Digital AC Servo Drive ACS606: 3. Applications
Digital AC Servo Drive ACS606: 3. Applications
Digital AC Servo Drive ACS606: 3. Applications
3. Applications
Digital AC Servo Drive ACS606 Suitable for large and medium automation machines and equipments, such as inkjet printers,
engraving machines, electronics manufacturing equipments, special NC machines, pick and place
devices, packing devices, and so on. Particularly adapt to the applications require high speed, high
precision, and low motor noise.
1. Introduction
Leadshine's fully digital AC servo drive 4. Specifications
ACS606 is developed with 32-bit DSP based
on advanced control algorithm. Since its input Electrical Specifications (Tj = 25℃/77℉)
commands are PUL/DIR signals, the users can
upgrade stepping drives to the ACS606 ACS606
without changing control systems. The Parameters
Min. Typical Max. Unit
ACS606 can offer high precision, high speed
and high reliability performance, and widely Peak output current 0 - 15 A
used in inkjet printers, engraving machines, Continue output current 0 - 6 A
and etc. A built-in controller can be used for
testing and tuning. PC based and handheld Supply voltage +18 - +60 VDC
configuration & tuning tools can meet Logic signal current 7 10 16 mA
different tuning environments or requirements.
Pulse input frequency 0 - 200 kHz
The ACS606 can drive both DC brushless and
AC servo motors.But it is more suitable for Isolation resistance 500 MΩ
the DC brushless servo motors. Compare to Current provided to encoder - - 100 mA
ACS806, ACS606 has less I/O thus has
smaller size and higher cost-effective. Performance Specifications (with BLM Series Motors)
2. Features l Position following error : +/-1 count
l Input: 18 - 60VDC, l Opto-isolated, support single-ended
l Velocity accuracy: +/-2rpm
l Peak Current: 15A , Continuous Current: 6 A and differential inputs
l Maximum acceleration speed (No Load) : 80 rpm/ms2
(Max), 10 - 200 W l Following error lock range adjustable
l Maximum speed : 3000 rpm
l FOC-SVPWM technologies l Over-voltage, over-current, encoder
l PC based and handheld configuration tools failure protections l Allowable low speed reaches1 rpm
l Electronic gear rate from 1/255 to 255 l 10 latest failures self-record function l Positioning accuracy :+/-1 count
l Self-test function with trapezoidal velocity profile l Small size, surface-mount technology l Suitable for 18 - 60 VDC AC/DC servo motors
l Support PUL/DIR and CW/CCW control signals
Signal Description
Pulse input signal. In single pulse (pulse/direction) mode, this input represents
pulse signal, each rising or falling edge active (software configurable); 4-5V when
PUL-HIGH, 0-0.5V when PUL-LOW. In double pulse mode (pulse/pulse) , this
PUL+/PUL- input represents clockwise (CW) pulse,active at both high level and low level . For
reliable response, pulse width should be longer than 0.85μs. Series connect
resistors for current-limiting when +12V or +24V used. The same as DIR and ENA
Directions input signal. In single-pulse mode, this signal has low/high voltage
levels, representing two directions of motor rotation; in double-pulse mode
DIR+/DIR- (software configurable), this signal is counter-clock (CCW) pulse,active at both
high level and low level. For reliable motion response, DIR signal should be ahead
of PUL signal by 5μs at least. 4-5V when DIR-HIGH, 0-0.5V when DIR-LOW.
Enable input signal. This signal used for enabling/disabling the drive. High level
ENA+/ENA- for enabling the drive and low level for disabling the drive. Usually left
ACS606 Digital AC Servo drive Datasheet
ACS606 Digital AC Servo Dri ve Datasheet
8. Accessories
ACS606 Accessories and Connections
Special RS232 cable designed to setup communication between the drive and
PC-based configuration & tuning software ProTuner.
Standard Accessory, one is enough for a user to configure and tune multiple
Order Optional Accessory, one is enough to configure and tune multiple drives.
Description PC-based configuration & tuning software.
Special RS232 cable designed to setup communication between drive and
Order Standard Accessory, user can download from Leadshine website for free. Handheld configuration & tuning unit STU-ACS.
Self-locked connector for control signals include PUL+, PUL-, DIR+ and DIR-, Description Extended cable for the feedback wires between the drive and servo motor.
Optional Accessory, Leadshine provides 1.2m, 2.2m, 5m, 10m cable for user
Order Standard Accessory, shipped with the drive for free. Order
selection. Users can select the proper length according to their needs.
Extended cable for power leads between the drive and Leadshine BLM series
DC brushless servo motor.
Optional Accessory, Leadshine provides 1.2m, 2.2m, 5m, 10m cable for user
selection. Users can select the proper length according to their needs.