DRDO Bags Best Pavilion Award in India-International Science Festival 2015
DRDO Bags Best Pavilion Award in India-International Science Festival 2015
DRDO Bags Best Pavilion Award in India-International Science Festival 2015
1 January 2016
Gopal Bhushan
Director, DESIDOC
36th year of Publication
Sports Round-up 18
Cover: Shri Hari Babu Srivastava (extreme left), OS and
Director, LASTEC, Delhi, receiving the Best Pavilion Award
from Dr Harsh Vardhan, Hon’ble Union Minister of Science and Visitors to DRDO Labs/Estts 19
Technology and Earth Sciences.
DRDO bags Best Pavilion Award in India-International
Science Festival 2015
DRDO won the Best Pavilion Award in the Mega Laboratory (SSPL), all in Delhi; Vehicle Research and
Science, Technology and Industry Expo organised Development Establishment (VRDE), Ahmednagar;
by the Department of Science and Technology and and Naval Physical Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL),
Department of Earth Sciences, Government of India Kochi showcased their technologies and products in
during India-International Science Festival 2015. A jury the Science Festival. Other prominent participants
of senior members of Vijnan Bharati judged DRDO’s include Brahmos Aerospace, CSIR, DAE, ICMR,
pavilion as best pavilion based on the design, exhibits, TIFAC, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, Ministry of
response of visitors and the quality of explanations Earth Sciences, Survey of India, BEL, BDL, Technology
provided by the exhibitors. On behalf of DRDO, Development Board, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, IIT
Shri Hari Babu Srivastava, OS and Director, Laser Indore and Delhi, Bose Institute, Aryabhatta Research
Science and Technology Centre (LASTEC), Delhi, Institute of Observational Science, Birbal Sahani
received the Award from Dr Harsh Vardhan, Hon’ble Institute of Palaeobotany, and a large number of State
Union Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Government scientific organizations and private entities.
Sciences on 7 December 2015. Some important DRDO products displayed in the
Twelve labs/estts of DRDO, viz., Centre for Airborne Expo include fire safety chute, remotely piloted vehicle
System (CABS) and Electronics Research and for detection of chemical, biological and radiological
Development Establishment (LRDE), both in Bengaluru; agents, crowd control dazzler, thermal imaging
Instruments Research and Development Establishment camera, image intensifier-based night vision devices,
optical target locator, explosive identifier ‘Pre-emptor’,
(IRDE) and Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory
hydrophone, etc.
(DEAL), both in Dehradun; Armament Research and
Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune; Defence The event was hosted by IIT Delhi during
Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), 4-8 December 2015. Around 2 lakh visitors visited the
Hyderabad; LASTEC; Centre for Fire, Environment and exhibition. DRDO pavilion was the star attraction of the
Explosives Safety (CFEES); Institute of Nuclear Medicine exhibition with overwhelming crowds of students keen
and Allied Sciences (INMAS); and Solid State Physical to understand military technologies.
4 January 2016
National Workshop on Disaster Management
DRDO organised
National Workshop on
Disaster Management on 28
November 2015 to showcase
technologies and products
developed indigenously
by the organisation for
disaster management. Dr PK
Mishra, Additional Principal
Secretary to the Prime
Minister inaugurated the
workshop in the presence of
Dr S Christopher, Secretary
Department of Defence R&D
and DG, DRDO.
Speaking on the occasion
Dr PK Mishra said, India
has been hit by disasters,
both man-made and natural,
frequently and the steps taken and lessons learnt from DRDO has in the past contributed to the various
the past should be utilised and made sustainable by disaster management operations like Tsunami in 2004,
using better innovations. “In the past the approach to Uttarakhand flash floods in 2013 and J&K floods in 2014.
disaster management was mostly relief centric but now Besides these, post event trauma management during
we have to think differently and must delve more on the tsunami was also conducted by the organisation. As
process of mitigation and preparedness for any kind DRDO is developing many state-of-the-art technologies,
of eventuality," said Dr Mishra. Delving on the present some of these can be adopted for future disaster
day situation, Dr Mishra said that apart from natural management solutions.
calamities cyber disasters are the new threats and that To showcase the products and technologies,
is where DRDO and other stakeholders can contribute an exhibition was also organised where 11 DRDO
immensely. He complimented DRDO for its innovations laboratories exhibited their products. These products
and training efforts towards disaster management. and technologies are readily available with the industry
Dr S Christopher, in his keynote address, said partners.
natural hazards affects nearly six per cent of India’s Panel discussions were also conducted with the
population and 24 per cent of deaths in Asia are caused objective to define trajectory of developmental activities
by disasters. Elaborating on the contributions of DRDO of DRDO for future technological solutions to assist risk
in disaster management, Dr Christopher said, “DRDO mitigation and preparedness against disasters. National
has developed several technologies, as an offshoot Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), National
of defence research, which find useful applications Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Ministry of Home
in disaster management." He also reiterated that the Affairs, Armed Forces, Central Reserve Police Force,
organisation will continue to be in the technological Central Industrial Security Force, National Security
development and support mode to save precious human Guards, and others participated in the workshop. Several
lives. industrial partners also participated in the workshop.
January 2016 5
Raksha Mantri inaugurates Universal Pilot Plant at HEMRL
Raksha Mantri Shri Manohar Parrikar
inaugurated the Universal Pilot Plant (UPP) at High
Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL),
Pune, on 19 November 2015. Dr S Christopher,
Secretary Department of Defence R&D and DG,
DRDO, was also present on the occasion.
UPP Facility is a state-of-the-art environment
friendly chemical pilot plant used for the
development of advanced high energy materials
required for various armament and missile
systems. The plant will be used for scaling up lab-
level futuristic high energy materials. It will also
be utilised for establishing the complex chemical
processes for production. The plant is fully
automatic and process parameters are controlled
witnessed the static demonstration of Agni Road Mobile
through PLC and SCADA-based control system. UPP
Launcher, Unit repair Vehicle and Unit Maintenance
is suitable for processing or development of high
Vehicle for MBT Arjun, NBC Recce Vehicle, Rotary
performance futuristic High Energy Materials ranging
Engine for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Nishant, and
from milligram to 20 kg batch levels. live demonstration of CBRN Mini Unmanned Ground
Raksha Mantri also visited Vehicle Research and Vehicle, Armoured Amphibious Dozer and live testing of
Development Establishment (VRDE), Ahmednagar, and vehicles at EMI/EMC Test Facility.
6 January 2016
ToT of Radiological Decontamination Skin Wipe REMOCON
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Applied Sciences
(INMAS), Delhi, transferred the patented technology of
‘REMOCON’ Skin Wipe for radiological decontamination
to M/s Novel Tissue Pvt Ltd, Mysore. Dr AK Singh, OS
and Director INMAS, exchanged the ToT documents
with Shri AB Dodamani, President, M/s Novel Tissue
Pvt Ltd.
Self-usable ‘REMOCON’ skin decontamination wipe,
can be used in the mass casualty events resulting from
Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies. ‘REMOCON’
wipe can be sealed back after use in the innovatively
designed metal-free package. This ensures easy
disposal after its usage to prevent spread of radioactive Dr AK Singh exchanging ToT documents with Shri AB Dodamani
contamination. Accidental or intentional release of toxic limiting factor for effective and timely decontamination.
radiological materials may cause external contamination ‘REMOCON’ wipe takes care of both these issues as
of skin. Lengthy and time consuming procedure for it is self usable, saves precious times and reduces
removal of the radio-contaminants from skin could generation of hazardous radioactive waste. The active
results in deleterious health effects. constituents of ‘REMOCON’ could effectively remove
Availability of clean water free from radio- most of the toxic radio-nuclides, is skin safe and have
contaminants during such scenario is another important unique ability to adhere to the localized area on skin.
January 2016 7
Raising Day Celebrations
Defence Scientific Information & College, Calcutta University, and Dr Surya PG Ponnam,
Documentation Centre Assistant Professor, Department of MBBT, Tezpur
University, delivered Raising Day Lectures. Several
Defence Scientific Information and Documentation
programmes such as sports, inter-school science
Centre (DESIDOC), Delhi, celebrated its 46th Raising
competition, family outreach programme and scientific
Day on 20 November 2015. Dr RK Chadha, former
lectures were organised to mark the occasion.
Librarian, Parliament Library, and Shri Rajesh Agarwal,
motivational speaker, were the Raising Day speakers. Sports activities were organised among the
employees and Laboratory-level DRDO Awards were
On the occasion the message of DS and CC R&D
distributed to the meritorious employees. Besides, SN
(HR) was read in which he appreciated the role of
Dubey Award for Best Paper and Dr Vijay Veer Award
DESIDOC as a highly specialised source of knowledge
for Best Product/Technology of the Year were also
hub and information science provider to DRDO labs
through in-house publications, DRONA and DRDO
Shri Gopal Bhushan, Director, DESIDOC, in his
Raising Day address, provided the stock of year long
activities and achievements of the DESIDOC and future
roadmap. He encouraged the personnel of DESIDOC
to evolve and outreach to users with innovative services
and rededicate to face the challenges lying ahead.
On the day, Laboratory-level DRDO Awards were
distributed for the meritorious services.
GTRE, Bengaluru
Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bengaluru,
celebrated its 56th Lab Raising Day on 20 November
2015. Dr SK Shivakumar, Vikram Sarabhai Distinguished
Professor, was the Chief Guest of the event.
Shri MZ Siddique, OS and Director, GTRE, in his
address, while introspecting the years gone by, brought
Shri Gopal Bhushan delivering the Raising Day Address
out that GTRE has since evolved from a single project
laboratory to a multi project laboratory. He emphasised
Defence Research Laboratory
that GTRE, now has understood the know why and
Defence Research Laboratory (DRL), Tezpur, Know how of critical Gas Turbine Technologies, which
celebrated its 53rd Raising Day with a week-long will enable the establishment to deliver products in the
programme from 16 to 21 November 2015. Dr Vijay near feature. He commended the untiring and unstinted
Veer, Director, DRL, delivered the Raising Day address. efforts put in by all the employees in achieving the lab’s
Dr Sajal Bhattacharyya, Professor and Head, Ashutosh objectives.
8 January 2016
occasion. Former SAG employees also joined for the
celebration in good number. Dr G Athithan, DS, CC R&D
(SAM) and Director SAG welcomed the guests and
briefly described the events that had happened in SAG
since its inception. He highlighted the achievements of
SAG in last one year and described the new challenges
that have been taken up in the area of Information and
Cyber Security. He also talked about research areas
where SAG is working in collaboration with various
reputed institutes in India and abroad.
Dr Arvind Gupta appreciated the work being done by
SAG in the area of Cryptography, Information Security
and Cyber Security. He said that SAG plays a key role in
Dr SK Shivakumar, sharing his experiences of ISRO, National Security and expressed the need to expand the
brought out how several challenges were surmounted Group and build its expertise nationwide. Dr KD Nayak,
in the path to success. In his message, he laid stress Guest of Honour, in his address said that the work being
on having a vision, so that one can move in the right done by SAG is unique and no other organization in India
direction to achieve the best. One must work sincerely has this expertise in evaluation of crypto products and
and strive to achieve things which were not possible till cryptanalysis. He suggested that SAG should interact
now; this will bring the highest degree of professional with outside agencies and academia to tap the talent
satisfaction. Later, lab level awards were given away to and build up the expertise nationwide. He expressed the
the meritorious employees. need for SAG to play a greater role in cryptanalysis.
Chakravyuh, the annual technical magazine of SAG,
Scientific Analysis Group
was released by the Chief Guest. The employees of SAG
Scientific Analysis Group (SAG), Delhi, celebrated who have completed 25 years of service were honored
its 52nd Raising Day on 18 November 2015. with mementoes. Outstanding officers, staff and teams
Dr Arvind Gupta, Deputy NSA and Secretary, Govt were awarded with the Lab Awards by the Chief Guest
of India was the Chief Guest and Dr KD Nayak, DG and the Guest of Honor. Fun games were organized for
(MED&CoS), DRDO, was the Guest of Honour of SAG employees. The celebrations ended with the one
the function. The Directors of the sister DRDO labs, hour long cultural programme prepared and presented
Corporate Directors and members of CPC graced the by members of SAG family.
January 2016 9
Manpower Development Activities
Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/Training Courses/Meetings
Prof. SK Mitra Memorial Lecture increasing user base, enhancement of services provided
to the users, membership to retired DRDO employees,
Dr SR Vadera, OS and Director, Defence
exploring modality of purchase of books recommended
Laboratory, Jodhpur delivered Prof. SK Mitra Memorial
by the users at DRDO HQ, and recommendation of
Lecture on Sustainable Development at 31st National
periodicals to be subscribed by DSL for the year 2016.
Convention and National Seminar of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering under the aegis of
Institute of Engineers. The event was organised at
Manipal University, Jaipur. Dr Vadera was felicitated
by Prof. (Col) TS Kamal, Chairman, Electronics and
Communication Engineering Division Board, Institution
of Engineers (India). The Session was chaired by
Prof. UB Desai, Director, IIT, Hyderabad. A large number
of members of the IEI (India) attend the function.
10 January 2016
The course covered the advanced battery systems Institute (CEERI), Pilani, was the Chief Guest and Shri
for Aerospace applications in the present scenario and SK Sharma, Chief Managing Director, BEL, Bengaluru,
the future requirements. was the Guest of Honour.
Shri BV Rao, OS and Associate Director, RCI, The conference featured keynote lecture by Chief
presided over the valedictory function. Guest, two plenary sessions including seven invited
talks by eminent experts and five oral sessions including
30 presentations and a poster session including 19
The sessions focused on the scientific and
technological areas driving the current and future
directions in vacuum electronics research, including
current interests in theory and computational tool
development, active and passive components, systems,
and supporting technologies focusing the topical
spectrum of ISM applications in RF to THz frequency
range. The conference also included an industry
January 2016 11
and hot testing of TWTs, Klystrons and Magnetrons; of societal mission and aimed at creating awareness
environmental testing of microwave tubes; mechanical about latest technological developments and future
interface and thermal management, etc. Visits to scenarios in the field of aerospace and defence amongst
MTRDC and Bharat Electronics were also organised for stakeholders, viz., students, working professionals and
the participants. industry. The symposium was divided into four themes
covering Careers and Opportunities in R&D, Academia,
Training on Smart Performance Armed Forces and Industry.
Appraisals in DRDO
Shri Ashwagosh Ganju, Director, SASE, in his
A one-day training session on Smart opening remarks delved upon the objective behind
Performance Appraisals in DRDO (SPAID) was organising the symposium and said, "Indians are the
organized by Recruitment and Assessment largest and young human resource in the world, eager
Centre (RAC), Delhi, and RCI, Hyderabad, on to learn, innovate and to stand out of the global crowd."
4 December 2015 at DRDO Assessment Centre (DAC), He further stressed on an action-oriented effort to put
Hyderabad. Shri Sanjay Pal, Sc G, RAC, delivered on full throttle all our efforts to synergize the aerospace
the welcome address and Shri Sudhir Gupta, OS and industry and tap business opportunities emerging in the
Director, RAC, delivered the keynote address. Major Aerospace and Defence sector.
module of the training/feedback session Online APAR
Dr VK Saraswat, Member NITI Aayog, and the
System was presented by Shri Sanjay Pal followed
Chief Guest of the function, in his address, elaborated
by practical sessions. The conclusive session of
'Make in India' programme of the Government of India
the training was chaired by Shri Sudhir Gupta and
(GoI) and said that the emphasis has to be on design
Smt A Mangatayaru, Sc G, Head HRD, RCI.
in India and it can happen either through stand-alone,
foreign direct investment, collaboration or a part of
offset program of Ministry of Defence. He further
stated that the thrust of the R&D organizations should
be in aeronautics, electronics, energy and healthcare
sectors. He appraised aerospace as a huge business
opportunity and the steps being taken by the GoI for the
growth of Aerospace Industry in the country.
Dr A Sivathanu Pillai, ISRO Professor and founder
CEO of BrahMos Aerospace, was the Chief Guest
during valedictory session and delved upon the recent
advances in Aerospace industry in the country with
special emphasis on Missile Technologies. He stressed
Shri Sanjay Pal interacting with participants
on 'Out of Box thinking' and cited many futuristic
missions like launching a spacecraft from moon, aiming
National Symposium on Careers and at titan and space settlement. He also presided over the
Opportunities in Aerospace Defence panel discussions in which the delegates raised issues
Technologies such as the relevance of the present curricula in line
Snow and Avalanche Studies Establishment, with the demands of industry, fate of graduates from
Chandigarh, organised a two-day National Symposium Aeronautical Society of India, infrastructure issues in
on Careers and Opportunities in Aerospace Defence the departments of aerospace engineering, etc.
Technologies (CARAero-2015) in association with The symposium got an overwhelming response with
Aeronautical Society of India, Chandigarh Branch, the participation of more than 380 registered delegates
during 6-7 November 2015. The symposium was a part from across the country.
12 January 2016
CARAero 2015—Release of Souvenir
Personnel News
tandem Warhead for 3rd generation anti tank missile
system, penetration cum blast sub-munition warheads,
fragment generator for Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD)
Outstanding Scientist /Scientist H applications, directional blast and shaped charges for
underwater application, novel PCB an TB ammunition
Shri KPS Murthy, HEMRL for MBT Arjun, 500 kg general purpose and pre-
fragmented bombs, sub-munition warheads for rockets,
Shri KPS Murthy, Director,
pyro operated safety arming mechanisms (SAM), and
High Energy Materials Research
impact delay fuzes for various weapon systems. He
Laboratory (HEMRL), Pune, has been
has published more than 30 technical papers in reputed
promoted to the grade of OS/Sc H, wef
national and international journals, seminars and
7 October 2015.
symposiums and has four patents to his credit.
An IIT Kharagpur alumnus,
He is the recipient of many prestigious awards
Shri Murthy has made outstanding
including: DRDO Agni Award for Excellence in Self
contributions in the design and development of warhead
Reliance in 2014, 2009 and 2005, DRDO Award for
sub-systems of various missiles such as Prithvi, Akash,
Performance Excellence in 2014 and 2012, DRDO
Nag, Air Defence, Nirbhay, etc. He was instrumental in
Award for Path-Breaking Research/Outstanding
developing many advanced warhead technologies like
Technology Development in 2008, DRDO Scientist
detonation wave aiming, deep penetration, thermobaric
of the year Award in 2008, Dr Biren Roy Trust Award
warheads and high performance shaped charges.
(AeSI) in 2007, DRDO Laboratory-level Technology
A self-reliance evangelist, he has successfully Group Award in 2006.
spearheaded several ToTs to Ordnance Factories and
He is a life member of Aeronautical Society of India
encouraged private participation in development and
(AeSI), High Energy Material Society of India (HEMSI)
production activities.
and Indian National Society for Aerospace and related
In his career spanning 27 years, he has pioneered mechanisms (INSARM). At present, he is leading
and innovated Variable Mass Preformed Fragmentation the INSARM Pune chapter as President and as Vice
concept for developing fragmentation warheads, Chairman at the National level.
January 2016 13
Shri Niranjan Das, DMRL (DOP), from 28 February 2013 to 17 June 2015.
Dr AK Singh did his MSc (Hons) in Biophysics
Shri Niranjan Das, Defence
from Punjab University and obtained his doctorate
Metallurgical Research Laboratory
from Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi, on Infection Imaging.
(DMRL), Hyderabad, has
He joined DRDO in 1988 and during his 25 years of
been promoted to the grade of
service, has made significant contributions in Infection
OS/Sc H wef 9 October 2015.
Imaging and Internal Decorporation of Fission Produced
Shri Das obtained his BTech in
Radionuclides. He has developed a Diagnobact Kit, for
Metallurgical Engineering from
detection of infectious lesion.
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jaipur, and
MTech from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur. Dr Singh is the recipient of many accolades in
recognition of his contributions for Life Sciences and
Shri Das is working in DMRL since last 30 years in
HR Management. Few to mention are Young Scientist
the field of vacuum investment casting technology and
Award in 1999 instituted by Brig. SK Mazumdar Memorial
has made significant contributions to the development
Trust for development of Ciprofloxacin Kit for Specific
of directional solidified (DS) and single crystal castings
Infection Imaging; DRDO Technology Award in 2000
of complex geometry for advanced aero-engines, and
for development of Diagnostics Radiopharmaceuticals;
integral rotor wheels with fine grained hub of jet fuel
Oration Award at Chandigarh Science Congress in 2012;
starters for auxiliary power units.
Mrs Thangam Vasudevan Award by Indian Association
He has several patents to his credit, which include of Biomedical Scientist in 2001 for development of Cold
third generation super alloys, equipment design for Kit for Instant Preparation of Tc-99m-4-Fluoroquinolone
directional solidification, a special strategy for precision for Specific Infection Imaging and DRDO Scientist of the
casting of thin walled aerofoil having complex cooling Year Award in 2006 for his outstanding contributions in
air passages and hybrid grain structure in single DRDO.
step integral rotor castings with fine grained hub and
He is a Life Member of Indian College of Nuclear
columnar grained blades.
Medicine (ICNM), Society of Nuclear Medicine of India
In recognition of his numerous contributions, he has (SNM), Indian Association of Biomedical Scientist
received several awards including DRDO Scientist of (IABMS), and National Human Resource Development
the Year Award in 1986, DRDO Agni Award in 2001, Network (NHRDN). Presently he is immediate past
Metallurgist of the Year Award in 2005, and Indian president of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists.
Foundry Man of the Year in 2006. He has also participated in XIX Indian Scientific Antarctic
Expedition as a summer member. He has guided many
Appointments PhD students and also been PhD examiner of several
Director INMAS
He has been instrumental in taking various initiatives
Dr Ajay Kumar Singh, OS, has
for the future development in the field of aerospace
assumed the charge of Director,
and aeronautics as Coordinator, Aeronautics Resource
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and
Panel. Under his benevolent guidance various
Allied Sciences (INMAS), Delhi,
conferences and symposiums have been organised by
wef 1 October 2015. Prior to this,
the panel to promote lectures, exhibitions, competitions
he headed three centres of HR
for generating interest and exposure in the field of
Management in DRDO, viz., Centre
Aerospace and Aeronautics.
for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) from June
2007 to September 2010 and Corporate Directorates of He has a number of patents and publications to his
Human Resource Development (DHRD) from October credit. He has patronized sports activities with equal
2010 to 27 February 2013 and Directorate of Personnel enthusiasm as president DRDO Sports Board.
14 January 2016
Director, ITR development in Image Processing and Electro Optics
for 1997-98 (only recipient among all the DRDO labs
Dr BK Das, OS, has taken over and ISRO centres); Young Engineer National Award and
as Director, Integrated Test Range Medallion by Indian National Academy of Engineering
(ITR), Chandipur, with effect from (INAE) for contribution in Electro Optics and Image
18 November 2015. Processing for 1999 (national topper); Best Presentation
Dr Das joined DRDO in 1987 and among 300 presenters from 30 countries in 16th IASTED
has been involved in the performance International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
evaluation of missiles, rockets and Computing and Systems, Massachusetts Institute of
various other airborne weapon systems. He has Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
supported almost all the missions conducted from ITR November, 2004; Best Presenter Award in the 25th Annual
and has led the team for the upgradation of Electro ITEA International Symposium on Transformational Test
Optical Tracking Systems. He was actively involved in and Evaluation at USA during September, 2005 (Only
the design and development of Real Time Automatic recipient from Asia); Best Presenter Award in SETE 2007
Video Tracker, Post Processing System, Video Encoder, at Sydney, Australia in September, 2007; Selected and
Electro Optical Tracking System and a number of sub- featured in Who is Who of the World as a young leader
systems in Telemetry and Radar. of the millennium in Engineering; Young Scientist Award
He has enhanced the tracking range of EOTS with by Orissa Vigyan Academy for outstanding contribution
augmentation of high performance sensors and image in Image Processing (only one award for the State);
processing. The development of Electro Optic Tracking Newton Award as the Best Scientist of Orissa by Utkal
Telemetry (EOTM) and its deployment has produced Diwas Committee; Prativashree Award as the best
outstanding result during the Kalinga Mission. He has led upcoming talent of the State; Scientist of the Year Award
the team towards realization of Kalinga Range to support the for the year 2003 for outstanding contribution in the field
B 05 and K4 missions in shortest possible time. of Electro Optics; Award for Path Breaking Research
Dr Das has actively contributed for setting up of island as a member of the team for Air Defence Systems for
and mainland complexes along with instrumentation. the year 2006-07; Award for Pathbreaking Research
Concurrent support from Chandipur and Dhamra as a member of the team for K 15 Programme for the
complex during Target and Interceptor missiles launch year 2007-08; and Best Presentation Award in National
reflects his skill of range management. He has developed Science Day 1996.
a number of critical sub-systems, which are augmented He has more than 100 publications in various national
with the range systems to enhance their potential. and international journals and conferences.
Dr Das did his BTech in Electronics from Burla
Engineering College, Odisha, and MTech in Computer Awards
Science and Doctoral Research in Supercomputer from
IIT, Kharagpur. He was the recipient of Best Graduate DRDO Technology Group Award
Gold Medal winner in BTech and Topper of IIT in MTech. Dr Ashim Kumar Mukhopadhyay, OS and
His Thesis was awarded as the Best Thesis by USA. Associate Director, Defence Metallurgical Research
Dr Das has given his research deliberation in all Laboratory (DMRL), Hyderabad, and his team
the leading countries of the World and has received have been awarded DRDO Technology Group
a number of national and international awards, which Award–2014 for their contributions on industrial
include Lakshmipat Singhania-IIM, Lucknow National scale development and production of aluminium
Leadership Award as the Young Leader of the country in alloys for Sarvatra Bridging System, New Generation
science and technology for the year 2008 (one award for Anti-radiation Missile and Futuristic Infantry
the country); National Award by National Research and Combat Vehicle. The award was presented by
Development Corporation (NRDC) for the technological Dr V Bhujanga Rao, DS and DG (NS&M), DRDO.
January 2016 15
Agni Award for Excellence in Self-Reliance Award–2014 on 23 September 2015 by Dr S Christopher,
Secretary Department of Defence R&D and DG DRDO
±± Agni award for Excellence in Self Reliance–2014 has
for his significant contributions in the Development of
been bestowed upon the team headed by Smt D Padma,
Radar Absorbing Materials, their composites and final
Sc G, Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR),
products in the form of sheets/coatings. One of these
Bengaluru, for design, development and successful prototype
materials has been used in the indigenous development
implementation of Communication Interface Unit (CIU) for the
of Microwave Absorbing Gasket for BrahMos missile.
Army Air Defence. The CIU enables the user to communicate
the data in real time and within required time limits over five Popular Science Communication Award
different media. ±± Shri Sartaj Singh, Sc F, CAIR, and his team have
been awarded Popular Science Communication
Award–2014 for popularizing robotics technology
in the country by developing and demonstrating
concepts through various working models, motivating
and encouraging the student community by making
accessible robotic platforms.
16 January 2016
Best Performance Award PhD in Mechanical and Automation
Shri AS Manoharan, TO C, CAIR, has been awarded Engineering from Guru Gobind
Best Performance Award–2014 for his exemplary Singh Indra Prastha University,
dedication and commitment in his assignments ranging Delhi, for the thesis titled Miniature
from fabrication of filter and interface electronics, and Heat Exchangers for Cryogenic
participation in user trials of RTS and FCCS. Applications.
Shri Kumresh Kumar Gaur,
Sc E, Office of Chief Controller R&D
(RM and Imp), DRDO HQ, has been
awarded PhD by the IIT Delhi, for
the thesis titled Studies on Design
and Analysis of Low Velocity Impact
on Injection Molded Microcellular
Thermoplastic Hip Protection Device.
January 2016 17
Vigilance Awareness Week
Combat Vehicles Research and
Development Establishment have
observed Vigilance Awareness Week
from 26 October 2015 to 31 October
2015. As part of the week, a workshop
was conducted on 'Preventive Vigilance
as a Tool for Good Governance.'
Shri N Vittal, IAS (Retd) and former
Central Vigilance Commissioner,
delivered a talk on the theme of the
workshop. He compared various types
of vigilance with predictive, preventive
and break down maintenance. He elaborated on good Dr P Sivakumar, DS and Director CVRDE, reminded
governance and ways and means to bring the same in about the evils and punitive actions quoted in Koutilya’s
government organizations. Artha Shastra. He recollected the vision of former
president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam that India should be a
Shri N Venugopal, IPS, Deputy Inspector General of
developed country in 2020 and said, "Dr Kalam desired
Police, CISF, South Zone, delivered a special address on
'Preventive Measures for Cyber Crime and Corruption.' India to be a corruption free nation by 2020 with the
He emphasized the importance of computerization cooperation of everyone."
to reduce corruption. He also enlightened about the Earlier, Chief Vigilance Officer, Dr BI Ravi, Additional
explosion of cyber crimes through various real-life case Director Sustenance, during his welcome address,
studies, and elaborated on the precautions to be taken brought out that corruption originates from greed and
by government employees to avoid getting entangled in condemnation against corruption was emphasized in all
cyber crime and corruption. epics, since time immemorial.
Sports Round-up
DRDO North Zone Badminton
Championship 2015
Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, won Team
Championship consecutively for the 9th year in the
DRDO North Zone Badminton Championship–2015
organized at Laser Science and Technology Centre
(LASTEC), Delhi during 3–6 November 2015. Eighteen
teams participated in the tournament. The team
comprised Lt Col Joji Paul, Shri R N S Shekhawat, Shri
JS Hooda, Shri Nar Singh Yadav, Shri Ashwani Sharma,
Shri Vijay Pal singh, and Shri Vishav Jeet.
DLJ also won the open singles title in the tournament.
Shri Vishav Jeet and Shri Ashwani Sharma of DLJ were
winner and runners up, respectively in the open singles DLJ team with DRDO North Zone Badminton Champions Trophy
18 January 2016
event. Shri Vishav Jeet of DLJ also won the 'Player of organized DRDO North Zone Carom Tournament from
the Tournament' trophy for his outstanding performance 16-18 November 2015. Fourteen DRDO labs of North
throughout the tournament. Three players of DLJ, Shri Zone participated in the tournament. DMSRDE Kanpur
Vishav Jeet, Ashwani Sharma and and Lt Col Joji Paul emerged as the winner and SSPL Delhi, they were the
were selected for the North Zone team for the national runner up. DMSRDE showed its overall superiority by
tournament in Bengaluru. winning both Open Men Single and Women Single
events. Shri Mohd Salim and Shri Chandrashekhar
DRDO North Zone Carom Tournament were the winner and runner up in the Men Single, and
Defence Materials and Stores Research and Dr Kavita Agarwal and Smt Priyanka Katiyar were the
Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur, winner and runner up in Women Single, respectively.
January 2016 19
Defence Scientific Information & Research & Assessment Centre
Documentation Centre
Dr S Christopher, Secretary, Department of
Dr Jan Brase, Head of Research and Development, Defence R&D and DG, DRDO, and Chairman
Göttingen State and University Library, Germany, visited Research and Assessment Centre (RAC)
Defence Scientific Information and Documentation visited RAC on 5 November 2015 along
Centre (DESIDOC), Delhi. Shri Gopal Bhushan, Director, with Dr CP Ramanarayanan, DS and CCR&D (HR).
DESIDOC, discussed international cooperation for Big Shri Sudhir Gupta, OS and Director RAC, briefed the
Data and Data Citation aspects with Dr Brase. DG DRDO about the activities and future plans of RAC.
Dr Christopher also visited Darpan, the permanent
Exhibition of DRDO housed at RAC and appreciated the