Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Program: 04.700/ The Education Process: Developmental Stages Summer / 2019 / Term I
Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Program: 04.700/ The Education Process: Developmental Stages Summer / 2019 / Term I
Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Program: 04.700/ The Education Process: Developmental Stages Summer / 2019 / Term I
Faculty of Education
Graduate Studies Program
Course Objectives
1. Chapter Questions/Quizzes:
Participants will complete chapter questions based on the sixteen chapters of the
Kuther textbook. Each set of chapter questions will be worth 2.5 marks, for a total of 40
marks (16 x 2.5 = 40 %).
2. Reflection/Discussion Questions:
For two additional reflection/discussion questions, course participants must read and
reply to a posting made by another member of the class.
These reflection/discussion questions are worth 20% towards the final mark for the
3. Research Paper:
Choose an area of interest within the field of lifespan development and write a 6-8 page
APA style paper. Your paper will review the research literature, referring to a minimum
of eight articles from scholarly journals in education (not websites, newspapers, or
magazines). For the topic you have selected for your paper, you will consider
development in relation to the educational process. Consult with the instructor before
writing your paper. The research paper will be due on Day 11 of the course and will be
worth 40 percent towards the final grade for the course.
Academic Integrity
See section 3.9 (Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct) of the Graduate Calendar. Violations of
this policy will not be tolerated. Plagiarism, cheating, falsification of records, or research
misconduct will result in disciplinary action. A student who is determined to be responsible for
academic dishonesty or misconduct may be subject to the imposition of one or more of the
a. requirement to repeat the assignment or examination, with or without grade reduction
b. assignment of a grade of zero in the assignment, test or exam
c. assignment of "F-AD" in the course in which the offence is committed
d. suspension from some or all courses in which a final grade has not been entered and
the assignment of "F-AD" in all such courses
e. suspension from all Brandon University teams, clubs, or like organizations
for a period of 1 to 5 years
f. suspension from the Faculty for a period of 1 to 5 years
g. expulsion from the Faculty
h. suspension from the University for a period of 1 to 5 years
i. expulsion from the University
j. cancellation or revocation of degree
If you have, or think you may have, a disability (e.g. mental health, attentional, learning,
vision, hearing, physical, medical, or temporary), you are invited to contact Student
Accessibility Services to arrange a confidential discussion at (204) 727-9759 or
magnussonm@brandonu.ca. Additional information is available on the Student
Accessibility Services website: https://www.brandonu.ca/student-services/student-
If you are registered with SAS and have a letter requesting accommodations, you are
encouraged to contact the instructor early in the term to discuss the accommodations
outlined in your letter.
1. All students are expected to be regular in their attendance at lectures and labs.
While attendance per se will not be considered in assessing the final grade, it
should be noted that in some courses participation in class activities may be
2. For limited enrolment courses, students who are registered but do not attend the
first three classes (or notify the instructor that they intend to attend) may have
their registration cancelled in favour of someone else wishing to register for the
3. Students who are unable to attend a scheduled instruction period because of
illness, disability, or domestic affliction should inform the instructor concerned as
soon as possible.
4. Instructors may excuse absences for good and sufficient reasons.
Wellness Services
Please contact the Personal Counsellors in the Student Services Department at 204-
727-9737 or visit Room 102 A.E. McKenzie Building to make an appointment. There are
crisis counselling appointments available daily.
If you believe that you or someone else is in imminent danger of harm, call 911.
Please save this course outline. Students who are pursuing the course route for their
Master of Education program will require it for use in their final course: 07.750 Graduate
Summative Seminar. We also recommend that these students write a reflection upon
completion of each graduate course, in order to prepare for the 07.750 Graduate
Summative Seminar.