby a clause after the man Clase

e.g. Take an umbrella incase tt rains
They are followeby a 00un/ phrase or the
ginning of the sentence or after the main lause
e.g. The concert has been cancelled due to bad weather

E Result
Consequently They are foll reby a sentence a.0 place at the
As a consequenOe beginning ofasentence but referring to a previous one
.gIhavelost my mobile phone. Asa0or uene,I've
lost al my contacts
II. Writing genres
Wat tetanfrteeing? Wal th tortured toe or dolor9ale my tee
G re purpe St
+ hearie
To tell a newsworthy event
from several angles

lo share fe lings about a
complicating event

To narrate a senies of event.S orientation

where characters res0le a complication
complicated situation
lo set out stage in a period of + background
history. record of stages

{senator event

lo tel the major events of orientation

someone'Ste stages of#rte

To evaluate a literary. visual or

musical text


lo ebate two or more points

0few about ans.sue

News Report
I Purpose
lo engage readers by reporting a news event from anous angles. ts not usually
sequenced in tire although tt locates the events ina specif trne and place

E seases
Write ashortaneye-catching sent.en0e to nae re.a0ers Curious about the tOpC
include a paragraph which gees an overview of the basic inf
orTaDion on the Story
who.what. when were and how It happened
Tell what happened developing more etale info4aDion a0de00la0a00$
Use quotations and opinions of the people involved showing rtferent angles

E useful language tips

For a good headline. use abbreviations. Iona tic epres.sons. metaphors Slrnple
tenses, avol long sentences. ar
biles, verb a0 a0.00lay verb6
Avoid a0dectves expressing yOur 0Own 0pNOnS

Use pass/e structures which are fore informal

Use direct speech for quotations
Use reported sr ch wnth a variety of reporting verbs (accuse. admit. argue. complain
deny. explain, suggest. warn)
Use a0/ton connectors for rein oroerent (bes/es. in a/ion. moreover, not0ny.
but also. furthermore, additionally. also, actually')

I Purpose
To share feelings about a complicating event

E stages
Set the context and the participants in the story. presenting and describing people
actvrties, place and tme

Evaluate the narrator's feelings about what has happened (explicitly or rnplictty)

F useful language tips

Use verb tenses in the past to tell the events
You ray use the present tenses to express the feelings
Use adjectives to express feelings
Use sequence adverbs/adverbial phrases such as fest(ly'). se on(y).last(y).at last
eventually fnay
Use rne words to organise the events

before ass00nas. 0Ce when

previously after. afterwards
at that time by the tre
shortly before + wtie then
earlier sultan000Sly later
formerly in the meantirne
I Purose
lo engage readers by narrating aseries of events that include a complicating event
which has to be solved by the main characters

E stages
+ Set the context and the participants in the story. presenting and e scribing people
actvttes, place and tone.
Tell the events as they happened in the expected see0en'Ce
prising event that creates ten15/0nl
include an unexpected. Sur
Show how the characters solve the unexpected event
+ inclurie the characters' actions. reactions and fe lings about the events
Ad your own corr
ens on the story. If you.e

E useful language tips

+ Use verbs tenses in the past to tel the events.
Use verb tenses in the present for the characters' speech'
+ Use the direct so h for dramatic effect
+ Use die tves and adverbs to describe actions and feelings more vidly
+ Use time words (see page 193)

Historical recount
I Purpose
lo engage readers by recounting the stages of a historical event in a tire structured

E suss
+ Set the context of the events presenting place, tire and participants
ecord of stage+
+ Tell the events as they happened following a time structured sequence

Use a new paragraph for each 0nan stage of the event

F useful language tips

Use verb tenses in the past
Use time words (see page 193)
I Purpose
To inform the readers about the causes for an event the effects of an event. or both

E stages
State the phenomenon/event being explainedina paragraph or in a single sentence.
explain the multiple causes and/or effects of the phenomenon/event identrfed above
in separate paragraphs

E useful language tips

Depending on the issue.use data, quotations.. stude statstcs to gusty the causes

Don't give your opinion, just po t the facts.

Use words/expressions to ex0res$.

adie caear.ft referencea«pl

in addition mainly.chefty
what'smore because Of narely
also for this reason1. S0 in particular
aswell that'swhy. due to. therefore for example/nsta0Ce
+ too as aresult/consequee such1as
thus tats

I Purpose
To inform the readers about the major events of so0reOe'Ste

El stages
Present the person whose life you are going to es0be in general terms (0a0e,
nationality. occupation, rnportant achievements, present situation)
Describe the stages on the person's fe following a tire sequence. referring to and
0orenting on the main events and achievement.S
efer to birth education relationships. achievements. career, children. death
retirement or present life

E useful language tips

use verb tenses mainly in the past
use time words and expressions (see page 193
I Purose
To evaluate a literary. visual or musical text

E seases
+ introduce the piece that is going to be the subject of the review by going general
factual information about rt (trtie. author, release date, theme, awards..)

Describe or surnonanise the piece on review.Ifttsafin or a book. SCrbe the

characters ant the setting and make a summary of the plot
+ Make a judge nent of your own about both ts ge eral quality ants specrfc features
Your review can be poSte or negate

F useful language tips

+ Use plenty of adjectives in the Description and Evaluation stage,
+ Use the language tips tor the Narrate text tf you're taling about fens or books
(see page 193)

To argue for a point of view or an 0pinion about as0e0IC IS.Sue

E suases
+ introduce the issue, and state your position by wrtting aremark. asking a question or
simply making.a statement

Write a concusonin which you restate your po5Ion by Sur
ISng your ar'gurnetS

E useful language tips

express addition (see page 19
express cause and result (see page 19)
express reference and example (see page 195)
list your argurents a0 sun up your de.a
+ in the fest place
+ tobegin with
· suond(ly) toconclude
above all in brief
+ to surn up
last but not least tosurnonanise
+ most important all in all
all things considered

Argumentative text
I Purose
To present two or more different points of view on an issue. by using arguments to
explain a0d 0or9pare al of theon, while expressing yOr Own 0pin'On

E stages
introduce the s.sue. identifying the subject. Surnmarise the different sides of the
Present the argurnents opposed to your own point of view using facts a04ex.a07pies
Present the argurents which support your point of view a0explain thern with facts
and ex.a00es
Write a conclusion in wth you restate your po5Dion on the Issue by making al
statements urn0nan1Sing your a'gurnentS

E useful language tips

Follow the language tips tor the Explanation (see page 196 and above)
Use connectors to express.

even tough
+ wtie

inspite of/despite
111. Speaking cues
ln order to develop your speaking skills, there are some expre ;sins that may help
you express your ideas in a more accurate and fluent way.

Expressing preferences, Ilk es and dlsllkes

le hate
• enjoy + noun/-Ing forrn • really
• can't stand + noun/-ing form
love can't bear
very fond of fond of
rm • een on
+ noun/-Ing forrn f'm • not very • interestedn
+ noun/-Ing formn

to t noun
lfd + -ngform • qurte ad tve l prefer
very would
+ -Ing for • to -ingform
rather_ + tan

Asking for opinions / Expressing opinions

+ Whats your opinion about? + lthk /It eve_

+ How do you feel about? + worn my point of view. The ttung about me is that_
+ What do you think of_? + mtge ms tome that can'texplain why but
+ Do you agree wnth me? + Weit in my opinion +tve never thought about tt but
+ What about you? + 1feel ttse ns_
+ 1thunk.and you? + tr not sure but tdtaveto think about tt
Do you have an opinion on this + fdcertainly consider_
+ Don't you agree? + rm not the kind of person who. but
+ ldsay_what about you?

+ Do we agree on this?

Now.we have to ecde

+ Ok_let's make a decision

Agreeing and disagreeing

' .
+ You are quite night + Do you really believe that ? tmsorry but disagree
+ 1suppose you're night l'rm not sure about tat 1totally disagree
+ That's absolutely true Are you sure You've got a point there. but the way
+ lCoulcin't agree more + tr positive l see tt
Iabsolutely/quite agree That can't be night 1can't agree wth you there
+ 1completely agree. You can't be sen0us! Sure. but
+ Yes. and • 1think you're night but can't you see that ?
That's true + You must be joking! why should we do that?
Are you Sure? Yes, I'rn pOSltve! + You've got to be lidding! tm not sure fl agree.
Asking for advice and giving advice

Could you give me some help?

l'die your a0doe. + You should
I'dappreciate your a0vie. lflwere you. Iwould
What would you 0do If you were me? + How about

What would you do f you were inmy shoes? + The best thung you can dos.

rm not sure what to do. Have you thought of_

+ What you really needs.

+ 1strongly advise you to.

Accepting and rejecting advice

Accepting avice ejecting advice
• Yes. that's agood idea! Thanks but I'd rather_
Yes /wit take your advice + Thank you very much but rd better_
Thank you for the advice butt tk I'd lappreciate your kindness but t'd rather_
prefer to + fm afraid ts not poss.tole to me to do
that because_
+ 1can't do that because
+ That's very thoughtful of you but I prefer

Making suggestions and responding to suggestions

• •
Lets That'savery good idea!
Shall we That seers fine
Why don't we + 1don't thunk that's.a good idea

1suggest that we That doesn't sound e a good

it would be a good idea to de.a
We cou +lwouldn't do that because_
Wouldn't rt be nice f we.+ past simple_ That cannot be easy explained
How about+ -ingtorn? + 1can't believe you've said that!

Asking for permission and giving permission

+ Cant_? + es Of course
• MayL? m afraid that's mnpossble

+ CoudL? That's completely out of the question


• lsItokfL? No.not nOW

Would rt be possible to
Do you mind ft_+ present simple_?
Would you mud rt_+ past simple_2
Keeping the conversation moving
+ Let's move on to the next topic/ + And you, what do you thike Lets change the subject and focus on
question/picture. Of Welt anyway
+ How about this picture/mnage? How about Moving On
+ Shall we goto the next + what do you think of_

Describing something / someone

+ This person looks as If_ + They bottall lo0Ok Here Ican see
+ She looks as though + They don't appear to be_ It shows
Perhaps. + tt looks rdsay thiss a
+ Maybe. Perhaps they are. + in the forefront/foreground/see a

+ They're probably_ + Maybe ts. + in the background there are_

+ It looks as If_ + On top right/left hand corner theres
They seem to be. + On bottom right/left hand corner l can

Giving an oral presentation

Let's focus on + lo begin wrt lostate my point

+ Today! wt concentrate on the + Moving on to. lo gee you an example_
following Let's begin by_ You can See for in1Sta0Ce.
+ f'dike to talk to you today about + Nowlets look at There are sore ex.a0pies le.
+ tr going to look briefly at + On the other hand
in this presentation,I will sow. + ght nowt'die to explain
+ it should be clear that + The next points that
+ to.
4My intentions + Thi w lead us to
What/really want to Showy0U finally. to surn up
in Ooncuson
Ok,to recap the main points.

Ordering the events In a story

Whie Out of nowhere_
+ Thus all happened At fest_ The problem was that
A few years a1g0.. Then/next/after that Suddenly_

+ Some tire ago. By the time. Afterwards
+ Once After a while_ What surprised me
+ Not long When in the end
AS $00naS. A of a sudden Eventually_
IV. British and American English
Some differences In vocabulary

barrister attorney holiday vacation

au/turn fall ad 0ray/ins.a.e

biscuit cookie 0nate corn

car park parking lot pocket money all0wane
crossroads nter ton postcode lip Code

ring licence rlvers ienSe public toilet restroorn

dustbin garbage can/trash can timetable schedule
dustman garbage 0f tea towel dish towel
ground floor fest floor single (ticket) 0ne way

Differences in spelling
f words ending in re/-er E words ending in our/-or


grteieh Engh America Engh

recognize/recognise pat datnc

E Nouns ending with encer

defence def • , a log analog/analogue

offence offense catalogue catalog/catalogue

pretence pretense (dualogue d log/fit

' gue
Differences In grammar
•Americans use the present perfect simple less than speakers of British English

Have you doe your hoewOrk yet? Did you do your homework yet?

fhavent found my car keys

have already seen this fin lalready saw this fen

fin British English, have got is often used for the possessive sense of have and
haegot tois informally used for have to. This is much less common in Anenican

lve got some friends in London lave sore friends in London

She has got big blue eyes She has big blue eyes
It's getting late; Ive got to go now ts getting late /have to go now

V. Phonetic chart

' sheep • far

' ship • 0n b boat d joke

4 book l here
'd tree l coin

- •
• shoot el wait dog 80
, left tounst f free see
teacher f coin • vie0 , 0o

• her show 0 thing f sheep

a 0door e hair this 3 tole son
• e
a hat re0use l love

• up mouth • ow r run



VI. Vocabulary lists

- -

Lor ore t
l to id
L woe (
hoy to voyage (n)
heritage (n) a
Cl m ii ,

Unit 1

ago co

Lorr 0 a0%
bloody (a0) s.a to loans@ 0rs0
boast ( an0.a
borers (n LJ as to 00%a
0on. () nee
Loe s@

Leoreere en Lcourt @ 0ch%
pr (a0) re.e0 (a) .bent_,4
00on. nee.a(n
(v) % %.c
no. oh

toe lg (n)

former (a)
tost .g(
f0one%() furl$
E v
prong (n)
• (
stretch oft¢
ugate (%)
he 000

ire 6a)

•f enacy()
poet n% ()

L ,., (a0)



La+road to
) -
verse (er
-. ...
- -
A.ti0aa700i0a(a.) de.igr4.ado
() aha
array (n)
an 00 L (a) 000f

at (m) ()

If ban@o
(m) pod


a •

cormorenensoy taco)

() pr El oy()

court tine
pre (m) ref
• '
t report (n) el

' sp()
bola e

• goo
en#gr on(n
• •
t ()
ens.eie (a0)
L (4) toed
trade () 0de00

t 0.) a0

Loo net Leo

homop (n) hoone4c o
' '•
I pot pads
a% long) itegr on()

nt oe(n) inola
..... al

Lowrut ton
(n) rd..

Laso to 0.-.a-

oach (A) 00% 3


far be pea
Luooaston (au git ,lo

house (n)

ne One
I v egooony tan ere
a etc(a4) b%
() Lm rstom @.
(a0f) (m) rental
gned(a atibi
low ar norm y( 0or, lee
boner4n (a0)
Loo @
contemn tary(a0) 0ooh00040
convent al (a0) 00or ha

po serperpet rte (o 0eph.

90 (a0) ii%
fr«mom fee0
fine at%

urne 0a
franc (ad)

0not (a)

Lune to
VII. Irregular verbs list

Sn p$.

0- foe ate
a forgot

been f fen



be ht be et
t dcaet t dart


cal e
cn cg



a 0a


dee 0et et 0et



- p Sn f Sn f0

- -
a po s.gee run
a .a .a sad ho0 stood
a .e ho

e sop st st tel
.el ele sod so l.a to

- - -
00 0 4e sir true
et f � sine stone stung
e so ti

a gee sh $.a $ 9

a sheared ho8hoof $ ep
shed geed sh
so shoe ho

$en $ 9e

he d
• wn


hie sh tool a

shut gt shut teach
a sung ha of on

.a be to told
.it at
the '
e d



--- --
o of oeLo I

$.0.a .0on
$.po Lo
• en

--- --
.pend .4 .pf .e-

$.4 .4 .0 e e p
s.pi 0toed tee
spit spits.oat pt/pet

- ..
sot sot sot
< run
' ere wrun
spoil poi
$.pr.a .4.a $.08.a ie
+Manual do Aluno
+Workbook + Extensive Reading
·Recurses Audio www.linkuptoyoul2te pt
• Apolo Internet


+Manual do professor
+Teacher's Resource Book
- Long Tern Plan and Lesson plans
- Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing, Grannar and Vocabulary
-Tests (inclui Teste Global e Testes de Speaking)
- Answer Keys / Audio Scripts
+3CD Audlo do Professor
• Apolo Internet
Pen App 20Manuel CD 06line

- -


ea Mto
Tex Lea EDuCA~AO

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