007.The-Value-of-Not-Being-Sure Read

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S T R A T E G Y : Seth Klarman

The Value of Not Being Sure
42 annotations on 2 pages by Mittal & Co Research x42

In these excerpts from his latest annual letter, Seth Klarman describes the biggest challenge in investing today,
how he’s responding to the market’s turmoil and why he considers fear of the unknown such a great motivator.

Editors’ Note: With the possible excep- sale resulting from a margin call. Usually, has come to justify the lower market
tion of Warren Buffett, no investor plying fearful overreaction equals opportunity. prices. Many forced sellers, through their
the trade today commands more respect In today’s market, however, where early exits, inadvertently achieved better
than Baupost Group’s Seth Klarman. almost everything is down sharply, distin- outcomes than the value-oriented bargain
Since founding his investment partnership guishing legitimate reaction from emo- hunters who bought from them.
in 1983, Klarman has not only produced tional overreaction is much more diffi- Warren Buffett has said – and others
peerless returns, but he has also from time cult. This is because there is a vicious cir- have endlessly repeated – that you can’t
to time offered wise and timeless com- cle in effect (the reverse of the taken-for- tell who is swimming naked until after the
mentary on markets and the craft of granted virtuous circle that buoyed the tide goes out. This turns out to be only
investing. With his permission, we repro- markets and economy in good times). partially true. The tide has receded, and
duce here various excerpts from his latest This vicious circle results from the feed- most portfolios are down. But not all
annual letter, published late last month. back effects on the economy of lower declines are equal. Some investors have
securities and home prices and a severe lost money and locked in those losses by
Erratic Mr. Market credit contraction, and, in turn, effects of going to cash. Some have made invest-
It is easy for the volatility of one’s a plunging economy on credit availability ments in failed or failing banks, brokers,
thinking to match the volatility of prevail- and securities and home prices. and homebuilders, or toxic subprime
ing conditions. Time horizons have short- With residential and commercial real mortgage securities; these losses are large-
ened even more than usual, to the point estate prices collapsing and global stock ly permanent and irreversible. But the
where the market’s 4:00 p.m. close seems markets down 40%, 50%, and more this investment baby has been thrown out
to many like a long-term commitment. To year alone, tremendous damage has been with the bathwater, and some who invest-
maintain a truly long-term view, investors done to individual and institutional ed wisely aren’t naked, it just seems that
must be willing to experience significant wealth. Suddenly, new corporate, univer- way. Buying early on the way down looks
short-term losses; without the possibility sity, and hospital facilities are on hold, a great deal like being wrong, but it isn’t.
of near-term pain, there can be no long- and big ticket items like automobiles, It turns out you won’t be able to accurate-
term gain. The ability to remain an consumer electronics, and luxury goods ly tell who’s been swimming naked until
investor (and not become a day-trader or are going unsold. The worsening econo- after the tide comes back in.
a bystander) confers an almost unprece- my and rising unemployment portend a As Benjamin Graham and David Dodd
dented advantage in this environment. possibly protracted period of falling sales taught us, financial markets are manic and
The investor’s problem is that this per- volumes, with industry overcapacity lead- best thought of as an erratic counterparty
spective will seem a curse rather than a ing to pricing pressures, and thus sharply with whom to transact, rather than as an
blessing until the selloff ends and some lower earnings and cash flows. Consumer arbiter of the accuracy of one’s investment
semblance of stability is restored. spending declines could be more secular judgments. There are days when the mar-
The greatest challenge of investing in than cyclical; consumption patterns may ket will overpay for what you own, and
this environment is neither the punishing have changed in semi-permanent ways. other days when it will offer you securities
price declines nor the extraordinary Some of the lost demand simply may not at a great discount from underlying value.
volatility. Rather, it is the sharply declin- come back. Municipal governments face If you look to “Mr. Market” for advice, or
ing economy, which makes analysis of a severe crunch as tax receipts fall while if you imbue him with wisdom, you are
company fundamentals extremely diffi- entitlement spending rises. Ultimately, destined to fail. But if you look to Mr.
cult. When securities decline, it is crucial this vicious cycle will be broken and nei- Market for opportunity, if you attempt to
to distinguish, as possible causes, legiti- ther securities prices nor the economy will take advantage of the emotional extremes,
mate reaction to fundamental develop- go to zero, just as they did not go to infin- then you are very likely to succeed over
ments from extreme overreaction. At ity when the virtuous cycle was in place. time. If you see stocks as blips on a ticker
Baupost, we are always on the lookout for But throughout 2008, prudent investors tape, you will be led astray. But if you
such overreactions, whether due to the sifting through the rubble for opportuni- regard stocks as fractional interests in
disappointing earnings of a failed growth ty were repeatedly surprised by the mag- businesses, you will maintain proper per-
stock, a ratings downgrade of a bond, the nitude of the selling pressure, and, in spective. This necessary clarity of thought
deletion of a stock from an index or its many cases, by the extent to which the is particularly important in times of
delisting from an exchange, or the forced deterioration in business fundamentals extreme market fluctuations.

February 23, 2009 www.valueinvestorinsight.com Value Investor Insight 19

#1 p.1

S T R A T E G Y : Seth Klarman

Age-Old Showdown their client base. Controlling your process their efforts and care, they may in fact be
There have been days recently where is absolutely crucial to long-term invest- wrong. S T R A T E G Y : Seth Klarman
fear has completely dominated greed. ment success in any market environment. Robert Rubin once observed that some
While business fundamentals remain James Montier, Société Générale’s market people are more certain of everything
awful, the moment will arrive when some strategist, recently pointed out that when than he is of anything. We feel the same
of the cash
Age-Old on the sidelines will creep
Showdown athletes
their client werebase.asked what went
Controlling yourthrough
process way. One can
their efforts andseecare,
the investment
they may inuniverse fact be
back There havemarkets,
into the been days rejecting
recently infinites-
where their minds just before competing
is absolutely crucial to long-term invest- in the as
wrong. S T R A T E G Y :one
full of certainties, or can see it as
Seth Klarman
fear has completely dominatedreturns.
yields and seeking better greed. Beijing Olympics, the consistent
ment success in any market environment. response replete
Robert with
Rubin probabilities.
once observed Those
that somewho
Whilecontrast business between the exceptionally
fundamentals remain was
James a focus
Montier,on process, not outcome.
Société Générale’s The
market reflect and hesitate make
people are more certain of everything far less in a bull
attractive yield and
awful, the moment will arrive low purchase
when some price same ought to be true for
strategist, recently pointed out that when investors. market, but those who
than he is of anything. We feel the samenever question
for the
of “risky”
cash corporate
on the sidelines debt or will mortgage
creep It is were
athletes so easy asked forwhat one’s wentinvestment themselves get see
obliterated when the bear
Age-Old Showdown their client base. Controlling yourthrough
process way. One can
their efforts the investment
and care, they may inuniverse fact be
back into andmarkets,
the the extremelyrejecting low yields
infinites- process
their to break
minds just down. competing
before When an invest- in the market
as full comes.
of In investing,
certainties, or one certainty
can see itcan as
There have been days recently where is absolutely crucial to long-term invest- wrong.
and very
imal full
and price
yieldscompletely seeking forbetter
“safe” U.S.
returns. ment manager
Beijing Olympics, focuses
the on what response
consistent a client be a serious
replete with problem,
probabilities.because Those it causes
fear has dominated greed. ment success in any market environment. Robert Rubin once observed that some
The contrast bonds,
between is yet another
the exceptionally will
was athink
focus rather
on process,than not what they them-
outcome. The one
reflectnotandto reassessmake flawed conclusions.
While business fundamentals remain James Montier, Société Générale’s market people are hesitate
more certainfarofless in a bull
attractive yield of
and Mr.low Market’s
purchase manic
price selves
same think,
ought the
to be process
true foris bad. When an
investors. Nobody
market, can
but know
those all
who thenever
facts. question
awful, the moment will arrive when some strategist, recently pointed out that when than he is of anything. We feel the same
for “risky” When
corporate economic
debt recovery
or mortgage is investment
It is were so manager
easy worries about their one must rely on shreds of evidence, ker-
of the cash on the sidelines will creep athletes askedforwhat one’s wentinvestment
through themselves
way. One can get see
the investment when the bear
securities, when
andmarkets, investors
the extremely decide to take firm’s viability, about possible redemp- nels of truth, and what one suspects to be
back into the rejectinglow yields
infinites- process
their minds to break down. competing
just before When an invest- in the market
as full of comes. In investing,
certainties, or one certainty
can see itcan as
aand bit more
very risk,
full “safe”
price government
for “safe” bonds
U.S. tions,
ment about
manager avoiding
focuses loss on towhat
the exclusion
a client true
be but cannot
a serious prove. One must also bal-
imal yields and seeking better returns. Beijing Olympics, the consistent response replete with problem,
probabilities.because Those it causes
will fall significantly
Government bonds, in isprice
fright- of finding
will legitimate thanopportunities, the ance notone’s own perception of the truth
The contrast between the exceptionally was athink
on process, what
not they them-
outcome. The one
reflect and tohesitate
reassess flawed
make conclusions.
far less in a bull
ened investors who
demonstration overpaid for safety processthink,fails.theWhen the ismanager’s time with one’scan best assessment of whatInstead,
attractive yield of andMr. lowMarket’s
purchasemanic price selves
same ought to be true for investors. an
process bad. When Nobody know all the
market, but those who never question facts.
will be tallying
behavior. When their losses. As
economic 2009 gets
recovery is horizon becomes
investment overly short-term, the believe. Inrely
investing, other people’s ker- per-
for “risky” corporate debt or mortgage It is so manager easy forworries one’s about
investmenttheir one must on shreds of
themselves get obliterated when the bear evidence,
under way,
anticipated,and we
when expect a steady diet of process is compromised. When tempers ception of reality influences price more
securities, theinvestors
extremely decide
lowtoyieldstake firm’s viability,
process to breakabout down.possible
When anredemp- invest- nels of truth,
market comes.and In what one suspects
investing, certaintytocan be
aand market
bit more rallies
risk, “safe” andgovernment
financial market
bonds flare,
tions, recriminations
about avoiding abound,
loss to theand second
exclusion than
true any
but underlying
cannot prove. truth;
One must your also own
very full price for “safe” U.S. ment manager focuses on what a client be a serious problem, because it causes
will as economicinwoes
fall significantly price and contin- guessing proliferates, the process cannot assessment, even perception
if correct, is valueless if
Government bonds, is yetandanother
fright- of
willfinding legitimate
think rather thanopportunities,
what they them- the ance
one not one’sto own
reassess flawed of the truth
ened deleveraging
investors who vie with
overpaid government
for safety work
process properly.
fails. When When the investment
manager’s man-
time it is
with already
one’scan reflected
best in
assessment the market price.
demonstration of Mr. Market’s manic selves think, the process is bad. When an Nobody know all the of whatInstead,
facts. others
will and bargain-hunting in a agers worry aboutoverlymaximizing the value It is much harder psychologically toper-
behavior. When economic recoverygets
be tallying their losses. As 2009 is horizon
investment becomes
manager worries short-term,
about their the believe. In investing, other
one must rely on shreds of evidence, ker- people’s
under way, when
we of expect
the age-olda steady showdown of their is firm – or, if publicly traded, its unsure than to be influences
sure; certainty price builds
anticipated, investors decide diet
to take of process compromised.
firm’s viability, about possible redemp- When tempers ception of reality
nels of truth, and what one suspects more
to be
bear greedrallies
market and fear.andgovernment
financial market share recriminations
flare, price – rather abound, than theand long-term
second confidence,
than and confidence reinforces cer-
a bit more risk, “safe” bonds tions, about avoiding loss to the exclusion true but cannot prove. One must also own
any underlying truth; your bal-
volatility, best interest of clients, theprocess process cannot
is cor- tainty. Yet even beingif overly certain in an
will fall significantly in price and
as economic woes and contin-
fright- guessing
of finding proliferates,
legitimate the opportunities, the assessment, correct,
ance one’s own perception of the truth is valueless if
Timing the Market with government
ued deleveraging rupted. Investing is hard enough. Success uncertain, protean, and ultimately
ened investors whovieoverpaid for safety work properly.
process fails. When When theinvestment
manager’s man- time it is already
with one’s bestreflected in theofmarket
assessment what othersprice.
intervention built numerous new positions virtually requires that a process the be in unknowable worldpsychologically
is hazardoustofor
will be tallying their losses. As 2009ingets
and bargain-hunting a agers
horizon worry aboutoverly
becomes maximizing short-term, value
the It is much harder
believe. In investing, other people’s per- be
as the markets
continuation of fell
the inage-old
2008. While
showdown it is place
of that
their is firm enables intellectual
– or, if publicly honesty,
traded, its investors.
unsure thanTo tobe besure, uncertainty
sure; certainty breeds
under way, we expect a steady diet of process compromised. When tempers ception of reality influences price more
between tempting
and to fear.
try to time the market rigor,
share creativity,
price – and integrity.
rather than the long-term doubt,
confidence, whichand can be paralyzing.
confidence reinforces But
bear market and financial market flare, recriminations abound, and second than any underlying truth; your own
and wait for the bottom to be reached (as best interest of clients,the theprocess
process cannot
is cor- uncertainty
tainty. also
Yet even motivates
beingif overly diligence, as
volatility, as economic woes and contin- guessing proliferates, assessment, correct,certain
is valueless in an if
if it would
Timing the be obvious when it arrived),
Market In Defense
rupted. of Uncertainty
Investing is hard enough. Success one pursues the
uncertain, unattainable
protean, goal
andmarket of elim-
ued deleveraging vie with government work properly. When investment man- it is already reflected in the price.
such a strategy has proven over the years Successful investing requires resolve. inating all doubt. worldUnlike premature for or
intervention andnumerous
Baupost built new positions
bargain-hunting in a virtually
agers worry requires
about that a process
maximizing the bevaluein unknowable
It is much harder is hazardous
psychologically to be
#2 to the
as be deeply
markets flawed.
fell in Historically,
2008. While little
it is When that
place taking a contrary
enables approach,
intellectual one
honesty, false certainty,
investors. To be whichuncertainty
sure, induces flawed breeds p.2
continuation of the age-old showdown of their firm – or, if publicly traded, its unsure than to be sure; certainty builds
volume transacts
always tempting at the
to fear. bottom or
try to time the market on the has
be able toand stand one’s ground, be
integrity. analysis
doubt, which and failed judgments, a healthy
between greed and share price – rather than the long-term confidence, and can be paralyzing.
confidence reinforces cer- But
way back up and competition
and wait for the bottom to be reached (as from other unwavering when others vacillate, and uncertainty
uncertainty drives
also the quest
motivates for justifiable
diligence, as
best interest of clients, the process is cor- tainty. Yet being overly certain in an
if it would will bebe obvious
much greater when itwhen the
arrived), take
In advantage
Defense of others’ fear and panic
of Uncertainty conviction.
one pursues the unattainable goal of elim-
Timing the Market rupted. Investing is hard enough. Success uncertain, protean, and ultimately
such settle
a strategy down and the economy to Successful
pick up investingbargains. requires But successful Always all remembering thatpremature
we might be
Baupost builthas proven over
numerous the years
new positions virtually requires that a processresolve. be in inating
unknowable doubt.
worldUnlike is hazardous or
to to recover. Moreover, the price investing also requires flexibility and wrong, we must contemplate alternatives,
as the markets fell in 2008. While little
be deeply flawed. Historically, it is When
place that taking a contrary
enables approach,
intellectual one
honesty, false certainty, which induces
investors. To be sure, uncertainty breeds flawed
volume from a bottom attry can be very
thetobottom swift.
on the open-mindedness.
has to be able to Investments
stand one’s are typi-
ground, be concoct hedges,
analysis and failed and search vigilantly for
always tempting to time the rigor, creativity, and integrity. doubt, which can judgments,
be paralyzing. a healthy But
way back anand
up investor should from
competition put moneyother cally a buy atwhen
unwavering one price,others a hold at a high-
vacillate, and validation ofdrives
uncertainty our assessments.
the quest for We always
and wait for the bottom to be reached (as uncertainty also motivates diligence, as
to workwill
buyers amidst the
be obvious
much throes of a bear mar-
greater er price, and a sale at a still higher
and price. sell when a security’s price begins to
if it would be when itwhen the
arrived), take advantage
In Defense of others’
of Uncertainty fear panic conviction.
one pursues the unattainable goal of elim-
ket, appreciating
markets settle has that
down things
and overwill likely
the economy get You can
to Successfulnever
pick up investing be sure if the
bargains. requires economy
But successful will reflect
Alwaysfull remembering
value, because we weare
thatpremature mightneverbe
such a strategy proven the years resolve. inating all doubt. Unlike or
begins before they
to recover. get better.
Moreover, the price grow
investingor shrink, whether
alsoa requires the markets will sure that our thesis will be precisely cor-
to be deeply flawed. Historically, little When taking contrary flexibility
approach, and one wrong, we must contemplate
false certainty, which induces flawed alternatives,
recovery from a bottom can be very swift. rise or sink, or whether
open-mindedness. Investments a particular
are typi- rect.
concoct While we typically concentrate our
volume transacts at the bottom or on the has to be able to stand one’s ground, be analysis hedges,
and failed andjudgments,
search vigilantly
a healthy for
Therefore, Not
anand Outcome
investor should fromput money investment
cally a buy at willonemeetprice, youra holdexpectations.
at a high- investments
validation of in the
our most compelling
assessments. We situa-
way back up competition other unwavering when others vacillate, and uncertainty drives the quest for justifiable
to Especially
work amidst in today’s difficult environ- Amidst such
and uncertainty, people who are tions measured by reward compared to
buyers will be themuch throes of a bear
greater whenmar- the er price,
take advantage a sale at a still
of others’ higher
fear and price.
panic sell when
conviction. a security’s price begins to
ket, money managers
appreciating that things mustwill
keep firmly
likely get too resolute
You can never arebehell-bent
sure if the oneconomy
destruction.will risk, wefull
reflect know thatbecause
value, we can never benever
markets settle down and the economy to pick up bargains. But successful Always remembering thatwe weare might be
in mind
worse that they
before the onlyget things they really
better. Successful
grow or investors
shrink, whether mustthe temper will
markets the certain,
sure that soour
will And,
be in the end,
precisely cor-
begins to recover. Moreover, the price investing also requires flexibility and wrong, we must contemplate alternatives,
can control are their investment philoso- arrogance
rise or of taking
sink, or a stand awith
whether a large
particular our uncertainty
rect. While prods us concentrate
we typically to work harder
recovery from a bottom can be very swift. open-mindedness. Investments are typi- concoct hedges, and search vigilantly our for
phy, investment process, and the nature of dose of humility,
investment will accepting that despite and to be endlessly vigilant. VII
Therefore, Not Outcome
an investor should put money cally a buy at onemeetprice, youra holdexpectations.
at a high- investmentsofinour
validation theassessments.
most compelling We always situa-
to Especially
work amidst in today’s
the throes difficult
of a bearenviron-
mar- Amidst
er price, such uncertainty,
and a sale at a still higherpeople who are
price. tions
sell whenmeasured by reward
a security’s pricecompared
begins 20 to
February 23, 2009 www.valueinvestorinsight.com Value Investor Insight
#3 ment, money managers must
ket, appreciating that things will likely keep firmlyget too resolute are hell-bent
You can never be sure if the economy will on destruction. risk, we know that we can
reflect full value, because we are never never be fully p.2
in mind
worse that they
before the only things they really
get better. Successful
grow or shrink, investors
whether must temper will
the markets the certain,
sure thatsoour wethesis
will And, in the end,
be precisely cor-
can control are their investment philoso- arrogance of taking a
rise or sink, or whether a particularstand with a large our uncertainty prods us
rect. While we typically concentrate to work harder
phy, investment
Process, process, and the nature of
Not Outcome dose of humility,
investment will meet accepting that despite
your expectations. and to be endlessly
investments in the mostvigilant. VII
compelling situa-
Especially in today’s difficult environ- Amidst such uncertainty, people who are tions measured by reward compared to
February 23, 2009 www.valueinvestorinsight.com Value Investor Insight 20
ment, money managers must keep firmly too resolute are hell-bent on destruction. risk, we know that we can never be fully
in mind that the only things they really Successful investors must temper the certain, so we diversify. And, in the end,
can control are their investment philoso- arrogance of taking a stand with a large our uncertainty prods us to work harder
phy, investment process, and the nature of dose of humility, accepting that despite and to be endlessly vigilant. VII

February 23, 2009 www.valueinvestorinsight.com Value Investor Insight 20

#4 p.2
S T R A T E G Y : Seth Klarman

The Value of Not Being Sure

In these excerpts from his latest annual letter, Seth Klarman describes the biggest challenge in investing today,
how he’s responding to the market’s turmoil and why he considers fear of the unknown such a great motivator.

Editors’ Note: With the possible excep- sale resulting from a margin call. Usually, has come to justify the lower market
tion of Warren Buffett, no investor plying fearful overreaction equals opportunity. prices. Many forced sellers, through their
the trade today commands more respect In today’s market, however, where early exits, inadvertently achieved better
than Baupost Group’s Seth Klarman. almost everything is down sharply, distin- outcomes than the value-oriented bargain
Since founding his investment partnership guishing legitimate reaction from emo- hunters who bought from them.
in 1983, Klarman has not only produced tional overreaction is much more diffi- Warren Buffett has said – and others
peerless returns, but he has also from time cult. This is because there is a vicious cir- have endlessly repeated – that you can’t
to time offered wise and timeless com- cle in effect (the reverse of the taken-for- tell who is swimming naked until after the
mentary on markets and the craft of granted virtuous circle that buoyed the tide goes out. This turns out to be only
investing. With his permission, we repro- markets and economy in good times). partially true. The tide has receded, and
duce here various excerpts from his latest This vicious circle results from the feed- most portfolios are down. But not all
annual letter, published late last month. back effects on the economy of lower declines are equal. Some investors have
securities and home prices and a severe lost money and locked in those losses by
Erratic Mr. Market credit contraction, and, in turn, effects of going to cash. Some have made invest-
It is easy for the volatility of one’s a plunging economy on credit availability ments in failed or failing banks, brokers,
thinking to match the volatility of prevail- and securities and home prices. and homebuilders, or toxic subprime
ing conditions. Time horizons have short- With residential and commercial real mortgage securities; these losses are large-
ened even more than usual, to the point estate prices collapsing and global stock ly permanent and irreversible. But the
where the market’s 4:00 p.m. close seems markets down 40%, 50%, and more this investment baby has been thrown out
to many like a long-term commitment. To year alone, tremendous damage has been with the bathwater, and some who invest-
maintain a truly long-term view, investors done to individual and institutional ed wisely aren’t naked, it just seems that
must be willing to experience significant wealth. Suddenly, new corporate, univer- way. Buying early on the way down looks
short-term losses; without the possibility sity, and hospital facilities are on hold, a great deal like being wrong, but it isn’t.
of near-term pain, there can be no long- and big ticket items like automobiles, It turns out you won’t be able to accurate-
term gain. The ability to remain an consumer electronics, and luxury goods ly tell who’s been swimming naked until
investor (and not become a day-trader or are going unsold. The worsening econo- after the tide comes back in.
a bystander) confers an almost unprece- my and rising unemployment portend a As Benjamin Graham and David Dodd
dented advantage in this environment. possibly protracted period of falling sales taught us, financial markets are manic and
The investor’s problem is that this per- volumes, with industry overcapacity lead- best thought of as an erratic counterparty
spective will seem a curse rather than a ing to pricing pressures, and thus sharply with whom to transact, rather than as an
blessing until the selloff ends and some lower earnings and cash flows. Consumer arbiter of the accuracy of one’s investment
semblance of stability is restored. spending declines could be more secular judgments. There are days when the mar-
The greatest challenge of investing in than cyclical; consumption patterns may ket will overpay for what you own, and
this environment is neither the punishing have changed in semi-permanent ways. other days when it will offer you securities
price declines nor the extraordinary Some of the lost demand simply may not at a great discount from underlying value.
volatility. Rather, it is the sharply declin- come back. Municipal governments face If you look to “Mr. Market” for advice, or
ing economy, which makes analysis of a severe crunch as tax receipts fall while if you imbue him with wisdom, you are
company fundamentals extremely diffi- entitlement spending rises. Ultimately, destined to fail. But if you look to Mr.
cult. When securities decline, it is crucial this vicious cycle will be broken and nei- Market for opportunity, if you attempt to
to distinguish, as possible causes, legiti- ther securities prices nor the economy will take advantage of the emotional extremes,
mate reaction to fundamental develop- go to zero, just as they did not go to infin- then you are very likely to succeed over
ments from extreme overreaction. At ity when the virtuous cycle was in place. time. If you see stocks as blips on a ticker
Baupost, we are always on the lookout for But throughout 2008, prudent investors tape, you will be led astray. But if you
such overreactions, whether due to the sifting through the rubble for opportuni- regard stocks as fractional interests in
disappointing earnings of a failed growth ty were repeatedly surprised by the mag- businesses, you will maintain proper per-
stock, a ratings downgrade of a bond, the nitude of the selling pressure, and, in spective. This necessary clarity of thought
deletion of a stock from an index or its many cases, by the extent to which the is particularly important in times of
delisting from an exchange, or the forced deterioration in business fundamentals extreme market fluctuations.

February 23, 2009 www.valueinvestorinsight.com Value Investor Insight 19

S T R A T E G Y : Seth Klarman

Age-Old Showdown their client base. Controlling your process their efforts and care, they may in fact be
There have been days recently where is absolutely crucial to long-term invest- wrong.
fear has completely dominated greed. ment success in any market environment. Robert Rubin once observed that some
While business fundamentals remain James Montier, Société Générale’s market people are more certain of everything
awful, the moment will arrive when some strategist, recently pointed out that when than he is of anything. We feel the same
of the cash on the sidelines will creep athletes were asked what went through way. One can see the investment universe
back into the markets, rejecting infinites- their minds just before competing in the as full of certainties, or one can see it as
imal yields and seeking better returns. Beijing Olympics, the consistent response replete with probabilities. Those who
The contrast between the exceptionally was a focus on process, not outcome. The reflect and hesitate make far less in a bull
attractive yield and low purchase price same ought to be true for investors. market, but those who never question
for “risky” corporate debt or mortgage It is so easy for one’s investment themselves get obliterated when the bear
securities, and the extremely low yields process to break down. When an invest- market comes. In investing, certainty can
and very full price for “safe” U.S. ment manager focuses on what a client be a serious problem, because it causes
Government bonds, is yet another will think rather than what they them- one not to reassess flawed conclusions.
demonstration of Mr. Market’s manic selves think, the process is bad. When an Nobody can know all the facts. Instead,
behavior. When economic recovery is investment manager worries about their one must rely on shreds of evidence, ker-
anticipated, when investors decide to take firm’s viability, about possible redemp- nels of truth, and what one suspects to be
a bit more risk, “safe” government bonds tions, about avoiding loss to the exclusion true but cannot prove. One must also bal-
will fall significantly in price and fright- of finding legitimate opportunities, the ance one’s own perception of the truth
ened investors who overpaid for safety process fails. When the manager’s time with one’s best assessment of what others
will be tallying their losses. As 2009 gets horizon becomes overly short-term, the believe. In investing, other people’s per-
under way, we expect a steady diet of process is compromised. When tempers ception of reality influences price more
bear market rallies and financial market flare, recriminations abound, and second than any underlying truth; your own
volatility, as economic woes and contin- guessing proliferates, the process cannot assessment, even if correct, is valueless if
ued deleveraging vie with government work properly. When investment man- it is already reflected in the market price.
intervention and bargain-hunting in a agers worry about maximizing the value It is much harder psychologically to be
continuation of the age-old showdown of their firm – or, if publicly traded, its unsure than to be sure; certainty builds
between greed and fear. share price – rather than the long-term confidence, and confidence reinforces cer-
best interest of clients, the process is cor- tainty. Yet being overly certain in an
Timing the Market rupted. Investing is hard enough. Success uncertain, protean, and ultimately
Baupost built numerous new positions virtually requires that a process be in unknowable world is hazardous for
as the markets fell in 2008. While it is place that enables intellectual honesty, investors. To be sure, uncertainty breeds
always tempting to try to time the market rigor, creativity, and integrity. doubt, which can be paralyzing. But
and wait for the bottom to be reached (as uncertainty also motivates diligence, as
if it would be obvious when it arrived), In Defense of Uncertainty one pursues the unattainable goal of elim-
such a strategy has proven over the years Successful investing requires resolve. inating all doubt. Unlike premature or
to be deeply flawed. Historically, little When taking a contrary approach, one false certainty, which induces flawed
volume transacts at the bottom or on the has to be able to stand one’s ground, be analysis and failed judgments, a healthy
way back up and competition from other unwavering when others vacillate, and uncertainty drives the quest for justifiable
buyers will be much greater when the take advantage of others’ fear and panic conviction.
markets settle down and the economy to pick up bargains. But successful Always remembering that we might be
begins to recover. Moreover, the price investing also requires flexibility and wrong, we must contemplate alternatives,
recovery from a bottom can be very swift. open-mindedness. Investments are typi- concoct hedges, and search vigilantly for
Therefore, an investor should put money cally a buy at one price, a hold at a high- validation of our assessments. We always
to work amidst the throes of a bear mar- er price, and a sale at a still higher price. sell when a security’s price begins to
ket, appreciating that things will likely get You can never be sure if the economy will reflect full value, because we are never
worse before they get better. grow or shrink, whether the markets will sure that our thesis will be precisely cor-
rise or sink, or whether a particular rect. While we typically concentrate our
Process, Not Outcome investment will meet your expectations. investments in the most compelling situa-
Especially in today’s difficult environ- Amidst such uncertainty, people who are tions measured by reward compared to
ment, money managers must keep firmly too resolute are hell-bent on destruction. risk, we know that we can never be fully
in mind that the only things they really Successful investors must temper the certain, so we diversify. And, in the end,
can control are their investment philoso- arrogance of taking a stand with a large our uncertainty prods us to work harder
phy, investment process, and the nature of dose of humility, accepting that despite and to be endlessly vigilant. VII

February 23, 2009 www.valueinvestorinsight.com Value Investor Insight 20

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