Presented By:
Anushka Sood
Ashutosh Tiwari
Himshweta Gogoi
● Climate variability and change threaten food security directly, But other aspects of food
security such as access, utilization or stability have not received the same attention
● The resilience of food systems is strongly influenced by their complex and dynamic nature
● A failure of food systems means that people are hungry or malnourished
Understanding Food Systems
● We can distinguish four generic approaches to describing food system models: Food chain,
Food cycle, Food web, Food context
● Characteristics of food systems: Food Availability, Food Access, Food utilisation
● This food system framework is complicated further because many components interact (e.g.,
production, exchange, and trade influence prices; production activities influence the
ecosystem on which productivity depends)
Resilience Approaches
● Climate-resilient food systems are robust in the face of climate shocks, adapting and re-
organizing to respond to stresses, and recovering quickly from extreme events
● The Food and Agricultural Organisation of United Nation’s supports countries in addressing
the multiple threats and risks to food insecurity and malnutrition in the region by focusing on
four interrelated pillars: (i) Governance (ii) Food Security Information System (iii)
Prevention and Risk Reduction (iv) Preparedness and Response
Food Utilization Resilience Analysis
● To determine how resilient these relationships are to climate stress, we can know:
(i) Does the household have diverse ways to access food throughout the year?
(ii) Does the community have access to diverse food types and nutrition sources?
(iii) Is food access equitable between households?
(iv) What share of household income is used to purchase food?
Food Availability Resilience Analysis
● To assess the resilience of supporting organizations, institutions and policies, the following
are important:
(i) Can the supporting organization or policy restore functionality after a climate-related
shock or stress?
(ii) Does the supporting organization or policy provide equitable access?
(iii) Is decision making transparent, accountable and participatory?
● Climate change will mean increasing disruption to ecosystems and infrastructure from more
frequent and severe extreme weather events
● Both food security and climate resilience are complex