Disruptive Innovation in Education
Disruptive Innovation in Education
Disruptive Innovation in Education
in e-learning
Peilin Li
Bachelor’s Thesis
Degree Programme in Business
Information Technology
1 Abstract
Peilin Li
Degree programme
Business Information Technology
Thesis title Number of report pages
Innovation in higher education: the effectiveness of disruptive and appendix pages
technology in e-learning 39
The rising trend of online education, is transferring traditional learning environment to vir-
tual classrooms. People are questioning the relevancy of social platforms for delivering vari-
ous forms of information from teacher to students. The research question of this thesis is:
how disruptive is the present educational technology such as learning management systems
and how MOOCs are innovative enough in order to disrupt current higher education.
While higher educational virtual courses on Moodle are considered educational and assessed
with its school as a certified course. Would MOOCs have created by world-known universi-
ties and famous professors also considered relevant for assessing higher educational credits
for each study programme. On the other hand, learning environment classrooms are also
co-operating with social platforms to form an online classroom where enrolled students
could get in touch with other fellow students and also instructors.
The thesis is designed to find out the answer to the question how disruptive technology is
enhancing learning in higher education. The research is based on theoretical background by
explaining key terms and theories what we already know. Practical part is performed with a
few interviewees from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences with two groups of
Business IT and Tourism students mixed with Multilingual assistant students, thereafter the
audio will be transcript and analysed. The result is not disappointing us, though it is pro-
duced under a few restrictions.
In this research, it is found that the latest in the line of disruptive technologies alongside
LMS is MOOC, which stands for Massive Open Online Course. MOOC enables participa-
tion of students around the world to learn courses from famous universities. As it disrupted
the way students receive the learning material, the forms of content delivery vary. It will be
highlighted that e-learning is still more considered as supplementary compared with the in-
teractive learning in classroom.
E-learning, disruptive technology, innovation, learning environment system, LMS, MOOCs,
Moodle, social platforms, internet economy
Table of contents
Terms and Abbreviations
1 Introduction
Innovation has its impact on education, however the question leaves majority of people con-
fused: the efficiency of deploying technology applications into education. The new concept of
learning online is becoming a trend, people learn from different digital platforms, using vari-
ous online services to attain knowledge, and the learning is not restricted in classrooms any-
Education is staying at a stable mode where it was established centuries ago. The rule of teach-
ing in a classroom is to help students who are slower at their pace to catch up with other stu-
dents. The question is, how about the students who are naturally faster at learning?
Therefore, the education in most western countries is bounded with government, and the
problem rises – it is only a question of time when government will really take any advanced
revolution in education. Since elders are dependent on people who are working, government
is nurturing future workers, who are or will be students one day. In fact, the e-learning is help-
ing more people to educate themselves, even without paying too much and having an absence
on a regular basis at school.
For example, students can take additional courses according to their interests to fulfil the re-
quirements of their free elective studies. What is more interesting, is that there are many of
schools offering totally online based education for business degrees.
In this fast growing digitalization of social activities, people are spending more time online, in
another words, people are creating digital information all the time. For the scope of globaliza-
tion, the information is being viewed by global citizens, due to its vast amount of possibilities
of people to discover its content online. Today learning online is becoming mundane, it
maybe subconscious action, for example searching how to DIY from YouTube is already
learning something online, though this is learning from a social channel.
Secondly, there is an increasing significance of online education platforms, the MOOCs, and
Moodle, through which schools are providing course information and updates. There are for
example edX, Coursera, Eliademy for digital learning platforms, of which some are commer-
cial and/or non-profit organizations.
Concerning effects of online learning about technology integration, the implementation of
learning through virtual classrooms are increasing its popularity. Partially, as a learning plat-
form, Moodle has already provided supportive functions to enhance the traditional learning
environment. Teachers are posting common instructions and announcements for all partici-
pants online, which also serve as a manual of how to complete the course.
Social media platforms are integrated within learning management systems(LMS) for enhanc-
ing the learning experience, such as video recordings and presentations with recorded audios.
The phenomenon of the teacher’s presence creates a kind of continuous learning experience,
which is not restricted by a single lecture but can be manually repeated by its content.
While innovation becomes prevalence, disruptive technology is enhancing with higher educa-
tion in e-learning. With an introduction to current technology applications and their effective
usages applied within higher education, the goal of this thesis is to review selected significant
past and present trends in the applications in education, and project successes and failures as
well as limitations to possible future implementations in a general level. The main research
question is, as the title stated, to find out the answer to the question whether disruptive tech-
nology is enhancing higher education in e-learning. The approach leads to sub-questions that
can be the following:
- What are the key terms defining innovation in higher education?
- What is disruptive technology and what does it mean in successful implementation of
a disruptive breakthrough in higher education?
- What are the current solutions and applications for e-learning in higher education?
- Are there any problems facing in e-learning and what are the possible countermeasures
for improving the methods?
The research is based on theoretical background by explaining key terms and theories what are
already known. Practical part is performed through few interviews with students studying
business information technology and a blended group of tourism and multilingual assistant
programme from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Later, the records will be ana-
lysed with transcript. The result of the analysis of the interview is quite satisfactory, even
though there can be some limits in the research.
1.2 Scope of this thesis
The pedagogical material providers are adapted to use the digital platform to deliver infor-
mation that reaches audiences. According to Chesbrough (2003) innovation has an impact on
our social practices, changing the way people work and learn. How would the disruptive tech-
nology be defined as disruptive and would they really have a positive impact on the way how
people learn? The scope of this thesis is how disruptive innovation is emerging and what im-
pact does the student-centric learning experience have on the process and outcome of learn-
Another aspect is to dig into history of e-learning. How disruptive innovation is emerging and
how motivated were educators involving and anticipating in further developing the service.
In this research thesis, no opinion is included other than that of students of Haaga-Helia Uni-
versity of applied Sciences. The comparison is carried out between different campuses and
study programmes. Even though, problems of plagiarism were mentioned in the research, the
mobilization of the cloud computing, security problems using personal devices, such as smart
phones and tablets are not included in the thesis. Also, the perfect countermeasure for adjust-
ing the technology to education are not covered neither the linkage between learning manage-
ment systems and current technology competence applied in education.
2 Background theory
This section will begin with defining key terms of the thesis as well as current emerging phe-
nomena and technologies performed under educational experiences. A brief description of
their emergence will be introduced in subsections, the similarities of the concepts will be dis-
tinguished and explained in terms of potential effects of development in the future.
Innovation is by no means different from invention. Henry Chesbrough (2003) stated that in-
novation means invention implemented and taken to the market. Where beyond the innova-
tion lies disruptive innovation, which actually changes social practices –the way we live, work
and learn. For a successful disruptive innovation, the first challenge is technological break-
through in terms of the products it enables, and how are they shaping the social practices if
they are having huge payoffs, both to the innovator and to society. Another challenge is that a
successful innovation usually needs an innovative business model and also demands an inno-
vative product offering. (Brown, and Seely 2006.)
Christensen (2008) mentions that disruption is a two-stage process, where the first phase is
that the innovator makes a product substitute to the existing product more affordable and eas-
ier to use. To be noted that making and building the new product is more expensive and com-
plicated. In the second stage of disruption is called modular design, it is the shortcut to build-
ing and upgrading the products in a simple and inexpensive way. (Christensen 2008).
Lectures are held as production of knowledge, the delivery methods in-class are being trans-
formed from spoken lectures to showing various forms of information such as multimedia.
The interactions between students and teacher has increased, also peer-to-peer interactions en-
abled. The learning journey has developed into a collaboration between these factors of partic-
The aim to allow school ICT strategy development and support decision making, and the use
of using portable ICT device per learner is rapidly becoming a trend in many education and
training sessions in higher education. Schools deploy laptops, smart phones or tablets to sup-
port teaching and learning both online and offline lectures. The capital investment may bur-
den the budget by schools and funders. Depending on various approaches to implement bring
your own device (BYOD) concept, participants are encouraged to bring their personal elec-
tronic devices to the lectures to take advantage of enhance teaching and learning. (Attewell
While the dominant age of television transfers to the future of digital data which presents on
personal owned machines such data that are unlimited by its content. The descendants of TV
viewers are moving to the digital platform where one could order certain types of content one
want, determining the time of the arrival time and even the form of the content. Gilder also
concluded that the technical changes would affect institutional changes among with negation
of mass media such as broadcasting stations and centralized telephone system to client-server
networks and networks for individual uses. (Gilder 1993, 95.)
Among the big three Information revolutions, beside Gutenberg Revolution and scientific
revolution is the digital evolution in our era. Digital revolution is a combination of digital
transmission, digital processing and digital storage. The revolution is being defined due to its
nature of impacting society and the economy; it transferred the management of records by
from organizations to businesses. Thus, the bureaucracies are no longer dependent on con-
crete files and space for storing data. The significance of completing communication via world
wide web in 1989, and electronic mail, which was already mature in 1993. In the other words,
the digital transmission was originally dated back in 1906. When tele printers and the telex net-
work was developed in 1930s, the development was fast and furious in the 80s. (Moodie
2016, 9.) It is predicted to be overtaken by quantum computation and communication men-
tioned by Wiseman (2012).
On the other hand, the digital revolution in one case had proposed libraries to focus on infor-
mation literacy development for the information age of society (Castells 1996). Anderson
(2004) observes the internet enables suppliers to aggregate from the whole world the long tail
of demand from customers which has a small demand within any city or region. Thus, infor-
mation literacy is made available and reachable for everyone.
This all was presented by Bush in 1945 when he suggests that a future device for individual
use, a sort of library like mechanical and private thing. The device was given a name ‘memex’
which is a device where an individual could insert and store all forms of information. All these
are mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility – to supple-
ment his memory capacity. (Bush 1945)
Personally owned devices as for bringing to schools, education is increasingly deploying and
supporting laptops, tablets and smartphones to assist teaching and learning both inside and
outside classrooms. Computing has expanded to many learners, each device is being used dif-
ferent ways to enhance learning contexts. (Attewell 2015). The criticism of education for not
taking enough advantage of new technologies is however, not the stimulus for major change
in education. There lie several reasons for medieval universities not applying such effective
ways of adapting new technologies into their school systems as an entity. (Moodie 2016, 11.)
The restriction of a paucity of resources in comparison with modern universities are that de-
veloped in developed countries the policy is encouraging spending on higher education in
which uses of other resources, technologies, in order to make universities more efficient.
Therefore, the combination of financial, technological, and physical resources available to uni-
versities to shape their school systems as business entities. (Moodie 2016, 12.)
Moodie has noted that the digital revolution may not be revolutionizing higher education be-
cause higher education has yet to develop a radical new method for managing knowledge for
teaching–learning. Since the pedagogical challenge transforming learning methods and materi-
als into other forms means a different method of learning for students. Disseminating discipli-
nary knowledge has different conditions from those for disseminating mundane knowledge. It
is more difficult to imagine disseminating disciplinary knowledge in communications are of
length of a journal or a book. (Moodie 2016, 13.)
The two approaches which are ITS and ILEs, to project possibilities for artificial intelligence
and knowledge-based systems in education. The diversity of application of AI in education is
profoundly interesting objects of two different aspects proposing the fact that ILEs is com-
pletely student-controlled and the other tutor-controlled ITS whereas teachers play a role of a
guide in the field. (MacArthur, Lewis., and Bishary 2005).
Throughout the time, educators have looked to educational technology to increase productiv-
ity of students and teachers in a straightforward way. Past technologies including CAI systems
and most ITS, have already offered such set of tools for educational uses, it is to be noted that
most of the applications only changed the way the content is delivered. It is to be predicted
that AI applications may follow the previous route, however in the future new information
technologies are redefining how professionals do their jobs and what are those jobs. (MacAr-
thur, Lewis and Bishary. 2005.)
While implementations required when integrating ITSs in classrooms as well as ILEs for
reaching out new goals and methods deliverable. Proportionally it requires more effort, as
technology continues to transform the methods for learning and teaching. These tasks are
mentioned by MacArthur, Lewis and Bishary (2005):
- The demand of new curricula
- New methods and instruments as well as for assessing the outcomes
- New teaching practices and professional standards
- Continues training for teachers
Similarly, the main point is that artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems neither
support ‘instructionist’ or ‘constructionist’ views of teaching. Future mixed-initiative technolo-
gies will be predicted to strongly control the learning interaction. Regardless of how rigid the
procedures of drill-and-practice or lectures are; AI will expand to represent models of subtle
reasoning skills. The final destination for AI is not to replace teachers and peers in the class-
room but more likely to change their roles. (MacArthur, Lewis and Bishary. 2005.)
Artificial intelligence, has the potential to enhance online learning, adaptive learning software,
and research processes in ways that more intuitively respond to and engage with the students.
MOOCs are shortened from Massive Opening Online Course, which is standing for unlim-
ited participation and open access via the web worldwide. It was first introduced as a plat-
form for students who are learning from distance and in which the pedagogical material is
planned and prepared by educational institutions, who also offer licensed courses for comple-
tions. (Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein M. 2016.)
The MOOCs are having this special mission of expanding access to education worldwide, also
pursuing the innovation of educating people online along with their partners. (President Rafael
Reif. MITx on edX(MOOCs)) However, the scepticisms of whether MOOCs are leading to
educational changes or misleading people purchasing courses that are near-impossible to fail
and that are said to be correspondence colleges. (Shea, Michael. 2015).
However, there are some future brightening offerings about online courses. Daphne Koller,
who formed the Coursera is aiming for an education, that is the best quality to the number of
people possible. With the best instructors at the best universities, are completely free. Online
courses have made many opportunities for people who had not have the chance to afford it.
(Koller 2012)
Advancing knowledge with combining both technology and traditional classroom learning, to
the extent of blended learning. The simplest explanation to the term blended learning is the
integration of contact lessons with virtual learning sessions. To begin the challenge of combin-
ing the strength of synchronous and asynchronous learning activities, therefore determines a
complex implementation of the development. (Garrison, Kanuka 2004, 96.)
While advancing knowledge the core issue is the reliability of assessing learning material into
forms that effectively integrate internet technologies with the most affective and characteris-
tics valued of contact lessons to perform together within a quantum shift of the educational
experience. The concern lingers between the quality and the quantity of the engagement in the
environment of education. (Garrison, ClevelandInnes 2003; Swan 2001.)
In the meanwhile, disseminating knowledge means spreading out the knowledge without
boundaries. In higher education, the accessibility of open information can have a huge impact
on building a learning organization. Focusing on the increased importance of technology ap-
plications used with knowledge retrieval and sharing for the social and economic well-being.
There’ll be identified potential technology programmes in response for nurturing a vital civic
culture and progression on society. (Walshok, Lindenstein 1995.)
UNESCO is active on promoting Open educational resources (OER), which indicates that re-
search materials as well as teaching and learning materials are under public domain or that can
be used under an intellectual property license that allows reuse and adaptation. The main drive
behind the force is to open up possibilities for those in weaker situations have an opportunity
to achieve quality education. (UNESCO 2017.)
On the other hand, Open education consortium stated that sharing is the most basic charac-
teristic of education, it is enabling knowledge, insights, and informational content to be put
open with others. Even if the understanding is not definite but sharing is considered unlim-
ited. Though, the openness in education does not mean free access to education but rather the
open content and educational resources, the open possibilities and open peer learning in its
context. Open education is more of a philosophy of how open education is enabled. (Open
Education Consortium.)
The example design of the courses is to be implemented as following, since critics of MOOCs
argue that the courses lack of adjusting caused confusion and severe workload that is enable to
finish by deadline. The 7Cs of learning design framework aims to provide a complete framework
to support teachers an effective use of new technologies. The following elements are presented
in following graph:
The graph represents the stages of elements that will be adjusted in order to transform learn-
ing or teaching materials from pedagogical aspects. The first phase is visioning and conceptu-
alising the course. Next, the core activities that the course holds composing of communica-
tion, collaboration of relevant mechanisms, capturing an audit and considering assessment
strategies. With the synthesis of the earlier stages the final outcome is to put them in one to
produce a successful implementation, consolidating an evaluation that is ensuring the quality
and effectiveness for the course design. (Conole 2010, 11.)
2.2.1 Student-Centric Approach
Learner-centred teaching is brought up by Maryellen Weimer (2002, 21-119) including five key
changes to practice in her book. The consequences after her findings, are that there are shifts
to establish a totally new approach to educating people in higher demands. When focused on
learner-centred, content is being used not covered, and it is used to establish a knowledge
foundation. Therefore, content materials are used to develop learning skills.
Fortunately, a positive response to student concerns are the centricity and main focus on stu-
dents who are learners in this position. Weimer’s criteria (2002) acknowledges that changes
happened in leaner-centred classrooms teacher can achieve course objectives more efficiently
engaging the students to increased performance during their course accomplishment over
time. These five characteristics are the balance of power in classrooms, the function of con-
tent of what is being taught in class, the role of the teacher being the authority and the respon-
sibility for learning. Lastly, the purpose and processes of evaluation. (Weimer 2002, 21-119.)
These approaches are adapted into virtual classrooms. As such, student-centric technology is
based in modular design, which allows application developers to design and build their own
customized operating systems. Platforms are emerging, the involving parties of the learning
management systems such as managers of the platform, teachers, students, and even parents
take part of designing and adjusting tools that help students to learn. (Christensen 2008.)
As multiple of classrooms are gone viral, the forms of teaching are being suspected. Since
learning is enabled virtually, it is being questioned whether education should be shifted into
totally online. However, the argument does not make it path to success, education may be rev-
olutionized but the learning process of human happens in an old-fashioned way. Kolb has
identified four modes in learning cycle, which are applied even today for self-assessment sur-
vey. They are concrete experimentation on doing something oneself; reflecting on the learnt
material; abstract conceptualization in which one talks about the materials learnt and applying
the same content to the real situation; and the last one active experimentation. (Kolb D.A.
The personalized e-learning system shall be revolutionized based upon the differentiated
learning styles brought up by Kolb and Fry (1975) which are converger, diverger, assimilator
and accommodator. Depending on each learner’s way of learning, e-learning does enable a di-
versified way to enhance learning by putting different forms of learning materials into the one
course. For a combination of online classroom learning and face-to-face learning, a new way
of learning is introduced as blended learning. The student is able to control, at least in some
part, controlling the time, place, path and pace. Also the portion of online sessions and con-
tact lessons are able to measure in some context, vastly depending on the course nature. Alt-
hough, there are different sub models of blended learning to make a creation of successful
projection of the content delivery, the integrity of learning experience is the main focus. (Horn
M.B. and Staker H., 2014.)
For more personalized e-learning an item response theory is being invented, it is applied in the
computerized adaptive test domain to select the appropriate items for examinees based on in-
dividual ability ((Baker, 2001; Baker & Frank, 1992; Hambleton, 1985; Horward, 1990; Hsu &
Sadock, 1985; Hulin et al., 1983; Lord, 1980; Wang, 1995)). The service is proposing a person-
alized e-learning system based on item response theory, the computerized adaptive test (CAT)
is not only efficiently saving up time, resources and also enabling better performance at a
higher level of resolution proposed by Horward (1990). (C.-M. Chen et al., 2005, 237-255.)
On the business side of the education systems. Considering the education as an entity of a
firm, the innovation strategy uses to leveraging resources and ideas outside of the walls of the
enterprise. Individuals are enabled to distribute in same channels across the globe despite the
geographical location with other individuals who share the same interests and affinities. The
common of exploiting use of both external and internal ideas to expand boundaries between
organizations and communities widens up the perspective of competitive advantage. Paths to
market are multiplying as well as the integrated ideas of firms advancing their technology.
(Dahlander et al. 2011).
For opening a course, it’s not only a matter of pedagogical challenge because transform- ing
teaching materials from a concrete presence to an immaterial text in an online channel. Another
challenge is how to get students engaged with the virtual course since registered amount of
students are more than the ones who actually finishes the course and on time. There are
interesting statistics found online. The number of students taking distance learning course at
the postsecondary level were 5,522,194 students enrolled in any distance education courses at
degree-granting institutions in US (NCES 2013).
Figure 2 U.S. Department of Education, National Centre for Education Statistics. (2016). Digest
of Education Statistics, 2014 (NCES 2016-006), Table 311.15.
Creating an online course could be viewed as participating in a public education, due to its nature
several platforms including Edx, Coursera, and Eliademy are offering these courses available
for everyone. However, it is to be carefully implemented how the criteria of one attending the
course and its prerequisites. Beside the Learning Management system (LMS), there are tons of
cost-free Web 2.0 applications available. Everyone lives in a new, interactive, and collaborative
Web 2.0 world with many mainstream internet technologies and applications available for use
in the online classrooms (Swenson 2012).
LMS in Universities are offering multiple already existing tools and templates for each course
module creation, also collaboration is made more accessible. Within LMS it may be easier to
arrange course contents with templates for example for displaying syllabus, schedule,
assignments, important links, contact information and other course materials. All added features
are most likely embedded within the LMS for easy access and navigation (Swenson 2012). The
anti-plagiarism program integrated for example in Haaga-Helia UAS has Urkund, other
universities might have used similar programs.
Web presence beside LMS is considered, and established along with LMS. Nowadays the
massive open online course has revolutionized open and online learning on monumental scale
(Mackey 2014). As a result, educators are put under pressure of rethinking the teaching method,
and new ways of delivering values and how to reach effectively enough to help people receive
them. Social media enables information literacy to self-publish and collaboratively moving into
an enchanting movement. Metaliteracy initiatives and the Semantic Web for developing
connected, open, and interoperable spaces for knowledge production and sharing (Mackey
2.2.4 Social media roles in LMSs
Considering social media platforms as widely used communication equipment, the trends in
receiving information are shifting from passive receiving to interactive participation. Regarding
to digital use of teaching, it is possible to create both synchronous and asynchronous online
courses allowing students to involve in real-time discussions via range of re- sources and devices
while providing delayed communications for example sending emails. Social media is promoting
and integrates the sharing of information, which in forms of visuals, textual, auditory and videos.
Enabling communications between students and teacher outside classroom online might be
categorised as overworking. However, it really depends on each individual teacher engagement
of a teacher’s role and responsibilities. At least for social networking Facebook is among the
most popular avenue for communication. Facebook has this feature of creating groups;
disseminate information and graphics; share pertinent quotes and texts, including links, photos,
and multimedia; to emerge learning experience with students with a slight personal touch.
Other online presence mentioned are Google Docs for sharing contents (relevant files) to
students; Blogs for keeping diaries and notes for additional information and instructions;
YouTube for hosting lecture recordings and last but not the least, Skype for one-to-one
conversation or conferences (and it does require to have a paid plan to have members more
than 5). Similar and additional mainstream options are available for other part of continents in
the world for example Russians use VK, Chinese people use WeChat for communications.
There are also project-oriented approaches for team-working for example Slack and Trello.
Traditional teaching in classrooms shall not be replaced, because the interaction face-to- face
between student and teacher is more crucial in learning and receiving information and the
content. However, it is considered to develop learning experience from Moodle to MOOC
platforms, since eager learners will be able to access to the content completely free or attain
certificates from purchasing. People’s response mechanisms to visualizations are ground
breaking, since emotions play big part of human lives; emotional responses are detected from
any forms of data depending on the subject matter, the source and the location, any visual
elements. (Silvia S. 2016). Universities are responsible for maintaining a high-quality civil society
stated by Holmström (2015).
Beside using LMS within school’s own system, the recommendation of establishing own web
presence using third party platforms are popular. Since, online colleges attract all of the most
successful professors from around the world and allows them to teach an unlimited number of
students over the Internet (USA College Conspiracy 2011). MOOCs are rising its popularity
among learners worldwide, not only college and university students but also people with
Feedback is more than a post-assignment commentary (Mandernach PhD and Garret 2014).
Students are highly welcomed to give feedbacks, because often students are required directly to
express how they did with time management, efforts used, how was the motivation level, and
whether they are meeting their expectations of the results. It is to encourage students to motivate
themselves to do better next time or during next virtual courses, and suggestions with how to
improve the course with higher quality. (Mandernach PhD and Garret 2014).
Secondly, feedback system can be viewed as a learning journey of what should have been done
and other aspect could be improved within the course. Although, course designers forgets that
establishing an online course is similar to prototyping a service to the end-users, which in this
case are the students. End-user involvement and satisfaction is important so that course creators
could adjust to students’ needs and wants, for pursuing and for them to receiving the best
possible quality of learning experience as a service journey (Doll W.J., Torkzadeh G. 1988).
Thirdly, the feedback systems are designated not only to students but for the teachers as well,
they need real feedback. According to Bill Gates, his founding on a project called Measures of
Effective Teaching has some suggestions including having a camera recording class sessions.
The recorded sessions are going to be learnt by the teachers, for personal reflection on teaching
strategy, methodology and classroom management, all the different facets of the classroom
could be analysed. The intrinsic exposure of teaching help teachers to understand, and then help
the broader communities understand what this is really about. (Gates B. 2013)
3 Research plan
The research method will be divided to two, first part is to digging into theories, defining key
concepts and existing theories as well as models that other researchers have found or defined
or have proposed before. The theoretical framework is a base for scientific research it sup-
ports my problem statement and research question(s). Determining what theories and ideas
exist related to my chosen topic gives my research a direction so I would choose book sources
that are from university libraries and take some examples from other dissertations for example
from THESEUS- thesis database. Online sources from trustworthy publishers, other notable
universities’ research results, and publications. After reading few books of sources for theoret-
ical part, some relatable information is underlined and referred and cited to be a part of the
I chose qualitative interview as a method for empirical research, since the researcher and the
interviewee will have a personal conversation on a particular issue with several leading ques-
tions of course. It is also more valuable since detailed data that cannot be obtained through
questionnaires. Even though, getting the transcriptions done from voice-files could be frus-
trating, I’m excited to analyse the similarity of those honest feedbacks and data that of first-
persons. Thus, the second phase is to get the interviews done.
After listing the interview questions finding nominees of the two different groups of inter-
viewees. To book time for face-to-face interviews approximately 10-15 min per person. The
interview will be both face-to-face interviews and skype-interviews, selected people who are
learning or have learnt through virtual courses will be interviewed. Most of them are familiar
with the learning management system such as Moodle and MOOCs.
The interviewees are selected from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences of two differ-
ent major, one group has done or doing a degree programme in business information technol-
ogy and the other is constitutes of tourism and assistant degree programmes. Choosing differ-
ent groups of interviewees has a meaning of differing their learning content, since computer
science is interactive with the technology and the other demands much more conversational
competency with other human beings. The interview will be recorded in file of voice or video,
afterwards the derived transcript will be analysed.
The last part of my research plan is to get the results obtained from collected theories and
analysis from interviews. Combining the relations of the theoretical and the empirical part
constructed with qualitative interviews, bringing out interpretations of both positive and nega-
tive results.
4 The Actual Development
Innovation is a misleading word. People are talking about innovations throughout the time, but
what is the real invention that disturbed the vintage teaching style. Unfortunately, most of us
students are still sitting in front of the desks and learning passively. Active learning in
encouraged but course content including main theories are only applied and experimented when
it is time to do an exam that ends up with a course grade. The differences are that people are
still engaged with concrete things, such as printed out course materials, an instructor that
answers questions in real-time without time-zone delays and of course a paper version certificate
with signature from world-class-schools.
Innovation is a fancy word for many students when they were first introduced to the term.
People want to label their inventions as innovative as possible, to attract new customers and to
introduce their product to the market.
E-learning is not a new word but it may vary by its contextual meaning, since it means in terms
as electronic learning – long before the internet was familiar to people, distance courses were
already existing for students with education in certain areas of studies.
Learning management systems are known in schools as Moodle platforms providing student
data and information of the courses, also allowing basic interactions with teachers and other
students. Though, it is recommended to send an email instead of sending a message through
LMS platforms. Learning management systems may be outdated and poorly managed as
described from the respondent majoring in Business Information Technology at Haaga-Helia
University of Applied Sciences. The respondent was nearly reluctant to separate functions of
the Moodle platform they are using at the moment, since many functions are not needed -simply
not in demand of a student. Therefore, some functionalities are being hidden, for example
searching for a certain course offering from the Moodle is not enough, it is required to sign up
in WinhaWille which provides significant course selections for students to apply each year.
However, the respondent uses Moodle for checking the course content, and sometimes
checking the materials and does hand in the assignments before deadline.
One of the most popular for electronic learning is an open source web application called Moodle,
which had the name originated from Martin’s Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
and later derived into a form of Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
Students get basic course instructions and set of assignments’ deadlines to complete. The
content is commonly linked to another platforms as providing reading materials across the web,
for example an online library across the nation called FINNA.
Other multimedia forms such as video, sound clips and articles are presented and imported or
embedded from the web. The students are encouraged to join the discussion forum posting
their topics of concern, the Moodle platform also works as an address book from which each
student can easily get in-touch with one another and with the teacher by searching from the
course participants.
The respondent also points out that they are having separate systems for each functionality; they
mentioned WinhaWille, Mynet and email systems. Eventually everyone is confident of learning
and handling the systems, although it may be frustrating for someone who is not technically
Online education in other form –MOOCs are enabling the monolithic approximately one-hour
lecture material to break down to short modular units of eight to 12 minutes, the concept is not
separate instead represented and explained in an accurate way. Students can traverse the material
in different ways depending on their background of education, and their personal preference
and time management. The benefits of selecting particular enrichment topic that each student
want to dig further into is made possible. (Koller D. 2012)
The respondents majoring in information technologies have agreed with the concept of moving
into the virtual classrooms where they can learn bits of information regarding their levels of
skills. Especially forming a basic understanding about certain topic, where they could skip or
redo lectures and assignments depending on their individualistic needs. Education is moving
from one-size-fits-all model to personalized curriculum.
Student centricity is an approach for which the aspects of the role of student is in the centre.
This can be considered as user-centred-design, the same applies for student centricity, where
students are the customers and their demands and needs are trying to fulfil. From the
interviewees most of them are experiencing the effort made that the course materials are being
made easier to interpret, since the absence of the expert guidance – the teacher is not involved
in real-time.
The teaching content is often divided into more sections, when handling more specific topic in
a large scale. The learning material is being recorded into few minutes’ sessions, while it made
easier for students to engage into the video or audio content, the process and effort to record
such media file is put. Students recognise the well-planned lecture recorded and they are aware
that the course material is designated for information transmissions. Not only the students are
satisfied with the course content delivered but also rewarding for the delivery of the learning
material made by the other side. It means the success of pedagogical change and transmission
of knowledge to the students.
In many ways, educational research indicates that the teacher’s voice still plays an overly
dominant role in teaching. Which means the audience is only receiving such information not
only passively but receiving the information from a subjectively presented view. The activation
of the students is the key to student-centric teaching. The respondent indicates that even though
in discussion forums the teacher is encouraging raising voices and questions, however it is still
quite silent to be a forum where discussions are held. Therefore, many Moodle courses are
requiring posting questions or topics into the forum, the respondent indicates that that way the
forum was made into an email-box where participants just hand-in their assignments.
The importance of delivering of instructions from instructors to the students in a way that
students are getting engaged to the new learning environment. The most convenient answer is
to approach them socially; via current giants of social media applications they are using. The
role of social media in delivering and integrating with our learning management systems can’t
be ignored, since social media is daily-updating news from various field even areas of education.
Teaching online has also another component of restricting the size of enrolment, I believe that
engaging limited number of students for certain courses that need more assessment on
discussion forum conversations and interactions directly with both teachers and students will
produce better results overall.
From the survey of computed data, the ideal traditional class size was 17 students while the ideal
online class size was 12 students (Lawrence 2004). From my observation, nowadays people
accepted to the online courses are approximately 30- 40 people per semester of the course. It is
almost the same as for traditional classrooms.
The most misleading abstract may be that why won’t the administrator of the online course be
handling hundreds of students. Further, the answer is very simple, even though there are no
office hours, classroom presentations, nor hand-written assignments it is still considered a
normal workload for a teacher. Thus, online teaching should not be categorized as a panacea
for overloading student enrolment and increasing one’s revenue.
Raising awareness of plagiarism in the online classrooms. Creating videos and humanizing the
message for example by creating video formats to represent topics are one way to inform
viewers about the issue. Recommended by Oliver HedgePeth (2015), telling a story about
plagiarism in the video and encourage students to discuss and review the video would help
reduce plagiarism since students will be well informed of seriousness of the case.
Instructions applied should be clearly stated and posted in the relevant page in the course info
and platform, where students are granted access. Engaging students’ participation via social
media platforms are ideas involving, but often social media sites have too much spams, since
marketers are exploiting social media platform for marketing purposes. In my opinion, with
restricted platforms for information delivery is enough.
Distractions online are mundane, but reducing it to LMS and certain social media platforms are
still usable. For example, Microsoft combined with school email system are offering shareable
folders for editing online and discussion forums and video chatting via Skype.
4.5 The effectiveness of deployed technology in education
Innovation and its disruptive technologies have great potential to lead transformations in
higher education. The devices disruptive for example mobile devices for communications, are
to be nominated successful in learning languages. Since social media is enabling people to
know each other in such relation levels from six-degrees, the possibility to enhance learning
experience from peer-to-peer support are easier.
E-learning is now divided into three categories as now observed, the blended learning is an ef-
fective integration of the two components both face-to-face and Internet communication
technology, producing a result that is that no two blended learning designs are identical. (Gar-
rison & Cleveland-Innes, 2003; Swan, 2001.)
There are multiple ways of enhancing one’s studies, the possibilities for choosing best suitable
one is being offered. In E-learning there are three possible ways to study, it is either enhanced,
or online, the third one is the combination of previous two. Blended learning is to be distin-
guished from enhanced classroom or online learning experiences. (Garrison D.R., Kanuka.
The respondents, on the other hand, are pointing out that they do not know or have not no-
ticed how many students there are in the online courses provided by their own universities.
This is an indication of lack of peer engagement. The importance of exchanging knowledge
and ways to learning are made impossible, if the participants are unaware of fellow students’
opinions about related topics. They may spend more time online searching for the answer but
unwilling to post a question request in the forum, which of course will be answered at least by
the responsive teacher.
Social Cognitive
presence Presence
Setting Selecting
Climate Content
Figure 4. Community of Inquiry. (Garrison D.R., Kanuka. H. Internet and Higher Education 7 (2004) 95-105.)
According to Garrison D.R. and Kanuka H. (2004), education experience constitutes a wide
varieties of components a blended learning is a better solution for combining synchronous
verbal and asynchronous written communication in the context of a cohesive community of
inquiry. The blended learning often presented as partly online courses among universities of
applied sciences in Helsinki have the feature of introducing the course content and prelimi-
nary learning requirements to the students. The participants are able to choose whether or not
to take more contact lessons in order to maintain one’s schedule finishing towards the goal.
Therefore, support in higher levels of learning through critical discourse and reflective think-
ing are being offered.
So far, all respondents didn’t mention smart phone as their major learning device. Either they
are using personal computer or laptop. Potential technologies may feature smart tutors which
guide and assist online classroom learning experience. The field of opening new online portals
for virtual courses are competing with each other, as it is known, technology need to be to be
updated every now and then. Since portals such as Coursera and Edx are only offering courses
from certain universities, other countries are developing university online education portals to
enable course offerings in private and limited platforms. The respondent with business infor-
mation technology as one’s major, did mention that she took an online course about program-
ming in TechClass from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences co-operation partner
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. That was one and independent e-learning portal in
Finland for higher education students. Also, she took another innovation courses from the
same university but having it on Eliademy, which represents another platform for online
courses. The main aspect stays at delivering the educational content from teachers to the stu-
dents. However, there are some systems that enhances the individual work done on the other
side of the electronic device.
Mentioned by Eftekhari teaching computer sciences from Metropolia UAS in his email to the
students enrolled to his courses; one of their new set of goals contains the smart assistant sys-
tem (SAS) to help students learn material easier and developing smart text recognition system
(STRS) to guide the students with their tasks and enrolments. His courses were enrolled with
more than 431 students (only open university courses) and only 40 percent of them have
passed the courses. The feedback was measured as 92.5% satisfied, but the employment rate is
lower – only 7 students have their jobs through TechClass connections.
To be put briefly, students’ involvement with communication channels such as social media
features may be another feature to be added to learning platform, however it must be kept
separately. The engagement rate is not as high as in contact lessons kept offline classrooms. It
is estimated by the respondents that their procrastination and lack of guidance in new environ-
ment of learning platforms weakens the motivation to do the virtual course as a whole. Indi-
vidual work seems more difficult to finish, moreover group work assignments are being fin-
ished even if some of the team mates does not collaborate enough but the teamwork does
some reminding for procrastinators not ruining others efforts.
5 Results
Results obtained from the interviews while meeting people face-to-face, it is possible to ob-
serve the direct emotions of each participant, and in such cases the interviewer is stuck in a
conversation with the interviewee in a personal level. This provides data on what is currently
available on the opinions proposed by the interviewees. To take a notice into each partici-
pants’ reactions on interview requests, many requires to see the questions beforehand to pre-
pare themselves.
From the interviews, there are discovered associations that between variables of similar traits.
All respondents were not satisfied with the plain and dull outlook of their school’s learning
management system, especially students majoring in sciences and technology were not happy
with an indication that having just basic features sure is not enough to increase their study mo-
The evidence of producing different aspects of this research is, to be blunt, rather restricted
and limited one. Due to each interviewee and their individualistic life it has to be taken ac-
count that depending on their lifestyle and decisions of future, their opinions may vary a great
deal even if they are majoring in same study programme. The interview groups are geograph-
ically situated in Finland, most of them studying in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sci-
ences, few who are reaching the graduation and several who have graduated. One major group
studies business information technology and the other focuses on tourism and multilingual as-
sistant programmes. The similarity of their age, sexes and cultural differences have little effect
on their choice of choosing virtual course as a selection for optional study schedule.
Innovation is happening, but not as innovative as it claims to be. Since disruptive technologies
are put to education in order to create a breakthrough, the truth is, researchers are eager to try
to adapt the theories into practical implementations. Current trends are getting learners en-
gaged into their platforms to experience learning in a new environment, it is a sign of bringing
up solutions for learning courses in any forms delivered for example, Moodle, MOOCs, and
other social media platforms letting users to create contents for learners to observe.
While the question in the interview was asking usages and recommendations of online
courses, few have said anything against affording online courses to enhance their experiences
relating to the study topic. As one of the business information student put it shortly “- - I have
great interest in digital media technologies, as in tourism, it is vastly needed for promoting
one’s business overall - -”, therefore it is to be said that individualistic decision is determinant
factor of choosing courses online.
The outlook of learning management system is being considered plain, but containing all nec-
essary information students and teacher needs in order to attain desired functionalities. LMS is
a very complex word for the respondents, since few of them actually knew the words by its
term. On the other hand, people recognise the term Moodle and they knew that it is an open
source software.
The optimal number of students per online classroom is not detected, some are not aware of
the number of peers per online course. However, one did suggest that “- - about the same
amount of students that per responsible tutor is able to handle in a meantime - -”. The student
centricity is noted by the easiness of understanding the instructions, quality content, and the
flexibility of completing the assignments.
The respondents from the interview are in the consensus mind of learning independently in
the online courses. They feel positive and happy about the flexibility to fit the learning session
into their own timetable. However, they only recommend online courses to those students
who really can manage their time and schedule, because always one can turn off those notifica-
tions and reminders of course sessions. The interviewees are moderately happy of the content
and the quality of the videos and documents they have in MOOCs, though their own virtual
courses provided by their own school based on Moodle seems a bit of lacking of the visuals
and the content. The interviewees note that learning through online course platforms provides
a wide variety of course selections for them from all over the world and it widens up the per-
spective for example lectures from Harvard.
Another point is that students feel that human-to-human interactions are not enough pro-
vided in those virtual courses, since questions are not always answered in real-time and be-
cause of the time-zones teachers’ presence are lacking. The difficulty of staying on track of the
course content without an instructor. The courses are mainly in English and sometimes it is
hard to understand professional concepts without simplified explanations.
5.1 The other aspects
Depending on the nature of the subject, combining both hours of face-to-face contact lessons
and virtual classes are the best option of alternatives. Some respondents feel that getting cer-
tificates from well-known university courses are not a proof for knowledge since they are just
only courses, one can get an excellent grade putting maximum effort and a less fancy grade
doing less. They also think that the pursued certificates are less worthy than ones obtained
from real-schools since companies look into school diplomas more.
The future development of online classrooms is still a rising trend, however, the satisfaction of
gaining something from the online courses shall be distinguished. For some “- - online course
provide a third platform to better understand concepts and solutions from programming
geeks - -”, and the group with more human interactive sessions “- - it is not always easy to ne-
gotiate online since we cannot see each other’s face neither emotions and thus give a direct re-
sponse in real-time - -”. The respondents are arguably unsure about the value what the online
courses has to give in the job market, but there’s some certainty about getting more insights
on various subjects they are offering in online educational platforms.
Another point is that online courses are more technology driven, for example one who studied
computer science told me that programming is taught by many online and it is comfortable to
search answers and tricks from related discussion forums. It is also that people are more likely
to study something what one really is passionate of, so online courses provide such a path to
6 Evaluation and Conclusions
The goal is to evaluate modern technologies as they are described as disruptive against educa-
tion. It was fascinating and same time upsetting to see the results, as they were, ideas are in-
vented all the time but weren’t all applied anywhere. Innovation in its term means impacting
on social activities – the way that both the innovator and the society benefits from it. High-
end technologies are supposed to meet their expectations, the impacts, however comes with
errors and delays. There are certain traits that can’t not be predicted and measured such as hu-
man behaviour and environmental effects.
Fortunately, details of sub research questions do provide more in-depth understanding of how
online learning is affecting people’s thinking and behaving overall. The countermeasures for
risks and problem statements are facing their challengers with strategies which are in a devel-
opment stage. Current solutions do impact learners in a positive way to offer reliable content
from educational platforms made by famous universities. However, disruptiveness in educa-
tion is not but rather in e-learning –the way of delivering multimedia and learning materials in
any digital forms.
Theoretical framework was built from the end of 2016 till Spring 2017, the break of time pe-
riod of constructing theoretical part and the empirical part producing the results may have led
to a variation in results. Interviews are composed of both conversations face-to-face and via
network skype-meetings and voice calls, thus immediate reactions emotionally cannot be fully
observed. It may as well affect the mood of the interviewee if the respondent could bluntly ex-
press oneself in a more comfortable way.
Details of some the interview participants and transcripts of each interview can be retrieved in
a file in google docs. Few have little interest putting their personal information publicly, or
otherwise revealing their name, age, sex, religion or other relevant indications of the person.
Theoretical part was pure reading and reconstructing within the articles and publishers’
thoughts. Key concepts are introduced from previous researches, as well as inventions from
the public figures who have gained international recognition with their theories published
within books and articles.
The other part of observing and retrieving the empirical part was more time consuming than
expected since it was putting up together both experience-based observations and analysis
from the interviews. The qualitative method used was enough to obtain immediate thoughts
and suggestions from the target group. For the recording I used an application called ‘Re-
corder’ which is a totally free and downloadable from the Apple Store, another device I used
for recording interviews are QuickTime programme in the laptop, it was easy to record and
quality maintains high, since I used it to record the voice within the laptop in a Skype voice
call. Files were then uploaded to the Google Drive as a copy.
Project management
I have presumably a clear notion of this challenge of writing a thesis. In order to finish the
thesis on time and hand in the final report before the ultimate deadline. The essence of plan-
ning the project management for finishing off thesis is a phase that shall not be skipped, how-
ever it is difficult to stick on to the plan.
Though I already had a topic on mind before submitting the thesis proposal. It is challenging
to stay in one topic and to suppress the areas of researches since finding more interesting top-
ics comes along the way of writing. Documenting of project phases that are already finished or
that are still unfinished creates an emphasis of what has to be done yet.
When it comes to the project management schedule, my confession is, the management of
schedule is poorer than I thought. I have printed out the 100-days-plan for writing thesis but
failed after marking five days in a row. I figured out that it is better for me to mark down each
finished heading and page number, to track the writing process. It is also helped me to see a
big picture of how far I had gone with this research paper.
Personal learning
The process of writing the research paper is, I think, compelling, persuasive, and I overcame a
lot in the writing phase since I was reluctant to referring to others while writing I have to ad-
mit it was much easier to just jot down relevant point ignoring other public figures and their
opinions based on relevant field of research. The point is that, I have learnt patience to study
materials for a certain topic with few sub-questions.
The success of fighting against an enormous barrage of negativity, of approaching people for
interviews and typing down the transcriptions from audio files. I have searched through the
web for applications to transcript out texts from audio files, their applications worked but
there are more errors than hope. In the end, I had to evaluate each audio file again from the
very start for analyses.
Potential flaws
The research question is almost impossible to be fully answered, since the technology is being
developed and adjusted throughout the process of learning experience design. Whether one
technology is being successfully implemented to the curricula of certain topics of education,
and affecting students producing the most beneficial outcomes is unpredictable since people
are in ways too different and they learn by their own methodologies.
Secondly, regarding theoretical problems and conceptual problems are that the key terms, on
one hand they are intriguing curious minds to investigate the true meanings behind the words
while applying the theories to the society. On the other hand, it might be that researchers are
too keen on explaining and categorising terms that have no concrete bodies to be applied to
current trends. Innovation and disruptive technology are linked together, the product offering
is a change product, which implies to the societal norms and suggesting new way of thinking
and how we do things.
Thirdly, my strategy used in the research is limited. I had reviewed both articles, books and
online published books regarding my thesis topic, and searched through more terms relevant
to my thesis. There might be some age-old theories that were now criticized or new theories
popping up continuously and not being able to mentioned in my thesis.
The interview group was focused on people studying business information systems and the
other group having a degree on tourism and multilingual assistance programmes in Haaga-He-
lia University of Applied Sciences. There was only six people who were willing to donate some
time for me to interview them face-to-face and few were interviewed through skype call since
they called themselves too busy to have private life. What I’d do better if the interview were
having more students of both groups, although the respondents are giving quality and per-
sonal reviews regarding e-learning their knowledge of online education seems less.
Lastly, the research quality is addressing the value of the research. There’s hardly any topic
that isn’t being written before in a way or another. Opinions might be brought up in other ar-
ticles related to the topic that I had chosen now. The problem lies that how fast the technol-
ogy enables researchers in certain topics to bring up new ideas and implementation that is ap-
plicable to the current education in the field of e-learning.
7 Summary
Even if the results are somewhat stabilising itself from left to right. We can still see that peo-
ple are willing to try-out fancy things, that enhances their life experiences as people spend life-
times studying in various prosperous levels. However, education is a complex business service
in which its quality is undefined. As Brown and Seely (2006, 9.) have described earlier, success-
ful disruptive innovation in education means a technical breakthrough of the product offer-
ings. Secondly, for disruptive technology a new business model which is built around educa-
tional program quality is needed.
The disruption in terms of content is content up-to-date and adaptive to the interests of the
users –learners and also adaptable by teachers. Therefore, current disruptive technology plat-
forms that are delivering educational content that need to diversify, in order to blend into a
highly personalized service.
The question maintains unanswered, if there’s a strong motivation for current providers of ed-
ucation to engage in a disruptive model. Clearly enough, replacement from traditional learning
is out of question, on the other hand e-learning provides a referencing material beside face-to-
face learning in a real-life class. In the end, current disruptive technologies are being invented
to deliver learning materials in new forms rather than disrupting the education to its content.
8 Further research
In the last chapter of the research paper, I came up to two major ideas how would the re-
search be continued further. Since people learn differently in various prospects and the learn-
ing process is life-long, therefore it is important for business entities to understand and choose
suitable programmes to educate people in higher level of education. Secondly, to understand
the risk and to protect private data using different levels of internet connections and accesses
to LMS in a business level are relevant field of research.
The problem is not only in higher education but also in other educational entities as well. For
example, in occupational trainings that keeps the staff up-to-dated to the current situations of
the world and the society. Information must be selected and conducted in such a way that en-
ables learners to absorb the core idea more effectively through personal owned technology de-
vices other than gathering people together for multiples of mass media announcements.
The combination of contact lessons and virtual lessons are rising its popularity. Many students
feel that they are having their time wasted by adapting to the common teaching method at
school, when they could learn something more conveniently and more effectively by their own
way. The first and foremost idea is to tailor a personal e-learning experience for each individ-
ual, we get selected our own major also, so it would be challenging to enhance our individual-
istic course preferences too on each course.
Fortunately, the method of learning online is being implemented to our curriculum. However,
such individualistic tailoring of the class content is not responded. It is also matter of subject
of which could be adapted to such changes.
Secondly, remote learning and choosing the right device for reaching such course content.
The most used technology devices are the mobile phones, since there’s an optimal number of
users who went to higher education. Personally owned mobile devices are increasingly being
used to access enterprise systems and cloud-hosted data –both browser-server-based which
are compatible with mobile applications. Further research identifies the risks, and threats to
both personal and enterprise wide problems providing solutions found regarding to the re-
search problems when learning management system is considered as core function of an en-
Most of the leading LMSs have mature security practices including back-end infrastructure,
strong use of SSL, single sign-on and adhere to certifications such as SOC 2, and external au-
dits (Chetwynd 2016). Moreover, the other group who carries responsibilities are the end-us-
ers, who despite the warning of data leaking simply lacks the interest to use a password man-
ager, or enabling two-factor authentication.
Learning management system vendors are taking care of back-end infrastructure and process
security, however the attackers know that the end-users are a much easier target. Rolling back
to look in-depth of the security in the LMS industry of which is a software service where enti-
ties and individual upload from tiny fractures of information to sensitive data. Competitive ad-
vantage is at a loss if disaster occurs, or worse compliance infringement and lost public image.
By the time when people get concerned with the security problems phishing attacks are al-
ready occurred. Phishing attacks are where single user’s login details are being compromised.
It is like a wide-spread virus that leaves us in a nightmare followed by multiples expletives.
LMS systems users often uses other applications to support their activities to store infor-
mation and backups in the cloud systems.
Recently Google Docs users were attacked with a sophisticated phishing scam (Levin 2017).
Once affected by the malicious third-party web app which is also named ‘Google Docs’,
which gives the malware an access to one’s personal email and address book, thus everyone in
one’s social network will eventually be the target of the phishers.
Further research is to be identifying the social media network relations to learning manage-
ment systems securities, as given credentials to third party applications and programmes. Alt-
hough the devices people are using LMS are personal owned, it is possible to receive one of
the phishing attacks as long as the network is on while giving out credentials in the belief of
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