TTJ/JV-: Result Sheet - Experiment No. 2 (Characteristic of Venturi Meter)
TTJ/JV-: Result Sheet - Experiment No. 2 (Characteristic of Venturi Meter)
TTJ/JV-: Result Sheet - Experiment No. 2 (Characteristic of Venturi Meter)
E I :i~CJ -1 0 - 0 ,11,
F (O'.) - 1S - D ·1>1"6v1
Name: Section:
Student ID: Group: '3
Date Perfonned: I { WI ']JJW Date Submitted: "l- Ir pf 7-c,1- 0
Obiective(s): 12 marks]
Results: 17 marks] . -,
Table 1: Ideal Pressure Distribution [2 marks]
Piezometer tube Dia. of cross Distance from
(a2/a1)2 (a2/a1)2- (a2/an)2
\~ I
(u2)2/2g =
Tube No. mm
hn hn-h1 (u2)2/2g
A (I) 1-00 0 0
B \ 6S - s - 0,180
C (2) IO - \ 0 -1, 111
D \0S -q s -1, nss )
E I J, n -7 0 - 0 •111
F ,~s ?, 5 -o,1ii q
Thennofluids Jab 2017
Table 3· Wat 1 .
· er eve1of p1ezometer tubes A ( 1) an d C (2) [2 marks]
Volume t h1 h2 Qexp (h1-h2) (h1-h2) 112 Qideal
(L) (sec) (mm) (ml /2)
(mm) (m 3/s) (m) (m3/s)
nien lqS 10 \,57 Xtf't O· \l~ 0 · ~l 'i ~•OHIO- ..
\4t1D l 4i ~(/ 1 ,4-0 tW-" CJ .\ b~ 0,40'1 ;,c'll/-l'-l(J,
5 l\.l ,1J 1,00 ~o , ,Sl ·LIO-~ 0 · l 0. If- '?i ,14-1'{0-,
5 14,b() lO't so 1, ~l ll()" fJ, \S4 0•11fl
1 ,1 +:t\()- .
3. 6~·nD-
5 \ \> ·l~ 1,0S &U ~-0~ j_\()4 Q ,\l\,~
5 n,os 1-0 4 IU 1·~11-llf~ o.n4- 0 1 ~b{) '3,Sl,c\()
Experimental Q (m3/s)
~, c;1 '1.10
Thennofluids lab
~, - t\ D
-- (J,l\-1~
-- - 0.1:,~C\
Y\T'-~ I
\\ \' -- \bs
\~S-tDCJ io- '
-::7 U, 01
-. - ?, s
- \,6' S tY' - '-0
\1 S'""M -:- ~,S,lY [()
~ - 1-.
\00 (> 4.,01~r 0
Thennofluids lab 2017
Graph (6 mark.u
1. Plot the h
grap of (hn-hl)/(u22/2 ) .
pressure distribuf g versus the distance (xn) for the ideal and experimental
2 Pl ion on the same graph (G h 1)
· ot the graph of C . rap · [3 marks]
* versus ideal flow rate (Graph 2). [3 marks]
Note: Graphs can bed
use graph paper M . rawn manually or by using Microsoft Excel. If drawn manually, please
· aximum two (2) graphs per sheet.
Discussion [13 marksl
'1t- ~rtt9h ! ,v~e [Q~ ,,v~ J;c,ttl\tt l~ 11') Jtc<tas( 1o '2 11 1 a:\ re; h,',f+- i
'f<J\ w eflc\ ~cc f'2os; e -to O, 36<! , Ii
Thermofluids lab 2017
[2 marks]
4. Comment on Graph 2.
h rn.,1-- 1. , +1-, col \-ii li tn\ N\eq WtW/f., at w 1-tl•I\ ,M\ ¼e\oie •1lf "'.l
q\. Q,i~,
5. Based on the experiment, list three (3) sources of error and three (3) safety precautions.
[3 marks]
vr~ ra.uiotl":> re()Otf (\\\ £1.(C\J~~ I vJOfk (JJlO. <;YOU\~ 'ot \tel\ a(\~~
. 5
Them10fluids lab
£.onclusion [8 markfil.
\ht l'I-Vtt~°'m~ to..~ (Onl\U~~ ~h~\ ,VQ~\on wf ~l{ (l\n '7e U<,fd to Je\QfMl~e
~\'It f\ow fo\~ \~ ,~l f\~H1no5 \"Q. v(e4,i;u \e \Qc;~ ~~o\ oLcunrB in
O{J[( lo C01\~rol ~he c\,~c.'V'o.r~l flu\~ o.~~\~o1' h, \VI~ ~\c;c"'ot~e 0 f G
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